James Rogers Deposition
James Rogers Deposition
James Rogers Deposition
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A. I forgot to put 1 of 1 --1 forgot to put the 3on. Q. So you forgot to number the pages? A. I numbered the pages 1, 2, 3. [just forgot to put the last digit on there. Q. I mean you verified how much is there. Was there any more to the letter -A. No. It was three pages and then I signed it. Q. We're already -- I need to be better at question and answer in sequence. Generally speaking, do you stand behind what you wrote in that letter? A. Yes, I do, one hundred percent. Q. I would like you to read that letter into our record so that we have a clear transcript of what you wrote in your handwriting. A. "Dear Ed, as I sit here in the aftermath of my drug-induced stupidity, I am trying to figure out what the fuck happened. I am sure that I have said and done some very stupid shit. I have stretched the truth and told some lies because that is what the people wanted to hear. I needed money to fuel my drug hbit because my productivity had dropped below anythihg that was conducive of being profitable or worth continuing a
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persistent and still wants Ed's information on bank accounts, passwords, and keeps saying if I remember anything to call. Brewington is giving me a bike, a computer, a scanner, a copier to keep me in his good graces. "Another thing on my mind, Brewington keeps pressing me to file a claim for sexual harassment and to get me to extort or blackmail you for money. The last time you and me were together at your house in Fountain Hills I met with -- or Brewington had someone meet with me and give me money. The guy used my phone and called your number and said that you were to give me $50,000. Ed, I did not know he was going to do this. He said that he was doing me a favor and that I was not to worry because you would probably come up with the money to give to me and then he left. Page 3. "Ed, you have always been there for me in everything. My parents' house and the air-conditioning, fixing my dad's truck and always giving me more money than what I asked for. It is stupid for these people to believe that you paid me for sexual companionship. We had a relationship, nothing else. I have feelings for you, Ed, and care about you, and I am sorry. Please believe me. "I realize that I did break the
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business relation. "Ed, I am sorry and apologize for my drug use and lies that I have spread about you and myself over the past whatever time frame. I know that my actions, to some, seem unforgivable. I am asking for another chance to regain what we used to have. Other people have been using me and fueling what I thought was hatred feelings of wanting to get high, really. "Shawn Richeson, John F. Brewington, and Lisa out of L.A. knew I was under the influence of some drug and were using my hunger for the next hit to get information from me. The recordings of whatever they have being said is false. They turned them on and off and always were asking or saying it would be great if this or that could have happened. Leading me to lie and they would be able to give me more money. Brewington paid me $2,600 to lie about reports and to fabricate some other stories. Page 2. "That lying piece of shit Shawn Richeson from Texas still has not paid me, but wants and continues to offer big money if I had some even better information. $10,000 for banking information. "They all want Ed's passwords, user names, bank accounts, and keep saying they'd pay big, but so far no money is being given to me. Brewington is
confidentiality agreement I signed and everything and I violated it. You have always been an honest person in everything I have seen you do, always paying more and helping people even when you did not have to. "Ed, I am only writing this because I still do care about you. Now that I am sober I realize how stupid I have been. I am going to call Adam and see if I can redeem myself and make right all the ridiculous lies that I have told. If you can ever forgive me. Your hopeless friend, James Patrick Rogers. James P. Rogers. 10119/2010." Q. Did anyone help you write this? A. No. No one helped me write it. I wrote it directly for myself. Q. How long have you been sober? A. I've been sober forjust over 30 hours. Q. Did you say 30? Three zero hours? A. Yes, three zero. Q. Do you have a watch? Can you tell me what time it is right now? A. Itis5:18p.m. Q. And what's the date? A. Today is the 10th -- or the 20th. 20th. Sorry about that. Q. That's okay.
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