Experiment 2 Basic Operational Amplifier Circuits
Experiment 2 Basic Operational Amplifier Circuits
Experiment 2 Basic Operational Amplifier Circuits
Lab activities: Experimentation with practical operational amplifier (op
amp) circuits: Comparator, voltage follower, inverting amplifier, inverting
adder, and 𝑅𝐶 relaxation oscillator.
Links to resources and data sheets (access it from lab web site):
o Understanding operational amplifier specifications
o The LM741 op amp data sheet
o The LF351 op amp data sheet
o The OPA277 op amp data sheet
1. Pre-lab
Write a brief report that documents your answers to the following questions. Submit your
report to the lab instructor at the beginning of the next lab session.
b. List the properties of an ideal operational amplifier that are relevant in circuit analysis.
c. Include in your report a table that lists the values of all specifications in Part a for the
following two operational amplifiers: LM741, LF351 and OPA277.
d. Determine the equation relating the output voltage to the input voltage for the following
ten operational amplifier circuits and provide a brief description of the operation of each
circuit (you may use your circuit analysis textbook and/or Google):
- Comparator:
- Inverting amplifier:
- Non-inverting amplifier:
- Differential amplifier:
- (Inverting) Summing amplifier:
- Inverting Integrator:
- Inverting differentiator:
2. Lab activity
In this experiment you will build and test various basic circuits that incorporate operational
amplifiers. You will test such circuits and refine them in order to make them useful in
practice. Some of these circuits will be used as building blocks for future lab circuits and be
applied to solve ordinary differential equations, implement analog filters and design PID
Make actual measurements of all resistor and capacitor values that you use in the following
circuits and use them in your post-lab to report relative errors between the ideal circuit
output and the actual circuit. Make sure to take photographs of all circuits that you build in
this lab session. Also, you are to save all scope traces. You will be using these photos/images
in your lab report.
a. Use an LM741 op amp to build the following comparator circuit. Set the supply voltages
to ± 𝑉𝑠 = ±10Volt.
Connect 𝑉2 (pin 2) to ground (zero volt) and set 𝑉1 (pin 3) to a 100Hz 2Vpp sine wave.
Display 𝑉1 and the comparator’s output (pin 6) on CH1 (set to 1V/div) and CH2 (set to
5V/div) of the scope, respectively. Configure the scope so that both traces share the same
reference voltage, and set the time/div so that about two cycles of the waves are
displayed. Save the scope’s trace image. Record the voltages of the upper level and lower
level of the generated square wave.
b. Increase the frequency of the input sine wave to 10kHz. Adjust the time/division so that
about three full cycles are displayed. Save the scope’s trace image. Repeat for the sine
wave frequencies of 16kHz and 20kHz.
c. Disconnect the input signal and switch off the supply voltage to the op amp. Replace the
LM741 with the higher bandwidth LF351 op amp. (Note: These two ICs have the same
pin configuration. Be very gentle as you pull out the IC; consult with your lab instructor
for the safest way to do that). Switch on the supply voltages and then apply the sine input.
Repeat Parts a, b and c. Make sure you save the scope’s trace images. Comment in your
journal about the frequency characteristics of the two op amps.
d. Keep the LF351. Remove the input signal and switch the supply voltages off. Add two
10k resistors to the circuit so that you obtain the inverting amplifier shown below. Be
sure that the +ve input (pin 3) of the operational amplifier is grounded. Measure and
record the actual value of 𝑅𝑖𝑛 and 𝑅𝑓 .
Switch on the power supply to the op amp and apply a 10kHz 2Vpp sine wave, as shown
in the above figure. Display the input and output waves on CH1 and CH2 of the scope,
respectively. Set the scope to 500mV/div (for both channels) and 20𝜇sec/div for the time
axis. Save the scope’s traces. Record Vmin and Vmax of the output waveform. Also, use
the scope to measure the phase difference (in degrees) between the input and the output.
e. Measure the cutoff frequency of the amplifier: Determine the frequency of the input sine
wave that leads to an output peak voltage of √2/2 ≅ 0.7. Use the scope to measure the
phase difference between the output and input signals at the cutoff frequency. Save the
scope trace image.
g. Replace the LM741 with the LF351 IC, and keep it for the rest of this experiment. Set the
sine wave frequency to 1kHz 2Vpp. Replace 𝑅𝑓 with a 20k resistor (measure and record
its value). Determine the voltage gain of your amplifier using the scope. Save the scope’s
trace image.
h. Build the following summing amplifier circuit and use it to add a 1kHz 2Vpp sine wave
and a 2kHz 1Vpp triangular wave. Use three 10k resistors. Display the two input
waveforms and the output waveform on CH1, CH2 and CH3, respectively. Make sure
that the probe setting is 1X for the three channels. Also, since this is an inverting
summer, and for convenience, set the scope’s CH3 to “Invert: ON” in order to undo the
inversion. Save the scope’s trace image.
The following figure shows a sample scope output (averaging was used).
i. Modify the last circuit to build the following (positive feedback) 𝑅𝐶 relaxation oscillator.
Use three 10kresistors and one 1nF (i.e., 0.001𝜇F) capacitor (measure and record all
component values).
- Connect the 1nF capacitor terminal (connected to pin 2 of the LF351) to CH1 of the
scope and connect the output of the op amp to CH2. The scope should be adjusted so
that the display looks like the following sample. Save the scope’s trace image.
- Measure the frequency in Hz of the square wave and compare it to the theoretical
oscillation frequency,
𝑓 = 2ln(3)𝑅𝐶.
- Replace the 1nF capacitor with a 100𝜇F electrolytic capacitor. Make sure to connect
the capacitor’s negative terminal to ground. Record the oscillation frequency of the
square wave. Next, adjust the op amp supply voltages ± 𝑉𝑠 such that a ±4Volt square
wave is displayed. Record the oscillation frequency. Does the supply voltage have an
effect on the oscillation frequency?
- Restore the supply voltages to ±10V. Connect a red LED in series with a 1k
resistor between the op amp’s output pin and ground. Observe the flashing pattern of
the LED. How does the “ON” time of the LED compare to the half-period,
= ln(3) 𝑅𝐶?
3. Post-lab
Write your lab report according to the required format. Analyze and discuss, in details, all
results obtained, from your pre-lab and your lab activity, in your report. Explain the
limitations of the circuits that you have built and the sources of imperfections. Also, report
the absolute relative errors (in percent) for all experimental measurement whenever the true
value is known.