Go With The Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional Software
Go With The Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional Software
Go With The Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional Software
ID6079-P This class teaches the common workflow process used in VRED Professional software to
create high-quality, real-time renderings that realistically visualize design ideas. The class will begin by
opening a native VRED (.vpb) design model as a real-time rendering in the default OpenGL render
method. Students will learn to optimize the model by fixing the geometry and using Scenegraph to
organize the parts. We will assign VRED Professional software materials and we will modify them to dress
up the geometry so that the visual display is enhanced and the realism is improved. Finally, we will modify
the render setting options to obtain a high-quality rendering, and then we will create an image for
presentation. The class will finish with a brief discussion about the raytracing render method and how it
creates renderings with physically correct lighting, reflections, refractions, and shadows.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to:
• Work with Scenegraph and optimize the model geometry
• Learn how to assign and modify materials
• Learn how to apply an HDR image and set it as a background environment
• Learn how to work with different render setting options in OpenGL rendering method and create an
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Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
The overall suggested workflow for creating an image for presentation or when using the real-
time renderer to convey your design intent is provided below:
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Interface Components
• AutoCAD® drawing files (.DWG and .DXF), including objects created in vertical
applications, such as the AutoCAD® Architecture software.
• Autodesk® Inventor® files (.IPT and .IAM).
• Autodesk® Alias® files (.WIRE).
• Scene files from the Autodesk® Maya® (.MA, .MB), Autodesk® Showcase® (.A3S),
Autodesk® 3ds Max®, or Autodesk® 3ds Max® Design (.3DS) applications.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
• Ensure that the first four options (Keep Surface Data, Merge Geometries, Create
Groups for Layers, Remove Empty Groups) are selected.
• Leave all other options at the default settings which are set for optimum results.
Selecting Objects
• Mouse: <Shift> + click
• Window: <Shift> + click (left) and drag (right) to create a window
• Crossing: <Shift> + click (right) and drag (left) to create a window
• Scenegraph: Select object name
Access: Quick Access Bar> (Graph); Scene>Scenegraph; Shortcut menu>Scenegraph
When you import a file from another CAD application,
there might be a large number of nodes present in the
Scenegraph. Use the Scenegraph to sort and group the
objects together, complete the model by cloning objects,
and optimize the geometry.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Scenegraph hierarchy
By default, the Root node lists the four camera views (Top, Side, Front, and Perspective) and
the Environments node. Once you open a scene or import geometry into an empty scene,
another node is added to the Root node which lists all the geometry in the scene. An icon
besides each node indicates the characteristics of the node.
Node Types
Icon Description
(Cloned group node) An exact copy of the parent regular group node’s
contents. If any changes are made to the group node, it
is reflected in its cloned group node as well.
(Transform group node) A transformation (i.e., move, rotate, or scale) has been
applied to the objects in this node.
(Animation group node) Animation has been applied to the objects in this node.
(Geometry node with Transformation has been applied to the geometry only.
(Nurbs geometry node) A nurbs geometry inside a group node. HINT: You can
reduce the amount of data to improve performance by
converting the nurbs surface into polygons.
(Light Transform node) Enables you to add transformations to light sources that
have been created in a scene.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Working in Scenegraph
Selecting and Isolating Parts
In the Scenegraph, select the object or objects and view them in the Render Window
(Boundings and/or Wireframe selected). To display individual objects separately, drag and drop
them into the Render Window, or right-click on the selected object and select Isolate View
Selected, or after selecting an object, click (Isolate) in the Icons Bar, or press <I>.
TIP: While working in a large and complex scene with overlapping geometry, it is useful to isolate objects
so that you can work on them separately.
Group Objects
Grouping enables multiple objects to be treated as a single unit, but still retain the ability to
control each object separately. In the Scenegraph, right-click on the node and select
Create>Group (<Ctrl>+<G>). Rename the new group
logically and drag and drop the nodes.
Optimize Module
Access: Right-click node>Edit>Show Optimize Module;
Scene>Optimize; Shortcut menu>Optimize
Optimizing the model enhances the render capabilities and
speeds up the rendering process. Using the default settings
does not make any significant difference to the Scenegraph,
but improves back end calculations and rendering speed.
Some of the options include:
• Cleanup Group Nodes – Removes empty nodes.
• Merge Geometry Nodes – Consolidates the extra
• Flush Transformation Nodes- Converts
Transformation group nodes to regular group nodes.
• Flush Material Group Nodes – Converts Material
group nodes to regular group nodes. Optimize Module
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Adjust Geometry
After importing the objects into the scene, there might be some discrepancies in the geometry
that need to be fixed before you modify or manipulate the design for presentation. For the
geometry to render properly, the surface normals should always be facing towards the camera.
If the normals are reversed, shadowing effects are created and the rendering is flawed.
Checking geometry
Access: Visualization>Vertex/Face Normal Rendering; <F5>
To visually inspect the orientation of the normals, change to the Vertex/Face Normal mode
where the geometry is displayed in different colors. Each color indicates a specific orientation of
the face and vertex normals. The colors indicate:
• Green: Face and vertex normals facing correctly.
All the geometry should be green.
• Blue: Normals reversed for both faces and
• Gold: Face normals reversed, vertex normals
• Violet: Face normal correct but vertex normals reversed. Vertex/Face Normal Mode
Fixing Geometry
Access: Scene>Geometry Editor; Shortcut
menu>Geometry Editor
To correct the orientation of the surface normal, use
the options in the Normals tab>Normal Calculations
rollout>Flip Normals area of the Geometry Editor
Module. The options are:
• - Repairs blue surfaces
• - Repairs gold surfaces
• - Repairs violet surfaces
• If a few surfaces of a selected part require to
be repaired, hold <Alt> and right-click on the
individual surface. Geometry Editor>Flip Normals
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
4. Logically consolidate the geometry nodes under a single group node. Remove any
empty group node using the Optimize module (Cleanup Group Nodes).
Original hierarchy Consolidating by drag and drop Optimize (Cleanup Group Node)
6. After simplifying nodes, sort, consolidate, and optimize the nodes again.
7. Visually check the normals by selecting Visualization>Vertex/Face Normal Rendering,
or press <F5> to enter the Vertex/Face Normal rendering mode.
8. In the Render Window, select the geometry that is not green in color.
9. Depending on the color, click on the appropriate button in the in the Flip Normals area of
Geometry Editor Module to make them green (correct orientation). If a portion of a single
object needs correction, use the <Alt> + right-click option.
10. Select Visualization>Realistic Rendering, or press <F3> to return to the Realistic
Rendering mode.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Attributes Section
The attributes for a material are grouped in rollouts.
The first few rollouts provides attributes that are specific
to the Truelight material that was used as a base
material (Chrome material), while others are common to
all of the Truelight materials.
• Incandescence: Sets properties like color and
intensity for self-illumination.
• Transparency: Sets transparency. For
complete transparency use See Through option.
• Displacement: Sets the height information for
2D images.
• Raytracing: Options for raytracing.
• Common: Options for Occlusion color, intensity,
and lighting mode. Material Attributes
In addition to the common attributes, each material has its own specific attributes. Some of the
specific attributes are as follows:
• Texture Channels: Depending on the material, texture channels might be available.
Sets texture maps in four channels (Diffuse, Glossy, Roughness, and Bump).
TIP: You can achieve high-quality renderings using the Truelight materials as they have the capability of
generating accurate lighting effects.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Tire Material
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Plastic Material with the name Teak Renamed to INT_leather_yellow and converted to Triplanar
New material EXT_tire_back using the Tire Truelight as its base material; using textures for Markings and Profile
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Assign Materials
After materials have been created, you need to assign them to the geometry so that they are
visible in the Render Window. Methods of assigning materials to the geometry:
• Dragging from the Material Editor and dropping in the Render Window.
• Dragging from the Material Editor and dropping in the Scenegraph.
• Copying and pasting material. <M>+click to copy and <M>+right-click to paste.
• Using the Material Editor (Shortcut menu>Apply to Selected Nodes; Toolbar> ).
Ambient Occlusion
• The Autodesk VRED Professional software uses Ambient Occlusion (AO) to simulate
shadows. AO uses shaders to calculate the extent to which an area is inhibited by
incoming light, thus enhancing the detail in dark crevices, cracks, and along edges.
• AO is NOT physically accurate and is not based on any physically accurate light. It
imitates the effects of light and approximates shadows.
• AO is created separately and its calculations are used to define the shadows with the
OpenGL rendering mode, as well as some options in the Raytracing rendering mode.
TIP: For high quality rendering, the result with AO should be smooth and is dependent on the level of
detail of the selected geometry. The higher the density of the wire mesh of the geometry, the better the
quality of shadow using AO.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Checking AO
Access: Visualization>Ambient Occlusion Rendering;
To visually examine if the shadows have been calculated
using AO or if the calculated shadows are smooth, change
to the Ambient Occlusion visualization mode. In this
mode, the geometry is displayed without any materials,
making it easier to examine the quality of the shadows.
Calculating AO
Access: Scene>Ambient Occlusion; Shortcut
menu>Ambient Occlusion
To calculate the shadows or to improve the quality of
already calculated shadows, use the options in the
Ambient Occlusion module. The sections include:
• Direct Illumination: Sets the shadow quality. The
higher the quality, more samples are created.
• Indirect Illumination: Sets indirect illumination.
• Subdivision: Sets the quality of Subdivisions. To
improve the quality, increase the subdivisions. Ambient Occlusion Module
AO calculated with problem areas Applied Subdivision and problem areas fixed
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
The Autodesk VRED Professional software uses a default environment (named Studio) for all
new scenes. The environment consists of a background image, along with its associated
lighting, shadows, highlights, and reflections. The environment acts to enhance the visual
display of a model and improve realism. The background of an environment is a High Dynamic
Range (HDR) image. To add, remove, or modify the environment use the Material Editor. Select
the environment in the Material section to display its attributes and modify as required. The
rollouts include:
• Environment Material: Enables you to load, save, and reload the HDR image. You can
use the Is Visible option to remove the HDR image and use a simple background color.
HINT: If Is Visible is cleared and the background color is used, the lighting from the HDR image
is still used although the image is not visible.
• HDR Light Studio: Enables you to load and save the current HDR Light Studio Project.
A separate HDR Light Studio plugin is required for additional options.
• Color Correction: Enables you to work with values for exposure levels, hue color,
contrast/brightness and other color related options.
• Transformation: Enables you to reposition the HDR image.
• Raytracing Settings: (Available in Raytrace rendering mode.) Enables you to set the
illumination modes for still frame and interactive raytrace renderings.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Initial position of the environment Environment repositioned to display the buildings as backdrop
TIP: Every new environment uses a unique shadow plane. Shadows of the geometry with the ground
must be calculated for each environment used.
How to: Calculate the Ambient Occlusion for the new shadow plane
1. In the Ambient Occlusion rendering mode (Visualization>Ambient Occlusion;<F7>),
visually check that there are no shadows with the new environment.
2. Open the Scenegraph and expand the EnvironmentsTransform>Environments.
Expand both the Studio and the newly created environment.
3. Open the Ambient Occlusion module.
4. In the Scenegraph, select Studio>ShadowPlane.
5. In the Ambient Occlusion module, select Settings>Load from Node. This automatically
loads the settings of the selected shadow plane which is the Studio Shadow Plane.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
6. In the Scenegraph, select the new shadow plane geometry. In the Ambient Occlusion
module, click Calculate All.
7. In the Ambient Occlusion rendering mode notice the shadows of the geometry with the
No AO for the new shadow plane AO calculated for the new shadow plane
8. Select shadow plane in the Scenegraph and in the Material Editor, right-click, Create
material>Shadow. The new shadow plane material is created in the Material Editor.
9. Modify the shadow plane material settings.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Render Settings
Access: Quick Access Bar> (Render); Rendering>Render Settings; Shortcut
menu>Render Settings
Before you save a rendered image, review and adjust the
render settings for the scene using the Render Settings
module. The various tabs are:
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
• Render Mode: Sets the Illumination modes for still frame rendering. The modes are
CPU Rasterization, Precomputed Illumination, Precomputed + Shadow,
Precomputed + IBL, and Full Global Illumination.
• Render Quality: Sets the render quality (i.e., Draft-32 image samples. Preview-128.
Production: 512, Production Interieur-2048, Custom- any user defined number).
• If Antialiasing is activated, the smoothing of edges starts as soon as you stop navigating
(release the mouse button) in the Render Window. The start of antialiasing is indicated
by the percentage calculation wheel attached to the cursor. If you click in the model, the
antialiasing is aborted and restarts as soon as you release the mouse button.
• The percentage of antialiasing that is completed, along with the render time remaining, is
displayed in the Status Bar and is also attached to the cursor.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
6. Set the Render Quality to Production for the final image. Otherwise use a lower quality
if you are at the checking stage.
HINT: The selected option in the Render Quality is reflected in the General Settings
tab>Image Samples as Render Quality and Image Samples are interdependent. For
example, if you select Draft as Render Quality, the Image Samples are automatically set
as 32 and vice versa. Similarly, changing the Render Quality to Preview sets the Image
Samples as 128 and so on.
7. In the General Settings tab, set Adaptive Sampling to High Quality for the final image.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
Additional Information
Illumination modes in Raytracing
In the Render Settings Module, the Raytracing Quality tab provides you with options to set the
raytracing settings.
The Illumination Mode rollout provides you with different types of illumination options that can be
used when rendering with Raytracing. These illumination modes can be set for both Interactive
or Still Frame rendering.
Illumination modes
CPU Works similar to the OpenGL mode, but the computation processes are
Rasterization handled by the CPU. This illumination mode can be used for huge
datasets, or when your graphic card performance is not sufficient for the
kind of scene you want to render. It does not compute direct reflection or
refraction, and therefore is not used for photorealistic visualizations.
Precomputed Uses the Ambient Occlusion (AO) shadows that are baked on the
Illumination geometry, along with precomputed indirect illumination. It only calculates
the reflections, refractions, and correct shadows from the light sources
that are present in the scene.
Precomputed Uses the precomputed Image Based Lighting (IBL) and indirect
+ Shadows illumination. This mode does not use the precalculated AO, but calculates
the shadows from the currently active scene environment.
Precomputed Uses the precomputed illumination, but calculates the IBL. In addition, this
+ IBL mode calculates and generates glossy reflections.
Full Global Global Illumination (GI) algorithms describes how the interaction of the
Illumination light is physically correct with multiple surfaces. As the name specifies,
Full Global Illumination computes complete illumination in the scene, and
thus produces high quality realistic images.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
During Raytracing, the rendering calculations are performed by the CPU. To ensure efficient
navigation in the Render Window, the display quality should be reduced using Downscale.
HINT: Downscale is available while using Raytracing render mode because the performance is
significantly dependent on the number of pixels to be rendered. In OpenGL, reducing the number of pixels
has virtually no effect on performance.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
12. In the Render Settings module, in the File Output tab, click to activate
it. The coordinates in the Upper Left Corner and the Lower Right Corner are
automatically calculated as per the created window.
13. Render the image for the region and save.
14. Open the image to review it. Notice the physically accurate reflections created near the
front and along the bottom of the grill.
Go with the Flow! Common Workflow Process in VRED Professional software
The Autodesk VRED Professional software enables you to create high-quality realistic images
for presentation, or use the real-time renderer (either OpenGL or Raytracing) to convey your
design intent. As the software renders in real-time, it enables you to realistically visualize,
evaluate, review, and then successfully present your design ideas.
OpenGL: As the scene is being rendered interactively in real-time, in the default OpenGL
renderer, it is easier to navigate in the scene, transform the geometry, modify materials or
cameras, and then output images. The renderings created in this render mode are near
photorealistic and are calculated quickly, thus making it easier to work with.