Topic Extraction For Ontology Learning

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Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning

Marian-Andrei Rizoiu, Julien Velcin

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Marian-Andrei Rizoiu, Julien Velcin. Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning. Wilson Wong, Wei Liu
and Bennamoun, Mohammed. Ontology Learning and Knowledge Discovery Using the Web: Chal-
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Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 1


Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning

Marian-Andrei RIZOIU and Julien VELCIN

Laboratory ERIC, University Lumière Lyon 2

Laboratoire ERIC

Université Lumière Lyon 2

5 av. P. Mendès-France

69676 Bron Cedex


e-mail:{Marian-Andrei.Rizoiu; Julien.Velcin}
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 2


This chapter addresses an issue crucial to ontology learning: the extraction of topics from

text corpora. The first part is dedicated to an overview of some solutions present today in

the literature. These solutions deal mainly with the inferior layers of the Ontology

Learning Layer Cake. They are related to the challenges of the Terms and Synonyms

layers. The second part shows how the same pieces can be bound together into an

integrated system for extracting meaningful topics. Whereas the extracted topics are not

full concepts yet, they constitute a really convincing approach in concept building and

therefore in ontology learning. The chapter ends with some perspectives that emerge

today in the topic learning area.

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 3

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning

The last years have seen an intensive research on automatic ontology construction,

especially from natural language texts. Special attention has been given to texts found on

the Web, as they have certain specific features that we will present later in this chapter.

Ontologies can be seen as collections of concepts linked together through relations.

Therefore ontology learning is closely connected to concept learning. Buitelaar, Cimiano,

and Magnini (2005) divide the process of ontology learning in a chain of different phases,

the output of each phase being the input of the following one, a described in chapter

(place here your reference to the chapter presenting the Ontology Learning Layer Cake) of

this book. An analysis of the state-of-the-art in terms of ontology learning at each of the

various phases can be found in Cimiano, Völker, and Studer (2006).

In order to place topic extraction in the context of Ontology Learning process, we

propose to take the reader into a descending overview of the inferior layers of the

Ontology Learning Layer Cake (Buitelaar et al. (2005)), highlighting the challenges at

each step. Starting from the observation that ontologies are dynamic, that they keep

evolving mainly by means of refining concepts or replacing old concepts with new ones, a

special attention must be paid to the “concept” layer. Therefore, automated ontology

learning is closely connected to concept learning. As shown in Cimiano et al. (2006), the

main approach toward learning concepts and their taxonomy - the hierarchical relations

between concepts - is Conceptual clustering (Michalsky and Stepp (1983)), an

unsupervised machine learning technique closely connected to unsupervised hierarchical

clustering. This approach generally outputs a concept tree, each level being more specific

than the previous one. At each level, the collection of terms is partitioned around each

concept, using clustering algorithms, thus obtaining partitions of different granularity

levels: big under the root and smaller as we reach the leafs. Examples of algorithms

created towards this purpose are the well-known COBWEB (Fisher (1987)) and the more
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 4

recent WebDCC (Godoy and Amandi (2006)). While this approach is promising and has

shown good results, the resulted hierarchy is still very noisy and dependent on both the

quality of extracted terms and their frequency in the text collection. Therefore,

researchers have tried to improve the quality by allowing the expert to validate and guide

the process. Others touched the field of semi-supervised learning techniques by making

the algorithm aware of external information,

Taking into consideration these preliminary observations about the dependency of

the superior layers of the cake on the quality of terms, we descend another step into the

ontology layer cake. At the terms and synonyms layers, new challenges arise, like

extracting pertinent, non-ambiguous terms and disambiguation. So, the purpose of the

lower layers of the cake is to extract terms and regroup synonyms under the same concept

and finally defining the concepts, both in intention and in extension.

There are other approaches that pass though topics on the way towards concepts.

Just like the later (see concept definition in Buitelaar et al. (2005)), topic definition is

controversial. While some researchers consider a topic being just a cluster of documents

that share a thematic, others consider topics as an abstraction of the regrouped texts that

needs a linguistic materialisation - a word, a phrase or a sentence that summarises the

idea emerging from the texts. Table 1 presents an example of the topics that can be

extracted from text. More details about some experimentation made with this system will

be presented later, in section “Combining the two phases into an integrated system for

extracting topics”. So, a topic is not yet a concept as it is an abstraction of the idea

behind a group of texts rather than a notion in itself. While the difference between the

two is subtle, evolving a topic into a fully fledged concept is still to be achieved and the

reader will find a couple of ideas in the section “Conclusions and Perspectives”.

In this chapter we propose to present a method of topic extraction from natural

language texts, focusing on flat clustering techniques obtaining a partition of the

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 5

documents at a single level. Basically, by means of Unsupervised Machine Learning, these

algorithms divide the input set of texts into groups that are similar in terms of their

thematics (politics, economics, informatics etc), meaning that all the texts in a group

approach the same domain and there is a visible distinction between them and the texts

from the other groups. We chose to present these approaches not only from the point of

view of topic extraction,but also regarding their usage at the different layers in the

Ontology Learning Cake.

Most of these clustering algorithms present at the output a center for each of the

created groups This center is often called a centroid and summarizes the common part of

all the documents in the cluster. In fact, the centroid can be viewed as an abstract

representation of the topic denoted by that group, a prototype. But in order to become a

topic, it needs to be assigned meaningful, human readable phrases or words to label the

centroids. What makes a good topic name? In Roche (2004) the problem is presented in

detail. One of the first things that must be taken into consideration is that words have the

propriety of polysemy, meaning that the same word can have different meaning in

different contexts. For example each of the words “data” and “mining” have different

words than the phrase “data mining”. Seen from the light of this observations, we would

like to allow groups of documents to overlap, authorising documents to be part of more

than one group. In this way, a text that talks about de “economical outcomes of a political

decision” can be part of both the “politics” groups, as well as the “economics” group.

This second phase gives the topic a linguistic materialisation. It allows to go from

an abstract centroid, a prototype that summarises the common part of all documents in

its group, to a humanly comprehensible topic.

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 6

State of the Art

Textual Clustering

Given the property of polysemy of terms, an important aspect of the synonyms layer

is the identification of the appropriate sense of terms, which determines the set of

synonyms that have to be extracted. Buitelaar et al. (2005) present the two main

approaches towards finding synonyms :

• algorithms that rely on readily available synonym sets such as WordNet or

EuroWordNet (Turcato et al. (2000); Kietz, Maedche, and Volz (2000));

• algorithms that directly discover synonyms by means of clustering.

The same authors state that “the second group of algorithms, which are based on

statistical measures used mainly in Information Retrieval, start from the hypothesis that

terms are similar in meaning to the extent in which they share syntactic contexts (Harris

(1968))”. Therefore, performing textual regrouping on the entire collection of texts, would

place texts that share the same content into the same group. This would lead to

synonyms to be placed in the same group.

In the following sections, we have divided the textual clustering algorithms into

categories based on if they are able or not to create overlapping groups. If terms can

have different meaning depending on the context - polysemy - it is only natural to allow

them to be part of more than one group. In this way, the clustering algorithm would not

only find synonyms, but its output could also be used for disambiguation. It is worth

mentioning that most of today’s word sense disambiguation algorithms, like the one in

Lesk (1986), rely on usage of synonym sets.

While some of the solutions presented below were created specifically for text

mining - like LDA -, others were designed for a general purpose clustering. They partition

individuals into groups based on the similarity of their features. But all of these methods
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 7

can be used for textual clustering by translating the documents into the Vector Space

Model (as described in subsection “Vector Space Model”)

Crisp solutions. We present these two algorithms principally for the didactical

reasons. KMeans (Macqueen (1967)) is one of the most well-known clustering algorithm.

Extensive work has been done and numerous papers has proved its accuracy for various

tasks. It consists in constructing a collection of disjointed classes forming a partition of

the dataset (named “crisp” clustering). To do this, the algorithm iteratively optimizes an

objective criterion, typically the squared-error function. In the case of text mining and

information retrieval, the cosinus distance can be used in order to calculate similarities

between texts. Bisecting KMeans (Steinbach, Karypis, and Kumar (2000)) is an

hierarchical variant of KMeans which has been proved to be more accurate than KM for

the task of text clustering. It is based on a top-down algorithm that divides, at each step,

the documents into two crisp sub-clusters. For instance, at the first level, the whole corpus

is divided into two subsets according to multiple restarting 2-means. For the next level,

one of the subsets is chosen (for example, the bigger one) and split: globally, we obtain

three text clusters. The process is iterated until a stopping criterion is satisfied, e.g. a

fixed number K of clusters. The final output of BKM can be seen as a truncated


Of course, there are many other systems offering clustering solutions, some of them

even having topic extraction capabilities, like AGAPE (Velcin and Ganascia (2007)). But,

their main inconvenience is that they output a crisp partition, where each document can

be part of only one group. While, from the point of view of the Ontology Learning Cake,

they can be used for regrouping synonyms, it can not be used for disambiguation. From

the topic extraction point of view, they do not allow overlapping for the clusters, forcing a

document to be associated with only one topic.

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 8

Fuzzy solutions. In fuzzy clustering, each document has a degree or a probability of

belonging to all clusters, rather than belonging completely to just one or several clusters.

Thus, a document on the edge of a cluster, is associated with it in a lesser degree than a

document in the cluster center. For each document d, we have a coefficient giving the

degree (similar to the probability) of being in the kth cluster uk (d). Still, fuzzy logic

clustering algorithms can be adapted to output an overlapping partition by choosing a

threshold θ and considering that if uk (x) > θ then the document d is in the kth cluster.

Fuzzy KMeans (Dunn (1973)) is an adaptation of the KMeans algorithm to the

fuzzy logic. The main differences between the Fuzzy KMeans and the original version are :

• the way the objective function is calculated - every document contributes to the

update of the centroid according to the weight associated to that cluster;

• the output of the algorithm - a vector with the probabilities of membership to


Latent Semantic Indexing (Berry et al. (1995)) is a statistical topic discovery

algorithm using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) as the underlying mathematical

ground. In LINGO (Osinski (2003)), LSI is used for the clustering purpose in conjunction

with the Suffix Array (Manber and Myers (1990)) frequent phrase extraction algorithm,

which will be detailed in section “Combining the two phases into an integrated system for

extracting topics”. The main idea of the algorithm is to decompose the term/document

matrix in a product of three matrices: A = U SV T . U and V are orthogonal matrices,

containing the left and right singular vector of A, and S a diagonal matrix, with the

singular values of A ordered decreasingly. If we keep only the k highest ranking singular

values and eliminate the rest, along with the corresponding columns in U and lines in V ,

the product Ak = U SV T is also know as the k-approximation of A.

It is well-known that most clustering algorithms take the number of clusters as a

parameters, which is arbitrarily set by expert. The LSI approach allows an automatic
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 9

approximation of the number of clusters, based on the value of singular values of the

original matrix. This is known in literature as a dimension reducing technique. Hence, in

LINGO, the Frobenius norm of the A and Ak matrices is used to calculate the percentage

distance between the original term / document matrix and its approximation.

The columns in U corresponding to the k highest singular values create an

orthogonal basis for the document space. According to mathematical vectorial space

theory, every component of the space, in our case every document, can be expressed as a

weighted sum of the elements of the base.

di = α1 e1 + α2 e2 + ... + αk ek

The elements el , l ∈ {1..k} of the base can be considered as the centers of the classes and

the formula above is highly similar to the fuzzy approach described earlier, the document

di having the probability αj of belonging to the jth cluster.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (D. M. Blei, Ng, Jordan, and Lafferty (2003)) is a

probabilistic generative model designed to extract topics from text corpora. It considers

documents as collections of words and models each word in a document as a sample from

a mixture model: each component of the mixture can be seen as a “topic”. Thus each

word is generated from a single topic, but different words in a document are generally

generated from different topics. Each document is represented as a list of mixing

proportions for these mixture components and thereby reduced to a probability

distribution on a fixed set of topics.

LDA is highly related to probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA),

except that in LDA the topic distribution is assumed to have a Dirichlet prior. This point

is highly important because it permits to go beyond the limitations of pLSA: overfitting

and the impossibility of making inferences on new documents. More precisely, LDA is

based on the hierarchical generative process illustrated in Fig. 1. The hyperparameters

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 10

α and β are the basis of two Dirichlet distributions. The first Dirichlet distribution is

dedicated to the generation of the topic mixture for each of the |D| documents. The

second Dirichlet distribution is dedicated to the generation of the word mixture for each of

the K topics. Each topic is then a distribution over the W word of the vocabulary. The

generative process is the following: for each word wd,i of the corpus, draw a topic z

depending on the mixture θ associated to the document d and then draw a word from the

topic z.

Note that words without special relevance, like articles and prepositions, will have

roughly even probability between classes (or can be placed into a separate category). As

each document is a mixture of different topics, in the clustering process, the same

document can be placed into more that one group, though resulting in a (kind of)

Overlapping Clustering Process. Learning the parameters θ and z, and sometimes

the hyper-parameters α and β, is rather difficult because the posterior p(θ, z/D, α, β, K)

cannot be fully calculated. Therefore various approximation algorithms must be used,

such as variational EM, Monte-Carlo Markov processes, etc.

This probabilistic approach presents advantages and disadvantages:

• The theoretical framework is well-known in bayesian statistics and well-grounded.

It has led to many fruitful researches (see below).

• It is designed to make inferences on new documents: what are the associated

topics and with which proportions? What part of the document is associated to which

topic? Depending on the likelihood p(d/Θ), does a new document describe an original

mixture of topics or a new, never seen before topic?

• LDA is a complex mathematical model, which considers each document as a

mixture of possibly many topics. While this may be interesting for describing the

documents, in the case of clustering, it could lead to a situation where each document

belongs, more or less, to many clusters (similar to a fuzzy approach). An issue is therefore
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 11

to be able to choose a finite (and hopefully short) list of topics to be associated to the

document, beyond setting a simple threshold parameter.

• This method does not present a center for each cluster, but a distribution of the

document over the topics. This could make it difficult to associate a readable name to the

cluster. Note that recent works relative to LDA are seeking to find useful names using

n-grams (X. Wang, McCallum, and Wei (2007)).

• As in the other presented methods, this probabilistic approach does not solve the

classical problem of finding the global optimum and choosing the number K of topics. For

the latter, some methods are proposed inspired by the works in model selection

(Rodrı́guez (2005)).

Numerous works have followed the way designed by Blei et al. to deal with various related

issues: extracting topic trees (D. Blei, Griffiths, Jordan, and Tenenbaum (2004)),

modeling topics through time (D. Blei and Lafferty (2006)), finding n-grams instead of

single words to describe topics (X. Wang et al. (2007)), etc.

Overlapping solutions. Overlapping K-Means (OKM) (Cleuziou (2007)) is a

recent extension of the well-known K-Means. It shares the general outline of the

algorithm, trying to minimize an objective function. It does so by initially randomly

choosing k centroids (centers) from the data set, and then iterating these two steps:

1. Assigning the documents to the clusters;

2. Recalculating the clusters, based on the new configuration;

until the objective value reaches a local minimum.

The main difference in the OKM algorithm compared to K-Means is that a

document can be assigned to multiple clusters. If in K-Means each document was assigned

to the centroid that was closest to him, in terms of cosine distance ( detailed in subsection

“Vector Space Model” ), OKM calculates an image of the centroids, adding the document

to clusters so that its distance with its image is minimal. This image is the Gravity Center
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 12

of the assigned centroids.

Therefore, the function that OKM tries to minimize is the distortion in the dataset:

1 X ³ (i) (i) ´2
distorsion (Π) = d X ,Z

where Z(i) represents its image.

OKM inherits from K-Means most of its drawbacks ( its powerful dependence on

the initialization and the number of clusters that must be arbitrary specified by the

expert) and its advantages ( linear execution time, good performance when working with

texts). But it outputs directly an overlapping partition of the data set, without the need

of setting a threshold parameter necessary for fuzzy approaches as those presented before.

This is the main reason why it was chosen for the clustering task in the topic extraction

algorithm that will be presented in detail in section “Combining the two phases into an

integrated system for extracting topics”. This threshold, necessary for transforming fuzzy

into overlapping, is highly dependent on the chosen data set.

As stated in the beginning of this section, using an overlapping solution solves 2

problems at the same time:

• synonyms terms are grouped together in the same cluster ;

• it addresses the disambiguation problem, allowing terms to make part of more

than one cluster. This way, terms that have different meanings depending on the context

can be regrouped together with their synonyms for each meaning.

In Cleuziou (2009) is presented wOKM, a weighted version of OKM, that uses

weights internally and achieves even better performances in terms of precision, recall

and FScore. At the same time it limits the overlapping in the clusters issued by OKM,

which in certain cases can be significant. WOKM is a kind of subspace clustering

approach, a review of which can be found in Parsons, Haque, and Liu (2004).
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 13

Keyphrase Extraction

The first level of the Ontology Layer Cake is the Terms Layer. This layer is a

prerequisite for all aspects of ontology learning from text (Buitelaar et al. (2005)). Its

purpose is to extract relevant terms that unambiguously refer to a domain-specific concept

(Cimiano et al. (2006)) Buitelaar et al. (2005) observe that although “the literature

provides many examples of term extraction methods that could be used as a first step in

ontology learning from text”, still “much of the research on this layer in ontology learning

has remained rather restricted”. Cimiano et al. (2006) also considers that automatic term

extraction techniques have not yet reach their maturity, since the “resulting list of

relevant terms will for sure need to be filtered by a domain expert.”

Topic extraction, on the other hand, shares the same need relevant, unambiguous

terms or phrases to synthesise the thematic of the group of documents associated to the

topic. The algorithm presented in the section “Combining the two phases into an

integrated system for extracting topics” has 3 phases for extracting topics: overlapping

document clustering, term/keyphrase extraction and cluster-name association. Such a

topic name is a complete phrase, that contains all the words that have a special meaning

together ( like “data mining” ) and all the prepositions and articles that make sense to the

human reader ( “of” in “Ministry of Internal Affairs” ). A keyphrase is “a sequence of

one or more words that is considered highly relevant as a whole”, while a keyword is “a

single word that is highly relevant” Hammouda, Matute, and Kamel (2005).

The literature presents several ways of classifying the term extraction algorithms.

Hammouda et al. (2005) divides the approaches into two categories, based on the learning

paradigm they employ:

• The approaches that construct the keyphrases, which is usually a supervised

learning task, often regarded as a more intelligent way of summarizing the text. These

approaches make use of the knowledge of the field expert, demanding him to validate, at
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 14

each step for the incremental algorithms, the extracted phrases. While in this way the

results are less noisy - only interesting collocations will be extracted -, involving a human

supervisor can make the whole process slow, expensive and biased towards the specific

field (eg. microbiology). These approaches face problems when demanded to process large

datasets of general purpose texts. Examples: ESATEC Biskri, Meunier, and Joyal (2004),

EXIT Roche (2004), XTRACT Smadja (1991)

• The approaches that extract the keyphrases from a set of documents, which is an

unsupervised learning technique, trying to discover the topics, rather that learn from

examples. Not depending on a human expert makes this kind of approaches scale well to

large datasets. Still, their major drawback is the almost exponential quantity of extracted

phrases, most of them having no real interest for the specific domain of the application,

leading to a noisy output. Still, there are techniques to ameliorate the their precision,

some of them presented later in this section. Examples: CorePhrase Hammouda et al.

(2005), Armil Geraci, Pellegrini, Maggini, and Sebastiani (2006), SuffixTree Extraction

Osinski (2003).

Other researchers (Roche (2004); Buitelaar et al. (2005); Cimiano et al. (2006))

divides topic extraction algorithms into 3 categories, according to their employed

methods: linguistic, numeric and hybrid.

Linguistic approaches. These algorithms take inspiration from terminology and

Natural Language Processing research. They employ linguistic processing like phrase

analysis or dependency structure analysis.

In Roche (2004), three linguistic systems are presented: TERMINO, LEXTER and

INTEX & FASTR. All these systems make use of morphological and syntactic

informations about the words in the texts. The POS tagger (Part-Of-Speech) tries to

recognize whether the word is a noun, adjective, verb or adverb, and tries to characterize

it morphologically (number, person, mode, time etc). Based on this information, the
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 15

lematisation process extract the radix of the word (masculine single - for nouns, infinitive

- for verbs). With the texts tagged, each system has each own approach toward

discovering the keyprases. In TERMINO, a lexical-syntactic analyser is used to describe

the sentences, and then certain patterns are used to uncover the keyphrases (ex: <Head>

<Prepositional Group> <Adjectival Group>). LEXTER uses the morphological

information to extract from the text nominal groups and then searches for dis-ambiguous

maximal nominal groups.

Keyphrase extraction based on linguistic approaches do succeed in obtaining less

noisy output, but they are also vulnerable to multilingual corpora and neologisms. They

also have the tendency of being adapted to stereotypical texts (texts from a specified

narrow field) (Biskri et al. (2004)). In other words they do not adapt or scale easily to

new fields or datasets. This makes them particularly difficult to work with when dealing

with term extraction from texts found on the internet - Web Mining. Documents on the

internet do not necessarily have a scientific writing style, nor do they always respect the

official spelling.

Also, the use of linguistic methods leads to almost exponential explosion of the

numbers of collocations extracted when the size of the corpus increases. That is why

usage of method based only on linguistic information could prove prohibitive. Though,

this could be dealt with in a certain measure by use of statistical filters (see subsection

“Hybrid approaches”)

Numerical approaches. These algorithms are based on information retrieval methods

for term indexing (Salton and Buckley (1988)) and make use of numerical (statistical)

informations in order to discover the topics. For each couple of words in the text, the

statistical measure is calculated. This allows to quantify the dependency between the two

words in the binary collocation, also called bigram. A well-known and used such measure
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 16

is the Mutual Information, which is given by the formula:

P (x, y)
IM (x, y) =
P (x)P (y)

where P (x) and P (y) are the probabilities that the word x and, respectively, y appear in

the text, while P (x, y) represents the probability of the words x and y appearing together

as neighbours. This allow us to calculate the dependence between two words that are one

next to the other or in a window of specified dimensions. In Anaya-Sánchez,

Pons-Porrata, and Berlanga-Llavori (2008) a windows of dimension 11 is considered

around a word ( 5 words before + word + 5 words after). Once we have the tool for

extracting bigrams from the text, some authors (EXIT Roche (2004), ESATEC Biskri et

al. (2004)) propose ways of constructing ngrams, by combining iteratively the bigrams or

adding the an existing (n-1)gram another word, trying to obtain longer collocations that

have a high Mutual Information score.

Of course, many statistical measure have been proposed to calculate the strength of

the relationship between two words. In Anaya-Sánchez et al. (2008) the algorithms first

finds a set of terms that are frequent (over a minimum threshold). Than a set of pair of

these terms is created, retaining only the ones that score a minimum frequency. Only for

these pairs, the β-similarity is calculated and the set of documents for which the pair is

representative is constructed. In Silva, Dias, Guilloré, and Pereira (1999), Dias, Guilloré,

and Lopes (2000) , the authors consider that a special “glue” exists between words that

make them have a sens together. LocalMaxs is used in conjuncture with the Symmetric

Conditional Probability (SCP) measure to extract Continuous Multiple Word

Units and with Mutual Expectation (ME) measure for extracting Non-Continuous

Multiple Word Units. Nikos, Fakotakis, and Kokkinakis (2002) starts from the idea

that all n-grams can be constructed from bigrams and it is, therefore, essential to better

understanding the impact of the used measure on the algorithm’s performance.

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 17

Experiments are performed on some of the most known and used measure’s performances,

judging by their ability to identify lexically associated bigrams. The measures compared

are: t-score, Pearson’s χ-square test, log-likelihood ratio, pointwise mutual

information and mutual dependency.

There are other approaches that do not rely on bigram detection and ngram

construction. In CorePhrase Hammouda et al. (2005) keyphrases are considered to

naturally lie at the intersection of the document cluster. The CorePhrase algorithm

compares every pair of documents to extract matching phrases. It employs a document

phrase indexing graph structure, known as the Document Index Graph (DIG). It keep

a cumulative graph representing currently processed documents. Upon introducing a new

document, its subgraph is matched with the existing cumulative graph to extract the

matching phrases between the new document and all previous documents. The graph

maintains complete phrase structure identifying the containing document and phrase

location, so cycles can be uniquely identified. Simultaneously, it calculates some

predefined phrase featured that are used for later ranking.

In LINGO Osinski (2003), a Suffix Array (Manber and Myers (1990)) based

keyphrase discovery is used. The algorithm tries to avoid extracting incomplete phrases (

like “President Nicolas” instead of “President Nicolas Sarkozy”) which are often

meaningless, it uses the notion of phrase completeness. A phrase is complete if and only if

all its components appear together in all occurrences of the phrase. For example, is the

phrase “President Nicolas” is followed in all occurrences by the term “Sarkozy”, than is it

not a complete phrase. Starting from this definition, right and left completeness can be

defined (the example above is left complete, but not right complete). Using a Suffix Array

data structure, the complete phrases can be detected and the ones that occur a minimum

number of times (frequent keyphrases) create the candidate set for the topics. A more

detailed explanation of this approach is presented in section “Combining the two phases
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 18

into an integrated system for extracting topics”

Hybrid approaches. An hybrid system is usually adding linguistic information to an

essentially numerical system or adding numeric (statistical) information to a essentially

linguistic system. This process usually ameliorates the results.

It is well-known that statistical systems (like those based on Bayesian networks)

produce noisy results in the field of Information Retrieval (Biskri et al. (2004)), meaning

that among the extracted candidates, most of them pass the frequency threshold and get

good scores, but they are uninteresting from the topics point of view. Such expressions

can be comprised of common words (articles, prepositions, certain verbs, etc) like “he

responded that” or “the biggest part of the”, and they bring no new information. Such

phrases should be eliminated. For that, linguistic filters are very useful.

Some of the linguistic methods rely of certain keyphrase formats ( like <Subject>

<Verb> or <Verb> <Adverb> ) to construct the result. A morphological and syntactic

tagger could be used as a final phase to filter out the noise from the candidates set

resulted from statistical extraction. From such a filter benefits the system XTRACT

(Smadja (1991)) which is comprised of three phases. In the first phase, bigrams are

extracted from a grammatically tagged corpus, using an eleven words window. The next

phase consists in extracting longer phrases if they are frequent in the text. These phrases

are called rigid noun phrases. The third phase is the linguistic phase. It consists in

associating a syntactic etiquette to the extracted bigrams ( <Noun> <Verb>,

<Adjective> <Noun> ) and afterwards, for each bigram, associate together longer

phrases containing the n-grams obtained at the second phase.

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 19

Combining the two phases into an integrated system for

extracting topics

The literature provides many examples of systems that can extract topics from texts

(see previous sections). In order to exemplify to the reader how a topic extraction system

can be constructed by use of textual clustering and keyphrase extraction, in this section

we will present an approach proposed in (Rizoiu, Velcin, and Chauchat (2010)). We will

follow phase by phase the chain of processing that starts with a collection of texts (on-line

discussions, forums, chats, newspaper articles etc) and presents at the output on one hand

the topics extracted from the collection, under the form of readable expressions, and, on

the other hand, the partition of texts around the topics.

Figure 2 presents a streamlined schema of the topic extraction system. In a first

phase, each of the documents in the data set are pretreated ( see subsection

“Pretreatment” ) in order to eliminate words that do not bring any information about the

thematic of the text, thus do not help in extracting the topics. At the same time different

inflected forms are brought to their stem in order to increase their descriptive value. After

this phase of pretreatment, the documents are translated into the Space Vector Model

(subsection “Space Vector Model”) using one of the term weighting schemes, in order to

render them compatible with the clustering algorithm.

Next, starts the process of clustering, using the OKM algorithm (see subsection

“Textual Regrouping”). Some of the reasons why Rizoiu et al. (2010) have chosen this

algorithm will be discussed in the following subsections. With the documents now

regrouped, we return to the original dataset in order to extract the complete frequent

keyphrases, using the a Suffix Array based algorithm. The procedure will be detailed in

subsection “Keyphrase Extraction. Name candidates”. The extracted phrases will be the

candidates for the each topic’s name. In the final phase (detailed in subsection

“Associating names to clusters”), the best candidates are chosen to represent the topics,
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 20

by means of reintroducing them into the Vector Space Model as pseudo-documents.


Pretreatment is an important part of the algorithm, as the quality of extracted

topics is dependent on the quality of the input dataset and the pretreatment process. Its

purpose it to augment the descriptive power of the words, limit the size of the vocabulary

and eliminate certain words that are known to bring no useful information. It is

traditionally composed of two elements: stemming and stopwords removal.

Stemming is the process through which inflection, prefixes and suffixes are remove

from each term in the collection. It is extremely useful especially for languages that are

are heavily inflected (like the verbs in French) and reduces words to their stems. This

guarantees that all inflected forms of a term are treated as one single term, which

increases their descriptive power. At the same time, bare stems may be more difficult to

be understood by the users, but since the stemmed version of the terms are never

presented to the user, it will not hinder their usage. Stemming is dependent on language,

but algorithms have been developed for most of the widely used languages. For English,

the most used is Porter’s stemmer (Porter (1980)), while for European languages one of

the solutions can be that proposed by the CLEF Project1 .

Stopwords (articles, prepositions etc) do not present any descriptive value, as they

appear in the texts independent on the thematic, so they are of no use for the clustering

process. Even more, they only make the corpus dictionary bigger, so that computation is

slower. Some term weighting schemes (such as Term Frequency) are especially vulnerable

to stopwords, so there elimination is compulsory. This is done using stopword lists for

each language.

Stemmed words are hard to read and stopwords improve the overall cluster names

quality for a human reader. Therefore keyphrase discovery requires the texts to be in their
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 21

natural form, so an non-treated version of the documents is also kept to be used for that

phase. Pretreatment is the only part of the algorithm that is language dependent. Adding

support for new languages languages is as easy as adding new stemming algorithms and

stopwords lists.

Vector Space Model

As mentioned at the section “Textual Regrouping”, most of the algorithms

presented were not designed specifically for texts. That is why they require the text to the

transformed into an internal format before they can be used. This problem has been

addressed extensively in the Information Retrieval field and various models have been

proposed : Boolean Model compares True / False query statement with the word set that

describes a document, Probabilistic Model calculates the relevance probabilities for the

documents in the set. But the model that is most widely used in modern clustering

algorithms is Vector Space Model (Salton, Wong, and Yang (1975)).

In this model, each document is represented as multidimensional vector. Each

dimension is a keyword or a term and its value associated to a document is directly

proportional on the degree of relationship between them. There are four major ways of

measuring this relationship degree, also known as term weighting schemes.

1. Presence / Absence. It is also known as binary weighting and it is the

simplest way to measure the belonging of a word to a document. Its mathematical

formula is: 

 1 if term i is f ound in document j;
ai,j =

 0 otherwise.

In Osinski (2003) is shown that this scheme can only show if a word is related to a

document, but does not measure the strength of the relationship.

2. Term Frequency. Or term count. It is the number of times a given term

appears in a document. While this is a better measure of the relationship between the
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 22

term (word) and the document, this scheme has the tendency of favoring longer

documents. In order to prevent that, normalization is usually used.

T Fi,j = P
k nk,j

where ni,j is the number of occurrences of the considered term (ti ) in document dj , and

the denominator is the sum of number of occurrences of all terms in document dj .

3. Inverse Document Frequency. Is a measure of the general importance of a

term in the whole corpus. It expresses the idea that a word should be less important if it

appears in many documents. In this way very common words, as prepositions, articles and

certain verbs and adjectives could be filtered out or, at least, given less importance.
IDFi = log
| {d | ti ∈ d} |
where |D| is the total number of documents in the collection and | {d | ti ∈ d} | is the total

number of documents where the term ti appears. In practice, IDF is never used alone, as

it lack the power to quantify the relationship between a word and a document. It also

favorises the very rare words, which are most of the time just noise. Instead, IDF is used

in conjunction with TF to bring dataset information in TFxIDF scheme (next).

4. TFxIDF. Is the most used scheme in Information Retrieval. It is the product of

Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency.

T F xIDFi,j = T Fi,j ∗ IDFi

This scheme aims at balancing local and global occurrences. A high weight in TFxIDF is

reached by a high term frequency (in the given document) and a low frequency of the

term in the whole collection of documents. This weighting scheme hence tends to filter out

common terms.

Once that documents were translated into Space Vector Model, using one of the

schemes presented above, the similarity between two documents is usually calculated using

the cosine distance.

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 23

ai,j bi,j
similarity(a, b) = cos(~a, ~b) = qP i=1 qP (1)
t 2 t 2
i=1 ai,j i=1 bi,j

which can be interpreted as the geometrical angle between the vectors in the

multidimensional space.


Having the documents pre-treated and translated into the Space Vector Model

using one the the four measures presented in subsection “Vector Space Model”, the

dataset is ready to be partitioned. At the beginning of this chapter, we have insisted on

the importance of the polysemy of words and the need of term disambiguation for

Ontology Learning. We have shown that one solution for addressing this problem would

be the usage of an overlapping clustering solution, that would allow documents to be part

of more than one group. Therefore, the topic extraction system presented in Rizoiu et al.

(2010) regroups the text documents using the OKM algorithm (presented in subsection

“Textual Regrouping, Overlapping Solution” ).

The OKM implementation used by the authors of Rizoiu et al. (2010) respects the

original indications of Cleuziou (2007). The only change that we made was the stopping

condition. In the original form, the iteration process comes to an end when the partition

composition does not change any more - which means that a local minimum has been

reached. While from the clustering’s point of view the final result has been found, it does

not necessarily mean that centroids do not evolve over the next iterations.

In K-Means, the centroid is computed depending only on cluster’s composition.

Meaning that if the clusters do not change between 2 iteration, neither do the centroids.

In OKM the centroid update process is a little more complicated. In the documents -

cluster assignment phase, OKM does not search to minimize the variance between a

document and its centroid. It rather construct an image of centroids to which the
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 24

document is associated in such a way that the distance document - image is minimal.

Therefore, in the phase of cluster update, the centroid dependent not only on documents

in their own group, but also on the other centroids resulted from the last iteration. The

update formula for the centroids is:

1 X 1 j
cj,v = P ∗ .x̂ (2)
xi ∈Rj δi2 δi2 iv
xi ∈Rj

A\{cj }
where x̂jiv in formula 2 has the following expression x̂jiv = δi xiv − (δi − 1)x̄i,v with:

• A is the set of centroids to which document xi is assigned;

A\{cj }
• x̄i,v is vth component of the image of the centroids to which xi is assigned,

except centroid j

• cj,v is the vth component of the centroid to be updated.

This dependency means that centroids continue to change even if the clusters

composition does not. In the process of general purpose clustering, the centroid is a

by-product and the partition is the main result. But since the process of topic name

assignment (presented in the next subsection) is dependent on the centroid quality, it is

very important to have the centroids computed as exact as possible. That is why the

iteration process should not stop when the clusters stop changing, but rather use a

threshold ². In this manner, the clustering process ends only when the variance of the

objective function between two iterations drops under the threshold.

Keyphrase Extraction. Name candidates

The next processing phase of the topic extraction system proposed in Rizoiu et al.

(2010) employs a keyphrase extraction algorithm in order to build a topic name candidate

set. Osinski (2003) presents the conditions that a collocation (or a term) must respect in

order to be considered a name candidate:

• appear in the text with a specified frequency. This is based on the assumption
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 25

that the keyphrases that occur often in the text have the strongest descriptive power.

Also, isolated appearances have high chances of being incorrect words (Roche (2004)).

• do not cross sentence boundary. Usually, meaningful keyphrases are contained

into a sentence, because sentences represent markers of topical shift.

• be a complete phrase. Complete phrases make more sense than incomplete ones

(“President Nicolas” vs “President Nicolas Sarkozy” ).

• not begin or end with a stopword. Cluster name candidates will be stripped of

leading or trailing stopwords, as that is likely to increase readability. Still, stopwords in

the middle of the keyphrase will be preserved.

Both LINGO (Osinski (2003)) and the system presented in Rizoiu et al. (2010)

chose the Suffix Array based (Manber and Myers (1990)) approach for the keyphrase

extraction task. They motivated their choice by the approach’s ability to extract the

phrases from untreated text, its language independence, linear execution time and the

power to extract humanly readable phrases. Also, both systems were designed to extract

topics from texts found on the Internet, which requires a great flexibility and stability

towards different writing styles - which can vary from informal discussions to scientific

articles - and different languages. These two characteristics make Web Mining particularly

difficult when using non-statistical approaches, like those presented in subsection

“Keyphrase Extraction”.

Suffix Array based makes use of the propriety of completeness ( defined in subsection

“Keyphrase Extraction, Numerical approaches”). The heyphrase discovery algorithm

works in two steps: in the first step left and right complete expressions are found. In the

second step the two sets are intersected to obtain the set of complete expressions.

Suffix Array Construction. The algorithm of discovering right complete expressions

relies on the usage of Suffix Array. A Suffix Array is an alphabetically ordered array of all

suffixes of a string. We note here that in our case, the fundamental unit is not the letter
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 26

(as in the case of classical strings), but the term / word. For example, having the phrase

“we are having a reunion”, the Suffix Array for it would be constructed as shown in

Table 2. One of the most important problems in the construction of the Suffix Array is

the space-time and time-efficient sorting of the suffixes. In Larsson (1998), two approaches

are presented: “Manber and Myers” and “Sadakane’s algorithm”. The paper also makes a

comparison of the two, from both the theoretical and practical performance point of view.

According to the test results of Larsson (1998), the second approach gives better results in

terms of efficiency.

The only thing required for the algorithm is that the terms have a lexicographic

order, so they can be compared. If in the example in table 2, for the sakes of clarity, we

have used the alphabetical order, in real-case implementation, the criteria used is not

important. The order of term arrival into the collection can also be used. The “Sadakane’s

sorting algorithm” is a modified bucket sorting, which takes into consideration the unequal

dimensions of the suffixes. In Larsson (1998), it is shown that the sorting complexity is

O(n log n), with n the number of suffixes. Considering that a keyphrase can not pass the

boundary of a sentence, the implementation in Rizoiu et al. (2010)differs from that prosed

in Osinski (2003) by constructing the Suffix Array on a sentence based approach, rather

than the whole document approach found in the latter. Therefore a suffix identification is

given not only by the beginning of the suffix, but also on the index of the sentence.

Complete Phrase Discovery. The general idea behind the right complete keyphrase

discovery algorithm is to linearly scan the suffix array in search for frequent prefixes,

counting their occurrences meanwhile. Once such a prefix is identified, information about

its position and frequency (initially the frequency is 2) is stored along with it.

Once the right complete phrases have been discovered, we also need to discover the

left complete phrases. This can be achieved by applying the same algorithm as before to

the inverse of the document - meaning that another version of the document is created,
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 27

having the words in reverse order. While the algorithm finds the right complete phrases in

lexicographic order, the left complete set needs another inversion to recover the right


With both sets in lexicographic order, they can intersected in linear time. Name

candidates are returned along with their frequency. We must note here that the extracted

candidates can also be single terms, as sometimes a single word can be enough for

explaining the content of the cluster (Osinski (2003)).

The last phase is filtering the candidate set. First, only phrases that appear in the

texts with minimum frequency are kept, the rest are eliminated. In Osinski (2003), the

value of this threshold is suggested to be between 2 and 5. The relatively low value for it

can be explained by the fact that the most frequent expressions are not necessarily the

most expressive, but usually they are meaningless expressions - noise in the output.

Afterwards, candidates are filtered based on one of the conditions that we

enumerated at the beginning of this subsection: not to begin or to end with a stopword.

Using the same methods as in the pretreatment phase, leading and trailing stopwords are

recursively eliminated from the phrases. As a result some of the candidates disappeared

completely (they were composed only from stopwords), while others reduced their form to

another one (example: “the president” and “president of” become both “president”).

Associating names to clusters

The clustering phase outputs a data partition that regroups documents relatively

their thematic similarity. At the same time, this phase outputs the centres of each class,

also called centroids, which can be regarded as abstract representations of the topics.

These centres are documents in the Vector Space Model, having high weight for the terms

that are specific for the group, which means words that are characteristic for the topic.

On the other hand, the keyphrase extraction phase generates a list of name
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 28

candidates for the topics. In this last phase, a suitable name is chosen for each centroid in

order to label the topics. This ‘centroid - name’ association is done by taking all the name

candidates and reintroducing them into the Vector Space Model document collection as

“pseudo-documents”. First, the same pretreatment is applied as to original documents,

because the keyphrases were extracted from natural language texts, they contain inflected

words and stopwords. Afterwards, they are translated into the Space Vector Model, using

the same term weighting scheme as for the original documents of the collection. The last

step is to calculate the similarity between each of these “pseudo-documents” and the

centroid of the class. The one that scores highest is chosen to be the cluster name.

This phase filters out the noise from the keyphrase candidate set. While centroids

are the essence of the documents in those classes, choosing the candidates that are closest

to them naturally eliminates phrases that are too general. For example: in a document

group that talks mainly about politics, the most important terms (measured with a term

weighting scheme) should naturally be “parliament”, “govern”, “president”, “party”,

“politics” etc. When calculating the similarity ( cosine similarity ) between this centroid

and phrase candidates, is is natural that a candidate that contains as many of those words

would be favoured. The phrase “presidential elections” would clearly scored higher than

the phrase “as a matter of fact the”.

This candidate pruning side-effect resembles the hybrid approaches presented in the

subsection “Keyphrase Extraction”, without the actual linguistic filter. From such a

linguistic-free approach - more suitable for the Web Mining - could surely benefit the

Term Extraction layer from the Ontology Learning Layer Cake.

Experiments and Results

In this subsection we will briefly present some experiments and results that can be

obtained with this system. The English dataset used in this tests is a sub-partition of the
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 29

Reuters 2 corpus, composed of 262 documents. The writing style is journal article,

containing between 21 and 1000 words. The authors also used in their experimentations

French forums, to test the performances of their systems on languages other than English

and on other writing styles.

Experiments were performed to test both the clustering phase and keyphrase

extraction phase. The behaviour of OKM in textual clustering is experimented with in

Cleuziou (2007), Cleuziou (2009) and Rizoiu et al. (2010). The authors’ main approach

towards evaluating the quality of the resulted partition is to use the classical precision,

recall and FMeasure indicators on a corpus that has been tagged a priori by human

experts. They used a sub-collection of the Reuters corpus that had at least a tag

associated. Using this method of evaluation, the authors concluded that the overlapping

approach indeed out-performs the classical crisp algorithms when being used for text


The evaluation of the topic names extracted with the Suffix Array approach is done

in Osinski (2003) and Rizoiu et al. (2010). Here, the authors have used an expert based

evaluation of cluster names, arguing that there are no widely accepted automatic topic

quality measures (see next subsection). Since topic names need to be humanly-readable

and they need to synthesize the thematic of a group of texts, evaluating them is like

trying to evaluate “human tastes”. The experiments showed a rather good acceptance by

the users of the extracted topics, especially when using the Term Frequency and the

Presence / Absence term weighting schemes.

Table 1 presents an output example of extracted topics. The algorithm was run on

the dataset presented at the beginning of this section. It was demanded to extract four

topics. The first column shows the extracted topics: “cocoa buffer stock”, “oil and gas

company”, “tonnes of copper” and “united food and commercial workers”. The second

column presents, for each topic, the ten words/terms in the texts that have achieved the
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 30

highest scores. This words are the most important part of the centroid of each class. As

they are outputted directly by the clustering algorithm, they are in their stemmed version.

The next two column present the number of documents covered and three examples of

documents that are part of the clusters of each topic. Let’s take as an example the most

important topic of the dataset, the one that covers the most texts: “oil and gas company”.

The first two examples talk directly about the economical activities of companies that

operate in the business of oil and natural gas (buying oil and natural gas proprieties in the

first case and estimating reserves in the second case). On the other hand, the third

document talks about the food-for-oil program between Brazil and Iraq. Despite that the

text does not refer to a oil company, as in the first two cases, the document is still placed

under this topic. This is because it still touches the thematic of “oil and gas”, as it does

with the thematic of food. That is why this document is also found under the topic

“united food and commercial workers”.

We can see the this example how important is the overlapping propriety of the

clustering algorithm. With a crisp approach, this document would have been only under

one topic, when in fact it talks about two topics. Still, the extracted topics are too

specific. Topics like “food and gas” and “food” would have been more appropriate.

Conclusion and Perspectives

Over the last ten year, several approaches has been proposed in order to regroup

textual datasets into homogeneous clusters and, moreover, to label these clusters with

topic names. Among these various approaches, some models are able to deal with the

overlapping issue. That is the crucial point because it allows texts to be related to more

than one unique topic. Here stands an important dichotomy between a “fuzzy” approach

(each text is covered more or less by the topics) and a “crisp” approach (each text is

exactly covered by one to several topics). Until now, the literature does not present a
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 31

rigorous comparison between different approaches for topic extraction - such as LDA, LSI,

BKM, OKM, etc. - in term of assessment of topic name. The main reason is probably

that the comparison criterion is difficult to set, which is highly linked to the crucial

question of the assessment of topic quality.

In this chapter, we present different approaches to extract useful topic names from

texts. Even if some works try to avoid such an additional step (X. Wang et al. (2007)),

these techniques seem to be an improvement which permits to go beyond a rough

distribution over words. The extracted phrases are often more intelligible than series of

single words. They may be a key to fill the gap between topics and concepts (the topic

“data mining” is not far from the concept “data mining”).

The “State of the Art” section must be read from two points of view. On the one

hand, it provides the ingredients for the topic extraction system presented in the second

part of the chapter. But on the other hand, all these algorithms can be used at the

different layers of the Ontology Learning Layer Cake. The keyphrase extraction algorithms

can be used for the term extraction at the Term Layer, while the clustering techniques can

be employed at the synonym layer. Here the overlapping issue seems important in the

disambiguation task. Allowing terms to be regrouped in more than one cluster means, in

fact, letting the different meanings of a term be put together with their synonyms.

The chapter ends with the presentation of a whole integrated system. This system

addresses the problem of topic extraction from textual data. The texts we are interested

in present some rather challenging particularities, like being multilingual, having very

different writing styles and purposes (from informal chats to academic microbiology

articles). The main advantage of this system is that is allows overlapping between the

clusters of texts, so that a text could be defined by more than one topic, which is an

important aspect, especially give the propriety of polysemy of words.

For the concept learning, this system allows an extraction of terms and phrases
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 32

involving a statistics-only approach. By means of transforming the name candidates - the

extracted terms - into pseudo-documents and injecting them back into the Vector Space

Model, the terms can be pruned, actually obtaining a less noisy list of terms. This is

similar to adding linguistic filters to statistic methods, but without their language and

field dependency.

With the problem of topic extraction partly solved, still remains the most strategic

issue: filling the gap between topics and concepts. This is highly related to other

perspectives, such as reconciling the similarity-based dendograms built by traditional

Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering and the concept hierarchies used in Format Concept

Analysis. The recent work of Estruch, Orallo, and Quintana (2008) proposes in this line

an original framework to fill the gap between statistics and logic. Part of the solution is to

make contributions relative to the assessment of topic quality. Other works are precisely

directed towards such issues (Boyd-Graber, Chang, Gerrish, Wang, and Blei (2009)). The

key question now is then to evaluate the necessity and level of human-expert intervention.

Two other important perspectives are related to the question of granularity. The

“horizontal” granularity deals with building hierarchies of topics: each level of the

hierarchy presents topics which are more general than the topics of the level below.

Recently, several works try to address this issue. For instance, D. Blei et al. (2004); C.

Wang and Blei (2009) build topic hierarchies based on the nested chinese restaurant

process. Such topic hierarchies seem to be more adapted than “flat” topics in the task of

concept construction. At the same time, it brings topics closer and closer to concepts, as

these hierarchies provide a relation of taxonomy. The “vertical” granularity deals with the

evolution of topics through time. Several probabilistic models have recently been proposed

(D. Blei and Lafferty (2006); C. Wang, Blei, and Heckerman (2008)). It would be of high

interest to relate such dynamic models to other work in concept learning, such as those

presented by Chen, Wang, and Zhou (2009). This kind of works will certainly help to
Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 33

address the question of automatic ontology evolution.

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 34


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Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 39




Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 40

Table 1

Example of output of the topic extraction system.

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 41

Table 2

Suffix Array construction for the phrase “we are having a reunion”

No Suffix Start Pos

1 a reunion 4

2 are having a reunion 2

3 having a reunion 3

4 reunion 5

5 we are having a reunion 1

Topic Extraction for Ontology Learning 42

Figure Captions

Figure 1. Schema of Latent Dirichlet Allocation.

Figure 2. Streamlined schema of the topic extraction system.

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