TP 1 1cuatri 2023
TP 1 1cuatri 2023
TP 1 1cuatri 2023
Trabajo Práctico Nº 1
● Content anticipation.
● Source, text type, purpose and audience.
● General and specific hipotheses.
● Definition of concepts.
● Key words.
● Academic vocabulary.
● Transparencies and false cogntes.
● Verbal functions.
1. Look at the texts below and determine the source (where this text
comes from) and the purpose (what is the intention of the writer?).
In order to determine the purpose you need to know about text types:
Text Types1:
2. Narrative texts types deal mainly with changes in time, i.e. with actions
and events. Typical text type markers are verbs that denote 'change' as well
as expressions of time (time-sequence signals)); but adverbs of place are
not excluded. Narration is to be found in short stories, novels, biographies,
anecdotes, diaries, news, stories and reports.
1 Retrieved June, 2015.
3. Expository texts tend to be explanatory: they explain objects and ideas
in their interrelations. Typical verbs for the identification and explanation of
objects and ideas are: to refer to, be defined, be called, consists of, contain
etc. If a relation to previously mentioned facts and ideas is to be established,
words like namely, incidentally, for example, in other words, etc. are used. A
similarity to preceding phenomena can be expressed by similarly, also, too;
additional information can be indicated by words like in addition, above all,
on top of it all, etc. Typical of this text type are the expository essay, the
definition, the summary and the interpretative piece.
2. Determine (if possible) which texts you can connect with careers at
this university. How do you call these careers in English?
Text 1:
Text 2:
Text 4:
There are two basic strategies that we use when we are reading in a
foreign language: transparent words and knowledge of the world.
In the first case we have to be careful when we come across a false
cognate. The second strategy is closely related to the previous
knowledge that we bring to the text.
For example:
According to Marx, there was one social element that would determine
where one fit in the social class hierarchy: that of who controls the means of
production, meaning who owned the resources necessary to produce what
people needed to survive.
But we can also use our knowledge of the world if we know the topic the text
is referring to, for example what we know about Karl Marx.
Text 2:
It is considerably important to define the term hospitality as the relationship
between a guest and a host, wherein the host receives the guest with some
amount of goodwill, including the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or
strangers. The industry covers several different services, it can generally be
defined through five different sectors. These sectors include food and beverages,
lodging, recreation, travel and tourism, and meetings and events.
Several studies have investigated the use of social media in higher education,
many concentrating on the use of Facebook in their courses. Facebook still
dominates the social media landscape, and is popular across a diverse mix of
demographic profiles, but other sites have gained popularity and many users now
participate in multiple networks [Seaman, J., Tinti-Kane, H, 2013]. However, the
popularity of Facebook has prompted many educators to integrate some elements
into their learning environments.
Some studies point out that it is an obligation to prepare students for what they will
encounter once they graduate from college and enter the workplace [Alexander, B.,
2006]. Other studies examine the connection between social networking and
informal and formal learning. Learning in a constructivist environment focuses on
the individual learner and the situational context in which learning occurs, and the
variety of options and tools that are available through social networking could
support this type of situational learning. Students with different backgrounds,
learning styles, and preferences can choose which tools they prefer for their
individual learning process [Rodriguez, J., 2011]. In addition, these technologies
may create a higher level of student engagement that will build and support a
community of scholars [Maleko M. et. al., 2013].
3- Read the first and last paragraph of the text and write a general hypothesis
(always consider the title and your anticipations). A general hypothesis is an idea
of what the text is about. Use your own words to demonstrate that you understand
the content.
4- Read the complete text. Identify key words (no more than ten words) in the
text. Do not repeat words or synonyms. Include the words that you consider
5- From your list, choose the word that you consider that summarizes the
content of the text. This is the TOPIC.
6- Now look at the rest of the words and try to relate them so as to minimize
your list. These are the SUBTOPICS.
1- Secondary ideas: Considering the subtopics that you have chosen last
class write secondary ideas. Remember that in the first part of the TP, you have
listed the subtopics; now, use them to explain what ideas they refer to. To develop
an idea is to enlarge and explain the use of the subtopic in a particular text. You
will find the explanation and the example in the campus.
2- Main idea: The main idea is the central idea of the text. It includes the
general hypothesis and the secondary ideas. It represents the unity of the text in
your own words. This is the last task you have to do. Once you have analyzed the
complete text you can explain what it is about.
PART 4: microstructure of the academic text
In this part of the assignment we are going to revise strategies that are considered
local for the comprehension of the text: definitions, paraphrasing, meaning from
context and verbal functions.
Concept Definition
4- Verbal functions: Identify the use of these tenses. Remember that “verbal
functions” refers to the use of the different tenses not to the name of the tense. You
should answer this question in each case: Why did the writer choose to use this
tense and not any other? What was the intention?
a- Only two years later the amount of YouTube users who were American
had dwindled down to 30%, which demonstrates the global popularity of
the site.
b- This indicates the current trend will continue to be this way in the near
c- These two statistics have generally been views and subscribers.