a (Printed Pages 7)
(20622) Roll No.
B.ALLLB. ~ X Sem.
B.A. LL.B. Examination, June-2022
Land Law of U.P.
{old Course}
Time : Three Hours | [Maximum Marks : 100
Note: Attempt all the Sections as per
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Section - A/ Gs - 3
(Very Short Answer Questions)
(cfr og ert )
Note: Attempt all five questions. Each
question carries 4 marks. Very short
answer is required not exceeding 75
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1, What are the four main characteristics of
UPZA, & LR, Act, 19507
aA. ontterd rer og yf gare sire,
1950 aft re map feenait ah ana?
2, Define ‘Intermediary’ under U.P.2.A. &
LR. Act.
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sreer recent’ ah aati casa
3. Explain the term ‘Estate’.
‘HUA eee BY aAGTEa
What is ‘Land Management Committee’?
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hups:(/www.cesustudy.com5. Define in short the ‘Mutation Proceedings’
under U.P. Land Revenue Act, 1901.
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sftrar a ade A rere 4
Section - B / Ws-@
(short answer Questions)
cerg aera see)
Note : Attempt any two questions out of the
following 3 questions. Each question
carries 10 marks, Short answer is
required not exceeding 200 words.
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cen 200 wa eg sere fre
6. Who is "Bhumidhar with transferable
rights’? Explain their rights alongwith
their restrictions in short.
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What are the objectives of U.P. Imposition
‘of Celling on Land Holdings Act, 19607
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1960 35 ven aber
8. Write a note on Goon Sabha.
Semmccentet a,
Section - C / we-@
(Detatied Answer Questions)
(eege aerfter e)
Note: attempt any three questions out
of the folowing & questions. Each
question caries 20 marks, Answer is
required in detail. 3x20=60
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9. Make a distinction between payment
of Compensation and Rehabilitation
Grant? Describe in detail the criteria
and procedure for receiving these grants
under the Act concerned.
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gent Bt ores ane 5 ge Hews woe @,
10. What is the background of passing of
ULP.Z.A. & L.R. Act, 1950, and how far
it has been able to achieve its objects?
03568/5 P.r.0.
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1950 cia 9 aH gen am &. stk ah
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11, Whats the ‘Land of Public Utility’? How a
Person can be ejected from this land who
has an unauthorized occupancy over this
‘west sain a eff oar 8? vw OS ats,
fret sa yf ee srafiga won ot een dat
‘& tewa foen mn wad?
12. What do you know of Boundary Marks?
Explain the full procedure of the
Settlement of Boundary Disputes.
to. Raret & sive cen wera son ert 3s
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bhups:#ivww.cesustudy.comthe Revenue Officers? When
13, Who
they are called Revenue: Courts? Under
U.P, Land Revenue Act, 1901 describe
the powers of a Comunissioner,
arora orftanrd) attr eR RP
Sareea ascent £9 re aU 3s ae
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Whatsapp @ 9300930012
Send your old paper & get 10
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Pastor GoodlePay