Writing Effective User Stories For Agile Requirements: Mike Cohn September 26, 2005

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Writing Effective User Stories

for Agile Requirements

Mike Cohn
September 26, 2005

Mike Cohn—background
 Programming for 20 years
 Author of
 User Stories Applied
 Agile Estimating and Planning
 Java, C++, database programming
 Founding member and director
of the Agile Alliance and the
Scrum Alliance
 Founder of Mountain Goat
 Process and project management
consulting and training

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

2 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Today’s agenda
 What user stories are
 Users and user roles
 Gathering stories
 INVEST in good stories
 Why user stories?

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

3 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Ron Jeffries’ Three Cs

 Stories are traditionally
written on note cards.
Card  Cards may be annotated
with estimates, notes, etc.

 Details behind the story

Conversation come out during
conversation with customer

 Acceptance tests confirm

Confirmation the story was coded
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
4 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Samples – Travel reservation system

As a vacation planner, I
As a user, I can reserve a
can see photos of the
hotel room.

As a user, I can restrict

As a user, I can cancel a searches so that I only
reservation. see hotels with available

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

5 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Where are the details?

 As a user, I can cancel a reservation.
 Does the user get a full or partial refund?
 Is the refund to her credit card or is it site credit?
 How far ahead must the reservation be
 Is that the same for all hotels?
 For all site visitors? Can frequent travelers cancel
 Is a confirmation provided to the user?

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

6 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Details added in smaller “sub-stories”
As a premium site
member, I can
cancel a reservation
up to the last minute.

As a user, I can As a non-premium

member, I can
cancel a cancel up to 24
reservation. hours in advance.
As a site visitor, I am
emailed a
confirmation of any
cancelled reservation.
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
7 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Details added as tests

 High level tests are added to the story
 Can be used to express additional details and expectations

As a user, I can cancel a reservation.

• Verify that a premium member can cancel the

same day without a fee.
• Verify that a non-premium member is charged
10% for a same-day cancellation.
• Verify that an email confirmation is sent.
• Verify that the hotel is notified of any cancellation.

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

8 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Today’s agenda
 What user stories are
 Users and user roles
 Gathering stories
 INVEST in good stories
 Why user stories?

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

9 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

“The User”
 Many projects mistakenly assume there’s
only one user:
 “The user”
 Write all stories from one user’s
 Assume all users have the same goals
 Leads to missing stories

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

10 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Travel Site—Who’s the user?
Mary Laura
Frequent flier who Wants to schedule
never knows where her family’s annual
she’ll be Jim vacation
Frequent flier who
flies every week but
always to the same
Howard Dominic
Mary’s assistant; Hotel chain Vice
books her President; wants to
reservations monitor reservations

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

11 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

User roles
 Broaden the scope from looking at one user
 Allows users to vary by
 What they use the software for
 How they use the software
 Familiarity with the software / computers
 Used extensively in usage-centered design
A user role is a collection of defining attributes that
characterize a population of users and their intended
interactions with the system. Source: Software for Use by
Constantine and Lockw ood (1999).

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

12 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Common attributes Infrequent
Vacation Planner
Mary Laura
Frequent flier who Frequent Flier Wants to schedule
never knows where her family’s annual
she’ll be Jim vacation
Frequent flier who
flies every week but
always to Traveler
the same
Scheduler Insider
Howard Dominic
Mary’s assistant; Hotel chain Vice
books her President; wants to
reservations monitor reservations

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

13 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

User role brainstorming

 Brainstorming meeting
 Customer, developers, anyone who
understands a product’s intended users
 Everyone grabs a stack of cards
 Write role names on cards
 As fast as possible and with no judgment
 No turns
 Place card on table
 Call out role name as you place it

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

14 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

User role brainstorming

We’ve been hired by fBay to create “the best

new web auction site since eBay.”

 Brainstorm the user roles who will

interact with this site.

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

15 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

User role modeling steps

 Brainstorm an initial set of user roles
 Organize the initial set
 Consolidate roles
 Refine roles

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

16 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Organize the initial set
 Arrange cards spatially to indicate
overlapping and similar roles
 Use any arrangement rules you want
College grad Job poster Resume
First timer reader
Layoff victim Recruiter
Job seeker
Monitor Sys Admin

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

17 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Consolidate roles
 Discuss what is meant by each card
 Arrange cards spatially to indicate
overlapping and similar roles
 Use any arrangement rules you want
 Look for cards to
 Replace with a more generic/different card
 Eliminate cards that are unimportant to
the success of the product
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
18 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Consolidating–an example
Job seeker Job poster Resume
First timer reader

Layoff Recruiter
First timer Internal
Geographic recruiter
Layoff External
Job seeker
victim recruiter
Monitor Sys Admin

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

19 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Organize and consolidate

1) Organize your initial set of user roles for

2) Consolidate the user roles.

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

20 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Advantages of using roles
Start thinking of software
Users become
as solving needs of real

Instead we talk about “a

Avoid saying “the
frequent flier” or “a repeat

Incorporate roles “As a <role>, I want

into stories <story> so that <benefit>.
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
21 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Today’s agenda
 What user stories are
 Users and user roles
 Gathering stories
 INVEST in good stories
 Why user stories?

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

22 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Gathering stories
 Common metaphors for requirements are
 “Capturing requirements”

 These metaphors imply

 Users know the requirements but don’t want
to tell us
 Requirements need to be locked up once
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
23 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

The proper metaphor

 Trawling† for requirements
 Trawl: “sift through as part of a search” (OAD)
 Metaphor captures these aspects:
 Requirements can be captured with different
sized nets
 Requirements change, mature, possibly die
 Skill is a factor

Mastering the Requirements Process
by Suzanne and James Robertson,

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

24 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

A little is enough, or is it?
 Agile processes acknowledge that we
cannot trawl with such a fine net that we
can write all the user stories upfront
doesn’t mean we shouldn’t write as
many as we can

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

25 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Techniques for trawling for stories



User interviews

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26 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

 Good technique for learning more about
stories you already have
 If you have a large user base, great way
to get information to help prioritize stories
 Not effective as a primary means of
trawling for new stories

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

27 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

 Great way to pick up insights
 Two approaches
 Justobserve, with or without user’s
 Have the user demonstrate to a group how
she uses the software

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

28 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Observation example
 Stated need:
 “We need a large text field to summarize.”
 Observed need:
 Have the system record the user’s choices

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

29 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

 Default approach taken by many teams
 Selection of interviewees is critical
 Tryto interview as many user roles as
 Cannot just ask “So whaddaya want?”
 Most users are not adept at understanding
their true needs

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

30 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Context matters

“My wife and I

split up…”

“He’s no longer
with us…”

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

31 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

My context isn’t your context

make it

You hear  “Increase the temperature”

 “Move the temperature

He meant closer to what we call warm.”

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

32 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

A horrible question
 This question sucked two years out of my

“Would you like it “Of course, now

in a browser?” that you mention it!”

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

33 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

We can do better
“What would you think of having this app in a
browser rather than as a native Windows
application even if it means reduced
performance, a poorer overall user experience,
and less interactivity?”

 It’s open
 Full range of answers
 But it has too much context

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

34 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

The best way to ask

“What would you be willing to give

up in order to have it in a browser?”

 We want to ask questions that are


All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

35 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Beware of assumptions
 What time did the sun rise in Boston, MA,
on October 10, 1582?
 Draw a single line that crosses each line
segment in this figure exactly once:

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

36 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Seeking a solution

 “Dad, do you know the answer?”

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

37 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

It’s my problem, I know the solution

 Having a problem does not uniquely
qualify you to solve it
 “It hurts when I go like this…”

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

38 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

We need to stop asking users
 Since users don’t know how to solve their
problems, we need to stop asking
 We need to involve them instead

 Designers of the new system

Empirical design make decisions by studying
prospective users in typical

 The users of the system become

Participatory design part of the team designing the
behavior of the system

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

39 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Story-writing workshops
 Includes developers, users, customer,
 Goal is to write as many stories as
 No prioritization at this point
 Uses low-fidelity prototyping and
brainstorming techniques

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

40 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Start with epics and iterate
As a frequent flyer,
As a frequent flyer, I want to book a
I want to see trip using miles.
check my account.
As a frequent flyer,
I want to re-book a
As a frequent flyer, trip I make often.
I want to book a
Flyer trip. As a frequent flyer,
I want to request
an upgrade.

<Epic #3> As a frequent flyer,

I want to see if my
upgrade cleared.
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
41 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

A low-fidelity prototype

Home Page Hot Deal Details

News Location info Weather
Hot Deals Weather
Search Fields

Hotel Results Hotel Details

List of hotels Info about hotel
Blurb about Map
each Local attractions

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

42 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Low-fidelity prototyping
 Use paper, note cards, white board, big Post-
 Prototype is of components or areas within
the application, not of actual screens
 HotelResults could be on Home Page or be a
separate page
 Doesn’t require knowledge of how screens
will look
 Throw it away a day or two later
 Works better to go depth-first
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
43 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Creating the low-fidelity prototype

 Start with an empty box:
 “Here’s the main screen in the system”
 Ask open-ended, context-free questions as you
 What will the users most likely want to do next?
 What mistakes could the user make here?
 What could confuse the user at this point?
 What additional information could the user need?

 Consider these questions for each user role

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

44 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

A mini story-writing workshop

Write some user stories for fBay based on

the roles you identified.

Tip: try this template:

“As a <role>, I want to <story> so that

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

45 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Today’s agenda
 What user stories are
 Users and user roles
 Gathering stories
 INVEST in good stories
 Why user stories?

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

46 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

What makes a good story?


INVEST  Valuable



Thanks to Bill Wake for the
acronym. See www.xp123.com.

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

47 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

 Avoid introducing dependencies
 Leads to difficulty prioritizing and planning
A company can pay
for a job posting with
 The first of these
a Visa card.
stories will take 3 days
A company can pay
? for a job posting with to develop
an AmEx card.  It doesn’t matter
A company can pay which is first
for a job posting
? with  The others will take 1
a MasterCard. day
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
48 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Making stories independent
Combine the stories  A customer can pay with a credit card.

 A customer can pay with one type of

Split across a credit card.
different dimension  A customer can pay with two other
types of credit cards.

Write two estimates

 3 days if first; 1 otherwise
and move on

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

49 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

 Stories are not
 Written contracts
 Requirements the software must fulfill
 Do not need to include all details
 Too many details give the impressions of
 false precision or completeness
 that there’s no need to talk further
 Need some flexibility so that we can adjust how
much of the story gets implemented
 If the card is contract then it needs to be estimated
like a contract

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

50 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Is this story negotiable?
Print dialog allows the user to edit the
printer list. The user can add or remove
printers from the printer list. The user can
add printers either by auto-search or
manually specifying the printer DNS name
or IP address. An advanced search option
also allows the user to restrict his search
within specified IP addresses and subnet

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

51 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

 Stories must be valuable to either:
 As a user, I can search for a job by title
Users and salary range.

 Throughout the project, the team will

produce documentation suitable for
an ISO 9001 audit.
 The development team will produce
Purchasers the software in accordance with
CMM level 3.
 All configuration information is read
from a central location.
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
52 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Stories valued by developers
 Should be rewritten to show the benefit
Up to 50 users should
All connections to the
be able to use the
database are through
application with a five-
a connection pool.
user database license.

All error handling and All errors are

logging is done presented to the user
through a set of and logged in a
common classes. consistent manner.

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

53 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

 Because stories are used in planning
 A story may not be estimatable if:
Developers lack  As a new user, I am given a
domain knowledge diabetic screening.

Developers lack  As a site visitor, I can elect to

technical knowledge see all text in a larger font.

The story is too big  As a user, I can find a job.

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

54 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

 Large stories (epics) are
 hard to estimate
 hard to plan
 They don’t fit well into single iterations
 Compound story
 An epic that comprises multiple shorter stories
 Complex story
A story that is inherently large and cannot easily be
disaggregated into constituent stories

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

55 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Compound stories
 Often hide a great number of assumptions
 A resume includes separate
sections for education, prior
jobs, salary history,
publications, etc.
As a user, I can  Users can mark resumes as
post my resume. inactive
 Users can have multiple
 Users can edit resumes
 Users can delete resumes
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
56 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Splitting a compound story
Split along operational
boundaries (CRUD)

 As a user, I can create resumes, which include

education, prior jobs, salary history, publications,
presentations, community service, and an
 As a user, I can edit a resume.
 As a user, I can delete a resume.
 As a user, I can have multiple resumes.
 As a user, I can activate and inactivate resumes.
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
57 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Splitting a compound story, cont.

Split along data boundaries

 As a user, I can add and edit educational

information on a resume.
 As a user, I can add and edit prior jobs on a
 As a user, I can add and edit salary history on a
 As a user, I can delete a resume.
 As a user, I can have multiple resumes.
 As a user, I can activate and inactivate resumes.
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
58 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Other ways to split large stories
 Remove cross-cutting concerns
 Don’t meet performance targets
 Avoid splitting stories into tasks
 Avoid the temptation of related changes

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

59 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

 Tests demonstrate that a story meets the
customer’s expectations
 Strive for 90+% automation
As a novice user, I am
A user must find
able to complete
the software easy
common workflows
to use.
without training.

A user must
New screens appear
never have to
within 2 seconds in
wait long for a
95% of all cases.
screen to appear.
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
60 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Fixing stories
1) Assess the stories you’ve written for
fBay against the INVEST attributes.
2) Rewrite those that are do not meet
these criteria.
3) If you can’t figure out how to rewrite a
story, save it for class discussion.

Independent Estimatable
Negotiable Small
Valuable Testable
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
61 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

As an OEM procurement agent…

…I want the ability to search for suppliers based on criteria placed in an
input interface. The results include the following functionality:
 I am able to select one or more suppliers from the list of suppliers in
the database against which to perform the query.
 I input certain criteria into an interface, query the database, and
receive results as to which suppliers meet the criteria.
 The results are shown in order from highest match to lowest match
with a symbol to show complete match of required criteria and a bar
to show overall match. The list should be paginated and have a
certain discrete number of returns per page, with next/previous type
 The query should be performed on the Business Factors: Type of
Business, Location, and Supplier Size.
 The query should be performed on technical factors: material,
machine type, size, swing, axis.

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

62 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Today’s agenda
 What user stories are
 Users and user roles
 Gathering stories
 INVEST in good stories
 Why user stories?

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

66 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

So, why user stories?

 Shift emphasis from writing to talking

If requirements then The user will get

are written down what she wants

At best, she’ll get

what was written
 “You built what I asked for, but it’s not
what I need.”
All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software
67 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Actual examples
 Must the user enter a
The user can enter a
name. It can be 127
 Can it be other than 127

The system should  What does should mean?

prominently display a  What does prominently
warning message display mean?
whenever the user  Is invalid data defined
enters invalid data. elsewhere?

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

68 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Additional reasons
 Stories are comprehensible
 Developers and customers understand them
 People are better able to remember events if
they are organized into stories†
 Stories are the right size for planning
 Support and encourage iterative
 Can easily start with epics and disaggregate
closer to development time †
Bow er, Black, and Turner. 1979.
Scripts in Memory for Text.

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

69 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Yet more reasons
 Stories support opportunistic development
 We design solutions by moving opportunistically
between top-down and bottom-up approaches†
 Stories support participatory design
 Participatory design
 The users of the system become part of the team designing
the behavior of the system
 Empirical design
 Designers of the new system make decisions by studying
prospective users in typical situations

Guindon. 1990. Designing
the Design Process.

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

70 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Most importantly…
Don’t forget the

 The story text we write on cards is less

important than the conversations we
 “Stories represent requirements, they
do not document them.Ӡ

Rachel Davies, “The Pow er of Stories,” XP 2001.

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

71 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn

Mike Cohn contact information
 (303) 810–2190 (mobile)
 (720) 890–6110 (office)

All slides copyright 2000-2005, Mountain Goat Software

72 Slides copyright 2000-2004, Michael W. Cohn


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