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Agility - ability to change/ shift the direction

Physical Development of Primary Schoolers of the body
5. Power - ability to perform a maximum effort
Physical growth during middle childhood or the in the hottest possible period.
primary school years has a slow but steady pace
which highlights the following: (1) good muscle control Implications to Child Care, Education and
and coordination, (2) developing eye-hand Parenting
coordination, (3) good personal hygiene and (4) Healthcare providers, teachers and parents may
awareness of good safety habits. provide children with good nutrition and involve them
in coordinated and age-appropriate activities.
Height and Weight
Within this period, children increase in height by Cognitive Development of Primary Schoolers
about 2 inches by average which allows them to
perform activities or tasks with greater accuracy. Primary schoolers or elementary-aged children start
Weight gain, on the other hand, increases on the to develop a more mature way of looking at things
average of approximately 6.5 pounds a year. Factors and or circumstances. This cognitive milestone
that indicate how much a child grows or changes greatly enhances their problem-solving skills. Recall
include genes, food intake, climate, exercise, medical decentration from Piaget’s theory, children learn in a
conditions, and diseases/ illnesses. sequential manner that is dependent on the
development of the previous milestone they
Bones and Muscles achieved. At this stage they can already take on
Growth of bones and muscles are still incomplete at complex sequential symbolic tasks however,
this stage. Thus, middle childhood stage is the best reasoning is still immature.
time for parents and teachers to educate children of
good dietary and exercise habits that will aid in having Implications to Child Care, Education and
strong and healthy bones throughout one’s life. Parenting
Parents, teachers and childcare providers must
Motor Development understand that children have differing intelligence
At this stage of development, children tend to move a profiles which are based on the influences of learning
lot (i.e. running, skipping, hopping, jumping, rolling, and achievement. Listed below are ways wherein
dancing). Performing unimanual (requires the use of significant adults can recognize the varying
one hand) activities and bimanual (requires the use intelligence profiles of children:
of two hands) becomes easier while graphic • help children draw on their strengths and
activities (drawing and writing) becomes more promote growth in their weaknesses
controlled but continues to develop. The following are • plan lessons that cater to multiple
the highlights of motor development of primary intelligences based on instructional
schoolers: objectives.
• encourage children to read more every day
to increase their vocabulary
1. Coordination - series of organized and • bring children to museums, art exhibits and
timed movements to occur in a particular historical landmarks to widen their
way to perform a defined output. perspective about the world and people.
2. Balance - ability to maintain equilibrium/ • lessen children’s screen time and increase
stability of the body in different positions. personal and face-to-face interactions.
Static balance is the ability to maintain
equilibrium in fixed positions while dynamic Socio-emotional Development of Primary
balance is the ability to maintain equilibrium Schoolers
while in movement.
3. Speed - ability to cover a great distance in Children at this stage tend to become increasingly
the shortest possible time self-confident and are more capable of coping with
social interactions as they also become aware of
others' needs and desires. Recall that primary school 4. coordinating with parents and other teachers
age or middle childhood belongs under the fourth in order for children to have greater
stage of the psychosocial theory of Erikson where opportunities to interact with other children
children need to resolve and maintain a balance
between the crises in industry and inferiority. Having Furthermore, in relation to children’s socio-emotional
a sense of industry entails a situation where long compentecy, parents, teachers and health care
and patient work is demanded from a child while providers should be able to:
inferiority refers to the feeling of failure when a child 1. gain understanding of children’s socio-
cannot complete or master a task (i.e. school activity). emotional strengths and weaknesses
through observation of behavior at home;
Self-concept is the knowledge about the self- 2. work collaboratively with the parents of a
including one’s personality traits, physical child and health care provider to expand
characteristics, abilities, values, goals and roles. insights on a child’s development;
Primary schoolers have a growing understanding of 3. provide supportive setting where children
themselves as well as their place in the environment. have opportunities to practice emotional
Thus, parents and the growing number of people a regulation and social skills with peers;
child encounters have a great influence on a child’s 4. give out activities where children can
self-concept. practice taking turns, sharing and playing
Building friendships is also a crucial but essential part cooperatively;
of a child’s social and emotional growth. Children in 5. be a role model of healthy emotions and
the primary school age most likely belong to a peer expressing these emotions appropriately;
group. Peer groups refer to the grouping of children and
who belong under approximately similar age groups. 6. demonstrate calmness and staying in control
of one’s own feelings.
Implications to Child Care, Education and
Children under the primary school age begin to take
pride in their ability to do things and their capacity to
exert effort (these are instances wherein a child
exhibits self-control) and take pleasure in receiving
positive feedback from parents and teachers. This, in
turn, is a good opportunity for parents and teachers to
encourage positive emotional responses from
children by acknowledging their mature and
compassionate behaviors.

In some instances, a child might poke, pull, hit or kick

other children when they are first introduced. This is
not a sign of antisocial behavior but rather a normal
response to a new and unknown situation as children
at this stage are still forming their own world views.
Parents and teachers may assist in the process of
children making friends by:
1. exposing children to “kid-rich” environment
such as playgrounds or parks
2. creating play group in class and allow
children to mingle with eachother
3. reminding children that hitting and the likes
may be hurtful for others
LATE CHILDHOOD Children at this stage still have a lot of physical
Physical Development of Intermediate Schoolers maturation to go through despite the rise of many
physical changes they undergo at this period. Health-
Motor Skills care providers, teachers and parents must consider
During this period, greater opportunity in developing the following:
motor skill functioning is present because of changes • provide ample opportunities at home and in
arising gradually at this stage. They now have more school for physical exercises and sports
control over their bodies which pave the way for them • encourage children to participate in varied
to have greater freedom to choose whatever hobbies worthwhile activities until they are able to
or sports that interests them. Children at this stage discover their interest preferences
are centered on refining their motor skills which • develop a strong emotional attachment with
explains why they prefer active movements (such as children so as to address any insecurities
running, jumping, or playing) than passive and social concerns
movements (such as sitting or standing too long). • provide healthier food choices

Early Puberty Cognitive Development of Intermediate Schoolers

Late childhood generally ranges from ages 9 through Intermediate schoolers are concrete operational
12 or “preteens” period. This is likely the stage thinkers, as per Piaget’s theory of cognitive
wherein puberty begins. Puberty is the period in development. Children are now able to effectively
which the body undergoes physical changes and organize their thoughts, can logically perceive
becomes capable of sexual reproduction. This is likely immediate situations and can apply their learnings
the reason why there is a famous phrase usually towards a particular situation. In general, children at
connoted by parents, “raging hormones.” IT is this stage become very interested in talking about the
because the brain triggers and elicits the heightened future such that of their potential careers. Their logical
release of hormones in the body. More and more, at and reasoning skills allow them to think about what
this stage, the physical body goes through maturation they want and how to get it.
to the extent of conditioning for reproduction.
Although there are notable progress on their cognitive
Generally, girls become physically mature two years abilities, intermediate schoolers still have very limited
ahead of boys. Budding breasts for girls are the initial reasoning and logical thinking abilities. This is why
sign of puberty and some may also start with their proper guidance and nurturance from parents,
menstrual period as early as 8 years old while some teachers and the community is crucial in order for
have it as late as 13 years old. children to succeed in their intellectual endeavors.

Insecurities Creativity
This is a time when children may tend to be very Creativity is innate. This is true especially for children
concerned about their physical appearance. Girls may especially during this period that they are open to
start being conscious of their weight and decide to eat explore new things. Children are usually at their best
less. While for boys, they may become aware of their when the work is done in small pieces. Providing
stature and muscle size and strength. Thus, this may support and guidance is imperative. Note that
bring about insecurities to children under their activities encourage creativity when:
preteens. Parents and teachers must then be very • it encourages different responses from each
conscious of their dealings with these children. child;
Children must be given appropriately designed • it celebrates uniqueness;
activities that: • it breaks stereotypes.
• promote healthy growth • it values process over product.
• provide a feeling of accomplishment and; • it reduces stress and anxiety in children.
• reduce the risk of certain diseases. • it supports sharing of ideas, not only with the
teacher/ parent but also with other children;
Implications to child-care, education, and and
• it minimizes competition and external 3. creating an atmosphere where risks can be
rewards. taken and discoveries made while children
remain safe.
The impact of media
The innovations in technology, particularly in media,
has given learners more opportunity to:
1. communicate effectively in speech and in Socio-emotional Development of Intermediate
writing; Schoolers
2. work collaboratively; Friendships and family support
3. use technological tools; By the time children reach their late childhood years,
4. analyze problems, set goals, and formulate they already familiarize themselves with other children
strategies for achieving those goals; and and are used to interacting with others of different ages
5. seek out information or skills on their own, and gender. This is because most of their time is now
as needed, to meet their goals. spent outside of or away from home. Thus, less
supervision by adults is required as their peer size
As far as perks served on the platter, there are also increases. Building good peer relationships becomes
negative results of the media. Violence and very important for them that the approval and
aggression are often dubbed as one. Furthermore, belongingness they receive from others highly
Public Health Summit in 2000 listed some of these contributes to the stability and security of their
negative results: emotional development. Listed below are the five types
1. Children will increase anti-social and of peer status:
aggressive behavior.
2. Children may become less sensitive to
violence and those who suffer from violence. • Popular - frequently nominated as the ebay
3. Children may view the world as violent and friend and one who is rarely disliked by peers
mean, becoming more fearful of being a Popular children have particular skills that
victim of violence. peers find very positive which in turn makes
4. Children will desire to see more violence in them the most favored in the group. They
entertainment and real life. usually give out reinforcement, act naturally,
5. Children will view violence as an acceptable listen carefully and keep open
way to settle conflicts. communication. They are also happy and are
in control of their negative emotions as they
These put the responsibility to parents, teachers and show enthusiasm and concern for others.
the community as they are the one who allow and • Average - receive an average number of
provide unlimited access to media (i.e. allowing positive and negative nominations from peers
children to watch tv or online videos, play video • Neglected - very seldom nominated as best
games, browse for comics and other digital literaries, friend but is not really disliked.
listen to songs and their lyrics and more). Neglected children tend to participate less in
class. They have negative attitudes on school
Parents, child-care providers and teachers must tardiness and attendance. They are more
recognize that children have different intelligence often reported as being lonely while some are
profiles based on influences on learning and aggressive (i.e. in boys - the tendency to
achievement. It should be recognized through: become impulsive, disruptive and inattentive;
1. being an eager participant in children’s emotionally reactive and are slow to calm
growth and development; down; and have fewer social skills to make
2. understanding how to use the children’s and maintain friends).
natural curiosity to help make the • Rejected - infrequently nominated as a best
appropriate developmental leaps in their friend but one who is also disliked by peers
skills and abilities; and • Controversial - frequently nominated as a
best friend but at the same time is disliked by
• encourage children to talk about their feelings
Family is the primary support system of a child which without doing it forcefully.
is also crucial at this stage. Note that support systems • provide opportunities for children to build
make failures and setbacks of an individual temporary relationships with teachers and fellow
and surmountable. If they do not find support primarily classmates;
from their family members (e.g. in finding their • remind children that friendships have their
interests), they might get frustrated and may attribute ups and downs, and that occasional conflicts
these to personal flaws or deficits. and arguments can be healthy;
• design activities that allow children to work on
Self-concept their own and discover activities and hobbies
Feeling of self-competence is most recognized at this that they enjoy; and
stage where, according to Erikson, social crisis of • model healthy relationships.
industry vs. inferiority takes place. The sense of
competence should be growing at this stage of
development. Thus, they should be offered with ample
chances to experience both success and failure
alongside constant support and sincere feedback.
Children in their late childhood years are now able to
describe internal and psychological characteristics and
traits (e.g. “I’m brave and confident”). They employ
more social comparison (to distinguish oneself from
others) and are more capable of perspective taking
(or the ability to judge others’ intentions, purposes and
actions, give importance to social attitudes and
behaviors, and increase skepticism of others’ claims).
These abilities increase with age.

Emotional development
School-age children present notable improvement on
emotional understanding that various emotions can be
experienced at a single event or situation. This Is one
of the milestones in this stage of development.
Emotional intelligence (EQ) entails the ability to show
or conceal emotions, utilize ways to redirect feelings of
oneself and of others in order to guide and motivate
behavior. Furthermore, it is the extent to which one is
capable of understanding and managing emotions
towards more effective communication, building
emphatic relations and defusing conflicts. It has four
main areas:
• developing emotional self-awareness
• managing emotions (self-control)
• Reading emotions (perspective taking)
• Handling emotions (resolve problems)

Implications to childcare, education and parenting

Health-care providers, teachers and parents should be
able to:
• gain understanding of children’s socio-
emotional strengths and weaknesses.
ADOLESCENCE 3. this stimulation causes the secretion of
testosterone in the male sex organ and of
Physical Development of High estrogen in the female ovary.
School Learners
Physical, cognitive and socio-emotional changes Testosterone, in males, stimulates male
transition during the period of adolescence. It begins characteristics comprised by:
with the biological changes of puberty. As the fact • spermache enlargement of the testis gland
remains that developmental pace varies among that produces sperm in the scrotum, growth
individuals, adolescence may come: of the penis male organ for copulation
• as early as ages 11 - 12 (early adolescence) • capacity for ejaculation of male sperms
• at ages 14 - 16 (middle adolescence) • voice change
• at ages 17 - 20 (late adulthood) • facial hair development continuing growth of
pubic hair
Growth spurt
During adolescence, growth spurts take place Lowering of voice for males occurs late in puberty and
wherein hormonal levels rise. This results in changes is viewed to be the most obvious aspect of adolescent
to body dimensions (i.e. leg length, shoulder width, development. It is caused by enlargement of the
trunk length) where spurt in height is ascribed to trunk larynx and double lengthening of the vocal cords.
growth rather than leg growth. All muscular and
skeletal dimensions appear to take part in the growth In girls, estrogen secretion triggers the beginning of
spurts during adolescence. breast enlargement, appearance of pubic hair,
widening of the hips, and menarche or first
Girls generally experience growth sprout at age 10, menstruation. The elevation of the female breast is
peak at age 11 ½ and then slowly continue further for the first external sign of puberty in girls, accompanied
a few more years. On the other hand, growth spurts in by growth of the uterus and vagina. Generally, girls
boys begin at age 12, peak at age 14 and decline at achieve menarche beginning age 11 until age 13.
age 15 ½, while slow continual growth continues on There are ethnic differences such as African
for several more years. American and European American girls exhibiting
By the time girls reach age 16, 98% of adult height is secondary sex activities as early as 8 and 9 years;
generally obtained while boys do so at age 17. menarche as early as 11 and 12 years, respectively.
Growth in height is conditioned by stages in bone
maturation. The muscles also grow in terms of size In contrast with menarche, spermache signals the
and strength. Similar growth spurts occur for weight, first sign of puberty and sexual maturity in boys. The
muscle size, head and face maturation, and the need to discharge semen-mixed with a sticky fluid
reproductive organs. produced by the prostate gland-occurs periodically.
Discharge of semen occurs during sleep caused by
Hormones sexual dreams. It may also occur during conscious
During puberty, hormonal changes in the body are manipulation of the male sexual organ known as
complex. Hormones are powerful and highly masturbation. Religion strictly prohibits masturbation
specialized chemical substances that interact with that is coupled with sexual fantasies, but science
bodily cells. Hormonal changes in the hypothalamus liberally regards masturbation as a normal
and pituitary glands signal the entire process of phenomenon unless it becomes a habitual aberration
sexual maturation. The process entails: that may affect confidence in heterosexual (boy-and-
1. secretion of gonadotropic hormones by the girl) relationship.
anterior pituitary at the base of the brain
near the geometric center of the head The secular trend is a phenomenon of more rapid
2. Gonads (ovaries for the female and the physical maturation during this century. In the 1800s,
testis for the male) are then stimulated by girls in industrial societies had their first menstrual
the gonadotropic hormones, in turn period at age 15-17, and age later in repressed
stimulating their own hormones societies. Today boys reach their maximum height at
age 18-20 and age 13-14 for girls, but adult height
100 years ago was at 23-25 for boys and 19-20 for may suffer ostracism, hurtful jokes, and even
girls. The secular trend is ascribed to varied factors, violence.
such as: interaction of genetic and environmental Sexual orientation is a person's tendency to be
influences, improved health care and living attracted to people of the same sex (homosexual
conditions, and control of infectious diseases. Better orientations), of the opposite sex (heterosexual
nutrition is a major factor since this provides more orientation) or of both sexes (bisexual orientation)
protein and calories for humans from conception
upwards. Observably, the secular trend in industrial Self-esteem is defined as one's thoughts and feelings
countries appears to be levelling off while the about one's self-concept and identity. It is a major
experience of secular trends is just starting in peasant aspect of identity formation during the period of
economies of the world. adolescence is self-esteem. Most theories on self-
esteem state that there is a grand desire across all
Sexual identity genders and ages to maintain, protect and enhance
In 2005, Santrack said that adolescence is a time of self-esteem. There is no significant drop in self-
sexual exploration and experimentation with sexual esteem over the period of adolescence. Baseline self-
fantasies and realities of incorporating sexuality with esteem is stable across adolescence, but a
one's identity Santrack (Christopher, 2001). They are barometric (unstable) self-esteem may fluctuate
concerned about their body image sexual rapidly to cause severe distress and anxiety. Girls
attractiveness how to do sex and the future of their enjoy self-esteem through supportive relationships
sexual lives. Most adolescents manage to develop a with friends or others who can provide social and
mature sexual identity but a number go through it with moral support. In contrast, boys are more prone to
much confusion. assert independence in defining their relationships,
deriving self-esteem from their ability to successfully
Sexual identity involves sexual orientation, activities, influence others.
interests, and styles of behavior (Bugwell & The lack of romantic competence failure to meet the
Rosenthal, 1996). Some adolescents are very affection of the opposite sex-can be a major
anxious about sex and sexually active. Others are contributor to low self-esteem in adolescent boys. In a
only a bit anxious about sex and are sexually inactive. Meyer study, the end of a romantic relationship can
It is also at this period when most gay/lesbian and affect both boys and girls, but girls are twice as likely
transgenders begin to recognize and make sense of to experience depression, while boys are three to four
their feelings. times more likely to commit suicide.

Development analyst Froiden proposed a model for Implications for child care, education and
the development of homosexual identity: parenting
1. sensitization marked by the child's To meet the physical development of adolescent
becoming aware of same sex attractions children, parents need to be aware of manifestations
2. identity confusion when the youth is of behavioral patterns that require closer
overwhelmed with feelings of inner turmoil communication, guidance and support. The teen is
regarding sexual orientation especially addicted to modern gadgets for music
3. identity assumption when adolescents listening, video games, mobile phone
come out of the family and assumes a self- communication, and social media posting which
definition as gay, lesbian or bisexual, and cause shorter sleeping time that may contribute
4. commitment when the young adult adopts a to increased levels of daytime drowsiness,
sexual identity as a lifestyle. Coming to sleeping problems and depression. In school,
terms with a positive LGBT (lesbian, gay, teachers need to be aware of the possible drop in
bisexual and transgender) identity is usually self-esteem among adolescent learners. The
difficult for variety of reasons, including teacher's support is crucial to protect adolescent
family, race and religious cultures. Risks to learners against severe distress and anxiety over
the homosexual adolescent are real amid a their school work and social relationships.
heteronormative environment and LGBTs
Body image
Consciousness about body image is strong during the From the lens of Piaget’s theory, adolescents are
adolescent period. It is important that adolescents feel operational thinkers. Incorporate that operational
confident about how they look, but the physical thinking demonstrates how the cognitive capacity of
features of the human body (facial looks, body size, the adolescent allows him/ her to go beyond the
color of skin, etc.) depend on genetic heritage which sensible and concrete in order to dwell on what is
must be respected. However, there is more to body abstract, hypothetical and possible. Furthermore,
image than physical looks and these concern good formal operational thinking consists of:
habits in relation to: • Propositional thinking - making assertions
• cleanliness and grooming, outside visual evidence, and stating what may
• proper wearing of clothes according to be possible in things not seen by the eyes (for
current styles, example, whether an unseen object is red or
• erect body posture, green, big or small, flat or round).
• eye contact while communicating, and • • Relativistic thinking subjectively making an
decorum (good form and confidence) and opinion on facts - involving one's own bias,
decency. prejudice of distortion of facts - which may be
either right or wrong (e.g. arguing for or
Cognitive Development of High against the superiority of the races, whether
School Learners white, brown, yellow or black).
During adolescence, there is a decrease in egocentric • Real versus possible - examining a situation
thoughts and thinking takes more of an abstract form. and exploring the possible in terms of
This allows the individual to think and reason in a wider situations or solutions (e.g. possible success
perspective. Behavioral studies also show the in implementing a student project or a school
development of executive functions comprised by policy).
cognitive functions that enable the control and
coordination of thoughts and behavior. Adolescence is An indication of formal operational thinking is the ability
therefore a period of human development that has of the adolescent thinker for combinational analysis,
great influence on the individual's future life through which is his taking stock of the effects of several
character and personality formation. variables in a situation, testing one variable at a time,
Changes in thinking patterns are marked by the and not randomly (ie. school laboratory experiment
acquisition of new cognitive skills due to the brain's where high school students test chemical elements
increasing in weight and refining synaptic connections singly and in combination, resulting in an
(technically known as corpus collosum) which join understanding of chemical changes).
and coordinate the two hemispheres of the brain.
Another brain development is myelination or the Hypothetic-deductive reasoning emerges in
process of correlated temporal and parietal areas. This adolescent reasoning from general facts / situations to
second development covers the brain systems whose a particular conclusion. This involves deducing from
executive functions relate to attention, verbal fluency, variables, generating and recognizing a truth,
language and planning. Ages 12, 15, and 18.5 were expressed by the transitional process of deriving a
identified as the three peaks in brain maturation conclusion from a hypothesis.
(these coincide with operational thinking processes for
logical reasoning) by neurological scientists through Siegler's Information Processing Skills
brain scanning technology. Adolescents begin to Robert Siegler views the influence of the environment
acquire spatial awareness and formulate abstract or on thinking. He sees cognitive growth, not as stages of
general ideas involving numbers, order, and cause- development, but more of a sequential acquisition of
effect. All these changes propel the adolescent from specific knowledge and strategies for problem-solving.
the world of sensible and concrete thoughts to the He observes the quality of information the adolescent
world of the possible and universal ideas (e.g. general processes that influences him/her in facing tasks at
ideas about the good, true and beautiful). hand through strategies or rules. In his experiments,
Siegler used rule models in relation to balance, weight,
Formal operational thinking distance, conflict-weight, conflict-distance, and other
conflict balance problems. He examined the correct
and wrong answers to each of the problems, drawing 6. Goal orientation (efficiency and energy in
out rule models in thinking and knowing. He was able organizing, planning, setting target,
to derive that adolescents may show the following: prioritizing long-term goals over short-term
• speed in information processing, coupled rewards); and
with greater awareness and control and 7. Control over anxiety (well composed and
acquired knowledge base - a more efficient relaxed performance of organized tasks).
kind of thinking compared with that of the
child On the other hand, the adolescent may also perform
• complexity by way of considering longer- below the standards (underachievement). Possible
term implications and possibilities beyond potentials do not cope with the opportunity to learn and
the here-and-now, and score in the top quarter of measured academic ability.
• increased volume of information Grades are below measured aptitudes for academic
processing coupled with longer memory achievement. Underachievement may become more
span along many areas or domains of pronounced when high school class work becomes
knowledge. The adolescent thus transforms more demanding. Withdrawn underachievers refer to
from being a novice to becoming a near- those who have a more pronounced tendency to be
expert. passive resulting in being submissive and docile. They
follow the path of no resistance, not reacting to given
Metacognition is the ability to identify one's own assignments and school regulations. Generally quiet,
thinking processes and strategies inclusive of they do not participate in class activities. Aggressive
perception, memory, understanding, application, underachievers are those who tend to be talkative,
analysis, assessment and innovation. disruptive, and rebellious.

Overachievement & Underachievement Behavior and adolescent cognitive growth

Adolescence is a period of increased capabilities of Behavioral tendencies may accompany cognitive
students to achieve very high academic grades. growth during adolescence. These are:
Factors such as motivation, interest, work habits and 1. Egocentrism. This is the adolescent’s tendency to
personality development are also considered think too much of themselves, while being too sensitive
determinants for achievement aside from IQ tests. to social acceptance of their appearance, actions,
However, an overachieving adolescent may feelings, ideas, etc. Egocentric teens feel they are
demonstrate superior work habits, greater interest in being watched like an actor on stage; keep an
school work, more consistency in doing assignments, imaginary audience who are strict critics of dress,
and more grade/ performance consciousness. Overall, behavior, or performance. One egocentric strain is an
they show more responsibility, consciousness and exaggerated feeling of self-importance which may lead
planning compared with "normal" achievers. to murky early boy-girl relationships, dangerous
Characteristics of overachievers are: escapades and adventures.
1. Positive self- value (self-esteem, 2. Idealism. This refers to imagining the far-fetched
confidence, optimism); and less ideal situations at home, in school, and in
2. Openness to authority (responsive to society. The teen may imagine a utopia or heaven on
expectations of parents and teachers); earth leading to discouragement when social realities
3. Positive interpersonal relations become harsh (e.g. unexpected low grades, family
(responsive and sensitive to feelings of discord, etc.)
others); 3. Increased argumentativeness. Teens enjoy
4. Less conflict on the issue of self- learning by group dynamics including role play,
autonomy (feels freedom to make right discussion, debate, and drama.
choices, initiates and leads activities);
5. Academic orientation (disciplined work Implications to adolescent care, education, and
habits, high motivation to discover and learn, parenting
interest in study values and varied fields of Parents and teachers must be able to recognize the
study); cognitive development paths among adolescents and
create situations that will foster higher thinking skills office messengers, personnel. These adolescent
through: attitudes and abilities demonstrate:
• Activities at home e.g. asking teenage • self-reliance - working independently without
children for suggestions on family matters-- stress;
house physical arrangements, things to buy, • money management not spending money
places to go to for family outing, etc. on luxuries, much less on alcohol and drugs;
• Allowing more independence e.g., use of • social responsibility - cooperation and
school allowances, choice on what to wear, respect for other including superiors
etc. • work orientation - pride in work and quality
• Activities in school that allow participation, of work; • personal responsibility - assuming
such as projects, field trips, joint internet tasks independently and competitively; and
research, etc., and • positive attitude to work - work is seen as a
• Develop reading skills through magazine gainful and wholesome activity and not a
articles, Internet blogs. burden.

Developing occupational skills Socio-emotional Development of High

Senior High School Grades 11 and 12 were designed School Learners
to provide attention to occupational skills that are Teens develop social cognition in the context of family
absent even among college graduates. The structure, school, community, and media. He/ she
Department of Labor and Employment reports that exhibits emotions that need to be regulated for success
there is mismatch between academic preparation and and for one’s own well-being.
job skills thus worsening the gap between employable Emotions (commonly known as human feelings) are
school graduates and potential jobs or employment. manifested by varied conscious or unconscious
Theorist John Holland has identified basic personality moods. A more accurate description is that it is a
factors that match with attitude and work preferences: subjective reaction to internal or external stimulus that
• Realistic - This personality type prefers involves physical change, action or appraisal. The
practical tasks, including those requiring unique patterns of emotions are:
physical labor and motor coordination, and 1. event that is strong or important
less of interpersonal skills (e.g. carpentry, 2. physiological changes in heart pulse rate,
driving, etc.). brain activity, hormone levels and body
• Investigative - This prefers tasks that are temperature
conceptual such as in the fields of science 3. readiness for action often described as
and technology as chemists, scientists, "fight or flight."
technologists, etc. 4. dependence of the emotion on how the
• Conventional - This prefers structured tasks stimulus is appraised or interpreted.
that cater to the needs of others, such as in
office jobs and manual labor. According to biologists, the Autonomic Nervous
• Enterprising - this prefers independence and System (ANS) controls emotional reactions. The ANS
innovation in business and other enterprises is connected to most of the glands and muscles in the
that reflect autonomy and personal initiative. body. The system has two parts: the sympathetic part
• Artistic - this prefers unstructured tasks that which excites or arouses and the parasympathetic
show ability for self-expression such as from part which depresses body functions. These parts
artists, musicians, and performers. coordinate for arousal or slowing down amid the
challenges of life.
Adolescents may also show capability for multitasking,
later becoming professionals (i.e., doctors who are at Positive and negative emotions
the same time business entrepreneurs). Early on Positive emotions like interest and joy motivate the
adolescents may show abilities for gainful work, later individual to continue his/her behavior. On the other
on becoming self-supporting in college, by entering the hand, negative emotions may cause withdrawal from
service sector as fast-food employees, salesclerks, what may be perceived as bad or dangerous. For
Charles Darwin there are six basic emotions, namely particularly vulnerable to online socializing, while boys
interest, joy/ happiness, sadness, anger, disgust socializing in Internet cafes lower their academic work
and fear. Other scientists expanded the list to include and achievement. Socially insecure teens become
love, pride, hope, gratitude, compassion, jealousy and victims rather than beneficiaries of the modern
anxiety. gadgets’ innovations of the digital age.

Social emotions start to emerge as early as the

toddler years (15-24) months) with feelings such as
envy, embarrassment, shame, guilt and pride. References:
Observable emotions during these years may not be Corpuz, B., Lucas, M.R., Borabo, H.G. & Luciso,
accurate, but they can be a problem if not controlled. P. (2018). The Child and Adolescent Learners
In time, emotional competence can be developed by and Learning Principles. Lorimar Publishing Inc.
the child and this means he/she gains the ability to Philippines.
regulate emotions and understand the emotions of
other people. Papalia, D. E., Olds, S. W., & Feldman, R. D.
(2007). Human development (10th ed.).
Girls are more skilled in regulating emotions, but they
are more likely than boys to be anxious, and twice as
likely to be depressed. Adolescent girls are more likely
than boys to have both negative and positive
interactions with family and friends..

Adolescents especially feel stress, usually from

relationships with parents, friends, sweethearts, also
from pressure of school work. Thus adolescents are
stereotyped as moody and negative, poor emotion
control. Some studies argue against stereotyping
adolescents pointing at other emotions among teens
such as feeling bored, tired, sleepy, social discomfort
like awkwardness and loneliness. Generally,
adolescents are seen to tend to emotions from social
evaluation such as feeling embarrassed when being
looked at, also only fairly happy most of the time. Other
observations are that most adolescents are not moody,
while some are frequently angry, anxious or sad. Thus,
educators must recognize and address the needs
of teenagers who are chronically unhappy or
moody as it is imperative to understand that
emotional negativity for adolescents is a normal
phase of their development.

Social media
Adolescents have easy access to the culture of various
media and social media, including computers, cell
phones, video games, music devices, FM radio and
cable television. Findings indicate that electronic
communication negatively affects adolescents' social
development. As face-to-face communication is
replaced, social skills are impaired sometimes leading
to unsafe interaction with those who use social media
to exploit others financially or sexually. Girls are

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