SPE 90836 Well-Completion Techniques and Methodologies For Maintaining Underbalanced Conditions Throughout Initial and Subsequent Well Interventions

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SPE 90836

Well-Completion Techniques and Methodologies for Maintaining Underbalanced

Conditions Throughout Initial and Subsequent Well Interventions
Travis W. Cavender and Henry L. Restarick, Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper will explore the strategies, techniques and tool
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and systems required 1) to maintain an underbalanced condition
Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 26–29 September 2004.
throughout the initial well completion phase and during all
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
future remedial operations, and 2), to create a cost-effective
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to solution that will enhance and accelerate maximum reservoir
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at drainage.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of To this end, if underbalanced technology is approached as
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is a production enhancement technique that starts at the initial
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous stage of drilling the well and continues throughout the life of
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
the well, the end result will be that the value of the reservoir
will be increased, and will be collected within in a shorter
period of time.
Underbalanced drilling (UBD) is undoubtedly one of the Introduction
“hottest” topics in the oilfield today. Although not a new The major problems created by drilling and completing oil and
concept, UBD has just recently come of age, as the benefits it gas wells in overbalanced conditions have been due to fluid
offers to the oil and gas industry have been noted only within loss to the formation and include:
the last few years. Underbalanced drilling offers many notable (1) formation damage caused by swelling of clay minerals
advantages, which include: within the formation
1. Reducing formation damage (2) formation damage due to particle invasion into the
2. Increasing the rate of penetration (ROP) and bit life. formation
3. Allowing the reservoir to be tested and evaluated (3) formation damage due to dissolution of matrix
while drilling. cementation promoting migration of fines within the
4. Reducing the number of trips into the hole formation
5. Minimizing differential sticking of pipe (4) flow channel blockage by precipitates caused by ionic
6. Limiting lost circulation interaction between well servicing fluids, drilling fluids
7. Facilitating early production while drilling and formation fluids
8. Accessing depleted or low-pressure reservoirs (5) interaction between well servicing fluids and formation
9. Selecting TD from inflow performance. fluids causing emulsion blocks, water block, or changes in
The benefits of the above are obvious; therefore, they will wetability of a producing sand
not be discussed in depth in this paper. (6) flow-channel blockage due to viscous fluids creating a
While UBD technology has come a long way since the barrier in the near well bore region.
early wells that were brought in via gushers that rose above Although minimizing formation damage from fluid loss in

the wooden derricks, underbalanced drilling can only supply itself is a major reason to consider drilling and completing
part of the solution once drilling procedures are concluded, underbalanced, there are other significant advantages that can
and the completion phase begins; the primary operational be derived from applying this concept. Since underbalanced
drivers change. Rather than focusing on such activities as techniques can control or eliminate the problems listed above,
drilling performance and formation evaluation while drilling, more efficient wells can be planned, and the number of wells
the completion drivers target the reduction of fluid loss and the needed to meet production requirements in a field
elimination of formation damage. Thus, attaining a total development program can be reduced.1,2
solution requires that underbalanced conditions not only are The economic benefits of increasing production from a
maintained during the completion and for the life of the well, reduced number of wells will not be covered in depth in this
but also throughout any future well interventions. paper. Instead, the discussion will focus on the equipment and
Unfortunately, the advances in underbalanced completion systems that are needed to maintain these conditions
technology have lagged behind those seen in underbalanced throughout the life of the well.
2 SPE 90836

Underbalanced Completions Using a Well-Control • OD/ID requirements for either casing size and/or
Valve openhole size
The need for a multiple-use tool for isolation of the reservoir • Bit-size requirements for drilling through the well-control
during underbalanced operations was identified early in the valve
process of determining the primary needs of the technology, • Whether the installation is permanent or temporary.
both to ease the complexity of operations and also to address
the need for enhanced safety. A solution to this problem has Underbalanced Completions in Retrospect
been pursued for some time with varying degrees of success. Over the years, many wells have been completed using
Initially, subsurface safety valves were pressed into the service underbalanced or “live well” completion techniques. Many of
and worked well in spite of the limited setting depth of the these wells were drilled conventionally using overbalanced
hydraulic activating system these valves use. The benefit of drilling methods; however, the completion strategies required
using the subsurface safety valve was that it was reusable, and an underbalanced completion technique to minimize or
therefore, helped in the tripping and drilling stages of well eliminate formation damage. This technique was a common
construction. In addition, it was not restricted to a liner approach in completing live wells that required high-rate
deployment system. However, the setting-depth limitation stimulation treatments. Due to the stimulation-rate
became the restricting factor in lateral length when requirements, these treatments were pumped down casing to
underbalanced horizontal wells were being planned, and it was minimize friction pressure. Once treated, the well was
not always possible to set these tools deeper than the pipe light unloaded, which meant that the production assembly would
depth; thus, they did not provide a satisfactory solution. have to be installed without killing the well.
The second-generation system used a packer deployment A common approach that did not require snubbing was to
system in which a retrievable packer/bridge plug was set at the deploy a production packer assembly using electric line. The
required depth in the casing to act as a downhole lubricator. production packer assembly would typically include a wireline
The packer would then be retrieved by the liner and run to re-entry guide and pup joints, which straddled a landing
bottom. This system had the advantage of versatility in setting nipple. Prior to deployment, a wireline plug would be set in
depth but was solely a liner-deployment tool and did not the landing nipple profile and pressure tested. Once set, the
eliminate the requirement to snub on trips. There was also the pressure would be bled off the casing, which would permit
risk that the liner could not be run to depth if the packer loading the well with packer fluid and conventional
became stuck in the openhole section. deployment of the production tubing. Then, the wireline plug
More recently, industry efforts have been directed toward would be retrieved and the well turned on for production.
designing a built-for-purpose working valve that can satisfy Running production packers in this manner called for a
the requirements of drilling and completing underbalanced pressure-tested lubricator assembly and a wireline grease
rather than meeting the standards set for hydraulically injector. Since the packer assembly and setting tool had to be
controlled subsurface safety valves. This change in housed inside the lubricator assembly, the assembly length
philosophy enables the designers to build working valves that was kept to a minimum.
will perform effectively in traditional hole and casing sizes. Numerous through-tubing completion techniques have also
Today, the industry has a number of different types of been used to maintain underbalanced conditions during
casing well-control valves that support underbalanced drilling production assembly deployments. In an offshore
operations. These valves include flapper and ball-type environment, the sub-surface safety valve was also used as a
closures with mechanical and hydraulic actuation. All have lubricator device. While this practice is still used today, there
unique advantages, and the appropriate choice will depend on are obvious limitations that include severe flow restrictions.
the operator’s requirements. Also, this type of through-tubing completion strategy must be
The hydraulic type is actuated from the surface via a planned during design of the initial production tubing and
control line, and the mechanical type is actuated by the drilling completion setting.
or completion bottomhole assembly (BHA). The mechanical
type eliminates the need for specially designed wellheads as Types of Underbalanced Completion Systems
well as the time, cost and problems often experienced with Presently Available
running control lines. Also, the mechanical type can be run A. Slotted-Liner and Screen-Only Completion Systems
below a liner hanger to any depth. The placement or depth Slotted-liner and screen-only completions are usually run on a
and type of the casing well-control valve must consider the work string. This method allows a washpipe assembly to be
following factors: run through the liner assembly, which in turn, allows
• Setting depth circulation ahead of the liner if low-side debris should be a
• Pressure rating problem while running the completion through the openhole
• Drillstring buckling section. The setting tool will have an isolation sleeve across
• Casing wear the hydraulic setting port to eliminate the possibility of
• Pipe-light conditions hydraulically pre-setting the packer should circulation be
• Completion length required. The packer setting ball will move the isolation
• Distance of valve from casing shoe and float equipment sleeve down and allow the packer to be set. This system also
• Liner hanger position allows an openhole cleaning procedure to be performed before
• Cementing operations setting the packer or while pulling the washpipe out of the
SPE 90836 3

hole through the liner section. The system has a double-valve valve that provides well control during the production tubing
liner float shoe and washpipe pump-through check valves that deployment.
allow work-string connection make-up while going in the hole
underbalanced. After running the completion to depth and C. One Trip Completions Run on the Production Tubing
setting and testing the completion packer, the wash pipe check One-trip completions can be run on the production tubing if
valves allow the work string to be pulled out of the hole until a the openhole section is competent, and circulating ahead of the
completion well-control valve, located below the completion completion assembly is not required to place the liner setting
packer, is shifted to the closed position. A shifting tool on bottom. This type of completion can set the packer above
located just above the wash pipe seal assembly is used to close or below the casing well-control valve (Fig. 15).
the valve. Figs. 1 through 13 show the steps of completing a Other one-trip completion systems include packer-only
slotted-liner completion underbalanced, starting with the barefoot completions (Fig. 16). A pump-through pump-out
deployment of the well-control valve (Fig. 1) to the plug, which holds pressure from below, is used to allow the
production stage (Fig. 13). production tubing connection make-up when the completion is
There are a number of different types of completion well- run in the underbalanced situation. If a mechanical casing
control valves. They include both ball and flapper types that well-control valve is used in this application, the lock-open
hold pressure both from below only or from either direction. sleeve is part of the pump-through plug assembly. A ball is
Some completion well-control valves are remotely operated dropped to remove the plug from the end of the completion. If
from the surface via pressure cycles to lock them open, or they the packer should be pulled for any reason, the well-control
can be shifted to the open position by the production seal valve will be shifted to the closed position.
assembly. In most cases, these valves can be re-used if the
production tubing has to be pulled out of the hole. D. Low-Reservoir-Pressure Electric-Submersible-Pump
(ESP) Completions
B. Sand-Control Alternatives Underbalanced completion applications include drilling in
To date, most of the underbalanced well candidates have been low-pressure reservoirs that are characterized by many fragile
drilled in competent reservoirs that do not require the microfractures. If these fractures are damaged due to any
deployment of sand control completions. However, as overbalance in pressure, the production potential of these
underbalanced drilling evolves to other types of reservoirs, so reservoirs will be lost for the producing life of the well. An
will the downhole completion requirements that will require overbalance may occur during production if a column of fluid
such capabilities as controlling formation solids during the in the production tubing reaches a height greater than the
producing life of the well. Various sand-control techniques reservoir pressure. In this case, the fluid-loss-control device
can be considered and successfully installed while maintaining must be closed in order to isolate and protect the reservoir.
underbalanced conditions throughout the deployment process. When the well is flowing, the well flow lifts a poppet off seat
Conventional sand-control options such as slotted liners or and allows fluid to be produced. When the flow is stopped,
“stand alone” screens can be used, and expandable screens the tool will close and prevent the fluid in the tubing from
(Fig. 14), and gravel packing are also viable alternatives. flowing back into the formation.
An expandable screen assembly can also be configured to The device is designed as part of the underbalanced
permit underbalanced deployment. The expandable assembly completion, which in many cases, is located below the ESP.
would be deployed in the openhole section and hung-off in the For this application, the fluid-loss-control device will function
casing below the casing well-control valve. Once the screen without well intervention and is designed to operate in a solids
assembly is expanded, the casing well-control valve is closed environment. If a situation develops that requires the fluid-
as the expansion assembly service tool is removed from the loss device to be retrieved from the well, a production sleeve
wellbore. In a separate trip into the wellbore, a tie-back located below the packer will shift to the closed position to
completion packer assembly is tied back into the top of the maintain the isolation of the underbalanced reservoir.
expandable assembly and set above the casing well-control The fluid loss device is run on tubing and is locked in
valve. The tie-back assembly will have a completion well- place using a ratch-latch locator that does not require rotation
control valve that will provide well control during the for installation. The ratch-latch is disengaged by either
production tubing deployment. rotation or straight pull. It may also be pulled with the ESP
An underbalanced gravel-packing deployment process pump completion string provided the retrieving tool is run
would be similar to the conventional and expandable screen below the ESP. If through-tubing zone intervention is
process. The gravel-pack assembly would be lubricated into required, a plug below the isolation packer is retrieved, and
the well using the casing well-control valve. Once the gravel- this action will allow access across the formation. This device
pack assembly is deployed into the openhole section, the enables the well to maintain an underbalanced condition for
gravel-pack packer can be positioned either above or below the life of the well.
the casing well-control valve. Once the gravel-pack packer is
set and tested, the gravel placement process begins using a E. Fiber-Optic-Sensor Completion Systems
predetermined underbalanced fluid system ranging from foam Fiber-optic installations can also be used in underbalanced
to a conventional lighter completion-fluid system. As with the completions and can be run either above or below the
“stand-alone screen application, the underbalanced gravel- completion packer and set above or below the completion
pack completion system includes a completion well-control well-control valve. The unique advantages offered by the
4 SPE 90836

Fiber-Optic-Sensors include Distributed Temperature Sensing To affect the desirable criteria, the design must be capable
(DTS), which enables temperature to be measured at any point of providing:
along the fiber. Often run in conjunction with DTS, the 1. Sand Control options to prevent partial or catastrophic
Pressure Transmission System (PTS) uses a capillary tube sand-control failure and its subsequent damage to the
attached to a pressure chamber within the completion string. downhole safety systems and surface facilities. The junction
The PTS is capable of measuring minute fluctuations in must be designed to allow many sand control options,
pressure. Fig. 17 shows 2 options in fiber optic completions. including screen only, slotted liner, and expandable screens
completions. If the underbalanced reservoir would
Future Concepts in Underbalanced Completions accommodate some type of pumping or circulating treatment,
With the current risks and significant costs that can be the design must allow other possible options such as alternate-
associated with drilling and completion systems, it is not flow-path screens and foam sand-control methods. If reservoir
surprising that the industry feels compelled to pursue any new formation requirements differ, each lateral section must be
concept that shows promise of eliminating the problems that capable of incorporating different sand-control methods.8,9
can be encountered during the construction process. Many
ideas for linking other types of completion systems with 2. High Collapse Pressure Rating of the Junction and
underbalanced technology have been considered. These ideas all multilateral equipment would exceed the absolute pressure
include underbalanced horizontals, multilaterals3,4,5,6,7, and differential. This would ensure integrity of the well for the
intelligent well systems. expected drawdown and pressure depletion conditions
The following discussion provides an example of an throughout well life.
underbalanced concept that promises to combine all the

advantages of underbalanced technology with those of the 3. Selective Access to All Legs during the entire life of
completion technique in this case, a multilateral well. the well (well construction, completion and further well-
The underbalanced multilateral completion system operation stages) should be possible.10 The design also should
(presently in the conception stage) will have capability to allow all the drilling, completion, well intervention, and
reduce the level of complexity in the well design and increase production logging tools to pass through the junction into each
the probability of success of the multilateral completion. The leg as needed. Finally, each lateral should have isolation
design will focus on minimizing the number of trips into the capability so that selective production, well testing, and
hole, which will limit the exposure to potential borehole reservoir management can be achieved.
stability problems. With the system currently under
consideration, several critical trips have been eliminated. Design Principle
These concern retrieval of the whipstock packer and washing The underbalanced multilateral system will allow the main or
over the liner top. Also, the system will eliminate the risk of parent wellbore section to be drilled and cased using
lateral misalignment and junction collapse due to reservoir conventional overbalanced methods. The lateral sections to
depletion conditions that might occur during well life. The the offset reservoirs will be drilled underbalanced. If an
number of special downhole tools required has been unwanted zone, such as a water zone or a shale zone, is
minimized because standard liner hangers, whipstock packers, encountered while drilling to the target reservoir, that section
completion systems, and liner types can be used with this can be isolated using expandable casing that is tied back and
system. Also, intelligent completions and expandable linked to the parent wellbore casing at the junction. The
technology as well as expandable casing and expandable junction can be isolated above and below by design and is
screens are compatible. The completion will be a TAML isolated from any other junction drilled below it. The
(Technology Advancement for Multi-Lateral) Level 5 junction underbalanced lateral sections being drilled use the casing
(Fig. 18). well control valve. Upon casing the unwanted section, drilling
the underbalanced section to the reservoir is continued. If
Design Basis other unwanted formations are encountered, expandable
The following criteria were considered necessary for the casing can be set again, thus forming a monobore lateral
completion design: section.
• Minimization of operational risks This MLT design will allow underbalanced drilling to
• Simplicity of installation operations various reservoirs with different pressures from the same
• Optimization of production capabilities parent wellbore and will allow these reservoirs to be produced
• Minimization of installation time and the number of trips in spite of differing pressures.
• Elimination of any lateral liner misalignment with the Intelligent well technology will also allow production
primary bore control as the reservoir pressures change in the various lateral
• Provision for sand control/gravel pack compatibilities sections during the life of the well.
• Provision for expandable casing or expandable screen
compatibilities Safety
This paper would not be complete without mentioning the
• Elimination of retrieving whip stocks and washing over
risks of drilling underbalanced. Obviously, careful planning
liner tops
and attention to detail are a prerequisite. To be successful,
• Reduction of cost (Equipment development and purchase
safety must be a team effort so that the correct skills and
resources will be applied by all involved personnel throughout
SPE 90836 5

all stages of the process. Health, safety and environmental Acknowledgments

management should be a top priority at all times. This The authors wish to thank the management of Halliburton
statement can not be over emphasized. Energy Services, Inc. for their foresight and encouragement in
the development of underbalanced techniques.
A primary driver for development of any new concept is its References
potential to enhance economics by increasing reservoir 1. Beveridge, M., Robb, T., Herron, S: “A Novel Underbalanced
production potential and allowing the production to be Perforating Gun Deployment System Using Production Packer
accelerated. These facts have been proven by the industry’s Technology Successfully Completes HP/HT Offshore
pursuit of such concepts as multilateral wells, intelligent wells, Horizontal Well in a Single Trip,” SPE Paper No. 78313
presented at the 13th European Petroleum Conference held in
real-time data acquisition, horizontal technology and the many Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K. 29-31 October 2002.
other attempts that have been seen to integrate several 2. Williams, M. Lewis, D., Bernard, C.J. “A Safe Approach to
technologies to gain the operational benefits of both. Having Drilling Underbalanced Starts with Project Management,” SPE
realized that underbalanced technology can accomplish 85294 paper presented at the SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling
sought-after economic goals as well and provide more cost- Technology Conference & Exhibition held in Abu Dhabi, UAE,
effective solutions for accelerating maximum reservoir 20-22 October 2003
drainage, the industry has sought to combine underbalanced 3. Stalder, J.L.,York, G.D , Kopper, R. J., Curtis, C. M, Cole, T. L.,
techniques into all stages of well life as well. Research is now and Copley, J.H.: ”Multilateral-Horizontal Wells Increase Rate
focusing on maximizing the positive effects of drilling oil and and Lower Cost Per Barrel in the Zuata Field, Faja,” Venezuela,
Paper SPE 69700 presented at the 2001 SPE International
gas wells by developing underbalanced completion systems so Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium, Porlamar,
that underbalanced conditions can be maintained indefinitely. Margarita Island, Venezuela, 12-14 March 2001.
The technology for completion systems is only in its 4. Boardman, D.W.: “Design Considerations for a Heavy Oil
infancy, and the industry is just now looking for the keys that Multilateral Well,” Paper SPE 39086 presented at the 5th Latin
can preserve underbalanced well conditions though out the life American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference
of the well. Casing well-control valves are a major enabling and Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 30 August – 3 September
technology for all aspects of underbalanced operations. Tools 1997.
of this nature simplify the process and decrease the risk 5. Brister, R., and Oberkircher, J.: “The Optimum Junction Depth for
involved in all aspects of deploying bottomhole assemblies Multilateral Wells,” Paper SPE 64699 presented at the SPE
International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China
during the underbalanced operation. This includes tripping held in Beijing, China, 7–10 November 2000.
and deployment of completions. 6. DeMong, K., Al-Yami, A., Lambe, S.: “The Application of
Completion solutions that have capability to maintain Pressure Isolated Multilateral Junction Improves Economics in
underbalanced conditions throughout well production, Offshore Arabian Gulf,” Paper IADC/SPE77201 presented at
including subsequent remedial well interventions, are now a the IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference
reality for most underbalanced conditions. In some cases, held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 9-11 September 2002.
underbalanced technology has shown that it can rival the 7. Brister, R.: “Screening Variables for Multilateral Technology,”
production advantages obtained from stimulation by paper SPE 64698 presented at the SPE International Oil and Gas
minimizing the formation damage that is created during Conference and Exhibition in China held in Beijing, China, 7–
10 November 2000.
conventional over-balanced drilling methods. 8. Cavender, T. Roane, T.O., Restarick, H.L: “Concerns and
The advances recently noted in completion technology Solutions for Interfacing Fracturing and Sand Control
were not considered possible 10 years ago. It seems certain Completion Strategies into Multilateral Technology,” Paper
that before too long, the industry will be as comfortable with OTC 15132, presented at the 2003 Offshore Technology
integrating underbalanced concepts with all other areas of well Conference, Houston, Texas, 5–8 May 2003.
development as it has become with underbalanced drilling and 9. Lougheide, D., Lutchman, K., Anthony, E.; Cavender, T, Flores,
is presently becoming with underbalanced completion D., Sahadeo, K.: “Trinidad’s First Multilateral Well
scenarios. Considering the rapid pace at which new ideas are Successfully Integrates Horizontal Openhole Gravel Packs,”
being introduced into the oilfield, it is certain that other OTC 16244 presented at the Offshore Technology Conference
held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 3–6 May 2004.
concepts such as underbalanced intelligent well technology 10. Rivenbark, Mark, W., Al-Sowayigh, Mohammed, I. and Al-
will soon be a reality also. Furaidan, Yousef, A.: “A New Selective Lateral Re-Entry
System,” Paper SPE 59209 presented at the IADC/SPE Drilling
Conference in New Orleans, February 23-25, 2000.
6 SPE 90836

9-5/8-in. Casing 9 5/8 Casing

7-in. Casing
7-in. Casing

All the 7-in casing and equipment will
be cemented in well bore

Mechanical Casing Well-Control Casing Well-Control Valve

Valve (Run Open)
(Shifted Open)

7-in. Casing (2 Joints)

7-in. Casing (2 Joints)

Float Collar

Casing Joint

Float Shoe
Drilling with a PDC or
Roller Cone Type Bit

Fig. 1 ― Deployment of Well-Control Valve Fig. 2 ― Drilling out float equipment.

SPE 90836 7

9-5/8-in. Casing 9-5/8-in. Casing

Drilling Systems BHA

7-in. Casing
Bit with Shifter (Retrieved)

7-in. Casing
Drilling Systems BHA
Casing Well-Control Valve
(Shifted Closed)
Bit With Shifter

Casing Well-Control Valve


Float Equipment Successfully

Drilled Out


6-in. Hole 6-in. Hole

Fig. 3 ― Tripping out of hole with drill bit. Fig. 4 ― Tripping in the hole with drill bit to drill underbalanced section.
8 SPE 90836

9-5/8-in. Casing

7-in. Casing


Casing Well-Control Trip Valve

(Shifted Open)

Drilling Systems BHA


6-in. Hole Bit


9-5/8-in. Casing

7-in. Casing

Drilling Systems BHA

Fig. 5 ― Drilling the underbalanced section.
Bit with Shifter (Retrieved)

Casing Well-Control Valve

(Shifted Closed)

6-in. Hole


Fig. 6 ― Tripping out of hole after reaching the target zone.

SPE 90836 9

9-5/8-in. Casing

7-in. Casing

Slotted Liner

Polished Sub With Polished Rod

Wash-Down Shoe with Shifter

Casing Well-Control Valve

(About to be Shifted Open)


6-in. Hole


9-5/8-in. Casing
Fig. 7 Running in slotted liner
in an underbalanced well.
7-in. Casing

Casing Well-Control Trip Valve

(Shifted Open)

Slotted Liner

Tubing Well-Control Shifter

Polished Sub
Wash Pipe
6-in. Hole Wash Down Shoe


Fig. 8―Circulation and/or rotation while running liner into

openhole section.
10 SPE 90836

9-5/8-in. Casing

Packer Setting Tool

7-in. Casing

Completion Packer (Not Set)

Tubing Well-Control Valve

Casing Well-Control Valve

(Shifted Open)


Tubing Well-Control Shifter Wash Down Shoe

9-5/8-in. Casing
6-in. Hole Slotted Liner Polished Sub
Wash Pipe
Setting Tool

7-in. Casing

Completion Packer
Fig. 9 ―
Circulation flow path
for openhole cleaning.

Positive Pressure Tubing

Well-Control Valve

Casing Well-Control Valve

(Shifted Open)

Wash Down Shoe

6-in. Hole
Wash Pipe


Slotted Liner Polished Sub

Well-Control Shifter
Fig. 10 ―Setting packer assembly across the well-
control valve with slotted liner in openhole section.
SPE 90836 11

9-5/8-in. Casing

7-in. Casing

Completion Packer

Tubing Well-Control Shifter

Tubing Well-Control Valve


Casing Well-Control Valve

(Shifted Open)

9-5/8-in. Casing
Wash Down Shoe
Hole Slotted Liner
Polished Sub
7-in. Casing

Completion Packer

Fig. 11 ― Retrieving the setting tool and washpipe and

Tubing Well-Control Valve shifting the control valve closed.

Casing Well-Control Valve

(Shifted Open)

Wash Down Shoe

Polished Sub
6-in. Hole Slotted Liner


Fig. 12 ― Setting tool and washpipe are retrieved.

12 SPE 90836

9-5/8-in. Casing

7-in. Casing

Production Seal Assembly

Completion Packer

Tubing Well-Control Valve


Casing Well-Control Valve

(Shifted Open)

Wash Down Shoe

6-in. Hole Slotted Liner
Polished Sub


9-5/8-in. Casing

7-in. Casing
Fig. 13 ― Production.
Screen Suspension Tool

Production Seal Assembly

Casing Well-Control
Valve (Shifted Open)

Bull Plug with Well-Control Shifting Device

6-in. hole Expandable Screen


Fig. 14 ― Expandable Screen Completion.

SPE 90836 13

9-5/8-in. Casing

7-in. Casing

Packer with Upper Seal Bore

Production Seal Assembly

Landing Nipple

Landing Nipple

Casing Well-Control Valve

(Shifted Open)


Bull Plug with Well-Control Shifting Device

Slotted Liner
6-in. Hole


9-5/8-in. Casing

7-in. Casing
Fig. 15 ― One-trip liner completion run on production tubing.
Completion Packer

Production Seal Assembly

Landing Nipple

Landing Nipple

Casing Well-Control Valve

(Shifted Open)

Pump Through Pump Out Plug

(Plug Expended)

6-in. Open Hole


Fig. 16 ― Openhole barefoot completion (producing).

14 SPE 90836

Control-Line Protector Control-Line Protector
Bulkhead Connectors

Capillary Tube Capillary Tube

Fiber-Optic Tube Fiber-Optic Tube

Hydraulic Packer

Pressure Chamber

Bulkhead Connectors
Landing Nipple


Hydraulic Packer
Perforated Joint


Pressure Chamber

Landing Nipple
Turn-A Round Sub


Casing Well-Control Valve

Casing Well-Control Valve

Casing Well-Control Valve

Shifting Tool
Casing Well-Control Valve
Shifting Tool

Underbalanced Openhole Section

Underbalanced Openhole

Fiber-Optic Installation Above Retrievable Fiber-Optic Installation Below Hydraulic

Packer Packer

Fig. 17 ― Underbalanced Fiber-Optic Sensor Completion Systems

SPE 90836 15

Production Packer


Shrouded ICV


Liner Hanger Packer

Alternate ‘D’
Passage for UBA Quick Trip Valve
lower zone
and tubing
intervention to
lower zone

Whipstock Packer

Re-entry Guide

UBA Quick Trip Valve

Fig. 18― Underbalanced MLT application with intelligent

alternative passage 2- zone underbalanced completion.

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