Regional Innovation Scoreboard
Regional Innovation Scoreboard
Regional Innovation Scoreboard
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Commission
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Directorate G - Common Policy Centre
Unit G1 - Common R&I Strategy & Foresight Service
Contact Alexandr Hobza, Chief Economist and Head of Unit G1
Athina Karvounaraki, Team Leader, Coordinator of European Innovation Scoreboard 2022, Unit G1
Tiago Pereira, Coordinator of European Innovation Scoreboard 2022, Unit G1
We thank Invest Europe for sharing data on Venture capital expenditures.
The maps in this report have been created by DG EUROSTAT, Unit E4 - Geographical information, GISC
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European Innovation
Scoreboard 2022
“The future of our children needs both that we invest in sustainability and that we invest sustainably. We must finance
the transition to a digital and net-zero economy”, State of the Union 2022 speech by the President of the European
Commission Ursula von der Leyen, at the European Parliament, 14 September 2022.
The EU is going through challenging times. The past two years have been dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic with severe economic and social
consequences. The ongoing Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is expected to bear significant consequences for the years to come. A pressing
concern is the impact on the European energy market and implications for households and companies. These events come on top of long-term
environmental and socio-economic challenges, such as climate change, ageing population or a new geopolitics.
Innovative activities have a unique capacity to offer solutions to many of these challenges. The European Innovation Scoreboard provides a state of play
of innovation performance in Europe. It supports the design and implementation of research and innovation-friendly policies. Each year, policymakers
can find in the Scoreboard a wealth of data and benchmark analysis to help them identify significant trends and needs for action.
The 2022 European Innovation Scoreboard confirms that year after year the EU remains a good place to innovate. Innovation performance has
increased for the EU by about 10%-points since 2015 and there has been noticeable progress in the EU’s global position. The EU has overtaken Japan
and has closed part of its performance gap to South Korea and the United States.
But significant divergences remain among the Member States, and are even widening. We need to take action to address this innovation divide at EU,
national and regional level. For this to happen, we need to boost public and private investments in R&D, set the right framework conditions to allow
innovation to flourish, and ensure that innovative solutions find their way to the market to benefit people and the planet.
To address this challenge, the Commission adopted in July 2022 the New European Innovation Agenda. It puts an important focus on closing the
innovation divide in Europe and aims to position Europe at the forefront of the new wave of deep tech innovation and start-ups. Building on Europeans’
entrepreneurial mindset, scientific excellence, the strength of the Single Market and democratic values, the New Innovation Agenda presents five
flagship actions: improve access to finance for European start-ups and scale-ups; improve the conditions for innovators to experiment with new ideas
through regulatory sandboxes; help create “regional innovation valleys” that will strengthen and better connect innovation players through Europe;
attract and retain talent in Europe, and improve policy-making tools.
In parallel, the European Research and Innovation Framework Programme Horizon Europe will continue supporting excellent projects from top researchers
and innovators across the EU with a budget of €14.3 billion for 2023. In addition, the NextGenerationEU plan, through its Recovery and Resilience
Facility, is allocating around €44.4 billion for research and innovation. The actions of the national Recovery and Resilience Plans have a key role to play
in the development and transformation of the Member States’ research and innovation systems. Mobilising substantial public and private investments
at EU, national and regional level, including through the work of industrial alliances and the support of Member States to Important Projects of Common
European Interest (IPCEIs) will remain indispensable for our common future.
Small and medium sized enterprises are a primary vehicle of innovation across the various EU industrial ecosystems. They are central to strengthen the
resilience of European industry. In this regard, the Single Market - one of Europe’s greatest success stories - offers immense opportunities for innovations
to be generated and diffused. It grants businesses a large reserve of domestic demand and differentiated supply sources. The EU’s updated Industrial
Strategy proposed new measures to strengthen the resilience of our Single Market, curb dependencies, strengthen Europe’s own capacity and preserve
strategic value chains. The Annual Single Market Report 2022 stressed the relevance of a resilient and predictable business and regulatory environment
to support innovation, growth and job creation, and step up the green and digital industrial transformation of Europe’s industrial ecosystems.
As you can see, the European Innovation Scoreboard informs our policy action. We will be with you – businesses, researchers, innovators, investors, and
policymakers – to withstand the current crisis and accelerate the sustainable recovery for all Europeans, with research and innovation leading the way
for a brighter future, leaving no one behind.
Belgium 48
Bulgaria 49
Czechia 50
Denmark 51
Germany 52
Estonia 53
Ireland 54
Greece 55
Spain 56
France 57
Croatia 58
Italy 59
Cyprus 60
Latvia 61
Lithuania 62
Luxembourg 63
Hungary 64
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Malta 65
Netherlands 66
Austria 67
Poland 68
Portugal 69
Romania 70
Slovenia 71
Slovakia 72
Finland 73
Sweden 74
Albania 75
Iceland 77
Israel 78
North Macedonia 79
Montenegro 80
Norway 81
Serbia 82
Switzerland 83
Turkey 84
Ukraine 85
United Kingdom 86
Executive summary
The annual European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) provides a comparative Compared to 2021, innovation performance has declined for
assessment of the research and innovation performance of EU Member eight Member States
States and selected third countries, and the relative strengths and
weaknesses of their research and innovation systems. It helps countries Between 2021 and 2022, performance has improved in 19 Member
assess areas in which they need to concentrate their efforts in order to States, most strongly in Czechia, Ireland, and Finland (at 7.5%-points or
boost their innovation performance. more), and has declined for eight Member States, including Estonia,
France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, and Romania, with
performance declining strongest in Estonia (-8.9%-points).
The EIS 2022 report is the second edition published using the new
measurement framework introduced in 2021. Countries fall into four performance groups
Almost all EU Member States have increased their Based on their average performance (relative to the EU in 2022),
innovation performance since 2015 but the lowest Member States fall into four different performance groups (Figure 1).
performing countries are falling further behind
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, and Sweden are Innovation
The innovation performance of the EU has increased by 9.9 percentage Leaders with innovation performance well above the EU average.
points since 2015. Innovation performance increased in 26 EU Member Austria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Ireland, and Luxembourg are Strong
States. Performance has increased most in Cyprus, Estonia, and Greece. Innovators with performance above the EU average. The performance of
The following indicators recorded the highest improvements: Business Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, and
process innovators, International scientific co-publications, Innovative Spain is below the EU average. These countries are Moderate Innovators.
SMEs collaborating with others, Job-to-job mobility of Human Resources Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia are
in Science & Technology, Public-private scientific co-publications, and Emerging Innovators with performance well below the EU average.
Venture capital expenditures.
Coloured columns show countries’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for 32 indicators, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The horizontal
hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show countries’ performance
in 2015 relative to that of the EU 2015. The dashed lines show the threshold values between the performance groups, where the threshold values of
70%, 100%, and 125% have been adjusted upward to reflect the performance increase of the EU between 2015 and 2022.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Compared to the results of the EIS 2021, three Member Impact of Covid-19 pandemic
States have changed performance group
Compared to the results in the EIS 2021 report, three countries have The Covid-19 pandemic seems to have negatively affected several of
changed performance group. The Netherlands has become an Innovation the indicators used for measuring overall innovation performance, such
Leader, Cyprus a Strong Innovator, and Estonia a Moderate Innovator. as Innovation expenditures, Innovative sales and Venture capital
For both Cyprus and the Netherlands, the upward move to a higher expenditures, all of which show a decline in 2020. There is also an
performance group is mainly due to data revisions for several indicators. adverse effect on those indicators including GDP in the denominator as
Based on the EIS 2022 data, both countries would have been classified GDP fell in 2020 compared to 2019 for 22 Member States. Covid-19
into a higher performance group already last year. Estonia has fallen also negatively impacts exports, but the impact is less on both exports
marginally below the EU average due to the declines in several indicators.1 of medium- and high-tech products and knowledge-intensive services
exports than on total exports, creating an overall positive effect on the
At the global level, the EU has overtaken Japan and has export shares of both. Available evidence does not allow to draw firm
closed part of its performance gap to some of its other conclusions on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic yet.
Methodological continuity and refinement
The EU has a performance lead over Brazil, Chile, China, India, Japan,
Mexico and South Africa, and a performance gap with Australia, Canada, After the revision of the measurement framework in 2021, no
South Korea and the United States (Figure 2). fundamental changes have been made to the methodology in this year’s
Between 2015 and 2022, the EU has improved its relative position
towards all global competitors, except China. The performance gap This year, Albania has been included for the first time in the European
with Australia, Canada, South Korea and the United States has become analysis, with data being collected for 23 indicators (out of 32 in the full
smaller and the performance lead over Chile, India, Japan, Mexico and framework) with the support of the Albanian statistical office.
South Africa has increased. The performance lead over China has become
smaller and the performance gap with Japan has been transformed into For the global competitors, two new countries are included in the
a performance lead (Figure 3). calculation: Chile and Mexico. For Chile, data are available for all 19
indicators used in the global comparison, for Mexico, data are available
More recently, between 2021 and 2022, only the EU, Chile and South for 17 indicators.
Africa have shown an improvement in their innovation performance, for all
other global competitors performance declined (Figure 3).
140 25
115 116 20
120 106 108
95 15
60 5
60 51
38 0
40 33 33
IN MX ZA CL BR CN JP EU AU US CA KR 2021-2022 2015-2022
Coloured columns show performance in 2022 relative to that of the EU Blue coloured columns show performance change between 2015 and
in 2022. For all years, the same measurement methodology has been 2022, both measured relative to the EU in 2015. Red coloured columns
used. show performance change between 2021 and 2022, both measured
relative to the EU in 2015.
1 For several of these indicators, provisional data have been used. As in previous versions of the EIS report, provisional data are used to ensure the utilisation of the most recent informa-
tion. However, provisional data can be different from the final data, and these differences may have an impact on the results. As a result, the performance group could be different if final
data would have been available for the calculations, especially when a country is very close to the threshold of a performance group.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
1. Introduction
The annual European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) provides a comparative assessment of the
research and innovation performance of EU Member States and the relative strengths and
weaknesses of their research and innovation systems. It helps Member States assess areas in
which they need to concentrate their efforts to boost their innovation performance. This year’s
edition follows the revised measurement framework introduced in the 2021 edition of the EIS.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Framework conditions captures the main drivers of innovation • Finance and support includes three indicators including private
performance external to the firm and differentiates between three funding (Venture capital investments), R&D expenditures in
innovation dimensions: universities and government research organisations and Direct
• Human resources includes three indicators and measures the government funding and government tax support for business R&D.
availability of a high-skilled and educated workforce. Human • Firm investments includes three indicators on R&D and Non-R&D
resources includes New doctorate graduates in STEM, Population investments that firms make to generate innovations including
aged 25-34 with completed tertiary education, and Population Business R&D expenditures, Non-R&D innovation expenditures,
aged 25-64 involved in lifelong learning activities. and Innovation expenditures per person employed.
• Attractive research systems includes three indicators and measures • Use of information technologies captures the use of information
the international competitiveness of the science base by focusing technologies including two indicators: Enterprises actively
on International scientific co-publications, Most cited publications, increasing the ICT skills of their personnel and Employed ICT
and Foreign doctorate students. specialists.
• Digitalisation measures the level of digital technologies and
Innovation activities captures different aspects of innovation in the
includes two indicators: Broadband penetration among enterprises
business sector and differentiates between three innovation dimensions:
and (the supply of) Individuals with above basic overall digital
skills. • Innovators includes two indicators measuring the share of SMEs
that have introduced innovations on the market or within their
Investments captures investments made in both the public and business organisations, covering both product and business process
sectors and differentiates between three innovation dimensions: innovators.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
• Linkages includes three indicators measuring innovation • Sales impacts measures the economic impact of innovation and
capabilities by looking at Collaboration efforts between innovating includes three indicators: Exports of medium and high-tech
firms, Research collaboration between the private and public products, Exports of knowledge-intensive services, and Sales
sector, and Job-to-job mobility of Human Resources in Science & resulting from innovative products.
Technology (HRST). • Environmental sustainability captures improvements to reducing
• Intellectual assets captures different forms of Intellectual Property the negative impact on the environment including three indicators:
Rights (IPR) generated by the innovation process, including PCT Resource productivity, Exposure to Air pollution by fine particulates
patent applications, Trademark applications, and Design PM2.5, and the Development of environment-related technologies.
GDP per capita in purchasing power standards (PPS)1 is a measure for Entrepreneurship is important for introducing new innovations on the
interpreting real income differences between countries. Higher income market. The degree of entrepreneurship is measured by two contextual
can increase the demand for new innovative goods and services. indicators measuring the share of new enterprise births in the economy
Economic growth is captured by the average annual growth rate of GDP and Total early-stage Entrepreneurial activity (TEA), which measures
for 2019-2021. In economies that grow faster, increasing demand may the share of the adult population aged 18–64 years who are in the
process of starting a business (a nascent entrepreneur) or who started
provide more favourable conditions for enterprises to sell their goods
a business which is not older than 42 months at the time of the
and services. respective survey (owner-manager of a new business).
Differences in economic structures are important. Differences in the Inflows of new technologies are important as they add to a country’s
share of manufacturing industry in GDP, and in high-tech activities in economic and technological capacities. Inward Foreign direct investment
manufacturing and services, are important factors that explain why (FDI) can have a positive impact on innovation performance, although
countries can perform better or worse on indicators like business R&D there are differences depending on the complexity of the receiving
expenditures, PCT patents, and innovative enterprises. Medium-high industry, political and economic framework conditions as well as the
and high-tech industries have higher technological intensities than quality of the institutions of the receiving countries. Inward FDI flows
other industries. These industries, on average, will have higher R&D are measured over a three-year period, as average net inflows of
investments to acquire a lasting management interest (10 percent or
expenditures, more patent applications, and higher shares of innovative
more of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in an economy other
enterprises. Countries with above-average shares of these industries than that of the investor.
are expected to perform better on several EIS indicators. For example,
for the EU on average, 85% of R&D expenditures in manufacturing are Enterprise characteristics are important for explaining differences in
accounted for by medium-high and high-technology manufacturing R&D spending and innovation activities. Large enterprises, defined as
industries2 3. Also, the share of enterprises that introduced a product enterprises with 250 or more employees, account for almost 80 percent
and/or business process innovation is higher in medium-high and high- of EU business R&D expenditures, whereas SMEs, defined as enterprises
technology manufacturing industries compared to all core industries with 10 to 249 employees, account for only one-fifth. The presence of
covered in the Community Innovation Survey4. large R&D spending enterprises is captured by the EU Industrial R&D
Investment Scoreboard, which provides economic and financial data
and analysis of the top 1000 corporate R&D investors from the EU and
Foreign ownership, including ownership from both other EU Member
top 2500 corporate R&D investors elsewhere in the world6.
States and non-Member States, is important as, on average, about
30% of business R&D expenditures in EU Member States is made by Demand is an important driver of innovation. According to the Oslo
foreign affiliates, which is significantly higher compared to Japan and Manual7, demand factors shape innovation activity in two major ways:
the United States and comparable to Australia and Canada5. The share for the development of new products, as firms modify and differentiate
of foreign-controlled enterprises in value-added serves as a proxy for products to increase sales and market share; and for the improvement
differences in the impact of foreign ownership on the economy. of the production and supply processes to reduce costs and lower prices.
A robust indicator measuring the demand for innovation is currently
not available. The Executive Opinion Survey of the World Economic
Forum includes an indicator that provides a measure of the preferences
of individual consumers for innovative products. The degree of Buyer
sophistication measures, on a scale from 1 (low) to 7 (high), whether
buyers focus more on price or quality of products and services.
The purchasing power standard (PPS) is an artificial currency unit. Theoretically, one PPS can buy the same amount of goods and services in each country. However, price differences across
borders mean that different amounts of national currency units are needed for the same goods and services depending on the country. PPS are derived by dividing any economic aggregate of
a country in national currency by its respective purchasing power parities. PPS is the technical term used by Eurostat for the common currency in which national accounts aggregates are expressed
when adjusted for price level differences using PPPs. Thus, PPPs can be interpreted as the exchange rate of the PPS against the Euro.
Based on NACE Rev. 2 three-digit level, manufacturing industries can be classified into high-technology, medium-high technology, medium-low-technology, and low-technology. The high-
technology and medium-high technology industries include: Chemicals and chemical products (20); Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (21); Weapons and
ammunition (25.4*); Computer, electronic and optical products (26); Electrical equipment (27); Machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified (28); Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-
trailers (29); Other transport equipment (30) excluding Building of ships and boats (30.1); Air and spacecraft and related machinery (30.3); and Medical and dental instruments and supplies
(32.5**). If data are only available at the NACE Rev. 2 two-digit level, industries identified with an * are classified as medium-low-technology, and industries identified with an ** are classified
as low-technology, and thus excluded from the high-technology and medium-high technology industries (Source:
Average results for 2015-2017 for 24 Member States for which data are available for at least one year. Data were extracted from Eurostat (Business enterprise R&D expenditure in high-tech
sectors - NACE Rev. 2 [htec_sti_exp2].
In In accordance with Commission Regulation No 995/2012, the following industries and services are included in the Core target population covered in the CIS: Core Industry (excluding construction):
Mining and quarrying (B), Manufacturing (C) (10-12: Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco; 13-15: Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products;
16-18: Manufacture of wood, paper, printing and reproduction; 20: Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products; 21: Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical
preparations; 19-22 Manufacture of petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, rubber and plastic products; 23: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products; 24: Manufacture of basic metals;
25: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment; 26: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products; 25-30: Manufacture of fabricated metal products
(except machinery and equipment), computer, electronic and optical products, electrical equipment, motor vehicles and other transport equipment; 31-33: Manufacture of furniture; jewellery,
musical instruments, toys; repair and installation of machinery and equipment, Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (D), Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation
activities (E) (36: Water collection, treatment and supply; 37-39: Sewerage, waste management, remediation activities). Core Services: Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
(46), Transport and storage (H) (49-51: Land transport and transport via pipelines, water transport and air transport; 52-53: Warehousing and support activities for transportation and postal and
courier activities); Information and communication (J) (58: Publishing activities; 61: Telecommunications; 62: Computer programming, consultancy and related activities; 63: Information service
activities), Financial and insurance activities (K) (64: Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding; 65: Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social
security; 66: Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities), Professional, scientific and technical activities (M) (71-73: Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing
and analysis; Scientific research and development; Advertising and market research).
Average results for 2010-2016 for 14 Member States for which data were available (Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia
Spain, and Sweden). Source of the data: OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators, Volume 2018 Issue 2 (more recent data are not available).
The Oslo Manual is the foremost international source of guidelines for the collection and use of data on innovation activities in industry. OECD/Eurostat (2018), Oslo Manual: Guidelines for
Collecting, Reporting and Using Data on Innovation, 4th Edition, OECD Publishing, Paris. DOI:
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Innovation is a highly diverse activity. Enterprises can innovate through Institutional and legal differences between countries may make it more
product or business process innovation, with the latter including process, difficult to engage in business activities. The World Bank’s Doing Business
marketing and organisational innovation. Enterprises can adopt new report provides an index, Ease of starting a business, which measures
technologies developed by other enterprises or they engage in intensive the distance of each economy to the “frontier” economy providing the
in-house research and innovation activities. The capabilities needed most lenient regulatory framework for doing business. Countries with
by enterprises to innovate are very different in kind and size. Building more favourable regulatory environments will obtain scores closer to the
on earlier work by academics and the OECD, Eurostat, UNU-MERIT maximum score of 100.
(Maastricht University), ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic
Entrepreneurial skills are important for successfully transforming ideas
Research, in collaboration with National Statistical Offices, developed
and inventions into innovations. These skills can be acquired on the job
a taxonomy of innovating and non-innovating enterprises based on CIS
but also by formal schooling. Basic-school entrepreneurial education and
micro data. The following characteristics were used to identify seven
training measures the extent to which training in creating or managing
mutually exclusive detailed innovation profiles: The degree of novelty
SMEs is incorporated within the education and training system at
of product innovations, own in-house capacities to innovate, and R&D
primary and secondary levels.
activities. Of these, four innovation profiles capture different types of
enterprises that have introduced an innovation (product or business Governments play an important role in enhancing the innovation
process) and three innovation profiles capture non-innovators, of which capacities of an economy. Government procurement of advanced
one profile captures non-innovators with innovation activities, one profile technology products measures the extent to which government
captures non-innovators with an interest in innovation, while the other procurement decisions foster technological innovation – from 1 (not
captures non-innovators without any innovation activities or interest: at all) to 7 (extremely effectively). Trust is important for creating
a business environment for undertaking risky innovative activities.
• In-house product innovators with market novelties, including all Rule of law captures differences in the extent to which people have
enterprises that introduced a product innovation that was developed confidence in and abide by the rules of society. Rule of law measures
by the enterprise and that was not previously offered by competitors. differences in the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the
police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence.
• In-house product innovators without market novelties, including
all enterprises that introduced a product innovation that was Climate change
developed by the enterprise but that is only new to the enterprise itself.
As the natural environment increasingly suffers from the loss of
biodiversity, pollution and climate change, the relationship between
• In-house business process innovators, including all enterprises that
innovation performance and environment sustainability grows in
did not introduce a product innovation, but that did introduce
importance. EU level policy developments, such as the European Green
a business process innovation that was developed by the enterprise. Deal and the Recovery plan for Europe, underline the need to take
account of the pivotal role of research and innovation in contributing
• Innovators that do not develop innovations themselves, including all to societal challenges. Three indicators are included in the Contextual
enterprises that introduced an innovation of any kind but did not indicators relevant for measuring climate change and the role of
develop it themselves (enterprises without significant own innovation innovation.
capabilities). The circular material use rate measures, in percentages, the share
of material recovered and fed back into the economy - thus saving
• Innovation active non-innovators, including all enterprises that did extraction of primary raw materials - in overall material use. The circular
not introduce any innovation but that either had ongoing or abandoned material use rate is defined as the ratio of the circular use of materials
innovation activities. to the overall material use. It covers households, the private and the
public sector. A higher circular material use rate value indicates more
• Non-innovators with potential to innovate, including all enterprises secondary materials substituting for primary raw materials, thereby
that did not introduce any innovation, and which had no ongoing or avoiding the environmental impacts of extracting primary material.
abandoned innovation activities but that did consider to innovate.
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of energy consumption is an
• Non-innovators without disposition to innovate, including all other indicator that is part of the EU Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
enterprises, those that neither introduced an innovation nor had any indicator set. It is used to monitor progress towards Goal 13 on climate
ongoing or abandoned innovation activities nor considered to innovate. action and SDG 7 on affordable and clean energy. The indicator is
calculated as the ratio between energy related GHG emissions and
Data on Innovation profiles should not be interpreted as “more is better”. gross inland consumption of energy. It expresses how many tonnes
Instead, the data should be used to better understand differences in CO2 equivalents of energy related GHGs are being emitted in a certain
the composition of different types of enterprises in a country, thereby economy per unit of energy that is being consumed. Lower scores on this
helping policy makers to design policies that better target different indicator imply an improvement in environmental performance.
The Eco-Innovation index is a composite indicator based on 16 sub-
indicators in five thematic areas: eco-innovation inputs, eco-innovation
activities, eco-innovation outputs, resource efficiency outcomes and
socio-economic outcomes. The overall score of an EU Member State is
calculated by the unweighted mean of the 16 sub-indicators. It shows
how well individual Member States perform in eco-innovation compared
to the EU average, which is equated with 100 (index EU=100). The index
is part of the Eco-Innovation Scoreboard.⁹
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Structural data also includes population size and the average annual to be a concentration of government and educational services. Densely
growth rate of population for 2019-2021. Increasing demand following populated areas provide better training opportunities and employ above-
an increasing population may provide more favourable conditions for average shares of highly educated people. Furthermore, the amount
enterprises to sell their goods and services. Densely populated areas are of natural assets per capita tends to decline with population density.
more likely to be more innovative for several reasons. Firstly, knowledge This positively impacts on the share of Medium and high-tech product
diffuses more easily when people and enterprises are located closer to exports and the share of employment in knowledge intensive activities.
each other. Secondly, in more densely populated areas there tends
1.3 Data sources, data availability and comparisons with the EIS 2021
The EIS uses the most recent statistics from Eurostat and other the Methodology report 2022. Performance changes for the Summary
internationally recognised sources, such as the OECD and the United Innovation Index, which measures Member States’ average innovation
Nations, available at the time of analysis, with the cut-off day of 15 performance, are, therefore, on average, smaller than what they would
July 2022. International sources have been used wherever possible to have been if there had been no breaks in series or new data series.
improve comparability between countries. The data relates to the actual
performance in 2021 for 12 indicators, 2020 for 14 indicators, 2019 Finally, it has to be stressed that comparisons with results from the EIS
for four indicators, and 2018 for two indicators (these are the most 2021 report are not possible, not even for the same years in different
recent years for which data are available, cf. Annex E). Data availability reports. Although the methodology in this year’s report is the same as in
is complete for 26 Member States. For Ireland, data is not available for the EIS 2021, results for the same year, e.g. 2021 in the EIS 2021 and
Job-to-job mobility in Human Resources in Science & Technology. 2021 in this year’s report, are different due to several reasons:
For several indicators, among others, the two indicators on R&D • For four indicators, data for the most recent year have been used for
expenditures and six indicators using data from the Community all years due to breaks in series.
Innovation Survey (CIS), provisional data have been used. As in previous
versions of the EIS report, provisional data are used to ensure the • For two indicators, due to the release of new data series, data for the
utilisation of the most recent data for calculating Member States’ most recent year or most recent two years have been used.
innovation performance. However, provisional data can be different
from the final data, and these differences may have an impact on the • There are indicators for which timeliness has been updated with
results. This year provisional CIS 2020 data have been used for the first more than one year. For example, for one indicator, the data
time in the benchmarking analysis as past results have shown that for timeliness has improved with three years. Timeliness refers to the
most Member States, there were no or only small differences between year for which the most recent data are available.
provisional and final CIS data. Nevertheless, the rank position or even the
performance group of a Member State could be different if final data • Some indicators with skewed data distributions are treated
would have been available for the calculations, in particular for countries differently in this year’s report than in the EIS 2021 due to changes
positioned very close to the threshold between two performance groups. in their statistical properties.
For four indicators, Eurostat has released more recent data but indicated • By adding new data at the end of the time series for each indicator
a break in the series. These most recent data are not comparable with and removing data at the start of the time series, the highest and
those from the years before the break was introduced. Similarly, for two lowest data scores used for calculating normalised scores across all
indicators, Eurostat has released a new data series, which is no longer countries and years for an indicator can change, directly impacting
comparable with the data series used in the EIS 2021. For one of these these normalised scores.
two indicators, the new data series includes results for only one year, for
the other indicator for two years. To address the lack of comparability Consequently, one should only use the results for older years in this
across years, performance changes over time for these indicators are report to compare performance over time.
based on these most recent data only. More details are provided in
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
For the following six indicators, data are older than 2020 and not recent
enough to observe any possible impact of Covid-19: (most recent year
between brackets):
For both GDP in Euros and GDP in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), • 3.3.3 Design applications
values declined for many Member States in 2020. GDP in Euros declined Compared to 2019, more Member States experienced annual
for only one Member State in 2015, two in 2016 and one in 2018, but performance increases in the indicator scores in 2020 and 2021
then for 22 in 2020. GDP in PPS declined for two Member States in which, for 2020, are partly the result of the decline in GDP. Looking at
2016 and then for 23 in 2020. Reduced levels of GDP, as a result of the the number of design applications, they increased for 10 Member
Covid-19 pandemic, have a positive impact in 2020 on five indicators States in 2019, for 16 in 2020 and for 14 in 2021. These results
which are expressed as a percentage share of GDP or per billion GDP, suggest that there is no direct impact of Covid-19 on the numerator of
including: the indicator, only on the denominator by reduced volumes of GDP.
Some Member States, e.g. Belgium, France and Germany, included questions on the possible impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in their national CIS 2020. Results to these questions could
provide more insights if there has been an impact and the extent of this impact.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Indicators with no observable change in the annual growth performance of Member States
Indicator value
For 1.1.1 New doctorate graduates, for 12 Member States indicator values declined in 2020, and for Increased Decreased
only one Member State it increased (Finland). This result is worse than in 2019, the last year before the 2014 7 4
Covid-19 pandemic, when indicator values declined for only six Member States. However, also in 2016 2015 9 1
there was an increase in the number of Member States for which performance declined and in 2017 2016 4 11
this number was also high. Considering that completing a doctorate degree is the result of various years 2017 8 11
of study, the increase in 2020 in the number of Member States showing a decline in the indicator is not 2018 4 8
likely to be related to the Covid-19 pandemic as this would be too early to observe any possible impact. 2019 6 6
2020 1 12
Indicator value
For 1.2.1 International scientific co-publications, for no Member State the indicator value has decreased Increased Decreased
in either 2020 or 2021. There is no observable impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the aggregate share 2015 25 2
and number of these publications, although it could be possible that in certain science fields the number 2016 26 1
of publications is affected (e.g. in Health it is expected that more research will result, in due time, in an 2017 27 0
increase in the number of publications). 2018 27 0
2019 25 2
2020 27 0
2021 27 0
Indicator value
For 1.2.3 Foreign doctorate students, there is no difference for 2019 and 2020 in the number of Member Increased Decreased
2014 17 5
States for which the indicator value increased (21 Member States) and decreased (five Member States).
2015 17 5
The same is observed when looking at the absolute number of Foreign doctorate students, which increased
2016 20 4
for 22 Member States and decreased for four Member States in both years. There is no observable impact 2017 20 5
of the Covid-19 pandemic on this indicator. 2018 22 3
2019 21 5
2020 21 5
Indicator value
For 3.2.2 Public-private scientific co-publications, indicator values decreased for seven Member States Increased Decreased
in 2020 and for no Member State in 2021. Although the number of Member States with decreasing 2015 25 2
performing in 2020 is more than twice as high as in 2019, this number is still below that in 2017, when 2016 26 1
2017 18 9
performance decreased for nine Member States.
2018 27 0
2019 24 3
2020 20 7
2021 27 0
Indicators where there is a substantial increase in the number of Member States with declined indicator values
Indicator value
For 2.3.1 Enterprises providing training to develop or upgrade ICT skills of their personnel, the number of Increased Decreased
Member States for which performance decreased (15) is much higher in 2020 than in any other year. In 2014 13 9
2020 the indicator also increased for only four Member States, well below the numbers in the preceding 2015 12 7
years. One possible explanation could be that on-site training activities have been postponed due to 2016 7 10
strongly increasing numbers of home workers. 2017 11 10
2018 13 6
2019 16 4
2020 4 15
Indicator value
For 3.2.3 Job-to-job mobility of Human Resources in Science & Technology, the number of Member Increased Decreased
2014 n/a n/a
States for which performance decreased (15) is much higher in 2020 than in any other year. In 2020 2015 16 4
the indicator also increased for only seven Member States, well below the numbers in the preceding 2016 17 3
years. One possible explanation could be that during the first lockdowns it was more difficult for 2017 18 3
2018 16 5
workers to switch jobs either because workers lost their job or because it was difficult to change job 2019 16 9
when working from home. 2020 7 15
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
For 4.2.1 Medium and high-tech product exports, results in 2020 appear to be comparable to those
Indicator value
in 2019 with indicator values decreasing for seven Member States. In 2021 indicator values even
Indicator MHT Total
decreased for 25 Member States. A closer look at the numerator and denominator shows that in 2020 value product product
there was a strong negative effect on both with the volume of Medium and high-tech product exports decreased exports exports
decreased decreased
decreasing for 20 Member States and the volume of total product exports decreasing for 24 Member 2015 2 3 5
States. In 2021 for no Member States either the numerator or denominator decreased. 2016 3 4 8
2017 15 6 2
2018 13 1 1
These results show that Covid-19 most likely had a negative effect on product exports as a result 2019 5 2 2
of reduced economic activities in 2020, but that this effect was stronger on the denominator (total 2020 7 20 24
product exports) than on the numerator (Medium and high-tech product exports), thereby softening the 2021 25 0 0
negative impact on the indicator with only seven Member States experiencing a decline in the indicator
value. In 2021 the opposite seems to occur, with total product exports recovering faster than Medium
and high-tech product exports, thereby reducing the indicator value for as many as 25 Member States.
Indicator value
For 4.3.1 Resource productivity, which is defined as the ratio of GDP and Domestic Material Consumption Indicator GDP DMC
value decreased decreased
(DMC), the number of Member States for which the indicator values decreasing rose from five in 2019 to decreased
15 in 2020. A closer look at the numerator (GDP) and denominator (DMC) shows that both were decreasing 2014 11 5 12
2015 9 1 12
for a substantially higher number of Member States. Covid-19 seems to have had a negative impact on 2016 8 2 15
both GDP and DMC and, as GDP on average decreased more than DMC, also on Resource productivity. 2017 12 0 7
2018 9 1 9
2019 5 0 11
2020 15 22 20
Indicators where there is a substantial increase in the number of Member States with declined indicator values
Indicator value
For 4.2.2 Exports of knowledge-intensive services, at first glance there appears to be a positive impact of
Indicator KIS Total
Covid-19 on performance on 2020 as the number of Member States for which export shares decreased value exports services
is zero and much lower than in the preceding years. Looking at the numerator (volume of Exports of decreased decreased exports
knowledge-intensive services) and denominator (volume of total services exports), results are different, 2014 15 2 2
with both volumes decreasing for a large number of Member States. As the negative impact on total 2015 12 0 1
2016 8 4 4
service exports is higher than that on Exports of knowledge-intensive services, the combined results 2017 12 2 0
show a positive impact of Covid-19 on the share of Exports of knowledge-intensive services. 2018 10 4 1
2019 10 1 0
2020 0 21 25
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Coloured columns show countries’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for 32 indicators, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The horizontal
hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show countries’ performance
in 2015 relative to that of the EU 2015. The dashed lines show the threshold values between the performance groups, where the threshold values of
70%, 100%, and 125% have been adjusted upward to reflect the performance increase of the EU between 2015 and 2022.
Chapter 7 gives a brief explanation of the calculation methodology. The EIS 2022 Methodology Report provides a detailed explanation.
The EIS performance groups are relative performance groups with countries’ group membership depending on their performance relative to that of the EU. With the improved EU innovation
performance, the absolute thresholds between these groups will also increase over time, explaining why the dashed horizontal lines cross the vertical axis at higher percentage scores.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
0 100 0 20
0 20 0 100
0 20 0 10
0 10 0 50
Madeira (PT)
0 20
Note: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the
European Union.
Source: European Commission – European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Normalised scores in 2022 (blue coloured bars) and 2021 (grey coloured bars) relative to those in 2015 (=100). Bars will not be visible when relative results are very close to 100.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Compared to 2015, performance has improved most in Innovators Human Resources in Science and Technology (41.2%-points). Indicators
(39.8%-points) due to strong performance increases in both indicators, showing a strong decline compared to 2015 include New doctorate
in Linkages (35.0%-points) due to strong performance increases in graduates (-22.9%-points), Design applications (-18.5%-points), and
all three indicators, and in Finance and support (21.5%-points), due Environment-related technologies (-15.0%-points).
to a very strong increase in Venture capital expenditures. Performance Compared to 2021 performance has improved in seven dimensions
increased in most other dimensions but at lower rates. Performance and strongest in Digitalisation (9.5%-points) and Finance and
declined in Human resources (-9.7%-points) due to a strong decline in support (9.2%-points), and decreased in five dimensions, most
New doctorate graduates, and in Intellectual assets (-5.6%-points) strongly in Linkages (-11.1%-points). For the individual indicators, the
due to a decline in Patent applications and Design applications. Individual highest increase is in Venture capital expenditures (20.1%-points) and
indicators showing a strong increase include Business process innovators Broadband penetration (18.2%-points) and the highest decrease in Job-
(53.8%-points), International scientific co-publications (49.6%-points), to-job mobility of HRST (-23.5%-points) and Enterprises providing ICT
Venture capital expenditures (49.5%-points), and Job-to-job mobility of training (-18.8%-points).
• For three Member States performance improved by 20 percentage • For seven Member States performance improved between 0 and
points or more: Cyprus (37.9%-points), Estonia (24.4%-points), and 5 percentage points: Latvia (4.7%-points), Austria (4.6%-points),
Greece (24.1%-points). Slovakia (4.6%-points), Slovenia (2.0%-points), Bulgaria
(1.5%-points), Luxembourg (1.4%) and Romania (0.2%-points).
• For six Member States performance improved between 15 and 20
percentage points: Lithuania (19.9%-points), Czechia (19.8%-points), For only one Member State, France, performance worsened
Finland (19.5-points), Italy (17.4%-points), Belgium (16.8%-points) (-1.0%-points).
and Croatia (15.5%-points).
Between 2015 and 2022, performance differences between Member
• For three Member States performance improved between 10 and 15 States are decreasing but this is mostly driven by reduced performance
percentage points: Poland (11.3%-points), Denmark (11.3%-points), differences within the groups of Innovation Leaders, Strong Innovators
and Sweden (10.5%-points). and Moderate Innovators, and the rapid improvement for some Strong
and Moderate Innovators (Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, and Malta). At the
• For the Netherlands performance improved just below 10 percentage same, time, the Emerging Innovators are not catching up and the lowest
points (9.9%–points).14 performing Emerging Innovators (Bulgaria, Romania) even see their gap
to most of the other Member States increasing.
Performance change is measured as the difference between the 2022 and 2015 scores relative to that of the EU in 2015.
The Netherlands is included among the Member States growing faster than the EU as the rate of its performance change is above that of the EU at 2 digits after the decimal point (9.91%-points
vs 9.89%-points).
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Performance change is measured as the difference between the 2022 and 2021 scores relative to that of the EU in 2015.
170 170
160 160
150 150
140 140
130 130 Netherlands
120 120 Belgium
110 110
100 100
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Performance is relative to that of the EU in 2015. The graph on the left shows the average performance of the Innovation Leaders, calculated as the
unweighted average of the respective Member States.
Performance change for each of the performance groups is calculated as the unweighted average of the performance changes of the group members. In the text, for simplicity, all changes are
shown as percentage changes, but these are percentage point changes.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Strong Innovators
For the Strong Innovators performance increased by 9.6 percentage innovations, SMEs with business process innovations, and Innovative
points, a rate below that of the EU and that of the Innovation Leaders. SMEs collaborating with others. On the contrary, performance declined
The performance gap to the Innovation Leaders has widened over in 2022 (-1.8%-points). For Ireland performance increased strongly
time. Cyprus shows a rapid improvement over time (37.9%-points. For in 2022 (7.7%-points) due to improved performance on Government
Cyprus performance improved strongly in 2020 (24.7%-points), due support for business R&D, SMEs with business process innovations,
to substantial increases in SMEs with product innovations, SMEs with Employment in innovative enterprises and Sales of innovative products.
business process innovations, Innovative SMEs collaborating with others, For Austria annual performance changes are relatively small except
Environment-related technologies, and Venture capital expenditures. for 2018 (3.5%-points-points). In 2022 performance increased by
1.5%-points. For Luxembourg peak performance was reached in 2019
Performance increased but below the rate of the EU for Germany followed by three years of performance declines.
(7.4%-points), Ireland (7.1%-points), Austria (4.6%-points), and
Luxembourg (1.4%-points). For Germany performance increased Performance declined for France (-1.0%-points) with peak performance
strongest in 2020 (6.8%-points) due to higher shares of SMEs with product in 2017 followed by annual decreases for all years except an increase
in 2021.
140 140
130 130
120 120
110 110
90 90 Cyprus
80 80 France
70 70
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Performance is relative to that of the EU in 2015. The graph on the left shows the average performance of the Strong Innovators, calculated
as the unweighted average of the respective Member States.
Moderate Innovators
For the Moderate Innovators, performance has been increasing with product innovations, SMEs with business process innovations,
continuously since 2015. Compared to 2015, average performance Knowledge-intensive services exports, and Sales of innovative products.
has improved by 14.3 percentage points, i.e. at a higher rate than the For Malta (6.7%-points), peak performance was reached in 2020
Strong Innovators and the Innovation Leaders. The performance gap when the country was the best performing Moderate Innovator. The
to the Strong Innovators has become smaller over time, which is an strong increase of almost 10%-points in 2020 was followed by an
indication of converging performance between the two groups. For even stronger decline in 2021 of almost 11%-points (due to reduced
almost all Moderate Innovators performance has increased. For Estonia performance on Venture capital expenditures and Environment-related
(24.4%-points), Greece (24.2%-points), Lithuania (19.9%-points), technologies) and a further decline in 2022 of almost 5%-points.
Czechia (19.8%-points), and Italy (17.5%-points), performance has For Portugal (6.4%-points), peak performance was reached in 2019.
increased faster than that of the EU. For Estonia performance declined Performance declined strongly in 2020 (about 8%-points, due to reduced
in 2022 mostly due to worsened performance on all indicators using performance on Non-R&D innovation expenditures, SMEs with product
innovation survey data. For both Greece and Czechia performance has innovations, SMEs with business process innovations, and Employment
improved consistently with annual performance increases between in innovative enterprises) followed by annual increases in 2021 and
2015 and 2022. Compared to 2021, Czechia’s performance in 2022 2022 which did not make up for the decline in 2020.
increased by 11.7%-points) due to improved performance on SMEs
with product innovations, SMEs with business process innovations, and For Slovenia (2.0%-points) performance increased at a relatively low
Venture capital expenditures. rate due to performance decreases in 2018 and 2019 (-7.0%-points
combined). More recently, performance improved with more than
For the other Moderate Innovators performance increased at a rate 9%-points in 2020-2022. For Slovenia performance decreased most
below that of the EU. For Spain (8.6%-points), performance increased strongly between 2015 and 2022 for Government support for business
strongly in 2022 (5.5%-points) after two years of performance declines. R&D and Non-R&D innovation expenditures.
The increase in 2022 was due to improved performance on SMEs
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
130 130
120 120
110 110 Czechia
100 100 Italy
90 90
80 80 Malta
70 70 Lithuania
60 60
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Performance is relative to that of the EU in 2015. The graph on the left shows the average performance of the Moderate Innovators, calculated as the
unweighted average of the respective Member States.
Emerging Innovators
For the Emerging Innovators, overall performance improved by 6.4 For Latvia performance declined in both 2019 and 2022 and increased
percentage points over time, which is below the average rate of increase in all other years. The decline in 2022 is due to lower performance for
for the EU and below that for the other performance groups. The Most-cited scientific publications, Non-R&D innovation expenditures,
performance gap to the Moderate Innovators widened. Two Emerging Innovation expenditures per employee, and Employment in innovative
Innovators had a performance increase above that of the EU: Croatia enterprises. For Slovakia performance declined in both 2016, 2018 and
(15.5%-points) and Poland (11.3%-points). For Croatia performance 2020 and increased in all other years. In 2022 the performance increase
has improved consistently with annual performance increases between is strong (4.6%-points) as a result of higher performance for SMEs with
2015 and 2022. The highest annual increase was in 2020 (7.0%-points) business process innovations and Employment in innovative enterprises.
due to much higher performance for SMEs with product innovations.
For Poland performance increased in all years except a small decline Bulgaria and Romania show both the lowest performance levels and
in 2018. In 2020 performance increased by 4.3%-points, as a result very low performance increases compared to the EU average, thereby
of very strong performance increases for Foreign doctorate students, widening their performance gap to the EU and most of the Member
SMEs with business process innovations, and Employment in innovative States. For Bulgaria performance decreased in 2017, 2019 and
enterprises. 2020 and increased in all other years. The performance increase in
2022 (3.0%-points) is due to improved performance for SMEs with
For Hungary (7.1%-points), Latvia (4.7%-points), Slovakia (4.6%-points), business process innovations and Innovative SMEs collaborating with
Bulgaria (1.5%-points), and Romania (0.2%-points). performance others. For Romania performance decreased in 2016, 2017, 2018 and
increased at a rate below that of the EU. For Hungary performance 2022, resulting in the same performance level in 2022 as in 2015.
declined in both 2017 and 2019 and increased in all other years. Performance declined in 2022 most strongly for Innovation expenditures
Performance increased in 2022 due to strong improvements for SMEs with per employee and Innovative SMEs collaborating with others.
business process innovations and Employment in innovative enterprises.
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50 Latvia
40 40 Bulgaria
30 30 Romania
20 20
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Performance is relative to that of the EU in 2015. The graph on the left shows the average performance of the Emerging Innovators, calculated as the
unweighted average of the respective Member States.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
4. Innovation dimensions
This chapter provides a comparative analysis of the performance is 54%-points in Use of information technologies, 47%-points in Firm
groups and the individual Member States for each of the 12 innovation investment, and 43%-points in Digitalisation. Between the Strong
dimensions. The order of performance groups (Leaders – Strong – and Moderate Innovators, performance differences are high for
Moderate – Emerging Innovators) observed for average innovation Attractive research systems (48%-points), Linkages (44%-points) and
performance also applies to almost all dimensions. Only in Sales Environmental sustainability (31%-points). Between the Moderate and
impacts and Environmental, the Strong Innovators outperform the Emerging Innovators, performance differences are high for Innovators
Innovation Leaders (Figure 14). Average performance for group has been (54%-points), Employment impacts (53%-points) and Human resources
calculated as the unweighted average of the innovation index scores (46%-points).
for the Member States in that performance group. The performance
difference is 20%-points between the Innovation Leaders and Strong Performance differences between the Innovation Leaders and
Innovators, 28%-points between the Strong and Moderate Innovators, the Strong Innovators are small in Environmental sustainability
and 37%-points between the Moderate and Emerging Innovators. (-3%-points), Sales impacts (0%-points) and Employment impacts
(3%-points). Performance differences between the Strong and Moderate
In several innovation dimensions, performance differences are Innovators are small in Firm investments (3%-points) and Digitalisation
much higher between the performance groups. The performance (4%-points). Performance differences between the Moderate and
difference between the Innovation Leaders and the Strong Innovators Emerging Innovators are relatively small in Sales impacts (13%-points).
Average scores for each performance group are defined as the unweighted average of the relative-to-EU scores of the Member States within that
group. As these unweighted averages do not consider differences in country size, results are not directly comparable. For this reason, average scores
for the performance groups have been adjusted such that the unweighted average of the four groups for each dimension equals 100.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Human resources
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
The top 5 is composed by four Innovation Leaders (Denmark, Finland, (14.5%-points), followed by Cyprus (9.7%-points). For five Member
Netherlands, Sweden) and one Strong Innovator (Ireland). All Innovation States performance did not change and for 16 Member States
Leaders perform above the EU average. All Strong Innovators also performance has declined, most strongly for Slovenia (-38.8%-points)
perform above the EU average, except for Germany. Five of the nine and Romania (-24.2%-points). The EU average declined by 9.7%-points.
Moderate Innovators perform above the EU average (Estonia, Lithuania,
Portugal, Slovenia, Spain). All Emerging Innovators perform below the EU In comparison to 2021, performance has improved for only one Member
average, with lowest performance for Romania. State: Finland (4.8%-points). For 14 Member States performance did
not change. Performance declined for 12 Member States, most strongly
For six Member States, performance has improved between 2015 for Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden (-9.7%-points each). The EU
and 2022. The highest performance increase is for Luxembourg average declined by 4.8%-points.
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
The Innovation Leaders perform well above the EU average. The top publications doubled and Foreign doctorate students had a 3.5 to fivefold
5 is formed by one Strong Innovator, Luxembourg, and four Innovation increase. Only for France (-2.3%-points) and Belgium (-0.8%)-points
Leaders (Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden). Only three performance has declined. The EU average increased by 11.8%-points.
Moderate Innovators Estonia, Portugal and Slovenia, perform above the
EU average. Compared to 2021, performance has improved for 24 Member
States, with the highest rate of performance increase for Luxembourg
For 25 Member States, performance has improved between 2015 (19.1%-points) and Belgium (19.0%-points). Performance declined for
and 2022. The highest rate of performance increase is for Cyprus three Member States, for Latvia (-2.4%-points), Greece (-1.2%-points)
(70.2%-points), followed by Estonia (64.3%-points) and Malta and Denmark (-1.1%-points). The EU average increased by 2.9%-points.
(64.1%-points). In all three countries International scientific co-
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
The top 5 is formed by four Innovation Leaders and one Moderate Performance did not change for five Member States and decreased only
Innovator (Spain). All Innovation Leaders perform above the EU average. for Latvia (-4.8%-points). The EU average increased by 9.5%-points.
Only three Strong Innovators perform above the EU average. Four
Moderate Innovators perform above, and five Moderate Innovators Results for the change between 2021 and 2022 are identical to those
perform below the EU average. All Emerging Innovators perform below between 2015 and 2022 as due to breaks in series data from before
the EU average, with Romania showing the best performance. 2021 are identical to those for 2021.
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
All Innovation Leaders perform above the EU average. The top 5 is strongly for Malta (-26.8%-points) and Slovenia (-22.1%-points). The EU
formed by three Innovation Leaders (Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden) and average increased by 21.5%-points.
two Strong Innovators (Austria, France). France shows best performance
overall. Due to the high average performance of the EU, four Strong Compared to 2021, performance has improved in 22 Member States,
Innovators perform below the EU average. All Moderate and Emerging with the highest rate of performance increase for Sweden (32.8%-points).
Innovators perform below the EU average.
Performance decreased for five Member States, with the strongest
Performance has increased for 22 Member States between 2015 decline for Luxembourg (-6.1%-points) and Romania (-5.1%-points). The
and 2022. The highest rates of performance increase are for EU average increased by 9.2%-points.
Belgium (44.5%-points), Cyprus (43.1%-points) and the Netherlands
(41.4%-points). For five Member States performance has declined, most
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Firm investments
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
The top 5 is formed by three Innovation Leaders and two Strong 15.9%-points. For 13 Member States, performance declined, most
Innovators., Germany, the overall best performing country, and Austria. strongly for Croatia (-35.9%-points), Slovenia (-29.9%-points) and
As the EU average is high, most Member States perform below the EU Denmark (-21.9%-points).
average. All Innovation Leaders, except for Denmark and the Netherlands,
perform above the EU average. Only two Strong Innovators – Austria and Compared to 2021, performance has improved for 14 Member States,
Germany – perform above the EU average. All Moderate and Emerging with the highest rate of performance increase for Czechia (19.0%-points)
Innovators perform below the EU average. and Lithuania (10.3%-points). Performance declined for 13 Member
States, with the strongest decline in Denmark (-37.4%-points), followed
For 14 Member States, performance increased between 2015 and 2022. by Croatia (-19.2%-points) and Ireland (-17.6%-points). The EU average
The highest rate of performance increase is for Belgium (47.4%-points), declined by 5.3%-points.
followed by Cyprus (32.0%-points). The EU average increased by
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
Four Innovation Leaders and one Strong Innovator (Ireland), make up Compared to 2021, performance has increased for only four Member
the top 5. All Innovation Leaders perform above the EU average. Two states: Poland (16.3%-points), Lithuania (9.8%-points), Malta
Strong Innovators perform below the EU average, Austria and France. (6.5%-points) and Finland (3.3%-points). For seven Member States
Five Moderate Innovators perform above, and four Moderate Innovators performance did not change. For 16 Member States performance
perform below the EU average. All Emerging Innovators perform below declined, most strongly for Germany (-26.1%-points) and Cyprus, France
the EU average, of which Croatia shows the highest performance. and Luxembourg (all -19.6%-points). The EU average declined by
For 13 Member States performance increased between 2015 and 2022.
The highest rate of performance increase is for Poland (26.1%-points),
followed by Malta (22.8%-points). For six Member States and the EU
performance did not change. For eight Member States, performance
declined, most strongly for Austria (-52.2%-points), Bulgaria
(-26.1%-points) and Germany (-22.8%-points).
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
The top 5 includes three Innovation Leaders, one Strong and one Luxembourg (-20.9%-points), Ireland (-18.8%-points) and Portugal
Moderate Innovator. Greece is the overall best performing country. (-9.2%-points). The EU average increased by 39.8%-points.
All Innovation Leaders perform above the EU average. Five Strong
Innovators perform above the EU average, only Luxembourg performs Compared to 2021, performance has increased for 15 Member States,
below the EU average. Five Moderate Innovators perform above and four and most strongly in Czechia (65.9%-points). For 11 Member States
perform below the EU average. The only Emerging Innovator performing performance declined, most strongly for Estonia (-88.4%-points) and
above the EU average is Croatia. There is a strong break in performance Malta (-52.1%-points). The EU average declined by 0.6%-points.
between Estonia and Malta and between Latvia and Romania.
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
All Innovation Leaders and Strong Innovators perform above the EU increase is in Belgium (1.9%-points) and Sweden (5.1%-points) and
average. The top 5 is formed by three Innovation Leaders (Denmark, performance declined in Romania (-1.4%-points).
Finland, Netherlands) and two Strong Innovators (Cyprus, the overall best
performing Member State, and Luxembourg). Four Moderate Innovators Compared to 2021, performance has increased for 14 Member
perform above the EU average. The other Moderate Innovators and all States, with the highest rate of performance increase for Luxembourg
Emerging Innovators perform below the EU average. (22.5%-points) and Latvia (20.9%-points). Performance declined for 13
Member States, with the strongest declines for Estonia (-57.3%-points),
For 26 Member States performance increased between 2015 and 2022. Portugal (-27.9%-points) and Sweden (-24.1%-points). The EU average
The highest rate of performance increase is for Cyprus (177.2%-points). declined by 11.1%-points.
The EU average increased by 35.0%-points. The lowest performance
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Intellectual assets
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
Austria, a Strong Innovator, is the overall best performing country. Other Compared to 2021, performance has improved for 18 Member
countries in the top 5 include three Innovation Leaders (Denmark, States, with the highest rate of performance increase for Malta and
Finland, Sweden) and one Moderate Innovator (Malta). All Innovation Cyprus (9.7%-points each) and Lithuania (8.9%-points). Performance
Leaders perform above the EU average, except for Belgium. Most Strong has declined for nine Member States, with the strongest decline for
Innovators are performing above the EU average, except for France and Luxembourg (-14.8%-points). The EU average has marginally increased
Ireland. Only three Moderate Innovators, Estonia, Italy and Malta, are by 0.1%-points.
performing above the EU average. All Emerging Innovators perform
below the EU average, but Poland is relatively close to the EU average.
Employment impacts
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
All Innovation Leaders and Strong Innovators perform above the EU Compared to 2021, performance has improved for 14 Member States,
average. The top 5 is formed by two Innovation Leaders (Sweden, and most strongly in Ireland (29.5%-points). Performance did not change
the overall best performing Member State, and Belgium), two Strong for seven Member States and declined for six Member States, with the
Innovators (Cyprus, Ireland) and one Moderate Innovator (Estonia). strongest decline in Malta (-16.5%-points). The EU average increased
Seven Moderate Innovators perform above and two perform below the by 4.2%-points.
EU average. All Emerging Innovators perform below the EU average, with
only Croatia performing relatively close to the EU average.
Sales impacts
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show
performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
All Innovation Leaders perform above the EU average, except for the For four Member States performance declined, most strongly for France
Netherlands. The top 5 best performing countries include three Strong (-21.8%-points) and Hungary (-7.6%-points). The EU average increased
Innovators (Ireland, the overall best performing Member State, and by 11.0%-points.
Germany and Cyprus) and two Innovation Leaders (Denmark and
Finland). All other Strong Innovators and all Moderate and Emerging Compared to 2021, performance has improved for 14 Member
Innovators perform below the EU average. The EU average is relatively States, with the highest rate of performance increase for Denmark
high, due to the high score of Germany, the largest EU economy. (37.1%-points) and Ireland (30.8%-points). Performance declined for 13
Member States, with the strongest declines for Malta (-11.4%-points)
Performance between 2015 and 2022 has increased for 23 Member and Romania (-8.4%-points). The EU average increased by 7.1%-points.
States. The highest rate of performance increase is for Greece
(39.6%-points), Finland (35.2%-points) and Bulgaria (31.1%-points).
Environmental sustainability
Coloured columns show Member States’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The
horizontal hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data for the indicators in this dimension, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns
show performance in 2015 relative to that of the EU in 2015.
The top 5 best performing countries includes two Innovation Leaders Compared to 2021, performance increased for 11 Member States,
(Denmark, the overall best performing Member State, and the most strongly in Cyprus (13.6%-points). Performance decreased for
Netherlands), two Strong Innovators (Germany, Luxembourg) and one 16 Member States, with strongest declines in Estonia (-17.4%-points),
Moderate Innovator (Italy). Two Innovation Leaders perform below the Romania (-14.8%-points) and Croatia (-14.6%-points). The EU average
EU average, Finland and Sweden. Of the Strong Innovators, five perform decreased by 1.4%-points.
above and Cyprus performs below the EU average. Three Moderate
Innovators perform above, and six perform below the EU average. All
Emerging Innovators perform below the EU average, with Slovakia
performing closest to the EU average.
Coloured columns show countries’ performance in 2022, using the most recent data for 32 indicators, relative to that of the EU in 2015. The horizontal
hyphens show performance in 2021, using the next most recent data, relative to that of the EU in 2015. Grey columns show countries’ performance
in 2015 relative to that of the EU 2015. The dashed lines show the threshold values between the performance groups, where the threshold values of
70%, 100%, and 125% have been adjusted upward to reflect the performance increase of the EU between 2015 and 2022.
Compared to previous editions of the EIS, data availability was sufficient to include Albania.
Data are available for 32 indicators for Norway and Serbia, 31 indicators for the United Kingdom, 30 indicators for Iceland, North Macedonia, and Turkey, 29 indicators for Montenegro
and Switzerland, and 25 indicators for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data availability is relatively weak for Albania with data available for 23 indicators, and weak for Ukraine with data form
21 indicators and Israel with data for only 18 indicators.
Indicators for which data are not available are not included in the calculation of the Summary Innovation Index. For Israel average innovation performance is based on the results for only
18 indicators.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Compared to 2015, the performance of three countries has improved For Switzerland (4.0%-points), performance has increased strongly on
faster than the EU (9.9%-points) (Figure 16). For Norway (21.3%-points), Venture capital expenditures and Medium and high-tech goods exports.
strong growth is in particular due to high performance increases on (in For the United Kingdom (3.4%-points), performance has increased
decreasing order) Public-private co-publications, International scientific strongly on Government support for business R&D, Public-private co-
co-publications, Innovative SMEs collaborating with others, and Venture publications, and International scientific co-publications. For Bosnia
capital expenditures. For Serbia (15.6%-points), strong growth is due and Herzegovina (0.9%-points), performance has increased relatively
to high performance increases on SMEs with product innovations, strongly on Public-private co-publications and International scientific
Employment in innovative enterprises, Job-to-job mobility of Human co-publications.
Resources in Science and Technology, and Venture capital. Expenditures.
For North Macedonia (12.0%-points), strong growth is in particular due For both Turkey and Ukraine performance decreased at a very small rate.
to high performance increases on Foreign doctorate students, Job- For Ukraine (-0.5%-points), relatively strong increases in Venture capital
to-job mobility of Human Resources in Science and Technology, and expenditures were offset by relatively strong decreases in Medium
Environment-related technologies. and high-tech goods exports and Public R&D expenditures. For Turkey
(-0.5%-points), relatively strong increases in Government support for
For seven countries performance has increased at a rate below that business R&D and Medium and high-tech goods exports were offset
of the EU. For Iceland (8.0%-points), growth is in particular due to by relatively strong decreases in Non-R&D innovation
NO expenditures and
high performance increases on Foreign doctorate students, Resource SMEs
RS with business process innovations. 15.6
productivity, and Public-private co-publications. MK 12.0
Compared 8.0
to 2021, performance has increased most for Norway
For Montenegro (6.5%-points), performance has increased strongly ME 6.5
(4.4%-points) and North Macedonia (3.1%-points) and performance
AL 5.0
on International scientific co-publications, Environment-related also increased for Iceland, Montenegro, Switzerland, Turkey, and
IL 4.3
technologies, and Public-private co-publications. For Albania Ukraine.
CH Performance decreased
4.0 for Serbia (-3.6%-points), Bosnia and
(5.1%-points)), performance has increased strongly on Environment- Herzegovina
UK (-0.9%-points),
3.4 Israel (-0.7%-points), United Kingdom
related technologies and Most-cited publications. For Israel (-0.2%-points)
BA and
0.9Albania (-0.1%-points) (Figure 17).
(4.3%-points)), performance has increased most strongly on Employed UA -0.5
ICT specialists, International scientific co-publications, and Knowledge- TR -0.5
intensive services exports. -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 16: Performance change between 2015 and 2022 Figure 17: Performance change between 2021 and 2022
NO 21.3 NO 4.4
RS 15.6 MK 3.1
MK 12.0 IS 2.2
IS 8.0 CH 1.7
ME 6.5 UA 1.6
AL 5.0 TR 1.5
IL 4.3 ME 1.4
CH 4.0 AL -0.1
UK 3.4 UK -0.2
BA 0.9 IL -0.7
UA -0.5 BA -0.9
TR -0.5 RS -3.6
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Performance change is measured as the difference between the 2022 Performance change is measured as the difference between the 2022
and 2015 scores relative to that of the EU in 2015 and 2021 scores relative to that of the EU in 2015
NO 4.4 CN 24.9
MK 3.1 EU 9.9
IS 2.2 BR 9.0
CH 1.7 US 7.4
UA 1.6
TR CA 6.8
ME 1.4 KR 5.0
AL -0.1 CL 5.0
UK -0.2 ZA 3.0
IL -0.7 AU 1.2
BA -0.9 JP -0.3
RS -3.6 IN -0.4
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 MX -4.8
-10 0 10 20 30
CN 24.9
EU 9.9
BR 9.0 CL 0.9
US 7.4 ZA 0.9
CA 6.8 EU 0.6
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Figure 18: Map showing the performance of European neighbouring countries’ innovation systems
Innovation performance groups
0 100 0 20 0 20
0 100 0 20 0 10
0 10 0 50 0 20
0 5 0 100
Note: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the
European Union. This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual
positions of the Member States on this issue.
Source: European Commission – European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
MK 3.1
IS 2.2
NO 21.3
CH 1.7
RS 15.6 UA 1.6
MK 12.0 European
TRInnovation Scoreboard 20221.5
37 IS 8.0 ME 1.4
ME 6.5 AL -0.1
AL 5.0 UK -0.2
IL 4.3 IL -0.7
CH 4.0 BA -0.9
UK 3.4 RS -3.6
BA 0.9
competitors -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
This section provides a comparison of the EU to some of its main global Australia, Canada, South Korea, and the CN United States would be Strong 24.9
economic competitors including Australia (AU), Brazil (BR), Canada (CA), EU 9.9
Innovators, China and Japan would be Moderate Innovators, and Brazil,
4.4 9.0
Chile (CL), China (CN), India (IN), Japan (JP), Mexico (MX), South Africa Chile,
MK India, Mexico, and South Africa 3.1 would
US be Emerging 7.4 Innovators.
(ZA), South Korea (KR), and the United States (US). Compared
IS to last year’s results, 2.2
the EUCAovertook Japan. 6.8 Of the two
CH 1.7 KR 5.0
UA Chile is performing1.6between CL
Brazil and South
Africa and
South Korea is the most innovative country (Figure 19). Australia, Mexico
TR performs slightly better 1.5
than India. ZA 3.0
ME 1.4
Canada and the United States, also have a performance lead over the AL -0.1
AU 1.2
JP -0.3
EU. The EU has a performance lead over Brazil, Chile, China, India, Japan, UK -0.2
IN -0.4
IL -0.7
Mexico and South Africa. Based on relative-to-EU performance in 2022, BA -0.9 MX -4.8
RS -3.6
-10 0 10 20 30
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Figure 19: Global performance Figure 20: Performance Figure 21: Performance
change 2015-2022 change 2021-2022
The economic and population size of most global competitors outweighs Member States (‘intra-EU trade’, and only include exports
that of many of the individual EU Member States. Thus, innovation to non-Member States (‘extra-EU trade’).
performance is compared to the aggregate of the Member States, i.e. • For Knowledge-intensive services exports, data have been used from
the EU. Data availability is more limited for global competitors than for the UN Comtrade database using the older EBOPS 2002 classification
European countries. Therefore, a more restricted set of 19 indicators and not the latest EBOPS 2010 classification.
(Table 3) has been used for the international comparison of the EU with
its global competitors. For some indicators, different definitions or proxy • For Air pollution in PM2.5 in Industry, data are not available. The
indicators have been used as compared to the previous chapters18: indicator Exposure to air pollution (PM2.5) is used as a proxy. The
same proxy indicator has also been used in the 2021 edition of the
• For Employed ICT specialists, data are not available. The indicator Regional Innovation Scoreboard.
Employment share in information and communication services
(NACE J) is used as proxy. The same proxy indicator has also been For each of the global competitors, the following pages briefly discuss
used in the 2021 edition of the Regional Innovation Scoreboard. the performance of their innovation system compared to the EU, and
relative strengths and weaknesses for the different indicators. The
• For Trademark applications, comparable data on resident and non- countries are ordered according to their performance rank order. For each
resident applications have been used from the World Development country, a table with contextual data is also included, similar to those
Indicators. used for the European and neighbouring countries in Chapter 6. Data
have been extracted from various sources including Eurostat, OECD (Main
• For Design applications, comparable data on resident and non-
Science and Technology Indicators (MSTI), Education at a Glance, Green
resident applications have been used from the World Development
Growth Indicators), different UN data sources (including UNESCO Institute
for Statistics, United Nations (Comtrade) and UNIDO), Scopus, World
• For Medium and high-tech product exports and Knowledge-intensive Bank (World Development Indicators), and National Statistical Offices for
services exports, the data for the EU exclude trade between some of the countries included in the international comparison.
For the international benchmarking, a comparable list of contextual (cf. Table 4). For the international comparison, the number of Unicorns
indicators has been used as those in Chapter 7. However, for most is included in the Business and Entrepreneurship category. Unicorns are
indicators measuring Performance and structure of the economy start-ups with a value of more than US$1 billion.
and Demography data have been retrieved from other data sources
The results for the contextual indicators on the following pages show the Japan’s top R&D spending firms spend more on R&D compared to EU
following differences with the EU. top R&D spending firms. FDI net inflows as a percentage of GDP are
lower, and Japan is also facing a declining population size.
Top R&D spending firms in South Korea spend twice as much on R&D
compared to the EU. On the other hand, FDI net inflows as a percentage Brazil has a relatively high share of employment in agriculture.
of GDP are lower. Furthermore, entrepreneurial activities are at a higher level in Brazil,
however top R&D spending firms spend less on R&D.
Canada’s economy shows a lower employment share for industry, and
a higher employment share for services. Entrepreneurial activities are Chile has a relatively high share of employment in agriculture and FDI
also at a much higher level. net inflows and entrepreneurial activities are also higher compared to
the EU.
For the United States, entrepreneurial activities are at a higher level,
and top R&D spending firms spend 85% more on R&D. The number of India’s agricultural sector accounts for almost 45% of total employment,
Unicorns is more than six times that of the EU. and FDI net inflows and entrepreneurial activities are at a higher level.
The relative size of Australia’s manufacturing industry is less than half The structure of South Africa’s economy as measured by employment
that of the EU, however FDI net inflows and entrepreneurial activities are shares is comparable to that of the EU. FDI net inflows as a percentage
at a higher level. of GDP and R&D spending from top R&D enterprises are relatively low
but entrepreneurial activity is relatively high.
China’s agricultural sector is in relative terms 5 times bigger compared
to the EU, while also the relative size of the manufacturing industry is Mexico’s agricultural sector is in relative terms close to 3 times bigger
close to twice that of the EU. The number of top R&D spending firms per compared to the EU and FDI net inflows are also much higher relatively
million population and their average expenditures are both higher in the compared to the EU. Spending from top R&D enterprises is relatively low
EU compared to China. FDI net inflows, Entrepreneurial activities and the as well as the number of Unicorns.
number of Unicorns in China are at a higher level.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Compared to its global competitors, the EU is showing strong - In SMEs with business process innovations the EU has overall 4th
performance in the following indicators: performance. Only Canada has shown a faster rate of improvement
than the EU. The gap to Australia seems to be too big to expect the
+ In Knowledge-intensive services exports the EU has overall 2nd EU to overtake Australia soon.
performance. The EU has shown performance improvement
compared to those global competitors performing (well) below the The EU is showing relatively weak performance in the following indica-
EU. Canada and Japan have been improving at a faster rate and tors:
might overtake the EU soon.
- In Trademark applications the EU has overall 9th performance. The
+ In Environment-related technologies the EU has overall 2nd EU performance has worsened over time and all other global
performance. Several countries performing below but relatively close competitors have improved their position relative to the EU.
to the level of the EU have shown a faster rate of improvement and Trademarks seems to be the weakest element in the research and
the high rank position of the EU is at risk. innovation system of the EU.
+ In New doctorate graduates the EU has overall 3rd performance. - In Innovative SMEs collaborating with others the EU has overall
However, all global competitors have improved at a faster rate and 8th and lowest performance (data are not available for three global
both Canada and the United States could soon overtake the EU. competitors). The EU has shown a faster improvement than most
global competitors, only Chile has grown even faster. It seems likely
+ In Direct and indirect government funding of business R&D the EU that the EU might soon overtake Brazil, Japan and South Korea.
has overall 3rd performance. The EU has improved its performance
relative to most global competitors and there is no imminent threat - In Population with completed tertiary education the EU has overall
of being overtaken by any global competitor. At the same time the 6th performance. The EU performance has improved but not as fast
gap to the United States is still too big to expect the EU to soon as that of Australia, Canada and the United States, with an increasing
overtake the United States. gap to all of them, and Chile, with the EU lead becoming smaller. The
gap to Japan and South Korea has become smaller but remains big.
+ In SMEs with product innovation the EU has overall 3rd performance.
The EU has improved its performance relative to most global - In Exposure to air pollution the EU has overall 6th performance. The
competitors and it might soon overtake Australia. EU has seen a worsening of its performance and has also done
worse than most of its global competitors. Japan and maybe also
+ In Design applications the EU has overall 3rd performance. The EU Chile, might soon overtake the EU.
has improved its performance relative to China and South Korea but
the gap to both countries is still very high. All other global competitors South Korea, Canada, the United States and Australia perform better
have improved their performance relative to the EU and it is thus than the EU. These four countries all outperform the EU on Tertiary
more likely that the EU might be overtaken by one of these countries. education, R&D expenditures in the business sector, and Public-private
co-publications. The EU has a substantial performance gap with South
+ In International scientific co-publications, the EU has overall 4th Korea and the United States on R&D expenditures in the business sector,
performance. The EU is facing an increasing performance gap to and on Intellectual Property indicators with South Korea. The performance
both Australia and Canada. It is likely that the EU might overtake the gap on Tertiary education is substantial vis-à-vis South Korea and
United States or that the EU itself might be overtaken by Chile or Canada, and the performance gap on Public-private co-publications is
South Korea. substantial vis-a-vis Canada and Australia. There is not one indicator
where the EU outperforms all the leading global innovators, but the EU
+ In R&D expenditures in the public sector the EU has overall 4th does show strengths in Exports of knowledge-intensive services vis-à-
performance. The EU has grown faster than six global competitors vis South Korea, Canada and Australia and in Exports of medium and
but has grown slower than 4 global competitors. The EU is at risk high-tech products vis-à-vis Canada, the United States and Australia.
of being overtaken by the United States but at the same time might
be able to overtake Australia and Canada.
The performance of South Korea is well The performance of Canada is well above
above that of the EU, and the country is a that of the EU, and the country is a Strong
Strong Innovator. Performance has Innovator. Performance has increased since
increased since 2015, in particular in 2021. 2015. Canada's relative strengths are in
South Korea's relative strengths are in International co-publications and Exposure
Intellectual Property applications. to air pollution.
160 160
140 124 125 124 127 140
115 117 118 119 114 116 120 119 117
111 112 112
120 120
123 125 125 128 129 124 125
100 116 100 119 119 119 118 120 119 117 115
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Relative to EU in 2015 Relative to EU in same year Relative to EU in 2015 Relative to EU in same year
Columns show performance relative to EU in 2015. The red triangle and Columns show performance relative to EU in 2015. The red triangle and
white numbers show performance relative to EU in the same year. white numbers show performance relative to EU in the same year.
Performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2022 and change Performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2022 and change
in performance between 2015 and 2022 in performance between 2015 and 2022
South Korea 2022 Change Canada 2022 Change
Doctorate graduates 115.5 30.6 Doctorate graduates 93.7 -0.6
Tertiary education 172.4 7.8 Tertiary education 159.0 19.3
International co-publications 87.3 48.9 International co-publications 259.6 121.2
Most cited publications 82.8 0.5 Most cited publications 115.5 -16.5
R&D expenditure public sector 123.6 17.1 R&D expenditure public sector 111.1 0.1
Government funding business R&D 165.9 -52.8 Government funding business R&D 93.5 -39.0
R&D expenditure business sector 263.8 56.6 R&D expenditure business sector 59.9 -0.6
Employment in ICT 90.3 14.0 Employment in ICT N/A N/A
Product innovators 39.0 5.2 Product innovators 181.9 54.2
Business process innovators 40.1 -56.0 Business process innovators 180.9 42.2
Innovation co-operation 111.3 -146.3 Innovation co-operation 181.4 0.0
Public-private co-publications 114.4 38.0 Public-private co-publications 179.3 58.4
PCT patent applications 330.1 38.5 PCT patent applications 73.0 -11.0
Trademark applications 239.5 30.1 Trademark applications 145.9 -12.9
Design applications 439.6 -120.3 Design applications 61.9 9.4
Medium & high-tech product exports 136.4 8.5 Medium & high-tech product exports 58.6 -5.0
Knowledge-intensive services exports 53.0 10.1 Knowledge-intensive services exports 94.6 19.3
Exposure to air pollution 49.1 10.3 Exposure to air pollution 190.1 -3.3
Environment-related technologies 97.0 -18.8 Environment-related technologies 91.8 -8.0
Best three (green) and worst (orange) three indicators highlighted. Best three (green) and worst (orange) three indicators highlighted.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
The performance of the United States is The performance of Australia is above that
above that of the EU, and the country is a of the EU, and the country is a Strong
Strong Innovator. Performance has Innovator. Performance has increased since
increased in particular in 2020 and 2021 2015. Australia's strengths are in
due to a very strong increase in Product International and Public-private co-
innovators. publications, and Exposure to air pollution.
160 160
140 119 140
116 111 110 111 111 110
120 104 105 106 108 109 120 107 109 109 108
100 115 117 100 115 116 116
112 112 112 112 112 108 113 114 110 108
80 80 106
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Relative to EU in 2015 Relative to EU in same year Relative to EU in 2015 Relative to EU in same year
Columns show performance relative to EU in 2015. The red triangle and Columns show performance relative to EU in 2015. The red triangle and
white numbers show performance relative to EU in the same year. white numbers show performance relative to EU in the same year.
Performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2022 and change Performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2022 and change
in performance between 2015 and 2022 in performance between 2015 and 2022
United States 2022 Change Australia 2022 Change
Doctorate graduates 83.4 5.0 Doctorate graduates 140.1 25.2
Tertiary education 128.0 20.2 Tertiary education 134.8 25.3
International co-publications 112.7 43.9 International co-publications 394.9 239.9
Most cited publications 136.8 -15.9 Most cited publications 135.5 -5.1
R&D expenditure public sector 96.1 5.3 R&D expenditure public sector 109.4 -6.0
Government funding business R&D 127.3 -23.2 Government funding business R&D 85.9 -46.0
R&D expenditure business sector 180.0 54.8 R&D expenditure business sector 63.5 -21.0
Employment in ICT 109.0 7.1 Employment in ICT 104.0 14.6
Product innovators 77.5 64.4 Product innovators 105.2 -22.8
Business process innovators 74.3 -58.5 Business process innovators 123.9 -21.6
Innovation co-operation 591.5 0.0 Innovation co-operation 140.3 -80.5
Public-private co-publications 116.6 17.1 Public-private co-publications 219.2 108.4
PCT patent applications 112.9 -16.8 PCT patent applications 63.1 -13.9
Trademark applications 72.9 22.3 Trademark applications 191.6 2.8
Design applications 35.2 3.2 Design applications 78.2 -13.2
Medium & high-tech product exports 93.6 1.4 Medium & high-tech product exports 12.9 -4.6
Knowledge-intensive services exports 100.8 27.6 Knowledge-intensive services exports 43.9 9.4
Exposure to air pollution 175.6 -7.7 Exposure to air pollution 199.7 -1.6
Environment-related technologies 71.7 -27.0 Environment-related technologies 83.2 -1.8
Best three (green) and worst (orange) three indicators highlighted. Best three (green) and worst (orange) three indicators highlighted.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
The performance of Japan is below that of The performance of China is above that of
the EU, and the country is a Moderate the EU, and the country is a Moderate
Innovator. Performance has not increased Innovator. Performance has increased
since 2015. Relative strengths are in strongly since 2015. Relative strengths are
Tertiary education, Business R&D in Business R&D expenditures, Trademark
expenditures and Patent applications. applications and Design applications.
160 160
140 140
120 103 107 109 104 105 120
98 100 97
100 100 84 87 87
111 112 76 80
80 105 107 109 103 103 80 65 69
95 64
60 60 83 84 86 85
73 78
69 70
40 40
20 20
0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Relative to EU in 2015 Relative to EU in same year Relative to EU in 2015 Relative to EU in same year
Columns show performance relative to EU in 2015. The red triangle and Columns show performance relative to EU in 2015. The red triangle and
white numbers show performance relative to EU in the same year. white numbers show performance relative to EU in the same year.
Performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2022 and change Performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2022 and change
in performance between 2015 and 2022 in performance between 2015 and 2022
Japan 2022 Change China 2022 Change
Doctorate graduates 50.0 17.9 Doctorate graduates N/A N/A
Tertiary education 151.9 9.0 Tertiary education 34.6 7.7
International co-publications 49.8 22.9 International co-publications 19.1 15.7
Most cited publications 57.8 -5.7 Most cited publications 111.0 36.1
R&D expenditure public sector 88.0 -12.3 R&D expenditure public sector 75.8 13.4
Government funding business R&D 69.5 9.6 Government funding business R&D 77.3 7.2
R&D expenditure business sector 178.4 6.5 R&D expenditure business sector 127.3 24.7
Employment in ICT 103.1 19.7 Employment in ICT N/A N/A
Product innovators 41.6 -13.4 Product innovators N/A N/A
Business process innovators 70.4 -60.0 Business process innovators N/A N/A
Innovation co-operation 103.2 -307.0 Innovation co-operation N/A N/A
Public-private co-publications 87.1 16.4 Public-private co-publications 40.1 34.3
PCT patent applications 379.0 -1.5 PCT patent applications 103.2 40.0
Trademark applications 138.6 55.7 Trademark applications 675.4 392.4
Design applications 86.3 -3.1 Design applications 461.6 -104.8
Medium & high-tech product exports 129.6 -1.9 Medium & high-tech product exports 106.8 7.4
Knowledge-intensive services exports 95.7 34.0 Knowledge-intensive services exports 70.2 12.1
Exposure to air pollution 98.7 2.1 Exposure to air pollution 28.2 -71.8
Environment-related technologies 80.1 -23.7 Environment-related technologies 70.8 -5.5
Best three (green) and worst (orange) three indicators highlighted. Best three (green) and worst (orange) three indicators highlighted.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
The performance of Brazil is below that of The performance of Chile is below that of
the EU, and the country is an Emerging the EU, and the country is an Emerging
Innovator. Performance has increased since Innovator. Performance has increased since
2015. Relative strengths are in Business 2015. Relative strengths are in Trademark
process innovation, Trademarks and applications and Environment-related
Exposure to air pollution applications. technologies.
160 160
140 140
120 120
100 100
80 60 59 60 62 61 80
53 56 56 52 52
60 60 48 47 47 47 48 48
40 57 59 60 62 61 60 61 60 40
51 51 50 49 49 47 51 51
20 20
0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Relative to EU in 2015 Relative to EU in same year Relative to EU in 2015 Relative to EU in same year
Columns show performance relative to EU in 2015. The red triangle and Columns show performance relative to EU in 2015. The red triangle and
white numbers show performance relative to EU in the same year. white numbers show performance relative to EU in the same year.
Performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2022 and change Performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2022 and change
in performance between 2015 and 2022 in performance between 2015 and 2022
Brazil 2022 Change Chile 2022 Change
Doctorate graduates 29.6 7.4 Doctorate graduates 18.9 3.1
Tertiary education 58.1 23.5 Tertiary education 83.3 18.4
International co-publications 23.1 16.1 International co-publications 88.8 62.6
Most cited publications 55.9 3.5 Most cited publications 65.9 6.0
R&D expenditure public sector N/A N/A R&D expenditure public sector 27.7 2.9
Government funding business R&D 31.1 19.5 Government funding business R&D 11.4 6.7
R&D expenditure business sector N/A N/A R&D expenditure business sector 14.3 1.6
Employment in ICT 42.7 3.0 Employment in ICT 57.9 -1.7
Product innovators 62.7 2.7 Product innovators 28.7 -13.1
Business process innovators 197.4 0.0 Business process innovators 44.0 -51.5
Innovation co-operation 108.4 -23.1 Innovation co-operation 134.1 116.3
Public-private co-publications 12.3 6.9 Public-private co-publications 29.3 19.1
PCT patent applications 10.5 0.7 PCT patent applications 18.8 2.5
Trademark applications 165.8 61.8 Trademark applications 219.1 23.2
Design applications 28.9 -2.3 Design applications 13.9 -11.3
Medium & high-tech product exports 37.5 -12.4 Medium & high-tech product exports 21.5 -4.6
Knowledge-intensive services exports 83.0 -3.0 Knowledge-intensive services exports 51.7 4.0
Exposure to air pollution 115.5 -13.5 Exposure to air pollution 83.3 2.9
Environment-related technologies 87.1 7.1 Environment-related technologies 181.9 27.7
Best three (green) and worst (orange) three indicators highlighted. Best three (green) and worst (orange) three indicators highlighted.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
The performance of South Africa is well The performance of Mexico is well below
below that of the EU, and the country is an that of the EU, and the country is an
Emerging Innovator. Performance has Emerging Innovator. Performance has
increased since 2015. Relative strengths are decreased since 2015, particularly in 2022.
in Environment-related technologies and Relative strengths are in Medium and high-
Trademarks. tech product exports and Trademarks.
160 160
140 140
120 120
100 100
80 80
60 42 47 60
36 38 35 36 38 39 39 35 40 35 37 39 39 34
40 40
45 49 43
20 39 41 36 36 38 38 20 42 38 36 38 39 38 33
0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Relative to EU in 2015 Relative to EU in same year Relative to EU in 2015 Relative to EU in same year
Columns show performance relative to EU in 2015. The red triangle and Columns show performance relative to EU in 2015. The red triangle and
white numbers show performance relative to EU in the same year. white numbers show performance relative to EU in the same year.
Performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2022 and change Performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2022 and change
in performance between 2015 and 2022 in performance between 2015 and 2022
South Africa 2022 Change Mexico 2022 Change
Doctorate graduates N/A N/A Doctorate graduates 12.4 2.6
Tertiary education 36.7 1.0 Tertiary education 58.2 10.1
International co-publications 40.9 30.4 International co-publications 15.7 10.2
Most cited publications 73.6 2.4 Most cited publications 42.9 -3.6
R&D expenditure public sector 62.6 12.6 R&D expenditure public sector 30.9 -11.7
Government funding business R&D 6.6 -12.7 Government funding business R&D 7.7 0.1
R&D expenditure business sector 23.6 0.6 R&D expenditure business sector 15.9 -6.7
Employment in ICT N/A N/A Employment in ICT 20.7 -4.7
Product innovators N/A N/A Product innovators 21.6 0.0
Business process innovators N/A N/A Business process innovators N/A N/A
Innovation co-operation N/A N/A Innovation co-operation N/A N/A
Public-private co-publications 17.9 9.8 Public-private co-publications 6.3 3.9
PCT patent applications 16.3 -3.7 PCT patent applications 4.2 -0.5
Trademark applications 80.4 -5.2 Trademark applications 119.9 21.0
Design applications 31.4 -10.5 Design applications 23.8 -3.6
Medium & high-tech product exports 61.0 -4.8 Medium & high-tech product exports 123.2 1.3
Knowledge-intensive services exports 24.2 9.0 Knowledge-intensive services exports 26.1 -17.7
Exposure to air pollution 47.6 -4.7 Exposure to air pollution 103.4 -12.9
Environment-related technologies 84.9 -3.2 Environment-related technologies 75.3 -29.3
Best three (green) and worst (orange) three indicators highlighted. Best three (green) and worst (orange) three indicators highlighted.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Structural differences IN EU
Performance and structure of the economy
GDP per capita, PPP (international $) 6,900 46,400
Change in GDP, % -0.1 -0.4
Employment share in Agriculture 43.3 4.5
Employment share in Industry 25.0 25.0
Employment share in Services 31.7 70.5
Manufacturing - share in total value added 14.2 14.9
Business and entrepreneurship
Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) 11.5 7.3
FDI net inflows (% GDP) 1.92 1.03
Top R&D spending firms per mln population 0.2 18.3
- average R&D spending, mln Euros 161.4 233.1
Number of Unicorns (July 2021) 68 98
Buyer sophistication 1-7 (best) 4.36 3.73
Governance and policy framework
Ease of starting a business 66.5 76.5
Basic-school entrepreneurial education and training 4.64 3.47
Government procurement of advanced technology
4.14 3.50
Rule of law (-2.5 to 2.5 best) -0.01 1.05
Population size, mln 1,379.9 447.2
Change in population, % 1.0 0.0
Share of population aged 15-64 67.2 64.1
Population density (population / km2) 464.1 111.8
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
6. Country profiles
This section provides individual profiles for the EU Member States and 12 other European and
neighbouring countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Israel, Montenegro, Norway,
North Macedonia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, and United Kingdom). Each profile includes
the following information:
• A table providing a comparison of the respective country’s innovation performance in 2022 and
performance change between both 2015 and 2022 and between 2021, and 2022 ll relative to
the EU score in 2015.
Two-page country profiles are available on the EIS website.22 In addition to the one page
included in this report, the second page in the two-page country profile includes the following
• A graph showing the development of the country’s innovation index over time between 2015
and 2022 as compared to country’s initial performance in 2015.
• Graphs for each of the innovation dimensions showing the development over time between
2015 and 2022 as compared to country’s initial performance in 2015.
• A table providing data for the contextual indicators, which are used as proxies for structural
differences between countries.
The order of countries is first the Member States and then the 12 other European and neighbouring
countries. The order of the Member States is based on the alphabetical order of the names in their
national language.
21 for most countries and for Switzerland
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Change over time: 16.8 Innovation Leaders 134.4
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Change over time: 11.3 Innovation Leaders 134.4
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
60 European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
0 70 100 125 160
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Change over time: 9.9 Innovation Leaders 134.4
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Change over time: 19.5 Innovation Leaders 134.4
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Change over time: 10.5 Innovation Leaders 134.4
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
The second column shows performance relative to that of the EU in 2022. Colours next to the column show matching colour codes: dark green:
above 125% of the performance of the EU in 2022; light green: between 100% and 125%; yellow: between 70% and 100%; orange: below 70%.
Normalised performance uses the data after a possible imputation of missing data and transformation of the data. The next columns show
performance change over time between 2015 and 2022 and between 2021 and 2022, with scores relative to those of the EU in 2015. Positive
performance changes are shown in green, negative performance changes in red.
* Results for Albania (AL) are less reliable due to limited data availability. ** Data are not available, and it has been assumed that the normalised
and relative to EU values equal 0, the same as the worst performing country. This assumption has been made to maximize data availability to allow
to include Albania in the EIS and is in line with the latest known low R&D intensity of 0.15 in 2008.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
77 European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
78 European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Change over time: 4.0 Innovation Leaders 134.4
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Step 2: Imputing for missing values Step 7: Calculating composite innovation indexes
Reference year data are then used for “2022”, etc. If data for a year-in- For each year, a composite Summary Innovation Index is calculated as
between are not available, missing values are replaced with the value the unweighted average of the re-scaled scores for all indicators where
for the previous year. If data are not available at the beginning of the all indicators receive the same weight (1/32 if data are available for all
time series, missing values are replaced with the next available year. 32 indicators).
The following examples clarify this step and show how ‘missing’ data
are imputed. If data are missing for all years, no data will be imputed Step 8: Calculating relative to EU performance scores
(the indicator will not contribute to the Summary Innovation Index).
Performance scores relative to the EU are then calculated as the SII of
Latest year missing “2022” “2021” “2020” “2019” “2018” the respective country divided by the SII of the EU multiplied by 100.
Available data N/A 45 40 35 30 Relative performance scores are calculated for the full eight-year period
Use most recent year 45 45 40 35 30 compared to the performance of the EU in 2015 and for the latest year
also to that of the EU in 2022. For the definition of the performance
Year-in-between missing “2022” “2021” “2020” “2019” “2018” groups, only the performance scores relative to the EU in 2022 have
Available data 50 N/A 40 35 30 been used.
Substitute with previous year 50 40 40 35 30
International benchmark
Beginning-of-period missing “2022” “2021” “2020” “2019” “2018”
Available data 50 45 40 35 N/A The methodology for calculating average innovation performance for
Substitute with next available year 50 45 40 35 35 the EU and its major global competitors is similar to that used for cal-
culating average innovation performance for the EU Member States but
Step 3: Identifying and replacing outliers using a smaller set of countries and a smaller set of indicators.
Positive outliers are identified as those country scores which are higher Performance group membership
than the mean across all countries plus twice the standard deviati-
on. Negative outliers are identified as those country scores which are For determining performance group membership, the EIS uses the
smaller than the mean across all countries minus twice the standard following classification scheme:
deviation. These outliers are replaced by the respective maximum and
minimum values observed over all the years and all countries. • Innovation Leaders are all countries with a relative performance in
2022 above 125% of the EU average in 2022.
Step 4: Transforming data if data are highly skewed
• Strong Innovators are all countries with a relative performance in
Most of the indicators are fractional indicators with values between 0% 2022 between 100% and 125% of the EU average in 2022.
and 100%. Some indicators are unbound indicators, where values are
not limited to an upper threshold. These indicators can be highly vo- • Moderate Innovators are all countries with a relative performance in
latile and can have skewed data distributions (where most countries 2022 between 70% and 100% of the EU average in 2022.
show low performance levels, and a few countries show exceptionally
high levels of performance). For these indicators where the degree of • Emerging Innovators are all countries with a relative performance in
skewness across the full eight-year period is above one, data have been 2022 below 70% of the EU average in 2022.
transformed using a square root transformation. For the following indi-
cators data have been transformed: Air emissions in fine particulates
in industry, Non-R&D innovation expenditures, PCT patent applications,
Trademark applications, and Venture capital expenditures. A square root
transformation uses the square root of the indicator value instead of
the original value.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Annex D: Performance change by country and indicator European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
in Annex
relative tochange
D: Performance EUby country
scores between
and indicator in relative to EU2015 and
scores between 2022
2015 and 2022
Performance change is measured as the difference between performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2015 and performance in 2015 relative to the EU in 2015.
Human resources
1.1.1 New doctorate graduates -22.9 11.4 -11.4 0.0 -34.3 -11.4 -11.4 11.4 11.4 0.0 -34.3 -11.4 -11.4 22.9 -22.9 -11.4 34.3 0.0 11.4 -11.4
1.1.2 Population completed tertiary education 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.1.3 Lifelong learning 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Attractive research systems
1.2.1 International scientific co-publications 49.6 76.3 18.0 72.5 110.9 34.6 115.8 100.3 42.1 50.3 25.4 54.8 51.5 211.6 59.6 67.8 107.8 26.5 73.5 84.7
1.2.2 Scientific publications among top 10% most cited -3.8 -18.4 9.9 5.5 -14.1 -8.6 15.4 -11.8 1.5 -2.4 -14.1 16.0 7.8 -16.5 -4.6 34.8 21.5 5.8 4.9 -12.3
1.2.3 Foreign doctorate students 10.6 -34.1 30.6 63.0 44.1 0.0 123.4 68.4 -2.1 20.5 -2.4 37.2 22.4 128.2 38.9 25.6 0.0 120.4 184.9 77.6
1.3.1 Broadband penetration 18.2 0.0 9.1 12.1 0.0 18.2 12.1 3.0 0.0 24.2 15.2 45.5 18.2 39.4 -9.1 3.0 0.0 6.1 15.2 15.2
1.3.2 Individuals with above basic overall digital skills 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Finance and support
2.1.1 R&D expenditure in the public sector 6.5 33.9 4.8 -12.9 0.0 14.5 -16.1 -19.4 40.3 3.2 0.0 41.9 1.6 4.8 6.5 -17.7 -11.3 3.2 -21.0 0.0
2.1.2 Venture capital investments 49.5 48.5 -31.3 82.9 122.2 55.4 78.5 36.9 49.5 49.6 49.3 52.4 7.0 129.8 -27.4 101.4 23.8 33.9 -40.6 86.6
2.1.3 Direct and indirect government support for business R&D 12.9 54.7 1.9 -27.3 7.4 -10.1 -43.1 -12.0 13.6 -29.4 0.0 4.6 91.9 5.5 1.1 6.3 -5.8 -7.2 -20.3 50.9
Firm investments
2.2.1 R&D expenditure in the business sector 14.7 70.5 14.7 14.7 -3.1 15.5 12.4 -17.1 32.6 7.8 9.3 15.5 7.8 21.7 3.9 24.0 -3.1 7.0 3.9 10.1
2.2.2 Non-R&D innovation expenditure 1.7 21.2 -34.2 49.8 47.6 4.6 37.0 -62.9 9.0 18.4 -29.7 -64.3 3.7 45.6 -26.6 4.6 18.4 -8.0 4.0 0.0
2.2.3 Innovation expenditures per person employed 31.2 51.4 1.1 21.2 -109.1 34.9 25.1 52.6 33.1 22.9 17.1 -56.3 66.2 28.3 -18.4 21.8 32.5 -17.2 -13.7 22.2
Use of information technologies
2.3.1 Enterprises providing ICT training 0.0 0.0 -50.0 18.8 0.0 -43.8 18.8 12.5 6.3 -12.5 -37.5 0.0 31.3 18.8 37.5 31.3 -6.3 0.0 43.8 37.5
2.3.2 Employed ICT specialists 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3.1.1 SMEs with product innovations 26.7 22.0 67.4 66.1 46.2 6.1 83.8 -30.9 123.7 42.3 2.8 94.7 32.5 93.2 33.8 59.4 7.4 49.6 -5.9 -23.0
3.1.2 SMEs with business process innovations 53.8 44.0 45.4 145.7 81.7 103.7 133.3 -5.9 89.0 -4.9 14.5 79.9 62.8 125.9 26.0 47.3 -51.1 43.5 22.7 43.7
3.2.1 Innovative SMEs collaborating with others 26.8 -40.3 51.8 55.6 15.7 42.1 80.9 100.5 56.6 7.5 28.2 68.8 79.2 197.1 41.6 -10.1 46.6 46.5 48.6 6.8
3.2.2 Public-private co-publications 37.2 117.4 24.4 70.7 143.5 63.5 141.8 112.4 92.1 60.9 22.9 115.5 82.6 314.5 100.8 51.5 285.5 70.7 74.1 115.7
3.2.3 Job-to-job mobility of Human Resources in S&T 41.2 -11.8 0.0 26.5 -26.5 0.0 76.5 N/A 47.1 58.8 64.7 67.6 17.6 100.0 20.6 138.2 14.7 70.6 41.2 -32.4
Intellectual assets
3.3.1 PCT patent applications -6.6 -7.8 -2.0 -5.8 -8.3 -11.3 -5.8 -23.5 8.7 -4.7 -6.9 -3.0 2.1 1.3 -0.2 4.4 -7.1 -1.6 31.4 -11.8
3.3.2 Trademark applications 13.1 11.8 25.2 20.5 13.8 10.2 72.2 -21.9 29.9 7.7 0.8 26.5 24.0 6.1 35.9 62.5 -22.5 15.2 0.0 13.7
3.3.3 Design applications -18.5 -10.0 -98.4 -3.6 -3.1 -39.9 25.2 -1.7 4.7 -12.4 -21.8 10.6 -3.0 30.2 15.9 19.8 -79.2 -2.3 -53.5 16.4
Employment impacts
4.1.1 Employment in knowledge-intensive activities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4.1.2 Employment in innovative enterprises 15.5 29.7 40.9 40.5 12.8 8.1 177.9 -25.4 73.0 -11.3 -10.3 41.1 19.4 80.3 21.0 30.8 -64.5 26.8 -17.4 -30.2
Economic effects
4.2.1 Medium & high-tech product exports 3.5 14.0 19.3 4.3 11.8 -0.4 -8.5 35.6 14.1 -3.3 -7.4 1.6 -3.2 -28.5 1.4 11.5 -16.0 -1.6 -18.6 20.1
4.2.2 Knowledge-intensive services exports 21.1 11.8 51.1 17.9 5.6 5.9 32.7 1.6 45.1 46.9 12.2 26.0 21.7 47.9 10.6 7.5 10.5 14.9 37.1 7.9
4.2.3 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-enterprise innovations 8.9 65.5 23.1 -1.2 70.5 6.2 -13.3 32.2 66.6 50.8 -79.9 70.4 30.0 81.6 9.2 26.0 -1.7 -41.3 17.1 -22.8
Environmental sustainability
4.3.1 Resource productivity 22.7 29.2 7.7 29.0 12.3 52.4 14.3 85.3 45.5 0.1 49.5 15.6 37.4 -11.9 7.4 5.0 15.9 -18.1 -28.6 16.1
4.3.2 Air emissions in fine particulates (PM2.5) in Industry 5.8 7.6 -27.9 15.1 6.5 3.0 23.1 9.4 7.4 5.9 4.5 14.3 7.7 -9.1 0.0 22.8 15.4 -4.0 5.0 5.6
4.3.3 Development of environment-related technologies -15.0 2.2 -48.3 6.0 0.0 -11.9 -121.8 -11.8 -57.9 -37.6 -13.5 -86.7 -17.9 15.6 -49.4 -23.9 -42.0 -37.6 4.8 -16.4
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
Performance change is measured as the difference between performance in 2022 relative to the EU in 2015 and performance in 2015 relative to the EU in 2015.
Human resources
1.1.1 New doctorate graduates 0.0 0.0 -11.4 -57.2 -91.5 -45.8 -11.4 -45.8 -0.5 8.0 11.4 -9.0 -11.4 3.7 -22.9 11.4 11.4 11.4 -8.5 11.4
1.1.2 Population completed tertiary education 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 0.0
1.1.3 Lifelong learning 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A -6.7 -2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 N/A -16.7
Attractive research systems
1.2.1 International scientific co-publications 80.4 31.0 83.0 14.6 74.0 53.9 111.6 106.0 10.2 19.4 11.2 36.4 16.4 60.9 155.7 30.7 0.0 10.2 8.9 80.9
1.2.2 Scientific publications among top 10% most cited -2.9 17.9 -10.1 26.1 7.7 13.1 8.2 -7.1 48.4 4.5 -16.2 -16.2 23.4 -41.8 -11.8 14.6 -6.1 14.8 5.1 2.3
1.2.3 Foreign doctorate students 61.8 42.4 120.2 7.3 83.9 19.6 55.0 27.2 -54.8 N/A 146.7 N/A 234.8 -51.2 11.1 15.7 21.0 15.0 -4.6 -1.4
1.3.1 Broadband penetration 0.0 15.2 15.2 24.2 30.3 15.2 42.4 12.1 2.2 0.0 N/A 0.0 3.0 27.3 9.1 42.4 0.0 0.0 N/A 0.0
1.3.2 Individuals with above basic overall digital skills 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A N/A
Finance and support
2.1.1 R&D expenditure in the public sector 17.7 3.2 -3.2 -12.9 -6.5 -3.2 -8.1 4.8 0.0 -1.6 6.5 -17.7 -12.9 19.4 41.9 8.1 11.3 -6.5 -23.4 -4.8
2.1.2 Venture capital investments 53.8 4.4 -16.7 47.7 0.6 32.4 87.4 90.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 103.6 44.6 63.9 N/A 43.9 76.1
2.1.3 Direct and indirect government support for business R&D -29.9 59.1 70.5 -19.2 -66.6 13.3 -20.6 -0.3 N/A -1.8 63.8 -17.6 7.7 -0.2 62.3 13.7 10.9 73.9 -8.3 103.5
Firm investments
2.2.1 R&D expenditure in the business sector 10.1 38.8 22.5 12.4 -30.2 8.5 -21.7 23.3 0.0 -9.3 56.6 0.0 1.6 0.8 28.7 10.9 4.7 24.8 -11.3 11.6
2.2.2 Non-R&D innovation expenditure -9.7 -45.9 -24.7 -34.6 -75.6 16.7 14.4 -48.7 N/A 0.0 0.0 N/A 0.0 0.0 2.2 25.6 N/A -122.0 0.2 -20.7
2.2.3 Innovation expenditures per person employed 17.4 -8.9 -8.9 3.6 16.1 4.8 9.6 0.0 N/A 0.0 0.0 N/A 0.0 0.0 39.5 0.0 N/A 0.0 N/A 28.3
Use of information technologies
2.3.1 Enterprises providing ICT training -100.0 50.0 -18.8 6.3 37.5 -6.3 0.0 0.0 N/A -6.3 0.0 0.0 -12.5 31.3 -31.3 -37.5 N/A -25.0 -3.8 0.0
2.3.2 Employed ICT specialists 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A N/A 0.0 88.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 0.0
3.1.1 SMEs with product innovations 8.5 32.9 -15.2 12.5 62.4 16.0 25.7 53.5 -9.4 0.0 -41.6 N/A -4.8 0.0 67.5 101.1 -40.6 -18.2 -6.9 -8.4
3.1.2 SMEs with business process innovations 21.6 60.9 -2.8 0.0 32.4 15.1 92.7 97.9 -7.7 0.0 7.1 N/A 16.0 0.0 80.4 67.8 14.9 -59.6 N/A -111.2
3.2.1 Innovative SMEs collaborating with others -50.0 39.5 -14.3 -4.0 -0.3 -11.3 133.9 20.0 -27.9 N/A 23.2 N/A -11.4 0.0 105.8 31.0 11.5 -6.7 0.0 -13.6
3.2.2 Public-private co-publications 181.9 37.0 93.9 27.5 114.5 55.3 122.1 128.8 8.7 23.1 89.3 30.4 17.4 40.9 188.0 43.8 26.4 10.2 17.9 91.9
3.2.3 Job-to-job mobility of Human Resources in S&T 32.4 26.5 64.7 -11.8 76.5 17.6 35.3 -61.8 N/A N/A 0.0 N/A 82.4 -44.1 11.8 50.0 26.5 -41.2 N/A 23.5
Intellectual assets
3.3.1 PCT patent applications -6.6 1.9 7.7 -1.8 -23.7 -0.3 -3.4 0.0 N/A -18.6 -9.4 0.0 11.3 38.7 0.6 5.0 -3.3 15.6 4.4 -3.8
3.3.2 Trademark applications 19.8 18.5 26.2 19.2 21.5 27.8 26.0 17.9 13.4 6.7 -99.8 10.9 7.1 -16.3 27.7 13.5 -4.1 6.5 17.0 -11.3
3.3.3 Design applications -7.2 1.1 -30.4 4.0 -29.0 -3.7 -12.0 -39.8 0.0 -0.1 -16.7 -6.9 0.4 0.0 5.2 0.4 -6.3 -3.8 0.5 -21.3
Employment impacts
4.1.1 Employment in knowledge-intensive activities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4.1.2 Employment in innovative enterprises 2.4 50.8 -5.5 0.0 -5.5 22.8 44.1 36.0 -4.8 0.0 -17.3 N/A 0.0 0.0 39.9 71.6 -10.1 -55.7 N/A -2.3
Economic effects
4.2.1 Medium & high-tech product exports -2.2 -0.4 12.4 12.2 13.0 6.9 10.9 2.1 0.0 14.1 0.0 24.9 23.8 15.0 6.2 -4.5 44.9 49.1 -19.1 -2.0
4.2.2 Knowledge-intensive services exports 12.1 20.8 8.2 18.9 16.7 20.9 16.8 17.1 10.0 5.1 25.0 35.1 24.4 38.2 9.8 30.8 11.6 39.9 12.7 11.6
4.2.3 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-enterprise innovations 8.9 9.2 72.2 -11.1 -1.2 -36.6 88.2 52.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 0.0 0.0 -1.2 34.1 -46.4 0.0 3.4 -46.3
Environmental sustainability
4.3.1 Resource productivity 11.8 20.9 -2.7 -3.7 19.6 0.0 17.4 3.9 19.5 3.0 100.8 N/A 19.0 N/A -1.3 -2.0 7.4 27.9 N/A 40.0
4.3.2 Air emissions in fine particulates (PM2.5) in Industry 8.6 8.4 0.0 19.4 2.5 19.1 10.8 9.3 N/A N/A 15.0 N/A N/A N/A 8.6 -11.8 4.8 N/A N/A -0.3
4.3.3 Development of environment-related technologies -14.9 -69.4 -51.2 -62.0 0.6 -45.4 -26.5 4.4 58.2 0.0 15.8 -31.4 44.8 45.1 -6.7 -30.6 -17.3 -7.7 -10.0 -14.6
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
1.3.1 Broadband Number of enterprises with a All enterprises 2021
penetration maximum contracted download Eurostat, Community
speed of the fastest fixed internet Survey of ICT Usage and E- Realising Europe's full e-potential depends on creating the
connection of at least 100 Mb/s commerce in Enterprises conditions for electronic commerce and the Internet to
Eurostat, Community Survey of ICT flourish. This indicator captures the relative use of this e-
Usage and E-commerce in potential by the share of enterprises that have access to fast
Enterprises broadband
1.3.2 Individuals Number of individuals with above Total number of individuals 2021
who have above basic overall digital skills aged 16 to 74
basic overall digital Eurostat: EU survey on the ICT Eurostat Above basic overall digital skills represent the highest level
skills (% share) usage in households and by of the overall digital skills indicator, which is a composite
individuals indicator based on selected activities performed by
individuals aged 16-74 on the internet in four specific areas
(information, communication, problem solving, content
creation) during the previous 3 months
2.1.1 R&D All R&D expenditures in the Gross Domestic Product 2020
expenditure in the government sector (GOVERD) and Eurostat
public sector the higher education sector (HERD) Research and development (R&D) expenditure represents one
(percentage of GDP) Eurostat of the major drivers of economic growth in a knowledge-
based economy. As such, trends in the R&D expenditure
indicator provide key indications of the future
competitiveness and wealth of the EU. R&D spending is
essential for making the transition to a knowledge-based
economy as well as for improving production technologies
and stimulating growth
2.1.2 Venture capital Venture capital expenditures is Gross Domestic Product 2021
(percentage of GDP) defined as private equity being Eurostat
raised for investment in
The amount of venture capital is a proxy for the relative
companies. Management buyouts, dynamism of new business creation. For enterprises using or
management buy-ins, and venture developing new (risky) technologies, venture capital is often
purchase of quoted shares are
the only available means of financing their (expanding)
excluded. Venture capital includes
early stage (seed + start-up) and
expansion and replacement capital
Invest Europe
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
2.2.2 Non-R&D Sum of total innovation Total turnover for all 2020
innovation expenditure by enterprises in all enterprises
expenditures size classes, excluding intramural Eurostat (Community This indicator measures non-R&D innovation expenditure as
(percentage of and extramural R&D expenditures Innovation Survey) a percentage of total turnover. Several of the components of
turnover) Eurostat (Community Innovation innovation expenditure, such as investment in equipment and
Survey) machinery and the acquisition of patents and licenses,
measure the diffusion of new production technology and
2.2.3 Innovation Sum of total innovation Total employment in 2018
expenditures per expenditure by enterprises in all innovative enterprises in all
person employed size classes in Purchasing Power size classes The indicator measures the monetary input directly related to
Standards (PPS) Eurostat (Community innovation activities
Eurostat (Community Innovation Innovation Survey)
2.3.1 Enterprises Number of enterprises that All enterprises 2020
providing training to provided any type of training to Eurostat, Community
develop or upgrade develop ICT related skills of their Survey of ICT Usage and E- ICT skills are particularly important for innovation in an
ICT skills of their personnel commerce in Enterprises increasingly digital economy. The share of enterprises
personnel Eurostat, Community Survey of ICT providing training in that respect is a proxy for the overall
Usage and E-commerce in skills development of employees
2.3.2 ICT specialists Number of employed ICT Total employment 2021
(as a percentage of specialists Eurostat
total employment) Eurostat Eurostat defines ICT specialists as "workers who have the
ability to develop, operate and maintain ICT systems, and for
whom ICT constitute the main part of their job".
Operationalised in terms of ISCO codes, this definition
converts into a statistical definition of ICT specialists as
follow: from 2011 onwards - corresponding to the
application of the ISCO-08, Eurostat and OECD adopted a
joint approach to define the occupations to be treated as ICT
specialists (OECD, 201523)
3.1.1 SMEs Number of Small and medium- Total number of Small and 2020
introducing product sized enterprises (SMEs) who medium-sized enterprises
innovations introduced at least one product Eurostat (Community Product innovation is a key ingredient to innovation as they
(percentage of innovation. A product innovation is Innovation Survey) can create new markers and improve competitiveness. Higher
SMEs) the market introduction of a new
shares of product innovators reflect a higher level of
or significantly improved good or
innovation activities
service with respect to its
capabilities, user friendliness,
components, or sub-systems
Eurostat (Community Innovation
3.1.2 SMEs Number of Small and medium- Total number of Small and 2020
introducing business sized enterprises (SMEs) who medium-sized enterprises
process innovations introduced at least one business Eurostat (Community Many firms innovate not by improving new products but by
(percentage of process innovation either new to Innovation Survey) improving their business processes. Business process
SMEs) the enterprise or new to their innovations include process, marketing and organisational
market innovations
Eurostat (Community Innovation
3.2.1 Innovative Number of Small and medium- Total number of Small and 2020
SMEs collaborating sized enterprises with innovation medium-sized enterprises
with others co-operation activities, i.e. those Eurostat (Community This indicator measures the degree to which SMEs are
(percentage of firms that had any co-operation Innovation Survey) involved in innovation co-operation. Complex innovations
SMEs) agreements on innovation often depend on the ability to draw on diverse sources of
activities with other enterprises or information and knowledge, or to collaborate in the
institutions in the three years of
development of an innovation. This indicator measures the
the survey period flow of knowledge between public research institutions and
Eurostat (Community Innovation firms, and between firms and other firms. The indicator is
Survey) limited to SMEs, because almost all large firms are involved
in innovation co-operation
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
3.2.2 Public-private Number of public-private co- Total population 2021
co-publications per authored research publications. Eurostat
million population The definition of the "private This indicator captures public-private research linkages and
sector" excludes the private active collaboration activities between business sector
medical and health sector.
researchers and public sector researchers resulting in
Publications are assigned to the
academic publications
country in which the business
companies or other private sector
organisations are located
Scopus *
3.2.3 Job-to-job Job-to-job mobility of Human Working age population 2020
mobility of Human Resources in Science & Technology aged 25-64
Resources in Science Eurostat: Job-to-job mobility of Eurostat Human Resources in Science & Technology (HRST) are people
& Technology HRST by sex [hrst_fl_mobsex] who fulfil one or other of the following conditions: 1) have
successfully completed a tertiary level education; 2) not
formally qualified as above but employed in a S&T
occupation where the above qualifications are normally
required. Job-to-job mobility in this context is defined as the
movement of individuals between one job and another from
one year to the next. It does not include inflows into the
labour market from a situation of unemployment or
3.3.1 PCT patent Number of patent applications Gross Domestic Product in 2018
applications per filed under the PCT, at Purchasing Power Standard
billion GDP (in PPS) international phase, designating Eurostat The capacity of firms to develop new products will determine
the European Patent Office (EPO). their competitive advantage. One measure of the rate of new
Patent counts are based on the
product innovation is the number of patents. This indicator
priority date, the inventor’s country
measures the number of PCT patent applications
of residence and fractional counts
3.3.2 Trademark Number of trademark applications Gross Domestic Product in 2021
applications per applied for at EUIPO Purchasing Power Standard
billion GDP (in PPS) European Union Intellectual Eurostat Trademarks are an important innovation indicator, especially
Property Office (EUIPO) for the service sector. The Community trademark gives its
proprietor a uniform right applicable in all Member States of
Comment: Two-year averages the European Union through a single procedure which
have been used simplifies trademark policies at European level. It fulfils the
three essential functions of a trademark: it identifies the
origin of goods and services, guarantees consistent quality
through evidence of the company's commitment vis-à-vis the
consumer, and it is a form of communication, a basis for
publicity and advertising
3.3.3 Design Number of individual designs Gross Domestic Product in 2021
applications per applied for at EUIPO Purchasing Power Standard
billion GDP (in PPS) European Union Intellectual Eurostat A design is the outward appearance of a product or part of it
Property Office (EUIPO) resulting from the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture,
materials and/or its ornamentation. A product can be any
Comment: Two-year averages industrial or handicraft item including packaging, graphic
have been used symbols and typographic typefaces but excluding computer
programmes. It also includes products that are composed of
multiple components, which may be disassembled and
reassembled. Community design protection is directly
enforceable in each Member State, and it provides both the
option of an unregistered and a registered Community design
right for one area encompassing all Member States
4.1.1 Employment in Number of employed persons in Total employment 2021
knowledge-intensive knowledge-intensive activities in Eurostat
activities business industries. Knowledge- Knowledge-intensive activities provide services directly to
(percentage of total intensive activities are defined,
consumers, such as telecommunications, and provide inputs
employment) based on EU Labour Force Survey to the innovative activities of other firms in all sectors of the
data, as all NACE Rev.2 industries economy
at 2-digit level where at least 33%
of employment has a higher
education degree (ISCED 5-8)
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
4.1.2 Employment in Number of employed persons in Total employment for 2020
innovative innovative enterprises (‘Enterprises enterprises with 10 or more
enterprises that have either introduced an employees Innovation in enterprises has a profound impact on the
innovation or have any kind of Eurostat (Community employability of workers, but its effect in product- and
innovation activity (including Innovation Survey) process-innovation oriented firms varies across countries.
enterprises with Firm innovation proves to be specifically important during a
abandoned/suspended or on-going
time of economic recession. Although high-skilled employees
innovation activities) are less affected by a recession than low-skilled employees,
Eurostat (Community Innovation a notable positive effect is observed for low-skilled
Survey) employees in innovative firms as well
4.2.1 Exports of Value of medium and high-tech Value of total product 2021
medium and high exports, in national currency and exports
technology products current prices, including exports of Eurostat (ComExt) for The indicator measures the technological competitiveness of
as a share of total the following SITC Rev.3 products: Member States, UN the EU, i.e. the ability to commercialise the results of
product exports 266, 267, 512, 513, 525, 533, 54, ComTrade for non-EU research and development (R&D) and innovation in
553, 554, 562, 57, 58, 591, 593, countries international markets. It also reflects product specialisation
597, 598, 629, 653, 671, 672,
by country. Creating, exploiting and commercialising new
679, 71, 72, 731, 733, 737, 74, technologies are vital for the competitiveness of a country in
751, 752, 759, 76, 77, 78, 79,
the modern economy. Medium and high technology products
812, 87, 88 and 891 are key drivers for economic growth, productivity and
Eurostat (ComExt) for Member welfare, and are generally a source of high value added and
States, UN ComTrade for non-EU well-paid employment
4.2.2 Knowledge- Exports of knowledge-intensive Total value of services 2020
intensive services services is defined as the sum of exports
exports as credits in EBOPS 2010 (Extended Eurostat The indicator measures the competitiveness of the
percentage of total Balance of Payments Services
knowledge-intensive services sector. Competitiveness-
services exports Classification) items SC1, SC2, enhancing measures and innovation strategies can be
SC3A, SF, SG, SH, SI, SJ and SK124 mutually reinforcing for the growth of employment, export
Eurostat shares and turnover at the firm level. It reflects the ability of
an economy, notably resulting from innovation, to export
services with high levels of value added, and successfully
take part in knowledge-intensive global value chains
4.2.3 Sales of new- Sum of total turnover of new or Total turnover for all 2020
to-market and new- significantly improved products, enterprises
to-firm innovations either new-to-the-firm or new-to- Eurostat (Community This indicator measures the turnover of new or significantly
as percentage of the-market, for all enterprises Innovation Survey) improved products and includes both products which are only
turnover Eurostat (Community Innovation new to the firm and products which are also new to the
Survey) market. The indicator thus captures both the creation of
state-of-the-art technologies (new-to-market products) and
the diffusion of these technologies (new-to-firm products)
4.3.1 Resource Resource productivity is expressed 2020
productivity by the amount of GDP generated
per unit of direct material
Resource productivity is a measure of the total amount of
consumed, i.e. GDP / DMC in euros materials directly used by an economy (measured as
per kg domestic material consumption (DMC)) in relation to GDP. It
Eurostat: Resource productivity provides insights into whether decoupling between the use of
[env_ac_rp] natural resources and economic growth is taking place.
Resource productivity (GDP/DMC) is the EU sustainable
development indicator for policy evaluation
Domestic material consumption (DMC) measures the total
amount of materials directly used by an economy and is
defined as the annual quantity of raw materials extracted
from the domestic territory, plus all physical imports minus
all physical exports
SC1 (Sea transport), SC2 (Air transport), SC3A (Space transport), SF (Insurance and pension services), SG (Financial services), SH (Charges
for the use of intellectual property), SI (Telecommunications, computer, and information services), SJ (Other business services) and SK1
(Audio-visual and related services)
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
4.3.2 Air emissions Air emissions by fine particulate Value added in the 2019
by fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the Manufacturing sector -
matter (PM2.5) in Manufacturing sector in Tonnes Chain linked volumes Air pollution may be anthropogenic (human-induced) or of
Industry Eurostat, Air emissions accounts (2010), million euro natural origin. Air pollution has the potential to harm both
by NACE Rev. 2 activity Eurostat human health and the environment: particulate matter (PM),
[env_ac_ainah_r2] nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone are known to pose
particular health risks. Long-term and peak exposures to
these pollutants may be associated, among other impacts,
with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases or an increased
incidence of cancer. This indicator captures average
concentration levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5 —
particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometres or less) to
which the population is exposed. The EU set an annual limit
of 25 µg/m³ for fine particulate matter in Directive
2008/50/EC25 on ambient air quality and cleaner air, while
the World Health Organisation (WHO26) set a more stringent,
but non-binding guideline value, whereby annual mean
concentrations should not exceed 10 µg/m³ in order to
protect human health. PM2.5 is considered by the WHO as
the pollutant with the highest impact on human health
4.3.3 Development Number of environment-related Total number of patents 2019
of environment- inventions
related technologies, OECD Green Growth database The number of environment-related inventions is expressed
percentage of all
as a percentage of all domestic inventions (in all
Indicators of technology development are constructed by
measuring inventive activity using patent data across a wide
range of environment-related technological domains
(ENVTECH27), including environmental management, water-
related adaptation, and climate change mitigation
technologies. The counts used include only higher-value
inventions (with patent family size ≥ 2).
Data are obtained from the Patents: Technology
development dataset of the OECD Environment Database28
* Data provided by Science-Metrix as part of a contract to European Commission (DG Research and Innovation).
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
BE 0.615 0.620 0.632 0.641 0.627 0.680 0.676 0.698 124.7 125.8 128.0 129.9 127.2 137.9 137.2 141.5 128.8 16.8
BG 0.238 0.244 0.239 0.241 0.239 0.229 0.230 0.245 48.2 49.5 48.4 48.8 48.5 46.5 46.7 49.7 45.2 1.5
CZ 0.404 0.409 0.412 0.416 0.428 0.443 0.444 0.502 82.0 82.9 83.5 84.3 86.8 89.8 90.0 101.7 92.6 19.8
DK 0.675 0.678 0.687 0.679 0.683 0.718 0.728 0.731 136.8 137.4 139.3 137.6 138.5 145.5 147.7 148.1 134.8 11.3
DE 0.601 0.597 0.601 0.607 0.608 0.641 0.646 0.637 121.8 121.0 121.9 123.0 123.2 130.0 130.9 129.2 117.5 7.4
EE 0.422 0.391 0.405 0.474 0.488 0.553 0.585 0.542 85.5 79.3 82.2 96.2 99.0 112.1 118.7 109.8 100.0 24.4
IE 0.610 0.619 0.627 0.622 0.620 0.602 0.607 0.645 123.6 125.5 127.2 126.1 125.6 122.0 123.0 130.7 118.9 7.1
EL 0.316 0.319 0.333 0.363 0.368 0.399 0.417 0.435 64.1 64.6 67.6 73.5 74.7 81.0 84.5 88.2 80.2 24.1
ES 0.439 0.443 0.452 0.464 0.471 0.460 0.454 0.481 88.9 89.9 91.6 94.0 95.5 93.2 92.1 97.5 88.8 8.6
FR 0.576 0.577 0.583 0.580 0.578 0.571 0.576 0.571 116.8 117.1 118.2 117.5 117.1 115.8 116.8 115.9 105.4 -1.0
HR 0.284 0.291 0.291 0.300 0.306 0.340 0.350 0.360 57.5 58.9 58.9 60.8 62.1 69.0 71.1 73.0 66.5 15.5
IT 0.411 0.413 0.420 0.443 0.448 0.504 0.511 0.497 83.2 83.7 85.1 89.7 90.9 102.1 103.6 100.7 91.6 17.4
CY 0.392 0.395 0.411 0.430 0.415 0.537 0.550 0.579 79.5 80.0 83.4 87.2 84.1 108.8 111.5 117.4 106.9 37.9
LV 0.252 0.268 0.272 0.275 0.267 0.279 0.279 0.275 51.1 54.4 55.2 55.7 54.2 56.6 56.6 55.8 50.8 4.7
LT 0.356 0.370 0.376 0.415 0.414 0.413 0.422 0.454 72.1 75.0 76.2 84.1 84.0 83.6 85.6 92.0 83.7 19.9
LU 0.636 0.643 0.655 0.654 0.656 0.654 0.645 0.643 128.9 130.3 132.7 132.6 133.0 132.6 130.8 130.4 118.6 1.4
HU 0.343 0.345 0.344 0.354 0.340 0.352 0.364 0.378 69.6 69.9 69.8 71.7 68.9 71.3 73.8 76.7 69.8 7.1
MT 0.426 0.434 0.447 0.471 0.487 0.534 0.482 0.459 86.4 87.9 90.6 95.4 98.7 108.2 97.6 93.0 84.7 6.7
NL 0.652 0.663 0.667 0.682 0.693 0.685 0.691 0.701 132.2 134.4 135.2 138.3 140.4 138.9 140.1 142.1 129.3 9.9
AT 0.619 0.614 0.619 0.636 0.632 0.629 0.634 0.641 125.4 124.5 125.4 128.9 128.2 127.6 128.6 130.1 118.3 4.6
PL 0.272 0.280 0.290 0.288 0.294 0.296 0.307 0.328 55.2 56.8 58.9 58.5 59.5 59.9 62.2 66.5 60.5 11.3
PT 0.434 0.433 0.432 0.470 0.479 0.439 0.455 0.465 88.0 87.9 87.6 95.2 97.2 89.0 92.2 94.3 85.8 6.4
RO 0.176 0.175 0.170 0.159 0.166 0.189 0.191 0.177 35.7 35.5 34.4 32.2 33.6 38.4 38.7 35.9 32.6 0.2
SI 0.497 0.492 0.495 0.476 0.461 0.473 0.492 0.507 100.8 99.8 100.3 96.6 93.4 96.0 99.7 102.7 93.5 2.0
SK 0.326 0.319 0.336 0.332 0.333 0.326 0.326 0.349 66.1 64.6 68.1 67.3 67.6 66.0 66.1 70.7 64.3 4.6
FI 0.638 0.644 0.640 0.667 0.672 0.683 0.697 0.735 129.4 130.6 129.8 135.3 136.2 138.6 141.4 148.9 135.5 19.5
SE 0.683 0.690 0.699 0.699 0.700 0.728 0.727 0.735 138.6 139.9 141.7 141.7 141.9 147.6 147.4 149.1 135.7 10.5
AL* 0.201 0.214 0.194 0.200 0.237 0.224 0.227 0.226 40.8 43.4 39.4 40.5 48.0 45.4 45.9 45.8 41.7 5.0
BA 0.185 0.185 0.181 0.158 0.155 0.181 0.194 0.189 37.5 37.4 36.7 32.0 31.5 36.6 39.2 38.3 34.9 0.9
IS 0.525 0.540 0.534 0.526 0.537 0.547 0.554 0.565 106.5 109.6 108.2 106.7 108.9 110.8 112.3 114.5 104.2 8.0
IL* 0.501 0.505 0.514 0.515 0.519 0.522 0.526 0.523 101.7 102.4 104.1 104.3 105.3 105.8 106.6 106.0 96.4 4.3
MK 0.188 0.185 0.191 0.209 0.209 0.210 0.232 0.247 38.0 37.4 38.7 42.4 42.5 42.6 47.0 50.1 45.6 12.0
ME 0.225 0.242 0.246 0.219 0.234 0.232 0.250 0.257 45.6 49.0 49.8 44.5 47.4 47.1 50.7 52.2 47.5 6.5
NO 0.558 0.558 0.564 0.611 0.617 0.635 0.641 0.663 113.1 113.1 114.3 123.9 125.1 128.6 130.0 134.4 122.3 21.3
RS 0.258 0.251 0.271 0.291 0.311 0.344 0.353 0.335 52.3 50.8 55.0 58.9 63.1 69.7 71.6 67.9 61.8 15.6
CH 0.752 0.756 0.755 0.747 0.756 0.760 0.764 0.772 152.5 153.4 153.2 151.5 153.2 154.1 154.9 156.5 142.4 4.0
TR 0.261 0.262 0.270 0.299 0.302 0.250 0.251 0.259 53.0 53.1 54.8 60.7 61.3 50.7 50.9 52.4 47.7 -0.5
UA* 0.170 0.164 0.155 0.152 0.148 0.153 0.160 0.168 34.5 33.2 31.4 30.7 30.1 31.0 32.5 34.1 31.0 -0.5
UK 0.622 0.624 0.644 0.655 0.655 0.636 0.640 0.639 126.0 126.6 130.6 132.8 132.9 129.0 129.7 129.5 117.8 3.4
* Results for Albania (AL), Israel (IL) and Ukraine (UA) are less reliable due to limited data availability.
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022
BE 129.6 157.9 123.2 129.0 137.8 166.3 146.5 174.0 87.1 151.4 101.2 100.8
BG 33.5 27.6 47.0 22.6 35.1 35.9 56.0 34.4 74.1 55.3 60.6 53.5
CZ 75.9 82.2 75.8 86.2 94.0 118.5 138.2 92.2 62.9 106.1 97.4 98.8
DK 170.1 195.6 152.2 111.2 83.1 156.5 117.2 218.0 143.3 108.4 104.2 127.8
DE 99.8 109.9 84.7 93.4 138.0 121.7 141.1 141.7 124.0 128.9 112.6 122.5
EE 123.2 124.0 86.6 92.8 93.7 127.2 95.3 163.9 120.3 144.9 67.1 33.5
IE 169.1 158.0 123.3 78.9 73.2 162.0 115.8 177.1 61.2 153.8 137.3 101.7
EL 72.4 66.8 57.3 60.7 71.0 37.0 167.3 114.3 53.8 124.2 90.6 71.1
ES 127.6 96.6 149.8 74.5 62.4 91.3 50.1 88.5 78.1 58.8 96.6 102.4
FR 125.5 119.8 112.8 132.5 86.7 83.7 104.5 121.4 80.9 110.5 79.4 117.4
HR 53.9 48.8 75.1 67.2 40.2 90.2 126.9 111.3 43.1 75.8 56.5 56.9
IT 64.1 98.6 75.2 79.6 82.1 68.5 115.2 90.6 105.4 107.1 88.6 117.6
CY 117.1 147.2 80.0 65.9 48.0 103.3 154.8 228.8 104.0 148.8 111.4 62.7
LV 75.4 43.1 77.2 37.6 25.4 75.0 39.3 75.3 67.9 47.5 52.8 27.3
LT 111.6 53.1 104.2 76.0 79.6 65.2 113.7 141.6 69.1 101.0 51.1 80.4
LU 166.7 221.1 126.4 68.1 52.5 151.1 99.0 188.7 112.0 135.1 83.5 122.4
HU 45.1 78.8 71.8 79.7 68.3 73.9 49.3 96.1 52.3 59.4 84.9 70.4
MT 85.3 99.7 132.3 17.4 42.8 134.8 66.0 97.4 124.5 111.8 69.7 104.2
NL 176.0 200.5 165.2 118.5 76.9 160.9 104.7 183.4 112.1 125.7 88.6 121.9
AT 125.4 156.1 96.4 116.0 101.5 93.5 124.2 175.3 143.5 122.5 85.7 106.5
PL 54.6 42.2 84.3 59.8 56.9 71.7 41.4 73.8 84.0 49.2 65.7 44.5
PT 120.2 128.9 133.5 87.6 48.0 114.1 99.3 91.0 77.6 95.0 74.5 27.4
RO 19.2 35.5 86.7 29.5 12.2 13.0 4.6 7.4 32.7 8.0 69.3 45.6
SI 140.2 108.0 86.7 65.3 60.2 126.1 116.1 142.3 77.8 107.4 82.4 78.1
SK 71.8 54.2 68.4 38.6 55.7 82.6 42.3 50.1 52.9 54.6 96.9 93.4
FI 169.5 158.7 156.5 101.3 104.4 221.7 147.5 224.4 130.8 139.1 109.6 79.0
SE 183.9 183.2 150.2 112.6 129.6 202.2 142.6 139.6 124.6 156.9 102.8 86.9
AL* 56.8 39.1 5.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 70.4 40.8 31.0 35.2 55.6 98.2
BA 10.9 24.1 31.0 0.7 0.4 71.7 110.5 15.2 8.9 79.8 31.9 88.8
IS 137.1 178.7 162.1 111.0 78.1 105.4 102.2 228.7 56.7 127.8 45.7 63.6
IL* 121.0 108.3 41.5 50.4 161.8 122.9 N/A 72.0 81.4 190.8 121.1 25.2
RS 34.1 76.6 47.0 15.5 40.6 26.1 60.0 49.5 19.1 28.0 64.2 86.8
NO 38.2 44.9 38.9 14.5 23.7 76.1 132.5 49.0 20.3 105.3 35.4 55.4
MK 163.3 164.1 143.7 134.7 82.9 162.0 155.6 249.2 60.6 134.4 56.0 84.9
ME 49.1 42.7 47.7 38.7 102.2 60.9 132.2 66.0 20.4 98.7 77.5 27.3
CH 204.7 226.7 115.5 87.0 134.6 139.1 131.3 196.5 138.9 168.1 112.5 123.3
TR 46.5 39.2 30.7 66.1 47.8 22.8 58.4 65.5 27.5 20.1 82.5 44.6
UA* 36.0 14.8 N/A 33.2 31.2 31.3 0.0 21.1 20.8 70.1 32.3 75.9
UK 173.3 171.7 43.5 122.6 73.9 137.0 48.1 205.5 76.9 149.5 110.8 117.3
* Results for Albania (AL), Israel (IL) and Ukraine (UA) are less reliable due to limited data availability.
N/A = not available
European Innovation Scoreboard 2022