1 1162174043120135573
1 1162174043120135573
1 1162174043120135573
(20-22%) {ATA71}
7. How can the fuel system use fuel from Ecology tank? =
(By Gravity)
(By fuel return pump*)
(Can not use fuel from ecology tank)
8. Where is the Ambient pressure sensor located on PW1100G? =
(On fan case right hand side)
(On EEC housing*)
(On fan cowl door)
{ATA 75 - AIR}
(1, 3, 4, 5, 7*)
(1, 3, 4, 6, 7)
6. The HPC Stator Vane Actuator can control how many stage of HPC? =
4. PHMU is monitoring… ? =
(Oil Debris monitoring, Vibration monitoring, Auxiliary Oil pressure Monitoring*)
(Oil Debris monitoring, Auxiliary Oil pressure Monitoring)
(Oil Debris monitoring, Vibration monitoring)
9. Which side of engine where most of oil system component installed in? =
(LH side*)
(RH side)
(Both side)