Types of Developmental Disorders
Types of Developmental Disorders
Types of Developmental Disorders
Ms. Angeline Miriam George
Assistant Professor
Department of Clinical Psychology - SRIHER
Ø Definition of Developmental Disorder
Sensory Cognitive
Neurodevelopmental Developmental
Developmental Developmental
- ADHD, ASD, LD Disorder – CP, DCD,
Disorder – SPD Disorder – ID
Learning disabilities
are disorders that affect the
Central Nervous System
ability to understand or use
spoken or written language, do
Hereditary mathematical calculations,
coordinate movements, or direct
Problems during pregnancy and
childbirth attention.
ü Alternative Assignment
ü Test Accommodation
ü Extended Time for test
ü Test to be read to the student
ü To be dictated into tape recorder for transcription
Management of LD
• A health care provider may prescribe medication to treat specific symptoms. (Irritability,
Aggression, Repetitive behavior, Hyperactivity, Attention problems, Anxiety and depression)
Perinatal causes
a) Infections (rubella, syphilis, CMV, Toxoplasmosis)
b) Prematurity
c) Birth trauma
d) Hypoxia
e) Intrauterine growth retardation
f) Acquired physical disorders in childhood (CP, encephalopathy)
Lack of intellectual stimulation, emotional deprivation, economic condition,
● There is no cure for ID / MR.
• Early Interventions
• Developmental Therapy
• Occupational Therapy
• Special education
• Speech Therapy
Cerebral palsy surgery can: Types of assistive devices include: Types of mobility aids include:
Correct fixed joints and tendons Cochlear implants Crutches
Correct foot deformities Electronic communication boards Lifts
Correct muscle contractures Eye-tracking devices Power scooters
Correct spinal curvatures (scoliosis) Typing aids Orthotic devices
Improve balance and coordination Writing aids Standers
Improve posture Walkers
Prevent hip dislocation Walking sticks
● Developmental coordination disorder, a chronic and usually
● Etiology
● Remedial: Language therapy
● Psychotherapy: used as a positive model
● Supportive parental counselling
● Family therapy
Behavioural Disorders
● Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD) are among the
prevalent disruptive behaviours in both children and adolescents.
● CD is a “repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of
others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated”.
● ODD longstanding pattern of hostile, defiant, or disobedient behavior.
Disruptive behavior disorders
Result in impaired social or academic function in a child
Oppositional defiant disorder
• Enduring pattern of negative, hostile
behavior in absence of serious violation of
societal norms or rules
Conduct disorder
• aggression and violations of the rights of
• specific behaviors: bullying, threatening or
intimidating others
• beginning before age 13 years
● Family instability, physical, sexual victimization, SES, negligent conditions
● Coexist with ADHD, LD, Communication disorders
● Abnormal serotonin levels
● Psychotherapy: individual or family therapy
● Pharmacotherapy: Antipsychotics, Lithium, stimulants
● Behaviour Therapy
● Sibling rivalry is defined as the competition between siblings for the love, approval and
attention from one or both parents, which is usually present among siblings to some extent.
● Sibling rivalry is particularly heightened when children are very close in age and of the same
● Signs of Sibling Rivalry
Children show some of these signs
○ fighting- physical and verbal injury, frustration, demanding, attention, tattling, bulling,
name calling, regressive acts like thumb sucking, bed-wetting, baby talk, temper
○ Older children may show these signs: arguing constantly, competing for their friends,
sports with grading, taking other one objects and stealing it, playing with loved one pets
or other people to irritate other one.
● Parental Empowerment Programme (PEP)
○ Parents as Teachers
○ Effective Praise
○ Preventive Teaching
○ Corrective Teaching
○ Teaching Self-Control
○ Teaching your child to problem solve
○ Setting goals through the use of charts and contracts
○ Family Traditions and Family Meetings
Childhood Anxiety Disorders
● biological offspring
● Differential diagnosis