Protection Settings For 11Kv GTG Incomers (Ref620)

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 Author Status

Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Rated Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No KVA device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range TMS

1 8S-ZAN-4010A A01 2500/5 11/√3 40000 11 2099.52 ABB REF 620 50P Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection - Instantaneous stage PHIPTOC
2 8S-ZAN-4010B A02 5P20 0.11/√3 Start Value 1.0…..40.00 xIn 0.01 - 1.00 -
3 7P-ZAN-4010C B01 30VA 0.11/3 kV Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 - 0.1 - 1 - Disabled

4 7P-ZAN-4010D B02 50/5 Operate delay time - ms 10 20….200000 20 -

1VA 50P Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection - Instantaneous stage PHIPTOC

1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 5=off
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
Number of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - - - 1 = 1 out of 3 -
3 = 3 out of 3
Reset delay time - ms 1 0….60000 20 -

51P-1 Three phase non-directional overcurrent protection - Low Stage PHLPTOC

Start Value 0.05…..5.00 xIn 0.01 - 0.05 0.93

Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 0.1 - 1.0 1.0

Time Multiplier - 0.01 0.05….15.00 1.00 0.80

Operate delay time - ms 10 40…..200000 40 -

1 = ANSI Ext. inv.
2 = ANSI Very inv.
3 = ANSI Norm. inv.
4 = ANSI Mod.inv.
5 = ANSI Def. Time
6 = L.T.E. inv.
Curve Type 7 = L.T.V. inv. 15 = IEC Def. Time 9 = IEC Norm. inv.
8 = L.T. inv.
9 = IEC Norm. inv.
10 = IEC Very inv.
11 = IEC inv.
12 = IEC Ext. inv.
13 = IEC S.T. inv.
1 = immediate
Type of reset curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = immediate 1 = immediate
3 = Inverse reset

51P-1 Three phase non-directional overcurrent protection - Low Stage PHLPTOC

1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
Number of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - - - 1 = 1 out of 3 1 = 1 out of 3
3 = 3 out of 3
Minimum Operate time - ms 1 20…60000 20 20

Reset delay time - ms 1 0…60000 20 20

1= RMS
Measurement mode 2= DFT 2 = DFT 2 = DFT
3 = Peak-to-Peak

51P-2 Three phase non-directional overcurrent protection - High Stage PHHPTOC

Start Value 0.1…..40.00 xIn 0.01 - 0.10 2.08

Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 0.1 - 1.0 1.0

Time Multiplier - 0.01 0.05….15.00 1.00 -

Operate delay time - ms 10 40…..200000 40 450.00

1 = ANSI Ext. inv.
3 = ANSI Norm. inv.
5 = ANSI Def. Time
9 = IEC Norm. inv.
Curve Type 15 = IEC Def. Time 15 = IEC Def. Time
10 = IEC Very inv.
12 = IEC Ext. inv.
15 = IEC Def.Time.
17 = Programmable
1 = immediate
Type of reset curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = immediate 1 = immediate
3 = Inverse reset
 Author Status
Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Rated Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No KVA device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range TMS

1 8S-ZAN-4010A A01 2500/5 40000 11 2099.52 ABB REF 620 51P-2 Three phase non-directional overcurrent protection - High Stage PHHPTOC
1 = on
2 8S-ZAN-4010B A02 5P20 0.11/√3 Operation - - - 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
0.11/3 kV
3 7P-ZAN-4010C B01 30VA Number of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - - - 1 = 1 out of 3 1 = 1 out of 3
3 = 3 out of 3
4 7P-ZAN-4010D B02 50/5 Minimum Operate time - ms 1 20…60000 20 20
1VA Reset delay time - ms 1 0…60000 20 20
1= RMS
Measurement mode 2= DFT - - - 2 = DFT 2 = DFT
3 = Peak-to-Peak

50N Non-directional earth fault protection - Instantaneous stage EFIPTOC

Start Value 1.0…..40.00 xIn 0.01 - 1.00 -

Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 0.1 - 1.0 - Disabled

Operate delay time - ms 10 20….200000 20 -

50N Non-directional earth fault protection - Instantaneous stage EFIPTOC

1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 5 = off
5 = off

Reset delay time - ms 1 0….60000 20 20 Disabled

1= Measured Io
Io signal selection 1= Measured Io 1= Measured Io
2 = Calculated Io

51N-1 Non-directional earth fault protection - Low Stage EFLPTOC

Start Value 0.010…..5.000 xIn 0.005 - 0.010 0.05

Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 0.1 - 1.0 1.0

Time Multiplier - 0.01 0.05….15.00 1.00 -

Operate delay time - ms 10 40…..200000 40 250

1 = ANSI Ext. inv.
2 = ANSI Very inv.
3 = ANSI Norm. inv.
4 = ANSI Mod.inv.
5 = ANSI Def. Time
6 = L.T.E. inv.
7 = L.T.V. inv.
8 = L.T. inv.
Curve Type 15 = IEC Def. Time 15 = IEC Def. Time
9 = IEC Norm. inv.
10 = IEC Very inv.
11 = IEC inv.
12 = IEC Ext. inv.
13 = IEC S.T. inv.
14 = IEC L.T. inv.
15 = IEC Def.Time.
17 = Programmable
1 = immediate
Type of reset curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = immediate 1 = immediate
3 = Inverse reset

51N-1 Non-directional earth fault protection - Low Stage EFLPTOC

1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off

Minimum Operate time - ms 1 20…60000 20 20

Reset delay time - ms 1 0…60000 20 20

1= RMS
Measurement mode 2= DFT 2 = DFT 2 = DFT
3 = Peak-to-Peak

1= Measured Io
Io signal selection 1= Measured Io 1= Measured Io
2 = Calculated Io
 Author Status
Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Rated Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No KVA device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range TMS

1 8S-ZAN-4010A A01 2500/5 11/√3 40000 11 2099.52 ABB REF 620 51N-2 Non-directional earth fault protection - High Stage EFHPTOC
2 8S-ZAN-4010B A02 5P20 Start Value 0.10…..40.00 xIn 0.01 - 0.10 -
3 7P-ZAN-4010C B01 30VA 0.11/3 kV Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 0.1 - 1.0 -

4 7P-ZAN-4010D B02 50/5 Time Multiplier - 0.01 0.05….15.00 1.00 -

1VA Operate delay time - ms 10 40…..200000 40 -

1 = ANSI Ext. inv.

3 = ANSI Norm. inv. Disabled
5 = ANSI Def. Time
9 = IEC Norm. inv.
Curve Type 15 = IEC Def. Time 15 = IEC Def. Time
10 = IEC Very inv.
12 = IEC Ext. inv.
15 = IEC Def.Time.
17 = Programmable
1 = immediate
11 Type of reset curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = immediate 1 = immediate
3 = Inverse reset

51N-2 Non-directional earth fault protection - High Stage EFHPTOC

1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 5=off
5 = off

1 = 1 out of 3
Number of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - - - 1 = 1 out of 3 1 = 1 out of 3
3 = 3 out of 3

Minimum Operate time - ms 1 20…60000 20 20

Reset delay time - ms 1 0…60000 20 20

1= RMS
Measurement mode 2= DFT 2 = DFT 2 = DFT
3 = Peak-to-Peak

1= Measured Io
Io signal selection 1= Measured Io 1= Measured Io
2 = Calculated Io

74 Alarm relay, Trip circuit supervision


51BF/51NBF Circuit Breaker Failure Protection CCBRBRF Non Group Setting

1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
Current Value 0.05…….1.00 xIn 0.05 0.30 0.10

Current Value Res 0.05…….1.00 xIn 0.05 0.30 0.05 Earth Fault pickup setting is 5%

1= 2 out of 4 Set to failure detection based on either a phase

CB failure trip mode 2= 1 out of 3 1 = 2 Out of 4 3 = 1 Out of 4 current or residual current exceeding the set
3= 1 out of 4 value
1= Current
CB failure mode 2= Breaker status 1 = Current 1 = Current
3= Both
1= Off
CB fail retrip mode 2= Without Check 1= Off 1= Off
3= Current check

Retrip time - ms 10 0…..60000 20 20 Not Applicable

CB failure delay - ms 10 0…..60000 150 250

Applicable if CB fault condition is monitored by

CB fault delay - ms 10 0…..60000 5000 5000
binary input to relay
2= DFT
Measurement mode 2= DFT 2= DFT
3= Peak to Peak

Trip pulse time - ms 10 0…..60000 150 150

 Author Status
Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Rated Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No KVA device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range TMS

1 8S-ZAN-4010A A01 2500/5 40000 11 2099.52 ABB REF 620 25 Synchronism and energizing check SECRSYN Group Setting

-1 = Off
1 = Both dead
11/√3 2 = Live L, Dead B
0.11/√3 3 = Dead L, Live B
2 8S-ZAN-4010B A02 5P20 Live dead mode - 1 = Both Dead 2= Live L, Dead B
0.11/√3 4 = Dead Bus, L Any
0.11/3 kV 5 = Dead L, Bus Any
6 = One Live, Dead
7 = Not Both Live

3 7P-ZAN-4010C B01 30VA Difference voltage 0.01……0.50 xUn 0.01 - 0.05 0.1

4 7P-ZAN-4010D B02 50/5 Difference frequency 0.001…..0.100 xFn 0.001 - 0.001 0.001
1VA Difference angle 5……90 deg 1 - 5 5.0

25 Synchronism and energizing check SECRSYN Non Group Setting

1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off

1 = Off
Synchro check mode 2 = Synchronous 2 = Synchronous 2 = Synchronous
3 = Asynchronous

1 = Continuous Synchronising scheme shall be verified for

Control mode 1 = Continuous 1 = Continuous
2 = Command control mode selection
Dead line value 0.1……0.8 xUn 0.1 0.2 0.1

Live line value 0.2……1.0 xUn 0.1 0.5 0.5

Dead bus value 0.1…….0.8 xUn 0.1 0.2 0.1

Live bus value 0.2…..1.0 xUn 0.1 0.5 0.5

Close pulse ms 10 200…..60000 200 200.0 Applicable for command control mode

Max energizing V 0.50……1.15 xUn 0.01 1.05 1.1

Correction of phase difference between

measured U_BUS and U_LINE. Please check
Phase shift -180……180 deg 1 180 0
the Line and Bus voltage connections to the
relay at site before setting the phase shift value

This is the minimum time within which

Minimum syn time - ms 10 0……60000 0 20.0 conditions must be simultaneously fullfilled
before the SYNC_OK output is activated.

Maximum syn time - ms 10 100…..6000000 2000 2000.0 Applicable for command control mode

Energizing time - ms 10 100…..60000 100 100.0

Closing time of CB - ms 10 40…..250 60 60.0 Applicable for asynchronous mode

50L Arc protection ARCSARC1 Group Setting

Phase start value 0.50...40.00 xIn 0.01 2.5 0.93 Same as 51P-1 Pickup

Ground start value 0.05...8.00 xIn 1.01 0.2 0.05 Same as 51N-1 Pickup
ARCSARC1 settings stage needs to be
Operation mode 2=Light only 1=Light+current 1=Light+current
configured with Cable Compartment arc sensor
3=BI controlled

50L Arc protection ARCSARC1 Non Group Setting

1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off

50L Arc protection ARCSARC2 Group Setting

Phase start value 0.50...40.00 xIn 0.01 2.5 0.00 Not applicable

Ground start value 0.05...8.00 xIn 1.01 0.2 0.00 Not applicable
1=Light+current ARCSARC2 settings stage needs to be
Operation mode 2=Light only 1=Light+current 2=Light only configured with Breaker Compartment arc
3=BI controlled sensor

50L Arc protection ARCSARC2 Non Group Setting

1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
 Author Status
Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Rated Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No KVA device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range TMS

50L Arc protection ARCSARC3 Group Setting

Phase start value 0.50...40.00 xIn 0.01 2.5 0.00 Not applicable

Ground start value 0.05...8.00 xIn 1.01 0.2 0.00 Not applicable
1=Light+current ARCSARC3 settings stage needs to be
Operation mode 2=Light only 1=Light+current 2=Light only configured with Busbar Compartment arc
3=BI controlled sensor

50L Arc protection ARCSARC3 Non Group Setting

1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
 Author
Status Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Rated Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No KVA device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range TMS

1 ER2-ZAN-4051A ESS GEN INCOMER A16 200/5 11/√3 3375 11 177.15 ABB REF 620 50P Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection - Instantaneous stage PHIPTOC
2 ER2-ZAN-4051B B13 5P30 0.11/√3 Start Value 1.0…..40.00 xIn 0.01 - 1.00 -

15VA 0.11/3 kV Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 - 0.1 - 1 - Disabled

50/1 Operate delay time - ms 10 20….200000 20 -
1VA 50P Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection - Instantaneous stage PHIPTOC

1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 5=off
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
Number of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - - - 1 = 1 out of 3 -
3 = 3 out of 3
Reset delay time - ms 1 0….60000 20 -

51P-1 Three phase non-directional overcurrent protection - Low Stage PHLPTOC

Start Value 0.05…..5.00 xIn 0.01 - 0.05 0.95

Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 0.1 - 1.0 1.0

Time Multiplier - 0.01 0.05….15.00 1.00 0.92

Operate delay time - ms 10 40…..200000 40 -

1 = ANSI Ext. inv.
2 = ANSI Very inv.
3 = ANSI Norm. inv.
4 = ANSI Mod.inv.
5 = ANSI Def. Time
6 = L.T.E. inv.
Curve Type 7 = L.T.V. inv. 15 = IEC Def. Time 9 = IEC Norm. inv.
8 = L.T. inv.
9 = IEC Norm. inv.
10 = IEC Very inv.
11 = IEC inv.
12 = IEC Ext. inv.
13 = IEC S.T. inv.
1 = immediate
Type of reset curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = immediate 1 = immediate
3 = Inverse reset

51P-1 Three phase non-directional overcurrent protection - Low Stage PHLPTOC

1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
Number of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - - - 1 = 1 out of 3 1 = 1 out of 3
3 = 3 out of 3
Minimum Operate time - ms 1 20…60000 20 20

Reset delay time - ms 1 0…60000 20 20

1= RMS
Measurement mode 2= DFT 2 = DFT 2 = DFT
3 = Peak-to-Peak

51P-2 Three phase non-directional overcurrent protection - High Stage PHHPTOC

Start Value 0.1…..40.00 xIn 0.01 - 0.10 2.65

Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 0.1 - 1.0 1.00

Time Multiplier - 0.01 0.05….15.00 1.00 -

Operate delay time - ms 10 40…..200000 40 590.00

1 = ANSI Ext. inv.
3 = ANSI Norm. inv.
5 = ANSI Def. Time
9 = IEC Norm. inv.
Curve Type 15 = IEC Def. Time 15 = IEC Def. Time
10 = IEC Very inv.
12 = IEC Ext. inv.
15 = IEC Def.Time.
17 = Programmable
1 = immediate
Type of reset curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = immediate 1 = immediate
3 = Inverse reset
 Author
Status Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Rated Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No KVA device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range TMS

1 ER2-ZAN-4051A ESS GEN INCOMER A16 200/5 3375 11 177.15 ABB REF 620 51P-2 Three phase non-directional overcurrent protection - High Stage PHHPTOC
1 = on
2 ER2-ZAN-4051B B13 5P30 0.11/√3 Operation - - - 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
0.11/3 kV
15VA Number of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - - - 1 = 1 out of 3 1 = 1 out of 3
3 = 3 out of 3
50/1 Minimum Operate time - ms 1 20…60000 20 20.00
1VA Reset delay time - ms 1 0…60000 20 20.00
1= RMS
Measurement mode 2= DFT - - - 2 = DFT 2 = DFT
3 = Peak-to-Peak

50N Non-directional earth fault protection - Instantaneous stage EFIPTOC

Start Value 1.0…..40.00 xIn 0.01 - 1.00

Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 0.1 - 1.0 Disabled

Operate delay time - ms 10 20….200000 20

50N Non-directional earth fault protection - Instantaneous stage EFIPTOC

1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 5 = off
5 = off

Reset delay time - ms 1 0….60000 20 20 Disabled

1= Measured Io
Io signal selection 1= Measured Io 1= Measured Io
2 = Calculated Io

51N-1 Non-directional earth fault protection - Low Stage EFLPTOC

Start Value 0.010…..5.000 xIn 0.005 - 0.010 0.05

Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 0.1 - 1.0 1.0

Time Multiplier - 0.01 0.05….15.00 1.00 -

Operate delay time - ms 10 40…..200000 40 250

1 = ANSI Ext. inv.
2 = ANSI Very inv.
3 = ANSI Norm. inv.
4 = ANSI Mod.inv.
5 = ANSI Def. Time
6 = L.T.E. inv.
7 = L.T.V. inv.
8 = L.T. inv.
Curve Type 15 = IEC Def. Time 15 = IEC Def. Time
9 = IEC Norm. inv.
10 = IEC Very inv.
11 = IEC inv.
12 = IEC Ext. inv.
13 = IEC S.T. inv.
14 = IEC L.T. inv.
15 = IEC Def.Time.
17 = Programmable
1 = immediate
Type of reset curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = immediate 1 = immediate
3 = Inverse reset

51N-1 Non-directional earth fault protection - Low Stage EFLPTOC

1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off

Minimum Operate time - ms 1 20…60000 20 20

Reset delay time - ms 1 0…60000 20 20

1= RMS
Measurement mode 2= DFT 2 = DFT 2 = DFT
3 = Peak-to-Peak

1= Measured Io
Io signal selection 1= Measured Io 1= Measured Io
2 = Calculated Io
 Author
Status Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Rated Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No KVA device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range TMS

1 ER2-ZAN-4051A ESS GEN INCOMER A16 200/5 3375 11 177.15 ABB REF 620 51N-2 Non-directional earth fault protection - High Stage EFHPTOC
2 ER2-ZAN-4051B B13 5P30 Start Value 0.10…..40.00 xIn 0.01 - 0.10
15VA Start Value Multiplier 0.8…..10.0 0.1 - 1.0
0.11/3 kV
50/1 Time Multiplier - 0.01 0.05….15.00 1.00
1VA Operate delay time - ms 10 40…..200000 40

1 = ANSI Ext. inv.

3 = ANSI Norm. inv. Disabled
5 = ANSI Def. Time
9 = IEC Norm. inv.
Curve Type 15 = IEC Def. Time 15 = IEC Def. Time
10 = IEC Very inv.
12 = IEC Ext. inv.
15 = IEC Def.Time.
17 = Programmable
1 = immediate
Type of reset curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = immediate 1 = immediate
3 = Inverse reset

51N-2 Non-directional earth fault protection - High Stage EFHPTOC

1 = on
Operation - - - 1 = on 5=off
5 = off

1 = 1 out of 3
Number of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - - - 1 = 1 out of 3 1 = 1 out of 3
3 = 3 out of 3

Minimum Operate time - ms 1 20…60000 20 20

Reset delay time - ms 1 0…60000 20 20

1= RMS
Measurement mode 2= DFT 2 = DFT 2 = DFT
3 = Peak-to-Peak

1= Measured Io
Io signal selection 1= Measured Io 1= Measured Io
2 = Calculated Io

74 Alarm relay, Trip circuit supervision


51BF/51NBF Circuit Breaker Failure Protection CCBRBRF Non Group Setting

1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
Current Value 0.05…….1.00 xIn 0.05 0.30 0.10

Current Value Res 0.05…….1.00 xIn 0.05 0.30 0.05 Earth Fault pickup setting is 5%

1= 2 out of 4 Set to failure detection based on either a phase

CB failure trip mode 2= 1 out of 3 1 = 2 Out of 4 3 = 1 Out of 4 current or residual current exceeding the set
3= 1 out of 4 value
1= Current
CB failure mode 2= Breaker status 1 = Current 1 = Current
3= Both
1= Off
CB fail retrip mode 2= Without Check 1= Off 1= Off
3= Current check

Retrip time - ms 10 0…..60000 20 20 Not Applicable

CB failure delay - ms 10 0…..60000 150 250

Applicable if CB fault condition is monitored by

CB fault delay - ms 10 0…..60000 5000 5000
binary input to relay
2= DFT
Measurement mode 2= DFT 2= DFT
3= Peak to Peak

Trip pulse time - ms 10 0…..60000 150 150

 Author
Status Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Rated Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No KVA device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range TMS

25 Synchronism and energizing check SECRSYN Group Setting

-1 = Off
1 = Both dead
2 = Live L, Dead B
3 = Dead L, Live B
Live dead mode - 1 = Both Dead 2= Live L, Dead B
4 = Dead Bus, L Any
5 = Dead L, Bus Any
6 = One Live, Dead
7 = Not Both Live

Difference voltage 0.01……0.50 xUn 0.01 - 0.05 0.1

Difference frequency 0.001…..0.100 xFn 0.001 - 0.001 0.001

Difference angle 5……90 deg 1 - 5 5.0

25 Synchronism and energizing check SECRSYN Non Group Setting

1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off

1 = Off
Synchro check mode 2 = Synchronous 2 = Synchronous 2 = Synchronous
3 = Asynchronous

1 = Continuous Synchronising scheme shall be verified for

Control mode 1 = Continuous 1 = Continuous
2 = Command control mode selection
Dead line value 0.1……0.8 xUn 0.1 0.2 0.1

Live line value 0.2……1.0 xUn 0.1 0.5 0.5

Dead bus value 0.1…….0.8 xUn 0.1 0.2 0.1

Live bus value 0.2…..1.0 xUn 0.1 0.5 0.5

Close pulse ms 10 200…..60000 200 200.0 Applicable for command control mode

Max energizing V 0.50……1.15 xUn 0.01 1.05 1.1

Correction of phase difference between

measured U_BUS and U_LINE. Please check
Phase shift -180……180 deg 1 180 0
the Line and Bus voltage connections to the
relay at site before setting the phase shift value

This is the minimum time within which

Minimum syn time - ms 10 0……60000 0 20.0 conditions must be simultaneously fullfilled
before the SYNC_OK output is activated.

Maximum syn time - ms 10 100…..6000000 2000 2000.0 Applicable for command control mode

Energizing time - ms 10 100…..60000 100 100.0

Closing time of CB - ms 10 40…..250 60 60.0 Applicable for asynchronous mode

50L Arc protection ARCSARC1 Group Setting

Phase start value 0.50...40.00 xIn 0.01 2.5 0.95 Same as 51P-1 Pickup

Ground start value 0.05...8.00 xIn 1.01 0.2 0.05 Same as 51N-1 Pickup
ARCSARC1 settings stage needs to be
Operation mode 2=Light only 1=Light+current 1=Light+current
configured with Cable Compartment arc sensor
3=BI controlled

50L Arc protection ARCSARC1 Non Group Setting

1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off

50L Arc protection ARCSARC2 Group Setting

Phase start value 0.50...40.00 xIn 0.01 2.5 0.00 Not applicable

Ground start value 0.05...8.00 xIn 1.01 0.2 0.00 Not applicable
1=Light+current ARCSARC2 settings stage needs to be
Operation mode 2=Light only 1=Light+current 2=Light only configured with Breaker Compartment arc
3=BI controlled sensor

50L Arc protection ARCSARC2 Non Group Setting

1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
 Author
Status Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Rated Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No KVA device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range TMS

50L Arc protection ARCSARC3 Group Setting

Phase start value 0.50...40.00 xIn 0.01 2.5 0.00 Not applicable

Ground start value 0.05...8.00 xIn 1.01 0.2 0.00 Not applicable
1=Light+current ARCSARC3 settings stage needs to be
Operation mode 2=Light only 1=Light+current 2=Light only configured with Busbar Compartment arc
3=BI controlled sensor
50L Arc protection ARCSARC3 Non Group Setting

1 = on
Operation 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
 Author
Status Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings

Sr. Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile BUS VT NEMA Code Remark
No device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec)
Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range /TMS

1 8S-ZAN-4010A A01 ABB REF 620 27-1 Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV Group settings

2 8S-ZAN-4010B GTG INCOMERS & A02 Start value 0.05…..1.20 xUn 0.01 - 0.90 0.90
11/√3//0.11/√3//0.11/√3//0.11/3 kV
3 7P-ZAN-4010C ESS GEN INCOMERS B01 Time multiplier - 0.01 0.05……15.00 1.00 -

4 7P-ZAN-4010D B02 Operate delay time - ms 60…..300000 60 10000

5 = ANSI Def. Time
5 ER2-ZAN-4051A A16 Operating curve type 21 = Inv. Curve A 15 = IEC Def. Time 15 = IEC Def. Time
22 = Inv. Curve B
23 = Programmable
1 = Immediate
6 ER2-ZAN-4051B B13 Type of reset Curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = Immediate 1 = Immediate
'-1 = DT Lin decr rst
27-1 Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV Non group settings
1= on
Operation - 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
Num of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - 1 = 1 out of 3 1 = 1 out of 3
3 = 3 out of 3
Minimum operate time - ms 1 60……60000 60 -

Reset delay time - ms 1 0…..60000 20.000 20.00

Curve parameter A 0.005…200.000 1.000 -
Curve parameter B 0.50…100.00 1.000 -
Curve parameter C 0.0…1.0 0.000 -
Curve parameter D 0.000…60.000 0.000 -
Curve parameter E 0.000…3.000 1.000 -
Curve Sat Relative 0.0…3.0 0.1 2.000 -
Voltage block value 0.05……1.00 xUn 0.01 - 0.200 -
0 = False
Enable block value - 1 = True 0 = False
1 = True
1 = phase-to-earth
Voltage selection - 2 = phase-to-phase 2 = Phase-to-Phase
2 = phase-to-phase
Relative hysteresis 1.0…5.0 % 0.1 - 4.0 4.0

27-2 Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV Group settings

Start value 0.05…..1.20 xUn 0.01 - 0.90 0.80
Time multiplier - 0.01 0.05……15.00 1.00 -
Operate delay time - ms 60…..300000 60 2900
5 = ANSI Def. Time
15 = IEC Def. Time STAGE-2: FOR TRIP
Operating curve type 21 = Inv. Curve A 15 = IEC Def. Time 15 = IEC Def. Time
22 = Inv. Curve B
23 = Programmable
1 = Immediate
Type of reset Curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = Immediate 1 = Immediate
'-1 = DT Lin decr rst
27-2 Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV Non group settings
1= on
Operation - 1 = on 1 = on
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
Num of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - 1 = 1 out of 3 1 = 1 out of 3
3 = 3 out of 3
Minimum operate time - ms 1 60……60000 60 -

Reset delay time - ms 1 0…..60000 20 20

Curve parameter A 0.005…200.000 1.000 -
Curve parameter B 0.50…100.00 1.000 -
Curve parameter C 0.0…1.0 0.000 -
Curve parameter D 0.000…60.000 0.000 -
Curve parameter E 0.000…3.000 1.000 -
Curve Sat Relative 0.0…3.0 0.1 2.000 -
Voltage block value 0.05……1.00 xUn 0.01 - 0.200 -
0 = False
Enable block value - 1 = True 0 = False
1 = True
1 = phase-to-earth
Voltage selection - 2 = phase-to-phase 2 = Phase-to-Phase
2 = phase-to-phase

Relative hysteresis 1.0…5.0 % 0.1 - 4.0 4.0

 Author
Status Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings

Sr. Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile BUS VT NEMA Code Remark
No device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec)
Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range /TMS

1 8S-ZAN-4010A A01 ABB REF 620 27-3 Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV Group settings
2 8S-ZAN-4010B GTG INCOMERS & A02 Start value 0.05…..1.20 xUn 0.01 - 0.90 -
11/√3//0.11/√3//0.11/√3//0.11/3 kV
3 7P-ZAN-4010C ESS GEN INCOMERS B01 Time multiplier - 0.01 0.05……15.00 1.00 -

4 7P-ZAN-4010D B02 Operate delay time - ms 60…..300000 60 -

5 = ANSI Def. Time
15 = IEC Def. Time Disabled
5 ER2-ZAN-4051A A16 Operating curve type 21 = Inv. Curve A 15 = IEC Def. Time -
22 = Inv. Curve B
23 = Programmable
1 = Immediate
6 ER2-ZAN-4051B B13 Type of reset Curve 2 = Def time reset 1 = Immediate -
'-1 = DT Lin decr rst
27-3 Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV Non group settings
1= on
Operation - 1 = on 5 = off
5 = off
1 = 1 out of 3
Num of start phases 2 = 2 out of 3 - 1 = 1 out of 3 -
3 = 3 out of 3
Minimum operate time - ms 1 60……60000 60 -

Reset delay time - ms 1 0…..60000 20 -

Curve parameter A 0.005…200.000 1.000 -
Curve parameter B 0.50…100.00 1.000 -
Curve parameter C 0.0…1.0 0.000 - Disabled
Curve parameter D 0.000…60.000 0.000 -
Curve parameter E 0.000…3.000 1.000 -
Curve Sat Relative 0.0…3.0 0.1 2.000 -
Voltage block value 0.05……1.00 xUn 0.01 - 0.200 -
0 = False
Enable block value - 1 = True -
1 = True
1 = phase-to-earth
Voltage selection - 2 = phase-to-phase -
2 = phase-to-phase
Relative hysteresis 1.0…5.0 % 0.1 - 4.0 -

59-1 Three-phase Overvoltage protection PHPTOV Group settings

Start value 0.05...1.60 xUn 0.01 1.10 1.10

Time multiplier - 0.01 0.05...15.00 1.00 -

5 = ANSI Def. Time
15 = IEC Def. Time
17 = Inv. Curve A
Operating curve type - IEC Def. Time IEC Def. Time
18 = Inv. Curve B
19 = Inv. Curve C
20 = Programmable
Operate delay time - ms 0.010 40...300000 40 10000

PHPTOV Group setting ( Advanced )

Type of reset Curve - Immediate Immediate
Def time reset
Freeze Op timer
Type of time reset - Freeze Op timer Freeze Op timer
Decr. Op timer
PHPTOV Non Group setting ( Basic)
Operation - On On On
Voltage selection - phase-to-phase phase-to-phase
1 out of 3
Num of start phases 2 out of 3 - 1 out of 3 1 out of 3 1 out of 3
3 out of 3
Curve parameter A 0.005…200.000 1.000 -

Curve parameter B 0.50…100.00 1.00 -

Curve parameter C 0.0…1.0 0.0 -

Curve parameter D 0.000…60.000 0.000 -

Curve parameter E 0.000…3.000 1.000 -

 Author
Status Lang. Rev. Date

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings

Sr. Protection Protection
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile BUS VT NEMA Code Remark
No device Make device Type Pick-up Time setting range (sec) / Time setting (sec)
Parameter Unit Step Default setting Pick-up
range TMS range /TMS

1 8S-ZAN-4010A A01 ABB REF 620 59-2 Three-phase Overvoltage protection PHPTOV Group settings
GTG INCOMERS & 11/√3//0.11/√3//0.11/√3//0.11/3 kV
2 8S-ZAN-4010B A02 Start value 0.05...1.60 xUn 0.01 1.10 1.15
3 7P-ZAN-4010C B01 Time multiplier - 0.01 0.05...15.00 1.00 -
5 = ANSI Def. Time
15 = IEC Def. Time
17 = Inv. Curve A
4 7P-ZAN-4010D B02 Operating curve type - IEC Def. Time IEC Def. Time
18 = Inv. Curve B 19
= Inv. Curve C
20 = Programmable

5 ER2-ZAN-4051A A16 Operate delay time - ms 0.010 40...300000 40 5000.00

6 ER2-ZAN-4051B B13 PHPTUV Group setting ( Advanced )

Type of reset Curve - Immediate Immediate
Def time reset
Freeze Op timer
Type of time reset - Freeze Op timer Freeze Op timer
Decr. Op timer

PHPTUV Non Group setting ( Basic)

Operation - On On On
Voltage selection - phase-to-phase phase-to-phase
1 out of 3
Num of start phases 2 out of 3 - 1 out of 3 1 out of 3 1 out of 3
3 out of 3
Curve parameter A 0.005…200.000 1.000 -

Curve parameter B 0.50…100.00 1.00 -

Curve parameter C 0.0…1.0 0.0 -

Curve parameter D 0.000…60.000 0.000 -

Curve parameter E 0.000…3.000 1.000 -

 Author
Status Lang. Rev.

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Protection Protection device
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated KVA Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No device Make Type Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter 'Pick-up Step Pick-up

1 EGR-ZAN-4090 ESS GEN INCOMER B1F1 4000/5 2250 0.45 2886.84 Schneider SEPAM S81 51-1 Phase overcurrent

5P10 400/110 kV IDMT 0.05…..2.4 0.01 0.77

Is set point
20VA Definite time 0.05…..24 0.01 -

IDMT 100 ms…...12.5 s 10ms 1.18sec

Time delay T
Definite time Inst, 50 ms…...300 s 10ms -

Definite time (DT)

Standard inverse time (SIT) Definite time
Very inverse time (VIT or LTI) Definite time
Extremely inverse time (EIT) Definite time
Ultra inverse time (UIT) Definite time
Ultra inverse time (UIT) Definite time
RI curve Definite time
IEC inverse time SIT / A Definite time or IDMT
IEC very inverse time
Tripping curve IEC very inverse time VIT or LTI / B Definite time or IDMT
IEC extremely inverse time EIT / C Definite time or IDMT
IEEE moderately inverse (IEC / D) Definite time or IDMT
IEEE very inverse (IEC / E) Definite time or IDMT
IEEIAC very inverse Definite time or IDMTE extremely inverse (IEC / F)
Definite time or IDMT
IAC inverse Definite time or IDMT
IAC extremely inverse Definite time or IDMT

50-1 Phase overcurrent

IDMT 0.05…..2.4 0.01 -

Is set point
Definite time 0.05…..24 0.01 2.15

IDMT 100 ms…...12.5 s 10ms -

Time delay T
Definite time Inst, 50 ms…...300 s 10ms 400.00

Definite time (DT)

Standard inverse time (SIT) Definite time
Very inverse time (VIT or LTI) Definite time
Extremely inverse time (EIT) Definite time
Ultra inverse time (UIT) Definite time
Ultra inverse time (UIT) Definite time
RI curve Definite time
IEC inverse time SIT / A Definite time or IDMT
Tripping curve IEC very inverse time VIT or LTI / B Definite time or IDMT Definite time (DT)
IEC extremely inverse time EIT / C Definite time or IDMT
IEEE moderately inverse (IEC / D) Definite time or IDMT
IEEE very inverse (IEC / E) Definite time or IDMT
IEEIAC very inverse Definite time or IDMTE extremely inverse (IEC / F)
Definite time or IDMT
IAC inverse Definite time or IDMT
IAC extremely inverse Definite time or IDMT
 Author
Status Lang. Rev.

INOPC SP Issued for Review en 1

PD Range Proposed Settings
Full load
Sr. Protection Protection device
Feeder tag Load Description Cubile CT PT Rated KVA Rated kV rated current NEMA Code Remark
No device Make Type Time setting (sec) /
Amps Parameter 'Pick-up Step Pick-up

1 EGR-ZAN-4090 ESS GEN INCOMER B1F1 4000/5 2250 0.45 2886.84 Schneider SEPAM S81 50-2 Phase overcurrent

5P10 400/110 kV IDMT 0.05…..2.4 0.01 -

Is set point
20VA Definite time 0.05…..24 0.01 2.15

IDMT 100 ms…...12.5 s 10ms -

Time delay T
Definite time Inst, 50 ms…...300 s 10ms 350.00

Definite time (DT)

Standard inverse time (SIT) Definite time
Very inverse time (VIT or LTI) Definite time
Extremely inverse time (EIT) Definite time This protection setting stage needs to be
Ultra inverse time (UIT) Definite time configured with reverse interlocking. (Refer
Ultra inverse time (UIT) Definite time Reverse Interlocking Scheme-3)
RI curve Definite time
IEC inverse time SIT / A Definite time or IDMT
Tripping curve IEC very inverse time VIT or LTI / B Definite time or IDMT Definite time (DT)
IEC extremely inverse time EIT / C Definite time or IDMT
IEEE moderately inverse (IEC / D) Definite time or IDMT
IEEE very inverse (IEC / E) Definite time or IDMT
IEEIAC very inverse Definite time or IDMTE extremely inverse (IEC / F)
Definite time or IDMT
IAC inverse Definite time or IDMT
IAC extremely inverse Definite time or IDMT

27-1 Undervoltage

Phase-to-phase voltage / Phase-to-phase

Voltage mode - 27-1 Stage For Alarm
Phase-to-neutral voltage voltage

Tripping curve Definite / IDMT - Definite

Us set point 5 % of Unp to 100 % of Unp 1% 85.00

Time delay T 50 ms to 300 s 10ms 5000ms

27-2 Undervoltage

Voltage mode Phase-to-phase voltage / Phase-to-neutral voltage - 27-2 Stage For Trip

Tripping curve Definite / IDMT - Definite

Us set point 5 % of Unp to 100 % of Unp 1% 80.00

Time delay T 50 ms to 300 s 10ms 2000ms

25 Synchro-check

dUs set point 3 % to 30 % of Unp sync1 1'% 5.00

dfs set point 0.05 to 0.5 Hz 0.01Hz 0.05

dPhi set point 5 to 50° 1° 5.00

Us high set point 70 % Unsync1 to 110 % Unsync1 1'% 70.00

Us low set point 10 % Unsync1 to 70 % Unsync1 1'% 10.00

Anticipation of circuit
0.1 to 500 s 10ms 70.00
breaker closing time

Dead1 AND Live2

Live1 AND Dead2
Operating mode with
Dead1 XOR Dead2 - Dead1 AND Live2
no voltage
Dead1 OR Dead2
Dead1 AND Dead2

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