DRRR22 Q1 W2
DRRR22 Q1 W2
DRRR22 Q1 W2
A natural disaster can bring about many devastating effects. Among these are
deaths, destruction of infrastructures, loss of livelihood and services, and other physical and
nonphysical effects. Since we are partly responsible for the disasters happening around us,
we must change some of our ways, in order to prevent or minimize the effects of disasters in
our lives.
What’s In
Direction: Think of 2-3 disasters that you had experienced, watched, or read in the past two
years. Then, write how you feel while experiencing, watching, or reading it.
What’s New
Direction: Below are some illustrations depicting expressions about COVID 19 pandemic.
Read them silently and try to figure out by answering the questions on the next page.
What troubling situations reminded you of the scenarios? Share the feelings and opinions
that you had related to the situations as shown in the illustrations.
(Write your thoughts and ideas in your answer sheet)
worse. The impacts of hunger following an earthquake, typhoon or hurricane can be
What is It tremendous, causing lifelong damage to children’s development.
The lives and health of the following potentially vulnerable groups are at risk:
A disaster is a damaging event that occurs suddenly and involves loss of life and
property. It can be of two types, natural and man-made. • young children, pregnant and nursing women, unaccompanied children, widows,
Natural disasters can destroy a whole community in an instant. Examples of natural disasters elderly people without family support, disabled persons;
are volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, and typhoons which are destructive to people's • the poor or marginalized people;
lives. • migrants or individuals who leave or flee their habitual residence to go to new places,
Man-made disasters on the other hand are caused by human beings. Some of the usually abroad to seek better and safer living;
man-made disasters are bomb explosions, terrorism, wars, leakage of poisonous chemicals, • the displaced populations who leave their habitual residence in groups, usually due
pollutions, industrial accidents, and epidemics. They are identified as man- made disasters to a sudden impact disaster, like an earthquake, volcanic eruption or a flood, threat
because they happen due to human actions and not by natural forces. or community conflict, as a coping mechanism and with the intent to return; and
the former migrants or displaced people returning to their homes (returnees).
What is the difference between hazard and disaster?
Household and community structures, community facilities, livelihood and economic
A hazard is a dangerous situation or event that carries a threat to humans. A disaster is an
activities, and the environment are also at risk in times of disaster.
event that harms humans and disrupts the operations of society. Hazards can only be
Disaster risk depends on the choices made by individuals, households, communities
considered disasters once it affected humans. If a disaster happened in an unpopulated area,
and governments. It might be increased or decreased depending on their preparedness level,
it is still a hazard.
prevention and mitigation.
Generally speaking, when we look into the social status of certain individuals, family
The Human Effect of Natural and Man-Made Disasters responsibilities or reproductive role, women may be affected differently from men but they are
1. Displaced Populations not necessarily vulnerable. They are also resourceful and resilient in times of crisis and play a
One of the most immediate effects of natural disasters is population displacement. vital role in recovery.
When countries are ravaged by earthquakes or other powerful forces of nature, many
4. Emotional Aftershocks
people need to abandon their homes and seek shelter in other regions. A large influx of
refugees can disrupt accessibility of health care and education, as well as food supplies Natural disasters can be particularly traumatic for young children. Confronted with
and clean water. scenes of destruction and the deaths of friends and loved ones, many children develop
Population displacement is one of the most immediate effects of natural disasters. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a serious psychological condition resulting from
When a certain country is ravaged by earthquakes and other powerful forces of nature, extreme trauma. Left untreated, children suffering from PTSD can be prone to lasting
many people have to leave/evacuate their homes and seek shelter in other place. A big psychological damage and emotional distress.
influx of refugees can disrupt everything from accessibility of health care and education to The Devastating Impact on Natural Disasters’, ChildFund, last modified May 30, 2020,
food supplies and basic hygiene. Bigger evacuation centers are common for all natural https://www.childfund.org/Content/NewsDetail/2147489272/
disasters, and only those who are fortunate enough will survive and face a range of
Challenges following disaster’s widespread. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA), before and after a disaster or crisis, it is common for the children, adults,
2. Health Risks
and first responders to feel emotional distress. Natural and human-caused disasters can have
Aside from the obvious immediate danger that natural disasters present, the a devastating impact on people’s lives damage to property, or the loss of a home or place of
secondary effect can be just as damaging. Severe flooding can result in stagnant water that employment. Anyone who sees or experiences this can be affected in some way. Most stress
allows breeding of waterborne bacteria and malaria-carrying mosquitoes. Without symptoms are temporary and will resolve on their own in a fairly short amount of time.
emergency relief from international aid organizations and others, death tolls can rise even However, for some people, particularly children and teens, these symptoms may last for weeks
after the immediate danger has passed.
or even months and may influence their relationships with families and friends. Common
3. Food Scarcity warning signs of emotional distress include:
The aftermath of natural disasters affects the food supplies. Thousands of people For adults
around the world are hungry because of destroyed crops and loss of agricultural supplies, - Eating or sleeping too much or too little - Crying spells or bursts of anger
whether it happens suddenly in a storm or gradually in a drought. As a result, food prices - Feeling guilty, helpless, or hopeless - Losing interest in daily activities
33 34
rise reducing families’ purchasing power and increasing the risk of severe malnutrition or - Avoiding family and friends
- Pulling away from people and things
• Having low or no energy Great damage caused by a disaster can be reduced if everyone will take responsibility
• Having unexplained aches and pains, such as constant stomachaches or headaches in anticipating its effects. Here are some ways on how to plan ahead of a disaster:
• Feeling helpless or hopeless 1. Check for hazards at home.
• Excessive smoking, drinking, or using drugs, including prescription medications 2. Identify safe place indoors and outdoors 3. Educate yourself and family members
• Worrying a lot of the time; feeling guilty but not sure why 4. Have Disaster kits/supplies on hand.
• Thinking of hurting or killing yourself or someone else 5. Develop an emergency communication plan.
• Having difficulty readjusting to home or work life 6. Help your community get ready.
7. Practice the Disaster Preparedness Cycle
For children (6-11 years old)
• Withdrawing from playgroups and friends
• Competing more for the attention of parents and teachers
• Being unwilling to leave home
• Being less interested in schoolwork
• Becoming aggressive
• Having added conflict with peers or parents
• Having difficulty concentrating
• Become withdrawn
• Resist authority
• Become disruptive or aggressive at home or in the classroom
• Experiment with high-risk behaviors such as underage drinking or prescription drug
misuse and abuse
35 36
Below is an illustration of the characteristics of a floodplain. Familiarize it and try to analyze
Lesson Areas /Locations Exposed to if your house is located to a flood fringe. Your family should move out to prevent from the
damaging effect and danger of flooding.
2 Hazards
This lesson is all about the basic concepts of disaster and disaster risk. After
studying and working on all activities in this module, you will be built enough knowledge in
choosing for a location or areas with low risk to disaster & suitable for living. With this, it is
very important for us to identify areas /locations exposed to hazards that may lead to
What’s In
Every year, there are millions of people who are affected by natural disasters, and
maybe you know how calamitous it is, am I right? From the destruction of buildings, the
spread of many diseases and even death. It can even devastate entire country overnight.
Earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and storm surge do not just wreak havoc on land; they
also disrupt people's lives, destroy ones’ properties and posse living in remote regions.
Lesson Disaster from Different
3 Perspectives
This lesson is all about analyzing the different perspective of disasters.
https://www.researchg Preparedness is one of the main aspects that comes to our mind when we talk about
ate.net/figure/The- disaster, after studying and working on all activities in this module it hopes to capacitate
location-of-West- individual from the great impacts of disaster.
Trench-that-can- What I Need to Know
generate_fig3_344895 Analyze disaster from the different perspectives (physical, psychological, socio-
982 cultural, economics, political, and biological).
What’s In
Disasters come in different forms and intensity. Nobody knows when it will strike
and how will it happen. Therefore, everybody must know how to determine possible
disasters and anticipate possible damages in order to prepare oneself from the potential
harms that it may cause to people and the community.
Direction: Think about the scenario below. Write YES if it is a disaster; NO if not a
disaster. Write your answer on a separate sheet.
What Is It
The Different Perspectives of Disaster
1. Physical perspective
Calamities are phenomena that cause great physical damage in a community
infrastructure, its people and their properties, e.g. houses and environmental sources of
living. These cited effects of a disaster can be easily measured and the most common.
Natural disasters generally affect the physical infrastructural facilities, agricultural
productivity and even lead to loss of life and cause damage to property. Various factors
41 influence the effects of a disaster on a country among them are the magnitude of the
disaster, the geography of the area affected, and the recovery efforts directed towards the moment. The culture of “malalampasan din natin ‘to..” belief and “ bahala na and
reducing the immediate effects of a disaster. Diyos” syndrome give hope to most Filipino in the midst of a disaster. Such perspective
“Effects of a natural Disasters on a Country Essay”, Ivy Panda Free Study Hub, January 20, helps a lot especially those who belong to the marginalized sector to be hopeful and
2020, https://ivypanda.com/essays/effects-of-a-natural-disasteron-a-country/ continue fighting against any challenge at hand. Their belief that a help from someone or
Effects of Physical Disasters from God would arrive at a time they most needed. It also helps most people survive a lot
- Injuries of oddities in life.
- Physical disabilities or illness Socio-Cultural Effect of Disasters
- Sanitation ➢ change in individual roles
- Damage in infrastructure ➢ disruption of social relationships and personal connections
Effects of Biological Disasters 2. Why should people need to plan and be ready for the possible consequences of a
➢ loss of lives - unemployment
A. So that people would show their own capabilities.
➢ public demobilization - hunger
B. So that people could set an example to others.
➢ negative economic effect C. So that people would reduce the potential effects of disasters.
D. So that people could prepare ahead of time.
What I Have Learned 3. Which should be the right attitude in dealing the effects of a disaster?
A. Let us be mindful of others.
Direction: Study the case then answers the question below. B. Try to be a leader for others.
C. Show positivity in dealing with it.
Tajima is an earthquake victim. She manages to save all his family members from the D. Be grateful on what the government can provide.
wraths of the disaster. Though she is mentally tough, all her resources are already gone. 4. Which of the following characteristics will help a person to recover quickly after
If you were to rank the following needs of Tajima from the most important to the least a disaster?
important, how would you arrange the following needs? Write your answer in one A. One must be happy and hopeful.
sentence only for each need. B. One must be prayerful and friendly.
D. One must be resourceful and determined.
5. An incidence of a communicable disease in a community at a particular time is known
as ___________________.
A. academic C. pandemic
B. epidemic D.. prolific 46
6. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/article/27/suppl_3/ckx186.103/ 4555726
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a serious acute respiratory syndrome. This was first Horhager, E., "Political Implications Of Natural Disasters: Regime Consolidation And Political
detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and then spread around the globe, Contestation", 2015, https://www.witpress.com/elibrary/wittransactions-on-the-built-
triggering a continuing pandemic SITUATION. How can the Philippine win against environment/150/33944
disasters like COVID19? De Leo, Rob A., "Political Science Perspectives", October 17,
2018, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-92722-0_6
A. Quarantine protocols must be continued.
Albrecht, Frederike. "The Social and Political Impact of Natural Disasters: Investigating Attitudes and
B. People must maintain a clean environment at all time.
Media Coverage in the Wake of Disasters", June 7, 2017, http://www.diva-
C. The citizens must follow health guidelines and safety measures. portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid
D. The government must be allowed to decide for the good of the fellow people. =diva2%3A1090236&dswid=T18DBz2H
7. The best help that you can do in the country’s fight against COVID19 is _________. Avy123, "Natural disasters", Nov 25, 2012 https://www.slideshare.net/
A. I can volunteer as a frontliner. avy123/natural-disasters-15336579 ?next_slideshow=3
B. I can practice health protocols. Chakraborty, Indranil. "COVID-19 outbreak: Migration, effects on society, global environment and
C. I can donate cash and/or goods to the needy. prevention", 2020 , https://www.sciencedirect.com
D. I can wave cash assistance or goods from the government. /science/article/pii/S0048969720323998
Choudhary, Richa. “Important Short Notes on Disaster Management”. Eck School. Eckovation Padhte
8. The perspective of disasters that is normally left untreated is the _______. Chalo, Badhte Chalo, May 29, 2017. https://school.eckovation.com/disaster-management-short-notes/
A. economic perspective Castro, Ryan, “Disaster Risk Reduction and Management”, Slideshare, November 19, 2013,
B. physical perspective https://www.slideshare.net/irpex/disasterrisk-reduction-and-management-28415360
C. psychological perspective Mahar, Patrick, et.al.’ “Disasters and their Effects on the Population: Key
D. socio-cultural perspective Concepts“, https://www.aap.org/en-us/Documents/disasters_dpac PEDsModule
9. Great damage from a disaster could be prevented through _________ “What is a disaster?”. The international Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, 2020.
A. accurate assessment and preparations
“The Devastating Impact of Natural Disasters”. Child Fund International, February 6, 2013.
B. strong implementation of rules https://www.childfund.org/Content/NewsDetail/2147489272/
C. rigid information campaign
D. sufficient funding
15.When there is supplementary politics in addressing the effects of a disaster there will be
A. unity in diversity
B. equal allocation of help
C. effective measures to reduce damages
D. effective delivery of humanitarian assistance
Citroner, George. "What We Know About the Long-Term Effects of COVID-19", April 21, 2020,
Parrocha, Azzer. "State of public health emergency declared in PH", March 9, 2020,
Everly, George S. "Disaster: A Psychologist’s Perspective", October 3, 2017
Sheep, S. "Effects of a Natural Disaster on a Country [Blog post]", January 20, 2020,
Makwana, Nikunj. "Disaster and its impact on mental health: A narrative review", October 31,
2019, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles /PMC6857396/
Raich, Margit, et.al. "Impact of culture on community resilience in natural disaster situations:
Margit Raich", October 20, 2017,