GG Wre
GG Wre
GG Wre
Objective Questions
(01 to 15)
Q. 1) Which of the following methods of applying water
may be used on rolling land
A. Boarder flooding
B. Check flooding
C. Furrow flooding
D. Free flooding
Answer A
Answer B
Answer C
Q. 4) The value of sodium absorption ratio for high sodium
water lies between
A. 0 to 10
B. 10 to 18
C. 18 to 26
D. 26 to 34
Answer C
Q. 5) Optimum depth of kor watering for rice is
A. 135 mm
B. 165 mm
C. 190 mm
D. 215 mm
Answer C
A. Δ = 1.98B/D
B. Δ = 8.64B/D
C. Δ = 5.68B/D
D. Δ = 8.64D/B
Answer B
D Δ = 8.64 B
Q. 8) The duty is largest
A. Main canal
B. Branch canal
C. Watercourse
D. Distributory
Answer C
Q. 10) The kor depth for rice is 190 mm and kor periods is
14 days. The outlet factor for this will be
A. 637 hectares/m³/sec
B. 837 hectares/m³/sec
C. 972 hectares/m³/sec
D. 1172 hectares/m³/sec
Answer A
Q. 11) For supplying water to Rabi crop, kharif crop and
sugarcane, the channel is designed for a capacity equal to
the greater of water requirement of
A. Rabi or kharif
B. Rabi and kharif or sugarcane
C. Rabi and sugarcane or kharif and sugarcane
D. Rabi or kharif or sugarcane
Answer C
Q. 12) The ratio of the quantity of water stored in the root
zone of the crops to the quantity of water actually
delivered in the field is known as
A. Gravity water
B. Capillary water
C. Hydroscopic water
D. Chemical water
Answer B
A. Effective rainfall
B. Consumptive use
C. Consumptive to irrigation requirement
D. Net irrigation requirement
Answer C
A. Increases continuously
B. Decreases continuously
C. Increases upto a certain limit and then becomes
D. Increases upto a certain limit and then decreases
Answer D
The plant growth may be retarded if the soil moisture is either
deficient or excessive.
2. Similarly, excessive flooding fills the soil pores with water, thus
driving out air. Since air is essential to satisfactory plant growth,
excessive water supply retard plant growth.
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Objective Questions
(16 to 30)
Q. 16) Hydrograph is the graphical representation of
1. Surface runoff:- Water flows to land and is first to reach streams and
rivers, which ultimately discharge the water to the sea.
A. Hydroscopic water
B. Equivalent moisture
C. Soil moisture deficiency
D. Pellicular water
Answer C
A. Is a constant factor
B. Changes with time
C. Changes with location
D. Changes with both time and location
Answer D
Q. 20) Infiltration is the
The ability of the ground surface to absorb water.
Q. 21) If the intensity of rainfall is more than the
infiltration capacity of soil, then the infiltration rate will be
A. Pressure difference
B. Temperature difference
C. Natural topographical barriers
D. All of the above
Answer A
Precipitation is general term for all forms of moisture emanating from the
clouds and falling to the ground.
Types of precipitation
2. Recording raingauge: -
a) Weighing bucket raingauge
b) Tipping bucket raingauge
c) Float type raingauge
Q. 24) A raingauge should be preferably be fixed
3. The raingauge should never be situated on the side or top of a hill if the
suitable site on the level ground can be found.
A. Cv/E
B. √(Cv/E)
C. (Cv/E)²
D. (Cv/E)^(3/2)
Answer C
Q. 26) Which of the following types of raingauge is used
for measuring rain in remote hilly inaccessible areas
1. Temperature: - ↑
2. Surface area: - ↑
3. Density: - ↓
4. Wind velocity: - ↑
Q. 28) A 70% index of wetness means
For plain areas of the basin 1 rain-gauge for every 500 km2.
For hilly areas of the basin: 1 rain-gauge for every 150 km2.
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Objective Questions
(31 to 45)
Q. 31) When surface of transpiration is submerged under
water, then potential evapotranspiration is
A. Cubic metre/sec
B. Metre/sec
C. Cubic metre
D. Square metre
Answer A
A. 50 cm
B. 55 cm
C. 56 cm
D. 60 cm
Answer C
Isohyet :-
A line on a map or
chart connecting
areas of equal
Q. 36) A current metre is used to measure the
A. 15 minutes
B. 20 minutes
C. 30 minutes
D. 60 minutes
Answer D
A. 50 mm
B. 60 mm
C. 90 mm
D. 140 mm
Answer C
Q. 39) The normal annual precipitation at stations X, A, B
and C are 700 mm, 1000 mm, 900 mm and 800 mm
respectively. If the storm precipitation at three station A, B
and C were 100 mm, 90 mm and 80 mm respectively, then
the storm precipitation for station X will be
A. 70 mm
B. 80 mm
C. 90 mm
D. 105 mm
Answer A
Normal precipitation: - An average of the precipitation values over a 30-year period.
Q.40)The best unit duration of storm for a unit hydrograph
A. 1 hour
B. One-fourth of basin lag
C. One-half of basin lag
D. Equal to basin lag
Answer B
Experience has shown that the best unit duration is about one-
fourth of the basin lag, the time from the centre of mass of
rainfall to the peak of the hydrograph.
Q. 41) The unit hydrograph due to the storm may be
obtained by dividing the ordinates of the direct runoff
hydrograph by
A. A
B. A½
C. A⅔
D. A¾
Objective Questions
(46 to 60)
Q. 46) The relation between Probability (P) and recurrence
interval (T) is given by
A. PT = 1
B. PT² = 1
C. P/T = 1
D. P/T² = 1
Answer A
A. M°L°T°
B. M°L¹T-1
C. M0L²T-1
D. M°L³T-1
Answer C
The coefficient of transmissibility (T) equals to the field
coefficient of permeability (k) multiplied by the aquifer
thickness (B)
T = B.k
T = m.m/Sec
T = M0L²T-1
Q. 48) If d is the depth of the aquifer through which water
is flowing, then the relationship between permeability k
and transmissibility T is given by
A. T = kd
B. T = k/d
C. T = √kd
D. k = √Td
Answer A
Q. 49) An artesian aquifer is the one where
There can be several purposes for which a reservoir may be made .If
some of these purpose are combined there will be more effective
utilization of water and economical construction of a reservoir.
Preferable combinations for a multipurpose reservoir are:
1. Reservoir for Irrigation and Power
2. Reservoir for Irrigation, Power and Navigation.
3. Reservoir for Irrigation, Power and Water supply.
4. Reservoir for Recreation, Fisheries and Wild life.
5. Reservoir for Flood control and water supply.
6. Reservoir for Power and Water supply.
Q. 52) The useful storage is the volume of water stored in
the reservoir between
A. Useful storage
B. Dead storage
C. Valley storage
D. Surcharge storage
Answer B
Dead or inactive storage refers to water in a reservoir that cannot
be drained by gravity through a dam's outlet. It can only be
pumped out.
Q. 54) For a flood control reservoir, the effective storage is
equal to
A. Capacity/inflow ratio
B. Capacity/outflow ratio
C. Outflow/inflow ratio
D. None of the above
Answer A
A. 50 year
B. 150 year
C. 200 year
D. 250 year
Answer A
usefulness of the reservoir will start reducing after dead storage
completely fill with sediment.
Dead storage = 5 million cubic metre
Average volume of sediment deposition = 0.10 million cubic
metre per year
→ 5/0.10 = 50 year
Q. 57) The forces, which are considered for the analysis of an
elementary profile of gravity dam under empty reservoir
condition, are
i) Water pressure
ii) Self weight
iii) Uplift
iv) Pressure due to earthquake
P = water pressure
W = weight of the dam
U = uplift pressure
Q. 58) When the upstream face of gravity dam is vertical,
then the intensity of water pressure at the water surface
and at the base respectively will be
A. 0 and wH²/2
B. wH²/2 and wH²/3
C. wH and 0
D. 0 and wH
Water pressure:-
This is the major
external force acting on a dam.
When the upstream face of the dam
is vertical, the water pressure acts
horizontally. The intensity of pressure
varies is triangularly with a zero
intensity at the water surface, to a
value wh at any depth h below water
Q. 59) The uplift pressure on a dam can be controlled by
i) Constructing cutoff under upstream face
ii) Constructing drainage channels between the dam and its
iii) By pressure grouting in foundation
Sometimes drainage galleries are also provided in the body of the dam
which releases the uplift pressure built up under it.
The magnitude of the uplift pressure at the face of gallery is equal to the
hydrostatic pressure at the toe plus 1/3rd the difference of the hydrostatic
pressure at the heel and toe.
Uplift pressure at heel = wH
Uplift pressure at toe = wH’
Uplift pressure at gallery = wH’ + ⅓w(H-H’)
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Objective Questions
(61 to 75)
Q. 61) Horizontal acceleration due to earthquake results in
A. Hydrodynamic pressure
B. Inertia force into the body of the dam
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer C
Earthquake wave may travel in any direction. The general
direction of acceleration is horizontal and vertical.
A. Water pressure
B. Wave pressure
C. Self-weight of dam
D. Uplift pressure
Answer C
Q. 64) Total force due to wave action on gravity dam acts
at a height of
A. At the toe
B. At the heel
C. Within the middle third of base
D. At centre of base
Answer A
Q. 66) The maximum permissible eccentricity for no
tension at the base of a gravity dam is
A. B/2
B. B/3
C. B/4
D. B/6
Answer D
Q. 67) Presence of tail water in a gravity dam
A. Pv
B. Pv sec²θ
C. Pv tan²θ
D. Pv tanθ
A. A rectangle
B. A trapezoidal
C. An equilateral triangle
D. A right angled triangle
Answer D
A. 0 and W/2B
B. W/2B and 0
C. 2W/B and 0
D. 0 and 2W/B
A. H/√G
B. H/μG
C. Lesser of H/√G and H/μG
D. Greater of H/√G and H/μG
A. f / w √(G+1)
B. f / w √G
C. f / w (G+1)
D. f / w √(G-1)
These additions of two provisions will cause the resultant force to shift
towards heel.
A. 0.5hw
B. 0.75hw
C. 1.25hw
D. 1.50hw
The freeboard usually provided is 1.50hw and not less than 0.9m
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Objective Questions
(76 to 90)
Q. 76) As compared to gravity dams, earthen dams
A. Are costlier
B. Are less susceptible to failure
C. Require sound rock foundations
D. Require less skilled labour
Answer D
Gravity dams:
It is made up of masonry or solid concrete
It can be constructed to any height
Less maintenance
Require skilled labour
Earthen dams:
It is made up of soil and gravel
It can be constructed to moderate height
It is cheaper
Require less skilled labour
Q. 77) The most suitable material for the central
impervious core of a zoned embankment type dam is
A. Clay
B. Coarse sand
C. Silty clay
D. Clay mixed with fine sand
Answer D
1. Homogenous embankment type:-
-Homogenous type earth dam is composed of a single kind of material.
A. Drainage filters
B. Relief wells
C. Drain trenches
D. Provision of downstream berms
Answer C
Q. 79) Seepage through foundation in an earthen dam is
controlled by providing
A. Rock toe
B. Horizontal blanket
C. Impervious cut off
D. Chimney drain
Answer C
Q. 80) The flow of water after spilling over the weir crest in
chute spillway and side channel spillway respectively are
-The weir is a solid obstruction put across the river to raise its water level and
divert the water into the canal.
A. Ogee spillway
B. Chute spillway
C. Side channel spillway
D. Shaft spillway
Answer A
A spillway is a hydraulic structure built at
a dam site for diverting the surplus water
from a reservoir after it has been filled to
its maximum capacity.
A. Ogee spillways are most commonly
used in case of gravity dams
B. Chute spillway is a type of spillway in
which surplus water from upstream is
disposed to the downstream through a
steeply sloped open channel.
The slope of chute spillway is designed in
such a way that the flow should be
always in super critical condition.
C. Side channel spillway is similar to chute
spillway but the only difference is the crest
of side channel spillway is located on one of
its sides whereas crest of chute spillway is
located between the side walls.
A. Uniform
B. Subcritical
C. Critical
D. Super critical
Answer D
The slope of chute spillway is designed in such a way that the
flow should be always in super critical condition.
A. Sudden drawdown
B. Steady seepage
C. During construction
D. Sloughing of slope
Answer A
Upstream slope slide during sudden drawdown:-
For the upstream Slope the critical condition is when the reservoir is
suddenly emptied without allowing any appreciable change in the water
level within the saturated soil mass. The stage is known as sudden
drawdown. With complete drawdown, the hydrostatic force acting along
the upstream slope at the time of full reservoir is removed without the
hydrostatic pressure on the slope of counteract it.
Q. 87) If there are two canals taking off from each flank of
a river, then there will be
It separates the ‘under-sluices’ with lower crest level from the ‘weir
proper’ with higher crest level.
Weir Proper: It is a barrier constructed across the river. It aims to raise the
water level in order to feed the canal.
Under-sluices: The under sluices are the openings provided at the base of
the weir. They are located on the same side as the off-taking canal.
Q. 90) A divide wall is provided
Objective Questions
(91 to 105)
Q. 91) As compared to crest of the normal portion of the
weir, the crest of the undersluice portion of the weir is
kept at
A. Lower level
B. Higher level
C. Same level
D. Any of the above depending on the design
Answer A
Weir Proper: It is a barrier constructed across the river. It aims to raise the
water level in order to feed the canal.
Under-sluices: The under sluices are the openings provided at the base of
the weir. They are located on the same side as the off-taking canal.
The divide wall separates the ‘under-sluices’ with lower crest level from
the ‘weir proper’ with higher crest level.
Q. 92) Silt excluders are constructed on the
There are two types of special works constructed to control the silt
entering into the canal
1. Silt Excluder:-Is a device by which silt is excluded from water entering
the canal. It is constructed in the river bed upstream of head regulator.
2. Silt Extractor or silt Ejector:-Is a device by which the silt after it has
entered the canal is extracted. While a silt excluder is a preventive
measure, the silt extractor is a curative measure and is constructed in the
canal bed downstream of head regulator.
Q. 93) If h is the ordinate of hydraulic gradient line above
the top of the floor and G is specific gravity of floor
material, then the thickness of floor is given by the
A. h/(G+1)
B. (h-1)/(G-1)
C. h/(G-1)
D. (h-1)/G
Answer C
A. 0
B. Unity
C. Infinity
D. Very large
Answer C
A. 4RS
B. 11RS
C. 7RS
D. 15RS
Answer B
Q. 96) The ratio of average values of shear stress produced
on the bed and banks of a channel due to flowing water is
A. Less than 1
B. Equal to 1
C. Greater than 1
D. Equal to zero
Answer C
Average shear stress on bed of a channel, τ1= γRs
Average shear stress on bank of a channel, τ2 = 0.75γRs
A. 0.5τc
B. 0.75τc
C. τc
D. 1.33τc
Answer B
A. Contour canal
B. Watershed canal
C. Branch canal
D. Side slope canal
Answer D
Q. 100) Garret’s diagrams are based on
A. Kennedy’s theory
B. Lacey’s theory
C. Khosla’s theory
D. Bligh’s theory
Answer A
Since two or three trials are required in designing the canal by Kennedy’s
theory, the numerical work and hence the solution takes a very long time.
Garret simplified the numerical work by providing diagrams with the help
of which design can be done more quickly.
In these diagram, the bed slope of the canal is indicated on the vertical
axis while the discharge is plotted on the horizontal axis.
Q. 101) Garret’s diagrams have been drawn for
A. A semi-circular channel
B. A trapezoidal channel with side slope ½H:1V
C. A trapezoidal channel with side slope 1H:½V
D. Semi-elliptical channel
Answer B
Answer C
Lacey’s equations
Objective Questions
(106 to 120)
Answer B
Lacey’s equations
A. 19 m
B. 38 m
C. 57 m
D. 76 m
Answer B
P = 4.75 √Q
P = 4.75 √64
P = 38 m
Q. 108) Which of the following Canal structures is used to
remove surplus water from an irrigation channel into a
natural drain
A. Canal fall
B. Canlal outlet
C. Canal escape
D. Canal regulator
Answer C
A. Canal fall is a solid masonry structure which is constructed on the canal if the
natural ground slope is steeper than the designed channel bed slope.
B. Canal outlet or a module is a small structure built at the head of the water course
so as to connect it with a minor or a distributary channel.
D. Canal Regulators Constructed at the off taking point are called head regulators.
When it is constructed at the head of main canal it is known as canal head regulator.
And when it is constructed at the head of distributary, it is called distributary
head regulator.
To control the entry of silt into off taking or main canal.
Q. 109) For a proportional outlet, the flexibility is
A. Zero
B. Between zero and 1
C. 1
D. Greater than 1
Answer C
Flexibility (F) :-
It is the ratio of rate of change of discharge of an outlet to the rate of change of
discharge of the distributing channel.
F = (dq/q) /(dQ/Q)
1. Proportional outlet:- the rate of change of its discharge is equal to the rate of
change of the discharge of the distributing channel. F =1
2. Hyper-proportional outlet:- (dq/q) > (dQ/Q), F > 1
3. Sub-proportional outlet:- (dq/q) < (dQ/Q), F < 1
Q. 110) The sensitivity of a rigid module is
A. Zero
B. Between zero and 1
C. 1
D. Infinity
Answer A
A. Vertical dropfall
B. Glacis fall
C. Montague type fall
D. Inglis fall
Answer D
A. Vertical dropfall
B. Glacis fall
C. Montague type fall
D. Inglis fall
Answer C
Q. 114) In a Sarda type fall, rectangular crest is used for
discharge upto
A. 6 cumecs
B. 10 cumecs
C. 14 cumecs
D. 20 cumecs
Answer C
The rectangular crest is used for discharge up to 14 cumecs
A. 0.5 m
B. 1.5 m
C. 3.5 m
D. 5.0 m
Answer B
A. Proportionality
B. Flexibility
C. Setting
D. Sensitivity
Answer B
Setting:- is the ratio of the depth of the crest level of the module
below the full supply of the distributing channel to the full supply
depth of the distributing channel.
Setting = H/D
Q. 119) The drainage water intercepting the canal can be
disposed of by passing the canal below the drainage is
1. Super-passage:- is similar to an aqueduct except that in this case the drain is over
the canal. The FSL (full supply level) of the canal is lower than the underside of the
trough carrying drainage water. Thus, the canal water runs under gravity.
2. Canal syphon:-The FSL of the canal is much above the bed level of the drainage
trough, so that canal is runs under syphonic action under the throug.
Q. 120) If the RL’s of canal bed level and high flood level of
discharge are 212.0 m and 210.0 m respectively, then cross
drainage work will be
A. Aqueduct
B. Superpassage
C. Syphon
D. Syphon aqueduct
Answer A
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Objective Questions
(121 to 135)
Q. 121) The aqueduct or superpassage type of works are
generally used when
A. Silting river
B. Scouring river
C. Both silting and scouring river
D. Neither silting nor scouring river
Answer A
Agrading river (silting river):- The river builds up its bed by silting
or dropping its bed load.
A. Average discharge
B. Dominant discharge
C. Maximum discharge
D. Critical discharge
Answer B
A. Equal to 1
B. Less than 1
C. Greater than 1
D. Less than or equal to 1
Answer C
Q. 127) Select the correct statement
A. Groynes
B. Construction of dykes or leavees
C. Both A and B
D. Groynes and bandalling
Answer D
A. Groynes or spurs are the structures that are constructed transverse to
flow and extend from bank to the river channel.
Using spurs and Bandalling to contract the river channel and, thus,
increase its depth.
Q. 129) Main purpose of mean water training for rivers is
A. Flood control
B. To provide sufficient depth of water in navigable
channels, during low water periods
C. To preserve the channel in good shape by efficient
disposal of suspended and bed load
D. All of the above
Answer C
Types of river training works
1. High water training:- is also known as training for discharge. The cross-section
of the river is so developed near the works (i.e. Near weir, barrages or bridges)
that the maximum flood is passed over efficiently.
2. Low water training:- is also known as training for depth. This type of training is
adopted for navigation purpose where a certain minimum depth of flow is
maintained by contracting the width of the river channel.
3. Mean water training:- is also known as the training for sediment. The river is
trained to correct the configuration of river bed for the efficient transport of
sediment load, without either silting or scouring.
Q. 130) If D is the depth of scour below original bed, then
the width of launching apron is generally taken as
A. 1.2 D
B. 1.5 D
C. 2.0 D
D. 2.5 D
Answer B
To protect the face of the guide bank at the river bed level a thick stone
cover is laid on the bed. It is called an apron.
When the scour undermines the river bed the apron comes down
or launches to cover the face of the scour. Hence it is called Launching
apron also.
A. Pointing upstream
B. Pointing downstream
C. Perpendicular to bank
D. Parallel to bank
Answer A
Q. 133) A river training work is generally required when
the river is
A. Aggrading type
B. Degrading type
C. Meandering types
D. Both A and B
Answer C
River training' refers to the structural measures which are taken to improve
a river and its banks. They are used to lower the river gradient in order to reduce
the water velocity and protect the river bed and banks from erosion.
A. Agrading river (silting river):- The river builds up its bed by silting or dropping its
bed load.
B. Degrading river (Scouring river):- Scouring is the removal of sediment from its bed.
C. Meandering rivers:- Meandering rivers erode sediment from the outer curve of
each meander bend and deposit it on an inner curve further down stream.
Q. 134) Length and width of meander are proportional to
A. Discharge
B. (Discharge)½
C. (Discharge)⅔
D. (Discharge)²
Answer B
Q. 135) A river bend in alluvial soil is characterized by
Objective Questions
(136 to 150)
Q. 136) Select the incorrect statement
Lift irrigation:-
This is a curative measure. When the process of
waterlogging is starts, lift irrigation should be introduced along
with the canal irrigation. When water is pumped out from top
aquifer it depresses the water table and decrease water logging.
Q. 137) A land is known as waterlogged
→Waterlogged soil:- The soil pores within the root zones of crops become
fully saturated, and thus air circulation is completely cut-off.
Water logging is caused by the rise of sub-soil water level upto the
ground level, or sometimes upto the root zone of the crops.
The depth of water table at which it tends to make the soil water-logged
and harmful to the growth of plant life depends upon the height of
capillary fringe, which is the height to which water will rise due to
capillary action.
Q. 138) Lining of irrigation channels
Advantages of lining:-
1. Due to reduction in percolation and seepage, decreases the water logging
2. Increase in velocity of flow. 3. Increase in stability of banks.
4. Prevention of erosion 5. Increase in canal water power
6. Economical distribution 7. Improvement in water quality
1. High initial cost
2. Difficulty in shifting the position of outlets.
Q. 139) A runoff river plant is
2. Storage plants:- Such a plant has a storage reservoir at its upstream. A dam is
constructed across the river and water is stored during the periods of excess
3. Pumped storage plants:- A pumped storage plant stores power in the form of
potential energy of water. The scheme is used to generate power only during the
peak hours.
Depending upon the available head, the hydel schemes may be
classified as under
1. Low head scheme:- which uses head of less than about 15
metres. It is essentially a run off river scheme.
A. Design speed
B. Rated speed
C. Gross speed
D. Operating speed
Answer A
Hydraulic Efficiency:-
It is the ratio of the power developed by the runner
of a turbine to the power supplied at the inlet of a turbine.
Q. 141) A runoff river plant
A. Design speed
B. Rated speed
C. Gross speed
D. Operating speed
Answer A
Q. 143) The ratio of the average load to the installed
capacity of the plant whose reserve capacity is zero will be
equal to
A. Load factor
B. Plant factor
C. Utilisation factor
D. Both A and B
Answer D
1.Load factor:- is defined as the ratio of the average load over a certain
period to the peak load occurring during the same time.
If period chosen is one day, the load factor is known as the daily load
factor and similarly annual load factor.
2. Capacity factor or plant factor:- is the ratio of the average output of the
plant to the plant capacity. i.e.
Plant capacity factor = average load output/installed capacity
= average load output/1.1 (peak load)
if we take the reserve capacity as 10% of the peak load.
If the reserve capacity is zero, load factor on a particular day = capacity
factor for that day.
3. Utilization factor:- is the ratio of water actually utilized for power to
that available in the river.
Q. 144) A hydroelectric scheme operating under a head of
80 m will be classified as
Depending upon the available head, the hydel schemes may be classified
as under
1. Low head scheme:- which uses head of less than about 15 metres. It is
essentially a run off river scheme.
A. Symon’s raingauge
B. Tipping bucket type
C. Natural syphon type
D. Weighing bucket type
Answer C
Types of Raingauges:-
A. 100 mm
B. More than 100 mm
C. Less than 100 mm
D. None of the above
Answer C
Q. 149) The maximum rainfall depth of 300 mm in 24
hours has a return period of 100 years. The probability of
24 hours rainfall equal to or greater than 300 mm
occurring at least once in 10 years is given by
A. (0.99)¹°
B. 1 – (0.99)¹°
C. (0.9)¹°°
D. 1 – (0.9)¹°°
Answer B
Q. 150) The most suitable chemical which can be applied
to the water surface for reducing evaporation is
A. Methyl alcohol
B. Ethyl alcohol
C. Cetyl alcohol
D. Butyl alcohol
Answer C
The important factors affecting the natural evaporation such as
Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Velocity, Sunshine Hours, etc.
The Cetyl alcohol individually gives the average reduction is 27% and the
Stearyl alcohol gives 27% and Both Cetyl and Stearyl Alcohol combine
gives the average reduction is 30%.
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Objective Questions
(151 to 165)
Q. 151) Interception losses are due to
i) Evaporation
ii) transportation
iii) stream flow
A. Only (i)
B. (i) and (ii)
C. (ii) and (iii)
D. (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer A
A. 4.5 cm
B. 6.0 cm
C. 7.5 cm
D. 9.0 cm
Answer B
Q. 153) Which of the following methods is used to
estimate flood discharge based on high water marks left
over in the past?
A. Slope-area method
B. Area-velocity method
C. Moving boat method
D. Ultra-sonic method
Answer A
A. √2Q m³/sec
B. 0.5Q m³/sec
C. 2Q m³/sec
D. 4Q m³/sec
Answer C
Q. 157) The stream which does not have any base flow
contribution is called
A. Perennial stream
B. Intermittent stream
C. Ephimeral stream
D. None of the above
Answer C
Base flow:- is the delayed subsurface flow at shallow depth (above GWT),
joining a nearby stream.
Ground water flow:- is the deep subsurface flow of ground water (below
GWT), joining a nearby stream or spring.
The demand cannot be met by the inflow as the reservoir will not refill.
Q. 160) The shape of recession limb of hydrograph
depends upon
1. Rising Limb:- It is the ascending curved portion of the hydrograph. The rising
limb rises slowly in the early stage of the flood but more rapidly toward the end
portion. The shape of rising limb depends on duration and intensity distribution
of rainfall. This is because in early stages the losses is more and water reaches to
the stream faster.
2. Peak Segment (or Crest Segment) : Peak segment is shown by inverted
U in the hydrograph. This is the part which is taken as matter of interest
by hydrologists. Peak of hydrograph occurs when all parts of basins
contribute at the outlet simultaneously at the maximum rate. Depending
upon the rainfall-basin characterstics, the peak may be sharp, flat or may
have several well defined peaks.
A. 0.2 × 106
B. 0.6 × 106
C. 2.4 × 106
D. 7.2 × 106
Answer A
Q. 163) A unit hydrograph has one unit of
A. Rainfall duration
B. Rainfall excess
C. Time base of direct runoff
D. Discharge
Answer B
The Unit Hydrograph of the catchment is defined as hydrograph of direct
runoff (DRH) results from 1cm depth of effective rainfall occurring
uniformly over the catchment at a uniform rate during a specified period
of time (D-hr).
Thus we can have 6-Hr Unit Hydrograph, 12-Hr Unit Hydrograph, etc.
6-Hr unit hydrograph will have an effective rainfall intensity of 1/6 cm/hr.
Q. 164) The peak of a 4 hour flood hydrograph is 240
m³/sec. If the rainfall excess is 80 mm and base flow which
is constant is 40 m³/sec, then the peak of 4 hours unit
hydrograph will be
A. 20 m³/sec
B. 25 m³/sec
C. 30 m³/sec
D. 35 m³/sec
Answer B
Storm/flood hydrograph = Direct runoff + ground water runoff/Base flow
Q. 165) A 4-hour direct runoff hydrograph of catchment is
triangular in shape with a time base of 100 hours and peak
flow of 50 m³/sec. The catchment area is 360 km². The
peak flow of this catchment area for a 4-hour unit
hydrograph is
A. 10 m³/sec
B. 20 m³/sec
C. 25 m³/sec
D. 50 m³/sec
Answer B
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Objective Questions
(166 to 180)
Q. 166) To estimate the magnitude of flood with a return
period of T years, Gumbel’s distribution method requires the
following data pertaining to annual flood series
i) Mean value
ii) Standard deviation
iii) Length of record
iv) Coefficient of skew
The correct answer is
A. N/(m+1)
B. m/(N+1)
C. m/N
D. (N+1)/m
Answer D
A. 1 + (0.9)0.10
B. 1 – (0.9)0.10
C. 1/(1 – 0.90.10)
D. 1/(1 + 0.90.10)
Answer C
Q. 169) Partial duration series is mostly used for
A. Rainfall analysis
B. Flood analysis
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer A
A. K(XI – XQ + Q)
B. K(XI + XQ – Q)
C. K(-XI + XQ + I)
D. KX(I – XQ – Q)
A. Only (i)
B. (i) and (ii)
C. (i) and (iii)
D. (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer B
1. Continuity equation, outflow + change in storage = inflow
A. Only (i)
B. (i) and (ii)
C. (i) and (iii)
D. (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer A
A. Time
B. Inflow rate
C. Outflow rate
D. None of the above
Answer C
Q. 176) The dimensions of storage coefficient is
A. M0 L¹ T-1
B. M0 L² T-1
C. M0 L3 T -2
D. Dimensionless
Answer D
A. Equal to 50%
B. Less than 50%
C. More than 50%
D. None of the above
Answer B
A. Specific storage
B. Specific yield
C. Specific capacity
D. None of the above
Answer C
A. Specific storage:- The specific storage is the amount of water that a portion of
an aquifer releases from storage
B. Specific Yield of Wells:- rate of water percolation in the well or yield of a well in
m3/hr under a head of one metre is called the specific yield of the well.
C. Specific capacity:- is a quantity that which a water well can produce per unit of
A well specific capacity equals the discharge rate (in gpm) divided by the water
level drawdown (in feet).
For example a well with a pumping rate of 200gpm (Gallons per minute) with a
10 foot drawdown has aspecific capacity of 20gpm/ft of drawdown.
Q. 179) Permeability of a soil sample a temperature of
20°C is 0.5 mm/sec. If the temperature is decreased to
15°C , the permeability of the same soil sample is
A. 0.5 mm/sec
B. Less than 0.5 mm/sec
C. More than 0.5 mm/sec
D. None of the above
Answer B
The property of the soil that permits the flow of water through
its voids with ease is known as permeability.
A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Note change
D. None of the above
Answer B
Objective Questions
(181 to 195)
Q. 181) According to Indian standards, the number of
raingauge station for an area of 5200 km² in plains should
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 40
Answer A
A. Less than I
B. Equal to I
C. Greater than I
D. None of the above
Answer C
A. 24/625
B. 72/3125
C. 72/15625
D. 24/15625
Answer C
Q. 184) The rainfall in four successive 12 hours period on a
catchment are 40, 80, 90 and 30 mm. If the infiltration
index ∅ for the storm is 5 mm/hour, then the total surface
runoff will be
A. 0
B. 50 mm
C. 120 mm
D. 180 mm
Answer B
Q. 185) The 6-hour unit hydrograph of a catchment of area
180 km² is triangular in shape. If the peak ordinate of this
hydrograph is 10 m³/sec, then the time base is
A. 50 hours
B. 75 hours
C. 100 hours
D. 120 hours
Answer C
Q. 186) Percentage of raingauge stations which should be
equipped with self recording gauges for knowing the
intensity of rainfall should be about
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 15%
D. 20%
Answer B
A. Nx > Ny > Nz
B. Ny > Nz > Nx
C. Ny > Nx > Nz
D. Nz > Ny > Nx
Answer C
Q. 188) If the coefficient of variation of rainfall values at 4
raingauge stations is 30% and permissible error in the
estimation of mean rainfall is 10%, then the additional
number of raingauge stations required in the catchment is
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 9
Answer C
= (30/10)² - 4
Q. 189) Assertion A: Under identical conditions, the evaporation
from sea water is less than that from fresh water.
Reason R: Vapour pressure of sea water is less than that of pure
1. Super-passage:- is similar to an aqueduct except that in this case the drain is over
the canal. The FSL (full supply level) of the canal is lower than the underside of the
trough carrying drainage water. Thus, the canal water runs under gravity.
2. Canal syphon:-The FSL of the canal is much above the bed level of the drainage
trough, so that canal is runs under syphonic action under the throug.
Q. 191) The double mass analysis is adopted to
Objective Questions
(196 to 210)
Q. 196) Bligh’s creep theory of seepage assumes
For a given area, the maximum average depth of rainfall increases with
strom duration
Q. 202) Permanent wilting point is
Field Capacity:- The maximum quantity of water which a soil can retain
against the force of gravity is known as field capacity.
The quantity of water greater than the field capacity simply passes away.
A. Reynolds number
B. Shear Reynolds number
C. Froude number
D. Both B and C
Answer B
Sediment transport is the movement of solid particles (sediment),
typically due to a combination of gravity acting on the sediment, and/or
the movement of the fluid in which the sediment is entrained.
As per Shield’s criteria for the initiation of bed motion, the entertainment
function is a unique function of Shear Reynolds number.
Q. 207) In which of the following section a breast wall is
usually provided
A. Main canal
B. Under-sluice
C. Head regulator
D. Weir
Answer C
Canal Head Regulator:- Structure at the head of canal taking off
from a reservoir may consist of number of spans separated by
piers and operated by gates.
Regulators are normally aligned at 90° to the weir.
Q. 208) The most ideal condition for energy dissipation for
the design of spillways is when the tail water curve
Hydraulic jump:- is the jump of water that takes place when a super-
critical flow changes into a sub-critical flow.
B. Tail water curve lies above jump height curve at all discharge
- In this case jump height curve is always below tail water.
- Little energy will dissipated.
C. Tail water curve lies below the jump height curve at all discharges
- If the tail water is very low
D. Tail water curve lies above or below the jump height curve, depending
upon the discharge.
Q. 209) The ordinate of the Instantaneous Unit
Hydrograph (IUH) of a catchment at any time t, is
A. 80 mm
B. 90 mm
C. 100 mm
D. 110 mm
Answer C
Leaching requirement
The total amount of water required to bring the soil salinity from
an initially high value down to an acceptable value in accordance
with the salt tolerance of the crops to be grown.
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Objective Questions
(206 & 211 to 225)
Q. 206) Rigid boundary canals, whose bed and banks are
made with non-erodibe materials, are in
A. True regime
B. Permanent regime
C. Final regime
D. None of the above
Answer B
A channel is said to in regime, if there is neither silting nor scouring.
According to Lacey’s there may be three regime conditions
A. True regime:- A channel shall be in true regime if the following
conditions are satisfied
1. Discharge is constant, 2. Flow is uniform,
3. Silt charge is constant i.e. the amount of the silt is constant
4. Silt grade is constant i.e. the type and size of silt is always the same
5. Channel is flowing through a material which can be scoured as easily as
it can be deposited and is of the same grade as is transported.
But in practice, all these conditions can never be satisfied. And therefore
artificial channels can never be in “true regime” They can either be in
“initial regime” or “final regime”
B. Initial regime:-
1. Bed slope of a channel varies,
2. Cross-section or wetted perimeter remains unaffected.
C. Final regime:- All the variables such as perimeter, depth, slope etc. are
equally free to vary and achieve permanent stability, called final regime.
Permanent regime:- Rigid boundary canals, whose bed and banks are
made with non-erodibe materials.
Answer B
Siphon aqueduct:- The hydraulic structure in which irrigation canal is
passing over the drainage, but the drainage water cannot pass clearly
below the canal is known as siphon aqueduct.
In siphon aqueduct the H.F.L. of the drain is above the bed of the canal.
Canal siphon:- If two canals cross other and one of the canals is siphoned
under the other, then the hydraulic structure at crossing is called canal
In canal siphon the F.S.L. of the canal is much above the bed level to the
Answer B
Q. 213) A 4-hour rainfall in a catchment of 250 km²
produces rainfall depths of 6.2 cm and 5.0 cm in successive
2-hour unit periods. Assuming the ∅ index of the soil to be
1.2 cm/hour, the run-off volume in ha-m will be
A. 16
B. 22
C. 1600
D. 2200
Answer C
Q. 214) A 3-hour unit hydrograph (UH) differs from a 6-
hour UH, for any catchment, in that
A. Both the time of rise and the peak ordinate for the former are
less than that for the latter
B. Both the time of rise and the peak ordinate for the former are
greater than that of the letter
C. The time of rise is less but the peak ordinate is greater for the
former as compared to that of the latter
D. The time of rise is greater but the peak ordinate is less for the
former as compared to that of the latter
Answer C
Q. 215) As per the recommendations of the ISI (NBS), the
shape of a lined canal is
A. Trapezoidal
B. Semicircular
C. Parabolic
D. Elliptic
Answer A
1. It is easier to build. As trapezoidal cross section does not need
vertical walls made of concrete and the lining can be easily done.
3. It is easy to maintain.
Answer C
Answer A
A. About 90 years
B. Equal to 100 years
C. About 110 years
D. Roughly 1000 years
Answer D
Q. 220) A channel designed by Lacey’s theory has a mean
velocity of one m/s. The silt factor is unity. The hydraulic
mean radius will be
A. 2.5 m
B. 2 m
C. 1 m
D. 0.5 m
Answer A
Lacey’s channel design procedure:-
1. Calculate the velocity from equation, V = (Qf²/140)1/6
Where, Q in cumecs, V in m/sec, f is silt factor, f = 1.76 √mr
where mr is mean particle diameter of silt in mm
5. Knowing these value, the channel section is known and finally the bed slop S is
determined by the equation, S = f5/3/3340Q1/6
Q. 221) Which one of the following constitutes the basic
assumption of unit-hydrograph theory?
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 3 and 4
Answer C
Design principles for weirs on permeable foundation:-
A. 0.864 cm
B. 8.64 cm
C. 86.4 cm
D. 864 cm
Answer C
Duty is the area of land that can be irrigated with a unit volume of water
supplied across the base period.
Delta is the total depth of water required to raise a crop over a unit area.
Q. 224) A pumped storage plant is a
Objective Questions
(226 to 240)
Q. 226) Depth-Area-Duration curves of precipitation are
drwan as
A. Minimising envelopes through the appropriate data points
B. Maximizing envelopes through the appropriate data points
C. Best fit mean curves through the appropriate data points
D. Best fit mean straight lines through the appropriate data
Answer B
The maximum depth area curve for a
given duration D is prepared by assuming
the area distribution of rainfall for smaller
duration to be similar to the total storm.
The procedure is then repeated for
different storms and the envelope curve
of maximum depth area for duration D is
obtained. A similar procedure for various
values of D results in a family of envelope
curves of maximum depth vs area,
duration as the third parameter. These
curves are called DAD curves.
Answer C
Q. 228) The following four hydrological features have to be estimated or
taken as inputs before one can compute the flood hydrograph at any
catchment outlet:
1. Unit hydrograph
2. Rainfall hydrograph
3. Infiltration index
4. Base flow
The correct order in which they have to be employed in the computation
A. 1,2,3,4
B. 2,1,4,3
C. 2,3,1,4
D. 4,1,3,2
Answer C
D. A canal outlet or a module is a small structure built at the head of the water
course so as to connect it with a minor or a distributary channel. It acts as a
connecting link between the system manager and the farmers.
Q. 232) For medium silt whose average grain size is 0.16
mm, Lacey’s silt factor is likely to be
A. 0.30
B. 0.45
C. 0.70
D. 1.32
Answer C
Answer A
Q. 234) Mean precipitation over an area is best obtained
from gauged amounts by
A. 3,2,1,4
B. 2,3,4,1
C. 3,1,2,4
D. 4,3,2,1
Answer A
1. Separate the baseflow from the observed streamflow hydrograph in
order to obtain the Direct Runoff Hydrograph (DRH).
A. 25%
B. 35%
C. 50%
D. 65%
Answer B
Q. 237) The following data were recorded from an irrigated field:
1. Field capacity:20%
2. Permanent wilting point:10%
3. Permissible depletion of available soil moisture:50%
4. Dry unit weight of soil:1500kgf/m³
5. Effective rainfall:25mm
Based on these data, the net irrigation requirement per metre depth of
soil will be
A. 75 mm
B. 125 mm
C. 50 mm
D. 25 mm
Answer C
Field Capacity:- The maximum quantity of water which a soil can retain
against the force of gravity is known as field capacity.
The quantity of water greater than the field capacity simply passes away.
A. 12 m
B. 10 m
C. 6 m
D. 3 m
Answer C
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(241 to 248 END)
Answer A
Q. 242) In a flow mass curve study, the demand line drawn
from a ridge does not intersect the mass curve again. This
implies that
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 3
D. 1,2 and 3
Answer D
A. Equal to 80m³/sec
B. Greater than 80m³/sec
C. Less than 80m³/sec
D. Between 40m³/sec to 80m³/sec
Answer B
A. Qp
B. Qp/2
C. √2Qp
D. 2Qp
Answer A
Answer A
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