Ef 8B V The House
Ef 8B V The House
Ef 8B V The House
1 2 3
1 It’s usually in a living room. It’s on a table or wall. You 3 You put these on the walls
It’s for one person to sit turn it on when it’s dark. to decorate the rooms.
on. It’s very comfortable. a
16 17 4
They’re on the wall. You 17 It’s outside. It has You can see yourself in it.
can put things on them, flowers and plants. a
for example books. a
15 18 5
15 You put your clothes You put your car in here. 5 It’s a room where you
in this. a sleep.
a a
14 19 6
You clean your dirty 19 In the bathroom, you fill This is on the floor. It
clothes in this. this with water. You wash decorates the room.
a in it. a
13 20 7
13 A room has four walls, a You turn it on in winter to 7 It’s in the kitchen. You
floor, and... keep the house warm. cook on it. It can be gas or
a electric.
12 8
It’s a room where In summer, you turn it on
you wash. when it’s hot.
11 10 9
11 You put milk, eggs, and In the kitchen, you put the 9 You use these to go from
vegetables in it. It keeps glasses and plates in this. the ground floor to the
food cool and fresh. a first floor in a house.
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English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
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