ISBN 0-8146-1818-9
11 Easter Vigil.......................................................................................113
12 Easter Season.................................................................................................122
13 Ordinary Time................................................................................................124
14 Rogation and Ember Days.............................................................................125
15 Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ..................................126
Since the Ievision of the liturgical books decreed by the Second Vatican Ecu
menical Council is all but completed, it has been deemed necessary also to pro
vide a thorough revision of the Ceremonial of Bishops and to issue it in a new
form. This Ceremonial is intended to present the entire reformed liturgy in a suit
able manner and to ensure that in celebrating the liturgy the bishop is eleaily
seen as "the high priest of his flock, the faithful's life in Christ in some way deriv
ing from and dep nd.ing on him'' (Sacrosanctum Cancilium, art. 41).
The pmposes of the Ceremonial will be made more evident through
atten tion to the pastora l and juFidical norms pertaining to a bishop that have
been issued by the responsible dicasteries of the Holy See.
The new Ceremonial of Bishops cannot be regaided as a liturgical book in
the proper sense, since it is not a book for use in liturgical celebrations. But
Ceremonial will be helpful to bishops, to the several categories of ministers,
and to masters of ceremonies, since they will all find init the paits belonging to
them in the various celebrations.
The Ceremonial of Bishops describes the rites carried out by a bishop
in such a way that the traditions and requirements proper to each place can be
The aforementioned pastoral and juridical norms issued by the
Apostolic See, as well as the norms and rubrics already laid down in the
liturgical books, remain in force, unless this Ceremonial corrects them.
Additional provisions are made with the intention of achieving a liturgy for
bishops that is genuine, simple, deai, dignified, and pastorally effective. These
norms foster unity of spirit and
avoid introducing any pointless singularity into the liturgy as celebrated by a
The Congregation for Divine Worship prepared this new Ceremonial of
Bish ops and Pope John Paul ll, at an audience of 7 September 1984 granted
to the undersigned Pro-Prefect and the Secretary of the Congregation, by his
author ity approved it and ordered its publication.
By mandate of Pope John Paul II this Congregation for Divine Worship
therefore publishes the new Ceremonial of Bishops and decrees that it supersedes
the previous Caeremoniale Episcoporum as soon as it is issued.
AU things to the contrary notwithstanding .
Congregation for Divine Worship, on the reast of the Triumph of the Cross,
14 September 1984.
III Augustin Mayer, O.S.B.
Titu lar Archbishop of Satrianum
III Virgilio Noe
Archbishop of Voncaria
Lt- c_;HA \141.\-;e ....l> ' 2..'000 -) C.: artl'111"" \t £. eop•""""
A 1"\ Tr' " M oJ.
Pope dement VITI in 1600 issued the Caeremoniale Episcoporum that has
continued in use until the·present time. But this was simply a new edi- '<\: e.c-to IM>JD
tion of an earlier work of long-standing that had been revised and '*"""" -·
emended in keeping with the spirit of the Tridentine reform. v....l.
The Caeremoniale Episcoporum was in fact the successor of the
Or dines Romani that from the dose of the seventh century had passed
down norms for the litwgical services celebrated by the pope. One of
Ordines, designated as number xrn inthe Museum Italicum of Jean Mabil
lon, was issued by mandate of Blessed Gregory X (1271-1276) about the
year 1273, at the time of the Second Council of Lyons (1274). It did not
bear the title Caeremoniale Episcoporum , but did contain a desa·iption
the ceremonies for the election and ordination of a pope and directives
for a papal Mass and for celebrations throughout the year.
Some forty years later, somewhere between the years 1314 and
1320, an Ordo Romanus designated as number XIV was drawn up
under the name of Cardinal James Gaetani Stefaneschi and was issued
about the year 1341. This Ordo described the liturgy for the election
and corona tion of a pope and in particular the liturgies on the occasion
of a general council, a canonization, and the coronation of an
emperor or king .
Under Benedict XII (1.334-1342) and Oement VI (1342-1352)
this same work appeared in a much enlarged version and under Blessed
Ur ban V (1362-1370) it was further supplemented by material
pertaining to the death of a pope and to the status of cardinals .
Ordo Romanus XV in the numbering of Jean Mabillon, known also
as the Liber de Caeremoniis Ecclesiae Romanae, was composed by the
Patri arch Peter Ameil toward the end of the fourteenth century under
Urban VI (1378-1389). Further material was added by Peter Assalbit,
Bishop of Oloron, under Martin V (1417-1431). This compilation, along
with manuscripts of Avignon, was used under the title Liber
Sacrae Romanae Ecclesiae by the papal court until, by order of Innocent
VITI (1484-1492), Agostino Patrizi, Bishop ofPienza and Montalcino,
com pleted a new Caeremoniale in 1499. Revised by Cristoforo
Marcello, Archbishop-elect of Corfu, this work was published in Venice
in 1516, under the title Rituum ecclesiasticarum sive sacrarum
Caerimoniarum sanc tae Romanae Ecclesiae libri tres non ante
impressi; it has remained in use for papal ceremonies until the present
Paris De Grassis, master of ceremonies for Julius II (1503-1513), took
excerpts for the papal liturgy from the Ordo Romanus in the earlier
Caeremoniale and composed a work that adapted an episcopal liturgy, that
of Bologna, for use as a papal liturgy. Later, in 1564, this work was given Since the Second Vatican Council ordered a reform of all liturgical
the title De Caeremoniis Cardinalium et Episcoporum in eorum dioecesibus rites and books, a complete revision and arrangement of the
libri duo. Caeremoniale Episcoporum has proved to be needed.
On 15 December 1582, Gregory Xlli (1572-1585) established,
under the presidency of Cardinal Gabriele Paleotti, a commission, the
predeces sor of the Congregation of Rites and Ceremonies, to revise
the work of Paris De Grassis. Saint Charles Borromeo during a stay in
Rome had sug gested this revision to Gregory XIII and warmly
supported it. But when the saint died in 1584, the work of the
commission ceased.
On 22 January 1588 Sixtus V (1585-1590) established the
Congre gation for Sacred Rites and Ceremonies with the task of
revising the litur gical books. Earlier, on 19 March 1586, he had
ordered a large number of codexes to be brought to himfrom the
Vatican Library, so that he him self might prepare a fresh study on the
sacred rites, but the result of this project is unknown .
Finally, on 14 July 1600, Clement Vill (1592-1605) published the
Caeremoniale Episcoporum and thus brought to completion the work of
creat ing a ceremonial. Its composition made use of the work not only of
Agos tino Patrizi and Paris De Grassis, but also that of others whose
are today unknown. At the time of the preparation of this ceremonial,
three men outstanding for their holiness and learning, the Venerable
Cesar Baronius, Saint Robert Bellarmine, and Cardinal Silvio
Antoniano, were working in the Congregation of Rites. The papal bull
introducing this ceremonial refers throughout, not to a new book, but to
a revision of the Caeremoniale Episcoporum, a work known to all.
Under Innocent X (1644-1655) an emended and revised edition of
the Caeremoniale was published on 30 July 1650. A century later
Benedict XIII (1724-1730), in keeping with his great interest in the
liturgy, brought out a further edition on 7 March 1727 which clarified
some obscurities and ambiguities and removed certain internal conflicts.
Fifteen years later, on 25 March 1742, Benedict XIV (1740-1758), a
former Officialis of the Con gregation of Rites, produced a new edition of
the Caeremoriiale, adding a third book, on matters pertaining to the
States of the Church. The work also commended the method of the
school of liturgy then existing at the Gregorian Collegio Romano of the
Society of Jesus.
Finally, in 1886, Leo Xlll (1878-1903) ordered publication of a new
editio typica of the Ozeremoniale Episcoporum, which retained Book ill,
even though by that time it would have no use, since the States of the
Church had ceased to exist or rather had been reduced to Vatican
1 "The diocese forms that part of the people of God entrusted to the
pastoral care of the bishop with the assistance of the presbyterate. In al
legiance to its pastor and by him gathered together in the Holy Spirit
through the Gospel and the eucharist, the diocese stands as a particular
Church, in which Christ's one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church is
truly present and at work:' 1Indeed, Christ is present, since by his power
the Church is gathered together in unity.2 As Saint Ignatius of Antioch
has truly written: "Just as where Christ Jesus is, there also is the Catho
lic Church, so also where the bishop is, there also should be the whole
assembly of his people."3
1 Vatican Council Il, Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops Christus Dominus (hereaftet CD),
no. ll: ICEL, Documents on the Liturgy, 1963-1979: Concilinr, Papal, and Curinl Texts (hereafter, DOL;
The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minn., 1982), 7, no. 191. See Vatican Council II, Dogmatic
Constitution on the Church Lumen gentium (hereafter, LG), no. 23.
2 See LG, no. 26: DOL 4, no. 146.
3 Ignatius of Antioch, Ad Srnymaeos, 8, 2: F. X. Funk , ed., PatT£S aposJolici , v. 1, p. 283.
• LG, no. 26:DOL 4, no. 146.
5 See LG, no. 26: DOL 4, no. 146.
over which the bishop places his presbyters, in order that tion of the eucharist, from which the Church continually
under his authority they may sanctify and guide the portion of the receives life and growth. He never ceases to exhort and to instruct
Lord's flock that is assigned to them.6 his people to fulfill their part in the liturgy with faith and
4 Just as the universal Church is present and manifested in the reverence, and especially in the eucharistic sacrifice.12
par. ticular Churches? so too each particular Church contributes 8 In the person of th"e bishop, with the presbyters gathered
its own dis tinctive gifts to the other Churches and to the round him, the Lord Jesus Christ, the High Priest, is present in
Church as a whole, "so that from their sharing of gifts with one the midst of the faithful. Seated at the right hand of the Father,
another and their common effort in unity toward perfection, the Christ is not absent from the gathering of his high priests. They
Church achieves growth as a whole and in its particular parts:'8 have been chosen to feed the Lord's flock and they are Christ's
ministers and the stewards of the mysteries of GodP Therefore,
"the bishop is to be looked on as the high priest of his flock, the
faithful's life in Christ in some way deriving from and depending
on him:'I4
5 As Christ's vicar and representative, marked with the 9 The bishop is "the steward of the grace of the supreme
fullness of the sacrament of orders, the bishop leads the particular priest hood."15 On him depend both presbyters and deacons in
Church in com munion with the pope and under his authority.9 the exercise of their orders. Presbyters, appointed to be prudent
"Placed there by the Holy Spirit, bishops are the successors co-workers of the or der of bishops, are themselves
of the consecrated as true priests of the New Testament; deacons
apostles as shepherds of souls, . . . for Christ gave the apostles serve as ministers ordained to service for the people of God in
and their successors the mandate and the power to teach all communion with the bishop and his presbyters. The bishop
nations and to sanc tify and to shepherd their people in truth. himself is the chief steward of the mysteries of God and the
By the Holy Spirit who h s been given to them, therefore, overseer, promoter, and guardian of all liturgical life in the
bishops have been made true and authentic teachers of the faith, particular Church en trusted to his care.16 To him "is
high priests, and pastors:' 10 committed the office of offering to the divine majesty the
worship of Christian religion and of administering it in
6 Through the preaching of the Gospel and in the power of the accordance with the Lord's commandments and the Church's
Spirit the bishop calls men and women to faith or confirms them laws, as further specified by his particular judgment for his
in the .fai h they already have, and he proclaims to them the diocese:'17
mystery of Christ m its entirety.11
10 The bishop rules the particular Church entrusted to him by
coun sel, persuasion, and example, but also by the authority and
sacred power
7 The bishop's authority regulates the orderly and effective that he received through his ordination as which he uses only
celebra bishop,18
Sacrosandum Concilium (hereafter, SC), art. 41: DOL 1,
tion of the sacraments and through them he sanctifies the no. 41.
faithful. He supervises the bestowal of baptism, since it brings 7 See LG, no. 23.
with it a share in the royal priesthood of Christ. He is the primary a LG, no. 13.
minister of confirmation, he alone confers the sacrament of 9 See LG, nos 26, ZJ: DOL 4. nos. 146-147. See CD, no. 3.
holy orders, and he oversees the penitential discipline in his 10 CD, no. 2.
diocese. He regulates every lawful celebra- u See CD, no. 12: DOL 7, no. 192.
6 See LG, nos. 26, 28: DOL 4, nos. 146, 148. See Vatican Council IL Constitution on
the Uturgy
for the building up of his flock in truth and holiness. "The 1 'SC, art. 41: DOL 1, no. 41.
faithful should 15
Prayer of consecration of a bishop in the Byzantine rite: Euchologion to mega (Rome,
1873), 139;
cling to the bishop as the Church clings to Jesus Christ and as LG, no. 26: DOL 4,
Jesus Christ clings to the Father, so that through such unity no. 146.
there may be harmony in everything and so that everything may 1• See CD, no. 15: DOL 7, no. 194.
conspire to the glory of God."19 17 LG, no. 26: DOL 4, no. 146.
"See LG, no. 21: DOL 4, no. 145. See CD, no. 3.
LG, no. 27.
See LG, no. 26: DOL 4, no. 146. See CD, no. 15: DOL 7, no. 194.
See LC, no. 21: DOL 4, no. 145.
23 Deacons hold the highest place among ministers and
from the Church's earliest age the diaconate has been held in great
honor. As men of good repute and full of wisdom,29 they should
act in such a way that, with the help of God, all may know them
to be true disciples3° of one who came, not to be served but to
servel1and who was among his dis
ciples as one who
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS conate, 15 August 1972 (hereafter, MQ), no. VI: AAS 64 (1972), p. 532; DOL 340, no. 2931.
27 In the ministry of the altar acolytes have their own proper func
tions and should exercise these even though ministers of a higher rank
may be present.
28 Acolytes receive institution so that they may help the deacon and
minister to the priest. Their proper ministry is to look after the service
of the altar and to assist the deacon and priest in liturgical services, es
pecially the celebration of Mass. In addition, acolytes may serve as spe
cial ministers of the eucharist, giving holy communion in accord with
the provisions of the law.
When necessary, acolytes should instruct those who serve as min
isters in liturgical rites by carrying the book, the cross, candles, or the
censer or by performing other similar duties. But incelebrations
presided over by the bishop it is fitting that all such ministerial
functions be car ried out by formally instituted acolytes, and if a
number are present, they should divide the ministries accordingly.3s
!>' '"' •lit \ 'fo "'•KtJ
29 So that they may fulfill their responsibilities more worthily, aco
lytes should take part in the celebration of the eucharist with ever in
creasing devotion, as the source of their spiritual life and the object of
an ever deeper appreciation. They should seek to acquire an interior and
spiritual sense of their ministry so that each day they may offer them-
»See the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 4th ed., 1975 (hereafter, GIRM), nos. 71,
DOL 208, nos. 1461,
s. See GIRM, no. 71: DOL 208, no. 146
"See Paul VI, Motu Proprio Ministeria quaedam, on first tonsure, minor orders, and the subdi.a
selv s wholly to God and grow in sincere love for the Mystical Body of
Christ, the people of God, and especially for the members who are
weak and infirm.
30 In liturgical celebrations readers have their own proper function
and should exercise this, even though ministers of a higher rank may
31 The office of reader was historically the first of the lesser minis
tries to emerge. 1his offi<;e exists in all the Churches and has never dis
appea:ed. Readers receive institution for an office proper to them : to
proclarm the word of God in the liturgical assembly. Hence at Mass and
in other rites of the liturgy readers proclaim the readings other than the
gospel reading. When there is no cantor of the psalm present, the reader
also leads the assembly in the responsorial psalm; when no deacon is
present, the reader announces the intentions of the general intercession s.
Whenever necessary, the reader should see to the preparation of
any members of the faithful who may be appointed to proclaim the
read ings from Sacred Scripture in liturgical celebrations. But
in celebrations presided over by the bishop it is fitting that readers
formally instituted proclaim the readings and, if several readers are
present, they should divide the readings accordingly.J 7
GIRM, no. 66: DOL 208, no. 1456.
See MQ, no•.V: AAS 64 (1972), p. 532; DOL 340, no. 2931. See The Roman Missal,
L.ectionary fur Mass, 2nd English ed., 1981 (hereafter, LM), Introduction, nos. 51-55. See General
Instruction of the Litwgy of the Hours (hereaftel", GIUi), no. 259: DOL 426, no. 3689.
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS "See LM, Introduction, nos. 19-20, 56.
Master of
34 For a liturgical celebration, especially a celebration presided over
by the bishop, to be distinguished by grace, simplicity, and order, a
mas ter of ceremonies is needed to prepare and direct the celebration in
close cooperation with the bishop and others responsible for planning its
several parts, and especially from a pastoral standpoint.
The master of ceremonies should be well-versed in the history and
nature of the liturgy and in its laws and precepts. But equally he should
be well-versed in pastoral science, so that he knows how to plan liturgi
cal celebrations in a way that encourages fruitful participatio n by the
people and enhances the beauty of the rites.
He should seek to ensure an observance of liturgical laws that is
in accord with the true spirit of such laws and with those legitimate tra
ditions of the particular Church that have pastoral value.
37 Along with the master of ceremonies and under his direction( the
sacristan sees to the preparation for a celebration with the bishop. The
sacristan should carefully arrange the books needed for the proclama-
.on of the word and for the presidential prayers; he or she should
celebrated there and to inspire in them a sense of joy and devotion.
out the vestments and have ready whatever else is needed for the Choir and
cele bration. He or she should see to the ringing of bells for Musicians
celebrations. He or she should ensure the observance of silence and
quiet in the sacristy and the vesting room. Vesbnents, church 39 All who have a special part in the singing and music for the
furnishings, and decorative ob jects that have been handed down liturgy-choir directors, cantors, organists, and others-should be care
from the past are not to be treated carelessly, but kept in good ful to follow the provisions concerning their functions that are found in
condition. When anything new needs to be provided, it should be the liturgical books and other documents published by the Apostolic
chosen to meet the standards of contemporary art, but not out of a See.40
desire simply for novelty.
40 Musicians should constantly keep in mind those norms especially
38 The first of all the elements belonging to the beauty of the that regard the participation of the people in singing. In addition, they
place where the liturgy is celebrated is the spotless cleanliness of the
floor and walls nd of all the i ag s and articles that will be used or a9 SC, art. 123: DOL 1, no. 123.
seen during a service. ,In all tlie hturg .cal appurtenances both 40
See GIRM, particularly nos. 12, 19, 22, 63, 64, m, 274, 'Z75, 313, 324: DOL 208, nos. 1402, 14.09,
ostentation and shab biness are to be avoided; instead the norms of 1412, 1453, 1454, 1662, 1664, 1665, 1703, 1714. See Ordo cantus Missae, Introduction: DOL 535, nos.
noble simplicity, refine ment, gracefulness, and artistic excellence are 4'Z16-4302; GlLH, nos. 268-284: DOL 426, nos. 3698-3714. See The Roman Ritual, the Rite of Baptism
fur Children, Christian Initiation, General Introduction, no. 33: DOL 294, no. 2282. See The Roman
to be respected. The culture of the people and local tradition should Ritual, Holy Communion and Y.brship of the Eucharist outside Mass, nos. 12 and 104: DOL Z79, nos. 2204
guide the choice of objects and their arrangement, "on condition that and 2222. See The Roman tual, Rite of Penance, nos. 24 and 36: DOL 368, nos. 3089 and 3101. See
they serve the places of worship and the sacred rites with the The Roman Ritual, Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and V111ticum, no. 38, d: DOL 411, no.
3358. See The Roman Ritual, Order of Christian Funerals, no. 12: DOL 416, no. 3384 (see English ed.,
reverence and honor due to them."39 nos. 30-33). See SC Rites, Instruction MusiCIIm sacram, 5 March 1%7(hereafter, MS): AA5 69 (1%7),
The adornment and decor of a church should be such as to pp. 300-320; DOL 508, nos. 4122-4190. See Sacred Congregation for Bishops, Directory on the
make the church a visible sign of love and reverence toward God, Pastoral Ministry of Bishops (1970), no. 90, d: DOL 329, no. 2660.
and to re mind the people of God of the real meaning of the feasts
4t See MS, no. 66: AAS 69 (1967), p. 319; DOL 508, no. 4187.
should take care that the singing expresses the note of universality be
longing to celebrations presided over by the bishop; hence, the faithful
should be able to recite or sing together not only m the vernacular but
also in Latin the parts of the Order of Mass that pertain to them.
'N\•t .It A ..,e.\1 ·
41 From Ash Wednesday until the singing of the Gloria at the Easter
Vigil and in celebrations for the dead, the organ and other
should be played only to sustain the singing.'1An exception is made for
Laetare Sunday (the Fourth Sunday of Lent) and for solemnities and
fes tive days.
From the end of the Gloria in the Mass of the Lord's Supper on
Holy Thursday until the Gloria at the Easter Vigil, th organ .an? other
musical instruments should be played only to sustain the smgmg.
During Advent musical instruments should be play d with a
moderation that is in keeping with the spirit of joyful expectation
charac teristic of this season, but does not anticipate the fullness of joy
belong ing to the celebration of the nativity of the Lord.
28 CHAPrER 3
42 The cathedral church is the church that is the site of the bishop's
cathedra or chair, the sign of his teaching office and pastoral power in
the particular Church, and a sign also of the unity of believers in the
faith that the bishop proclaims as shepherd of the Lord's flock.
In this church, on the more solemn liturgical days, the bishop pre
sides at the liturgy. There also, unless pastoral considerations suggest
otherwise, he consecrates the sacred chrism and confers the sacrament
of holy orders.
43 The diocesan cathedral "in the majesty of its building is a symbol
of the spiritual temple that is built up in souls and is resplendent with
the glory of divine grace. As Saint Paul says: 'We are the temple of the
living God' (2 Corinthians 6:16). The cathedral, furthermore, should be
regarded as the express image of Christ's visible Church, praying, sing
ing, and worshiping on earth. The cathedral should e .regarded as
image of Christ's Mystical Body, whose members are JOmed together m
an organism of charity that is sustained by the outpouring of God's
gifts:' 42
44 With good reason, then, the cathedral church should be regarded
as the center of the liturgical life of the diocese.
45 Effective measures should be taken to instill esteem and reverence
for the cathedral church in the hearts of the faithful. Among such meas
ures are the annual celebration of the dedication of the cathedral and
pilgrimages in which the faithful, especially in groups of parishes or sec
tions of the diocese, visit the cathedral in a spirit of devotion.
46 The cathedral church should be a model for the other churches of
the diocese in its conformity to the directives laid down in liturgical
docu ments and books with regard to the arrangement and adornment
of churches.43
47 The bishop's cathedra or chair mentioned in no. 42, should be a
chair that stands alone and is permanently installed. Its placement
should make
u Paul Vl, Apostolic Constitution Mirificus evn1tus, declaring the jubilee of 1966, 7 December
1965: AA5 57 (1965), pp. 948-949; DOL 484, no. 4054.
6$ See GlRM, nos. 253-312: DOL 208, nos. 1643-1702. See LM, Introduction, nos. 32-34. See The
Roman Pontifical, Dedication of a Church and an Altar, ch. 2, no..3' and ch. 4, .nos. 6-11: DO 547, o.
4371 and nos. 4403-4408. See The Roman Ritual, Holy Commumon a11d Worsh1p of the Euchanst
outsrde Mass, General Introduction, nos. 9-11: DOL ZJ9, nos. 2201-2203.
it clear that the bishop is presiding over the whole community of the But when, in a particular case, there is a tabernacle on the altar
faithful. at which the bishop is to celebrate, the blessed sacrament should be
Depending on the design of each church, the chair should have trans ferred to another fitting place.
enough steps leading up to it for the bishop to be clearly visible to
The sanctuary or chancel, that is, the place where the bishop,
the faithful.
There is to be no baldachin over the bishop's chair; but valuable pres- byters, and ministers carry out their ministries, should be set apart
works of art from the past are to be preserved with utmost care. from the body of the church in some way-for example, by being at a
Apart from the cases provided for by law, only the diocesan some what higher level or by its distinctive design and ornamentation- in
bishop, or a bishop he permits to use it, occupies this chair.44 Seats are such a way that even the layout of the sanctuary highlights the hierarchic
to be pro vided in a convenient place for other bishops or prelates offices of the ministers. The sanctuary should be sufficiently spacious
who may be present at a celebration, but such seats are not to be set for the rites to be carried out without obstruction to movement or to the
up in the man ner of a cathedra.45 view of the assembly.
The chair for a priest celebrant should be set up in a place sepa Seats, benches, or stools should be provided in the sanctuary, so
rate from the site of the bishop's chair. that concelebrants, or canons and presbyters not concelebrating but as
sisting in choir dress, as well as the ministers, all have their own
48 The altar should be constructed and adorned in accordance with places, and in such a way as to facilitate the exercise of their various
the pr visions of th7 law. It should be so placed as to be a focal point parts in a celebration.
on whtch the attention of the whole congregation centers naturally.46 A minister who is not wearing a vestment, a cassock and
The altar of the cathedral church should normally be a fixed altar surplice,
that has been dedicated. This altar should be freestanding to allow the or other lawfully approved garb may not enter the sanctuary (chancel)
ministers to walk around it easily and to permit celebration facing the during a celebration.'9
people.47 But when the cathedral has an old altar so constructed that it
makes participation of the people difficult and that cannot be moved 51 The cathedral church should have an ambo or lectern, constructed
with out damage to its artistic value, another fixed al of artistic in keeping with liturgical norms currently in force.50 But the bishop should
merit and duly dedicated, should be erected. Only at this altar are address the people of God from the bishop's chair (cathedra), unless lo
liturgical celebra tions to be carried out. cal conditions suggest otherwise.
. Flowers should not adorn the altar from Ash Wednesday until the The cantor, the commentator, or the choirmaster should not nor
Glona at the Easter Vigil, nor in celebrations for the dead. Exceptions to mally use the ambo or lectern, but should carry out their functions from
this rule are !Jletare Sunday (the Fourth Sunday of lent), solemnities, another suitable place.
and feasts.
52 Even when it is not a parochial church, the cathedral should have
49 . It is r on:mended that the tabernacle, in accordance with a very a baptistery, at least for the celebration of baptism at the Easter Vigil.
anoent traqition m cathedral churches, should be located in a chapel The baptistery should be designed and equipped in keeping with the
sepa rate from the main body of the church.48 provi sions of The Roman Ritual.51
53 The cathedral church should have a vesting roomf that is, a suitable
place, as close as possible to the church entrance, where the bishop,
See Codex Ir11is Canonici (Code of Canon Law), 1983(hereaftet; OC), can. 463, §3. See inthis Ceremo-
nial, nos. 1171 and 1176. con celebrants, and ministers can put on their liturgical vestments and
•s See PR, nos. 10-13: AAS 60 (1968), pp. 408-409; DOL 55Q nos. 4467-4470. from which the entrance procession can begin.
See GrRM, no. 262: DOL 208, no. 1652.
•• See GIRM, no. 262: DOL 208, no. 1652.
•• See SC Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysteriunr, on worship of the eucharist, 25 May 1967. .,See in this Cetenwnial, nos. 65-67. See LM, Introduction, no. 54.
no. 53: AAS 59 (1967), p. 568; OOL 179, no. 1282 See The Roman Ritual, Holy Communion and so See GIRM, no. Z72: DOL 208, no. 1662. See LM, Introduction, nos. 32-34.
Ylbrship of the Eucharist outside Mass, General Introduction, no. 9: DOL Zl9, no. 2201. 51 See The Roman Ritual, Rill of Baptism for Orildmt, Christinn Initiation, General Introduction, no.
Vesture and insignill of the bishop /., *" \.. , k_,.\..., c.o"
"""V..6 ·
56 The vestments worn by the bishop at a liturgical celebration
are k •s-..!
the same as those worn by presbyters; but, in accordance with
traditional usage, it is fitting that at a solemn celebration he
wear uncfer the chas-
uble a dalmatic (which may always be white). This applies
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 56 See PR, no. 18: AAS 60 (1%8), p. 410; DOL 550, no. 4475.
"See PR, no. 31: AAS 60 (1968), p. 4ll; DOL 550, no. 4488.
59 The bishop carries the pastoral staff in his own territory as a sign
of his pastoral office, but any bishop who, with the consent of the dioce 34
san bishop, solemnly celebrates may use the pastoral sta££.55 When several
bishops are present at the same celebration, only the presiding bishop
uses the pastoral staff.
As a rule, the bishop holds the pastoral staff, its curved head
turned away from himself and toward the people: as he walks in
proces sion, listens to the gospel reading, and gives the homily; also
when receiv ing religious vows and promises or a profession of faith
and when he bestows a blessing on persons, unless the blessing
includes the laying
on of hands.
ss See PR, no. 19: AAS 60 (1%8), p. 410; DOL 550, no. 4476.
GENERAL NORMS An amice should be put on first if the alb does not completely cover
the minister's street clothing at the neck. A surplice may not be
abbess, the consecration to a life of virginity, and the dedication of a substituted for the alb when the chasuble or dalmatic is to be worn or
church or an altar. r" lc.":J when a stole is used instead of the chasuble or dalmatic.60 When a
,.,_,..., surplice is worn, it must be worn with the cassock.
Once an archbishop has received the pallium, the Acolytes, readers, and other ministers may wear other lawfully ap
archiepiscopal cross is carried when he goes to a church to celebrate proved vesture in place of the vestments already mentioned.
any service of the liturgy.ss .
66 Unless otherwise indicated, the chasuble, worn over the alb and
63 The choir dress of a bishop, both within his diocese and stole, is the vestment proper to the presbyter who is the celebrant at
elsewhere, consists of: a purple cassock with purple sash of silk having Mass and other rites immediately connected with Mass.
silk fringes at both ends (but not tassels); a rochet of linen or similar The priest wears the stole around his neck and hanging down in
fabric; a purple mozzetta (but without the small hood); over the front.
mozzetta the pectoral cross, held in place by a cord of interwoven The cope is worn by the priest in solemn liturgical services out
green and gold; a purple skullcap; a purple biretta with tuft. side Mass and in processions; in other liturgical services, in keeping
When the purple cassock is worn, purple stockings are also worn, with the rubrics proper to each rite.61
but are optional with the black cassock with piping.s9
5 See PR, no. 20: AAS 60 (1968), p. 410; DOL 550, no. 4477.
64 A purple cappa magna, without ermine, may be used only within 59
See Secretariat of State, Instruction Ut sive sollicite,on the dress, titles, and insignia of
the diocese and then only on the most solemn festivals. cardinals,
bishops, and lesser prelates, 31 March 1969, no. 4: AAS 61 (1969), p. 335; DOL 551, no. 4501.
60 See CIRM, no. 298: DOL 208, no. 1688.
Vesture of priests and other ministers 61
See GIRM, nos. 299, 302, 303: DOL 208, nos. 1689, 1692, 1693.
65 The vestment common to ministers of every rank is the alb, tied
at the waist with a cincture, unless it is made to fit without a cincture. 35
Presbyters who take part in a liturgical service but not as Similarly, those who pass before the blessed sacrament
con celebrants are to wear choir dress if they are prelates or genuflect, except when they are walking in procession.
canons,62 cas sock and surplice if they are not.
67 The dalmatic, worn over the alb and stole, is the vestment Reverence taward the
proper to the deacon. The dalmatic may be omitted either out of altar .
necessity or for less solemnity. The deacon wears the stole over
his left shoulder and drawn across the chest to the right side, 72 A deep bow is made to the altar by all who enter the
where it is fastened.63 sanctuary (chancel), leave it, or pass before the altar.
'N\tf\IM'\Aw\ ') b..,l, A"'
73 In addition, the celebrant and concelebrants at the
beginning of Mass kiss the altar as a sign of reverence. The
r principal celebrant as a rule venerates the altar by kissing it
before he leaves, while the other
68 A bow signifies reverence and honor toward persons or toward concelebrants, if there are numbe of them, venerate the
ob- particularly a r
jects that represent persons. altar by bowing .
There are two kinds of bowsf a bow of the head and a bow of b. a bow of the body, or deep bow, is made: to the altar if there is no
body the tabernacle with the blessed sacrament on the altar; to the bishop, before
: and after incensation, as indicated in no. 91; when ever it is expressly
a. a bow of the head is made at the name of Jesus, the called for by the rubrics of the various liturgical books.64
Blessed Virgin Mary, and the saint in whose honor the
Mass or the liturgy of the hours is being celebrated;
W sides at a solemn celebration of morning or informing the Apostolic See.65
hen evening prayer, he kisses the altar at the beginning
the and, as circumstances suggest, at the end. Reverence taward the gospel
bis But if such a sign of reverence as kissing the
ho altar is out of keeping with the traditions or the 74 While the gospel reading is being proclaimed at Mass, at a
p culture of the region, the conference of bish cele
pre ops may substitute some other sign, after bration of the word, and at a prolonged vigil, all stand and, as a
69 A genuflection, made by bending only the right knee to the face the
ground, signifies adoration, and is therefore reserved for the reader.
blessed sacrament, The deacon solemnly carrying the Book of the Gospels to the
whether exposed or reserved in the tabernacle, and for the holy ambo is preceded by the censerbearer with the censer 66 and acolytes
cross with lighted candles.67
from the time of the solemn adoration in the liturgical celebration of At the ambo the deacon stands facing the people and, with
Good hands
Friday until the beginning of the Easter joined, says the greeting; then with his right thumb he makes the
Vigil. sign
of the cross, first on the book at the beginning of the gospel
70 Neither a genuflection nor a deep bow is made by those passage that he is about to read, then on his forehead, lips, and
who are carrying articles used in a celebration, for example, the breast, saying, A read ing from the holy gospel. The bishop signs
cross, candlesticks, the Book of the Gospels. himself in the same way on
36 37
forehead, lips, and breast, and all present do the same. Then, at least of Christ facing forward; behind the bishop follow the canons,
at a stational Mass, the deacon incenses the Book of the Gospels three presbyters, and clergy, two by two. At the door of the church the senior
times, that is, in the center, to the left, and to the right. Then he of the pres byters hands the bishop the sprinkler, unless the blessing
proclaims the gospel reading to its conclusion. and sprinkling of water is to replace the penitential rite. With head
After the reading, the deacon takes the book to the bishop to be uncovered, the bishop sprinkles himself and those around him, then
kissed, or the deacon himself kisses the book, unless, as mentioned in returns the sprinkler. He next goes in procession to the place of
no. 73, another sign of reverence has been decided on by the conference reservation of the blessed sacra ment and prays there for a short time;
of bishops.68 finally he goes to the vesting room (sacristy) .
In the absence of a deacon, a presbyter asks for and receives a bless The bishop may, however, go directly to the vesting room (sacristy)
ing from the bishop, and proclaims the gospel reading in the way just and be received there by the clergy.
80 In a procession the bishop who presides at a liturgical celebration
75 All present also stand for the singing or recitation of the gospel always walks vested and alone, following the presbyters, but preceding
canticles, the Canticles of Zechariah, of Mary, and of Simeon, and at his assisting ministers, who walk a little behind him.
the beginning of these canticles sign themselves with the sign of the
cross.69 81 When the bishop presides at a celebration or only takes part in it
wearing choir dress, he has as assistants two canons in choir dress or
Reverence toward the bishop and other persons two presbyters or deacons in cassock and surplice.
76 The bishop is greeted with a deep bow by the ministers or others 82 A head of state in official attendance at a liturgical celebration is
when they approach to assist him, when they leave after assisting him, received by the bishop, who waits in vestments at the door of the
or when they pass in front of him?0 church. The bishop may offer holy water to a head of state who is a
Catholic. After greeting the head of state in a manner that accords with
77 When the bishop's chair is behind the alta the ministers should local cus tom, the bishop, keeping to the left, escorts the head of state
reverence either the altar or the bishop, depending on whether they to an ap pointed place reserved in the church outside the sanctuary
are approaching the altar or approaching the bishop; out of (chancel). At the end of the celebration the bishop as he leaves again
reverence for both, ministers should, as far as possible, avoid greets the head of state.
passing between the bishop and the altar.
83 If such is the practice, other officials holding high position in the
78 If several bishops are present in the sanctuary (chancel), a rever government of a nation, region, or city are received at the door of the
ence is made only to the one presiding. church in a manner that accords with local custom by an ecclesiastic
dig nitary, who greets them and escorts them to their appointed place .
79 When the bishop, vested as indicated in no. 63, proceeds to a The bishop may greet such personages during the entrance procession
church to celebrate some liturgical rite, he may, in accordance with as he goes to the altar, and as he leaves.
local custom, be escorted publicly to the church by the canons or other
pres byters and clerics in choir dress or wearing cassock and surplice,
or he may be received by the clergy at the door after proceeding to the III. INCENSATION
church in a less solemn way.
In both cases the bishop goes first: if he is an archbishop he is· 84 The rite of incensation or thurification is a sign of reverence and
preceded by an acolyte carrying the archiepiscopal cross with the of prayer, as is clear from Psalm 141 (140):2 and Revelation 8:3.
85 The substance placed in the censer should be pure sweet-scented
incense alone or at least in larger proportion than any additive mixed
See GJRM, nos. 131, 232: DOL 208, nos. 15 1622. with the incense.
.,See GILH, no. 266, b: DOL 426, no. 3696.
70 See PR, no. 25: AAS 60 (1968), p. 411; DOL 550, no. 4482.
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS of the aoss over the incense that has been deposited in the censer (see Caeremoniale
Episcoporum ,
ed. 1886, l,
86 At the stational Mass of the bishop incense should be used: xxn. 1-2).
a. during the entrance procession;
b. at the beginning of Mass to incense the altar;
c. at the gospel, in the procession and at the proclamation of
gospel reading;
d. at the presentation of the gifts, to incense the gifts, the altar,
the cross, the bishop, the concelebrants, and the people;
e. at the elevation of the consecrated bread and cup after their
At other Masses incense may be used as circumstances suggest.71
87 Incense is also to be used as indicated in the liturgical
a. in the rite of dedication of a church or altar;
b. in the rite of the blessing of oils and consecrating the chrism,
as the blessed oils and consecrated chrism are being taken away;
c. at exposition of the blessed sacrament when the monstrance is
d. at funerals.
88 In addition, incense should as a rule be used during the proces
sions for the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Passion Sunday
(Palm Sunday), the Mass of the Lord's Supper, the Easter Vigil, the
solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), and the
solemn trans lation of relics and, in general, in any procession of
some solemnity.
89 At the solemn celebration of morning or evening prayer the
altar, the bishop, and the people may be incensed during the singing
of the gospel canticle.
90 If the bishop puts incense into the censer at his chair (cathedra)
or another chair, he remains seated; otherwise he puts in the incense
while standing. The deacon presents the incense boat72 and the bishop
blesses the incense with the sign ·Of the cross,. saying nothing?J
After the blessing, the deacon takes the censer from the acolyte
and hands it to the bishop?'
92 The censer is swung back and forth three times for the incensa tion of:
the blessed sacrament, a relic of the true cross and images of the Lord
solemnly exposed, the gifts on the altar, the altar cross, the Book of the
Gospels, the Easter candle, the bishop or presbyter who is cele brant, a
representative of the civil authority in official attendance at a liturgical
celebration, the choir and people, the body of a deceased person .
The censer is swung back and forth twice for the incensation of relics
and images of the saints exposed for public veneration. 2 t 2...
93 The altar is incensed with a series of single swings of the censer in this
way: \')( -
a. if the altar is freestanding, the bishop incenses it as he walks
around it;
b. if the altar is not freestanding, the bishop incenses it while walk
ing first to the right side, then to the left.
If there is a cross on or beside the altar, he incenses it before he
incenses the altar. If the cross is behind the altar, the bishop incenses it
when he passes in front of it.76
The gifts of bread and wine are incensed before the incensation of the
altar and the cross.
95 Relics and images exposed for public veneration are incensed af ter the
incensation of the altar; at Mass they are incensed only at the beginning of
the celebration.
The deacon "returns the boat to the acolyte and from him takes the censer, which he presents to the
bishop, placing the top of the censer chain in the bishop's left hand and the censer itself in the bishop's right
hand" (Caeremoniale Episcoporurn, ed. 1886, I, IX, 1).
The one incensing "holds the top of the censer chain in the left hand, the bottom near the cen ser in the
right hand , so that the censer can be swung back and forth easily." "The one incensing should take care to
carry out this function with grave and gracefulmien, not moving head or body while swinging the cense ;
holding the left hand with the top of the chains near the chest and mov· ing the right arm back and forth with
a measured beat" (See Ozerernoninle Episcoporum, ed. 1886, I, xxni, 4 and 8).
See GIRM, no. 236: DOL 208, no. 1626.
96 Whether he is at the altar or at the chair (cathedra), the bishop V. POSITION OF THE HANDS
receives the incensation standing and without the miter, unless he is al
ready wearing it. Raised and outstretched
Concelebrants are incensed as a body by the deacon. hands
lastly, the deacon incenses the people from the place most con
104 Customarily in the Church a bishop or presbyter addresses prayers
venient . Canons who are not concelebrating or a community
assembled to God while standing and with hands slightly raised and outstretched.
in choir are incensed together with the people, unless the spatial This practice appears already in the tradition of the Old Testa
arrange ment,77 and was taken over by Christians in memory of the Lord's pas
sion: "Not only do we raise our hands, but also hold them outstr tched,
ment suggests otherwise.
Bishops who may be present are also incensed along with the so that by imitating the Lord in his passion, we bear witness to him as
we pray."78
97 A bishop who presides but does not concelebrate is incensed af- Outstretched hands over persons or objects
ter the celebrant or concelebrants. 105 The bishop holds his hands outstretched over the people when he
Wher such a practice is customary, a head of state in official blesses them solemnly and wherever the liturgical books call for such
at a gesture in the celebration of the sacraments or sacramentals.
tendance at a liturgical celebration is incensed after the bishop.
106 The bishop and the concelebrants hold their hands outstretched
98 The bishop should not begin any invitation, introduction, or over the offerings in Mass at the epiclesis before the consecration.
prayer meant to be heard by all before the rite of incensation has been At the consecration, as the bishop holds the host or cup in his
completed. hands and says the words of consecration, the concelebrants say the
words of institution and, if this seems appropriate, hold the right
hand out-
o \{,M9...
P l.J... r-- ·
-E--AcC:,E..,cn , .,
o, .I' stretched toward the bread and the cup?9 1. / 1. C , L
'"' c ve1 '\c-It" ·
99 After the deacon has said, Let us offer each other a sign of peace,
the bishop who is celebrant gives the kiss of peace at least to the two Joined hands
concelebrants nearest to him, then to the first deacon. 102 The deacon or one of the concelebrants goes to give a head of state in
official attendance the sign of peace according to local custom.
100 Meanwhile the concelebrants and deacons and the other minis
ters as well as any bishops present also give each other the kiss of 103 The exchange of the sign of peace may be accomp ied by the
peace. words, Peace be with you, and the response, And also wtth you. But
If a bishop presides but not as celebrant of the Mass, he offers other words may be used in accordance with local custom.
sign of peace to the canons or presbyters or deacons assisting him. 42
11 "When making the sign of the cross, he holds the palm of the right hand turned toward him self,
Other positions for the hands with all the fingers joined and held straight, and makes the sign of the cross by moving this hand
from head to chest and from left shoulder to right. If he blesses others or some object, he points the little
finger at the person or thing to be blessed and in blessing extends the whole right hand with all the
108 When the bishop signs himself with the sign of the cross or when fingers joined and fully extended" (MiSSllle Romanum, ed. 1962, Ritus servandus in cd m fione
he gives a blessing,s 1he places his left hand on his breast, unless he is Missae, Til, 5).
holding something. When he is standing at the altar and blesses the offer
ings or something else with his right hand, he places his left hand on 44
the altar, unless a rubric indicates otherwise.
109 When the bishop is seated and wearing vestments, he places his
palms on his knees, unless he is holding the pastoral staff .
110 It is an old and honored practice for all who enter a church to dip
their hand in a font (stoup) of holy water and sign themselves with the
sign of the cross as a reminder of their baptism .
112 All this is omitted if the bishop enters the church already vested,
as well as on Sunday whenever the blessing and sprinkling of water
re place the penitential rite.
113 The sprinkling of the people with water at the Easter Vigil and at
the dedication of a church will be treated in nos. 369 and 892-893 of this
114 Objects being blessed are sprinkled with holy water in keeping
with the provisions of the liturgical books.
115 The liturgical books are to be treated with care and reverence, since
it is from them that the word of God is proclaimed and the prayer of
the Church offered. Care must therefore be taken, and especially in litur
gical celebrations carried out by a bishop, to have on hand the official
liturgical books in an edition that is current and is beautifully printed
and bound.
117 Hence, in the rubrics and norms that follow in this Ceremonial, the
words "say" (dicere), "recite" (recitare), "proclaim'' (proferre) should be
understood of both singing and speaking, in accordance with the prin
ciples set out in the respective liturgical books82 and with the norms given
in place in this Ceremonial.
82 See, for example, GIRM, nos. 18-19: DOL 208, nos. 1408-1409. See GILH, nos.267-284: OOL 426,
nos. 3697-3714. See MS, nos. 5-12: AAS 59 (1967), pp. 301-303; DOL 508, nos. 4126-4133. See Sacred
Congregation for Divine Worship (hereafter, SC Worship), Circular Letter Eucharistiae particiJX!Iionem,
on the eucharistic prayers, 27 April 1973, no. V: AAS 65 (1973), pp. 346-347; OOL 248, no. 1991.
121 The stational Mass should be a sung Mass, in accord with the
pro visions of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.4
See SC, art. 41: DOL 1. no. 41.
2See SC, art. 26-28: DOL 1, nos. 26-28.
s See GIRM, nos. 157-158, a: DOL 208, nos. 1547-1548.
• See GIRM, nos. 12, 18, 19, 77, 313: DOL 208, nos. 1402, 1408, 1409, 1467, 1?03. Where
the Ordo cantus Missae should be followed. See Missale Romanum, Ordo cantus Missae (Vatican Poly
glot Press, 1972), Introduction:DOL 535, nos. 4276-4302. SeeMS, nos. 7, 16, 29-31: AAS 59
pp. 302, 305, 308-309; DOL 508, nos. 4128, 4137, 4150, 4151.
123 If the cathedral has a chapter attached, all the canons should con
celebrate the stational Mass with the bishop,5 but not to the exclusion
of other presbyters.
Bishops or canons who are not concelebrants assist wearing choir
124 When an hour of the liturgy of the hours to which the chapter has
a choral obligation cannot, in particular circumstances, be joined to the
stational Mass, the chapter should celebrate the hour at some other suit
able time.6
1 On Sunday, it is commendable that the rite of blessing and sprin 1 6 . Next, wi h hands joined, the bishop invites the people to pray by
kling water replace the usual penitential rite.11 smgmg or saymg, Let us pray. After a brief pause for silent prayer, he says
In this case, after the greeting, the bishop, standing at the chair, the opening prayer with hands outstretched, reading from the book ld
faces the congregation, and a minister holds a vessel of water in front of betore him by a ster. For th conclusion of the prayer the bishop JOlnB
him. The bishop invites the people to pray and, after a brief pause for his hands, saymg, We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ or other
silent prayer, says the prayer of blessing. Where local custom recom mends relevant words. At the end the people reply with the acclama
retaining the mixing of salt in the blessing, the bishop also blesses tion Amen .
the salt, then adds it to the water.
Receiving the sprinkler from the deacon, the bishop sprinkles him
self d e concelebrants, the ministers, the cler and the people; as 10 See GIRM, no. 29: DOL 208, no. 1419.
11 See The Rtmum Missal (Sncmmentary), 2nd Eflllish ed ., (hereaftet; RM), Appendix I, Rite of Blessing
the s1tuahon suggests, he may go through the church, accompanied by and Sprinkling of Holy Water.
the deacons. During the sprinkling an accompanying song is sung.
When the bishop has returned to the chair and the singing has 53
MASS The censerbearer goes to the bishop and, as one of the deacons
presents the incense boat, the bishop puts incense into the censer and
blesses it, saying nothing.
The bishop then sits and, as a rule, receives the miter from one of The deacon who is to proclaim the gospel reading makes a deep
the deacons. All sit. Deacons and the other ministers should be seated bow before the bishop and asks for a blessing, saying quietly, Father, give me
wherever the arrangement ofthe sanctuary (chancel) allows, but in such a way your blessing . The bishop blesses him with the words The Lord be in your
that they do not appear to be of the same rank as the presbyters. heart . The deacon signs himself with the sign of the cross and replies, Amen .
Then the bishop takes off the miter and stands.
The deacon goes to the al where he is joined by the censerbearer
LITURGY OF THE WoRD holding the censer with burning incense and by the acolytes with lighted candles.
After bowing to the altar, the deacon reverently takes the Book of the Gospels
137 After the opening prayer, the reader goes to the ambo and proclaims and, without any further reverence to the altar, carries the book with solemnity
the first reading, as all sit and listen. At the end of the reading the reader to the ambo, preceded by the censerbearer and the acolytes with candles.
sings or says, This is the Word of the Lord, and all respond with the usual
acclamation. 141 At the ambo the deacon, with hands joined, greets the people. At the
words A reading from the holy gospel, he makes the sign of the
138 The reader retires and there is a brief pause for all to reflect on what
they have heard. Then the psalmist or cantor or reader sings or recites the
psalm in either of the ways described in the Lectionary for Mass.12 u See LM, Introduction, no. 20.
139 In the way just indicated, the second reading is proclaimed at the ambo 54
by a second reader, as all sit and listen.
140 The Alleluia or some other song follows, depending on the liturgi cal
season. When the Alleluia begins, everyone but the bishop stands.
STATIONAL MASS OF THE DIOCESAN BISHOP At the words By the power of the Holy Spmt, all bow; on ChriSt
mas and the Annunciation of the Lord all genuflect at these words.I3
cross on the book and then on his forehead, lips, and breast, and all pres
ent do the same. At this point the bishop takes the pastoral staff. The 144 After the profession of faith, the bishop, standing at the chair with hands
deacon incenses the book and proclaims the gospel reading, as a rule joined, introduces the general intercessions. Then one of th dea coflS, the
with all present standing and facing him. er_ the g?sp l rea ing, the cantor, a reader, or some other person announces the mten tions either from
deacon takes the book to t bishop, who kisses tt, saymg maudibly, the ambo or from some other suitable place, and the people take part by
May the words of the Gospel; alternatively, the deacon himself kisses responding. With hands outstretched, the bishop says the concluding prayer.
the book and inaudibly says the same words. Finally the deacon a d the
other ministers return to their places. The Book of the Gospels IS taken
to a side table or some other suitable place. LITURGY OF THE EucHARIST
142 Then, all sit and the bishop gives the homily. He may use the mi ter 145 At the end of the general intercessions, the bishop sits and puts on the
and pastoral staff. He gives the homily seated in the chair (cathedra), unless miter. The concelebrants and the people also sit. The song for the
he prefers some other place in order to be easily seen and heard by all. As presentation of the gifts (offertory song) is sung and continues at least until
circumstances suggest, a period of silence may be observed the gifts have been placed on the altar.
after the homily. The deacons and acolytes arrange the corporal, purificator, cup,
and The Roman Missal (Sacramentary) on the altar.
143 Unless the celebration of a sacrament or a consecration or a bless
ing is to take place at this point in accordance ith the prov ions of he
Roman Pontifical or The Roman Ritual, the b1shop puts as1de the mtter u See GIRM, no. 98: DOL 208, no. 1488.
and pastoral staff and stands. All present stand and, when the rubrics
require, sing or recite the profession of faith. . . . 55
MASS receives the censer from the deacon and, in the same way as at the beginning
of Mass and accompanied by a deacon, incenses the gifts,lS as well as the altar
The gifts are then brought forward. As a sign of their participa tion, and the cross. After this, all rise, and a deacon, standing at the side of the altar,
the faithful should present the bread and wine for the celebration of the incenses the bishop, who stands without the mi ter, then the concelebrants, then
eucharist, and even other gifts to meet the needs of the Church and of the the people. Care should be taken that the invitation Pray, brethren and the
poor. The deacons or the bishop receives the gifts of the faith ful at a prayer over the gifts do not begin until the incensation has been completed.
convenient place. The bread and wine are brought by the dea cons to the
altar; the other gifts are taken to a suitable place prepared beforehand. 150 After the bishop has been incensed, the ministers with a pitcher of
water, basin, and towel go to him as he stands without the miter at the side
146 The bishop goes to the altar, lays aside the miter, receives the paten with of the altar. He washes and dries his hands. One of the deacons may remove
the bread from the deacon, and, holding the paten in both hands a little the bishop's ring . As he washes his hands, the bishop says inaudibly, Lord,
above the altar, says the appropriate formulary inaudibly. Then he places the wash away my iniquity. Having dried his hands and put on his ring, the
paten with the bread on the corporal. bishop returns to the middle of the altar.
147 Meanwhile, the deacon pours wine and a little water into the cup, saying
• The deacon may carry out the preparation of the cup, that is, pour the wine and water, at a side table.
inaudibly, By the mystery.t4 He then hands the cup to the bishop, who holds it See GIRM, no. 133: DOL 208, no. 1523.
with both hands a little above the altar, saying the prescribed formulary 15 See nos. 91-93 of this Cerenwnull on the way to incense.
inaudibly; the bishop then places the cup on the corporal and the deacon may
cover it with the pall. 56
148 Bowing at the center of the altar, the bishop then says the prayer
Lord God, we ask you inaudibly.
149 Next, the censerbearer goes to the bishop. As a deacon holds the
incense boat, the bishop puts incense in the censer and blesses it. The bishop
thanks and praise, the bishop continues with the
preface. When it is finished, with hands joined, he sings the Sanctus along
with the concelebrants, the ministers, and the people.
151 The bishop, facing the people and extending, then joining his
hands, invites the people to pray, saying, Pray, brethren . 155 The bishop continues the eucharistic prayer in accordance with the
provisions of nos. 171-191 of the General Instruction of the Roman Mis sal
152 After the response May the Lord accept, the bishop, with hands and the rubrics given in each eucharistic prayer. The parts that are said
outstretched, sings or says the prayer over the gifts. The people respond with together by all the concelebrants with hands outstretched are to be recited by
the acclamation Amen. them in a quiet tone of voice, so that the voice of the bishop
is heard clearly. In Eucharistic Prayer I, IT, and m after the words N.,
153 A deacon then removes the bishop's skullcap and hands it to a min ister. our Pope, the bishop adds, and me, your unworthy servant. In Eucha ristic
The concelebrants come near the altar and stand around it in such a way that Prayer IV, after the words especially N ., our Pope, he adds, and
they do not interfere with the actions of the rite and the people have a clear me, your unworthy servant.
view. If the cup and ciborium are covered, a deacon uncovers them be
The deacons stand behind the concelebrants, but in such a way fore the epiclesis.
that one of them may assist at the cup and the book as needed. But no one One of the deacons puts incense into the censer and incenses the
should stand between the bishop and the concelebrants or between the host and the cup at each elevation.
concelebrants and the altar. The deacons remain kneeling from the epiclesis to the elevation
of the cup.
154 The bishop begins the eucharistic prayer with the preface. With hands After the consecration, the deacon may cover the cup and the cibo
outstretched, he sings or says, The l.ord be with you. As he con tinues with rium. When the bishop says, l.et us proclaim the mystery of faith, the people
the words Lift up your hearts, he raises his hands, and then, with hands respond with an acclamation.
outstretched, continues with the words Let us give thanks to the Lord our
God. When the people have responded with the words It is right to give him 57
outstretched. The concelebrating presbyters, together with the people,
conclude it with the acclamation For the kingdom .
156 The particular intercessions (interpolations), especially those con nected
with the celebration of a sacrament or a rite of consecration or blessing,
16 The following intercessions (interpolations) are given in RM.
should follow the structure of each eucharistic prayer and.use the texts provided 1. For Eucharistic Prayer I:
in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary) or the other litur gical books.16 a. Commemoration of the Living: for the godparents, in Ritual Masses, I.Christian Initia tion, 2.
The Scrutinies, and 3. Baptism.
157 In the Chrism Mass, the blessing of the oil of the sick, as provided in The b. For the intercessions (interpolations) ,Father, accept this offering: for those to be baptized in
Ritual Masses, I. Christian Initiation, 2. The Scrutinies; for the newly baptized, in Ritual Masses
Roman Missal (Sacramentary), takes place before the bishop says, I.Christian Initiation, 3. Baptism; for those receiving confirmation, in Ritual Masses,
Tlu:ough rum you give us all these gifts, at the end of Eucharistic Prayer I I. Christian Initiation, 4. Confinnation; for those ordained as deacons, priests, or bishops,
in Ritual Masses, ll. Holy Orders; for husbands and wives, in Ritual Masses, TV.Wedding Mass; for
or before the final doxology of the other eucharistic prayers, unless, for those being consecrated to a life of virginity, in Ritual Masses, V. Consecration to
pastoral reasons, the blessing has taken place after the liturgy of the word. a Life of Vuginity; for those making religious profession, in Ritual Masses, VI. Religious Profes
sion; for the dedication of a church, in Ritual Masses, Dedication of a Church.
158 At the final doxology of the eucharistic prayer the deacon, stand ing at 2. For the other eucharistic prayers:
the side of the bishop, holds up the cup while the bishop ho ds up the paten :For the deceased, inOrder of Mass, Eucharistic Prayers n and ill; for the newly baptized
with the host until the people have made the acclamation Amen. The final in Eucharistic Prayers ll, ill,and N, in Ritual Masses, I. Christian Initiation, 3. Baptism; for
those being consecrated to a Iiie of virginity in Eucharistic Prayers ll, ill, and TV, in Ritual
doxology of the eucharistic prayer is proclaimed by the bishop alone or by all Masses, V. Consecration to a Ufe of Virginity; for those making religious profession in Eu
the concelebrants together with the bishop. charistic Prayers ll, ill, ill'\d IV, in Ritual Masses, VI. Religious Profession; for the dedication
of a church, in Ritual Masses, Dedication of a Church.
159 After the doxology of the eucharistic praye the bishop, with hands joined,
introduces theLord's Prayer, which all then sing or say; the bishop and the 58
concelebrants hold their hands outstretched.
160 The embolism Deliver us, Lord is said by the bishop alone, with hands
161 Then the bishop says the prayer Lord Jesus Christ, you said. After this,
facing the people, he proclaims the greeting of peace, saying, The peace of the
Lord . The people reply, And also with you . One of the dea cons may give the
invitation to an exchange of the sign of peace by fac ing the people and saying,
Let us offer each other.The bishop gives the sign of peace at least to the two
concelebrants nearest him, then to the first of the deacons. All exchange a
sign of peace and charity that is in accord with local customP
162 The bishop begins the breaking of the bre.ad and it is continued by
some of the concelebrating priests. Meanwhile, the Agnus Dei is re peated as
long as is necessary to accompany the breaking of the bread. The bishop puts
a small piece of the host into the cup, saying inaudibly, May this mingling .
163 After saying inaudibly the prayer before communion, the bishop
genuflects and takes the paten. One by one the concelebrants approach the
bishop, genuflect, and reverently receive from himthe body of Christ . They
hold it in their right hand, under which they hold the left hand, and return to
their places. The concelebrants, however, may remain in their places and
there receive the body of Christ.
Then the bishop takes the host, holding it a little bit above the
paten, and, facing the people, says, This is the Lamb of God, then with the
concelebrants and the people continues, Lord, Iam not worthy.
As the bishop receives the body of Christ the communion song is
164 When the bishop has received the blood of the Lord, he hands the cup to
one of the deacons and gives communion to the deacons and the faithful.
The concelebrants go up to the altar and receive the blood of the Lord
from a deacon, who presents the cup and wipes it with a purifica tor after the
communion of each concelebrant.1s
165 When the giving of communion is over, one of the deacons con sumes
the blood that remains, takes the cup to a side table, and there purifies and
arranges it, or he may do so after Mass. Another deacon or one of the
concelebrants takes any remaining consecrated particles to
the tabernacle, then at a side table cleanses the paten or ciborium over 170 After the blessing, one of the deacons dismisses the people, say
the cup before the cup is cleansed. ing, The Mass is ended, go in peace, or one of the other formulas. All
reply, Thanks be to God. Then, as a rule, the bishop kisses the altar and
166 When the bishop returns to the chair after the commwuon, he puts makes the due reverence to it. The concelebrants also, and all in the
on the skullcap and, if need be, washes his hands. All are seated and sanc tuary (chancel), reverence the altar, as at the beginning of Mass,
a period of prayerful silence may follow, or a song of praise or a psalm andre turn to the vesting room (sacristy) in procession, following the
may be sung. order in which they entered.
When they reach the vesting room (sacristy), all make a reverence
167 Standing at the chair as a minister holds the book or after return to the cross together with the bishop. Then the concelebrants bow to
ing to the altar with the deacons, the bishop sings or says, Let us pray. the bishop and carefully put away their vestments. All together the
With hands outstretched, he continues with the prayer after commun minis ters also bow to the bishop, then lay aside the articles they have
ion, which is preceded by a brief period of silence, unless this has been used in the celebration and their vestments.All are to be careful in
observed immediately after communion. The people respond at the end observing silence, out of respect for a spirit of recollection and the
of the prayer with the acclamation Amen. holiness of the
house of God.
168 When the prayer after communion has been said, any necessary,
brief announcements are made.
169 Finally, the bishop receives the miter and, with hands outstretched,
greets the people, saying, The Lord be with you, to whi h the eople
respond, And also with you . One of the deacons may gtve the mvtta
tion Bow your heads or use similar words. The bishop gives the ole
blessing, choosing an appropriate formulary from among those giVen m
The Roman Missal (Sacramentary), The Roman Pontifical, or The Roman
Ritual. As he recites the invocations or prayer of the solemn blessing,
the bishop holds his hands outsh-etched over the people. All reply, Amen .
Then he takes the pastoral staf£19 and says, May almighty God bless you,
and then, as he makes the sign of the cross three times over the people,
continues, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The bishop may also give the blessing by using one of the formu
laries given in nos. 1120-1121.
When, in keeping with the provisions of the law, the bishop
parts the apostolic blessing, this replaces the usual blessing. It is an
nounced by the deacon and is pronounced by use of its proper
''See PR, no. 36: AAS 60 (1968), p. 411; DOL 550, no. 4493.
20 See in this Ceremonial nos. n22-1126 on the rite and formularies for the apostolic blessing.
171 Even when the bishop celebrates Mass with a smaller assembly
of people and clergy, everything should be so arranged that he is seen 175 In the teaching and tradition of the Church, it belongs to the
as the high priest of his flock, engaged with the concerns of his entire bishop to oversee celebration of the eucharist in the communities of the
Church. Hence, when he visits the parishes or communities of his dio diocese. It is most fitting, then, that when he is present at a Mass he
cese, it is fitting that the presbyters of the parish or community con should him self be the celebrant.
celebrate with him. If he is present at a Mass but for good reason is not the
172 At least one deacon should take part, wearing diaconal vestments. nor is another bishop the celebrant, he should preside at least by
Inthe absence of a deacon, a presbyter should proclaim the gospel celebrat ing the liturgy of the word and by blessing the people at the
reading and minister at the altar; if he is not to concelebrate, he end.22 This is especially true of those eucharistic celebrations within
wears an alb and stole. which there is
to be a sacramental rite or a rite of consecration or blessing.
173 Everything described in the General Instruction of the Roman When the bishop presides without celebrating, the provisions
Mis sal for the celebration of Mass with a congregation should be given in the present chapter are to be followed.
observed.21 In addition, the bishop in vesting puts on the pectoral
cross and, 176 After being received in the way already described in no. 79, the
as a rule, the skullcap. bishop, in the vesting room (sacristy) or other convenient place, puts on
He may use the miter and pastoral staff, as the circumstances an alb and over it the pectoral cross and a stole and cope of the color
suggest. of the occasion. As a rule he uses the miter and pastoral staff. Two dea
At the beginning of Mass he greets the people, saying, Peace be cons assist the bishop, or at least one, wearing diaconal vestments. In
with you or The grace of our Lord (or: The grace and peace of God the absence of deacons, the bishop should be assisted by presbyters
our Father). wear ing copes.
The person who proclaims the gospel reading, whether a deacon
or a presbyter, even if he concelebrates, asks for and receives a 177 In the entrance procession the bishop walks behind the celebrant
blessing from the bishop. After the gospel reading, the book is either or concelebrants, escorted by the deacons and ministers.
presented for the bishop to kiss, or the one who has proclaimed the
gospel read ing kisses it. VB Upon reaching the altar, the celebrant or concelebrants make a
Before the preface, the deacon hands the bishop's skullcap to a deep bow, but if the blessed sacrament is reserved in the sanctuary
minister. (chancel), they genuflect. Then they go up to the altar, kiss it, and go
InEucharistic Prayers I, ll,and ill, the bishop, after the words N., to their ap- pointed places. . . .
our Pope, adds, and for me, your unworthy servant . In Eucharistic
Prayer rv, after the words especially N ., our Pope, he adds the words .
After handing the pastoral staff to a minister and taking off the rm
and me your unworthy servant. ter, the bishop, together with the deacons and ministers, makes a deep
At the end of Mass the bishop gives the blessing in the way bow to the altar (or genuflects, as the case may be). Then he goes up
described in nos. 1120-1121. to the altar and kisses it.
If incense is used, the bishop, accompanied by the deacons, in
174 With the consent of the diocesan bishop (see nos. 47 and 59), a
bishop who is not the local Ordinary may use the bishop's chair censes the altar in the usual way, including the cross.
(cathedra) and the pastoral staff in the celebration of Mass. The bishop then goes in the most direct way to the chair (cathedra)
along with his deacons, who stand close to the chair on either side, to
be ready to assist him.
21 See Gl.RM, nos. 77-152: DOL 208, nos. 1467-1542.
62 n See PR, no. 24: AAS 60 (1968), p. 410; DOL 550, no. 4481.
179 From the beginning of Mass until the end of the liturgy of the
word, the directives already given for the stational Mass of the bishop
should be observed (see nos. 128-144). But if there is to be a
sacramental rite or a rite of consecration or blessing within the Mass,
any special provisions for the profession of faith and the general
intercessions should be followed.
183 After the invitation Let us offer each other by the deacon, the
bishop gives the sign of peace to his deacons.
If the bishop receives communion, he takes the body and
blood of the Lord at the altar, after the celebrant.
184 During the communion of the faithful, the bishop may remain
seated until the beginning of the prayer after communion, which he
says standing at the altar or at the chair (cathedra). After the prayer, the
bishop blesses the people in the way indicated in nos. 1120-1121. One
of the dea cons assisting him dismisses the people (see no. 170).
185 Then the bishop and the celebrant reverence the altar with a
kiss in the usual way. Finally, all make the prescribed bow and
leave in the order in which they entered.
186 If the bishop does not preside in the manner just outlined, he
should participate in the Mass wearing mozzetta and rochet, and at
some suitable place other than the bishop's chair (cathedra).
188 It is fitting that on major solemnities the bishop celebrate with his
clergy and people in the·cathedral either evening prayer I or morning
prayer or evening prayer II, as local circumstances suggest, but always
with respect for the correspondence between the canonical hour cele
brated and the natural time of day.
189 It is also fitting that the bishop celebrate in the cathedral the
office of readings and morning prayer on Good Friday and Holy
Saturday and the office of readings on Christmas Eve.
196 When he reaches the front of the altar, the bishop hands the staff to a
191 For the bishop's arrival at the church the provisions already given minister and takes off the miter. Together with the deacons and other ministers
in no. 79 of the general norms are to be followed. accompanying him, the bishop makes a deep bow to the altar, then goes up to
the altar and, together with the two deacons assisting him, kisses it. Then he
192 In the vesting room (sacristy) the bishop is assisted by the deacons and goes to the chair (cathedra), where he stands and, while making the sign of the
other ministers, who will have put on their vestments before his ar rival. The cross, sings the verse God, come to my assistance. All reply, Lord, make haste
bishop takes off the cappa or mozzetta and may also remove the rochet, and to help me. The Gloria Patri is sung, followed by the Alleluia, depending on
puts on the amice, alb, cincture, pectoral cross, stole, and cope. He then the rubrics.
receives the miter and pastoral staff from one of the deacons.
During this time presbyters, and especially canons, may put on 197 The hymn is begun by the cantors and continued by the choir or the
a cope over a surplice or alb; deacons may wear either a cope or a dalmatic. people, depending on the musical style of the hymn.
193 When all is ready, the procession enters the church to the accom 198 After the hymn, the bishop sits and, as a rule, takes the miter;
paniment of organ music or singing and in the following order: everyone else also sits. The antiphons and psalms are begun by a can tor.
- an acolyte carrying the cross, between two acolytes holding Depending on local custom, all may stand during the singing of the psalms.
candlesticks with lighted candles; When the psalm prayers are used, after the repetition of the anti
- clergy, two by two; phon, the bishop puts aside the miter, rises, and once everyone else has
- deacons, if more than one are present, two by two; stood says, Let us pray. After a brief pause for silent prayer by all, he says
- presbyters, two by two; the prayer corresponding to the psalm or canticle.
- the bishop walking alone, wearing the miter and carrying the
pastoral staff in his left hand and blessing with his right;
- a little behind the bishop, the two deacons assisting him, who 199 After the psalms, a reader, standing at the ambo, reads either the
may, if need be, hold up the cope on either side; longer or the shorter reading as all sit and listen.
- finally, the ministers who assist with the book, the miter, and
the pastoral staff. 200 As circumstances suggest, the bishop, wearing the miter and with the
There is neither a stop nor a genuflection if the procession passes in pastoral staff if he wishes, may give a brief homily in explanation of the
front of the blessed sacrament chapel.4 reading. He may do so either seated in the chair (cathedra) or in some other
place where he can be better seen and heard by all.
194 It is preferable that the processional cross be placed near the altar and
serve as the altar cross; otherwise it is put away. The candlesticks are placed 201 As circumstances suggest, a brief period of silence may follow the
near the altar or on a side table or at some nearby place in the sanctuary reading or the homily.
202 In response to the word of God, a short responsory or responsorial song
195 On entering the sanctuary (chancel), all make a deep bow to the altar is sung.
two by two (or genuflect before the reserved blessed sacrament), then go to
their places.
203 During the antiphon for the Canticle of Mary, the bishop puts in cense
into the censer. When the choir begins the canticle, the bishop, wearing the
• See no. 71 of this Ceremonial. miter, rises and all rise with him. Making the sign of the cross from forehead
to breast, the bishop goes to the altar and, after mak ing the appropriate
68 reverence together with the ministers, goes up to the altar, but does not kiss
204 While the gospel canticle is being sung, the usual incensation of
altar, cross, bishop, and others present is carried out in the manner al
ready indicated for Mass in nos. 89, 93, 96, and CJJ.
205 After the canticle and the repetition of the antiphon, the interces
sions follow. A minister holds the book and the bishop gives the
introduc tory invitation. Then from the ambo or some other suitable
place one of the deacons announces the intentions and the people
respond .
The Lord's Prayer is sung or said by all, and, if the bishop so de
cides, without an introductory invitation.
With hands outstretched, the bishop sings or says the concluding
prayer. All reply, Amen .
206 Then the bishop takes the miter and greets the people saying, The
Lord be with you . One of the deacons may give the invitation Bow your
heads or use similar words. With hands outstretched over the people,
the bishop gives the solemn blessing, choosing an appropriate formu
lary from among those given in The Roman Missal (Sacramerttary).
He then takes the pastoral staff and says, May almighty God
bless you, as he makes the sign of the cross three times over the
The bishop may also give the blessing by using one of the formu
laries given in nos. 1120-1121.
208 The bishop leaves the chair (cathedra), wearing the miter and car
rying the pastoral staff, and, as circumstances suggest, kisses the altar.
The presbyters and all in the sanctuary (chancel) also reverence the al
tar. All return to the vesting room (sacristy) in procession, following
the order in which they entered.
See no. 63 of this Ceremonial.
209 Even when the bish-op presides at evening prayer apart from
ma j or solemnities or with a smaller group of people and clergy or in
a par ish church, it is desirable that a number of presbyters be
present, preferably vested in cassock and surplice or in alb and cope,
as well as two deacons or at least one, vested in alb and dalmatic.
The bishop is vested either in the manner already descnbed in no.
192 or in alb with stole and cope.
Everything is done as already indicated in nos. 191-208, with any
necessary adaptations.
210 When the bishop takes part in a smaller gathering in a parish
or in some other church, he may preside at evening prayer from the
chair wearing choir dressS and with a few assisting ministers.
213 If the invitatory is used, the bishop does not begin morning
prayer with the verse God, come to my assistance, but with the verse
lord, open my lips, to which all reply, And my mouth will proclaim
your praise. As they say this verse, all make the sign of the cross upon
their lips. All remain standing and the invitatory psalm is sung, with
the antiphon in terspersed in the manner indicated in The Liturgy of
the Hours.
After the invitatory psalm and the usual final repetition of the
an tiphon, the hymn is sung and the celebration of morning prayer
con tinues in the manner already indicated for the celebration of
evening prayer.
217 On Christmas Eve, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday the office
of readings as described in nos. 214-216 should be celebrated, if at all
pos sible, with the bishop presiding, or at least present, and with the
people taking part.
218 The bishop may preside at the hours of daytime prayer, whether
celebrated in the cathedral or elsewhere, in choir dress.6 He begins the
hour with the verse God, come to my assistance, and ends it with the
concluding prayer.
During the psalms all sit or stand, depending on local custom.
ter the psalms all sit and a reader, standing in a suitable place,
the short reading. After the reading, as all stand, the cantors begin the
verse, to which all make the response. There is no blessing. The hour
ends with the acclamation Let us praise the Lord, to which all reply, And
give him thanks.
t See LM, lntroduction, no. 3.
221 "The Church has always revered Sacred Scripture even as it has
revered the body of the Lord, because, above all in the liturgy, it never
ceases to receive the bread of life from the table both of God's word
and of Christ's body and to offer it to the faithful."8
And every liturgical celebration is based on the word of God and
sustained by that word.9 The bishop should therefore strive to ensure
that through a sound spiritual preparation all the faithful learn how to
listen to the mystery of Christ and to reflect on it as that mystery is
sented in the Old and the New Testament.
225 After being received in the manner already described in no. 79,
the bishop, in the vesting room (sacristy) or other suitable place, puts
on over the alb the pectoral cross, the stole, and a cope of the color of
the occa sion. As a rule he also takes the miter and pastoral staff. Two
deacons, in diaconal vestments, assist the bishop. If no deacons are
present, two priests, in alb or cassock and surplice, assist the bishop.
• Voltican Council n, Dogmatic Constitutionon Divine Revelation Dei veroum, no. 21: DOL 14, no.
226 After the introductory rites (consisting of a song, greeting, and
prayer), one or more readings from Sacred Scripture are proclaimed,
with songs or psalms or intervals of silence interspersed. The readings
are ex plained in a homily that relates them to the lives of those
The homily may be 'followed by a period of silent reflection on
word of God. Then the whole congregation with one heart and voice
should join in praying the intercessions, in titanic or other suitable
form that encourages participation. Finally, the Lord's Prayer should be
The bishop, as the one who presides over the assembly,
concludes the celebration with a prayer and blesses the people in the
manner indi cated in nos. 1120-1121.
One of the deacons or ministers dismisses the people, saying, Go
in the peace of Christ, and all reply, Thanks be to
227 "The Church is conscious that it must celebrate the saving work
of the divine Bridegroom by devoutly recalling it on certain days
through out the course of the year. Every week, on the day which the
Church has called the Lord's Day, it keeps the memory of the Lord's
resurrec tion, which it also celebrates once in the year, together with
his blessed passion, in the most solemn festival of Easter.
"Within the cycle of a year, moreover, the Church unfolds the
whole mystery of Christ, from his incarnation and birth until his
ascension, the day of Pentecost, and the expectation of blessed hope
and of the Lord's return.
''Recalling thus the mysteries of redemption, the Church opens to
the faithful the riches of the Lord's powers and merits, so that these are
in some way made present in every age in order that the faithful may
lay hold of them and be filled with saving grace."1
229 The bishop should therefore ensure that in his diocese the idea
of the Lord's Day as the first holy day of all is proposed to the
CELEBRATIONS OF THE MYSTERIES OF THE LORD also on weekdays the faithful may have frequent
opportunities to receive God's saving grace.
of the faithful and taught to them in such a way that it may
become in fact a day of joy and of freedom from work.3
The bishop should be concerned that the directives of
the Second Vatican Council and the reformed liturgical
books concerning the proper character of the Sunday
celebration are observed with fidelity and devo tion. This has 3
See SC, art. 106: DOL 1, no. 106.
a particular application to the practice, frequently involv ing
a Sunday, of assigning a special theme to a particular day, for
example, dedicating a day to the promotion of peace and
justice, vocations, or the missions. Insuch cases the liturgy
to be celebrated is the Sunday liturgy, but the theme
proposed may be brought out in the songs chosen or in the
introductions, the homily, or the general intercessions.
On the Sundays in Ordinary Time one of the readings
may be cho sen from the Lectionary for Mass that serves to
highlight the theme of the day.
Also on the Sundays in Ordinary Time when, by
command or per mission of the local Ordinary, there is a
special celebration devoted to a particular theme, the Mass
may be chosen from the Masses and Prayers for Various
Needs and Occasions provided in The Roman Missal
(Sacra mentary).
distinct sacramen tal force and efficacy because Christ November 1947: AAS
himself in his mysteries and in the memorials of his saints, 3
eppecially of his Mother, continues his mission of infinite (
mercy. Therefore his faithful people not only recall and 1
con template the mysteries of redemption but also lay 9
hold of them, enter into communion with them, and live 7
by them.4 ),
232 The bishop should therefore strive to direct the 5
faithful to observe with deep spirituality especially the 7
feasts of the Lord and the privileged seasons of the .
liturgical year, so that what they celebrate and proclaim 6 SC, art. 13: DOL 1, no. 13.
with their lips they may inwardly believe, and what they
82 83
Christ's Second Coming in the last days. In this way Advent is a
period of devout and joyful expectation.8
236 During Advent, the playing of the organ and other musical
instru ments as well as the floral decoration of the altar should be
marked by a moderation that reflects the character of this season,
234 Next to the yearly celebration of the paschal mystery, the
but does not an ticipate the full joy of Christmas itself.
Church holds most sacred the commemoration of Christ's birth and On the Third Sunday of Advent, called Gaudete Sunday, rose
first manifesta tions. This is the purpose of the Christmas
season? vest
238 The custom of celebrating a vigil to begin the solemnity of n See RM, Proper of Seasons, the rubric printed at the end of the Mass of the vigil.
Christ mas is to be maintained and fostered, in keeping with the 12 See The Liturgy of the Hours, English ed., 1974(hereafter, LH), Epiphany, Evening
usage proper to each Church.1o Prayer II, anti phon for the Canticle of Mary.
It is therefore most fitting that in the cathedral the bishop
himself, as far as possible, preside at an extended vigil, in accord
with the provi sions already given in nos. 215-216.
When the vigil is followed immediately by Mass, the
bishop and presbyters may be vested as for Mass. After the
gospel reading of the vigil or, if it is not an extended vigil, after
the responsory, the Gloria is sung in place of the Te Deum, and
the opening prayer of the Mass is said immediately, the
introductory rites being omitted.
84 85
16 See SC, art. 109: DOL 1, no. 109. See GNLYC, no. V: DOL 442, no. 3793. "See GIRM, no. 308, f: DOL208, no.1698. SeeMS, no. 66: AAS 59 (1967), p. 319; DOL SOB, no.
17 See SC, art. 105, 109-110: DOL 1, nos. 105, 109-110. 4187.
11 See nos. 622.032 of this Ceremcmial.
20 See 2 Samuel 13:19; Esther 4:1; Job 42:6; 1Maccabees 3:47, 4:39; Lamentations 2:10.
253 On the Wednesday before the First Sunday of Lent the
faithful, by receiving ashes, enter upon the season appointed for
spiritual purifica tion. This sign of penance, biblical in origin2°
and preserved among the customs of the Church until our own
day, expresses the human condi tion as affected by sin. In this
sign we outwardly profess our guilt before God and thereby,
prompted by the hope that the Lord is kind and com passionate,
patient and abounding in mercy, express our desire for in ward
conversion. This sign is also the beginning of the journey of
conversion that will reach its goal in the celebration of the
sacrament of reconciliation during the days leading to Easter.
255 Wearing the simple miter and carrying the pastoral staff, the
bishop enters the church in the usual manner; with the
presbyters, deacons, and other ministers, he reverences the altar,
incenses it, then goes to the chair (cathedra), where he greets the
people. The introductory rites of the Mass and, as circumstances
suggest, also the Kyrie are omitted, and the bishop immediately
says the opening prayer.
256 After the gospel reading and the homily the bishop, standing
with out the miter and with hands joined, invites the people to
pray; after a brief pause for silent praye he blesses the ashes,
held infront of him by an acolyte, by saying, with hands
outstretched, the prayer provided in The Rmnan Missal
(Sacramentary). In silence the bishop then sprinkles the ashes
with holy water.
258 Then the bishop again puts on the miter and, seated at the
chair or standing, places ashes on the concelebrants, the
ministers, and the faithful . The bishop may be assisted if
necessary by some of the con celebrants or deacons.
During this time Psalm 51 (50), with one of the
antiphons, for ex ample, Lord, take away our wickedness, or
the responsory Direct our hearts to better things, or some
other suitable song is sung.
In a convenient place the bishop puts on purple Mass
vestments. Inplace of the chasuble he may wear a cope. He puts
CHAPTER 5 on a simple miter and takes the pastoral staff, then with the
LITURGICAL ASSEMBLIES DURING LENT ministers and, if there are any, concelebrants, who wear Mass
vestments, he goes to the gathering place, to the accompaniment
of a suitable song.
260 All the elements of Lenten observance should conspire to After the singing has ended, the bishop lays aside the pastoral
mani fest more dearly and to promote the life of the local Church. staff and miter and greets the people. The bishop, a concelebrant,
For this reason The Roman Missal (Sacramentary) strongly or a dea con gives a brief introduction. Then, with hands
encourages the preser vation and development of the traditional outstretched, the bishop
form of gathering the local Church after the fashion of the Roman says an opening prayer on the mystery of the holy cross or for
11stations;' at least in the larger cities and in a way suited to the the remis sion of sins or for the Church, especially the local
particular place. Especially with the chief pastor of the diocese Church, or he says one of the prayers over the people given in
presiding, such assemblies of the faithful can gather on Sunday or The Roman Missal (Sacra mentary). He then takes the miter,
on more convenient weekdays, at the tombs of the saints, in the and, as circumstances suggest, puts incense in the censer. As
principal churches or shrines of the city, or in other frequently the deacon announces, Let us go forth in peace, th pr cession to
visited places of pilgrimage in the diocese. This may be done on the church is formed and during it the Litany of the Samts lS
Sun days or weekdays, in parish churches or places of pilgrimage. sung. The names of the holy patron or founder and the saints
The man ner of celebration will vary according to local needs.2t of the local Church may be inserted at the proper places
in th litany. When the proce sion reaches the church, all go to
261 If, as local conditions permit, there is a procession their ap pomted places. When the btshop reaches the altar, he
preceding the Mass that is celebrated for such assemblies, the puts aside the pas toral staff and the miter, reverences the altar,
people gather before hand in a chapel or other suitable place and incenses it. He then
outside the church where the Mass will be celebrated.
See RM, Proper of Seasons, the rubric printed at the beginning of the Lenten season. goes to the chair (cathedra) and takes off the cope, if he has worn
it dur ing the procession , and puts on the chasuble. The
92 introductory rites of the Mass are omitted, and, as circumstances
suggest, also the Kyrie. The bishop says the opening prayer of
the Mass. The Mass continues in the usual way. •
If this is preferable, the bishop may take off the cope and
put on
the chasuble as soon as he reaches the altar, before
reverencing it.
268 After the blessing of the branches, before the proclamation
PASSION SUNDAY (PALM SUNDAY) of the gospel reading, the bishop may distribute them to the
concelebrants, the ministers, and some of the faithful. He himself
263 On assion _Sunday Palm Su day) the Church enters first receives the branch set aside for him from a deacon or one
upon the mystery of Its crucified, bUIIed, and nsen lord, who, by of the concelebrants and hands it to a minister while he
his entrance into Jerus em, gave a glim se of his own majesty. distributes the branches. During this time a suit
Christians carry branches as a s1g of th royal tr1umph that able song
Christ won by his acceptance of the cross. Smce Samt Paul says: is sung.
''Provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be
glorified with him:' 22 the link between these two aspects of the 269 Next the bishop places incense in the censer, blesses the
paschal mystery should stand out clearly in the liturgical celebra deacon who is to proclaim the gospel reading, and again takes
tion and catechesis of Palm Sunday. the palm branch, which he holds during the gospel reading. If,
as circumstances suggest, he gives a homily, the bishop lays
aside the branch and, unless he de cides not to, takes the miter
FIRST FoRM : PROCESSION and pastoral staff .
264 At the scheduled time the congregation assembles in a 270 To begin the procession the bishop or a deacon may
seconda -y church or chapel or in some other suitable place address the people in the words Let us go forth in peace, given in
distinct from the church to which the procession will move. The Roman Missal (Sacramentary), or in similar words. The
The faithful carry branches.23 procession to the church where Mass will be celebrated then
begins. The censerbearer goes first, carry ing a censer with
burning incense, followed by the crossbearer (the cross may be
suitably decorated with palm branches in accordance with local
custom). The crossbearer is flanked by two other acolytes holding
' candles. The rest of the procession follows in this order: clergy; a
265 In a convenient place the bishop puts vestment for dea
on red s Mass. con who carries the Book of the Gospels; other deacons, if there
are any,
(The bishop may wear a cope instead of a chasuble. In this case suggest, he may
he re leave th1s mtroduction to the deacon or one of the
moves the cope at the end of the procession.) He puts on the concelebrants.
miter and
takes the pastoral staff and, together with the ministers and, if 267 After the introduction, the bishop, with hands outstretched
there are an the concelebrants, who are vested for Mass, he says the prayer of blessing over the branChes, then sprinkles them
goes to the place where the branches are to be blessed as the with holy
antiphon Hosanna or some other suitable song is being sung. water in
silence. 1
266 After the singing has ended, the bishop puts aside the 12 4 ""
miter and pastoral staff, and, facing the people, says, In the
name of the Father, nd of the Son, _a nd of the Holy 21
Romans 8:17.
Spirit.Then he greets the people, say 23
mg, Peace be "'?-th you, and ?iVes an introduction, inviting the
See RM, Proper of Seasons, Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday), rubrics for the procession.
people 94
to take _part m the celebration. But, as circumstances
carrying books for the singing of the passion; concelebrants; a incenses it. He then goes to the chair (cathedra) and takes off
minister carrying the bishop's pastoral staff; then the bishop, the cope, if he has worn it, and puts on the chasuble.The
wearing the miter and carrying a branch; next, a little behind introductory rites of the Mass and, as circumstances suggest, the
the bishop, the two deacons assisting him; the ministers who Kyrie are omitted, and the bishop concludes the procession by
assist with the book and the miter; finally the faithful. All, saying the opening prayer of the Mass.
whether ministers or faithful, carry branches. If this is preferable, the bishop may take off the cope and
During the procession the choir and people sing the put on
songs pro vided in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary) or other the chasuble as soon as he reaches the altar, before
suitable songs. reverencing it.
As the procession enters the church, the .responsory The
children of Jerusalem or another song which refers to the lord's
entrance is sung. 2' See RM, Proper of Seasons, Passion Sunday (palm Sunday), rubrics for the
271 When the bishop comes to the altar, he hands the branch
to the deacon, puts aside the miter, reverences the altar, and 95
CELEBRATIONS OF 1HE MYSTERJES OF THE LORD homily. After the homily, as circumstances suggest, there may be
an interval of silence.
SECOND FoRM: SOLEMN ENTRANCE The Mass then continues in the usual way.
273 When the gospel acclamation has begun, everyone but the
bishop rises. The Lord's passion is narrated without candles or 96
incense.The dea cons who are to proclaim the narrative of the
passion ask for and receive
a blessing (see no. 140 of this Ceremonial). Putting aside the
miter, the
bishop then rises. The greeting before the gospel reading and the
ing of the book are
After the verse on the death of the Lord, all kneel and a brief
pause is observed. At the end the words This is the Gospel of the
Lord are said, but the book is not kissed.
After the narrative of the passion the bishop gives a short
Presbyters who take part but for some reason do not
CHAPTER7 concelebrate may receive communion under both kinds.
G-IRlSM MASS 275 The blessing of the oil of the sick and the oil of
catechumens and the consecration of the chrism are ordinarily
done by the bishop at the Chrism Mass celebrated on Holy
274 This Mass, which the bishop concelebrates with his college
Thursday morning.
of pres byters and at which he consecrates the holy chrism and
blesses the other oils, manifests the communion of the If it is difficult for the clergy and the people to assemble
presbyters with their bishop.26 with the bishop on Holy Thursday morning, the blessing may be
held on an earlier day, near Easter, with the celebration of the
The holy chrism consecrated by the bishop is used to
proper Chrism Mass.29
anoint the
newly baptized, to seal the candidates for confirmation, and to 276 Because of its meaning and pastoral importance in the life
anoint the hands of presbyters and the heads of bishops at
of the diocese, the Chrism Mass should be celebrated as a
their ordination, as well as in the rites of anointing pertaining to
stational Mass in the cathedral church or, for pastoral reasons,
the dedication of churches and altars. The oil of catechumens
in another church.
is used in the preparation of the catechumens for their
baptism. The oil of the sick is used to bring com fort and
support to the sick in their infirmity.
See GlRM, no. 157: DOL 208, no. 1547. See RM, Proper of Seasons, Holy Thursday,
Ptesbyters are brought together and concelebrate this Mass rubrics preced ing the text of the Chrism Mass.
as wit nesses and cooperators with their bishop inthe 27
See Vatican Council ll, Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests Pres/Jyletorrmr Ordinis,
consecration of the chrism because they share in the sacred office no. 2:
of the bishop in building up, sanc tifying, and ruling the people DOL 18,
no. 2S7.
of God .27 This Mass is therefore a clear expression of the unity 21
See RM, Proper of Seasons, Holy Thursday, rubrics preceding the text of the Chrism
of the priesthood and sacrifice of Christ, which continue to be Mass.
present in the Church. 29
See The Roman Pontifical, Rile of the BltsSingof Oils and Consecmting the Chrism (hereafter,
To show the unity of the college of presbyters, the BOCd,
presbyters who nos. 9-10: DOL 459, nos. 3869-3870; The Roman Missal
concelebrate with the bishop should come from different parts
of the diocese.28
CELEBRATIONS OF THE MYSTERIES OF THE LORD bishop wishes to mix the chrism during the liturgical
277 According to the tradition of the Latin liturgy, the blessing - bread, wine and water for Mass, which are carried
of the oil of the sick takes place before the end of the with the
eucharistic prayer; the blessing of the oil of catechumens and oils before the preparation of the gifts.
the consecration of the chrism, after communion. b. In the sanctuan; (chancel>:
For pastoral reasons, however, the entire rite of blessing - The Roman Missal (Sacramentary);
may take - table for the vessels of oil, placed so that the people
place after the liturgy of the may see
word.30 the entire rite easily and take part in it;
- chair for the bishop, if the blessing takes place in front
278 For the blessing of oils the following preparations are made of the
in ad dition to what is needed for the celebration of a stational altar.31
a. In the vesting room or some other convenient place:
- vessels of oil; DESCRIPTION OF THE RITE
- balsam or perfume for the preparation of the
chrism, if the 279 The preparation of the bishop, the concelebrants, and other
min isters, their entrance into the church, and everything from the CHRIS
beginning of Mass until the end of the liturgy of the word M
follow the provisions already given in the rite for a stational MASS
281 Then, putting aside the pastoral staff and mite the bishop
280 For his homily the bishop, with miter and pastoral staff, stands. The profession of faith is not said. In the intercessions, as
is seated in the chair (cathedra), unless he decides otherwise. given in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary), the faithful are
In the homily he should encourage the presbyters to fidelity in invited to pray for their pastors.
fulfilling their office in the Oturch and should invite them to
renew publicly their priestly promises. 282 Then the bishop sits in the chair, wearing the miter. The
After the homily, the presbyters stand before the bishop, deacons and ministers appointed to carry the oils or, in their
and he addresses them with the questions that call on them to absence, some priests and ministers, together with the faithful
renew their com mitment to priestly service.33 who will carry the bread and the wine and water, go in
procession to the vesting room (sacristy) or other place where
the oils and other offerings have been prepared. Returning to
See BOCC, nos. 11-U: DOL 459, nos. 3871-3872.
the altar, they follow this order: first, the minister carrying the
See BOCC, no. 13.
vessel of balsam, if the bishop wishes to mix the chrism; then
sz See BOCC, no. 15.
" See RM, Proper of Seasons, Holy Thwsday, rubrics for the Chrism Mass.
the minister with the vessel for the oil of catechumens, if it is to
be blessed; the minister with the ves el for the oil of the sick;
lastly a deacon or pres byter carrying the oil for the chrism.
The ministers or faithful who carry the bread and the wine and
water for the celebration of the eucharist follow them.34
283 During the procession through the church, the choir leads
the sing ing of the hymn 0 Redemptor or of some other suitable
song in place of the song for the presentation of the gifts
(offertory song).
285 Before the bishop says the words Through Christ our Lord
you give us all these gifts in Eucharistic Prayer I or the
doxology Through him in the other eucharistic prayers, the one
who carried the vessel for the oil of the sick brings it to the
altar and holds it in front of the bishop, who blesses the oil by
saying or singing the prayer God of all consolation .
See BOCC, nos. V-18.
See BOCC, no. 16. 99
291 When for pastoral reasons the entire rite of blessing of
After the blessing, the vessel with the oil of the sick is oils is to be celebrated after the liturgy of the word, the
procedure is as follows. The vessels with the oils to be blessed
returned to its place, and the Mass continues until the
and of chrism to be consecrated are presented to the bishop, then
communion rite is com pleted:'*i placed by the deacons on a table that has been placed in the
286 After the prayer after communion, the deacons place the center of the sanctuary (chancel). Everything is done as already
oil of catechumens to be blessed and the chrism to be described in nos. 283-284 and 287-290. The Mass then proceeds
consecrated on a table that has been placed in the center of the in the usual way from the preparation of the gifts until the prayer
sanctuary (chancel). after communion has been said.
287 The bishop and the concelebrants go to the table with the 36
See BOCC, no. 20.
deacons and ministers. The bishop stands facing the people, and 37 See BOCC, nos. 21-22.
the concelebrating presbyters stand around him on either side, in 38 See BOCC, nos. 23-25.
a semicircle, and the dea cons and other ministers stand behind
him. 100
288 .When everything.is. r ady, the bishop proceeds to the
blessing of the oil of catechumens, if 1t IS to be blessed. Without
the miter, he stands facing the people and, with hands
outstretched, says the prayer Lord God, protector of all who
believe in you .3
289 Then the bishop sits, wearing the miter, and pours the
balsam or perfume into the oil and in silence mixes the chrism,
unless this has been done beforehand.
294 Inthe vesting room (sacristy) the bishop may instruct the
presbyters about the reverent use flnd safe custody of the holy
295 "C t redeemed us all and gave perfect glory to God principally lNTRODUCfiON
through his paschal mystery: dying he destroyed our death and rising
he restored our life. Therefore the Easter Triduum of the Passion and 297 With this Mass, celebrated in the evening of the Thursday in Holy
Resurrection of the Lord is the culmination of the entire liturgical year. Week, the Church begins the sacred Easter Triduum and devotes itself
Thus the solemnity of Easter has the same kind of preeminence in the to the remembrance of the Last Supper. At this supper on the night he
liturgical year that Sunday has in the week."to was betrayed, the Lord Jesus, loving those who were his own in the
Let the paschal fast be kept sacred. Let it be celebrated world even to the end, offered his body and blood to the Father under
everywhere on Good Friday and, wherever possible, prolonged the ap pearances of bread and wine, gave them to the apostles to eat and
throughout Holy Saturday, as a way of coming to the joys of the drink, then enjoined the apostles and their successors in the priesthood
Sunday of the resurrec tion with uplifted and welcoming heart.41
to offer them in turn.42
This Mass is, first of all, the memorial of the institution of the eu
296 These days are therefore unique in the liturgical year and their cele charist, that is, of the memorial of the Lord's Passover, by which under
bration is of utmost importance in the spiritual and pastoral life of the sacramental signs he perpetuated among us the sacrifice of the New
Church. It is altogether fitting, thenJ that the bishop preside in his ca Law. The Mass of the Lord's Supper is also the memorial of the
thedral church at the Mass of the Lord's Supper, at the liturgical service institution of the priesthood, by which Christ's mission and sacrifice
of Good Friday, and at the Easter Vigil, particularly when this vigil is are perpetu ated in the world. In addition this Mass is the memorial of
to include celebration of the sacraments of Christian initiation. It is also that love by which the Lord loved us even to death. The bishop should
desirable that, if at all possible, the bishop take part with the clergy and see to it that all these considerations are suitably presented to the
people in the office of readings and morning prayer on Good Friday and faithful through the ministry of the word so that by their devotion they
Holy Saturday and in evening prayer of Easter Sunday, especially may be able to deepen their grasp of such great mysteries and reflect
in places that have the custom of celebrating a ''baptismal" evening them more faithfully in the conduct of their lives.
prayer (see no. 371.).
298 Even if he has already celebrated the Chrism Mass in the
morn ing, the bishop should be eager also to celebrate the Mass of
GNLYC, no. 18: DOL 442, no. 3784.
the Lord's Supper with the full participation of presbyters, deacons,
•• See SC, art. 110: DOL 1, no. 110.
ministers, and faithful gathered around him.
Priests who have already concelebrated the Chrism Mass may also
concelebrate the evening Mass.t 3
See Council d Trent, sess. 2.2, 17 Sept. 1562, Doctr. De ss. Missae sacrificio, ch. 1: Concilium
Triden tinrlm, Diariorum, Actorum, Epistolarum, Tmctatuum nova colledio, ed. Gorres Gesellschaft,
vol. 8, Ado rum, part 5 (Freiburg, Br., 1919), p. 960.
See GIRM, nos. 157 and 158, a: DOL 208, nos. 1547 and 1548.
102 103
- second censer and incense boat;
- torches and candles. 104
b. At the place for the footwashing:
- seats for the men chosen;
- pitcher of water and basin;
- towels for drying the feet;
- linen apron (gremial) for the bishop;
- requisites for washing the bishop's hands.
c. In the chapel where the blessed sacrament will be kept:
- tabernacle or repository for the blessed sacrament;
- lights, flowers, and other suitable decorations.
300 The preparation, entrance into the church, and liturgy of the word
follow the usual procedure for a stational Mass.
During the singing of the Gloria, the church bells are rung and
then remain silent until the Easter Vigil, unless, according to
the conference of bishops or the bishop of the diocese decides
During the same period, the organ and other musical
instruments may be used only to sustain the singing.
301 The homily should explain the chief mysteries that are
commemo rated in this Mass: the institution of the holy eucharist, the
institution of the priesthood, and Christ's commandment to love one
another. De pending on pastoral circumstances, the washing of feet
follows the homily.
The men who have been chosen are led by the ministers to chairs
provided in a suitable place. Then the bishop (laying aside the miter and
chasuble but not the dalmatic, ifhe is wearing one) puts on a linen
(gremial), as circumstances suggest. He then goes to each man and,
with the help of the deacons, pours water on each one's feet and dries
them. During the footwashing the antiphons. provided in The Roman
Missal (Sacramentary) or some other suitable songs are sung.4s
302 After the footwashing, the bishop returns to the chair, washes his
hands, and puts on the chasuble. Since the profession of faith is not
said in this Mass, the general intercessions follow immediately.46
« See RM, Proper of Seasons, Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord's Supper (hereafter, HT), rubric
for the
., See RM, HT, rubrics for the washing of feet.
"See RM, HT, the rubric for the general intercessions.
MASS OF THE LORD'S SUPPER decorated for the occasion. The procession is led by a crossbearer,
accompanied by aco lytes holding lighted candles; after them come
303 At the beginning of the liturgy of the eucharist there may be a clergy; deacons; con celebrants; a minister holding thebishop's pastoral
procession of the faithful with gifts for the poor. During the staff; two censerbearers carrying censers with burning incense; then
procession the song Where charity and love are found or some other the bishop, carrying the blessed sacrament; a little behind the bishop,
suitable song may be sung.47 the two deacons assisting him; and finally the ministers who assist
with the book and the miter. All in the procession carry lighted
304 From the preparation of the gifts up to and including the candles, and around the blessed sac rament torches are carried .
commun ion rite everything is done as in a stational Mass. The proper During the procession the hymn Pange, lingua (exclusive of the last
texts provided in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary) for the two stanzas) or some other eucharistic song is stmg, in keeping with lo
eucharistic prayer are used.48 cal
305 After the communion of the faithful, the ciborium with hosts
for Good Friday is left on the altar and the prayer after communion is 308 When the procession reaches the place of reposition, the bishop
said.49 hands the ciborium to the deacon, who places it on the altar or in the
tabernacle, the door of which is left open. While Tantum ergo Sacramen-
306 After the prayer aft r communion, the concluding rites of the
Mass are omitted . Standing before the altar, the bishop puts incense
into the censer and blesses it, then, kneeling, incenses the blessed ., See RM, HT, rubric for the beginning of the liturgy of the eucharist.
sacrament. Then he receives the humeral veil, goes up to the altar, u See RM, Preface no. 47 and Eucharistic Prayer I.
genuflects, and, with the help of the deacon, takes the ciborium and c9 See RM, HT, the rubric printed after the communion rite.
covers it with the ends of the veu.so so See RM, HT, rubrics for the transfer of the eucharist .
st See RM, HT, rubrics for the transfer of the eucharist.
310 At a suitable time the altar is stripped and, if possible, the crosses
are removed from the church. It is desirable to cover any crosses that
remain in the church, unless they have already been covered by direc-
tive of the conference of bishops.54 ·
56 1Corinthians 5:7.
57See Leo the Great, Sermo 58, De Passiorze Domini 1: PL 54, 332.
5t SC, art. 5: OOL 1, no. 5.
59 See RM, Proper of Seasons, Good Friday, Celebration of the Lord's Passion (hereafte GF),
no. 3.
60 See RM, GF, no. 2.
106 107
b. In a convenient place: in the usual way. The bishop lays aside the miter and rises. Then the
- cross [veiled if the first form of veneration is to be used]; passion according to John (18:1-19:42) is read. The greeting of the
- two candlesticks; people and the signing of the book are omitted.
c. In the sanctuary (chancel): After the verse on the death of the Lord, all kneel and a brief pause
- The Roman Missal (Sacramentary); is observed. At the end the words This is the Gospel of the Lord are
- copies of the Lectionary for Mass and/or books for the reading said, but the book is not kissed.
of the Lord's passion; After the reading of the passion, the bishop gives a short homily.
- altar cloth; After the homily, the bishop or a deacon may invite the faithful to
- corporal; spend a short time in silent prayer.64
- red stoles for the presbyters and deacons receiving com-
munion; 320 After the homily, the bishop, without miter, stands at the chair or,
d. In the chapel of reposition of the blessed sacrament: as circumstances suggest, at the altar. With hands outstretched, he says
- red or white humeral veil for the deacon; or sings the prayers of the general intercessions provided in The Roman
- two candlesticks for the acolytes. Missal (Sacramentary), but he may, if necessary, select those that are
the most relevant.
As circumstances suggest, a deacon or deacons may proclaim at
the ambo the introductions that state the intentions of each prayer.
The people may either kneel or stand throughout the entire period
316 The bishop and the deacons, wearing red Mass vestments, go to of the general intercessions.65 ,.-.... \.lh......, orit .. oi:
the altar in silence. At the altar the bishop lays aside the miter and, after
reverencing the altar, prostrates himself or, as circumstances suggest,
kneels on a bare priedieu. All pray ior a while in silence.61 VENERATION OF THE CROSS
317 Then the bishop goes to the chair (cathedra) with the deacons. He
faces the people and, with hands outstretched, says the prayer Lord, by 321 Then the showing and veneration of the cross takes place, by use
shedding his blood or Lord, by the suffering of Christ your Son. After of one of the two forms provided in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary).
the prayer, he sits and again puts on the miter.62 a. First form of showing the cross
As a deacon, accompanied by two acolytes with lighted candles,
carries the veiled cross to the altar, the bishop goes to the altar with
LITURGY OF THE WoRD the two deacons assisting him. There, standing without the miter,
he receives the cross, and in three successive stages he uncovers
318 All sit and the first reading, from the book of the prophet Isaiah it and shows it to the faithful for their veneration. At the begin
(52:13-53:12), is proclaimed, with itS responsorial psalm. The second ning of each unveiling he begins the invitation This is the wood
reading, from the letter to the Hebrews (4:14-16; 5:7-9) follows.63 of the cross (if necessary a deacon or the schola may continue the
singing of the invitation) . All respond, Come, let us worship. Af
319 As the gospel acclamation begins, all but the bishop rise. Neither ter the singing, all kneel and venerate the cross briefly in silence;
incense nor candles are used for the narrative of the passion. The dea the bishop remains standing and holds the cross high.
cons who are to proclaim it ask for and receive a blessing from the Accompanied by two acolytes with lighted candles, a deacon
bishop carries the cross to the entrance of the sanctuary (chancel) or to
another suitable
See RM, GF, no. 4.
u See RM, GF, no. 5.
u See RM, GF, no. 6.
" See RM, GF, nos. 8-9.
65 See RM, GF, no. 10-13.
108 109
322 For the veneration of the cross, the bishop lays aside miter, chas
uble, and, as circumstances suggest, his shoes, and, with head uncov
ered, goes first to the cross. He kneels before it and kisses it. He then
returns to the chair (cathedra), where he puts on his shoes and the chas
uble, then sits without the miter. After the bishop, the deacons who
assist him, then the clergy and faithful approach to venerate the cross
in a kind of procession. They make a simple genuflection or perform
some other appropriate sign of reverence according to local custom, for
example, kissing the cross.
During the veneration the antiphon We worship you, lord, the
reproaches, or some other suitable songs are sung. All who venerate
the cross then return to their places and sit.68
323 Only one cross should be used for the veneration. If the number
of people makes it impossible for everyone to venerate the cross
individu ally, the bishop, after some of the clergy and faithful have
venerated it, goes to the altar, receives the cross from a deacon, and
stands in the center in front of the altar. In a few words he invites the
people to venerate the
cross and then holds it up briefly for them to venerate in
326 The deacon places the ciborium on the altar and uncovers it. Then
the bishop, with the deacons assisting him, comes from his chair 10 See RM, GF, nos. 20-21.
(cathedra), genuflects, and goes up to the altar. Then in the manner 1t See RM, GF, no. 21.
n See RM, GF, nos. 22-25.
in dicated in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary), the Lord's Prayer with
13 See RM, GP, no. 26.
its em bolism is said and holy communion takes place.72 ,. See RM, GF, no. ZJ.
110 111
330 When the prayer after communion has been said, the bishop
stands facing the people for the dismissal; with hands outstretched over INTRODUCTION
them, he says the prayer Lord, send down your abundant blessing.75
332 In accord with ancient tradition, this night is a night of vigil for
331 After a genuflection before the cross, the bishop again takes the the LordJ7 and, as the memorial of the holy night of Christ's resurrec
miter and all depart in silence. tion, the Vigil celebrated is "the mother of all holy vigils:'78 The Church
The altar is stripped at a convenient time?6 this night awaits the Lord's resurrection and celebrates it with the sacra
ments of Christian initiation.
See RM, GF, no. 28.
333 The entire celebration of the Easter Vigil takes place at night; it
' See RM, GF, no. 28.
should not begin before nightfall; it should end before daybreak of
334 Since the Easter Vigil is the supreme, most exalted of all solemni
ties inthe liturgical year, the bishop should not fail to celebrate it
335 The Mass of the Vigil is a paschal Mass of Easter Sunday. Those
who celebrate or concelebrate the Mass at night may celebrate or con
celebrate the second Mass of Easter.80
337 In the vesting room (sacristy) or some other suitable place, the
bishop, concelebrants, and deacons put on white Mass vestments, which
are worn from the very beginning of the Vigi1.82
338 The bishop, with miter and pastoral staff, goes with the con
celebrants, clergy, and ministers to the place where the people are
gathered for the blessing of the fire. One of the acolytes carries the
Easter candle ahead of the ministers. The processional cross and
candles are not car ried. The censerbearer carries the censer but with
charcoal unlighted.
339 The bishop lays aside the pastoral staff and miter and, facing the
people, says, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit, then greets the people saying, Peace be with you . Then
he or a deacon or one of the concelebrants briefly instructs the people
about the Vigil in the words Dear friends in Christ, given in The
Roman Missal (Sacramentary), or in similar words.s3
340 Then as he blesses the fire, the bishop, with hands outstretched,
says the prayer Father, we share in the light of your glory. After the
prayer, he puts on the miter and, assisted by the deacon, lights the
Easter candle from the new fire in silence. The censerbearer lights the
charcoal in the censer from the new fire.84
as See RM, EV, nos. 10·12.
"See RM, EV, nos. 14-16.
342 After lighting the Easter candle, the bishop puts incense into
the censer. The deacon receives the Easter candle from an acolyte. 115
EASTER PROCLAMATION 346 Mter the Easter proclamation, the candles are
put aside and all sit. Before the readings begin, the
344 When he reaches the sanctuary (chancel), the bishop goes to the bishop, seated and wearing the miter, speaks to the
chair (cathedra), hands his candle to the deacon, and sits, wearing the people in the words provided in The Roman Missal
miter. He puts incense into the censer and blesses it, as at the gospel (Sacramen tary), Dear friends in Christ, or in similar
reading of the Mass. The deacon goes to the chair (cathedra) and asks words. But he may also assign this task to a deacon or
for a blessing from the bishop, who says in a low voice, The Lord be to one of the concelebrants.89
in your heart and on your lips, that you may worthily proclaim his
Easter praise. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, ffi and of 347 In this Vigil nine readings are provided, seven
the Holy Spirit. The deacon replies, Amen .s7 £rom the Old Testa ment and two from the New
Testament (the epistle and the gospel read ing). The
345 As the deacon goes to the ambo, the bishop lays aside the miter number of readings from the Old Testament may be
and rises to hear the Easter proclamation, while holding a lighted reduced for pastoral reasons, but it must always be kept
candle. in mind that the reading of the word of God is a
In the same way, all in the assembly stand and hold lighted fundamental part of the Easter Vigil. At least three
candles readings from the Old Testament should be read,
. although for more serious reasons the number may be
At the ambo or the stand near the Easter candle, the deacon, reduced to two. The reading of Exo dus chapter
after incensing the book and the candle, sings the Easter fourteen, however, is never to be omitted .9o
17 See RM, EV, no. 17. When a presbyter rather than a deacon is to
sing the Easter proclamation, he also, like a deacon, goes to receive the blessing from the
bishop. But when it is necessary to have a tor sing the Easter proclamation , the cantor does EASTER VIGIL
not go to the bishop for the blessing, does not mcense the book, nor say the bracketed words
My dearest friends in the proclamation or the greeting The lmd be with you.
u See RM, Ev, nos. 17-
348 As all sit and listen, a reader goes to the ambo and proclaims
19. "See RM, EY, no. the first reading, after which the cantor leads the psalm, and the people
22. re spond. Then, laying aside the miter, the bishop rises, and all rise
90 See RM, Ev, nos. 20-21. with him. He sings or says, Let us pray. When all have prayed silently
for a while, he sings or says tl).e prayer belonging to the reading. The
116 same is done after each reading from the Old Testament.91
349 After the final reading from the Old Testament with its
responsorial psalm and prayer, the candles on the altar are lit, and the
bishop solemnly intones the Gloria, which is taken up by all present.
The church bells are rung, according to local custom.92
350 At the end of the hymn, the bishop, in the usual way, sings or says
the opening prayer, Lord God, you have brightened this night .93
351 The bishop then sits and puts on the miter. All in the assembly
sit, and a reader proclaims the reading from the Apostle Paul.9•
352 Mter this reading, as occasion suggests and if it is in keeping
with local custom, one of the deacons or the reader goes to the
bishop and says to him, Most Reverend Father, I bring you a message
of great joy, the message of Alleluia .
Mter this greeting or, if it does not take place, immediately after
the reading, all rise. Standing and without miter, the bishop solemnly
intones the Alleluia, assisted if necessary by one of the deacons or
con celebrants. He sings it three times, a little higher each time. In the
same key as the bishop, all present repeat the Alleluia each time.
The psalmist or cantor sings the verses of the responsorial
psalm, and the people answer, Alleluia.9s
353 Then the bishop sits and in the usual way puts incense into the
censer and blesses the deacon assigned to proclaim the gospel reading.
Candles are not carried for the gospel
354 The homily follows the gospel reading, and then the liturgy of
bap tism begins.97
See RM, EY. no. 34.
' See RM, EV, no. 35.
355 Itis eminently fitting for the bishop himself to be the celebrant
the sacraments of baptism and confirmation at the Easter Vigil.98
356 The liturgy of baptism is carried out either at the font or in the
sanc tuary (chancel). In places where there is a baptistery outside the
main body of the church, it is a long-standing practice to go there for
the cele bration of the baptismal liturgy.99
357 First the catechumens are called forward and introduced by their
godparents. If there are children, they are brought forward by their par
ents and godparents.too
359 But if the baptismal liturgy takes place in the sanctuary (chancel),
the bishop lays aside the pastoral staff and miter and gives the introduc
tion Dear friends in Christ . The Litany of the Saints is then sung by
two cantors. All stand (as is customary during the Easter season) and
sing the responses .toz
360 After the litany and his introduction mentioned in no. 358, the
bishop stands at the baptismal font, without the miter and with hands
outstretched, and says the prayer Father, you give us grace. As he says,
We ask you, Father, he may lower the Easter candle into the water
either once or three times, as indicated in The Roman Missal
See The Roman Ritual, Rite of Clzristimt Initiation of Adults, Eng. ed., 1985 (hereafter, RCIA),
In troduction, no. 12. (No. 12 of the Introduction of RCIA adds the qualifier "at least for the
initiation of those who are fourteen years old or older:')
"See RM, EY, no. 37.
oo See RM, EV, no. 37.
101 See RM, EV, nos. 39, 41, 38.
01See RM, EV, nos. 38-39.
See RM, EV, nos. 42-43.
EASTER VIGIL 101See RCIA, no. 219 (U.S. ed., no. 225).
totSee RBC, no. 58.
109 See RCIA, no. 220 (U.S. ed., no. 226) .
361 After the blessing of the water and the people's acclamation at 110See RBC, nos. 60-61.
the end, the bishop sits and takes the miter and pastoral staff. He then w See RCIA, no. 223 (U.S. ed., no. 229); RBC, no. 63.
asks the candidates the questions on the renunciation of sin, addressing
the adult elect in the manner indicated in the Rite of Christian 119
Initiation of Adults,t 04 and addressing the parents and godparents of
children to be baptized in the manner mdicated in the Rite of Baptism
for Children.105
362 If the anointing of the adult elect with the oil of catechumens
not been anticipated as a preparatory rite, it takes place at this point,
in the manner indicated inthe Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; if
sary presbyters may assist with the
364 After the questioning, the bishop puts aside the pastoral
staff, stands, and baptizes the elect and the children, with the help,
if neces sary, of presbyters and also deacons, in the manner
dicated the Rite
of Christian Initiation of Adults 109 and the Rite of Baptism for
365 Then the bishop sits. After their baptism, infants are anointed
with chrism by presbyters or by deacons, particularly when a large
number have been baptized; and over all the infants as a group, the
bishop says the formulary of anointing, The God of power. All those
baptized, both adults and children, receive the baptismal garment, as
the bishop says,
N.and N., you have become a new creation.111 Next the bishop or a
dea con receives the Easter candle from an acolyte and says the
invitation Godparents, please come forward, and the candles of the
newly bap-
tized are lighted as the bishop says, You have been enlightened by out miter, presides over the general intercessions, in which the newly
Christ .m Inthe case of infants the presentation of a lighted candle baptized take part for the first time.117
and the eph phetha rite are omitted at the Easter Vigil, as indicated in
the Rite of Bap tism for Children.113 .
366 After the baptism and the explanatory rites, unless the whole serv
ice has taken place before the altar, all return to the sanctuary (chancel) 370 Next the liturgy of the eucharist begins, celebrated in the form of
in procession as before, the newly baptized or the godparents and par a stational Mass.
ents carrying lighted candles. During the procession a baptismal song It is fitting that the bread and wine be brought forward by the
is sung, for example, You have put on Christ . newly baptized,118 or, if the newly baptized are infants, by their
parents or godparents.
367 If adults have been baptized, the bishop should confer the sacra The eucharistic prayer should include the intercessions (interpo
ment of confumation in the sanctuary (Chancel), in keeping with the lations) for the baptized and their godparents, as provided in The
pro Roman
visions of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.114 Missal (Sacramentary) for each of the eucharistic prayers.119
Before the words This is the Lamb of God of the communion rite,
the bishop may briefly address the newly baptized on the excellence of
RENEWAL OF BAPTISMAL PROMISES this great mystery, which is the high point of Christian initiation and
the center of the whole Christian life.
368 After the baptism and confirmation or, if the sacraments have not It is most desirable that the neophytes, together with their god
been celebrated, after the blessing of water, the bishop, taking the miter parents, parents, spouses, and catechists, receive communion under
and pastoral staff, stands before the people and receives the renewal of both kinds.
their baptismal profession of faith, for which they stand and hold At the dismissal of the faithful the deacon adds a double Alleluia
lighted candles.115 to the usual dismissal formulary The Mass is ended, go in peace (or one
of the other formularies), and the faithful do the same in their
369 After the renewal of baptismal promises, the bishop, still wearing response.120 For the blessing at the end of Mass the bishop may
the miter, sprinkles the people with the blessed water. He is assisted, use the formu
if necessary, by presbyters and, as circumstances suggest, he may pass lary provided in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary) for the solemn
through the body of the church. During this time all sing the antiphon blessing at the Easter Vigilut or, depending on the circumstances, he
I saw water or some other song that is baptismal in character.116 may use the
Meanwhile the newly baptized are led to their place among the formulary for the final blessing provided in the Rite of Baptism for
faithful. Children.12
If the blessing of the baptismal water does not take place in the 2
baptistery, a deacon and acolytes reverently carry the vessel of water to
the font.
After the people have been sprinkled, the bishop returns to the 117 See RM, EV, nos. 48-49.
chair. The profession of faith is omitted, and the bishop, standing with- 118 See RM. EV, no. 51.
n9 See RM, Ritual Masses, I. Ouistian Initiation, 3. Baptism.
uo See RM, EV, no. 56.
121 See RM, Solemn Blessings, no. 6, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday.
112 See RClA. no. 224 (U.S. ed., no. 230); RBC, no. 64. 1u See RBC, no. 70 and nos. 247-249.
11s See RBC, no. 28,3.
11• See RClA, nos. 22.5-229 (U.S. ed., nos. 231-235).
371 The fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost are celebrated in
joyful exultation as one feast day, or better as one "great Sunday:'123
These above all others are the days for the singing of the Al
On Easter Sunday, wherever it is in force, the custom should
be continued of celebrating a ''baptismal" evening prayer, that is, a
celebra- tion in which the psalms are sung during a procession to the
372 The Easter candle is lighted for Mass and morning prayer and
eve ning prayer of all the more solemn liturgical celebrations of this
season. After the feast of Pentecost, the Easter candle should be kept in
the bap tistery with due honor; during the celebration of baptism, the
candles given to the newly baptized are lighted from it.124
The water blessed at the Easter Vigil is used throughout the Easter
season in the celebration of baptism.125
373 The first eight days of the Easter season make up the octave of
Easter and are celebrated as solemnities of the Lord. At the end of Mass
a double Alleluia is added to the usual dismissal formulary, to which all
reply, Thanks be to God, alleluia, alleluia 26
374 Wherever there are neophytes, the Easter season, and particularly
the first week, is the period of postbaptismal catechesis or mystagogy.
The community shares with them a deepening understanding of the
paschal mystery and an ever greater assimilation of it in daily life through
meditation, participation in the eucharist, and the practice of charity. The
main setting of this period is the Sunday Masses of Easter, because these
celebrations include particularly suitable readings from the Lectionary for
Mass, especially the readings for Year A, which are to be explained in
375 On the fortieth day after Easter or, where it is not a holy day of
obligation, on the Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Ascension of the Lord
•u Atha.nasius, Epist. festal., 1: PG 26, 1366. See GNLYC, no. 22: DOL 442, no. 3788.
m See RM, Proper of Seasons, Pentecost, =bric printed at the end of the Mass during the
12.1 See RBC, Ouistian britiation, General Introduction, no. 21: DOL 294, no. 2Z70. See RCIA, p.
377 Apart from those seasons having their own distinctive character, 381 On the rogation and ember days the practice of the Church is to
thirty-three or thirty-four weeks remain in the yearly cycle that do not offer prayers to the Lord for the needs of all people, especially for the
celebrate a particular element of the mystery of Christ. Rather, productivity of the earth and for human labor, and to give the Lord
especially on the Sundays, these weeks are devoted to the mystery of pub
Christ in its entirety. This period is known as Ordinary Time.12a lic
378 Ordinary Time begins on Monday after the Sunday following
6 January and continues until Tuesday before Ash Wednesday 382 In order to adapt the rogation and ember days to various regions
inclusive. It begins again on Monday after Pentecost and ends and the different needs of the people, the conference of bishops should
before Evening Prayer Iof the First Sunday of Advent.l29 arrange the time and plan of their celebration.
Consequently, the competent authority should lay down norms,
379 Since Sunday is the first holy day of all, the nucleus and founda in view of local conditions, determining whether such celebrations should
tion of the liturgical year,130 the bishop should ensure that, in view of involve one or several days and whether they should be repeated
nos. 228-230 of this Ceremonial, on the Sundays in Ordinary Time the dur
proper Sunday liturgy is celebrated, even when such Sundays are days ing the
to which special themes are assigned. year. 133
380 For the pastoral advantage of the people, it is permissible to ob 383 It is important that in each diocese, after taking into account
serve on the Sundays in Ordinary Trme those celebrations that fall dur local circumstances and customs, the bishop take great care that suitable
ing the week and have special appeal to the devotion of the faithful, means are found to preserve the liturgy of the rogation and ember
provided these celebrations take precedence over the Sundays in the days and to devote the liturgy of these days to the ministry of charity.
table of liturgical days. The Mass for such celebrations may be used at In this way the devotion of the people of God will be fostered and their
all the Masses at which a congregation is present.131 perception of the mystery of Christ deepened.
384 On each day of these celebrations the Mass should be one of the
128 See GNLYC, no. 43: DOL 442, no. 3809. votive Masses for various needs and occasions that is best suited to the
129 See GNLYC, no. 44: DOL 442, no. 3810. intentions of the petitioners.134
130 See SC, art. 106: DOL 1, no. 106. See GNLYC, no. 4: DOL 442, no. 3770.
See GNLYC, no. 58: DOL 442, no. 3809. See the Table of Liturgical Days in Appendix nof this
Clrtmonial (also in DOL 442, no. 3825). 132 SeeGNLYC, no. 45: DOL 442, no. 3811.
m See GNLYC, no. 46: DOL 442, no. 3812.
1H See GNLYC, no. 47: DOL 442, no. 3813.
or in other convenient places.136
389 After the communion of the faithful, the deacon places the mon m See HCWE, nos. 101-102: DOL ZJ9, no.
strance on the altar, then reverently places the consecrated host in it. The 2221.
bishop and the deacons assisting him genuflect and return t the chair 131 See HCWE, no. 105.
(cathedra), where the bishop says the prayer after commuruon.
CELEBRATIONS OF THE MYSTElUES OF THE LORD tom in regard to the decoration of the streets and the order to be followed
by the faithful who take part.
next, the clergy; deacons of the Mass; canons and presbyters, wearing In the course of the procession there may be stations where eucha
copes; concelebrants; visiting bishops, wearing copes; the minister car ristic benediction is given, if there is such a custom and some pastoral
rying the bishop's pastoral staff; two censerbearers carrying censers with advantage recommends it. Songs and prayers should be planned with
burning incense; the bishop carrying the blessed sacrament; a little be the purpose of expressing the faith of the participants and keeping their
hind him the two deacons assisting him; the ministers who assist with attention centered on the Lord alone.139
the book and the miter. All carry candles, and torchbearers escort the
blessed sacrament. 393 Itis fitting that the procession go from one church to another. But,
Whether or not a baldachin (canopy) is held over the bishop as when local circumstances require, the procession may return to the church
he carries the blessed sacrament depends on local custom. where it began.t4o
H the bishop is unable to carry the blessed sacrament, he should
walk in the procession immediately before the priest carrying the blessed 394 At the end of the procession, eucharistic benediction is given in
sacrament. The bishop is vested and walks with head uncovered, carry the church where the procession ends or in some other suitable place.
ing the pastoral staff, but not blessing as he walks. The ministers, deacons, and presbyters on entering the sanctuary
Other bishops present for the procession vest in choir dress and (chancel) go directly to their places. When the bishop has gone up to
take their places in the processi()n after the one carrying the blessed the altar, he remains standing, and the deacon on his right takes the
sac rament, in the order indicated in no. 1100 of this Ceremonial. mon
strance from the bishop and places it on the altar. Then the bishop, to
392 The procession should be arranged in accordance with local cus gether with the deacon, genuflects and, laying aside the humeral veil,
After incense has been placed in the censer and blessed, the
bishop takes the censer from a deacon, bows with the deacons and incenses the blessed sacrament, swinging the censer back and forth
assisting him, three times. After bowing once more to the blessed sacrament, the bishop
returns the censer to the deacon. During the incensation the hymn Tan-
m See HCWE, no. 104. tum ergo Sacramentum or some other eucharistic hymn is sung. .
1co See HCWE, no. 107. Then the bishop rises and says, Let us pray. A short pause for 51-
lent prayer follows. If necessary, a minister holds the book open before
128 the bishop, who then corttinues with the prayer Lord Jesus Chri t, you
gave us the eucharist or some other prayer from Holy Commumon and
Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass.
After the prayer, the bishop receives the humeral veil, goes up to
the altar and genuflects. Then, assisted by the deacon, he takes the mon
strance, holds it elevated in both hands, which are covered with the hu
meral veil, and, facing the people, makes the sign of the cross insilence.
After the blessing, the deacon takes the monstrance from the
bishop and places it on the altar. The bishop and deacon genuflect.
Then, while the bishop remains kneeling in front of the altar, the deacon
rever ently takes the blessed sacrament to the chapel of reservation.
As circumstances suggest, after the blessing, the people may sing
an acclamation.
The procession returns to the vesting room (sacristy) in the usual
ALL SOULS ister gives a brief introduction to the rite of sprinkling carried out for
the dead.
395 The Church offers the eucharistic sacrifice and its own 401 While a suitable song from the Order of Christian Funerals 144 is sung,
intercession for the dead not only at their funerals and anniversaries the bishop, with miter and pastoral staff, goes to the burial sites and,
but also in the yearly remembrance of all the sons and daughters of after laying aside the pastoral staff, sprinkles them with holy water and
the Church who sleep in Christ. The Church seeks to help the faithful incenses them. Then, after laying aside the miter, he says one of the
departed by ear nest prayer to God for their entry into the communion prayers chosen from those given in the Order of Christian Funerals.145 The
of the saints in heaven. In this way, because of the communion of all dismissal follows in the usual way.
Christ's members with one another, the Church obtains spiritual help
for the dead and 402 The bishop may use this rite even outside Mass. In this case he
II brings the consolation of hope to the living.141 wears a purple cope and the simple miter; the blessing of the graves fol
lows a liturgy of the word, celebrated by use of elements from the Funeral
396 In celebrating this commemoration the bishop should be intent on Liturgy outside Mass, as.described in the Order of Christian Funerals.146
affirming Christian hope for eternal life, but in such a way that he does
not give the impression of a disregard or contempt for attitudes or prac 403 The rite of sprinkling and incensing of burial sites just described
tices of the people of his diocese in regard to the dead. In such matters is for use only in a place where the bodies of the deceased actually lie
as family traditions, local customs, burial societies, he should willingly buried.
acknowledge whatever he perceives to be good and try to transform
what ever seems alien to the Gospel. Then the funeral ceremonies for
Chris tians will both manifest paschal faith and be true examples of the u• See RF, nos. 145-166 and 187-191; see OCF, Part m, 16, no. 347 and Part V, 20, no. 403.
spirit of the Gospel.142 145 See RF, nos. 170-V6; see OCF, Part V, 20, no. 398.
146 See RE no. 45; see OCF, nos. 301-306.
397 On All Souls there are no flowers on the altar, and the use of
the organ and other instruments is permitted only to sustain the
399 At. the cemetery, in churches where the dead are buried, at the en
trance to burial vaults, or at the tombs of the bishops of the diocese, Mass
may be followed by the sprinkling and incensing of burial sites, as
described in the following paragraphs.
400 After the prayer after communion, the bishop puts on the simple
miter, and either he or a deacon or a concelebrant or other suitable min-
* See The Roman Ritual, Rite of Funerals (hereafter, RF), no. 1: DOL 416, no. 3373. In the English
,I edition of 1985, The Roman Ritual, Order ofCJtristUm Flmemls (hereafter, OCF), nos. 1-13.
• See RF, no. 2: DOL 416, no. 3374. See OCF, nos. 9-10.
1 2
1., See MS, no. 66: AAS 59 (1967), p. 319; DOL 508, no. 4187.
404 The bishop is the chief steward of the mysteries of God and the
overseer of all liturgical life in the Church entrusted to his care.1He
there fore regulates the conferral of baptism, which brings with it a
share in Christ's royal priesthood, and he is the primary minister of
confirma tion.2 The bishop also has responsibility for the entire process
of Chris tian initiation, a responsibility he carries out either personally
or through the presbyters, deacons, and catechists of his diocese.
Ecclesiastical tradition has viewed pastoral responsibility in this re
gard to be so peculiarly the bishop's own as to declare without
qualifica tion, in the words of Ignatius of Antioch: "It is not permitted
to baptize without the authorization of the bishop:'3
There is special reason for the bishop to be involved in the Chris
tian initiation of adults and to celebrate its principal steps. And he
should exercise his ministry in the sacraments of initiation for both
adults and
children at the solemn celebration of the Easter Vigil and, as far as pos
sible, during pastoral visitations.4
405 Apart from cases of necessity, the bishop is not to celebrate the
sac raments of Christian initiation in chapels or private homes; rather,
as a rule, he is to celebrate these sacraments in the cathedral church
or in parish churches so that the Christian community can take part
in the celebration.
406 In person or through his delegate, the bishop sets up, regulates,
and promotes the program of pastoral formation for catechumens and
admits the candidates to their election and to the sacraments. It is hoped
that, presiding if possible at the Lenten liturgy, he will himself celebrate
the rite of election and, at the Easter Vigil, the sacraments of initiation,
at least for the initiation of those who are fourteen years old or older.
SACRAMENTS See RCIA, no. 112 (U.S. ed., no. 125).
See RCIA, no. 113 (U.S. ed., no. 126).
407 The bishop may therefore rightly reserve to himself the rite
of elec tion or enrol ent of names and also, in keeping with
circumstances, the presentation of the Creed and of the Lord's
Prayer, as well as the act_ual celebration of the sacraments of
initiation from the Litany of the Samts to the end, but with the
assistance of presbyters and deacons as will be indicated in this
chapter. When the bishop chooses to pre;ide at any of the other
rites belonging to Christian initiation, he does so in
the manner indicated in the Rite of Christian Initiation of
See ROA, Introduction, no. 12.
See ROA, nos. 105-124 (U.S. ed., nos. 118-137).
See RCIA, nos. 106-107 (U.S. ed., nos. U9-120).
When celebrated at a time other than the First Sunday of 414 After the presentation, the bishop directs that the
Lent, the rite begins with the liturgy of the word, and the candidates be called. One by one, the candidates and their
readings may be those of the First Sunday of Lent 10 or others godparents are called by name. Each candidate, accompanied by
that are thought suitable. a godparent (or godparents), comes forward and stands before
Mass for the election or enrollment of names may be the bishopP
celebrated on any day except those listed in nos. 1-4 of the table
of liturgical days. 415 When all have come before him, the bishop, seated at the
The vestments for Mass are chair and wearing the miter, asks the godparents for their
purple.11 testimony and the candidates for a declaration of their intention
to proceed to the recep tion of the sacraments of Christian
411 The preparation of the bishop, concelebrants, and other initiation. When the candidates have done so, he invites them to
ministers, their entry into the church, the introductory rites and give their names.
liturgy of the word up to and including the gospel reading take
place in the usual way. 416 During the actual inscription of their names a suitable song
is sung,
412 The homily should be suited to the actual situation and for example, Psalm 16
should ad dress not just the catech1;1mens but the entire (15) .14
community of the faithful, so that all will be encouraged to give
good example and to accompany the elect along the path of the
paschal mystery.12 to See nos. 22-24 (Proper of Seasons, First Sunday of Lent) and 744 {Ritual Masses, I.
Chris tian Initiation, 1. Order of Catechumens and Christian Initiation, On the day of election
or enroll ment of names).
413 After the homily, the profession of faith is omitted. The 11 See GIRM, no. 330: DOL 208, no. 1720. See Appendix II of this Ceremonial.
priest in charge of the catechumens' initiation, or a deacon, a 12 See ROA, no. 116 (U.S. ed., no. 129).
catechist, or a representative of the community presents the ts See ROA, no. 117 (U.S. ed., no. 130).
candidates to the bishop, who is seated at the chair, wearing the 14 See RCIA, nos. 118-119 (U.S. ed., nos. 131-132).
.436 The parish priest (pastor) or another presbyter goes with the min
The presbyter welcomes the children and carries out those Isters t the door of the church and carries out the rite of reception
rites that precede the li of the or?-; he also says the of the children as set out in the Rite of Baptism for Children.
prayer of exorcism and does th: p eba tismal. anomting. After
the baptism, the presbyter does the anomting With chrism, the 437 er all have taken their place in the church, the bishop puts
clothing with the baptismal garment the giving of the lighted aside t e rmter d stands. T e penitential rite and Kyrie are
candle, and the ephphetha rite. ' omitted, and the b1sho.p begms the Glorza, when called for by
the rubrics, and says the openmg prayer.
Celebration of baptism within
43? he bishop, the presbyters who, as is fitting, are to
concelebrate w1t him, and the deacons put on the vestments
for Mass, which are h1te or of another festive color. If there
is to be communion under both kmds, a large enough cup
should be provided.
435 er the usual entrance into the church, the bishop first
puts aside
!he rmter and pastoral staff, then with the presbyters, deacons,
and min
sters, reverences the altar and, as circumstances suggest, may
It. Then he goes to the chair (cathedra) and greets the people
then puts
on the miter and sits.
CHRISTIAN INITIATION to which the parents and godparents go at the appointed
438 The liturgy of the word follows, with the homily being During these arrangements, if this can be done in a proper
given by the bishop. The profession of faith is omitted, since the man
parents and god parents will make a profession of faith later, ner, a suitable song is sung, for example, Psalm 23
to which the bishop and the community will join their assent. (22).
439 The bishop introduces the general intercessions. When 441 At the font or the place where the rite of baptism is to be
these are over, the bishop remains standing at the chair as a carried out, the bishop introduces this part of the celebration by
presbyter says the prayer of exorcism and carries out the reminding the assembly of the wonderful plan of God, who
prebaptismal anointing. chose to make both body and soul holy by means of water.
Then, laying aside the pastoral staff and miter, the bishop
440 After the anointing, the bishop takes the miter and pastoral faces
staff, and a procession to the baptistery is formed if the the font and says the blessing of water that corresponds to the
baptistery is outside the church or out of sight of the liturgical
congregation. Those to be baptized, the parents, and the se
godparents follow the bishop in the procession to the as
baptistery. , on.
But if, instead, a vessel of baptismal water has been 29
prepared in
a place visible to the congregation, the bishop and the parents 442 The bishop then sits and, after taking the miter and pastoral
and god staff, addresses the parents and godparents with the questions
parents with the children go there. The others remain in pertaining to the renunciation of sin and the profession of
their place. faith.30
If the baptistery is not large enough to accommodate all
present, 443 After the renunciation of sin and the profession of faith, the
the baptism may be celebrated in a more suitable place in the bishop lays aside the pastoral staff, rises, and baptizes the
church, children. If a large number are to be baptized, priests and
deacons are to join in baptizing the children.31
26 See Appendix ill of this Cemnonial. 29 See RBC, nos. 53-55, 223-224.
27 See LM, nos. 756-760 (Ritual Masses, I.Christian Initiation, 2. Christian Initiation of 30 See RBC, nos. 18b, 56-59.
)t See RBC, nos. 60-61.
uSee Appendix TI of this Ceremoni41.
142 143
SACRAMENTS 445 Unless the baptism has taken place in the sanctuary, a
procession to the altar follows, in which the bishop precedes the
444 After the baptisms, the bishop sits, wearing the miter, and newly baptized and the parents and godparents, and the lighted
recites candles are carried for the baptized.33
the prescribed formularies from the Rite of Baptism for Children as the
parish 446 The profession of faith is omitted, and Mass continues in the
priest (pastor) or another presbyter carries out the anointing with usual way. It is fitting that during the song for the presentation of
chrism, the gifts (offer tory song) the bread and the wine and water for
the clothing with a baptismal garment, the presentation of a lighted the celebration of the eucharist be brought forward by some of the
candle, and, if this is used, the ephphetha rite.32 parents and godparents of the newly baptized.
The eucharistic prayer should include the intercessions
(interpola tions) provided in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary) for CHRISTIAN INITIATION
the newly baptized and their godparents (Ritual Masses, I. Christian
Initiation, 3. Baptism).
The parents, godparents, and relatives of the newly baptized
Celebration of baptism outside
may receive communion under both kinds. Mass
449 The bishop vests in alb, pectoral cross, stole, and a cope of
447 For the blessing at the end of Mass the bishop may festive color; presbyters wear a stole over either a surplice and
appropriately use one of the formularies provided in the Rite of
Baptism for Children.34 cassock or over an alb; a deacon may appropriately wear a
The mothers, holding their children, and the fathers stand dalmatic.
before the bishop. The bishop stands facing them, wearing the
miter, and says, 450 After the usual entrance into the church, the bishop reverences
The Lord be with you.35 A deacon may then say the invitation the altar, goes to the chair (cathedra), greets the people, then
before the sits.
blessing; with hands outstretched over the people, the bishop
says the 451 The rite of reception of the children is carried out by a
inv cations of the blessing. He then takes.the pastoral staff and presbyter at the door of the church, in the manner set out in the
says, May almighty God bless you, and makes the stgn of the cross Rite of Baptism for Children.
three times over the people.
For the blessing the bishop may also use one of the 452 When all have taken their proper place, a celebration of the
formularies provided in this Ceremonial, nos. 1120-1121. word of God follows, with the homily given by the bishop. All
else is done as already set out in nos. 435-445.
448 Then the deacon dismisses the people, saying, The Mass is
453 After the celebration of baptism, when all have gathered
go in peace (or one of the other formulas), and all reply, Thanks be around the altar, the bishop lays aside the miter and introduces the
to God Lord's Prayer, which he then says with all present.
454 Again putting on the the miter, the bishop gives the
blessing in the manner already indicated in no. 447. The
See RBC, nos. 62-66. celebration ends with the singing of the Canticle of Mary or
» See RBC, no. 67. some other suitable song.
,. See RBC, nos. 29, 5; 70, or nos. 247-249.
ss See RBC, no. 70.
455 The ordinary minister of confirmation is the bishop.
Normally a bishop confers the sacrament so that there will be a
clearer reference to the first pouring forth of the Holy Spirit on
Pentecost:after the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, they
themselves gave the Spirit to the faithful through the laying on of
hands. Thus the reception of the Spirit through the ministry of
the bishop shows the close bond that joins the confirmed to the
Church and the mandate received from Christ to bear witness to
him before all.36
SACRAMENTS ' See RC, no. 19: DOL 305, no. 2526.
Confirmation within
458 It is eminently fitting that the bishop celebrate this Mass. The pres
byters who are to assist him in conferring confirmation should con
celebrate with him. Hence the bishop and the presbyters wear the
required Mass vestments.
But if the Mass is celebrated by someone other than the bishop,
it is proper that he preside over the liturgy of the word and that he give
the blessing at the end of Mass, in the manner described earlier in nos.
175-185. In this case the bishop is vested in alb, pectoral cross, stole,
and cope of the color appropriate to the Mass; he wears a miter and
carries the pastoral staff. If the presbyters who are to assist the bishop
in con-
See RC, no. 8, a and b (as emended in accord with OC).
CHRISTIAN INITIATION 463 After the homily, the bishop, seated and with the miter and pas
toral staff, addresses the candidates standing before him with the ques
£erring confirmation do not concelebrate, they wear a stole tions pertaining to the renewal of their baptismal promises.44 He
over a sur accepts
plice and cassock or over an alb and, if circumstances
suggest, a cope.
l9 See Appendix ill of this Ceremonial.
40 See LM, nos. 764-768 (Ritual Masses, 1. Christian Initiation, 4. Confinnation).
459 On days when ritual Masses are permitted,3 the ritual " See Appendix ll of this Ceremonial.
Mass for confirmation (RM, Ritual Masses, I. Christian 42
See RC, no. 21.
Initiation, 4. Confirmation), with its proper readings,4 may be 03
See RC, no. 22.
celebrated. The vestments for the Mass are red or white or.of •• See RC, no. 23.
some other festive color.
If the ritual Mass is not celebrated, one of the 147
readings may be taken from those provided in the
Lectionary for Mass for the ritual Mass
On the days listed in nos. 1-4.of the table of liturgical
days,41 the
Mass of the day, with its readings, is
The final blessing proper to the ritual Mass may always
be used.
461 After the gospel reading, the bishop, wearing the miter,
sits in his usual chair or in the special chair prepared for the
occasion . The pres byters assisting him in the confirmation
take seats near him.
The parish priest (pastor) or another presbyter,
deacon, or cate
chist presents the candidates for confirmation, according to
the custom of the region . If possible, each candidate is
called by name and comes individually to the sanctuary. If
the candidates are children, they are ac companied by one
of their sponsors or parents and stand before the bishop.
If there are very many candidates, they are not called by
name, but simply take a suitable place in front of the
their profession of faith by proclaiming the faith of the Church, to 470 The Creed is not said, since there has already been a profession
which all in the assembly respond with some acclamation or song of faith. Mass continues in the usual way.
expressing their assent. It is appropriate that during the song for the presentation of the
gifts (offertory song) some of those confirmed bring up the bread and
464 Then, putting aside the miter and pastoral staff, the bishop stands the wine and water for the celebration of the eucharist.
(and the presbyters he has associated with himself to confer confirma The eucharistic prayer-includes the intercessions (interpolations)
tion stand near him). He faces the people and, with hands joined, gives provided in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary) for those confirmed
the invitation My dear friends. All pray in silence for a brief period . (Ritual Masses, I. Christian Initiation, 4. Confirmation).
45 The bishop (and the presbyters who will minister confirmation
The newly confirmed, their sponsors, parents, wives and hus
with him) lays (lay) hands upon all the candidates. But the bishop bands, catechists, and relatives may receive communion under both
alone kinds.49
says the prayer All-powerful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 6
471 For the final blessing of the Mass the bishop should use the sol
465 Then the bishop sits and takes the miter. The deacon brings the emn blessing or the pray r over the people provided in The Roman
vessel or vessels of chrism to the bishop. When there are presbyters to Pontifical.50
assist the bishop in giving the anointing, the deacon brings all the ves The newly confirmed stand in front of the bishop. The bishop,
sels of holy chrism to the bishop, and each of the presbyters assisting standing and wearing the miter, says, The Lord be with you. Then one
him in turn receives the vessel of chrism from the bishop. of the deacons may give the invitation before the blessing. With hands
outstretched over the people, the bishop says the invocations belonging
466 Each candidate goes to the bishop (or to a presbyter), or, if to the blessing. Then he takes the pastoral staff and says, May almighty
circum stances suggest, the bishop, with miter and staff, (and the God bless you, and makes the sign of the cross three times over the
presbyters) may go to the individual candidates. people.
The one who presented the candidate places his or her right The bishop may also use one of the formularies provided in nos.
hand on the candidate's shoulder and gives the candidate's name to the 1120-1121 to bestow the blessing.
bishopi or the candidate may give his or her own name.47
472 Then the deacon dismisses the people, saying, The Mass is ended,
467 The bishop (or presbyter) dips his right thumb into the chrism and go inpeace (or one of the other formulas), and all reply, Thanks be to God
makes the sign of the cross on the forehead of the one to be confirmed, .
as he says the sacramental formulary. When the candidate has
responded, Amen, the bishop (or presbyter) adds, Peace be with you,
and the newly confirmed responds, And also with you . During the Confirmation outside
anointing a suit able song may be sung.48 Mass
468 After the anointing, the bishop (and the presbyters) washes his 473 The bishop vests in alb, pectoral cross, and stole and cope of fes
hands (wash their hands). tive colori he wears the miter and carries the pastoral staff. Presbyters
associated with the bishop as ministers of confirmation wear a stole of
469 Then the bishop, standing and without the miter, introduces the festive color over surplice and cassock or over an alb, and, as circum
general intercessions and says the concluding prayer. stances suggest, also a cope of festive color. Deacons wear alb and
stole, and other ministers wear an alb or other lawfully approved
vesture .
45 See RC, no. 24.
474 When the candidates, their sponsors and parents, and the whole
46 See RC, no. 25.
assembly have gathered, the bishop with the presbyters, deacons, and
4'1 See RC, nos. 26 and 28.
other ministers proceed to the sanctuary (chancel) as a suitable song is sung.
After reverencing the altar, the bishop goes to the chair, where he lays aside SACRAlvffiNT OF HOLY ORDERS
the pastoral staff and miter, then greets the people. Then he says the opening
prayer, God of power and mercy (or one of the other prayers provided in The lNTRODUCIION
Roman Pontifical).
478 "For the shepherding and continual increase of the people of God,
475 The celebration of the word of God, the presentation of the candi dates, Christ the Lord instituted in his Church various ministries that work to
the homily, and the rest follow, as provided in nos. 461-469. gether for the good of the whole Body."51
"Christ, whom the Father has sanctified and sent into the world,
476 After the general intercessions, which the bishop may introduce with a through his apostles has made their successors, the bishops, sharers in his
suitable invitation, the Lord's Prayer is said by all. Then the bishop adds the consecration and mission. They in tum have lawfully handed on to different
prayer God, our FatheJ:. individuals in the Church in varying degrees a participation in this ministry.
Thus the divinely established ecclesiastical ministry is exer cised at different
477 The bishop imparts the blessing in the manner described in no. levels j;,y those who from antiquity have been called bishops, presbyters,
471. Then the deacon dismisses the people, saying, Go in peace, and all and deacons."52
reply, Thanks be to God. Marked with the fullness of the sacrament of orders, bishops are
stewards of the grace of the high priesthood, and, in union with their
college of presbyters, they govern the particular Churches entrusted to
them as vicars and legates of Christ.53
"Even though they do not possess the fullness of the priesthood
and in the exercise of their power are subordinate to the bishops, pres byters
are nevertheless linked to the bishops in priestly dignity. By vir tue of the
sacrament of orders, in the image of Christ the eternal High
Priest, they are consecrated to preach the Gospel, to shepherd the faith ful,
and to celebrate divine worship as true priests of the New Testament:'54 ''lU a
lower level of the hierarchy are deacons, who receive the lay
ing on of hands, not unto priesthood, but for a ministry of service.
Strengthened by sacramental grace, they have as their service for the
people of God, in communion with the bishop and his college of pres byters,
the diakonia of liturgy, word, and charity:'55
479 The rite of admission is a rite by which one who aspires to ordina tion as
deacon or presbyter publicly manifests his will to offer himself to God and
the Church so that he may exercise a sacred order. The Church
150 151
SACRAMENTS admitted into the ranks
of candidates for the diaconate or
in accepting this offering chooses and calls him to prepare presbyterate.56
himself to re ceive a sacred order. In this way he is properly Professed members of a clerical religious institute who
aspire to 319, no. 2576.
the priesthood are not bound to the celebration of 57 See The Roman PonHfical, Part ID, Ordination of Deacons, Priests, and Bishops,
ch. 7, Admission
this rite. to Candidacy for Ordination as Deacons and Priests (hereafter, AC),
Introduction, nos. 1-2.
48() The rite of admission is celebrated when the ,. See AC, no. 3.
candidates have reached a maturity of purpose and are "See LM, nos. 77s:r79 (Ritual Masses, ill. Admission to Candidacy for
Ordination as Deacons and Priests).
shown to have the necessary quali fications. 60 See Appendix U of this O:renumial.
Depending on the status of ·the candidate, the rite is
either by the bishop or by the major superior of a clerical
religious in stitute.57
56 See Paul VI, Motu Proprio Ad pascend11m, laying down norms regarding the
order of diaconate,
15 August 1972: AAS 64 (1972), p. 538; DOL
485 After the gospel reading, the bishop gives the homily; he
may, ac cording to circumstances, do so seated in the bishop's
chair (cathedra) and with miter and pastoral staff. He concludes
the homily with the words provided in The Roman Pontifical
or other similar words.62
488 Putting aside the pastoral staff and miter, the bishop
stands and all stand with him. If called for by the rubrics, the
profession of faith is said. Then the bishop invites the faithful
to pray, saying, Brothers and sisters, let us ask our God and
Lord. The deacon or other suitable minis ter proclaims the
intentions, and all respond with an appropriate accla mation .
Then the bishop says the concluding prayer, Lord, hear our
prayers or Lord, help your servants.65
But if the rite takes place within a celebration of the word, the
bishop greets and blesses the faithfut and the deacon dismisses them,
saying, Go in peace, and all reply, Thanks be to God 6
490 "Candidates for the permanent diaconate and for the transitional
diaconate, as well as candidates for the presbyterate itself, are to
receive the ministries of reader and acolyte, unless they have already
done so, and are to exercise them for a suitable period, in order to be
better dis posed for the future service of the word and of the altar '67
The rite of institution of readers and acolytes is described in nos.
790-820 of this
491 The ordination of deacons and presbyters and especially the ordi
nation of a bishop should take place in the presence of as large a
gather ing of the faithful as possible, on a Sunday or feast day, unless
pastoral reasons suggest another day. Thus, for example, the ordination
of a bishop might be celebrated on the feast of an apostle.68
494 When ordinations are celebrated on any day except those listed in
nos. 1-4 of the table of liturgical days69 or the feast of an apostle, the
Mass may be arranged in the following manner:
'7Paul VI, Motu Proprio Ad pascendum , laying down nonns regarding the order of diaconate,
15 August 1972: AAS 64 (1972), p. 539; DOL 319, no. 2582.
"See TheRoman Pontifical, Part m, Ordination of Deacons, Priests, and Bishops, ch. 8,
Ordination of Deacons (hereafter, 00), Introduction, no. 1; ch. 10, Ordination of Priests (hereafte.t;
OP), Introduc tion, no. 1; ch. 12, Ordination of a Bishop (hereafter, OB), Introduction, no. 1.
69 See Appendix II of this Ceremoniol.
501 When all the candidates are in their places before the bishop, the
presbyter designated by the bishop presents them, using the words provided in
The Roman Pontifical. The bishop concludes the presentation by saying, We
rely on the help of the Lord God, and all reply, Thanks be to God, or give
SACRAMENT OF HOlY ORDERS If the gesture mentioned seems less suitable in some places, the
conference of bishops may choose another gesture or sign.78
504 Then the candidates manifest their intention of a commitment to
celibacy by answering, I am, to the question put by the bishop, or by some 507 Putting aside the mite1; the bishop stands, and all stand with him. He
external sign determined by the conference of bishops. faces the people and, with hands joined, invites them to pray: My dear
. .The bis op ends by saying, May the Lord help you to persevere m this people, let us pray. The deacon says, let us kneel.The bishop kneels before his
commxtment . The candidates answer, Amen ?6 chair, the candidates prostrate themselves, the others in the assembly kneel at
their places.
505 Then the candidates for the diaconate who are not obliged to make the But during the Easter season and on Sundays the deacon does not say,
commitment to celibacy come forward. As the candidates stand be fore him, Let us kneel, and all in the assembly remain standing, except the candidates,
the bishop questions them all together in the words provided in The Roman who prostrate themselves.
Pontifical (no. 15), including the question on the celebra tion of the liturgy of The cantors then begin the Litany of the Saints; they may add, at the
the hours.77 proper places, names of other saints (for example, the patron saint, the titular
of the church, the founder of the church, the patron saints of those to be
ordained); they may also add petitions suitable to the oc casion, since the
506 The bishop then puts aside the pastoral staff. Each of the candi dates goes litany takes the place of the general intercessions?9
to the bishop and, kneeling before him, places his joined hands between those
of the bishop.
The bishop asks from each a promise of obedience by using one of the 508 After the litany, the bishop alone stands and, with hands out
formularies given in The Roman Pontifical. stretched, says the prayer Lord God, hear our petitions . At the end of
156 157
him. He places the Book of the Gospels in the hands of each one and says,
Receive the Gospel of Christ •
this prayer the deacon (if he had given the invitation to kneel before the 513 Lastly, the bishop stands and gives the kiss of peace to each of the new
litany) says, Let us stand, and all stand.8o deacons, saying, Peace be with you .The deacon responds, .And also with you .
If circumstances permit, other deacons present also give the kiss
509 One by one, the candidates go to the bishop and kneel before him. The of peace to the newly ordained as a sign of their being joined in the or der of
bishop, wearing the miter, lays his hands on the head of each, in silence.81 the diaconate.
Meanwhile, Psalm 146 (145) with its antiphon or some other suit
510 The bishop then puts aside the miter. The candidates kneel before the
able song may be sung.ss
bishop, who, with hands outstretched, sings or says the prayer of
consecration.82 514 When called for by the rubrics, the profession of faith is said; the general
intercessions are omitted.
511 After the prayer of consecration, the bishop, wearing his miter, sits, and
the newly ordained stand. Some of the deacons assisting him or presbyters 515 In the liturgy of the eucharist the Order of Mass is followed. Some of the
put a deacon's stole and then a dalmatic on each of the newly ordained. new deacons bring the gifts for the celebration to the bishop, and at least one
Meanwhile, Psalm 84 (83) with its antiphon or some other suit able song may of them assists him at the altar.
be sung. The singing continues until dalmatics have been put on all the
newly ordained.83
eo See 00, no. 19. at See
512 Vested as deacons, the newly ordained go to the bishop and kneel before OD, no. 20. az See OD, no.
.,See OD, nos. 22-23.
M See OD, no. 24.
., See OD, nos. 25-26. 516 InEucharistic Prayer I there is a commemoration of the newly or
dained, by means of the formulary provided in The &man Missal
158 (Sacramentary) among the Ritual Masses (ll. Holy Orders).
517 The new deacons receive communion under both kinds. The dea con
who assists the bishop ·ministers the cup. Some of the new deacons assist the
bishop in giving communion to the people.86
The parents and relatives of the new deacons may also receive com
munion under both kinds.
The concluding rite of the Mass takes place in the usual way.
518 All the presbyters concelebrate with the bishop in their ordination
Mass. It is most fitting that the bishop admit other presbyters to the con
celebration; in this case and on this day the newly ordained presbyters take
the first place ahead of the others who concelebrate.87
519 Those to be ordained wear an alb (with amice and cincture unless other
provisions are made) and deacon's stole. A chasuble should be provided for
each candidate.
The vestments for the Mass should be of the color proper to the
Mass being celebrated, but they may be white or of another festive color.
520 Inaddition to what is listed above and whatever is needed for the
celebration of a stational Mass, the following should be provided:
a. The Roman Pontifical;
b. stoles for nonconcelebrating presbyters who lay hands on the
c. linen apron (gremial);
d. holy chrism;
e. whatever is needed for the bishop and candidates to wash their
f. chair for the bishop, if the ordination does not take place at the
usual chair (cathedra);
g. cup large enough for the concelebrants and others who are to
receive communion under both kinds.88
521 In the entrance procession the candidates follow other deacons and
precede the concelebrating presbyters.89
529 Putting aside the miter, the bishop stands, and all stand with him. He
522 The introductory rites and the liturgy of the word up to and in cluding faces the people and, with hands joined, invites them to pray: My dear people,
the gospel reading take place in the usual way. let us pray.The deacon says, l.£t us kneel. The bishop l_<neels before his chair,
the candidates prostrate themselves, the others m the assembly kneel at their
523 The ordination begins after the gospel reading. The bishop, wear ing the
miter, sits in the chair (cathedra) or in a chair provided for the occasion. But during the Easter season and on Sund ys the d acon does not say,
Let us kneel, and all in the assembly remam standing, except the
524 The candidates are called by the deacon: Those to be ordained
priests, please come forward. Then their names are called by the dea con. candidates, who prostrate themselves.
Each one answers, Present, and goes to the bishop, before whom The cantors then begin the Litany of the Saints; they may add, at
he makes a sign of reverence.9o the proper places, names of other saints (for example, the patron saint, the
titular of the church, the founder of the church, the patron saints of those to
525 When the candidates are in their places before the bishop, the pres byter be ordained); they may also add petitions suitable to the oc-
. . 95
designated by the bishop presents them, in the words provided in The casion, since the litany takes the place oft e general mtercess10ns.
Roman Pontifical.91 The bishop concludes the presentation of can didates by
saying, We rely on the help of the Lord God, and all say, Thanks be to God, or 530 After the litany, the bishop alone stands and, with hands out stretched,
give their assent to the choice in some other way deter mined by the says the prayer Hear us, Lord our God. At the end of.this prayer the deacon (if
conference of bishops. he had given the invitation to kneel before the htany) says,
Let us stand, and all stand.96
526 Then all sit and the bishop, with miter and pastoral staff (unless he
decides otherwise), gives the homily. Taking his theme from the text of the 531 One by one, the candidates go to the bishop and kneel before · The
Mass readings just proclaimed, he addresses the people and the candidates on bishop, wearing the miter, lays his hands on the head of each, m silence.97
the duties of a priest. He may do this in the words provided in The Roman
Pontifical or in his own words:92 532 Next all the concelebrating presbyters and all other presbyters pres ent,
provided they are vested with a stole worn over an b or o er cassock and
527 After the homily, the candidates stand before the bishop, who ques tions
surplice, lay their hands on each of the c dida!es, m.st lence. After the
all of them together, as prescribed in The Roman Pontifica1.93
laying on of hands, the presbyters remam on e1ther stde of the bishop until
528 The bishop then puts aside the pastoral staff. Each of the candi dates the prayer of consecration is completed.98
goes to the bishop and, kneeling before him, places his joined hands between
those of the bishop. 533 The candidates kneel before the bishop.Putting aside the miter and with
The bishop asks from each a promise of obedience by using one of the hands outstretched, he sings or says the prayer of consecration.99
formularies given in The Roman Pontifical.
If the gesture mentioned seems less suitable in some places, the 534 After the prayer of consecration, the bishop, w g the ter, sits, and
conference of bishops may choose another gesture or sign.94 the newly ordained stand. The presbyters asststmg the blShop re-
160 161
SACRAMENTS turn to their places, but some help the newly ordained to arrange the
stole in the manner proper to presbyters and to put on the chasuble.100
535 Next the bishop receives a linen apron (gremial) and anoints with chrism
the palms of each new presbyter as he kneels before him. The bishop says,
The Father anointed . Then the bishop and the newly or dained wash their 541 In Eucharistic Prayer I there is a commemoration of the newly or dained, by
hands.1o1 means of the formulary provided in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary)
among the Ritual Masses (II. Holy Orders).
536 While the newly ordained are being vested in stoles and chasubles, and the
bishop is anointing their hands, the hymn Veni, Creator Spiritus or Psalm 110 542 The parents and relatives of the newly ordained may also receive
(109), with the antiphon provided in The Roman Pontifical, or some other communion under both kin.ds.to6
suitable song is sung.to2 The concluding rite of the Mass takes place in the usual way.
The singing continues until all the newly ordained have returned
537 Next some of the faithful bring up a paten holding the bread and a cup
containing the wine mixed with water for the celebration of Mass. The deacon 543 For the preparation of the candidates and of the celebration, the provisions
receives the paten and chalice and brings them to the bishop, who hands them of nos. 495496 .and 518-520 are to be followed.
to each of the newly ordained as he kneels before him. The bishop says,
Accept from the holy people of God .t03 544 In the entrance procession those to be ordained deacons precede the
deacon carrying the Book of the Gospels; those to be ordained pres byters
538 Lastly, the bishop stands and gives each of the newly ordained the kiss follow the other deacons assisting the bishop and precede the con celebrating
of peace, saying, Peace be with you. The presbyter responds, And also with presbyters.
you .
If circumstances permit, the other presbyters present may also give the 545 The introductory rites and the liturgy of the word up to and in cluding
newly ordained the kiss of peace as a sign of their being joined in the order the gospel reading take place in the usual way.
of the presbyterate .
Meanwhile, Psalm 100 (99), with the antiphon You are my friends, 546 The ordination begins after the gospel reading. The bishop, wear ing the
or the responsory No longer do I call you servants, or some other suit able miter, sits in the chair (cathedra) or in a chair provided for the occasion.
song may be sung.104 The singing continues until all have received
the kiss of peace. 547 The candidates, first for the diaconate, then for the priesthood in the
presbyteral order are called by the deacon and presented, as prescribed in nos.
539 When called for by the rubrics, the profession of faith is said; the 500-501 and nos. 524-525.
general intercessions are omitted.
548 Afterward, all sit, and the bishop, seated and with miter and pas toral
540 In the liturgy of the eucharist the order for the concelebration of Mass staff (unless he decides otherwise), gives the homily. Taking his theme from
is followed, but the preparation of the cup is omitted.1°5 the texts just proclaimed, he addresses the people and the candidates on the
office of deacon and presbyter, and, if there are candi dates for the diaconate
100 See OP, no. 23.
who are to commit themselves to celibacy, he speaks also on the importance
101See OP, no. 24.
and meaning of celibacy in the Church. He may do so in the words provided
See OP, no. 25.
101 in The Roman Pontifical (no. 10) or in his own words.t 08
103 See OP, no. 26. UN See
OP, no. ZJ. 105 See OP, no.
106 See GIRM, no. 242, 13: DOL 208, no. 1632.
107 See TheRomRn Pontifical, Appendix ill,Ordinatio of Deacons and Priests in the Saxne Celebra tion
(hereafter, ODP).
162 101 See ODP, no. 10.
inten tion of a commitment to cehbacy rise and stand before the bishop. He
speaks to them in the words of the invitation provided in The Roman Pon tifical
or in other similar words .to9
549 After the homily, the candidates who are to manifest their
550 The candidates manifest their intention of a commitment to SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS
celibacy by answering, I am, to the question put by the bishop,
or by some exter nal sign determined by the conference of
bishops. 555 The ordination of deacons proceeds in the manner
The bishop ends by saying, May the Lord help you to already indi cated in nos. 509-512, but the kiss of peace is
persevere deferred until after the or dination of presbyters.
in this commitment. The candidates answer,
Amen . 556 The newly ordained deacons return to their places,
and the can didates for priesthood in the presbyteral order
551 Then the candidates for the diaconate who are not obliged to come forward.
make the commitment to celibacy come forward. As the Putting aside the miter, the bishop stands and all stand with him.
candidates stand be fore him, the bishop questions them all He faces the people and, with hands joined, invites them to
together in the words provided in The Roman Pontifical (no. pray: My
ll), including the question on the celebra tion of the liturgy of dear people, let us pray.The deacon says, Let us kneel.The
the hours.uo bishop kneels before his chair, the candidates prostrate
themselves, the others in the assembly kneel at their places.
552 The bishop then puts aside the pastoral staff . Each of the But during the Easter season and on Sundays the deacon does not
candi dates for the diaconate goes to the bishop and, kneeling say, Let us kneel, and all in the assembly remain
before him, places his joined hands between those of the standing.u 4
The bishop asks from each a promise of obedience by 557 The ordination of presbyters follows, in the manner
using one of the formularies given in The Roman Pontifical indicated in
(no. 12). nos
If the gesture mentioned seems less suitable in some .
places, the conference of bishops may choose another gesture 531
or sign.m -
553 After this, those to be ordained deacons move aside, and .
those to be ordained presbyters stand before the bishop, who
questions all of them together. Then each of the candidates for 558 Lastly, the bishop stands and gives the newly ordained,
ordination goes to the bishop and kneels before him. With the first the presbyters, then the deacons, the kiss of peace. If
same gesture and the same formularies indicated in no. 506, the circumstances permit, the other presbyters present may also
bishop asks from each a promise of obedience.112
give the new presbyters the kiss of peace as a sign of their
being joined in the order of the presbyterate; similarly other
554 Putting aside the miter, the bishop stands, and all stand
deacons present may give the new deacons the kiss of peace.
with him. The Litany of the Saints is said with its introduction
Meanwhile, Psalm 100 (99), with the antiphon You are my friends,
and concluding praye as already indicated in nos. 507-508.
or the responsory No longer do I call you servants, or some
After the litany, the candidates for priesthood in the
presbyteral order return to their places, and the ordination of other suit
deacons begins.113 able song
is sung.115
562 The new deacons receive communion under both kinds. The dea The vestments for the Mass should be of the color proper to the
con who assists the bishop ministers the cup. Some of the new deacons Mass being celebrated, but they may be white or of another festive color.
assist the bishop in giving communion to the people.
The parents and relatives of the newly ordained may also receive 568 Besides the requisites for concelebration of a stational Mass,
communion under both kinds.117 there should be ready:
The concluding rite of the Mass takes place in the usual way. a. The Roman
b. copies of the consecratory prayer for the consecrating
c. linen apron (gremial);
563 The ordination of a bishop most appropriately takes place in his
cathedral church. In this case the rite will include the presentation and d. holy chrism;
reading of the apostolic letter and the seating of the newly ordained e. ring, pastoral staff, and miter for the bishop elect;
bishop in the chair of the bishop (cathedra), as indicated in nos. 573 f. cup large enough for the concelebrants and others who will
and 589. re
{'11.1. ceive communion under both kinds.122
564 The principal consecrator must be assisted by at least two other
consecrating bishops, who will also concelebrate the Mass with him 569 As indicated in The'Roman PontificalP 3 the blessing of the ring,
and the bishop-elect. But it is fitting that all the bishops present ordain pas toral staff, and miter ordinarily takes place at a convenient time
the bishop-elect with the principal consecrator.U 8 prior to the ordination service.
565 It is most appropriate for all the consecrating bishops and the 570 Seats for the principal consecrator, consecrating bishops, the
pres byters assisting the bishop-elect to concelebrate the Mass with the bishop-elect, and concelebrating presbyters are arranged as follows:
prin cipal consecrator and the bishop-elect. If the ordination takes a. for the liturgy of the word, the principal consecrator sits at the
place in the bishop-elect's own church, some presbyters of his diocese chair (cathedra), with the consecrating bishops near the chair, on
should also concelebrate.U9 either side; the bishop-elect sits between the presbyters assisting
But the distinction between bishops and presbyters should be him, in an appropriate place within the sanctuary (chancel);
made abundantly clear, even by means of the places they are b. the ordination should usually take place at the chair (cathedra)
assigned. or, to enable the faithful to participate more fully, seats for the
prin cipal consecrator and consecrating bishops may be placed
566 Two presbyters assist the bishop-elect.120 before the altar or elsewhere; seats for the bishop-elect and the
presbyters assisting him should be placed so that the faithful may
567 The principal consecrator and the concelebrating bishops and pres have a com plete view of the liturgical rites.U4
byters wear the vestments required for Mass. The bishop-elect wears all
the priestl vestments, the pectoral cross, and the dalmatic. 571 When everything is ready, the procession moves through the
If the consecrating bishops are not to concelebrate, they wear church to the altar in the usual way.
the alb, pectoral cross, stole, and, as circumstances suggest, cope The bishop-elect, between the presbyters assisting him, follows the
and miter. If the presbyters assisting the bishop-elect are not to concelebrating presbyters and precedes the consecrating bishops.125
concelebrate, they wear a cope over an alb or over surplice and
cassock.l21 572 The introductory rites and the liturgy of the word up to and in
cluding the gospel reading take place in the usual way.
117 See ODP, 3 , no. 6.
no. 34. .
118 See OB, no. 121
2. See
.,. See OB, no. 4. O
120 See OB, no. B
sing of Pontifical Insignia, p. 383. m See OB, no. 9b.
tn us See OB, no. 10.
166 3
573 If the bishop is ordained in his cathedral church, after the greet
The Roman Pontifical, on his resolve to hold fast to the faith and to
ing of the people, one of the deacons or concelebrating presbyters carry out his responsibilities .13o
presents the apostolic letter to the college of diocesan consultors, in the
presence of the chancellor, who records the proceedings. Then the
580 Putting aside their miters, the consecrating bishops stand and all
deacon or pres byter reads the letter at the ambo, as all sit and listen,
and at the end express their assent by saying, Thanks be to God, or by stand with them. The principal consecrator, with hands joined, faces
some other suitable means. the people and invites them t9 pray, saying, My dear people, let us
In newly erecte.d dioceses, the apostolic letter is presented to the pray that .
Then the deacon says, Let us kneel. The prind,pal consecrator and
clergy and people assembled in the cathedral, and the senior presbyter
the consecrating bishops kneel before their chairs, the bishop-elect
present records the proceedings .
pros trates himself, and the others in the assembly kneel.
574 After the gospel reading, the deacon reverently replaces.the Book
But durirtg the Easter season and on Sundays the deacon does not
of the Gospels on the altar, where it remains until-it is held above the say, Let us kneel, and all in the assembly remain standinSt except the
head of the new bishop. bishop-elect, who prostrates himself .
The cantors then begin the Litany of the. Saints; they may add, at
the proper places, names of other saints (for example, the patron saint,
575 The ordination begins after the gospel reading. While all stand,
the hymn ni, Creator Spiritus or another hymn similar to it, depending the titular of the church; the founder of the church, the patron saint of
on local custom, is sung.126 the one to be ordained); they may also add petitions suitable to the oc
casion, since the litany takes the place d the general
576 The principal consecrator and the consecrating bishops, wearing
their miters, go to the seats prepared for the ordination and sit127 581 After the litany, the principal consecrator stands and, with hands
outstretched, says, Lord, be moved . At the end of this prayer, the
577 The bishop-elect is led by the presbyters assisting him to the chair dea con (if he had given the invitation to kneel before the litany)
of the principal consecrator, to whom he makes a sign of reverence.
says; Let us stand, and all stand.132
One of the presbyters assisting him asks the principal consecrator to
proceed with the ordination of the-bishop-elect. The principal
582 The bishop-elect rises, goes to the principal consecrator, and kneels
consecrator orders the reading of the apo.stolic mandate; all sit and
listen and at the end give their assent to the choke by saying, Thanks before him.
be to God, or by some other .suitable means, in accord with local The principal consecrator, wearing the miter, lays his hands upon
custom.tm the head of the bishop-elect, in silence.
ThEm one after another all the bishops go to the bishop-elect and
lay hands on him, in silence, then remain alongside the principal con
578 Then the principal consecrator gives the homily; taking his theme
from the biblical readings just proclaimed, he addresses the clergy, the secrator un the prayer of consecration has been
people . and the bishop-elect on the duties of a bishop. He may do so said.133
in the words provided in The Roman Pontifical or in similar wotds of his
own.129 583 Then the principal consecrator receives the Book of the Gospels
from a deacon and places it, open, upon the head of the bishop-elect;
579 After the homily, the bishop-elect rises and stands in front of the two deacons, standing on either side of the bishop-elect, hold the Book
principal consecrator, who addresses to him the questions indicated of the Gospels above his head until the prayer of consecration is com
See·OB, no. 13.
See OB, no. 14. uo See OB, no. 19.
·;28 See OB, nos. 15- 131 See OB, nos. 20-21.
17. m See OB, no. 22.
m See OB, no. is. t33 See OB, nos. 23-24.
584 Next the principal consecrator puts aside the miter, and the con
secrating bishops, also without miter, remain by his side. With hands (cathedra), and leads him to it. If the ordination takes place infront of the
outstretched he sings or says the prayer of consecration, God the Father of altar, he leads him to the chair provided for the occasion.
our Lord . H the ordination does not take place in the new bishop's own
The part of the prayer from the words So now pour out through the church, he is invited by the principal consecrator to take the first place
words glory and praise of your name is said by all the consecrating bishops, among the concelebrating bishops.ao
with hands joined. .
The rest of the prayer of consecration is said by the principal con 590 The newly ordained sets aside his pastoral staff, rises, and receives
secrator alone. At the conclusion of the prayer all sa Amen.135 the kiss of peace from the principal consecrator and all the other bishops.
After the presentation of the staff and until the end of the ordina tion
585 After the prayer of consecration the deacons remove the Book of the rite, Psalm 96 (95) with its antiphon or some other suitable song may be
Gospels, which they have been holding above the head of the new bishop. sung.141
One of them holds the book until it is presented to the new bishop. The The singing continues until all have exchanged the kiss of peace.
principal consecrator and the other bishops, wearing their miters, sit, as do
all in the assembly.t36 591 H the ordination has taken place in the new bishop's own church, the
principal consecrator may ask the newly ordained bishop to preside over
586 After putting on a linen apron (gremial) and taking the holy chrism from the concelebration of the eucharistic liturgy. If the ordination does not take
one of the deacons, the principal consecrator anoints the head of the new place in the new bishop's own church, the principal consecra tor presides
bishop, who kneels before him, and says, God has brought you to share. After at the concelebration; in this case the new bishop takes the first place
the anointing, the principal consecrator washes his hands.137 among the other concelebrants.t4 2
587 Taking the Book of the Gospels from the deacon, he presents it to 592 When called for by the rubrics, the profession of faith is said; the general
the newly ordained bishop, saying, Receive the Gospel. Afterward the intercessions are omitted.
deacon takes the Book of the Gospels and returns it to its
place.138 593 In the liturgy of the eucharist the order for the concelebration of a
stational Mass is followed.
588 Finally the principal consecrator invests the new bishop with the In Eucharistic Prayer I there is a commemoration of the new bishop, said
pontifical insignia. First, he places the ring on the ring finger of the new by one of the concelebrating bishops, who uses the formulary provided in The
bishop's right hand, saying, Take this ring. Then the principal consecra tor Roman Missal (Sacramentary) among the Ritual Masses
places the miter on the head of the new bishop, in silence. Lastly, (II. Holy Orders).143
he gives the pastoral staff to the new bishop, saying, Take this staf£.139 The parents and relatives of the new bishop may receive commun
H the new bishop is entitled to use the pallium, the principal con ion under both kinds.
secrator, following the rite described in no. 1154, presents it to him be fore
the presentation o( the miter. 594 At the conclusion of the prayer after communion, the hymn Te Deum is
sung, or another hymn similar to it, depending on local cus tom.Meanwhile
589 All then stand. H the ordination takes place in the new bishop's own the newly ordained bishop, after taking the miter and pastoral staff, is led by
church, the principal consecrator invites him to occupy the chair two of the.consecrating bishops through the church, and he blesses the
170 171
595 After the hymn, the new bishop may stand at the altar or, if he
is in his own church, at the chair (cathedra), and address the people SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE
596 Afterward the bishop who presided at the eucharistic liturgy gives
the blessing. Facing the people and wearing the miter, he says, The 598 Mindful of Christ the Lord's attendance at the wedding feast of
Lord be with you. Then one of the deacons may give the invitation Cana, the bishop should make it his concern to bless occasionally the
before the blessing. With hands outstretched over the people, the marriages of his people, and particularly those of the poor.
bishop says the invocations belonging to the blessing. Taking the To prevent his participation from bearing the mark of
pastoral staff, he then says, May almighty God bless you, as he makes favoritism147 or from being a mere sign of outward show, it should be
the sign of the cross three times over the people. the bishop's normal practice not to assist at marriages in a private
The text for the blessing invocations varies depending on who chapel or home but in the cathedral or parish church. In this way the
pre sides, the newly ordained bishop or the principal consecrator. ecclesial character of the celebration of the sacrament will more surely
stand out and the local community will have.the opportunity to
597 After the blessing and the dismissal of the people by the deacon, participate in the celebration.
the procession returns to the vesting room (sacristy) in the usual
way.146 599 For the celebration of marriage, in addition to the usual requisites
for the nuptial blessing imparted by a presbyter, the miter and pastoral
staff should be made ready.
us See OB, no. 38.
'" See OB, no. 40.
600 The bishop should be assisted by at least one presbyter, who as
a rule will be the parish priest (pastor), and at least one deacon,
?"-0 .}0 along with several ministers.
t·M \J 1\.f
" See SC, art. 32: DOL 1, no. 32.
172 173
602 At the appointed time the parish priest (pastor) or other presbyter, 607 After the homily, the bishop, with miter and pastoral staff, stands
vested with a stole over a cassock and surplice or over an alb, or if he before the bride and bridegroom and questions them about their free
is to celebrate, vested for Mass, goes with the ministers to receive the dom, faithfulness to each other, and the acceptance and upbringing of
bride and bridegroom at the door of the church or, if more suitable, at children. He then invites the couple to declare their consent.153
the altar. He greets them, then leads them to their places.148
Then the bishop goes to the altar and reverences it. The bride and 608 Putting aside the pastoral staff (and also the miter if he uses the
bridegroom are presented to himby the parish priest (pastor) or another alternative, deprecatory formulary of blessing), the bishop blesses the
presbyter. Meanwhile, the entrance song is sung. rings and, as circumstances suggest, sprinkles them with holy water and
hands them to the bridegroom and bride, who place them on each other's
603 On days when ritual Masses are permitted 149 one of the wedding ring finger.154
Masses (RM, Ritual Masses, N. Wedding Mass, 1. For the Celebration
of Marriage) may be celebrated, with its proper readings. The vestments 609 When called for by the rubrics, the profession of faith is said; the
for the Mass are white or of some other festive color. general intercessions take place in the usual way.
On the days listed in nos. 1-4 of the table of liturgical days, the Mass
of the day is celebrated, with the nuptial blessing included and, as cir 610 In Eucharistic Prayer I there is a commemoration of the bride and
cumstances suggest, the proper solemn blessing. bridegroom, in the formulary provided in The Roman Missal
But if the Mass in which the sacrament of marriage is celebrated (Sacramen tary) among the Ritual Masses (IV. Wedding Mass).
is a regular parish Mass, the Mass of the day is celebrated, even on the
Sundays of the Christmas season and of Ordinary Trme. 611 After the Lord's Prayer, the embolism Deliver us, lord is omitted.
When the ritual Mass is not celebrated, one of the readings may be The bishop, if he is celebrant of the eucharist, otherwise the presbyter
chosen from those provided for this ritual Mass in the Lectionary for who is the celebrant, faces the bride and bridegroom and, with hands
Mass, except on those days listed in nos. 1-4 of the table of litwgical joined, invites the assembly to pray: My dear friends, let us tum to the
days.lSO Lord .All pray silently for a short while. Then, with hands outstretched,
the bishop pronounces the prayer of blessing, Father, by your power (or
604 When a marriage is celebrated during Advent or Lent or on other one of the other prayers of blessing provided in the Rite of Marriage).155
days of penance, the parish priest (pastor) should advise the couple to
take into consideration the special nature of these liturgical seasons.1s1 612 The married couple, their parents, witnesses, and relatives may
receive communion under both kinds.ts6
605 The introductory rites and the liturgy of the word take place in the
usual way. 613 In place of the usual blessing of the people at the end of Mass,
the bishop uses one of the blessing formularies provided in the Rite of
606 After the gospel reading, the bishop, seated and with miter and Marriage for this Mass.1s7
pastoral staff (unless he decides otherwise), gives the homily, drawn from With miter and with hands outstretched, the bishop greets the
the sacred text. He speaks about the mystery of Christian marriage, the people, saying, TI1e lord be with you. One of the deacons may then give
dignity of wedded love, the grace of the sacrament, and the responsibili the invitation before the blessing. With hands outstretched over the
ties of married people.152 people, the bishop says the blessing invocations. Taking the pastoral
See The Roman Ritual, Rite of Marriage, English ed., 1%9 {hereafter, RMar), no. 19. 15s See RMar, nos. 24-26.
1., See Appendix m of this Ceremonial. m See RMar, nos. 27-28.
15() See Appendix U of this Ceremonial; LM, nos. 801-805 (Ritual Masses, IV. 'VIkdding Mass). 155
See RMar, no. 33.
1 1
s See RMar, Introduction, no. U: DOL 349, no. 29i9. 1S6 See RMar, no. 36.
w See RMar, no. 22.
m See RMar, nos. 125-127.
174 175
SACRAMENTS The bishop may also impart the blessing by using one of the for
mularies given in nos. 1120-1121 of this Ceremonial.
he then pronounces the blessing, as he makes the sign of the cross
three times over the people.
614 The bishop is vested in the way indicated in no. 176 for a Mass at
which he presides but does not celebrate. The presbyter assisting him
the food of your table, provided in the Rite of Marriage, or some other
suitable prayer is said.ts9
wears a stole over a cassock and surplice or over an alb; the deacon wears
the vestments of his order.
620 The bishop then gives the final blessing in the manner already in
615 The bride and bridegroom and the bishop enter the church in the dicated in no. 613. The deacon says the dismissal formula, Go in peace,
way already indicated in no. 602, while the entrance song is being sung. and all reply, Thanks be to God, and leave.
616 After the singing, the bishop greets all present and says the open ing
t59 See RMar, no. 123; HCWE, nos. 50 and 210-222.
prayer from The Roman Missal (Sacramentary) among the Ritual Masses
(IV. Wedding Mass) or the Rite of Marriage. The liturgy of the word fol
lows in the same way as at Mass.
618 The intercessions follow. Then, omitting the prayer that concludes
the intercessions, the bishop, with hands outstretched, blesses the bride and
bridegroom. He uses the text provided inthe Rite of Marriage for this
blessing within Mass.tss
The Lord's Prayer is then recited.
619 If communion is to be given within this rite, the deacon takes the
ciborium or pyx with the body of the Lord, places it on the altar, and,
with the bishop, genuflects. Then the bishop introduces the Lord's Prayer,
which all recite together.
Then the bishop genuflects. Taking the host, he raises it slightly
over the ciborium. or pyx and, facing those who will receive commun
ion, says, This is the Lamb of God .
Communion is distributed as at Mass.
After communion, a period of silence may be observed, or a psalm
or song of praise may be sung. Then the prayer Lord, we who have shared
SACRAMENTS all join in saying a general formulary for confession (for example, I
confess to almighty God). Then, at the invitation of the deacon, allstand to
628 The actual rite of reconciliation follows. Putting aside the miter and respond to the intercessions provided in the Rite of Penance or to sing a
pastoral staff, the bishop stands and all stand with him. Except during the suitable song. The Lord's Prayer is always added at the end. The bishop says
Easter season or on a Sunday, the deacon invites all to kneel or bow; then the prayer that concludes the intercessions.t66
629 Then the bishop and presbyters go to the places appointed for con SACRAMENT OF PENANCE
fessions. The penitents go to them for individual confession and con
fess their sins. Each one receives and accepts a fitting act of satisfaction Then the deacon dismisses the assembly, saying, The Lord has
and is absolved. freed you from your sins. Go in peace, and all reply, Thanks be to God,
After hearing the confession and offering suitable counsel, the con and leave.
fessor extends his hands, or at least his right hand, over the penitent's
head and gives absolution. Everything else that is customary in
individual confession is omitted.t67 Il. RITE FOR RECONOLIATION OF SEVERAL PENITENTS
630 When the individual confessions have been completed, the bishop
returns to the chair (cathedra), where, without miter, he stands, and the 633 For the reconciliation of several penitents with general confession
presbyters stand near him. All rise, and the bishop invites the assembly and absolution, in the cases provided for in the law, everything is done
to offer thanks and encourages them to do good works that will proclaim as described already for the reconciliation of several penitents with in
the grace of repentance in the life of the entire community and each of dividual absolution, but with the following changes.170
its members. Afterward, it is fitting for all to sing a psalm or a hymn
of praise and thanksgiving.t68 634 After the homily or as part of the homily, the bishop explains to
the faithful who wish to receive general absolution that they should be
631 After this song, the bishop, without miter, stands and faces the properly disposed. They should repent of their sins and resolve to turn
people and, with hands outstretched, says the prayer Almighty and mer away from these sins, to make up for any scandal and harm they may
ciful God or some other similar prayer.t69 have caused, and to confess individually at the proper time each of the
serious sins which cannot now be confessed. Some form of satisfaction
632 Finally, putting on the miter, the bishop greets the people, sayin should be proposed to all, to which they may wish to add some further
The Lord be with you . Then a deacon may invite all to receive the bless.. act of expiation.171
ing. With hands outstretched over the people, the bishop says the bless
635 Then the deacon invites the penitents who wish to receive abso
ing invocations. Then, taking the pastoral staff, he says, May almighty
lution to indicate this by some kind of sign.t72
God bless you, as he makes the sign of the cross three times over the
636 Then the penitents kneel or bow and say a general formulary for
The bishop may also use the formularies provided in nos. 1120-1121
confession (for example, I confess to almighty God).
to bestow the blessing.
637 A litany or a suitable song may follow, and at the end the Lord's
166 See RPen, no. 54. Prayer is added, as indicated in no. 628.
167 See RPen, no. 19 (DOL 368, no. 3084) and no. 55.
161 See RPen, no. 56. 638 After receiving the miter; the bishop faces the penitents and
169 See RPen, no. 57.
pronounces the sacramental formulary of absolution, God, the Father
of mercies .173
639 The bishop invites all to thank God and to acknowledge his mercy.
After a suitable song or hymn, he blesses the people, and, as already
indicated in no. 632, the deacon dismisses them.174
640 Penitential services are gatherings of the people of God to hear God's
III. PENITENTIAL SERVICES word as an invitation to conversion and renewal of life and as the message of
WITHOUT CONFESSION OR our liberation from sin through Christ's death and resurrec tion. They possess
ABSOLUTION great value in preparing the faithful to celebrate the sacrament of
641 The bishop may preside wearing the vesture already
indicated in no. 622 or wearing simply a rochet and mozzetta, SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK
with a pectoral cross and stole.
642 The celebration is carried out by use of the rite already
described for the reconciliation of several penitents with individual
644 The evangelist Mark records that the apostles sent by
confession and absolution, up to the Lord's Prayer that follows the
Christ anointed the sick with oi1P1This is not surprising, since in
recitation of the gen eral formulary for confession and the litanic
intercessions. biblical and Christian tradition "anointing with oil is a sign of the
mercy of God, of the healing of disease, and of the
643 Individual confessions are omitted, and the bishop concludes enlightenment of the heart:'178
the intercessions with a suitable prayer, for example, Alntighty and Even though "other concerns may prevent them from g?ing
in per son to visit all the sick;' as Pope St. Innocent I observes,179
bishops, the
God (Rite of Penance, no. 57). Then the bishop blesses the people
successors of the apostles, carry out this ministry through the
and, ministry of their presbyters. In the tradition of the Latin Church,
as already indicated in no. 632, the deacon says the
dismissal .176 priests anoint the sick with oil that, '. .part from cases of
necessity, is blessed by the bishop.
See RPen, Introduction, no. 36: DOL 368, no. 3101.
645 But, if possible, the bishop should preside whenever the
See RPen, Appendix ll, "Sample Penitential Services:'
sacrament of the anointing of the sick is celebrated at large
gatherings of the faith ful, for example, during a pilgrimage or at
other assemblies of the sick of a diocese, city, or confraternity.
This chapter provides a description of such a communal
I ,
(hereafter, PCS),
no. 132.
1a1 See PCS, nos. 98, 108, 112
If the anointing takes place within Mass, it isfitting that these pres and pastoral staff (unless he decides otherwise), gives the homily. He
byters concelebrate with the bishop. shows from the sacred text the meaning of illness in the history of salva
It is also fitting that at least one deacon as well as other ministers tion and of the grace given by the sacrament of anointing.
assist the bishop.
652 The celebration of the sacrament of the anointing of the sick be
gins after the homily and.may take either of two forms, as indicated
I. ANOINTING OF THE SICK WITHIN MAss sche matically in the following outlines:
648 On days when ritual Masses are permitted}82 the Mass for the sick A B
(RM, Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions, 32. For the LITANY lAYING ON OF HANDs
Sick) or the Mass from Pastoral Care of the Sick (nos. 135-148) may be BLESSING OF OIL
cele brated, with the reaclings provided in the Lectionary for Mass for the ANOINTING
ing of the sick.183 The vestments for the Mass are white.
If the ritual Mass is not celebrated, one of the readings may be cho
sen from those provided for the anointing of the sick in the Lectionary
for Mass. The details of these forms of the rite are given in nos. 653-658.
But on the days listed in nos. 1-4 of the table of liturgical days,l84
653 After the homily, the bishop, putting aside the miter, stands and
the Mass of the day is celebrated, with its proper readings. For the final
introduces the litany, as given in Pastoral Care of the Sick,186 if it is to be
blessing the formulary proper to the rite of anointing the sick is used.
said at this point. Then the bishop and the presbyters who are to take
part in the anointing lay hands in silence on some of the sick.
649 The following should be provided:
a. Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum; 654 In a celebration of this kind the bishop may bless the oil of the sick.
b. vessels with oil of the sick; He does this immediately after the laying on of hands by saying the
c. requisites for the washing of hands; prayer God of all consolation.
d. a cup large enough for communion under both kinds. If the oil is already blessed, the bishop says the prayer of thanks
giving over it, Praise to you, God, the almighty Father.187
The bishop and the presbyters wear the vestments required for
Mass.The deacon wears the vestments of his order; other ministers wear 655 After this the bishop sits, wearing the miter. The deacon brings
albs or other lawfully approved vesture. himthe vessel or vessels with the blessed oil, and the bishop hands them
If the presbyters do not concelebrate with the bishop, they wear to the presbyters who will join him in the anointing.
a stole over a cassock and surplice or over an alb. Then the bishop and the presbyters go to the sick and anoint each
one on the forehead and hands, saying the sacramental formulary,
650 Before the entrance of the bishop, the sick are welcomed by those Through this holy anointing, once for each person.188
appointed for this and are settled in their places.1ss
656 After the formulary has been heard by the congregation at least
651 The introductory rites and the liturgy of the word take place in the once, there may be singing during the rest of the anointing.
usual way. After the gospel reading, the bishop, seated and with miter
657 When the anointing has been completed, the bishop returns to the
chair and the presbyters to their seats for the washing of hands.
tn See Appendix illof this Cemrumia/.
., See LM, nos. 790-795 <Ritual Masses, Pastoral Care of the Sick and the Dying, 1. Anointing of
the Sick). w See PCS, no. 138.
"See Appendix IIof this Ceremonial.
"' See PCS, no. 140.
See PCS, noe. 109 and 135. t114 See PCS, no. 141.
184 185
658 Afterward the bishop, standing without miter and with hands out 665 The rite of anointing takes place in the manner already described
stretched, says the concluding prayer of the rite of anointin choosing in nos. 652-657. But after the anointing and before the concluding
the most suitable text from those provided in Pastoral Care of the Sick.189 prayer, the bishop introduces the Lord's Prayer, which all say
(If the litany has not already been said, the bishop introduces it immedi together.
ately after the washing of hands and then says one of the concluding
prayers.) 666 The bishop gives the final blessing in the manner already described
659 The Mass then continues in the usual way with the preparation in no. 660. After the blessing, the deacon dismisses the people, saying,
of the gifts. The sick and all others present may receive communion Go in the peace of Christ, and all reply, Thanks be to God . It is
un der both kinds. recom mended that the celebration conclude with a suitable song.
660 At the end of Mass, in place of the usual blessin the bishop may
use one of the solemn blessings provided in Pastoral Care of the Sick.190
In this case the bishop, taking the miter, greets the people, sayin The
Lord be with you . Then a deacon may invite the people to receive the
blessing. With hands outstretched over the people, the bishop says the
invocations of the blessing. He then takes the pastoral staff and says, May
almighty God bless you, as he makes the sign of the cross three times
over the people.
The bishop may also use the formularies provided in nos. ll20-
to bestow the blessing.
661 The bishop wears over an alb a pectoml cross, stole, and white
cope and he uses the miter and pastoral staff. Presbyters who may join
him wear a stole over a cassock and surplice or over an alb. A deacon
wears the vestments of his order.
662 Before the entrance of the bishop, the sick are welcomed by
appointed for this and are settled in their places.t9t
663 As a suitable song is sun the bishop enters the church, reverences
the altar, then goes to the chair. When the singing has ended, he greets
the sick people and the others present.
664 Next there is a liturgy of the word, in the same manner and with
the same texts as already indicated in nos. 648 and 651 for an
anointing within Mass.
bess), with its proper readings,6 may be celebrated; the vestments for See BAb, no. 7: DOL 399, no. 3284. See The Roman Pontifical, Appendix V, Blessing of Pontifical
Insignia,, p. 383.
Mass are white or of some other festive color. 192
But even if the ritual Mass is not celebrated, one of the
may be chosen from those provided for this Mass.
But on the days listed in nos. 1-4 of the table of liturgical days?
the Mass of the day, with its proper readings, is celebrated.
674 Two religious from his monastery assist the abbot-elect.8 If they
are presbyters and are to concelebrate the Mass, they wear Mass
vestments; otherwise they wear either choir dress or a surplice over
the habit.
675 It is desirable that other abbots and priests present concelebrate
with the bishop and abbot-elect.9
676 The bishop and the concelebrants wear the vestments required for
Mass, but the bishop also wears a dalmatic. The abbot-elect wears Mass
vestments, but in addition under the chasuble he wears a pectoral cross
and a dalmatic.
The deacon wears the vestments proper to his order. Other minis
ters wear the alb or other lawfully approved vesture.
677 Besides the requisites for the concelebration of Mass, the follow
ing should be
a. The Roman Pontifical;
b. the Rule;
c. pastoral staff for the abbot-elect;
d. ring and miter for the abbot-elect, if these are to be presented
to him; 10
e. cup large enough for communion under both kinds.
678 The blessing of the ring, pastoral staff, and miter of the abbot-elect
normally take place at some convenient time before the actual blessing
of the abbot-elect.U
679 As a rule the blessing of the abbot takes place at the chair
(cathedra). To enable the faithful to participate more fully, a chair for
6 See LM, nos. 806-810 <Ritual Masses, VII. Blessing of Abbots and Abbesses).
7 See Appendix ll of this Cemncmial.
See BAb, no. 3: DOL 399, no. 3279.
See BAb, no. 4: DOL 399, no. 3280.
IO See BAb, no. 8: DOL 399, no. 3284.
bishop may be placed before the altar or in some reverence. One of the assistants presents the abbot-elect to the bishop,
other suitable place; the seats for the abbot-elect and saying, Most Rev erend Father, in the name of our communit}j and the
the religious assisting him should be so arranged in bishop asks, Has he been duly elected? The monk replies, We know
the sanctuary that the religious and the faithful all and testify that he has. The bishop replies, Thanks be to God.13
have a clear view of the liturgical ceremony.U
683 Taking the texts of the biblical readings as the starting point, the
bishop briefly addresses the people, the monks, and the abbot-elect on
DESCRIPTION OF THE RITE the office and duties of an abbot.14
680 The entrance procession is formed in the usual 684 After the homily, the abbot-elect rises and stands in front of the
way. The deacon, carrying the Book of the Gospels, bishop, who questions him in the words that begin, My dear brother.
goes fust, then concelebrating pres byters, the abbot- To each question the abbot-elect replies, I will. After the questioning,
elect between his two assistants, then the bishop, with the bishop says, May the LJrd strengthen your resolve, and all reply,
miter and pastoral staff, followed by the two deacons Amen.15
assisting him.
685 Putting aside the miter, the bishop stands and all stand with him.
681 The introductory rites and the liturgy of the word, The bishop, with hands joined, faces the people and invites them to
up to the end of the gospel reading, take place in the pray, saying, Dearly beloved, God has chosen N.
usual way.
12 See BAb, no. 10: DOL 399, no. 3286.
682 The blessing begins after the gospel reading. The 13 See BAb, nos. 16-18.
bishop, with mi ter, either goes to the special seat 14 See BAb, no. 19.
prepared for him or he sits at the chair (cathedra). All in u See BAb, no. 20.
the assembly also sit. The abbot-elect is escorted by
his assistants to the bishop, to whom he makes a sign of 193
SACRAMENTAI.S puts the miter on the new abbot's head; finally, he hands the new abbot the
pastoral staff, saying, Take this shepherd's staf£ 8
Then the deacon says, let us kneel, and all kneel in their places, but
the abbot-elect prostrates himself. But during the Easter season and on 688 Lastly, the new abbot puts aside his pastoral staff and receives the sign of
Sundays the deacon does not say, Let us kneel, and all in the assem bly peace from the bishop and from other abbots present.
remain standing, except the abbot-elect, who prostrates himself. The cantors If circumstances permit, the religious and presbyters present also
then begin the Litany of the Saints; they may add, at the proper places, names exchange the sign of peace with the new abbot.
of other saints (for example, the patron saint, the titular of the church, the
founder of the church, the patron saint of the abbot elect, the saints of the 689 The Mass continues in the usual way. The profession of faith is
order); they may also add petitions suitable to the occasion, since the litany said when called for by the rubrics; the general intercessions are omitted.
takes the place of the general intercessions. After the litany, the deacon (if he
690 In the litw-gy of the eucharist the newly blessed abbot takes first place
had given the invitation to kneel before the litany) says, Let us stand, and all among the concelebrating presbyters. (But if the prelate who gave the blessing
stand.16 is not a bishop and if the blessing takes place in the church of the new abbot's
686 The abbot-elect comes before the bishop and kneels. The bishop, without monastery, then he himself may preside at the liturgy of the eucharist.)
miter and with hands outstretched, says one of the prayers of blessing, chosen
691 The parents, relatives, and friends of the new abbot, as well as the
from those provided in The Roman PontificalP
members of his monastery, may receive communion under both kinds.
687 After the prayer of blessing, the bishop, wearing the miter, sits, and all
in the assembly also sit. The new abbot comes before the bishop, and the 16 See BAb, nos. 21-22.
bishop gives him the Rule, saying, Take this Rule. Then if ring, miter, and 17See BAb, no. 23.
See BAb, nos. 24-27.
pastoral staff are to be presented, the bishop places the ring on the ring
finger of the new abbot's right hand, saying, Take this ring; in silence he
692 At the end of Mass the one who presided in the liturgy of the eu
charist says, The lord be with you, and then the blessing; the deacon
dismisses the assembly in the usual way.
697 On days when a ritual Mass is permitted,23 the ritual Mass for the blessing of an
CHAPI'ER 2 abbess (RM, Ritual Masses, Blessing of an Abbot or Ab bess), with its proper
BLESSING OF AN ABBESS readings,24 may be celebrated; the vestments for the Mass are white or of some
other festive color.
But even if the ritual Mass is not celebrated, one of the readings may be
chosen from those provided for this Mass.
But on the days listed in nos. 1-4 of the table of liturgical days,25 the Mass of
694 An abbess, chosen by her community, should be for her nuns a
the day, with its proper readings, is celebrated.
model of the Christian and monastic life. Therefore she ought not to
teach or ordain or command anything which is against the law of the 698 The abbess-elect, assisted by two religious from her monastery, takes her place
Lord; she should stand for what is good and holy by action more in the sanctuary (chancel), outside the enclosure, so that she may be near the bishop
than just by word and be more concerned to serve than to rule. With who gives the blessing and so that all pres ent, nuns and faithful, may see the
moderation but with firmness she should lead her community to
celebration and take part in it.
follow Christ, in such a way that the nuns of her monastery may be a
living expression of the Gospel in their prayer and in their sisterly
service to one another.2o 20 See Rule af Saint Benedict, chs. 2 and 64.
21See The Roman Pontifical, Part IV. Blessing of Persons, ch. 15, Rite of Blessing of an Abbess (here after, BAbs), no. 2:
695 The blessing of an abbess is performed as a rule by the bishop of DOL 399, no. 3288.
22 See BAbs, no. 1: 001. 399, no. 3287.
the place where the monastery is situated. For a good reason, and with
the consent of the bishop of the place, the abbess-elect may receive the 23 See Appendix m of this Cemnonial.
blessing from another bishop or an abbot.21 24 See LM, nos. 806-810 CR.itual Masses, Vll. Blessing of Abbots and Abbesses).
25 See Appendix fi of this Ceremonilll.
696 The blessing should take place on a Sunday or major feast day;
for pastoral reasons another day may be chosen.22 196
BLESSING OF AN ABBESS with the two nuns assisting her, leaves the enclosure and takes her
place in the procession to the church immediately in front of the
The blessing usually takes place at the chair bishop.28
(cathedra). To enable the faithfulto participate more fully,
a chair for the bishop may be placed before the altar or 702 The introductory rites and the liturgy of the word, up to the end
in some other suitable place.26 of the gospel reading, take place in the usual way.
699 It is appropriate that priests who are present 703 The blessing begins after the gospel reading. The bishop, wearing
concelebrate with the bishop; there should be at-least the miter, goes to the special seat prepared for him or he sits in the usual
one deacon in assistance and other min isters. chair (cathedra). All in the assembly also sit. The abbess-elect is
escorted by her assistants to the bishop, to whom she makes a sign of
700 Besides the vestments and other requisites for the reverence. One of those assisting her presents the abbess-elect to the
celebration of Mass and a dalmatic for the bishop, bishop, say ing, Most Reverend Father, in the name of our community,
there should also be prepared: as indicated in The Roman Pontifical.
a. The Roman Pontifical; The bishop then asks, Has she been duly elected? The nun replies,
We know and testify that she has. The bishop replies, Thanks be to
b. the Rule and, if it is to be presented, the ring;
c. cup large enough for communion under both kindsP
26 See BAbs, nos. 3 and 5: DOL 399, nos. 3289 and 32.91.
See BAbs, no. 4: DOL 399, no. 3290.
2a See BAbs, no. 6.
29 See BAbs, no. 7.
701 Before the celebration begins, the bishop,
accompanied by the con celebrants, ministers, and clergy » See BAbs, nos. 11-13.
goes to the entrance of the enclosure. The abbess-elect,
SACRAMENTALS intercessions. After the litany, the deacon (if he had given the invitation to
kneel before the litany) says, Let us stand, and all stand.33
704 Taking the texts of the biblical readings as the starting point, the bishop
briefly addresses the people, the nuns, and the abbess-elect on the office and 707 The abbess-elect comes before the bishop and kneels. The bishop, without
duties of an abbess.31 miter and with hands outstretched, says one of the prayers of blessing, chosen
from those provided in The Roman Pontifical.34
705 After the homily, the abbess-elect rises and stands in front of the bishop,
who questions her in the words that begin, Will you persevere? To each 708 After the prayer of blessing, the bishop, wearing the miter, sits, and all in
question the abbess-elect replies,Iwill. After the questioning the bishop says, the assembly also sit. The new abbess comes before the bishop, and the bishop
May the lord strengthen your resolve, and all reply, Amen .32 gives her the Rule, saying, Take this Rule.35
706 Putting aside the miter, the bishop stands, and all stand with him. The 709 The ring is not presented if the abbess has already received it on the day
bishop, with hands joined, faces the people and invites them to pray, saying, of her profession and consecration. If the abbess has not previ-
Dearly beloved, God has chosen N.
Then the deacon says, Let us kneel, and all kneel in their places, but,
where it is customary, the abbess-elect prostrates herself. But dur ing the s1 See BAbs, no. 14.
Easter season and on Sundays, the deacon does not say, Let us kneel, and all :n See BAbs, no. 15.
remain standing, except the abbess-elect, who kneels or, where it is » See BAbs, nos. 16-17.
customary, prostrates herself. The cantors then begin the Litany of the Saints; :u See BAbs, no. 18.
they may add, at the proper places, names of other saints (for example, the "See BAbs, no. 19.
patron saint, the titular of the church, the founder of the church, the patron
saint of the abbess-elect, the saints of the order); they may also add petitions 198
suitable to the occasion, since the litany takes the place of the general
no Then the new abbess makes a profound bow to the bishop and returns
to her place with her two assistants.37
711 The Mass continues in the usual way. The profession of faith is
said when called for by the rubrics; the general intercessions are omitted.
712 The parents, relatives, and friends of the new abbess, as well as
the members of her monastery, may receive communion under both kinds.
713 After the bishop has given the final blessing, the deacon dismisses the
people in the usual .way.
714 After the Mass, as circumstances suggest, the Te Deum or some other
suitable song may be sung. During the singing the bishop leads the abbess
to the enclosure. If the bishop is the local Ordinary and has immediate
jurisdiction over the nuns, he leads her to her place in choir and seats her
there, unless the abbess has already accepted this sign of
her authority immediately after her electi.on.38
to deepen understanding of the Church, and to encourage greater attend ance of the
CHAPTER 3 people, the faithful should be notified of the celebration in good time;43
CONSECRATION TO A UFE OF VIRGINITY 720 The minister of the rite of consecration is the diocesan bishop. But with his
consent some other bishop may preside at the rite.44
721 On days when a ritual Mass is permitted,45 the ritual Mass for con
715 From age-old tradition a consecrated virgin is a surpassing sign of secration to a life of virginity (RM, Ritual Masses, V. Consecration to a
the Church's love for Christ and an eschatological image of the world
to come and of the heavenly Bride of Christ.39
39 See The Roman Pontifical, Part IV. Blessing of Persons, Consecration to a Ufe of Virginity (here after, CLV),
716 Consecration to a life of virginity may be received by nuns or by Introduction, no. 1: DOL 395, no. 3253.
40 See CLV, Introduction, no. 3: DOL 395, no.3255.
women living in the world.40
•• See CIY, A. Consecration to a Ufe of Vuginity for Women living in the World {hereaftet; A), no. 1; B.
Consecration to a Ufe of VUginity together with Religious Profession for Nuns (hereafter, B), no. 39.
717 It is fitting for the consecration to take place during the qctave of u See CLV, A, no. 2; CLV, B, no. 40.
Easter, on solemnities, especially those which celebrate the incarnation, •s See CI:Y, A, no. 4.
on Sundays, or on feasts of the Blessed Vrrgin Mary, holy virgins, or •• See CLV, Introduction, no. 6: DOL 395, no. 3258.
saints distinguished in the living of the religious 1ife.41 45
See Appendix ill of this Ceremonial.
718 On a day scheduled close to the day of the rite of consecration, 200
or at least on the day before the consecration, the candidates are
presented to the bishop so that the father of the diocese may begin a
pastoral dia logue with his spiritual daughters.•2
SAffiAMENTALS 735 Then, as circumstances suggest, the bishop gives each of the newly consecrated a
copy of The Liturgy of the Hours, with the words Receive the book or other suitable
and gives them the ring and veit or just the ring. Meanwhile, the choir words, to which all the newly consecrated re ply together, Amen.60
and the people may sing Psalm 45 (44), with the antiphon To you, 0
736 As circumstances suggest, the newly consecrated may sing together
Lord, or some other suitable song.59
the antiphon Iam espoused to him.61
737 Then, if it is customary or as circumstances suggest, there may be a
ceremony to mark the fact that the newly professed religious have been
admitted as lifelong members of the religious family. This can take the 739 After the bishop has received the body and blood of Christ, the
form of a suitable statement by the bishop or the superior, or of an ex newly consecrated virgins come to the altar to receive communion un
change of the sign of peace. If the second way is chosen, first the bishop der both kinds. The other nuns as well as the parents, relatives, and
offers the newly consecrated the sign of peace, then, in the manner cus friends of the newly consecrated may also receive communion inthe same
tomary in the community or in this monastery, the superior and the other way.67
nuns offer a sign of their sisterly love.
Meanwhile, the choir and the people may sing Psalm 84 (83), with 740 When the prayer after communion has been said, the newly con
the antiphon How lovely is your dwelling place, or some other secrated stand before the altar. The bishop, wearing the miter, gives the
suitable greeting The Lord be with you . A deacon may then give the invitation
to pray for God's blessing. With hands outstretched over the newly con
secrated virgins, the bishop sings or says the blessing fuvocations. Then,
738 After this, the newly consecrated return to their places in the sanc taking the pastoral staff, he blesses the whole congregation by making
tuary (chancel) and the Mass continues. The profession of faith is said the sign of the cross three times and saying, May almighty God bless you
when called for by the rubrics; the general intercessions are omitted.63 .
During the song for the preparation of the gifts (offertory song), The bishop may also impart the blessing by using one of the for
some of the newly consecrated may bring to the altar the bread and the mularies given in nos. 1120-1121.
wine and water for the eucharistic sacrifice.64
In Eucharistic Prayers I-N the special intercessions (interpolations) 741 After the blessing by the bishop, those newly consecrated may take
for the newly consecrated are to be added (RM, Ritual Masses, V. Con their candles. The choir and the people sing a suitable song or a canticle
secration to a Life of Virginity).6s of praise, and the procession is formed as at the beginning to escort the
The bishop now gives the sign of peace in some suitable form to newly consecrated virgins to the door of the enclosure.68
those newly consecrated.66
743 Everything is done as in the rite for nuns, but with the exceptions
indicated in The Roman Pontifical and in the following paragraphs .
745 . For the questioning of the candidates after the homily on the in
tention to consecrate themselves to God, a proper text is provided in The PERPETUAL PROFESSION OF MEN RELIGIOUS
Roman Pontifical.71
746 Immediately after the litany and its concluding prayer, each can
didate comes to the bishop, kneels before him, places her joined hands 748 "The Church not only raises religious profession to the dignity of
in his, and then states her resolve to live a life of virginity: Father, re being a canonical state by its law, but by its liturgy shows that it is a state
ceive my resolution. If this rite is not acceptable, some other rite author consecrated to God. For the Church itself, by the authority committed
ized by the conference of bishops may be used in its stead.72 to it by God, receives the vows of those making profession; by its public
prayer it entreats God that help and grace be given to them; it puts them
747 The sign of peace is not exchanged after the presentation of the in God's hands and bestows on them a spiritual blessing, as it conjoins
insignia of consecration, but at its usual place in Mass?3 their offering to the eucharistic sacrifice:'74
This ecclesial significance of religious profession is visibly expressed
when the bishop, who is also a father and pastor for religious, even ex
71 See CLV, A, no. 17. empt religious, presides at the rite of perpetual religious profession. The
n See CLV, A, no. 22.
73 See CLV, A, no. 34.
rite should be celebrated·within Mass and with appropriate solemnity
and the participation of the faithful.
749 The rite of profession ordinarily takes place in the church of the
religious community. But for pastoral reasons or in order to promote es
teem for the religious life, to give edification to the people of God, or
to permit larger attendance, the rite may take place in the cathedral, a
parish church, or some other notable church, as may seem fitting.This is
particularly the case when religious from two or more institutes wish to
celebrate their profession at the same eucharistic sacrifice. The superiors
of the communities involved are to be present at such a communal cele
bration and, if they are priests, it is fitting that they concelebrate with
the bishop, along with other priests present to take part in the rite. The
bishop should be assisted by at least one deacon, and other ministers
should take part in the rite. Those making profession will pronounce their
vows before their respective superiors?5
750 It is fitting that the rite of perpetual profession take place on a
Sun day or a solemnity of the Lord, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or of
a saint distinguished in the living of the religious life76
751 On days when a ritual Mass is permitted,77 the ritual Mass for re
ligious profession (RM, Ritual Masses, VI. Religious Profession), with
753 The entrance procession takes place in the usual way. Those to be 757 After the homily, those to be professed stand, and the bishop ques tions
professed may fittingly join in the procession, accompanied by the nov ice them on their readiness to dedicate themselves to God and to seek perfect
master, and in lay institutes by the superior. When they come to the sanctuary charity, according to the rule or constitutions of their religious community.
(chancel), all those in the procession make the customary rever ence to the altar This is done by means of the questions and responses pro
and go to their places.81 vided in the Rite of Religious Profession or in the particular ritual of the
community. At the end of the questions the bishop confirms the inten
754 The introductory rites and the liturgy of the word, up to the end of the tion of those to be professed, saying, May God who has begun, or some other
gospel reading, take place in the usual way. suitable words.84
755 After the gospel reading, the bishop, with miter and pastoral staff, sits in 758 Putting aside the miter and the pastoral staff, the bishop stands, and all
the chair (cathedra) or at the chair provided for the occasion. All stand with him. With hands joined, he invites all to pray, saying, Dear friends
in Christ. Then the deacon says, Let us kneel, and the bishop and allpresent
78 See LM, nos. 8ll-815 (Ritual Masses, vm. Consecration to a Life of Virginity and Re.Ugious Profession). kneel in their places. Those to be professed prostrate them selves or kneel,
., See Appendix 11 of this Cermronial. according to the custom of the place or of the religious
so See RPM, nos. 50 and 48. community. But during the Easter season and on Sundays, the deacon does not
81 See RPM, no. 51. say, Let us kneel, and all remain standing, except those to be professed, who
prostrate themselves.
208 The cantors begin the Litany of the Saints; they may add at the
proper places the names of those saints especially venerated in the reli gious
community or by the faithful; or, as circumstances suggest, they
may also add petitions suitable to the occasion, since the litany takes the place
of the general intercessions.ss PERPEfUAL PROFESSION OF MEN REUGIOUS
759 After the litany, the bishop stands and, with hands outstretched, says the
prayer Lord, grant the prayers of your people; then the deacon (if he had given can take the form of a suitable statement by the bishop or by the supe rior. It
the invitation to kneel before the litany) says, Let us stand, and all stand.86 may also take the form of an exchange of the sign of peace, by which the
bishop, the superior, and the other members of the religious community
760 The bishop, with miter and pastoral staff, sits. If it is the custom of the express their fraternal love for the newly professed. Mean while the choir and
community, two professed members come to the chair of the su perior and, the people sing the antiphon See how good it is with Psalm 133 (132), or some
standing, act as witnesses. other suitable song.
Those to be professed come one by one to the superior and read the
formulary of profession, which they themselves have written out 765 Afterward, the newly professed return to their places, and the Mass
beforehand. continues.91
Then one by one the newly professed may fittingly go to the altar to The profession of faith is said when called for by the rubrics; the general
place on it the formulary of profession; if this can be done conveniently, intercessions are omitted.
each of them should sign the formulary of profession on the altar itself. Af ter During the song for the preparation of the gifts (offertory song), some of
this, each goes back to his place.87 the newly professed may bring to the altar the bread and the
wine and water for the eucharistic sacrifice.92
761 Afterward, if it is the practice of the community, the newly pro fessed In Eucharistic Prayers I-IV the special intercessions (interpolations)
may stand and sing the antiphon Uphold me, Lord or some other suitable for the newly professed are to be added (RM, Ritual Masses, VI. Reli gious
song.88 Profession, 2. Perpetual Profession).93
762 Then the newly professed kneel; the bishop, putting aside miter and The bishop gives the sign of peace to the newly professed.94
pastoral staff, stands and, with hands outstretched over the newly 766 After the bishop has received the body and blood of Christ, the newly
professed, says the solemn prayer of blessing.89 professed religious come to the altar to receive communion, which may be
763 After the blessing of the professed, if it is the custom of the reli gious given to them under both kinds. Then their confreres, parents, and relatives
community to present insignia of religious profession, the newly professed may also receive communion in the same way.9s
rise and come before the bishop. Seated and with miter, the bishop presents
767 When the prayer after communion has been said, the newly con secrated
the insignia to each in silence or with a formulary pro vided in the particular
ritual of the religious community. Meanwhile all sit, and the choir and people religious stand before the altar. Then the bishop, with the mi ter, says the
sing the antiphon How happy, Lord with Psalm 84 (83), or some other greeting The Lord be with you. A deacon may give the invitation Bow your
suitable song.90 heads and pray for God's blessing, and the bishop, with hands outstretched
over the newly professed, says the blessing in vocations. He then takes the
764 When the presentation of insignia is completed or after the prayer of pastoral staff and says, And may almighty God bless you all, as he makes the
solemn blessing/ if it is customary or seems opportune, there may be a sign of the cross three times over the people.96
ceremony to mark the fact that the newly professed religious have been The bishop may also impart the blessing by using one of the for mularies
admitted as lifelong members of the institute or religious family. This given in nos. 1120-1121.
es See RPM, nos. 60-62. 768After the blessing, the deacon dismisses the people, saying, The Mass is
16 See RPM, no. 63. ended, go in peace (or one of the other formulas), and all reply, Thanks be to
67 See RPM, nos. 64-65. God.
ea See RPM, no. 66.
See RPM, no. 67. '' See RPM, no. 71.
90 See RPM, no. 68. 91 See RPM, no. 72.
769 The life dedicated to God by the bonds of religious life has always held a
place of high honor in the eyes of the Church, which from the earliest 772 On days when a ritual Mass is permitted,t 01the
ritual Mass for re ligious
centuries has surrounded the act of religious profession with litur gical rites. profession (RM, Ritual Masses, VI. Religious Profession), with its proper
The same holds true today: the Church itself, by the authority com mitted readings,t 02 may be celebrated; the vestments for the Mass are white or of
to it by God, receives the vows of those making profession; by some other festive color.
its public prayer it entreats God that help and grace be given to them; But even if the ritual Mass is not celebrated, one of the readings may be
it puts them in God's hands and bestows on them a spiritual blessing, as it chosen from those provided for this Mass.
conj oins their offering to the eucharistic sacrifice.97 But on the days listed in nos. 1-4 of the table of liturgical days,l03
This aspect of the Church's life has one of its chief manifestations when the Mass of the day, with its proper readings, is celebrated.
the bishop, as high priest from and on whom the life of the faith ful in his The formulary for the final blessing proper to the ritual Mass of
diocese in some way derives and depends,98 presides at a cele profession may always be used .
bration within the Mass for the perpetual profession of women religious of the
diocese. 773 Besides the vestments and other requisites for the concelebration of
Mass, the following should be prepared:
770 The rite of profession ordinarily takes place in the church of the religious a. ritual for religious profession;
community. But for pastoral reasons or in order to promote es teem for the b. insignia of religious profession, if these are to be presented in
religious life, to give edification to the people of God, or to permit larger accordance with the rules or customs of the religious community;
attendance, the rite may take place in the cathedral, a parish church, or some c. cup large enough for communion under both kinds;
other notable church, as may seem fitting. This is particularly the case when
d. at a convenient place in the sanctuary (chancel), a chair for the
religious from two or more institutes wish to celebrate their profession at the
superior who is to receive the profession of the sisters;
same eucharistic sacrifice, with the bishop presiding . Those making
profession will pronounce their vows before their respective superiors.99 e. chairs in the sanctuary (chancel) for those making profession,
Itis fitting that priests who are present to take part in the rite con arranged in such a way that the faithful have a complete view of the
celebrate with the bishop. The bishop should be assisted by at least one liturgical rites.
deacon, and other ministers should take part in the rite. The rite of profession takes place at the chair (cathedra) or in front of the
altar or at some other convenient place.
771 It is fitting that the rite of perpetual profession take place on a Sun day or a
solemnity of the Lord, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or of a saint distinguished
in the living of the religious life.100 DESCRIPTION OF THE RITE
774 The entrance procession takes place m the usual way.Those to be professed
may fittingly join in the procession, accompanied by the su perior and the
"' See LG, no. 45: DOL 4, no. 156. novice mistress. When they come to the sanctuary (chan cel), all those in the
'' See SC, art. 41: DOL 1, no. 41. procession make the customary reverence to the altar and go to their places.104
99 See The Roman Ritual, Rite of Religious Profession, Part II, Rile of Religious Profession for Women,
ch. ill, Rite of Perpetual Profession during Mass (hereafter, RPW), nos. 50...51.
775 The introductory rites and the liturgy of the word, up to the end
1oo See RPw, no. 43; see CIC, can. 657, §3.
of the gospel reading, take place in the usual way.
1o1 See Appendix III of this Ceremonial.
102 See LM, nos. 811-815 <Ritual Masses, VIII. Consecration to a Life of Virginity and Religious
to3 See Appendix ll of this Ceremonial.
tM See RPw, nos. 55-56.
7(6 . Mter th gospel reading, the bishop, with miter and pastoral
staff, s1ts m the cha1r (cathedra) or at the chair provided for the
occasion. All in the assembly sit, but those to be professed remain
standing, and the calling or request takes place.
The deacon or the novice mistress calls each of those to be pro
essed by name.They answe Present, or make some other reply accord
mg to local usage or the custom of the religious community. The
bishop then questions them on their intent, in the way indicated in the
The calling and questioning may be replaced by a request from
those to be professed: one of them, in the name of all and facing
toward the superior, may request admission to profession, using the
formulary provided in the ritual or some other suitable words.
At the end all present reply, Thanks be to God, or express their
approval in some other suitable way.too
777 Those to be professed then sit. The bishop, seated and with miter
and pastoral staff (unless he decides otherwise), gives the homily, de
veloping the scriptural readings and the theme of religious profession
as God's gift and call for the sanctification of those chosen and for the
good of the Church and the whole human family.t06
778 After the homily, those to be professed stand, and the bishop ques
tions them on their readiness to dedicate themselves to God and to seek
perfect charity, according to the rule or constitutions of the religious
com munity. This is done by means of the questions and responses
provided in the Rite of Religious Profession or in the particular ritual
of the commu nity. At the end of the questions the bishop confirms
the intention of th se to be professed, saying, May God who has
begun, or some other
suitable words.1o1
779 Putting aside the miter and the pastoral staff, the bishop stands,
and all stand with him. With hands joined, he invites all to pray,
saying, Dear friends in Christ . The deacon says, Let us kneel, and
the bishop and all present kneel in their places. Those to be professed
prostrate them selves or kneel, according to the custom of the place or
of the religious community. But during the Easter season and on
Sundays, the deacon does not say, Let us kneel, and all remain
standing, except those to be professed, who prostrate themselves.
The cantors begin the Litany of the Saints; they may add at the
proper places the names of those saints especially venerated in the reli-
•os See RPW, nos. 58, 59,
106 See RPW,
no. 61.
107 See RPw. nos.
Meanwhile all sit, and the choir and people sing the antiphon I 116
See RPW, no. 80.
am betrothed to the Son with Psalm 45 (44), or some other suitable m See RPW, no. 81.
See RPW, no. 82.
785 When the presentation of insignia is completed or after the prayer 216
of solemn blessing, if it is customary or seems opportune, there may be
a ceremony to mark the fact that the newly professed religious have
been admitted as lifelong members of the institute or religious family.
This can take the form of a suitable statement by the bishop or by the
supe rior. It may also take the form of an exchange of the sign of
peace, by which the bishop, the superior, and the other members of
the religious community express their love for their newly professed
Meanwhile the choir and the people sing the antiphon How
is your dwelling place with Psalm 84 (83), or some other suitable
786 Afterward, the newly professed return to their places and the
The profession of faith is said when called for by the rubrics; the
general intercessions are omitted.
During the song for the preparation of the gifts (offertory song),
some of the newly professed may bring to the altar the bread and the
wine and water for the eucharistic sacrifice.us
InEucharistic Prayers I-IV the special intercessions (interpolations)
for the newly professed are to be added (RM, Ritual Masses, VI. Reli
gious Profession) _n6
The bishop, in some suitable form, gives the sign of peace to the
newly professed.117
787 After the bishop has received the body and blood of Christ, the
newly professed religious come to the altar to receive communion,
which may be given to them under both kinds. Then their sister
religious, par ents, and relatives may also receive communion in the
same way.U 8
788 When the prayer after communion has been said, the newly con
secrated religious stand before the altar. Then the bishop, with the mi
ter, says the greeting The Lord be with you . A deacon may give the
789 After the blessing, the deacon dismisses the people, saying,
The Mass is ended, go in peace (or one of the other formulas), and all
reply, Thanks be to God.
...............-------- -•-----------------
814 The bishop then gives the homily, in which he explains to the
people the biblical texts just proclaimed and the ministry of the acolyte.
He concludes by addressing the candidates, using the words provided
in The Roman Pontifical or other suitable words.t35
815 Then, putting aside the miter and pastoral staff, the bishop stands,
and all stand with him. The candidates kneel before the bishop, who,
m See LM, nos. 785-789 <Ritual Masses, IV. Ministries, 2. Institution of Acolytes).
13 See Appendix II of this Ceremonial.
m See The Roma11 Pontifical, Part II. Institution of Readers and Acolytes, cl;i. 6, Institution of Aco
lytes (hereafter, IA), no. 3.
135 See IA, no. 4.
,. -
It is fitting that the custom be continued of placing the coffin in the
position that the deceased held in the liturgical assembly, so that the body of an
ordained minister lies facing the assembly and the body of a layperson lies
lNlRODUCTION facing the altar.
821 It is altogether fitting that, if at all possible, the bishop, who is a herald of 824 In the celebration '>f funerals a dignified simplicity should be ob served.
faith and a minister of comfort, preside at funerals that are cele brated with a The Easter candle should be placed near the coffin. A Book of the Gospels, a
large number of the faithful taking part, and especially at the funeral of bible, or a cross may be placed on the coffin. If the de ceased is an ordained
another bishop or a presbyter. minister, insignia of his order may, depending on local custom, be placed on
the coffin.
822 For the celebration of a funeral the following are to be made ready: There should be no flowers on the altar, and the music of the or
a. In the vesting room (sacristy) or some other convenient place, vest ments of gan or other instruments is permitted only to assist the singing.
the color used at funerals:
- for the bishop: alb, stole, pectoral cross, cope for processions and
celebrations of the word, chasuble for Mass, simple miter, pastoral DBSCRIPI'ION OF THE RITES
staff; 825 Particularly for the funeral of another bishop and as local customs and
- for concelebrants: Mass vestments; practical considerations permit, the first type of celebration provided in The
- for deacons: albs, stoles, (dalmatics); Roman Ritual is preferable. This consists of three stations, namely, at the home
- for other ministers: albs, or other lawfully approved vesture. of the deceased, at the church, and at the cemetery, with two intervening
b. At the home of the deceased (or the funeral home): processions. For such a celebration it is recommended that the bishop preside
- The Roman Ritual; even for the station at the home of the deceased and for the first procession .
- cross and candlesticks for the procession; Should the bishop not go to the home of the deceased, but the
- vessel of holy water with sprinkler; first station is to be celebrated there, a presbyter is to be appointed as
- censer and incense boat with spoon. celebrant; the bishop waits at the church, either at the chair (cathedra) or in
c. In the sanctuary (chancel): the vesting room (sacristy).
- the requisites for Mass or for a celebration of the word of God.
d. Near the place where the coffin rests: 826 When the bishop is to preside at the home of the deceased and in the
- Easter candle; procession to the church, he vests in some convenient place, put ting on an alb,
- requisites for the rite of final commendation (unless these pectoral cross, stole, and cope of the color customary for funerals; he also
have been brought in the procession to the church from the home wears a simple miter and carries the pastoral staff. Be fore the first station any
of the deceased). concelebrants of the Mass should vest in the required Mass vestments.
Deacons and other ministers also wear their proper vesture.
823 Apart from the marks of distinction arising from a person's litur gical
function or holy orders, and those honors due to civil authorities according to 827 At the home of the deceased the bishop cordially greets those pres ent,
liturgical law, no special honors are to be paid in the cele bration of a funeral speaking to them of the consolation that comes from faith. Then, as
to any private persons or classes of persons, whether in the ceremonies or by circumstances suggest, a psalm is said or sung responsorially, after which the
external display. bishop, without miter or pastoral staff, says a prayer selected from those
provided in The Roman Ritual.140
•The notes for this chapter correspond to the arrangement of the rites and their content as given in the Latin
editio typica of the 'Ordo exsequiamm. Since the arrangement and content of the rites in the Latin editio typiCII
have been adapted and supplemented inthe ICEL edition of the Order of Chris tian Funerals and in the particular Ito See RF, nos. 33-34, 167-169; see OCF, nos. 107, 398, 399.
rituals currently inuse within the conferences of bishops, the bish op's master of ceremonies and others involved
in the liturgical preparation for funerals will need to
.refer to the particular ritual book approved within the territory of their conference of bishops. 225
then a crossbearer between two acolytes carrying candlesticks; then the clergy
and deacons, in cassock and surplice; then presbyters, in choir dress; then
concelebrants, if there are any present; then the bishop, with miter and pastoral
828 In a procession transferring the body of the deceased to the church, staff and accompanied by two deacons; finally, the ministers who assist with
usually the censerbearer, carrying a censer with incense buming, goes first; the book and the pastoral staff precede the coffin.
During the procession psalms or other suitable songs are sung, in FUNERALS JlJ WHICH THE BISHOP PRESIDES
keeping with the provisions of The Roman Ritual.141
829 If there is no station at the home of the deceased, the rites per taining But if the burial place is in the church itself, the rite of final com
to that station are carried out at the door of the church by the bishop or a mendation may be carried out there; as the procession proceeds to this burial
presbyter. place, the songs indicated in The Roman Ritual are sung.t44
830 For the entrance into the church and the beginning of Mass, only one song 834 At. the coffin the bishop, without miter or pastoral staff, gives the
is usually sung, as indicated in The Roman Missal (Sacramen tary); but if invitation Before we go our separate ways or something similar. All pray briefly
pastoral considerations so require, one of the responsories provided in The in silence. Then the bishop sprinkles the body with holy water and incenses it,
Roman Ritual142 may be added. as the song Saints of God or some other responsory in dicated in The Roman
Ritual is sung. The sprinkling and incensing may also be done after the song.
831 Upon reaching the altar, the bishop reverences it and, as circum stances The bishop says the prayer Into your hands or some other suitable prayer.us
suggest, may incense it. He then goes to the chair (cathedra) and replaces the
cope with a chasuble (he may also do this, if it seems more convenient, 835 If the coffin is carried from the church to the cemetery, the bishop either
immediately upon reaching the altar and before reverenc ing it). waits at the chair (cathedra) as the coffin is borne out of the church, or he
During this time the coffin is put in a convenient place before the returns immediately to the vesting room (sacristy). But if he him self goes in
altar, so that the body lies in the position proper to the deceased person in the procession to the cemetery, this procession is formed in the same way as
the liturgical assembly, as already indicated in no. 823. the procession from the home to the church, and suit able psalms and
antiphons are sung, as indicated in The Roman Ritual.146
832 The funeral Mass is celebrated in the same way as other Masses.
In Eucharistic Prayers II and ill the intercessions (interpolations) 836 Upon reaching the cemetery, the bishop, without the miter or pas toral
for the deceased are added. staff, blesses the grave, if it has not been blessed; and after saying the prayer
for the committal provided in The Roman Ritual, he may, in keeping with
833 Following the prayer after communion or, if there has been no Mass, local custom, sprinkle the grave and the coffin with holy water and incense
following the liturgy of the word, the bishop, even if he has not celebrated the them.147
Mass, vested in chasuble or cope, as the case may be, and with the miter and
pastoral staff, goes to the coffin. Facing the people, and assisted by a deacon 837 Depending on local custom, the burial may take place immediately or at
and ministers with holy water and incense, he carries out the rite of final the end of the rite. As the coffin is placed in the burial place, or at some other
commendation and farewell.143 opportune moment, the bishop may say the words of com mittal provided in
The Roman Ritual.148
u1 See RF, no. 35; see OCF, nos. 127, 347. 838 The bishop may then introduce the intercessions or prayer of the faithful;
14> See RF, nos. 37, 47, 187-191; see OCF, no. 403. the deacon gives the intentions and the bishop says the con cluding prayer
103 See RF, no. 46; see OCF, nos. 170-171.
God of holiness and power or another such prayer pro vided ln. The Roman
Ritual. Depending on local custom, after the prayer the verse Eternal rest may
226 be recited, and some suitable song may be sung.l49
144 See RF, nos. 50, 166; see OCF, no. 176.
145 See RJ1 nos. 48, 192; see OCF, no. 175.
146 See RF, nos. 52, 157; see OCF, no. 176.
1v See RF, nos. 53, 193-195; see OCF, nos. 216-218.
1411 See RF, no. 55; see OCF, no. 219.
" See RF, nos. 56, 196-199; see OCF, nos. 220-222.
839 If the bishop is not the celebrant, he presides at the liturgy of the
word, still wearing the cope. He does the same if instead of a funeral LAYING OF A FOUNDATION SlONE
Mass, there is a celebration of the word as provided in The Roman OR
In funerals of children or of adults that are celebrated according OF A CHURCH
to one of the other types provided in The Roman Ritual, the bishop fol
lows the directives already given, but with the necessary modifications.
841 The rite for the laying of a foundation stone or for beginning a new
church may be celebrated on any day except during the Easter triduum.
But a day should be chosen when the people can attend in large
842 The bishop of the diocese is rightly the one to celebrate the rite.
If he cannot do so himself, he should entrust the function to another
bishop or a presbyter, especially to one who is his associate and
assist ant in the pastoral care of the diocese or of the community for
which the new church is to be built .153
843 Notice of the day and hour of the celebration should be given to
the people in good time. The parish priest (pastor) or others concerned
should instruct the people on the meaning of the rite and the reverence
to be shown toward the church that is to be built for them.
1so See 1Corinthians 3:9; LG, no. 6; see DOL 4, no. 138.
m See The Roman Pontifical, Dedica.tion of a Chun:h and an Altllr, ch. 1, Laying of a Foundation Stone
or Commencement of W>rk on the Building of a Church (hereafter, LFS), no. 1: DOL 547, no.
l:tt See LFS, no. 2: DOL 547, no. 4362.
U3 See LFS, no. 3: DOL 547, no. 4363.
228 229
It is also desirable that the people be asked to give their generous A. First Form: Procession
and willing support to the building of the new church.154
849 At a convenient hour the people assemble in a suitable place, from
844 Insofar as possible, the area for the erection of the church should be which they will go in procession to the site.16o
marked out clearly. It should be possible to walk about without
difficulty.155 850 The bishop, in his vestments and with miter and pastoral staff (or, as
circumstances suggest, with rochet, mozzetta, pectoral cross, and stole, and
845 In the place where the altar will be located a wooden cross of suit in this case without the miter or pastoral staff), proceeds with the
able height is to be fixed in the ground.156 ministers to the place where the people are gathered. Putting aside the
pastoral staff and miter, he greets the people, saying, The grace of our
846 For the celebration of the rite the following should be prepared: Lord Jesus Christ, or some other similar words.
a. Dedication of a Church and an Altar and I.ectionartj for Mass; Then the bishop briefly instructs the people on their participation in
b. chair for the bishop; the celebration and explains to them the meaning of the rite.161
c. if there is to be one, the foundation stone (which by tradition
is a rectangular cornerstone), together with cement and the tools 851 When the bishop has finished the instruction, he says, Let us pray. All
for setting the stone in the foundation; pray in silence for a brief period. The bishop then continues, Lord, you
built a holy Church .162
d. vessel of holy water with sprinkler;
e. censer and incense boat with spoon; 852 When the bishop has finished the prayer, he receives the miter and
f. processional cross and torches for the ministers. pastoral staff. As circumstances suggest, a deacon then says, let us go
forth in peace . The procession is formed in the usual way, the censer
Sound equipment should be set up so that the assembly can clearly bearer carrying a censer with burning incense, and the crossbearer, be
hear the readings, prayers, and instructions.1 7 5 tween two acolytes carrying lighted torches, lead; the clergy follow; then
the bishop with the deacons assisting him and other ministers; and lastly
847 The vestments for the celebration of the rite are white or of some
other festive color. The following should be prepared: the faithful. As the procession proceeds, Psalm 84 (83), with the anti
phon My soul is yearning, or some other suitable song is sung. After
a. for the bishop : alb, pectoral cross, stole, cope, miter, and pas the procession, the reading of the word of God takes place, as described
toral staff; in nos. 855-857.163
b. for deacons: albs, stoles, and, as circumstances suggest,
dalmatics; Second Form: Station at the Construction Site of the New Church
c. for other ministers: albs or other lawfully approved vesture.t 5s
853 If the procession cannot take place or seems inappropriate, the
people gather at the construction site of the new church. When the people
have assembled, the acclamation Eternal peace or some other suitable
848 The assembly of the people and the approach to the construction site song is sung. Meanwhile the bishop, in fiis vestments and with miter
take place, according to circumstances of time and place, in one of the and pastoral staff (or, as circumstances suggest, with rochet, rnozzetta,
two ways described here.159 pectoral cross, and stole, and inthis case without the miter or staff), ap
proaches the people. Putting aside the miter and pastoral staff, he greets
154 See LFS, no. 4: DOL 547, no. 4364.
the people, saying, The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, or some other
us See LFS, no. 5: DOL 547, no. 4365.
156 See LFS, no. 6: DOL 547, no. 4.%6. 160 See LFS, no. 10.
157 See LFS, no. 7: DOL 547, no. 4367. ' 'See LFS, nos. 11-12.
158 See LFS, no. 8: DOL 547, no. 4368. 161 See LFS, no. 13.
1 9 1 See LFS, no. 14.
s See LFS, no. 9.
230 231
similar words. The people reply, And also '\<\lith you, or in some other
suitable way.
Then the bishop briefly instructs the people on their participation
in the celebration and explains to them the meaning of the rite.164
854 When the bishop has finished the instruction, he says, Let us pray.
All pray in silence for a brief period. The bishop then continues, Lord,
you built a holy Church ?
855 The bishop is seated and puts on the miter. Then one or more pas
sages of Sacred Scripture are read, chosen preferably from those pro
vided in the lectionary for Mass for the ritual Mass for the dedication
of a church, with an appropriate intervening responsorial psalm or
some other suitable song.166
856 When the readings are finished, the bishop, seated and with mi
ter and pastoral staff (unless he decides otherwise), gives the homily,
in which he explains the biblical readings and the significance of the
rite, namely, that Christ is the cornerstone of the Church, and that the
temple to be built by the living Church of the community of believers
will be
at the same time the house of God and the house of the people of
857 After the homily, according to the custom of the place, the docu
ment of the blessing of the foundation stone and of the beginning of the
building of the church may be read; it is signed by the bishop and by
representatives of those who are going to work on the building of the
church and, together with the stone, is enclosed in the foundation.168
858 When the homily is finished, the bishop, putting aside miter and
staff, rises and blesses the site of the new church. With hands out
stretched, he says the prayer Lord, you fill the entire world . Then
"See LFS, nos. 15-16.
See LFS, no. 17.
" See LFS, nos. 18-21; see also LM, no. 816 {Ritual Masses, IX. Dedication or Blessing of a
or Altar. 1. Dedication of a Church).
167 See LFS, no. 22.
860 The bishop with the deacons assisting him goes to the 1tt See LFS, nos. 24-25.
place where the foundation stone is to be laid, and, taking vo See LFS, no. 26.
off the miter, he blesses the stone, saying the prayer 171 See LFS, no. 17.
Father, the prophet Daniel. As circumstances suggest, he 172 See LFS, nos. 28·29.
may then sprinkle the stone with holy water and incense 173 See LFS, no. 30.
174 See LFS, no. 31.
it. Mterward, he puts on the miter again.17t
861 Then the bishop lays the stone on the foundation in 233
of his life or a title already accepted in the liturgy; the Holy Sprr t; the
Blessed Virgin Mary, likewise invoked according to some appella on
CHAPTER 9 _al ready accepted in the liturgy; one of the angels; or, finally, a sam!
DEDICATION OF A CHURCH m scribed in the Roman Martyrology or in a duly approved Appendix
to the Martyrology. A blessed may not be the titular without an indult
the Apostolic See. . .
A church should have one titular only, unless 1t lS named after
864 From early times the name "church" has also been given to the
saints who are listed together in the
building in which the Christian community gathers to hear the word of
God, to pray together, to celebrate the sacraments, and to participate in
the eucharist. 866 The tradition in the Roman liturgy of placing relics of martyrs or
When a church is erected as a building destined solely and per
manently for assembling the people of God and for_carrying out s_acr other saints beneath the altar should be preserved, if possible.177 But the
d following should be noted:
functions, it is fitting that it be dedicated to God w1th solemn n e, m a. such relics should be of a size sufficient for them to be
accordance with the ancient custom of the Church. But if a church 1s recog nized as parts of human bodies; hence excessively small
not relics of one or more saints must not be placed beneath the
to be dedicated, it is at least to be blessed, by the celebration of the rite altar;
of blessing described in nos. 954-971 of this Ceremonial.175 Wh n a
church is dedicated, such appointments as its baptismal font, ross,
tmages and statues, organ, bells, stations of the cross are to be 175 See The Roman PontificaL Dedication of a Church ami an Altar, ch. 2, Dedication of a Church
considered as bles_sed (here
and duly erected or installed; they therefore need no further blessmg, after, DC), nos. 1-2: DOL 547, nos. 4369-
erection, or installation. 176 See DC, no. 4: DOL 547, no. 4372.
'" See GIRM, no. 266: DOL 208, no. 1656.
865 Every church to be dedicated us have a titular. _This may be the
Blessed Trinity; our Lord Jesus Christ, mvoked according to a ystery 234
DEDICATION OF A CHURCH to disregard the mystery then being commemorated: the Easter mduum,
Christmas, Epiphany, Ascension, Pentecost, Ash Wednesday, the week
b. the greatest care must be taken to determine whether the days of Holy Week, and All Souls.1eo
relics in question are authentic; it is better for an altar to be
dedicated without relics than to have relics of doubtful 869 The celebration of the eucharist is inseparably bound up with the
authenticity placed beneath it; rite of the dedication of a church; when a church is dedicated, therefore,
c. a reliquary must not be placed upon the altar or set into the the liturgical texts of the day are omitted, and texts proper to the rite are
table of the altar; it·must be placed beneath the table of the altar, used for both the liturgy of the word and the liturgy of the eucharist.
as the design of the altar pennits.t7s It is fitting that the bishop concelebrate the Mass with the pres
byters who take part with him in the rite of dedication and those
867 Since the bishop has been entrusted with the care of the particu who have been given charge over the parish or community for
lar Church, it is his responsibility to dedicate to God new churches built which the church has been built.181
in his diocese.
If he cannot himself preside at the rite, he should entrust this 870 The office of the dedication of a church is celebrated, beginning
func with Evening Prayer I. When the rite of depositing relics takes place, it
tion to another bishop, especially to one who is his associate and assist is highly recommended that a vigil be kept at the relics of the martyr
ant in the pastoral care of the community for which the church has been
built, or, in altogether special circumstances, to a presbyter, to whom
he shall give a special mandate.179 178 See DC, no. 5: DOL 547, no. 4373.
""See DC, no. 6: DOL 547, no. 4374.
160 See DC, no. 7: DOL 547, no. 4375.
868 A day should be chosen for the dedication of the new church when
tat See DC, nos. 8-9: DOL 547, nos. 4376-4377.
the people can attend in large numbers, especially a Sunday. Since the
theme of the dedication pervades this entire rite, the dedication of a new
church may not take place on days on which it is altogether improper 235
873 For the celebration of the rite the following should be prepared:
a. In the place of assembly:
or saint that are to be placed beneath the altar; the best way of doing - Dedication of a Church and an Altar;
this is to have the office of readings, taken from the respective common
or proper. This vigil should be properly adapted to encourage the - if relics of the saints are to be carried in procession, the
people's participation, but the requirements of the General Instruction items
of the Lit urgy of the Hours are to be respected.tsz indicated in no. 'i!76, a;
b. In the vesting room (sacristy) or in the sanctuary (chancel) or in the
871 In order that the people may take part fully in the rite of dedica
tion, the rector of the church to be dedicated and others experienced in body of the church as each situation requires:
the pastoral ministry are to instruct them on the import of the celebra - The Roman Missal (Sacramentary);
tion and its spiritual, ecclesial, and evangelizing power.183
- Lectionary for Mass;
- vessel of water to be blessed and sprinkler;
- vessels with the holy chrism;
872 It is for the bishop and for those in charge of the celebration of the
a. to decide the manner of entrance into the church (see nos.
b. to determine the manner of handing over the new church to
the bishop (see nos. 883, 888, 891);
c. to decide whether to have the depositing of the relics of the
saints. The decisive consideration isthe spiritual good of the com
munity; the prescription in no. 866 must be followed.
It is for the rector of the church to be dedicated, helped by those
who assist him in the pastoral work, to decide and prepare everything
concerning the readings, singing, and other pastoral aids to foster the
fruitful participation of the people and to ensure a dignified
DEDICATION OF A CHURCH sacrament chapel;
- altar cloth, candles, and candlesticks;
- small candle to be handed to the deacon by the bishop;
- towels for wiping the table of the - flowers, as circumstances
altar; suggest.lss
- if needed, a waxed linen cloth or waterproof covering of
the 874 It is praiseworthy to keep the ancient custom of hanging on the
same size as the altar; walls of the church crosses made of stone, brass, or other suitable mate
- basin and pitcher of water, towels, and all that is needed for rial or of having the crosses carved on the walls. Thus twelve or four
washing the bishop's hands and those of the presbyters after cross s should be provided, d pending on the number of anointings,
they have anointed the walls of the church; and fixed here and there at a swtable height on the walls of the church.
- linen apron Beneath each cross a small bracket should be fitted and in it a small
(gremial); candlestick is placed, with a candle to be lighted.t86
- brazier for burning incense or aromatic spices; or grains of
incense and small candles (wax tapers) to burn on the altar; 875 The vestments for the Mass of the dedication are white or of some
- censer and incense boat with other festive color. The following should be prepared:
spoon; - for the bishop: alb, pectoral cross, stole, dalmatic, chasuble, miter,
- large enough cup, corporal, purificators, and hand towel; pastoral staff, and pallium, if the bishop has the right to wear one;
-bread and wine and water for the celebration of Mass; - for the concelebrating presbyters: vestments for concelebrating
- altar cross, unless there is already a cross in the sanctuary Mass;
or the cross tha.t is carried in the entrance procession is to be - for the deacons: albs, stoles, and dalmatics;
placed near the altar;
- for other ministers: albs or other lawfully approved vesture.1s1
- humeral veil, if there is to be an inauguration of a blessed
236 237
876 If relics of the saints are to be placed beneath the altar, cation of its cathedral is to be celebrated, with the rank of a
the follow ing should be prepared : solemnity in the cathedral itself, with the rank of a feast in
other churches of the diocese, on the date on which the
a. In the place of assembly:
dedication of the church recurs. If this date is always impeded,
- reliquary containing the relics, placed between
the celebration is assigned to the nearest open
flowers and
lights. When the simple entrance is used, the reliquary d
may be a
The anniversary of a church's dedication is celebrated with
placed in a suitable part of the sanctuary (chancel) of a the rank solemnity.191 •
before the rite begins;
- for the deacons who will carry the relics to be
deposited: albs, EN1RANCE INTO THE CHuRCH
red stoles, if the relics are those of a martyr, or white in
other cases, and, if available, dalmatics.If the relics are
carried by pres
byters, then in place of dalmatics, chasubles should be prepared. The relics may also be carried by other ministers, vested in albs or in
cassocks and surplices or in other lawfully approved 879 The entry into the church is made, according to
vesture. circumstances of time and place, in one of the three ways
b. In the sanctuary (chancel): described here.l92
- small table on which the reliquary is placed during
the first part of the dedication rite. First Form: Procession
c. In the vesting room (sacristy):
- sealant or cement to close the cover of the aperture.
In addi
tion, a stonemason should be on hand to close the 880 The door of the church to be dedicated should be closed.
depository of the relics at the proper time.tss At a con
venient hour the people assemble in a neighboring church or
other suit
877 A record of the dedication of the church is to be drawn up
able place from which the procession may proceed to the
in dupli cate, signed by the bishop, the rector of the church, and
chuiCh. The
representatives of the local community; one copy is to be kept in
relics of the m yrs or saints, if they are to be put beneath
the diocesan archives, the other in the archives of the church.
the altar, are
Where the depositing of relics takes place, a third copy of
the rec prepared in the place where the people
ord should be made, to be placed at the proper time in the assemble.193
reliquary. 881 The bishop, the concelebrating presbyters, the deacons,
In this record mention should be made of the da month, and min isters, each in appropriate vestments, proceed to the
and year place where the people are assembled.
of the church's dedication, the name of the bishop who Putting aside the pastoral staff and miter and facing the
celebrated the people, the bishop says, In the name of the Father. He then
rite, also the titular of the church and, where applicable, the greets the people, saying, The grace and peace of C-od, or other
names of suitable words, taken prefer ably from Sacred Scripture. The
the martyrs or saints whose relics have been deposited beneath people reply, And also with you, or in some other suitable
the altar. way. Then the bishop addresses the people, using the words
Moreover, in a suitable place in the church, an inscription provided in the Dedication of a Church and an Altar or some
should similar words of instruction.194
be placed, stating the day, month, and year when the
dedication took 882 When he has finished addressing the people, the bishop
place, the titular of the church, and the name of the bishop receives the miter and pastoral staff, and the procession to
who cele brated the rite.189 the church to be dedi cated begins. No lights are used, apart
from those surrounding the rel ics of the saints, nor is
878 In order that the importance and the dignity of the incense used either in the procession or in the Mass before
particular Church may stand out with greater clarity, the the rite of the incensation and lighting of the altar and the
anniversary of the dedi-
190 See DC, no. 26: DOL 547, no. 4394. See Appendix D: I, 4b and D, 8b of this Ceremonial.
taa See DC, no. 24: DOL 547, no. 4392. 191 See DC. no. 27: DOL 547, no. 4393. See Appendix II: I, 4b of this Ceremonial.
1a9 See DC, no. 25: DOL 547, no. 4393. 1n See DC, no. 28.
193 See DC, no. 29.
238 194 See DC, no. 30.
SA NTALS As the procession proceeds, Psalm 122 (121), with the antiphon Let
us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord, or some other suitable song is
church (see nos. 905-907) . The crossbearer leads the procession, with sung.t96
out the usual candlebearers on either side; the ministers follow; then
the deacons or presbyters with the relics of the saints, ministers or the 883 At the threshold of the church the procession comes to a halt .
faithful accompanying them on either side with lighted torches; then the Representatives of those who have been involved in the building of the
concelebrating presbyters; then the bishop, followed by two deacons; church (members of the parish or of the diocese, contributors, architects,
then the ministers who assist with the book and the miter; and lastly, workers) hand over the building to the bishop, offering him, according to
the faith.ful .195 the place and circumstances, either the legal documents for posses sion
of the building, or the keys, or the plan of the building, or the book in
which the progress of the work is described and the names of those in DEDICATION OF A CHURCH
charge of it and the names of the workers are recorded. One of the
representatives addresses the bishop and the community in a few words, Second Form: Solemn Entrance
pointing out, when appropriate, what the new church expresses in its
886 If the procession cannot take place or seems inappropriate, the
art and in its own special design . The bishop then calls upon the pres
people assemble at the door of the church to be dedicated, where the
byter to whom the pastoral care of the church has been entrusted to open relics of the saints have been placed beforehand .
the door.197
Preceded by the crossbearer, the bishop and the concelebrating
884 When the door is unlocked, the bishop invites the people to enter presbyters, the deacons, an"d the ministers, each in appropriate
the church, using the words provided in Dedication of a Church and an vestments, approach the church door where the people are assembled .
Altar, Go within his gates giving thanks, or some other similar words. In the in terest of the authenticity of the rite, the door should be closed,
Then, preceded by the crossbearer, the bishop and the assembly enter and the bishop, concelebrants, deacons, and ministers should approach
the church. As the procession enters, Psalm 24 (23), with the antiphon the door from outside. But if this cannot be done, the door of the
Lift high the portals, or some other suitable song is sung.198 church is left open, and the bishop and those accompanying him go
to it from the
885 The bishop, without kissing the altar, goes to the chair (cathedra); church.zoo
the concelebrants, deacons, and ministers go to the places assigned to
them in the sanctuary (chancel). The relics of the saints are placed in 887 Putting aside the pastoral staff and miter, the bishop greets the
a suitable part of the sanctuary (chancel) between lighted torches. Water people saying, The grace and peace, or other suitable words, taken
is then blessed with the rite described in no. 892.199 prefer ably from Sacred Scripture. The people reply, And also with
you, or in some other suitable way. Then the bishop addresses the
people, saying, Brothers and sisters in Christ, or something similar.2o1
19!1 See DC, no. 31.
,.,. See DC, no. 32. 888 When the bishop has finished addressing the people, he puts on
1'11 See DC, no. 33. the miter and, as circumstances suggest, Psalm 122 (121), with the anti
198 See DC, no. 34. phon Let us go rejoicing, or some other suitable song is sung. Then
199 See DC, no. 35. representatives of those who have been involved in the building of the
church (members of the parish or of the diocese, contributors, architects,
240 workers) hand over the building to the bishop, offering him, according
to the place and circumstances, either the legal documents for posses
sion of the building, or the keys, or the plan of the building, or the book
in which the progress of the work is described and the names of those
in charge of it and the names of the workers are recorded . One of the
representatives addresses the bishop and the community in a few words,
pointing out, when appropriate, what the new church expresses in its
art and in its own special design. If the door is closed, the bishop then
calls upon the presbyter to whom the pastoral care of the church has
been entrusted to open the door.21l2
889 The bishop takes the pastoral staff and invites the people to enter the
church, using the words provided in Dedication of a Church and an
Altar, Go within his gates giving thanks, or some other similar words.
Then, preceded by the crossbearer, the bishop and the assembly enter the book in which the progress of the work is described and the names
the church. As the procession enters, Psalm 24 (23), with the antiphon of those in charge of it and the names of the workers are recorded.
Lift high the portals, or some other suitable song is sung. The bishop, One of the representatives addresses the bishop and the community in
without kissing the altar, goes to the chair (cathedra); the a few words, pointing out, when appropriate, what the new church
concelebrants, deacons, and ministers go to the places assigned to expresses in its art and in its own special design.205
them in the sanctu ary (chancel). The relics of the saints are placed in a
suitable part of the sanctuary (chancel) between lighted torches. Water
is then blessed with the rite described in no. 892.203
Third Form: Simple Entrance 892 When the entrance rite is completed, the bishop blesses water with
which to sprinkle the people as a sign of repentance and as a reminder
890 If the solemn blessing cannot take place, the simple entrance is of their baptism, and to purify the walls and the altar of the new
used. When the people are assembled, the bishop and the concelebrat church. The ministers bring the vessel with the water to the bishop,
ing presbyters, the deacons, and the ministers, each in appropriate who stands at the chair (cathedra). The bishop invites all to pray,
vest ments and preceded by the crossbearer, go from the vesting room saying, Brothers and sisters in Christ, or 0ther similar words. All pray
(sacristy) through the main body of the church to the sanctuary in silence for a brief period. Then the bishop says the prayer God of
(chancel). mercy.2o6
If there are relics of the saints to be put beneath the altar, these
are brought in the entrance procession to the sanctuary (chancel) from 893 The bishop, accompanied by the deacons, passes through the main
the vesting room (sacristy) or the chapel where, since the vigil, they body of the church, sprinkling the people and the walls with holy wa
have been exposed for the veneration of the people. For a good reason, ter; then, when he has returned to the sanctuary (chancel), he sprinkles
before the celebration begins, the relics may be placed between lighted the altar. Meanwhile, the antiphonIsaw water flowing, or, during Lent,
torches in a suitable part of the sanctuary (chancel). Iwill pour clean water, or some other suitable song is sung.w
As the procession proceeds, the entrance song God in his holy
dwelling, or Psalm 122 (121), with the antiphon Let us go rejoicing, or 894 After the sprinkling, the bishop returns to the chair (cathedra) and,
some other suitable song is sung.204 when the singing is finished, stands and with hands joined, says, May
God, the Father of mercies. Then the Gloria is sung, and when it is
891 When the procession reaches the sanctuary (chancel), the relics of finished the bishop, following the usual rite, sings or says the opening
the saints are placed between lighted torches in a suitable place. The prayer of the Mass.208
con celebrating presbyters, the deacons, and the ministers go to the
places assigned to them; the bishop, without kissing the altar, goes to
the chair. Then, putting aside the pastoral staff and miter, he .greets
the people, saying, The grace and peace, or other suitable words,
taken preferably from Sacred Scripture. The people reply, And also
895 The bishop is seated, wearing the miter. The proclamation of the
with you, or in some other suitable way. word of God is fittingly carried out in this way: two readers, one of
Then representatives of those who have been involved in the build
ing of the church (members of the parish or of the diocese, contributors, whom carries the Lectionary fvr Mass, and the psalmist (cantor) come to
architects, workers) hand over the building to the bishop, offering him, the bishop. The bishop, standing with the miter on, takes the Lectionnry
and shows it to the people, saying, May the word of God . Then the
according to the place and circumstances, either the legal documents bishop hands
for possession of the building, or the keys, or the plan of the
building, or
See DC, nos. 46-47.
See DC, no. 48.
2o3 See DC, nos. 41-42. w See DC, no. 49.
2114 See DC, nos. 43-45. 2
0f See DC, nos. 50-52.
242 243
54. m See DC, no. 55. m See DC,
no. 56.
the LectionanJ to the first reader. The readers and the psalmist proceed 244
to the ambo, carrying the Lectionary for all to
8% The readings are arranged in this way: the fust is always taken
from the Book of Nehemiah 8:1-4a, 5-6, 8-10, and it is followed by the
singing of Psalm 19 (18):8-9, 10, 15, with the response Your words,
Lord, are spirit and life. The second reading and the gospel reading are
taken from the texts in the Lectionary for Mass for the rite of the
dedication of a church (Ritual Masses, IX. Dedication of a Church or
Altar, 1. Dedication of a Church). Neither lights nor incense is carried
for the gospel reading.210
897 After the gospel reading, the bishop sits, with miter and pastoral
staff, and gives the homily, in which he explains the biblical readings
and the meaning of the rite by which the church building is dedicated
to God and the growth of the Church is fostered.211
898 After the homily, the bishop puts aside the pastoral staff and mi
ter; all stand and the profession of faith is sung or recited. The general
intercessions are omitted, since in their place the Litany of the Saints
is sung.212
Litany of the
899 After the profession of faith, the bishop invites the people to pray,
saying, Let us ask, or other similar words.
Then the Litany of the Saints is sung, with all responding.On Sun
days and also during the Easter season, all stand; on other days all
and the deacon says, Let us kneel.
At the proper place in the litany, the cantors add the names of
saints (the titular of the church, the patron saint of the place, and the
saints whose relics are to be deposited, if this is to take place) and
peti tions suitable to the occasion and to the faithful taking part .
When the litany is finished, the bishop, standing and with hands
outstretched, says the prayer Lord, may the prayers of the Blessed Vir
gin Mary.Then, if the people have been kneeling, the deacon says, Let
913 If the chapel where the blessed sacrament is reserved can be seen 248
clearly by the congregation, the bishop immediately imparts the bless ing
of the Mass. Otherwise the procession returns to the sanctuary by the
shortest route, and the bishop imparts the blessing either at the al tar or at
the chair (cathedra), and the Mass concludes in the manner in
dicated in no. 915.227
119 See The Roman Pontifical, Dedication of a Ch11rch and anAltar, ch. 3, Dedication of a Church AJ.
ready in General Use for Sacred Celebrations: DOL 547, nos. 4396-4397.
918 At the altar the saqifice of the cross is made present under sacra mental
signs. It is also the table of the Lord, and the people of God are called
together to share in it. The altar is, as well, the center of the thanks giving
that the eucharist accomplishes.230
919 It is desirable that in every church there be a fixed altar and that in
other places set apart for sacred celebrations there be either a fixed or a
movable altar.23t
In accordance with received custom in the Church and the bibli cal
symbolism connected with an altar, the table of a fixed altar should be of
stone, indeed of natural stone. But, at the discretion of the confer ence of
bishops, any becoming, solid, and finely wrought material may be used in
erecting an altar.232
920 It is fitting to maintain the practice of placing beneath the altar rel
ics of the saints, even those who are not martyrs (see no. 866).
921 The altar is of its very nature dedicated to the one God, for the
eucharistic sacrifice is offered to the one God. This is the sense in which
the Church's practice of dedicating altars to God in honor of the saints
must be understood. St. AuguStine expresses it well: "It is not to any of
the martyrs, but to the God of the martyrs, though in memory of the
martyrs, that we raise our altars:'233
In places where altars are customarily dedicated to God in honor
of the saints, the practice may be continued, but it should be made clear to
the people that the altar is dedicated to God alone. In new churches
statues and pictures of saints may not be placed above the altar.
Likewise, when relics of saints are exposed for veneration, they
should not be placed on the table of the altar.234
922 Since an altar becomes sacred principally by the celebration of the
eucharist, in conformity to this truth the celebration of Mass on a new
a. for the bishop: alb, pectoral cross, stole, chasuble, miter, pas
toral staff, and pallium, if the bishop has the right to wear one;
b. for the concelebrating presbyters: vestments for 933 When the people are assembled, the bishop and the concelebrat
concelebrating Mass; ing presbyters, the deacons, and the ministers, each in appropriate vest
c. for the deacons: albs, stoles, and, if opportune, dalmatics; ments, and preceded by the crossbearer, go from the vesting room
d. for other ministers: albs or other lawfully approved vesture.2
44 (sacristy) through the main body of the church to the sanctuary
(chancel) .
931 If relics of the saints are to be placed beneath the altar, the
follow ing should be prepared:
934 If there are relics of saints to be placed beneath the altar, these are
a. In the place from which the procession begins: brought in the entrance procession to the sanctuary (chancel) from the
- reliquary containing the relics, placed between flowers and vesting room (sacristy) or the chapel where, since the vigil, they have
lights. But, as circumstances dictate, the reliquary may be placed been exposed for the veneration of the people. For a good reason, before
in a suitable part of the sanctuary (chancel) before the rite begins; the celebration begins, the relics may be placed between lighted torches
- for the deacons who will carry the relics to be deposited: in a suitable part of th sanctuary (chance1).249
albs, red stoles, if the relics are those of a martyr, or white in
other cases, and, if available, dalmatics. If the relics are 935 As the procession proceeds, Psalm 43 (42), with the entrance anti
carried by pres byters, then, inplace of dalmatics, chasubles phon 0 God our shield or I will go to the altar of God, or some other
should be prepared. The relics may alsobe carried by other suitable song is sung.2so
ministers, vested in albs or in cassocks and surplices or in
other lawfully approved vesture. 936 When the procession reaches the sanctuary (chance!Y, the relics of
b. In the sanctuanJ (chancel): the saints are placed between lighted torches ina suitable place. The con
- small table on which the reliquary is placed during the first celebrating presbyters, the deacons, and the ministers go to the places
part of the dedication rite. assigned to them; the bishop, without kissing the altar, goes to the chair
c. In the vesting room (sacristy): (cathedra). Then, putting aside the pastoral staff and miter, he greets the
- sealant or cement to dose the cover of the aperture. In people, saying, The grace and peace, or some other suitable words, tak
addi en preferably from Sacred Scripture. The people reply, And also with
tion, a stonemason should be on hand to close the depository you, or in some other suitable way.2st
of the relics at the proper time.245
932 It is fitting to observe the custom of enclosing in the reliquary a
parchment on which is recorded the day, month, and year of the dedi 937 When the entrance rite is completed, the bishop blesses water with
cation of the altar, the name of the bishop who celebrated the rite, the which to sprinkle the people as a sign of repentance and as a reminder
titular of the church, and the names of the martyrs or saints whose rel of their baptism, and to purify the altar. The ministers bring the vessel
ics are deposited beneath the altar.246 with the water to the bishop, who stands at the chair. The bishop
A record of the dedication is to be drawn up in duplicate, signed invites all to pray, using the words Brothers and sisters in Christ or
by the bishop, the rector of the church, and representatives of the local other suit able words. All pray in silence for a brief period . Then the
community; one copy is to be kept in the diocesan archives, the other bishop says
in the archives of the church.Z47 the prayer God of
mercy. 252
u• See DA, no. 28: DOL 547, no. 4425.
lf5 See DA, no. 29: DOL 547, no. 4426.
2.,; See DA, no. 30: DOL 547, no. 4427.
:us See DA, no. 31.
<t<•See DA, no. 32.
:u' See no. 877 of this Ceremonial.
250See DA, no. 33.
u• See DA, no.
34. m See DA, no.
3 5.
254 255
............-------------- ------------------- -- DEDICATIO N OF AN AliAR
938 When the invocation over the water is finished, the bishop, accom Then the Litany of the Saints is sung, with all responding. On
panied by the deacons, passes through the main body of the church, Sun days and also during the Easter season all stand; on other days all
sprinkling the people with holy water; then, when he has returned to kneel, and the deacon says, Let us kneel.259
the sanctuary (chancel), he sprinkles the altar. Meanwhile, the antiphon At the proper place in the litany the cantors add the names of
I saw water, or, during Lent, the antiphon I will pour clean wate or other saints (the titular of the church, the patron saint of the place,
some other suitable song is sung.253 and the s.aints w ose relics are to b.e deposited, if is to take place)
and peti tions smtable to the occasiOn and to the fa1thful taking
939 After the sprinkling, the bishop returns to the chair (cathedra) and, part.uo
when the singing is finished, standing with hands joined, says, May When the litany is finished, the bishop, standing and with
God, the Father of mercies. hands outstretched, says the prayer Lord, may the prayers of the
Then the Gloria is sung except on a Sunday of Advent or Lent. Blessed Vir gin Mary. Then, if the people have been kneeling, the
When the Gloria is finished, the bishop, in the usual way, sings deacon says, Let us stand. All rise. The bishop receives the miter
or says the opening prayer of the Mass.254 and proceeds to the depositing of the relics.
. en there is no depositing of the relics of the saints, the
nnmediately says the prayer of dedication, as indicated in no. 945.261
942 The profession of faith is always said. The general intercessions Prayer of Dedication
are omitted, since in their place the Litany of the Saints is sung.257
945 The bishop, without miter and standing at the altar with hands
outstretched, sings or says the prayer Fathe we praise you .
2 3
943 After the profession of faith, the bishop invites the people to
pray, saying, Let our prayers, or other similar words.2ss
255 DA, no. 40; see LM, nos. 817-822 (Ritual Masses, IX. Dedication or Blessing of a
Church or
Altar, 2. Dedication of an Altar).
256 See DA, no. 41.
946 Then the bishop, removing the chasuble if necessary and putting
on a linen apron (gremial), goes to the altar with ihe deacon or 159 See DA, no. 44.
another minister, who carries the vessel with the holy chrism. uo See DA, no. 45.
Standing before the altar and wearing the miter, the bishop says in a 261 See DA, no. 46.
clear voice: We now anoint this altar. Then he pours holy chrism on 262 See DA, no. 47.
the middle of the altar 263 See DA, no. 48.
256 257
and on each of its four corners, and it is recommended that he anoint U6See DA, no. 52.
the entire u1 See DA, no. 53.
table. 264 268 See DA, no. 54.
269 See DA, no. 55.
During the anointing, outside the Easter season, Psalm 45 (44),
with the antiphon God,your God, or some other suitable song is
sung; during the Easter season, Psalm 118 (117), with the antiphon
The stone
which the builders rejected, or some other suitable song is sung.
When the altar has been anointed, the bishop returns to the charr
(cathedra), sits, washes his hands, then takes off the linen apron
(gremial) .
Incensation of the
947 After the rite of anointing, a brazier is placed on the altar for burn
ing incense or aromatic gums, or, if desired, a heap of incense mixed
with small candles or wax tapers is made on the altar. The bishop puts
incense into the brazier, or he lights the heap of incense with a small
candle handed to him by a minister; then he says, Lord, may our
Then the bishop puts incense into the censer, blesses it, and in-
censes the altar; he returns to the chair (cathedra), puts on the miter,
is incensed, and then sits. A minister incenses the people. Meanwhile,
Psalm 138(137), with the antiphon An angel stood or From the hand
of the angel, or some other suitable song is sung.267
951 The deacons and the ministers prepare the altar in 953 At the end of Mass the bishop gives the final blessing, using the
the usual way. Then some of the congregation bring formulary provided in Dedication of a Church and an Altar. Then the
the bread and the wine and water for the celebration of dea con dismisses the people in the usual way.274
the Lord's sacrifice. The bishop receives the gifts at the
chair (cathedra). While the gifts are being brought, the
antiphon If you are bringing your gift orMoses 270 See DA, no. 56.
consecrated the altar or some other suitable song may 271 See DA, no. 57.
be sung.271 272 See DA, no. 58.
258 259
day should be chosen when the people can be present in large numbers, especially
a Sunday, unless pastoral considerations suggest otherwise.277
BLESSING OF A CHURCH 957 On the days mentioned in nos. 1-4of the table of liturgical days,278 the Mass of
the day is celebrated; but on other days either the Mass of the day or the Mass of the
titular of the church or oratory is celebrated.
958 For the rite of the blessing of a church or an oratory, all things needed for the
954 Since sacred edifices, that is, churches, are permanently set aside celebration of Mass are prepared. But even though the altar may have already been
for the celebration of the divine mysteries, it is right for them to receive blessed or dedicated, it should be left bare
a dedication to God. This is done according to the rite for dedicating a
church, a rite impressive for its striking ceremonies and symbols.
But if the church does not receive dedication, it should at least re 21s See The Roman Pontifical, Dedication of n Ozurch and 1111 Alta1 ch. 5, Blessing of a Church (here- after, BC), no. 1: DOL
ceive a blessing, according to the rite described in this chapter. 547, no. 4428.
276 See BC, no. 2: DOL 547, no. 4429.
Private oratories, chapels, or other sacred edifices set aside only
rn See BC, nos. 2-3: DOL 547, nos. 4429-4430.
temporarily for divine worship because of special conditions, more
prop erly receive a blessing, according to the rite described in this 27
8 See Appendix II of this Ceremonial.
When a church, private oratory, or chapel is blessed, all such things as
the cross, images, organ, stations of the cross are counted as blessed
and installed by the one rite of blessing and do not therefore need a sp
cial blessing or installation.
955 As to the structure of the liturgy, the choice of a titular, and the
pastoral preparation of the people, what has been said already in nos.
864-871 and no. 877 on the dedication of a church is to be followed, with
the necessary modifications.276
260 261
or other suitable words, taken preferably from Sacred Scripture. The the general intercessions are said in the usual way (unless the al
people reply, And also with you, or make some other suitable tar is to be dedicated; see no. 968).287
967 Then the bishop goes to the altar, if it is to be blessed. Meanwhile,
963 Then the bishop blesses water with which to sprinkle the people e antiphon May the children of the Church or some other suitable song
as a sign of repentance and as a reminder of their baptism, and to IS sung.
purify the walls of the new church or oratory. The ministers bring the When the singing is finished, the bishop, standing and without
vessel with the water to the bishop, who stands at the chair ter, peaks. to .the people, using the words Brothers and sisters, pro
(cathedra). The bishop invites all to pray, saying, Brothers and sisters, vtded m Dedzcatwn of a Church and an Altar, or other similar words.
or another similar invitation . All pray in silence for a brief period. All pray in silence for a brief period. Then, with hands outstretched,
Then the bishop says the prayer God of mercyJS4 the bishop sings or says in a dear voice the prayer Blessed are you,
Lord our God.
964 When the invocation over the water is finished, the bishop, accom Then he puts ince se into several censers and incenses the altar.
panied by the deacons, passes through the main body of the church, Then, receiving the miter, he returns to the chair (cathedra), is
sprinkling the people and the walls with holy water; then, when he has incensed,
returned to the sanctuary (chancel), he sprinkles the altar, unless it is then sits. Ministers, walking through the church, incense the people
already blessed or dedicated. Meanwhile, the antiphon I saw water and
flow ing or, during Lent, the antiphon I will pour clean water, or some the main body of the
other suitable song is sung. church.288
After the sprinkling, the bishop returns to the chair (cathedra)
and, when the singing is finished, stands and with hands joined says, 968 If the altar is to be dedicated, the profession of faith is said, the
May God, the Father of mercies ;285 general intercessions are omitted, and the provisions of nos. 943-950
are observed.
965 Then, except on the Sundays or weekdays of Advent and Lent, But if the altar is to be neither blessed nor dedicated (for example,
because an altar already blessed or dedicated has been transferred to the
new church), after the general intercessions the Mass proceeds in the
Gloria is sung, and when it is finished the bishop says the opening manner indicated in no. 969.289
of the Mass.2B6 969 After the general intercessions, the bishop sits and receives the mi
ter. Ministers cover the altar with an altar cloth, and, if circumstances
9 6 Th ass proceeds in the usual way, but with the following suggest, decorate it with flowers. They arrange in a suitable manner the
'spe candles needed for the celebration of Mass and, if necessary, the cross.
Clal prOVISIOns: When the altar is ready, some of the congregation bring the
- the readings are taken, in accordance with the rubrics, either bread and the wine and water for the celebration of the Lord's
from the texts provided in the Lectionary for Mass for the ritual sacrifice. The bishop receives e gifts at the chair (cathedra). While
Mass for the dedication of a church or for the Mass of the day; the gifts are being brought, the antiphon H you are bringing, or the
- neither lights nor incense is carried for the gospel reading; antiphon Moses con secrated the altar, or some other suitable song
may be sung.290
- after the gospel reading, the bishop gives the homily, in
which he explains the biblical readings and the meaning of the 970 When all is ready, the bishop goes to the altar, removes the
rite; miter, and kisses the altar. The Mass proceeds in the usual way;
- the profession of faith is said when called for by the rubrics; however, the
m See BC, nos. 14-15.
See BC, no. 9.
gifts and the altar are not incensed. But if the altar was not blessed or
dedicated in this celebration, the incensation takes place in the usual BLESSING OF AN AITAR
If a chapel of the blessed sacrament is to be inaugurated, when
the communion of the congregation is finished, everything takes place
as already described in nos. 910-913.292
972 A movable altar is-one that is not attached to the floor and so can be
moved from place to place. A movable altar also deserves religious
971 For the final blessing the bishop uses the formulary provided in
respect, because it is a table set aside solely and permanently for the eu
Dedication of a Church and an Altar.
charistic banquet. Consequently, before a movable altar is put to use, if
The deacon dismisses the people in the usual way.293
it is not dedicated, it should at least be blessed.294
See BC, no. 25.
973 A movable altar may be constructed of any solid material that the
See BC, no. 26.
292 traditions and cultures of different regions determine to be suitable for
" See BC, nos. 27-28. liturgical use.295
974 To erect a movable altar, what is laid down in the litUigical books
is to be followed, with the necessary modifications. However, it is not
permissible to place the relics of saints in the base of a movable
976 A movable altar may be blessed on any day except Good Friday
and Holy Saturday. As far as possible, a day should be chosen when
the people can be present in large numbe.rs, especially a Sunday, unless
pastoral considerations suggest otherwise.298
977 In the rite of blessing a movable alt the Mass of the day is cele
brated. But in the liturgy of the word, except on those days listed innos.
1-9 of the table of liturgical days, one or two readings may be taken from
those provided in the LectionanJ for Mass for the dedication of an altar.299
978 The altar should be left bare until the beginning of the liturgy of
the eucharist. Hence a cross (if need be), an altar cloth, candles, and
••• See The Roman Pontifical, Dedication of a Church and an Altar, ch. 6, Blessing of an Altar (here-
after, BA), no. 1: DOL 547, no. 4428. See CIRM, nos. 261, 265: DOL 208, nos. 1651, 1655. 'I
z9s See CIRM, no. 264: DOL 208, no. 1654.
2-M See BA, no. 3: DOL 547, no. 4437.
'" See Appendix TI of this Ce monial; see LM. nos. 817-822 (Ritual Masses, IX. Dedication or
264 265
thing necessary to prepare the altar should be on hand at a convenient
place in the sanctuary BLESSING OF A GIALICE (CUP) AND PATEN
981 Ministers cover the altar with an altar cloth and, if circumstances
suggest, decorate it with flowers. They arrange in a suitable manner the
candles needed for the celebration of Mass, and, if necessary, the
988 The Mass of the day is celebrated. In the liturgy of the word, apart
cross.304 from the days listed in nos. 1-9 in the table of liturgical days,313 one or
two readings may be taken from those provided in the Lectionary for
982 When the altar is ready, some of the congregation bring the bread Mass.314
and the wine and water for the celebration of the Lord's sacrifice. The
bishop receives the gifts at the chair (cathedra). While the gifts are 989 After the reading of the word of God, the homily is given, in
being brought, the antiphon If you are bringing or some other suitable which the bishop explains the biblical readings and the meaning of the
song may be sung.305 bless ing of a chalice (cup) and paten that are used in the celebration
of the eucharist.315
983 When all is ready, the bishop goes to the altar, removes the
miter, and kisses the altar. The Mass proceeds in the usual way;
however, the
gifts and the altar are not incensed.906 30 See The Roman Pontifical, Dedication of a Church and an Altar, ch. 7, Blessing of a Chalice and
266 267
990 When the general intercessions are finished, ministers or represen tatives
of the community that is presenting the chalice (cup) and paten place them
on the altar. The bishop,with the deacons assisting him, then goes to the altar,
as the antiphon I will take the cup of salvation or some other suitable song is
991 When the singing is finished, the bishop says, Let us pray.All pray in
silence for a brief period. The bishop then continues with the prayer Lord,
with joy we place on your altae17
993 When he has said the prayer Lord God, we ask you to receive us, the
bishop may incense the gifts and the altar. The Mass then proceeds in the
usual way.319
995 The baptistery, or the area where the baptismal font is located,
should be reserved for the sacrament of baptism and shou,ld be worthy to
serve as the place where Christians are reborn in water and the Holy Spirit.
The baptistery may be situated in a chapel either inside or out side the
church or in some other part of the church easily seen by the faithful; it
should be large enough to accommodate a good number of people.321
The baptismal font, or the vessel in which on occasion the water is
prepared for the celebration of the sacrament in the sanctuary, should be
spotlessly clean and of pleasing design.322
996 It is appropriate that the rite of blessing be carried out by the bishop of
the diocese or by the parish priest (pastor) or rector of the church.
998 The blessing of a baptismal font without the celebration of bap tism
may take place at any hour and on any day except Ash Wednesday, during
Holy Week, and All Souls. The day chosen should preferably be one on
which a large number of the faithful can gather for the cele bration.324
999 The following should be prepared for the rite of blessing a bap tistery
or a new baptismal font:
&21 See RBC, Christian Initiation, General Introduction, no. 25: DOL 294, no. 2274.
m See RBC, Olristian Initiation, General Introduction, no. 19:DOL 294, no. 2268.
3u See RM, Easter VJgil, Blessing of Water; RBC, no. 54; RaA, no. 215 (U.S. ed., no. 222).
u• See The Roman Ritual, Book of Blessings, English ed., 1987, ch. 25, Order for the Blessing of a
Baptistery or of a New Baptismal Font (hereafter, OBBF), Introduction, no. 840.
a. Book of Blessings, Lectionary for Mass; 1003 After his introductory remarks, the bishop, with hands joined,
b. censer and incense boat; says, Let us pray. All pray briefly in silence; then, with hands
outstretched, the bishop says the prayer 0 God, by the sacrament of
c. vessel to receive the newly blessed water, and sprinkler; rebirth.328
d. Easter candle, candlestand for the Easter candle placed in the
middle of the baptistery or near the font;
e. chairs for the bishop and the other ministers; .
f. vestments, either white or of some other festive color: LITURGY OF THE WoRD
- for the bishop: alb, pectoral cross, stole, cope (or chasuble
if he is to celebrate Mass), miter, pastoral staff; 1004 After the introductory rites, the bishop sits and puts on the miter.
- for presbyters: vestments for the celebration of Mass; Then one or more texts of Sacred Scripture are read, taken from those
- for deacons: albs, stoles, and, as circumstances suggest, dal- provided in the Lectionary for Mass for use in the celebration of the
matics; sacra
- for other ministers: albs or other lawfully approved vesture ments of Christian initiation.329 Between the readings there is a
. respon
sorial psalm related to the reading that preceded it or an interval of
INTRODUCTORY RITES The gospel reading al ays holds the place of honor.
1000 When the people have gathered, a procession is formed to go 1005 After the reading of the word of God, the bishop in the homily
from the vesting room (sacristy) through the body of the church to the explains the biblical texts so that those present may better understand
bap tistery. The procession is led by a censerbearer carrying a censer the importance of baptism and the symbolism of the font.330
with burning incense; an acolyte bearing the Easter candle follows;
then the ministers, deacons, presbyters, and the bishop, all wearing
their proper liturgical vestments.325
1001 During the procession Psalm 36 (35), with the antiphon You will BLESSING OF THE NEW FoNT
drink or Lord, you are the source of life, or some other suitable song 1006 Putting aside the miter, the bishop invites the people to pray, us
is sung.326 ing the words Brothers and sisters, the time has come or some similar
words. All pray briefly in silence; then, facing the font and with hands
1002 When the procession reaches the baptistery, all go and stand in outstretched, the bishop says the prayer Lord God, Creator of the world
their assigned places. The Easter candle is placed in the candlestand .331
pre pared for it at the center of the baptistery or near the font. When
the singing has ended, the bishop puts aside the miter and pastoral staff 1007 After the invocation over the font, a baptismal song may be sung,
and greets those present with the words The grace of our Lord Jesus for example, The Lord's voice resounding, The Father's voice calls us,
Christ or other suitable words, taken mainly from Sacred Scripture. All orThis is the fountain of life, as the font is being incensed. Then, as
reply, And also with you, or make some other suitable reply. Then the cir cumstances suggest, the bishop, standing with miter and facing
bishop prepares those present for the celebration, using the words the people, may receive the renewal of their baptismal faith, and
My dear brothers and sisters or other suitable words.327 afterward
sprinkle them with water taken from the
See OBBE nos. 844 and 861.
326 See OBBF, no. 862.
327 See OBBF, nos. 863-864.
323 See OBBF, no. 865.
270 m See LM, nos. 751-760 (Ritual Masses, l.Christian Initiation, 1.Order of Catechumens and
Chris tian Initiation of Adults, Christian Initiation apart from the Easter Vigil, and 2. Christian
Initiation of Children).
S30 See OBBF, no. 867.
m See OBBF, nos. 868-869.
m See OBBE nos. 870-872.
3 See Council of Nicaea II, Act. 7: Mansi 13, 378; Denzinger-Schorunetzer, Enchiridion
symbolomm, definitionum et declarationum de rebrts fidti et morum, ed. XXXIV, no. 601.
335 See The Roman Ritual, Book of Blessings, ch. 28, Order for the Blessing of aNew Cross for
Public Veneration (hereafter, OBNC), no. 964.
DESCRIPTION OF THE RITE 1020 After the homily, the bishop, putting aside the miter and stand ing
before the cross, blesses it, saying the prayer Blessed are you, Lord God or
1015 When feasible, it is preferable for the community of the faithful to go the prayer Lord God, Father all-holy.
in procession from the church or another location to the site where the cross After the prayer, he puts incense into the censer, stands before the
that is to be blessed has been erected. When a procession either is not feasible cro s, and incenses it, as all sing the antiphon We worship you, or the
or seems inadvisable, the faithful simply assemble at the site of the cross.336 antiphon Through the sign of the cross, or some other suitable song in honor
When the people have gathered, the bishop, vested in alb, pecto of the cross.34o •
ral cross, stole, and cope, and with miter and pastoral staff, goes to them,
accompanied by the ministers. Putting aside miter and pastoral staff, he 1021 After the incensation,* the bishop, the ministers, and the faithful
greets the faithful in the words The grace of Jesus Christ or other suit able enerate e new cross, if this can be done conveniently. One by one m
words. The people reply, And also with you, or make some other suitable processiOn all go to the cross and kneel before it or kiss it or offer some
reply. other sign of reverence in keeping with local custom.t
But if this procedure is impossible because of the large number in
1016 Then, using if he so chooses the words provided in the Book of Bless ?tte_n:dance or for some other good reason, the bishop speaks a few words, mv1
ings, the bishop briefly addresses the faithful, in order to prepare them for g the people to venerate the cross either by observing an interval of silent
the celebration and to explain the meaning of the rite. prayer or by some appmpriate acclamation.34t
After his introductory remarks, the bishop invites all to pray. Af
ter a brief period of silent prayer, the bishop, with hands outstretched, 1022 The veneration of the cross is followed by intercessions, either in the
says the opening prayer, Lord, your Son reconciled us to you 7 form usual at Mass or in the form provided in the Book of Blessings. The
intercessions are concluded by the Lord's Prayer, sung or recited by all, and
1017 After the opening praye the bishop again takes the miter and pas toral the prayer of the bishop.
staff, and the deacon may say, Let us proceed in peace .The proces sion to the en, taking the miter and pastoral staff, the bishop blesses the pe ple
site of the cross is then formed. During the procession Psalm 98 (97), with m the usual way, and the deacon assisting him dismisses them, saymg, Go in
the antiphon We should glory in the cross, or some other suitable song is peace, and all reply, Thanks be to God. Then a song in honor of the cross of
sung.33s Christ may be sung.342
When there is no procession, the opening prayer is followed im
mediately by the reading of the word of God.
340See OBNC, nos. 977-'179.
1018 After the opening prayer, the bishop puts on the miter and sits for the . • OB C, no. 980, begi.ns CAntu expleto ('1\ft:er the singing"), not Thurificatione completa (' the
proclamation of the word of God. There may be one or two read ings, each
tThe rubrics for OBNC do not mention kneeling or kissing.
followed by a responsorial psalm related to it. The texts may be taken from :u1See OBNC, no. 980.
those given in the Lectionary for Mass (Votive Masses, Holy Cross).339 :u2 See OBNC, nos. 981-983.
1019 The bishop then gives the homily, in which he explains both the
biblical texts and the power of the cross of Christ.
...........-------------- ------------------- - 276
1026 When the community has gathered, the bishop, with miter and
pastoral staff, goes in procession to the chair or to the site of the bells
lCl See The Roman Ritual, Book of Blessings,ch. 30, Order for the Blessing of Bells (hereafter, OBB),
no. 1036.
•No. 1Da5 of OBB also suggests that the bells may be blessed within Mass after the homily.
See OBB, no. 1035.
BLESSING OF BELLS the antiphon Sing to the Lord, or some other suitable song is sung.348
to be blessed; a crossbearer between two ministers with lighted torches leads; 1031 The singing is followed by intercessions, either in the form usual
then come the other ministers, deacons, presbyters, and the bishop. During the at Mass or in the form provided in the Book of Blessings.349 The interces
procession a suitable song is sung. sions are concluded by the Lord's Prayer, sung or recited by all, and the
prayer of the bishop.*
1027 After the singing, the bishop, putting aside miter and pastoral staff, greets the Then, taking the miter and pastoral staff, the bishop blesses the
people, saying, The grace of our Lord; then he briefly addresses the faithful, in people in the usual way or with the formulary provided in the Book of
order to prepare them for the celebration.34s Blessings. The assisting deacon dismisses them, saying, Go in peace,
and all reply, Thanks be to God .
1028 After this, the bishop puts on the miter and sits for the proclama tion of the
word of God. There may be one or two readings, taken from those provided in
the Book of Blessings; the first reading is followed by a responsorial psalm :us See OBB, nos. 1038-1039. (The text of this Ceremonilll differs at many points from the rite as
related to it.346 given
in OBB, most notably in the omission of the sign of the cross to begin the rite.)
3<6 See OBB, nos. 1040-1042.
1029 After the reading of the word of God, the bishop gives the hom ily, in 347 See OBB, no. 1043.
which he explains the biblical readings and the meaning and use of bells in the ,.. See OBB, nos. 1046-1048.
tradition and life of the Church.347 349
See OBB, no. 1044.
• The Latin and English editions of OBB, nos. 1044-1046, provide no prayer concluding the inter
cessions as indicated in the Latin of this Ceremcnilll; a prayer d blessing, not the Lord's Prayer or
1030 After the homily, the bishop puts aside the miter and pastoral staff and, a concluding prayer, follows the intercessions .
standing before the bells, says the prayer of blessing, either We praise you,
Lord, Father all-holy or Lord, from the beginning of time. He then sprinkles
the bells with holy water and incenses them. During this time Psalm 149, with
3so See
OBB, nos. 1049-1050.
m See OBB, nos. 1035 and 1051.
1033 Special honor is paid to images of the Blessed Vrrgin Mary by the
practice of placing a crown upon the head of the image of the Mother
of God and, when she is depicted with Ouist, also upon the head of
her Son. By means of this rite the faithful proclaim that the Blessed Vrr
gin, who was raised body and soul to the glory of heaven, is rightly re
garded and invoked as Queen. She is the Mother and faithful
companion of Christ, the King of creation, who by the shedding of his
precious blood acquired as his heritage dominion over all peoples.
1035 The crown that will be placed on the image should be fashioned
out of material of a kind that will symbolize the singular dignity of the
Blessed Virgin. But opulence and lavish display are to be avoided; this
would ill-suit the soberness of Christian worship or be in shocking con
trast to the standard of living of the faithful in the region.353
1036 It is fitting that the diocesan bishop carry out the rite; if he is
un able to do so, he should entrust this responsibility to another
bishop or to a presbyter, particularly one associated with him in the
pastoral care of the faithful in whose church the image to be
crowned is venerated .
But if an image is crowned in the name of the pope, the directives
of the authorizing papal brief are to be followed.354
352 See the Older of Crawning an Image of the Blessed Virgin MAry (hereafte ; CIBVM), Introduction,
no. 6.
m See CJBVM, no. 7.
See CIBVM, no. 8.
1037 The rite of crowning is fittingly held on solemnities and feasts of
the Blessed Virgin Mary or on other festive days. But the rite is not to
be held on the principal solemnities of the Lord nor on days having a
penitential character.
Depending on circumstances, the crowning of an image of the
Blessed Virgin Mary may take place within Mass, within the liturgy of
the ho"ij.I's at evening prayer, or within a celebration of the word of God
suited to the occasion.3ss
1047 After the singing, the bishop, putting aside the miter, rises and all rise with
ning prayer corresponding to the title represented by the image to be him. While standing at the chair (cathedra), he blesses the crown (crowns), saying
crowned. the prayer Blessed are you, Lord, and the spr es the crown (crowns) with holy
water.36'He then goes to the nnage (Im
1045 Evening prayer begins in the usual way. After the hymn,* the ages) and in silence places the crown (crowns) on the image (images).
bishop may give a brief instruction to the people for the purp?se of
J(rep ing them for the celebration. The singing of the psalms with 1048 After the crown (crowns) has (have) been placed on the image (im ages), all
therr anti- phons follows. stand and the Canticle of ary is ung wi ne of the_ anti
Following the psalmody, a longer reading is appropriate, chos n phons provided in the Order of Crownmg. Durmg the smgmg, the btshop
from those given in the Lectionary for Mass for feasts of the Blessed Vrr first incenses the altar and cross, then the image (images).
gin Mary. The bishop then gives the homily.
1049 After the canticle, evening prayer continues with the intercessions, in one of the
1046 After the homily, all may reflect in silence on the w<?I'd of.G?d. formularies provided in the Order of Crowning. After t e Lord's Prayer, the bishop
Then the short responsory Holy Mary is Queen or a song Wtth a similar says the prayer God of mercy, unless the office of the day requires a different prayer.
The bishop next blesses the people in the usual way, and the deacon CROWNING AN IMAGE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY
says the formulary of dismissal, Go in peact", and all reply, Thanks
be to God . Then an antiphon or some
other suitable song in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary may sung.be Ill. CROWNING OF AN IMAGE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY
1050 The bishop vests in the vesting room (sacristy) or other suitable
place, putting on an alb, pectoral cross, stole, and white cope or one of
•No. 22 of OBVM reads: "after the opening verse and before the hymn."
some other festive color, and taking the miter and pastoral staff. He
361 See OBVM, nos. 21-25.
363 See OBVM, no. 26.
enters the church in the usual way as Psalm 45 (44), with the antiphon
964 See OBVM, no. 'ZJ.
The queen stands, or some other suitable song is sung. When he has
se See CIBVM, no. 28. reached the altar, the bishop puts aside the miter and pastoral staff
3..- See CIBVM, no. 29. (No. 79 of the CIBVM provides for the incensing of the ministers and the and reverences the altar. Then he goes to the chair (cathedra), where,
people as after the singing, he greets the people, saying, The grace of our Lord
well.) Jesus Christ, or some other similar greeting.368
"" See CIBVM, nos. 30-31.
1051 The bishop then gives a brief instruction to the people for the pur
282 pose of preparing them for the rite and explaining its significance. After
the brief instruction, he invites the people to pray; all pray briefly in si
lence, and the bishop then continues with the prayer 0 God, since you
have given.369
1052 After the prayer, all sit. The bishop puts on the miter and the cele
bration of the word of God begins and is carried out in the usual way.
The readings are chosen from those given in the Lectionary for Mass for
feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but preferably from the readings for
22 August, the Queenship of the Blessed VIrgin Mary. There should be
suitable responsorial psalms or intervals of silence between the readings.
The gospel reading always holds the place of honor.370
1053 After the readings, the bishop gives the homily, and everything
else is done in the way already indicated in nos. 1041-1042.
Then there are intercessions either in the form of a litany as pro
vided in the Order of Crowning or in some other suitable manner.
After the litany, the bishop blesses the people in the usual way,
and the deacon says the formulary of dismissal.
In conclusion, an antiphon appropriate to the liturgical season or
some other suitable song is sung.m
CHAPTER 19 284
1054 The Church considers the cemetery to be a holy place and there
fore wishes and urges that new cemeteries, established either by the
Catholic community or by the civil authority in Catholic regions, be
blessed and that a cross be erected as a sign to all of Christian hope in
the resurrection.
''Neither place, nor language, nor their manner of civil life sets the
followers of Christ apart from other people;' 372 with whom they seek
live in harmony. Christians therefore offer prayers to the heavenly Fa
ther for all and when they pray to him they include all, both those "who
have died in the peace of Christ and all the dead whose faith is known
to God alone:'373
1055 The blessing of a cemetery may be celebrated at any hour and on
any day except Ash Wednesday and the days of Holy Week. But the
pre ferred day is one that permits a large attendance of the faithful,
and es pecially a Sunday, since this weekly remembrance of Easter
markedly expresses the paschal meaning death has for Christians.374
1056 This rite should preferably be celebrated by the bishop of the dio
cese, but he may entrust the responsibility to another bishop or to a
pres byter, particularly one who assists him in the pastoral care of the
faithful who have established the cemetery, for example, to the parish
priest (pas
tor) or the rector of the cemetery.375 By adaptation of the provisions of
no. m of this Ceremonial, a document recording the celebration of the
blessing should be drawn up and one copy deposited in the diocesan
curia, the other in the archives of the cemetery.
1057 The following should be prepared for the rite of blessing a ceme-
a. Book of Blessings, Lectionary for Mass;
b. processional cross and torches to be carried by ministers in
procession to the cemetery;
1061 The procession moves to the place where the cemetery cross has 1066 When the altar of a·cemetery chapel is to be dedicated or
been erected, and there the reading of the word of God takes place; if blessed, everything is done, with the necessary adaptations, as already
this is not convenient, the procession moves to the cemetery chapel or indicated for such a dedication (nos. 943-950) or blessing (nos. 979-
to another suitable place for the readings.379 983).384
1062 One or more texts of Sacred Scripture are read. But when the cele
1067 When the eucharist is not to be celebrated, after the sprinkling of
bration of the liturgy of the eucharist is to follow, at least two readings
the cemetery with holy water, the rite is concluded with intercessions.
are taken from the Lectionary for Mnss (Masses for the Dead); one of These may take the form usual at Mass or the form provided in the Book
these is a gospel reading, and there is a relevant responsorial psalm
between these readings.380
of Blessings. The intercessions are followed by the Lord's Prayer, sung
1063 After the readings, the bishop in the homily explains both the bib recited by all. Then, with miter and pastoral staff, the bishop blesses
lical texts and the paschal meaning of death for the Christian.381 the
people in the usual way,* and the deacon dismisses them, saying, Go
in the peace of Christ, and all reply, Thanks be to God, then leave.ass
1064 After the homily, the bishop, without miter, stands before the cross Dedication of a Cemetery Celebrated
erected at the center of the cemetery and blesses the cross as well as the by Several Christian Communities Together
cemetery grounds, saying the prayer God of all consolation . After the
prayer, he places incense in the censer and incenses the cross. He then 1068 Sometimes either the civil government or a Christian community
sprinkles the cemetery and those present with holy water. He may made up of both Catholics and other Christians separated from us may
sprinkle the cemetery either as he stands at the center or by walking establish a cemetery specifically for the burial of the deceased
around the grounds. In the second case Psalm 51 (50), with the antiphon members of the Christian communities. In such a case it is most
The bones that were broken, or some other suitable song is desirable that the formal opening of the cemetery be marked by an
sung.382 ecumenical celebration, the parts of which are planned by all the
parties involved. Everything in the celebration that relates to
Catholics is regulated by the local Or dinary.386
286 2ff7
Catholic Participation in the Dedica.tion of a OF A CHURCH*
That Belongs to a Non-Christian Religion or Is Purely
1069 If the Catholic community is invited to take part in the 1070 Crimes committed in a church affect and do injury to the
opening of a cemetery that belongs to a non-Christian religion or is entire Christian community, which the church building in a sense
purely secu- 1the Church does not refuse its presence or prayer symbolizes and represents.
for all the dead. The local Ordinary has responsibility for The crimes in question are those that do grave dishonor to
regulating the participation of Catholics. sacred mysteries, especially to the eucharistic species, and are
When given the opportunity to do so, the Ca holic priest and committed to show contempt for the Church, or are crimes that are
the serious offenses against the dignity of the person and of society.
faithful should choose scriptural readings, psalms, and prayers that . f\ church, therefore; is desecrated by actions that ate gravely inju
plainly express the Church's teaching on death and the destiny of nous m themselves and a cause of scandal to the faithful. In the
the human person, in whom there is a natural desire for the living and judg
true God.387 ment of the local Ordinary, they are so serious and so offensive to
sanctity of the church building that divine worship may be
387 See OBC, no. 1119. celebrated
in the church only after penitential reparation for the wrong
"The Latin edition of this rite has not as yet been completed or issued the Holy See.
This rite
may be published in the future as a supplementary part of the Book of
Blessings .
• 388 "See The Roman Ritual, Public .Prayer. The rite describedinchapter 20 must be
followed not only m the case of the.de!lecration of a church but alse inthe case of any other
sacred place that has been desecrated: see ac, can. 1205-1213.
1073 The penitential rite may be celebrated on any day except the for example, one of the votive Masses of the holy eucharist in a case of
aster Triduum, Sundays, or solemnities. But nothing precludes profanation of the blessed sacrament (RM, Votive Masses, Holy
celebrahon of this rite on the vigil of a Sunday or solemnity; rather, Eucha rist) or the Mass for promoting harmony in a case of a violent
such an arrange ment has the advantage of avoiding spiritual harm to clash in the church building between members of the community (RM,
the faithful. Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions, IV. For
Particular Needs,
1074 The following are to be prepared for the celebration of the peniten 42. For Promoting Harmony).
tial rite:
a. The Roman Ritual, Lectionary for Mass;
b. vessel of water to be blessed and sprinkler;
c. censer and incense boat with spoon; 1078 The gathering of the faithful and the entrance into the church
d. processional cross, torches for the ministers; may be carried out in either of two ways, as the circumstances of
e. altar cloth, candles, other requisites for dressing the altar; time and place suggest.
f. when Mass is to be celebrated, the requisites for its
celebration. The vestments for the penitential rite are violet or of First Form: Procession
some other penitential color inkeeping with local custom, unless a
Mass requiring 1079 At the time scheduled, the people gather in a nearby church or
some other color is to be celebrated. other convenient place, from which a procession, led by a crossbearer,
The following are to be prepared: will make its way to the desecrated church. The bishop, with miter and
- for the bishop: alb, pectoral cross, stole, cope or chasuble, pastoral staff, the concelebrants, deacons, and other ministers, all
intheir proper liturgical vesture, go to the place where the people have
mi ter, pastoral staff;
gathered. Putting aside miter and pastoral staff, the bishop greets the
- for concelebrants: vestments for Mass; people.
- for deacons: albs, stoles, and, as circumstances suggest, dal-
matics; 1080 The bishop gives a brief instruction to prepare the faithful for the
- for other ministers: albs or other lawfully approved vesture. celebration of the rite. He next invites them to pray and, after a brief
pause for silent prayer, says the opening prayer.
I. PENITENTIAL RITE WITHIN MAss 1081 The deacon may then SaYJ let us go forth in peace, and the
sion to the desecrated church is formed. The crossbearer, between two
1075 The rite most suitable for use in reparation for the desecration of acolytes carrying lighted candles, leads, followed by the ministers, the
a church is one in which the penitential service is aptly joined to the concelebrating presbyters, the bishop, with miter and pastoral staff and
celebration of the eucharist. A new church is most properly dedicated accompanied by deacons, then the faithful.
through a celebration of the eucharist, and a desecrated church should During the procession the Litany of the Saints is sung, with invo
be restored to divine service in the same way. cations of the patron of the place or the titular of the church added at
the appropriate place. Before the invocation Jesus, Son of the living
1076 Because of the communion binding priests to their bishop, in the God, an invocation related to the rite of reparation is added, as well as
celebration of the penitential rite the bishop should concelebrate i h other invocations pertinent to the needs of the community.
the presbyters present, especially those who carry out the pastoral
rrurus try in the church that has been desecrated. 1082 When he has entered the church, the bishop goes directly to the
chair, without reverencing the altar. The concelebrants, deacons, and
1077 The proper texts required for the celebration of the Mass are all min isters take their assigned places. Putting aside the miter and
indicated in their place in The Roman Ritual. But the Mass celebrated pastoral staff, the bishop blesses water and carries out the sprinkling
may also be one that is best suited to the reparation of the wrong done, in the manner to be indicated in nos. 1085-1086.
290 291
Second Fonn: Simple Entrance ings are chosen that in view of the circumstances are more pertinent.
1083 H a procession is not feasible or seems inadvisable, the faithful After the gospel reading, the bishop, seated and with miter and pastoral
gather in the church. Led by a crossbearer between two acolytes with staff (unless he decides otherwise), gives the homily, in which he ex
lighted candles, the bishop, with miter and pastoral staff, the concelebrat plains the biblical readings, the restored dignity of the church building,
ing presbyters, deacons, and ministers, all in their proper liturgical ves and the need of the local Church to grow in holiness.
ture, proceed from the vesting room (sacristy) through the body of t!'e 1089 H the Litany of the Saints has been sung, the general
church to the sanctuary (chancel). During this time Psalm 130 (129), With
intercessions are omitted . If not, the general intercessions should be
an antiphon, or some other suitable song is sung.
carried out in such a way that besides the usual intentions a fervent
1084 When the procession has reached the sanctuary (chancel), the petition is added for conversion and pardon. This may be patterned on
con celebrants, deacons, and ministers go to their assigned places. the examples pro vided in The Roman Ritual.
Withc;mt reverencing the altar, the bishop goes directly to the chair
and, putting aside the miter and pastoral staff, greets the people. LITIJRGY OF THE EUCHARIST
1090 After the general intercessions, the bishop puts on the miter and
BLESSING AND SPRINKLING OF WATER sits. The deacon and the ministers cover the altar with an altar cloth
and, as circumstances suggest, may place flowers around it; they also
1085 After the entrance rite, the bishop blesses water with which to arrange candlesticks with the candles required for Mass and, if
sprinkle the people as a reminder of their baptism and as a sign of necessary, an al tar cross.
pen ance, and to sprinkle the altar and walls of the desecrated When the altar has been prepared, some members of the
church as a sign of purification. Ministers bring water to the bisho faithful present the bread and the wine and water for the celebration
as he stands at the chair. He invites all to pray, and, after a pause for of the eu
silent prayer, says the prayer for the blessing of water. charist. The bishop receives the gifts at the chair. During the presenta
tion of the gifts an antiphon or some other suitable song may be sung.
1086 After the invocation over the water, the bishop, escorted by dea
The deacon and the ministers then place a corporal, purificator,
cons, sprinkles the altar with the holy water and, if he wishes, passes cup, and The Roman Missal (Sacramentary) on the altar.
through the body of the church, sprinkling the people and the walls.
When everything is ready, the bishop, putting aside the miter,
During this time an antiphon is sung. goes to the altar and kisses it. The Mass continues in the usual way.
1087 When the sprinkling is finished, the bishop returns to e chair After the prayer Lord God, we ask you to receive, the bishop incenses
and, with hands joined, invites those present to pray. After a bnef pa the gifts and the altar.
se for silent prayer, the bishop, with hands outstretched, says the Then the prayer over the gifts is said.
openmg prayer. 1091 In a case of desecration of the eucharistic species, the concluding
rites of the Mass are replaced by exposition and benediction of the
LITURGY OF THB WoRD blessed sacrament, in the manner to be indicated in no. 1105.
To impart the final blessing in the usual manner, the bishop may
1088 In the liturgy of the word the readings, responsorial psalms, and use one of the formularies for the solemn blessing; after the blessing,
verse before the gospel reading are taken from those provided in the the deacon dismisses the faithful in the usual way.
tionary for Mass for the Mass for forgiveness of sins,389 unless other read- IJ. PENITENTIAL RITE WITHIN A CELEBRATION OF THE WoRD
"' See LM. nos. 9.48-952 (Masses for Various Occasions, rv. For Particular Needs, Zl.For 1092 When there is to be only a celebration of the word of God,
Forgive ness of Sins). every thing is done in the way already indicated in nos. 1079-1089.
Then there
292 293
is prayer for God's mercy by means of the form of intercession provided in
The Roman Ritual or some other similar form. Then the ministers or members PROCESSIONS
of the faithful place an altar cloth upon the altar and, as cir cumstances
suggest, flowers around it; during this time there is a festive illumination of 1093 Public, sacred processions are a form of solemn supplication, deriv ing from
the body of the church. The bishop goes to the altar, then kisses it and incenses the practice of our ancestors in the faith, in which the faithful, under the
it. After the incensing, he stands before the altar and with a suitable invitation leadership of the clergy, pass in an orderly manner from one holy place to
introduces the Lord's Prayer, which all then sing or recite . The bishop another as they recite prayers and sing sacred songs. The Catholic Church has
continues immediately with the pertinent prayer provided in The Roman adopted this practice to stir up the devotion of the faithful, to commemorate
Ritual. The usual blessing and dismissal of the people follow. and give thanks for divine favors, or to implore God's aid. Such processions
should, then, be celebrated with great rever ence, since they represent great divine
mysteries and since those devoutly taking part in them receive from God the
salutary benefits of their Chris tian devotion. Pastors are therefore to accept the
responsibility of preparing the faithful beforehand by instructing them on the
meaning of religious processions.390
1094 Ordinary processions are those that take place on set days in the
liturgical year in keeping with the provisions of the liturgical books or the
customs of the local Church. Extraordinary processions are those that are
scheduled on certain days by reason of some public cause or need.391
1095 The chief ordinary processions are those that commemorate mys teries of
the Lord, namely, those held on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord,
Palm Sunday, and the Easter Vigil; also the procession of the blessed
sacrament following Mass on the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
(Corpus Christi).
1096 Extraordinary processions are those scheduled by the conference of
bishops, for example, processions for the rogation days; or those sched uled by
the local Ordinary, for example, processions held in the case of some public
crisis or such processions as those with relics or images.
1097 Processions with the blessed sacrament follow Mass when the host to be
carried in the procession is to be consecrated at that Mass. Other processions
usually take place before the celebration of Mass, unless the local Ordinary,
for some serious reason, decides otherwise.
1098 Processions, and especially those through public streets, should be
arranged and formed in such a way that they are an edification to all. They
should be adapted to the culture of the people and to the charac ter of the
country and of the area.
390 See Rituale Romarn4m, ed. 1952, tit. X, cap. 1, no. 14.
391 See Rituale Romanum, ed. 1952, tit. X, cap. 1, nos. 8, 9.
294 295
1099 The arrangement of processions should follow the order indicated
for them in this Ceremonial 392 and in the various liturgical books. At the EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION AND BENEDICTION
head of every procession there is to be a crossbearer between two minis
ters carrying lighted candles and, if incense is used, preceded by the cen INIRODUCTION
serbearer carrying censer with burning incense, except in processions
of the blessed sacrament. 1102Exposition of the holy eucharist leads us to acknowledge Christ's
marvelous presence in the sacrament and invites us to the spiritual
1100 When the bishop takes part in a procession of the blessed sacra union with him that culminates in sacramental communion. In such
ment, of the wood of the cross, or of relics or images, it is always exposi tion care must therefore be taken that everything brings out the
fitting that, wearing a cope, he preside by carrying the blessed mean
sacrament or the sacred object. ing of eucharistic worship in correlation with the
When the bishop does not carry the blessed sacrament or the sa Mass.393
cred object but is vested in a cope, he walks before the one who
does. 1103 Genuflection in the presence of the blessed sacrament exposed for
But if he is vested in choir dress, the bishop walks behind the public adoration is on one knee.394
sacrament or the sacred object. 1104 For exposition of the blessed sacrament with a monstrance, the
If other bishops should take part in a procession and they are fol lowing are to be prepared:
vested in choir dress, they walk behind the blessed sacrament or sacred a. Upon the altar or, in accord with the particular situation, near it:
object, in such a way that those of higher rank walk nearer the blessed - monstrance and, as circumstances require, a corporal;
sacrament. But when they are wearing a cope, they walk ahead of the - four or six candles;
bishop, in such a way that the higher inrank are always nearer the - flowers, as circumstances suggest;
blessed - Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass;
sacrament or the sacred object. - humeral veil;
- for the bishop and ministers, chairs and kneelers, when and
1101 Except in a procession of the blessed sacrament or of a relic of where they are needed.
the true cross, the bishop wears a miter if he is wearing sacred b. In the vesting room (sacristy):
vestments. He also carries the pastoral staff, unless he must hold - censer and incense boat with spoon;
some other object in his hand-a candle or a palm branch, for - the following vestments, white or of some other festive color:
example. If the bishop him self does not carry the pastoral staff, it is - for the bishop :alb, pectoral cross, stole, cope, mite4 and pas-
carried before him by a minister. toral staff;
- for deacons: albs, stoles, and, as circumstances suggest, dal
See, for example, in this Ceremonial nos. 246, 270, 343, 391; see also nos. 128 and 193.
- for other ministers: albs or other lawfully approved vesture.
1105 In the case of more solemn and lengthy exposition, the host
should be consecrated in the Mass which immediately precedes the
exposition and after communion should be placed in the monstrance
upon the al-
See HCWE, no. 82: DOL Z79, no. 2208.
394 See HCWE, no. 84: DOL 279, no. 2210.
296 297
tar. The Mass ends with the prayer after communion, and the conclud
ing rites are omitted. Before the bishop leaves, he incenses the blessed Adoration
sacrament, using the rite described in no. 1111 During the exposition there should be prayers, songs, and read
1109.395 ings to direct the attention of the faithful to the worship of Christ the
1106 If exposition takes place outside Mass, and the bishop presides, To encourage a prayerful spirit, there should be readings from Sa
he is received in the manner already described in no. 79. In the vesting cred Scripture with a hamily or brief exhortations to develop a better
room (sacristy) or some other convenient place, he puts on an alb, pec understanding of the eucharistic mystery. It is also desirable for the
toral cross, stole, and cope of appropriate color and, as a rule, uses the people to respond to the word of God by singing and to spend some
miter and pastoral staff. The bishop is assisted by two deacons, or at periods of time in sacred silence.
least by one, wearing diaconal vestments. In the absence of a Part of the liturgy of the hours, especially the principal hours,
deacon, the bishop is assisted by presbyters, vested in cope. may be celebrated before the blessed sacrament when there is a lengthy
period of exposition. The liturgy extends the praise and thanksgiving
1107 When he reaches the altar, the bishop hands the pastoral staff to offered to God in the eucharistic celebration to the several hours of
a minister and puts aside the miter. Together with the deacons assisting the day; it directs the prayers of th Church to Christ, and through him
him he makes a deep bow to the altar or genuflects before the blessed to the Fa ther, in the name of the whole world.398
sacrament if it is reserved in the sanctuary (chancel), and he remains
kneeling before the altar.
1108 A deacon immediately puts on the humeral veil and, escorted by 1112 Toward the end of the exposition, the bishop goes to the altar.399
acolytes carrying lighted candles, brings the blessed sacrament from its But if this is the first time that he is present at the exposition, the provi
place of reservation. The deacon puts the blessed sacrament into a
sions of no. 1107 are followed. When he reaches the altar, he hands the
mon strance and sets the monstrance upon the altar table, which is pastoral staff to a minister and puts aside the miter.
covered with an altar cloth and, as circumstances suggest, a corporal.396
He then genuflects and returns to his place beside the bishop. 1113 With the deacons assisting him, the bishop genuflects, then re
When the altar of exposition is also the place of reservation of mains kneeling before the altar.
the blessed sacrament, the deacon goes up to the altar, opens the During this time the Tantum ergo Sacramentum or some other eu
tabernacle, genuflects, and places the sacrament into the monstrance charistic song is sung. After placing incense into the censer and bless
on the table ing it, in the manner described inno. 1109, the bishop, kneeling,
of the altar. incenses the blessed sacrament, in the manner also described in no.
1109 The bishop rises, the censerbearer goes to and, as the dea
Then he rises and says, Let us pray. Mter a brief period of
con holds the incense boat before him, the bishop puts incense into the
silence, the bishop, with hands outstretched, continues with the prayer
censer and blesses it. Kneeling, the bishop takes the censer from the
Lord Je
dea con, bows together with the ministers assisting him, then incenses
the blessed sacrament. After again bowing to the blessed sacrament, sus Christ or another of the prayers provided in Holy Communion and Wor
he returns the censer to the deacon. ship of the Eucharist outside Mass.
1114 After the prayer, the bishop puts on the humeral veil, goes up to
1110 If the exposition is to be lengthy, the bishop may then
the altar, and genuflects. With the help of the deacon, he takes the
withdraw.397 But if he remains, he may take his place at the chair or
mon strance, which, with both hands covered by the veil, he holds in a
at some other convenient place in the sanctuary (chancel).
raised position; he then turns toward the people and makes the sign of
the cross over them with the monstrance, in silence.400
After the blessing, the deacon takes the monstrance from the
hands of the bishop and places it on the altar. The bishop and the BLESSINGS IMPARTED BY THE BISHOP
deacon genuflect. While the bishop removes the humeral veil and
remains kneel ing before the altar, the deacon reverently transfers the !NTRODUCfiON
blessed sacra ment to the place of reservation, where he returns it to
the tabernacle, genuflects, and closes the tabernacle. 1116 The ministry of ble sing involves a particular exercise of the priest
Meanwhile, the people may sing or recite an acclamation.401 hood of Christ, in keeping with the place and office within the people
The return to the vesting room (sacristy) takes place in the usual of God that belong to each person. In this understanding it belongs
way pre eminently to the bishop to preside at celebrations that involve the
. entire diocesan community. The bishop may accordingly reserve such
bless ings to himself; but he may also delegate a presbyter to preside
in his name.
ll. BRIEF PERIOD OF EXPOSITION It is also the responsibility of the bishop to teach the people
the proper meaning of the rites and prayers employed by the Church
1115 When there is to be a short period of exposition with the inim
ciborium at which the bishop presides, the following are to be parting blessings, to forestall the intrusion into the celebration of any
prepared: thing that might replace genuine faith with superstition or a shallow
- at least two candles; cred ulity.402
- censer and incense boat, as circumstances suggest;
1117 The typical celebration of a blessing as found in liturgical books
- for the bishop: alb, pectoral cross, stole, cope; consists of two parts: first, the proclamation of the word of God, and,
- for a deacon or presbyter : alb and stole; second, the praise of God's goodness and the petition for his help. But,
- for other ministers: albs or other lawfully approved vesture. provided the structure of the celebration and the order of its parts are
When he reaches the altar, the bishop makes the prescribed rever respected, options are granted in the various orders of blessing that fa
ence and remains kneeling before the altar. The deacon or presbyter as vor the primary criterion for the celebration, namely, active, conscious,
sisting him exposes the blessed sacrament. and full participation. Therefore, even if certain things are to be blessed
If incense is to be used, the provisions of nos. 1109 and 1113 are with a simple sign of the cross, the utmost attention must be given to
followed. the proclamation of the word of salvation, to sharing in fruitful faith,
Toward the end of the period of adoration the Tantum ergo Sacramen to praising God, and to petitioning God's help.403
tum or some other eucharistic song is sung. The bishop then rises and
says, Let us pray. Afer a brief period of silent prayer, the bishop, with
hands outstretched, says one of the prayers provided in Holy I. ORDINARY BLESSING
Commun ion and Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass.
Then he puts on the humeral veil, goes up to the altar, genuflects, 1118 At the end of a stational Mass the bishop gives the blessing in
and takes the ciborium with both hands, covered by the veil. He turns the
toward the people and makes the sign of the cross over them, in way already indicated in no. 169.
silence. He then places the ciborium back on the altar, genuflects, and,
after tak ing off the humeral veil, remains kneeling before the altar until 1119 In other Masses and liturgical services (for example, evening
the dea con or presbyter assisting him has replaced the blessed prayer or morning praye the end of a procession in which the blessed
sacrament in the tabernacle. sacra ment is not carried, etc.) or even outside a liturgical service, the
After the prescribed reverence to the altar, all return to the bishop may impart the blessing by use of either of the two following
vesting room (sacristy). formularies.
See HCWE, no, 100. 402 See The Roman Ritual, Book of Blessings, General Introduction, nos. 18-19.
403 See Book of Blessings, General Introduction, nos . 20-24, 27.
300 301
SACRAMENTALS that he will bestow at the end of Mass, and he should invite them to
repent of their sins and dispose themselves to share in this indulgence.
form 4N See Ertehiridi on indulgentiarum, no. 11, §2: DOL 390, no. 3203.
1120 If he is using the miter, he puts it on and, with hands
See PR. nos. 33-36: AAS 60 (1968), pp. 406-412; DOL 550, nos. 4493-4496.
outstretched, greets the people, saying, The Lord be with you, and
all reply, And also with you . With hands outstretched over the 302
people, the bishop continues, May the peace of God, which is
beyond all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the
knowledge and love of God and of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ .
All reply, Amen .
If he is using the pastoral staff, the bishop takes it and says,
May almighty God bless you, and, as he makes the sign of the cross
three times over the people, he adds, ffi the Father, ffi and the Son,
ffi and
the Holy
1121 After greeting the people in the manner already indicated in
no. 1120, the bishop says, Blessed be the name of the Lord, and all
reply, Now and for ever. The bishop then says, Our help is in the name
of the Lord, and all reply, Who made heaven and earth. Then the
bishop says the words of blessing, May almighty God, given in no.
1122 The diocesan bishop in his own diocese may bestow the papal
blessing with a plenary indulgence, using the proper formulary, three
times a year on solemn feasts, which he will designate, and even if he
only assists at the Mass.
Other prelates equivalent in law to a diocesan bishop, even
though not of episcopal rank, may, from the outset of their pastoral
office, be stow within their own territories the papal blessing with
the same ple nary indulgence three times a year on solemn feasts,
which they will designate.404
The blessing is given at the end of Mass in place of the usual
final blessing.4os
1123 In his introduction to the penitential rite of the Mass, the bishop
should advise the faithful of the papal blessing with plenary indulgence
1124 The general intereessions are to include the intention for the
Church, and a special intention for the Roman Pontiff is to be
1125 After the prayer after communion, the bishop puts on the miter,
and the deacon announces the blessing in the following or similar
The Most Reverend Father, N., by the grace of God and the
Apos tolic See, Bishop of this holy Church of N., will give the
(apostol ic) blessing with a plenary indulgence, in the name of
the Roman Pontiff, to all present who are truly penitent and
have confessed their sins and received Holy Communion .
Pray to God for our Most Holy Father, Pope N., our Bishop,
N., and for holy Mother 01llrch and strive, by holiness of life, to
walk in full communion with it.
1126 The bishop, with the miter, then stands and, with hands out
stretched over the people, greets them, The Lord be with you, and all
reply, And also with you . The deacon then may say the words of
invita tion, Bow your heads and pray for God's blessing, or something
similar. The bishop, with hands outstretched over the people,
pronounces the formulary for the proper solemn blessing provided in
The Roman Missal (Sacramentary). Then he takes the pastoral staff and
concludes the bless ing with the following formulary:
Through the intercession of the blessed apostles Peter and
Paul, may almighty God bless you,
ffi the Father, ffi and the Son, and ffi the Holy
R Amen.
As he says the final words he makes the sign of the cross
three times over the people.
1128 The bishop should properly be assisted by a deacon in alb, stole, 304
and, as circumstances suggest, dalmatic, or by a presbyter in alb, or
cas sock and surplice, and stole, and by other ministers, in albs or other
law fully approved vesture.
As a rule, in such a celebration the bishop reserves to himself: the
greeting; brief homily on the biblical readings and the meaning of the
blessing being celebrated; prayer of blessing, which he says standing
and without miter; the introduction and concluding prayer of the
interces sions, the inclusion of which is recommended; and, before the
the final blessing, which he imparts in the usual way.
........................... --------------- ---------------------------- ---
1129 When the local Church is first informed that the canonical provi
sion has been made, the administrator of the diocese announces a litur
gical service of thanksgiVing and prayer for the bishop-elect to be
celebrated on a convenient date in the cathedral church.
1131 Within the time prescribed by law, the bishop-elect must receive
episcopal ordination and take canonical possession of his diocese, as these
are described in nos. 1133-1140.
1 33 Unless .there i a delay b:cause of some lawful impediment, 1138 Unless he is held back by a legitimate impediment, a person
a biShop-elect IS reqwred to rece1ve episcopal ordination within promoted to the office of diocesan bishop must take canonical posses
three months of the date he receives the apostolic letter of election sion of his diocese within .four months from the reception of the
and before he takes possession of his office.3 apostolic letter if he has not yet been ordained a bishop, or within
two months if he has already been ordained.s
1134 The ordination of a bishop is celebrated within Mass and follows
the rite and the norms provided in The Roman Pontifical (see nos. 563- 1139 If the bishop-elect is ordained in his own cathedral church, he
597 of this Ceremonial) . takes possession of the diocese through the very rite of ordination, in
which the apostolic letter is shown and read and the newly ordained
1135 It is most .fitting that the bishop-elect's ordination take place in bishop is installed in his chair (cathedra), as indicated already in nos.
his cathedral<:hurch. In.thi cas: he t es possession of the diocese 573 and 589.
through the very nte of ordination, m which the apostolic letter is
shown and read and the newly ordained bishop is installed in his 1140 If the bishop-elect has been transferred from another Church or
chair (cathedra) as indicated already in nos. 573 and 589. ' if he has not received ordination in his own cathedral church, he takes
possession of the diocese in accord with the provisions of law as stipu
1136 In order to express episcopal collegiality, the very ancient practice lated in the rite of reception, to be described in nos. 1141-1144.
of the Church calls for at least three concelebrating bishops to ordain In such cases, the bishop-elect may take possession of the diocese
the bishop-el t: u:U ss the Apost lic See has dispensed from this by proxy, but it is preferable that he do so in person.6
require ment. But It 1s .fitting for all the biShops present to ordain the
bishop-elect .•
s See OC, can. 382, §2.
6 See OC, can. 382, §§3 and 4.
1137 As a rule, the principal consecrator of a suffragan bishop is the
metropolitan; of an auxiliary bishop, the diocesan bishop, unless in the
bull of nomination the pope has made some other provision.
308 309
1141 If the bishop-elect has been transferred from another Church or if he The penitential rite of the Mass is omitted, and also, as circum
has not received ordination in his own cathedral church, he is received by stances suggest, the Kyrie, and the bishop, putting aside the miter, rises,
the gathered community of the diocese and with the cele bration of a and, in keeping with the rubrics, the Gloria is sung.
stational Mass when he comes to his cathedral church for the first time.
1144 In the homily after the gospel reading, the bishop addresses his
1142 The bishop is received at the doors of the church by a minister people for the first time. •
dressed in cope, who is either the ranking member of the cathedral chapter or, The Mass continues in the usual way.
where there is no chapter, the rector of the cathedral church. He offers the
bishop a crucifix to be kissed, then a sprinkler of holy water, with which 1145 But the metropolitan may introduce the bishop into the cathedral church.
the bishop sprinkles himself and those present .The bishop may then be In this case, at the doors of the church the metropolitan presents the bishop to
escorted to the blessed sacrament chapel, where he kneels for a moment in the ranking member of the chapter and presides in the entrance procession.
adoration, then to the vesting room (sacristy). There the bishop and the At the chair (cathedra) he greets the people and bids the apostolic letter to
concelebrating presbyters, the deacons, and other min isters put on the be shown and read to him. After this reading and the acclamation of the
vestments for Mass, which is celebrated in the form of a stational Mass. people, the metropolitan invites the bishop to sit inthe chair (cathedra). Then
the bishop rises, and, in keeping with the rubrics, the Gloria is sung.
1143 After reverencing the altar, the bishop goes to the chair (cathedra) and
there, upon completion of the entrance song, greets the people. He then sits 1146 If for some good reason the bishop takes possession of his see by
and puts on the miter. One of the deacons or concelebrating presbyters first proxy, the rite of reception is carried out in the manner just described, but
shows the bishop's apostolic letter to the college of con sultors, in the the showing and reading of the apostolic letter are omitted.
presence of the chancellor of the diocesan curia, so that he may record the
matter in the acts of the curia. Then at the ambo the deacon or presbyter 1147 From the day the bishop takes possession of his diocese, his name is
reads the apostolic letter, to which all listen, then respond with the mentioned in the eucharistic prayer by all presbyters who celebiate Mass
acclamation Thanks be to God or with some other suit able acclamation . But within the diocese, even in the churches and oratories of exempt religious.
in a newly erected diocese the apostolic letter is communicated to the clergy
and people present in the cathedral church, and a senior presbyter among 1148 It is proper that an auxiliary or coadjutor bishop who has been or dained
them records the matter in the acts of the curia. elsewhere than in the cathedral church of the diocese be in troduced by
the residential bishop to the people during some liturgical service.
After the reading of the apostolic letter, a bishop who is entitled to the
pallium is invested with it, by use of the rite described in nos. 1149-1155.
The bishop is then customarily greeted by the ranking member of the chapter
or, where there is no chapter, by the rector of the cathedral church.
In a manner in keeping with local custom, the cathedral chapter, some
members at least of the diocesan clergy, members of the faithful, and, as
circumstances suggest, representatives of the civil authority go to their bishop
and offer some sign of obedience and reverence.
310 311
church. The investiture takes place within a celebration of the eucharist, either
CHAPTER 5 in the bishop's cathedral or in another suitable church of his diocese, and is
carried out by a bishop appointed for this by the Apostolic See, who uses the
INVESTITURE WITH THE PALLIUM rite described in this chapter.
1150 The Mass is celebrated in the form of a stational Mass. A deacon carries
1149 Whenever possible, the investiture with the pallium should take place
the pallium in the entrance procession and places it on the altar.
within the rite of ordination, immediately after the presentation of the
bishop's ring and before the investiture with the miter. The prin cipal 1151 A chair is placed at a conVenient place in the sanctuary (chancel) for
consecrator invests the bishop with the pallium while reciting the formulary
the bishop appointed by the Apostolic See to present the pallium.
To the glory of almighty God, provided in no. 1154.
This bishop is the presiding bishop until the investiture has taken
When the investiture cannot take place within the rite of ordina tion, it
may be carried out in conjunction with the bishop's reception into his cathedral
1152 After the entrance song, the presiding bishop greets the people in the INVESTITURE WITH THE PALLIUM
usual way and in a few words explains the meaning of the rite. When the
investiture with the pallium coincides with the reception of the bishop into his
cathedral church, a deacon goes to the ambo and reads the apostolic mandate, To the glo1y of almighty God
during which all sit and listen and at the end re spond with the acclamation and the praise of the Blessed VIrgin Mary
Thanl<s be to God or some other suitable acclamation that may be more in and of the apostles Peter and Paul,
keeping With local custom. in the name of Pope N., Bishop of Rome,
and of the holy Roman Church, for the
1153 After the reading of the apostolic mandate or, if the investiture does not honor of the Church of N.,
coincide with the bishop's first reception into his cathedral church, after the which has been placed in your care,
introductory words of the presiding bishop, the bishop-elect goes to the and as a symbol of your authority as metropolitan archbishop:
presiding bishop, who, with the miter, is seated. The bishop-elect kneels and we confer on you the pallium, taken from the tomb of Peter
makes the profession of faith and the oath of loyalty accord ing to the form to wear within the limits of your ecclesiastical province.
indicated by his apostolic letter. May this pallium be a symbol of unity
and a sign of your communion with the Apostolic See,
1154 After the profession of faith and the oath, the presiding bishop takes a bond of love, and an incentive to courage.
the pallium from the deacon and places it on the shoulders of the bishop-elect, On the day of the coming and manifestation
as he says the following formulary. of our great God and chief shepherd, Jesus Christ,
may you and the flock entrusted to you
be clothed with immortality and glory.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
312 R. Amen.
1155 The penitential rite of the Mass is omitted, and also, as circum stances
suggest, the Kyrie, and the archbishop who has received the pal lium begins
the Gloria, if it is to be said.
The Mass then proceeds in the usual way.
1157 When suffering from infirmity and illness, the bishop shows his
1156 When a bishop is transferred to another see or his resignation is people good example by receiving the sacraments of reconciliation and
accepted by the Roman Pontiff, it is proper that he gather his people at eucharist, and when serieusly ill, the sacrament of the anointing of the
a liturgical service. In this way he can bid them farewell and with them sick.
give thanks for the blessings received from God during his episcopate.
1158 When he is informed that he is near death, the bishop should ask
for and receive viaticum, according to the rite provided in Pastoral Care
of the Sick7
1160 Upon the death of the bishop, the prayers provided in Pastoral
Care of the Sick are to be said.9 Then the body is to be dressed in the
violet vesture and with the insignia prescribed for a stational Mass,
including the pallium, if the bishop had the right to wear it, but not
the pastoral staff. If the bishop had been transferred from another see
or from other sees and had received several pallia, these are to be
placed in the coffin, unless he had instructed otherwise before his death.
After these arrange ments and until the time of transferral to the
cathedral church for the funeral, the bishop's body is to lie in state in a
place suitable for visita tion and prayer by the faithful. A vigil service
(see OCF, nos. 54-97) or the Office for the Dead (see OCF, nos. 348-
396) is to be celebrated at the
bier or in the cathedral
1161 At a convenient day and time the clergy and people of the diocese
are gathered to celebrate the bishop's funeral. The president of the con
ference of bishops or the metropolitan presides; other bishops and the
presbyters of the diocese concelebrate with him.
See PCS, nos. 189-196, 19'7-211.
'See PCS, nos. 217-222.
9 See PCS, no. 221.
314 315
........-----------------· ----------------
1163 The bishop who is the principal celebrant presides alone at the
rite of final commendation and farewell. VACANT EPISCOPAL SEE
1164 The body of a deceased diocesan bishop is buried ina church, 1166 When a see becomes vacant, the diocesan administrator should
and as a rule in the cathedral church of his diocese . A retired bishop is ask the clergy and people to offer their prayers that the pastor chosen
bur ied in the cathedral church of his last see, unless he has made will be one who can meet the needs of the local Church. In all
other ar rangements. churches of the diocese the Mass for the election of a pope or a bishop
(RM, Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions, I. For the
1165 All the communities of the diocese are to offer prayers for the de Church, 4. For the Election of a Pope or Bishop) should be celebrated
ceased bishop, whether by celebrating Mass or the Office for the Dead at least once, ex cept on the days listed in nos. 1-4 of the table of
or in some other way of their choosing. litw:gical days.10
1167 Each year in the cathedral church and in all the churches and
com munities of the diocese there is to be a celebration of the
anniversary of the bishop's episcopal ordination. The Mass for the
bishop (RM, Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions, I.
For the Church, 3. For the Bishop) is celebrated, except on the days
listed in nos. 1-6of the table of liturgical days.u
It is recommended that on this day the bishop of the place pre
side at a stational Mass in the cathedral church.
1168 There is also a longstanding tradition that each year the anniver
sary of the last deceased bishop be observed, unless he had been trans
ferred to another diocese. The occasion is marked by the celebration of PART VITI
Mass, and it is recommended that the bishop of the place preside in the
cathedral church. The faithful and particularly priests are to be instructed LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS
that in the Lord they should remember their leaders, those who spoke
the word of God to them.t2
uSee Appendix IT of this Ceremonial . OF A DIOCESE
u See Hebrews 13:7.
-------------- -- ----------------------
their assigned places; the president of the assembly also reverences the 1174 During the council or synod, it is fitting that each day's session
altar and incenses it. He then goes to the chair (cathedra) and there says be preceded by the celebration of Mass, the celebration of the hour of
the opening prayer; the introductory rites of the Mass are omitted. the liturgy of the hours corresponding to the time of day, or a celebra
tion of the word of God.
1172 When there is no procession, the Mass begins in the manner usual
for a stational Mass. Mter the gospel reading, the open Book of the When Mass is celebrated, the Book of the Gospels is carried
Gospels is placed on a suitable stand in the center of the sanctuary rever ently in the entrance procession and placed on the altar, as is
(chancel). done in a stational Mass. Mter the gospel reading, the open Book of the
Gospels is placed on a suitable stand in the center of the sanctuary
1173 Mter the president has given the homily, the profession of faith (chancel).
is always sung or recited; the oath is then taken by the members and When an hour of the liturgy of the hours is celebrated, at the end
the president of the council or synod. the Book of the Gospels is carried reverently by the deacon, accompa
When the prayer after communion has been said, the president nied by acolytes carrying lighted candles; with the same rite as is used
gives the final blessing, and the deacon dismisses the people. The at Mass, an appropriate gospel reading is proclaimed. When the read
presi ing is finished, the deacon places the open Book of the Gospels on a
dent then begins and all join in the following or some other prayer: suitable stand in the center of the sanctuary (chancel).
We stand before you, Holy Spirit, 1175 At the conclusion of the final session, the hymn Te Deum is sung
conscious of our sinfulness, and is followed by the blessing by the president and the dismissal. If
but aware that we gather in your name. Mass is celebrated at the end, the Te Deum is sung before the prayer
Come to us, remain with us, after communion. As circumstances suggest, the acclamations known
and enlighten our hearts. as the laudes regiae or carolinae* may be sung after the dismissal.
Give us light and strength 1176 These provisions for a council or a diocesan synod, which are sol
to know your will, emn meetings, apply, with appropriate adaptation, also to other, more
to make it our own frequent meetings convoked for the ordinary government of the Church,
and to live it in our lives. for example, a meeting of the conference of bishops, priests' council,
Guide us by your wisdom, and the like.
support us by your power,
for you are God,
sharing the glory of Father and Son. • See New Catholic Encyclopedia (McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, copyright o 1967),
v. 1, p. 80, a.
You desire justice for all:
enable us to uphold the rights of others;
do not allow us to be misled by ignorance
or corrupted by fear or favor.
Unite us to yourself in the bond of love
and keep us faithful to all that is true.
As we gather in your name
may we temper justice with love,
so that all our decisions
may be pleasing to you,
and earn the reward
promised to good and faithful servants.
322 323
1181 But when Mass is to follow the reception of the bishop, immedi
PASIDRAL VISITATION ately after the prayer for the bishop has been said, the bishop, at the
chair, puts on.the vestments for Mass. The presbyters charged with the
1177 The bishop in fulfilling the obligation to visit the parishes or pastoral care of the parish or presbyters living within the parish confines
local concelebrate the Mass with the bishop, and the faithful take an active
communities of his diocese should not appear to be satisfying a purely part. Such participation ls particularly to be sought in the more remote
administrative duty. Rather the faithful should see in him the herald of parts of the diocese where the people rarely or never have the
the Gospet the teacher, shepherd, and high priest of his flock. opportu
nity to take part in a stational Mass celebrated by the bishop in their
1178 To ensure this happening, the visitation of the bishop should take own area.
place, if at all possible, on days that permit large numbers of the faithful
to gather. Sufficient time should also be devoted to an apt, preparatory 1182 It is recommended that during the pastoral visitation the bishop
catechesis of the people by their presbyters. The visitation itself should confer not only the sacrament of confirmation but other sacraments as
be sufficiently long to enable the bishop to preside at celebrations of the well, particularly in his visits to the sick. Inthis way he will more clearly
liturgy and to evaluate, promote, encourage, and put into effect the appear to the faithful as the chief steward of the mysteries of God and
aposto late of the clergy and laity and the works of charity. as the overseer and guardian of the entire liturgical life in the Church
entrusted to his care.
1179 The bishop, in the vestments indicated in no. 63, should be
received in a manner suited to the circumstances of the place and the 1183 When there is a lengthy visitation, there should be a celebration
situation. If this seems appropriate, the bishop may be solemnly of the liturgy of the hours in the church or a celebration of the word of
received and greeted by the clergy at the door of the church. But the God, with the homily by the bishop and with intercessions for the
bishop may even be escorted to the church witl:t festive song, when univer sal Church and for the local Church.
this is feasible and appropriate. A dignified solemnity in receiving the
bishop is a sign of the love and devotion of the faithful toward their 1184 As circumstances suggest, the bishop should also go to the ceme
good shepherd. tery with the people and there offer prayers for the dead and sprinkle
the graves with holy water, in the manner described already in nos.
1180 At the entrance of the church the parish priest (pastor), vested in 399-402.
cope, meets the bishop, offers him the crucifix to be kissed, and
presents the sprinkler, with which the bishop sprinkles himself and
those pres ent. After a brief, silent prayer before the blessed sacrament
the bishop goes to the sanctuary (chancel); there the parish priest
(pastor), stand ing before the altar, invites the faithful to join in prayer
for the bishop and, after a brief pause for silent prayer, says the prayer
God, eternal shepherd or God, our Father, our shepherd and guide,
provided in The Roman Missal (Sacramentary).2
The bishop then greets the people and announces his agenda
for the visitation. He then says the collect for the titular of the
church or the patron of the place, and, in the usual way, blesses the
people. Then
the parish priest (pastor) dismisses them.
2 See RM, Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions, I. For the Church, 3.:For the
Bishop, A.
324 325
INTO HIS PARISH 1192 In the homily the bishop explains to the faithful the office of a
par ish priest (pastor) and the meaning of the rites that will take
place im mediately after the homily.
1185 Before being introduced into his parish or in the very act of 1193 After the homily, it is recommended that the parish priest
taking possession of it, a new parish priest (pastor) is to make the (pas tor) renew the promises he made at his ordination, as the
profession of faith before the local Ordinary or his delegate. bishop puts the following questions !o him.
1186 The introduction of a new parish priest (pastor) into his parish My dear broth in the presence of the people whom you are
is carried out by the bishop himself or by his delegate on a about to receive into your care, ask you to renew the promises
convenient day and at a convenient time, in the presence of the you made at your ordination.
assembly of the faithful. The introduction may be done in a way Are you resolved that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
suited to local custom or, quite fittingly, in the way described in this you will without fail live up to your responsibility to be the
chapter. faithful co worker of the order of bishops in shepherding the
flock of the lmd?
1187 It is appropriate that the introduction take place in conjunction R. I
with a Mass, which, depending on the rubrics, will be either the Mass am.
of the day or a votive Mass of the titular of the church or of the
Holy Spirit. The bishop should preside, and the new parish priest Are you resolved that in praise of God and for the
(pastor) as well as other presbyters of the parish or of the district sanctification of the Christian people you will celebrate the
should concelebrate with him. mysteries of Christ devoutly and faithfully, and in accord
with the tradition of the Church?
1188 But if, for good reason, the bishop is present but does not cele R. I
brate the Mass, then, as has been said already in nos. 175-185, it is am.
proper that he at least preside during the liturgy of the word and bless Are you resolved that in preaching the Gospel and teaching
the people at the end of Mass. the Catholic faith you will worthily and wisely fulfill the
ministry of God's word?
1189 Local customs should be observed. Otherwise, as R. I
circumstances suggest, the rites to be described here may be used
in whole or in part.
Are you resolved that you will bind yourself ever more closely
1190 Where the circumstances permit, the bishop and the new to Christ, the high priest who for us offered himself to the
parish priest (pastor) may be met at the parish boundary and escorted Father as a spotless victim, and that with Christ you will
in proces sion to the doors of the church. There the bishop briefly consecrate your self to God for the salvation of your brothers
introduces the new parish priest (pastor) and hands him the keys of and sisters?
the church. The introduction may also take place at the beginning of R.
Mass, after the greet ing, and particularly when at the beginning of Iam.
Mass, after the bishop's greeting, the parish priest's (pastor's) letter of
appointment is read and, in keeping with the provisions of the law, he Do you promise respect and obedience to me and to my
makes the profession of faith. successors?
1191 It is fitting that the new parish priest (pastor) proclaim the Ido.
gospel reading; beforehand he goes to the bishop and from him May God who has begun this good work in you bring it to
receives the Book of the Gospels and asks for a blessing.
ful fillment.
1194 As circumstances suggest, a procession with lead the parish priest (pastor) around the church and entrust to him
censerbearer, cross bearer, candlebearers, and other the various places that will be the sacred sites of his minis-
ministers may then be formed, so that the bishop may
326 327
1196 For the rite of peace the parish priest (pastor) may himself exchange
the sign of peace with some of the people as representatives of the parish.
1197 After the prayer after communion, the bishop invites the parish APPENDIXES
priest (pastor) to speak briefly to the community.
Choir dress
1199 The bishop always wears the ring, the symbol of his fidelity to
and nuptial bond with the Church, his spouse (see no. 58).
This is the choir dress of the bishop both inside and outside his
diocese: purple cassock; purple silk sash, with silk fringes at both ends
(but without tassels); rochet of linen or some similar material; purple
mozzetta (without hood); over the mozzetta the pectoral cross with cord
of green interwoven w th gold strands; purple skullcap; purple biretta
with tassel. Purple stockings are also worn.
1200 The purple cappa magna, without ermine, may be worn only within
the diocese and for the most solemn feasts.
1202 The bishop wears the dress just described whenever he goes pub
licly to or from church, when he is present at a liturgical service but
does not preside, and in other instances indicated in this Ceremonial.
• These paragraphs follow the provisions of the Instruction of the Secrelariat of State Ut sive sclli
du, on the dress, titles, and insignia of cardinals, bishops, and lesser prelates, 31March 1969: AAS
61 (1969), pp. 334-340; DOL 551, nos. 4497-4532; and the Circular Letter of the Sacred Congregation
for Clergy Per Instrudionem, on the reform of choir dress, 30 October 1970: AAS 63(1971), pp. 314-315;
DOL 552, nos. 4533-4537.
Vesture for ordinary, daily wear
b. the red sash, skullcap, and cloak are of
watered silk;
c. the cord for the pectoral cross and the cords and
tassels of the plush hat are of red interwoven with
gold strands;
d. the biretta of red watered-silk is to be worn only
with choir dress, not as an everyday head covering.
. Dl -
3. Holy Thursday, Easter Dl -
Vl Ritual Masses (General Instruction of the Roman Triduum
MissaC ho.
Vl -
Masses for various needs and occasions and votive 4. Solemnities not of precept, Dl +
All Souls
Masses, in
cases of serious need or pastoral advantage, at the
direction of
the local Ordinary or with his permission (GIRM, Vl -
5. Ash Wednesday, weekdays of Holy Week
no. 332).
6. Days in the Easter octave Dl +
cases of serious need or pastoral advantage, at the
Vl+ V2-
7. Sundays of Christmas, and in Ordinary
+ D2-
discretion V3 Masses for various needs and occasions and
V1 + V2-
8. Feasts Dl+ D2-
votive Masses cho
sen by the priest celebrant in favor of the devotion
of the people (GIRM, no. 329, b and c).
V1 + V2-
9. Weekdays 17-24 December D1 + D2 +
Vl + V2 -
10. Days in the Christmas octave Dl + D2 +
D3 Daily Mass for the dead (GIRM). When Dl and D2
are not per Vl + V2 -
11. Weekdays of Lent D1 + D2 +
mitted, neither is D3.
Vl + V2 +
12. Obligatory memorials Dl + D2 +
VJ + V2 +
13. Weekdays of Advent to 16 December
Dl + D2
Vl+ V2 +
14. Weekdays of Christmas from
Vl + V2 +
15. Weekdays of the Easter season
Dl+ D2
Vl + V2 +
16. Weekdays in Ordinary Time
Dl + D2+ 03 +
V3 + I
CD Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops Christus Dominus, 28 Oct 1965
LG Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen gentium, 21 Nov 1964
SC Constitution on the Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium, 4 Dec 1963
AC Admission to Candidacy for Ordination as Deacons and Priests, The Roman Pon
tifical, English ed., 1978, ch. 7
BA Blessing of an Altar, The Roman Pontifical, Dedication of a Church and an Altar,
lish ed., 19?8, ch. 6
BC Blessing of a Chwclt, The Roman Pontifical, Ded ication of a Church and an Altar,
English ed., 19?8, ch. 5
BCP Blessing of a Chalice and Paten, The Roman Pontifical, Dedication of a Church and
an Altar, English ed., 19?8, ch. 7
BAb Blessing of an Abbot, The Roman Pontifical, English ed., 19?8, ch. 14
BAbs Blessing of an Abbess, Tlu: Roman Pontifical, English ed., 19?8, ch. 15
BOCC Rite of Blessing of Oils and Rite of Consecrating tire Chrism, The Roman Pontifical,
Eng lish ed., 1972
OBVM Order of Crmuning an Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, English ed., 1985
CLV Consecration to a Life of Virginity, The Raman Pontifical, English ed., 19?8, ch.
16 DA Dedication of an Altar, The Roman Pontifical, Dedication of a Church and an
English ed., 19?8, ch. 4
DC Dedication of a Church, The Roman Pontifical, Dedication of a Church and an Altar,
English ed., 1978, ch. 2
HCWE Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass, The Roman Ritual,
lish ed ., 1974
IA Institution of Acolytes, The Roman Pontifical, English ed., 1978, ch. 6
m Institution of Readers, The Roman Pontifical, English ed., 19?8, ch. 5
LFS Laying of a Foundation Stone or Commencement of Work on the Building of a
Church, The Roman Pontifical, Dedication of a Church and an Altar, English ed.,
19?8, ch. 1
LH The Liturgy of the Hours, English ed., 1974
LM Lectionary for Mass, 2nd English ed., 1981
08 Ordination of a Bishop, The Roman Pontifical, English ed., 19?8, ch. 12
OBB Order for the Blessing of Bells, The Roman Ritual, Book of Blessings, English ed.,
1987, ch. 30
OBBF Order for the Blessing of a Baptistery or of a New Baptismal ront, The Roman
Book of Blessings, English ed., 1987, ch. 25
OBC Order for the Blessing of a Cemeterr- The Roman Ritual, Book of Blessings, English
ed., 1987, ch. 35
OBNC Order for the Blessing of a New Cross for Public Veneration, The Roman Ritual,
Book of Blessings, English ed., 1987, ch . 28
OCF Order of Christian Funerals, The Roman Ritual, English ed., 1985
OD Ordination of Deacons, The Roman Pontifical, English ed ., 19?8, ch. 8
ODP Ordination of Deacons and Priests in the Same Celebration, The Roman Pontifical,
English ed., 19?8, Appendix ill
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