Sports Lingo
Sports Lingo
Sports Lingo
Lay Up Shot: When a shot occurs from Relay: A race consisting of four stages,
very near to the hoop, occurring usually which is usually run by different members of
when a player moves towards the basket. the same team. One runner passes the
baton to the next runner in a marked zone.
Football Terms
Cross Country: A race run across large
Penalty Kick: A method of resuming the terrains by individuals or teams in an open-
game, wherein a player gets the opportunity air manner. This comes under Umbrella
to score on the goal which is only defended Sports.
by the goalkeeper of the opposite team.
Shot – Put: Throw of a spherical weight
Goal: Scored when the ball crosses the which is probably a metal ball from the
goal line at any end of the football field shoulder to attain a maximum length. It is a
between the goalposts which are set up. measure of the explosive power of a player.
Hattrick: Term used when a player scores 3 Bridge Terms
goals in a single football match.
Dummy: It is the declarer’s partner’s hand
Defender: A player whose role is to stop the and after opponents have tabled their
attacks and attempts to score goals by the opening lead, the dummy reveals The
opponent team members. declarer orders the card he needs from the
board and his partner plays it from the
Badminton Terms
Smash: A quick, sudden, powerful shot that
Trump: The wild cards known as trump
takes place from high above to below
cards or the final bid for the entire hand.
landing in the opponent’s court. It refers to
taking control over the game for that Master Point: These are the points given
particular instant. by bridge organizations to individuals for
success in competitive bridge tournaments.
Net: The equipment which divides the court
Generally, the awardees are members of
into 2 equal halves. The shuttlecock must
the issuing organization.
Grand Slam: The bet and winning of all the the ball, leading to the probable occurrence
tricks during the play of one hand. It means of a ballooning shot.
winning all available bids in a particular year
Bogey: This consists of one stroke over par
or a sports season.
on a hole or simply an average golfer’s
Boxing Terms score used as a standard for a particular
hole or course.
Knock Out: When the fight has ended, it is
a winning criterion in combat sports. One All Square: A tie match wherein both the
boxer is unable to resume playing the opponent teams have won an equal number
game. of holes is an all-square match.
Low Blow: An unpermitted blow below the Horse Riding Terms
waistline of the opponent. It is a foul and is
Showjumping: Competitive horse-riding
not allowed. The players upon doing it
race events conducted in which hurdles are
receive a warning or have 1 point deducted.
also placed to test the participants on speed
Cornerman: A trainer or coach who assists and their ability to overcome the obstacles.
the boxer during an ongoing bout. They may
Three Day Events: An event where a
also apply ice, adrenaline to reduce hurt
single horse rider competes against other
and swelling symptoms.
competitors across the three disciplines of
Dive: To feign a boxing knockout in order to dressage, cross-country, and show jumping.
lose purposefully or intentionally.
Faults: If the horse touches any part of the
Billiards And Snooker Terms water, it counts as a fault, which is actually
equivalent to knocking down a rail on
Cue: A sporting equipment stick used to
another kind of jump.
strike a ball. It is a tapered stick about 60
inches long. Gymnastics Terms
Object Ball: The first ball struck by a cue Sit Up: A strength and endurance exercise
ball is the object ball. It is usually referred to to tone up and highlight the abdominal
as any ball except the cue ball. muscles.
Break Shot: Breaking the racked object Horizontal Bar: An equipment bar placed
balls pocketing at least one ball and starts parallel to the ground for exercises such as
to pocket the remaining balls without giving chinning up used majorly by men.
a chance to the opponent at the table.
Parallel Bar: Consisting of two wooden
Scoring: Potting balls by a cue ball into a bars on uprights about 11 feet high,
pocket. This is done by cannons too. This adjustable in height, and used for swinging,
helps to score a point. vaulting, balancing exercises, etc.
Cycling Terms Floor Exercise: Exercises and movements
performed on the floor in an area of 12
Point Race: This is an event that involves
meters square. Only cushioning of the floor
large numbers of cyclists together on one
is there and the time duration for this is
track. It is one of the Olympic events too.
The top 4 finishers get awards and this is a
part of long-distance cycling. Chess Terms
Time Trial: These include episodes of Checkmate: Instance of maneuvering the
competition wherein individual cyclists or a opponent’s king into a check or trap from
team of cyclists goes out at intervals to which there is no way out. It is a warning
cover a specific distance on a road course. symbol of threat and usually used when the
game is about to end.
Sprint: An event taking place between 2-4
riders, though usually, it is a one on one International Master: A title awarded to
match between opponents who start brilliant chess players under the level of
together at the same mark cycling at full grandmaster. This lasts for a lifetime and
speed giving their best. the giver is an international chess body
called the ‘FIDE’.
Track Race: A bicycle racing sport that
occurs on banked tracks that are specially Gambit: A chess opening in which a player
designed or velodromes. It is present in sacrifices a possessioned material in order
both – Olympics and Paralympics. to achieve an advantageous position. Eg:
Sacrificing a pawn.
Golf Terms
Move: This refers to the chance to turn off a
Ball Mark: An indentation on a putting
player to go ahead with their game trickles
green takes place when a usually long, high
according to the rules of the game.
approach shot lands on the green.
Ballooning: Hitting down steeply will cause
the club to pass a high rate of backspin to