Content Pedagogy For Mtb-Mle (AS10 ECE 9) : Language Includes
Content Pedagogy For Mtb-Mle (AS10 ECE 9) : Language Includes
Content Pedagogy For Mtb-Mle (AS10 ECE 9) : Language Includes
-MLE is the use of more than two languages Why teaching mother tongue as a subject
for literacy and instruction. It starts from in school important?
where the learners are, and from what they
already know. - It will preserve our country’s cultural
This means learning to read and write in
their first language or L1, and also teaching -Provides learners with a strong educational
subjects like mathematics, science, health, foundation in the first language in terms of
and social studies in the L1. instruction.
c) Multi-cultural -They can live and work Success in school depends on the academic
harmoniously with people of cultural and intellectualized language needed to
backgrounds that are different from their discuss more abstract concepts.
own, they are comfortable living and
According to studies, it takes one to three
working with people from outside their
years to learn the institutional language,
community while maintaining their love and
but four to seven years to master the
respect for their home culture and
academic language under well resourced
What specific weaknesses in the Philippine
Are local languages capable of being used as
educational system does MLE seek to
languages of instruction?
- Definitely yes. As far back as 1925, during
-MLE seeks to specifically address the high
the American colonial period, the Monroe
functional illiteracy of Filipinos where
Commission already recommended the use
language plays a significant factor.
of the local languages in the education.
Why use the other tongue or the L1 in
What do Philippine Stakeholders say about
- One’s own language enables a child to
-Department of Education (DepEd)
express him/herself easily, as there is no
fear of making mistakes. -National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA)
- MLE encourages active participation by
children in the learning process because -Philippine Business for Education (PBED)
they understand what is being discussed
- Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and
and what is being asked of them.
UNESCO Philippines
- Children can immediately use the L1 to
- Linguistic Society of Philippines (LSP)
construct and explain their world, articulate
their thoughts and add new concepts to IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER
what they already know.
-The use of MTB-MLE should result to
children already know their language. Why children who are multilingual, multicultural,
still learn it in school? and multi literate and children who are
confident and capable in the languages to
maintain their love and respect for their The Unesco Convention against
linguistic and cultural heritage. discrimination in education 2960
The importance of mother tongue the mother Monroe Commission : Recommended the
tongue is important to use of local languages in education
"It is axiomatic that the best medium for Grade 3 English with Piping as school
teaching a child is his mother tongue" subject ( no more vernacular)
Hague Recommendations Regarding the English and Pilipino as MOI in all levels
Education Rights of National Minorities (DECS Order No. 25)
International Convention on the Elimination Vernacular Languages Auxillary Languages
of All forms of Racial Discrimination (1965)
Why have a Mother Tongue subject? -Children begin their education in a
language they understand, their mother
-A Mother Tongue subject is the venue for
tongue, and develop a strong foundation in.
developing the BICS and CALP of the
their mother language.
Purpose of MTB-MLE
-It also serves as a platform for developing
pupils' local or cultural identity -Develop appropriate cognitive and
reasoning skills enabling children to operate
Theoretical Philosophical Foundations of
equally in different languages starting in the
Mother Tongue
mother tongue with transition to Filipino
MTB-MLE Implementation and English.
-asked the question, "How are societies so -For purposes of communication and
successful in transmitting their ideas of instruction, the official languages of the
what is good and bad behavior, of what is Philippines are Filipino and, until otherwise
valued, and of what skills are most provided by law, English. The regional
important?" languages are the auxiliary official
languages in the regions and shall serve as
The Socio-Cultural Learning Theory by Lev
auxiliary media of instruction therein.
Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist (1896-
1934) 1987 Constitution (Article XXVIII Sec 30)
-states that everything is learned twice: first -It shall use the child's first language as the
socially (that is, with the help of other medium of instruction.
human beings), then privately
-The child has the right to an education and
(internalized). All knowledge is socially
to learn and use the language of his family.
constructed; that is, all learning is group
learning. RA 8980 ECCD Law (Sec 5a)
This program will not hinder the learners to -It shall use the child's first language as the
learn the second language instead it will be medium of instruction.
a concrete initiative for a strong knowledge
RA 9155 or EFA who, what, when and where to cover all
higher order thinking skills in the learners
-Education for all should enable everyone to
L1, their language of thought.
speak in the vernacular, Filipino and English.
These higher order thinking skills will
-BESRA (Basic Education Sector Reform
Agenda) KRT 3 - transfer to the other languages once
enough Filipino or English has been
-All persons beyond school-age regardless
acquired to use these skills in thinking and
of their level of schooling should acquire
articulating thought, and
the essential competence to be considered
functionally literate in their mother tongue, -be used in the process of acquiring English
in Filipino or in English. and Filipino more effectively
-Tell-and-draw stories combine oral telling
-Draw the setting on a box board. Color it
with simple illustrations. The teller merely
with crayon or you may use cut-out colored
draws during the storytelling. The same
paper which are pasted over the drawing.
procedure for cut-and-tell stories.
Characters are cut from different colored
papers. This will enable the storyteller to 2. USING PUPPETS
manipulate the characters as needed
-Color a person or an animal. Then cut it out
-Taken an old apron with a pocket or make Tape or paste it on the popsicles or
a special story apron like the one illustrated barbecue stick and make it come alive
here. Hide in the pocket a small toy or
object that relates to the story or cut out
characters. Slowly pull them out of your -Using the bottom of the paper bag as the
pocket to built the children's curiosity about head, decorate with crayons, paper scraps
the story. and other items to make a person or
-Chose 4-5 pieces of the cardboard and tell
your story by hanging them on by one on a -Using the bottom part of the sock decorate
long string it with yarns, buttons and thread to make
the characters in the story
-A story box can be made into a story book.
Use all sides of the box as your pages. Draw -Draw the characters in the story In a small
on them and color. You may write the title card board and cut it. Paste or glue them in
in one corner a ring-like paper or string. Wear it on your
finger Move it while you tell the story