MAY 2020
We hereby declare that this project work is our own original research and that no part
of I has been presented for another degree in this university or elsewhere except for
the references from other sources, which have been duly acknowledged.
In case of learning organizations, training has been linked to both corporate strategy
order to result in high performance (Delery & Doty 1996). The strategic formalization
of training facilitates organizations to analyze and carry out effective internal and
trained and developed workers, and this study will be based on the topic of evaluating
The value of the organisation increases with better trained and developed employees,
and highly trained and developed employees are highly motivated and have a high
little time to control the employees, because trained worker will be most disciplined
and give supervisors no complaint, in this case less time is wasted as the supervisor
does not have to pay more attention on employees work. It also helps in absenteeism
and turnover, employees who are well developed and skilled will always have good
Training and development also make it easier for employees to be adaptable to the
situation, as employee’s knowledge and skills are easily adapted to new technologies
and organisation changes, these changes bring about new needs, new challenges to
which organisation are forced to find solution, and this will only happen if employees
An organisation with no training leads to low morale among workers, which results to
high employee turnover, absenteeism and low productivity. In order for any
also develop managers that are able to keep abreast of new challenges, in a way
obstacles are prevented as managers are well develop, oriented to changes and hence
target for savings in ways that do not immediately affect production. Therefore
managers have to make sure that training that is being offered best fit with the
company and this has to be done through the application of training model, which
Therefore, this project was aim to provide the people of Wa Municipality with
development. This goal was accomplished through identifying the techniques used
when training employees, assessing the experience of employees and identifying the
successful of the organisation through analysing its productivity and its competitive
1.0 Background of the Study
leather works and pottery. The municipality is the foremost supplier of woodcarving,
smock and smock fabrics, basketry, leather works and pottery products in the country.
and smock fabrics, basketry, leather works and pottery from regular slotted for the
local and export market. These strong market positions allow the municipality to meet
the increasing requirement of customers, achieve economies of scale and achieve cost
effectiveness at their various operations. The mission is to satisfy the needs of the
One was low productivity in the municipality, due lack of communication within
abroad. It has three divisions in the paper business that includes manufacturing, well
The municipality strives to, utilize the resources optimally and continually, improve
responsible. In light of the above, the objective of the study is to peruse the impact of
productivity and efficiency yet reduce the increasing unemployment and retrenchment
1.1 Statement of the Problem
Ghana and the world by its management and clienteles, it does not currently have
training and development policy as well as succession plan in updated. Training and
As, a result administrative employees skills and capacities has not been improved
over the years to enable them to become effective and efficient. Employees who start
new jobs without training or orientation find it difficult to understand its policies.
Lack of training in the municipality has brought low productivity and low
performance. Therefore, the study sought to find out the effect training has on
employees’ performance.
goals and objective. The study will give a better understanding on the impact of
following objectives.
1.4 Research Question
4. What are the problems that work against training and development in the
study do not only assist handcraft producers the municipality but other private
companies and new upcoming SMEs may also find it useful to boost up the
company’s performance and meet the company‘s goals and objectives. By introducing
new training programs in their business and by providing strategies to guide their
employers on how to improve the performance of employees to the level that they will
increase productivity. The study will also contribute to the Ghanaian economy, as
existing business will expand leading to more job opportunities in the country.
1.6 Scope of the Study
The study is focused on assessing the impact of training and development in the
development is in the informal sector. The study also look at the problems and
The research further looked at how workers in the informal sector contributes to the
The researchers are beginners and the lack of experience will contribute to the
balance the time to conduct the study and attend lectures. The study is based mainly
researchers has not scrutinized much information as some of the municipality were
reluctant to give pertinent information and some of the company top official were not
This study will concentrate only on the training departments in the municipality. The
reasons for not choosing other companies are because the researchers want to surely
understand issues in the municipality. The researchers will provide questionnaire and
1.9 Organization of the Study
This study will be organized in five main chapters. The chapter one will cover the
background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research
questions, importance of the study, limitations of the study, delimitations of the study,
and the organization. Chapter two will review related literature to the study. The
chapter three will present research methodology of the study. The chapter four will
present the research results and discussion. The chapter five will provide the
2.0 Introduction
performance depends largely upon it. Only satisfied, trained employees can produce
nature of technical jobs and services made employee training very crucial for the
workers contrast from business to business and industry to industry (Bratton and
Gold, 2007). This issue is one of the most significant points in business the executives
examine. This idea is currently settled and is progressively influencing the field of the
board. It has demonstrated especially significant for those organisations who seek
better performance.
This section also gives a review of the current information in the area of employees
training and employees development, which form the basis of this study.
effect training has on both employee and organisational goals. One school of thought
argues that training leads to an increase in turnover while the other states that training
is a tool to that can lead to higher levels of employee retention (Tharenou, P., 2001).
Regardless of where one falls within this debate, most professionals agree that
influence a company’s success. Closing the gap in skills acquisition is now a serious
area of human resource development for company to constantly penetrate the market.
One major area of the Human Resource Management function of particular relevance
to the effective use of human resources is training and development. Only few people
these days would argue against the importance of training as a major influence on the
success of an organisation. For instance according to (Laing, 2009) stated that, the one
ability to perform. Employees are a crucial, but expensive resource. Training has a
considerable effect on the company finances. Companies that invest in its human
resources set aside fund as a potential investment. There are several cost company
incur as a reason for training. One type of training related cost is direct cost. This
involves instructors, supervisor and material for guidance. The second is indirect cost
that encompasses of worker output and productivity during and upon the training.
The benefits will be to the company, due to an increase in worker output and
productivity, and to the worker, as the increase in yield should transform into higher
process that is planned to facilitate learning so that people can become more effective
in carrying out aspects of their work. According to the CIPD, Training is expected to
equip employees to help them become ‘strategically unique, in addition to the
J. P., 2013).
responsibilities. This may include formal and informal training, education, mentoring,
Although the terms training and development are often linked, these address slightly
different needs. Training focuses on learning the necessary skills and acquiring the
knowledge required to perform the job. It deals with the design and delivery of
focuses on the preparation needed for future jobs; it should be considered investment
in the work force since its benefits are long term (Armstrong, 2006).
Effective training is paramount for survival and growth of a business. Training is not
just about developing people but helping them to become more confident and capable
in their jobs as well as in their lives (Wilson, 2006). The significance and value of
training has long been recognized. The need for training is more prominent given
today’s business climate and the growth in technology which affects the economy and
society at large. Employee is trained to assure that current or future needs of the
compensation and industrial relations among others, (Armstrong M., 1996). Human
Resource Management has emerged as a major function in most organisations and is
the focus for a wide-ranging debate concerning the nature of the contemporary
organisation as follows:
8. Risk management
While there are several methods that can influence companies to choose which types,
choose which method suits them. According to (Armstrong M., 2009) state that
training programs or events can be concerned with an of the following: manual skills,
and practice.
2.2.2 Methods of Training
On the job training helps employees to get the knowledge of their job in a better way
Coaching – One to one training based of exiting experiences (Deming, 1982). People
learn from their practical experience much better as compare to bookish knowledge.
On the job training reduces cost and saves time (Flynn et. al., 1995; Kaynak H., 2003;
Heras, 2006).
Job Rotation – Employees get the training of different departments by rotating their
Apprenticeship –use to train younger generation specially when they pass out from
Lectures and Conferences – This refers to verbal presentations where the lectures
have to be motivating in order to create interest among the trainees and retain their
Vestibule Training – This method creates a working condition similar to the actual
workplace conditions.
Sensitivity Training - Create an ability of an individual to sense what others feel and
Transactional Training - Analyze the motivation reaction relationship between two
There are several methods for evaluating training. Beardwell and Holden (1993) cited
ii. Tests or examinations: these are common on formal courses, especially those
iii. Projects are initially seen as learning methods, but they can also provide
subject matter.
iv. Structured exercises and case studies also provide opportunities to apply
learned skills and techniques under the observation of tutors and evaluators.
technique for gathering information directly from the learners. These can be
a. Performance Evaluation
person, or persons, designated to carry out the evaluation, and the method or
technique chosen to measure performance and the supervisor is the most popular
be measured based on whether the type of judgment called for being relative or
However, relative judgments do not make it clear how great or small the
differences between employees are. Relative system does not provide concrete
workers is.
According Cascio (1995), states the fundamental requirement for any ratter is that any
reasonable period. This offers the possibilities of several different choices of ratter.
This is the most popular and easiest choice of a rotter. The supervisor is probably
most familiar with the subordinate’s toward achieving goals and adding value.
problems, they direct attention to the causes of problems, they develop an action plan
3. Empirical literature
redundant, an increasing emphasis is being placed on the need for a skilled and highly
trained workforce. Many of the jobs being replaced by machines have been of an
unskilled and semi-skilled nature, and this emphasizes the need for higher education
and skills for those wishing to gain employment in the future (Laing, 2009).
In general, a company will weigh the costs and returns to training to determine the
skill gap and skill deficiency, human resource practitioner develops programs that
address the skill gap in the company. Krueger, A. and Rouse, C (1998), examined the
effect that training and workplace education programs can have on various
to the study by (Philip & Delma, 2012), investigated both the determinants and impact
of training. In their study they found age, education, contract, tenure, and firm size all
influence training.
treatment and control groups combined with data on worker performance before and
after training. They find that participation in the training program leads to a 10%
peers improves a worker's performance by 0.51%. Furthermore, they find that the
Eduardo Salas, (2017), their study the science of training showed that there is a right
way and a wrong way to design, deliver, and implement a training program. Their
In particular, they argue that training is a systematic process, and explained what
Management policies and practices, mostly those involving cultural change and the
necessity of introducing new working practices. First of all the organisation will need
a training policy that stipulates what training means to the organisation, who qualifies
for training, how training should be conducted and so on. The next step is to analyse
the training needs of the organisation in relation to the organisation’s strategy and
A variety of methods could be adopted to carry out a training needs analysis. Job
analysis, interview with managers and supervisors and performance appraisal are few
has to be cautious when selecting training methods for its use. A careful use of
training methods can be a very cost-effective investment. Although one of the most
important stages in the training process, evaluation and monitoring is often the most
This chapter reviews the relevant literature, involving conceptual framework,
3.0 Introduction
The preceding chapter dealt with the existing theories on training and development
and reviewed other scholars’ research paper. While this chapter assesses the
methodologies applied to collect data. It covers topics such as, research design,
population of the study, sampling size, data collection, data analysis, data instrument
The study is survey in nature in which data were collected across the company
population through sampling. Five sectors were used in the Wa Municipality. Fifty
were overseen. The researchers to the participants, selecting every fourth employee in
the sampling unit, personally administered the questionnaire. The design was
considered appropriate because it allows the collection of data that enable the
producer constitutes of the target population. The whole focus was however on the
3.3 Sample Size & Procedures
The sample was fifty (50), made up of five secretary, three accountants, four senior
apprentice, thirty junior apprentice, three supervisors and five Managers. In this study
a sampling method, which refer to a procedure whereby each member in the company
has an equal chance of being chosen in the sample. The sample size of 50 was
The data collected for this study is essentially from primary sources. The
find out if there are employees who self-sponsored themselves to attain the required
new skills and how this enhance performance at the work place.
was overseen to 50 employees and it was established and tested after the discussion
3.7 Data Analysis
carried out each day by the researcher. Identified mistakes and rectified as soon as
possible. Once editing was done with, data were analysed quantitatively. The
technique for quantitative data analysis was the frequency distribution and
percentages, which were used to determine the proportion of respondents choosing the
various responses. After data collection, the questionnaire was hinted at the data
spreadsheet for quantitative analysis. The data were summarized using cross tables
and frequency tables. Results are being presented in tables, charts and bar graph.
Beardwell, N. and Holden, B. (1993). Managing for Success. 2nd Edition, Prentice
Hall Publisher, England
Bratton, J. & Gold, J. (2007). Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice,
4th Ed,
Palgrave, Basingstoke
De G, A., & S, J. (2012). The effects of training on own and co-worker productivity:
Evidence from a field experiment. The Economic Journal, 122(560).
Delery, J.E., and Doty, H.D. (1996) Modes of Theorizing in Strategic Human
Resource Management: Types of Universalistic, Contingency, and
Configurational Performance Predictions. Academy of Management
Journal, 39 (4)
Deming, W E (1982). Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position, MIT Center for
Advanced Engineering, Cambridge, MA.
Essays, UK. (2018). Value and importance of training and development of employees.
Retrieved from
Kaynak, H. (2003). “The relationship between total quality management practices and
their effects on firm performance”, Journal of operations management, 21(4)
Lyles, M., Baird, I., Orris, B., and Kuratko, D. (1993). Formalized Planning in Small
Business Increasing Strategic Choices. Journal of Small Business
Management, 31 (2)
Nel P.S, G. P. (2001). Human Resource management. Cape Town: Exford university
Philip, J. O., & Delma, B. (2012). The determinants and effects of training at work:
bringing the workplace back in. European Sociological Review, 28(3).
Rose, A. &. (1998). The effect of workplace education on earnings, turnover, and job
Performance. 16(1)
Scott, W.R., (2007). Institutions and Organizations: Ideas and Interests. Sage
Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA
Wa Campus – Wa
We write to for the above named students whom wish to use your Institution to collect
The questionnaire is strictly to provide vital information regarding this research work.
Yours Sincerely,
Please circle the appropriate answers and give feedback where it is necessary.
1. What is gender?
Male [ ] Female [ ]
2. Age Group
Secretary [ ] Accountants [ ]
Supervisor [ ] Manager [ ]
> 10 years [ ]
If neutral, give your comment below
Yes [ ] No [ ]
9. Have you ever received any form of training since joining sector?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
10. Are there organisational issues that constrain training and development in your
Name …………………………………………………………………………...
Rank ……………………………………………………………………………
1. What is gender?
Male [ ] Female [ ]
2. Age Group
15-20 [ ] 21 - 25 [ ] >26 [ ]
> 10 years [ ]
6. What are the challenges faced by the company when they have untrained