Sapt Rishi
Sapt Rishi
Sapt Rishi
Coptal inuestneut.
Tnebnve Trasttcture
Creen Teachnn | ont
Develepomeu Cfrowt Grentt
. Tnchuelve Developmen
AgacnHeramdEural Dvelbpmau
Aopicntoue -A¢oeleratar Fund to be cef up
to enconage agei -teplaps
etresoreeurf in uead.
MutcienToyael- em =20f),
Sictle Cell Apama-Amaenin eliunodton
Nen Nmein Colleaes te
be estaklivhe.4.
P vin cel ded
medical Peseach to be encouraged
Ten Pablic 4- Privae
TCM labs.
Promole teccanch In Phommnceuicas to be launded
Nen frogsomma to
ctCoessible, fducolion anel SLllng
d:9) of GDP in FY 23.
nhan) cotducoaton txpendlitbure 4-
ia Eicktric- wittekts o- tducaia
Revampee Teachusl ttaiwha
TreWng ckildren nd adolescen
adion Biaitod limary
Ho be Cet p fot
to s e physncal Libraries o Panchayat-
Stale nil b encowage p
md nanel level
PMEV7 t 0 t o blcwncheel to stiue lat af pont
9.6 crere LPG Coon ttansfe af T 2
crore drinting ConnecHow uhcun erere
akh creve to A1.4 crere
wole coonecttonz Ujj malo
fromenc nen pm-rI&AN
te rurl tfomekelels
Tcurive. Deldapmewh
11.T crote howelwde Tncrmd cVntor
teilet cowttuclet uocu
h 6 c r o pertth we
SEM aaD Crone. Vncein Pmy 4- PMIIY
4 crar dictribnel to
A0a cre persbno .
Ccewt open.
Peota incowMhw wre t donlel o aAOF lak in mennel.
9 peovoR
EPfo Memberchip h» More tha dowbled to -ctoe
c r o t e cligitol poymert of A 6 lakh ereke ho taken ploe
tuongn UPL. in 203,
be esloblide
Urben Inftactruelve Oewelopment fund (uane) il
hortfol, md ill b
Tvano we fpriority teclor endiug
agenciw to creade.
monn Aed by NHE, wiit be med by phkdie
wbon infactrckne in Tie mmd T i e 7 clt
4Unlemhina th Petenkoad
Phroe3 * F-tons to be lounncbed fer efficient
Green Grooth
pM- PAep1 PRANAM tt be lawded.for inceuivire siaet/vTE
promete wye o alHenodve foatilievs .
nanio stadilidy
Setta hp of Ceurod Dota proceLetrg Centre cDPC)
n d e Comp we Ac
tor fole hndling of- aluucraive nork
Tndereut Paymew
oStale' Shme of-Tvas 4- Bntes =
9 7
4 Courl Spohietred Sehume s
Pewno 47%
DeFeme 7,
Comnus eirn 4- oth Trefa = 40 7,
oth Expenollwe ,