A. Background
both orally and in writing, so someone can communicate using language not only
through speech but also someone can also be said to communicate using a
language through writing. Language and humans are two things that cannot be
separated, why because the two are interrelated. Language was born as a
communication tool that connects one individual to another. Keraf (1997: 1).
system formed from the sound of human speech. Humans are able to exchange
the speech they want to convey through language to communicate with other
people, indirectly the main function of language in this case is media for
Language is the most important aspect in the life of every human activity.
With what language is hidden in the mind, ideas, ideas can be channeled. The
position of language is very high, so someone who studies and studies a language
is very important, why because by studying and studying more deeply about
(Chomsky, 2002: 1), Language is a tool for thinking and learning, language
formed from components of thought, words, clauses and sentences that are
processed in the human mind and then channeled in the form of language to
carry out conversations. Language and its meaning cannot be separated when
In linguistics, there is a term language style. Language style is the use of
language specifically which aims to get attention or a certain effect to attract the
readers can be interested in reading a literary work. (Martin Joos ,1976) stated
that language has five styles. He recognized five different language styles,
namely frozen style, normal style, consultative style, casual style and intimate
One type of language style that is known is sarcasm. This type of language
expression, a figurative word that is usually used to satirize, insult, or make fun
of the other person, people who are good at using sarcastic words are called
sarcasm, sarcasm has been used in everyday life since the past and has become
part of human language. Usually sarcasm is said when someone doesn't like the
other person, what he wants doesn't match his expectations. usually someone
who uses the word sarcasm has a high tone of voice, facial expressions that
purpose of sarcastic words is to express annoyance or anger. But there are also
sarcastic words that are usually used only as a joke depending on the person's
tone of voice and facial expressions. (Kreuz and Glucksberg, 1989) “stated that
sarcasm is verbal irony that expresses negative and critical attitudes toward
Sarcastic words are often used in the world of politics, comedy and so on.
Sarcastic words uttered by the public are usually to satirize the performance of
the government which is sometimes not in accordance with what was promised
before taking office, as many young people know who use sarcastic words to
that is not commendable. If someone does not like something, they should say it
directly, there is no need to issue words that can trigger debate or even lead to
conflict. The use of sarcastic words tries to make the other person feel hurt
because sarcastic words are in the form of sharp words. Some people think that
when they say sarcastic words they think it's just a joke, sarcastic people are a
term for people who like to say sarcastic words, they think it won't hurt the
victim but the victim thinks it hurts why because the words used are usually
figurative words but the intended meaning is not as good as the sentence issued.
In the daily environment, sarcastic people use scarcest words due to several
In Islam Allah SWT Strictly people using harsh words is not allowed as stated
Allah does not like bad words to be made public unless someone has been
behavior, and Allah SWT hates someone who behaves and says harshly to fellow
human beings with the aim of insinuating and hurting. other people's feelings. As
a Muslims we should speak in a smooth tone of voice, every word that is issued
must be good words. of this verse relates to research that will be analyzed by
expression to hurt the other person. Sarcasm usually contains ridicule or ridicule.
the presidential election debate video between Joe Biden vs Donald Trump. the
sarcasm theory there are four types of sarcasm namely: Propositional sarcasm,
helps the researcher to analyze sarcasm expressions in the final debate Joe
B. Research Questions
1. What kinds of sarcasm are found in the finale debate Joe Biden vs.
Donald Trump?
2. What functions of the sarcasm are found in finale debate Joe Biden vs.
Donald Trump?
C. Research Objective
1. To explained forms of sarcasm are found in the finale debate Joe Biden
vs. Donald Trump.
2. To describes functions of the sarcasm are found in finale debate Joe
Biden vs. Donald Trump.
D. Research Significance
The significances of the study as follows:
1. This thesis can help the reader to find out what types of sarcasm in
finale debate Joe Biden vs. Donald trump and also to find out what
functions of the sarcasm are found in finale debate Joe Biden vs.
Donald Trump.
2. Hopefully this thesis can be a reference for Reader’s
3. Improve the reader’s insight to know more about what types and
function of sarcasm
E. Scope of the Research
This thesis will be focused on analyzing forms of Sarcasm by using the
theory of Elizabeth camp sarcasm theory (2018) and also this thesis will
focused to explain what the function of sarcasm by using Elizabeth camp
sarcasm theory (2018) through data in the video finale debate on youtube
1. Previous Studies
research process the researcher takes any information from proposal, thesis
and from the information give the advantage for the researcher and the
Putri's and Sukmawati Soekarno Putri's". This Research uses Qualitative Data
Validity Test Plan. Her thesis Analyzes Sarcasm in the speech, using Lamb's
seven Types of Sarcasm theory, especially the kind of Sarcasm. The result of
the study is there are 7 types of sarcasm that appear in speech, including Self-
sarcasm, Manic sarcasm, Ranging sarcasm. In this thesis, the results of her
research explain that the speech uses polite sarcasm where the sarcastic
it is also found that in the speech there is camouflage sarcasm which means it
Putri and Sukmawati Soekarno Putri conveyed sarcasm in their speeches was
to satirize, and also to make fun of certain individuals or groups because these
groups or individuals did not agree with Megawati Soekarno Putri's thoughts
during her reign. And it was clear in her speech that Megawati expressed her
anxiety because individuals or society did not agree with the decisions made
whether the speech delivered is polite, behind the word sarcasm conveyed in
the speech there is a meaning that is being conveyed. In the seven types of
sarcasm described earlier, there are 3 types of sarcasm that are easy to use in
everyday life. For example, the use of sarcastic words in their speech but
delivered with more polite words. through lamb's seven types of sarcasm it
can be seen that sarcasm aims to cover up its true meaning, meaning that
intended party, the word sarcasm that came out during the speeches of
Megawati Soekarno Putri and Sukmawati Soekarno Putri aims to satirize the
types of sarcasm and also to identify how the types of sarcasm are coded. This
study aims to find out what types of sarcasm are and also to elaborate types of
sarcasm are coded in the comments on YouTube presidential era. This study
The authors collect the data from chosen the comments from YouTube that
wanted to be analyzed and also classified based on the types of sarcasm. The
result of the study there are many types of sarcasm comments found on the
YouTube channel based on the types of sarcasm from Elizabeth camp theory
found there were 30 types of sarcasm found in the comments column. The 30
illocutionary sarcasm, from the study it was found that there were 4 types of
results of the study found that most of those who commented in the YouTube
propositional sarcasm, for example, the expression " semoga utusan jokowi
word "haus" is not to drink but a strong desire to win in the presidential
statement "jika salah input bisa menang ya." From this comment, it can be
seen that the purpose of saying sarcasm is not to ask about errors in the
presidential election vote count, but to insinuate more about the fraud
Rachmat (2017) in his desertation “ Penggunaan Sarkasme dalam
spoken by FDK students based on Behaviorsm theory. This study aims to find
out the acquisition of the language of sarcasm and also to find out what factors
cause FDK students at UIN Alauddin Makassar to use sarcastic words. This
figure of speech that is used to satirize someone; sarcasm can be in the form
of an insult that someone does to express annoyance, anger using harsh words.
Sarcasm language is obtained from the scope of friendship and social media.
factors that caused FDK students to spoke sarcasm because of emotion where
the use of the word sarcasm aims to vent their anger, the next factor is joking,
the spontaneous factor makes people accidentally issue sarcasm. From this
indirectly also say rude words with the aim of joking or because of emotion.
The second thing that influences someone to say sarcasm is the use of social
media when someone opens social media like Instagram, for example they see
and read a lot of sarcastic words written by someone in the comments column.
From there, this FDK student learns and also applies them in his daily life.
According to them saying the word sarcasm is interesting with the aim of
joking or in a state of emotion they use the word sarcasm to vent their
Instagram post”
language. This study aims to investigate the form of sarcasm found in the
Joe Biden’s Instagram Post. In this study analyze the sarcasm language using
Elizabeth camp theory, the result of the study is the writer found 60 forms of
still can't get anything right" from the comment it can be seen that the speaker
directly said that Joe Biden is a criminal the sarcastic word that first came out
was a negative sentence insulting Joe Biden by saying Joe Biden was a
criminal politician who did things that were not right. and the type of sarcasm
rejection used to reject something that hated, as a form of conveying used to
All of the thesis explained about sarcasm language then also describe
about the types and function of language sarcasm, Zuhri focused on How do
the megawati Soekarno Putri and Sukmawati Soekarno Putri express Sarcasm
on their speech and Why they do express their sarcasm in their speech use
Lamb's seven Types of Sarcasm theory, especially the kind of Sarcasm. Tri
Hartono focused described types of sarcasm and also to identify how the types
sarcasm theory. And Rahmat focused analyzing how to acquire the language
FDK students and what factors caused FDK students at UIN Alauddin
In this case, the researcher will analyze types of sarcasm and the function
of sarcasm in the finale debate Joe Biden vs. Donald Thrump on YouTube
research is Zuhri analyze the speech Chusna analyze the Instagram post.
B. Conceptual Framework
1. Rhetorical
ability possessed by humans since birth, humans have known the word
they get older the ways to communicate also begin to increase. Humans
communicate using two ways, namely orally and also in writing. However, the
English word "rhetoric", which means the science of speaking. Rhetoric has 4
means free, in rhetoric the things you want to convey must be open and is not
fact, then that fact can be clearly received by the five senses. according to
Rahmat (2001: 10), rhetoric is a science that focuses on studying how words
are arranged with the correct composition in order to give the desired
impression to the general public, rhetoric is the highest human talent ability
including ratio and taste in the ability to speak in the field of mind.
The term rhetoric developed in (384-322 BC) rhetoric was first developed by
Aristotle along with the development of the term rhetoric in rhetoric society
which spread widely in various fields including in the fields of education, art,
rhetoric can be seen broadly and also narrowly rhetoric in a narrow scope
means the art of speaking, but if you want to examine more broadly the
is the use of spoken and written language. But what is most popular in society
is rhetoric in a narrow scope. The general public knows rhetoric as the art of
public speaking. who work in politics. At first, rhetoric was not considered a
first rhetoric was used to win a case with the pressure of how to develop their
ability to argue. People who are good at rhetoric are able to choose sentences,
expressions, terms that can attract their listeners when they hear someone
rhetoric. The language used at that time was very beautiful with a negative
spoken language which aims to gain perfect and broad knowledge. Rhetoric is
an art that aims to attract the attention of others when speaking with an art of
using effective language styles in a way to be able to amaze those who hear it.
Rhetoric is a person's ability to choose and apply language in certain
or written. In the word figure of speech, words that are usually spoken or
written do not contain a direct meaning, but are only intended as expressions.
Keraf (1988) Stated that figure of speech is how a person expresses his
thoughts through the language that he has in a special way so that it can be
Figures of speech are words used in the form of a language used as a shown
through the personality and soul of the author (language use). figure of speech
find out more about the meaning in a literary work, usually it is also used to
used in prose, poetry, drama poetry, theater. , film subtitles, and so on that
used by speakers to convey intentions and goals imaginatively with the aim
that the listener gets the effect of the utterance by using figure of speech
3. Types figure of speech
insinuations because this type relates to the research that will be analyze.
interlocutor and to increase the impact on the listener. In this study, the
1. Irony is one part of the figure of speech. Irony is a figure of speech that states
Or if it is defined briefly, irony is a satire that states the opposite with the aim
Example: you arrived too early, the guests left an hour ago. If we analyze the
meaning of the speech, it means that the person came for a very long time,
2. Cynicism is a type of figure of speech which is a satire aimed openly or
directly at the intended object. This type of figure of speech is harsh, but this
figure of speech aims to strengthen the message you want to convey. The
on the listener. Tarigan (2013: 91) cynicism is a style of language in the form
Usually, to find out if the person is saying sarcasm, just pay attention to the
tone of voice and facial expressions. the purpose of someone issuing the word
hurtful satire. Figure of speech sarcasm makes use mockery, satire, and
unpleasant phrases meant to offend. For example are you blind? you stepped
on my foot.
4. Definition of Sarcasm
language that contains ridicule or scathing and hurtful satire. Figure of speech
sarcasm makes use mockery, satire, and unpleasant phrases meant to offend.
unpleasant tone. Includes the word "ridicule" or other insulting synonyms. It's
not easy to hear him speak since his tone is perpetually one of anger.
irony and cynicism. In every community, it's possible for us to come across
things that we don't agree with in other people, whether it be in the form of
disclosed in full, but rather in the form of a statement, when discussing how
we feel about other people, particularly those who are not familiar with us. A
oneself affects others can come from anyone. When discussing the
conditions at the a particular institution and of someone else that the critic
does not find agreeable. In general, Sarcasm criticism can be defined as a kind
of sarcastic that, at times, takes the form like an unfavorable evaluation of the
working conditions once at particular institution and of someone else that the
is sarcasm. That amuses or criticizes someone or something is the purpose of
sarcasm. When sarcasm is used to express anger and rage, it often takes the
the form of an insult or accusation, using harsh words to convey the meaning
of angry and furious feelings. A method of bickering like this one can ease
someone else's suffering thanks to the use of harsh words and serrated speech.
Figure of speech sarcasm makes use mockery, satire, and unpleasant phrases
meant to offend. We need to first be familiar with the following traits in order
synonyms. It’s not easy to hear him speak since his tone is perpetually one of
5.Function of sarcasm
word automatic function, what comes to mind is usability. Goals and so on.
Function is that exists in a particular object or system. according to Sutarto in
Nining Haslinda Zainal (2008:22), i.e. Functions are detailed tasks that are
about other people, of course we can't express dislike directly, when we don't
like other people we use sarcasm to satirize people we don't like. Sarcasm
aims to offend someone usually using the word connotation, that is, the word
liked but in the context of humor. Dwi Sunar Prasetyo in his book 'Complete
Book of Figures and 3000 Proverbs', state that figurative language sarcasm
insult. Sarcasm can express feelings of annoyance and anger by being used in
a humorous context.
form of delivery of affirmation, as a form of conveying opinions, as a form of
6. Forms of sarcasm
type of sarcasm that is the opposite between a statement and its true
meaning. This type of sarcasm directly leads to other intents and purposes;
behind the words he says. The point is that the speaker does indeed show
the intention of satirizing other people but with different aims and
objectives, meaning that the word sarcasm uttered by the speaker has a
specific purpose, the aim is to satirize, or insult the other person. . For
example, Daniel had to be spanked by the women (Camp's 1994: 21). the
meaning of the word sarcasm aims to convey the meaning of the statement
that daniel is someone who is not well known among women. The purpose
where this type of sarcasm speakers uses the word sarcasm to look more
natural and clear about extreme statements, in other words, lexical sarcasm
is a type of sarcasm expressed in the form of positive words. but the effect
the perfect dupe for our little plan. From the statement above using the
word after "the perfect dupe". The meaning of that statement is that belle is
c) Like '- prefixed sarcasm is similar to the type of prepositional sarcasm but
sarcasm that shows statements that deny and tend to be confusing. For
example the corruptor having fun on vacation with his family. (Camp,
when viewed in terms of speech and also the speech acts that complement
pretends not to know then then asks a question but in fact they just want to
satirize- where you take the pic?, that’s look like the photo in the
background (Camp, 1994: 815) from this example it can be concluded that
the speaker said this was not to praise the photo but pretended to ask the
7. YouTube
When we hear the word of media, the things that come to mind are
newspapers, magazines and so on, while the word social refers to the
community or media users. Social media is currently very popular among the
public, the growth of social media is currently growing rapidly. Social media is
a tool that is used by someone to communicate and interact with other people.
people got information from print media, including magazines and newspapers,
television and radio. However, along with the development of science and
technology, one can now more easily access news or information through social
media using the internet. The types of social media include Instagram,
Facebook, What Sapp, and YouTube and so on. In using social media someone
can contribute comments and information in a very fast time. However, when
using social media, someone sometimes uses social media as a place to satirize
One form of social media that is currently widely used by people is YouTube.
YouTube is a social media where someone can post a video, be it in the form of
a video to spread information that is currently a trend among the public, daily
YouTube is a video sharing community which means that YouTube users can
upload and view all kinds of video clips online using any web browser. The
existence of social media provides benefits for its users, but there are also
negative impacts when using social media, depending on how we use and
utilize social media as a means to share and obtain information. just like
include the following: earn income from YouTube, the more viewers who
watch the videos that we upload, the more income we will get, as a means of
promoting the company, and the last YouTube is useful for sharing good
III. Research Method
will be examined using the theory by Elizabeth Camp sarcasm theory. This
descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and
described and then analyzed. For data sources, the researcher chose the Joe
Biden vs. Donald Trump debate video on YouTube, the data was collected
In this research, the researcher was taken the data from YouTube,
that has been made in advance. The source of data taken from the statement
contained types of sarcasm and the researcher also taken the source from
Sarcasm statements from the debate on YouTube, the researcher explained
C. Instrument of Research
was because the researcher collected and analyzed the object directly. Data
collection are the earliest steps carried out before the researcher conducts
researcher collected the data from statements on you tube about final
debate presidential election that contained sarcasm statements after that the
Procedure collection data are steps taken by researchers to collect data, the
researcher collect and analyzed the data to find out types and function of
2. Selecting the data. After watching the final debate video on YouTube
3. Collecting data. After watching and chosen sarcasm statement the
researcher will collect and classify based on the types and function of
After the Researcher collected the data related the research, the data will
Tarigan, H. G. (2015). Berbicara Sebagai keterampilan Berbahasa. Bandung:
Wiji, K. (2021). Sarkasme dalam Komentar Akun Instagram dan Implikasinya
terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA . Jurnal Pancasakti.4 (2). ,
Zuhri, A. (2020). Sarcasm Analysis on Megawati Soekarnoputri's and Sukmawati
Soekarnoputri's Speech. Retrieved from Universitas Muhammadiyah
Siumatera Utara: