A Study On Consumer Perception Towards Online Shopping: EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
A Study On Consumer Perception Towards Online Shopping: EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
A Study On Consumer Perception Towards Online Shopping: EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Online shopping is the process of buying goods and services from merchants who sell on the Internet. Since the
emergence of the World Wide Web, merchants have sought to sell their products to people who surf the Internet.
Shoppers can visit web stores from the comfort of their homes and shop as they sit in front of the computer Now a day,
online shopping has become popular among people, they have become techno savvy and feel very comfortable in using
internet. So online shopping has becoming a trend that is why it is necessary to make a study on online shopping usage
and perception. The main aim of this research is to study the perception of the customers towards online shopping and
also discriminate this perception gender vise. For this purpose, with help of convenient sampling method 150
respondents were selected and data were collected through structured questionnaire. On the basis of data analysis it is
found that most of the customers were perceived that online shopping is better option than manual shopping and most
of the customers were satisfied with their online shopping transactions. Customers are accessing their net at their home
and office/ college. Largely customers are buying clothe, electronics items and accessories. Most alarming barrier for
online shopping was customers have to give their credit card number and they can’t see products personally. Customers
agree with the statement that online shopping is more expensive than manual shopping, its take more time to deliver the
products and they are facing problems while making online purchases.
KEY WORDS: Online shopping, Customer buying behavior, perception, gender discrimination.
master list of online hazards and activities, measuring shopping and developed a causal model that explains
current level of perceived risk, desired level of risk, how this perception affects their online-shopping
and desired level of regulation associated with them, behavior. Research found that factors like, trust,
composing a master list of online risk characteristics, customer service, customers’ income, price of products
determining online risk dimensions, and revealing or services and security are more important to
position of each online hazard or activity in the factor encourage people to purchase online the computer
space diagram. A factor space diagram captures a related products and services. In other side factors like
graphical representation of the results of the factor product customization and price of product were not
analysis. This study is still in progress and results are much effective on purchasing behavior of the
not available yet. respondents. So high level of security in online
Guda Van Noort, M.A., Peter Kerkhof, Ph.D marketing of computer related products and services
and Bob M. Fennis, Ph.D. (2007) in two experiments, has this potential to growth more and more to
the impact of shopping context on consumers’ risk encourage people to reduce the time and cost of
perceptions and regulatory focus was examined. They transaction. Most important concern regarding to
predicted that individuals perceive an online (vs. online shopping is the security of transactions. The
conventional) shopping environment’s more risky and study intends to explore the understanding of
that an online shopping environment, by its risky consumer behavior regarding to the direct and indirect
nature, primes a prevention focus. The findings in influences of the perceptions of online shopping on
Study 1 demonstrate these effects by using self-report consumer behavior. Based on our analysis first, a
measures for risk perception and prevention focus. In factor analysis was conducted on the student’s
Study 2, replicated these findings and demonstrated perception of 13 items, and three factors,
that the effect of an online shopping environment “convenience, anxiety regarding security, and “poor
carries over to behavior in a domain unrelated to navigation”, were extracted. A model was created
shopping. reflecting the direct influence of these three
Seyed Rajab Nikhashem, Farzana Yasmin, “perception”-related factors on behavior or their
Ahsanul Haque. (2011) Studied that investigated indirect influence through consumers’ attitudes.
peoples‟ perception of online buying tickets (e- Kanwal Gurleen. (2012) focuses on the
ticketing) as well as why some people use this facility understanding of demographic profiles of adopters and
while some who do not use it stick to the traditional non-adopters of online shopping. For this purpose the
way to fulfill their needs. In addition, factors such as data from 400 respondents was collected in the form of
what inform peoples‟ eagerness and unwillingness to questionnaires. The study has been conducted in 3
use internet facilities are also examined. The outcome cities of Punjab, a sample of urban respondents were
of this research showed a comprehensively integrated selected from the Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Amritsar
framework that can be utilized by policy makers and The paper also analyses the various reasons for
business enterprises to understand the dynamic adoption and non-adoption of online shopping.
relationships among dimensions of perceived risk, user RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND
trustworthiness, usefulness, familiarity and confidence. OBJECTIVES
Also, this study considered how price perception and Research methodology:
internet security can be utilized to understand the Here descriptive research design was used to measure
consumers‟ perception. the involvement level. Convenient sampling technique
Yu-Je Lee, Ching-Lin Huang, Ching-Yaw was used for selecting respondents. The data were
Chen The purpose of this study is to use structural collected through structured questionnaire and sample
equation modeling (SEM) to explore the influence of size taken as 150 respondents from varachha region
online bookstore consumers’ perception on their Surat. For the analysis of data various tools like
purchase intention. Through literature review, four tabulation, chi-square test, frequency distribution,
constructs were used to establish a causal relationship cross tabs, and charts were used with help of SPSS
between perception of online shopping and consumers’ software.
purchase intention. Results of this study show that Research objectives:
product perception, shopping experience, and service To know customer perception towards online
quality have positive and significant influence on shopping.
consumers’ purchase intention, but perceived risk has To discriminate analysis of perception on
negative influence on consumers’ purchase intention, gender basis.
and shopping experience is most important. To identify customer online shopping
Ramin Azadavar, Darush shahbazi, and behavior.
Mohammad Eghbali Teimouri. (2011) examined the
factors influencing consumers’ perception of online
Home 45 20 65
Office /College 30 18 48
Cyber Café 29 4 33
Others 3 1 4
Total 107 43 150
Source: Primary Data
Above table gives explanation about demographic profile of customers like monthly income. Gender, age,
Below 10000 35
Income 10000 to 25000 53
(Family/ monthly) 25000 to 35000 40
35000 to 45000 14
Above 45000 8
Total 150
Male 113
Gender Female 37
Total 150
Below 15 2
15 to 30 123
Age 30 to 45 21
45 t0 60 4
Total 150
Student 75
House wife 11
Occupation business 41
other 23
Total 150
Source: Primary Data
Most of the customer are accessing internet from their home (65/150), office/college (48/150)
Male Female Total
Mostly purchase through online Clothes 43 10 53
Electronics items 58 15 73
Jewelries 30 16 46
Accessories 57 15 72
Other 14 2 16
Total 202 58 260
Main problems that faced while Pages took too long to load that I gave up 30 7 37
making online shopping Site was so confusing that I could not find 44 12 56
the product
Desired product was not available 29 8 37
System logged in is compulsory 33 9 42
Tried & failed to contact customer service 39 5 44
Wrong/ Bad product arrived & could not 48 12 60
Others reasons 1 0 1
Total 224 53 277
Source: Primary Data
Perception Related Questions Male Female Total
Online shopping 78 25 103
Manual Shopping 35 12 47
Better Option For Shopping Total 113 37 150
Satisfaction With Online Shopping Yes 73 23 96
No 18 7 25
Can't Say 22 7 29
Total 113 37 150
I am worried about giving my 32 7 39
credit card no
I like to see the product in 35 18 53
personal before I buy it
The process is expensive due 24 5 29
to access
Most Alarming Barriers For Online Shopping Insecurity& Net connectivity 22 7 29
Total 113 37 150
Online Shopping Is Expensive No 63 23 8
Compare To Manual Shopping Yes 50 14 64
Total 1113 37 150
Online Shopping Delivery Of Yes 30 15 45
Goods Is More Time Consuming No 83 22 105
Total 113 37 150
Face Any Problems While Making No 35 18 53
Online Purchase Yes 78 19 97
Total 113 37 150
Impact On Your Online Shopping Stopped shopping online 25 9 34
Behavior Stopped shopping online but 40 13 53
only for product or category
of product
It had no impact what so ever 45 14 59
Others please specify 3 1 4
Total 113 37 15
Amount Of Monthly Salary Spent 05% 49 15 64
On Online Shopping 08% 38 17 55
10% 26 5 31
Total 113 37 150
Source: Primary Data
Online shopping is becoming common in today’s life. 1. DNA. (2014, 09 20). Retrieved from DNA web site:
The study indicate that most of customer http://www.dnaindia.com/scitech/report-india-s-e-
having experience of online shopping. Customer commerce-industry-may-reach-70- billion-by-2020-
1960504 retrieved on 20-09-2014
believed that online shopping is better option
Economictimes. (2014, 09 20). Retrieved from Econmic
than manual shopping still they have belief that online times website:
shopping is expensive, delayed in delivery http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-12-
of products and service. Most of the customers are 30/news/45711192_1_ecommerce-market-online-
facing problems like return of bad / wrong shoppers survey retrieved on 20/09/2014
product, confusing sites and ineffective customer Indiasocial. (2014, 09 20). Retrieved from Indiasocial
service. According to, customers most web site: http://www.indiasocial.in/nielsen-global-
alarming barrier for online shopping are unable to online-shopping-report/ retrieved on 20-09-2014
verify product personally, online payment