Impact - of - Green - Marketing - PG PROJECT
Impact - of - Green - Marketing - PG PROJECT
Impact - of - Green - Marketing - PG PROJECT
The problem of environmental sustainability and issues related to the environment are the current
existing problems which are influencing and changing the patterns of human life and activities
on the planet. In the national daily or local daily newspapers, every day it is scary to read the
pieces of information that the effect of air pollution and water pollution is increasing day by day.
With the effect of this increase in the pollution, the human life, human activities, crops, aquatic
life and wild life is getting affected badly. This effect has been penetrating badly into our roots
even very badly. This has led to the many severe problems like low birth weight, premature
birth, still birth and death of the infants. As there is the scarcity of the resources and human
wants are unlimited, it is very imperative for the producers and marketers to efficiently utilize the
resources without compromising with the need of the future generation and meeting the
organizations objective. So, here comes the need of Green Marketing or we can say that it is
Even the consumers of today‘s world are very much aware and they are interested to adapt the
concept of Green Marketing. They are very much interested to work for the protection of the
environment. Evidences from the worldwide have proven this fact that the consumers are aware
and they are highly concerned about the protection of environment. Behavior of the consumers is
also changing now-a-days. This has resulted in growing the green market for the noble cause i.e.
for the protection of environment. The era of sustainable development and socially responsible
product and services has come. So, it is important to create awareness among the consumers to
adapt the green and eco-friendly products. Change in the attitude of the consumers is very much
required and this can be done if the marketers of the product specially green or environmental
products play their role ethically. They have to satisfy or even exceed the customer satisfaction
by delivering them the efficient and eco-friendly product.
It is very important to replace the traditional products with the eco-friendly or can say green
products. For example, in the Oil & Gas industry, in the present scenario the Oil Marketing
Companies are focusing on the renewable sources of energy. They have started investing in the
Solar, Wind, Hydro and Tidal Energy. Recently, HPCL is working on the solar projects and wind
energy projects in the state of Rajasthan.
OMCs are marketing the eco-friendly fuel at their retail outlets. The fuels like Auto-LPG and
CNG has proven to be very effective in the sense of eco-friendliness, efficiency and cost. CNG
in Delhi was introduced only because of the fact that the pollution in the city was increasing like
anything. So, in order to have control on the pollution, gentlemen filed a report in the Supreme
Court for the unlimited increase in pollution. As a result of which, as now Indraprastha Gas
Limited is serving the role of marketer of CNG in the capital of India. Government of India is
working for the control of pollution in the country. Government is building the infrastructure to
serve the Natural Gas as a future fuel to the people of the country. Various pipelines have been
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Impact of Green Marketing Initiatives on Consumer Buying Behavior
built. For the set up of the City gas Distribution network, PNGRB has also invited the bids for
the 20 geographical areas under the round five bidding process.
Issues related to the health and the sickness is not addressed the way it is required to be. The
main primary reason behind this is that the health facilities in India are not cheaper. It costs more
than the economic reach of the customers. Thus, there arose the need of the eco-friendly and
environmental products, which is fulfilled by the process of Green Marketing.
The role Green Marketing is of utmost importance in making the one‘s life easier and
comfortable. The need for the green products is expressed by the consumers and the companies
try to meet their demands in a very efficient and economical way and launch several eco-friendly
products or products without toxic chemicals. These environmental products are made available
to the customer at the reasonable prices by the help of a marketing process called as Green
marketing. Many of the Indian companies are using the concept of environmental marketing
.This seems to be the right time to choose the option of ―Environmental Marketing‖ or ―Green
marketing‖ globally. Adaption of this technique or concept will emerge with a drastic change in
the country and world. It will be good for the health of human and even good for the other
species in the environment which are getting affected with the increase in pollution. Creating
awareness among the consumers at the global scale is very much required. Awareness regarding
the benefits and the great need of green product is required to be spread.
In fact green marketing is the process of developing products and services and promoting them
to satisfy the customers who prefer products of good quality, which of the same time do not have
a detrimental impact on the environment.
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The product which is typically non-toxic, recycle/reusable, not tested on the animals, does not
pollutes the environment, minimally packaged and originally grown is referred to as the Green
Product. This definition was given by the Ottman in 1998 and Pavan in 2010. The attribute
reflected by the customer while making the green purchase or while buying the green products is
price. If the green products are expensive then the customers are less likely to purchase the green
However, there were a group of environmentally conscious consumers, i.e., more than 80 percent
of Thai, Malaysian and Korean consumers from the emerging markets in the region, were willing
to pay premium price to purchase environmental products.
The products which are produced through green technology and that do not cause any harm to
the environment are called green products. Promotion of green products and technology is
necessary for conservation of natural resources and sustainable development. We can define
green products by following characteristics:
The simple answer of the question that why the concept of green marketing has gained the
momentum is quite simple and rely on the basic definition of Economics. As per the basic
definition of the Economics, it can be defined as follows:
The study of concept that- ―how people use their limited resources to try to satisfy unlimited
wants‖ is called as Economics. Even, we are left with the limited amount of resources on the
earth and exploitation of these resources is required to be very-very sustainable to satisfy the
human unlimited wants.
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The development of new or alternative ways for satisfying the customer‘s needs is required to be
developed. Ultimately, green marketing looks at how marketing activities utilize these limited
resources, while satisfying consumers wants, both of individuals and industry, as well as selling
the organization‘s objectives.
containing Product
Re-cycled Orignally
contents Grown
having Eco-
Characterstics of Green
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The term named Green Marketing was coined first in the 1970s and took its actual long journey
in the late 1980s.The first workshop was held in 1975 by the American Marketing Association
(AMA) ecological marketing. For the first in 1980 the term came into the existence.
Henion was the first person in the world to give the definition of Green Marketing in 1976 which
Stated- ―the implementation of marketing programs directed at the environmentally interest of
people towards the environment and green conscious market segment‖.
AMA defines green marketing as the marketing of products that are presumed to be
environmentally safe; it incorporates several activities such as product modification, changes to
production processes, and packaging, advertising strategies and also increases awareness on
compliance marketing amongst industries.
Business Dictionary defines green marketing as promotional activities aimed at taking advantage
of changing consumer attitude towards a brand. These changes are increasingly being influenced
by a firm‘s policies and practices that affect the quality of the environment and reflect the level
of its concern for the community. It can also be seen as the promotion of environmentally safe or
beneficial products.
Polonsky (1994) has stressed on satisfying of human needs and wants but causing minimum
harm to the national environment. Similarly, Peattie (1995, 1999) has defined in terms of
customer satisfaction; Charter (1992) looks at the strategic dimension of the activities that will
have long-term effects; Pride and Ferrel (1993) has stressed on the need for sustainable
development; Welford (2000) talks about the management process that looks into the
requirements of customers and society in a profitable and sustainable way.
Thus, several definitions can be seen from the literature and the central meaning of all however,
remains the same viz. protection of environment.
Green marketing has now become global concept for safeguarding the earth from the damage it
has been seeing for so long. Earth has limited resources and it is our duty to make judicious use
of it. By implementing green marketing measures to save the earth‘s resources in production,
packaging, and operations, businesses are showing consumers they too share the same concerns,
boosting their credibility. Divergent aspects of green marketing include ecologically safer
products, recyclable and biodegradable packaging, energy-efficient operations, and better
pollution controls. Advances produced from green marketing include packaging made from
recycled paper, phosphate-free detergents, refillable.
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The concept of Green Marketing promises to create a better environment, however it faces some
These challenges are:-
The GO GREEN and Green Marketing are comparatively new concepts; hence it will take
some time for the masses to accept it. There is a need to create a lot of awareness about
this concept. The message needs to be spread intensively among the masses to ensure
every person is aware of green marketing and GO GREEN initiatives. This will make it
easier for the masses to be a part of this initiative.
Lack of standards or benchmarks to measure the authenticity of messages from green
campaigns, dampens the long term benefits of green marketing.
Green products require renewable and recyclable material, which is costly.
Requires a technology, which requires huge investment in R & D.
Water treatment technology, which is too costly.
Majority of the people are not aware of green products and their uses.
Majority of the consumers are not willing to pay a premium for green products.
New Concept
Lack of Standards
Costly Material
Lack of Awareness
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It is very unfortunate to say that the majority of the people are in the view that the green
marketing is solely used for the advertisement and promotion of the environmental
characteristics. Consumers most often associate the terms like Phosphate Free, Recyclable,
Refillable, and Ozone Friendly with the concept of Green Marketing. These all terms are also
green marketing claims but in a general view the green marketing is a much broader concept.
Green Marketing can be applied to the consumer, industrial and even to the services also.
Going Green may seem to be expensive to the consumers in the short-term, but it will be
definitely proved to be advantageous in the long run even in the context of cost.
Pride and Ferrell (1993) Green marketing, also alternatively known as environmental marketing
and sustainable marketing, refers to an organization's efforts at designing, promoting, pricing and
distributing products that will not harm the environment.
Polonsky (1994) defines green marketing as .all activities designed to generate and facilitate any
exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or wants, such that the satisfaction of these needs and
wants occurs, with minimal detrimental impact on the natural environment.
Elkington (1994: 93) defines green consumer as one who avoids products that are likely to
endanger the health of the consumer or others; cause significant damage to the environment
during manufacture, use or disposal; consume a disproportionate amount of energy; cause
unnecessary waste; use materials derived from threatened species or environments; involve
unnecessary use of, or cruelty to animals; adversely affect other countries.
(Dunlap and Scarce 1991; Lung 2010). D'Souza et al. (2006) noted that all products offered
should be environmentally safe without a need to trade off quality and/or pay premium prices for
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As the conventional marketing has marketing mix i.e. the 4 P‘s of marketing (Product, Price,
Place and Promotion), in the same way Green Marketing also follows the 4 P‘s as follows:
PRODUCT: Green Product development in order to satisfy or exceed the needs and wants of the
customer is to be ensured. The product should meet all the green characteristics which can
delight the customer to a larger extent. Green products are generally made up of bio-degradable
materials and do not consist of the toxic chemicals. They are eco-friendly in nature and the
packaging of these products even does not contain any plastic material. These efficient green
products do not only save the environment but also save the water, energy and money.
For example, in the Oil& Gas industry, the unleaded petrol (lead free petrol), aromatics free
petrol with high octane number, CNG in Delhi, Mumbai and Gujarat etc are some of the best
examples of eco-friendly product. Marketing of these types of products is called as Green
marketing i.e. they are not having any severe impact on the environment and human beings.
Initiatives taken by the PNGRB by inviting the bids for setting of the City Gas distribution
Network for serving the customers is one of the important initiatives taken by the government of
India. Public Sector Enterprises marketing companies and other private energy marketing
companies are participating in the bidding process and seeking for the grant of permission and
license for the marketing and retailing of Natural Gas to the customers.
Natural Gas is one of the best examples of energy fuel which on consumption does not cause any
harm to the environment. Initiative of oil marketing companies of introducing the Auto-LPG a
long time back was one of the another best practices of green marketing adopted by them.
Lubricants and paints free from toxic chemicals, are the other examples of the green products.
Most of the OMCs are working on the various renewable energy projects related to the solar and
wind energy.
Another masterpiece of the Green Marketing is the usage of Bio-Diesel and Bio-Ethanol as fuel
for the vehicles. It is serving the both the purposes being eco-friendly even and also sharing the
load of energy requirement with the conventional fuels.
Price: Price of a green product is the one the important parameter which has a severe impact on
the sales. Pricing is required to be done strategically in order to present the green products to the
customers at the reasonable rates. Most customers having high income level are ready to pay a
premium price even if the product is having some additional product value.
The critical element of the pricing is required to be managed very strategically to serve the
maximum number of the customers with the green products. Obviously, in the beginning of
introducing the green products the price may vary in comparison to the other normal products.
But with the passage of time the price will follow the normal curve.
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Customers aware about the advantages of the green products are ready to bear the extra cost for
the protection of the environment and their good health. Even if the price of the green products is
reasonably high as compared to the price of the normal products, still it has been observed that in
the present scenario, most of the customers are switching to the green products. The reason
behind this is that the customers are aware and they are ready to work for the protection of the
environment. They are ready to accept the change even at the high prices. A large number of
populations are switching to the ayurvedic medicines in place of the allopathic medicines. The
best example of this in India is the organization named Patanjali Yogpeth which is the initiative
taken by the Baba Ramdev. At that centre, the product made up of chemical free substances is
marketed. Even the price being high as compared to the other substitutes, the marketing is at its
Consumers of low income group are not even bothered about the price as they all know about the
advantages of the green products.
Place: Place becomes the one of the important parameter to make the product available at the
reasonable prices and in a effective way. Selection of the Green place is one of the critical issue
which need to be taken care of. Strategically it is required to be decided.
There are very few customers who go out of their way for the purchase of the green products for
their sake. Marketing companies are presenting their green products in an effective way and at
the most strategic location so that they are not just appealing to a small green niche market, but
also capture the maximum of total market.
Managing logistics to cut down the transportation emissions is the main motive of selecting the
Green place. Licenses can be provided for the production of the green products in the country
instead of going for the import of the green products. This thing avoids the issue of shipping of
the product from far locations, and which led to decrease in the carbon emissions and even
reduce the cost. For example, instead of importing the Mango Juices, licenses can be provided
for the home production for managing the emissions issue.
Promotion: Indeed, without promoting a product, you cannot get the best out of it. Getting the
best from the product is in a positive way i.e. if the customers will not be aware about the green
products, they will not be switching to them. So, creating awareness among the consumers by the
virtue of promoting the products has become mandatory.
Various techniques used to target the maximum part of the market is paid advertising, public
relations, sale s and promotion techniques, word-of-mouth marketing, posters presentation etc.
Word-of-Mouth marketing is one of the important source of promoting a green product. The
information related to the green product spread with the speed of chain reaction. Now-a-days,
most of the companies are using the social media and the social networking sites like face book,
twitter etc. for the promotion of their products. Information is shared regarding the green product
via emails also.
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Social Responsibility
Government Pressure
Competitive Pressure
Cost Reduction
It‘s an opportunity for the many of the firms to adopt the concept of green marketing for their
interest as well as for the sake of the customers. Green Marketing is the opportunities for the
firms to produce the green products and penetrate in the local consumer market. Consumers of
all the segments are interested to adapt the concept of green marketing.
For example: Surf Excel detergent which saves water (advertised with the message—"do bucket
paani roz bachana")
Most of the firms have taken green marketing as the social responsibility for them to produce the
green products and to present it in the market for the use of customers. Just like the other
initiative for social work, now-a-days green marketing is also considered as a trend.
Government is also putting pressure on the many of the industries to go green like for the usage
of limited amount of coal and wood in order to protect the environment. In case of city gas
distribution, PNGRB is inviting bids for granting of the licenses for setting the infrastructure.
Government is focusing on the pollution norms and being very strict penalizing the companies
who are not following the regulations.
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Producing the green product also differentiates the companies from their competitors and helps
them to lead in their business position. Companies are producing the green products and
enjoying the fruitful benefits.
Sometime many of the processes used for green marketing leads to the cost saving in the
production or marketing of the product.
Consumers have started using and giving preference to the eco-friendly products. They are using
the green products to the great extent and enjoying the benefits of the products. So, it has become
the consumer‘s pressure on the firms to produce the green products only.
Even the employees want to work in the healthy environment and they want to produce the
product which does not harm the health and environment. So, this thing is also having the effect
that most of the employee oriented firms are adapting the concept of green marketing.
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Green Marketing can said to be like the need of the era now-a-days. The reason behind this is
that the pollution is increasing like anything. People health is affecting a lot. Green Products are
highly in the demand and companies have started focusing on the productions of the green
products. There are several other factors also which says that the green marketing is the need of
an era. They are as follows:
Consumer Pressure
Government Pressure
Investor Pressure
Competitive Advantage
Community Pressure
Corporate Social Responsibility
Cost Reduction
Employee Pressure
All the factors are same to the fact that why the firms go for the green marketing. All above
mentioned topics are responsible the now-a- days; it has been considered that the green
marketing is the need of an era.
It‘s very high time to have the control on pollution of the environment and to start adapting the
green marketing initiatives for the noble cause. Even the most of the population of the country is
willing to accept the change and they also want to work and they are ready to bear the additional
cost for using the green products.
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To study the impact of green marketing initiatives on the consumer buying behavior
particularly in the oil and gas industry in the downstream side of the value chain.
To check and to know the attitude of the consumers towards the green marketing.
The study on the title ―Impact of Green Marketing initiatives on consumer buying
behavior‖ also throws some lights on the area to be improved in the field of green
marketing. What are the challenges which are coming in between and are affecting the
performance of the green marketing?
To study the price sensitivity of the consumers towards the buying of the green product.
Whether the consumers are worried about the price of the product only, ease of access or
availability of product only or he/she is ready to accept the change for the sake of the
The study also describes the main problems and challenges coming while implementing
the Green marketing techniques.
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Research Methodology adopted to carry out the study of ―Impact of Green Marketing Initiatives
on the Consumer buying behavior‖
Primary Research: Primary Research for the data collection for carrying out the study
on Green Marketing impact was done using the following two ways:
III. Understanding the consumer‘s green product requirement and rationale for using
any specific kind of fuels.
IV. Understand the price sensitivity of various products from consumer‘s perspective
and the change in technology required in order to switch to the Green Product (for
this case especially Natural Gas).
Secondary Research: On the basis of data collected by carrying out the primary research
method, several calculations related to study are carried out. Analysis of the data is done
after making the hypothesis. Data collected via the interviews and filling up of the
questionnaire is used to see pattern of growth of green products in the market.
For the study of Green Marketing, especially for the case of the Natural Gas, the main area
targeted were the Industrial sector, Commercial Sector, Households and Vehicle segment.
The main area targeted was Haridwar, Dahod, Ahmadnagar and the Belgaum Districts.
Industrial Sector: Although the fuel requirement from majority of the industrial sectors
has been covered, it is seen that the key industries that may switch easily to Natural Gas
are Forging, Casting & Steel industries, Petro Chemicals, Glass/Ceramics, Metal
forming, agro Based and Food Industries etc… First, the consumption of the different
fuels used by such industries is retrieved by carrying out the primary research method.
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Then, the demand analysis is done by correlating these all fuel on the basis of calorific
value and the price constraints.
The technology used by various industries is also an important factor since there are some
industries that not easily switch to Natural Gas since a lot of fixed cost is involved in
setting up of their current technology & processes. On the other hand, some industries
might be able to switch readily because of the nature of processes. For e.g. the glass
cutting industries or the steel industries that use electric arc furnaces might switch readily
to Natural Gas because of the technological advantage of Natural Gas; however plastic
industries that are using electric furnaces for their activities might be adherent to Natural
Gas. Hence, the technology used by the plants and the various fuels used by the industries
has been identified in order reach the realistic, optimistic and pessimistic demand of
Natural Gas.
Vehicles: In Vehicle category, different types of vehicles are considered like three-
wheelers, two wheelers, buses, private cars etc… The details of the same has been taken
from the respective RTO departments
For all these sectors, data related to the demand and consumption of Natural Gas is collected.
Like for the commercial sector, fuel used by the hotels, restaurants, hospitals and universities is
studied and amount of fuel used is also calculated by carrying out the primary research. In the
same way for the industrial sector, first the type of industries is recorded and the amount of fuel
consumed by all these industries is observed. On the basis of that it is estimated that how much
percentage of the consumers will shift to the green product i.e. natural gas.
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The various sectors covered in the projects can be described in the following diagram:
Sectors Studies
casting, Iron & Commercial Household
steel Vehicles Small Industry
Universities Power
Hospitals Fertilizers
Glass / Bakeries, Sweetshop, Food
Ceramics Courts Class / Ceramics
In the initial stage, the key sectors which can off take the larger volume of Natural Gas are
founded out by carrying out the primary research. Then, the estimation of the demand is done on
the basis of the secondary and primary research. Then, it is estimated on the basis of demand that
how much percentage of customers can actually shift to the green product named natural gas. By
carrying out the primary surveys, what is the actual mindset of the customers is also estimated,
that whether they want to shift to the green products or not.
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The methodology used for the industrial segments for the industries by meeting the demand by
the City gas Distribution is described as follows:
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Methodology adopted for the households‘ sector calculation has been described in the block
diagram shown below. Data related to the number of households, population of rural area, urban
area and total population district wise has been extracted from the https// . For
the housing sector, differently the calculation has been done for the private sector and the
government sector. In private sector, the information related to the colonies, individual plots,
multi storey apartments and 7-8 storey‘s was gathered. For the government sector, information
regarding the houses, high/middle income group, apartments up to two storey‘s, housing
complex for the government departments was gathered. After collecting this whole information a
similar procedure for both the private as well as government sector was followed this is
described as follows in the following points.
Field surveys or contacting respondents for the information gathering is carried out regarding the
fuel consumption per month, willingness to convert, power outage and pricing etc. This is
followed by the process of dividing the consumers as per the fuel used by them.
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For the case of commercial sector , at initial stage the listing of the commercial sector is done,
the commercial establishments are checked . Commercial establishments are classified into the
three main types as follows
Accomodation : It covers the hotels, guest houses, resorts, education hostels, canteens
Food & Entertainment : Food & Entertainment covers the mainly restaurants, sweet
shops, bakeries, cine complexes etc.
Health care : Basically, hospitals & nursing homes are covered in this category.
After classifying the commercial establishments into the three different sectors, respondents are
contacted. Data is collected from the management team, production team, maintenance
department and purchase department as well. Data related to fuel consumption per month ,
customer‘s willingness to convert, power outage and factors related to pricing are considered.
Then, by dividing the consumers by quantity of fuel consumption we get the three types of
consumers i.e.
Future projection of the data is done by using the concept of the growth rate . Source of the
future projection of the data is economic survey and the LPG price etc. This calculation of the
future projection led us to the stage of finding the potential consumers & volume of natural gas.
Switchover rates are applied at this stage in order to check or to know the potential consumers.
Pictorially , the methodology adopted for the commercial sector , in order to reach to a
appropriate conclusion is represented as follows :
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In order to carry out the calculation for the vehicle sector, the very first parameter calculated or
estimated was the vehicle population. The survey area for the estimation of this parameter was
the Regional Transport Office (RTO). All the vehicles were classified into six main groups
named as follows:
3-Wheeler (Passenger)
3-Wheeler (Goods)
Buses(Stage Carriage, OMNI Buses, School Buses)
Further, all these groups of vehicles are classified on the basis of type of fuel they consumed i.e.
the vehicles consuming petrol are classified as different as well as the vehicles consuming diesel
and CNG/LPG.
After carrying out the grouping of the vehicles into different verticals as per the types of vehicles
and also on the basis of fuel they consume, estimation of the following main parameters is
carried out.
After the proper estimation of the above mentioned factors/parameters, extrapolation of the data
is carried out in order to reach to the potential demand of the Natural Gas.
Future projection of the demand of the Natural Gas is done by applying the concept of the
growth rates. Source used for applying the growth rates was CNG Activity in India (GAIL
Authority of India Ltd.) plus Vehicle segment.
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For the final estimation i.e. the estimation of the potential customers & the volume of the Natural
Gas, the concept of the switchover factor is applied. The basis used for applying the switchover
factor was survey, fuel pricing and the vehicle needs by the peoples.
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• Identify key sectors that can off take larger volumes of Natural Gas
for e.g. Industries (Petrochemical Complex, Fertilizers, Automotive,
Ancillary, Steel etc.), Power Plants, CNG
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As the study of ―Impact of Green Marketing Initiatives on consumer buying behavior‖ is carried
out for the state of Haridwar. So, in order to have the better picture and the better understanding
of the study the states profile along with the basis for identifying various industrial clusters
related to the respected states is explained in the below section.
As of 2011 it is the most populous district of Uttarakhand (out of 13). Important towns in the
district are Haridwar, BHEL Ranipur, Roorkee, Manglaur, Dhandera, Jhabrera, Laksar, Landaura
and Mohanpur Mohammadpur.
The district has a population density of 817 inhabitants per square kilometer (2,120 /sq mi). Its
population growth rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 33.16 %.
The district headquarter is situated in the Roshnabad, at a distance of about 12 kms from railway
station. The Collectorate, Vikas Bhawan, District Judiciary, S.S.P. Office, Police line, District
Jail, District sports stadium, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya etc. are the prime establishments of
this area.
The district is administratively subdivided into three tehsils i.e. Haridwar, Roorkee and Laksar
and six development blocks i.e. Bhagwanpur, Roorkee, Narsan, Bahadrabad, Laksar and
Agriculture is the mainstay of this well irrigated district. Industrialization had commenced with
the establishment of Central Government owned Public Sector plants (PSUs) of Hindustan
Antibiotics Limited and Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, in pre-Uttarakhand 1960s period. The
State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand (SIDCUL) has now established one
new ‗industrial development zone‘ in the district, adjacent to Shivalik Nagar near Haridwar, to
encourage industrialization; with industrial giants like Hindustan Lever, Dabur, Mahendra &
Mahendra and Havells having moved in, it is making the desired progress. Not insignificant to
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the district‘s economy is the contribution of Hindu pilgrims who visit the holy places and attend
the religious fairs in large numbers.
The figure below shows the major industrial clusters of Haridwar district:
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Some of the industrial areas identified as per the charge areas with the potential demand in the
Haridwar district are as follows:
CA-1 • Roorkee
• Bhagwanpur
Dariyapur Dayalpur
• Landhaura
• SIDCUL Haridwar
• Bahadarwad
Daluwala Khurd
CA- 3 • Laksar
Purwala Birsangpur • Khanpur
The Haridwar district is divided tehsil wise. Major industrial areas are SIDCUL Haridwar,
Roorkee including Todkalyanpur, Jhabrera, Landhaura, Bhagwanpur and Laksar.
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Impact of Green Marketing Initiatives on Consumer Buying Behavior
For the better understanding of the project and in order to have the better feel of the geography of
the city and to know about the existing industrial estates in the city, the visit was planned.
They collected the various data related to the location of industries, types of industries, fuel used,
connectivity of pipeline and roads to different location, upcoming townships and new projects in
the city, vehicle population, number of existing auto-LPG stations in the city and existing players
providing natural gas to the companies in the particular locations.
From the commercial perspective, the number of hotels and restaurants on the scale of big,
medium and small is estimated and demand projection is made accordingly. Number of hospitals
and the Institutions in the particular charge areas is collected and demand analysis is done.
For the data related to the minimum work over program for the PNG domestic connections,
number of households in a particular area is collected and visit of new upcoming townships and
projects is carried out. Major colonies which can act as the potential demand centers are visited
and interactions with local people is done to know the mindset of the people living over there.
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Impact of Green Marketing Initiatives on Consumer Buying Behavior
To explore the market potential of LNG in cylinders for commercial and industrial
requirement in Dahod District, Gujarat.
It is considered as the most important instrument in research. Most of the experiments in the
world are carried out with the objective of testing the hypothesis. The hypothesis may not be
verified completely, but in exercise it is accepted if it has survived a critical testing.
Page 30
Impact of Green Marketing Initiatives on Consumer Buying Behavior
I have considered the significance level at 5 %, which implies that Ho will be rejected when the
sampling result (i.e., observed evidence) has a less than 0.05 probability of occurring if Ho is t
Page 31
Impact of Green Marketing Initiatives on Consumer Buying Behavior
3. Statistical involves details of the number of items from which the data has to be collected.
a) In the first stage I have selected Dahod District, Gujarat to carry out the survey and have
considered to apply the following steps:
i) Type of Universe: The sampling universe will be restaurants, hotels, industries and
hospitals that consume LPG, Coal, Wood, Fuel Oil etc. in Dahod District, Gujarat. It is a
finite universe.
ii) Sampling Unit: It consists of only one location which is Dahod District, Gujarat.
iii) Sample Size: The sample size targeted in Dahod District, Gujarat was 80. Relevant sample
size is 60.
iv) Parameters of Interest: Parameter of interest in the project is the consumption pattern of
LPG, Wood, Coal, Fuel Oil etc so that the feasibility for the same can be easily calculated for
the same amount of LNG.
b) We have considered the concept of quota sampling from Dahod District, Gujarat
The following things have been kept in mind while interviewing the respondents:
a) Full attention while filling up the survey.
b) Direct decision making in consumption of fuels.
c) Direct decision in making payments.
a) Collection of primary data from interviewing the respondents directly face to face.
b) Collection of primary data through two different methods:
c) I have basically tried to use the first method stated above in all of the case but there were
some instances where we adopted the second method to collect information.
d) I have carefully chosen the respondents for our interview as his being knowledgeable
regarding the usage and consumption pattern of LPG, Wood, Coal, Fuel Oil etc.
e) For successful data collection I filled the survey in-front of the respondents so that I get
quality data.
f) Sometimes I have to move in various departments to get the required data. I have moved to
finance department, production department and purchase department to get valuable and best
As far as secondary data is concerned I have not gone through any previously acquired data for
LPG, Wood, Coal, Fuel Oil etc consumption in Dahod District, Gujarat. This is a totally new
project as no other consumption details for the specified place has been carried out earlier. We
have considered the primary data for the analysis.
The questionnaire we used to get our data and to complete our survey is as follows:
For the collection of data following two methods have been adopted:
o Questionnaire
o Interview
A very important criterion was kept in mind while choosing the sample which is availability of open
safe which is absolutely essential for LNG installation for its safe discharge into air.
i) Presence of more than one respondent in a room. It made the survey very difficult to
complete in time as there were different views in some cases.
0.2 Marketing Strategy
Today it is very important that customer should know about the product and to know the product it
very important to advertise for the product. But it does not always guarantee that the customer will be
aware and is ready to consume/use the product.
The customer initially gets familiarized to the products via the various channels of advertisements.
Consumers expect very easy access to product knowledge. The easy access to product information is
made sure by the advertiser.
This ensures that your product is being liked by the customer. It is necessary to find out the traits of
the products which need to be advertised so that it is being liked by the customers.
It is the point where the exceptionality of your product comes into play.
Here the urge for the customer to go for the product is checked. The customers are allowed to test the
different aspects and features of the product. Consumers are now confident that their purchases are
going to be good.
The above mentioned stages will induce the customer to vouch for the products. This has to be an
easy and simple step or else might make the customer revert back from buying your product.
Let us first calculate for WOOD, we take t test as sample size < 30
Table 1Calculation for the hypothesis testing we considered for wood
X X(Mean) X - X(Mean) X(Mean)]^2
σ (Standard
N 23 17265.27768
Wt * Calorific
1001395.2 X(Mean) - µ 11137.88709
Value of LNG
[X(Mean) - µ] /
µ 286.1129143 0.64510327
[X(Mean) - µ] / 3.093806597
σ / sqrt(n)
A Null Hypothesis and an Alternative Hypothesis: Ho:
µ = µ Ho = LNG in cylinders is feasible. Ha: µ
≠ µ Ho = LNG in cylinders is not feasible.
………………………Eqn 10.1
Figure 10-1Research Methodology by CR Kothari (HYPOTHESIS TESTING OF MEANS)
Page No.: 197
Figure 10-2Research Methodology by CR Kothari (Table 2: Critical Values of Student’s
t-Distribution) Page No.: 377
The Tcal is 3.093806597
Now we calculate for LPG, we take z test as our sample size > 30
Table 2 Calculation for the hypothesis testing we considered for LPG
X X(Mean) X - X(Mean) X(Mean)]^2
σ (Standard
Deviation) 2162.17602
Wt *
1004463.2 X(Mean) - µ 635.9267543
Value of
[X(Mean) - µ] /
µ 90.85231548 0.294114238
[X(Mean) - µ] /
σ / sqrt(n)
An online survey was conducted and responses were analyzed. The results are projected in
the form of the histograms, graphs and pie-charts. Examples of the green marketing
initiatives and the products used by the various-various consumers are also recorded.
Consumers were willing to buy the green products in order to protect the environment.
They are ready to bear the additional cost even for the sake of their health and the health
of the environment. It has been observed that the awareness is required to be created
among the consumers in order to have the better results and better penetration of the green
products in the local market.
65% of the respondents strongly agree with the statements and 22.4% of the respondents
were in the range of somewhat agree.
Total number of companies targeted for the marketing survey of Dahod District, Gujarat was 60.
All the companies were mainly using LPG, Wood & Coal and a very few companies were using
Fuel Oil also. LPG is used by 58% of total targeted companies, 32% of the companies are relying
on the wood, 5% on the coal & 4% on the fuel oil. So, this shows that the companies are mainly
using LPG as a fuel source to carry out their operations followed by Wood & Coal.
After analyzing the all the graphs related to usage of a particular type of fuel, individual fuel
consumption level, price of fuel per kg, monthly bill of the company& the variation in
consumption level, we reached to the following conclusion.
LPG can be replaced by the LNG in cylinders as LNG has a various advantages over
LPG i.e. high calorific value, safety factor, hassle free, lower LFL & UFL, less
manpower required as compared to LPG & eco-friendliness.
Industry named Ashok Steel Limited, Dahod Steel, Raj Steel Ltd, Powder Coating
(Ashok Steel Expansion) were the largest consumer of the LPG in that particular area.
Ashok Steel is using 120 LPG commercial cylinders & for their expansion of Powder
Coating plant the demand is 15 tonne of gas per month to carry out their operations. So,
this shows that there is a greater scope of LNG in cylinders use as an alternative fuel to
the LPG gas.
The customers who were using LPG were mainly concerned about the price of LNG at which
it will be delivered to them. The cost of the cylinder is very high in the range of 1600$ to
2000$ excluding port charges. So, the customers were concerned about the price of LNG and
Cryogenic cylinders which they are going to use in future. So, in context to this problem,
company has decided to provide the LNG at the rate 20% less than the price of the
commercial cylinder due to which the customer can afford the LNG in cylinders at
reasonable prices.
Price of the LNG cylinder is quite high as compared to the price of the LPG cylinder. So, this
was the major concern for the customers so the company has already planned a solution for
this problem. Company will provide the cylinders to the customers & in return will ask the
security of Rs 25,000 to 30,000 per customer for the 230L cylinder which is equal to 6 LPG
cylinders of 14.2 kg. As the customer use to pay the security of Rs 2000-3000 in case of
domestic LPG cylinder & even much more in case of LPG commercial cylinder. So, it will
not be an issue for the customer to pay this much security for the LNG cylinders at the
starting as its going to add much value to their system & efficiency will also be increased
along with other benefits too.
In case of LPG there was a concern of leftover gas up to 10% in the cylinder. In winters it
can increase up to 15%. So, it is a loss to the LPG customers. But in case of LNG there is no
leftover of gas in the cylinder. This point has also influenced the LPG customers a lot to
think about LNG as an alternative.
Day by day, the number of accidents in LPG cylinders is increasing due to leakages,
mishandling etc. So, the customers were very much concerned about the safety of the plant &
man-power. Loss of human life is considered as the biggest loss as compared to the loss of
the property & money. As the LNG is much safer than LPG because of its less density on
leakage, it dissipates very rapidly into air whereas LPG settles down at the bottom, so
chances of accidents are more.
All the agro- based industries were using coal as a fuel for their boiler. All of them were
concerned about environment as the coal was producing greenhouse gases on combustion &
the residual disposal was the one of the another problem which they were facing. So, looking
at the special qualities of LNG, they all were ready to use LNG in place of Coal.
Coal handling & storage was one of the another problem they were facing. They were
bearing the transportation cost for the procurement of coal from their vendors. In case of
LNG, there is no transportation cost, as JEL is going to provide the LNG at their door step &
the LNG is free from pollution too.
The only matter of concern related to the coal & LNG was the price of the respective fuels.
There was a large gap between the price of LNG & coal. But, if we talk about the calorific
value & usability of LNG, then the amount of LNG required to generate the same amount of
heat will be less.
Wood procured by all the agro-based industry was not of good quality. The wood they were
receiving was wet wood sometimes. So, the calorific value was low for wet wood. This leads
to increase in consumption of wood & which was not economical. Procurement of wood in
large quantity was also becoming a problem for them. So, wood based customers were also
influenced to switch to LNG.
One of the most important factors which became the matter of concern was the price of LNG at
which it will be delivered to the customers at their doorstep. This needs to be economical; else
this price factor can disturb the feasibility of LNG in that particular area.
All the agro-based customers were concerned about the conversion cost of switching from coal
& wood to Gas-Based System. They were ready to switch, provided that cost of conversion is
within their limits. As per their information, the boiler provided to them by the companies named
Thermax Industries Ltd, Baroda & Heatex Industries Ltd., Surat are IBR (Indian Boiler
Regulation) Certified. All the industries demanded that if these companies will supply the gas –
based boiler to them, then it is immediately acceptable by them & definitely they will switch to
the LNG.
We have targeted the Thermax Industries Ltd & Heatex Industries Ltd in order to know the
conversion cost to switch to gas-based system. The response obtained from them was not
satisfactory. Managing Director of the company had a discussion with a boiler specialist,
according to him the gas-based system will not be feasible & efficient due to several factors like
low price of wood, high price of gas etc.
As the use of LNG in cylinders is a totally new concept, so few of the customers were concerned
about the factor that whether LNG is used earlier in the country or not. They were concerned
about the feasibility & the viability of the project.
After carrying out the hypothesis testing, that whether LNG is feasible or not in case of LPG,
hypothesis is accepted i.e. LNG is feasible for the targeted area.
After carrying out the hypothesis testing, that whether LNG is feasible or not in case of Wood &
Coal, hypothesis is accepted i.e. LNG is not feasible for the targeted area.
In case of LPG there was a concern of leftover gas up to 10% in the cylinder. In winters it
can increase up to 15%. So, it is a loss to the LPG customers. But in case of NG there are
no chances of leftover.
Coal handling & storage was one of the another problem which the customers are facing.
They were bearing the transportation cost for the procurement of coal from their vendors.
In case of NG, as once the pipeline will be laid down, this cost of transportation will be
reduced to the greater extent.
The only matter of concern related to the coal & NG was the price of the respective fuels.
There was a large gap between the price of NG & coal. But, if we talk about the calorific
value & usability of NG, then the amount of NG required to generate the same amount of
heat will be less
One of the most important factors which became the matter of concern was the price of
Natural Gas at which it will be delivered to the customers at their doorstep. This needs to
be economical; else this price factor can disturb the feasibility of NG in that particular
All the small-scale customers were concerned about the conversion cost of switching
from coal & wood to Gas-Based System. They were ready to switch, provided that cost
of conversion is within their limits. There is one more important constraints which
hamper the feasibility of the Natural Gas i.e. availability of the advanced technology
means the availability of gas based technology. It may be costly so this needs to be taken
care off. Pollution Control Board has the greater role to play. If the regulations or policies
are framed such that the specific percentage of the Natural Gas is required to be
consumed in order to abide the pollution control norms. Then, it can be the win-win
situation i.e. the pollution can also be controlled & the use of much efficient fuel & eco-
friendly product (i.e. the Natural Gas) will also be possible.
Now-a-days the consumers are aware about the concept of the Green Marketing. They are ready
to pay for the protection of the environment. It is analyzed that most of the customers were
already aware about the green products and most of them were even using the green products for
a period of time. The green marketing concept is the need of the era.
This is the high time to adapt this technique to best possible level. If we will not be focusing on
the environment protection, it will not be possible for the future generation to survive effectively
in this world. With the increase in the industrialization, the pollution is increasing day by day to
the extreme level. So, in order to have the best control, the green marketing initiatives are of
utmost importance.
Most of the company employees were worried about the residues left after the combustion of
fuel. They were ready to use the natural gas as a fuel for the various purposes. Various customers
using the wood and coal were not ready to accept the natural gas due to the factor of high price.
Overall response was more than the satisfactory. We can say that the concept of marketing the
natural gas will be the feasible concept. Initiative will prove to be viable and successful for the
betterment of the environment.
The whole study indicates that the green marketing should be initiated with great zeal and
enthusiasm. Consumers should be aware about the green marketing product available with their
green characteristics and challenges should be mitigated.
International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management (IJCBM), ISSN: 2319-2828, 3.
Jamge, D. L. (2012). Turning Towards the Green Marketing:A Need of the Hour in Indian Corporate Sector. Indian
Streams Research Journal, 2.
KUMAR, S. (2014). Green Marketing: Need of an Era. International Journal of Management and Social Sciences
Research (IJMSSR), 3.
GREEN MARKETING. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research, 2.
Kindly provide the response for the following statements? * R equ ired
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
In the next five years, state of the environment will be degraded more?
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
Rate the seriousness of the following environmental concerns on the scale of 1 to 5 where 1
represents “Not at all Serious” and 5 represents “Extremely Serious”?* R equ i red
1 2 3 4 5
Destruction of
Industrial Air
Pesticides on
Warming up
of Earth
1 2 3 4 5
of Rain Forest
Following green marketing practices are important from environmental point of view.*
R equ i red
Somewhat Somewhat
Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree
Disagree Agree
products through
friendly process
Promoting products
through Eco-
friendly modes of
Branding product
associating with
green marketing
Modifying products
to make
them environmental
Modifying product
packaging to suit
Educating customer
to use products
in environmental
friendly manner
Using green supply
Somewhat Somewhat
Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree
Disagree Agree
for procurement
and distribution
From where you get the information about Green marketing Practices?
Outdoor Media
Can you name the advertisements of green products/practices you have seen in recent past?
Out of above mentioned advertisements, which advertisement you like the most?
1 2 3 4 5
of the
Punch-line of
Jingle of the
Any Other
(Please Specify)
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
I buy only green products. I spend time and effort in environmental activities such as recycling. I
believe that an individual can do much to promote the environment.
I am able to buy green products but I don’t have the time and energy for environmental activities. I
do not want to change my lifestyles to promote the environment.
I can buy green products from time to time but I am not involved in any environmental activities.
I do not buy green products. I believe that business and government should be fixing environmental
I am the least involved in environmentalism. I believe that there is not much that an individual can do
in solving environmental problems. It should be the government and business which should promote the
Not Sure
Probably Buy
Definitely Buy
While purchasing the product* R equ ired
Are you aware of some initiatives taken for promoting green marketing practices by the following?
Ministry of Environment, State Government, NGO’s, Small Business of India, Large Business of India,
Academic Qualification