United States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 10,724,502 B2
(45 ) Date of Patent: Jul. 28 , 2020
(54 ) VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE (56 ) References Cited
( 71 ) Applicant: Christopher T. Moore, Palmyra , PA 1,519,447 A * 12/1924 Fortier -Beaulieu
(US) FO3D 3/0409
(72 ) Inventor: Christopher T. Moore , Palmyra, PA 1,697,574 A * 1/1929 Savonius FO3D 3/007
(US ) 416/110
(Continued )
(73 ) Assignee : Creating Moore, LLC , Palmyra , PA
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this EP 1280260 A2 1/2003
EP 2267299 B1 7/2016
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued )
U.S.C. 154 (b ) by 0 days .
( 21 ) Appl. No.: 16 /418,554 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(22) Filed : May 21, 2019 Vansompel, H. et al. “ Axial- Flux PM Machines With Variable Air
Gap .” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 61, No. 2 ,
(65 ) Prior Publication Data Feb. 2014 .
US 2019/0360465 A1 Nov. 28, 2019 (Continued )
Primary Examiner Tulsidas C Patel
Assistant Examiner Joseph Ortega
Related U.S. Application Data ( 74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Gregory Finch ; Finch
(60 ) Provisional application No.62/674,831, filed on May Paolino, LLC
22, 2018 . (57 ) ABSTRACT
(51) Int. Ci. A vertical axis wind turbine with improved safety, produc
FO3D 9/25 (2016.01 ) tion efficiency and greater functional wind speed range. A
FO3D 3/00 (2006.01) vertical axis wind turbine comprises turbine blades having
geometric characteristics of a “ yin yang ” symbol when
(Continued ) viewed from the top down. The turbine blades are config
(52) U.S. CI. ured to form a scoop portion for catching wind . The surface
CPC FO3D 9/25 (2016.05 ); F03D 37005 area of the scoop portion may be dynamically configured to
(2013.01); FO3D 3/02 (2013.01); F03D 37061 accommodate power production in higherwind speed ranges
( 2013.01 ); by dynamically furling the blades to reduce the surface area
(Continued ) of the scoop portion as RPM begins to exceed a safe limit.
(58 ) Field of Classification Search First and second permanent magnet rotor arrays are dynami
CPC ... FO3D 9/25; FO3D 3/005 ; FO3D 3/02 ; FO3D cally positioned above and below an array of stator coils to
37061; HO2K 7/183 ; HO2K 21/026 ; maximize power generation .
(Continued ) 15 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
- 1.26
1301 122
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106 102
FIG . 3
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Slider w sytornaescity confun !
FIG . 4
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FIG . 5
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FILE a ?
FIG . 6
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Magnet Platters Fully Expanded Magnet Platters Partly expanded Magnet Platters Fully Compressed
(SomaWind) Plarter Magnets starung (Full Wind)Magnets are fully engaged
to engage coils to Generate power with the coils Generating Wax Power
1. ?
Caverior Retracted
Governor Partly
Expanded (SoneWinery Governor Full
At Rest (No Wind ; Expanded (Fui Wish
U.S. Patent Jul. 28 , 2020
9 Sheet 9 of 9 US 10,724,502 B2
124 O
FIG . 9
US 10,724,502 B2
1 2
VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE solution could be devised to eliminate the lockup or cogging
APPARATUS AND SYSTEM effect at low RPM or startup speeds, while at the same time
utilizing solid core generator coils to maximize energy
CROSS -REFERENCE TO RELATED production , the wind industry could enjoy a number of
APPLICATIONS 5 beneficial effects such as reduced size to power ratios,
greater generation capacity and increased usage in urban
The present application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi areas due to smaller more energy dense designs.
sional Application No. 62/674,831 filed May 22 , 2018 , the Most conventional Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine designs
disclosure ofwhich is incorporated by reference herein in its are designed around an expensive unit often mounted hun
entirety. 10 dreds of feet off the ground to accommodate all of the
mechanisms necessary for directly facing into the wind,
FIELD power generation as well as braking and gearbox mecha
nisms. This results in a large amount of expensive equip
The present disclosure relates to the field of wind tur ment being very high up in the air where maintenance
bines ; in particular , a vertical axis wind turbine and system 15 workers receive hazard pay just to go up and perform routine
for improved overall safety , power production and wind maintenance on the turbines . It further complicates the
speed range performance . problem when something is going wrong with the turbine
because now someone has to risk their life to enter a
BACKGROUND potentially dangerous environment hundreds of feet off the
20 ground. If a solution could be devised to keep the expensive
Most of the commercial wind turbines on the market and heavy parts on the ground it would eliminate a multitude
today utilize a braking mechanism to help protect them from of problems faced by the wind industry today.
over-revving in high wind situations. This mechanism has Through applied effort , ingenuity, and innovation , Appli
drawbacks when the wind is greater than the braking mecha cant has identified a number of deficiencies and problems
nism can handle . In these cases, the braking mechanism can 25 with wind turbine cost, construction , and performance .
heat up to the point where it catches the lubricants in the Applicant has developed a solution that is embodied by the
generator housing on fire and complete failure of the wind present invention , which is described in detail below .
turbine quickly follows. There are also drawbacks even
when the braking mechanism is operating properly. In a SUMMARY
situation where there are high winds and the brake is 30
operating properly, the brake prevents the wind turbine from The following presents a simplified summary of some
spinning and producing electricity during the very times embodiments of the invention in order to provide a basic
when the wind is the strongest. If a solution were devised understanding of the invention . This summary is not an
that could allow a wind turbine to safely continue operation extensive overview of the invention . It is not intended to
in wind conditions greater than previously possible , the 35 identify key/critical elements of the invention or to delineate
wind industry could both reduce losses due to braking the scope of the invention . Its sole purpose is to presentsome
mechanism failures as well as increase their energy produc embodiments of the invention in a simplified form as a
tion by producing electricity when other turbines have to prelude to the more detailed description that is presented
remain offline . later.
When a permanent magnet comes into close proximity of 40 An object of the present disclosure is a vertical axis wind
a solid core winding such as the ones found in motors and turbine with an improved turbine blade design for maximiz
generators there is a strong attraction created between the ing production efficiency.
two which can cause a lockup or cogging effect at low or Another object of the present disclosure is a vertical axis
startup RPM ranges. This is a difficult problem to overcome wind turbine with an improved generator design to enable a
in wind turbines due to the fact that there are many perma- 45 variable axial air gap between the generator rotors and
nent magnets and solid core windings in close proximity to stators to eliminate magnetic cogging at low wind speeds .
one another so that the turbine can produce sufficient energy Another advantage of the present disclosure is a pair of
output. A general practice in residential size wind turbine magnet rotor arrays utilizing both magnetic poles above and
design is to utilize open core or air coil windings which are below the stator coils to maximize power generation (den
coils of copper wrapped around nothing but a hollow tube or 50 sity ).
wrapped around a form that is removed after the coil is An object of the present disclosure is a vertical axis wind
wrapped . This absence of solid iron cores in the windings turbine with a furling turbine blade design to dynamically
eliminates the lockup or cogging effect at low RPM ranges, configure turbine blade surface area to enable power gen
but produces very little energy output as compared to solid eration in a high wind conditions.
core coils. In effect the main purpose of the wind turbine , 55 An aspect of the present disclosure provides for a vertical
namely to produce large amounts of clean energy, is negated axis wind turbine apparatus comprising a turbine blade
by this fix to the cogging or lockup problem . Hence most assembly comprising one ormore pairs ofblades configured
residential size wind turbines are producing only a fraction to be mateably interfaced to define a circle , each blade in the
of the energy that they could be producing if they were one or more pairs of blades being configured as equal
designed differently . In larger more expensive turbines there 60 oppositely oriented semicircles having a center point on a
are a number of expensive and costly systems used to help diameter of the circle when mateably interfaced , the one or
reduce the cogging or lockup effects . They often handle more pairs of blades having an upper surface , a lower
these issues within an expensive gearbox . Currently there surface, and a side wall extending from the upper surface to
are a large number of challenges faced by the wind industry the lower surface to define a scoop portion , the one or more
with regard to gearbox reliability . Gearbox failure accounts 65 pairs of blades being configured to furl and unfurl around a
for most of the downtime per failure in wind turbines and central axis ; and, a generator assembly comprising an upper
significantly increases operation and maintenance costs . If a magnet platter and a lowermagnet platter being disposed on
US 10,724,502 B2
3 4
a rotary shaft, a plurality of coils disposed around a circum FIG . 1 is an isometric projection of a vertical axis wind
ference of the rotary shaft , and a governor assembly coupled turbine, according to an embodiment of the present disclo
to the rotary shaft, the governor assembly being operable to sure ;
dynamically configure a position of the upper magnet platter FIG . 2 is a plan view of a vertical axis wind turbine,
and the lowermagnet platter relative to the plurality of coils. 5 according to an embodiment of the present disclosure;
An aspect of the present disclosure provides for a vertical FIG . 3 is a top down view of a vertical axis wind turbine ,
axis wind turbine apparatus comprising a turbine blade according to an embodiment of the present disclosure ;
assembly comprising one ormore pairs of blades configured FIG . 4 is a series of functional views illustrating the
to furl and unfurl around a central axis in proportion to wind 10 furling of turbine blades at various wind speeds, according
speed , each blade in the one or more pairs ofblades defining to an embodiment of the present disclosure ;
a scoop ; a rotary shaft being operably engaged with the FIG . 5 is a series of plan views of turbine blades for a
turbine blade assembly ; and , a generator assembly compris vertical axis wind turbine, according to an embodiment of
ing an upper magnet platter and a lower magnet platter being the present disclosure ;
disposed on the rotary shaft, a plurality of coils disposed 15 FIG . 6 is a series of isometric and plan views of a
around a circumference of the rotary shaft, and a governor generator assembly for a vertical axis wind turbine, accord
assembly coupled to the rotary shaft, the governor assembly ing to an embodiment of the present disclosure;
being operable to dynamically configure a position of the FIG . 7 is a series of functional views illustrating variable
air gap of the generator assembly at various wind speeds,
upper magnet platter and the lower magnet platter relative to according to an embodiment of the present disclosure ;
the plurality of coils and in proportion to a rotary speed of 20 FIG . 8 is a series of functional views illustrating configu
the governor assembly . ration of a generator governor at various wind speeds,
Another aspect of the present disclosure provides for a according to an embodiment of the present disclosure; and,
vertical axis wind turbine apparatus comprising a turbine FIG . 9 is a series of isometric and plan views of generator
blade assembly comprising one or more pairs of blades components, according to an embodiment of the present
having an upper surface , a lower surface , a side wall 25 disclosure .
extending from the upper surface to lower surface to define DETAILED DESCRIPTION
a scoop portion , and blade teeth disposed on a semicircular
perimeter portion of the upper surface and lower surface ; a
generator assembly; a rotary shaft having a shaft gear Exemplary embodiments are described herein to provide
disposed thereon , the rotary shaft being operably engaged 30 a detailed description of the present disclosure. Variations of
these embodiments will be apparent to those of skill in the
between the turbine assembly and the generator assembly, art. Moreover, certain terminology is used in the following
the shaft gear being configured to mateably interface with description for convenience only and is not limiting . For
the blade teeth of each pair ofblades in the one or more pairs example , thewords “ right,” “ left,” “ top ,” “ bottom ,” “ upper,”
of blades; a blade support configured to couple each pair of 35 “ lower," " inner ” and “ outer" designate directions in the
blades in the one ormore pairs of blades to the rotary shaft, drawings to which reference is made . The word “ a” is
the blade support operable to maintain a desired orientation defined to mean “ at least one.” The terminology includes the
between each pair of blades in the one or more pairs of words above specifically mentioned , derivatives thereof, and
blades ; and, the generator assembly comprising an upper words of similar import.
magnet platter and a lower magnet platter being disposed on 40 Embodiments of the present disclosure provide for a
the rotary shaft , a plurality of coils disposed around a vertical axis wind turbine with improved production effi
circumference of the rotary shaft , and a governor assembly ciency and greater functional wind speed range, as compared
coupled to the rotary shaft, the governor assembly being to prior art solutions. According to embodiments of the
operable to dynamically configure a position of the upper present disclosure , the vertical axis wind turbine incorpo
magnet platter and the lower magnet platter relative to the 45 rates a novel blade design that incorporates the geometric
plurality of coils . characteristics of a “ yin yang ” symbol when viewed from
The foregoing has outlined rather broadly the more per the top down. In an embodiment, three sets of turbine blade
tinent and important features of the present invention so that pairs are oriented in a stacked configuration around an axis,
the detailed description of the invention that followsmay be with each set being offset 60 degrees from the preceding
better understood and so that the present contribution to the 50 and /or successive set . In an embodiment that utilizes four
art can be more fully appreciated . Additional features of the sets of blades, each set being offset 45 degrees from the
invention will be described hereinafter which form the preceding and/or successive set . The turbine blades are
subject of the claims of the invention . It should be appre configured to form a " scoop ” portion for catching wind . The
ciated by those skilled in the art that the conception and the surface area of the scoop portion may be dynamically
disclosed specific methods and structures may be readily 55 configured to accommodate power production in higher
utilized as a basis for modifying or designing other struc wind speed ranges , compared to prior art solutions. The
tures for carrying out the same purposes of the present present invention accomplishes this by dynamically furling
invention . It should be realized by those skilled in the art that or closing the blades to reduce the surface area of the scoop
such equivalent structures do not depart from the spirit and portion as RPM begins to exceed a safe limit . As the blades
scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims. 60 furl (close),the surface area of the scoop portion is reduced
thereby reducing the wind resistance of the blades and
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS slowing the RPMs. Since the blades are configured as
concentric circles , the blades can continue to function until
The above and other objects , features and advantages of almost no exposure ( i.e. closed configuration) in extremely
the present disclosure will be more apparent from the 65 high wind conditions. As wind speeds are reduced to func
following detailed description taken in conjunction with the tional ranges , the blades will unfurl back to an optimal
accompanying drawings, in which : position .
US 10,724,502 B2
5 6
According to embodiments of the present disclosure , the pair , as shown in FIG . 1 , blade teeth 114 of a first blade 106
vertical axis wind turbine comprises a novel generator interface with blade teeth 114 of a second blade 106. Blade
assembly for improved production efficiency and power teeth 114 function to furl and unfurl blades 106 between an
generation . According to an embodiment, first and second extended configuration (as shown in FIG . 1) to a closed
permanent magnet rotor arrays are dynamically positioned 5 configuration . A shaft gear 110 is operably engaged with a
above and below an array of stator coils to maximize power lower portion of blades 106 to engage blade teeth 114 to furl
generation . By positioning permanent magnet rotor arrays and unfurl blades 106.Blade supports 118 are configured to
proximal to a first and second end of the stator coils in the couple blades 106 to shaft 112 , and maintain the desired
array, both poles (ends)of the coils are effectively utilized to orientation between each set of blades 106 (e.g. 60 degrees
maximize power generation (i.e. density ). According to an 10 in a three blade pair configuration ).
embodiment, iron laminate cores are utilized in the pickup According to an embodiment of the present disclosure ,
coils to further maximize power generation . In order to generator assembly 104 is generally comprised of an upper
prevent magnetic cogging of the coil array in low wind magnet platter or upper generator rotor 120, a lower magnet
scenarios, the generator rotors (magnets ) located above and platter or lower generator rotor 122, a coil array housing
below the coils are configured to have an axial “ air gap ” 15 126 , a plurality of coils or stators 128, a governor 130, and
between the coils (stator ). As wind speed and RPMs a plurality of magnets 124. Upper magnet platter 120 , lower
increase , a centrifugal device being operably engaged with magnet platter 122, coil array housing 126 , and governor
the generator shaft functions to push the rotor magnets 130 are disposed around shaft 112. According to an embodi
closer to the stator coils to produce electricity. At or above ment, the plurality ofmagnets 124 are disposed equidistant
a threshold RPM range , the air gap between the generator 20 around the circumference of upper magnet platter 120 and
rotors and the stator coils will be minimized to an optimal lower magnet platter 124 to define an array. The array of
distance to maximize power generation (density ). magnets 124 disposed on upper magnet platter 120 may be
According to embodiments of the present disclosure , the oppositely oriented in polarity to thatof the array ofmagnets
vertical axis wind turbine further comprises a support struc 124 disposed on lower magnet platter 122. The enables
ture for safety as well as weather mitigation . In certain 25 generator assembly 104 to achieve maximize power genera
embodiments, the support structure comprises a rigid frame tion ( i.e. density ) between generator rotors and stator coils.
to support the turbine in a functional implementation. The The plurality of coils 128 are disposed equidistant around
support structure may be comprised of a concrete slab the circumference of coil array housing 126 to define an
anchored to the ground . A generator may be fixed directly array. Each coil in the plurality of coils 128 are comprised
onto the concrete slab , with the rigid frame supporting the 30 of iron laminate ( i.e. solid ) cores .
blade array and maintaining vertically alignment. The blade Referring now to FIG . 2 , a plan view of vertical axis wind
array connects directly to the generator shaft to turn the turbine 100 is shown . According to an embodiment of the
generator for power generation . Due to the dynamic manipu present disclosu turbine assembly 102 is shown in a three
lation of both the surface area of the scoop portion of the pair configuration . As shown in FIG . 2 , blades 106 are
blades and the air gap between the generator rotors and the 35 configured in a fully extended configuration . When in a fully
coils, no gearing is required for construction between the extended configuration , the maximum amount of surface
blades and the generator. area for scoop portion 108 is exposed to passing wind .
Referring now to FIG . 1, an isometric projection of a Scoop portion 108 catches passing wind to generate wind
vertical axis wind turbine 100 is shown. According to an resistance , and thereby turns turbine assembly 102 in the
embodiment of the present disclosure, vertical axis wind 40 direction of the wind to rotate shaft 112. Each pair of blades
turbine 100 is generally comprised of a turbine assembly 106 in the three pair configuration is offset at 60 degree
102 , a generator assembly 104, and a shaft 112 being intervals, such that the maximum amount of surface area for
operably engaged between turbine assembly 102 and gen scoop portion 108 in each set of blades is exposed to the
erator assembly 104. Turbine assembly 102 is generally wind as turbine assembly 102 rotates around its axis. As
comprised ofone ormore pairs of blades 106 , blade support/ 45 shown in FIG . 3 , each blade in the three pair configuration
connector 118 , and shaft gear 110. According to an embodi is spaced equidistant from the other blade around a 360
ment, turbine assembly 102 is comprised of three pairs of degree axis of symmetry. As wind speed increases, blades
blades 106. The three pairs of are oriented vertically in a 106 are furled to reduce the amount of surface area of scoop
stacked configuration with shaft 112 serving as an axis of portion 108 being exposed to wind , thereby reducing the
rotation . Each pair of blades 106 are offset 60 degrees from 50 amountofwind resistance being applied to turbine assembly
the preceding and /or successive set ; the three pairs of blades 102. This enables turbine assembly 102 to maintain an
106 resembling a helix configuration when oriented in an optimal RPM range in a variety of wind speeds, since the
extended position . In an alternative embodiment, turbine wind resistance created by blades 106 is proportional to the
assembly 102 is comprised of four pairs of blades 106 , with amount of surface area of scoop 108 being exposed to the
each set being offset 45 degrees from the preceding and /or 55 passing wind ( i.e. dynamic wind resistance ).
successive set. Blades 106 are configured as equal oppo According to an embodimentof the present disclosure and
sitely oriented semicircles such that blades 106 may be in further reference to FIG . 2 , generator assembly 104 is
mateably interfaced to define a circle having a common likewise dynamically configured to an optimal function
center point. When oriented in a closed configuration , blades configuration relative to the amount of torque (e.g. wind
106 display the geometry of a yin -yang symbol. Blades 106 60 speed ) being generated by turbine assembly 102 on shaft
comprise an upper surface , a lower surface, and a side wall 112.When in a default or static position (e.g. low or no wind
extending between the upper surface and the lower surface scenarios ), as shown in FIG . 2 , governor 130 is fully
to define an interior portion or scoop portion 108. Blades extended to define a maximum distance between upper
106 comprise a plurality of blade teeth 114 disposed on a magnet platter 120 and lower magnet platter 122 and coil
semicircular perimeter portion of the upper surface and the 65 array housing 126. In an embodiment, governor 130 is
lower surface of blade 106 , adjacent to shaft 112 when configured as a ball governor; however, governor 130 may
assembled . When blades 106 are functionally configured in be configured as a ball governor, servomotor, other rotary
US 10,724,502 B2
7 8
and linear actuators , and the like . The distance between governor 130 , thereby pulling upper rotor 120 and lower
uppermagnet platter 120 and an upper surface of coil array rotor 122 inward to reduce air gap 202 (as shown in
housing 126 , and the distance between lower magnet platter configuration 7b ). As air gap 202 decreases, magnets 124
122 and a lower surface of coil array housing 126 defines an start to engage with coils 128 to generate power. As wind
axial air gap 202 between magnets 124 and coils 128. The 5 speed and RPM increases further , the centrifugal force of
axial air gap 202 functions to reduce the attractive force governor 130 functions to fully compress governor 130 ,
between the magnets 124 and coils 128 in order to prevent thereby pulling upper rotor 120 and lower rotor 122 inward
magnetic cogging of coil array housing 126 in low wind to reduce air gap 202 to a minimum distance (as shown in
scenarios . As wind speed and RPMs increase , governor 130 configuration 7c). When generator assembly 104 is engaged
functions to operably engage with the generator platters 120 10 in configuration 7c , magnets 124 are fully engaged with
and 122 functions to decrease air gap 202 between upper coils 128 to generate maximum power. The power output of
magnet platter 120 and upper surface of coil array housing generator assembly 104 increases exponentially as air gap
126 and lower magnet platter 122 and lower surface of coil 202 is reduced between configuration 7a to configuration 7c.
array housing 126. Once the RPM speed of generator Referring now to FIG . 9, various component views from
assembly 104 reaches a predetermined threshold, air gap 15 generator assembly 104 is shown. According to an embodi
202 is minimized to an optimal minimum distance in order mentof the present disclosure , a top view ofmagnetic platter
to maximize power generation (density ) between generator 120 shows a plurality of magnets 124 disposed equidistant
and stator coils . around the circumference ofmagnetic platter 120 to define
Referring now to FIG . 4 , a series of functional views an array . Coil array housing 126 attaches to a frame of
illustrating the furling of turbine blades 106 at various wind 20 generator assembly 104. Coil array housing 126 comprises
speeds is shown. According to embodiments of the present a plurality of apertures 142 disposed equidistant around the
disclosure and in further reference to the embodiments circumference of coil array housing 126 and configured to
shown and described in FIGS. 1 and 2 above, turbine blades receive a plurality of coils 128 defining an array. According
106 as configured in turbine assembly 102 are dynamically to various embodiments of the present disclosure , coils 128
furled and unfurled proportionately to wind speed between 25 comprise an iron laminate core to maximize power genera
a fully extended configuration 4a and a closed position 4e . tion , as compared to hollow core coils used in prior art wind
In a fully extended configuration 4a , blades 106 are fully turbine solutions .
open to expose a maximum amount of surface area of scoop Referring again to FIG . 2 in specific reference to genera
portion 108 to passing wind . Blades 106 remain fully open tor assembly 104 , while the present disclosure has described
unless RPMs exceed a safety threshold . If the RPM thresh- 30 generator assembly 104 in the context of various embodi
old is exceeded due to high winds, blades 106 begin to furl ments of vertical axis wind turbine 100 , it is understood that
to reduce the exposed surface area ofscoop portion 108 until generator assembly 104 may be operably engaged with any
RPMs fall below the safety threshold . For example, con turbine system for power generation independently of tur
figuration 4b illustrates a furling configuration of approxi bine assembly 102. While generator assembly 104 provides
mately 50 % . If RPM threshold remains exceeded in con- 35 specific benefits to vertical axis wind turbine 100 by
figuration 4b due to high winds, blades 106 will continue to dynamically altering the resistance ( i.e. cogging effect) of
furl to configuration 4c ( approximately 80 % furled ), and magnets 124 to enable turbine assembly 102 to operate in
continued to configuration 4d ( approximately 95 % furled ) as low -wind conditions, the benefits of generator assembly 104
necessary . In extreme wind conditions, blades 106 may be can be readily applied to any power -generating technology
fully furled to configuration 4e,which hides all surface area 40 in which a turbine drives a generator for electricity genera
of scoop portion 108. Blades 106 may be configured in tion . Such technologiesmay include vertical and horizontal
configuration 4e when vertical axis wind turbine 100 is in a axis wind turbines, as well as steam driven turbines, natural
maintenance mode or a lockdown mode . gas driven turbines, hydro driven turbines, and the like.
Referring now to FIG . 5 , a series of plan views of turbine Embodiments of generator assembly 104 are particularly
blades 106 for vertical axis wind turbine 100 is shown. 45 beneficial in power- generating technologies in which the
According to an embodiment of the present disclosure and turbine input is dynamic , i.e. wind and some hydro tech
in further reference to the embodiments shown and nologies . However, generator assembly 104 may also pro
described in FIGS. 1 and 2 above, a detailed view of a single vide benefits to natural gas driven and steam driven power
turbine blade 106 is provided . An aperture 502 extending production technologies by enabling such technologies to
through upper and lower surfaces of blade 506 is configured 50 selectively alter the turbine input requirements by selec
to interface with a shaft connecting upper and lower blade tively configuring the spacing of upper magnet platter 120
support/ connectors 118 (as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 ) to and lower magnet platter 122 to decrease the starting resis
secure blade 106 in a fixed position around the shaft. tance of generator assembly 104 .
Referring now to FIGS. 6-8 , a series of functional views In further reference to FIG . 2 , alternative embodiments of
illustrating variable air gap 202 for generator assembly 104 55 vertical axis wind turbine 100 provide for two or more
across various wind speeds is shown. According to embodi generator assemblies 104 to be coupled to shaft 112. In
ments of the present disclosure, generator assembly 104 is accordance with such embodiments , two or more generator
configured in configuration 7a when vertical axis wind assemblies 104 are coupled or “ ganged " above /below each
turbine 100 is at rest (i.e. no wind). When generator assem preceding successive generator assembly 104 on shaft 112 .
bly 104 is configured in configuration 7a , governor 130 is 60 Each additional generator assembly 104 effectively
fully extended to achieve the maximum air gap 202 between increases the maximum power production capacity of ver
rotors 120 and 122 and stators 128. When generator assem tical axis wind turbine 100 by the respective capacity of each
bly 104 is configured in configuration 7a there is no imped generator assembly 104. Vertical axis wind turbine 100 may
ance between rotors 120 and 122 and stators 128 , such that include as many generator assemblies 104 as are capable of
rotors 120 and 122 may freely rotate without any magnetic 65 being driven by the input capacity of turbine assembly 102
cogging or lockup effect. As wind speed and RPM increases , in relation to the desired output. For example , the larger the
the centrifugal force of governor 130 functions to compress surface area of scoop portion 108 , the greater the theoretical
US 10,724,502 B2
9 10
input capacity of turbine assembly 102. The number of being operable to dynamically configure a position of
generator assemblies 104 coupled to shaft 112 may be scaled the upper magnet platter and the lower magnet platter
up and down proportionally to the theoretical input capacity relative to the plurality of coils and in proportion to a
of turbine assembly 102. The number of generator assem rotary speed of the governor assembly .
blies 104 , however, may be constrained by the length of 5 7. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 6
shaft 112 in various embodiments . wherein the generator assembly is configured to define a
The present disclosure includes that contained in the variable axial air gap between the upper magnet platter and
appended claims as well as that of the foregoing description . the lower magnet platter and the plurality of coils such that
Although this invention has been described in its exemplary magnetic cogging is increased or decreased in proportion to
forms with a certain degree of particularity, it is understood 10 the rotary speed of the governor assembly .
that the present disclosure of has been made only by way of 8. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 7
example and numerous changes in the details of construction wherein
and combination and arrangement of parts may be employed variable the governor assembly is configured to reduce the
axial air gap between the upper magnet platter and
without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention . the lower magnet platter to a minimum distance from the
What is claimed is : 15
1. A vertical axis wind turbine apparatus comprising : plurality of coils in response to the governor assembly
a turbine blade assembly comprising one or more pairs of reaching a threshold rotary speed .
blades configured to be mateably interfaced to define a 9. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 6
cylindrical shape when fully furled , each blade in the wherein the governor assembly is configured as a ball
one or more pairs of blades being configured as equal 20 governor or an electronic governor.
oppositely oriented semicircles having a center point on 10. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 6
a diameter of the circle when mateably interfaced , the further comprising two or more generator assemblies being
one or more pairs of blades having an upper surface , a disp sed on the rotary shaft in proportion to an input
lower surface, and a side wall extending from the upper capacity of the turbine blade assembly .
surface to the lower surface to define a scoop portion , 25 11. A vertical axis wind turbine apparatus comprising :
the one or more pairs of blades being configured to furl a turbine blade assembly comprising one ormore pairs of
and unfurl around a central axis; and , blades having an upper surface, a lower surface, a side
a generator assembly comprising an upper magnet platter wall extending from the upper surface to the lower
and a lower magnet platter being disposed on a rotary surface to define a scoop portion , and blade teeth
shaft , a plurality of coils disposed around a circumfer- 30 disposed on a semicircular perimeter portion of the
ence of the rotary shaft, and a governor assembly upper surface and lower surface , wherein each pair of
coupled to the rotary shaft, the governor assembly blades in the one or more pairs of blades is configured
being operable to dynamically configure a position of to mateably interface when in a fully furled position ;
the upper magnet platter and the lower magnet platter a generator assembly ;
relative to the plurality of coils. 35
a rotary shaft having a shaft gear disposed thereon , the
2. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 1 rotary shaft being operably engaged between the tur
wherein the turbine blade assembly comprises three ormore
pairs of blades. bine blade assembly and the generator assembly, the
3. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 2 shaft gear being configured to mateably interface with
wherein the turbine blade is oriented in a helical configu- 40 the blade teeth of each pair of blades in the one ormore
ration . pairs of blades;
4. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 1 a blade support configured to couple each pair of blades
wherein each pair of blades in the one or more pairs of in the one ormore pairs of blades to the rotary shaft, the
blades are configured to be dynamically furled and unfurled blade support operable to maintain a desired orientation
proportionately to wind speed . 45 between each pair of blades in the one or more pairs of
5. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 1 blades; and ,
wherein each pair of blades in the one or more pairs of the generator assembly comprising an uppermagnet plat
blades are configured to be dynamically furled and unfurled ter and a lower magnet platter being disposed on the
proportionately to rotary speed of the turbine blade assem rotary shaft, a plurality of coils disposed around a
bly . 50 circumference of the rotary shaft , and a governor
6. A vertical axis wind turbine apparatus comprising : assembly coupled to the rotary shaft, the governor
a turbine blade assembly comprising one or more pairs of assembly being operable to dynamically configure a
blades configured to furl and unfurl around a central position of the upper magnet platter and the lower
axis in proportion to wind speed ,wherein each blade in magnet platter relative to the plurality of coils .
the one or more pairs of blades defines a scoop and is 55 12. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 11
configured as an equal oppositely oriented semicircle further comprising an analog or an electronic furling system
having a center point on a diameter of a circle when operably engaged with the turbine blade assembly .
mateably interfaced , wherein each pair of blades in the 13. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 12
one or more pairs of blades is configured to mateably wherein the analog or the electronic furling system is
interface when in a fully furled position ; 60 configured to proportionately furl or unfurl the one or more
a rotary shaft being operably engaged with the turbine pairs of blades according to a rotary speed of the turbine
blade assembly ; and, blade assembly.
a generator assembly comprising an upper magnet platter 14. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 11
and a lowermagnet platter being disposed on the rotary wherein each blade in the one or more pairs of blades is
shaft, a plurality of coils disposed around a circumfer- 65 configured as an equal oppositely oriented semicircle having
ence of the rotary shaft , and a governor assembly a center point on a diameter of a circle when mateably
coupled to the rotary shaft, the governor assembly interfaced .
US 10,724,502 B2
11 12
15. The vertical axis wind turbine apparatus of claim 14
wherein the each pair of blades in the one or more pairs of
blades forms a cylindrical shape when in the fully furled
position .