EElleeccttrriicciittyy ffrroom
EEuurrooppeeaann G
Onn--sshhoorree W
Wiinndd FFaarrm
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 DECLARED PRODUCT ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION AND THE EPD SYSTEM ................................................. 1
1.3 GAMESA, LCA AND EPD ....................................................................................................... 2
2. THE COMPANY AND THE PRODUCT............................................................................................. 3
2.1 GAMESA CORPORACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA ....................................................................... 3
2.2 PRODUCT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 3
2.2.1 The GAMESA G114-2.0 MW Wind Turbine Generator ................................................ 4
2.2.2 The wind farm .................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.3 Electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure ................................................ 7
2.2.4 Wind energy life cycle ..................................................................................................... 8
3. ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON LCA ................................................................ 10
3.1 LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY....................................................................... 10
3.2 SYSTEM BOUNDARIES AND DATA SOURCES .................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Core – Infrastructure ....................................................................................................... 12
3.2.2 Core – Process ................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.3 Upstream........................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.4 Downstream ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 ECO-PROFILE ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.3.1 Scenario A: IEC II Wind class – European Wind Farm - 80m Tower ........................ 17
3.3.2 Scenario B: IEC II Wind class – European Wind Farm - 93m Tower......................... 20
3.4 HOT SPOT ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................... 23
4. ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT .................................................................................... 25
4.1 IMPACT ON BIODIVERSITY .................................................................................................. 25
4.1.1 Flora ................................................................................................................................... 25
4.1.2 Fauna................................................................................................................................. 26
4.1.3 Analysis of protected or restored habitat .................................................................. 27
4.1.4 Biodiversity studies ........................................................................................................... 27
4.2 LAND USE ............................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.1 Description of land use .................................................................................................. 28
4.2.2 Land use – Corine Land Cover classification ............................................................ 29
4.2.3 Number of years of occupation .................................................................................. 30
4.2.4 Description of the infrastructure in the occupied areas ......................................... 30
4.3 ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS ....................................................................................................... 30
4.4 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS ................................................................................................ 31
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Due to the relevance of the “tower” component within the final environmental results, a
sensitivity analysis has been conducted including a variation of this component. The
baseline scenario includes 80 meters high towers, while the alternative scenario has
been calculated using 93 meters high towers. All the final results are separately
calculated for these two different scenarios.
Gamesa is dedicated to both the design and the manufacturing of its wind turbines as
well as to the installation and assembly of the final product at the wind farm. Therefore,
the company is fully aware of the entire life cycle of their products.
"1 Kwh of electricity generated through an on-shore wind farm of Gamesa G114 - 2.0 MW
wind turbine generators, located on a European scenario and operating under medium
wind conditions (IEC IIA) and thereafter distributed to a European power transmission
Wind energy is the most reliable and effective renewable energy to meet the growing
energy demand, with the foreseeable depletion of the non-renewable traditional
energy resources. Furthermore, it is a guarantee of competitiveness, because in most
countries is responsible for the lowering price of the energy pool.
Although having common features with other renewable energy sources - Avoids CO2
emissions, it’s an inexhaustible resource and reduces the energy vulnerability of
countries – its industrial character and maturity, with a developed technological
learning curve, allows achieving very competitive market prices.
Wind energy will be the leading technology in transforming the global energy supply
structure towards a truly sustainable energy future based on indigenous, non-polluting
and competitive renewable technologies.
The international EPD® system has as main goal, the ambition to help and support
organizations to communicate the environmental performance of their products
(goods and services) in a credible and understandable manner.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
This EPD has been made in accordance with the standards of the International EPD
Consortium. EPD is a system for international use of type III Environmental Declarations,
according to ISO 14025. The international EPD® system and its applications are
described in the General Program Instructions (GPI).
The tool used for reducing these impacts is the detailed analysis of the product life
cycle. Using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology (LCA) we identify the
environmental impacts of our products from the extraction of raw materials until the
end of life of the wind turbine. Gamesa analyzes each phase in a project with the goal
of eliminating or minimizing the environmental impacts, assuring that these impacts are
not transferred between different life cycle stages.
From this starting point, a further step is the certification by an Environmental Product
Declaration of the energy generated and distributed using Gamesa G114 wind
turbines, ensuring the reliability of the data entered into the LCA as well as the
transparency about the environmental performance of our products.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
The company has production centers in the main wind markets: Spain and China, as
the global production and supply hubs, while maintaining its local production capacity
in India, US, and Brazil. Sales outside Spain accounts for more than 88% of all MW sold in
Gamesa is also a world leader in the development, construction and sale of wind
farms, having installed 6,400 MW and having a portfolio of more than 18,300 MW in
Europe, America and Asia.
The annual equivalent of its 30,000 MW installed accounts to more than 6,4 million tons
of petroleum equivalents (TEP) per year and prevents the emission into the atmosphere
of more than 45 million tonnes of CO2 per year. Gamesa is within the main international
sustainability indexes: FTSE4Good and Ethibel.
The baseline system under study is an average Gamesa on-shore wind farm
composed of 2.0MW WTGs, located on a European scenario operating under medium
wind conditions (IEC IIA). The average total installed capacity for this kind of wind farms
is 30 MW, so that the baseline system is assumed to be composed of 15 Gamesa G114
WTGs of 2.0 MW unitary power each.
Gamesa is able to supply different kind of towers, seeking a right placement of the rotor
at the height which optimizes the energy harvested. Given the fact that the height of
the tower has an important relevance in the final environmental results, a sensitivity
analysis has been conducted including a variation of this component. The baseline
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
scenario includes 80 meters high towers, while the alternative scenario has been
calculated using 93 meters high towers. All the final results are presented for these two
different scenarios.
All the internal wiring of the wind farm, the transformer substation and the electrical
infrastructure needed to reach the connection point of the electrical network are inside
the system boundaries. The infrastructure needed for electrical transmission and
distribution until the final customer of the electricity generated is also included in the
present declaration, as well as the inevitable losses that will occur in the electrical
transportation stage.
The G114-2.0MW is a 2.0 MW rated power turbine, with a three-blade rotor. It has a rotor
diameter of 114 m, and a swept area of 10,207 m2. It is supported by a tapered tower
with 3 different tower heights: 80, 93 and 125. More options could be available on
demand. For the present LCA, two life cycle models have been created. The first one
includes the 80m tower yet the second model includes the 93m tower. This modelization
allows us to know the environmental sensibility of changing the tower component. The
picture below shows the G114 power curve compared to other platform models.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
The Gamesa G114-2.0MW is part of the 2.0-2.5MW platform. The key characteristics of
this platform are its robustness, stellar reliability and suitability for all kinds of sites and
wind conditions, from the most challenging locations to low and medium wind speed
sites. Thanks to this performance, the platform's installed capacity stands at over 15,000
MW worldwide, while average fleet availability is running at over 98%. Gamesa turbines
enable competitive CoE ratios per MW installed, thanks to the versatile combination of
rotors, nominal power and tower height, to achieve peak performance in all kinds of
locations and wind conditions.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Since GCT started the LCA study, it was found interesting the concept that its
results were extrapolated as far as possible to a test case of a European wind farm and
not to a specific site. The reason is to make the information extracted from this report
useful to a wider audience. To achieve this goal, it has become necessary to make a
generic model representative of a European average wind site from the actual data
known from Gamesa 2.0 MW wind farms installed.
The differences between the environmental impacts caused by the erection of various
wind farms rely primarily on two variables, the location and the size of the site. The
location of the wind plant is directly related to the environmental impact caused in the
distribution phase. The farther the wind farm is, the more logistics needed. To determine
the geographical location of an average Gamesa 2.0 MW wind farm, four different
scenarios have been analyzed, including the four European countries where Gamesa
has installed more power with these kind of machines. The countries analyzed are
Spain, France, Poland and Italy and are considered representative of the European
situation of Gamesa 2.0 MW clients, as these countries represent the 81,76% of the
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
power that GCT has installed using this platform. Furthermore, in the previous LCA
conducted by Gamesa on the WTG model G90 2.0 MW, a sensitivity analysis was made
taking into account the environmental effect of installing a park farther or closer to
Gamesa’s manufacturing installations. This LCA is publicly available in the GCT website.
Regarding the size of the wind farm, we have assigned the average requirement of
materials and building works for each wind turbine installed. Thus, the environmental
impact of the construction of the wind farm is referred to each turbine installed and not
limited to a particular park size. For the infrastructures shared by many WTGs (i.e.
transformer substation, internal wiring, connection infrastructure to the electrical
network, road conditioning to allow access to machinery…), the average wind park
size of 30 MW installed has been used as baseline.
Finally, for the data needed to assess the environmental impact related to the building
works of the emplacement, data of different Spanish 2.0 MW construction sites has
been used.
Alto de la
Castrojeriz Spain 25 50 MW
San Silvestre de
Los Lirios Spain 24 48 MW
Barchín del
Barchín Spain 14 28 MW
Les Forques II Passanant Spain 6 12 MW
Table 2.- 2.0MW Wind Farms
Although all analyzed sites are in Spain, the techniques used for the construction are
considered representative for a European wind farm case, as stated by experts in civil
engineering from Gamesa technical building office.
Once the wind is converted into electricity by the G114 wind turbine generator,
the energy is delivered to each consumer through the electrical transmission and
distribution network. This electrical transport stage also entails some environmental
impacts that cannot be left out.
On one hand, we must consider the environmental impacts associated with the
construction and dismantling of the infrastructure needed to transport all the electricity
generated by the WTGs. The materials used to build these airlines, depend on the
voltage level of the electricity being transported in each steps, from power generation
until later consumption.
Furthermore, the electrical losses which occur as a result of the inevitable heating of
electric wires during transport and in the successive voltage transformations that occur
until the consumption point, cannot be avoided. All these impacts have also been
taken into account in the system under study.
The WTG generates low voltage electricity (690V). This voltage is increased in the
transformer located inside the nacelle reaching medium voltage level to minimize
electricity losses (30KV assumed for the analysis). At the exit of the wind farm there is
another transformer station allowing the delivery of high voltage electricity to the
general network. An average of European electricity losses has been assumed for the
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
analysis, according to specific data from Eurelectric, so the voltage level of the
delivered electricity has been considered as a mix of low and medium voltage
consumers, depending on each European country.
It should also be noted that Gamesa is not a company dedicated to the energy
distribution business. Instead, it’s dedicated to the manufacture of wind turbines, so that
the environmental impacts of this stage are inside the wind energy life cycle, but
outside of the direct range of Gamesa’s activities. The data required for modeling this
concrete stage are external to the company, so that have been based on studies and
statistics taken by other sources.
The following figure encompasses the full cradle-to-grave life cycle of the
energy generated through a wind farm.
The main environmental impacts of the generated energy are related to the
manufacturing of the different components of the wind turbine and the construction of
the wind farm. All the steps in this diagram have been taken into account for the
assessment. As shown in the mentioned figure, the life cycle of energy is a complex
system in which it is necessary to clearly establish the boundaries between phases to
avoid mistakes. Following the recommendations of the PCR, the energy life cycle has
been divided into three main modules, core module, up-stream module and down-
stream module. The concepts included in each of these modules are summarized in the
following paragraphs.
The core phase encompasses all the steps related to the construction, operation
and decommissioning of the wind farm from the cradle to the grave. This comprehends
all the stages from the extraction of the raw materials needed to build the WTG and the
wind farm, until the dismantling of the wind farm, including the proper management of
the generated waste and the recycled components as well as their corresponding end
of life treatments.
This module also refers to the manufacturing processes of the WTG performed by
Gamesa and its suppliers. Besides, the required maintenance of the machinery during
its service life is included, both preventive and corrective actions (estimated
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Finally, the core also contains a vital part of the wind turbine life cycle, which is the
G114 machine’s technical performance. Factors such as the annual energy
production, the availability of the machine, the electrical losses during operation or the
energy self consumption of the turbine for its auxiliary systems, have a decisive influence
on the environmental impact of the declared unit.
The downstream stage comprises all the impacts that happen from the moment
when the energy is delivered to the electricity network (leaving this way the wind farm),
until the moment when it reaches the final consumer. Thus, for this stage it is necessary
to consider not only the construction and dismantling of the electrical network required
for the energy transportation, but also the inherent losses during the electrical transport
and voltage transformation.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
The LCA methodology, which has been followed when conducting this study is a
procedure based on the international standards ISO 14040, ISO 14044 and the Product
Category Rules for CPC 171.
With the use of the LCA method we are able to obtain a complete breakdown of the
elementary inputs and outputs which compose our product system along its whole life
cycle. These inputs and outputs are given in the form of raw material consumptions or
as different kind of emissions, and are the indicators showing the real interaction of the
analyzed product with nature.
Besides, the LCA methodology also allows us to obtain global results associated to
different environmental impact categories such as global warming potential,
acidification potential, eutrophication potential or photochemical ozone creation
potential, if we apply different characterization methods.
The LCA only quantifies information on environmental impacts, leaving apart social and
economic indicators. In the same way, some environmental impacts associated with
the product life cycle as land use, impacts on biodiversity, electromagnetic fields,
noise, visual impact or accidental risks cannot be identified from the LCA perspective.
For this reason, these environmental impacts will be individually analyzed in section 4 of
this EPD (“Additional environmental impact”).
This Environmental Product Declaration reflects the life cycle impact of the
electricity generated through an on-shore wind farm of Gamesa G114 - 2.0 MW wind
turbine generators, located on a European scenario and operating under medium
wind conditions (IEC IIA) and thereafter distributed to a European power transmission
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
The blocks in the graph above whose boundary is a dashed line, have not been taken
into account in the LCA, as permitted by the associated PCR. The arrows represent the
different transports of materials, parts or bigger components.
The data used to create the models of the life cycle phases described in the above
diagram, have been obtained directly from Gamesa or from its suppliers. These data
are fully traceable and are the basis for ensuring that the results of the LCA correspond
to the reality of the product.
As a baseline, all the data for which GCT has direct access to, have been included in
the analysis seeking the best data completeness. However, given the complexity of the
system and the multitude of information needed and in order to ease the assessment,
the following cut-off criteria have been followed when making the life cycle inventory:
o The sum of all material flows that have not been included in the analysis should
be less than 1% of the total weight of all material flows.
o The sum of all energy flows that have not been included in the analysis should
be less than 1% of the total energy flows.
o The replacement of components that have a lower failure rate than 0.009
failures per WTG during the entire service life, have not been included in the
By the time the study ended, the 99,89% of the total material flows of the system had
been successfully included (99,51% of the total materials of the wind turbine, as well as
the 100% of the materials used to build the wind farm). In addition, all the energy flows
incurred in Gamesa manufacturing plants have also been included in the analysis.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
From these primary data, when creating the life cycle model of the analyzed system
the Ecoinvent 2.2 life cycle inventories database has been used. Ecoinvent is the most
famous LCA database worldwide used by around 4,500 users in more than 40 countries.
This database contains international industrial life cycle inventory data on energy
supply, resource extraction, material supply, chemicals, metals, agriculture, waste
management services, and transport services. Ecoinvent is the world's leading supplier
of consistent and transparent life cycle inventory (LCI) data of known quality.
All the data used to create the life cycle model of the electricity generated by an on-
shore G114-2.0MW wind farm, reflect the technology currently used by Gamesa
Corporación Tecnológica and are considered representative for the period of validity
of this EPD.
It can be considered that the data will still be representative during the period that no
significant technological changes occur in the functionality or in the manufacturing
processes of the major components such as wind turbine tower, foundation, gearbox,
generator or wind turbine rotor.
Data on the materials needed for the construction and decommissioning of the wind
farm, the transformer substation and the internal wiring of the wind farm, were obtained
from data and inventories of real 2.0MW on-shore wind farms construction projects
conducted by Gamesa. The analyzed wind farms were identified on paragraph 2.2.2.
The EPD verifier had access to more comprehensive information on the data used for
this modelization. This data is representative of the technology currently used by
Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica, as long as new building methods are not
GCT is responsible for the manufacturing of most of the major components of the wind
turbine. Data on Gamesa production processes have been obtained from
measurements and records obtained in the own Gamesa manufacturing plants during
the year 2012. These data are based on the technology currently used by GCT, and are
considered representative as long as the same manufacturing technologies are used.
The Spanish electricity mix of the corresponding year has been used to model the
power consumption of these production centers, using data from Red Eléctrica
Española as source.
In the case of an on-shore G114 2.0MW WTG delivered to any European location, the
factories involved in the manufacturing of the machine are the ones collected in the
following table. All these manufacturing plants have been individually assessed for the
purpose of the study:
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
The “TADARSA Avilés” manufacturing plant does not belong to GCT as the other plants
contained in the previous table do. Given the fact that Gamesa is in charge of
designing the tower component and that this component is especially relevant in the
final environmental results, has been found interesting to deeply analyze this factory
with the same level of detail as the factories owned by Gamesa. This approach has
only been possible with the kindly cooperation of the enterprise “Grupo Daniel Alonso”.
In addition to this processes, in the table below the main suppliers that were considered
for the LCA are also listed:
Cabinet envelopes HERCOR
Rear frame WEC
Nacelle cover / Rotor cover IMPRE
Low speed shaft VITKOVICE
Low speed coupling TOLLOK
High speed coupling KTR
Crane system VICINAY
Transformer ABB
Yaw bearing REDUCEL
Hydraulic group and pitch
Blade bearings ROLLIX
Glass Fiber SAERTEX / OCV
Table 4.- Main suppliers
The manufacturing processes carried out by Gamesa suppliers, have been analyzed
through the combination of data on manufacturing processes from ecoinvent 2.2
database and data provided by the suppliers themselves.
All the G114 wind turbine components are designed to have a service life equal to or
greater than the turbine itself. However, sometimes the WTG is exposed to situations
that differ from the normal design operation, that can reduce the expected lifetime of
a component or even disable it.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Finally, the materials that appear after the decommissioning of the wind farm and their
end-of-life management have been estimated according to the following sources:
o Gamesa’s wind turbine generators recycling manual. Source: AMBIO
o Decommissioning project of the Igea-Cornago sur wind farm. Source: GER
o Decommissioning, restoration and landscaping project of the Sierra de Porta
wind farm. Source: TAXUS
o Analysis of end of life options for wind turbine blades. Source: GAIKER
After the 20 years of operation, the land is restored to its previous condition, before the
initial construction of the wind farm took place. In order to achieve this land restoration,
reached the decommissioning moment Gamesa follows the following steps:
1. Removal of the structure of the wind turbine
2. Demolition of foundation and underground wire network
3. Demolition of substation, road access and platforms
4. Vegetal cover surface treatment
5. Seeding and planting, landscape recovery
6. Recycling of wind turbine components
7. Waste treatment and disposal
For the LCA the following hypotheses have been assumed. All the metals (either ferrous
or not) are sent to recycling processes. All the electronic components are correctly
managed and sent to a WEEE treatment process. The 26,3% of the plastics are
recovered to be sent to recycling processes while the other 73,7% are sent to landfill
and incineration processes (Source: Plastics Europe). The building materials used for the
foundation of the WTGs are left in the wind farm and the blades are sent to landfill. All
the lubricants and hydraulic oils used along the 20 years of operation of the wind farm
are properly managed in order to allow subsequent reuses or energetic valorization.
All the environmental impacts associated with the operation of the wind farm,
given its 20 years of life, have been taken into account in this module. One of the main
advantages of the wind energy over other non-renewable sources of energy is its
independence on fossil fuels. This environmental benefit is reflected at this stage when
we look at the results.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
The data used in the LCA on the technical performance of the system during its
operational phase, have been obtained from internal documents of Gamesa
Corporación Tecnológica. This includes aspects such as annual energy generation,
machine availability, energy losses in the wind farm, maintenance protocols, etc. These
data reflect the technologies currently used by Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica and
are considered representative as long as no substantial technical changes are
introduced in the behavior of the machine during operation and maintenance phase.
3.2.3 Upstream
Since wind power requires no fuel for equipment operation, the upstream
module includes the production of auxiliary substances that are necessary for the
operation of the energy conversion plant. Therefore, in this section the following
concepts have been taken into account:
o Production of the necessary quantities of hydraulic oil, lubricating oils and fat by
Gamesa suppliers.
o All the transport associated with the need to carry these maintenance supplies
from the suppliers till the wind farm.
The replacements of lubricating oil, hydraulic oil and fat due to preventive
maintenance were obtained from the lubrication charts and from the maintenance
manual of the G114 WTG. These documents nowadays specify the maintenance needs
of this equipment and are considered representative provided that no substantial
variations related to the maintenance of the wind turbine occur.
The infrastructure and the equipment of the suppliers of the auxiliary substances
necessary for the operation of the wind farm have been excluded from the analysis, as
allowed by the PCR.
3.2.4 Downstream
Due to the difficulties of GCT to separate the energy delivered to each type of
consumer at European level, the average value of 6.6% has been considered for the
electrical losses in the downstream module. This means that the 6.6% of every
generated Kwh, is lost in the transmission and distribution network. In any case, these
electrical losses are also forecasted to remain almost constant in Europe until 2020. The
source for this value has been Eurelectric, which is the sector association of the
electrical industry and has annual statistical studies on the present and future of the
electrical market.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
With regard to the electrical transmission and distribution system infrastructure, the
existing infrastructure on the four European countries that were found more
representative of the Gamesa situation was analyzed. These countries are Spain,
Poland, France and Italy. After combining the available infrastructure in each country
with the specific energy demand, the number of km of electrical grid needed to
include in the LCA were calculated.
The data used for the modelization of the electrical networks have been obtained from
the ecoinvent 2.2 database.
"1 Kwh of electricity generated through an on-shore wind farm of Gamesa G114 - 2.0 MW
wind turbine generators, located on a European scenario and operating under medium
wind conditions (IEC IIA) and thereafter distributed to a European power transmission
Results are separately shown for the two different core infrastructure scenarios covered
within this declaration, depending on the type of tower used.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
3.3.1 Scenario A: IEC II Wind class – European Wind Farm - 80m Tower
Water use
Energy from hydro power MJ 7,607E-06 1,073E-05 5,432E-03 5,450E-03 3,597E-04 1,871E-03 7,681E-03
Energy from biomass MJ 3,125E-06 1,335E-06 8,285E-04 8,329E-04 5,497E-05 2,729E-03 3,617E-03
Wind electricity MJ 1,055E-06 3,970E-07 6,864E-04 6,879E-04 4,540E-05 4,297E-05 7,763E-04
Solar electricity MJ 1,533E-08 1,125E-08 5,940E-04 5,940E-04 3,920E-05 6,380E-07 6,338E-04
Electricity use in the wind farm3 Kwh 4,570E-02 4,570E-02 3,016E-03 4,872E-02
2 Sum of 72 substances
3The electricity used in the wind farm is generated by the wind turbines itself. The environmental impact in
conjunction with this electricity consumption has been included in the results.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Carbon dioxide, fossil g 2,305E-02 8,979E-02 6,213E+00 6,326E+00 4,175E-01 1,670E+00 8,413E+00
Methane, fossil g 7,326E-05 3,592E-05 1,752E-02 1,763E-02 1,164E-03 3,484E-03 2,228E-02
Methane, biogenic g 3,496E-07 2,210E-07 2,420E-03 2,421E-03 1,598E-04 2,004E-05 2,601E-03
Dinitrogen monoxide g 5,101E-07 9,296E-07 2,298E-04 2,312E-04 1,526E-05 7,290E-05 3,194E-04
Carbon monoxide, fossil g 2,906E-05 4,714E-05 3,773E-02 3,781E-02 2,495E-03 1,411E-02 5,441E-02
Methane, chlorodifluoro-,
g 4,566E-10 1,209E-10 6,615E-07 6,621E-07 4,370E-08 1,425E-08 7,201E-07
Methane, bromotrifluoro-,
g 1,150E-09 3,155E-10 2,477E-08 2,623E-08 1,731E-09 5,043E-09 3,301E-08
Halon 1301
Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-,
g 1,147E-10 2,972E-11 2,221E-08 2,235E-08 1,475E-09 3,485E-09 2,731E-08
Halon 1211
Methane, tetrachloro-, CFC-10 g 2,319E-11 3,555E-11 2,738E-08 2,744E-08 1,811E-09 3,476E-09 3,273E-08
Sulfur dioxide g 1,477E-04 3,842E-05 1,847E-02 1,865E-02 1,231E-03 2,790E-02 4,778E-02
Nitrogen oxides g 6,988E-05 1,019E-04 1,958E-02 1,976E-02 1,304E-03 7,725E-03 2,879E-02
Ammonia g 4,932E-07 1,074E-06 3,215E-04 3,230E-04 2,132E-05 7,891E-04 1,133E-03
Hydrogen chloride g 6,240E-07 2,982E-07 4,354E-04 4,364E-04 2,880E-05 8,122E-05 5,464E-04
Ethane g 1,042E-06 2,455E-07 1,038E-04 1,051E-04 6,936E-06 1,937E-05 1,314E-04
Ethene g 1,007E-07 3,908E-08 3,717E-05 3,731E-05 2,463E-06 1,725E-05 5,702E-05
Pentane g 2,502E-06 5,684E-07 7,007E-05 7,314E-05 4,827E-06 1,452E-05 9,248E-05
Butane g 2,021E-06 4,518E-07 5,008E-05 5,255E-05 3,468E-06 1,044E-05 6,645E-05
Propane g 2,098E-06 4,715E-07 6,878E-05 7,135E-05 4,709E-06 1,426E-05 9,032E-05
Propene g 9,213E-08 2,281E-08 1,292E-05 1,304E-05 8,606E-07 2,557E-06 1,646E-05
Methane, tetrafluoro-, CFC-14 g 2,688E-09 6,484E-09 6,811E-06 6,820E-06 4,501E-07 4,231E-06 1,150E-05
Carbon dioxide, biogenic g 3,008E-04 1,308E-04 2,089E-01 2,093E-01 1,381E-02 2,299E-01 4,531E-01
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Particulates, <2,5 um to air g 7,158E-06 9,710E-06 5,061E-03 5,077E-03 3,351E-04 3,040E-03 8,452E-03
Particulates, >10 um to air g 8,265E-06 7,779E-06 8,379E-03 8,395E-03 5,541E-04 2,709E-03 1,166E-02
Particulates, >2,5 um, and <10 um
g 2,942E-06 4,647E-06 6,321E-03 6,328E-03 4,177E-04 3,469E-03 1,021E-02
to air
PAH, polycyclic aromatic
g 2,969E-09 3,407E-09 3,634E-06 3,641E-06 2,403E-07 1,731E-06 5,612E-06
hydrocarbons to air
PAH, polycyclic aromatic
g 1,242E-08 2,329E-09 7,801E-07 7,948E-07 5,246E-08 5,440E-08 9,017E-07
hydrocarbons to water
Arsenic to air g 4,784E-09 2,655E-09 8,454E-06 8,461E-06 5,584E-07 4,204E-05 5,106E-05
Cadmium to air g 2,457E-09 9,981E-10 2,378E-06 2,382E-06 1,572E-07 1,437E-05 1,691E-05
Dioxins to air g 5,390E-15 7,436E-14 1,274E-11 1,282E-11 8,462E-13 7,587E-12 2,125E-11
Oils, unspecified to water g 1,441E-04 2,085E-05 1,910E-03 2,075E-03 1,369E-04 5,433E-04 2,755E-03
Oils, unspecified to soil g 1,521E-04 2,103E-05 1,855E-03 2,028E-03 1,338E-04 5,569E-04 2,719E-03
Other waste
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
3.3.2 Scenario B: IEC II Wind class – European Wind Farm - 93m Tower
Water use
Energy from hydro power MJ 7,607E-06 1,073E-05 5,875E-03 5,893E-03 3,889E-04 1,871E-03 8,153E-03
Energy from biomass MJ 3,125E-06 1,335E-06 9,143E-04 9,188E-04 6,064E-05 2,729E-03 3,709E-03
Wind electricity MJ 1,055E-06 3,970E-07 7,240E-04 7,255E-04 4,788E-05 4,297E-05 8,163E-04
Solar electricity MJ 1,533E-08 1,125E-08 6,120E-04 6,120E-04 4,039E-05 6,380E-07 6,530E-04
Electricity use in the wind farm5 Kwh 4,570E-02 4,570E-02 3,016E-03 4,872E-02
4Sum of 72 substances
5 The electricity used in the wind farm is generated by the wind turbines itself. The environmental impact in
conjunction with this electricity consumption has been included in the results.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Carbon dioxide, fossil g 2,305E-02 8,979E-02 6,881E+00 6,994E+00 4,616E-01 1,670E+00 9,126E+00
Methane, fossil g 7,326E-05 3,592E-05 1,947E-02 1,958E-02 1,292E-03 3,484E-03 2,435E-02
Methane, biogenic g 3,496E-07 2,210E-07 2,451E-03 2,452E-03 1,618E-04 2,004E-05 2,634E-03
Dinitrogen monoxide g 5,101E-07 9,296E-07 2,402E-04 2,417E-04 1,595E-05 7,290E-05 3,305E-04
Carbon monoxide, fossil g 2,906E-05 4,714E-05 4,603E-02 4,611E-02 3,043E-03 1,411E-02 6,326E-02
Methane, chlorodifluoro-,
g 4,566E-10 1,209E-10 6,719E-07 6,724E-07 4,438E-08 1,425E-08 7,311E-07
Methane, bromotrifluoro-,
g 1,150E-09 3,155E-10 2,644E-08 2,791E-08 1,842E-09 5,043E-09 3,479E-08
Halon 1301
Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-,
g 1,147E-10 2,972E-11 2,482E-08 2,497E-08 1,648E-09 3,485E-09 3,010E-08
Halon 1211
Methane, tetrachloro-, CFC-10 g 2,319E-11 3,555E-11 2,832E-08 2,838E-08 1,873E-09 3,476E-09 3,373E-08
Sulfur dioxide g 1,477E-04 3,842E-05 2,008E-02 2,027E-02 1,338E-03 2,790E-02 4,951E-02
Nitrogen oxides g 6,988E-05 1,019E-04 2,126E-02 2,143E-02 1,414E-03 7,725E-03 3,057E-02
Ammonia g 4,932E-07 1,074E-06 3,565E-04 3,581E-04 2,363E-05 7,891E-04 1,171E-03
Hydrogen chloride g 6,240E-07 2,982E-07 4,775E-04 4,784E-04 3,157E-05 8,122E-05 5,912E-04
Ethane g 1,042E-06 2,455E-07 1,161E-04 1,174E-04 7,747E-06 1,937E-05 1,445E-04
Ethene g 1,007E-07 3,908E-08 4,354E-05 4,368E-05 2,883E-06 1,725E-05 6,381E-05
Pentane g 2,502E-06 5,684E-07 7,539E-05 7,846E-05 5,178E-06 1,452E-05 9,815E-05
Butane g 2,021E-06 4,518E-07 5,407E-05 5,654E-05 3,732E-06 1,044E-05 7,071E-05
Propane g 2,098E-06 4,715E-07 7,549E-05 7,806E-05 5,152E-06 1,426E-05 9,747E-05
Propene g 9,213E-08 2,281E-08 1,450E-05 1,461E-05 9,644E-07 2,557E-06 1,813E-05
Methane, tetrafluoro-, CFC-14 g 2,688E-09 6,484E-09 6,853E-06 6,862E-06 4,529E-07 4,231E-06 1,155E-05
Carbon dioxide, biogenic g 3,008E-04 1,308E-04 2,185E-01 2,189E-01 1,445E-02 2,299E-01 4,633E-01
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Particulates, <2,5 um to air g 7,158E-06 9,710E-06 5,631E-03 5,648E-03 3,728E-04 3,040E-03 9,061E-03
Particulates, >10 um to air g 8,265E-06 7,779E-06 9,985E-03 1,000E-02 6,601E-04 2,709E-03 1,337E-02
Particulates, >2,5 um, and <10 um
g 2,942E-06 4,647E-06 7,371E-03 7,378E-03 4,870E-04 3,469E-03 1,133E-02
to air
PAH, polycyclic aromatic
g 2,969E-09 3,407E-09 3,867E-06 3,873E-06 2,556E-07 1,731E-06 5,860E-06
hydrocarbons to air
PAH, polycyclic aromatic
g 1,242E-08 2,329E-09 9,923E-07 1,007E-06 6,647E-08 5,440E-08 1,128E-06
hydrocarbons to water
Arsenic to air g 4,784E-09 2,655E-09 8,651E-06 8,658E-06 5,715E-07 4,204E-05 5,127E-05
Cadmium to air g 2,457E-09 9,981E-10 2,405E-06 2,408E-06 1,589E-07 1,437E-05 1,694E-05
Dioxins to air g 5,390E-15 7,436E-14 1,525E-11 1,533E-11 1,012E-12 7,587E-12 2,393E-11
Oils, unspecified to water g 1,441E-04 2,085E-05 2,054E-03 2,219E-03 1,464E-04 5,433E-04 2,908E-03
Oils, unspecified to soil g 1,521E-04 2,103E-05 1,987E-03 2,160E-03 1,426E-04 5,569E-04 2,860E-03
Other waste
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
In order to find the aspects which are mainly causing these environmental
impacts, is needed to look into every phase of the whole life cycle from an integral
Eutrophication potential
Acidification potential ELECTRICAL NETWORK -
As shown in the figures above, there are two main phases within the life cycle
responsible of approximately the 75% of all the environmental impacts in average.
These are raw material obtention and WTG manufacturing, and electrical network
infrastructure. For example, in the 80m tower case, the raw material obtention and WTG
manufacturing goes from a 17,31% of the life cycle impacts in the category
“Eutrophication potential” to a maximum of 45,86% in the category “Global Warming
Potential”. In the other hand, the phase “Electrical network infrastructure” goes from a
12,35% in the category “Ozone layer depletion” to a 71,23% in “Eutrophication
potential”. The figure has the same shape for the 93m tower scenario.
For these reasons these stages are the most relevant phases within the life cycle of the
energy generated by a G114 2.0 MW from an environmental point of view and should
be carefully designed in future projects. It should be pointed out that Gamesa is not a
company dedicated to the energy distribution business, so that the environmental
burdens of the electricity grid are outside of the direct range of Gamesa’s activities.
Nearly the 35% (in average for the 5 impact categories) of the environmental impacts
of the energy generated and distributed by a G114 2.0 MW WTG is caused in the raw
material obtention and manufacturing phase. This is a logical consequence, since a
wind turbine does not consume any fossil fuel during its operation as the conventional
energy sources do, so the main environmental aspect of this technology is related to
the manufacturing of its infrastructure. This is mostly caused by the raw materials
needed to manufacture all the steel parts of the WTG and the subsequent machining
phases. The most critical components in this phase are the blades, the low speed shaft
and the tower.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
In regard to the electricity grid infrastructure, it accounts to nearly the 40% of the
environmental impacts in average. The impacts are mostly related to the raw materials
used for the high voltage wires (copper, aluminum, steel and polymers), as well as for
the transport associated to bring these materials to the European countries where the
wires are manufactured.
In relation to the wind farm construction, it represents the 13% of the impacts (In
average). The most relevant environmental aspects for the construction are the
materials which compose the foundation (mainly concrete and steel), followed by the
fuel burned in the construction machinery.
The rest of the modules as for example use and maintenance, end of life, electrical
losses in the network and logistics, have a minor contribution to the life cycle
environmental impacts of the generated and distributed energy using Gamesa G114
2.0 MW Wind turbines.
More detailed conclusions about the environmental impacts were made in the full LCA
report. Please, refer to Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica for further information.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Gamesa conducts an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the wind farm
projects for which it is required by the public administration. Nevertheless when such a
study is not required by the public administration, Gamesa applies internal controls in
order to ensure compliance with legal and internal environmental requirements.
Table 5.- Most significant impacts on biodiversity in 2013 (by type of impact)
4.1.1 Flora
The vegetation may be affected by the need of land preparation for wind farm
installation and its degradation because of building works, accesses, roads, foundations
and other elements of the site. Therefore and to minimize these effects, when electing
the place where the wind farm is going to be erected, Gamesa takes the measures
listed below.
o Staking of all areas affected by the project prior to the start the construction, to
avoid a physical repercussion higher than the strictly necessary.
o Proper gathering of soil extracted in excavations for its reuse in the restoration
o Protection of the areas designated for using or handling of substances which
may cause accidental spills, with pollution potential to soil and water, either
surface water or groundwater.
o Reuse of the waste material which appeared during the execution of the
excavations for laying out underground power lines and in the embodiment of
concrete footings, for the conditioning and landscape restoration works.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
o Restoration of vegetation affected by the work, in order to assure that the area
does not remain occupied by road or infrastructures. Repopulate the area with
bushes and scrubs of the same type of the ones in the surroundings.
o Not locating any element of the wind farm where it can affect any protected
o Replacement of woodland and scrub in the affected areas, on the cases that
repercussion to adjacent forest land can’t be avoided.
o Creating the new road accesses, using to the maximum the already existing
paths. If not possible, rethink the layout trying not to affect these woodlands.
o Removal of all temporary facilities and all waste, debris and equipment used or
generated during the execution of the works.
4.1.2 Fauna
Considering all the measures, quantitative studies of the impacts are performed based
on different indicators. To analyze the impact on vegetation the percentage of surface
covered (PSC) indicator is used, which is calculated before and after the execution of
works in order to determine its variation. This index suffers insignificant variations so that is
concluded that the work only affects the vegetation units of lower ecological value,
respecting the other units.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
During the year 2013, 130 biodiversity studies have been conducted, including
environmental impact, archaeology, birds, and noise assessments. These assessments
are conducted during the promotion and construction stages of the wind turbine farm.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
The wind farms chosen for the land use analysis are several of the parks with 2.0
MW wind turbines in which Gamesa holds the promotion of the wind farms. Although all
analyzed sites are located in Spain the techniques used for the site construction works,
can be considered representative for a European wind farm case, according to
experts in civil engineering from Gamesa. We used the average size of 2.0MW Gamesa
wind farms in Europe, which is 30 MW of installed capacity.
An analysis of soil condition before and after wind farm installation is made.
Below, the land use description of the selected wind farms is shown. This information has
been extracted from the Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) conducted before the
construction of the wind farms.
The wind farm “Los Lirios” is located in the province of Huelva at the town of San
Silvestre de Guzmán, in the areas known as Los Lirios, Cabeza del Llano, Los Llanos,
Cabeza del Rato, Loma de la Carnicera and Colmenar de Nuestra Señora. It lies west
of the region of Andévalo, and is surrounded by Villanueva de Castillejos to the north,
Villablanca to the south, Sanlucar de Guadiana to the northwest and Portugal to the
west. The wind farm is composed of 24 wind turbines, accounting to a total power of 48
The wind farm of Les Forques II, located in Catalonia, in the place known as "Les
Vilars" lines the top of the left side ditch Fores (Obaga the Comet). The access road is a
path out of the T-222 to about 1.250 m in the township of Passanant. It consists of 6 2.0
MW WTGs, with a total installed power of 12 MW. Data include the access roads,
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
internal roads, maneuvering areas and transformer substation. The total balance in the
earthmoving is 16.727 m2. Predominantly agricultural activities occupy most of the
surrounding land.
The wind farm of Barchín, located in the townships of Alcala de la Vega and
Algarra, in the province of Cuenca, consists of 14 2.0 MW turbines with a capacity to
deliver up to 28 MW. Located in the municipality of Barchín del Hoyo (Cuenca), the
turbines are held on tapered tubular steel towers of 78 meters high, with triple rotor 45
meter radius. Each turbine is fitted inside the mast 2,100 kVA transformer. The turbines
will be connected to the collecting system using HPREZ1 conductors 12/20 kV buried in
a trench of 1.20 m depth with 400 mm2 sections.
A land use classification based on the Corine Land Cover methodology (CLC)
has been made. The occupied areas are shown in m2.
For the particular case of the “Les Forques II” wind farm, land use data are not shown
here because there are no data specified in the respective EIS. These studies are
conducted by specialized environmental consultancies in the vicinities of the
construction site. Because of this, there are small format and content differences
between one study and another, depending on the location and the local applicable
Below it is represented the land use of the mentioned wind farms prior to their
Alto de la
BEFORE Los Lirios Barchín TOTAL
Artificial areas 0 0 0 0
Farming areas 160.047 41.600 151.400 353.047
Forest and semi-natural areas 18.467 22.400 0 40.867
Wetlands 0 0 0 0
Water 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 178.514 64.000 151.400 393.914
Table 8.- Previous land use
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
In the table below is represented the occupation of land, with the areas strictly
occupied by the selected wind farms after installing them. The data extracted from the
projects are therefore "real ground uses", not administrative uses. They are taken from
the work units thereof which are roads, foundations, platforms, trenches for internal
wiring and connections and the control building.
Alto de la
AFTER Los Lirios Barchín TOTAL
Artificial areas 138.745 64.000 151.400 354.145
Farming areas 21.302 0 0 21.302
Forest and semi-natural areas 18.467 0 0 18.467
Wetlands 0 0 0 0
Water 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 178.514 64.000 151.400 393.914
Table 9.- Land use after erection
The four reference wind sites mentioned are composed of the following infrastructures:
o Towers
o Foundations y tower bases
o Roads
Radiology remains very low because of the lack of radioactive elements through the
life cycle of the product, and the controls maintained during manufacturing processes.
This section includes all those undesirable events that can occur by chance but will
produce relevant environmental impact.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
A fire emits a large amount of contaminating substances to the atmosphere and also
produces waste when components are destroyed by the fire.
Oil spill:
Spills of oil, fuel and lubricants can cause local impacts on water and environmentally
sensitive areas. At preventive maintenance operation, substances could be spilled
accidentally. The impact of the spills would affect to environmentally sensitive areas.
Concrete spill:
The potential risks of concrete spill during transport of concrete may occur but
probability is very low.
In the following table are quantized such impacts, where, by way of comparison, in the
right column represent the emissions or other consequences under normal conditions.
In conclusion, it is seen that the impact produced by the potential risks is considerably
lower than those produced in normal conditions.
In the design of the machine, the requirements of IEC 62305-4 for the design of surge
protection and in this case apply the design for lightning protection is a very important
point of wind turbine design.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
The noise produced by a wind turbine is twofold, one mechanics and other
aerodynamics. The first comes from the machine components, and can easily be
reduced by conventional techniques. Aerodynamic noise produced by the air flowing
on the blades tends to increase with the speed rotation of the blades and with wind
flow turbulent conditions noise may increase. Although inside nacelle the mechanical
noise exists, it is low compared to aerodynamic noise, and at ground level in the G114,
the only relevant noise is the aerodynamic one.
The G114 emitted noise values are within the normal values within the wind industry.
Also noteworthy is that wind farms are located in uninhabited areas and distances
greater than 300 m the noise level is greatly reduced and is considered negligible to be
lower than the ambient noise threshold in nature, wind, etc.
Nevertheless, for locations with strict noise requirements, five low noise operation modes
are available for G114 model. In those versions, the total noise is limited to the required
maximum value by reducing the power generated in the most critical wind speed bins.
The landscape impact caused by the presence of wind turbines and power
lines is a subjective aspect, which affects differently, depending on the location of the
wind farm. The location of wind farms is also determined by analyzing the different
points from which they are visible to, thereby causing minimal visual impact. Each wind
farm prior to the decision to its location has had an environmental impact assessment
that has been approved by the relevant environmental authority.
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
The EPD has been made in accordance with the General Programme Instructions for
an Environmental Product Declaration, EPD, published by the International EPD
Consortium and PCR version 2.02 2007:08 CPC 171 & 173: Electricity, Steam, and Hot
and Cold Water Generation and Distribution. The verifier Gorka Benito Alonso has been
accredited by the International EPD® System to certify Environmental Product
Declarations, EPD. This certification is valid until the date 14-10-2017.
5.2.1 General
Note that EPDs within the same product category but from different
programmes may not be comparable.
According to the reference PCR, the phase of electricity use has been omitted,
since the use of electricity fulfils various functions in different contexts.
The ISO 14025 standard requires that the explanatory material should be
available if the EPD will be communicated to end users. This EPD is industrial consumer
oriented (B2B) and communication is not intended for B2C (Business-to-consumer).
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Registered office:
Corporate Communications
C/ Ramírez de Arellano, 37
28043 Madrid – Spain
Electricity from a European G114-2.0 MW On-shore Wind Farm
Additional information about previous LCA and EPD reports made by Gamesa:
EcoInvent 2.2 Database, published by the Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories
Other references:
Iberdrola –
Red eléctrica española –
Comisión Nacional de la Energía –
Eurelectric –
Réseau de transport d’électricité –
Électricité Réseau Distribution France –
Terna Group -
PSE Operator –
Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) –
Abb –
Worldsteel Association –
Copper Development Association –
International Aluminum Institute -
European Steel Association -
Censa –
General cable –
Asociación empresarial eólica –
European Wind Energy Association –
German Wind Energy Institute –
IEC 61400-1 Wind Turbine generator system