Transient and Steady State Response Analysis

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Time Response Analysis of

• How to know the performance of a control
system for any input signal?
• How to design a control system which meets the
desired response and control requirements ?

Time Domain Analysis and Design Specifications

Time Domain Analysis
• Time domain analysis refers to the analysis of system
performance in time i.e., the study of evolution of
system variables (specifically output) with time
• There are two common ways of analyzing the response
of systems:
– 1. Natural response and forced response
– 2. Transient response and steady state response
• In both cases, the complete response of the system is
given by the combination of both responses i.e.,
natural and forced responses or transient and steady
state responses
Natural and Forced Responses
• Natural response (Zero input response) :
– System's response to initial conditions with all
external forces set to zero

• Forced response (Zero state response) :

– System's response to external forces with zero
initial conditions
Transient and Steady State Responses
• Transient response 𝒚𝒕𝒓(𝒕):
– Part of the time response that goes to zero as time tends to be
– Transient response can be tied to any event that affects the
equilibrium of a system viz. switching, disturbance, change in
input, etc.

• Steady state response 𝒚𝒔𝒔(𝒕):

– Steady state response is the time response of a system after
transient practically vanishes and as time goes to infinity
Standard Test Inputs
• In most cases, the input signals to a control system are
not known prior to design of control system
• Hence to analyse the performance of a control system, it
is excited with standard test signals
• In general, control system design specifications are also
based on the response of the system to such test signals
• Standard test signals include:
– Unit impulse, unit step (sudden change), ramp (constant
velocity), parabolic (constant acceleration) and sinusoidal
– These inputs are chosen because they capture many of the
possible variations that can occur in an arbitrary input signal
Review: Standard Test Inputs
Review: Standard Test Inputs
1st Order Systems
Impulse Response of 1st Order Systems
Step Response of 1st Order Systems
Ramp Response of 1st Order Systems
Parabolic Response of 1st Order
2nd Order Systems
• Systems with two poles are called 2nd order systems
• E.g. A mass-spring-damper system
• For an MSD system :

• In general, the transfer function of a 2nd order system

can be written as:

• To study and understand the response of a 2nd order

system, its transfer function is written in terms of
certain system parameters
Standard Form of 2nd Order System
Important System Parameters
Response of 2nd Order Systems
Damping and Types of Damping
• Damping is an effect created in an oscillatory system that
reduces, restricts or prevents the oscillations in the system

• Systems can be classified as follows depending on damping

– Overdamped systems: Transients in the system exponentially
decays to steady state without any oscillations
– Critically damped systems: Transients in the system decay to
steady state without any oscillations in shortest possible time
– Underdamped systems: System transients oscillate with the
amplitude of oscillation gradually decreasing to zero
– Undamped systems: System keeps on oscillating at its natural
frequency without any decay in amplitude
Types of Damping
Impulse Response of 2nd Order Systems
Impulse Response of 2nd Order Systems
Impulse Response of 2nd Order Systems
Impulse Response of 2nd Order Systems
Step Response of 2nd Order Systems
Step Response of 2nd Order Systems
Step Response of 2nd Order Systems
Step Response of 2nd Order Systems
Step Response of 2nd Order Systems
Step Response of 2nd Order Systems
Time Response Specifications : Motivation

• These specifications refer to the performance

indices of the step response of a system

• In general, these indices are specified as a part of

the design requirements of control systems

• These indices answer the following questions

pertaining to step response of a system:
– How fast the system moves to follow the input ?
– How oscillatory is the response (indicative of damping) ?
– How long does it take to practically reach the final value ?
Time Response Specifications
Time Response Specifications
Time Response Specifications
Expression for Rise Time
Expression for Peak Time
Expression for Peak Overshoot
Expression for Settling Time
•Time required for the response to reach and stay
within a specified tolerance band (take 2%) of its
final value or steady state value

𝑡𝑠 = 4𝜏 = 4 /𝜁𝜔𝑛 (2% tolerance)

𝑡𝑠 = 3𝜏 = 3 /𝜁𝜔𝑛 (5% tolerance)

•Settling time is inversely proportional to the

damping ratio
•As 𝜁 increases, 𝑡𝑠 decreases
Application of Damped Systems
• Overdamped systems:
– Push button water tap shut-off valves
– Automatic door closers (can be critically damped also)

• Critically damped systems:

– Elevator mechanism
– Gun mechanism (returns to neutral position in shortest
possible time)

• Underdamped systems:
– All string instruments, bells are underdamped to make
sound appealing
– Analog electrical or mechanical measuring instruments
Problem Number 1
• A unity feedback system is characterised by an open
loop transfer function

• Determine the following, when the system is

subjected to a unit step input
1. Undamped natural frequency
2. Damping ratio
3. Peak overshoot
4. Peak time
5. Settling time
Solution to Problem Number 1
1. Undamped natural frequency 4 rad/sec
2. Damping ratio 0.25
3. Peak overshoot 44.43%
4. Peak time 0.81115 Sec
5. Settling time 4 Sec (2% Tolerance band)
3 Sec (5% Tolerance band)
Problem Number 2
• A unity feedback system is characterised by an open
loop transfer function

• Determine the following, when the system is

subjected to a unit step input
1. Undamped natural frequency
2. Damping ratio
3. Rise time
4. Peak time
5. Settling time
6. Peak overshoot
Solution to Problem Number 2
1. Undamped natural frequency 5 rad/sec
2. Damping ratio 0.5
3. Rise time 0.484 Sec
4. Peak time 0.726 Sec
5. Settling time 1.6 Sec (2% Tolerance band)
1.2 Sec (5% Tolerance band)
6. Peak overshoot 16.30%
• What is Stability?
– A system is said to be stable, if its output is under
control. Otherwise, it is said to be unstable. A stable
system produces a bounded output for a given
bounded input.
The following figure shows the response of a stable system.
Types of Systems based on Stability
• Absolutely Stable System
– If the system is stable for all the range of system
component values, then it is known as the absolutely stable
• Conditionally Stable System
– If the system is stable for a certain range of system
component values, then it is known as conditionally stable
• Marginally Stable System
– If the system is stable by producing an output signal with
constant amplitude and constant frequency of oscillations
for bounded input, then it is known as marginally stable
Routh-Hurwitz (R-H) Stability Criterion

Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion is having one

necessary condition and one sufficient condition
for stability. If any control system doesn’t satisfy
the necessary condition, then we can say that the
control system is unstable.
But, if the control system satisfies the necessary
condition, then it may or may not be stable. So, the
sufficient condition is helpful for knowing whether
the control system is stable or not.
Necessary Condition for R-H Stability
The necessary condition is that the coefficients of the
characteristic polynomial should be positive. This implies
that all the roots of the characteristic equation should
have negative real parts.
Consider the characteristic equation of the order ‘n’ is -

Note that, there should not be any term missing in the nth
order characteristic equation. This means that the nth order
characteristic equation should not have any coefficient that
is of zero value.
Sufficient Condition for R-H Stability
• The sufficient condition is that all the
elements of the first column of the Routh
array should have the same sign. This means
that all the elements of the first column of the
Routh array should be either positive or
Routh Array Method
Follow this procedure for forming the Routh table.

• Fill the first two rows of the Routh array with the
coefficients of the characteristic polynomial as mentioned in
the table below. Start with the coefficient of sn and continue
up to the coefficient of s0.

• Fill the remaining rows of the Routh array with the elements
as mentioned in the table below. Continue this process till
you get the first column element of row s0 is an. Here, an is
the coefficient of s0 in the characteristic polynomial.

Note − If any row elements of the Routh table have some

common factor, then you can divide the row elements with
that factor for the simplification will be easy.
The following table shows the Routh array of the nth order characteristic polynomial.
• Let us find the stability of the control system having
characteristic equation,

• Step 1 − Verify the necessary condition for the Routh-

Hurwitz stability.

All the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial,

are positive. So, the control system satisfies the

necessary condition.
• Step 2 − Form the Routh array for the given characteristic

Step 3 − Verify the sufficient condition for the Routh-Hurwitz stability.

All the elements of the first column of the Routh array are positive.
There is no sign change in the first column of the Routh array.
So, the control system is stable.
Special Cases of Routh Array
• We may come across two types of situations,
while forming the Routh table. It is difficult to
complete the Routh table from these two

• The two special cases are −

– The first element of any row of the Routh’s array is
– All the elements of any row of the Routh’s array are
First Element of any row of the Routh’s array is zero

• Let us find the stability of the control system having

characteristic equation,

• Step 1 − Verify the necessary condition for the Routh-

Hurwitz stability.

All the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial,

are positive. So, the control system satisfies the

necessary condition.
• Step 2 − Form the Routh array for the given characteristic

The row s3 elements have 2 as the common factor. So, all these
elements are divided by 2.

Special case (i) − Only the first element of row s2 is zero. So, replace it
by ϵ and continue the process of completing the Routh table.
Step 3 − Verify the sufficient condition for the Routh-Hurwitz stability.

As ϵ tends to zero, the Routh table becomes like this.

There are two sign changes in the first column of Routh table.

Hence, the control system is unstable.

• All the Elements of any row of the Routh’s array are zero
• In this case, follow these two steps
– Write the auxilary equation, A(s) of the row, which is just
above the row of zeros.
– Differentiate the auxiliary equation, A(s) with respect to s. Fill
the row of zeros with these coefficients.
Let us find the stability of the control system having
characteristic equation,

Step 1−Verify the necessary condition for the Routh-Hurwitz

All the coefficients of the given characteristic polynomial are
positive. So, the control system satisfied the necessary
• Step 2 − Form the Routh array for the given characteristic polynomial.

The row s4 elements have 3 as the common factor. So, all these elements are divided by 3.
Special case (ii) – All the elements of row s3 are zero. So, write the auxiliary equation,
A(s) of the row s4
A(s) = s4 + s2 + 1

Place these coefficients in row s3

Step 3 − Verify the sufficient condition for the Routh-Hurwitz stability.
There are two sign changes in the first column of Routh table.
Hence, the control system is unstable.
Problem Number 1
• The characteristic equation of the control system is
s3 + 9s2 + 26s + 24 = 0. Using Routh-Hurnitz criterion
ascertain its stability.
Solution to Problem Number 1

s3 1 26
s2 9 24
s1 70/3 0
s0 24 0

Since there are no sign changes in the first column of the Routh array
and are positive,
Hence the system is stable
Problem Number 2
Examine the stability of the system having
characteristic equation as
s5 + 2s4 + 3s3 + 6s2 + 2s + 1 = 0
Solution to Problem Number 2
s5 1 3 2
s4 2 6 1
s3 0 1.5 0
s3 0 1.5 0

s2 1 0

s1 +1.5

s0 1 0 0
As there are two sign changes
System is unstable
Problem Number 3
Ascertain the stability of the system given by the
characteristic equation, s6 + 3s5 + 5s4 + 9s3 + 8s2 + 6s + 4 = 0
Solution to Problem Number 3
s6 1 5 8 4 s6 1 5 8 4
s5 3 9 6 0 s5 3 9 6 0
s4 2 6 4 0 s4 2 6 4 0
s3 0 0 0 s3 8 12 0 0
s2 4 0 0
s1 1.33 0 0 0
s0 4 0 0 0

Since there are no sign changes in the first column of the Routh array
and are positive,
Hence the system is marginally stable
Problem Number 4
Ascertain the stability of the system given by the
characteristic equation,
s6 + 2s5 + 8s4 + 12s3 + 20s2 + 16s + 16 = 0
Solution to Problem Number 4
s6 1 8 20 16 s6 1 8 20 16
s5 2 12 16 0 s5 2 12 16 0
s4 2 12 16 0 s4 2 12 16 0
s3 8 24 0 0
s3 0 0 0
s2 6 16 0 0
s1 2.67 0 0 0
s0 16 0 0 0
Since there are no sign changes in the first column of the Routh array
and are positive,
Hence the system is marginally stable
Problem Number 5
Solution to Problem Number 5

s3 1 (k + 31)

s2 7 (25 – 2k)

s1 (192 + 9k) / 7 0

s3 (25 – 2k) 0

As k  0, Thus range of k for stability 0  k  12.5

Problem Number 6
A system has a following characteristic equation,
Determine the value of K so that system is stable by
Routh’s-Hurwitz criterion
2s4 + 3s3 + 4s2 + s + k = 0
Solution to Problem Number 6

s4 2 4 k
s3 3 1 0
s2 10/3 K 0
s1 (10– 9k)/10 0 0
s1 K 0 0

As k  0, Thus range of k for stability 0  k  10/9

• Proportional Controller
The proportional controller produces an output, which is
proportional to error signal
u (t)  e (t)
u (t) = Kp e (t)

Apply Laplace transform on both the sides

U (s) = Kp E (s)

Therefore, the transfer function of the proportional controller is Kp

U(s) is the Laplace transform of the actuating signal u(t)

E(s) is the Laplace transform of the error signal e(t)
KP is the proportionality constant
The block diagram of the unity negative feedback closed loop
control system along with the proportional controller is shown
in the following figure.
• Derivative Controller
The derivative controller produces an output, which is
derivative of the error signal.

Apply Laplace transform on both the sides

U (s) = KD s E (s)

Therefore, the transfer function of the proportional controller is KD S

Where, KD is the derivative constant.

The block diagram of the unity negative feedback closed loop
control system along with the derivative controller is shown in
the following figure.

The derivative controller is used to make the unstable control system into a stable one.
• Integral Controller
The integral controller produces an output, which is
integral of the error signal.

Apply Laplace transform on both the sides

Therefore, the transfer function of the Integral controller is KI / S

Where, KI is the Integral constant.

The block diagram of the unity negative feedback closed loop
control system along with the integral controller is shown in
the following figure.

The integral controller is used to decrease the steady state error.

• Proportional Derivative(PD) Controller
• The proportional derivative controller produces an
output, which is the combination of the outputs of
proportional and derivative controllers.

Apply Laplace transform on both the sides

Therefore, the transfer function of the proportional derivative controller is Kp + KDs

The block diagram of the unity negative feedback closed loop
control system along with the proportional derivative
controller is shown in the following figure.

The proportional derivative controller is used to improve the stability of control

system without affecting the steady state error.
• Proportional Integral (PI) Controller
The proportional integral controller produces an output,
which is the combination of outputs of the proportional
and integral controllers.

Apply Laplace transform on both the sides

Therefore, the transfer function of the Proportional Integral

controller is Kp + KI / S
The block diagram of the unity negative feedback closed loop
control system along with the proportional integral controller
is shown in the following figure.

The proportional integral controller is used to decrease the steady state error without
affecting the stability of the control system.
• Proportional Integral Derivative(PID)Controller
• The proportional integral derivative controller produces
an output, which is the combination of the outputs of
proportional, integral and derivative controllers.

Apply Laplace transform on both the sides

Therefore, the transfer function of the Proportional Integral

controller is Kp + KI / S + KDs
The block diagram of the unity negative feedback closed loop
control system along with the proportional integral derivative
controller is shown in the following figure.

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