How Do You Counsel Non-Christians?: by J. Alasdair Groves
How Do You Counsel Non-Christians?: by J. Alasdair Groves
How Do You Counsel Non-Christians?: by J. Alasdair Groves
by J. Alasdair Groves
Biblical counseling carries out the Great a first step toward God and toward the true
Commission in personal conversations about humanness he desires in all of us.
significant personal struggles or hardships. What better way to learn how to counsel
Probably the question counseling students ask non-Christians than to study how Jesus himself
most frequently is, “How then do you counsel counseled those who did not believe? Our goal
a non-Christian—someone who does not in this article will be to watch him carefully
accept the authority of the Bible or the lordship in conversations with unbelievers, to grasp
of Christ?” his fundamental orientation in ministry, and
I have had the opportunity to counsel with finally to draw out practical implications for our
a number of non-Christians, so I understand own context.
this challenge from personal experience. Can
I (or should I) help someone who is not a What Does Jesus Do?
disciple of Jesus when my entire approach to Think about the ministry of Jesus. He is
hope and healing depends on his power, love, incredibly consistent. Jesus’ teaching always
and command? If we do not both submit to revolves around the same core issues: ungodly
the Scriptures, has my most vital tool been loyalties, how to treat other people, the
taken away? interpretation of suffering, a call to change,
Not at all! and the importance of finding hope that is true
Instead, the Bible itself demonstrates and reliable.
how to engage non-Christians in counseling What is interesting is that he offers the
conversations. It invites us to know Christ— same message both to those who believe and
his character, actions, and passions—and be serve God, and to those who do not. Jesus also
transformed by relationship with him. And heals and shows kindness to both groups. In
because the Bible is designed to create this fact, Jesus often uses gifts of kindness (e.g.,
personal and intimate bond, it has implications feeding the 5000) to stir faith, loyalty, and
for every aspect of our human experience. For transformation in the hearts of unbelievers.
this reason, any situation or struggle in any When we overhear Jesus in personal
person’s life can become a turning point for conversations with people who do not believe
in him (yet?), we find that he is still after all
___________________________________________ these same things. However, even a brief
J. Alasdair Groves (M.Div.) is director of counseling at survey of such conversations reveals that Jesus’
CCEF New England and serves as assistant faculty approach varies depending on the individual
at CCEF.
and the situation.
on a case-by-case basis. Both in public and in This means that what happens in counseling
private ministry of the Word, however, he is non-Christians should look very similar to
operating from a framework we can identify. what happens in counseling Christians! The
That framework is the parable of the sower (Mark seeds Jesus sows with his disciples are not
4:1–20). Jesus sowed the same seeds with crowds categorically different than the seeds he sows
and individuals, with those who loved him and with outsiders. A wise counselor helps believers
those who rejected and conspired against him. and non-believers see themselves more clearly
The seed was a simple call to repent—to turn in order to relevantly point them toward Jesus,
from what is evil in God’s sight and to embrace who is not only the Lord but also Savior, Good
what God loves, especially his mercy and grace— Shepherd, King, Friend, Brother, Lover, Judge,
because the Kingdom was coming. Jesus always and Refuge. With believers and non-believers,
sowed the same seed (i.e., the same message) you are trying to know a specific individual and
and sowed in all types of soil (i.e., to different discern where God is calling and wooing. In
people), but he tailored his delivery precisely to both cases you’ll be challenging false notions
each individual, knowing exactly what would be about who God is and how he works. In both
most relevant and compelling. cases you’ll be affirming the good and right
Jesus sowed seeds differently, but we don’t questions, concerns, and truths they are already
know for certain how each seed grew—or didn’t bringing to the table. The difference between
grow—in each person. These stories don’t tell us Christians and non-Christians is fundamental:
about the precise spiritual state (and sometimes regeneration. Those with ears to hear will hear;
the ultimate decision) of the person Jesus is those whose ears are stopped up will not hear.
talking to. Was the conversation with the rich The transformation of heart and action that the
young ruler wasted? What was Nicodemus counselor recommends—through the seeds the
seeking when he came to talk to Jesus that night? counselor sows—will be the same.
Was he a man who feared God but had significant
struggles, or was he only seeking God’s stamp Following Jesus in the Details of Counseling
of approval on his self-made kingdom? Did How then do you sow seeds wisely with a person
Zaccheus experience a true conversion, or was who does not believe in Christ as Lord?
he re-dedicating his life to God? What did the First, I will offer three orienting perspectives
Samaritan woman do with the rest of her life? to help you frame your approach to a given