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Unit 4 MCQ

1. During the seventeenth century, one of the reasons Africans participated in the Atlantic slave trade was
(A) the demand for weapons among African elites
(B) bribery of African leaders by Caribbean plantation owners
(C) the desire of African leaders to dominate the Atlantic trade network
(D) the ambition of African leaders to gain a foothold in the Americas

2. “Migration of man and his maladies is the chief cause of epidemics. And when migration takes place, those
creatures who have been in isolation longest suffer most, for their genetic material has been least tempered by the
variety of world diseases. Among the major subdivisions of the species Homo Sapiens, the American Indian
probably had the dangerous privilege of the longest isolation from the rest of mankind.”

Alfred Crosby, world historian, 1967

Which of the following best describes Alfred Crosby’s argument in the passage above?
(A) Various Amerindian groups did not have contact with each other before 1492.
(B) Amerindians’ long isolation from the rest of the world had placed them at a biological disadvantage.
(C) The genetic makeup of the native population of the Americas remained unchanged until 1492.
(D) By 1492 Amerindians generally had migrated for shorter distances than had other groups.


The trend shown on the graph above is best explained by

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(A) increased production of cash crops like sugar

(B) growth of silver mining in New Spain
(C) industrialized textile mills’ demand for raw cotton
(D) African slave-trading kingdoms’ demand for European trade goods

4. All of the following resulted from the growth of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa EXCEPT
(A) the shift in trade focus from Saharan routes to the coast
(B) destabilization of local African societies
(C) the exclusion of Africa from the emerging global market
(D) increased violence through widespread use of firearms

“Seeing how vile and despicable the idol was, we went outside to ask why they cared about so crude and ungainly a thing.
But they, astounded at our daring, defended the honor of their god and said that he was Pachacamac, the Maker of the
World, who healed their infirmities. According to what we were able to learn, the devil appeared to their priests in that hut
and spoke with them, and they entered there with petitions and offerings from the entire kingdom of Atahualpa, just as
Moors and Turks go to the house in Mecca. Seeing the evil of what was there and the blindness of all those people, we
gathered together their leaders and enlightened them. And in the presence of all, the hut was opened and torn down and
with much solemnity a tall cross was raised over the seat which for so long the devil had claimed as his own.”

Miguel de Estete, Spanish mercenary soldier, account of an expedition to

5. Which of the following long-term changes in the period circa 1550–1700 best demonstrates that the actions
described by de Estete in the passage failed to fully achieve their goals?
(A) The development of a global economy based on Spanish exports of Andean silver
(B) American foods becoming staple crops in Eurasia
(C) The emergence of syncretic religious practices in the Americas
(D) The growing Spanish dependence on coerced labor in the Americas

6. The Spanish actions described in the passage differed from European attempts to promote Christianity in South and
East Asia in the period 1450–1750 in that
(A) in South and East Asia, Europeans relied on established minority groups for help in spreading Christianity
(B) in South and East Asia, Europeans were unable to subjugate politically the powerful existing states
in South and East Asia, Europeans encountered strong local resistance and mass revolts against their attempts
to establish political and cultural uniformity
in South and East Asia, Europeans became too closely involved in local sectarian conflicts to be able to
effectively promote Christianity

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“Americans today . . . who live within the Spanish system occupy a position in society no better than that of serfs destined
for labor, or at best they have no more status than that of mere consumers. Yet even this status is surrounded with galling
restrictions, such as being forbidden to grow European crops, . . . or to establish factories of a type the Peninsula itself
does not possess. To this add the exclusive trading privileges, even in articles of prime necessity, and the barriers between
American provinces, designed to prevent all exchange of trade, traffic, and understanding. In short, do you wish to know
what our future held?—simply the cultivation of fields . . . cattle raising . . . hunting wild game . . . mining gold.”

Simón Bolívar, Letter from Jamaica, 1815

7. In the excerpt, Bolívar expresses which of the following?

(A) Concern about the lack of restrictions on capital investments
(B) Outrage at the effects of mercantilist policies
(C) Disgust with the extravagant spending of socialist governments
(D) Rebellion against the restrictions of feudalism

“Americans . . . who live within the Spanish system occupy a position in society as mere consumers. Yet even this status
is surrounded with galling restrictions, such as being forbidden to grow European crops, or to store products that are royal
monopolies, or to establish factories of a type the Peninsula itself does not possess. To this, add the exclusive trading
privileges, even in articles of prime necessity . . . in short, do you wish to know what our future held?–simply the
cultivation of the fields of indigo, grain, coffee, sugarcane, cacao, and cotton; cattle raising on the broad plains; hunting
wild game in the jungles; digging in the earth to mine its gold.”

Simón Bolívar, “Jamaica Letter,” 1815

8. Bolívar was describing the effects of which of the following economic policies?
(A) Feudalism
(B) Mercantilism
(C) Socialism
(D) Capitalism

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Free Women of Color with Their Children and Servants in a Landscape, 1770-1796 (oil on canvas) , Brunias, Agostino (1728-96) / Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York, USA /
Gift of Mrs. Carll H. de Silver in memory of her husband, by exchange and gift of George S. Hellman, by exchange / Bridgeman Images

9. Which of the following best explains why the painting was seen as a challenge to social conventions when it was
(A) Women were rarely the subject of paintings in European art of the period.
Caribbean society was built on racial hierarchies that generally reserved elite status for people of European
In most cultures of the period, children were not considered worthy of being portrayed in art until they
reached adulthood.
Caribbean society was predominantly matriarchal, with men expected to play strictly domestic roles in the

10. Which of the following most directly led to the arrival of substantial numbers of Africans in the Americas at the
time of the painting?
(A) The collapse of the Inca and Aztec Empires as a result of Spanish invasion
(B) The growth of industrial production in the United States
(C) The expansion of the plantation system for growing sugarcane and other crops
(D) The development of large-scale silver mining operations in South America

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11. In recent decades, many world historians have challenged the commonly held view that Europeans controlled the
largest share of world trade in the seventeenth through the eighteenth centuries.

Which of the following evidence from the period would best support this historical reinterpretation?
(A) Prices for Chinese goods were much higher in Europe than in China.
European trading companies often backed their long-distance trading ventures with the threat of military
(C) Asian trading companies dominated trade in the Indian Ocean region.
(D) European merchants transported only a fraction of the goods shipped globally.

World Economy Theory, 1500-1800

The world economic system that developed after 1500 featured unequal relationships between western Europe and
dependent economies in other regions. Strong governments and large armies fed European dominance of world trade.
Dependent economies used slave or serf labor to produce cheap foods and minerals for Europe, and they imported more
expensive European items in turn. Dependent regions had weak governments, which made European conquest and slave
systems possible.

12. Which of the following statements would challenge the arguments made in the passage?
(A) Strong governments in the slave-exporting regions of West Africa
(B) The role of Dutch trading companies in Southeast Asia
(C) The use of slaves and the plantation systems in the Americas
(D) European imports of sugar and tobacco

13. Which of the following best supports the contentions of the world economic theory in the passage?
(A) China was not massively affected by world patterns in the period.
(B) The rise of Protestantism and the Scientific Revolution transformed European cultures.
(C) Latin America exported sugar and silver and imported manufactured items.
(D) Britain had a relatively weak central government compared to France.

14. Which of the following represents a significant change in Africa between 1450 C.E. and 1750 C.E.?
(A) Bantu-speaking people spread iron metallurgy to East and Central Africa.
(B) Europeans established settler colonies in East and Central Africa.
(C) Most enslaved Africans were transported across the Atlantic instead of the Sahara.
(D) Islam was introduced and widely adopted in North Africa.

15. Which of the following was a major change in global patterns of religious beliefs and practices in the period
1450-1750 C.E.?

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(A) The emergence of syncretic religions led to an increase in polytheism.

Adherents of monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Islam increased both in number and in
geographic scope as a result of conquest, trade, and missionary activities.
Intellectual movements such as the European Enlightenment weakened the authority of established religions
and led to the growing popularity of atheism worldwide.
Messianic, revivalist, and fundamentalist movements came to dominate the indigenous religious traditions in
Africa, Asia, and the Americas in response to Western imperialism.

16. Historians consider the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to be a time of great change in cultivation methods and
in the physical landscape of Latin America.

Which of the following pairings was most responsible for these changes?
(A) Terraces and cacao
(B) Encomiendas and corn
(C) Horses and potatoes
(D) Slave labor and sugar

“The Muslims are not the greatest traders in Asia, though they are dispersed in almost every part of it. In Ottoman Turkey,
the Christians and Jews carry on the main foreign trade, and in Persia the Armenian Christians and Indians. As to the
Persians, they trade with their own countrymen, one province with another, and most of them trade with the Indians. The
Armenian Christians manage alone the whole European trade [with Persia].

The abundance of the Persian silk that is exported is very well known. The Dutch import it into Europe via the Indian
Ocean to the value of near six hundred thousand livres* yearly. All the Europeans who trade in Ottoman Turkey import
nothing more valuable than the Persian silks, which they buy from the Armenians. The Russians import it as well.

Persia exports to the Indies [an] abundance of tobacco, all sorts of fruit, marmalade, wines, horses, ceramics, feathers, and
Turkish leather of all colors, of which a great amount is exported to Russia and other European countries. The exportation
of steel and iron is forbidden in the kingdom, but it is exported notwithstanding.

There are some Persian traders who have deputies in all parts of the world, as far as Sweden on the one side and China on
the other side.”

*French currency unit

Jean Chardin, French jeweler and merchant, on his travels to Safavid Persia, 1686

17. Based on the passage, in which of the following ways were Safavid Persian trading practices similar to those of
other land-based Islamic empires during the seventeenth century?
(A) The participation of multiple ethnic and religious groups in interregional trade
(B) The deployment of a large navy to protect trading interests in the Indian Ocean
(C) The restriction of trade in luxury manufactured goods, such as silk
(D) The development of an export economy focused on agricultural production

18. Which of the following most directly contributed to the geographic expansion of Safavid trade during the period
from 1450 to 1750, as indicated in the passage?

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(A) Sufi efforts to spread Islam along trade routes to the east
(B) Safavid support for the conquest of India by the early Mughal emperors
(C) The expansion of trade in gunpowder weapons in the Indian Ocean and Africa
(D) Safavid exchanges with European trading-post empires in Asia

19. An important reason for China’s rapid population increase in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was
(A) the introduction of new crops from the Americas
(B) the end of the bubonic plague in Asia
(C) the widespread adoption of the European three-field system
(D) unprecedented immigration from the Mughal and Ottoman empires

“When we were in Canton, a port in southern China, we came across a woman who cried out in Portuguese ‘Our Father,
who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.’ And because she could speak no more of our language, she very earnestly
asked us in Chinese to tell her whether we were Christians. We replied that we were, and for proof we repeated all the rest
of the Lord’s Prayer which she had left unsaid. Being assured that we were Christians, she pulled us aside, and weeping
said to us, ‘Come along, Christians from the other end of the world, with your true sister in the faith of Jesus Christ.’

Furthermore, she told us that she was named Inez de Leyria, and her father was a great ambassador from Portugal to the
Emperor of China. The ambassador married her mother, a Chinese woman, and made her a Christian. Along with her,
many were converted to the faith of Christ.

During the five days we remained in her house, we made them a little book in Chinese, containing many good prayers.”

Account of Fernão Mendes Pinto, Portuguese explorer and merchant, circa

20. The activities of Inez de Leyria’s father as described in the passage best support which of the following conclusions
about the period 1450–1750 C.E.?
The intensification of commercial and diplomatic activity across Eurasia was accompanied by increased
missionary activity.
(B) The arrival of Nestorian Christians along the Silk Roads introduced European missionaries to China.
(C) Russian expansion in Asia encouraged Christian missionary activity in China.
The intensification of regional patterns of trade in the Indian Ocean spurred Chinese merchants to convert to

21. The ability of Portuguese merchants and explorers to communicate with the local population of Canton was most
likely an effect of which of the following?
(A) Mandarin had replaced Cantonese as the primary spoken language in southern China.
(B) Migrations and commercial contacts led to the use of printing in southern China.
(C) Portuguese merchants had established trading posts in southern China.
(D) Portuguese had replaced Arabic and Persian as the language of trade in southern China.

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22. The Portuguese presence in southern China as described in the passage was most directly enabled by which of the
(A) The declining role of Muslim and Jewish merchants in transporting goods within Asia
(B) Technological developments in cartography and navigation
(C) Improvements in silver-mining technology
(D) The creation of laissez-faire state policies

23. Which of the following accurately describes the effect of the spread of Christianity among most Amerindian
societies after 1500 C.E.?
(A) Christianity completely supplanted Amerindian religious beliefs and practices shortly after the conquest.
(B) Amerindians maintained local customs by combining indigenous beliefs with elements of Christianity.
(C) Amerindians’ resistance to Christianity resulted in widespread European conversions to indigenous religions.
Amerindian religious beliefs and practices were respected by Europeans who considered them equal to
Christian beliefs and practices.

[Testimony by the creole (European-ancestry) members of a lay religious brotherhood in the town of San Juan Peribán.]

“Cristobál Bernal was elected chair of our brotherhood by a margin of only two votes. Most votes in Bernal’s favor came
from mulatto and mestizo brothers. However, we, the creole brothers, elected Don Carvajal, a resident of the town and
owner of the hacienda and sugar mill there. We urge you to command that only creoles should vote for the positions of
chair and deputy chairs and that neither mulattoes nor mestizos can serve in those positions, and that a new election must
be held for these positions.”

[Response by the mulatto and mestizo brothers]

“Since the brotherhood was founded, it has had the ancient custom of voting for and electing mulattoes and mestizos as
deputies. And mestizos and mulattoes make up most of the membership and help the brotherhood grow. And mestizo and
mulatto brothers had donated land, which earns 25 pesos rent per year for the brotherhood. And mulatto and mestizo
brothers also collect alms for the brotherhood. If this brotherhood were actually two—one for creoles only and the other
for mulattoes and mestizos—then the petitioners might have a case. But there is only one brotherhood in which creoles,
mestizos, and mulattoes are mixed and, being members of it, they must enjoy the rights and advantages of the said
brotherhood. Without question these rights should include voting and electing their own chair and deputies.”

[Judge’s decision]

“The election is declared valid, and Bernal is confirmed as chair.”

24. The dispute described in the court case is most directly an effect of which of the following processes in colonial
American societies?

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(A) The economic tensions between landowning elites and landless peasants
(B) The emergence of new syncretic forms of religious beliefs and rituals
The demographic collapse of the indigenous Amerindian population as a result of the spread of infectious
(D) The formation of new identities as part of the restructuring of social hierarchies

25. The existence of a sugar mill in the Mexican town in the passage indicates that the region of Mexico in which the
lawsuit took place was part of which of the following?
(A) The Manila galleon trade route
(B) The pre-Columbian pochteca traveling-merchant network
(C) The Atlantic trade system
(D) The indentured-labor migration system

26. Which of the following describes the most important cause of the demographic changes associated with the
Columbian Exchange?
(A) The spread of New World diseases to Afro-Eurasia and environmental damage in the Americas
The introduction of New World food crops to Afro-Eurasia and the spread of epidemic diseases to the
(C) Environmental degradation in Afro-Eurasia and the spread of Afro-Eurasian food crops to the Americas
(D) European settlement in the Americas and the forced migration of Native Americans to Afro-Eurasia

27. The transfer of which of the following as part of the Columbian Exchange had the greatest effect on human
migration patterns before 1800?
(A) Sugarcane
(B) Potatoes
(C) Cattle
(D) Tobacco

28. Which of the following consequences of the Columbian Exchange most affected Amerindians in the sixteenth
(A) Diseases caused pandemics.
(B) Newly introduced crops replaced indigenous American crops.
(C) The influx of African slaves displaced Amerindians.
(D) European livestock disrupted Amerindian agriculture.

29. Which of the following would best support the conclusion that the Columbian Exchange involved more profound
consequences than did earlier biological exchanges in world history?

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(A) Previous exchanges did not involve societies at radically different levels of technological development.
(B) Previous exchanges did not involve the world’s two hemispheres.
(C) The Columbian Exchange involved the peaceful transfer of animals, plants, and diseases.
(D) The Columbian Exchange was accompanied by the spread of missionary religions.

30. Which of the following was an important continuity in the global economy from 1500 C.E. to 1700 C.E.?
(A) Muslim merchants controlled most major trade routes.
(B) Asian societies produced most of the world’s manufactured goods.
(C) Most goods were exchanged using overland trade routes.
(D) Reliance on coerced labor systems declined.


(in Spanish silver reals, a common trade currency in the East Indies)

*Cloves are spices native to the Moluccas islands in eastern Indonesia and, until the late eighteenth century, grown only in
Southeast Asia.

Source: David Bulbeck, Anthony Reid, Lay Cheng Tan, and Yiqi Wu, eds. Southeast Asian Exports Since the 14th Century: Cloves, Pepper, Coffee, and
Sugar, (Leiden, The Netherlands, KITLV Press), 1988. Graph 2.2., p. 57

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31. For the period circa 1650–1790, the differences between clove prices in Southeast Asia and those in Amsterdam
best support which of the following conclusions?
Imperialism economically benefited those Asians who collaborated with the Europeans and harmed those
Asians who resisted European control.
(B) Imperialism led directly to the articulation of anticolonial ideologies based on Enlightenment principles.
Imperialism was undertaken mostly to prevent the expansion of rival European powers and resulted in the
colonization of areas of no direct economic interest to Europeans.
Imperialism economically benefited European merchants and governments while leading to the economic
decline or stagnation of Asian producers.

32. Based on the chart and your knowledge of world history, which of the following most directly enabled the Dutch to
establish and enforce a monopoly on the Southeast Asian clove trade in the seventeenth century?
(A) The nutritional benefits of the Columbian Exchange
(B) The development of powerful joint-stock commercial companies
(C) Dutch advances in mapmaking and navigational skills
(D) Advances in medicine that improved Europeans’ ability to survive tropical diseases

33. On a global scale, which of the following most directly led to the expansion of the trade between Europe and Asia
in the time period reflected in the chart?
(A) European merchants’ role in exporting European manufactured goods to Asia
(B) The consistently high demand for European luxury goods among Chinese customers
(C) The shifting balance of trade as a result of the circulation of American silver
(D) The collapse of existing Indian Ocean trading networks

34. For the period circa 1580–1650, which of the following most directly caused the price fluctuations shown in the
(A) The replacement of traditional landed elites by new commercial elites in many parts of Eurasia
(B) The declining military power and international influence of the Mughal Empire
(C) The establishment of Caribbean plantation economies based on the production of cash crops by slave labor
(D) The intensification of competition among European states over the control of profitable maritime trade routes

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Abu Zayd and Al-Harith sailing, miniature from Maqamat of al-Hariri (1054–1122), manuscript 5847, folio 119, verso, 1237, 13th century /
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France / De Agostini Picture Library / Bridgeman Images

35. Muslim maritime activities in the Indian Ocean would be most disrupted by which of the following sixteenth-
century developments?
(A) The voyages of Chinese treasure fleets led by Zheng He
(B) The arrival of Portuguese and other Europeans
(C) The spread of epidemic diseases
(D) The growth of the African slave trade

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The images below were created by indigenous artists and depict the first meeting between Moctezuma and Cortés, with
Doña Marina as the interpreter.

36. The images above best provide evidence of which of the following consequences of colonial expansion in the period
1450 to 1750 ?
(A) The extension of regional trading networks and the consolidation of centralized power
(B) The spread of new food crops and the development of syncretic forms of religion
(C) The restructuring of the family and the growth of the plantation economy
(D) The transfer of wealth to new elites and the development of new gender roles

37. What similar view of Doña Marina is portrayed in both images?

(A) She is portrayed as a heroine.
(B) She is portrayed as a victim.
(C) She is portrayed as a collaborator with the Aztec elite.
(D) She is portrayed as an essential part of the negotiations.

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Everett Collection Inc / Alamy Stock Photo

In the top panel, the engraving shows three Jesuit missionaries and scholars who served at the courts of Chinese
emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasty in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In the bottom panel, the engraving
shows two Chinese Christian converts: Xu Guangxi (left) and his granddaughter, Candida Xu (right).

38. In the context of the period 1450–1750, which of the following most likely explains why the Qing government
employed the scholars shown in the image?
(A) States sought to recruit foreign experts to industrialize their economies.
(B) States sought to legitimize their rule by recruiting foreigners from prestigious universities.
States sought to centralize their rule by including foreigners whose positions were dependent on the state to
serve in the bureaucracy.
States sought to recruit foreigners who could help factions within the state bureaucracies solve their

39. Which of the following was a major long-term effect of Vasco da Gama’s voyage to India in the late 1490s?

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(A) It led to the integration of European merchants into the Indian Ocean economy.
(B) It brought about the complete destruction of Muslim-controlled trade routes in the Indian Ocean.
(C) It spurred the Mughal Empire to invest resources in becoming a major naval power.
(D) It catalyzed the adoption of new European naval technology by states throughout the Indian Ocean basin.

40. Which of the following processes contributed to the emergence of syncretic and new religions in both the Eastern
and Western Hemispheres during the sixteenth century?
(A) Increases in global interactions
(B) Resurgence of religious piety
(C) Rejection of indigenous traditions
(D) Adoption of local religions by colonizers

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Image 1


Courtesy of Sotheby’s Picture Library

Image 2


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Jahangir holding a picture of the Madonna, inscribed in Persian: Jahangir Shah, Mughal, 1620 (detail of 57393) / National Museum of India, New Delhi,
India / Bridgeman Images

41. The portrait of Emperor Jahangir in Image 2 is best seen as evidence of which of the following?
(A) The Mughals’ toleration of different religious traditions within their state
(B) Indian artisans producing artistic works for export markets
(C) The increased sponsorship of artists by new economic elites
(D) Jahangir’s creation of a syncretic belief system incorporating Christianity and Islam

42. Which of the following was a major motivation for European maritime expansion starting in the fifteenth century?
(A) The desire to trade directly with Africans and Asians
(B) The desire to spread democracy
(C) The need for suitable land to establish settler colonies
(D) The need for industrial resources

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43. Which of the following regions was LEAST affected by the expansion of European trade networks in the period
1450 C.E. to 1750 C.E.?
(A) The Atlantic basin
(B) The Mediterranean basin
(C) The Indian Ocean
(D) Oceania

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Image 1

Ivory tip for a king’s ceremonial scepter showing a female ancestor spirit, Kongo, western Africa, circa 1800

Werner Forman Archive / Bridgeman Images

Image 2

Female figure on a crucifix, Kongo, western Africa, circa 1800

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Kongo. Crucifix. Stone, pigment, 13 x 6 1/2 x 2 1/2 in. (33.0 x 16.6 x 6.4 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Museum Expedition 1922, Robert B. Woodward
Memorial Fund, 22.240.

44. The object in Image 2 best illustrates which of the following cultural processes in the period circa 1450–1750?
(A) The spread of Ethiopian cultural traditions in West Africa
(B) The influence of the Columbian Exchange on artistic traditions
(C) The development of religious syncretism as cultural traditions spread
(D) The intensification of pre-existing religious conflicts and rivalries

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Heritage Images / Contributor

Japanese authorities required suspected Japanese Christians to tread on fumi-e plates based on the belief that Christians
would refuse to disrespect images of Jesus Christ and other Christian religious figures.

45. The object shown in the image is best understood in the context of which of the following developments between
1450 and 1750 ?
(A) The introduction of Chinese religious and cultural influences in Japan
(B) The fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate and restoration of direct imperial rule
(C) The growth of Russian cultural influence in East Asia as a result of the Russian expansion into Siberia
(D) The influence of European merchants and missionaries along Asian maritime trade routes

46. The use of objects such as the one shown in the image best illustrates which of the following historical processes
from 1450 to 1750 ?
(A) Some Asian states sought to limit foreign encroachment in their internal affairs.
(B) Political leaders in Asia commissioned works of art to legitimize their rule.
(C) Religious conversion by state rulers was often followed by the mass conversion of state populations.
(D) The territorial expansion of Asian land-based empires limited European influence in many parts of Asia.

47. In which of the following regions between 1450 and 1750 was Christian missionary activity met with the LEAST
amount of resistance by non-European states?
(A) The Americas
(B) The Middle East
(C) The Indian subcontinent
(D) Central Asia

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48. In the period 1450 to 1750, the intensification of connections between the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western
Hemisphere had which of the following effects on religious practices?
(A) Christianity became more uniform as it spread through the Americas.
(B) Buddhism spread widely in Africa.
(C) Syncretic forms of religion such as Vodun developed.
(D) Splits in Islam became less intense.


(c) Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford

The painting shows celebrations of the wedding of the Muslim ruler of Golkonda and his Hindu bride. The newlyweds are
surrounded by attendants of both religions.

49. Based on the location of the painting, it can be inferred that its primary purpose was to
(A) inspire religious devotion among the Golkonda rulers’ ordinary subjects
(B) serve as a model for Indian court painters in training
(C) bolster the legitimacy of the Golkonda dynasty by celebrating its past
(D) impress foreign dignitaries and other visitors with the might of the Golkonda military forces

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Source 1:

“[In the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries] Europeans derived more profit from their participation in trade within
Asia than they did from their Asian imports into Europe. They were able to do so ultimately only thanks to their American
silver. . . . Only their American money, and not any ‘exceptional’ European ‘qualities’ permitted the Europeans [to access
Asian markets]. . . . However, even with that resource and advantage, the Europeans were no more than a minor player at
the Asian, indeed world, economic table [until the nineteenth century].”

Andre Gunder Frank, ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age, 1996

Source 2:

“The societies of Europe had been at the margins of the great trading systems, but they were at the center of the global
networks of exchange created during the sixteenth century because they controlled the oceangoing fleets that knit the
world into a single system. Western Europe was better placed than any other region to profit from the vast flows of goods
and ideas within the emerging global system of exchange. . . . [European states] were keen to exploit the commercial
opportunities created within the global economic system. They did so partly by seizing the resources of the Americas and
using American commodities such as silver to buy their way into the markets of southern and eastern Asia, the largest in
the world.”

David Christian, This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity, 2008

50. The two interpretations of economic history of the early modern period differ most strongly concerning
(A) the motivations for European colonization of the Americas
(B) the relative importance of Europe in the global economy
(C) the significance of economic developments in Europe prior to 1500
(D) the justification for European claims of economic superiority

51. The main arguments of the two sources are most similar in their emphasis on the
(A) importance of European-manufactured exports to Asia
(B) different economic relationships that specific European states had with Asia
(C) exceptional qualities of European states that enabled them to dominate the global economy
(D) significance of European access to precious metals from the Americas

52. Which of the following best explains Europe’s ability to gain a greater share of global trade in the early modern
(A) Easing of tensions among European states
(B) Adoption and improvement of maritime technologies by Europeans
(C) Europeans’ increased interest in foreign languages and cultures
(D) Diffusion of European manufacturing technology and processes to Asia

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* 1853: 97.5% of the population born in Hawaii

** 1878: 83.6% of the population born in Hawaii

Source: Alfred W. Crosby, Germs, Seeds and Animals: Studies in Ecological History, 1994

53. The historical trend represented by the table is most similar to which of the following?
(A) The spread of the Black Death along the Silk Roads in the fourteenth century
(B) The impact of the Columbian Exchange on American populations in the sixteenth century
The effects of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on West African populations in the seventeenth and eighteenth
(D) The results of the development of reliable birth control methods in the twentieth century

54. Which of the following best explains the overall population trend shown in the table?

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(A) Large-scale migration from the Pacific Islands to the Americas for plantation labor
(B) Conflict between Pacific Island states
(C) The spread of epidemic diseases as a result of contact with Westerners
(D) The expansion of the Japanese empire in the Pacific

“Mexico is the country of inequality. Nowhere does there exist such a profound difference in the distribution of fortune,
civilization, cultivation of the soil, and population. The indigenous people offer a picture of extreme misery. They are
banished into the most barren districts and live only from hand to mouth. Besides them, there are the people called castas,
who spring from the mixture of the races with one another. These castas constitute a mass almost as considerable as the
indigenous people.

The government is suspicious of the Creoles[1] and bestows great estates exclusively on European Spaniards. Since 1789
we frequently hear the following being proudly declared, ‘I am not a Spaniard, I am an American!’ These are words that
betray a long resentment. In the eye of law, every White Creole is a Spaniard, but the abuse of the laws, the bad policies
of the colonial government, and the influence of the opinions of the age have loosened the bonds that formerly united
more closely the Mexican Creoles to the European Spaniards.”

Alexander Von Humboldt, Prussian geographer and explorer, Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, 1811

1 a reference to people of European descent who were born in the Americas

55. All of the following contributed to the economic condition of the indigenous population of Mexico as described in
the first paragraph EXCEPT
(A) the development of syncretic religious systems
(B) the spread of epidemic diseases
(C) the fall of indigenous states to European empires
(D) the arrival of European settlers

56. Which of the following most strongly contributed to the formation of new ethnic groups of the type mentioned in
the passage in the Americas between circa 1500 and 1750 ?
(A) The expansion of Jesuit missionary activity
(B) Political rivalries between European empires
(C) Increasing trade links with Asia that were fostered by the global silver trade
(D) The development of the Atlantic trading system

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57. “In countries where there is a great scarcity of money, all other saleable goods, and even the labor of men, are given
for less money than [in countries] where money is abundant. Thus we see by experience that in France (where
money is scarcer than in Spain) bread, wine, cloth, and labor, are worth much less. And even in Spain, in [recent]
times when money was scarcer than it is now, saleable goods and labor were given for much less.”

Martín de Azpilcueta Navarro, Spanish scholar, treatise, 1556

Navarro’s economic observations expressed in the passage above are best understood in the context of which of the
(A) The Spanish-Portuguese colonial rivalry in the Atlantic
(B) The influx of silver from the Americas into the Spanish economy
The practice of governments devaluing their currencies by reducing the proportion of precious metals in their
(D) The beginning of large-scale importation of silver by China from Spanish mines in the Americas


Which of the following is best concluded about slavery in British North America from the graph above and
knowledge of the period?
(A) The increase in the number of slaves reflected a probable increase in the demand for plantation laborers.
(B) The American Revolution abolished slavery in the former British North American colonies.
(C) By 1770, the number of slaves in British North America surpassed the number of slaves in Spanish America.
(D) By 1770, slaves outnumbered immigrants in British North America.

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Map 1

Map 2

59. The expansion of trade routes along the coast of Africa as shown on Map 2 was most directly facilitated by which of
the following?
(A) Expanding Chinese influence as a result of maritime voyages under the Ming dynasty
(B) Changes in fishing practices in the Indian Ocean
(C) Improved ship designs and navigational technologies
(D) Commercial decline in Europe as a result of the global cooling of climate known as the Little Ice Age

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60. Which of the following aspects of Map 2 can best be used to support the claim that a truly global trading system
developed during the period from 1450 to 1750 ?
(A) Trade routes extending east and west from Eurasia toward the Americas
(B) Extensive overland trade routes in Eurasia
(C) The existence of Mediterranean trade routes connecting Europe, Asia and Africa
(D) The continued presence of multiple long-distance trade routes to India


The photograph above of the Süleymaniye mosque in Istanbul exemplifies which of the following historical
(A) The interaction of humans and the environment
(B) The synthesis of established cultural traditions and new traditions
(C) Competition between traditional elites and the wealthy urban class for control of cultural traditions
(D) The spread of missionary religions over global trade networks

“Many [Ottoman] Sunni religious scholars have labeled the Sufi whirling rituals* as ‘dancing,’ and have pronounced them
forbidden, branding those who approve of them as infidels. The Sufis counter that these rituals are not dancing, arguing
instead that they enliven the soul through a combination of music and movement, which, they say, allows them to focus
on the spiritual aspects of religion. The common people flock to the Sufis, giving them offerings and gifts. Since their
whirling rituals play a big part in their popularity, they will not abandon these practices anytime soon. The Sunni scholars
have written many tracts and opinions against them . . . and this tug-of-war between the two parties has brought them into
a vicious circle.”

*religious observances practiced by some Sufis in the Ottoman Empire

Katip Çelebi, Ottoman official, The Balance of Truth, philosophical and scientific treatise, 1656

62. Which of the following conclusions regarding the Ottoman Empire is best supported by the passage?

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(A) Ottoman policies sought to limit the activities of some religious groups.
(B) Many members of the Ottoman religious establishment practiced Sufism.
(C) Ottoman rulers promoted an inclusive and tolerant interpretation of Islamic doctrine.
(D) Ottoman policies toward Sufism caused conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and other Muslim states.

63. The author’s position on the religious controversy in the passage can best be described as that of
(A) a strong supporter of the official Ottoman religious establishment
(B) an impartial observer describing the controversy without taking sides
(C) a practitioner of the Sufi way with its emphasis on increased spirituality
(D) an advocate of the right of the people to freely choose their own religion

“Last Will and Testament

I, Anna de São Jozé da Trindade, Roman Catholic since baptism, always firm in the faith of the Catholic religion, declare
the present Will in the following manner:

I declare that I was born on the Coast of Africa from where I was transported to the states of Brazil and the city of
Salvador in the state of Bahia where I have lived until the present. I was a slave of Theodozia Maria da Cruz, who bought
me as part of a parcel of slaves, and who freed me for the amount of one hundred mil-réis,* which I gave her in cash. And
as a freed woman I have enjoyed this same freedom without the least opposition until the present time.

I declare that I was never married and always remained single. And in this state I had five children.

I declare that the goods I possess are the following: a slave by the name of Maria, whom I leave conditionally freed for the
amount of sixty mil-réis, to be paid to my granddaughter.

I also possess a group of two-story houses with shops at street level and a basement below with lodgings, located on the
Ladeira do Carmo, where I live on land belonging to me.”

*currency unit in colonial Brazil

Anna de São Jozé da Trindade, Afro-Brazilian woman, last will and testament, 1823

64. The passage best supports which of the following statements?

(A) A small number of women were able to acquire wealth and property on their own.
(B) Slaves were permitted to maintain families of their own.
(C) Women contributed to the family income by weaving textiles.
(D) Women were the legal heads of the household in most families.

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The map above illustrates which of the following?

(A) The most frequent destinations for African emigrants of the twentieth century
(B) Predominant areas of origin and destinations of African slaves in the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries
(C) Proportional flows of African agricultural commodities during the nineteenth century
(D) Winds and water currents that affected trans-Atlantic and trans-Saharan trade

66. Which of the following best exemplifies mercantilism as it was practiced in the Atlantic trading system by 1750 ?
(A) The belief of colonists in the Americas that free trade was desirable
(B) Colonial government policies in Europe that prevented the private accumulation of precious metals
(C) International agreements by European governments to protect the freedom of the seas
(D) The protection of European merchant companies by their respective governments

67. Many forced and free migrants practiced the religious beliefs of their homelands as a way of adapting to unfamiliar
experiences and environments in their destination societies.

Which of the following processes best supports the historical argument above?
(A) African slaves in the Americas integrating African beliefs into their practice of Christianity
(B) Japanese elites of the Tokugawa period encouraging the spread of Buddhism to promote cultural cohesion
Chinese migrant laborers in the United States converting to Christianity in order to better fit into the
dominant culture
The indigenous rulers of Islamic states in Southeast Asia adapting aspects of Islam to local cultural and
religious traditions

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68. Which of the following was the most important factor in the development of new long-distance maritime
commercial patterns in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
(A) The decline of the Mediterranean trade networks in the aftermath of the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople
(B) The emergence of North America as a major grain exporting center
(C) The abandonment of mercantilist policies in favor of free trade by most European nations
(D) The European settlement and exploitation of natural resources in the Americas

69. Which of the following changes best justifies the claim that the late 1400s mark the beginning of a new period in
world history?
(A) The rise of the Aztec and Inca empires
(B) The economic recovery in Afro-Eurasia after the Black Death
(C) The incorporation of the Americas into a broader global network of exchange
(D) The emergence of new religious movements in various parts of the world

70. “The inhabitants of the New World were bearers of no serious new infection transferable to the European and
African populations that intruded upon their territory . . . whereas the abrupt confrontation with the long array of
infections that European and African populations had encountered piecemeal across some four thousand years of
civilized history provoked massive demographic disaster among Amerindians.”

William McNeill, world historian, 1976

Which of the following best illustrates the argument described in the passage above?
(A) Spanish and Portuguese plantation owners imported large numbers of African slaves to work their fields.
(B) Amerindians were killed in large numbers by diseases such as smallpox and measles.
Some Amerindian societies prior to European contact had high population densities and large urban centers
of comparable scale to those in Europe.
The Spanish system of forced labor in mines such as those in Potosí resulted in thousands of deaths among
the Amerindian population.

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The building in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, shown above, is an example of which of the following concepts?
(A) Syncretism
(B) Iconoclasm
(C) Isolationism
(D) Cultural diffusion

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Source 1

A Mughal painting depicting a Mughal official (the kneeling figure holding a piece of paper near the center of the image)
and his companions meeting a group of Hindu holy men (sadhus), circa 1635 C.E.

Source 2

Ms E-14, from a Moraqqa (gouache on paper), Indian School, (17th century) / Institute of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg, Russia / Giraudon /
Bridgeman Images

Sayings attributed to Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, circa 1500 C.E.

• “Oh God, the tongue of man has given Thee numerous names; but ‘the Truth’ is Thy real name from time immemorial.”

• “We human beings are neither Hindus nor Muslims; but are bodies and soul of the Supreme Being; call Him Allah, or
call Him Rama.”

• “Everyone is chanting: ‘Rama, Rama’; but mere repetition is no remembrance of Rama. Only when the heart of man
becomes saturated with God is such remembrance fruitful.”

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• “Worthless is caste and worthless an exalted name; for all humankind there is but a single refuge in God.”

72. A historian would most likely use the image in Source 1 as support for which of the following assertions?
(A) Mughal rule in India was generally supported by practitioners of Hinduism.
(B) Mughal rulers were interested in portraying themselves as champions of religious harmony.
(C) Mughal subjects resisted converting to Islam, despite the many benefits that doing so would confer.
(D) Mughal art rejected realism and focused on allegorical and symbolic depictions of reality.

73. Which of the following would best support the assertion that hierarchies based on racial classification emerged after
1500 C.E. to maintain the authority of new elite groups in the Americas?
(A) The use of terms such as mestizo, mulatto and creole
(B) The increasingly common use of European names in the Americas
(C) New maritime technology facilitating long-term voyages by Europeans
(D) The introduction of slavery to the Americas after the voyages of Columbus

Refer to the passage below.

“During the reign of the Hebrew king Solomon, son of David, the Ethiopian Queen of Sheba, learning of his reputation for
wisdom, came from Ethiopia to see and to hear him. Solomon, who had seven hundred queens as wives, received the
Queen of Sheba into their number even though she was black. And when she later bore him a son in Ethiopia, she named
him after his grandfather, David. This prince, wishing to receive the blessing of his father, came to Jerusalem when he
was 22 years old. Solomon not only recognized him as his son, but had him anointed in the Temple, with all proper royal
ceremony, as king of Ethiopia. This is the origin of the emperors of Ethiopia, one thousand years before the incarnation of
the Son of God. Thus, when the Son of God became man and took the blood of the descendants of David, he had already
given that same blood to the blacks of Ethiopia.”

Sermon delivered by Antonio Vieira, Portuguese Jesuit priest, to plantation workers in Bahia, Brazil, 1633

74. Vieira’s assertion that Solomon and the Queen of Sheba had a son diverges from the traditional Hebrew account.
Which of the following best explains Vieira’s choice to tell this version of the story?
(A) By the seventeenth century, scholars had more information about the events discussed by Vieira.
(B) Vieira wished to tailor his sermon to appeal to Brazil’s ethnically and racially diverse population.
(C) Vieira was influenced by Jesuit anti-Semitism and wished to undermine the Hebrew account.
(D) Vieira was attempting to encourage intermarriage between Brazilians of African and European descent.

75. The sermon delivered by Vieira is best seen as evidence for which of the following?

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(A) The development of new religions in the Americas

(B) The mixing of African and European cultures in the Americas
(C) The impact of European colonization on the native population of the Americas
(D) The intensification of traditional peasant labor in the plantation system

76. A historian researching the effects of epidemic disease on the population levels of seventeenth century colonial Peru
would probably find which of the following sources most useful?
(A) Church records of baptisms and funerals
(B) Accounts by Spanish doctors of cases of miraculous healings
(C) Transcripts of court cases involving inheritances
(D) Petitions from Amerindian groups to the colonial government requesting tax relief

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Courtesy of The National Archives

Commander Cotton’s reaction to the events in Jamaica, in the notice above, might best be understood in the context
of which of the following?
(A) The expansion of the trans-Atlantic slave trade across the Caribbean
(B) Mounting resistance to slavery in the Americas, reflected in challenges to imperial authority
(C) Growing profitability of plantation slavery in the Americas
(D) The waning influence of religious ideas and millenarianism in nationalist conflicts

78. During the period 1450 to 1750, which of the following commodities was most responsible for transforming the
global economy?
(A) Salt
(B) Tea
(C) Opium
(D) Silver

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79. Which of the following was a major similarity among European colonial empires in the Americas in the period
1450-1750 ?
(A) Widespread religious tolerance and diversity
(B) Encouragement of the development of industrial manufacturing in their territories
(C) Enslavement of African peoples and subjugation of Amerindians
(D) Settlement of millions of Europeans in each of their colonial territories

80. The Mughal Empire and the Ottoman Empire before 1700 C.E. shared which of the following characteristics?
(A) Both empires were able to expand without meeting strong resistance.
(B) Both empires formally restricted foreign trade.
(C) Both empires were ruled by a single religious official.
(D) Both empires were religiously and culturally diverse.

“With the powerful help of the Catholic Church and the religious orders, the Portuguese were able to impose their
language and culture on a considerable portion of Brazil [by 1700].

Even the [colonial] elite had no educational opportunities in Brazil beyond . . . secondary school. Their only alternative
was to leave Brazil for Coimbra University [in Portugal], where one hundred of the sons of the colonial Brazilian elite
studied law or medicine during the colonial period. Even Coimbra was a very narrow window onto the intellectual
revolution that was transforming the rest of Europe. The luckiest of the lucky young colonialists took a diversion to
France, which by the early eighteenth century was caught up in the ferment of the Enlightenment.

By the late 1700s, the . . . Portuguese influence began to lift, as the colonial elite began to produce its own literature.

To this emerging literary tradition was added the beginnings of a popular culture. The first component—religious festivals
. . . and a folklore that revolved around religious holidays—was imported from the Portuguese. . . . To this was added the
Indian and African presence, which furnished the foundation for the rich tradition of popular music and dance in modern

In part, this evolution came about because Brazil had become richer and more important than the mother country.
Portugal’s fate was now tied to the wealth of its American colony, rather than the other way around.”

Thomas Skidmore, United States historian, excerpt from academic book, Brazil: Five Centuries of Change, 1999

81. The transformation described in the fourth and fifth paragraphs best reflects which development in the Americas
from the period 1450–1750 ?
(A) The Columbian Exchange
(B) The growing reliance on cash crop plantation agriculture
(C) The synthesis of African, American, and European cultures
(D) The prevalence of racial prejudice among members of Brazil’s elites

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82. Some world historians have argued that the growth of European influence in the period 1450—1750 was due in
large part to non-European inventions. The history of which of the following technological developments best
supports this contention?
(A) The compass
(B) Silk weaving
(C) Steam power
(D) The stirrup

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83. The establishment of Dutch economic and political influence in Southeast Asia as shown in Map 1 was most
directly a result of which of the following?

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(A) Industrialization
(B) Indentured labor migration
(C) Joint-stock trading companies
(D) Atlantic slave trade

“The Jiaqing emperor asked the governor Sun Yuting: ’Is Britain wealthy and powerful?’

Sun Yuting responded, ‘Britain is larger than other European countries and is, therefore, powerful. But its power comes
from its wealth, which is derived from China. This country is allowed to trade at the port of Canton. It exchanges its goods
for our tea. It then resells the tea to Europe and to its colonies in the West, thus becoming wealthy and powerful. Yet, tea
is as important to the West as rhubarb is to Russia. If we put an embargo on tea exports, Britain will fall into poverty and
its people into sickness. How powerful, then, could Britain possibly be compared to China?’”

Sun Yuting, governor of the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, autobiographical account of his conversation with the Jiaqing emperor of the
Qing dynasty, early nineteenth century

84. Sun Yuting’s analysis of the factors that contributed to the relative economic strength of China and Great Britain
best illustrates which of the following continuities from the period 1450–1750 ?
(A) The expansion of empires led to the collapse of existing trade networks.
(B) The transfer of European navigational technology expanded global trade significantly.
(C) The global circulation of goods was fueled by European merchants’ access to Asian markets.
(D) The establishment of state monopolies in certain industries led to higher prices for luxury items.

85. Which of the following best supports the conclusion that after 1450 C.E. interactions between the hemispheres
created syncretic systems of religious belief?
(A) Amerindian groups in the American Southwest converted to Catholicism after Spanish missionaries arrived.
(B) A Peruvian native wrote a letter to the king of Spain asking for his protection from Spanish diseases.
Northern Mexican peasants referred to the Christian saint Mary as Tonantzin, which was the name of a local
An eighteenth-century African American poet and slave remembered little of her native religion, despite
having been born in Senegal.

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© BnF, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, NY

The image above, from seventeenth-century Ethiopia, shows the Virgin Mary and Christ Child with the merchant who
commissioned the painting lying below.

86. The painting can best be used as evidence for which of the following world historical trends that took place during
the period 1450 C.E. to 1750 C.E.?
(A) The use of art to glorify rulers
(B) The sponsorship of art by new elites
(C) Governments using art to foster nationalism among their populations
(D) The diffusion of African artistic traditions across Indian Ocean trade routes

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“Wila Uma, the Inca general, addressed the Spanish [conquistadors] with the following words: ‘What are you doing to our
ruler?* This is how you repay his good will? Did he not command all of his people to give you tribute? Did he not give
you a house filled with gold and silver? Did he not give you his servants to serve you? What more can he give you now
that you have imprisoned him? All the people of this land are so distressed by your actions, because they have lost all they
possess, and their distress leaves them no choice but to hang themselves or risk everything by rebelling. Thus, I believe it
would be best for you to release him from this prison to lessen the grief of these people.’ . . .

*Manco Inca, a previous Inca ruler and father of Titu Cusi, whom the Spanish had imprisoned after conquering the Inca
capital of Cuzco in 1533

Titu Cusi, ruler of a regional Inca state established after the Spanish had conquered the Inca Empire,
letter to the Spanish king detailing the abuses of the Spanish during the conquest, 1570

87. Which of the following was the most important long-term effect of the European acquisition of the wealth and
resources of the Americas, as alluded to in the passage?
(A) A lasting shift in the balance of trade between Europe and Asia
(B) The decline of feudalism in Europe
(C) A decrease in the influence of Christianity worldwide
(D) The end of Chinese maritime exploration in the Indian Ocean

88. The sentiments expressed in the passage most directly indicate

(A) opposition to growing syncretic religions
(B) concerns about the spread of epidemic diseases
(C) frustration over the establishment of forced labor systems
(D) resistance to European colonial expansion and control

89. Which of the following most directly facilitated the conquest alluded to in the passage?
(A) Spanish control of the trans-Atlantic slave trade
(B) Spanish advantages over native American populations in terms of technology and disease immunity
(C) The completion of the reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula
(D) The establishment of a cash-crop plantation economy on some of the islands in the in the Atlantic Ocean

90. Which of the following is the most likely purpose of Titu Cusi’s letter?
(A) To encourage rebellion among the subjects of the Inca Empire
(B) To gain help from Christian missionaries in completing the conversion of his subjects
(C) To characterize the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire as unjust and illegitimate
(D) To increase the political reach of the Inca Empire to its pre-conquest borders

91. A historian researching the trans-Atlantic slave trade in the period 1600—1800 would find which of the following
sources most useful for determining patterns in the points of origin, the destinations, and the numbers of slaves
involved in the trade?

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(A) Census and tax records of European settlers in the Americas

(B) Legal regulations pertaining to enslaved and freed Africans in British colonies
(C) Records of the cargoes of Spanish and British ships in the trans-Atlantic trade
(D) pamphlets published by antislavery societies

92. In the period after circa 1450, trade along the routes shown on the map declined in large part because of the
(A) decrease in the demand for African manufactured goods in Europe
(B) collapse of European economies in the wake of the bubonic plague
(C) disruption caused by the adoption of new gunpowder weapons
(D) increase of maritime trade along the African coast

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By British By French By Dutch By Portuguese

Ships Ships Ships Ships
1519–1600 2,000 - - 264,100 266,100
1601–1650 23,000 - 41,000 439,500 503,500
1651–1675 115,200 5,900 64,800 53,700 239,800
1676–1700 243,300 34,100 56,100 161,100 510,000
1701–1725 380,900 106,300 65,500 378,300 831,000
1726–1750 490,500 253,900 109,200 405,600 1,258,200
1751–1775 859,100 321,500 148,000 472,900 1,801,500
1776–1800 741,300 419,500 40,800 626,200 1,827,800

Source: Data adapted from David Eltis, et al. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: A Database on CD-ROM (New York: Cambridge University Press. 2000).

93. Which of the following developments most directly accounts for the total volume of the slave trade shown in the
table for the period 1676–1800 ?
(A) A decline in the influence of guild organizations in Europe
(B) Increased demand for sugar in European markets
(C) The establishment of independent states in the Americas
(D) The growing demand for Asian spices in European colonies in the Americas

94. Which of the following best characterizes the role of West African states in the trade shown in the table?
They permitted some European merchants to acquire enslaved persons in exchange for Europeans’ providing
protection against Ottoman expansion.
They reorganized their economies by ending domestic slavery and selling former enslaved persons to
European merchants.
They acquired enslaved persons from the African interior and sold them to European merchants located
along the African coast.
They granted European merchants vast autonomy to capture and enslave people from the interior of Africa in
exchange for preserving African political independence.

95. The trend in the volume of the slave trade shown in the table for Great Britain, France, and the Netherlands in the
period 1676–1775 most directly reflects which of the following developments?
(A) The growing demand in northern Europe for woolen textiles from Latin America
(B) The decline of Spanish power in Latin America following Creole rebellions against colonial rule
(C) The growing demand in northern Europe for cotton from the southern United States
(D) The decline of older colonial powers such as Spain and Portugal as a result of European colonial conflicts

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96. The data in the table regarding Portuguese vessels in the period 1701–1800 most directly reflect trends in the
plantation economy of
(A) Cuba
(B) Central America
(C) Brazil
(D) Peru

97. Which of the following was a major change in transregional trade patterns from 1500 to 1700 ?
(A) Japanese fleets gained control over most Pacific Ocean trade routes.
(B) European manufactured goods came to dominate trans-Saharan trade.
(C) Europeans created joint stock companies to engage in overseas trade.
(D) Silk Road trade routes came under the control of Mongol rulers.

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