THe 10TH
Welcome Address
Dr. Ashok Gupta
IIS (deemed to be University), Jaipur
Sh. Om. Birla, Hon’ble Speaker of the Lok Sabha
and our Chief Guest for the day; Sh. V.P Sharma
CEO, PT. MitraAdi Perkasa, Jakarta, Indonesia,
and Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi, Director, Rotary
International, the esteemed recipients of D.Litt.
(Honoris Causa); Prof. TN. Mathur, Hon'ble Vice-
Chancellor; Members of the Board of Management
and the Academic Council; the other dignitaries
and invited guests; media-persons; our friends in
the audience; and, dear graduands,
We are gathered here today to honour the efforts and accomplishments of
the graduating classes over the last two years. | am delighted to welcome
you to the IIS University’s 10th Convocation ceremony, being conducted
after a forced hiatus of two years for reasons all too known to each one of
us. The distinguished presence of Sh. Birla on this solemn occasion today
is indeed a matter of great pride for all of us as also of the gracious presence
of Sh. Sharma and Drm Kotbagi. Thank you for so very graciously acceding
to our request to join us on this momentous day as we celebrate our
students’ rightful claim over the credential that they have toiled for and
At the IIS University, we enjoy the privilege of having new students from
almost all states of India and abroad, who are drawn to our institution by
its variety of degree programmes, outstanding faculty, and stellar
reputation across the country. | am happy to share that a total of 117 Ph.D.
degrees, 722 Postgraduate degrees; 2031 Undergraduate degrees; 99
Gold Medals and 18 Plaques; 30 Endowment Awards and 499 Merit
Certificates, will be given out to the deserving students who have waited
for this milestone of a day.=e
THe 10TH
Graduands, you chose to study at a very special and distinctive University
which enjoys an enviable reputation for academic excellence. It was
started with the holistic vision of creating a centre of academic and extra-
curricular achievements for the youth. The goal since then has widened to
provide a context that emancipates the intellect and develops critical as
well as creative thinking.
The University is a part of the IIS group comprising the India International
School at Mansarovar and Sitapura, the International School of
Informatics and Management, a College for Education and a Kindergarten.
While the institution has grown in terms of size, reputation and impact, we
remain true to our values of social inclusion with a strong sense of civic
A review committee constituted by the MHRD has also re-affirmed our
commitment to delivering quality education by placing the us among the
top 38 deemed to be universities of the country. We have been granted the
12B status by the University Grants Commission as well. The University
has adopted a proactive approach towards building its portfolio of
academic partnerships with highly reputed institutions that share common
aims and interests. To this end, the institution has been granted the
membership of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, UK, the
world's first and oldest international university network, and the
Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific.
The University is not merely an established training ground for young
women achievers but also prides itself in having professionally committed
faculty which has been working tirelessly to take this institution forward in
its journey towards excellence. We offer a wide portfolio of Undergraduate,
Postgraduate, and Ph.D. programmes in the faculties of Arts, Science,
Social Science, Commerce, Management and IT, besides offering several
Career Oriented and Skill Development courses.
We have always taken a lead in introducing innovative and professional
courses in our curricula such as Nanoscience and Technology, Bachelor of
Vocation, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Forensic Science,
Clinical Psychology, Yogic Sciences, Digital Media and Communication,
Business Analytics, as well as Physiotherapy and allied health sciences, to
name a few. We have also gone in for blended learning programmes, being=e
THe 10TH
promoted by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, by offering Massive
Open Online Courses across the board. Besides classroom teaching,
students also benefit from research fellowships, funded internships,
award-winning volunteering schemes, international exchange
programmes and students-visits, dedicated career-development advice
and extensive cultural, sports and leisure activities - all of which see our
students emerge as highly employable graduates with an impressive skill-
base. It is heartening when employers from all over are found to be of the
opinion that our students are huge assets, for they think differently, more
vibrantly and add significantly to the work-space.
Our alumnae have done us proud and continue doing so. Be it the defence
or administrative series; the hospitality or the tourism sector; fields of
research, innovation and entrepreneurship, they keep our flag flying high
and fluttering. Our Centre for Civil Services and other Preparatory Classes
has been grooming students for different state and national level
examinations. A number of our students enrolled in these classes have
successfully cleared NET, SET, RAS, IAS, CDS, and other competitive
examinations. It gives me immense pleasure to share with you that 7 of our
students cleared the Rajasthan Administrative Service Examination in
2021. While Benu Dewal secured the 8th rank in the RAS Exam,
Shivanshi Pathak joined the Indian Air Force in 2020-2021.
Over and above teaching and research, the University continues to initiate
academic activities pertaining to new and frontier technology areas of
societal importance by actively engaging faculty members in consultancy
services for external agencies. They also provide academic leadership
through their inputs as external members on various statutory bodies and
editorial boards at institutions of repute. This is the legacy of success and
achievement which has defined our University so far. And, it is this legacy
that we must continually strive to cherish and do our utmost to uphold.
Graduands, your time at this University has marked the beginning of a
lifetime-association with us. | sincerely hope that your time spent here was
an exciting and enriching experience which gave you an opportunity to
discover who you are and what your passion is. | am sure you have found
your calling in life and will pursue it with dedication and commitment from
THe 10TH
As you step into another world, | wish to encourage you to associate and
interact with people who come from a different background - racial,
cultural, social, linguistic, ethnic or geographic; someone with views,
ideas, beliefs and perspectives different from yours. This will help you to
develop - through dialogue - a greater understanding of the complexity and
richness of the essential human experience.
Our goal was to educate you as a whole person and we realized that some
of the important lessons you learnt took place outside the lecture theatre,
the laboratory, and the library. We aimed to give you the opportunity to
spread your wings within a safe and exciting environment so that you are
equipped today not only with a world-class qualification, but also having
made friends for life.
| once again welcome each one of you and congratulate the graduands on
their academic success. | thank you for having reposed your faith in us. A
world of endless opportunities and phenomenal growth now lies open
before you. This is also a time of transition; a time of adjustment, and, a
time of change. You must take responsibility for your future and all that you
plan to do. Make sure you continue to respect your rich and diverse socio-
cultural and linguistic heritage, and make a conscious effort to imbibe the
values and ethics that we so cherish. So, here’s wishing you the very best
of luck for your onward journey. It is only befitting to close with the slightly-
altered words of the ever-relevant American poet, Walt Whitman:
Afoot and light-hearted,
you take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before you,
The long brown path before you
leading wherever you choose,
Henceforth you ask not for good-fortune,
you yourself are good-fortune,
Henceforth you whimper no more,
postpone no more, need nothing,
Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms,
Strong and content, you travel the open road.
Thank you & God bless.=e
THe 10TH
Welcome Address
Prof. T.N. Mathur
IIS (deemed to be University), Jaipur
Chief Guest- Shri Om Birla, Hon'ble Speaker of the
Lok Sabha, Chancellor IIS (deemed to be
University) Dr. Ashok Gupta, Sh. V. PR. Sharma,
CEO PT. Mitra Adi Perkasa, Jakarta, Indonesia, Dr.
Mahesh Kotbagi, Director, Rotary International,
Members of the Board of Management and the
Academic Council, Distinguished guests,
Representatives of the Media, Colleagues, Parents
and Dear Graduands,
We are delighted to welcome three great
personalities of our times — Shri Om Birla, Sh. V. PR
Sharma and Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi who have so graciously consented to be
here with us.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the year 2023 marks the 28th year of existence of
this much sought after institution of Higher learning. The University is
proud that for almost two decades and more, it has progressed
significantly in the right direction. As we look back on our journey, we
realize that while each one of us is a part of history in making, the present
owes much to the past.
IIS University has been striving towards academic excellence and the
making of a healthy society through unflinching adherence to universal
human values reflected in its Vision, Mission and Goals. The journey began
in 1995 as the International College for Girls and within a short span of
time crossed significant milestones in its pursuit of excellence in higher
education. It was conferred the status of Deemed to be University by the
Ministry of Human Resource Development in 2009.
It is my proud privilege to present the Annual Report of the University on=e
THe 10TH
this special occasion.
A premier university of the state with diverse educational programmes,
distinguished faculty, illustrious alumni, varied co-curricular activities, and
modern infrastructure, IIS (deemed to be University) has sustained the
high global standards and best practices in higher education over the years
of its existence. This is exemplified by the fact that the University has been
awarded during the academic year with:
. Dainik Bhaskar Pride of Rajasthan 2022 by Hon'ble Chief Minister of
Rajasthan Shri Ashok Gehlot
. Educational Excellence 2022 by Hon'ble Minister of Education Dr.
B.D. Kalla
. College dunia Connect Excellence Award for Industry Academia
+ Education Summit 2022 for Excellence in Girls/
Women Education
. Spoken Tutorial Academic Excellence Award 2022 for Outstanding
contribution in organizing trainings and spreading awareness on
FLOSS/MOOCs from Western Region
The academic expanse of the University traverses through almost all
significant areas of human knowledge and endeavour over the years with a
significant global outreach. The University offers 34 Career Oriented and
Skill Development Programmes which are essentially technical and skill-
oriented, designed to meet the requirements of various professional fields.
A wide range of programmes and courses are offered in the faculties of
Sciences, Arts, Social Sciences, Commerce, Management and IT. In the
current academic year, 09 new UG-PG Programmes have been
* B.Sc. (Honours) in Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
+ B.Sc. (Honours) in Mathematics
* B.Sc. (Honours) in Forensic Science=e
THe 10TH
. BBA-Aviation and Tourism Management
. B.Sc. -M.Sc. Integrated Programme in Nanoscience and Technology
. MA/M.Sc./M.Com. In Jewelry Design
. M.A. in Digital Media and Communication
. M.A./M.Sc. In Yogic Sciences
. Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS)
Apart from these programmes, the University has also introduced five
short term courses and COSD Programmes:
. Cyber Security and Cyber Law
. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
. Professional Diploma in Clinical Psychology
. Library & Information Science
+ General and Commercial Laws
It has been a continuous objective of the University to seek to facilitate the
development of new research initiatives that cut across traditional
disciplinary boundaries. As part of our commitment to strengthening our
already impressive research-base, we have established Centre for
Research Innovation and Training, instituted research fellowships across
disciplines and launched a research development fund. Several online and
offline workshops and training programmes on various techniques of
research are conducted throughout the year. CRIT conducted a 15-day
Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on Research Methodology and Teaching
Pedagogy and a 9 day online International workshop on D.F.T.
Investigation of the electronic structure using Quantum Espresso and
BURAI software. Faculty members and students from all over the country
and abroad participated and benefitted from these workshops.
| am happy to share that our University is one of the 19 universities which
are a part of Resources for Internationalization of Higher Education
Institutions in India (RISHI!) project. This project consortium consists of=e
THe 10TH
14 Indian Universities like University of Calcutta, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, Savitribai Phule Pune University, GD Goenka University, Vinoba
Bhave University and others and five partners from European Union like
Universidad de Deusto (Spain), University of Groningen (Netherlands),
University of Porto (Portugal), University of Pisa (Pisa) and Dresden
University of Technology, Dresden. RISHII aims at contributing to
modernization of Indian Higher Education for Curriculum
Internationalization and creating institution-wide thriving cultures of
To enrich the academic inputs and experiences, the University has
maintained its tradition of entering into academic & research collaboration
with premier institutions. In the last two academic sessions, the University
has signed 30 more, MoUs, academic linkages and collaborations to its
The University has an unwavering commitment to excellence in teaching,
research, and social outreach, which has made it a role model in the state.
Our commitment to distinction in research is evident from numerous
publications in the high-ranking peer-reviewed international Journals with
a high h-index. The University's impact and influence on research is also
reflected in the citations illustrated by SCOPUS/Web of Science -
multidisciplinary scholarly databases by the faculty and students.
* The Scopus H-index of the University has increased to 25.
* The total number of publications in 2022 is 169 from which 63 have
been published in Scopus indexed journals with average impact
factor of 2.38.
In order to add a voice to the intellectual dialogue, both within the
University community and in broader academia, the University has taken
the initiative to publish double blind, peer reviewed journals in all the
faculties which include original, multidisciplinary articles. In fact, our
Journal of Arts has found a place in the UGC CARE list and is published
The rich academic milieu of the University is adequately reflected in the
research endeavours of faculty members across disciplines and=e
THe 10TH
recognition of their research initiatives and outcomes, both at the national
and international level, through recognitions in terms of Grants by
prestigious research funding entities amongst others. Our faculty members
have applied for several projects to various external agencies that includes
16 DST SERB SURE projects of Rs. 3,20,43,991/- and 12 other projects
applied to ICMR, DST, UGC, DBT, and ICSSR.
Two FIST projects worth Rs. 1,14,10,000/- have also been applied for
R&D infrastructure.
| am happy to share that the University has been granted 3-year research
support under CURIE programme of WISE-KIRAN division worth Rs.2.93
The Department of Biotechnology of the University has been granted DBT
for Postgraduate Teaching Program (M.Sc.) in Biotechnology.
Besides these, three projects have also been provided research grants, that
+ MSME grant (Rs. 15 lakhs) to Dr. Mahesh Chand Sharma,
Department of Physics
+ DHR grant (24 lakhs) to Dr. Sudha Rathore and Dr. Sankul
. ICSSR grant (4.56 lakhs) to Dr. Mridula Sharma and Dr. Bhumika
The departments of the University have hosted a number of workshops,
seminars and conferences throughout the academic year. During the last
two years the University organized 59 national and six international
conferences/ workshops/ seminars
The University proactively initiates and implements the UGC guidelines
and reforms. Like, Choice Based Credit System is successfully followed in
all professional programmes. A range of elective courses across disciplines
in majority of the programmes synchronize with the interdisciplinary
approach as suggested in the NEP 2020. In addition, as per the new NEP
model, the University is also planning to offer greater variety of
multidisciplinary courses to the students, a multiple entry and exit and a
choice of academic bank of credits in the coming academic years. Letter
Grades and Grade points have also been incorporated in Assessment and
Evaluation. Learning Outcome-based Curriculum Framework has been
designed and initiated for Undergraduate and Post graduate Programmes.
It has also integrated MOOC courses into its curricula, the number of which
is gradually increasing.
The University has been able to continue its commendable community
outreach programmes like Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, NSS, Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan, ,Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat as well as the celebration of Azaadi
ka Amrit Mahotsav, Health Camps, social initiatives with the help and
cooperation of all the stakeholders. The mandated mission of these
government pogrammes are inspired by the vision of transformational
change in community development processes by leveraging knowledge
institutions to help build the architecture of an Inclusive India.
Batches of University students registered with Counselling and Placement
Cell have duly benefited from the industry-academia interaction.
Corporate houses and prestigious companies like Accenture, Aditya Birla,
Amazon, Asian Paints, Bajaj Allianz, ICIC| Lombard, Infosys, TCS, Wipro,
etc. have recruited a substantial number of students from the university.
Besides this, the University has also been able to offer successful and
creative student entrepreneurs to the business world. Many student ideas
have been registered under IISU Incubation Centre have catapulted into
successful start-ups, encouraging more students to become
Our students have also excelled in the International and National sports
events and have made our country proud. Manvi Soni of B.Sc. Sem Ill
received Gold Medal in Junior World Championship at LIMA, PERU from
27 September, 2021 to 9 October, 2021. Tanya Singh of COSD
Programme received Bronze Medal in 8th Asian Women Beach Handball
Championship held at Bangkok, Thailand from 25-30 April, 2022.
24 Students have become Chartered Accountants and 41 have become
Company Secretaries respectively. Besides this, 10 students have become
ACCA members and 27 have become ACCA affiliates.=a
The University is striving to perform better and achieve higher rank beyond
what has already been achieved through persistent pursuit of best
practices and implementation of the contemporary teaching- learning and
research initiatives in all the spheres of its academic activity and through
attainment of excellence in other attendant spheres of activity.
Ladies and Gentlemen! We honour the efforts and successes of the
graduands present before us this morning. Dear Graduands- as you are
ushered into the next phase of your lives, we recognize that you are a torch
bearer of the IISU tradition — Commit yourself to be a true IISian-a worthy
and responsible citizen and a good human being striving to make this
world a better place to live in.
Remember, you are the reflection of our image to the world — respect and
uphold the IISU's basic values of intellectual freedom, integrity, social
responsibility, and excellence in innovation. Go forth, succeed, and above
all, carve out a niche for yourself...the sky is the limit.
Upon receiving your diploma or degree, | invite you to join BANDHAN- the
alumnae association of the University to stay connected with your alma
Congratulations to all of you once again and wish you lots of success in
your life.
Thank You & God Blesssss
rie 1001
Shri Om Birla
Hon'ble Speaker of the Loksabha
Namaskar Everybody!
It gives me immense pleasure to address this
distinguished and promising audience today on
the occasion of the 10" Convocation of the IIS
(Deemed to be University), Jaipur, Rajasthan.
The Convocation, is a historic occasion and
marks the realization of dreams, commitment,
hard work and sacrifice of the Students, Parents,
Faculty members and the Management. | am
sure, it is a moment of great joy, satisfaction and pride for all of you here.
| am deeply grateful to my dear friend, DrAshok Gupta, Chancellor, IISU,
for the honour bestowed upon me today of speaking before a gathering of
young, amicable, dynamic, women. | have always known him to be a
Passionate Educator who wanted to achieve something meaningful in life
and give back to the Society.
He has undoubtedly shown all of us how one can succeed in the journey
from being “ordinary” to “extraordinary” through clarity in vision, sheer
hard work, integrity, and perseverance.
I still recount how in 1995, he founded the International College for Girls
(ICG), a pioneer institution for Women's Education in Rajasthan as a
College affiliated to the University of Rajasthan. And look at it today - the
college has grown remarkably over the last few decades from being an
institution with just 56 girls and seven staff members to the status of a
Multidisciplinary “Deemed-to-be-University” (with over 4000 students
and almost 300 staff members), which is one of the premier institutions
recognised by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
| would like to offer my heartiest congratulations to all the Graduands who=a
will be receiving their degrees in various disciplines, to those Meritorious
Students who will be awarded Gold Medals at today's Convocation and, to
their proud parents.
| also congratulate those who are receiving their Ph.D. degrees. You all
have done the University proud and today, is definitely a day for you to
Today, we have two very accomplished and _ inspiring people amongst us,
who serve as great exemplars of possessing the values this University
holds very dear. You are already aware of their achievements. The first, is
Mr. Virendra Prakash Sharma, a trail blazer and a pioneer of modern retail
business. The second, is Dr Mahesh Kotbagi, who is deeply committed to
the cause of Rotary International.
Their dedication to their work is a beacon of strength for those who find
inspiration in walking in their steps. | personally congratulate Shri
V.PSharma, Founder CEO, PT Mitra Adiperkasa TBK (Map Group),
Indonesia for receiving the D.Litt. Degree (Honoris Causa) from IISU for his
exemplary contribution in the field of Entrepreneurship. | also
congratulate Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi, Rotary International, for receiving the
D.Litt. Degree (Honoris Causa) from IISU for his exemplary contribution in
the field of Social Service towards the cause of Humanity.
Let me remind you, dear students that you are extremely fortunate to have
had one of the best education experiences that a University can offer.
From the Annual Report presented by the Vice Chancellor and a discussion
with the Rector and Registrar and Faculty members, | see that in spite of
the disruptions in Higher Education due to the Pandemic, the University
has made significant efforts to align its work with the national and
international development priorities and has been successful in striking a
balance between doing social good and meeting the demands of the
national and global markets.
It is truly a pleasure to see an earnest desire and momentum among the
Management and Faculty for implementing Government of India's National
Education Policy 2020 in letter and spirit. We all know what the=a
magnitude of this task on hand is!
IISU's efforts in this direction in collaboration with multiple stakeholders —
specifically, its Focus on Robust, Inclusive, Accessible, Quality Education,
Efforts for Internationalization of Education, Outcome Based Education,
Impetus to ICT, Promotion of Research and Innovation, Collaborations,
Value to Indian Knowledge Systems, Vocational-Skill based Courses, Focus
on Physical and Mental Health of Students and Faculty, Community/Social
Service, etc. are commendable.
This University is more than a meeting of ideas. It is a confluence of
identities. Education here is not alienated from the roots. Diversity, critical
and creative thinking are nurtured. Strong Ethics, Human and
Constitutional Values and Life Skills are emphasized. It is heartening to see
the student-centric, holistic and forward-looking approach adopted by this
| am confident, no matter which field you go in, it is YOU all — the
empowered and enlightened women of India who will lead us in the future.
Once again, my best wishes and blessings to all of you, dear students. May
you continue on the path of Excellence. You are living in the age of Chat
GPT, Instagram and the likes. Do not look for short cuts in life. Please be
aware, “success does not come to you, YOU go to it”.
Think about what you want to do next, dream big, make a commitment to
yourself, and work hard consistently. All of you are unique and you have a
unique skill set. | sincerely hope you will do justice to the Education you
have received here and you will live up to the rich legacy of this remarkable
Be responsible, Be honest and above all, be kind wherever life takes you.
Thank you, and God Bless. Have a great evening!=a
Shri Virendra P. Sharma
CEO PT. Mitra Adi Perkasa,
Jakarta, Indonesia
Respected Shri Om Birla ji, the Chancellor, IISU, Dr.
Ashok Gupta, Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi, Prof. T.N.Mathur, Prof.
Raakhi Gupta, Dear Teachers, Distinguished Guests,
Family Members of Students and last - but definitely not
the least - the Bright Students of IISU... Selamat Siang as
we say in Javanese (Namaskar! Have a nice morning...)
and Om Swastiastu in Balinese (May we all be in the
protection of God!).
1am overwhelmed. Life has truly come a full circle with me standing here
today. With great humility, | accept this honour of receiving the D.Litt.
Degree from IISU - an institution that is not only revered by me but is also
incredibly close to my heart as it is led by someone who has continuously
inspired me for over 40 years.
For the many who | haven't had the pleasure of meeting, let me introduce
myself. | was born and raised right here in Jaipur. To call my beginnings
humble is an understatement.
| spent my childhood in the lanes behind Polo Victory Cinema and did my
schooling at the Bardvaala school under a tree, many a times hampered by
the rain or extreme heat.
After my education, due to some personal constraints | had to pursue the
straight and linear path of a bank job as a clerk cum typist. My starting
salary was Rs. 324 per month. However, my appetite for taking risks was
exponential. This is why my linear path of continuing as a regular employee
in a bank did not last too long.
| moved to a country that neither me, nor my parents could point out on a
map at that time- Indonesia - and | started a company there. And 33 years
later, here we are today, | am running Southeast Asia's largest retail &=e
marketing company with over 150 global brands, 3,500 stores and 32000
So naturally, the first lesson | learned revolves around risk-taking. While
there is no replacement for mastery of skill and knowledge in any field, the
next time you are presented with an opportunity that is daunting, | urge you
to go beyond the data, and ask yourself what the Harvard Business School
asks its graduating class every year — What Do You Want To Do With Your
One Wild And Precious Life? And if it's anything worthwhile, it'll never be
easy and will always require risks.
My second piece of advice revolves around a word that | have a love-hate
relationship with - “luck”. Many will call those who are successful lucky. To
that | agree. Except, in my case the only luck | was blessed with was the
stamina and dedication to try again and again - failure after failure, setback
after setback.
What you'll come to realise is that in the vast number of years that you live,
the successes you have will come after great tests of patience and hard
work. There exist no shortcuts or elevators to the stairs of hard work. Your
ability to keep running and knocking on doors is what will get you to where
you'd like to be. So, my advice is, get rid of counter-productive words like
“luck” and become best friends with “uncertainty” and “failure”; for one day
they will be your lucky charm.
| admit that even after being the son of a very powerful woman, husband of
a beautiful woman and father of two empowered daughters, | am yet to
understand the challenges women face throughout their lives. In this part of
the world, right from childhood to adulthood scores of girls and young
women are denied the basic right to education. They are held against
standards of obedience and silence that do not apply to boys.
While the situation is improving greatly through the efforts of different
individuals and organizations such as IISU that are focusing on educating
young girls, giving them access to quality education, | recognise that many
challenges still lie ahead before us in terms of social equality to women
In the corporate world, women in the workplace are expected to work like
they have no families, and at home they are expected to work as if they can=e
have no careers. But perhaps that's why these unimaginable challenges are
presented to the stronger gender - you women have the strength to work
around and against these inequalities.
You have the grit and the fortitude to overcome obstacles of inequity and
ask for what is rightfully yours. The generations before you have laid the
groundwork for you to level this playing field because God knows that
neither our economy, nor our institutions nor our society can move an inch
without its wiser and most powerful half. So please remember - your seat at
the table - in board rooms, news rooms, parliament, science laboratories
and beyond - is yours for the taking.
| would like to conclude this speech by recognising the powerful potential
that is embedded in each one of your destinies.
At this exciting yet overwhelming age, you will not only have to grow, you
will also have to learn. You have to recognise the ways in which the world
needs you. Realising your fullest potential is not just recognising your
strengths, but also coming to terms with your weaknesses.
Your decisions will shape the future of your family, community, the country,
and the world beyond. | urge you to see and experience the world with eyes
wide open, make your own mistakes, take the risks life demands of you and
shape the contours of your future with your bare hands. Today marks the
end of one journey and the beginning of the next; with all of your past
behind you and all of your potential in the front.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, it's been an honour to be with you today.
Thank you again, IISU for giving me this lifelong memory. | dedicate this
honour to my parents, my family, my extended family and friends who have
taught me real life lessons.
Terima Kasih! (Thank you!)=a
Acceptance Fpeech Mahesh Kothagi
Director, Rotary International
Namaskar, everybody!
Today is an extraordinary day for me, my family, my
friends and all the organisations | am associated with. |
am extremely grateful to IIS (Deemed to be University)
Jaipur and its Board of Management for conferring on me
the D. Litt degree (Honoris Causa) for exceptional work in
Social Service. | humbly accept this recognition you all
have bestowed on me.
This University has been legendary and has achieved tremendous respect
from all stakeholders and the public at large, for contributing in the overall
development of the state and nation by educating girls from all sections of
the society. | personally congratulate the founder of the University, the
Honorable Chancellor DrAshok Gupta who nurtured the dream of
empowering women and who worked hard along with his exceptional
team to make the dream come true.
What | found unique about this University is how it has moved beyond
knowledge creation and dissemination and woven the idea of “social
responsibility” in its mission, teaching-learning processes, pedagogy, and
policies and how the staff and students are encouraged to engage
themselves with social issues and work for righteous causes.
As the current Rotary International Director, | cannot stress enough on the
need to apply leadership and expertise to social issues at every level to find
solutions to complex problems that exist in the world today. Let me
introduce “Rotary” - the largest NGO in the world, to you in simple words:-
To the unfortunate Rotary is compassion...
To the fortunate it is congratulation .. (networking)
To the weak itis help...=a
lam very happy to receive the degree today, on behalf of the hungry, of the
naked, of the homeless, of the crippled, of the blind, of the lepers, of all
those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for, thrown away by the
society, people who have become a burden to the society, and are shamed
by everybody.
At your age, armed with the degree in hand, you may want to get “rich” and
“famous” very quickly. For most of us, being rich is equal to having many
valuable assets. But let me narrate an incident to you. One day, | took a dear
friend of mine (who is from a rich family) on a trip to a remote village Dechu
in the Jodhpur district of Rajasthan with the prime purpose of showing him
how the poor people lived.
We spent one day and one night in a farm that belonged to a very poor
farmer family. When we got back from the trip, | asked my friend, “how did
you like the trip?”. He said “it was very good”. | then asked, did you learn
anything about the life of poor people in the village?
My friend replied, “Yes, | observed that we have a dog at home, and they
have four dogs. We have no goats, sheep and cows and they have six. We
have imported lights in the garden, they have the stars. Our veranda opens
in the front yard, they have the whole horizon”. When my friend finished
talking, | became speechless. He concluded “Thanks for showing me how
poor we are”.
What | am trying to say here is, while there is nothing wrong in owning
valuable assets, at the end of the day what is important is how satisfied and
happy you are. Our outlook to life depends on the way we look at things.
What others may look upon as riches, you may not need them.
The most important things in life are your health, your family, your friends,
good humour and a positive attitude towards life. If you have these in your
life, you have everything. You see, it is not the score that somebody else
keeps on your life that counts in the end. It is how you score your own life
that makes the difference.
Self-less Service is the virtue that distinguishes the great people from the
ordinary at all times. It is the dividing line which separates the two great
groups of the world - those who help and those who hinder; those who lift=a
and those who lean; those who contribute and those who only consume.
| urge you to think. How much better it is to give than to receive! Service in
any form is comely and beautiful. It leads to inner peace and satisfaction.
My faith and belief in life has always been, “Service to mankind is the path
to Spiritualism”. Let us develop the higher value of being ethical and
generous. Let us give without expecting anything in return. That is the path
to our spiritual development.
Best Wishes and Thank you.=a
Prof. Raakhi Gupta
Rector & Registrar
IIS (deemed to be University), Jaipur
Our most respected Chief Guest, Shri Om Birla ji,
Honourable Speaker of the 17th Lok Sabha of India, the
Honorable Chancellor, IISU, Dr. Ashok Gupta, the
esteemed recipients of D.Litt. (Honoris Causa)- Shri.
Virendra Prakash Sharma and Dr Mahesh Kotbagi, the
Vice Chancellor, IISU, Prof. T.N.Mathur, Members of the
Board of Management, the Academic Council,
Distinguished Guests and Dignitaries, and dear
“You are educated. Your certificate is in your degree. You may think
of it as the token to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an
alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world”
— Tom Brokaw
Trew 2<"o
Today is a special day. It is special, because all of us know how challenging
our journey to see this day has been! We faced obstacles and were forced
to take many detours due to the cascading effects of the global pandemic.
And yet, with patience, perseverance and an optimistic outlook towards
life, we have sailed through, together, in the trying times.
| feel extremely privileged to offer the formal vote of thanks on the occasion
of the 10” Convocation Day of the IISU. It is important to acknowledge and
thank all those who have contributed immensely in this journey.
Let me begin, by offering my heartfelt thanks to the Honourable=e
Chancellor, DrAshok Gupta, who successfully navigated us through the
uncertain and turbulent times. He has truly demonstrated to us that “fearis a
reaction” and “courage is a decision”. Thank you, sir we have always looked
up to you for your sage advice, wisdom, strength, guidance and support and,
will always do so, in all our endeavours.
On behalf of the Management, Faculty, Non-Teaching Staff and Students of
IISU, | profusely thank Shri Om Birla ji for having consented to grace this
solemn occasion with his esteemed presence in spite of his extremely busy
Thank you, sir, the IIS Network of Institutions — or if | may say so, the IISU
Family is honoured to have you on this campus. Your valuable words have
outlined the vision of India's New Education System and have passionately
stimulated and energized all of us to work towards the revolutionary goals of
NEP 2020.
With great humility, | wish to thank both our esteemed invitees who have
graciously accepted the conferment of the Degree of D.Litt. (Honoris Causa)
on them.
Shri V.P. Sharma ji, thank you for sharing how you turned your ambitions and
dreams into realities by taking risks, making out-of-the-box choices,
strategizing, learning, growing, rolling up your sleeves and getting the job
done beating all odds.
Your life gives us valuable lessons of simplicity, modesty, disciplined life style,
time management, and remaining true to one's roots. You are a perfect
example of how a low-key and laid-back person could become a celebrity
through sheer hard work. You are truly an inspiration for all of us!
From the bottom of my heart, | would like to place on record many, many,
thanks to Dr. Mahesh Kotbagi. Your integrated and holistic approach towards
health and your focus on empathy, compassion and self-less service to fellow
beings is truly admirable and exemplary.
We take a bow and salute all the good work you have been doing for bridging
health and social care especially, promoting values such as human dignity,
human rights, equality, building authentic relationships, etc.=e
You are a potpourri of passion, compassion, sophistication, magnanimity and
kindness. From you, we have also learnt that we all need to constantly
evaluate our motives in life in the best interest of the society we live in.
Sincere thanks to both of you, for showing us the path and we will look
forward to your guidance always.
Amongst us, are some very dynamic and experienced individuals who
understand our strengths and weaknesses and know just how to bring out the
best in us. They are Prof. T.N. Mathur, Vice Chancellor, Professor
K.S.Sharma, Advisor, Prof. Pradeep Bhatnagar, Dean, Faculty of Sciences,
Prof. M.K.Sharma, Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Prof. lla
Joshi, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. | thank you all for
motivating us, supporting our initiatives and encouraging us to strive for
excellence in all that we do.
You will all agree with me when | say that family is our backbone and the
strongest unit of our lives. | take this opportunity to deeply thank the grand-
parents, parents and other family members of all the graduands for loving
them unconditionally and encouraging them at every step. Surely your
continued support will help them build a strong foundation and create
meaningful relationships even outside this campus.
| cannot thank enough all our conscientious, dedicated and hard-working
teaching, non-teaching, technical and support staff members who have risen
to the occasion and helped each other to successfully overcome the
pandemic disruptions.
Aspecial thanks to all the teachers who have gone that extra mile to learn and
adapt to the new tools and technologies that are emerging each day and,
have been proactive in sharing their wisdom, expertise and, guiding and
facilitating their students to do their best.
As regards today's event, | would like to quote H.E. Luccock "No one can
whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it".
This event could not have been possible without the contribution of all the
teaching and non-teaching staff members, the technical team, student
volunteers and the support staff. | thank all of them for their full cooperation=e
in planning, organizing and logistic support. In case | have missed out
anybody inadvertently, | thank them too.
Dear students, with the NEP-2020 in place, we are witnessing a
transformation of the educational landscape in the country today.
IISU is striving hard to strengthen its education system, by creating a more
multi-disciplinary and well-rounded educational experience for all of you.
The array of initiatives and research work taken up in the University, aim to
prepare you for the global economy and the complex world.
You are all unique. You all have talents and abilities. Believe in yourself, be
humble and work hard. We are sure success will follow. Best of luck and may
you do well in life!
Congratulations to all of you again. And | now request the audience to please
join me in giving them a big round of applause in celebration of this
momentous day.
Thank you.saeTHE 10TH
APJ Abdul Kalam, Auditorium,
Mca ew OCU CET ee ON ECT
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