38 - Semen - Analysis Terjemahan
38 - Semen - Analysis Terjemahan
38 - Semen - Analysis Terjemahan
Semen Analysis
Alex C Varghese, Furquan Pathan, Ang Wen Jeat, Rakesh Sharma, Ashok Agarwal
Approximately 15% of the couples trying to conceive are clinically infertile. Male
factor is involved in half of these cases. Semen analysis remains the cornerstone
of evaluating male infertility. It is one of the first tests done to evaluate a man’s
fertility. It is inexpensive but can help determine if there is a problem in sperm
production or it is the quality of the sperm that is causing infertility. In this
chapter, the basics of semen analysis are explained. The tests are simple but can
be meaningful if performed by highly trained and specialized professional, in
modern laboratories that are accredited to maintain the high standards and
have strict quality controls.
1. Patient should be given clear and simple instructions explaining the need
for semen analysis and what is required for specimen collection.
2. Patient should be informed about the importance of abstinence time.
Ejaculate must be collected after 3-5 days (but not more than 7 days) of
3. Samples should be obtained by masturbation and collected in a warm
(20-40ºC), sterile, nontoxic plastic or glass wide-mouth container. Prior
to sample collection, the patient must void and wash hands and genitals
to minimize the chances of contamination.
4. Use of lubricants and saliva should be avoided as their potential toxicity
might influence the result. Semen samples should be protected from
extremes of temperature (<20ºC or >40ºC) during transport to the
5. All sample containers are labeled with adequate information to eliminate
any chances of error.
6. Regular condoms should not be used because of their spermicidal effect.
Ideally, the samples must be collected close to the laboratory. If the
specimen cannot be produced close to the laboratory, it must be delivered
to the laboratory as soon as possible, certainly within 1 hour of collection.
During this period, the sample has to be kept warm by carrying it next to
the body, and temperature extremes must be avoided.
Once the patient has collected the specimen, some preliminary information
about the specimen should be obtained:
1. Label the specimen clearly, indicating patient’s complete name, clinic
number, and collection date.
2. Record collection date and time.
3. Record abstinence time in days.
4. Record time the sample is received at the laboratory.
5. Record information about split ejaculate, noting when the sample was
lost and whether the spill occurred at the beginning or after ejaculation.
The samples always should be labeled as “Biohazard” and extreme
precaution should be taken. Follow safety guidelines and protocols in
handling the sample as the semen sample may contain infectious agents
(e.g. hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, herpes simplex).
Macroscopic Examination
Semen Age
Record the time when the sample was received, to the liquefaction time.
Incubation of the sample must be carried out at either ambient temperature
or by placing the specimen in an incubator at 37ºC. A normal sample usually
liquefies within 60 minutes at room temperature, although usually this
occurs within 15-20 minutes. It is determined by the time required for the
gelatinous mass to liquefy. A normal sample might contain gel-like
gelatinous corpuscles that do not liquefy. Exact liquefaction time is of no
diagnostic importance unless >2 hours elapse without any change. This
may indicate poor prostatic secretion since the liquefying enzymes are
derived from the prostate gland. On the other hand, absence of coagulation
may indicate ejaculatory duct obstruction or congenital absence of seminal
For samples that do not liquefy, the sample can be mixed by rapidly
mixing with a regular transfer pipette or, if the sample is viscous, viscosity
can be broken by using a viscosity treatment system.
Volume of the ejaculate should be measured by transferring the liquefied
sample into a graduated 15 mL conical centrifuge tube. The normal volume
of ejaculate after 2-5 days of sexual abstinence is about 2-6 mL. Retrograde
ejaculation, obstruction of lower urinary tract (urethra, congenital absence
of vas deferens, seminal vesicles) may yield low volume. According to the
WHO laboratory manual, the reference value for semen volume is ≥ 2.0
mL; however, for clinical purposes; semen volume is differentiated into
three categories to facilitate interpretation and diagnosis:
Aspermia: No semen produced after orgasm (seen in certain clinical
Hypospermia: <0.5 mL of semen ejaculated (partial or complete retrograde
flow of semen, accessory glands impairment).
Hyperspermia: > 6 mL of semen ejaculated (long period of sexual abstinence
or overproduction of fluids from the accessory sex glands).
If the volume is <1 mL it is important to determine if the sample is
complete. The highest sperm concentration is seen in the initial ejaculate.
Viscosity measures the seminal fluid’s resistance to flowing. It is measured
by the length of the ‘thread-lines’ or ‘spinnbarkeit.’ It can be estimated by
using a glass rod and observing the length of thread that forms on withdrawal
of the rod. A normal sample leaves small, discrete drops; abnormal samples
will form threads more than 2 cm long. High viscosity may interfere with
determinations of sperm motility, concentration and antibody coating of
spermatozoa. Viscosity can be categorized as ‘normal’, ‘moderate’ or ‘high.’
Viscous samples can be treated by a viscosity treatment system containing a
premeasured vial of chymotrypsin (5 mg/vial (Conception Technologies,
San Diego, CA). The sample can be swirled and left in the incubator for
another 10-15 min till viscosity is completely broken down and the sample is
suitable for analysis.
The pH of liquefied semen is determined by using pH test strips; pH 6.5 to
10 has been found most suitable for this purpose. A drop of semen is spread
evenly onto the pH paper. After 30 seconds, the color of the impregnated
zone is compared with the calibrated strip.
Normal semen pH is in the range of 7.2 to 8.2, and it does tend to increase
with time after ejaculation. Any change in the normal range of pH may be
caused by inflammation of the prostate or seminal vesicles.
Wet Preparation Examination
Load a 5 µL of well-mixed semen on a clean, warmed microscope slide
with a cover slip on top (18 × 18 mm). If a 22 × 22 mm cover slip is used, the
semen volume on the microscope slide should be 10 µL). This preparation
has a depth of approximately ~20 µm. A depth less than 20 µm will hamper
the rotational movements of the spermatozoa. Care should be taken to avoid
formation of air bubbles that can be trapped between the cover slip and
the slide. It is important to wait for the drifting to cease/stabilize before
examination. In addition, a variety of other disposable two-well 20 µm
counting chambers are also available.
A phase contrast microscope is recommended for all examinations of
unstained preparations of fresh/washed semen. Initial examination is done
under 100× total magnification (10× objective and 10× ocular), which
provides an overview for determining mucus strands, sperm aggregation,
and evenness of spread of spermatozoa on the slide. Subsequently, the
sample should be examined for count and motility under 200×
Sperm Concentration
A fixed volume of a liquefied semen aliquot is used and fixed sperm are
counted in a Neubauer hemocytometer chamber. Dilution of 1:19 is usually
employed. Dilutions may be made in small, clean, glass or plastic vials.
Extreme care must be taken while making dilutions and preparing the
1. The diluent consists of 50 g sodium bicarbonate
2. 10 ml of 35% of formaldehyde solution, and 0.25 g trypan blue dissolved
in reagent water up to 1 liter.
1. Filter the solution through Whatman No.1 papers into a clean bottle
and store it at 4ºC.
2. Add 50 µL liquefied semen to 950 µL diluent. Use a positive displacement
pipette to ensure accurate handling of the viscous semen.
3. These dilutions can be stored for up to 4 weeks at 4ºC.
4. Place the hemocytometer cover slip over the chamber.
5. Vortex the diluent for 10 s. Transfer 10 µL to each chamber.
6. Leave the hemocytometer in a humid chamber for 10 to 15 minutes for
the spermatozoa to settle down onto the counting grid.
7. Count the spermatozoa using a 20× objective phase-contrast optics. The
central square of the grid in an improved Neubauer chamber contains
25 large squares, each containing 16 small squares. The number of
squares counted depends on the number of spermatozoa seen in the
first large square as follows:
i. < 10 spermatozoa in the first large square - count the whole grid of
25 large squares;.
ii. 10 - 40 spermatozoa per square - count only 10 large squares (two
horizontal or vertical rows); and
iii. >40 spermatozoa per square - count spermatozoa in the five large
squares (the four corners plus the center).
1. Counts of two hemocytometer chambers should be within 5% of their
average. If not, discard, remix sample, and prepare another sample to
be loaded on the hemocytometer, i.e. (higher value - lower value) must
be < (sum of values/20) for the counts to be acceptable
2. Sperm concentration (10 6/mL) = total number of spermatozoa/
appropriate correction factor (Table 11.1)
Total sperm count = Sperm concentration × ejaculate volume.
Table 11.1: Dilution and conversion factors for the improved Neubauer hemocytometer
Spermatozoa Dilution Conversion factors
per 400X field (semen + diluent) Number of large squares counted
<15 1:5 (1 + 4) 20 8 4
15-40 1:10 (1 + 9) 10 4 2
40-200 1:20 (1 + 19) 5 2 1
>200 1: 50 (1 + 49) 2 0.8 0.4
Smear Preparation
Slides should be pre-cleaned with 95% ethanol to allow firm attachment of
smears. A small drop of semen, approximately a 5µL aliquot, is placed on
the slide. The fraction is then pulled out into a smear with a second slide;
this is called the ‘feathering’ technique. This is done with minimum force
to ensure that the spermatozoa tails do not fall apart, and care is taken to
guarantee that the smear is not too thick. Two smears are made from each
sample. If the sperm concentration is > 20 × 106/ mL, then 5 µL of semen
can be used; if the sperm concentration is < 20 × 106/ mL, then 10-20 µL of
semen is used. Smears are air-dried and fixed in 95% ethanol for 15 minutes.
Air-dried smears can be batched prior to staining.
Staining Methods
The numerous staining techniques available include as the Papanicolaou,
Giemsa, Shorr, modified Bryan-Leishman and Diff-Quik methods with
Papanicolaou and Diff-Quik being the more common.
Papanicolaou Stain
Papanicolaou stain (WHO, 1999) is the most widely used. It is recommended
by the WHO laboratory manual because it gives a good staining to
spermatozoa and other cells as it distinguishes basophilic cell components
and acidophilic cell components. It allows a comprehensive examination
of nuclear chromatin pattern.
i. Fixative: A freshly prepared solution of equal parts of analytical-
grade absolute ethanol and diethyl ether.
ii. Graded ethanol (50%, 70%, 80%, 95%, and 99.5% (v/v)
Staining solutions
i. Hematoxylin: Orange G6 and EA-50 are commercially available.
ii. Acid ethanol: Prepared by mixing 300 mL of 095% (v/v) ethanol and
2.0 mL concentrated hydrochloric acid (36% HCL) in 100 mL reagent
iii. Scott’s solution: Prepare by dissolving 3.5 g NaHCO3 and 20.0 g
MgSO4.7H2O in reagent water to a total volume of 1000 mL.
Prepare the air-dried smear and fix as explained above. Proceed with
staining according to the sequence.
Diff-Quik Staining
Diff-Quik stain (Baxter Healthcare, Deerfield, IL) comprises fixative and
two solutions – Diff-Quik I and II.
1. Diff-Quik fixative: It contains 1.8 mg/L triarylmethane dye, 100% PDC
(pure dye content) in methyl alcohol.
2. Diff-Quik solution I: It contains 1g/L xanthene dye 100% PDC, buffer
and sodium azide (0.01%) as preservative
3. Diff-Quik solution II: It contains 1.25 g/L thiazine dye mixture, 100% PDC
(0.625 g/L azure A, and 0.625 g/L methylene blue) and buffer.
4. Mounting agent: Accu-mount 60 media.
i. Slide is prepared as described above and labeled with the accession
number, name, and date.
ii. Proceed with staining: Dip dry slide in Diff-Quik fixative solution
containing methanol, 5 times for 1 sec each time and allowing 1 sec
between dips.
iii. Allow slide to air dry for 15 min.
iv. Dip dried fixed slide in Diff-Quik solution I (xanthene dye) 3 times
for 1 sec each dip and allowing 1 sec between dips. Allow excess
stain to drip off. Do not dry slide.
v. Dip slide into Diff-Quik solution II (thiazine dye) 5 times for 1 sec
each dip and allow 1 sec between dips. Allow excess stain to drip
off. Do not dry slide.
vi. Rinse slide in deionized water gently and thoroughly to remove
any excess stain.
vii. Allow stained slide to air dry in drying rack.
Mount cover slip using Accumount on the dried stained slide. For
scoring, the slide can be viewed under oil immersion with magnification
of 1000 × using a high quality 100 × nonphase-contrast objective and
correctly adjusted bright-field optics. About 200 spermatozoa are scored
for various abnormalities. The xanthine stain produces the red tones, and
the thiazine increases the blue tones.
Leukocytospermia Test
This test is performed on suspended cells in a liquefied semen specimen
and quantitated by counting stained cells in a Makler counting chamber.
Peroxidase-positive granulocytes (neutrophils, polynuclear leukocytes,
macrophages) are identified by histochemical staining using the Endtz test.
This test is often referred to as the myeloperoxidase test.
i. Measure 20 µL of liquefied semen specimen into a micro-centrifuge
tube; add 20 µL of Tyrode’s solution and 40 µL of working benzidene
solution. Mix and let sit at room temperature for 5 minutes.
ii. Load a Makler counting chamber with 5 µL of the above solution
and observe under 10 × magnification.
iii. All granulocytes will stain dark brown in color and retain their round
iv. Count the cells in all the 100 squares of the Makler grid.
v. Number of white blood cells (WBC) can be calculated by multiplying
total number of cells by 4 to correct for dilution factor. The total
WBC number will be 105/mL semen. This number should be
corrected to million/ml by dividing by 10.
Report results as million/mL Endtz-positive cells. According to the WHO
manual, the normal concentration of WBC in semen is < 1 × 106/mL,
leukocytospermia is defined as the presence of >1 million/ml WBCs.
Reference range: 0.0-0.9 × 106/mL (normal)
Panic value: Endtz test > 1 × 106/mL (positive).
Quality Control
A weekly positive control should be run to check reagents. The results
should be greater than 1.0 × 106/ml Endtz-positive cells.
Note: If semen specimen is not available, an EDTA anti-coagulated blood
specimen may be used. Centrifuge the blood specimen to obtain the buffy
coat. Remove the buffy layer containing WBC by using a transfer pipette.
Dilute into 2 mL of Tyrode’s buffer and aliquot (0.1 mL). These aliquots
may be used for approximately one month.
Sperm Viability
Sperm vitality is normally measured by testing cellular integrity, assessing
the ability of the sperm plasma membrane to exclude extracellular
substances. The cytologically intact ‘live’ cells can be determined using
several vital staining techniques such as eosin Y and trypan blue. The hypo-
osmotic swelling (HOS) test is also considered a test of sperm integrity.
Eosin-Nigrosin Stain
An eosin-nigrosin stain must be done on all specimens having a motility of
30% or less. The stain must be performed immediately following the initial
motility examination (WHO, 1999).
i. Eosin Y (1%): Weigh out 0.5 g of eosin Y and add it to 50 mL of
deionized water. Dissolve this solution using gentle heat. Cool the
liquid to room temperature and filter. This reagent is stable for 3
months at room temperature.
i. Place one drop of well-mixed semen on a Boerner slide.
ii. Add 2 drops of 1% aqueous eosin Y, stir with a wooden stirrer for 15
iii. Add 3 drops of 10% aqueous nigrosin. Mix with a wooden stirrer.
iv. Immediately make two thin smears from this mixture by pipetting
10 µL onto each slide and air dry.
v. Place a cover slip with Accu-Mount mounting media (Baxter).
vi. Count 100 sperm on each slide in duplicate using high power (×
vii. Calculate percentage of viable (unstained) and non-viable (stained)
Viability should be ≥ motility in samples with < 30% motility.
i. Dissolve 0.735 g sodium citrate dihydrate
ii. 1.351g fructose
iii. Mix in 100 mL of distilled water.
i. To 1 mL of HOS solution add 0.1 mL of liquefied semen and mix
gently with the pipette.
ii. Incubate at 37ºC for 30-60 minutes.
iii. Place a drop of semen mixture on a glass slide and place a cover
iv. Examine under a phase contrast microscope.
Normal values (fertile): > 60% spermatozoa with swollen tails
Abnormal values (infertile): < 50% spermatozoa with swollen tails.
HOS has a limited ability to predict male fertility, but it is useful in
selecting non-motile but viable sperm for assisted reproductive
technologies. An HOS result < 50% is associated with increased miscarriage
Antisperm Antibodies
Immunological protection to sperm antigens is provided by the tight
junctions of Sertoli cells forming the blood-testis barrier. The spermatozoon
evokes an immune response when exposed to the systemic immune defense
system. In conditions in which this barrier gets disrupted, formation of
antisperm antibodies (ASA) may occur. Systemic and local
immunoregulatory mechanisms control the development of antispermatic
immunity, which may sometimes be overridden by genetic predispositions,
non-physiological routes of inoculation, genital tract infections, etc., which
may lead to ASA formation and sperm dysfunction.
Certain ASAs have a cytotoxic effect on the spermatozoa and can cause
cell death and immobilization of sperm cells. Other effects of ASAs include
creating agglutinated clumps of moving sperm in the semen sample,
hampering passage of sperm through the cervical mucus, and zona binding
and passage.
Immunobead Test
Antibodies bound to the human sperm surface can be detected by other
antibodies that are against human IgG, IgA or IgM immunoglobulin
molecules (Bronson et al 1984; WHO, 1999; Mortimer, 1994a).
Immunobeads: Anti-IgG, -IgA and -IgM beads (Irvine Scientific, Santa Ana,
CA). For screening, beads for total B-cell labeling can be used. Reconstitute
the immunobeads according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Beads can
be kept for several months at 4°C in the original buffer, which contains a
preservative (azide).
Stock buffer: Tyrode’s solution or Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
can be used.
Buffer I (0.3% BSA): Buffer for bead washing (10 mL) and sperm washing
(2 x 10 mL for each semen sample). Add 0.6 g bovine serum albumin (BSA;
Cohn fraction V) to 200 mL stock buffer. 200 mL buffer is sufficient to wash
and run six unknown samples: one positive and one negative control and
two sets of IgA and IgG beads.
Buffer II (5% BSA): Buffer for resuspension of beads and sperm pellets, 200 µL
for each specimen. Add 250 mg BSA to 5 ml stock buffer. A total of 2 mL
buffer II is needed for six samples, two controls and two sets of beads.
1. Filter all solutions through 0.22 or 0.45 µm filters and warm to 25-35°C
before use.
2. At least 200 motile sperm should be assessed for each test. A positive
(serum from a donor with high titers of antisperm antibodies) and
negative control should be included in each run.
Results are based on the analysis of motile sperm. Samples made using
sperm with poor motility may give false negative results. A positive finding
Reference Value
Volume ≥ 2.0 mL
pH ≥ 7.2
Sperm concentration ≥ 20 × 106 spermatozoa/ mL
Motility ≥ 50% motile (grades a + b) or
> 25% with progressive motility (grade a) within 60
minutes of ejaculation
Vitality > 75% alive
White blood cells < 1 × 106/mL
Immunobead test < 50% motile spermatozoa with
beads bound
Pyospermia is a laboratory finding categorized as the abnormal presence
of leukocytes in human ejaculate. Pyospermia is established when the
concentration of seminal WBCs is in the range between 5 × 105/mL and 5
× 106/mL seminal fluid during semen analysis (Anderson DJ, 1995).
Numerous studies have demonstrated that leukocytes in ejaculate have a
physiological effect on sperm function, which may further impact male
infertility (Wolff H, Anderson DJ, 1988).
The differential diagnosis of symptomatic pyospermia includes infection,
autoimmune disease, and inflammation of the accessory sex glands and
the lower male urogenital tract. Urogenital infections include acute and
chronic prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, epididymo-orchitis, cystitis,
urethritis, urethral stricture, stone disease, foreign bodies, upper urinary
tract infection, retrograde ejaculation, and localized sepsis of the adjacent
lower gastrointestinal tract and asymptomatic bacteriuria. Chronic
infections that may result in pyospermia include fungal, mycobacterial,
and congenital lesions that cause urogenital tract infection.
Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is occasionally present in human semen. It is the cause
of the most prevalent sexually transmitted bacterial disease worldwide and
is responsible for an estimated 90 million infections. Considering the high
worldwide prevalence of C. trachomatis infection, artificial insemination
by donor (AID) is a potential route for the spread of C. trachomatis and has
been reported as such. It cannot be cultured, since seminal plasma factor is
toxic to the cell lines used for the culture. Treatment must extend to both
the partners.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
This organism causes severe symptoms in men. It can be identified in semen
as gram-negative intracellular diplococci. Transmission is through sexual
intercourse as well.
Many viruses can be isolated from semen, but the most important is human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Its presence can be detected by either culture
or polymerase chain reaction. Other viruses that could be present in semen
are human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type I (HTLV-1), hepatitis B, hepatitis
C, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and human papilloma virus (HPV). Genital
herpes virus often is isolated from semen in infected patients.
Measurement of Zinc
A colorimetric assay kit is used for determining the zinc content in the seminal
plasma (Johnson and Eliasson, 1987, Mortimer, 1994c). It can be done in either
a -well plate or spectrophotometer cuvettes. The assay is based on the principle
that in the presence of zinc, 5-Br-PAPS (2-(5 bromo-2 - pyridylazo)-5-(N-propyl-
N-sulphopropylamino)-phenol is converted to 5-Br-PAPS-Zn complex, which
absorbs at 560 nm.
1. Zinc kit: Chromogen solution is prepared by mixing color reagents A
and B in proportions of 4:1. It is stable for 1 week at 4oC.
2. Zinc standard: (0.1 mM).
1. Centrifuge semen at 1000 g for 15 minutes. 100 µL of semen is centrifuged
to obtain 10 µL of neat seminal plasma.
2. A 10 µL aliquot of cell-free seminal plasma is diluted with 600 µL of
1. Set absorbance readings on the spectrophotometer to 560 nm, and allow
adequate time for stabilization.
2. Prepare a standard curve in duplicate (100 µM diluted to give 80, 60, 40,
20 and 10 µM).
3. Set the spectrophotometer to zero with a cuvette containing reagent
4. Add 2.5 mL working chromogen solution (mix 4 parts of color reagent
A with 1 part of color reagent B). Add 20 µL of color reagent to 40 µL of
diluted semen samples, standard, and blank.
5. Leave at room temperature for 5 minutes.
6. Measure absorbance at 560 nm and calculate results.
7. Calculation: Multiply by a dilution factor to obtain the concentration of
zinc (mM) in undiluted seminal plasma. Multiply by ejaculate volume
to obtain µmol/ejaculate.
Zinc is a specific marker of prostatic function. Normal range of seminal
zinc is 1.2-3.8 mmol/L or ≥ 2.4 µmol per ejaculate.
1. Boehringer Kit No. 130976: Contains Solution 1: 3 × Bottle1 (mainly
NADH), which is reconstituted by adding 12 mL reagent water and
shaking well. 3 × Bottle 2 (citrate-lyase), reconstituted by adding 0.3 mL
reagent water and shaking well.
2. Triethanolamine buffer (pH 7.7): Prepared by dissolving 14.9g
triethanolamine in 750 mL reagent water and adjusting the pH to 7.6 by
adding 1 N HCl. Dissolve 0.027 g ZnCl2 in 250 mL reagent water and
1. Centrifuge 250 µL liquefied semen (cell- and protein-free) in an
Eppendrof tube at 1000 g for 15 minutes.
2. Add 100 µL of supernatant to 4.95 mL of 15% TCA in a small, capped
vial and shake well.
3. Add 0.75 mL NaOH (6 N) and adjust the pH to 7.0.
4. Freeze three 0.5 mL aliquots of the extract in Eppendorf tubes at -20ºC.
1. Set the spectrophotometer to 340 nm and allow adequate time for
2. Mix 0.5 mL of solution 1, 2.3 mL TRA buffer and 0.2 mL sample, standard,
or blank in a disposable cuvette. Prepare each set in duplicate.
3. Adjust the spectrophotometer reading to zero with a cuvette containing
reagent water.
4. Measure initial absorbance (A1).
5. Add 20 µL of solution 2. Shake it well, wait exactly 5 minutes, and
measure the absorbance again (A2).
6. Calculate and analyze the results according to the formula:
∆A × (V ÷ V) × DF × MW ÷ E ÷ D + 100 = g/L where
DF = Specimen dilution factor
V = final volume (3.02 mL)
MW = molecular weight of the substance analyzed (192.1)
E = absorption coefficient of NADH at 340 nm (6.3 cm3/µmol)
D = light path (1 cm)
V = sample volume (0.2 mL)
∆A × 139.0 = mmol citric acid/ L.
The normal range of seminal plasma citric acid concentration is 9.4-43.4
mmol/L or ≥ 52 µmol per ejaculate. Decreased levels of citric acid may
indicate either prostatic dysfunction or duct obstruction. Further evaluation
must be done by physician.
1. Phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 6.8). Prepare 1% SDS in phosphate buffer.
2. Color reagent 1 for stopping the reaction. 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate.
3. Color reagent 2 for diluting the product. Prepare color reagent 1
containing 0.1% SDS.
4. Substrate (p-nitrophenol glucopyranoside (PNPG, 5mg/mL in
phosphate buffer, pH 6.8). Prepared fresh.
5. Glucosidase inhibitor for semen blanks Castanospermine (10 mM).
Prepare 1mM working solution. Freeze in aliquots at -20oC.
6. 100 mM solution of sodium carbonate.
7. Standard: 5 mM p-nitrophenol. Make fresh every time.
Use sperm-free seminal plasma prepared by centrifuging an aliquot of
semen at 1000 g for 15 minutes.
1. Set a water bath at exactly 37°C for the incubation step below.
2. Thaw specimens to be assayed and mix well.
3. Prepare 100 µL of PNPG substrate solution in Eppendrof tube.
4. Using a positive displacement pipette, add 10 µL specimen aliquots
in duplicate into the Eppendorf tube.
5. Mix each tube and incubate at 37°C for 2 h.
6. Include internal quality control samples consisting of high, medium,
and low activities of neutral α-glucosidase.
7. To two high activity quality control semen pools. Add 8 mL of 1
mM castanospermine to provide semen blank value.
8. Prepare PNP standard curve (160, 120, 80, 40 µm) with color reagent
2 (within an hour of incubation).
9. Stop the reaction by adding 1.0 mL of color reagent 1 and mix.
10. Read absorbance of each sample at 405 nm against the blank (water).
1 unit of glucosidase activity is equal to the production of 1 µ mole product
(PNP) per minute at 37oC. In this assay, the activity is derived from 15 µL
of semen in a total volume of 1.115 mL over 120 minutes. Therefore the
correction factor is 1115/15/120 or 0.6194.
1. Read the concentration of PNP produced by the sample from the
standard curve (µM).
2. Multiply by the correction factor (0.6194) to obtain the activity of neutral
glucosidase in undiluted seminal plasma (U/l).
3. Subtract the activity of the castanospermine semen blank from each
sample to obtain the corrected (glucosidase-related) activity.
4. Multiply the corrected activity by the ejaculate volume to obtain
glucosidase activity (mU) per ejaculate. α-glucosidase is a specific
indicator for epipdymis function. Normal values are ≥ 20 mU/ ejaculate.
Fructose is a marker for seminal vesicle function. Normal range for seminal
fructose is >150 mg/dl.
Semen analysis is fairly simple and easy to perform and remains the
cornerstone of the andrology laboratory even as newer tests are being
introduced. Maintaining strict interlaboratory, inter-observer, and intra
observer quality control measures and making quality control materials
available is important for optimizing results.
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colorimetric determination of zinc in human seminal plasma. Int J Androl
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