Autonomous Guided Vehicles: Hamed Fazlollahtabar Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad
Autonomous Guided Vehicles: Hamed Fazlollahtabar Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad
Autonomous Guided Vehicles: Hamed Fazlollahtabar Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad
Hamed Fazlollahtabar
Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad
Methods and Models for Optimal Path
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control
Volume 20
Series editor
Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
About this Series
The series "Studies in Systems, Decision and Control" (SSDC) covers both new
developments and advances, as well as the state of the art, in the various areas of
broadly perceived systems, decision making and control- quickly, up to date and
with a high quality. The intent is to cover the theory, applications, and perspec-
tives on the state of the art and future developments relevant to systems, decision
making, control, complex processes and related areas, as embedded in the fields of
engineering, computer science, physics, economics, social and life sciences, as well
as the paradigms and methodologies behind them. The series contains monographs,
textbooks, lecture notes and edited volumes in systems, decision making and con-
trol spanning the areas of Cyber-Physical Systems, Autonomous Systems, Sensor
Networks, Control Systems, Energy Systems, Automotive Systems, Biological Sys-
tems, Vehicular Networking and Connected Vehicles, Aerospace Systems, Automa-
tion, Manufacturing, Smart Grids, Nonlinear Systems, Power Systems, Robotics,
Social Systems, Economic Systems and other. Of particular value to both the con-
tributors and the readership are the short publication timeframe and the world-wide
distribution and exposure which enable both a wide and rapid dissemination of
research output.
Hamed Fazlollahtabar Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad
Faculty of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Industrial Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology Center of Excellence for Advance
Tehran Manufacturing
Iran Iran University of Science and Technology
The Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) is an automated guided cart that follows a
guided path. This equipment is widely used in industrial fields and places of
physical distribution. We have developed a new type of AGV that has additional
functions such as following the motion of people and avoiding obstacles on the
course it is traveling on. Therefore, it can work with service personnel even
though there is no pre-determined guided path. In general, an AGV is a driverless
transport system used for horizontal movement of materials. AGVs are especially
used for the internal and external transport of materials. Moreover, vision or lasers
can be used for determining the movement of an AGV.
Since their introduction in 1955, AGVs have found widespread industrial
applications. AGVs are now found in all types of industries, with the only
restrictions on their use mainly resulting from the dimensions of the goods to be
transported or spatial considerations. Many applications of AGVs are technically
feasible, but the purchase and implementation of such systems is usually based on
economic considerations. The uses of AGVs can be divided into four main areas
of application:
1) supply and disposal at storage and production areas;
2) production-integrated application of AGV trucks as assembly platforms;
3) retrieval, especially in wholesale trade; and
4) supply and disposal in special areas, such as hospitals and offices. In all of
these settings.
AGVs have been found to reduce the damage to inventory, make production
scheduling more flexible, and reduce staffing needs. But, as with any other major
capital decision, implementation of these systems must be undertaken cautiously.
The AGVs were traditionally employed in manufacturing systems, but have
recently extended their popularity to many other industrial applications, such as
goods transportation in warehouses and container transshipment systems at
container terminals. Industrial transportation systems using AGVs are used in
warehouses and manufactures.
An AGV system is a fully automated industrial transport system that makes use
of numerous AGVs. An AGV is a battery powered, computer controlled,
VI Preface
agent is developed for path planning of AGV. In chapter 9, delay optimization for
multiple AGVs is developed and modeled. In chapter 10, Markovian modeling is
proposed for evaluation of multiple AGV system. In chapter 11, producer
behavior in an AGV equipped manufacturing system is analyzed. In the last
chapter risk evaluation for AGVs in a manufacturing system is described.
We would like to express our gratitude to the many people who saw us through
this book; to all those who provided support, talked things over, read, wrote,
offered comments, allowed us to quote their remarks and assisted in the editing,
proofreading and design.
We would like to thank Iran University of Science and Technology for enabling
us to publish this book. Above all we want to thank our families, who supported
and encouraged us in spite of all the time it took us away from them. It was a long
and difficult journey for them.
We would like to thank Prof. Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri for helping us in the
process of selection and editing. Thanks to our publisher who encouraged us.
Thanks to Prof. Abdolreza Sheikholeslami - without you this book would never
find its way to the academician.
Last and not least: We beg forgiveness of all those who have been with us over
the course of the years and whose names we have failed to mention.
H. Fazlollahtabar
M. Saidi-Mehrabad
8 Optimal Path for AGV System with Intelligent Agents ...................... 117
8.1 Summary ......................................................................................... 117
8.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................ 120
8.3 Mathematical Model ....................................................................... 126
8.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................... 130
References ................................................................................................ 130
1.1 Summary
least be equal to 40 tons. Less capacity is required for the transport of pallets at
warehouses. Furthermore, at container terminals self-lifting automated guided
vehicles (ALVs) are used. For this type of AGV no other equipment is required to
transfer a load to the vehicle. Vis and Harika (2004) and Yang et al. (2004)
discussed this new type of AGVs in more detail.
In this chapter, we will discuss literature concerning the usage of AGVs in
manufacturing and the new areas of application, namely distribution,
transshipment and transportation systems. The most important differences
between traditional and new areas of application are the number of AGVs used,
the number of transportation requests, the occupancy degree of AGVs, the
distances to be travelled and the number of pick-up and delivery points where
transportation requests become available. At manufacturing systems, a small
number of AGVs with relatively low occupancy degrees are used to transport a
small number of requests over short distances between a few pick-up and delivery
points. For continuous mass transport in these systems conveyors are used instead
of large numbers of AGVs (see Gotting, 2000). In contrast to manufacturing
systems, large numbers of AGVs (up to 400; Van der Heijden et al., 2002a) were
used to execute a large number of repeating transportation tasks at container
terminals and external transportation systems. Furthermore, operational
conditions, such as weather conditions and spatial dimensions, found in outside
environments (container terminals and external transportation systems) differ from
the operational conditions in inside areas (manufacturing and distribution
1.2.2 Simulation
Gaur et al. (2003) studied the problem of scheduling an AGV in a flexible
manufacturing system while minimizing completion times. A vehicle needs to
visit each site only after its release time and before its due time. Sabuncuoglu
(1998) used simulation to test various AGV scheduling rules.
Fazlollahtabar et al. (2012) concerned with applying tandem automated guided
vehicle (TAGV) configurations as material handling devices and optimizing the
production time considering the effective time parameters in a flexible automated
manufacturing system (FAMS) using Monte Carlo simulation. Due to different
configurations of TAGVs in an FAMS, the material handling activities are
performed. With respect to various stochastic time parameters and the TAGV
defects during material handling processes, sample data were collected and their
corresponding probability distributions were fitted. Using the probability
distributions, they modelled the TAGV material handling problem via Monte
Carlo simulation. The effectiveness of the proposed model was illustrated in a
case study.
4 1 Models for AGVs’ Scheduling and Routing
If the dispatching decision is carried out, a route and schedule should be planned
for the AGV to move the job from its origin to its destination within the AGV
network. A route implies the path which should be taken by the AGV when
making a pick-up or delivery. The related schedule gives arrival and departure
times of the AGV at each part, pick-up and delivery point and intersection during
the route to ensure collision free routing. The selection of a certain route and
schedule is effective on the performance of the system. The longer it takes to
transport a job, the fewer the jobs that can be handled within a certain time.
Therefore, one of the objectives of the routing of AGVs is to minimize
transportation times. Algorithms have to be developed to solve the routing
problem. Two categories of algorithms can be distinguished, namely static and
dynamic algorithms.
Analogies between these problems from transportation literature and routing
and scheduling problems for AGVs in automated guided vehicle systems are clear.
A number of loads at various locations have to be transported by vehicles at a
certain start time or at a certain moment within a time window. However, the use
of the described models from transportation literature is not always possible.
These models do not take into account congestion in the system. Furthermore,
most models are not developed to deal with real time response to dynamically
changing transportation requests. Therefore, attention is paid in the literature to
developing non-conflicting routes for AGVs. With a non-conflicting route, an
AGV arrives as early as possible at the destination without conflicting with other
In AGV routing with static algorithms the route from node i to node j is
determined in advance and is always used if a load has to be transported from i to
j. In this way, a simple assumption is to choose the route with the shortest distance
from i to j. However, these static algorithms are not able to adapt to changes in the
system and traffic conditions.
In dynamic routing, the routing decision is made based on real-time
information and, as a result, various routes between i and j can be chosen. Static
routing problems in AGV systems are related to vehicle routing problems (VRP)
studied in transportation literature. In the vehicle routing problem a set of n clients
with known demands need to be served by a fleet of m vehicles with limited
capacity. The vehicles are all housed at one depot. The route of each vehicle starts
and ends at this depot. m least costs (length) routes have to be planned such that
each customer is served exactly once and that the total demand of the customers
served by each vehicle does not exceed the capacity of each vehicle. The objective
is to minimize the total distance of all m routes under previously mentioned
conditions. This is an NP-hard problem to solve. The vehicle routing problem has
been studied extensively in literature. Bodin et al. (1983), Laporte (1992) and
Fisher (1995) provided an overview of literature in this area. A more recent paper
observing this problem is from Kelly and Xu (1999). They proposed a set
1.3 Routing Models 5
system. The underlying AGV dispatching system and algorithm were capable of
dispatching a vehicle automatically to handle a call at the required time. In order
to overcome difficulties associated with tackling immediate orders, pre-booked
orders, and processing of information related to AGVs, a comprehensive
dispatching algorithm was developed which aims to minimize lateness, traveling
time and distance of empty vehicles in a simulated jobshop scenario.
Kizil et al. (2006) evaluated the effects of various dispatching rules on the
operation and performance of cellular manufacturing systems (CMS). When the
study of a CMS considers the automated material handling, it is crucial to reduce
the gridlock probability (i.e., the probability of an unsuccessful load transfer
attempt occurring in the interface point between the intercell and intracell
handling system). Preventing an unsuccessful load transfer is critical for the
operation of the entire system as a blockage between the AGV and the overloaded
cell results in a total system shutdown. The gridlock probability was influenced by
the dispatching rule used to schedule the load transfers in the system. Therefore, in
order to reduce this probability it was necessary to use a dispatching rule that will
decrease the number of waiting loads in the transfer spurs. The main objective of
the paper was to identify a dispatching rule that maintains the system operational
at all times. A group of dispatching rules, including the first come first served,
shortest imminent operation, longest imminent operation, most remaining
operations, shortest processing time, shortest remaining process time, and a newly
developed rule proposed by the authors, loads with the minimum number of
processing first, were tested and evaluated with respect to whether the capacity of
the transfer spurs of the cells was exceeded. The paper presented a simulation
model of a cellular manufacturing system, which was used to further explore the
effects of the dispatching rules on the system performance.
AGVs are the most flexible means to transport materials among workstations of
a flexible manufacturing system. Complex issues associated with the design of
AGV control of these systems are conflict-free shortest path, minimum time
motion planning and deadlock avoidance. Srivastava et al. (2008) presented an
intelligent agent-based framework to overcome the inefficacies associated with the
aforementioned issues. Proposed approach described the operational control of
AGVs by integrating different activities such as path generation, journey time
enumeration, collision and deadlock identification, waiting node location and its
time estimation, and decision making on the selection of the conflict-free shortest
feasible path. It represented efficient algorithms and rules associated with each
agent for finding the conflict-free minimum time motion planning of AGVs,
which were needed to navigate unidirectional and bidirectional flow path network.
A collaborative architecture of AGV agent and its different modules were also
presented. Three complex experimental scenarios were simulated to test the
robustness of the proposed approach. It was shown that the proposed agent-based
controller was capable of generating optimal, collision- and deadlock-free path
with less computational efforts.
The objective of Aized (2009) was to model and maximize performance of an
integrated AGVS, which is embedded in a pull type multi-product, multi-stage and
1.3 Routing Models 7
A network was configured in which the nodes were considered to be the shops
with arcs representing the paths among the shops. An AGV functioned as a
material handling device through the manufacturing network. To account for
uncertainty, the authors considered time to be a triangular fuzzy number and
applied an expert system to infer cost. The objective was to find a path minimizing
both the time and cost criteria, aggregately. Since time and cost have different
scales, a normalization procedure was proposed to remove the scales. The model
being biobjective, the analytical hierarchy process weighing method was applied
to construct a single objective. Finally, a dynamic programming approach was
presented for computing a shortest path in the network. The efficiency of the
proposed approach was illustrated by a numerical example.
1.3.2 Simulation
Software aids for simulation are very important to practitioners of simulation. The
widespread availability of inexpensive computing power now allows computer
assistance in each stage of simulation activities such as input data analysis,
modelling, programming, output analysis and so on. Therefore Ashayeri and
Gelders (1987) described an interactive microcomputer GPSS simulation program
generator for automated material handling systems. The program was written in
Pascal and consisted of several modules to capture data, build the model, and
generate the corresponding GPSS simulation program for automated guided
vehicle systems as well as surge systems. The application of the program to a real
life project was used to highlight practical advantages of the proposed approach.
Automated Guidance Vehicles' guidance techniques make use, in most
vehicles, of a painted strip or a cable buried in the floor. Free ranging vehicles are
now also available in limited types but at prohibitive cost. Katz and Bright (1992)
presented a type of guidance technique whereby the vehicle follows a path created
by the light emitted from suspended fluorescent lights. The method has been
tested on a multi-directional vehicle. The results were encouraging when
compared with other available guidance techniques. The possible integration of
this guidance method with a navigation method could make AGVs more attractive
to most of the manufacturing environments. The design, implementation and
experimental results were outlined and described.
A simulation-based cost model was presented by Kasilingam and Gobal (1996)
for determining the number of AGVs needed to meet the material handling
requirements in a manufacturing system. The estimation of the number of vehicles
was based on the sum of the idle-time costs of vehicles and machines, and the cost
of waiting time of parts. While an increase in the number of vehicles reduces the
waiting time of parts and the idle time of machines, it increases the idle time of
vehicles. The application was illustrated using a hypothetical manufacturing
1.3 Routing Models 9
weights (AWMA) was proposed. Traveling distance, input, and output buffer
statuses were selected as dispatching attributes according to the efficiency and
deadlock avoidance requirement. The weight for each attribute was dynamically
adjusted according to the processing load and transportation load of the system.
To ensure the system to be deadlock-free, a deadlock avoidance policy based on
remaining capacity concept was introduced. It worked by temporarily forbidding
critical tasks according to the system state, which will otherwise cause system
deadlock. The AWMA method was formed by integrating the deadlock avoidance
policy into the multi-attribute dispatching procedure. To validate the effectiveness
of the proposed method, several simulation experiments were carried out to
compare three commonly used dispatching methods with the proposed one under
different system settings. The simulation results indicated that the deadlock
avoidance policy can guarantee the system to be deadlock-free and that the
proposed method was efficient.
In the majority of small and medium sized enterprises, the direct costs of
material handling cannot be clearly measured. There are several reasons for this,
including the large number of product types, complexity of their production cycle,
and continuous change in markets. Therefore, production managers require
flexible tools to create a suitable material handling system model which explicitly
and rapidly calculates the indices required as these are traditionally neglected or
laboriously approximated, (i.e., time and cost in material flow inside the factory,
storage area requirements, and MH utilization percentage). Gamberi et al. (2009)
proposed an integrated approach to analyzing and controlling material handling
operations in an industrial manufacturing plant from a “full quantitative” point of
view. The model presented united quite different fields of research into a unique
methodology. The material handling model rapidly and automatically provided
production managers with extensive and significant information. As a result,
integrated layout flow analysis interrelated systematic layout planning with
operational research algorithms and visual interactive simulation, using a complete
software platform to implement them. This integrated layout flow analysis
approach focused on determining the space requirement for manufacturing
department buffers, the transportation system requirements, the performance
indices, and the time and cost of material flows spent in the layout and in MH
traffic jams.
Flexible material handling systems (FMHS) have been widely used to enhance
productivity involved with product proliferation, and thus far, only fixed-track
material handling systems such as Eton systems in the apparel industry are
commonly used. Dai et al. (2009) explored the potential advantages of a FMHS
using free-ranging automated-guided vehicles with a local positioning system for
the apparel industry. First, the free-ranging FMHS (FRMHS) for the apparel
industry has been designed. Then, through Monte Carlo simulation and analytical
models, the performance in terms of manufacturing system effectiveness,
workstation utilization, and the total transportation distance of the FRMHS were
compared with those of the fixed-track system. Based on their analysis, the current
proposed FRMHS can have significant advantages over the fixed-track system.
1.3 Routing Models 11
Kuttolamadom et al. (2010) dealt with the path tracking and stability of motion
of automated guided vehicle systems and wheeled mobile robots. A two degree-
of-freedom dynamic model was developed to represent the plane motion of the
vehicle. This model along with the instantaneous posture errors (position and
orientation errors) of the vehicle were used to formulate their path-tracking
problem in state space format. Implementation of stability criterion and
application of the actual physical limits of the pertinent parameters of the system
were the strategies used to design the controller. It was shown that implementation
of a control strategy based on the vehicles’ position and orientation errors gives
satisfactory results in vehicles’ path tracking. The feasibility of the approach and
the performance of the controlled system were demonstrated by using a prototype
Joseph and Sridharan (2011) focused on a simulation-based experimental study
of the interaction among routing flexibility, sequencing flexibility and part
sequencing rules in a typical FMS. Two scenarios were considered for
experimentation. Three routing flexibility levels, five sequencing flexibility levels
and four scheduling rules for part sequencing decision were considered for
detailed investigation. The performance of the FMS was evaluated using various
measures related to flow time and tardiness of parts. The simulation results were
subjected to statistical analysis. The analysis of results reveals that deterioration in
system performance can be minimized substantially by incorporating either
routing flexibility or sequencing flexibility or both. However, the benefits of either
of these flexibilities diminish at higher flexibility levels. Part sequencing rules
such as earliest due date and earliest operation due date provide better
performance for all the measures at higher flexibility levels.
Routing flexibility is a major contributor of the flexibility of an FMS. Joseph
and Sridharan (2011) focused on the evaluation of the routing flexibility of an
FMS with the dynamic arrival of part types for processing in the system. A typical
FMS configuration was chosen for detailed study and analysis. The system was set
at five different levels of routing flexibility. Operations of part types can be
processed on alternative machines depending upon the level of routing flexibility
present in the system. Two cases have been considered with respect to the
processing times of operations on alternative machines. A discrete-event
simulation model has been developed to describe the operation of the chosen
FMS. The performance of the system under various levels of routing flexibility
was analyzed using measures such as mean flow time, mean tardiness, percentage
of tardy parts, mean utilization of machines, mean utilization of automatic-guided
vehicles, and mean queue length at machines. The routing flexibility for producing
individual part types has been evaluated in terms of measures such as routing
efficiency, routing versatility, routing variety and routing flexibility. The routing
flexibility of the system has been evaluated using these measures. The flexibility
levels were ranked based on the routing flexibility measure for the system. The
ranking thus obtained has been validated with that derived using fuzzy logic
12 1 Models for AGVs’ Scheduling and Routing
1.4 Conclusions
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Chapter 2
Analytical Material Flow Model for AGV
2.1 Summary
or sudden changes in the product or its demand and in the avoidance of unstable
situations such as deadlocks (Demange et al., 2009).
Performance modeling is also used in the design stage of the system. It is used
in decisions such as whether to use central versus local storage, push production
versus pull production, shared versus distributed resources, the effect of
flexibility, etc. Performance predictions obtained using faithful models, can be
used to convince customers or investors and also give the designer another
perspective on the design enabling better designs (Aized, 2009).
The performance of an AMS can be measured by a set of generic measures.
These are manufacturing lead time, work in progress, throughput, machine
utilization, capacity, flexibility, performance, and quality (Gen et al., 2009). Using
performance measuring these values can be evaluated and used to compare AMS
Performance modeling has become a very important part of automated
manufacturing system design and is equally important for maintaining the system
at its peak of ability. The manufacturing methods in use by companies has
changed dramatically in recent years with the use of advanced robotics and
computer control to optimize production, this has lead to reduced prices and
higher quality of product. The production lines can only get better with more
modeling and investment and this is best achieved with the use of performance
Here, we consider a jobshop layout which employs an AGV for material handling.
The AGV carries raw material, semi-produced and final products in batch sizes.
Because of the increase in demands, advance in technology, and rise in the
production capacity more shops than the existing shops are required. The new
shops are associated with higher technology machines. Therefore, more than one
shop with the same performance is evolved. The difference among shops with the
same performance is machines with various specifications that effect the
production time/ cost and productivity. As a result, the system could be a flexible
jobshop model where multi shops of the same performance exist and each
operation is possible to be processed on any type of machine. The sequences of
jobs are specified and the jobs are independent.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed AMS, we assess the material flow
between any two shops of different types. In the proposed model the aim is to
optimize the material flow, i.e. finding a set of shops which minimize the material
flow throughout the system. Here, flow is considered as the distance which the
AGV moves to satisfy the production plan and demand. The proposed model is
presented schematically in Figure 1.
20 2 Analytical Material Flow Model for AGV System
In this section the mathematical model of the proposed flexible jobshop problem is
represented. The indices, parameters, and decision variables are as follows:
Cipmn Completion time of product ith in position pth in shop nth of type
P.Timn Processing time of shop nth of type mth for product ith
T.Timn kh Transferring time from shop nth of type mth to shop hth of type
kthfor product ith
VAGV Velocity of AGV
f imnkh Flow (distance) for product ith between shop nth of type mth and
shop hth of type kth
Wimn Waiting time for product ith in shop nth of type mth
⎧ 0 o.w
z ipm = ⎨ th th th
⎩1 if shop m is allocated for product i in position p
Decision variable:
⎧0 o.w
z ipmn = ⎨ th th th th
⎩1 if shop n of type m is chosen for product i in position p
Objective Function:
Min ∑∑∑∑∑∑ z
h =1 k =1 n =1 m =1 p =1 i =1
ipm .zi ( p −1) kh .T .Timn kh (1)
S.T :
( )
Cipmn = ∑∑∑ z ipmn ( P.Timn + Wimn ) + ∑∑∑∑∑ z ipmn .z i ( p −1) mn .T .Timn k h , ∀i, p, m, n, (2)
p =1 n =1 m =1 h =1 k =1 n =1 m =1 p =1
n =1
ipmn = z ipm , ∀i, p, m, (4)
22 2 Analytical Material Flow Model for AGV System
Cipmn ≤ T , (6)
f imn kh
T .T mn kh = , ∀i,k,h,m,n, (7)
where β0 is the intercept, β j s are the coefficients for Xjs and ε is the error term.
The aim is first determining the value of the coefficients to see whether they are
lower than 1 or not, and second identifying the β j s which are not important on
demand (Dt). For the first objective, if the value of any coefficient is higher than 1,
then it indicates that the corresponding shop can not satisfy the allocated demands
with the current working time and lead to have extra working time. For the second
objective, we apply two-sided hypothesis testing as follows;
H 0 : β j = 0;
H 1 : β j ≠ 0.
The test of the null hypothesis H0 against the two sided alternative proceeds as
in the three steps. The first is to compute the standard error of β j , SE ( β j ) . The
standard error of βj is an estimator of σβ j
, the standard deviation of the
⎢ ∑ (r j − r ) ⎥
⎣ m j =1 ⎦
SE ( β j ) = σ β2 j . (12)
βj −0
t= (13)
SE ( β j )
The third step is to compute the p-value, the probability of observing a value of
βj at least as different from zero as the estimate actually computed ( β j ),
⎡ βj −0 β act −0⎤
p − value = PrH 0 β j − 0 > β act
j ]
− 0 ⇒ PrH 0 ⎢
⎥ ⇒ PrH 0 ( t > t act ) (14)
⎢⎣ SE ( j ) SE ( j) ⎥
where PrH 0 denotes the probability computed under the null hypothesis, the second
A small value of the p-value, say less than 5%, provides evidence against the
null hypothesis in the sense that the chance of obtaining a value of βj by pure
random variation from one sample to the next is less than 5% if, in fact, the null
hypothesis is correct. If so, the null hypothesis is rejected at the 5% significance
level. Simply we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level if,
t act > 1.96 . Therefore, if the hypothesis is accepted then we find that the
corresponding coefficient is not important and has no effect on the demand.
After describing the aspects of the proposed model for this type of flexible
jobshop automated manufacturing system, a numerical illustration is provided in
the next section.
2.4 Conclusions
In this chapter a new model in a flexible jobshop automated manufacturing
systems has been proposed. The innovation is in the multi shops of the same
performance, but different specification. The proposed flexible jobshop model is
associated with an AGV for material handling. The mathematical model is
identifying the optimal material flow amongst the shops with respect to job
sequence, cycle time, and AGV capability constraints. Also a performance
analysis has been worked out on the selected shops to consider their capability for
satisfying demands. The numerical illustrations indicate the applicability and
efficiency of the proposed approaches to investigate the proposed problem.
References 25
Aized, T.: Modelling and performance maximization of an integrated automated guided
vehicle system using coloured Petri net and response surface methods. Computers &
Industrial Engineering (2009) (article in press, corrected proof),
Akella, R., Krogh, B.H., Singh, M.R.: Efficient computation of coordinatingncontrols in
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automated guided vehicles. Int. J. Flex. Manuf. Sys. 13, 33–48 (2001)
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Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 25(3), 522–528 (2009)
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systems and the analysis of single vehicle loops. IIE Trans. 23, 72–82 (1991)
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performance comparison with conventional AGV systems. Eur. J. Operat. Res. 63, 173–
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using generalized stochastic Petri nets. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 20(4), 236–
249 (2001)
Demange, M., Ekim, T., de Werra, D.: A tutorial on the use of graph coloring for some
problems in robotics. European Journal of Operational Research 192(1), 41–55 (2009)
Gen, M., Lin, L., Zhang, H.: Evolutionary techniques for optimization problems in
integrated manufacturing system: State-of-the-art-survey. Computers & Industrial
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discrete events in manufacturing systems. Proceedings of the IEEE 77, 195–209 (1989)
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balancing in a zone control AGV system. Computers & Industrial Engineering 56(1),
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the integrated pick-up/drop-off point and AGV flow path design problem. Appl. Math.
Model. 28, 735–750 (2004)
Chapter 3
Nonlinear Stochastic Model for AGV System
3.1 Summary
The AGV should wait until the processing of a job is finished in a shop and
then move the semi-produced product to the next shop. Therefore, due to the
processing conditions in a shop, the waiting time in a shop is not deterministic and
is therefore supposed to be stochastic. While a job is processing on a machine, the
machine may break down. Due to the stochastic nature of the failure, the
breakdown cost is not known. Also, the semi-produced products carried by AGV
may be damaged during traveling between shops, but the rate is not deterministic
and thus is considered to be stochastic.
Considering these assumptions, we are confronted with a stochastic model. The
distributions of the stochastic items are assumed to be normal or can be
appropriately estimated by normal distributions. In the next section, the
mathematical model of the proposed problem is given.
Note that some parameters are stochastic, based on the nature of the problem.
Therefore, the stochastic parameters are presented using the corresponding
expected value and variance. As a result, the following nonlinear deterministic
mathematical model is configured. As mentioned before, the aim is to optimize
production time and cost simultaneously. Hence, the model is multi-objective. The
notations needed for the model are indicated below.
i Number of shops; i=1,2,…,I
j Type of machines; j=1,2,…,J.
Cd Defect cost
Co Operational cost of AGV
Cti Tool cost in the ith shop
Decision variables:
Xij Number of produced products in ith shop by jth machine
( N × (∑∑ t p j × X ij )) + (∑∑ E (t wij ) × X ij ) + Z P ∑∑ Var (t wij ) × X ij2 ) + (3)
j =1 i =1 j =1 i =1 j =1 i =1
(t m × ∑∑ X ij ) ≤ (t c × ∑∑ X ij ),
j =1 i =1 j =1 i =1
Co × ∑∑ X ij ≤ B1 , (4)
j =1 i =1
( E (Cd ) × ∑∑ X ij ) + Z P Var(Cd ) × (∑∑ X ij2 ) ≤ β , (5)
j =1 i =1 j =1 i =1
32 3 Nonlinear Stochastic Model for AGV System
J I Cti × X ij
j =1 i =1 Mi
≤ B2 , (6)
j =1
ij ≥ Di , i=1,2,…,I, (7)
The formula in (1) is the first objective function, the total cost of production,
which is to be minimized. Formula (2) is the second objective function, the total
time of manufacturing, which is also to be minimized. Inequality (3) confines the
total production time to the cycle time. Inequality (4) considers the limitation of
operational budget for AGVs. Inequality (5) represents a constraint for desirable
defect rate. Inequality (6) indicates that the available budget for tools in the system
is limited. The Inequalities (7) certify that the demands of the shops are covered.
The constraints (8) ensure the nonnegativity and integrality of the variables.
Since the proposed model is nonlinear, we apply a linear approximation method
for optimization.
not seem to be improving much in successive iterations, while being far from a
stationary point. Now, the general nonlinear optimization problem can be written
where upper and lower limits are shown specifically on the independent variables.
In a general step k, the model y(x) and the constraints fi(x) are linearized at xk to
Optimize: z = ∑ c j Δx j + y ( x k ) , (10)
j =1
s.t. ∑a
j =1
ij Δx j + f i ( x k ) ≤ bi , i=1,2,…,m,
l j ≤ x kj + Δx j ≤ u j , j=1,2,…,n,
∂y ( x k ) ∂f i ( x k )
cj = , aij = .
∂x j ∂x j
The problem (10) is now a linear programming one, but the values of Δxj can take
on either positive or negative values. To have the linear program the standard
nonnegativity imposition on the variables Δxj, a change of variables was made by
Griffith and Stewart (1961) as follows:
Δx j = Δx +j − Δx −j , (11)
⎧Δx j , if Δx j ≥ 0
Δx +j = ⎨
⎩0 , if Δx j < 0
⎧− Δx j , if Δx j ≤ 0
Δx −j = ⎨
⎩ 0, if Δx j > 0.
34 3 Nonlinear Stochastic Model for AGV System
Substituting (11) into (10), the linear programming problem has then the form:
n n
Optimize: ∑ c j Δx +j − ∑ c j Δx −j + y ( x k ) ,
j =1 j =1
n n
s.t. ∑ aij Δx +j − ∑ aij Δx −j ≤ bi − f i ( x k ) , i=1,2,…,m,
j =1 j =1
+ −
Δx − Δx ≤ (u j − x kj ) ,
j j
Δx +j − Δx −j ≥ (l j − x kj ) , j=1,2,…,n,
Δx +j , Δx −j ≥ 0, j=1,2,…,n.
The upper and lower limit bounds on the variables are specified by ( u j − x kj ) and
(lj − x kj ). The value of the next solution estimate for linearization is then defined
to be x kj +1 = x kj + Δx +j − Δx −j , where the Δxj+ and Δxj¯ are obtained as the
solution of (12). The procedure is started by specifying a starting point x0(k=0).
We note that the values of the bounds uj and lj may affect the rate of convergence
of the algorithm. To obtain an optimization algorithm using the SLP, we need
some preliminaries.
Let .* and . be two arbitrary norms in ℜ n . It is well known that there are
c1 x * ≤ x ≤ c2 x * . (13)
Note that for every x ∈ X and r > 0 (r is called the trust region radius), the
following inclusions hold:
{h x + h ∈ X , h ≤ c r}⊆ {h x + h ∈ X , h
1 *
} { }
≤ r ⊆ h x + h ∈ X , h ≤ c2 r .(14)
For x ∈ X and r > 0 , consider the following problem:
LP ( x, r ) : min ∇ T f ( x)h
s.t. x + h ∈ X , (15)
h * ≤ r,
3.3 Mathematical Model 35
v( x, c2 r ) ≤ v* ( x, r ) ≤ v( x, c1r ) , (16)
In order to justify the technique being used to update the trust region radius, we
need a simple technical result as given next.
Lemma 2. For every δ > 0 and x ∈ X \ X stat , there exist τ and ρ , with
0 < τ < ρ , such that the following properties hold:
(i) ∀r ∈ [ρ , ∞ ), ∀h ∈ H * ( x, r ), f ( x ) − f ( x + h) ≤ δ r 2 .
(ii) ∀r ∈ [0, τ ] , ∀h ∈ H * ( x, r ), f ( x) − f ( x + h) ≥ δ
Proof for (ii). Let a := 2c1 ( Lc 2 + δ ) τ > 0 with
2 2
, so that there exists
a0 ( x, c1 r ) ≤ a0 ( x, c1τ ) ≤ a , (18)
36 3 Nonlinear Stochastic Model for AGV System
1 c12 2
v( x, c1 r ) ≤ − (c1r ) ≤ − r .
a0 ( x, c1r ) a
It follows from (16) and (18) that
c12 2
∇f ( x), h = v* ( x, r ) ≤ v( x, c1r ) ≤ − r . (20)
Therefore, by (17),
c12 2 Lc 22 c12 2 Lc 22 2 1 ⎛ 2c 2 ⎞ (21)
r = − ⎜ 1 − Lc 22 ⎟ r 2
L 2 2
f ( x + h ) − f ( x ) ≤ ∇ f ( x ), h + h ≤− r + h ≤− r +
2 a 2 *
a 2 2⎜ a ⎟
− − ⎝ − ⎠
=− r 2.
We now state the main algorithm. The parameter k counts the number of
iterations, while μk represents the number of subproblems solved at the kth
obtain a solution h* ( x k , r ) ∈ H ( x k , r ) .
3.4 Conclusions 37
Step 3: If ( v = −1 and f ( x k ) − f ( x k , h* ( x k , r )) < r 2 ) or (v=1 and
f ( x ) − f ( x , h* ( x , r )) ≥
k k k
r ) then go to Step 4, else go to
Step 2.
Step 4: If v = − 1 then set rk = θr , else set rk = r . Let μ k = μ and
x k +1 = x k + h* ( x k , rk ) and go to Step 1.
Note that is Step 1, the parameter v can take on one of three values. If v=0, then a
stationary point has been found and the algorithm terminates. If v=1, then
sufficient decrease was not achieved and thus the subproblem needs to be resolved
with a smaller value of r. If v = − 1 , then sufficient decrease was achieved, but
the subproblem is solved again, this time with a larger value of r. Both of these
resolves take place in Step 2. If the algorithm terminates after a finite number of
iterations, then we can define the iterate x as the approximate solution for the
problem. We apply the proposed SLP algorithm to solve some numerical
3.4 Conclusions
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References 39
4.1 Summary
The use of AGVs increases flexibility and has a significant impact on the
overall performance and reliability of MHSs (Sarker and Gurav, 2005). As AGVs
become larger and more complex, the traditional design requires more attention to
issues such as control, cost, time, reliability, flexibility, etc. A number of different
MHS design and evaluation methods (e.g., simulation, optimization, and the
genetic algorithm) have been proposed in the literature. Simulation is an
acceptable method for analyzing manufacturing systems. However, simulation is
often challenging and time consuming (Law and Kelton, 2000; Kuo et al., 2007),
particularly, when it is used for modeling complex manufacturing systems such as
MHSs with AGVs.
The problem of scheduling AGVs in an automated MHS has been studied
extensively. Abdelmaguid et al. (2004) addressed the problem of simultaneous
scheduling of machines and AGVs with the objective of minimizing the
makespan. This problem is composed of two interrelated decision problems: the
scheduling of machines, and the scheduling of AGVs. They showed that each
problem is an NP-complete problem and a simultaneous consideration of the two
problems results in a more complicated NP-complete problem. They proposed a
hybrid genetic-algorithm/heuristic coding scheme to solve the problem. Deroussi
et al. (2008) also studied this problem and proposed a solution based on vehicles
rather than machines. Each solution was evaluated using a discrete event
approach. Gnanavel Babu et al. (2010) studied this problem further and proposed a
meta-heuristic differential evolution algorithm for solving it. They introduced an
iterative algorithm that anticipated the complete set of flow requirements for a
given machine schedule and made vehicle assignments accordingly. Le-Anh and
De Koster (2006) have compiled a comprehensive review of the AGV design and
control models and methods in the literature.
Farling et al. (2008) used a simulation model to compare the performance of
three AGV configurations under a variety of experimental conditions. They
showed that system size, load/unload time, and machine failure rate factors have
significant impacts on the operation and reliability of MHSs. Smith (1993) defined
reliability as the probability that an item will perform a required function, under
stated conditions, for a specific period of time. A reliability measure is a metric for
quantifying this probability. A number of different reliability measures (i.e.,
availability, unavailability, failure rate, and mean time between failures) have
been proposed in the literature. For degradable systems, such as MHSs, the
performance of the system during a specific period of time can be described by
different levels of performance as a function of machine failures (Beamon, 1998).
Miriyala and Viswanadham (1989) developed several measures and algorithms for
evaluating part-based reliability and system-based reliability for automated MHSs.
Beamon (1995) proposed an analytical model for designing guide paths for
automated MHSs as a function of reliability and quantified the reliability of the
handling components.
In order to ensure an acceptable service level for each machine in each shop,
we adopt and further extend the concept of reliability proposed by Ball and Lin
(1993) in the model. We define reliability as the probability that the system is
operational until time t. A failure is when a machine in a shop breaks down.
4.1 Summary 43
⎧⎛ J
⎪⎜ 1 − ∏(1 − R j (t )) ⎟ , when machines in each shop are in parallel
⎪ j =1 ⎠ (1)
R(t ) system =⎨
⎪ ⎛ J ⎞
⎪ ⎜ ∏R j (t ) ⎟ , when machines in each shop are in series
⎩⎪ ⎝ j =1 ⎠
where R j (t ) is the probability that the machine-type j works for a period of t time
As stated earlier, the machine-types in each shop are parallel and the shops are
organized in series. Therefore, the reliability of the system can be measured as
⎛ J ⎞
⎜1 − ∏ (1 − R j (t )) ⎟ ≥ α , (2)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ j =1 ⎠
where α is the lower bound for a desirable system reliability during the time
period t. As previously assumed the reliability of each machine-type is
independent and can be measured according to the following exponential
R j (t ) = e , (3)
⎛ J
⎜1 − θj ⎟
⎜ ∏
(1 − e ) ≥α (4)
⎝ j =1
In order to obtain a higher level of reliability, more cost is incurred to the system.
Hence, a cost function ( C j (t ) ) is defined to keep machine-type jreliable for the
time period t. The following represents the cost for the entire system:
j =1
j (t ) (5)
In order to validate the stated cost function, we consider the costs as losses and use
the minimum expected loss (or minimum risk) associated with the system. We
represent these losses with a quadratic loss function which is mathematically more
tractable than other loss functions because of its symmetric property (i.e., an error
above the target causes the same loss as the same magnitude of error below the
target). If the target value of the pre-planned exponential parameter is f, then a
quadratic loss (cost) function is
4.3 Mathematical Model 47
C j (t ) = L f − θ j (6)
Where L is a constant and its value could be set to 1 if the constant makes no
difference to a decision.
We replace our proposed stochastic parameters with a combination of the
expected value and the variance for that parameter and the following nonlinear
deterministic mathematical model is derived. As indicated earlier, our goal is to
simultaneously optimize production time and cost in the following bi-objective
i Number of shops i=1,2,…,I
j Number of machines j=1,2,…,J
C Stochastic cost per defective unit
Co AGV operational cost per unit produced
Cti Tool cost for shop i
⎛⎛ J ⎞ ⎛ J I ⎞⎞ ⎛ J I ⎞ ⎛ J I 2⎞
⎜⎜ ⎜ N ∑ t p j ⎟ . ⎜ ∑∑ X ij ⎟ ⎟⎟ + ⎜ ∑∑ E (twij ). X ij ⎟ + Z P ⎜ ∑∑Var (twij ). X ij ⎟ +
⎝ ⎝ j =1 ⎠ ⎝ j =1 i =1 ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ j =1 i =1 ⎠ ⎝ j =1 i =1 ⎠ (9)
⎛ J I
⎞ ⎛ J I
⎜ tm .∑∑ X ij ⎟ ≤ ⎜ tc .∑∑ X ij ⎟
⎝ j =1 i =1 ⎠ ⎝ j =1 i =1 ⎠
C o .∑∑ X ij ≤ B1 , (10)
j =1 i =1
⎛ J I ⎞ ⎛ J I 2⎞
⎜ E ( C d ∑∑
). X ij ⎟ + Z P Var ( C d ⎜ ∑∑ X ij ⎟ ≤ β ,
). (11)
⎝ j =1 i =1 ⎠ ⎝ j =1 i =1 ⎠
⎛ J
⎜1 − θj ⎟
⎜ ∏
(1 − e ) ≥ α, (12)
⎝ j =1
J I Cti . X ij
j =1 i =1 Mi
≤ B2 , (13)
⎡ J ⎤
⎢ ∑ C j (t ) ⎥ . Rij (t ) system ≤ B3 , (14)
⎣ j =1 ⎦
j =1
ij ≥ Di , i=1,2,…,I, (15)
Note that, E() and Var() are the expected value and the variance of the
stochastic parameters, respectively. Equation (7) is the first objective function
intended to minimize the total cost of production. Equation (8) is the second
objective function and is intended to minimize the total time of production.
Equation (9) shows that the total production time is limited to the cycle time.
Equation (10) indicates the limitation of the operational budget for the
AGVs. Equation (11) represents a constraint for the acceptable defect rate.
Equation (12) shows that the reliability of the system is restricted to a lower-
bound α . Equation (13) indicates that the total available budgets for the required
tools in each shop are limited to a pre-specified upper-bound value. Equation (14)
indicates that the total available budget for the reliability of the machines is
limited. Equation (15) indicates that the demand at each shop must be satisfied.
Equation (16) enforces the non-negativity of the variables. Finally, θj represents
our goal is to obtain the θj values that can ensure no machine breakdown.
p2 w12
a = hardlim ( w (pT ) + b )
In this figure, p1 and p2 are the inputs and w11 and w12 are their corresponding
weights, respectively. Also, w(Tp ) is the weighted input corresponding to the
target output. The output of this network is determined by:
The decision boundary is determined by the input vectors for which the net
input n is zero; that is,
The weights are the learning rates used in the proposed mathematical model.
The summation of the learning weights are used as a single learning rate ξ . In
order to configure our perceptron network, we consider the two factors of machine
and operation as the inputs for time and the two factors of material and operator as
the inputs for cost. The goal here is to find the final weights of the time and cost
outputs. The perceptron network is run using the data observed in the
manufacturing system and the weights of W1 (for time) and W2 (for cost) are
obtained after the convergence. The perceptron computations are implemented in
the MATLAB 7.0 package. These weights are used to unify the objective function.
The weights are 0.2 for time and 0.1 for cost.
The mathematical model gives us the θ j s considering a confidence level as a
reliability of the job-shop system. Now, we investigate the θj s for the shops
separately by data collection. The aim is to analyze the θ j s obtained from data
collection which does not have any interactions with other shops, in comparison
with the θ j s gained from the mathematical model in the last section. We collect
data for a specific working time t=24 (minute). Then for t>24, our data are type I
censored data. Assume x1:n , x 2:n , … , x r:n are the r censored data in a specific
X ≈ EXP (θ ) , (23)
n! ⎛ ⎞ r 1 − xi:n
− t0
g ( x1:n , x2:n ,..., xr:n ) = ⎜1 − (1 − e θ ) ⎟.∏ e θ , (26)
( n − r )! ⎜⎝ ⎟ i =1 θ
The likelihood function is,
∑ x i :n + ( n − r ) t 0
i =1
n! −
L (θ ) = .θ − r .e θ
, (27)
( n − r )!
The logarithm of both sides of (27) gives,
n! ∑ xi:n + (n − r )t 0
ln( L(θ )) = ln − r ln θ − i =1 , (28)
(n − r )! θ2
The partial derivative of (28) with respect to θ is,
∂ ln( L (θ )) r ∑x i:n + ( n − r )t 0
=− + i =1
, (29)
∂θ θ θ
Then if we set (31) equal to zero, we have:
∑x i:n + ( n − r )t 0
θˆMLE = i =1
. (30)
wheret0 is the end time of observation (t=24) and r is the number of failures.
While setting the manufacturing system with the exact value of θj obtained from
the mathematical model is difficult due to mechanical specifications’ changes
during the manufacturing process, we propose a confidence interval for θ . Here,
using ≈ χ 2 (2r ) as a pivot (2r is degree of freedom), we can set a
52 4 Reliability Model for AGV
confidence interval for θ . To set a confidence interval using ≈ χ 2 ( 2r ) ,
we obtain:
⎡ 2rθˆ ⎤
P ⎢ χ 2 α ( 2r ) < < χ α2 ( 2r ) ⎥ = 1 − α , (31)
⎣ 1− 2 θ 2 ⎦
By inverting (31) and multiplying all fractions by 2rθˆ we obtain:
⎡ ⎤
⎢ 2rθˆ 2 rθˆ ⎥
P⎢ 2 <θ < 2 =1−α , (32)
χ α ( 2r ) χ α (2r ) ⎥
⎢ 1− ⎥
⎣ 2 2 ⎦
where (34) is a two sided ( 1 − α )% confidence interval based on type I censored
data. In our case, we collected data for a special working period. We were
supposed to collect 30 observations but a failure occurred (type I censored data) in
the 20th observation. Therefore, using (32) we can obtain the estimated θ .
4.4 Conclusions
AGV systems complement the operation in manufacturing systems by providing
integrated automated material handling that capitalizes on the system’s flexibility.
Previous research considering AGVs systems has focused primarily on complex
control strategies in MHSs. In this study, we focused on the time and cost
measures in an optimization model used to evaluate an MHS with AGVs. The
automated manufacturing system considered in this study has the following
physical characteristics: (1) the manufacturing system is a job shop, and (2)
single-load AGVs perform the material handling job in the shop.
We took into account the reliability of the manufacturing system because of the
need for steadiness and stability in the system. Reliability was included in the
model as a cost function. Furthermore, we considered bi-objective stochastic
programming to optimize the time and cost objectives because of the uncertainties
inherent in the optimization parameters in real-world problems. Finally, we used
perceptron neural networks to transform the bi-objective optimization model into a
single objective model.
The MHS proposed in this study could potentially be extended (or revised) to
improve the effectiveness of a wide variety of decision tools in productivity
improvement. For example, current trends in scheduling systems provide the
production scheduler with powerful tools which can be used to optimize real-time
workloads in various stages of production. The MHS could potentially be
integrated within such a real-time scheduling system. The proposed method could
also be potentially useful for general applications of business process
improvement which strive to improve workflows within and between functional
groups. These approaches often utilize systematic methods to process a large
amount of imprecise and complex information to redesign critical business
The limitations of this study and the futures research directions can be
summarized as follows:
• Although we used optimization in this study, alternatively, a simulation
method or a heuristic algorithm could be used in lieu of the proposed model.
Buzacott and Yao (1986) presented a comprehensive review of the analytical
models developed for the design and control of automated and flexible
manufacturing systems. They advocated analytical methods over the
simulation models because analytical methods provide a better insight into the
system performance. Ho et al. (2000, p. 490), Lee et al. (2006, p. 1828), Kuo
et al. (2007, p. 1002), and Crombecq et al. (2011, p. 683) have also confirmed
that although computer simulations are often the first choice for modeling
systems and even for optimization purposes, the simulation of complex
54 4 Reliability Model for AGV
systems with multiple input and output parameters can be both prohibitively
expensive and time consuming. On the other hand, heuristics seek good
feasible solutions to optimization problems where the complexity of the
problem or the available time for its solution does not allow exact algorithms.
Although the main measure of success for exact algorithms is time efficiency,
we must often evaluate the quality of solutions when an exact optimum is not
available (Gnanavel Babu et al. 2010).
• Although we did not experience this limitation in our study, the time
complexity of the learning phase in some complex perceptron neural
networks could be high depending on the heuristic used for calculating the
weights and the halting condition. In such complex perceptron neural
networks, a large number of passes may be required. Each pass involves
computation of the outcome for every training set point followed by
modification of the weights.
• Although in this study we usedthe time and cost measures in an optimization
model, performance measures may be categorized on the basis of: time, cost,
quality, and flexibility measures. Consideration of quality and flexibility is a
natural extension of the model proposed in this study.
• Although in this study we considered single-load AGVs, researchers (e.g., Ho
et al. 2004; Lee et al. 1996; Ozden, 1988) have already proven that multiple-
load AGV systems have many advantages over single-load ones. Another
natural extension of this research is using multiple-load AGVs in the
optimization model.
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Chapter 5
Uncertain Optimal Path for AGV System
5.1 Summary
Discrete event systems are characterized by changes in state over time, based on
current state and state transition rules, where each state is separated from its
neighbor by a step rather than a continuum of intermediate infinitesimal states.
Examples of such systems are information systems, operating systems, networking
protocols, banking systems, business processes and telecommunications systems,
and flexible manufacturing systems. Traditional manufacturing has relied on
dedicated mass-production systems to achieve high production volumes at low
costs. As living standards improve and the demands for new consumer goods rise,
manufacturing flexibility gains prominence as a strategic tool for rapidly changing
markets. Flexibility, however, cannot be properly incorporated in the decision-
making process if it is not well defined and measured in a quantitative manner.
Today, manufacturing flexibility remains an elusive notion because of its inherent
complexity and generality, in spite of a large body of published research work.
There exist more than 50 definitions of (Sethi and Sethi, 1990) and six different
approaches for obtaining a quantitative flexibility measure (Gupta and Goyal,
1989). Flexibility in its most rudimentary essence is the ability of a manufacturing
system to respond to changes and uncertainties associated with the production
process (Zelenovic, 1982; Buzacott, 1982; Gerwin, 1982). A comprehensive
classification of eight flexibility types was proposed in Browne et al. (1984).
Resource and system flexibilities were examined in Slack (1987), whereas global
measures for flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) were defined in Gupta and
Buzacott (1989). Routing flexibility based on information theoretic concepts was
examined in Yao and Pei (1990) and Kumar (1987). Flexibility measures for one
machine, a group of machines, and whole industry were presented in Brill and
Mandelbaum (1989), involving appropriate weights and machine efficiencies in
carrying out sets of tasks.
Flexibility in its most rudimentary sense is the ability of a manufacturing
system to respond to changes and uncertainties associated with the production
process (Miettinen et al., 2010; Kumar and Sridharan, 2009; Das et al., 2009). In
Barad and Sipper (1988), the period needed by a system to recover after a change
was used as the central flexibility measure, whereas a stochastic dynamic
programming model for its assessment was presented in Kulatilaka (1988).
Artificial intelligence (AI) methods seem appropriate in most practical situations
where numerical data are not readily available and linguistic variables are more
amenable to handling imprecise knowledge (Dooner, 1991). The flexibility of
competing systems can be ranked appropriately using an algorithmic approach
(Abdel-Malek and Wolf, 1991) or a decision support system (Suresh, 1991) based
on performance and economic criteria. Also, integer programming methods were
proposed in Chandra and Tombak (1992), and a graphical representation method
of production processes was presented in Kochikar and Narendran (1992).
Manufacturing flexibility is associated with uncertainty in all levels of a firm’s
operation, such as variation in the demand and characteristics of a product or
unanticipated interruptions of the production process because of machine failures.
In addition, human operators or managers use imprecise concepts and vague
notions when they attempt to define or measure flexibility. Fuzzy set theory
(Dubois and Prade, 1980; Zimmermann, 1991), and especially fuzzy logic,
constitute natural frameworks for the representation and manipulation of
uncertainty.Indeed, fuzzy set theory is an algebra of imprecise propositions and
gradual statements such as “machine A is more flexible than machine B because it
is more versatile.” In previous treatments, uncertainty was handled by probability
theory under the assumption that probabilities can be obtained precisely.
Mandelbaum and Buzacott (1990), examining the meaning and use of flexibility in
decision-making processes, admit that for real-world problems with increased
complexity, the existing modeling methods are inadequate to represent reality. For
context-dependent situations where conceptual imprecisions exist, however, as in
the description of machine flexibility itself, fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic appear to be
more appropriate for the definition and analysis of the problem.
Manufacturing costs for products are very crucial in decision making and
strategic planning. And with respect to cost estimation, research and development
departments in the past could only estimate the final product’s total cost.
Moreover, rules of thumb of the engineers are often applied as the cost estimation
benchmarks, making the results controversial in terms of accuracy (Mostafaee et
al., 2010; Eklin et al., 2009; Qian and Ben-Arieh, 2008; Wang, 2007; Verlinden et
al., 2008; Wang, 2007).
Jobshop is a flexible, scalable and intelligent production planning and control
system offering advanced functionality and value in key areas of manufacturing
and assembly. The flexible jobshop problem (FJP) is an extension of the classical
job shop problem allowing for an operation to be processed by any machine from
a given set.
5.2 Statement of the Problem 59
μa ( x )
0 x
a1 a2 a3
a × b = ( a1 × b1 , a2 × b2 , a3 × b3 ) for multiplication,
‘‘If’’ part, usually referred to as the antecedent, and the ‘‘Then’’ part, usually
referred to as the consequent (like If antecedent Then consequent). The antecedent
can be composed of a single condition or a set of conditions combined by
conjunction operators like ‘‘AND’’ and ‘‘OR’’.
Once the rules are determined, the next step is to determine the matching
degree of the inputs with respect to the fuzzy rules to perform the inference
process. If there are multiple inputs, a conjunction operator is used to combine the
matching degree of the fuzzy inputs utilizing ‘‘min’’, ‘‘max’’, or ‘‘product’’ (Klir
and Yuan, 1995; Zimmermann, 1996). The two most principal methods of fuzzy
inference are ‘‘clipping’’ and ‘‘scaling’’ methods (Klir and Yuan, 1995;
Zimmermann, 1996), both suppressing the membership functions for the
consequent, depending upon the degree of matching. Once the final outputs of the
fuzzy rules are obtained through fuzzy inference, the outputs are combined into
one single aggregated output. Since there might be more than one rule with a
matching degree greater than zero, then more than one rule may be configured
(Klir and Yuan, 1995; Zimmermann, 1996).
Based on the different trends in forming the major blocks of a fuzzy system and
various kinds of application to which the fuzzy systems are applied, different
types of fuzzy systems have been introduced. Mamdani fuzzy system and TSK
fuzzy system are two types being commonly used in the literature (Klir and Yuan,
1995; Zimmermann, 1996). Each one is being adopted in its own special domain
5.3 Mathematical Modeling 63
whereA1, A2 and B1 are fuzzy sets. The fuzzy set acquired from aggregation of
rules’ results will be defuzzified using defuzzification methods like centroid
(center of gravity), max membership, mean-max, and weighted average. The
centroid method is very popular, in which the ‘‘center of mass’’ of the result
provides the crisp value. In this method, the defuzzified value of the fuzzy set A,
d(A), is calculated by
∫ x.μ A ( x) x
d ( A) = X
, (3)
∫ μ A ( x) x
where μ A (.) is the membership function of the fuzzy set A (Klir and Yuan, 1995;
Zimmermann, 1996).
For our problem in which various possible conditions of parameters are stated
in forms of fuzzy sets, we utilize the Mamdani fuzzy system, because the fuzzy
rules representing the expert knowledge in Mamdani fuzzy systems would
consider fuzzy sets in their consequences, while in TSK fuzzy systems, the
consequences are expressed as crisp functions. In general, designing a fuzzy
system is composed of the following major steps (Klir and Yuan, 1995):
where r j and rjmin are maximum and minimum values in each column of an
assumed matrix of time or cost, respectively. Since time in our proposed model is
a criterion implicating a negative aspect in decision making, then we choose (5)
for normalizing time in our approach.
Assuming cost as a crisp value, we normalize the cost values as follows:
nij = , ∀i , j , (6)
To compute the minimum or maximum value in (4) and (5), comparisons are
needed to be made. This means that it is necessary to have a method for ranking
and comparing fuzzy numbers. An operator ≺ for ordering fuzzy numbers can be
defined as follows (see Mahdavi et al., 2009):
A ≺ B ⇔ (a1 ≤ b1 ) ∧ (a2 ≤ b2 ) ∧ (a3 ≤ b3 ) ∧ (a4 ≤ b4 ). (7)
The ranking or ordering methods for fuzzy quantities have been proposed by
several authors. For summaries, see Bortolan and Degani (1985) and Delgado et
al. (1988). Admittedly, none of these methods is commonly accepted. Various
ranking functions may produce conflicting and controversial results in comparison
of fuzzy numbers (these issues have been discussed in Wang and Kerre, 2001,
through a specific example).
Here, we use a fuzzy ranking method recently adopted by Mahdavi et al.
(2009). Consider the fuzzy min and max operations defined in analogy with the
fuzzy addition as follows:
MINV = Min value (~
a, b) = (min(a1 , b1 ), min(a2 , b2 ), min(a3 , b3 ), min(a4 , b4 )). (9)
MAXV = Max value(~a, b) = (max(a1 , b1 ), max(a2 , b2 ), max(a3 , b3 ), max(a4 , b4 )).
~ and b , the fuzzy min
It is evident that, for non-comparable fuzzy numbers a
operation results in a fuzzy number different from both of them. For example, for
a = (5,10,13,19) and b = (6,9,15, 20) , we get from (9) a fuzzy
MINV = (5, 9, 13, 19 ) which differs from a and b . To alleviate this drawback,
a method based on the distance between fuzzy numbers is proposed. We use the
distance function introduced in Sadeghpour Gildeh and Gien (2001). The main
advantages of this distance function, to be defined next, are the generality of its
usage on various fuzzy numbers, and its reliability in distinguishing unequal fuzzy
+ −
where aα , aα and bα+ , bα− are the corresponding right and left α -cuts of a and
b, respectively. The analytical properties of D p ,q depend on the first parameter
p, while the second parameter q of D p ,q characterizes the subjective weight
5.3 Mathematical Modeling 67
attributed to the end points of the support; that is, aα+ and aα− . of the fuzzy
numbers. If there is no reason for distinguishing any side of the fuzzy numbers,
then D 1 is recommended. Having q close to 1 results in considering the right
side of the support of the fuzzy numbers more favorably. Since the significance of
the end points of the support of the fuzzy numbers is assumed to be the same, then
we consider q = .
For triangular fuzzy numbers a = ( a1 , a2 , a3 ) and b = (b1 , b 2 , b3 ) , the
above distance with p = 2 and q = is then calculated as:
~, b~ ) = 1 ⎡ (b − a ) 2 + (b − a ) 2 + (b − a )(b − a ) ⎤
3 2
1 ( a ∑ i i
6 ⎢⎣ i =1
2 2 ∑
i =1
i i i +1 i +1 ⎥
Let C = {c1 ,...,cn } be the set of criteria. The result of the pair-wise
comparisons on n criteria can be summarized in an n × n evaluation matrix A in
which every element aij is the quotient of weights of the criteria, as shown below:
A = (aij), i, j = 1, . . . , n. (12)
The relative priorities are given by the eigenvector (w) corresponding to the
largest eigenvalue
( λmax ) as:
Aw = λmaxw . (13)
When pair-wise comparisons are completely consistent, the matrix A has rank 1
and λmax = n . In that case, weights can be obtained by normalizing any of the
rows or columns of A.
The procedure described above is repeated for all subsystems in the hierarchy.
In order to synthesize the various priority vectors, these vectors are weighed with
the global priority of the parent criteria and synthesized. This process starts at the
top of the hierarchy. As a result, the overall relative priorities to be given to
the lowest level elements are obtained. These overall, relative priorities indicate
the degree to which the alternatives contribute to the objective. These priorities
represent a synthesis of the local priorities, and reflect an evaluation process that
permits integration of the perspectives of the various stakeholders involved.
The value 0.1 is the accepted upper limit for CR. If the final consistency ratio
exceeds this value, the evaluation procedure needs to be repeated to improve
consistency. The measurement of consistency can be used to evaluate the
consistency of decision makers as well as the consistency of all the hierarchies.
We are now ready to give an algorithm for computing parameter weights using
the AHP. The following notations are used.
Note that if the matrix A is consistent (that is, aik= aij · ajk, for all
i , j , k = 1, 2, ..., n ), then we have (the weights are already known),
a ij = , i, j = 1,2,..., n.
If the pair-wise comparisons do not include any inconsistencies, then λmax = n.
The more consistent the comparisons are, the closer the value of computed λmax
is to n. Set the consistency index (CI), which measures the inconsistencies of pair-
wise comparisons, to be:
CI =
( λmax − n )
( n − 1)
and let the consistency ratio (CR) be:
⎛ CI ⎞
CR = 100 ⎜ ⎟,
⎝ RI ⎠
wheren is the number of columns in A and RI is the random index, being the
average of the CI obtained from a large number of randomly generated matrices.
Note that RI depends on the order of the matrix, and a CR value of 10% or less
is considered acceptable (Saaty, 1980).
C1 C2 … Cd
parameter 1 R11 R12 … R1d
parameter 2 R21 R22 … R2d
72 5 Uncertain Optimal Path for AGV System
C1 C2 … Cd wd
Criteria 1 1 a12 … a1d w1
The wd are gained by a normalization process. The wd are the weights for
Step 9: Compute the overall weights for the parameters, using tables 2 and 3, as
where ψ ' = 1 − ψ . Note that due to the significance and sensitivity of different
shops of the same type in any stage the weighing process is performed for each
arc. Here, we obtain the weights for the parameters of each arc in the proposed
network. If we consider C n and T as normalized cost and time, respectively,
then the total weighted normalized value of each arc is determined as follows:
P= (ψ × T n ) + (ψ '×C n ) . (17)
In the next section, we propose an approach to identify the shortest path in the
network using the total weighted normalized value for each arc. Before that,
consider a ranking method for triangular fuzzy numbers.
to every feasible partial solution. The set of all possible states is known as the state
space. The states of a stage u can be transformed to states of a stage u+1, using a
transition. A transition indicates the decisions adopted in a stage, and a sequence
of transitions taken to reach a state starting from another state is known as a
policy. Dynamic programming approaches can be seen as transformations of the
original problem to one associated with the exploration of a multistage graph
G(S,T), where the vertices in S correspond to the state space and the arcs in T
correspond to the set of transitions, leading to an optimal policy.
The basis of dynamic programming can be traced to the optimality principle of
Bellman (2003). The optimality principle states that an optimal policy should be
constituted by optimal policies from every state of the decision chain to the final
Here, we make use of a dynamic programming approach for our proposed
network to identify the optimal manufacturing path. This model helps the
manufacturing system to determine the more profitable shops. The advantages of
such a model are simplicity, the ability to determine the exact optimal value, and
implementability on sophisticated networks. The backward dynamic model would
be defined as:
s Number of stages; s= 0,1,2,…, n.
i' Start node number; i'=1,2, …, I; i'=0 (for the start node).
i End node number; i=1,2, …, I.
ϕs (i' ) The minimum value of moving from node i' in stage s to an end
node i in stage s-1.
Pi'i Numerical value of an arc between node i' to node i.
Objective function:
ϕ s (i ) = (0),
ϕ * = ϕ 0 (0).
5.4 Conclusions
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Chapter 6
Cross Entropy Model for AGV Routing Time
6.1 Summary
Here, we aim to obtain the total material handling time for an AGV while the
AGV activity times are stochastic. Due to importance of material handling in
manufacturing systems specially AMS, estimating the material handling time is
substantial for planning purposes to cover demands considering the capability and
availability of the machines and equipment.
Automated Guided Vehicle has firstly developed and conducted as a research
by (Butdee and Suebsomran, 2006 and 2007; Butdee et al., 2006) in the attempt to
be used at Jumbo Truck Manufacturing in Thailand. An AGV need to sense its
environment to be able to plan its operations and then act based on this plan.
Thus, an AGV system possesses more flexibility and capacity then other
6.1 Summary 81
The material handling begins with taking the raw materials from the depot and
moving to the shops considering the production plan and job sequences to produce
the final product. Products are in batches. Since, material handling activities for
each shop are effective on the total material handling time, all the shops' activities
should be considered, i.e., the total AGV material handling time is an aggregation
of all shops' activities.
The aim here is to obtain the AGV total stochastic material handling time.
While the times are considered to follow statistical distributions, we need to
6.3 Mathematical Model 83
propose special techniques to obtain the total AGV material handling time. Our
proposed approach is called heuristic statistical method (HSM). The flowchart of
the proposed methodology to consider AGV stochastic activity times to obtain
total material handling time is shown in Figure 2. To analyze the system, the data
are collected for each activity. Then, the collected data are tested via goodness of
fit technique to clarify the probability distribution function (pdf). If the goodness
of fit technique does not provide a known pdf, then cross entropy (to be discussed
later) approach is used. If the pdfs are known and same, i.e., all activity times
follow exponential distribution functions, the HSM is employed to find total
material handling time. Again, if the pdfs are not same, then cross entropy
approach is used. Both HSM and cross entropy approach are verified using
simulation study.
X ≈ EXP (λ ) , (1)
Y ≈ EXP ( λ ) , (3)
f (Y ) = λe −λy . (4)
To obtain the total handling time, we need to investigate the joint distribution
function of X and Y. Since they are times, then they are independent. Thus, the
joint density function of independent variables is equal to the products of their
density functions, as follows:
f ( X , Y ) = f ( X ) × f (Y ) , (5)
and thus we want to obtain,
This problem is easily solved using the distribution function integral of each
variable due to independent variables. But we are looking for a density function to
illustrate the total handling time of the AGV. Therefore, we apply cumulative
distribution function technique.
84 6 Cross Entropy Model for AGV Routing Time
Data collection
Goodness of fit
Known probability distribution functions?
Are the probability distribution functions same?
We have,
a a−x a a a
∫ ∫ λe
− λx
( )
× λe −λy dydx = ∫ λe −λx 1 − e −λ ( a − x ) dx = ∫ λe −λx − ∫ λe −λa dx =1 − e −λa − λae −λa
0 0 0 0 0
λe −λa (λa )1
f W (a ) =
dFW (a)
( )
= λe −λa − λe −λa − λ2 ae −λa = λ2 ae −λa =
, a >0. (10)
λα x α −1e −λx
f ( x;α , λ ) = , x, λ ≥ 0 . (11)
(α − 1)
To minimize the total AGV handling time, we have to investigate the minimum
cumulative distribution function. Therefore, in an easy case, we consider,
X ≈ EXP(λ1 ) , Y ≈ EXP(λ2 ) and we are looking for W = min( X , Y ) . We
apply the cumulative distribution function, as follows:
FW (a) = 1 − P(W > a) = 1 − P(min(X , Y ) > a ) = 1 − P( X > a, Y > a ) = 1 − (P( X > a) × P(Y > a)) =
( )
1 − e −aλ1 × e − aλ2 = 1 − e −(λ1 +λ2 ) a . (12)
Here, we set the derivative of the cumulative distribution function to obtain the
density function, as below:
dFW ( a )
fW (a) = = (λ1 + λ 2 )e − ( λ1 + λ2 ) a , a ≥ 0. (13)
Ε H ( X ) = ∫ H ( X ) f ( x; v ) μ ( dx) , (14)
for any function H. Note that E stands for expected value. For simplicity μ(dx) is
considered to be dx . Let S be some real function on χ
Suppose we are interested in the probability that S(X) is greater than or equal to
some real number
ξ - we consider it as AGV activity time- under f(.;u). This
probability can be expressed as
l = Ρu (S ( X ) ≥ ξ ) = E u I {S ( X )≥ξ } , (15)
1 N
∑ I{S ( X i ≥ξ } ,
N i =1 (16)
l is a constant value with zero variance. Here, the problem is that g* depends on
the unknown parameter l. it is convenient to choose a g in the family of densities
{ }
f (.;v) . Now, we need to choose the reference parameter v such that the
distance between the density g* in (18) and f(.;v) is minimal. A usual measure of
distance between two densities, say g and h, is the Kullback-Leibler distance
(Kullback and Leibler, 1951; Kullback, 1959) or the cross entropy between g and
h. The Kullback-Leibler distance is defined as,
g(X )
h( X ) ∫
D = ( g , h ) = Ε g ln = g ( x ) ln g ( x ) dx − ∫ g ( x ) ln h ( x ) dx . (20)
equivalent to choosing v such that − ( x ) ln f ( x, v ) dx is minimized, which
is solving the following maximization problem,
which is,
max D ( x ) = max Ε u I {S ( x )≥ξ } ln f ( x, v ) . (23)
v v
this way we obtain an estimated probability for stochastic AGV activity time.
While these probabilities are real values, we can obtain the aggregated value by
simple adding all activities' times. Here, all stochastic times from various
probability distribution functions can be aggregated by CE algorithm to compute
the total AGV material handling time. A substantial advantage of the proposed CE
algorithm is to be capable for data collections without any known probability
distribution function. The following algorithm is composed to facilitate the CE
Step 4.If ξˆt < ξ , set t=t+1 and reiterate from Step 2. Else proceed with Step 5.
Step 5. Estimate probability l using likelihood ratio estimate
lˆ =
∑ I{
i =1
S ( X i ) ≥ξ } W ( X i ; u , vˆT ) .
Next section presents verification and validation of both HSM and CE approach
for an AGV-based jobshop manufacturing system. The most significant advantage
of our proposed heuristic method and CE is to be helpful when the data are few.
90 6 Cross Entropy Model for AGV Routing Time
6.4 Conclusions
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Butdee, S., Suebsomran, A.: Learning and recognition algorithm of intelligent AGV
system. In: Proceedings of the Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management,
Santos, Brazil, pp. 13–72 (2006)
Butdee, S., Suebsomran, A.: Localization Based on Matching Location of AGV. In:
Proceeding of the 24th International Manufacturing Conference, IMC24, pp. 1121–
1128. Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland (2007)
Butdee, S., Vignat, F., Suebsomran, A.: Self-alignment control of an automated unguided
vehicle. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Integrated Design and
Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, Grenoble, France, pp. 48–64 (2006)
Buzacott, J.A.: The structure of manufacturing systems: insights on the impact of
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European Journal of Operational Research 170, 677–709 (2006)
Chapter 7
Neuro-Fuzzy-Regression Expert System for
AGV Optimal Path
7.1 Summary
Flexible material handling systems (MHS) have been widely used to enhance
productivity involved with product proliferation, and thus far, only fixed-track
MHSs such as Eton systems in the apparel industry are commonly used. Dai and
Lee (2012) explored the economic feasibility of a flexible MHS using free-ranging
automated guided vehicles (AGV) with a local positioning system (LPS) for the
apparel industry. A component-based and modified activity-based costing
methodology was proposed to estimate the additional cost of adopting flexible
MHSs, and then the internal rate of return (IIR) and payback periods were applied
to evaluate the project economic performance.
Accurate cost estimation plays a significant role in industrial product
development and production. Deng and Yeh (2011) applied least squares support
vector machines (LS-SVM) method solving the problem of estimating the
manufacturing cost for airframe structural projects. They evaluated the estimation
performance using back-propagation neural networks and statistical regression
Product cost estimation varies widely ranging from standard spare parts
manufacturing cost estimation to the cost analysis of the optimized technology and
marketing fees of highly customized assembled products, with appropriate product
estimation models available from the product concept design stage to the product
design cycle’s final stages. Zhang et al. (1996) categorized cost estimation
techniques into traditional detailed breakdown, simplified-breakdown, group-
technology-based, regression-based and activity-based cost approaches. Ben-Arieh
and Qian (2003) divided cost estimation models into intuitive, analogical,
parametric and analytical approaches. Shehab and Abdalla (2001) proposed
intuitive, parametric, variant-based and generative cost estimating approaches.
Cavalieria et al. (2004) provided three cost analyses of analogy-based, parametric
and engineering approaches. Niazi et al. (2006), on the basis of the integrated cost
estimation approaches, categorized the qualitative and quantitative cost estimation
techniques along with key advantages and limitations of each cost estimation
Here, we employ soft computing techniques for configuring an expert system in
the presence of uncertainty. The purpose of our study is to design a cost estimation
model for an AGV based automated manufacturing system. We choose three main
factors accompanied by their sub-factors and then propose a neural network based
approach to analyze the effects of the sub-factors on the main factors. Due to
uncertainty of cost elements in manufacturing environment, we apply fuzzy logic
to determine an appropriate range for each of the linguistic variables. Then, using
the linguistic variables, we extract the possible fuzzy rules and using a multiple
linear regression analysis we investigate the significant rules and eliminate
inappropriate ones. A sensitivity analysis is considered along with the regression
method. We then use a dynamic programming approach to find an optimal path
for the proposed manufacturing system.
96 7 Neuro-Fuzzy-Regression Expert System for AGV Optimal Path
Consider a jobshop layout which applies an AGV for material handling. The AGV
carries raw material, semi-produced and finished products in batch sizes. Due to
mounting demands, advancing technology, and rising production capacity, the
need for increasingly more shops is mounting over time. The new shops are
expected to have more advanced machines. Therefore, more than one shop with
the same duty are evolved. The difference among shops having the same duty
shows up in the shop's specificities that affect the production cost. As a result, the
system would consider a flexible jobshop model where multi shops of the same
duty exist and each operation can be processed on any type of machine in any
shop. The sequences of jobs are specified and the jobs are assumed to be
The structure of such a problem would configure a network. In this network,
the nodes are the shops and the arcs are the flow paths of the AGV to each shop.
Shops in each stage are of the same type but have different specifications such as
different machine types and equipments, varied operator proficiencies, different
rates of defect, etc.. Each flow path for the AGV is associated with a cost
parameter related to each shop. The aim is to find a path for the AGV minimizing
the cost objective. In each shop, different machines and operators are working.
Due to unpredictable events during working times a cost may incur. This cost is
inferred from an expert system via fuzzy logic "IF …. Then……." rules. Cost
parameters of each shop are considered to be 3 main factors: (1) Equipment
sensitivity, (2) operator proficiency, and (3) product specifications, each being
specified by one of the three levels of low, moderate, and high. A configuration
for the proposed problem is presented in Figure 1.
As stated before, cost is inferred from an expert system. A flowchart for the
proposed expert system is presented in Figure 2. In our expert system, a back
propagation neural network is considered to estimate the cost factors (outputs)
using their corresponding sub-factors (inputs). The cost factors and their related
sub-factors are shown in Figure 3. Using the existing data, we train the network
and then by the resulting pattern we can apply the model to obtain the output with
respect to the proposed sub-factors. The numerical results would show a lower
bound and an upper bound for each cost factor. We utilize these bounds as our
cost factors ranges for the fuzzy rule base. Considering the uncertainty in the cost
factors due to dynamic changes in neural network inputs, we specify the cost
factors in three levels of low, moderate, and high. The problem is to specify the
range of these levels, i.e., the numerical range of low, moderate or high for each of
the cost factors. This process is repeated for each AGV movement between any
two shops for determining the arcs cost values.
We apply an inductive reasoning technique to obtain the appropriate range for the
levels. This method is based on an ideal scheme describing the input and output
relationships for a well-established data base. This method is called entropy. A
key goal of entropy minimization analysis is to determine the quantity of
information in a given data set. The entropy of a probability distribution is a
measure of the uncertainty of the distribution. This information measure estimates
the uncertain range of data using a predetermined inappropriate range to start the
process. The higher the prior estimate of the probability for an outcome to occur,
the lower will be the information gained by observing it to occur. The entropy on a
set of possible outcomes of a trial where exactly one outcome is possible is
defined by the sum of probabilities. In other words, the entropy is the expected
value of information. For a simple one-dimensional (one uncertain variable) case,
let us assume that the probability of the ith sample wito be true is p(wi ) . If we
actually observe the sample wi in the future and discover that it is true, then we
gain the following information, I(wi):
Thus, the entropy of the inner product of all the samples (N) is:
S = −k ∑ [ pi ln pi + (1 − pi ) ln(1 − pi )], (3)
i =1
wherepiis the probability of the ith sample to be true. Note that S ≥ 0 , because
ln x ≤ 0 , for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 .
The entropy of a rule should be minimized. Minimum entropy (S) is associated
with all the pi being as close to ones or zeros as possible, which in turn implies
that they have a very high probability of either happening or not happening,
respectively. Note in equation (3) that if pi=1 then S=0.
This result makes sense, since pi is the probability measure of whether a value
belongs to a partition or not. The precedence for partitioning the data is as follows.
First, we assume that we are seeking a threshold value for a sample in the range
between [x1, x] and [x, x2]. We denote the first region p and the second region q.
by moving an imaginary threshold value x between x1 and x2, we calculate entropy
for each value of x.
An entropy with each value of x in the region x1 and x2 is:
S ( x) = p ( x) S p ( x ) + q ( x) S q ( x) , (4)
S p ( x) = −[ p1 ( x) ln p1 ( x) + p 2 ( x) ln p 2 ( x)] , (5)
with pk(x) and qk(x) as conditional probabilities that the class k sample is in the
region [x1, x1+x] and [x1+x, x2], respectively, p(x) and q(x) are probabilities that all
samples are in the region [x1, x1+x] and [x1+x, x2], respectively. Also,
p ( x) + q ( x) = 1 . (7)
100 7 Neuro-Fuzzy-Regression Expert System for AGV Optimal Path
A value of x that gives the minimum entropy is the optimum threshold value. We
calculate entropy estimates pk(x), qk(x), p(x), and q(x) as follows:
n k ( x) + 1
p k ( x) = , (8)
n( x ) + 1
N k ( x) + 1
q k ( x) = , (9)
N ( x) + 1
n( x )
p ( x) = , (10)
q ( x) = 1 − p( x) , (11)
where nk(x) is the number of class k samples located in [x1, x1+x], n(x) is the total
number of samples located in [x1, x1+x], Nk(x) is the number of class k samples
located in [x1+x, x2], N(x) is the total number of samples located in [x1+x, x2], and
n is the total number of samples in [x1, x2]. While moving x in the region [x1, x2],
we calculate the values of entropy for each position of x.
This procedure finds the region for the levels of the cost factors. After each
update in input data the ranges are specified using an entropy technique. After
determining the regions of the cost factors, we then compose the fuzzy rules which
clarify the total cost for each shop. To find the effective rules, we configure a
multiple linear regression model using the previous data and identify the
regression coefficients. Since we have three cost factors each of which contains
three levels of low, moderate and high, then twenty seven (3*3*3) possible rules
exist. Thus, using the hypothesis testing, the effective rules are identified. By these
rules we estimate the cost of each shop (arc length in the network). Consequently,
a dynamic program is applied to find the optimal path in the proposed jobshop
automated manufacturing network.
1. Propagate inputs forward in the usual way, i.e., all outputs are computed using
sigmoid thresholding of the inner product of the corresponding weight and input
vectors. All outputs at stage n are connected to all the inputs at stage n+1
We now discuss how to develop the stochastic backpropagation algorithm for the
general case. The derivation is simple, but unfortunately the book-keeping is a
little messy. The following notations and definitions are needed:
x j : input vector for unit j (xji = ith input to the jth unit)
w j : weight vector for unit j (wji = weight on xji)
z j = w j .x j : the weighted sum of inputs for unit j
oj : output of unit j ( o j = σ (z j ) )
tj : target for unit j
Downstream(j) : set of units whose immediate inputs include the output of j
Output : Set of output units in the final layer.
Since we update after each training example, we can simplify the notation
somewhat by assuming that the training set consists of exactly one example and so
the error can simply be denoted by E.
We want to calculate corresponding to each input weight wji of each
∂w ji
output unit j. Note first that since zj is a function of wji regardless of where in the
network unit j is located,
∂E ∂E ∂z j ∂E
= . = .x ji , (12)
∂w ji ∂z j ∂w ji ∂z j
Since the outputs of all units k ≠ j are independent of wji, we can then drop the
summation and consider just the contribution to E by j and we call it δj:
∂E ∂ 1 ∂o j ∂
δj = = (t j − o j ) 2 = −(t j − o j ) = − (t j − o j ) σ (z j )
∂z j ∂z j 2 ∂z j ∂z j (14)
= −(t j − o j )(1 − σ ( z j ))σ ( z j ) = −(t j − o j )(1 − o j )o j .
Δw ji = −η = ηδ j x ji . (15)
∂w ji
Now, consider the case when j is a hidden unit. Like before, we make the
following two important observations:
1. For each unit k downstream from j, zk is a function of zj.
2. The contribution to error by all units l ≠ j , in the same layer as j, is
independent of wji.
We want to calculate for each input weight wji for each hidden unit j.
∂w ji
Note that wji influences just zj which influences oj which influences zk,
∀k ∈ Downstream( j ), each of which influences E. So, we can write,
∂E ∂E ∂z k ∂o j ∂z j ∂E ∂z k ∂o j
= ∑ . . . = ∑ . .
∂w ji k∈Downstream ( j ) ∂z k ∂o j ∂z j ∂w ji k∈Downstream ( j ) ∂z k ∂o j ∂z j
.x ji . (16)
Again, note that all the terms except xji in (16) are the same regardless of which
input weight of unit j we are trying to update. Like before, we denote this common
∂E ∂z ∂o
quantity by δ j . Also, note that δ k , k wkj and j = o j (1 − o j ) .
∂z k ∂o j ∂z j
Substituting them in (14),
∂E ∂z k ∂o j
δj = ∑ . .
k∈Downstream( j ) ∂z k ∂o j ∂z j
= ∑ δ k .wkj .o j (1 − o j ) ,
k∈Downstream( j )
we obtain:
δ k = o j (1 − o j ) ∑δ k .w .
k∈Downstream( j )
kj (18)
Each training example is of the form x, t , where x is the input vector and t is
the target vector, η is the learning rate (e.g., 0.05), ni, nh and no are the number of
input, hidden and output nodes, respectively. Input from unit i to unit j is denoted
by xji and its weight is denoted by wji. Create a feed-forward network with ni
inputs, nh hidden units, and no output units.
Initialize all the weights to small random values (e.g., between -0.05 and 0.05).
While termination condition is not met Do
For each training example x, t ,
1. Input the instance x and compute the output ou of every unit.
2. For each output unit k, calculate
δ k = ok (1 − ok )(t k − ok ) . (19)
δ h = oh (1 − oh ) ∑δ k .w .
k∈Downstream( h )
kh (20)
w ji ← w ji + Δw ji . (21)
Δw ji = ηδ j x ji . (22)
whereA1, A2 and B1 are fuzzy sets. The fuzzy set acquired from aggregation of
rules’ results are defuzzified using defuzzification methods like centroid (center of
gravity), max membership, mean-max, and weighted average. The centroid
method is very popular, in which the ‘‘center of mass’’ of the result provides the
crisp value. In this method, the defuzzified value of the fuzzy set A, d(A), is
calculated by:
∫ x.μ A ( x) x
d ( A) = X
, (23)
∫ μ A ( x) x
where μ A (.) is the membership function of the fuzzy set A (Klir and Yuan, 1995;
Zimmermann, 1996).
For our problem in which various possible conditions of parameters are stated
in forms of fuzzy sets, we utilize the Mamdani fuzzy system, because in this
system the fuzzy rules representing the expert knowledge would consider fuzzy
sets as their consequences. In general, designing a fuzzy system is composed of
the following major steps (Klir and Yuan, 1995).
108 7 Neuro-Fuzzy-Regression Expert System for AGV Optimal Path
Step 1. Identify pertaining input and output variables. Besides, select the
meaningful linguistic states along with appropriate fuzzy sets for the variable.
Step 2. Employ a fuzzification method for input variables that expresses the
associated measured uncertainty. The purpose of the fuzzification method is to
interpret measurements of input variables which are expressed by real numbers.
where β0 is the intercept, the βj are the coefficients of the rjparameters and the
ε j are the error terms. The aim is to identify the β j not being important on total
cost of the proposed system. Here, we apply two-sided hypothesis testing as
H 0 : β j = 0,
H 1 : β j ≠ 0.
7.3 Mathematical Model 109
The null hypothesis indicates whether a rule coefficient is zero or not. If the
hypothesis is accepted (a certain rule coefficient is zero) then we can omit the
corresponding rule from cost estimation process. The test of the null hypothesis H0
against the two sided alternative proceeds in three steps. The first is to compute
the standard error of β j , SE ( β j ) . The standard error of β j is an estimator of
σβ j
, the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of βj:
× ∑ (r j − r ) 2 ε 2j
1 m − 2 j =1
σ β2 = × 2
, (26)
m ⎡1 m 2⎤
⎢ ∑ (r j − r ) ⎥
⎣ m j =1 ⎦
SE ( β j ) = σ β2 j . (27)
βj −0
t= . (28)
SE ( β j )
The third step is to compute the p-value, the probability of observing a value of
βj at least as different from zero as the estimate actually computed ( β j ),
⎡ βj −0 β jact − 0 ⎤
[ ]
p − value = PrH 0 β j − 0 > β jact − 0 ⇒ PrH 0 ⎢
⎥ ⇒ PrH 0 ( t > t act )
⎣⎢ SE ( j ) SE ( )
j ⎦⎥
where PrH 0 denotes the probability computed under the null hypothesis, the second
equality follows by dividing into SE ( β j ) , and t act is the value of the t-statistic
actually computed. Because β j is approximately normally distributed in large
samples, under the null hypothesis the t-statistic is approximately distributed as a
standard normal random variable, and so for large samples,
A small value of the p-value, say less than 5%, provides evidence against the null
hypothesis in the sense that the chance of obtaining a value of βj by pure random
variation from one sample to the next is less than 5% if, in fact, the null hypothesis
is correct. If so, the null hypothesis is rejected at the 5% significance level. Simply,
we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level if t act > 1.96 .
Therefore, if the hypothesis is accepted, then we ensue that the corresponding rule is
not important and is not influential on the cost. The estimation of the coefficients is
performed using a regression software (EViews 3.0).
s Number of stages; s= 0,1,2,…, n.
i' Start node number; i'=1,2, …, I; i'=0 (for the start node).
i End node number; i=1,2, …, I.
ϕs (i' ) The minimum value of moving from node i' in stage s to an end
node i in stage s-1.
Pi'i Numerical value of an arc from node i' to node i.
Optimal policy:
ϕ s (i' ) = Min {ϕ s +1 (i ) + Pi 'i }, ∀i ' in stage s ( s = 0,1,2,..., n).
i in layer s +1
ϕ s (i ) = (0),
ϕ * = ϕ 0 (0).
7.4 Conclusions
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8.1 Summary
during which the customer has to be served (with b0 the earliest start time and e0
the latest return time of each vehicle to the depot). The tours are performed by a
fleet of l identical vehicles. The additional constraints are that the service
beginning time at each node ci (i = 1,..., n) must be greater than or equal to bi, the
beginning of the time window, and the arrival time at each node ci must be lower
than or equal to ei, the end of the time window. In case the arrival time is less than
bi, the vehicle has to wait till the beginning of the time window before starting
servicing the customer. In the literature the fleet size l is often a variable and a
very common objective is to minimize l. Usually, two different solutions with the
same number of vehicles are ranked by alternative objectives such as the total
traveling time or total delivery time (including waiting and service times).
For a general review on AGV problems, the reader is referred to (Co and
Tanchoco, 1991; King and Wilson, 1991; Ganesharajah et al., 1998). For a recent
review on AGVs scheduling and routing problems and issues, the reader is
referred to the survey of Qiu et al. (2002). These authors identified three types of
algorithms for AGVs problems:
(1) for general path topology,
(2) for path optimization and
(3) for specific path topologies.
Methods of the first type can be divided in three categories:
(1a) static methods, where an entire path remains occupied until a vehicle
completes its route; (1b) time-window based methods, where a path segment may
be used by different vehicles during different time-windows;
and (1c) dynamic methods, where the utilization of any segment of path is
dynamically determined during routing rather than before as with categories (1a)
and (1b). The method presented in this article belongs to the third category (1c)
and addresses the conflict free routing problem with an optimization approach.
A number of authors have addressed the conflict free routing problem with a
static transportation requests set, i.e., with all requests known a priori. Lee et al.
(1998) present a two-staged traffic control scheme to solve a conflict free routing
problem. Their heuristic method consists of generating off-line k-shortest paths in
the first stage before the on-line traffic controller picks a conflict free shortest path
whenever a dispatch command for an AGV is issued (second stage). Rajotia et al.
(1998) propose a semi-dynamic time window constrained routing strategy. They
use the notions of reserved and free time windows to manage the motion of
vehicles. Krishnamurthy et al. (1993) propose an optimization approach. Their
objective is to minimize the make span. They assume that the assignment of tasks
to AGVs is given and they solve the routing problem by column generation (Ho
and Wu, 2002). Their method generates very good solutions in spite of the fact
that it is not optimal (column generation is performed at the root node of the
8.1 Summary 119
search tree only). Oboth et al. (1999) present a heuristic method to solve the
dispatching and routing problems but not simultaneously. Scheduling is performed
first and a sequential path generation heuristic (SPG) is used to generate conflict
free routes. The SPG is inspired from Krishnamurthy et al. (1993) static version of
the AGV routing problem and applied to a dynamic environment while relaxing
some of the limiting assumptions like equal and constant speeds of AGVs. When
conflict is encountered, no feedback is sent to the scheduling module. The AGV
being routed has to be delayed if an alternate route cannot be generated (Lin et al.,
The authors use rules for positioning idle AGVs instead of letting the system
manage them. Langevin et al. (1996) propose a dynamic programming based
method to solve exactly instances with two vehicles. They solve the combined
problem of dispatching and conflict free routing. Desaulniers et al. (2003) propose
an exact method that enables to solve instances with up to four vehicles. Their
approach combines a greedy search heuristic (to find a feasible solution and set
bound on delays), column generation and a branch and cut procedure. Their
method presents however some limits since its efficiency depends highly on the
performance of the starting heuristic. If no feasible solution is found by the search
heuristic, then no optimal solution can be found. The search heuristic performs
poorly when the level of congestion increases.
The problem considered in this chapter is a generalization of the Vehicle
Routing Problem (VRP) and the Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) see Cordeau
et al. (2004), Mitrovi´c-Mini´c (1998) and secondary literature given there. The
most widely studied vehicle routing problems are the capacitated VRP and the
Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) which are surveyed by
Laporte and Semet (2002) and Cordeau et al. (2002). Efficient methods for
handling complex side constraints in insertion methods are presented in Campbell
and Savelsbergh (2004). Comprehensive surveys on construction methods,
neighborhood search methods, and meta-heuristics for the VRPTW are given by
Bräysy and Gendreau (2005a) and Bräysy and Gendreau (2005b). Variable
Neighborhood Search (VNS) is a meta-heuristic based on the idea of
systematically changing the neighborhood structure during the search, see
Mladenovi ´c and Hansen (1997) and Hansen and Mladenovi´c (2003). VNS
systematically exploits the following observations:
a) a local optimum with respect to one neighborhood structure is not necessary
so for another;
b) a global optimum is a local optimum with respect to all possible
neighborhood structures;
c) for many problems local optima with respect to one or several
neighborhoods are relatively close to each other.
120 8 Optimal Path for AGV System with Intelligent Agents
Based on the hierarchical structure of the BOM, the shops are in a level
structure each of which provides the materials in the certain level of the BOM.
The AGV would begin to assemble the materials from shops in varied levels to
reach the final product in the last stage in the main shop. The model is looking for
a path that fulfills the BOM and also is optimal considering the decision
parameters. A configuration of the shops in the Material Requirement Planning is
presented in Figure 2.
AGV needs to decide which route to select to satisfy the objectives of the
problem. In the stated condition, AGV should consider all time, cost, and AGV
capability to select a route i.e. the lowest cost, shortest time, and the lowest
occupied AGV capability must be regarded. To achieve this goal, mathematical
programming approach is applied for optimization. To find out the cost, time, and
capability parameters intelligent agents are proposed. Intelligent agents help AGV
to evaluate all paths.
In artificial intelligence, an intelligent agent (IA) is an autonomous entity which
observes and acts upon an environment (i.e. it is an agent) and directs its activity
towards achieving goals (i.e. it is rational). Intelligent agents may also learn or use
knowledge to achieve their goals. They may be very simple or very complex: a
reflex machine such as a thermostat is an intelligent agent, as is a human being, as
is a community of human beings working together towards a goal.
Intelligent agents are often described schematically as an abstract functional
system similar to a computer program. For this reason, intelligent agents are
sometimes called abstract intelligent agents (AIA) to distinguish them from their
real world implementations as computer systems, biological systems, or
organizations. Some definitions of intelligent agents emphasize their autonomy,
and so prefer the term autonomous intelligent agents. Still others considered goal-
directed behavior as the essence of intelligent and so prefer a term borrowed from
economics, "rational agent".
Intelligent agents in artificial intelligence are closely related to agents in
economics, and versions of the intelligent agent paradigm are studied in cognitive
science, ethics, the philosophy of practical reason, as well as in many
interdisciplinary socio-cognitive modeling and computer social simulations.
Intelligent agents are also closely related to software agents (an autonomous
software program that carries out tasks on behalf of users). In computer science,
the term intelligent agent may be used to refer to a software agent that has some
intelligence, regardless if it is not a rational agent.
In this chapter, we propose three intelligent agents for time, cost and capability,
respectively. The core of these agents is optimization. The results of all agents are
transferred to a computer data base which conducts the AGV through guide path
in the shop floor. A configuration of the intelligent agent and information transfer
process is shown in Figure 3.
The AGV collects the information and process them in the separate intelligent
agents. The results are sent to the data base and view by the controller. The
controller issue required orders to the AGV.
To estimate the time of traveling from one shop (node) to another one in our
proposed network, a mathematical optimization is worked out by an intelligent
agent. While the velocity (v) of AGV is known, the time is computed as follows:
d = v.t , (1)
d = ( x − x0 ) 2 + ( y − y0 ) 2 , (2)
Variable cost depends on the distance that the AGV move (such as, defect,
amortization, etc.). But the fix cost is independent of the distance and include set
up cost, controller salary, etc.
Here, we want to estimate the AGV capability during the assembly process.
Some parameters affect the capability of an AGV. We should investigate whether
a parameter is significant on capability or not. One way to survey the effect of
independent variables on dependent variable is multiple linear regression model.
Therefore, we consider the following equation which is computed in our proposed
intelligent agent for capability,
where β0 is the intercept, β j s are the coefficients for rjparameters and ε is the
error term. The aim is identifying the β j s which are not important on capability
(ui). Here, we apply two-sided hypothesis testing as follows;
H 0 : β j = 0;
H 1 : β j ≠ 0.
The test of the null hypothesis H0 against the two sided alternative proceeds as in
the three steps. The first is to compute the standard error of β j , SE ( β j ) . The
standard error of βj is an estimator of σβ j
, the standard deviation of the
× ∑ (r j − r ) 2 ε 2j
1 m − 2 j =1
σ β2 = × 2
, (7)
m ⎡1 2⎤
⎢ ∑ (r j − r ) ⎥
⎣ m j =1 ⎦
SE ( β j ) = σ β2 j . (8)
βj −0
t= (9)
SE ( β j )
The third step is to compute the p-value, the probability of observing a value of
βj at least as different from zero as the estimate actually computed ( β j ),
⎡ βj −0 β act −0⎤
[ ]
p − value = PrH 0 β j − 0 > β jact − 0 ⇒ PrH 0 ⎢
⎥ ⇒ PrH 0 ( t > t act ) (10)
⎣⎢ SE ( j ) SE ( ⎥
j) ⎦
Where PrH 0 denotes the probability computed under the null hypothesis, the
second equality follows by dividing by SE ( β j ) , and t act is the value of the
t-statistic actually computed. Because β j is approximately normally distributed in
large samples, under the null hypothesis the t-statistic is approximately distributed
as a standard normal random variable, so in large samples,
A small value of the p-value, say less than 5%, provides evidence against the null
hypothesis in the sense that the chance of obtaining a value of βj by pure random
variation from one sample to the next is less than 5% if, in fact, the null hypothesis
is correct. If so, the null hypothesis is rejected at the 5% significance level. Simply
we can reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level if, t act > 1.96 .
Therefore, if the hypothesis is accepted then we ensue that the corresponded
parameter is not important and has no effect on the capability.
126 8 Optimal Path for AGV System with Intelligent Agents
All nodes indicate the shops except node 0 which shows the AGV. Arcs are
identified with three criteria, cost, time, and AGV capability which are
consequenced from the intelligent agents. Number of nodes are N and depends on
the number of the shops that provide materials. Nodes are in levels as stated
before. Mathematical programming approach in details is as follows.
i Start node i=0,1,2,….,N
i' End node i'=1,2,…,N
j Level number j=0,1,2,….J
Objective Function:
Subject to:
ϕ 0(0) = 0 (15)
∑∑ ξ
i′ i
ii ′ × Cii′ ≤ B (16)
∑∑ ξ
i′ i
ii ′ × Tii′ ≤ τ (17)
∑∑ ξ
i′ i
ii ′ × Pii ' ≤ δ (18)
Equations (12), (13), and (14) are the objective functions which aim to find the
shortest path based on cost, time, and AGV capability, respectively. Equation (15)
is the primary condition for starting the travel on nodes. Equation (16) guarantees
that our travels won’t exceed our accessible budget. Equation (17) represents that
the time needed to satisfy the demands is confined. Equation (18) guarantees the
capability of AGV during the travels. Equation (19) is the sign relation.
As it is cleared, the objective functions cause the decision maker not to be able
to decide at once about time and cost and capability simultaneously. Hence, we do
some changes on objective functions to mix them in to a single function that take
into account all time and cost and capability as follows.
128 8 Optimal Path for AGV System with Intelligent Agents
∑∑ T
i '=1 i =0
ii '
where T is the normalized value of time duration for each arc.
The same procedure is existed for costs:
C ii ′
C ini′ = (21)
∑∑ C
i '=1 i = 0
ii '
where C ii ′ is the normalized value of cost for each arc.
The same procedure is existed for AGV capability:
Piin′ = (22)
∑∑ P
i '=1 i =0
ii '
Equation (23) does time-cost-AGV capability optimization at the same time and
its result is the optimum combination of time, cost, and AGV capability which
ensue to the optimal path or route. Also, note that their importance weights are
considered to be equal. But, if a decision maker tends to consider different
importance for time, cost and capability, it is easily performed using common
weighing approaches in the literature.
Number of N
Selecting best
time and cost
If constraints
are satisfied
Finding the
Optimal Path
Regarding to the flowchart, in termination stage a path with all optimal time,
cost, and AGV capability is identified at the same time.
8.4 Conclusions
The obtained results extracted from the proposed methodology in a material
handling system are helpful in providing better managerial insights for decision
making in AGV planning and guide path maintenance. While a path contains
several arcs in the proposed material handling network determining the arcs
especially the most used ones helps fortifying them and prohibit halt in the system
due to AGV or path break downs. Another managerial aspect is to make real time
decisions underlying the proposed agents as decision supports. While demand and
material supplies are dynamic therefore AGV planning should also be dynamic.
Therefore the proposed agents help to make decisions at any time with respect to
any demand fulfilled and material provision. We have considered an extension of
the classical vehicle routing problem in which three dimensional packing
constraints were introduced i.e. time, cost, and AGV capability. This problem
featured three classical combinatorial optimization problems. Intelligent agents
were designed for the triple criteria which used optimization tools to estimate the
values and report them to the computer data base. We have applied a mathematical
programming approach for optimizing the problem. By a normalization process all
time, cost, and AGV capability were included as the arc’s value of the proposed
network. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm was validated using two
illustrative examples.
Bräysy, O., Gendreau, M.: Vehicle routing problem with time windows, Part I: Route
construction and local search algorithms. Transportation Science 39(1), 104–118
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Campbell, A., Savelsbergh, M.: Efficient insertion heuristics for vehicle routing and
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Co, C.G., Tanchoco, J.M.A.: A review of research on AGVs vehicle management.
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SIAM Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications, Philadelphia (2002)
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Chapter 9
Earliness/Tardiness for a Multiple AGV System
9.1 Summary
are moved between the shops by the AGVs. The guide path is composed of aisle
segments on which the vehicles are assumed to travel at a constant speed. The
vehicles can travel forward or backward. As many vehicles travel on the guide
path simultaneously, collisions must be avoided. AGV systems are implemented
in various industrial contexts: container terminals, part transportation in heavy
industry, flexible manufacturing systems. For a general review on AGV problems,
the reader is referred to (Co and Tanchoco, 1991; King and Wilson, 1991;
Ganesharajah et al., 1998). For a recent review on AGVs scheduling and routing
problems and issues, the reader is referred to the survey of Qiu et al. (2002). These
authors identified three types of algorithms for AGVs problems:
(1) for general path topology,
(2) for path optimization,
(3) for specific path topologies.
Methods of the first type can be divided in three categories:
(1a) static methods, where an entire path remains occupied until a vehicle
completes its route;
(1b) time-window based methods, where a path segment may be used by different
vehicles during different time-windows;
(1c) dynamic methods, where the utilization of any segment of path is
dynamically determined during routing rather than before as with categories (1a)
and (1b).
This chapter addresses a penalized earliness and tardiness scheduling problem
for AGVs in a manufacturing system.
Scheduling problems arise in areas as diverse as production planning, personnel
planning, product configuration, and transportation. An overview of the wide range
of constraints in scheduling, together with the most powerful propagation algorithms
for these constraints are given (Baptiste et al., 2001; Baptiste et al., 1995).
Production scheduling, dispatching, routing and scheduling decisions for AGVs
can be made simultaneously or separately. Most of the literature treats one or two
of the problems at the same time. An extensive review has been addressed by Vis
(2006) for operational control of AGVs. A widely used technique for dispatching
is the simulation. The heuristic rules are used in on-line control systems. For
routing and scheduling of AGVs, several techniques have been used to maximize
the total system performance taking in to account for deadlock or conflicts for
AGVs. Kim and Tanchoco (1991) studied the problem of finding conflict-free
routes in a bi-directional network. The algorithm is based on the shortest path
methods through the concept of time-window graph. Petri net is used to analyze
deadlock and conflict-free conditions (Dotoli and Fanti, 2004; Wu and Zhou,
2005). Singh and Tiwari (2002) presented an intelligent agent framework to find a
conflict-free shortest-time path. Nishi et al. (2005) provided a mathematical model
for routing problem. Lagrangian decomposition technique was used solve the
problem. Ghasemzadeh et al. (2009) presented a conflict-free scheduling and
9.1 Summary 135
routing in mesh topologies. It can generate the shortest path for scheduling
predicting conflicts and select another path in the case of failure.
The literature discussed above on scheduling of AGVs hardly considers the
capacity constraints of the machines where transportation jobs become available
and sequencing of operations at the machines. The simultaneous production
scheduling and transportation routing problem is one of the difficult joint
problems. The problems for AGVs have been studied mostly in operations
research and/or FMS literature. A common approach for FMS scheduling is based
on the discrete event simulation with dispatching rules (Tunali, 1998).
Lacomme et al. (2005) introduced a branch and bound algorithm coupled with
discrete event simulation. Blazewicz et al. (1994) addressed the two steps
algorithm for integrating machine scheduling and the conflict-free routing
problems. In their approach, the production scheduling and routing problems are
solved separately. Bilge and Ulusoy (1995) developed a time-window approach to
solve the simultaneous scheduling of machines and material handling in FMSs.
They formulated the problem as a mixed integer programming problem. Ulusoy et
al. (1997) and Jerald et al. (2006) dealt with the application of the genetic
algorithm on the problem. Khayat et al. (2006) studied an integrated method with
mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and constrained programming. Never
the less in their model, vehicles can always select a shortest path from a machine
station to another machine station without the consideration of conflict and
collision on the detailed routing for vehicles. Corre´a et al. (2007) proposed an
integrated scheduling of dispatching and vehicle routing with the consideration of
conflict-free path selection, but it does not take into account the scheduling of
machines and vehicles simultaneously.
In the above literature, it is extremely difficult to consider production
scheduling and conflict-free routing because the number of decision variables is
significantly increased. Therefore, the conventional decomposition algorithm is
not sufficient to solve the problem efficiently. The integration of cut generation
with various decomposition methods is widely studied recently (2006). The logic-
based Benders decomposition method was introduced by Hooker (2003). The
advantage of the logic-based Benders is that it permits to combine MILP and the
constraint programming approach. Similar idea was applied to solve the
simultaneous planning and scheduling problems (2006).
A number of authors have addressed the conflict free routing problem with a
static transportation requests set, i.e., with all requests known a priori. Lee et al.
(1998) present a two-staged traffic control scheme to solve a conflict free routing
problem. Their heuristic method consists of generating off-line k-shortest paths in
the first stage before the on-line traffic controller picks a conflict free shortest path
whenever a dispatch command for an AGV is issued (second stage). Rajotia et al.
(1998) propose a semi-dynamic time window constrained routing strategy. They
use the notions of reserved and free time windows to manage the motion of
vehicles. Krishnamurthy et al. (1993) propose an optimization approach. Their
objective is to minimize the makespan. They assume that the assignment of tasks
136 9 Earliness/Tardiness for a Multiple AGV System
to AGVs is given and they solve the routing problem by column generation. Their
method generates very good solutions in spite of the fact that it is not optimal
(column generation is performed at the root node of the search tree only).
Oboth et al. (1999) present a heuristic method to solve the dispatching and
routing problems but not simultaneously. Scheduling is performed first and a
sequential path generation heuristic (SPG) is used to generate conflict free routes.
The SPG is inspired from Krishnamurthy et al. (1993) static version of the AGV
routing problem and applied to a dynamic environment while relaxing some of the
limiting assumptions like equal and constant speeds of AGVs. When conflict is
encountered, no feedback is sent to the scheduling module. The AGV being routed
has to be delayed if an alternate route cannot be generated. The authors use rules
for positioning idle AGVs instead of letting the system manage them.
Langevin et al. (1996) propose a dynamic programming based method to solve
exactly instances with two vehicles. They solve the combined problem of
dispatching and conflict free routing. Desaulniers et al. (2003) propose an exact
method that enables to solve instances with up to four vehicles. Their approach
combines a greedy search heuristic (to find a feasible solution and set bound on
delays), column generation and a branch and cut procedure. Their method presents
however some limits since its efficiency depends highly on the performance of the
starting heuristic. If no feasible solution is found by the search heuristic, then no
optimal solution can be found. The search heuristic performs poorly when the
level of congestion increases.
• The number of jobs, processing time for each job and the number of AGVs
are given.
• The started job cannot be interrupted once the processing of that is started at
a shop.
• Each AGV can transport a single load at a time. A transportation task is the
set of a starting node and a destination node.
9.2 Statement of the Problem 137
The overall decision variables for the problem consist of the allocation of
AGVs to the shops for material handling and the conflict-free routing for vehicles.
To estimate the time of traveling from one shop (node) to another in our
proposed network, a mathematical relation is employed. While the velocity (v) of
AGV is known, the time is computed as follows:
d = v.t , (1)
d = x − x0 + y − y0 , (2)
α weight for total earliness; α ≥ 0
β weight for total tardiness; β ≥ 0
p ik processing time of job i being processed in shop k
duik due date of job i being processed in shop k
dkk' distance between any two shops k and k'
V velocity of AGV (same for all AGVs)
tjkk' Movement time for AGV j between nodes (shops) k and k'
Eik earliness of job i being processed in shop k
TAik tardiness of job i being processed in shop k
Cik completion time for job i being processed in shop k
Qik allocation of job i to shop k; 1, if job i is allocated to shop k, 0,
Decision variables:
⎧1 if AGV j is scheduled on job i in shop k
X jik = ⎨
⎩0 otherwise,
⎧1 if a path between shops k and k ' is busy by AGV j
Y jkk ' = ⎨
⎩0 otherwise,
for i = 1 , ..., m , j = 1 ,..., n , k = 1,... , o.
Objective function:
o m 0 m
Min z = ∑∑ α .Eik + ∑∑ β .TAik (4)
k =1 i =1 k =1 i =1
9.3 Mathematical Model 139
o m
α = ∑∑ pik − du ik ,
k =1 i =1
o m
i = 1,....,m, k = 1,.....,o . (5)
β = ∑∑ pik − C ik ,
k =1 i =1
The weights for total earliness and tardiness are loss functions of processing
times, due dates and completion times. Note that, α and β are computed based
on quadratic loss function with a positive squared subtraction of processing times
from due dates and completion times for earliness and tardiness, respectively.
j =1
jik = 1, i = 1,...., m, k = 1,....., o, (6)
m o
∑∑ X
i =1 k =1
jik = 1, j = 1,...., n, (7)
j =1
jkk ' = 1, k = 1,..., o, k ' = k + 1, (9)
j =1
jkk ' .Qik = 1, i = 1,..., m, k = 1,..., o, k ' = k + 1, (10)
j =1
jik .Qik = 1, i = 1,..., m, k = 1,..., o, (11)
pik = ∑ X jik .t jkk ' , i = 1,...., m, k = 1,....., o, (12)
j =1
Constraints (6) specify that exactly one AGV is scheduled at the kth shop.
Constraints (7) define each AGV to be scheduled only once. Constraints (8)
emphasize that when an AGV is scheduled for a job in a shop then the path from
that shop to the next immediate shop is busy. Constraints (9) imply that only one
AGV is allocated to a shop. Constraints (10) show that for a job-shop allocation
only one AGV occupies the path between any two nodes, too. Constraints (11)
indicate that for a job-shop allocation only one AGV is scheduled. Relations (12)
compute the processing times of jobs in shops. Relations (13) show an inequality
between the completion times of job in a previous shop and the processing time of
the job in next shop. Relations (14) present the tardiness. Relations (15) present
the earliness. Relations (16) indicate that all variables are binary.
Since formulae (14) and (15) are nonlinear, we linearize them as follows:
Eik ≥ t jkk ' , i = 1,....,m, k = 1,.....,o , (17)
Clearly, the equation (8) is nonlinear due to product of two binary decision
variables leading to inefficiency of the outputs and spending longer time for
convergence purposes. So, we linearize it by substituting the binary variable ε ijkl
as follows,
Eq. (6) and (7)
Eq. (21)-(23)
9.3 Mathematical Model 141
Eq. (9)-(13)
Eq. (17)-(20)
Eq. (16).
Variable Count
Xjik n×m×o
Yjkk' n×o×(o-1)
Sum= (n×m×o) + (n×m×(o-1))
According to tables 1 and 2, when the number of jobs, shops and AGVs
increase, the search space increases drastically. The solution should provide the
optimal paths for each AGV and prohibit the conflict among AGVs minimizing
the total earliness and tardiness.
AGVs begin their movement from a corresponding shop according to the
process plan and go on through other shops to complete the pre-defined job
sequence and deliver the finished product to the depot. These movements of
AGVs configure a network as shown in Figure 2. The AGVs movements are based
on the due dates of the jobs and distances between any two shops. Thus, to prevent
the AGVs conflicts the solution algorithm should consider an allocation between
jobs and AGVs so that no conflict occurs.
At each iteration, the arcs (paths between any two shops) in the network are
divided into two sets; the arcs occupied by an AGV (A); the free arcs (B). A
network structure (A, B) is optimal if an AGV serves as a handling device for a job
142 9 Earliness/Tardiness for a Multiple AGV System
(k, k ' ) ∈ A is one and at the same time the AGV waiting time to move to next
job is minimized. With those conditions, the current solution is optimal.
Otherwise, there are arcs in the network that violate the optimal conditions. An arc
is a violated arc if it belongs to B and has lower waiting time than an ark in A. This
Algorithm maintains a feasible arc at each iteration and successfully goes toward
the optimality conditions until it becomes optimal.
The substitution of entering for the leaving arc and the reconstruction of new
network is called a pivot (Step 3). After pivoting to change the basis, the
earliness/tardiness for each arc (k , k ' ) ∉ A is calculated. If the
earliness/tardiness for all (k , k ' ) ∈ {A, B} satisfies the optimality condition then
the current basic feasible solution is optimal. Otherwise, an arc (k, k') where there
is a violation should be chosen and operations of the algorithm should be repeated.
The steps of the proposed search algorithm are specified in Figure 3.
9.4 Conclusions
In this chapter, the automated guided vehicle scheduling problem was formulated
as a special case of the earliness/tardiness minimization. In the proposed problem
the number of jobs, processing time for each job and the number of AGVs were
assumed to be given. Also, the started job couldn't be interrupted once the
processing of that was started at a shop, and each AGV could transport a single
load at a time. Besides scheduling, the model was able to fulfill the conflict free
routs for the AGVs. Due to nonlinear equations, a linearization process performed
to make the mathematical model smooth for the solution approach. The number of
parameters and variables and therefore the search space increased when the
number of jobs, shops and AGVs increase. The solution should provide the
optimal paths for each AGV and prohibit the conflict among AGVs minimizing
the total earliness and tardiness. Then, a heuristic search algorithm and a solution
methodology based on network concepts were developed for tackling the problem.
Our computational results implied that the algorithms were efficient to find the
optimal solution for large scale problems in negligible time. The heuristic search
algorithm accompanied with the proposed solution architecture was a complete
algorithm and it was efficient for dealing with the problems without any certain
limits in size.
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Chapter 10
Markovian Model for Multiple AGV System
10.1 Summary
availability, the limiting availability, the distribution of the down time and the up
time. Numerical examples were given for various repair time distributions. The
numerical examples showed that the availability is not very sensitive to the repair
time distribution while the mean up time and the mean down time might be very
sensitive to the repair time distributions.
According to the brief reviewed literature, studies to compare Markovian and
neural networks are few. Especially, modeling the reliability of an advanced
manufacturing system considering AGVs is also rare.
the system. As a unit (machine or AGV) in the system is broken down, the repair
should be performed on it for preparing it to function.
The aims of conducting this study are:
Developing a reliability assessment methodology for AGV based
manufacturing systems
Analyzing and including fault sources in machine-AGV state modeling in
manufacturing systems
Markovian modeling for reliability assessment of a machine-AGV
manufacturing system
Comparing Markovian reliability assessment with the neural network
It is necessary to incorporate reliability into the model to ensure the level of
service for each machine in each shop and the AGVs. For modeling reliability, the
approach of Ball and Lin (1993) is adopted and further extended.
The reliability is defined as the probability that the system works until time t. If
a machine in a shop is broken down, it can be regarded as a failure. A desired
level of reliability can be achieved by limiting the failure probabilities. This
approach for handling reliability is called the method of chance constraints in the
context of mathematical programming. The use of chance constraints in vehicle
routing problem was illustrated in Stewart and Golden (1983). Carbone (1974)
used chance constraints for selecting multiple facilities under normally distributed
demand. The model minimized an upper bound on the total demand-weighted
distance while ensuring that constraint was satisfied with specified chance or
probability. Shiode and Drezner (2003) used a similar approach in a competitive
location problem on a tree network.
It is assumed that the reliability of each machine type and the AGV are
independently according to Exponential processes. Also, J is total types of
machines, i.e., drilling machines, turning machines, bending machines show three
machine types. We discuss the reliability based model as follows:
⎧⎛ J ⎞
⎪ ⎜⎜1 − ∏ (1 − R j (t )) ⎟⎟, when machines in each shop are in parallel case
⎪⎪ ⎝ j =1 ⎠
R(t ) system =⎨
⎪⎛ J ⎞
⎪⎜⎜ ∏ R j (t ) ⎟⎟, when machines in each shop are in series case
⎪⎩⎝ j =1 ⎠
In our proposed problem, AGVs are series and the machine types in each shop
may be in parallel or series cases and the shops are parallel, i.e., a composite
system is configured. Therefore, the reliability of the system is as follows:
10.3 Mathematical Model 153
⎛ J ⎞
⎜1 − ∏ (1 − R j (t )) ⎟ ≥ α , (2)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ j =1 ⎠
owhere α is the lower bound for a desirable reliability of the system until time t.
As previously assumed, the reliability of each machine type and AGV are
independently according to Exponential distribution:
R j (t ) = e , (3)
⎛ J
⎜1 − θj ⎟
⎜ ∏
(1 − e ) ≥α . (4)
⎝ j =1
It is obvious that to obtain a higher level of reliability, more cost is incurred to
the system. Hence, a cost function ( C j (t ) ) is defined to keep machine type jth
reliable until time t. For the whole system we have:
∑C (t ) .
j =1
j (5)
α 1− β − γ
1 − δ −ν
⎡1 − α − ε α ε ⎤
Pij = ⎢ β 1− β − γ γ ⎥⎥ . (6)
⎢⎣ ν δ 1 − δ − ν ⎥⎦
where α , β , γ , δ , ε , and ν are the transition probability from the three states
given in Figure 1. Using the probability transition matrix and the limiting
probability we obtain each state’s occurrence probability as follows.
π j = ∑ π i pij , for j=1,2,3. (7)
i =1
j =1
j =1. (8)
Using these probabilities, we can compute the reliability of each state helping
us to assess the total reliability of the system.
We also can compute the long run probability for each state using steady state
distribution given below.
⎡1 − α − ε α ε ⎤
[A B C ] ⎢ β 1− β − γ γ ⎥ = [A B C ]
⎥ , (9)
⎢⎣ ν δ 1 − δ − ν ⎥⎦
having A+B+C=1.
10.3 Mathematical Model 155
The same computations exist for AGVs different failure state, while we stated 2
states, i.e., we have two state probability and a 2 × 2 transition matrix.
Now, for reliability we have,
R(t)=1-F(t), (10)
where, F(t) is the failure probability computed above as states’ probabilities. Note
that, we can compute the reliability in two cases, first for current state, and second
for steady state. The numerical comparison of the two could be interesting.
Having the current state of the system by Markovian model and by the means
of neural network, we can compute the steady state probabilities. Next, we review
the artificial neural network and the backpropagation neural network for our
proposed work. The reason is to find the difference in accuracy of the two
methods and determine the most effective one. It is obvious that the neural
network can be more efficient due to using past data in training stage.
The aim to compute the steady state probability and reliability is to obtain an
estimation of the system availability for long run planning horizon. Therefore, it is
significant for a decision maker to determine steady state reliability using the
corresponding probability, accurately.
between feed-forward neural networks and the logistic regression. The conceptual
similarities and discrepancies between the two methods are also analyzed.
Artificial neural networks have been applied successfully to many
manufacturing and engineering areas. Zhengrong et al. (1996) used quadratic
regression to assess the results of neural network for improving the efficiency of
fermentation process development. The results show that different sizes of neural
nets within a certain range give an equally good prediction by using the ‘‘stopping
training” technique, while quadratic regressions are sensitive to the size of the data
sets. Smith and Mason (1997) mentioned that regression and neural network
modeling methods have become two competing empirical model-building
methods. They compared the predictive capabilities of NNs and regression
methods in manufacturing cost estimation problems.
x j : input vector for unit j (xji = ith input to the jth unit)
w j : weight vector for unit j (wji = weight on xji)
z j = w j .x j : the weighted sum of inputs for unit j
oj : output of unit j ( o j = σ (z j ) )
tj : target for unit j
Downstream(j) : set of units whose immediate inputs include the output of j
Output : Set of output units in the final layer.
10.3 Mathematical Model 157
Since we update after each training example, we can simplify the notation
somewhat by assuming that the training set consists of exactly one example and so
the error can simply be denoted by E.
We want to calculate corresponding to each input weight wji of each
∂w ji
output unit j. Note first that since zj is a function of wji regardless of where in the
network unit j is located,
∂E ∂E ∂z j ∂E
= . = .x ji , (11)
∂w ji ∂z j ∂w ji ∂z j
E= ∑ (t k − σ ( z k )) 2 .
2 k∈Outputs
Since the outputs of all units k ≠ j are independent of wji, we can then drop the
summation and consider just the contribution to E by j and we call it δj:
∂E ∂ 1 ∂o j ∂
δj = = (t j − o j ) 2 = −(t j − o j ) = − (t j − o j ) σ (z j )
∂z j ∂z j 2 ∂z j ∂z j (13)
= −(t j − o j )(1 − σ ( z j ))σ ( z j ) = −(t j − o j )(1 − o j )o j .
Δw ji = −η = ηδ j x ji . (14)
∂w ji
Now, consider the case when j is a hidden unit. Like before, we make the
following two important observations:
We want to calculate for each input weight wji for each hidden unit j. Note
∂w ji
that wji influences just zj which influences oj which influences zk,
∀k ∈ Downstream( j ), each of which influences E. So, we can write,
∂E ∂E ∂z k ∂o j ∂z j ∂E ∂z k ∂o j
= ∑ . . . = ∑ . .
∂w ji k∈Downstream ( j ) ∂z k ∂o j ∂z j ∂w ji k∈Downstream ( j ) ∂z k ∂o j ∂z j
.x ji (15)
Again, note that all the terms except xji in (15) are the same regardless of which
input weight of unit j we are trying to update. Like before, we denote this common
∂E ∂z ∂o
quantity by δ j . Also, note that δ k , k wkj and j = o j (1 − o j ) .
∂z k ∂o j ∂z j
Substituting them in (13),
∂E ∂z k ∂o j
δj = ∑ . .
k∈Downstream ( j ) ∂z k ∂o j ∂z j
= ∑ δ k .wkj .o j (1 − o j ) ,
k∈Downstream ( j )
we obtain:
δ k = o j (1 − o j ) ∑δ k .w .
k∈Downstream( j )
kj (17)
Each training example is of the form x, t , where x is the input vector and t is
the target vector, η is the learning rate (e.g., 0.05), ni, nh and no are the number of
input, hidden and output nodes, respectively. Input from unit i to unit j is denoted
by xji and its weight is denoted by wji. Create a feed-forward network with ni
inputs, nh hidden units, and no output units.
Initialize all the weights to small random values (e.g., between -0.05 and 0.05).
While termination condition is not met Do
For each training example x, t ,
δ k = ok (1 − ok )(t k − ok ) . (18)
δ h = oh (1 − oh ) ∑δ k .w .
k∈Downstream( h )
kh (19)
w ji ← w ji + Δw ji . (20)
Δw ji = ηδ j x ji . (21)
Mathematical Optimization
Here, the mathematical optimization model is given. As stated before we aim to
maximize the total reliability of machines in shops in the whole jobshop system
and maximize the total reliability of the AGVs. Since the reliability model is
stochastic, one may think about simulation study. But considering multiple-
objectives and especially including cost factors in the form of a composite
mathematical function is difficult and requires tiring and complicated simulation
efforts. Also, as we will present further, we considered several 0/1 integer
variables which are easier to be modelled mathematically.
Max ∑∑ ( R .ϕ ) ,
m k
k km
km .τ kl = 1, ∀l , m ,
Mathematical notations:
n Index for AGVs, n=1,…,N.
R Reliability of AGV n.
Max ∑ R .ζ
n n
, (25)
n .ς nm = 1, ∀ m,
Max ∑∑ ( R .ϕ ) ,
m k
k km
Max ∑ R .ζ
n n
, (29)
km .τ kl = 1, ∀l , m ,
n .ς nm = 1, ∀ m,
km = 1, ∀m, (32)
Priority Setting
The relative “priority” given to each element in the hierarchy is determined by pair-
wise comparisons of the contributions of elements at a lower level in terms of the
criteria (or elements) with a causal relationship. In AHP, multiple paired comparisons
are based on a standardized comparison scale of nine levels (see table 1).
Let C = {c1 ,...,cn } be the set of criteria. The result of the pair-wise
comparisons on n criteria can be summarized in an n × n evaluation matrix A in
which every element aij is the quotient of weights of the criteria, as shown below:
A = (aij), i, j = 1, . . . , n. (35)
10.3 Mathematical Model 163
The relative priorities are given by the eigenvector (w) corresponding to the
largest eigenvalue
( λmax ) as:
Aw = λmaxw . (36)
When pair-wise comparisons are completely consistent, the matrix A has rank 1
and λmax = n . In that case, weights can be obtained by normalizing any of the
rows or columns of A.
The procedure described above is repeated for all subsystems in the hierarchy.
In order to synthesize the various priority vectors, these vectors are weighted with
the global priority of the parent criteria and synthesized. This process starts at the
top of the hierarchy. As a result, the overall relative priorities to be given to
the lowest level elements are obtained. These overall, relative priorities indicate
the degree to which the alternatives contribute to the objective. These priorities
represent a synthesis of the local priorities, and reflect an evaluation process that
permits integration of the perspectives of the various stakeholders involved.
Consistency Check
A measure of consistency of the given pair-wise comparison is needed. The
consistency is defined by the relation between the entries of A; that is, we say A is
consistent if aik= aij · ajk, for all i,j,k. The consistency index (CI) is:
(λmax − n)
CI = . (37)
(n − 1)
The final consistency ratio (CR), on the basis of which one can conclude
whether the evaluations are sufficiently consistent, is calculated to be the ratio of
the CI and the random consistency index (RI):
CR = . (38)
The value 0.1 is the accepted upper limit for CR. If the final consistency ratio
exceeds this value, the evaluation procedure needs to be repeated to improve
consistency. The measurement of consistency can be used to evaluate the
consistency of decision-makers as well as the consistency of all the hierarchies.
We are now ready to give an algorithm for computing objective weights using
the AHP. The following notations and definitions are used.
n: number of criteria
i: number of objectives
p: index for objectives, p=1or 2
d: index for criteria, 1≤ d ≤ D
R pd : the weight of pth item with respect to dth criterion
wd : the weight of dth criterion
164 10 Markovian Model for Multiple AGV System
⎡ 1 w1
w1 ⎤
⎢ w2 wn⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢w 2 1 …
w2 ⎥
A = ( aij ) = ⎢ w 1 wn⎥.
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢w n wn
1 ⎥
⎣⎢ w 1 w2 ⎥⎦
Note that if the matrix A is consistent (that is, aik= aij · ajk, for all
i , j , k = 1, 2, ..., n ), then we have (the weights are already known),
a ij = , i, j = 1,2,..., n.
λmax = n.
If the pair-wise comparisons do not include any inconsistencies, then
The more consistent the comparisons are, the closer the value of computed λmax
10.3 Mathematical Model 165
is to n. Set the consistency index (CI), which measures the inconsistencies of pair-
wise comparisons, to be:
CI =
( λmax − n ) ,
( n − 1)
and let the consistency ratio (CR) be:
⎛ CI ⎞
CR = 100 ⎜ ⎟,
⎝ RI ⎠
where n is the number of columns in A and RI is the random index, being the
average of the CI obtained from a large number of randomly generated matrices.
Note that RI depends on the order of the matrix, and a CR value of 10% or less
is considered acceptable.
Step 7: Form the objective-criteria matrix as specified in table 2:
C1 C2 … Cd
objective 1 R11 R12 … R1d
objective 2 R21 R22 … R2d
C1 C2 … Cd wd
Criteria 1 1 a12 … a1d w1
Criteria 2 1/a12 1 … a2d w2
The wd are gained by a normalization process. The wd are the weights for
Step 9: Compute the overall weights for the objectives, using tables 2 and 3, as
166 10 Markovian Model for Multiple AGV System
⎛ ⎞
Max ⎜ψ .∑∑ ( Rk .ϕkm ) +ψ '.∑ ( Rn .ζ n ) ⎟ .
⎝ m k n ⎠
10.4 Conclusions
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168 10 Markovian Model for Multiple AGV System
11.1 Summary
capable of handling the classical DSS functions being more computational than
logical. Recently, artificial intelligence researchers have seen the necessity of
using statistical techniques to build intelligent decision support systems (Nolan,
1998; Weiss and Kulikowski, 1991). Examples of such statistical techniques
include fuzzy logic, neural networks, rule induction and various Bayesian
techniques. Turban and Aronson (1998) believed that although uncertainty was
widespread in the real world, its treatment in the practical world of artificial
intelligence was very limited.
Manufacturing costs for products are very crucial in decision making and
strategic planning. And with respect to cost estimation, research and development
departments in the past could only estimate the final product’s total cost.
Moreover, rules of thumb of the engineers are often applied as the cost estimation
benchmarks, making the results controversial in terms of accuracy (Mostafaee et
al., 2010; Eklin et al., 2009; Qian and Ben-Arieh, 2008; Wang, 2007; Verlinden et
al., 2008; Wang, 2007). Although calculation by cost model has the advantage of
being timely, only representative values exclusive of indirect tasks cost and raw
materials cost are calculated resulting in an inadequate accuracy of the estimation.
Niazi et al. (2006) pointed out that Backpropagation Network (BPN) could be
applied for training to deduce unprecedented problems by accumulated knowledge
and information. Specially, it could find out solutions in uncertain circumstances
and have satisfying results in dealing with non-linear problems. Therefore, BPN is
the most popular neural network models being applied and it fits the nature of
product cost estimation the best. McKim (1993) discussed applying BPN in cost
estimation projects. Finally, by integrating a user interface, the demand of a fast
response cost estimation model was met at initial product development stage in his
work. Zhang et al. (1996) categorized cost estimation techniques into traditional
detailed breakdown, simplified-breakdown, group-technology-based, regression-
based and activity-based cost approaches. Ben- Arieh and Qian (2003) divided
cost estimation models into intuitive, analogical, parametric and analytical
approaches. Shehab and Abdalla (2001) proposed intuitive, parametric, variant-
based and generative cost estimating approaches. Cavalieria et al. (2004) proved
three cost analyses of analogy-based, parametric and engineering approaches.
Niazi et al. (2006) discussed, on the basis of the integrated cost estimation
approaches, qualitative and quantitative cost estimation techniques pointing out
the key advantages and limitations of each cost estimation technique.
Jobshop is a flexible, scalable and intelligent production planning and control
system offering advanced functionality and value in key areas of manufacturing
and assembly. The Flexible Jobshop Problem (FJP) is an extension of the classical
jobshop problem allowing for an operation to be processed by any machine in a
given set. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) reduce the cost of manufacturing
and increase efficiency in a manufacturing system. These trailers can be used to
move raw materials in line to get them ready for manufacturing (Aized, 2009;
Hsueh, 2010). To conceptualize an AGV, it is necessary to understand the
fundamentals of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs).
11.2 Statement of the Problem 171
Consider a jobshop layout which applies an AGV for material handling. The AGV
carries raw material, semi-produced and final products in batch sizes. Due to
mounting demands, advancing technology, and rising production capacity, the
need for increasingly more shops is mounting over time. The new shops are
expected to have more advanced machines. Therefore, more than one shop with
the same duty are evolved. The difference among shops having the same duty
shows up in the shop's specifications that affect the production cost. As a result,
the system would consider a flexible jobshop model where multi shops of the
same duty exist and each operation can be processed on any type of machine in
any shop. The sequences of jobs are specified and the jobs are assumed to be
The structure of such a problem would configure a network. In this network,
the nodes are the shops and the arcs are the flow paths of the AGV to each shop.
Shops in each stage are of the same type but have different specifications such as
different machine types and equipments, varied operator proficiencies, different
rates of defect, etc.. Each flow path for the AGV is associated with a time
parameter and also a cost parameter related to each shop. The aim is to find a path
for the AGV minimizing an aggregate time and cost objective. Considering the
variability of the AGV flow among shops, the time of each flow path of the AGV
is a triangular fuzzy number. In each shop, different machines and operators are
working. Due to unpredictable events during working times a cost may incur. This
cost is inferred from an expert system via a fuzzy neural network. Cost parameters
for each shop are considered to be 3: (1) Equipment sensitivity, (2) operator
proficiency, and (3) product specifications, each being specified by one of the
three levels of low, moderate, and high. A configuration for the proposed problem
is presented in Figure 1.
172 11 Producer's Behavior Analysis for AGV System
e, C
Using the existing data, the network is trained and then by the resulting pattern
one can apply the model to obtain the output with respect to the proposed sub-
factors. The numerical results would show a lower bound and an upper bound for
each cost factor. These bounds are utilized as our cost factors ranges for the fuzzy
rule base. Considering the uncertainty in the cost factors due to dynamic changes
in neural network inputs, the cost factors in three levels of low, moderate, and
high is specified. The problem is to specify the range of these levels; that is, the
numerical range of low, moderate or high for each of the cost factors.
An inductive reasoning technique to obtain the appropriate range for the levels is
applied. This method is based on an ideal scheme describing the input and output
relationships for a well-established data base. This method is called entropy. A
key goal of entropy minimization analysis is to determine the quantity of
information in a given data set. The entropy of a probability distribution is a
measure of the uncertainty of the distribution. This information measure estimates
the uncertain range of data using a predetermined inappropriate range to start the
process. The higher the prior estimate of the probability for an outcome to occur,
the lower will be the information gained by observing it to occur. The entropy on a
set of possible outcomes of a trial where exactly one outcome is possible is
defined by the sum of probabilities. In other words, the entropy is the expected
value of information. For a simple one-dimensional (one uncertain variable) case,
let us assume that the probability of the ith sample wito be true is p(wi ) . If the
sample wi is actually observed in the future and discover that it is true, then the
following information, I(wi) is gained:
Thus, the entropy of the inner product of all the samples (N) is:
S = −k ∑ [ pi ln pi + (1 − pi ) ln(1 − pi )], (3)
i =1
where piis the probability of the ith sample to be true. Note that S ≥ 0 , because
ln x ≤ 0 , for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 .
The entropy of a rule should be minimized. Minimum of entropy S is associated
with all the pi being as close to one or zero as possible, which in turn implies that
174 11 Producer's Behavior Analysis for AGV System
S p ( x) = −[ p1 ( x) ln p1 ( x) + p2 ( x) ln p 2 ( x)] , (5)
with pk(x) and qk(x) as conditional probabilities that the class k sample is in the
regions [x1, x1+x] and [x1+x, x2], respectively, p(x) and q(x) are probabilities that
all samples are in the regions [x1, x1+x] and [x1+x, x2], respectively. Also,
p ( x) + q ( x) = 1 . (7)
A value of x that gives the minimum entropy is the optimum threshold value.
The entropy estimates pk(x), qk(x), p(x), and q(x) are calculated as follows:
nk ( x) + 1
p k ( x) = , (8)
n( x ) + 1
N k ( x) + 1
q k ( x) = , (9)
N ( x) + 1
n( x)
p ( x) = , (10)
q( x) = 1 − p( x) , (11)
where nk(x) is the number of class k samples located in [x1, x1+x], n(x) is the total
number of samples located in [x1, x1+x], Nk(x) is the number of class k samples
located in [x1+x, x2], N(x) is the total number of samples located in [x1+x, x2], and
n is the total number of samples in [x1, x2]. While moving x in the region [x1, x2],
the values of entropy are calculated for each position of x.
11.3 Mathematical Model 175
This procedure finds the region for the levels of the cost factors. After each
update in input data, the ranges are specified using an entropy technique. After
determining the regions of the cost factors, the fuzzy rules are then composed
which clarify the total cost for each shop. To find the effective rules, a multiple
linear regression model is configured using the previous data and identify the
regression coefficients. Since we have three cost factors each with three levels of
low, moderate and high, then twenty seven (3*3*3) possible rules exist. Thus,
using the test of hypothesis, the effective rules are identified.
As stated before, some rules affect the cost of the system. Whether a rule is
significant for cost or not should be investigated. One way to survey the effect of
independent variables on dependent variable is multiple linear regression model.
Therefore, the following equation is considered,
whereui is the total cost in the ith period, β0 is the intercept, the βj are the
coefficients for the rj and εi is the error term (note that the β j , 0 ≤ j ≤ m ,
depend on the period i, but for simplicity the index i is omitted here). The aim is to
identify the β j which are not important for the total cost of the proposed system.
Here, a two-sided hypothesis testing is applied as follows;
H 0 : β j = 0;
H 1 : β j ≠ 0.
The test of the null hypothesis H0 against the two sided alternative proceeds in
three steps. The first is to compute the standard error of β j , SE ( β j ) . The
second step is to compute the t-statistic,
βj −0
t= , (14)
SE ( β j )
and the third step is to compute the p-value, the probability of observing a value of
βj at least as different from zero as the estimate actually computed ( β j ),
t act > 1.96 . Therefore, if the hypothesis is accepted, then it is ensued that the
corresponding rule is not important and thus is not effective on the cost. The
estimation of the coefficients is performed using a regression software.
By these rules the cost of each shop is estimated (arc length in the network).
Consequently, a dynamic program is applied to find the optimal path in the
proposed jobshop automated manufacturing network. A flowchart for the
proposed expert system is presented in Figure 3.
Our decision model is to consider both time and cost parameters, and thus an
integration of the two parameters would be required. The integration is to have a
weighted sum of cost and time as an arc length in the proposed network. Time is a
triangular fuzzy number and cost is considered to be an indirect triangular fuzzy
As stated before, time is a triangular fuzzy number, ensued from the experts'
knowledge. Brainstorming and expert knowledge versus meta-rule techniques
(neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc.) are two common approaches for
defining fuzzy rules and membership functions. While available empirical data is
requisite for using the second approach, due to unavailability of historical data for
cost, we make use of the first approach to obtain the membership functions and
fuzzy rules.
11.3 Mathematical Model 177
In Zadeh's words (Zadeh, 1965), fuzzy logic is a tool for ‘‘Computing with
Words’’. He stated that the main role of fuzzy logic was to serve as a methodology
for computing with words when no other methodology could attain such purpose
(Zadeh, 1996, 1999). Triangular membership functions are common (Pedrycz,
1994). Mamdani fuzzy system is being commonly used in the literature (Klir and
Yuan, 1995; Zimmermann, 1996). The fuzzy set acquired from aggregation of
rules’ results will be defuzzified using defuzzification methods like centroid
(center of gravity), max membership, mean-max, and weighted average. The
centroid method is very popular, in which the ‘‘center of mass’’ of the result
provides the crisp value. For our problem in which various possible conditions of
parameters are stated in forms of fuzzy sets, the Mamdani fuzzy system is utilized,
because the fuzzy rules representing the expert knowledge in Mamdani fuzzy
systems would consider fuzzy sets.
The input to our Mamdani type fuzzy system (Babuska, 1998) is composed of
equipment sensitivity, operator proficiency, and product specifications. For any of
the inputs, three linguistic terms of "low", "moderate", and "high" are defined. The
output of the system is cost being identified by any of the three linguistic terms,
"low", "moderate", or "high". The maximum membership grade of linguistic term
‘‘high’’ is 30.
As a result, a triangular fuzzy number as the time and a numerical value as the
cost are obtained. We intend to consider an integrated time-cost value as the value
of each proposed arc in the network. Time and cost having different scales, it
would not be possible to perform basic operations such as addition on their
original forms. Thus, to remove the scales, the time and cost values are normalized
throughout the network.
As stated, to perform basic operations on the time and cost parameters with
their different scales, we need to remove their scales. To do this, two
normalization processes are proposed for time and cost, separately. In (15), (16)
and (17) below, i is an index to show the node and j is an index to show the stage
(shop’s type) in the proposed network, rijis the value of either time or cost
parameter in each node, and nijis its corresponding normalized value. Considering
time as a triangular fuzzy number, the normal value with a positive view is given
rij − r jmin
nij = , ∀i, j, (15)
r jmax − r jmin
while the normal value with a negative view is given by,
r jmax − rij
nij = , ∀i, j , (16)
r jmax − r jmin
178 11 Producer's Behavior Analysis for AGV System
where r j and rjmin are maximum and minimum values in each column of an
assumed matrix of time or cost, respectively. Since time in our proposed model is
a criterion implicating a negative aspect in decision making, then (16) is chosen
for normalizing time in our approach.
Assuming cost as a crisp value, the cost values are normalized as follows:
nij = , ∀i , j , (17)
∑ rkj2
To compute the minimum or maximum value for (15) and (16), comparisons
are needed to be made. This means that it is necessary to have a method for
ranking and comparing fuzzy numbers. To compare fuzzy numbers, the efficient
approach developed by Mahdavi et al. (2009) based on the distance between fuzzy
numbers is used. They used the distance function introduced by Sadeghpour
Gildeh and Gien (2001). The main advantages of this distance function are the
generality of its usage on various fuzzy numbers, and its reliability in
distinguishing unequal fuzzy numbers.
Then, a weighing method is considered to make the time and cost appropriate
for basic operations.
To weigh the parameters, a multi criteria decision making approach is taken.
Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), dealing primarily with problems of
evaluation or selection (Keeney and Raiffa, 1976; Teng, 2002), is a rapidly
developing area in operations research and management science. The Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP), developed by Saaty (1980), is a technique of
considering data or information for a decision in a systematic manner
(Schniederjans and Garvin, 1997). AHP is mainly concerned with the way to solve
decision problems with uncertainties in multiple criteria characterization. It is
based on three principles: (1) constructing the hierarchy, (2) priority setting, and
(3) logical consistency. AHP is applied to weigh the parameters. In AHP, multiple
paired comparisons are based on a standardized comparison scale of nine levels
(Saaty, 1980).
Here, the weights for the parameters of each arc in the proposed network are
obtained. If C n and T are considered as normalized cost and time, respectively,
then the total weighted normalized value of each arc is determined as follows:
P= (ψ × T n ) + (ψ '×C n ) . (18)
On the other hand, time is a triangular fuzzy number and cost is a crisp
numerical value. But, it is needed to have triangular numbers for both parameters
to perform the basic operations. For this, cost is considered as a trivial triangular
11.3 Mathematical Model 179
fuzzy number and show it by a triplet (0,C,0), where C is the numerical value
inferenced from the expert system for cost with the membership value equal to 1.
Several fuzzy ranking methods have been proposed (Bortalan and Degani,
1985; Luis and Antonio, 1989; Kim and Park, 1990). Since the graded mean
integration representation method (Chen and Hseih, 2000) not only alleviates
some drawbacks of the existing methods, but also possesses the advantages of
being easily implementable and quite effective in problem solving (see Lee et al.,
2007), we will use it to transform the total weighted normalized value of each arc
in our proposed network. If a = ( a1 , a2 , a3 ) is a triangular fuzzy number, then
~ ) ) is defined to be:
the graded mean integration ( R (a
a + 4a 2 + a 3
R (a~ ) = 1 . (19)
Equation (19) is applied to transform the fuzzy numbers to crisp values and use
them to find the optimal path.
considered to use only the nodes from the set nodes {1,..., k }.
180 11 Producer's Behavior Analysis for AGV System
Pk (i, j) : the last intermediate node on the shortest path from node i to node j
using {1,..., k } as intermediate nodes.
The dynamic updating for the optimal path length and its corresponding
labeling are:
f k (i, j) = min{ f k −1 (i, j), f k −1 (i, k ) + f k −1 (k , j)},
Step 1: Let k = k + 1 .
Do the following steps for i = 1,2,3,..., N , j = 1, 2,3,..., N , i ≠ j.
1.1 [
Compute the value of f k (i, j) = min f k −1 (i, j), f k −1 (i, k ) + f k −1 (k, j) , ]
(for comparison of fuzzy numbers, where the D p , q approach is used for
computing the distances).
1.2 If node k is not on the shortest path using {1,2,..., k } as intermediate nodes,
then let Pk (i, j) = Pk −1 (i, j ) else let Pk (i, j) = Pk −1 (k , j) .
Step 2: If k < N then go toStep 1.
Step 4: Obtain the shortest path using Pk (i, j) . If f N = (i, j) = ∞ , then there is
no path between i and j. the shortest path from node i to j, if it exists, is identified
backwards and read by the nodes: j, PN (i, j) = k followed by
PN (i, k ),...,PN (i, l ) = i , where l is the node immediately after i in the path.
11.3 Mathematical Model 181
Sensitivity Analysis
Analyzing Producer’s Behavior
Here, a comprehensive analysis is worked out for the obtained paths in last
section. We obtained a path and its corresponding value. These values are
considered as costs for each path. The aim is to find the quantity of products to be
carried by AGV to maximize the profit of a producer. Obviously, profit is the
difference between total revenue and total expenses in a perfect competitive
market. The notations of profit maximization model are as follows:
j Counter for paths; j=1,2,…,m.
pj Price of product in the jth path.
qj Quantity of product in the jth path.
rj Numerical value for path j.
xj Quantity of input material in path j.
Fj Product transformation function of q1,...,qm .
where the xi are functions of the quantities of the outputs qj ( xi = Fi (q1 ,...,qm ) ).
It means that, considering the inputs given to the manufacturing system, some
outputs are produced. The relationships among inputs and outputs are stated as
mathematical functions. The model is an unconstrained nonlinear problem. To
solve the profit maximization problem for a producer desiring to maximize the
profit using the above model, the partial derivatives are set equal to zero (first
order conditions):
182 11 Producer's Behavior Analysis for AGV System
∂ (−π ) m ∂Fi m
= ∑ ri − p j = ∑ ri f i − p j = 0 , (22)
∂q j i =1 ∂q j i =1
where fi is the marginal cost, fi = , and the marginal productivity is
∂q j
1 1
MP = = .
fi ∂xi
∂q j
To investigate whether the obtained quantity of product is optimal or not, the
second order conditions are checked. The second order conditions for the
maximization of profit require that the relevant Hessian of π (or − π ) be
negative (or positive) semi-definite (if the Hessian of π (or − π ) is not negative
(or positive) semi-definite, then we are sure that the obtained path is not a
maximizer). Here, the Hessian of ( − π ) is:
∂ 2π
[∇ 2
(−π ) ij = −
∂qi ∂q j
, (23)
λi ≥ 0, ∀i , (24)
λi > 0, ∀i , (25)
Path Reliability
It is necessary to incorporate reliability into the model to ensure the level of
service for every AGV in every path. For modeling reliability, the approach of
Ball and Lin (1993) is adopted for extension.
The reliability is defined as the probability that the system functions until time
t. If an AGV in a path is broken down, it can be regarded as a failure. A desired
11.3 Mathematical Model 183
⎛ m ⎞
⎜ ∏ R j (t ) ⎟ ≥ α , (27)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ j =1 ⎠
where α is the lower bound for a desirable reliability of the system until time t.
As previously assumed, the reliability of each arc is independently exponentially
R j (t ) = e . (28)
⎛ m θ− t ⎞
⎜ e j ⎟ ≥α .
⎝ j =1 ⎠
Using the inequality (29), the θj is obtained considering a confidence level.
Now, we investigate the θj for arcs separately by data collection. The aim is to
184 11 Producer's Behavior Analysis for AGV System
analyze the θj obtained from data collection not having any interaction with other
∑x i :n + ( n − r )t 0
θˆMLE = i =1
, (30)
where t0 is the end time of observation (t=24) and r is the number of failures.
Here, using ≈ χ 2 (2r ) as a pivot (2r is the degrees of freedom), a
confidence interval for θ can be set.
To set a confidence interval using ≈ χ 2 ( 2r ) ,
⎡ 2rθˆ ⎤
P ⎢ χ 2 α (2r ) < < χ α2 ( 2r ) ⎥ = 1 − α . (31)
⎣ 1− 2 θ 2 ⎦
11.4 Conclusions
nodes and the paths among them are considered as network arcs. An Automated
Guided Vehicle (AGV) functions as a material handling device through the
manufacturing network. Time is considered to be a triangular fuzzy number and
cost is inferred from an expert system considering three parameters of equipment
sensitivity, operator proficiency, and product specification via linguistic variables.
This cost is associated with some main factors and some sub-factors. To
approximate the cost, a backpropagation neural network was applied to estimate
the sub-factors with the corresponding main factors and compute a bound for the
main factors. These bounds were processed by the entropy technique to obtain
regions for the linguistic variables. After determining the regions for the linguistic
variables, we composed the rules and verified their significance using regression
analysis. The purified rules were used to infer the cost of the system. The aim was
to find a path which minimized an aggregate weighted unscaled time and cost
objective. Since time and cost had different scales, a normalization process was
used to remove the scales and because the model was bi-objective, the AHP
weighing method was applied to gain a single objective. A fuzzy dynamic
programming approach was used to compute a shortest path in the proposed
network. Also, some sensitivity testing on the obtained shortest paths are
performed. Finally, the proposed approach was fully illustrated by a numerical
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188 11 Producer's Behavior Analysis for AGV System
12.1 Summary
A standard formula for the quantitative definition of risk is, Risk = P (loss) × L(loss) ,
where risk is the function of the probability (P) of loss and the significance of its
consequences (L) (Manuj and Mentzer, 2008). Hetland (2003) and Diekmann et al.
(1988), on the other hand, view risk as the implication of an uncertain phenomenon.
Waters (2007) explains the difference: risk occurs because there is uncertainty about
the future, which means that unexpected events may occur. Knight’s (1921)
distinction between certainty, risk and uncertainty is probably the best known and
most used typology of uncertainty for risk management. In his definition of risk
Knight coined the terms (quantitative) ‘‘measurable’’ uncertainty and (non-
quantitative) ‘‘un-measurable’’ uncertainty when there is only partial knowledge of
outcomes in the form of beliefs and opinions (Vilko and Hallikas, 2012).
The researchers’ role in the discussions was to present the data and guide the
discussion in a holistic direction. Consensus was finally reached about the risks,
their categorization and impact. The risk drivers found from the manufacturing
system were classified by source. We found that an adaptation of Manuj and
Mentzer’s (2008) risk source classification with its wide perspective on
manufacturing risk management provided a solid framework for our case; the
classification is both qualitative and quantitative, taking into account both the
direct and indirect impacts, and this facilitates in depth understanding of the risk
sources without losing the holistic view. The risks were categorized as follows:
Supply Risks, Security Risks, Operational Risks, Macro Risks, Policy Risks and
Environmental Risks. No risk sources fitting the Demand Risks, Competitive
Risks and Resource Risks classification were identified in the group discussions
(Pons, 2010). Having identified the risks and made their semi-quantitative
assessment, the expert panel turned to the delay impact, which was modeled in the
form of triangular distributions representing the minimum, the most likely and the
highest impact. Risk effects can be categorized in three different types: time-
based, finance-based and quality-based. Time-based effects either delay or disrupt
the material flow of the manufacturing system. In this case the disruption was
identified as a breakdown in the chain such that the goods do not reach their
destination by the time they are expected by the final customer. There are no clear
time limitations on the delay due to the fact that it had significantly different
consequences in different stages of the system. Manufacturing transportation
could be delayed for times without serious consequences. The risk impact in this
case varied highly depending on the goods. Risk likelihood and impact were
evaluated on a scale of 0,1,3,9, where 0 implies zero likelihood or no impact and 9
denotes a very high likelihood or impact. The scale is adapted from the Quality
Function Deployment design method (see e.g., Akao, 2004), which is commonly
used in the context of new product/ service development.
Manufacturing risk assessment is a supporting tool for the contractor and
program office decision-making process. It seeks to estimate the probabilities of
success or failure associated with the manufacturing alternatives available (Nau et
al., 2012). These risk assessments may reflect alternative manufacturing
approaches to a given design or may be part of the evaluation of design
alternatives, each of which has an associated manufacturing approach.Risk
management is an overarching process that begins during the earliest stages of a
program and continues throughout its entire life cycle. Risk encompasses the
following steps:
Risk identification;
Risk analysis;
Risk mitigation planning;
Risk mitigation plan implementation; and
Risk tracking.
Assessing manufacturing risks is a requirement, and it is required as early as
pre-Milestone A where the Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) is required to assess
the "manufacturing feasibility" of the proposed approach.
As a system progresses through its definition, design, development, testing and
fielding, more information becomes available concerning the system's risk. If the
risk management process is conducted continuously, then new information will
lead to identifying and analyzing new risk root causes, and identifying and
implementing mitigation plans for them. It will also lead to re-analyzing
previously identified risk root causes, and re-evaluating and adjusting mitigation
plans already in place. This continuous activity allows the PM to focus valuable
program resources where they can be most effective, and shift resources as new
future root causes are discovered and others are re-evaluated.
Iterative Systems Engineering process is the perfect vehicle for helping
manufacturing managers to identify risk early through technical reviews and
audits and to support the development of plans and mitigations to reduce those
Critical success factors refer to identifying the factors that must be successfully
mastered to execute a successful risk management program. Some examples of
risk management critical success factors include:
12.1 Summary 191
As shown in Figure 2, several AGVs carry parts amongst the work stations on
the guide paths to process the manufacturing plan and satisfy product demands.
Turning points are mounted as guide paths division centers to prohibit AGVs’
conflicts during movements. The intersection of guide paths is determined as the
turning point. In these points an AGV is directed according to the process plan
sent from the control unit and with respect to work stations’ demands. These
points are the state variables for the proposed network to be handled by a dynamic
12.2 Statement of the Problem 193
As a result, for an economic decision making, loss of the incurred risks can be
considered. The loss here is composed of the risk of defect when an AGV moves
in the manufacturing network. A loss concept is utilized to consider all aspects of
a reliable manufacturing network.
We consider loss as a function of defect elements, that is,
Loss ≡ f ( X 1 ,...X p ) , where X1,…,Xp are the elements of defects, i.e., part m
transported by AGV n. Clearly, defect data for AGVs are recovered in any time
periods causing uncertainty of data. Therefore, the proposed loss function should
be estimated. For loss function estimation, a Bayesian approach is utilized. To find
an optimal path in the manufacturing network having less risk, and therefore less loss,
dynamic programming is applied. The reason is that the proposed network is
composed of nodes as state variable and part processing in different work stations as
stages of the dynamic program. A flowchart of the proposed methodology is shown in
Figure 2.
where Lrt denotes the total operational loss, Xr1, ... , Xr nt denote individual loss
severities and ntdenotes the frequency, for t =1, ... , T, T representing the number
of AGVs. Note that, for each intersection and for each AGV, the total loss can be
expressed as
Lt= st· nt, (2)
where ntis the frequency, defined as before, and st(commonly referred to as the
severity) is the mean loss for that AGV. The LDA assumes that, for each AGV:
(1) the individual losses {Xrq}, where q = 1, ... , nt, are independent and
identically distributed random variables;
(2) the distribution of the frequency ntis independent of the distribution of the
severities {Xrq}, for q = 1,… , nt. This implies that ntis independent of st;
(3) besides, Lrt, for t = 1, ... ,T, are independent and identically distributed
random variables.
For a given intersection, we construct a discrete probability density of the
number of loss events ntfor the AGV and ntcontinuous probability densities of the
loss severities (Alexander, 2003). Now, if we express the likelihood function for
each intersection in a general way, we obtain the following equation, indicating
( )
the severity distribution with f x q ξ and the frequency distribution with
f (nt ψ ) , where ξ denotes the parameter vector of the severity distribution and
ψ denotes the parameter vector of the frequency distribution, we obtain the
following form:
T ⎡ nt ⎤
L(x, n ψ , ξ ) = ∏ ⎢∏ f ( x j ξ ⎥ f (nt ψ ) . (3)
t =1 ⎣ q =1 ⎦
12.3 Mathematical Model 195
Different functional forms for the frequency and severity distributions exist.
Frequency represents a discrete phenomenon. Since we want to determine the
probability that a certain number of loss events occur in a predetermined time
horizon, the most suitable probability distributions are the Poisson and the
Negative Binomial. Severity, instead, is a continuous phenomenon and we chose
to describe it by the Exponential, the Gamma and the Pareto distributions. For
more details about these distributions see Johnson et al. (1994).
In the proposed problem the number of defects occurs for an AGV is pointed
by frequency and the effect of loss is implied by severity. Our first problem is to
estimate, on the basis of data, the parameters of the frequency and severity
distributions, denoted by ψ and ξ , respectively, in equation (3). The classical
approach suggests the employment of the method of moments or the method of
maximum likelihood, as described, for example, by Gourieroux and Monfort
(1995). An alternative approach is the Bayesian method, which allows the
combination of quantitative data, coming from the time series of operational
losses, and prior information, represented by expert opinions. See Berger (1985),
Bernardo and Smith (1994) or Robert (1994) for an introduction to these methods.
In this chapter we estimate the parameters with the maximum likelihood method
and with the Bayesian method, making some comparisons between the classical
and the Bayesian approaches. In particular, we choose the maximum likelihood
method because of its good asymptotic properties, since the MLE converges
almost surely to the true value of the parameter, under fairly general conditions
(see Lehmann and Casella, 1998). Once the parameters have been estimated, the
marginals are defined and the operational loss distribution has to be identified.
Bayesian Approach
Suppose a continuous probability distribution with probability density function
(pdf) ƒΘ is assigned to an uncertain quantity Θ. In the conventional language of
mathematical probability theory Θ would be a "random variable" (Lehmann and
Casella, 1998). The probability that the event B will be the outcome of an
experiment depends on Θ; it is P(B | Θ). As a function of Θ this is the likelihood
This is the form of Bayes' theorem actually considered by Thomas Bayes (Berger,
1985). More generally still, the new data B may be the value of an observed
continuously distributed random variable X. The probability that it has any
particular value is therefore 0. In such a case, the likelihood function is the
value of a probability density function of X given Θ, rather than a probability of B
given Θ:
L(θ ) = f X (x Θ = θ ) . (6)
Bayes's rule provides the framework for combining prior information with
sample data. In this reference, we apply Bayes's rule for combining prior
information on the assumed distribution's parameter(s) θ with sample data in order
to make inferences based on the model. The prior knowledge about the
parameter(s) is expressed in terms of a pdf f(θ), called the prior distribution. The
posterior distribution of θ given the sample data, using Bayes rule, provides
the updated information about the parameters θ. This is expressed with the
following posterior pdf:
L(Data θ )ϕ (θ )
f (θ Data ) = . (7)
∫ L(Data θ )ϕ (θ )dθ
θ is a vector of the parameters of the chosen distribution,
ε is the range of θ,
L(Data|θ) is the likelihood function based on the chosen distribution and data,
f(θ) is the prior distribution for each of the parameters.
The integral in equation (7) is often referred to as the marginal probability and
can be interpreted as the probability of obtaining the sample data given a prior
distribution and it's a constant number. Generally, the integral in equation (7) does
not have a closed form solution and numerical methods are needed for its solution.
As can be seen from equation (7), there is a significant difference between
classical and Bayesian statistics. First, the idea of prior information does not exist
in classical statistics. All inferences in classical statistics are based on the sample
data. On the other hand, in the Bayesian framework, prior information constitutes
the basis of the theory. Another difference is in the overall approach of making
inferences and their interpretation. For example, in Bayesian analysis the
parameters of the distribution to be "fitted" are the random variables. In reality,
there is no distribution fitted to the data in the Bayesian case.
12.3 Mathematical Model 197
L(Data θ1 )ϕ (θ 1 )
f (θ1 Data ) = . (8)
∫ L(Dataθ1 )ϕ (θ1 )dθ1
The expected value (or mean value) of the parameter θ1 can be obtained as
Now, using the estimated loss function, we obtain the arc values being applied
in dynamic programming with respect to state and stage concepts to find the
optimal path.
A Dynamic Program
The output of the current state is F (w1,...,wl ) , being the obtained loss from the
Bayesian method. While the current state is an n-dimensional vector having
several nodes (work stations), we consider a state function δ l ( p), l = 1,...,n .
Also, a policy function is proposed to consider the AGV movement policy, and
hence assuming an m-dimensional vector of policies ( m ≤ n ), we have
β l ( p), l = 1,...,m , where βl ( p) ∈{0,1} , i.e., policy movement occurs (=1)
or does not occur (=0) for an AGV movement. Here, our problem becomes n
dynamical equations of the form
⎡ g p (δ 1 ( p ),..., δ n ( p ), β 1 ( p ),..., β m ( p ) ) + ⎤
⎢ ⎥ .(11)
S p (δ 1 ( p ),..., δ n ( p ) ) = min ⎢ ⎛ δ ( p ), f (δ ( p ),..., δ ( p ), β ( p ),..., β ( p ) ),..., δ ( p ) + ⎞ ⎥
β1 ( p ),..., β m ( p ) S ⎜ 1 1, p 1 n 1 m n
⎢ p +1 ⎜ f (δ ( p ),..., δ ( p ), β ( p ),..., β ( p ) ) ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝ n, p 1 n 1 m ⎠⎦
This way, the state and the policy direction for the AGV is at hand. Solving
(11) for the appropriate indices, we obtain the state and the policy direction in
each time period.
Considering the boundary condition, we can compute hOPT (the optimum states,
i.e., the optimal arcs leading to minimum loss of AGV movement) for given
policy functions. Due to nonlinear format and operations on mathematical
functions, it is easy to see that exact dynamic program (DP) requires O(n( δ * )m))
calculations for the multi-dimensional dynamic program where
δ * = min{δ1,..., δl } . Space requirements and value function computations
become impractical for even moderate m. Thus, exact DP is not a practical
methodology particularly for large-scale optimization problems. The basic idea
behind approximate DP is to approximate the optimal value function
S p (δ1 ( p),..., δn ( p)) and to construct a suboptimal solution with respect to
an optimal solution to the problem h (δ1 ( p),..., δn ( p)) _ (Step 3 in Figure 4).
Reduced loss fixing might effectively reduce the number of variables in advance.
Let M denote the set of indices of the fixable variables by the reduced loss
criterion. We denote by xM the corresponding fixed values, that is,
xlM = 0 or 1 , for all l∈M .
The algorithm iteratively sets the variables to 0 or 1 as described in Step 4 of
Figure 4. At each iteration, we update the best-solution, δ BEST = δ l ( p) and best-
1: Initialization:
l = n, p =0, Sp=0
early−termination = false
δ c = (δl ( p)(l −1, p),S pl ,...,S pn ) is a feasible solution to the problem h (δl ( p) ) ,
where the value of the solution δ c equals S pc = h(l − 1, p)∑ S pj . We update
j =l
δ BEST to
c c
δ c and Sp to S p , respectively, if S p is larger than Sp.
12.3 Mathematical Model 201
Early Termination: The ADPH algorithm can be terminated early while setting
Sp if we determine that we find an optimal solution to the problem h (δl ( p) ) ,
where p=p+1( ∑S
j =l
p ). We apply the following tests to determine whether we
respectively, for all j ∈ M lag,l . We update the set M by including those indices
M lag,l . Spj are assigned to SMj for all j ∈ M
in in Step 4 of Figure 4. Lag-size
parameter q specifies the number of variables to be fixed lagging from the lth
variable while setting Spl through the relationship, q=[l/lag-time], where lag-time
is a user-specified parameter.
202 12 Risk for Multiple AGV System
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