ZXCTN 6100 6110 (Agent Version) Upgrade Guide
ZXCTN 6100 6110 (Agent Version) Upgrade Guide
ZXCTN 6100 6110 (Agent Version) Upgrade Guide
Revision History
Document Version Reviewe Drafted/ Major Modifications
by/Modif Reasons
No. No. d by Modified on (Key Points)
ied by
Zhang Bin,
V2010-10 2010-10-29
Lei Zhou
1) To meet the
industrial standard
CCSA, modify
Channel Type to be
7FFA (32762).
Channel Type for
ZTE should be
modified from 7FF8
(32760) to be the
standard value
defined by CCSA. 1. The ChannelType
2) After MPLS-TP
value for global network
interconnection test
for several should be modified
manufacturers, the before upgrade.
different WTR
coordination 2. The interface version
mechanism can for EMS and AGENT
Zhang Xu cause service
V2011-05 2011-5-17 interruption. After should be modified to be
Lei Fuhua
coordination, China V1.12 after upgrade. U3
Mobile requires
each manufacturer cannot be rolled back to
supports WTR long V1.10.
time-out mode
3. The situation of boot
required by 8032
standard. ZTE incompatibility is not
makes the change considered.
according to the
3) V1.1P01 issued
on May 25, 2011
designs that the
version (ZXCTN
AGENT adopts
V1.12 to connect
with EMS interface.
Note 1: Fill in this table each time archiving the file.
Note 2: Fill “reasons” and “major modifications” with “N/A” when archiving the document for the first time.
Chapter 1 Overview...................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Version Issuing Condition......................................................................................................................7
1.2 Analysis for Version Modification and Engineering Upgrade...............................................................8
Chapter 4 Rollback..................................................................................................................................24
4.1 Normal Rollback..................................................................................................................................24
4.1.1 Configuring Upgrade Environment to Upload Old Boot File...................................................24
4.1.2 Upgrading boot in Hidden Mode...............................................................................................25
4.1.3 Modify version file name for the device....................................................................................25
4.1.4 Device Restart............................................................................................................................25
4.2 Abnormal Rollback..............................................................................................................................25
4.2.1 Replacing boot Version for Next Site........................................................................................25
4.2.2 Modifying Version Name...........................................................................................................26
4.2.3 Device Restart............................................................................................................................26
Chapter 5 Attachments............................................................................................................................27
5.1 Upgrade Guide for Non- AGETN Version...........................................................................................27
5.2 Upgrade Guide from Non-AGENT Version to AGENT Version.........................................................27
Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Version Issuing Condition
Non-AGENT Versions:
There are two engineering versions for V1.0 of ZXCTN 6100: V1.0B6 and V1.0B8.
There are two issued engineering versions for V1.1 of ZXCTN 6100: V1.1R1P1B2 and
V1.10.00 B6.
AGENT Versions:
ZXCTN 6100:
On August 20, 2010, the first engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B1 was issued.
On September 22, 2010, the second engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B2 was issued.
On October 25, 2010, the third engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B3 was issued.
On May 25, 2011, the fourth engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B11 was issued.
On June 23, 2011, the fifth engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B12 was released.
On November, 21, 2011, the sixth engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B15 was released.
On September 5, 2012, the seventh engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B16 was released.
On October 26, 2012, the eighth engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B18 was released.
ZXCTN 6110:
On August 20, 2010, the first engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6110 V1.10.00B5
was issued.
On September 22, 2010, the second engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6110
V1.10.00B7 was issued.
On October 25, 2010, the third engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6110
V1.10.00B8 was issued.
On May 25, 2011, the fourth engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6110
V1.10.00P1B8 was issued.
On June 24, 2011, the fifth engineering version with AGENT ZXCTN 6110 V1.10.00P1B9
was issued.
From the above versions issued, there are three circumstances for PTN upgrade.
Upgrade between non-AGENT versions: Take ROS data as valid and relevant
upgrade guides have been issued.
Upgrade between versions with AGENT: Take AGENT database as valid. This guide
is for the upgrade between versions with AGNET. It is updated according to the finalized
version designed by V1.1P01 in May 2011. It was updated in June 2011.
This document focuses on device upgrade. For EMS upgrade, please refer to relevant
upgrade guide for EMS. The upgrade between versions with AGENT is very similar to the
upgrade of the above two cases. Because After-Sales engineers participating PTN
engineering are familiar with them, this document describes the upgrade between versions
with AGENT in brief.
For ZXCTN 6100, the BOOT for the version issued on August 20, 2010 is incompatible
with the ones issued later (6110 does not have such a problem).
The version for ZXCTN 6100 issued on August 20, 2010 are only used in Yongchuan,
Chongqing and some other exchange offices; therefore, the upgrade mode for them are a
little different from others.
Compared with V1.1 version, the finalized version designed by V1.1P1 issued on May
25, 2011 for ZXCTN 6100 and 6110 have the following three differences for upgrade.
1) Modification of ChannelType value: Evaluation shows that each version of the EMS
supports modification to this value. The value should be modified before upgrade.
2) Modification for WTR time-out mode: After evaluation, ZTE plan can the self-adaptation
for WTR short time-out and long time-out. The long time-out for WTR cannot affect
services in existing network during upgrade.
3) Interface between AGENT and EMS adopts V1.12. The earlier AGENT version adopts
V1.10 interface. When upgrading this version, take ROS database as valid. Generally
speaking, two upgrade modes are available according to whether BOOT is compatible.
All in all, the two upgrade modes are recommended according to whether BOOT is
When BOOT is incompatible, for example, ZXCTN 6100 has already been upgraded to the
first engineering version with AGENT, upload ZAR file of the new version via FTP. After renaming
ZAR file of the old version, restart the device directly to upgrade, similar to the upgrade from non-
AGENT version to AGENT version. ----This case can be confronted only in few pilot exchange
offices such as Yongchuan, Chongqing.
The versions issued on June 24, 2011 for ZXCTN 6100 and 6110 are ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B12 and ZXCTN 6110 V1.10.00P1B9. The differences about upgrade are as
Upgrade mode for AGENT leading “upgrade restart": The value for InitDataSrcFlag changes.
Use the command more initDataSrcFlag bin to check that the value is 02. After upgrade, all
cable clips are enabled. Then, execute the commands write and sync startrun to agent.
When BOOT is compatible, for example, ZXCTN 6100 has already been upgraded to the
second engineering version with AGENT or the upgrade for ZXCTN 6110 with AGENT
version, adopt the upgrade mode of UPDATEVER, similar to the upgrade between versions with
non-AGENT. However, to meet the requirement of unified 6263 and 9000, adopt direct copy
mode to upgrade. ----This case is suitable for most situations in existing networks home
and abroad.
During release and acquisition of a version, some unexpected factors may cause
the received version inconsistent with the sent version. To verify this, it is
necessary to perform MD5 check for the version. The principle to follow is very
simple: the sender scans the version file to be released by MD5 to generate an
MD5 check code. The receiver receives the version file and the MD5 check code at
the same time. Then, the receiver regenerates MD5 check code of the version file
through the third-party MD5. Compare the two check codes to verify whether wrong
codes occur during transmission. If inconsistent, it means the version file has gone
wrong. Contact the version sender to send again. MD5 check software is for free
which can be downloaded from the internet.
(2) Check the operating version information and boot version information.
ZXR10#show version
ZXR10#show bootrom
Check whether BOOT should be upgraded according to the operating version information in
existing network and the issued file for the new version.
If the operating version in existing network is the first issued version ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B1, BOOT must be upgraded together.
If the operating version in existing network is the second issued version ZXCTN 6100
V1.10.00P1B2, BOOT cannot be upgraded together.
All Rights reserved, No Spreading abroad without Permission of ZTE Page 10 of 27
Internal Use Only▲
For ZXCTN 6100, check the version release file and accompanying document to analyze: if
the existing network runs the first released version ZXCTN 6100 V1.10.00P1B1, the
accompanying BOOT must be upgraded together. If the existing network runs the second
released version ZXCTN 6100 V1.10.00P1B2, the BOOT doesn’t need to be upgraded.
For ZXCTN 6110, check the version release file and accompanying document to analyze:
BOOTs of four existing engineering versions are the same.
If CLI is used for configuration, please execute the command write to ensure that ROS
database and AGENT database are synchronized.
Back up the file startrun.da to /flash/cfg/ (start ftp tool on the computer. If the host enables
EMS, use the ftp tool taken by it).
4. The root directory for the FTP tool taken by EMS is \NetNumen_T31\ums\ums-svr\
backup\sysmanager\ (if this server is used, the input and output files should be put in this
ZXR10 #cd cfg
ZXR10 # copy flash /cfg/startrun.dat ftp //
Start copying file
For V1.1 and later version, boot files should be uploaded to the directory /system/.
For 61001.1p01B12/6110 1.10p01b9 and later versions, boot upgrade directory is modified into
/FLASH/IMG. This boot supports md5 check and cannot roll back to the old version.
Execute the following operation in CMS. Upload boot to /system/ of the device. Pay attention
to the correctness for file name.
Ensure that the version for the device is the one with AGENT.
Because boot versions are incompatible, do not use updatever mode to upload the
upgrade version.
In the case of compatible BOOT, the upgrade mode UPDATEVER can be used.
However, to meet the requirement of unified 6263 and 9000, adopt direct copy mode to
4. The uploaded file is saved in the directory flash/img/ of device and the name is
5. The root directory for the FTP tool taken by EMS is \NetNumen_T31\ums\ums-svr\
backup\sysmanager\ (if this server is used, the input and output files should be put in this
ZXR10#copy ftp: // flash: //img/zxr10p1b3.zar
Start copying file
file copied successfully.
Open FTP program and wftpd32.exe is a green software, which can be used by clicking
without installation. Copy the program to be upgraded to the designated directory in
Windows, such as “C:\”, making full preparation for the designated upgrade file path for
FTP program in future.
Run Wftpd32.exe and set the username, password and file path, such as UserName:
Daniel, Password: 123, HomeDirectory: C:\.
Parameter description:
ftpserver indicates where does the device download version file.
Generally, it is the PC that is operated by the user currently and FTP server should be
enabled on this PC. user ppc8321 password ppc8321 is to set the username and
password used by FTP server to log onto the PC. filepath zxr10v1.1P1B3.zar indicates
the file to be downloaded from PC.
After configuration, use the command show updatever to check the upgrade
zxr10v1.1P1B3.zar requires that the ZAR file name for active and standby versions
in the information by executing the command show updatever cannot be the
ZXR10#chkzar /flash/img/zxr10V1.1P1B2.zar
If the completeness verification of ZAR fails, delete it and upload it again until the
verification is successful. Then, perform the following upgrade.
ZXR10#mkdir dataset
Directory of flash:/
attribute size date time
[Note] You must use InitDataSrcFlag file acquired through upgrade application process,
rather than the self-made InitDataSrcFlag. There are failed cases in which upgrade personnel
made the file by him/herself (by creating a windows text, copying the content into it, and renaming
the file into InitDataSrcFlag), and failed the upgrade.
4. The uploaded file is saved in the directoryflash/dataset/ of device and the name is
5. The root directory for the FTP tool taken by EMS is \NetNumen_T31\ums\ums-svr\
backup\sysmanager\ (if this server is used, the input and output files should be put in this
ftp: //
Start copying file
file copied successfully.
6100-1#dir dataset
Directory of flash:/dataset
attribute size date time name
1 drwx 2048 SEP-17-2010 09:13:38 .
2 drwx 2048 SEP-16-2010 22:06:49 ..
3 -rwx 1 SEP-17-2010 09:13:38
Take U3 as an example:
For the EMS upgrade doesn’t affect the operation of services, it can be performed in daytime. After the
upgrade, ChannelType of the new EMS may be 32760 or 32762 for different versions. Versions that
need to modify the ChannelType value include:
T31 version is V1.20P01B04d (released by the end of May) ---for all T3 versions earlier than this, the
default value is 32760.
U31 V12.11.20 B06 (released on 20, May) ---for all U3 V12.11.20 versions earlier than this, the default
value is 32760.
U31 V12.11.20P01 B01 (released around 16, May) –this is the first version of V12.11.20P01.
In case of upgrading the old 1731 (ChannelType=32760) to new 1731 (ChannelType=32762), this step
(delivering 32762 to the device) is very important, which may result in a momentary interruption of
protection switching services. Therefore,
1) It must be operated during the applied duration from the customer (usually after 00:00
at night) and it cannot be performed at other time (daytime).
ZXR10 (config-increte)#bootrom update
Updating bootrom.....................
Board Type Board Number Status
mec 2 bootrom update
Execute Ctrl+c to exit the hidden mode
ZXR10#show bootrom (confirm boot version and date)
[SMB, panel 1, master]
Bootrom Version : V1.10.00P1B1
Creation Date : 2010/8/13
Update Support : YES
Directory of flash:/img
attribute size date time name
1 drwx 2048 SEP-17-2010 08:47:52 .
2 drwx 2048 SEP-16-2010 22:06:55 ..
3 -rwx 14274143 SEP-14-2010 20:28:52 zxr10b6.bak
4 -rwx 19258557 SEP-14-2010 21:43:20 zxr10.zar
The copy mode is a common way for data products, without version rollback/updatever
functions. In contrast, the updatever mode is featured by: 1) trial run. With this feature, you
can choose to boot from master or slave file next time. 2) automatic rollback/updatever
functions. During trial run (15 minutes after reboot), if not activated, the equipment will roll
back to the old version automatically (boots of new and old versions must be compatible).
For upgrade from a non-agent version to another non-agent version, two modes are
Chongqing upgrade suggests the copy mode because of boot incompatibility and the
During the upgrade, for upgrade between non-agent versions, use updatever while for
upgrade from non-agent to agent, use copy. Note the two upgrade modes should be
2)updatever download
4)updatever active
After the above upgrade, if the equipment power is cut unexpectedly or restarted manually,
the equipment will automatically load the file with a personalized name zxr10_v1.zar (the
Then, use the code mode to upgrade the non-AGENT version to AGENT version:
To integrate the two modes, the uploaded AGENT version file such as ZXCTN 6100
Proceed with reload? [yes/no]:y
The reboot process lasts for about 3 minutes.
Run the command show interface-description to check that all line cards are
started. Then, run write and sync startrun to agent. For example:
ZXR10#show interface-discription
ZXR10#sync startrun to agent
The sync process lasts for about 3 minutes.
ZXR10#show nm-version
Network management software version: V1.12
Check that the EMS interface is V1.12
After the EMS upgrade, modify the corresponding version interface to V1.12
through the EMS. When the EMS is able to monitor the equipment normally,
proceed to next step (for EMS modification mode, refer to the EMS upgrade
ZXR10#cd dataset
ZXR10#delete initdatasrcflag
[Note] According to Inner Mongol upgrade experiences, make sure to enable PW control
word in Maintenance>OAM Upgrade (T) page. Do not enable PW control word in single NE
Chapter 4 Rollback
Rollback is very simple for compatible BOOT. During upgrade, after restarting device, do not
perform updatever activate to activate the version for trial operation. Then, 15 minutes later, the
device rolls back automatically.
Note: ZXCTN6110 SMC BOOT V1.10.00P1B2 and ZXCTN6100 SMB BOOT V1.1 0.00P1B3 support
MD5 check, unable to roll back to the old boot. This boot is compatible with earlier versions. During the
rollback, just roll back version file.
For incompatible BOOT, rollback is similar to the upgrade from non-AGENT to AGENT. The
details are as follows.
Execute the following operations in CMD and upload boot to /system/ of device.
Because the first AGENT version for 6100 is incompatible with boot of later AGENT versions,
once the upgrade restart fails, replace boot chip on site. There are two modes for replacement.
1. Use one 6100 that works normally to write boot remotely. After the writing is
successful, replace boot.
2. Take out boot and write boot again with the writer
Chapter 5 Attachments
5.1 Upgrade Guide for Non- AGETN Version
Upgrade guide (for non-AGENT version) written by Chen Jiusong: