Result Q3
Result Q3
Result Q3
RPG House
463, Dr. Annie Besant Road
Worli, Mumbai 400030, India
+91 22 66670200
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of the Press Release and Investor Presentation on the
Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended on
December 31, 2022.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
For KEC International Limited
Amit Digitally signed by Amit Kumar Gupta
DN: c=IN, o=Personal,
6438a00a1, postalCode=400705,
1994f0b522fa08a, cn=Amit Kumar
Date: 2023.01.31 20:10:23 +05'30'
Encl: as above
Registered Office: RPG House, 463, Dr. Annie Besant Road An Company
Worli, Mumbai 400030, CIN: L45200MH2005PLC152061, India.
RPG House
463, Dr. Annie Besant Road
Worli, Mumbai 400030, India
+91 22 66670200
KEC delivers Robust Revenue growth of 31% YoY in Q3 FY23 and 24% YoY in 9M FY23
YTD Order Intake of over Rs. 15,500 crore – Growth of 10% YoY
Highest Ever Order Book + L1 of over Rs. 35,000 crore
Mumbai, January 31, 2023: KEC International Ltd., a global infrastructure EPC major and an RPG Group Company,
today announced its results for the third quarter (Q3 FY23) and nine months ended (9M FY23) ended December
31, 2022.
Revenue: Rs. 4,375 crore against Rs. 3,340 crore Revenue: Rs. 11,757 crore against Rs. 9,467 crore
EBITDA: Rs. 200 crore against Rs. 239 crore EBITDA: Rs. 546 crore against Rs. 652 crore
EBITDA Margin (Y-o-Y): 4.6% against 7.2% EBITDA Margin: 4.6% against 6.9%
Interest as % to Revenue: 3.4% against 2.5% Interest as % to Revenue: 3.2% against 2.3%
PBT: Rs. 11 crore against Rs. 122 crore PBT: Rs. 75 crore against Rs. 325 crore
PBT Margin: 0.3% against 3.7% PBT Margin: 0.6% against 3.4%
PAT: Rs. 18 crore against Rs. 94 crore PAT: Rs. 104 crore against Rs. 251 crore
PAT Margin: 0.4% against 2.8% PAT Margin: 0.9% against 2.7%
*In Q2 FY22, there was an exceptional write-off of Rs 44 Cr against a legacy arbitration case in South Africa.
Considering impact of this item, the PBT and PAT are as below:
PBT: Rs. 11 crore against Rs. 122 crore PBT: Rs. 75 crore against Rs. 282 crore
PBT Margin: 0.3% against 3.7% PBT Margin: 0.6% against 3.0%
PAT: Rs. 18 crore against Rs. 94 crore PAT: Rs. 104 crore against Rs. 220 crore
PAT Margin: 0.4% against 2.8% PAT Margin: 0.9% against 2.3%
Registered Office: RPG House, 463, Dr. Annie Besant Road An Company
Worli, Mumbai 400030, CIN: L45200MH2005PLC152061, India.
Standalone Financial Performance:
Revenue: Rs. 3,868 crore against Rs. 3,001 crore Revenue: Rs. 10,452 crore against Rs. 8,696 crore
EBITDA: Rs. 180 crore against Rs. 307 crore EBITDA: Rs. 644 crore against Rs. 847 crore
EBITDA Margin (Y-o-Y): 4.7% against 10.2% EBITDA Margin: 6.2% against 9.7%
Interest as % to Revenue: 3.2% against 2.4% Interest as % to Revenue: 2.9% against 2.2%
PBT: Rs. 28 crore against Rs. 213 crore PBT: Rs. 279 crore against Rs. 578 crore
PBT Margin: 0.7% against 7.1% PBT Margin: 2.7% against 6.7%
PAT: Rs. 15 crore against Rs. 153 crore PAT: Rs. 214 crore against Rs. 420 crore
PAT Margin: 0.4% against 5.1% PAT Margin: 2.0% against 4.8%
*In Q2 FY23, there is a provision of Rs. 76 Cr towards impairment of subsidiary in SAE Brazil and in Q2 FY22,
there was an exceptional write-off of Rs 44 Cr against a legacy arbitration case in South Africa.
Considering impact of these items, the PBT and PAT are as below:
PBT: Rs. 28 crore against Rs. 213 crore PBT: Rs. 203 crore against Rs. 535 crore
PBT Margin: 0.7% against 7.1% PBT Margin: 1.9% against 6.1%
PAT: Rs. 15 crore against Rs. 153 crore PAT: Rs. 151 crore against Rs. 389 crore
PAT Margin: 0.4% against 5.1% PAT Margin: 1.4% against 4.5%
Order Intake:
YTD Order intake of Rs. 15,554 crore, a growth of ~10% YoY
Order Book:
YTD Order Book of Rs. 28,981 crore including orders released in Q4 FY23 till date, a healthy growth of ~19% YoY;
Additionally, L1 of ~Rs. 6,000 crore.
2|P a g e
Consolidated Net Working Capital:
Net Working Capital (NWC) stands at 139 days as on 31st Dec’22 – Reduction of 9 days vis-à-vis 30th Sep’22 and
reduction of 2 days vis-à-vis 31st Dec’21.
Mr. Vimal Kejriwal, MD & CEO, KEC International Ltd. commented, “We have delivered a robust growth in
revenues. The growth is backed by good performances in T&D, Civil and Oil & Gas businesses. While our EBITDA
margins have shown a sequential improvement, they have been impacted primarily due to execution of legacy
projects with adverse commodity prices and performance of SAE Brazil. With the closure of last EPC project in
Brazil, we are confident of a gradual revival in the performance of SAE in the quarters to come. We continue to
witness a good traction in order intake. With the new orders announced yesterday, our order book along with
current L1 pipeline stands at a record level of over Rs. 35,000 crore. Most of these orders have been secured at
current commodity prices and logistics costs. Our robust and well diversified order book gives us confidence of
concluding the year with a healthy growth.”
3|P a g e
KEC International Limited
Investor Presentation – Q3 FY23
3 1 J a nua ry 2 0 2 3
Power T & D Railways Civil Cables Solar Smart Infra Oil & Gas Pipelines
This presentation may include statements which may constitute forward-looking statements. All statements that address expectations or projections about the future,
including, but not limited to, statements about the strategy for growth, business development, market position, expenditures, and financial results, are forward looking
statements. Forward looking statements are based on certain assumptions and expectations of future events and involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
other factors. The Company cannot guarantee that these assumptions and expectations are accurate or exhaustive or will be realised. The actual results, performance or
achievements, could thus differ materially from those projected in any such forward-looking statements. No obligation is assumed by the Company to update the forward-
looking statements contained herein.
The information contained in these materials has not been independently verified. None of the Company, its Directors, Promoter or affiliates, nor any of its or their
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nothing in this document or at this presentation shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or the future. The information and
opinions contained in this presentation are current, and if not stated otherwise, as of the date of this presentation. The Company relies on information obtained from sources
believed to be reliable but does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The Company undertake no obligation to update or revise any information or the opinions
expressed in this presentation as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Any opinions or information expressed in this presentation are subject to change
without notice.
This presentation does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitation or inducement to sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any
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contract or commitment or to be relied in connection with an investment decision in relation to the securities of the Company therefore any person/ party intending to provide
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Overview –
RPG Group &
KEC International
UNLEASHTALENT RPG Enterprises was founded in 1979. The group currently operates various businesses in
Infrastructure, Technology, Life Sciences, Plantations and Tyre industries. The group has business
TOUCHLIVES history dating back to 1820 AD in banking, textiles, jute and tea. The Group grew in size and strength
OUTPERFORM with several acquisitions in the 1980s and 1990s. CEAT became a part of the RPG Group in 1982, which
is now one of India’s fastest growing conglomerates with 30,000+ employees, presence in 100+
AND ☺ countries and annual gross revenues of ~USD 4 Bn
KEC International : Building Infrastructure for the World of Tomorrow
Metros - Tech Tunnel Ventilation Depot & Workshops Speed Upradation TCAS - Kavach
Factories Buildings Metros – Viaduct & Stations Water ETP/STP Water Distribution
Hydrocarbons Defence Data Centre Public Spaces - Airports Oil & Gas Pipelines 6
Board of Directors
H. V. Goenka
Chairman, Non Executive Director
Vimal Kejriwal
Managing Director & CEO
Rajeev Agarwal Neeraj Nanda Anand Kulkarni Kaushal Kodesia Manjit Singh Sethi
Chief Financial Officer President – South Executive Director – Executive Director – Executive Director –
Asia (T&D, Solar & Business Operations Railways Cables
Smart Infra)
Nagesh Veeturi Sanjeev Agarwal Rakesh Gaur Pankaj Kalani Milind Apte Sumant Srivastava
Executive Director – Executive Director – Chief Executive Chief Executive - Oil & Chief Human Chief Executive – KEC
Civil International Officer – SAE Towers Gas Pipelines Resources Officer Towers LLC and
(T&D, Solar) Senior Vice President -
• Robust Consolidated growth YoY; 31% in Q3 and 24% in H1
• Healthy growth in both T&D as well as Non T&D businesses
Order Book
• YTD order intake growth of 10% – YTD order inflows Rs. 15,554 Cr - Led by T&D, Civil and Railways
• Highest ever Order Book + L1 Pipeline of over Rs. 35,000 Cr – Diversified equally in T&D and Non T&D businesses
• Consolidated EBITDA margins at 4.6% in Q3 and 9M
• Targeting sequential improvement in margins in the upcoming quarters
• Net Debt incl. Acceptances stands at Rs. 5,617 Cr - Brought down by over Rs. 300 Cr vis-à-vis last quarter despite a sequential
Revenue increase of over Rs. 300 Cr - Targeting further reduction in Q4 FY23
Key Business Highlights – Q3 FY23
• Achieved Revenues of Rs. 2,259 Cr. in Q3, • Delivered Revenues of Rs. 897 Cr in Q3 • Exponential Growth trajectory continues
stellar growth of 40% YoY Revenues of Rs. 845 Cr, growth of 75% YoY
• Uptick in order intake –YTD orders of ~Rs.
• YTD order intake of over Rs. 7,000 Cr for 2,900 Cr; stellar growth of 1.8 times YoY • Traction in order inflow continues -
T&D and cabling projects across India, Secured YTD orders of Rs. 4,800 Cr+
• Strengthened presence in the tech
Middle East, Africa & Americas including substantial orders in water
enabled segment with multiple orders in
• Forayed in in the Growing segment of metro for Ballast less tracks pipelines, public spaces, industrial,
HVDC Terminal Station residential and data centre segments
• Demonstrated very good performance • Green hydrogen production capacity of • Clocked Revenues of Rs. 368 Cr.
post acquisition of KEC Spur ~5 MMTPA and associated renewable • Developed 10 new products this year and
Infrastructure last year energy capacity of ~125 GW by 2030 successfully commercialized 4 of them
• Revenues of Rs. 159 Cr. in Q3, Growth of • Secured largest order in renewables for a • Enhancing backward integration &
more than 2 times 500 MW Solar PV power plant in India augmenting production capacity of LT and
• Strong order book + L1 of ~Rs. 1,000 Cr. Telecom cables by adding a few balancing
equipment 11
Tax -6 29 -29 62
Tax Rate % -54.0% 23.5% -38.3% 21.9%
PAT 18 94 -81% 104 220 -53%
PAT Margins 0.4% 2.8% 0.9% 2.3%
(*) Exceptional item is amount written off against a legacy arbitration case in South Africa last year in Q2 FY22 13
Profit and Loss Summary (Standalone)
Q3 9M (₹ crore)
Particulars Growth Growth
FY23 FY22 FY23 FY22
(Y-o-Y) (Y-o-Y)
Revenues 3,868 3,001 29% 10,452 8,696 20%
Tax 13 60 52 146
Tax Rate % 46.9% 28.3% 25.7% 27.3%
PAT 15 153 -90% 151 389 -61%
PAT Margins 0.4% 5.1% 1.4% 4.5%
(*) Exceptional item: 9M FY23 of Rs. 76 Cr is provision for impairment of subsidiary in SAE Brazil in Q2 FY23 and 9M FY22 of Rs. 44 Cr is amount written off
against a legacy arbitration case in South Africa in Q2 FY22 14
Businesswise Revenue Performance (Consolidated)
(₹ crore)
Q3 9M
Business Verticals Growth Growth
FY23 FY22 FY23 FY22
(Y-o-Y) (Y-o-Y)
T&D: 2,272 1,620 40% 6,037 5,008 21%
- T&D (KEC) 1,927 1,400 38% 5,106 4,377 17%
- SAE Towers 345 220 57% 931 631 48%
Borrowings & Working Capital (Consolidated)
Increase/ Increase/ (₹ crore)
Particulars 31-Dec-22 31-Dec-21 (Decrease) 30-Sep-22 (Decrease)
I) Net Debt 3,432 2,913 519 3,548 -115
II) Interest Bearing Acceptances 2,185 1,938 247 2,372 -187
Total (I + II) 5,617 4,851 766 5,919 -302
❑ With dedicated efforts, debt level including acceptances continues to show a declining trend and has reached Rs. 5,617 Cr as on 31st
Dec’22, a reduction of over Rs. 300 Cr vis-à-vis 30th Sep’22, despite of a Revenue increase of over Rs. 300 Cr vis-à-vis Q2 FY23; targeting
further reduction in Q4 FY23
❑ Net Working Capital (NWC) stands at 139 days as on 31st Dec’22 – Reduction of 9 days vis-à-vis 30th Sep’22. We continue to focus on
below initiatives to optimize working capital:
Order Intake Order Book
Rs 15,554 Crs 45% Rs 28,981 Crs 46%
(Growth of ~10%) (Growth of ~19%)
23% 28%
T&D Civil Railways Cables Solar Oil & Gas T&D Civil Railways Cables Solar Oil & Gas Smart Infra
Social and
• Launched LIT Network (Listen, Inspire & Talk) • Improving efficiency of Acid Recovery Plant to
enabling KEC’s community building. Self help eliminate Acid sludge generation
Happiness Circularity
groups driving solutions on sensitive themes like • Developing eco-friendly hybrid drums for cables
Quotient Parenting, Veteran Support, Wellness & Hygiene with steel and HDPE sheets to reduce steel and
will be taken up by formal & informal groups. eliminate wood
• Trailing of all employees and workmen through Reducing energy consumption & carbon emission
Occupational Virtual Realty modules prepared inhouse • Installation of solar rooftop at Dubai plant
Heath & • E – Permit to Work and Last-Minute Risk Decarbonisation • Deployment of energy-efficient LED lighting
Safety Assessment (LMRA) module has been digitalized solutions and elimination of exhaust fans by
through ‘RAKSHA’ app (inhouse safety app) replacing them with natural ventilators
Global Footprint in
100 countries*
Follow us on:
Registered Office
RPG House, 463, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400 030.
Phone: +91-22-6667 0200 Email: