Ramboll - India - Payroll Reimbursement Guidelines - V1.1
Ramboll - India - Payroll Reimbursement Guidelines - V1.1
Ramboll - India - Payroll Reimbursement Guidelines - V1.1
1.1 by
HR India
Approved by
Gayathri Shankar
01 December 2021
Version History
2.0 01 December 2021 Innocent.A Gayathri Shankar Updated as per new job
Jerin.B level with minor changes.
1. Objective 2
2. Scope & Coverage 2
3. Telephone Bill Reimbursement 2
4. Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. Meal Card 6
6. Process to avail various options 7
7. Clarification and Contact details Error! Bookmark not defined.
This document establishes the guidelines for different reimbursements which an employee can avail
inorder to reduce his/her tax liability.
3.2 If an employee has joined between the financial year or would like to opt this option
from mid of the financial year then he/she will be eligible to claim pro- rata amount in
the same financial year.
3.3 Telephone/Mobile/Bro adband/Int ernet data card bills must be in the name of the
emplo yee .
3.4 Employee may also claim their Broadband/Int ernet data card charges as part of
Telephone Bill reimbursement under this option provided they are not getting
reimbursement of the same from the company under any other policy.
3.5 Reimbursement can be claimed towards postpaid plans of Mobile, Landline Phone,
and Broadband/Int ernet data card. In none of the case, reimbursement will be made for
pre-paid plan.
3.6 All bills should be submitted via ESS portal at the end of quater as per the communication
by payroll team and payment will be made via payroll in the subsequent month.
3.7 All Telephone Original bills/e-bills should be submitted along with prescribe d
reimbursement form. The form should be duly signed by the employee. The prescribe d
Telephone Reimbursement Form is enclosed for the reference of the employee.
Reimbursement Form.xls
3.8 At the end of every quarter, if the whole amount of reimbursement is not claimed by
employee due to shortage of bills, the balance will be carried forward to next quart er.
However, in the month of March every year, if the employee fails to provide the required
bills, then accumulat ed amount will be paid as taxable amount via salary and will not be
carried forward to next financial year.
3.9 No Advance payment will be allowed to employee against any telephone reimbursement .
4.1 All confirmed employees are eligible to avail of this facility when they travel to any plac e
within India with their family.
4.2 Employee is entitled upto one month Basic salary subject to maximum of Rs. 1,20,000/-
towards LTA in a year.
4.3 Employees joining the services of the company during the year will be entitled to avail
LTA proportionate to the period of service in that financial year.
4.4 Employee who have availed this option, will have a monthly pro-rata deduction made
from their salary and amount. This amount will be accumulat ed in their LTA account. The
payment of accumulat ed amount will be made in December every year.
4.5 Employees can postpone availing the LTA in a given financial year and can avail the same
during the next financial year along with the LTA for the next year. Employees can carry
forward their LTA entitlement for a maximum of two financial years.
4.6 The amount of exemption depends upon the mode of travel, and it is allowed only
towards the travel fare, and not for boarding and lodging.
4.7 Tax is exempted on LTA for two journeys (within India) in a block of four calendar years.
The current applicable block is 2018-2021 (January, 2018 to December, 2021). The next
block is 2022 to 2025 (January 2022 to December 2025).
4.9 All employees who have availed the LTA facility are required to provide The LTA
declaratio n form along with proof of travel in the prescribed format for the purpose of
availing tax exemption. The template of the same is enclosed for the reference of the
• For more details, please refer to the LTA FAQ document enclosed.
Leave Travel
Allowance- FAQ- .pdf
Employees are provided with following options to avail meal card from the company.
5.1 All employees may opt meal card for a fixed amount of Rs. 1,500/- per month as
part of their Flexible Benefit Plan. The amount of meal card opted by Employee will be
reduced from his/her Executive (Flexi) allowance.
5.2 In case, for an employee the remaining flexible benefit (excluding Meal card amount) is
less than the above stated amount, the employee will not be entitled to meal card less
than Rs. 1,500/- per month.
5.3 Employee will be entitled to Sodexo Meal Card worth Rs. 75/- per day for 20 days per
month (within Monthly Sodexo Meal card limit Rs. 1,500/-).
5.4 Payroll team shall make an allocation of Rs 1,500/- per month from employee' s salary
for the meal card at the end of the month and this amount will not be credited along wit h
the salary for the month.
5.5 The Meal Card will be loaded by payroll team every quater to the authorized
represent ative from M/s Sodexo SVC India Pvt. Ltd. . Employees availing the facility for the
first time wil be issued cards directly by the Sodexo team.
5.6 Ramboll shall not be liable to replace the meal card if the employee looses the same at
any point of time.
• Existing Employees : 20 April every year
• New joiners : Within 1 month of Joining