ED 74 Handout - MVG
ED 74 Handout - MVG
ED 74 Handout - MVG
Vocational education involves training for After receiving a Ph.D. degree with honors,
an occupation. Counts taught
University of Delaware as head of the tended towards the status quo, including the
department of education. preservation of
an unjust distribution of wealth and power.
Counts's educational philosophy was also an
Taught educational sociology at Harris outgrowth of John Dewey's philosophy.
Teachers College in St. Both
Louis, Missouri (1918–1919), secondary men believed in the enormous potential of
education at the education to improve society and that
University of Washington (1919–1920), and schools should reflect life rather than be
education at Yale isolated from it.
University (1920–1926) and at the
University of Chicago But unlike Dewey's Public and Its Problems,
(1926–1927). much of Counts's writing suggests a plan of
action in the use of schools to fashion a new
For nearly 30 years, Counts taught at social order.
Teachers College,
Columbia University in New York (1927– BUILDING A NEW SOCIAL ORDER
1956). After being
required to retire at the age of 65 from Education is not based on eternal truths but
Teachers College, is relative to a
Counts taught at the University of Pittsburgh particular society living at a given time and
(1959), Michigan place.
State University (1960), and Southern
Illinois University By allying themselves with groups that want
(1962–1971). to change society,
schools should cope with social change that
Counts was interested in the study of social arises from the
conditions and technology.
problems and their relationship to education.
Heavily Instruction should incorporate a content of a
influenced by Albion Small and other socially-useful
Chicago sociologists, nature and a problem-solving methodology.
Counts saw in sociology the opportunity to Students are
examine and encouraged to work on problems that have
reshape schools by considering the impact of social significance.
social forces
and varied political and social interests on There is a cultural lag between material
educational progress and social
practice. institutions and ethical values.
Because schools were run by the capitalist “The Egyptians had their horses. Modern
class who wielded man has his
social and economic power, Counts argued, jets but today it is still the same moral
school practices problems that
plague humankind.”
Indeed with science and technology, we . . . . humankind has moved from an
have become agricultural and rural
powerful yet powerless. We have conquered society to an urban and technological
a number society. There is a
of diseases and even postponed death for serious lag in cultural adaptation to the
many, we realities of a
have conquered aging, the planets, the seas technological society. Humankind has yet to
but we reconstruct its
have not conquered ourselves. values in order to catch up with changes in
the technological
BUILDING A NEW SOCIAL ORDER order, and organized education has a major
role to play in
Schools become instrument for social reducing the gap between the values of the
improvement rather culture and
than an agency for preserving the status quo. technology. (Ornstein, 1984)
Teachers should lead society rather than So the Social Recontructionist Asserts that
follow it. Teachers School Should:
are agents of change.
Critically examine present culture and
Teachers are called to make important resolve inconsistencies, controversies and
choices in the conflicts to build a new society not just
controversial areas of economics, politics change society.
and morality
because if they failed to do so, others would Do more than reform the social and
make the educational status quo. It should seek to
decisions for them. create new society.
Schools ought to provide an education that So the Social Recontructionist Asserts that
afford equal School Should:
learning opportunities to all students.
The only legitimate goal of a truly human
5. SOCIAL education is to create a world order in which
RECONSTRUCTIONISM people are in control of their own destiny.
Social reconstructionists are convinced that Rather than “teaching as banking”, Freire
education is not a privilege of the few but a saw teaching and
right to be enjoyed by all. learning as a process of inquiry in which the
child must invent
Education is a right that all citizens and reinvent the world.
regardless of
race and social status must enjoy. Teachers must not see themselves as the sole
possessors of
PAULO FREIRE (1921 – 1997) knowledge and their students as empty
receptacles. He calls
6. CRITICAL this pedagogical approach the “banking
PEDAGOGY method” of education.
Dialogue is the basis for critical and Dialogue is the basis for critical and
problem-posing problem-posing
pedagogy, as opposed to banking education, pedagogy, as opposed to banking education,
where there is where
no discussion, only the imposition of the there is no discussion, only the imposition of
teacher’s ideas on the
the students. teacher’s ideas on the students.