Holip Product Catalog: Zhejiang Holip Electronic Technology Co., LTD
Holip Product Catalog: Zhejiang Holip Electronic Technology Co., LTD
Holip Product Catalog: Zhejiang Holip Electronic Technology Co., LTD
Zhejiang Holip Electronic Technology Co. Ltd. is a member of the Danfoss Group and a centre for R&D,
production and logistics as a part of Danfoss Power Electronic Unit.
Danfoss was established in 1933 and is the largest multinational industrial manufacturing company in
Denmark. As a global leader in refrigeration & air conditioning, heating & water processing and power
electronics, Danfoss sets the industry standard for reliability, excellence and innovation, always striving for
the best in customer satisfaction and solutions within the climate and energy industry.
Founded in200 I , Holip engages in researching, designing, producing, marketing and servicing of frequency
converters and is a trueph enomenon in the industry. It has became one of the largest frequency converter
manufacturers in China.
Holip's core product is the HLP series frequency converter, which has been widely used in various industries
such as chemical fibres, textiles, printing anddy eing, plastics, knitwear, lighting, steel, paper, chemicals,
machines and cranes. It is found widely throughout European, American, Asian, and African markets. Holip
is dedicated to providing high quality products, professional sales and efficient and reliable service. Every
converter ispu t through strict quality controls, such as high temperature tests and full load tests, before
Turnover increased to60mi llion USD in20 09 and totalou tput reached320 ,000 units. In June2009 , Holip
moved into a new modernized factory featuring high-tech production equipment and advanced production
processes. The new factory covers an area of30 ,000 square meters with a floor area ot21 ,000 square meters,
allowing Ho lip to increase its capacity to 1 million units per year.
Holip's mission is to exceed market speed in its growth to become a well-known, high-quality brand name,
fulfilling its role as the second global brand within the Danfoss Group.
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Product Catalog
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
HLPtA series frequency converter, a general purpose converter, has powerful and various functions, such as PID controller,
simple PLC, internal /external control multitspeed, wobble which is widely used in textile and chemical fiber industries, quasi
winding and unwinding function which can keep the line speed constant in a definite accuracy, etc. It has good overload
capacity and high output torque.
HLPtA series frequency converters have been widely used in knitwear, chemical fiber, printing and dyeing, plastics,
mechanical, chemical, steel, paper and light industries. It has gained high prize from customers, for its high quality and
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
D Technical Data
Modulation SPWM
AC line supply 380V: 380 ± 15%; 220V: 220 ± 15%
Displaying frequency, current, revolution, voltage, counter, temperature,
5 Digital Di splay & Status Indicator Lamp
forward or reverse, fault, etc.
Communication Mode RS 485 serial communication
Holip Communication Protocol
Communication Protocol
Modbus Protocol
Temperature: t 10 ~ 40°C
Surroundings Humidity: Ot95% Relative Humidity (Nomdewfall)
Vibration: Below 0.5g
Frequency Range 0.10~400.00Hz
Digital: 0.01 % (t10~40 °C)
Analog: 0.1 % (25± I 0°C)
Digital: O.OlHz
Reference Resolution
Frequency Analog: 1%o ofMaxinrnm Output Frequency
Control Output Frequency Resolution O.O!Hz
Frequency Setting by LCP By the buttons of<---- /\ V
Frequency Setting by Analog External Ot5V, OtlOV, 4t20mA, Ot20mA
Frequency low limit, Start Frequency, Stop Frequency, Frequency bypass
Other functions
function (Three settable frequency bypasses).
Ramp time 0. b 6500sec (There are four selectable ramp up I down time)
It is possible to make a V/F curve on the basis of three definable voltage
V/F Curve
and frequencie.
Maximum torque compensation can reach I 0%.
Torque Characteristic
Startup torque can reach 150% while I Hz.
General Six programmable digital inputs for 8tspeed control, Simple PLC, Ramp
Programmable Digital Input
time selecting, Up and Down function, Counter, Emergency stop, etc.
Five programmable digital outputs for indicating the status of running,
Programmable Digital Output
below start frequency, counter, fault, the status of simple PLC and alarm.
Automatic Voltage Regulation, Ramp to stop or Coast, DC brake,
Automatic reset and restart, Flying start, Simple PLC, Wobble, quasi
Other functions
Winding and Unwinding fonction, Automatic ener~saving function,
Usendefinable Carrier frequency (0.7t20kHz), etc.
Electronic relay protection for motor
Overload Protection
Frequency converter (Constant torque: 150%/ 1 min)
Fuse Protection If fuse has blown, motor will stop.
220V Class: DC Voltage > 400V
Over voltage Protection
380V Class: DC Voltage > 800V
220V Class: DC Voltage < 200V
Protections Under voltage Protection
380V Class: DC Voltage < 400V
Flying start after transient supply loss Flying start after transient supply loss
Antitstall Function Prevent stalling when running, accelerating and decelerating
Output short circuit Protection Electric circuit protection
Heat sink oventemperature protection, Restriction against reverse, Fault
Other functions
Reset, Parameter lock, One for two, etc.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
DDDDD D ommllD
+10V 3A/250VAC
10 0 3A/30VDC
Al 3A/250VAC
REV 12V/100mA
Symbol Description
R, S, T Power supply terminals (For single•phase, connect wires to any two terminal s)
u, v, w Output terminals
P, Pr Braking Resistor terminals
E Ground terminal
DCM Common terminal for digital inputs
+lOV l OV DC supply
VI Voltage input terminal
Al Current input terminal
AM Programmable Pulse /Analog Output
ACM Common terminal for analog inputs
RS+, RS• RS 485 Serial Communication Terminals
Svmbol Description Factorv settine
FOR Programmable Digital Input Forward
REV Programmable Digital Input Reverse
RST Programmable Digital Input Reset
SPH Programmable Digital Input High speed
SPM Programmable Digital Input Medium speed
SPL Programmable Digital Input Low speed
ORV Programmable Digital output (Optical coupling) Running
UPF Programmable Digital output (Optical coupling) Reach Reference
FA, FB Programmable Digital output (Normal close) Fault
FB, FC Programmable Digital output (Normal open) Fault
KA, KB Programmable Digital output (Normal open) No Function
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
D Electrical Data
Ordering Power Output Current Motor LCP
Model Mains supply
number (kW) (A) (kW) Model
301001 HLPAOOD423C 1& 3X220V 50Hz 0.4 2.5 0.4
301002 HLPAOD7523C 1& 3X220V 50Hz 0.75 5.0 0.75 OPtACOl
301003 HLPAOlD523C l & 3X220V 50Hz l.5 7.0 l.5
300004 HLPA02D223B l& 3x220V 50Hz 2.2 11 2.2
300005 HLPA03D723B l& 3x220V 50Hz 3.7 17 3.7
300006 HLPA05D523B l& 3X220V 50Hz 5.5 25 5.5
300007 HLPA07D523B l & 3x220V 50Hz 7.5 33 7.5
300008 HLPAOOll23B l& 3X220V 50Hz ll 49 11
300009 HLPA001523B 1& 3X220V 50Hz 15 65 15
300010 HLPA1 8D523B 1& 3x220V 50Hz 18.5 80 18.5
300011 HLPA002223B 1& 3x220V 50Hz 22 96 22
300012 HLPA003023B 1& 3x220V 50Hz 30 130 30
300013 HLPA003723B 1& 3x220V 50Hz 37 160 37
300014 HLPA004523B 1& 3x220V 50Hz 45 182 45
300015 HLPA005523B l& 3x220V 50Hz 55 210 55
300016 HLPA007523B 1& 3x220V 50Hz 75 286 75
300017 HLPA009023B l & 3x220V 50Hz 90 343 90
301101 HLPAOD7543C 3X380V 50Hz 0.75 2.7 0.75
301102 HLPAOlD543C 3x380V 50Hz l.5 4.0 l.5 OPtACOl
301103 HLPA02D243C 3X380V 50Hz 2.2 5.0 2.2
300104 HLPA03D743B 3x380V 50Hz 3.7 8.5 3.7 OPtABOl
300105 HLPA05D543B 3x380V 50Hz 5.5 12.5 5.5
300106 HLPA07D543B 3x380V 50Hz 7.5 17.5 7.5
300107 HLPA001143B 3x380V 50Hz 11 24 11
300108 HLPA001543B 3x380V 50Hz 15 33 15
300109 HLPA18D543B 3x380V 50Hz 18.5 40 18.5
300110 HLPA002243B 3X380V 50Hz 22 47 22
300111 HLPA003043B 3x380V 50Hz 30 65 30
300112 HLPA003743B 3x380V 50Hz 37 80 37
300113 HLPA004543B 3X380V 50Hz 45 91 45
300114 HLPA005543B 3x380V 50Hz 55 110 55
300115 HLPA007543B 3x380V 50Hz 75 152 75
300116 HLPA009043B 3x380V 50Hz 90 176 90
300117 HLPA011043B 3x380V 50Hz 110 210 110
300118 HLPA013243B 3x380V 50Hz 132 253 132
300119 HLPA016043B 3x380V 50Hz 160 304 160
300122 HLPA018543B 3x380V 50Hz 185 340 185
300123 HLPA020043B 3x380V 50Hz 200 380 200
300124 HLPA022043B 3x380V 50Hz 220 426 220
300121 HLPA025043B 3x380V 50Hz 250 480 250
300127 HLPA028043B 3x380V 50Hz 280 540 280
300125 HLPA030043B 3x380V 50Hz 300 580 300
300126 HLPA031543B 3x380V 50Hz 315 605 315
300129 HLPA034543B 3x380V 50Hz 345 660 345
300130 HLPA037543B 3x380V 50Hz 375 715 375
300131 HLPA040043B 3x380V 50Hz 400 765 400
300132 HLPA041543B 3x380V 50Hz 415 795 415
Note: If 500t660kW converters are in demand, please make clear when ordering.
Note: When ordering, please confirm ordering number, model and specifications carefully.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
LJ Mechanical dimensions
Model A B c D E F G H Mechanical dimensions (Unit: mm)
' I
g 0 D
HLPAOD7523C ~ '.'.;.."+,,~
= =
= =
~== === ~~
[I 0 D
128 140 238 250 157 <D5
ooo w
;;;; l1
8 8
<.> D
130 208 325 340 199 <D7
II ~
]8 ~H~~~
f----------1-1 I
0 D
HLPA05D543B .&.[I=~-=
184 200 306 318 180 <D6 6 mm
::l ,- L_____JJ I
\oooJl w
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
LJ Mechanical dimensions
Model A B c D E F G H Mechanical dimensions (Unit: mm)
182 25 7 43 7 457 242 \!>8 8
HLPA001543B v
HLPA001523B D
HLPA l 8D523B
D c:::J D
206 281 490 510 242 \!>8 8
~ ;
() 0
HLPA002223B .±!S-.:m:
HLPA003 723B 300 450 768 800 350 ©16 16 w
HLPA007543B 300 450 768 800 350 ©16 16 ----- I I
.D CJ ' I
HLPA009043B 300 450 828 860 350 <1>16 16 fii.'""''"'
...w,_..... D 0 0
~~'ii~: II
· [#..tF~
HLPA009023B II ~
111111111111•11111111111111111111m w
HLPA018543B pf---::-p
HLPA020043B I
600 600 1805 90 420 90 400 <1>16 I
HLPA022043B I
HLPA025043B I
I \ii!
HLPA030043B 685 600 2225 90 505 90 400 <1>1 6
u ~
HLPA03 l 543B I
HLPA03 7543B
855 600 2279 90 675 90 400 ©16
HLPA040043B D / V E /
HLPA041543B A
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
LJ Dimensions of LCP
Orderin number LCPModel Mechanical dimensions (Unit: mm)
~ . ~
:£>1 r:::;::;::J I@ 0
335110 OPtACOl 0
. ti
13,0 7,0
75.0 75.0
5.8 38.0 lri
• •
• • Q
5.8 1.7
Note: The dimensions ofOPtABOl and OPtACOl are the same, but the interfaces of them are different.
Note: The dimensions ofOPtABOl and OPtAB02 are different, but the interfaces of them are the same.
A dedicated cable is available for remote communication between local control panel (LCP) and frequency converter. The interfaces
of the cable are common for LCP ofHLPtA, HLPtC\ HLPtP, HLPtF, HLPtJ, HLPtM, HLPtH and HLPtCP series converters. User
can select suitable length according to the following form.
Ordering number Length (m) Ordering number Length (m) Ordering number Length (m)
335130 l 335134 7 335138 32
335131 2 335135 12 335139 11
335132 3 335136 10 335146 20
335133 5 335137 8 335147 50
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
HLP•C+ series mini frequency converter, which is particularly designed for low•power motors, has smaller size and better
performance. It has Pill controller, simple PLC, wobble, multDspeed, automatic voltage regulation and energy•saving
functions, etc. Its output frequency range is 0.10•600.00Hz.
HLP•C+ series mini frequency converter has been widely used in a variety of applications for its high output torque, good
antMnterference capacity, low noise, useful functions.
Power range: 0.4•1. SkW (1 & 3X220V), 0.7S.2.2kW (3X380V)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
LJ Technical Data
Modulation SPWM
AC line supply 400V: 345•440V; 230V: I 70•230V
Displaying frequency, current, revolution, voltage, counter, temperature,
4 Digital Display & Status Indicator Lamp
forward or reverse, fault, etc.
Communication Mode RS 485 serial communication
Holip Communication Protocol
Communication Protocol
Modbus Protocol
Ambient Temperature: •10 ~ 40 °C
Surroundings Humidity: O• 95% Relative Humidity (Nomdewfall)
Vibration: Below 0.5g
Output Frequency Range 0.10 ~ 600.00Hz
Digital: 0.01 % (•l0~40 °C )
Analog: 0.1% (25±10°C)
Digital: O. lHz
Reference Resolution
Frequency Analog: I %0 of Maximum Output Frequency
Control Output Frequency Resolution O.IHz
LCP Frequency Setting By the buttons of /\ V
Analog Frequency Setting External 0•5V, O• IOV, 4•20mA, 0•20mA
Frequency low limit, Start Frequency, Stop Frequency, Frequency bypass
Other functions
function (Three settable frequency bypasses), etc.
Ramp time 0. h6500sec (There are four selectable ramp up I down time)
Tt is possible to make a V/F curve on the basis of three definable voltage
V/F Curve
and frequencie.
Maximum torque compensation can reach 10%
Torque Characteristic
Startup torque can reach 150% while lHz
Six programmable digital inputs for &•speed control, Simple PLC, ramp
General Programmable Digital Input
time switching, up and down function , counter, emergency stop, etc
Two programmable digital outputs for the status of mnning, below start
Programmable Digital Output
frequency, counter, fault, the status of simple PLC and alarm.
Automatic Voltage Regulation, Ramp to stop or Coast, DC brake,
Automatic reset and restart, Flying start, Simple PLC, Wobble, quasi
Other functions
winding and unwindin g function, Automatic energy.saving function ,
Use11-definable Carrier frequency (I .5• I6kHz), etc.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
s V n-------1
T wr---/
FB RS485 Communication Interface:
ORV 12V/100mA
111 I 11i11 r..
SPH Pi.... l : · :r ll)o I' ::! : 1 " ·• ; Fi 11 :!- : r. ~I ;
SPM p 4 : IJl 1i ~ · i .. ... : . ~; t"i •: T'i ! 1: I; I~
SPL GND< )-----~
<«««<« RS485
Symbol Description
R, S, T Power supply terminals (For single•phase, connect wires to any two terminals)
u,v,w Output terminals
P, Pr Braking Resistor terminals
E Ground terminal
AI Current input terminal
AM Programmable Pulse/Current Analog Output
+lOV 1OV DC supply
VI Voltage input terminal
DCM Common terminal for digital inputs
GND Common terminal for analog inputs
Symbol Description Factory Settinf,!
FOR Programmable Digital Input Forward
REV Programmable Digital Input Reverse
RST Programmable Digital Input Reset
SPH Programmable Digital Input High speed
SPM Programmable Digital Input Medium speed
SPL Programmable Digital Input Low speed
DRV Programmable Digital Output (Optical coupling) Running
FA,FB Programmable Digital output (Normal close) Fault
FB,FC Programmable Digital output (Normal open) Fault
.1 o. www.holip.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
Electrical Data
Ordering Power Output Current Motor
Model Mains supply
number (kW) (A) (kW)
302200 HLPC+OOD423B I & 3x220V 50/60Hz 0.4 2.5 0.4
302201 HLPC+OD7523B I & 3X220V 50/60Hz 0.75 5.0 0.75
302202 HLPC+OlD523B 1 & 3X220V 50/60Hz 1.5 7.0 1.5
302203 HLPC+OD7543B 3X380V 50/60Hz 0.75 2.7 0.75
302204 HLPC+OlD543B 3X380V 50/60Hz 1.5 4.0 1.5
302205 HLPC+02D243B 3X380V 50/60Hz 2.2 5.0 2.2
Note: When ordering, please confirm ordering number, model and specifications carefully.
LJ Mechanical dimensions
Model A B c D E F Mechanical dimensions (Unit: mm)
... E
HLPC+OOD423B ' • "1
HLPC+OD7523B 74 85 130 141.5 113 <D5 .....
r ~ ., ' J ~~~~
~ E30B j 1...., c
HLPC+OlD523B ~
J ~· ~ ~
- ~ f!~
HLPC+OD7543B ,_
::!. .~ .. ~
ll'.i --- ~
HLPC+OID543B 89 100 140 151 116.5 <I>5
HLPC+02D243B -~ r
LJ Dimensions of LCP
LCPModel Mechanical dimensions (Unit: mm
0 .01
~ ., .1
r.1 nri I: I
i'C I
I (.-. · I
17 2 JJ53-~-
11 .ii
.. 135 '
' I
Note: The remote communication cable for LCP ofHLPtC+ series refers to HLPtA part.
tl 1 t www.holip.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
HLP•NV series converter has unique VVC+ vector control system for torque and speed control of induction motors. It is
specially developed for low•power motor and designed booktsize, dust.proof, and good cooling capacity. The converter can be
installed side by side and really save space. It has Pl controller, automatic motor turning function, and mechanical brake
.12. www.holip.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
• Technical Data
Supply Frequency 48~62Hz
Power Supply 3X380t480V±10%
Supply Voltage
l & 3X200t240V ± l 0%
Output Voltage Three phases O~ 100% Supply Voltage
Output Frequency 0~200 Hz (VVC'), 0~400 Hz (V/F)
Output Data
Overload capacity l 50% Rated Current
Ramp time 0.05~3600 s
tl 3t www.holip.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
• Wiring Diagram
The wiring of the converter is divided into two parts: main circuit and control circuit. The following drawing is factory standard
wiring diagram of HLP•NV. The terminals should be connected correctly as the wiring diagram. (See user manual for details).
+ !O D BR-
+1 0 \.'1X
0 0 A D DD
o/.+-.20 mA[
DD ssa1
Off {l>NP) ~
- 2.+V {NPN)
ov (PNP)
- 2.+V {NPN)
D DD av (PNP)
- 2.+V {NPN)
ov <PNP)
- 2.+V {NPN)
DD D av (PNP)
- ;<.IV (NPN)
\! \! nv (PNP)
Symbol Description
R (L), S, T (N) Power Supply terminals (Connect to Land N for single phase)
U,V,W Output terminals
+UDC, BR Braking Resistor terminals (l .5kW and above)
•UDC DC bus Negative terminal
@ Ground Terminal
GND Common Terminal for Digital signal
+lOV +1 OV DC Supply
VIN Analog Input (0• l OV)
GND Common terminal for analog inputs
AIN Programmable Analog Input (0•20mA)
AO Programmable Analog Output (0/4•20mA)
RS+, RS•, COM Communication terminals
EV 24V DC Supply
Symbol Description Factory setting
RUN Programmable Digital Input Startup
FIR Programmable Digital Input Reverse
RST Programmable Digital Input Reset
JOG Programmable Digital Input Jog
EMS Programmable Digital/Pulse Input No Function
FA, FB, FC Programmable Relay Outputs Fault
Note: A brake chopper is built in the converter from l .5kW upwards.
•14• www.holip.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
• Electrical Data
Ordering Power Output Current Motor Ordering number
Model Mains supply
number (kW) (A) (kW) (Without LCP)
30012100 HLPNVOD1821A l x200•240V 50/60Hz 0.18 1.2 0.18 30012150
30012102 HLPNV003721 A 1X200•240V 50/60Hz 0.37 2.2 0.37 30012152
30012103 HLPNV007521 A 1X200•240V 50/60Hz 0.75 4.2 0.75 30012153
30012104 HLPNV010521 A 1X200•240V 50/60Hz 1.5 6.8 1.5 30012154
30012105 HLPNV020221 A 1X200•240V 50/60Hz 2.2 9.6 2.2 30012155
30012301 HLPNV002523A 3X200•240V 50/60Hz 0.25 1.5 0.25 30012351
30012302 HLPNV003723A 3X200•240V 50/60Hz 0.37 2.2 0.37 30012352
30012303 HLPNVOD7523A 3X200•240V 50/60Hz 0.75 4.2 0.75 30012353
30012304 HLPNVO 1D523A 3X200•240V 50/60Hz 1.5 6.8 1.5 30012354
30012305 HLPNV02D223A 3X200•240V 50/60Hz 2.2 9.6 2.2 30012355
30012307 HLPNV03D723A 3X200•240V 50/60Hz 3.7 15.2 3.7 30012357
30014302 HLPNVOD3743A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 0.37 1.2 0.37 30014352
30014303 HLPNVOD7543A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 0.75 2.2 0.75 30014353
30014304 HLPNV01 0543A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 1.5 3.7 1.5 30014354
30014305 HLPNV020243A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 2.2 5.3 2.2 30014355
30014306 HLPNV030043A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 3.0 7.2 3.0 30014356
30014308 HLPNV040043A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 4.0 9.0 4.0 30014358
30014309 HLPNV050543A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 5.5 12 5.5 30014359
30014310 HLPNV070543A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 7.5 15.5 7.5 30014360
30014311 HLPNV001143A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 11 23.0 11 30014361
30014312 HLPNV001543A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 15 31.0 15 30014362
30014313 HLPNV18D543A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 18.5 37.0 18.5 30014363
30014314 HLPNV002243A 3X380•480V 50/60Hz 22 43 .0 22 30014364
Note: User can order the converter with LCP or Without LCP as required.
• Mechanical dimensions
Model A B c D I': FIG Mechanical dimensions (Unit: mm)
-.. - F
HLPNVOD3721A • ·- - ""' •
56 70 151 160 150 <D4.5 I
.; ~·-
I -
Iii I
HLPNV010521 A
HLPNV01 0543A
61 75 178 186 170 <D4.5 [,'Au.
• 1!1111!1• , ......
HLPNV020243A I O .. - ,. - . . .
HLPNV03D043A 'j ·- •
- -
HLPNV03D723A 76 90 230 239 196 <D4.5
97 125 273 292 243 <D7
137 165 316 335 252 <D7 "
- .
HLPNV002243A "'
•15• www.holip.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
• Dimensions of LCP
Name Mechanical dimensions (Unit: mm)
Note: HLP•NV series converter has two kinds of LCP: with potentiometer and without potentiometer. The LCP without
potentiometer has Up, Down function directly by navigation keys.
Note: The mechanical dimensions of LCP with and without potentiometer are the same.
• Accessories
A dedicated mounting kit is available for mounting the local control panel in the cabinet. User can select length of the cable
according to the following form. Also, user can select mounting kit or just only the cable.which is used for remote communication
between LCP and the converter.
Ordering number (kit) The length of cable Ordering number (only cable) Length
300B0123 Im 30084070 lm
300B0124 2m 30084071 2m
300B0129 3m 30084072 3m
300B012S Sm 30084073 Sm
300B0126 7m 300B4074 7m
300B0127 lOm 3008407S lOm
300B0128 lSm 300B4076 lSm
Note: The mounting kit contains a, a metal plate, three screws for fixing metal plate, and four screws.
tl 6• www.holip.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
• DC reactor
DC reactor functionsby limiting the AC componenton it to VVVF
certain stipulated value; suppressing grid harmonics and p
improving thepo wer factor of frequency converter. Connecting -+----•.. DC reactor
method: Remove the P and Pl terminal jumper, and connect the Pl
DC reactor to them, as shown in the diagramon the right.
Where thepo wer capacity is greater than I00 OkVA or the
Note: Connecting point reserved on 37W HLP frequency
power grid's capacity is far larger than that of the frequency
converter;no connection is allowed for those below37 W.
converter, or in case where there are higher requirements for
improvingpo wer factors, it would be necessary to install a DC reactor. Tt will be used simultaneously with the AC reactor. Tt has a
significant impacton the reduction of high-order harmonics.
The following table lists the DC reactor parts for HLP-V series frequency converter. Tf installation is required, a user can order
from the distributor based on the part numbers and specifications.
Part No. Power (kW) Specifications Part No. Power(kW) Specfi cations
112300 11 0033 ETDH E2MO 112308 0180 UTDH
11230015 0033 ETDH E2MO 112310 0250 UTDH
11230118 .5 0040 ETDH EIM3 112310 0250 UTDH
11230222 0050 ETDH EIMI 112311 0340 UTDH
11230330 0065 ETDH EM80 112312 0460 UTDH
11230437 0078 ETDH EM70 112313 0650 UTDH
11230545 0095 ETDH EM54 112314 0800 UTDH
11230655 0115 ETDH EM45 112314 0800 UTDH
11230775 0160 UTDH EM36 112315 1000 UTDH
For other Ho hp frequency converter senes, please refer to the table's attendant DC reactor.
• AC input/output reactor
DC reactor can suppress high-order harmonics of the frequency
converter's input current and improve the input power factor of the _ _ _,,-- -'------+~~~"""',,.__.._!--l R
frequency converter. Tt also prevents surge impact. The connecting
_ _ __,- '----+--"""...._."\M.......- - I s
method is as shown in the diagram on the right.
Output reactor's main function is to compensate the impact of long- ---~.,.- '~-__,__.,.,.....,,"""vv-;----i T
line distributed capacitance. Tt can also suppress the output harmonic
current; raise output high frequency impedance as well as effectively DC reactor~ ················"'
suppress dv/dt, thus reducing high frequency leakage current and protecting the frequency converter and lowering
equipment noise.
U se of input Ac reactor is recommended in situations where the three-phase power sources is imbalanced or where the
same power source is connected to thyristor device or in the case of power factor compensating device with switching
The following table lists the AC input/ output reactor parts for HLP-V series frequency converter. Tf installation is
required, a user can order from the distributor based on the part numbers and specifications.
External Input Reactor External Input Reactor
Power (kW)
Part No. Specifications Part No. Specfications
11 112350 0030 ETSH EM60 I 12400 OCL 0030
15 112351 0040 ETSH EM42 I 1240 I OCL 0040
18.5 112352 0050 ETSH EM35 I 12402 OCL 0050
22 112353 0060 ETSH EM28 I 12403 OCL 0060
30 112354 0080 ETSC EMl9I124040CL 0080
37112355 0090 ETSC EMl9 112405 OCL 0090
45 112356 0120 ETSH EM 13 I 12406 OCL 0120
55 112357 0150 ETSH EMI I 112407 OCL 0150
75 112358 0200 ETSH EM08 I 12408 OCL 0200
90112359 0250 ETSH E65U I 12409 OCL 0250
110112359 0250 ETSH E65U I 12409 OCL 0250
132 112360 0290 ETSH E50U I 12410 OCL 0290
160 112361 0330 ETSH E50U 112411 OCL 0330
200 112362 0490 ETSH E35U I 12412 OCL 0490
250 112363 0530 ETSH E35U 112413 OCL 0530
315 112364 0660 ETSH E25U I 12414 OCL 0660
355 112365 0800 ETSH E25U 112415 OCL 0800
400 112367 1000 ETSH E14U I 124160CL 1000
For other Hohp frequency converter senes, please refer to the table or the Instruction Manual's attendant input/output DC reactor,
or inquire with the distributor.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
• Input/output filter
Filters are used to reduce harmonic components, and suppress interference signals from frequency converter which interfere with
thepo wer source and engine through the power line. To reduce electromagneticno ise and loss,ou tput filter may be installedon the
output side of the frequency converter. To reduce interference withpo wer source, input filter may be installed in the input side of the
frequency converter.
The following table lists the AC input/output filter for HLP-V series frequency converter. If installation is required, a user can
order from the distributor basedon the partnu mbers and specifications.
Power External input filter Externalou tput filter Power External input filter Externalou tput filter
{kW) Part No Specifications Part No Specificatio IE (kW) Part No Specificatio IE Part No Specificatio IE
11 110200 NFlt036 110250 NFOt036 90 110206 NFit200 110256 NFOt200
15 110200 NFlt036 110250 NFOt036 110 110207 NFit250 110257 NFOt250
18.5 110201 NFTt050 110251 NF0t050 132 110207 NFT•250 110257 NF0•250
22 110201 NFTt050 110251 NFOt050 160 110208 NFTt300 110258 NFOt300
30 110202 NFlt065 110252 NFOt065 200 110209 NF MOO 110259 NFOt400
37 110203 NFlt080 110253 NFOt080 250 110210 NFi.600 110260 NF0•600
45 110204 NFTtlOO 110254 NFOtlOO 315 110210 NFr.600 110260 NF0•600
55 110205 NFTt150 110255 NFOt150 355 110211 NFTt900 110261 NFOt900
75 110205 NFltl50 110255 NFOt150 400 110211 NFit900 110261 NF0t900
For other Holip frequency converter series, please refer to the table or the Instruction Manual's attendant input/output filter, or
inquire with the distributor.
The function of the brakingun it and braking resistor is to consume the motor's regenerative power and reduce speed-reduction
time. Please refer to the Instruction Manual for the configuration ofbrakingun it and braking resistor.
HLP-A, HLP-M, HLP-H, HLP-F and HLP-J series of frequency converter with similarpo wer factor is equipped with braking
resistor of similar specification, the user may refer to the following table.
Frequency spetifications for the braking resistor Braking Dedicated Frequency specifications for the braking resistor Braking Dedicated
Converter torque Motor Converter torque Motor
kW w n 10•1:i:::n vUI kW w n 10•1:i:::n kW
0.4 80 200 125 0.4 37 9600 16 125 37
0.75 100 200 125 0.75 45 9600 13.6 125 45
1.5 300 100 125 1.5 55 12000 20/2 125 55
2.2 300 70 125 2.2 75 18000 13.6/2 125 75
0.75 80 750 125 0.75 90 18000 20/3 125 90
1.5 300 400 125 1.5 110 18000 20/3 125 110
2.2 300 250 125 2.2 132 24000 20/4 125 132
3.7 400 150 125 3.7 160 36000 13.6/4 125 160
5.5 500 100 125 5.5 185 45000 13.6/5 125 185
7.5 1000 75 125 7.5 200 45000 13.6/5 125 200
11 1000 50 125 11 220 48000 13.6/5 125 220
15 1500 40 125 15 250 48000 13.6/5 125 250
18.5 4800 32 125 18.5 280 57600 13.6/6 125 280
22 4800 27.2 125 22 300 57600 13.6/6 125 300
30 6000 20 125 30 For machinery braking resistor of315kW and above please contact the manufacturer
Note: If frequency converter of I !kW and above were to achieve rapid braking, it would be necessary to install brakingun it
1. Please select the resistance value and usagefr equency set by the company;
2. Our company shall not be liable for any damage to thefr equency converter or other equipment where braking resistor and braking unit not
supplied by our company were used;
3. Installation of braking resistor should take into consideration the safety; inflammability; the distance from frequency converter should be
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.1 8• www.holip.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l t HOLIP®
HLP-NV and HLP-SV series of frequency converter with similar power factor is equipped with braking resistor of similar
specification, the user may refer to the following table.
Note: Please inquire with the manufacturer or distributor for specifications of braking resistor for frequency converter of other
power rating, or refer to the calculation formula ofHLP-VN S braking resistor.
R u
_ ______de_· _*100
_ _ _ _ __
REC - p *M *· *
motor hr(% ) fJ motor 1J HLPtV
Where: Ude is the turn-onvo ltage for braking (V); RREC is the resistance value of the braking resistor(?); Pmotor is the motor
power rating (kW); r]motor is the motor efficiency, which is usually 0.90; r]HLP-V is the frequency converter's efficiency, which is
usually 0.98, and Mbr is the braking torque(%).
In order to ensure that the frequency converter can undertake braking at160 % of maximum braking torque (Mbr), RREC can be
indicated as (unit: ? ):
Three-phase200 -240V: RREC =97 .009 1 PMOTOR
Three-phase380 -440V: RREC =377.621 / PMOTOR
The maximum power for braking resistor is (Unit: W):
Three-phase200 -240V: P = 3702 *t/(RREC * 120)
Three-phase380 -440V: P = 7302 *t/(RREC * 120)
Where t is the braking time, unit is s.
• Isolation transformer
Isolation transformerpo ssesses the input andou tput function of isolation frequency converter, and has certain
effect for lowering interference.
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Sales Department:+86 571 28891883, 28891071
Fax:+86 571 28891072
Address:C1 ,7Floor,Donghai Chuangyi Centre,N0.7 Tianmushan Road,Hangzhou,Zhejiang ,China