CredTrans 1st Exam Notes
CredTrans 1st Exam Notes
CredTrans 1st Exam Notes
Advocates for Truth vs. Bangko Sentral Monetary Board Chua vs. Timan
The CB-MB merely suspended the effectivity of the Usury The stipulated interest rates of 7% and 5% per month imposed
Law when it issued CB Circular No. 905 on respondents’ loans must be equitably reduced to 1% per
The lifting of the ceilings for interest rates does not authorize month or 12% per annum. We need not unsettle the principle
stipulations charging excessive, unconscionable, and iniquitous we had affirmed in a plethora of cases that stipulated interest
interest. It is settled that nothing in CB Circular No. 905 grants rates of 3% per month and higher are excessive, iniquitous,
lenders a carte blanche authority to raise interest rates to unconscionable and exorbitant. Such stipulations are void for
levels which will either enslave their borrowers or lead to a being contrary to morals, if not against the law.
hemorrhaging of their assets.
Spouses Abella vs. Spouses Abella
Thus, according to the Court, by lifting the interest ceiling, CB
Circular No. 905 merely upheld the parties’ freedom of contract Even if it can be shown that the parties have agreed to monthly
to agree freely on the rate of interest. It cited Article 1306 of the interest at the rate of 2.5%, this is unconscionable. The
New Civil Code, under which the contracting parties may willingness of the parties to enter into a relation involving an
establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as unconscionable interest rate is inconsequential to the validity of
they may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to the stipulated rate. The imposition of an unconscionable rate of
law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. interest on a money debt, even if knowingly and voluntarily
assumed, is immoral and unjust. It is tantamount to a
Nullity of usurious interest stipulation does not affect the repugnant spoliation and an iniquitous deprivation of property,
lender’s right to recover repulsive to the common sense of man.
Stipulations authorizing iniquitous or unconscionable interests
have been invariably struck down for being contrary to morals, The imposition of an unconscionable interest rate is void ab
if not against the law. Nonetheless, the nullity of the stipulation initio for being contrary to morals, and the law. The legal rate of
of usurious interest does not affect the lender’s right to recover interest is the presumptive reasonable compensation for
the principal of a loan, nor affect the other terms thereof. Thus, borrowed money. While parties are free to deviate from this,
in a usurious loan with mortgage, the right to foreclose the any deviation must be reasonable and fair. Thus, in cases
where stipulated interest is more than twice the prevailing legal The New Civil Code permits an agreement upon a penalty
rate of interest, it is for the creditor to prove that this rate is apart from the monetary interest. If the parties stipulate this
required by prevailing market conditions. Here, petitioners have kind of agreement, the penalty does not include the monetary
articulated no such justification. interest, and as such the two are different and distinct from
each other and may be demanded separately.
In sum, Article 1956 of the Civil Code, read in light of
established jurisprudence, prevents the application of any A stipulation about payment of an additional interest rate
interest rate other than that specifically provided for by the partakes of the nature of a penalty clause which is sanctioned
parties in their loan document or, in lieu of it, the legal rate. by law, more particularly under Article 2209 of the New Civil
Here, as the contracting parties failed to make a specific Code.
stipulation, the legal rate must apply.
The penalty charge of two percent (2%) per month in the case
Legal rate of interest at bar began to accrue from the time of default by the
petitioner. There is no doubt that the petitioner is liable for both
Legal interest is that which the law directs to be charged
the stipulated monetary interest and the stipulated penalty
absent any agreement as to the rate between the parties.
charge. The penalty charge is also called penalty or
compensatory interest.
Under BSP Circular No. 799, series of 2013, the rate of interest
for the loan or forbearance of money, goods, or credit, and the
rate allowed in judgments, absent any express contract as to
such rate of interest, is 6% per annum, effective July 1, 2013.
The 6% per annum interest rate under Article 2209 of the Civil
Rivera vs. Spouses Chua
Code is modified into 6% per annum or as may be fixed by
the Monetary Board of the BSP, pursuant to the Usury Law,
Corollary thereto, Article 2209 solidifies the consequence of
as amended. If the legal rate of interest is fixed by BSP, the
payment of interest as an indemnity for damages when the
same would still be applicable. (Lara’s Gifts and Decors vs.
obligor incurs in delay:
Midtown Industrial Sales, Inc.)
Art. 2209. If the obligation consists in the payment of a sum of
Federal Builders, Inc. Vs. Foundation Specialists, Inc.
money, and the debtor incurs in delay, the indemnity for
damages, there being no stipulation to the contrary, shall be
Forbearance of money
the payment of the interest agreed upon, and in the absence of
The term forbearance, within the context of usury law, has
stipulation, the legal interest, which is six percent per annum.
been described as a contractual obligation of a lender or
creditor to refrain, during a given period of time, from requiring
Article 2209 is specifically applicable in this instance where: (1)
the borrower or debtor to repay the loan or debt then due and
the obligation is for a sum of money; (2) the debtor, Rivera,
incurred in delay when he failed to pay on or before 31
December 1995; and (3) the Promissory Note provides for an
Forbearance of money, goods or credits, therefore, refers to
indemnity for damages upon default of Rivera which is the
arrangements other than loan agreements, where a person
payment of a 5%monthly interest from the date of default.
acquiesces to the temporary use of his money, goods or
credits pending the happening of certain events or fulfillment of
certain conditions. Compounded interest
Article 1959. Without prejudice to the provisions of article
Consequently, if those conditions are breached, said person is 2212, interest due and unpaid shall not earn interest.
entitled not only to the return of the principal amount paid, but However, the contracting parties may by stipulation
also to compensation for the use of his money which would be capitalize the interest due and unpaid, which as added
the same rate of legal interest applicable to a loan since the principal, shall earn new interest.
use or deprivation of funds therein is similar to a loan.
GR: Accrued interest (interest due and unpaid) shall not earn
In forbearance of money, there is a period of time for the use of interest.
money, allowing lender by creditor to use money for a certain
period of time. It is not a loan transaction, there is merely a XPN: When unpaid interest earns interest
period given by creditor to allow debtor to repay. 1. When judicially demanded. (Art. 2212); or
2. When there is an express stipulation made by the parties
Interest vs. Penalty to wit: that the interest due an unpaid shall be added to the
principal obligation and the resulting total amount shall
earn interest.
Antonio Tan vs. CA and CCP
Note: This practice is called compounding interest and it is
In the case at bar, the promissory note expressly provides for
allowed by the Usury Law if there is express stipulation.
the imposition of both interest and penalties in case of default
on the part of the petitioner in the payment of the subject
The parties may stipulate on the imposition of both interest
restructured loan. The stipulated fourteen percent (14%) per
and penalty in case of default on the part of the borrower.
annum interest charge until full payment of the loan constitutes
(Art. 1226) Under Article 1959, the compounding of not
the monetary interest on the note and is allowed under Article
only of the monetary interest but also of the penalty
1956 of the New Civil Code. On the other hand, the stipulated
charge, also called penalty or compensatory interest is
two percent (2%) per month penalty is in the form of penalty
charge which is separate and distinct from the monetary
interest on the principal of the loan.
Hence, the borrower may be held liable to pay the interest
on the total amount of principal, the monetary interest and
Characteristics of Deposit
1. Real contract – it is perfected by the delivery of the
the penalty interest.
subject matter like commodatum and mutuum;
In view of Article 1956, the stipulation as to compound
2. Unilateral or bilateral;
interest must be in writing.
Unilateral – when the deposit is gratuitous because
only the depositary has an obligation.
Solutio indebiti Bilateral – when the deposit is for compensation, the
Article 1960. If the borrower pays interest when there has juridical relation created becomes bilateral because it
been no stipulation therefor, the provisions of this Code gives rise to obligations on the part of both the
concerning solutio indebiti, or natural obligations, shall be depositary and depositor.
applied, as the case may be. 3. Nominate;
4. Principal;
Recovery of unstipulated interest paid 5. Informal;
- If unstipulated interest (not due) is paid by mistake, the 6. Gratuitous or onerous.
debtor may recover as this would be a case of solutio
indebiti or undue payment. GR: Contract of deposit generally gratuitous. (Art. 1965)
- But where the unstipulated interest, or interest stipulated, XPNs:
there being a stipulation but it is not in writing, is paid (1) Where there is contrary stipulation;
voluntarily because the debtor feels morally obliged to do (2) Where depositary engaged in business of storing goods
so, there can be no recovery as in the case of natural (ex: warehouseman for compensation and not out of pure
obligations. generosity);
(3) Where property saved from destruction without knowledge
of the owner – in involuntary deposit, where property is
Spouses Abella vs. Spouses Abella saved from destruction during a calamity by another
person without the knowledge of the owner, the latter is
Principle of solution inebiti bound to pay the former just compensation
The quasi-contract of solutio indebiti harks back to the ancient
principle that no one shall enrich himself unjustly at the Future deposit
expense of another. As respondents had already fully paid the Article 1963. An agreement to constitute a deposit is
principal and all conventional interest that had accrued, they binding, but the deposit itself is not perfected until the
were no longer obliged to make further payments. Any further delivery of the thing.
payment they made was only because of a mistaken
impression that they were still due. Accordingly, petitioners are Binding effect of agreement to deposit
now bound by a quasi-contractual obligation to return any and - A deposit is a real contract and is, therefore, perfected
all excess payments delivered by respondents. only upon delivery of the object of the contract. Where
there has been no delivery, there is merely an agreement
Requisites of solution indebiti to deposit which, however, is binding and enforceable
(1) A payment is made when there exists no binding relation upon the parties.
between the payor who has no duty to pay, and the person - Hence, a contract of future deposit is consensual. (Art.
who received the payment; and 1934.)
(2) The payment is made through mistake, and not through
liberality or some other cause. Creation of deposit
Article 1964. A deposit may be constituted judicially or
- A deposit may be created by virtue of a court order or by
Deposit defined law and not by the will of the parties.
Article 1962. A deposit is constituted from the moment a
person receives a thing belonging to another, with the
obligation of safely keeping it and of returning the same. If Kinds of deposit
the safekeeping of the thing delivered is not the principal 1. Judicial – one which takes place when an attachment or
purpose of the contract, there is no deposit but some other seizure of property in litigation is ordered.
contract. 2. Extrajudicial (Art. 1967)
a. Voluntary – one wherein the delivery is made by the
Safekeeping as principal purpose of deposit will of the depositor or by two or more persons each of
The principal purpose of the contract of deposit is the whom believes himself entitled to the thing deposited.
safekeeping of the thing delivered so that if safekeeping is only b. Necessary – one made in compliance with a legal
an accessory or secondary obligation of the recipient of the obligation, or on the occasion of any calamity, or by
thing, deposit is not constituted but some other contract like travelers in hotels and inns or by travelers with
lease, commodatum, or agency. common carriers.
- Article 1966 proceeds from the object of a deposit which is Where depositary capacitated and depositor incapacitated
safekeeping of a thing. The possibility that the thing may Article 1970. If a person having capacity to contract accepts
disappear or may be lost or stolen is not present in real a deposit made by one who is incapacitated, the former
property. shall be subject to all the obligations of a depositary, and
- Thus, the delivery of the keys of a house cannot be may be compelled to return the thing by the guardian, or
considered as a deposit of the same, and entrusting its administrator of the person who made the deposit, or by the
care and custody is, juridically, an agency. latter himself if he should acquire capacity.
- Article 1966 does not embrace incorporeal or intangible
property, such as rights and actions, for it follows the - The depositary must return the property to the legal
person of the owner, wherever he goes, and is not, by representative of the incapacitated or to the depositor
reason of its incorporeality, susceptible of custody in the himself if he should acquire capacity. (Art. 1986)
tangible sense that deposit is juridically understood.
- True it is that the deeds or documents in which those Where depositary incapacitated and depositor capacitated
rights are contained can be the object of deposit, but in Article 1971. If the deposit has been made by a capacitated
such a case, they are only the materialized and person with another who is not, the depositor shall only
representative expression of the rights. have an action to recover the thing deposited while it is still
in the possession of the depositary, or to compel the latter to
Voluntary deposit pay him the amount by which he may be enriched or
benefited himself with the thing or its price. However, if a
Article 1968. A voluntary deposit is that wherein the
third person who acquired the thing acted in bad faith, the
delivery is made by the will of the depositor. A deposit may
depositor may bring an action against him for its recovery.
also be made by two or more persons each of whom
believes himself entitled to the thing deposited with a third
- The incapacitated depositary (like a minor or an insane
person, who shall deliver it in a proper case to the one to
person) does not incur the obligation of a depositary.
whom it belongs.
- However, he is liable:
Voluntary and necessary deposits distinguished
(1) to return the thing deposited while still in his
Voluntary deposit – the depositor has complete freedom
possession; and
in choosing the depositary.
(2) to pay the depositor the amount by which he may
Necessary deposit – there is lack of free choice in the
have benefited himself with the thing or its price
subject to the right of any third person who acquired
the thing in good faith.
Depositor need not be owner of thing
- The depositary cannot demand that the depositor prove If depositary has already sold the thing:
his ownership of the thing deposited. (Art. 1984) Buyer in good faith – the depositor may bring an action
- What is required is the possessory right. If he has the right against the third person for recovery.
to possess the property, then he has the right to deposit it. Buyer in good faith – depositor can compel the
He does not have to be the owner of the property. incapacitated to return the price received for the thing or
- Thus, a carrier, commission agent, a lessee, etc. may the amount by which he may have benefited himself.
deposit goods temporarily in his possession considering
that the contract does not involve the transfer of
Irregular deposit
- If the thing deposited is money or other consumable thing,
the permission to use it will result in its consumption and
Form of contract of deposit converts the contract into a simple loan or mutuum.
Article 1969. A contract of deposit may be entered into - But if safekeeping is still the principal purpose of the
orally or in writing. contract, it is still a deposit but an irregular one; hence, it is
called an irregular deposit.
- The above article follows the general rule that contracts - Bank deposits are in the nature of irregular deposits but
shall be obligatory in whatever form they may have been they are really loans governed by the law on loans. (Art.
entered into provided all the essential requisites for their 1980)
validity are present. (Art. 1356) - The relationship is that of debtor-creditor, with the bank as
- Thus, except for the delivery of the thing, there are no debtor, and depositor as creditor.
formalities required for the existence of the contract.
Article 1980. Fixed, savings, and current deposits of money
in banks and similar institutions shall be governed by the
Capacity of the parties provisions concerning simple loan.
Who can enter in contract of deposit
Generally, since this is a contract, then those persons who can Coverage of Article 1980
give valid consent can enter into a deposit. - Time Deposits;
- Savings Deposits;
Parties who can give valid consent - Dollar investments.
Those at least 18 years of age and above without
disqualifications such as: Bank deposits
a. Insane/Deaf Mutes who cannot read or write – they Bank deposits are in the nature of irregular deposits but they
cannot give valid consent, thus they cannot enter into a are really loans governed by the law on loans.
valid contract of deposit. (Art. 1327)
Deposit substitutes IEB vs. CIR
- Alternative forms of obtaining funds from the public, other
than deposits. Deposits are subject to Documentary stamp tax (DST)
- The issuance, indorsement, acceptance of debt A passbook representing an interest earning deposit account
instruments for the borrower's own account, for the issued by a bank qualifies as certificate of deposit drawing
purpose of relending or purchasing of receivables, or interest. A document to be deemed a certificate of deposit
financing their own needs, are the needs of their agents or requires no specific form, as long as there is some written
dealer. memorandum that the bank accepted and the positive money
from a depositor. What is important in controlling is the nature
Irregular deposit distinguished from mutuum of the means conveyed by the passbook, and at the particular
Irregular deposit Mutuum label attached to it.
Demandability The consumable The lender is
of consumable thing deposited bound by the The FSD, like a time deposit, provides for a higher interest rate
thing may be demanded provisions of the when the deposit is not withdrawn within the required fixed
at will by the contract and period; otherwise, it earns interest pertaining to a regular
irregular depositor cannot seek savings deposit. Having a fixed term and the reduction of
for whose benefit restitution until the interest rates in case of pre-termination are essential features
the deposit has time for payment, of a time deposit.
been constituted. as provided in the
contract. To claim that time deposits evidenced by passbooks should not
Benefit The only benefit is The essential be subject to DST is a clear evasion of the rule on equality and
that which accrues cause for the uniformity in taxation that requires the imposition of DST on
to the depositor. transaction is the documents evidencing transactions of the same kind, in this
necessity of the particular case, on all certificates of deposits drawing interest.
borrower. A loan
with a stipulation
to pay interest is
for the benefit of
both parties.
Preference The depositor in an Common
over other has preference creditors enjoy no CIR vs. Traders Royal Bank
creditors over other creditors preference in the
with respect to the distribution of the No proof presented of existence of trust indenture
thing deposited. debtor’s property. agreements
TRB the protested the assessments of the BIR, claiming that
the Special Savings Deposit being savings deposit accounts
Guingona vs. City Fiscal of Manila
are not subject to DST and the Trust Indenture Agreements are
not subject to DST because the relationship established
Bank deposit
between parties was one of Trustor-Trustee, not Debtor-
Bank deposits are in the nature of irregular deposits. They are
really loans, because they have interest. Current and saving
deposits are loans to the bank because it can use the same.
Surprisingly, not a single copy of a Trust Indenture Agreement
Hence, the relationship between NLSA and David is that of
and/or the Certificate of Participation (issued to the client as
creditor and debtor; consequently, the ownership of the amount
evidence of the trust) could be found in the records of the case.
deposited was transmitted to the Bank upon the perfection of
the loan, and it can make use of the amount deposited for its
Therefore, it was still necessary for TRB to present the Trust
banking operations, such as to pay interest on deposits and to
Indenture Agreements to test the terms and conditions thereof
pay withdrawals.
against the standards set by Section X407 of the 1993 MORB.
Without the actual Trust Indenture Agreements, there would be
While the bank has the obligation to return the amount
no factual basis for concluding that the same were trusts under
deposited, it has no obligation to return or deliver the same
Section X407 of the 1993 MORB.
money that was deposited. And the failure of the bank to return
the amount deposited will not constitute estafa thru
The audit and investigation resulted in the issuance of
misappropriation but will only give rise to civil liability.
Assessment Notices against TRB for DST tax liabilities for
1996 and 1997, which were duly received by TRB. The tax
Time deposits, saving deposits, investments, dollar
assessments against TRB are presumed valid.
investments fall under the coverage of Art. 1980. So the
investment, a special account deposits with a special rate of
Sps. Panlilio vs. Citibank North America
interest above the legal rate, and all the other savings deposit
are considered as NOT strictly deposit. The relationship would
be one of debtor-creditor relationship, not one of depositor- Contract of agency
depositary by virtue of Art. 1980. All the documents signed by Amalia, including the DIMA and
Directional Letter, show that her agreement with respondent is
Nature of loan transaction one of agency, and not a trust.
There is transfer of ownership. The bank acquires title for the
thing. which is why the bank is able to lend it out to other The DIMA, Directional Letter, TIA and COIs, read together,
persons. When there is interest being paid for the use of the establish the agreement between the parties as an investment
money, then that is considered the nature of a loan transaction. management agreement, which created a principal-agent
relationship between petitioners as principals and respondent
as agent for investment purposes.
which was made so that both renters could have access to the
The agreement is not a trust or an ordinary bank deposit; box.
hence, no trustor-trustee-beneficiary or even borrower-lender
relationship existed between petitioners and respondent with Neither could Article 1975, also relied upon by the respondent
respect to the DIMA account. Respondent purchased the Long Court, be invoked as an argument against the deposit theory.
term commercial papers (LTCPs) only as agent of petitioners; Obviously, the first paragraph of such provision cannot apply to
thus, the latter assumed all obligations or inherent risks a depositary of certificates, bonds, securities or instruments
entailed by the transaction. which earn interest if such documents are kept in a rented
safety deposit box. It is clear that the depositary cannot open
The bank was considered an agent in this case, and there is no the box without the renter being present.
Loan Transaction (Debtor-Creditor Relationship), nor a Trust
(Trustor-Trustee). LTCPs are not covered by Art. 1980. the Relationship between parties in a rent of safety deposit
relationship is not Debtor-Creditor, but Principal-Agent. box is bailor and bailee
Where a safe-deposit company leases a safe deposit box or
Safety deposit box safe, with respect to the contents of the box, the relation of
Bailee and Bailor is created. The contract for the rent of the
Article 1975. The depositary holding certificates, bonds, safety deposit box is not an ordinary contract of lease as
securities or instruments which earn interest shall be bound defined in Article 1643 of the Civil Code. However, the same is
to collect the latter when it becomes due, and to take such not a contract of deposit that is to be strictly governed by the
steps as may be necessary in order that the securities may provisions in the Civil Code on deposit. It is governed by the
preserve their value and the rights corresponding to them law on obligations and contracts.
according to law.
The guard key of the box remained with Security Bank; without
The above provision shall not apply to contracts for the this key, neither of the renters could open the box. On the other
rent of safety deposit boxes. hand, the respondent Bank could not likewise open the box
without the renter's key. It is not correct to assert that the Bank
Rent of safety deposit box has neither the possession nor control of the contents of the
- The Contract entered into is denominated as a lease of box since in fact, the safety deposit box itself is located in its
safety deposit box. premises and is under its absolute control; moreover, the
- Their relationship is one of bailor and bailee. respondent Bank keeps the guard key to the said box. As
- The fact that the safe-deposit company does not know, stated earlier, renters cannot open their respective boxes
and that it is not expected that it shall know, the character unless the Bank cooperates by presenting and using this guard
or description of the property which is deposited in such key.
safe-deposit box or safe does not change that relation. Stipulation in a contract for the use of a safety deposit box
- That access to the contents of the safe-deposit box can be relieving the Bank of liability, void
had only by the use of a key retained by the lessee Under the General Banking Act, the limits are the duty to
(whether it is the sole key or one to be used in connection exercise reasonable diligence is imposed on the bank.
with one retained by the lessor) does not operate to alter Therefore, they cannot totally disclaim any liability on the loss
the foregoing rule. the contents of the safety deposit box.
- It is not an ordinary contract of lease of things but a
special kind of deposit and it is not to be strictly governed However, there is no liability on the part of security bank. There
by the provisions on deposit. was no showing or proof that the bank was guilty of fraud,
negligence, delay, or breach of contractual obligations. In the
Bank’s Liability in Safety Deposit Box first place, the bank was not aware that there was such an
Those who in the performance of their obligations are guilty of agreement between CA Agro and Sps. Pugao. That in order to
fraud, negligence, or delay, and those who in any manner open the box, both of the parties should be present.
contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages. (Art.
Obligations of the depositary
Article 1972. The depositary is obliged to keep the thing
CA Agro-Industrial Dev’t Corp. vs. CA & Security Bank
safely and to return it, when required, to the depositor, or
to his heirs and successors, or to the person who may have
Contract of rent of safety deposit box not an ordinary
been designated in the contract. His responsibility, with
contract of lease
regard to the safekeeping and the loss of the thing, shall be
We agree with the petitioner's contention that the contract for
governed by the provisions of Title I of this Book.
the rent of the safety deposit box is not an ordinary contract of
lease as defined in Article 1643 of the Civil Code. However,
We do not fully subscribe to its view that the same is a contract If the deposit is gratuitous, this fact shall be taken into
of deposit that is to be strictly governed by the provisions in the account in determining the degree of care that the
Civil Code on deposit; 19 the contract in the case at bar is a depositary must observe.
special kind of deposit.
I. To keep the thing
It cannot be characterized as an ordinary contract of lease
under Article 1643 because the full and absolute possession Diligence required
and control of the safety deposit box was not given to the joint GR: The degree of diligence is that of a good father of a family.
renters — the petitioner and the Pugaos. The guard key of the (Art. 1163)
box remained with the respondent Bank; without this key, XPN:
neither of the renters could open the box. On the other hand, 1. Stipulation by parties; or
the respondent Bank could not likewise open the box without 2. When deposit is with compensation, degree of care is
the renter's key. In this case, the said key had a duplicate higher.
Commingling When depositary justified to open
Article 1976. Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, a. There is presumed authority; or
the depositary may commingle grain or other articles of the b. Necessity.
same kind and quality, in which case the various depositors
shall own or have a proportionate interest in the mass. Refusal to keep
Article 1989. Unless the deposit is for a valuable
GR: The depositary is permitted to commingle grain or other consideration, the depositary who may have justifiable
articles of the same kind and quality. reasons for not keeping the thing deposited may, even
XPN: The depositary cannot commingle goods, even if they are before the time designated, return it to the depositor; and if
of the same kind and quality, if so stipulated. the latter should refuse to receive it, the depositary may
secure its consignation from the court.
Use by depositary
Article 1977. The depositary cannot make use of the thing Right of depositary to return thing deposited
deposited without the express permission of the depositor. Gratuitous deposit Onerous deposit
The depositary may return - Deposit with valuable
Otherwise, he shall be liable for damages. the thing deposited consideration.
notwithstanding that a - The depositary has no
period has been fixed for the right to return the thing
However, when the preservation of the thing deposited deposit if justifiable reasons deposited before the
requires its use, it must be used but only for that purpose. exist for its return. expiration of the time
designated even if he
GR: Depositary cannot use the thing. Deposit is for should suffer
safekeeping of the subject matter and not for its use. inconvenience as a
XPN: consequence.
1. Depositor expressly gives permission. - He is bound by the
2. When the preservation of the thing deposited requires its period and restitution
use. before its expiration
constitutes a breach of
Closed and sealed things his obligation.
Article 1981. When the thing deposited is delivered closed
and sealed, the depositary must return it in the same
condition, and he shall be liable for damages should the
seal or lock be broken through his fault.
Fault on the part of the depositary is presumed, unless there
is proof to the contrary.
As regards the value of the thing deposited, the statement of II. To return the thing
the depositor shall be accepted, when the forcible opening
is imputable to the depositary, should there be no proof to Article 1983. The thing deposited shall be returned with all
the contrary. However, the courts may pass upon the its products, accessories and accessions.
credibility of the depositor with respect to the value claimed
by him. Should the deposit consist of money, the provisions relative
to agents in article 1896 shall be applied to the depositary.
When the seal or lock is broken, with or without the
depositary's fault, he shall keep the secret of the deposit. What to return
1. Thing deposited;
Where thing deposited delivered closed and sealed, 2. Products;
depositary has the obligation to: 3. Accessories; and
1. Return the thing deposited when delivered closed and 4. Accessions.
sealed, in the same condition.
2. Pay for damages should the seal or lock be broken XPN:
through his fault which is presumed unless proved 1. Commingling – unless there is a stipulation to the
otherwise. contrary, the depositary may commingle grain or other
3. Keep the secret of the deposit when the seal or lock is articles of the same kind and quality, in which case the
broken, with or without his fault. various depositors shall own or have a proportionate
interest in the mass. (Art. 1976)
- The courts may pass upon the credibility of the depositor 2. Force majeure or government order – if the depositary
with respect to the value of the thing deposited. The by force majeure or government order loses the thing and
statement of the depositor is prima facie evidence only. receives money or another thing in its place, he shall
This is necessary in view of the natural tendency to deliver the sum or other thing to the depositor. (Art. 1990)
exaggerate values. 3. Sale in good faith by depositary’s heir – when the
depositor's heir who in good faith may have sold the thing
Article 1982. When it becomes necessary to open a locked which he did not know was deposited, shall only be bound
box or receptacle, the depositary is presumed authorized to to return the price he may have received or to assign his
do so, if the key has been delivered to him; or when the right of action against the buyer in case the price has not
instructions of the depositor as regards the deposit cannot been paid him. (Art. 1991)
be executed without opening the box or receptacle.
4. Thing deteriorates without fault of the debtor – the only be authorized in case of conflicting claims to consign
impairment is to be borne by the creditor. (Art. 1189) the thing in court through an action of interpleader.
If no place has been designated for the return, it shall be Depositary’s heir
made where the thing deposited may be, even if it should - Article 1991 envisions a situation where the depositary
not be the same place where the deposit was made, dies and the object of the deposit is left with his heir who,
provided that there was no malice on the part of the in good faith, sells it.
depositary. - The obligation of the heir is limited to the return of the
price received or to assign the right to collect the same if it
has not been paid.
The thing must be returned at the:
GR: Place agreed upon/stipulated by the parties. - If the purchaser who acquired the thing acted in bad faith,
the depositor may bring an action against him for its
XPN: In the absence of stipulation, at the place where the thing
deposited, provided the transfer was accomplished without recovery.
malice on the part of the depositary.
Obligations of the depositor
To whom to return
1. Depositor; I. To reimburse expenses and losses
2. His heirs and successors; or
3. To the person who may have been designated in the Expenses for preservation
contract. (Art. 1972) Gratuitous deposit Onerous deposit
- Depositor is obliged to - Borne by the depositary
If the depositor was incapacitated at the time of reimburse the because they are
making the deposit – returned to his guardian or depositary. (Art. 1992) deemed included in the
administrator or the person who made the deposit or to the - The depositor would compensation.
depositor himself should he acquire capacity. (Art. 1970) have incurred them just XPN: Contrary stipulation.
the same had the thing
Depositor he subsequently loses his capacity during remained with him.
the deposit – returned to his legal representative. (Art.
1986) Losses incurred due to character of thing deposited
GR: The depositary must be reimbursed for loss suffered by
him because of the character of the thing deposited.
Humility and
Perseverance ⚖️