Regtech: Regulation
Regtech: Regulation
Regtech: Regulation
a law, rule, or other order prescribed by authority, esp. to regulate conduct
a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority
an official rule or law
Financial technology, or FinTech, refers to the use of technology to deliver financial solutions.
“technology enabled financial solutions
Created to modify and automate financial transaction for business and customers.
FinTech Evolution
FinTech 1.0 - the period that stretches from the laying of the transatlantic telegraph cable to
the development of the global telex network and which captures longstanding interactions
between technology and finance.
FinTech 2.0 – the pre-GFC period underpinned by the digitization of traditional
financialservices, beginning with the first ATM and culminating in e-banking.
FinTech 3.0 – the era post the GFC, characterized by the rapidity of technological development
and the proliferation of startups and IT firms providing financial services
FinTech 1.0: Infrastructure:
The first era of modern Fintech involved building the underlying infrastructure that supports tod
ay's global financial markets.
FinTech 2.0:Banks
The second era of modern Fintech involved the shift from analog to
digital, digitization of the financial system
Full digitalization of internal processes, interactions with outsiders and retail customers
FinTech 3.0: Startups
The third era of modern Fintech, Fintech 3.0, involved dramatic increase in FinTech start-ups.
High levels of smartphone penetration and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
FinTech 3.5: Emerging Markets
Expansion in digital banking around the globe, increasing number of new entrants and their last
mover advantages.
Strong FinTech development supported by deliberate government policy choices in pursuit
of economic development
FinTech 4.0: Disruptive technologies
The increasing number of unicorns (privately held startup businesses with a value of over $1
billion) (ZIGURAT)
A contraction of the terms regulatory and technology, describes the use of technology,
particularly information technology (IT), in the context ofregulatory monitoring,reporting, and
On the verge of moving from being based on “know your customer” (KYC) principles to a “know
your data” (KYD) approach.
RegTech 1.0:
When financial institutions began introducing new technologies to monitor and analyse risks of
specific regulations or processes.
Embedded in major financial institutions, ultimately proving to be among the greatest risks
underlying the GFC
RegTech 2.0:
Big data
Cybersecurity represents one of the most pressing issues facing the financial services
Macroprudential policy
promising ground for the evolution of RegTech
The shift toward a data-based industry is: inevitably accompanied by a rising threat of theft and fraud.
Large volumes of reported data to identify patterns, interconnections, and changes over time.
RegTech 3.0:
NOT technological limitations but, rather, the ability of regulators to process the large volumes
of data that the technology itself generates.
RegTech 4.0:
Predictive analytics — advanced analytics, cognitive computing, the cloud, artificial intelligence
and machine learning.
Organizations are beginning to leverage artificial intelligence for:
Risk identification
Compliance intelligence
Identity management
Background screening (Safe Systems).
The three Cs:
1. Compliance
2. Cost
3. Complexity
Reinvention ? IP organization
Sandboxes are virtual environments used to ? test and examine the impacts of innovative new
processes or technologiesin isolation.
The FCA’s ( Financial Conduct Authority) sandbox has three core objectives:
In the wake of increased compliance burdens, regulators will need to work with FinTech and RegTech
players to:
(4) enhance data sharing among regulators and transform the way in which such data are used
control costs and risks more effectively, liberate surplus regulatory capital, and present
new opportunities for FinTech start-ups, advisory firms, and tech companies
RegTech allows the development of continuous-monitoring tools to identify problems as
they develop and reduce the time it takes to investigate compliance breaches
Key technologies:
What is RPA?
Robotic Process Automation is the technology that allowsto configure computer software, or a
“robot” to emulate and integrate the actions of a human interacting within digital systems to
execute a business process.
RPA robots utilize the user interface to? capture data and manipulate applications just like humans do.
• Attended robots act like a personal assistant residing on the user’s computer to take a series of user-
triggered actionsto complete simple, repetitive tasksto streamline a workflow.
• Unattended robots require very little – in some cases, non–human intervention to intensive data
processing and data management capabilities needed to complete back-office functions at scale
• Hybrid robots are a combination of attended and unattended robots that provide user support
involve handling a wide variety of documents with unstructured data and using a complex web
of disparate legacy systems. As a result, they are costly, slow, inaccurate, and highly manual.
Why it is important?
Negative news can indicate a potentialrisk of financial crimes.
As regulations become tighter and banks are underscrutiny for AML compliance,
negative news search has become one of the key functions required by regulators.
Identity and biometrics: There are three possible ways of proving one's identity:
1. Using something you have. This method is relatively easy to do, whether by
using the key to one's vehicle, a document, a card, or a badge.
2. Utilizing something you know, a name, a secret, or a password.
3. Through what you are, your fingerprint, your hand, your face.
Biometrics is? the mostsuitable means of identifying and authenticating individuals in a reliable and fast
way through unique biological characteristics.
•Fingerprint recognition •Finger or palm veins •Facial recognition •Voice recognition •Iris scan
BNP Paribas is: rolling out a Visa card that can store fingerprint information.
A distributed ledger: is a type of database that is shared, replicated, and synchronized among the
members of a decentralized network.
- ensures that the shared ledgers are exact copies, and lowers the risk of fraudulent transactions,
because tampering would have to occur across many places at exactly the same time.
Cryptographic hashes:
- such as the SHA256 computational algorithm, ensure that any alteration to transaction input —
even the most minuscule change — results in a different hash value being computed, which
indicates potentially compromised transaction input.
Digital signatures:
- ensure that transactions originated from senders (signed with private keys) and not imposters.
SHA-256 is:
used in some of the most popular authentication and encryption protocols, including SSL, TLS,
IPsec, SSH, and PGP.
SHA-256 is one of the most secure hashing functions.
The US government requires its agencies to protect certain sensitive information using SHA-256.
The rapid evolution of FinTech demands a similar evolution of RegTech.
RegTech, a contraction of the terms regulatory and technology, describes the use of technology, partic
ularly information technology (IT), in the context of regulatory monitoring, reporting, and compliance.
Minimize risks related to data breaches, cyber hacks, money laundering, and other fraudulent
Comply with regulations efficiently and less expensively (Investopedia)
RegTech companies
collaborate with financial institutions and regulatory bodies using cloud computing and big data
to share information.
Combine complex information from a bank with data from previous regulatory failures to
predict potential risk areas that the bank should focus on.
save the bank time and money by applying analytics tools needed for these banks to successfully
comply with the regulatory body
Acadia Soft: is one of the earliest software providers working on continuous monitoring.
Machine learning is an application of AI. It’s the process of using mathematical models of data to help a
computer learn without direct instruction
Artificial intelligence is the capability of a computer system to mimic human cognitive functions such
as learning and problem-solving. Through AI, a computer system uses math and logic to simulate the
reasoning that people use to learn from new information and make decisions.
Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to pr
oduce human- like text.