Beginners Guide Excel
Beginners Guide Excel
Beginners Guide Excel
Keyboard Navigation
Key Ready Enter Edit Point
Enter Move Down Accept changes and move down
Shift‐Enter Move Up Accept changes and move up
Tab Move Right Accept changes and move right
Shift‐Tab Move Left Accept changes and move Left
The images of Excel in this packet were copied from a wide screen monitor. With the wide screen the
ribbon is stretched across the window and I can see all the buttons. If you are working on a narrower
window, Excel will try to clump the groups together and the layout may look a little different than the
ones shown here, but all the buttons will be there.
Here we can see how the font group is now three buttons high, and how some of the buttons like Cut
and Copy have lost their text labels.
Cut, Copy and Paste are clipboard features built into Windows. The clipboard is a temporary storage
place for pictures and data. The Windows clipboard can only store one item at a time. Microsoft Office
has a Multi‐Clipboard that can store 24 items, but the Paste button and the shortcuts for the Paste
option only correspond to the most recently copied item. The clipboard pane must be displayed to be
able to use this feature.
Cut – Copies selection to the clipboard. If the selection is text or an image, it will
disappear. If it’s a cell, Excel waits until you paste it to delete the original cell.
Copy – Copies selection to the clipboard.
Paste – Retrieves most recent text/object on the clipboard.
Formatting Cells
The most formatting options are found on the Home Tab. All the options can be found in the Format
Cells window. This contains several tabs to help us format the contents of our spreadsheet. This window
can be opened by using the More Options button at the end of the Format, Alignment and Number
groups. You can also use the Keyboard Shortcut – Ctrl‐1 or choose Format Cells… from the right‐click
shortcut menu.
Font 1 2 3 4
1. Font – Sets the font of the selected cell(s). Fonts are
different ways to show the same letters.
2. Font Size – Sets the size of the letters (the font). Larger
numbers give larger fonts.
3. Increase Font – Increases the font size
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4. Decrease Font – Decreases the font size
5. Bold – Makes the selected cell(s) Bold
6. Italic – Makes the selected cell(s) Italicized
7. Underline – Makes the selected cell(s) Underlined. The drop down has a double underline.
8. Borders – Adds and removes borders for the selected cell(s). The drop down has More Borders…
9. Fill Color – Changes the background color of the selected cell(s).
10. Font Color – Changes the color of the font of the selected cell(s).
11. More Options – This button will open the Format Cells dialog window.
Alignment 1 2 3 4 5
1. Top Align – Vertically aligns to the top of the cell.
2. Middle Align – Vertically aligns to middle of the cell.
3. Bottom Align – Vertically aligns to the bottom of
the cell.
4. Orientation – Rotates the contents of the cell to 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the currently displayed option.
5. Wrap Text – Displays contents on multiple lines within the cell's column width.
6. Align Text Left – Horizontally aligns the contents to the left side of the column.
7. Center – Horizontally aligns the contents to the center of the cell.
8. Align Text Right – Horizontally aligns the contents to the right side of the cell.
9. Decrease Indent – Decreases the space between the text and the cell border
10. Increase Indent – Increases the space between the text and the cell border
11. Merge and Center – Joins selected (adjacent) cells into one cell and centers the result. If there is
data in more than one cell, Excel will only keep the information from the upper left cell.
12. More Options – This button will open the Format Cells dialog window to the Alignment Tab.
Number 1
1. Number Format – Allows you to change the way numeric values are
displayed on the spreadsheet. The drop down arrow gives you a list of
the most common formats, including a More Number Formats option.
2. Currency Style – Sets the selected cell(s) to the Currency Style, this
style keeps the dollar signs on the left side of the cell, and the 2 3 4 5 67
number on the right side. The drop down arrow gives you a list of
other currency formats, such as the Euro (€).
3. Percent Style – Sets the selected cell(s) to the Percent Style, this style has zero decimal places.
Keyboard shortcut ‐ Ctrl‐Shift‐%. This button can be reset through Cell Styles on the Home Tab.
4. Comma Style – Sets the selected cell(s) to the Comma Style, this style has a comma for every
thousand and two decimal places. This button can be reset through
5. Increase Decimal – Increases the number of decimal places showing to the right of the decimal.
6. Decrease Decimal – Decreases the number of decimal places showing to the right of the decimal.
7. More Options – This button will open the Format Cells dialog window to the Number Tab.
Cells Structures
There are a set number of cells within a Microsoft Excel worksheet. In the Ribbon versions (2007 and
later) there are 16,384 columns and 1,048,576 rows. As you insert and delete structures, you are not
reducing the number of cells, merely shifting where your data lies on the defined worksheet. Think
about moving a painting around on a wall. You're not changing the wall, just the position of the painting.
We use Insert to make new cells, columns, and rows.
Excel determines what you are trying to insert based on your selection. If a full column is selected, Excel
will assume you mean a full column and it will skip the Insert window.
You can insert a cell, row, or column by doing one of the
Press Shift ‐ Ctrl ‐ = on the keyboard (ctrl plus)
or from the Home tab, in the Cells group, choose Insert
or open the Right‐click menu and choose insert.
− The size and format of the new space is determined by the previous row or column.
− This will push the existing cells, columns, or rows to the right or down to make room for the new cells.
We use Delete to remove cells, columns, and rows. Excel
determines what you are trying to delete based on your
selection. You can delete a cell, row, or column by doing one of
the following:
Press Shift ‐ Ctrl ‐ ‐ on the keyboard (Ctrl Minus)
or from the Home tab, in the Cells group, choose Delete
or open the Right‐click menu and choose insert.
− To delete multiple at once, select the number of cells/rows/columns you would like to delete and
follow the steps above.
− This will completely remove the structure, formatting and all, and the rows/columns/cells will shift
into this place. If you only intended to delete the contents not the cells, undo and use the Clear
Contents option instead.
To resize the row, place your mouse cursor between the lines of the row
headings. The current row heading is in a box; all you need to do is resize
the box to make it wider. Put your mouse along the bottom side of the
heading box until you see the resizing arrow pointing in two directions.
Click and drag away from the row number. When you let go of the
mouse, the row will resize.
You can use the option found on the Format menu, or place your mouse
cursor between the headings, with the two‐way arrow to help resize, and
double‐click. The row or column should AutoFit to the largest data length
within its structure.
− To resize multiple at once, select the cells you would like to fit and follow the steps above.
If you are using double‐click to auto‐fit, the entire column/row structures must be selected.
Fill Handle
The Fill Handle is in the bottom right corner of the selected cell. When
you place your mouse over this handle, it changes from a thick white
cross, to a thin black cross. Once you see the thin cross (no arrows) you
can click and drag the cell to fill its contents in a single direction (up,
down, left or right). If you want to go in two directions, you must first
complete one way, let go of the mouse and then drag the handle in the
second direction.
When you use the Fill Handle to pull down a single number or plain text, it will copy the data. When you
use the Fill Handle to pull down a text with numbers, a date, a month or a weekday it will fill in a series.
When you select two or more numbers (including dates) and then use the Fill Handle, Excel will fill in the
series, following the original pattern of the selected cells. It can only follow simple addition and
subtraction patterns.
Building an Equation
You can directly type in values, but that data stays constant. If you want to have the answers to your
equations update as you change your data, you should use the cell addresses. You will see the cell
addresses change colors so you can tell which ones are used in your equation.
Type in the exact cell address
Cells are labeled by their row and column headings. Rows are numbered and go horizontally across
(rows of chairs) and columns are lettered and go vertically top to bottom (columns of a building). When
we refer to the address of a cell, we use the column letter then the row number such as A1.
- Click in the cell where the answer will appear
- Press the Equal sign (=)
- Type in the cell address you want to use in your equation
- Accept the answer or press the next math operator (+, ‐, *, /, ^)
1 1 2 =a1+b1
Use the mouse to point to the cell address
The mouse and arrow keys are both "pointers". If you press the equal sign and then use the mouse to
click on another cell, Excel will put you into a "POINT" mode, and place the address of the cell you
clicked on in your equation.
- Click in the cell where the answer will appear
- Press the Equal sign (=)
- Use the mouse to click on the cell you want to use in your equation
- Accept the answer or press the next math operator (+, ‐, *, /, ^)
1 1 2 =A1
Mathematical Operations
To let Excel know you expect it to "do math" you need start your cell with an equal sign (=).
‐ Addition, plus sign (+) = 5+2 result 7
‐ Subtraction, hyphen (‐) = 5‐2 result 3
(also used for negative) = ‐5 result ‐5
‐ Multiplication, asterisk (*) = 5*2 result 10
‐ Division, slash (/) = 5/2 result 2.5
‐ Exponent/Power, caret (^) = 5^2 result 25
We can build equations to do math on a large number of cells, but there are functions built into Excel
that can help us automate the most common ones: Sum, Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum. On the
far right of the Home tab you'll find the sigma ( ∑ ).
Exercise 1: Customers
Resizing Columns
1) Put your mouse on the line between any two Column
letters. It will turn into a 2‐way arrow.
a. Hold down the mouse button and drag to resize
b. Double‐click between the headings to "AutoFit"
2) Select the entire worksheet by clicking on the triangle above the Row 1, left of the Column A
a. Try to resize any Column; all the selected columns will change
b. Double‐click between the headings to have it "Auto fit"
1) Click on the Row Heading for Row 1 (click on the number 1) to select the entire row
• From the Home Tab, or right‐click menu, choose B for bold
2) Click on the Column Heading for Column G to select the entire Column
• From the Home Tab, choose $ for an accounting format
• Adjust the Column width again
3) Find a street name with a "fruit" address and use the Fill button (the bucket ) to shade it a
peach/orange color
• Change a few of them to match
4) Find a street name with a "vegetable" address and use the Fill bucket to shade a greenish color
• Change a few of them to match
Exercise 2: Quarter Total
Turn to the next worksheet at the bottom of the window, Quarter Total.
Fill Handle
1) If needed, Move to Cell A1
a. Hover your mouse over the bottom right corner
of the cell until it turns into a thin crosshair/plus
sign. This is called the Fill Handle.
b. Drag the Fill Handle down to the bottom of Row 5
c. Cells A1 through A5 now all say Quarter
d. UNDO!
2) Move to Cell A2
a. In Cell A2 type: 1st Qtr
b. Press Enter or the click the Check to accept
i. If needed, return to Cell A2
c. Drag the Fill Handle for Cell A2 to the bottom of Row 5
i. 1st Qtr, 2nd Qtr, 3rd Qtr, 4th Qtr
1) Select titles in Cells A1 and B1
a. Bold
b. Bottom Border
c. Center
1) Return to Cell A1 (Ctrl‐Home)
Exercise 3: Items by Quarter
Turn to the next worksheet at the bottom of the window, Items by Quarter.
Insert Rows
1) Select Row 1 and Row 2
• Click on the row heading 1 and drag to
row heading 2
Merged Title
1) In Cell A1 type: Quarterly Sales Report
2) Drag the fill handle for Cell B3 across to Cell E3 The Fill Handle is the small square in the
bottom right corner of a selected cell.
3) Center and Bold the new titles
3) Drag the Fill handle in Cell B8 to Cell E8 to fill in the "sum" pattern for each quarter
Exercise 4: Sales Report
Turn to the next worksheet at the bottom of the window, Sales Report.
1) Row 1 ‐> Bold
Total for each line item will be the Price times the Quantity.
1) Go to Cell D2
Grand Total
1) Move to Cell D5
Microsoft Excel
Understanding Workbooks .................................................................................................................................1
Navigating in a File .............................................................................................................................................2
Typing Text or Numbers Into A Worksheet ........................................................................................................3
Typing Simple Formulas In A Worksheet ...........................................................................................................4
Filling A Series ....................................................................................................................................................5
Inserting And Deleting Worksheets ....................................................................................................................6
Copying A Worksheet .........................................................................................................................................7
Renaming A Worksheet ......................................................................................................................................8
Moving or Copying A Sheet To Another Workbook ............................................................................................9
Changing Worksheet Tab Colours................................................................................................................... 10
Grouping Worksheets ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Freezing Rows And Columns .......................................................................................................................... 12
Selecting Ranges .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Selecting Rows ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Selecting Columns ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Understanding Formatting................................................................................................................................................. 16
Applying General Formatting ........................................................................................................................... 17
Changing Fonts ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Changing Font Size ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Understanding Borders .................................................................................................................................... 20
Applying A Border To A Range........................................................................................................................ 21
Wrapping And Merging Text ............................................................................................................................ 22
PRACTICE EXERCISE ........................................................................................................................................................................23
PRACTICE EXERCISE ........................................................................................................................................................................24
PRACTICE EXERCISE ........................................................................................................................................................................25
Understanding Functions .................................................................................................................................................. 26
Using The SUM Function To Add .................................................................................................................... 27
Calculating An Average ................................................................................................................................... 28
Finding A Minimum Value ................................................................................................................................ 29
Common Error Messages ................................................................................................................................ 30
PRACTICE EXERCISE ........................................................................................................................................................................31
Understanding Quick Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Quick Formatting ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Quick Charting ................................................................................................................................................. 34
Quick Totals ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
Quick Sparklines .............................................................................................................................................. 36
Quick Tables .................................................................................................................................................... 37
Practice Exercise ............................................................................................................................................. 38
Printing A Worksheet ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
In Microsoft Excel the data you enter, whether it sheets) that have been ruled into columns and
consists of numbers, text, or formulas, is stored rows. Before using Excel it is helpful to know what
in a file known as a workbook. Workbooks are the various parts and elements that make up a
just like huge electronic books with pages (or workbook are.
5 6
A worksheet (or page) in a workbook contains 16,384 columns that are labelled using letters of
the alphabet. The first column in a worksheet is labelled column A, while the last is labelled XFD
A worksheet (or page) in a workbook contains 1,048,576 rows that are labelled using numbers
from 1 to 1,048,576
Where a column and row intersect we get what is known as a cell. You enter your data into
these cells. Each cell in a worksheet can hold up to 32,767 characters – although it would be
unrealistic to ever push it this far. Cells are referred to by their column and row labels. For
example, in the screen above the cell we are pointing to is C11 – this reference is known as the
cell address and is most important as it is frequently used in commands and formulas
When you start typing something, you want it to appear somewhere in the worksheet. As a
consequence when the Status Bar shows Ready mode, at least one cell in the worksheet will be
highlighted – this is known as the active cell. In the screen above, the active cell is cell A1 –
notice that the column label and the row label also appears coloured to indicate the active cell.
You can have more than one active cell – when this occurs you have what is known as a range
A workbook (as you would expect) is made up of pages known as worksheets. You can have as
many sheets in a workbook as your computer resources can accommodate. As a default, a new
blank workbook normally has 3 worksheets labelled Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3. Of course
these labels are pretty boring and meaningless and can be changed to something more relevant
The Insert Worksheet button here will insert another worksheet into the current workbook
should you need it
F5 To a specific page
Appear at the right and on the bottom of the screen. You may click
Scroll bars
the scroll arrows, drag the scroll box or click the scroll bar to move
through the document.
For Your
Your Reference…
Reference… Handy
Handy to
to Know…
To save
enter atext:
new document: •• In
You thedon’t
to use we have or named the
to make
and selectcell
Save workbook Garden Department Sales and
1.1. Click
Click on
cellFile Tabon the
pointer desired andAs adjacent cells active. You can simply use the
mouse it inand
C:\Course Files
click in the forif Excel
cells 2010.
you want or
type the required information
2. Locate the storage folder in the Navigation Each time you start Excel it
even press the arrow keys to move up, will most likely
2. pane
Press , an arrow key or to assume
down, left, youorwant file your workbooks in a
3. Type a File
confirm thename and click
data entry and on [Save]the cell
to move folder called Documents which is associated
pointer to another cell with the user name you use on the computer.
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
file with this exercise...
A series refers to a sequence of ordered entries reducing the amount of time taken for data entry,
in adjacent cells, such as the days of the week or and ensuring that the spelling is correct. Excel
months of the year. The fill technique can be provides days and months as special built-in series
used to create these in a worksheet for you, that you can access.
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise
Click on cell A4
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise
E1324 Worksheet
Just as you can copy the contents of cells and have a budget workbook that contains data for
ranges within a worksheet, you can duplicate several departments, you can create a worksheet
worksheets within a workbook. This technique is for the first department and then copy it to create
ideal for replicating layouts. For example, if you identical worksheets for other departments.
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
Right-click on Sheet1 to
display the worksheet shortcut
Select Move or Copy to
display the Move or Copy
dialog box 2
Click on Create a copy so it
appears ticked, then click on
The new worksheet is named
Sheet1 (2). Let’s create a
“template” from this worksheet
by deleting unwanted data...
Select the range B7:E9, then
press to clear it
Repeat step 4 to clear the
ranges B14:E23, G7:J9 and 3
G14:J23, then press +
to return to cell A1
Now we can copy this
“template” to create additional
Repeat steps 1 to 3 three
times to create three copies of
the template worksheet – this
time without data
The final worksheet should be
named Sheet1 (5)
By default, Excel names worksheets as Sheet1, makes it much easier to understand the purpose of
Sheet2, Sheet3, etc. These names are fine if you a worksheet. You can also adjust the horizontal
are not planning to share the workbook, but scroll bar to make room for longer, more
changing these to something more relevant meaningful worksheet names.
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
Worksheet grouping enables you to make the example, if you want to format the heading for
same change at once to all selected worksheets. multiple worksheets, you simply group the
This feature is useful in situations where your worksheets, make a change to one worksheet and
worksheets have identical layouts or text. For the other worksheets will reflect the change also.
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
Same File
E1324 Worksheet
A contiguous range is any group of selected mouse, the keyboard or a combination of the two.
cells that form either a square or a rectangle. A Once selected, you can use the range for input, or
single cell that is selected is also considered to apply formatting, or copy the cells as required.
be a range. Ranges can be selected using the
If you want to make changes to an entire row, row header to the left of the row. Remember that
such as bolding all of the headings in a row or any changes you make will apply to every cell in
changing the font of all the cell entries, you must the row all the way across to column XFD, so be
first select the row. This is done by clicking on the careful!
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file
If you want to make changes to an entire clicking on the column header directly above the
column, such as bolding all of the headings in a column. Remember that any changes you make
column or changing the font of all the cell entries, will apply to every cell in the column all the way
you must first select the column. This is done by down to row 1,048,576!
Press + to make 3
cell A1 the active cell
Move the mouse pointer to the
column heading for column B
Notice that the mouse pointer
changes to a black arrow
pointing down the column…
Click once to select the column
This time the row headers
change to orange to indicate
that at least one cell (but not 4
all) in each row is selected…
Click in cell D6 and press
This key combination also
selects an entire column…
Click on the column header for
column B to select it
Hold down and click on the 6
column header for column D
This time, columns B, C, and D
are all selected…
Click in the column header for
column A, then hold down the
left mouse button and drag the
mouse pointer across the
column headings to column E
In Excel there are always two aspects to a screen it is formatted to appear as a number with a
number: how the number presents on the screen percentage sign, whereas the real value in the cell
(known as formatting) and the underlying value is .02.
of the number. Take 2% as an example – on the
With the formatting removed from the numbers the worksheet looks as follows:
Formatting can also be applied as you type. For example, if you type 30/9/2020 Excel will place the
number 44104 in the cell but will format this number as a date and show it as you typed it. There are also
a range of number formatting options on the ribbon that allow you to apply formatting to numbers after
they have been entered into a worksheet.
The appearance that you choose for your text is In Excel 2007, font just refers to the typeface or
referred to as the font or typeface. Font shape of the letters. Typical classic fonts include
traditionally refers to a combination of typeface, Times New Roman, Arial, Century Gothic and
style and size in points (e.g. Arial Bold 12 pt). Copperplate.
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
Borders are lines that are placed around the is that the lines can be used to group together data
edges of individual cells or ranges. The lines may or indicate totals, or to draw the user’s attention to
be thin, thick, solid, dashed, black or coloured, or critical cells that may need special data entry. Here
even double lines. The reason for using borders are some examples.
Border Variations
Borders can be applied to all four sides of a cell, or to individual sides of a cell. The following
examples show a cell without a border, with an outside border and a top and double bottom border.
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise
Click in cell A5
This cell contains a long text 3
entry that spills across several
Click on the Expand Formula
Bar tool to the right of the
formula bar to see all of the
Click on the Wrap Text
command in the
Alignment group on the
Home tab to wrap the text in
cell A5
Notice how the row height has 5
now increased…
Font Formatting
Before starting this exercise you MUST have completed all of the topics in
the chapter Font Formatting…
Cell Alignment
Tasks: Completed:
Before starting this exercise you MUST have completed all of the topics in
the chapter Cell Alignment…
Number Formatting
Tasks: Completed:
Before starting this exercise you MUST have completed all of the topics in
the chapter Number Formatting…
Imagine having to create a formula that time consuming to develop. This is the role of
calculated the monthly payments on a loan, or hundreds of arithmetic functions that have been
the average of over 100 cells – these would pre-programmed in Excel for you.
require complex or long formulas that would be
Functions Overview
Functions are simply pre-programmed formulas already provided for you in Excel which can perform
calculations covering a wide range of categories including statistics, date and time arithmetic, financial
calculations, lists, engineering, and more.
Just like normal formulas that you create, functions must start with an equal sign. The equal sign is
then followed by the name of the function (usually a descriptive name which indicates the purpose of
the function). Most functions also require additional information known as arguments which are
supplied to the function in brackets after the function name. Functions are therefore written as follows:
The arguments are quite often cell or range references that contain values that can be used in the
function. For example, the commonest function is the SUM function which, as its name suggests, is
used to sum or add values together. If you wanted to add all of the values in the cells from B10 to D15
you would write this function as:
As you can see this is much simpler than writing your own referential formula which would look like:
Imagine writing and proofing a formula where you had to add 200 cells!
Typing Functions
If you are familiar with the function that you need you can type it into a cell exactly the same way you
type any other formula. If you are not sure if Excel has a function or you can’t quite remember how it is
written you can use the Insert Function tool on the Formula Bar to assist you. When you click on
this tool the Insert Function dialog box will be presented to you which lists the most recently used or
common functions and also allows you to search for other functions that you might need.
The Insert Function dialog box will also type the function out for you and then provide you with a
further dialog box to guide you through the process of specifying the arguments that the function
needs to perform its calculation.
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise
The AVERAGE function allows you to average average function can be applied using the
the values in a range of cells. It is written in much Functions Wizard, a part of Excel that steps you
the same way as the SUM function, for example, through the process of creating a function or you
=AVERAGE(range of cells to average). The can type it in yourself if you are comfortable with it.
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file
This message means you are trying to divide a value by
zero – this is mathematically impossible. In the example
at the left we are trying to find the average number of
persons per household. All is fine as long as there is a
value greater than zero in cell B3 (Houses). As soon as
we change this to a zero an error message appears in
the formula cell (B5).
To prevent the error you will need to enter a value
greater than zero into cell B3, the divisor cell.
In this message Excel is advising that something in the
formula is not a value and therefore a calculation can’t be
A close examination of the example at the left shows cell
B3 contains the word “three”. Therefore the formula in
cell B5 is trying to divide 192,664 (in cell B2) with a word,
which doesn’t make sense.
To fix the error, a value (a number) will need to be
entered in cell B3.
This message appears when text is found in a
formula that can’t be matched to either a
legitimate function or range name.
In the example to the left, the formula has been
entered as =SOME(B3:B7) – there is no such
function as SOME, and presumably the author
should have typed =SUM(B3:B7).
Formulas And Functions
Tasks: Completed:
Before starting this exercise you MUST have completed all of the topics in
the chapter Formulas And Functions…
The first tab in the Quick Analysis gallery is colouring it or presenting it in a slightly different
FORMATTING. This tab provides access to the way. In the Quick Analysis gallery you can apply
conditional formatting tools of Excel. These are data bars, colour high and low values, values over
the tools that allow you to analyse data by or below a value, and more.
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this
Charts aren’t all that difficult to create in Excel, tools provide a way of seeing what the different
especially with the Recommended Charts charts will look like without having to first create the
feature. However, deciding what style and type of chart.
chart can be daunting. Fortunately the Charts
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the
Same File
The TOTALS tab in the Quick Analysis gallery operations (e.g. AVERAGE instead of SUM) or use
has some useful tools and options to help you the options to create the totals and calculations in
build your worksheet. You can use the options to the first place.
analyse data and perform alternate arithmetic
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this
Sparklines are mini charts that are embedded acceptance or understanding that Microsoft would
into a worksheet, usually immediately adjacent to like. So, you’ll now find them in the Quick Analysis
the data. Sparklines are only relatively new in tools where you can easily implement them without
Excel and probably haven’t gained the too much head scratching.
Point to Column to
display the trend as
columns rather than a
continuous line
Click on Column to add
Sparklines in column F
Notice that after the
Sparklines have been
created the SPARKLINE
TOOLS tab on the ribbon
is now available so that
you can further enhance
or modify the Sparklines
In computer terminology a table is created when does have columns and rows of continuous data.
data is organised into rows and columns. You’d But it must also have headings which provide filter
think then that a worksheet would be a table – buttons. Creating a table is not hard, but it is much
but it is not in the Excel definition. In Excel a table easier using Quick Tables.
The Quick Analysis Tools
Tasks: Completed:
Before starting this exercise you MUST have completed all of the topics in
the chapter The Quick Analysis Tools…
Open the workbook PE_Quick Analysis.xlsx (it can be found in the same
folder as the student files)
Use the Quick Analysis tools to apply a colour scale to the data in the
Use the Quick Analysis tools to create a chart for the Overheads data.
This chart should be a clustered column chart that has the column
headings as the x axis, and displays the legend at the bottom of the chart.
Make the chart title Cost of Overheads.
Reposition the chart below the data
Use the Quick Analysis tools to create Sparklines for the Qtr1 to Qtr4
and Total columns for Overheads
Your worksheet should appear as shown on the following page…
Use the Save As command to save the workbook as PE_Quick Analysis
Traditionally, printing means producing your over what and how much to print, as well as
document on paper, but in today’s Web and enabling you to select the printer to use. You can
online world it might mean printing to the Web or print one or multiple copies of a document, one or
to another file. Excel gives you a lot of control multiple pages and even collate copies.
For Your
Your Reference…
Reference… Handy to
Handy to Know…
To close
print aadocument:
workbook: •• You
If you
also your
print workbook
a document using the close
command, the workbook will be closed
without opening the Print dialog box. Click
1. Clickon
Tab and select Close without theonprompting
1. Click the arrow the Quickmessage
Access above.
2. Click on Print • Click
you toThis
a number
send one ofcopy of
the document open at thetosame
directly time. When you
the printer.
close a workbook when others are still open
one of the others will then appear.
Inserting Charts
The first step when creating a chart is to select the data from the worksheet that you want to chart. It is
important to remember that the selected range (which can be either contiguous or non-contiguous),
should include headings (e.g. names of months, countries, departments, etc). These become labels
on the chart. Secondly, the selected range should not (normally) include totals as these are inserted
automatically when a chart is created.
The second step is to create a chart using the INSERT tab on the ribbon. You can choose a
Recommended Chart where Excel analyses the selected data and suggests several possible chart
Alternatively you can create the chart yourself from scratch by choosing one of the Insert commands
in the Charts group. Charts that you create in Excel can be either embedded into a worksheet, or they
can exist on their own sheets, known as chart sheets.
Embedded Charts
Charts that appear within a
worksheet are known as
embedded charts. A chart is
really an object that sits on
top of the worksheet – unlike
numbers and letters, charts
are not actually placed into
worksheet cells.
Chart Sheets
If you want to keep your
chart separate from the data
you can move the chart to
its own sheet. Chart sheets
make it easier and more
convenient to work with your
chart because you’ll see
more of it on the screen –
since the data is not there!
A chart is far more effective at communicating communicate different types of information. Some
results, outcomes or trends than a table of figures charts show simple relationships between values,
displaying the same information. Different chart while others are designed for quite technical
types have been created to purposes. Here is a summary of the use of different
chart types.
There are two main ways to resize a chart if you These handles appear with dots in them. You can
are not satisfied with its current size. A chart that also resize a chart using commands in the Size
has been selected can be resized by dragging group on the CHART TOOLS: FORMAT tab that
one of the sizing handles around its border. appears when the chart is selected.
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the
Same File
It’s unlikely that a chart embedded in the on and dragging the border of the chart to the
worksheet by Excel will be exactly where you desired location. The chart obviously must be
would like it to be. You can easily relocate a chart selected before it can be dragged to a new
to a more appropriate position by clicking position.
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the
Same File
Try This Yourself:
Before starting this
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the
Same File
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the
Same File
If you no longer require a chart you can easily chart sheets you can delete the sheet by right
delete it. With embedded charts you must first clicking on the chart sheet tab and choosing the
select the chart in the worksheet and then press deletion option.
the key to delete the chart. With charts in
Try This Yourself:
Continue using the
Same File
Click on Sheet 2 to
see the chart in the
worksheet, then click
on the chart to select it
Press to delete
the chart
Creating Charts
Tasks: Completed:
Before starting this exercise you MUST have completed all of the topics in
the chapter Creating Charts…
Open the workbook called PE_Creating Charts.xlsx (it can be found in the
same folder as the student files)
Create a Clustered Column chart showing the sales of products for the
months of January through to June
Drag the chart down below the data and resize it so that it is the same
width as the data, keeping the proportions as far as possible
Change the chart type to 3-D Stacked Column and change the chart title
to Sales
The chart should appear as shown in sample A on the following page...
Create a Pie in 3-D chart of the products and their totals then place it on its
own chart sheet called Product Sales
◉ Change
Change the Chart Title to Product Sales
the layout to Layout 6
The chart should appear as shown in sample B on the following page...
Print the pie chart
◉ Use the Save As command to save the workbook as PE_Creating Charts
In this introductory course to Excel, participants will explore Excel activities that go beyond the basic. After
successful completion of this session, participants can expect to have the skills required to work efficiently
in an existing worksheet and to also create new worksheets from a template and from scratch.
Topics Include
Windows, OSX
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Table of Contents
1. Opening Excel .....................................................................................................................................................5
2. Getting Started ...................................................................................................................................................5
2.1. The Excel Interface ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1. The Application Window ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2. The Workbook Window .................................................................................................................... 15
2.2. Creating and Opening Workbooks ........................................................................................................... 22
2.2.1. Create a new blank workbook.......................................................................................................... 22
2.2.2. Open an existing workbook .............................................................................................................. 23
2.2.3. Compatibility mode...........................................................................................................................25
2.3. Saving and Sharing Workbooks ................................................................................................................. 27
2.3.1. Save and Save As ............................................................................................................................... 27
2.3.2. AutoRecover .................................................................................................................................... 28
2.3.3. Exporting workbooks ....................................................................................................................... 29
3. Cell Basics.......................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.1. Understanding Cells .................................................................................................................................. 31
3.2. Cell Content .............................................................................................................................................. 33
3.3. Find and Replace ....................................................................................................................................... 39
4. Formatting Cells ................................................................................................................................................ 41
4.1. Font Formatting ........................................................................................................................................42
4.2. Text Alignment ......................................................................................................................................... 44
4.3. Cell borders and fill colors ......................................................................................................................... 45
4.4. Cell styles .................................................................................................................................................. 47
4.5. Formatting text and numbers ................................................................................................................... 47
5. Modifying Columns, Rows and Cells ................................................................................................................ 49
5.1. Inserting, deleting, moving, and hiding rows and columns ....................................................................... 51
5.2. Wrapping text and merging cells .............................................................................................................. 55
6. Formulas and Functions .................................................................................................................................... 57
6.1. Simple Formulas........................................................................................................................................ 57
6.2. Complex Formulas ................................................................................................................................... 62
6.2.1. Relative and Absolute Cell References ..............................................................................................63
6.2.2. Relative cell references .....................................................................................................................63
6.2.3. Absolute cell references................................................................................................................... 66
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1. Opening Excel
Using Windows 7
Using Windows 8
2. Type Excel.
Using iOS 7
1. Click on Launchpad.
2. Getting Started
When you open Excel 2013 for the first time, the Excel Start Screen will appear. From here, you'll be able
to create a new workbook, choose a template, and access your recently edited workbooks.
1. From the Excel Start Screen, locate and select Blank workbook to access the Excel interface.
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2. On the General tab, under Start up options, uncheck the Show the Start screen when this
application starts box.
3. The next time you start Excel, it opens a blank workbook automatically similar to older versions of
After starting Excel, you will see two windows - one within the other. The outer window is the Application
Window and the inner window is the Workbook Window. When maximized, the Excel Workbook Window
blends in with the Application Window.
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Command Group
The Application Window provides the space for your worksheets and workbook elements such as charts.
The components of the Application Window are described below.
The Quick Access Toolbar lets you access common commands no matter which tab is selected.
By default, it includes the Save, Undo, and Repeat commands. You can add other commands depending
on your preference.
1. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Quick Access toolbar.
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2. Select the command you wish to add from the drop-down menu. To choose from more commands,
select More Commands.
❑ The Ribbon
Excel 2013 uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus. The Ribbon contains multiple tabs,
each with several groups of commands. You will use these tabs to perform the most common tasks in
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The Ribbon is designed to respond to your current task, but you can choose to minimize it if you find that
it takes up too much screen space.
1. Click the Ribbon Display Options arrow in the upper-right corner of the Ribbon.
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Auto-hide Ribbon: Auto-hide displays your workbook in full-screen mode and completely hides the
Ribbon. To show the Ribbon, click the Expand Ribbon command at the top of screen.
Show Tabs: This option hides all command groups when not in use, but tabs will remain visible. To
show the Ribbon, simply click a tab.
Show Tabs and Commands: This option maximizes the Ribbon. All of the tabs and commands will
be visible. This option is selected by default when you open Excel for the first time.
You can customize the Ribbon by creating your own tabs with whichever commands you want. Commands
are always housed within a group, and you can create as many groups as you want in order to keep your
tab organized. If you want, you can even add commands to any of the default tabs, as long as you create
a custom group in the tab.
1. Right-click the Ribbon and then select Customize the Ribbon... from the drop-down menu.
2. The Excel Options dialog box will appear. Locate and select New Tab.
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3. Make sure the New Group is selected, select a command, and then click Add. You can also drag
commands directly into a group.
4. When you are done adding commands, click OK. The commands will be added to the Ribbon.
commands and
click Add
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In the formula bar, you can enter or edit data, a formula, or a function that will appear in a specific cell.
In the image below, cell C1 is selected and 1984 is entered into the formula bar. Note how the data
appears in both the formula bar and in cell C1.
In the image below, cell B4 is selected. Note that cell B4 is where column B and row 4 intersect.
Click the File tab on the Ribbon. Backstage view will appear.
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Return to Excel
Info contains
information about the
current workbook. You
can also inspect the
workbook and set New: you can create a new, blank
protection controls. workbook, or choose from a large
selection of templates.
Open: you can open
recent workbooks, as
well as workbooks saved
Use Save and Save As to save
to your OneDrive or on
your workbook to your computer
your computer.
or to Office 365.
Excel 2013 has a variety of viewing options that change how your workbook is displayed. You can choose
to view any workbook in Normal view, Page Layout view, or Page Break view. These views can be useful
for various tasks, especially if you're planning to print the spreadsheet.
To change worksheet views, locate and select the desired worksheet view command in the bottom-right
corner of the Excel window.
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Page Layout
Normal View Page Break
❑ Zoom Control
To use the Zoom control, click and drag the slider. The number to the right of the slider reflects the zoom
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In Excel 2013, when you open up a new workbook it now contains only 1 worksheet There can be a max
of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns in an excel work sheet.
❑ The Worksheet
Excel files are called workbooks. Each workbook holds one or more worksheets (also known as
Whenever you create a new Excel workbook, it will contain one worksheet named Sheet1. A worksheet is
a grid of columns and rows where columns are designated by letters running across the top of the
worksheet and rows are designated by numbers running down the left side of the worksheet.
When working with a large amount of data, you can create multiple worksheets to help organize your
workbook and make it easier to find content. You can also group worksheets to quickly add information
to multiple worksheets at the same time.
To rename a worksheet
Whenever you create a new Excel workbook, it will contain one worksheet named Sheet1. You can rename
a worksheet to better reflect its content. In our example, we will create a training log organized by month.
1. Right-click the worksheet you wish to rename, then select Rename from the worksheet menu.
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3. Click anywhere outside of the worksheet, or press Enter on your keyboard. The worksheet will be
Click to add a
new worksheet
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TIP: To change the default number of worksheets, navigate to Backstage view, click Options, and
then choose the desired number of worksheets to include in each new workbook.
To delete a worksheet
1. Right-click the worksheet you wish to delete, then select Delete from the worksheet menu.
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Alternatively, from the Home Tab in the Cells Group click on Delete and select Delete Sheet.
Warning: The Undo button will not undo the deletion of a worksheet.
To copy a worksheet
If you need to duplicate the content of one worksheet to another, Excel allows you to copy an existing
1. Right-click the worksheet you want to copy, then select Move or Copy from the worksheet menu.
2. The Move or Copy dialog box will appear. Choose where the sheet will appear in the Before sheet:
field. In our example, we'll choose (move to end) to place the worksheet to the right of the existing
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4. The worksheet will be copied. It will have the same title as the original worksheet, as well as a
version number.
TIP: You can also copy a worksheet to an entirely different workbook. You can select any workbook
that is currently open from the To book: drop-down menu.
To move a worksheet
1. Select the worksheet you wish to move. The cursor will become a small worksheet icon .
2. Hold and drag the mouse until a small black arrow appears above the desired location.
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You can change a worksheet's color to help organize your worksheets and make your workbook easier to
1. Right-click the desired worksheet, and hover the mouse over Tab Color. The Color menu will
2. Select the desired color. A live preview of the new worksheet color will appear as you hover the
mouse over different options. In our example, we'll choose Red.
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The worksheet color is considerably less noticeable when the worksheet is selected. Select another
worksheet to see how the color will appear when the worksheet is not selected.
These buttons scroll the display of sheet tabs one at a time or to display the first and last grouping of sheet
tabs and are located to the left of the sheet tabs.
Scroll between
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Your spreadsheet may frequently have more data than you can see on the screen at once. Click, hold
and drag the vertical or horizontal scroll bar depending on what part of the page you want to see.
scroll bar
scroll bar
Excel files are called workbooks. Whenever you start a new project in Excel, you'll need to create a new
workbook. There are several ways to start working with a workbook in Excel 2013. You can choose to
create a new workbook—either with a blank workbook or a predesigned template—or open an existing
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In addition to creating new workbooks, you'll often need to open a workbook that was previously saved.
1. Navigate to Backstage view, then click Open.
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3. The Open dialog box will appear. Locate and select your workbook, then click Open.
TIP: If you've opened the desired workbook recently, you can browse your Recent Workbooks
rather than searching for the file.
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To pin a workbook
If you frequently work with the same workbook, you can pin it to Backstage view for quick access.
1. Navigate to Backstage view and then click Open. Your recently edited workbooks will appear.
2. Hover the mouse over the workbook you wish to pin. A pushpin icon will appear next to the
workbook. Click the pushpin icon.
3. The workbook will stay in Recent Workbooks. To unpin a workbook, simply click the pushpin icon
TIP: You can also pin folders to Backstage view for quick access. From Backstage view, click Open,
then locate the folder you wish to pin and click the pushpin icon.
Sometimes you may need to work with workbooks that were created in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel,
such as Excel 2003 or Excel 2000. When you open these kinds of workbooks, they will appear in
Compatibility mode.
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Compatibility mode disables certain features, so you'll only be able to access commands found in the
program that was used to create the workbook. For example, if you open a workbook created in Excel
2003, you can only use tabs and commands found in Excel 2003.
In order to exit Compatibility mode, you'll need to convert the workbook to the current version type.
However, if you're collaborating with others who only have access to an earlier version of Excel, it's best
to leave the workbook in Compatibility mode so the format will not change.
To convert a workbook
If you want access to all of the Excel 2013 features, you can convert the workbook to the 2013 file format.
Note that converting a file may cause some changes to the original layout of the workbook.
1. Click the File tab to access Backstage view.
2. Locate and select Convert command.
3. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the location where you wish to save the workbook,
enter a file name for the presentation, and click Save.
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Whenever you create a new workbook in Excel, you'll need to know how to save it in order to access and
edit it later. As with previous versions of Excel, you can save files locally to your computer. But unlike older
versions, Excel 2013 also lets you save a workbook to the cloud using OneDrive. You can also export and
share workbooks with others directly from Excel.
Excel offers two ways to save a file: Save and Save As. These options work in similar ways, with a few
important differences:
Save: When you create or edit a workbook, you'll use the Save command to save your changes.
You'll use this command most of the time. When you save a file, you'll only need to choose a file
name and location the first time. After that, you can just click the Save command to save it with
the same name and location.
Save As: You'll use this command to create a copy of a workbook while keeping the original. When
you use Save As, you'll need to choose a different name and/or location for the copied version.
To save a workbook
It's important to save your workbook whenever you start a new project or make changes to an existing
one. Saving early and often can prevent your work from being lost. You'll also need to pay close attention
to where you save the workbook so it will be easy to find later.
1. Locate and select the Save command on the Quick Access Toolbar.
2. If you're saving the file for the first time, the Save As pane will appear in Backstage view.
3. You'll then need to choose where to save the file and give it a file name. To save the workbook to
your computer, select Computer, then click Browse. Alternatively, you can click OneDrive to save
the file to your OneDrive.
4. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the location where you wish to save the workbook.
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6. The workbook will be saved. You can click the Save command again to save your changes as you
modify the workbook.
If you want to save a different version of a workbook while keeping the original, you can create a copy.
For example, if you have a file named "Sales Data" you could save it as "Sales Data 2" so you'll be able to
edit the new file and still refer back to the original version.
To do this, you'll click the Save As command in Backstage view. Just like when saving a file for the first
time, you'll need to choose where to save the file and give it a new file name.
2.3.2. AutoRecover
Excel automatically saves your workbooks to a temporary folder while you are working on them. If you
forget to save your changes, or if Excel crashes, you can restore the file using AutoRecover.
To use AutoRecover
1. Open Excel 2013. If auto-saved versions of a file are found, the Document Recovery pane will
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TIP: By default, Excel autosaves every 10 minutes. If you are editing a workbook for less than 10
minutes, Excel may not create an autosaved version.
If you don't see the file you need, you can browse all autosaved files from Backstage view. Just select the
File tab, click Manage Versions, and then choose Recover Unsaved Workbooks.
By default, Excel workbooks are saved in the .xlsx file type. However, there may be times when you need
to use another file type, such as a PDF or Excel 97-2003 workbook. It's easy to export your workbook from
Excel in a variety of file types.
To export a workbook as a PDF file
Exporting your workbook as an Adobe Acrobat document, commonly known as a PDF file, can be especially
useful if sharing a workbook with someone who does not have Excel. A PDF will make it possible for
recipients to view, but not edit, the content of your workbook.
1. Click the File tab to access Backstage view.
2. Click Export, then select Create PDF/XPS.
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3. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the location where you wish to export the workbook,
enter a file name, and then click Publish.
TIP: By default, Excel will only export the active worksheet. If you have multiple worksheets and
want to save all of them in the same PDF file, click Options in the Save as dialog box. The Options
dialog box will appear. Select Entire workbook, then click OK.
You may also find it helpful to export your workbook in other file types, such as an Excel 97-2003 Workbook
if you need to share with people using an older version of Excel, or a .CSV file if you need a plain-text
version of your workbook.
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5. Create a new blank workbook.
6. Use the Save command to save the workbook to your desktop.
7. Save the workbook to OneDrive and invite someone else to view it.
8. Export the workbook as a PDF file.
3. Cell Basics
Whenever you work with Excel, you'll enter information, or content, into cells. Cells are the basic building
blocks of a worksheet. You'll need to learn the basics of cells and cell content to calculate, analyze, and
organize data in Excel.
Every worksheet is made up of thousands of rectangles, which are called cells. A cell is the intersection of
a row and a column. Columns are identified by letters (A, B, C), while rows are identified by numbers (1, 2,
Row Cell
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Each cell has its own name, or cell address, based on its column and row. In this example, the selected cell
intersects column C and row 5, so the cell address is C5. The cell address will also appear in the Name box.
Note that a cell's column and row headings are highlighted when the cell is selected.
Cell Address
You can also select multiple cells at the same time. A group of cells is known as a cell range. Rather than a
single cell address, you will refer to a cell range using the cell addresses of the first and last cells in the cell
range, separated by a colon. For example, a cell range that included cells A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 would be
written as A1:A5.
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Sometimes you may want to select a larger group of cells, or a cell range.
1. Click, hold, and drag the mouse until all of the adjoining cells you wish to select are highlighted.
2. Release the mouse to select the desired cell range. The cells will remain selected until you click
another cell in the worksheet.
Any information you enter into a spreadsheet will be stored in a cell. Each cell can contain several different
kinds of content, including text, formatting, formulas, and functions.
❑ Text
Cells can contain text, such as letters, numbers, and dates.
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❑ Formatting Attributes
Cells can contain formatting attributes that change the way letters, numbers, and dates are displayed. For
example, percentages can appear as 0.15 or 15%. You can even change a cell's background color.
To insert content
1. Click a cell to select it.
2. Type content into the selected cell, then press Enter on your keyboard. The content will appear
in the cell and the formula bar. You can also input and edit cell content in the formula bar.
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3. Select the cell(s) where you wish to paste the content. The copied cells will now have a dashed
box around them.
4. Click the Paste command on the Home tab, or press Ctrl+V on your keyboard.
5. The content will be pasted into the selected cells.
To access more paste options, click the drop-down arrow on the Paste command.
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TIP: Rather than choosing commands from the Ribbon, you can access commands quickly by right-
clicking. Simply select the cell(s) you wish to format, then right-click the mouse. A drop-down menu
will appear, where you'll find several commands that are also located on the Ribbon.
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2. Click, hold, and drag the fill handle until all of the cells you wish to fill are selected.
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When working with a lot of data in Excel, it can be difficult and time consuming to locate specific
information. You can easily search your workbook using the Find feature, which also allows you to modify
content using the Replace feature.
To find content
1. From the Home tab, click the Find and Select command, then select Find... from the drop-down
2. The Find and Replace dialog box will appear. Enter the content you wish to find.
3. Click Find Next. If the content is found, the cell containing that content will be selected.
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4. Click Find Next to find further instances or Find All to see every instance of the search term.
5. When you are finished, click Close to exit the Find and Replace dialog box.
TIP: You can also access the Find command by pressing Ctrl+F on your keyboard.
TIP: Click Options to see advanced search criteria in the Find and Replace dialog box.
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1. From the Home tab, click the Find and Select command, then select Replace... from the drop-
down menu.
2. The Find and Replace dialog box will appear. Type the text you wish to find in the Find what: field.
3. Type the text you wish to replace it with in the Replace with: field, then click Find Next.
4. If the content is found, the cell containing that content will be selected.
5. Review the text to make sure you want to replace it.
6. If you wish to replace it, select one of the replace options:
• Replace will replace individual instances.
• Replace All will replace every instance of the text throughout the workbook. In our example, we'll
choose this option to save time.
7. A dialog box will appear, confirming the number of replacements made. Click OK to continue.
8. When you are finished, click Close to exit the Find and Replace dialog box.
1. Open an existing Excel 2013 workbook.
2. Select cell D3. Notice how the cell address appears in the Name box and its content appears in
both the cell and the Formula bar.
3. Select a cell, and try inserting text and numbers.
4. Delete a cell, and note how the cells below shift up to fill in its place.
5. Cut cells and paste them into a different location.
6. Try dragging and dropping some cells to other parts of the worksheet.
7. Use the fill handle to fill in data to adjoining cells both vertically and horizontally.
8. Use the Find feature to locate content in your workbook.
4. Formatting Cells
All cell content uses the same formatting by default, which can make it difficult to read a workbook with
a lot of information. Basic formatting can customize the look and feel of your workbook, allowing you to
draw attention to specific sections and making your content easier to view and understand. You can also
apply number formatting to tell Excel exactly what type of data you’re using in the workbook, such as
percentages (%), currency ($), and so on.
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2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Font command on the Home tab. The Font drop-down
menu will appear.
3. Select the desired font. A live preview of the new font will appear as you hover the mouse over
different options.
TIP: When creating a workbook in the workplace, you'll want to select a font that is easy to read.
Along with Calibri, standard reading fonts include Cambria, Times New Roman, and Arial.
To change the font size
1. Select the cell(s) you wish to modify.
2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Size command on the Home tab. The Font Size drop-
down menu will appear.
3. Select the desired font size. A live preview of the new font size will appear as you hover the
mouse over different options.
4. The text will change to the selected font size.
TIP: You can also use the Increase Font Size and Decrease Font Size commands or enter a custom
font size using your keyboard.
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Entering a custom
font size
Increase and
Decrease Font
Size commands
3. Select the desired font color. A live preview of the new font color will appear as you hover the
mouse over different options.
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By default, any text entered into your worksheet will be aligned to the bottom-left of a cell. Any numbers
will be aligned to the bottom-right of a cell. Changing the alignment of your cell content allows you to
choose how the content is displayed in any cell, which can make your cell content easier to read.
To change horizontal text alignment
1. Select the cell(s) you wish to modify.
2. Select one of the three horizontal alignment commands on the Home tab. In our example, we'll
choose Center Align.
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Cell borders and fill colors allow you to create clear and defined boundaries for different sections of your
To add a border
1. Select the cell(s) you wish to modify.
2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Borders command on the Home tab. The Borders drop-
down menu will appear.
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Rather than formatting cells manually, you can use Excel's predesigned cell styles. Cell styles are a quick
way to include professional formatting for different parts of your workbook, such as titles and headers.
To apply a cell style
1. Select the cell(s) you wish to modify.
2. Click the Cell Styles command on the Home tab, then choose the desired style from the drop-down
One of the most powerful tools in Excel is the ability to apply specific formatting for text and numbers.
Instead of displaying all cell content in exactly the same way, you can use formatting to change the
appearance of dates, times, decimals, percentages (%), currency ($), and much more.
To apply number formatting
1. Select the cells(s) you wish to modify.
2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Number Format command on the Home tab. The Number
Formatting drop-down menu will appear.
3. Select the desired formatting option.
4. The selected cells will change to the new formatting style.
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By default, every row and column of a new workbook is always set to the same height and width. Excel
allows you to modify column width and row height in different ways, including wrapping text and merging
1. Position the mouse over the column line in the column heading so the white cross becomes a
double arrow .
2. Click, hold, and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the column width.
3. Release the mouse. The column width will be changed.
TIP: If you see pound signs (#######) in a cell, it means that the column is not wide enough to
display the cell content. Simply increase the column width to show the cell content.
1. Position the mouse over the column line in the column heading so the white cross becomes a
double arrow .
2. Double-click the mouse. The column width will be changed automatically to fit the content.
TIP: You can also AutoFit the width for several columns at the same time. Simply select the columns
you would like to AutoFit, then select the AutoFit Column Width command from the Format drop-
down menu on the Home tab. This method can also be used for Row height.
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1. Position the cursor over the row line so the white cross becomes a double arrow .
2. Click, hold, and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the row height.
3. Release the mouse. The height of the selected row will be changed.
1. Locate and click the Select All button just below the formula bar to select every cell in the
2. Position the mouse over a row line so the white cross becomes a double arrow .
3. Click, hold, and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the row height.
4. Release the mouse when you are satisfied with the new row height for the worksheet.
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After you've been working with a workbook for a while, you may find that you want to insert new columns
or rows, delete certain rows or columns, move them to a different location in the worksheet, or even hide
To insert rows
1. Select the row heading below where you want the new row to appear.
2. Click the Insert command on the Home tab.
TIP: When inserting new rows, columns, or cells, you will see the Insert Options button next to
the inserted cells. This button allows you to choose how Excel formats these cells. By default, Excel
formats inserted rows with the same formatting as the cells in the row above. To access more
options, hover your mouse over the Insert Options button, then click the drop-down arrow.
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To insert columns
1. Select the column heading to the right of where you want the new column to appear.
2. Click the Insert command on the Home tab.
3. The new column will appear to the left of the selected column.
TIP: When inserting rows and columns, make sure you select the entire row or column by clicking
the heading. If you select only a cell in the row or column, the Insert command will only insert a
new cell.
To delete rows
It's easy to delete any row that you no longer need in your workbook.
1. Select the row(s) you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete command on the Home tab.
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3. The selected row(s) will be deleted, and the rows below will shift up.
To delete columns
1. Select the columns(s) you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete command on the Home tab.
3. The selected columns(s) will be deleted, and the columns to the right will shift left.
TIP: It's important to understand the difference between deleting a row or column and simply
clearing its contents. If you want to remove the content of a row or column without causing others
to shift, right-click a heading, then select Clear Contents from the drop-down menu.
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4. The column will be moved to the selected location, and the columns to the right will shift right.
TIP: You can also access the Cut and Insert commands by right-clicking the mouse and then
selecting the desired commands from the drop-down menu.
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2. The columns will be hidden. The green column line indicates the location of the hidden columns.
column line
3. To unhide the columns, select the columns to the left and right of the hidden columns (in other
words, the columns on both sides of the hidden columns).
4. Right-click the mouse, then select Unhide from the formatting menu. The hidden columns will
Whenever you have too much cell content to be displayed in a single cell, you may decide to wrap the text
or merge the cell rather than resizing a column. Wrapping the text will automatically modify a cell's row
height, allowing cell contents to be displayed on multiple lines. Merging allows you to combine a cell with
adjacent, empty cells to create one large cell.
1. Select the cells you wish to wrap.
2. Select the Wrap Text command on the Home tab.
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3. The selected cells will be merged, and the text will be centered.
To access more merge options
Click the drop-down arrow next to the Merge & Center command on the Home tab. The Merge drop-down
menu will appear. From here, you can choose to:
• Merge & Center: Merges the selected cells into one cell and centers the text
• Merge Across: Merges the selected cells into larger cells while keeping each row separate
• Merge Cells: Merges the selected cells into one cell, but does not center the text
• Unmerge Cells: Unmerges selected cells
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One of the most powerful features in Excel is the ability to calculate numerical information using formulas.
Just like a calculator, Excel can add, subtract, multiply, and divide. In this lesson, we'll show you how to
use cell references to create simple formulas.
Mathematical operators
Excel uses standard operators for formulas, such as a plus sign for addition (+), a minus sign for subtraction
(-), an asterisk for multiplication (*), a forward slash for division (/), and a caret (^) for exponents.
All formulas in Excel must begin with an equals sign (=). This is because the cell contains, or is equal to,
the formula and the value it calculates.
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By combining a mathematical operator with cell references, you can create a variety of simple formulas
in Excel. Formulas can also include a combination of cell references and numbers, as in the examples
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To create a formula
1. Select the cell that will contain the formula.
2. Type the equals sign (=). Notice how it appears in both the cell and the formula bar.
1. Type the cell address of the cell you wish to reference first in the formula: cell D1 in our example.
A blue border will appear around the referenced cell.
2. Type the mathematical operator you wish to use. In our example, we'll type the addition sign (+).
3. Type the cell address of the cell you wish to reference second in the formula: cell D2 in our
example. A red border will appear around the referenced cell.
4. Press Enter on your keyboard. The formula will be calculated, and the value will be displayed in the
TIP: If the result of a formula is too large to be displayed in a cell, it may appear as pound
signs (#######) instead of a value. This means that the column is not wide enough to display the
cell content. Simply increase the column width to show the cell content.
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4. Type the mathematical operator you wish to use. In our example, we'll type the multiplication sign
5. Select the cell you wish to reference second in the formula: cell C3 in our example. The cell address
will appear in the formula, and a dashed red line will appear around the referenced cell.
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6. Press Enter on your keyboard. The formula will be calculated, and the value will be displayed in the
Formulas can also be copied to adjacent cells with the fill handle, which can save a lot of time and effort
if you need to perform the same calculation multiple times in a worksheet.
To edit a formula
Sometimes you may want to modify an existing formula. In the example below, we've entered an incorrect
cell address in our formula, so we'll need to correct it.
1. Select the cell containing the formula you wish to edit.
2. Click the formula bar to edit the formula. You can also double-click the cell to view and edit the
formula directly within the cell.
3. A border will appear around any referenced cells.
4. When finished, press Enter on your keyboard or select the Enter command in the formula bar.
5. The formula will be updated, and the new value will be displayed in the cell.
TIP: If you change your mind, you can press the Esc key on your keyboard or click the Cancel
command in the formula bar to avoid accidentally making changes to your formula.
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TIP: To show all of the formulas in a spreadsheet, you can hold the Ctrl key and press ` (grave
accent). The grave accent key is usually located in the upper-left corner of the keyboard. You can
press Ctrl+` again to switch back to the normal view.
A simple formula is a mathematical expression with one operator, such as 7+9. A complex formula has
more than one mathematical operator, such as 5+2*8. When there is more than one operation in a
formula, the order of operations tells Excel which operation to calculate first. In order to use Excel to
calculate complex formulas, you will need to understand the order of operations.
Order of operations
Excel calculates formulas based on the following order of operations:
1. Operations enclosed in parentheses
2. Exponential calculations (3^2, for example)
3. Multiplication and division, whichever comes first
4. Addition and subtraction, whichever comes first
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TIP: It is especially important to enter complex formulas with the correct order of operations.
Otherwise, Excel will not calculate the results accurately. In our example, if the parentheses are
not included, the multiplication is calculated first and the result is incorrect. Parentheses are the
best way to define which calculations will be performed first in Excel.
There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute. Relative and absolute references behave
differently when copied and filled to other cells. Relative references change when a formula is copied to
another cell. Absolute references, on the other hand, remain constant, no matter where they are copied.
By default, all cell references are relative references. When copied across multiple cells, they change based
on the relative position of rows and columns. For example, if you copy the formula =A1+B1 from row 1 to
row 2, the formula will become =A2+B2. Relative references are especially convenient whenever you need
to repeat the same calculation across multiple rows or columns.
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it to the other rows. We'll use relative references so the formula correctly calculates the total for each
1. Select the cell that will contain the formula. In our example, we'll select cell D2.
2. Enter the formula to calculate the desired value. In our example, we'll type =B2*C2.
3. Press Enter on your keyboard. The formula will be calculated, and the result will be displayed in
the cell.
4. Locate the fill handle in the lower-right corner of the desired cell. In our example, we'll locate the
fill handle for cell D2.
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5. Click, hold, and drag the fill handle over the cells you wish to fill.
6. Release the mouse. The formula will be copied to the selected cells with relative references, and
the values will be calculated in each cell.
TIP: You can double-click the filled cells to check their formulas for accuracy. The relative cell
references should be different for each cell, depending on their rows.
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There may be times when you do not want a cell reference to change when filling cells. Unlike relative
references, absolute references do not change when copied or filled. You can use an absolute reference to
keep a row and/or column constant.
An absolute reference is designated in a formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($). It can precede the
column reference, the row reference, or both.
You will generally use the $A$2 format when creating formulas that contain absolute references. The
other two formats are used much less frequently.
TIP: When writing a formula, you can press the F4 key on your keyboard to switch between relative
and absolute cell references. This is an easy way to quickly insert an absolute reference.
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4. Locate the fill handle in the lower-right corner of the desired cell.
5. Release the mouse. The formula will be copied to the selected cells with an absolute reference,
and the values will be calculated in each cell.
6.3. Functions
A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a particular order.
Excel includes many common functions that can be useful for quickly finding the sum, average, count,
maximum value, and minimum value for a range of cells. In order to use functions correctly, you'll need to
understand the different parts of a function and how to create arguments to calculate values and cell
Formula =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7+A8
Function =SUM(A1:A8)
The parts of a function
In order to work correctly, a function must be written a specific way, which is called the syntax. The basic
syntax for a function is an equals sign (=), the function name (SUM, for example), and one or more
arguments. Arguments contain the information you want to calculate.
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Equal sign Argument
Function name
For example, the function =AVERAGE(B1:B9) would calculate the average of the values in the cell range
B1:B9. This function contains only one argument.
Multiple arguments must be separated by a comma. For example, the function =SUM(A1:A3, C1:C2, E2)
will add the values of all the cells in the three arguments.
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Excel has a variety of functions available. Here are some of the most common functions you'll use:
• SUM: This function adds all of the values of the cells in the argument.
• AVERAGE: This function determines the average of the values included in the argument. It
calculates the sum of the cells and then divides that value by the number of cells in the argument.
• COUNT: This function counts the number of cells with numerical data in the argument. This
function is useful for quickly counting items in a cell range.
• MAX: This function determines the highest cell value included in the argument.
• MIN: This function determines the lowest cell value included in the argument.
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3. Enter the cell range for the argument inside parentheses. In our example, we'll type (D3:D12).
4. Press Enter on your keyboard. The function will be calculated, and the result will appear in the cell.
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3. The selected function will appear in the cell. If logically placed, the AutoSum command will
automatically select a cell range for the argument. You can also manually enter the desired cell
range into the argument.
While there are hundreds of functions in Excel, the ones you use most frequently will depend on the type
of data your workbooks contains. There is no need to learn every single function, but exploring some of
the different types of functions will be helpful as you create new projects. You can search for functions by
category, such as Financial, Logical, Text, Date & Time, and more from the Function Library on the Formulas
To access the Function Library, select the Formulas tab on the Ribbon. The Function Library will
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❑ If you're having trouble finding the right function, the Insert Function command allows you to
search for functions using keywords.
❑ The AutoSum command allows you to automatically return results for common functions, like
❑ The Recently Used command gives you access to functions that you have recently worked with.
❑ The Financial category contains functions for financial calculations like determining a payment (PMT) or
interest rate for a loan (RATE).
❑ Functions in the Logical category check arguments for a value or condition. For example, if an order is over
$50 add $4.99 for shipping, but if it is over $100, do not charge for shipping (IF).
❑ The Text category contains functions that work with the text in arguments to perform tasks, such as
converting text to lowercase (LOWER) or replacing text (REPLACE).
❑ The Date & Time category contains functions for working with dates and time and will return results like
the current date and time (NOW) or the seconds (SECOND).
❑ The Lookup & Reference category contains functions that will return results for finding and referencing
information. For example, you can add a hyperlink (HYPERLINK) to a cell or return the value of a particular
row and column intersection (INDEX).
❑ The Math & Trig category includes functions for numerical arguments. For example, you can round values
(ROUND), find the value of Pi (PI) multiply (PRODUCT), subtotal (SUBTOTAL), and much more.
❑ More Functions contains additional functions under categories for Statistical, Engineering, Cube,
Information, and Compatibility.
2. Click the Formulas tab on the Ribbon to access the Function Library.
3. From the Function Library group, select the desired function category.
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5. The Function Arguments dialog box will appear. From here, you'll be able to enter or select the
cells that will make up the arguments in the function.
7. The function will be calculated, and the result will appear in the cell.
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Like formulas, functions can be copied to adjacent cells. Hover the mouse over the cell that contains the
function, then click, hold, and drag the fill handle over the cells you wish to fill. The function will be copied,
and values for those cells will be calculated relative to their rows or columns.
If you're having trouble finding the right function, the Insert Function command allows you to search for
functions using keywords. While it can be extremely useful, this command is sometimes a little difficult to
use. If you don't have much experience with functions, you may have more success browsing the Function
Library instead. For more advanced users, however, the Insert Function command can be a powerful way
to find a function quickly.
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Formula: =COUNT(A1:A10)
The count formula counts the number of cells in a range that have numbers in them.
Formula: =COUNTA(A1:A10)
Counts the number of non-empty cells in a range. It will count cells that have numbers and/or any other
characters in them.
The COUNTA Formula works with all data types.
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Notice the difference in the formula results: 10 characters without spaces in between the words, 12 with
spaces between the words.
Formula: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)
Basically, VLOOKUP lets you search for specific information in your spreadsheet. For example, if you have
a list of products with prices, you could search for the price of a specific item.
We’re going to use VLOOKUP to find the price of the Photo frame. You can probably already see that the
price is $9.99, but that’s because this is a simple example. Once you learn how to use VLOOKUP, you’ll be
able to use it with larger, more complex spreadsheets, and that’s when it will become truly useful.
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As with any formula, you’ll start with an equal sign (=). Then, type the formula name.
=VLOOKUP(“Photo frame”
The second argument is the cell range that contains the data. In this example, our data is in A2:B16. As
with any function, you’ll need to use a comma to separate each argument:
=VLOOKUP(“Photo frame”, A2:B16
Note: It’s important to know that VLOOKUP will always search the first column in this range. In this
example, it will search column A for “Photo frame”. In some cases, you may need to move the columns
around so that the first column contains the correct data.
The third argument is the column index number. It’s simpler than it sounds: The first column in the range
is 1, the second column is 2, etc. In this case, we are trying to find the price of the item, and the prices are
contained in the second column. That means our third argument will be 2:
=VLOOKUP(“Photo frame”, A2:B16, 2
The fourth argument tells VLOOKUP whether to look for approximate matches, and it can be either TRUE
or FALSE. If it is TRUE, it will look for approximate matches. Generally, this is only useful if the first column
has numerical values that have been sorted. Since we’re only looking for exact matches, the fourth
argument should be FALSE. This is our last argument, so go ahead and close the parentheses:
=VLOOKUP(“Photo frame”, A2:B16, 2, FALSE)
And that’s it! When you press enter, it should give you the answer, which is 9.99.
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6. IF Statements
Formula: =IF(logical_statement, return this if logical statement is true, return this if logical statement is
Let’s say a salesperson has a quota to meet. You used VLOOKUP to put the revenue next to the name. Now you can
use an IF statement that says: “IF the salesperson met their quota, say “Met quota”, if not say “Did not meet quota”
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Whenever you're working with a lot of data, it can be difficult to compare information in your workbook.
7.1 Freezing Panes and View Options
Excel includes several tools that make it easier to view content from different parts of your workbook at
the same time, such as the ability to freeze panes and split your worksheet.
To freeze rows
You may want to see certain rows or columns all the time in your worksheet, especially header cells. By
freezing rows or columns in place, you'll be able to scroll through your content while continuing to view
the frozen cells.
1. Select the row below the row(s) you wish to freeze.
2. Click the View tab on the Ribbon.
3. Select the Freeze Panes command, then choose Freeze Panes from the drop-down menu.
The rows will be frozen in place, as indicated by the gray line. You can scroll down the worksheet while
continuing to view the frozen rows at the top.
To freeze columns
1. Select the column to the right of the column(s) you wish to freeze.
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To split a worksheet
Sometimes you may want to compare different sections of the same workbook without creating a new
window. The Split command allows you to divide the worksheet into multiple panes that scroll
1. Select the cell where you wish to split the worksheet.
2. Click the View tab on the Ribbon, then select the Split command.
3. The workbook will be split into different panes. You can scroll through each pane separately
using the scroll bars, allowing you to compare different sections of the workbook.
To remove the split, click the Split command again.
As you add more content to a worksheet, organizing that information becomes especially important. You
can quickly reorganize a worksheet by sorting your data. For example, you could organize a list of contact
information by last name. Content can be sorted alphabetically, numerically, and in many other ways.
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When sorting data, it's important to first decide if you would like the sort to apply to the entire worksheet
or just a cell range.
• Sort sheet organizes all of the data in your worksheet by one column.
• Sort range sorts the data in a range of cells, which can be helpful when working with a sheet that
contains several tables. Sorting a range will not affect other content on the worksheet.
To sort a sheet
In our example, we'll sort a T-shirt order form alphabetically by Last Name (column C).
1. Select a cell in the column you wish to sort by. In our example, we'll select cell C2.
2. Select the Data tab on the Ribbon, then click the Ascending command to Sort A to Z, or the
Descending command to Sort Z to A. In our example, we'll click the Ascending command.
3. The worksheet will be sorted by the selected column. In our example, the worksheet is now sorted
by last name.
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If your worksheet contains a lot of content, it can be difficult to find information quickly. Filters can be
used to narrow down the data in your worksheet, allowing you to view only the information you need.
To filter data
1. In order for filtering to work correctly, your worksheet should include a header row, which is used
to identify the name of each column.
2. Select the Data tab, then click the Filter command.
3. A drop-down arrow will appear in the header cell for each column.
4. Click the drop-down arrow for the column you wish to filter.
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Creating a chart in Microsoft Office Excel is quick and easy. Excel provides a variety of chart types that you
can choose from when you create a chart. Excel offers Pie, Line, Bar, and Column charts to name but a
few. Showing data in a chart can make it clearer, more interesting and easier to read. Charts can also help
you evaluate your data and make comparisons between different values.
Excel has several different types of charts, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your data. In order
to use charts effectively, you'll need to understand how different charts are used.
Types of Charts:
❑ Column charts use vertical bars to represent data. They can work with many different types of
data, but they're most frequently used for comparing information.
❑ Line charts are ideal for showing trends. The data points are connected with lines, making it easy
to see whether values are increasing or decreasing over time.
❑ Pie charts make it easy to compare proportions. Each value is shown as a slice of the pie, so it's
easy to see which values make up the percentage of a whole.
❑ Bar charts work just like Column charts, but they use horizontal bars instead of vertical bars.
❑ Area charts are similar to line charts, except that the areas under the lines are filled in.
❑ Surface charts allow you to display data across a 3D landscape. They work best with large data sets,
allowing you to see a variety of information at the same time.
To insert a chart
1. Select the cells you want to chart, including the column titles and row labels. These cells will be
the source data for the chart.
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TIP: If you're not sure which type of chart to use, the Recommended Charts command will
suggest several different charts based on the source data.
After inserting a chart, there are several things you may want to change about the way your data is
displayed. It's easy to edit a chart's layout and style from the Design tab.
Excel allows you to add chart elements—such as chart titles, legends, and data labels—to make
your chart easier to read. To add a chart element, click the Add Chart Element command on the
Design tab, then choose the desired element from the drop-down menu.
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To edit a chart element, like a chart title, simply double-click the placeholder and begin typing.
If you don't want to add chart elements individually, you can use one of Excel's predefined layouts.
Simply click the Quick Layout command, then choose the desired layout from the drop-down
Excel also includes several different chart styles, which allow you to quickly modify the look and
feel of your chart. To change the chart style, select the desired style from the Chart styles group.
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TIP: You can also use the chart formatting shortcut buttons to quickly add chart elements, change
the chart style, and filter the chart data.
There are lots of other ways to customize and organize your charts. For example, Excel allows you to
rearrange a chart's data, change the chart type, and even move the chart to a different location in the
To switch row and column data
Sometimes you may want to change the way charts group your data. For example, in the chart below, the
Book Sales data are grouped by year, with columns for each genre. However, we could switch the rows
and columns so the chart will group the data by genre, with columns for each year. In both cases, the chart
contains the same data—it's just organized differently.
1. Select the chart you wish to modify.
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To move a chart
Whenever you insert a new chart, it will appear as an object on the same worksheet that contains its
source data. Alternatively, you can move the chart to a new worksheet to help keep your data organized.
1. Select the chart you wish to move.
2. Click the Design tab, then select the Move Chart command.
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3. The Move Chart dialog box will appear. Select the desired location for the chart.
4. Click OK.
5. The chart will appear in the selected location.
9. Printing Workbooks
There may be times when you want to print a workbook to view and share your data offline. Once you've
chosen your page layout settings, it's easy to preview and print a workbook from Excel using the Print
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Before you print an Excel workbook, it's important to decide exactly what information you want to print.
For example, if you have multiple worksheets in your workbook, you will need to decide if you want to
print the entire workbook or only active worksheets. There may also be times when you want to print only
a selection of content from your workbook.
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To print a selection
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TIP: If you prefer, you can also set the print area in advance so you'll be able to visualize which cells
will be printed as you work in Excel. Simply select the cells you want to print, click the Page Layout
tab, select the Print Area command, then choose Set Print Area.
On occasion, you may need to make small adjustments from the Print pane to fit your workbook content
neatly onto a printed page. The Print pane includes several tools to help fit and scale your content, such
as scaling and page margins.
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Show Margins
2. The page margins will appear in the Preview pane. Hover the mouse over one of the margin
markers until the cursor becomes a double arrow .
3. Click, hold, and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the margin width.
4. Release the mouse. The margin will be modified. In our example, we were able to fit an additional
column on the page.
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