Generator T asics
Demy [Tone [Ever [Par
Derai S
Last Name:
O Savage
O Investigator
O Improvised
You hat el fib
you ar special ER DRERREL bu
fou. Maybe SpE IGE than
£ ‘ws vor mal ‘roa Wool "om
sh Now i nt
that have area ign Sghgpland
arene eral ise he
otac. Ines cea
ice the thea ABDp ig. Wil you
be the savior ARES ARIE you be
another name that Fesonaves among the
bhunters wharwil ry co.se0d Lucifer backe
4 eck of cards without the jokes You wl use 10
eveop the advertre anche Tis your Pte
Deck ter fang ads you dicate
‘owe svsded ce You wil ue these for actions you
{Ste win the fon and to get arswers about te
‘oid They afeyour Aton ic
4 Rrotebook tat serve se yur Journal
Siodercaas or stn of paper
{S Atandem martes Cy paker chip, te)
Te pay, make sure you nave enough Fe ive Shue re
Fate Deck apace tons fiat sare Kap yout Beton
lee witn you
Ghoose your Fak and lat rare you want to um Your
Character has tvee pesonaties (wil Investigator and
Inpovind Aine tts ve rors ondne
Terentia fe atng ove Te WOT wT
{ay more and move people de at he hands ef beats or
fre peseued Uy dens to cry ot thar pans You sre
the ny HUNTER eth ths know, outage and
‘tengo cose tessa ody broken fg the
Breas opened stare et prover the Sia of
‘eins gue your ouray Tough te wei Each ae of
ther pn ouby talc sh te questons youre oF
wat yeu deoseto da. Wen you perfomnan Actor, done
$12%e2 ards rom your Fate dk.
$e root you Action dee a up.
Scat mocterto at yor Soar.
“Ther napret teres an scare the cars
yu sees eater than botnets, here Sout
irtisony her than one ofthe cats theres Hear
P otenise thee s Blood
Aces hve the value 0 cs oF %, Queens of 2 ane King
{of Each ction pod 8 Aetlonodie). a es
You determine wnat happens wher thee Sol, Her
Tue Game
‘When yu star tae a card from the Fate Book sd unit
face up Tet where you ate AS you score the werd,
you val mor cade to te Won Map. Each card
Feprsers anew ction Wan ou anew car the
Cerner of you card needs to toue the comer of another
Plnce Tofindout the elon you a oct blot, to
fhe side or sbove your curent postion, compare the
rnberson beth idea irre te eu
‘Fe rumba of the new car is greater than the
umbe’ of your caret locaton, place te card on tp.
‘@ittne uber onthe nev carder than your cet
featon ice te card blow.
“@ otis, place the card to te side of yourlocton.
Moke soreads on the generator tables, lace sips of
ove verte cade to noe dette abou the gion
The seals of hel prot Lier Fm acendng to ath
{do DISCOVER A DESTINY. the cod ou 909i 3
fue ac aucen orto you can dose
You ny ve to naa Daag ew a
mts, you wl ave ores of fe to stay ave oF ak
coving your ie Dae Ata est wie an ty nyu
Journal hte he cards you carded during your fourey
rol Action le remove 8 ruch damage art
indettes you got mete tan S mage pots you DIE
you find one, you an Rght Vou wal sack cs
‘corting to FIGHT AGAINST THREATS. hen ths fos
Secs mat the way ofthe Treats, then fades ond
Ges you ran aay the sacs te Kap lth Ment
cost (5 vital: A soul pan that tacks by owing
‘Shc Reese are worth double sale
‘@ Possesed (8 ality normal pean possessed by
Semon with extaoranary strength Black code + # ae
‘wor doula sched
‘He Hound (6 aly An isle gue do the size ot
‘bul Spades o worth tce a much stacked
‘@ eviatan (Bia con completely devour youin the
‘ik of sn eye Hearts ae worth twice a mich
‘Wiser you tae avers, Aeion* Perna
“fv sout yourave total success.
‘Suvinteareyounote pail succes.
‘Sin Bloed you have coideabe damage, mark
‘Vine looting for a esse, Aeon Paranal to Ta
‘tho mary Resoures you can fet
“fun sout there ae 2 Resources
Sti eare steam te sitace there Resource
‘Sv siood tare se Tet mark Damage.
‘Vinen you exchange reoucer fr Rem oeternine The
mount of Resourees o be pad ana AelneResurces
“he objects wit help you to Right Theat.
“fw out you get Complete object (2)
‘Suvinseae you get sme Obacts (9).
$ win Boos you get Cursed Elements (damage)
‘nen you ae ookng for new path Adlon Personal
“@- wn out ate two eardeo your.
$n Meare scone of the ers 0 your.
‘Sw tod, wong destinton mk 1 Damage Keep
‘ny one card and do BUY ELEMENTS. or FACING
nang Te Aaa ep WAG
“win Sout stack tne two cards agi the Test
$ lwicn ear sacks card saint te es.
$ win Bloa, stocx Damace.
‘Vises oii 3 (vat AATaRe PRT
“@- wen sout you avid danger
$ hin Meare are Damage.
$ hin Boos, mar 2 Damage
enor equ hep fom age, Aton Se
“# yr Sut hearer "yes, and ook for a stamp
aeeBeac! SY .
ith Heart the answers yes, but you must face a
“#- Wit Blood, eh ansver iene, and you mun block the