National Basketball Strength and Conditioning Association (Nbsca) Performance Summit 2019-Chicago in Review
National Basketball Strength and Conditioning Association (Nbsca) Performance Summit 2019-Chicago in Review
National Basketball Strength and Conditioning Association (Nbsca) Performance Summit 2019-Chicago in Review
he 2019 National Basketball Strength and Conditioning time (2,5,21). As such, player monitoring and management were
Association (NBSCA) Performance Summit (PS) was held heavily reliant upon quantifying court minutes (time on feet)
at Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL, May 19, 2019. With combined with the professional judgement of the trainer, further
the largest contingent of strength and conditioning coaches, emphasizing the significant role of building relationships and
athletic trainers, and sports coaches in attendance to date, gaining trust between players and trainers. Outlining the lessons
the 2019 NBSCA PS was well represented across the National learned throughout his NBA career, Shareef identified three
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Basketball notable stages of learning; these being 1) initial, 2) developmental,
Association (NBA), and NBA G-League. With several delegates and 3) transition (Table 1). Stage 1 introduces the importance of
representing sports outside of basketball, there was significant communication. Stage 2 provides opportunity for professional
interest in the theme of a multi-faceted approach to strength development (physical and mental improvements), while growing
and conditioning in the professional team setting. In conjunction personally through meaningful relationships. Stage 3 promotes
with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), transition through education and experience, which is built on the
this year’s event was live streamed for the first time with online solid foundations of communication and relationships.
participants from seven countries. This article provides a review of
sessions presented at the 2019 NBSCA PS including strength and TABLE 1. THREE STAGES OF LEARNING—THROUGH THE EYES OF
conditioning methods and coaching strategies, in-season strength AN NBA ALL-STAR
programming, force plate assessment, injury prevention, and STAGE DESCRIPTOR
player monitoring.
Stage 1: Develop sound communication skills.
LESSONS LEARNED ACROSS THE CAREER OF Initial I was not a good communicator.
AN NBA ALL-STAR Trained a lot with Robert Hackett (Head
Opening Address: Shareef Abdur-Rahim, President of NBA Strength and Conditioning Coach,
G-League and Former NBA All-Star Vancouver Grizzlies) to develop body,
Stage 2: which helped developed my skills. This
FROM BERKELEY TO VANCOUVER Developmental time not only allowed me to develop
One of the first “one and done” players, along with the likes of as a player (physically and mentally),
Stephon Marbury, Shareef left the University of California, Berkeley but I had personal growth through
after one year to enter the 1996 NBA draft, where he was selected establishing meaningful relationships.
third overall by the Vancouver Grizzlies behind Allen Iverson and
Being educated by the coaches I worked
Marcus Camby. His playing career spanned from 1996 – 2008
with and what worked with me. At times
across four NBA teams (Vancouver Grizzlies, Atlanta Hawks,
my body would not do want my mind
Portland Trail Blazers, and Sacramento Kings). Shareef was a
wanted to do, I was in an athlete transition.
member of the United States Men’s National Basketball team Stage 3:
But being around trainers, like Pete and
that won the gold medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, and he Transition
Manny, who cared about you, not only as
was named an NBA All-Star in the 2001 – 2002 season. However,
a player but a person provide you with
in reflection, Shareef acknowledges that he was not great at
confidence in the process to continually
communicating early in his career, which could have impacted
improve and develop as a player.
his professional development, and he highlighted a meeting with
Robert Hackett (Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at the
Vancouver Grizzlies) as a turning point where he learned the
The three stages of learning are important considerations in
importance of “open communication.”
Shareef’s role as President of the NBA G-League. As he openly
communicates his lessons learned, he noted that more than 50%
of current NBA players have spent time in the NBA G-League.
Shareef highlighted the importance of developing strong, trusting
This is an important consideration as a large part of the players’
relationships between the players, strength and conditioning
development is spent with the strength and conditioning coach
coaches, and trainers in order to achieve continuous improvement.
and training staff at this level. Additionally, it is not just the
This is evidenced by his continued contact with trainers like
players that enter through the NBA G-League, but officials and
Wally Blaze, Pete Youngman, and Manny Romero; trainers who
coaches as well. A key goal of the NBA G-League is to provide
possessed an energy and passion coupled with interpersonal skills
a professional pathway program, not only to develop players,
that made “you feel as a player that they really cared about you,
coaches and officials, but to provide opportunities to integrate
not only as a player but a person.” Such personal relationships
with teams (i.e., NBA Summer league). All of this is made possible
were of extreme importance for Shareef in helping manage his
through clear communication and the development of sound
body early in his career, and it was noted that the advanced
personal relationships.
athlete monitoring systems of today were not widely used at that
Winning, being competitive,
Primary Objective: Maximize return on investment Winning
part of team
Don’t care about today, or Want direct honesty and
Noticeable Unrelenting passion to
tomorrow, they care about 3, transparency—athletes
Characteristics: improve and get better
6, and 12 months from now do not like gray areas
The Paradoxical World
of the Head Coach.
Return on Investment. As an early-career strength coach Burgers and fries, best
While meeting with management, working with a key draft pick food in the NBA.
the strength and conditioning who wasn’t performing well on
Chef asked to add burgers to
coach presents the idea that the practice court, the coach
the menu. Player A comes over,
purchasing software X, although storms over to me, kicks the bike
“Man these are the best burgers
extremely expensive, would over and in front of all the staff
I have had, what’s on it”… I reply,
Practical Example: provide a significant direct return pointing at me, yells “What are
“Meat, like cow.” Overtime, other
on investment and increase you doing in there (pointing to
players start eating the burgers.
profit. The obvious tangible the weights area), he is shooting
One day a player specifically
outcome here is increased profit. like ****, you keep him off the
asks, “What type of meat is this?”
weights.” Following a game, I see
Management thinks this is a Reply, “Bison.” Player A hears this,
the coach walking over to me,
great idea and invests the money gets mad and storms out, “You
and I’m thinking what now, the
to purchase the software. lied to me, you said it was cow.”
coach says “He is getting pushed
around in the paint, get him on
the weights and harden him up.”
Return on investment is one of Coaches operate in an
the most popular performance environment where there
measurement and evaluation is a guillotine above their Ensure that your
metrics used in business (4). head. This changes how they communication answers the
think. Laird and Waters (15) specific questions, which will
The focus here is showcasing
reported that the probability alleviate any opportunity
how high-performance staff
Key Point: of qualified, experienced for miscommunication.
can use this concept to argue
coaches recalling critical things Make an effort to be mindful of
for full-time employment?
accurately is only 59.2%. your body language and build
1) Will there be a significant
Coaches remember what positive rapport with verbal and
direct return on investment?
is important to them, so nonverbal communication.
2) What is the obvious tangible keep that in mind when you
outcome (increased profit)? communicate with them.
BASKETBALL CONDITIONING: SPECIFIC an average of 4,500 – 5,000 m during the course of a game
APPLICATION AND DRILLS (8). High-intensity efforts generally last less than 20 s with
Brady Howe, Phoenix Suns Head Strength and Conditioning Coach guards performing more high-intensity efforts than forwards
and centers (8,20). Additionally, the biological age and training
CONSIDERATIONS IN BASKETBALL-SPECIFIC CONDITIONING experience of individual players may vary greatly. For example,
Coach Howe provided an overview of five key considerations a coach may have a 19-year-old first round draft pick who is
for basketball-specific conditioning (Figure 2). A central theme unaccustomed to the training and playing load that an 82-game
of this presentation was continuously questioning your current season brings. Conversely, the same team may have a 15-year
training programs in order to allow a forward-thinking mindset veteran. Therefore, both players would be managed differently,
of the specific and transferable application of basketball-specific highlighting the importance of knowing the roster. The structure
conditioning related to the five key considerations. Howe argues of the team roster and coach’s playing style may also influence the
that by challenging individual training philosophies, coaches demands of each player. Playing a small lineup presents different
grow on a daily basis as basketball-specific conditioning may metabolic demands compared to having a taller lineup on the
be approached and prescribed in multiple ways to maximize court. The lineup may be determined, in part, by the coach’s
court transfer. It is suggested that strength and conditioning playing style, whether they play “up-tempo” in offense or creating
coaches resist the temptation to view conditioning solely as more “switches” on defense. Howe presents a typical NBA team
“cardiorespiratory,” but rather a metabolic conditioning continuum roster in Table 3.
ranging from “alternate” to “basketball-specific” that also caters
for players transitioning to return to play. PLAYER PROFILING
In order to design player-specific conditioning programs, one
KNOW YOUR SPORT AND KNOW YOUR ROSTER of the first steps is to establish baseline testing data, which
When analyzing the activity demands of NBA basketball, many may include musculoskeletal screening and functional testing
physiological variables require consideration. For example, a (3,9). Available resources at a strength and conditioning
majority of the playing time is spent at more than 85% of the coach’s disposal, such as facilities and equipment, play a role in
athlete’s maximum heart rate (HRmax), with players covering determining which test may be applicable for their environment. It
is important to establish the key performance qualities of interest Figure 3 displays training strategies and exercise selections to
with reliable and valid tests to provide consistent and high-quality achieve targeted adaptation to prepare players for the demands
player information. Table 4 displays key performance qualities of competition.
and tests that may be considered in the development of an NBA
player profile. Table 5 outlines metabolic conditioning strategies and
prescriptions employed during the return-to-play process
RETURN-TO-PLAY CONDITIONING transitioning from general endurance towards basketball-specific
During the course of an 82-game regular season, NBA players conditioning. Important to note here is that the suggestions given
play almost every other night. Therefore, the primary goal in Table 5 should be viewed from a holistic standpoint rather than
of basketball-specific conditioning is based on microdosing an isolated standpoint, as all types of work prescribed to the
to optimize a high level of daily performance. However, if athlete (e.g., strength, basketball, conditioning) play a role into the
players are injured, they will not obtain the primary game- evolution and development of a player’s ability to generate and
related stimulus. Return-to-play conditioning should provide use his energy system, if planned appropriately.
progressive physiological stimuli aimed at targeted adaptation.
10.0 6.4 3.2 3.4 1.1 o1.6 5.3
10.5 6.1 3.1 3.2 1.0 1.5 5.1
11.0 5.8 2.9 3.1 1.0 1.5 4.8
11.5 5.6 2.8 3.0 0.9 1.4 4.6
12.0 5.3 2.7 2.8 0.9 1.3 4.4
12.5 5.1 2.6 2.7 0.9 1.3 4.3
13.0 4.9 2.5 2.6 0.8 1.2 4.1
13.5 4.7 2.4 2.5 0.8 1.2 3.9
14.0 4.6 2.3 2.4 0.8 1.2 3.8
14.5 4.4 2.2 2.4 0.8 1.1 3.7
15.0 4.3 2.1 2.3 0.7 1.1 3.5
15.5 4.1 2.1 2.2 0.7 1.0 3.4
16.0 4.0 2.0 2.1 0.7 1.0 3.3
16.5 3.9 1.9 2.1 0.7 1.0 3.2
17.0 3.8 1.9 2.0 0.6 1.0 3.1
17.5 3.7 1.8 1.9 0.6 0.9 3.0
18.0 3.6 1.8 1.9 0.6 0.9 3.0
18.5 3.5 1.7 1.8 0.6 0.9 2.9
19.0 3.4 1.7 1.8 0.6 0.9 2.8
19.5 3.3 1.6 1.7 0.6 0.8 2.7
20.0 3.2 1.6 1.7 0.5 0.8 2.7
Abbreviations: mph = miles per hour; FT = free throw; Opp. = opposition
Cohen introduced key principles related to the application of
force plate assessments and measures of jump performance,
emphasizing the practical and valid performance of the
countermovement jump as a diagnostic tool (1,12,16). Other
discussion points included the use of neuromuscular performance
assessment tools, the practical applications of jump assessments
FIGURE 5. SMALL-SIDED GAMES - TRAINING OBJECTIVES in determination of fatigue, readiness, and adaptation, and the
importance of benchmarking in the player progression during
rehabilitation in the return to play process.
In the sporting context, objective data is often used as a
conversation starter between medical professionals and strength
and conditioning coaches. Examining the data may not only
provide the health and performance team with new information,
it may inform and validate the clinical practice and informed
decision making of the health and performance staff. Objective
data allows quantification of variables clinicians and coaches
deem important, thereby bringing a perspective based on clinical
evidence that shapes an evidence-based perspective. Health and
performance teams may benefit from the use of force plate data
as a piece of the bigger puzzle they wish to solve. However, this is
by no means the end-all be-all, but another diagnostic tool in the
toolbox (Table 7).
COUNTERMOVEMENT JUMP Pre-season testing and player profiling should be used to
Several measures of jump performance have been used in elite understand individual abnormal changes that may occur
sports settings and are often incorporated in the testing battery. throughout the season. By establishing individual variability, the
However, strength and conditioning coaches should be familiar coach can determine each athlete’s adaptations in response to
with specific considerations for the use of various measures the workload during the season. Stronger and more aerobically
of jump performance. A reoccurring question posed by Cohen robust athletes may show better recovery compared to their
was that of whether single-leg jump measures are superior counterparts. Cohen provided examples of what changes may
to a countermovement jump (CMJ) in detecting asymmetries. look like in-season for each individual athlete following initial pre-
According to Cohen, while the single-leg jump better reflects season testing compared to one day pre-game and two days post-
asymmetrical differences, some limitations were presented. game. His examples identified how some athletes were stable,
Specifically, due to the fact that the single-leg jump would likely some had decreases in neuromuscular performance, and some
be applied in the later stages of rehabilitation, the ability to showed super compensation. Players with poor responses showed
quickly examine and compare previous data during a rehabilitation lower eccentric deceleration impulse for CMJ. This information can
process may be limited to this stage. Second, testing the bilateral guide decision making for each athlete during their subsequent
CMJ may be more time-efficient to examine asymmetries when sessions in the weight room and on-court.
utilizing dual force plates, in comparison to the single-leg jump.
For example, three bilateral jump tests equate to six single-leg CREATING COACH/ATHLETE BUY-IN
jump tests. Decreasing the amount of data analysis may promote Implementing jump testing may provide some barriers; however,
a more manageable process. Additionally, dual force plates may in order to overcome this, creating a culture where all interested
allow practitioners to observe compensatory movement strategies, parties (coaches, players, administration) see the value in
such as weight/load shifting, which cannot be examined collecting the data is key. When it comes to assisting athletes’
during the single-leg jump. Another measure, the squat jump, buy-in, the concept of “gamification” via creating a leaderboard
provides the ability to examine the acceleration from zero as a can draw upon the perceived competitive climate of athletes (23),
purer measure of concentric force and concentric performance, as self-efficacy factors may moderate the relationship between
however the eccentric phase is not included as it is in the CMJ. social comparison via leaderboards and the athletes’ attitude for
Finally, the drop jump can also be used with good reliability success. This also provides a real-time immediate feedback loop
(18). However, Cohen debated that several CMJ attempts may be for coaches and athletes during the assessment, promoting instant
required to ensure maximal height, which may correspond with educational opportunities. The main goal of using the leaderboard
learning effects. Therefore, the ability of the drop jump to detect is to create interest around force plate testing. If the goal is to
neuromuscular fatigue needs to be interpreted with caution. Table quantify neuromuscular performance, force plates can provide
8 outlines CMJ compared to various jump measures. instant data on numerous jump variables, which can be displayed
with real-time feedback, whether that be eccentric and landing
variables (16) or using a dual force plate system identifying
asymmetries in different time-points of the jump (1).
REACTIVE STRENGTH INDEX, ASYMMETRIES, AND MORE relevance and beneficial in guiding performance and medical staff
The reactive strength index (RSI) and reactive strength index in selecting a CMJ protocol (11), once they have established the
modified (RSI-mod), [calculated as RSI = flight time (ms)/ key performance indices within their athlete monitoring and player
contact time (ms)], provides insight into the ability to engage assessment strategies.
the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) (6,18). The RSI has been
reported as a surrogate measure of neuromuscular status and Cohen also presented unpublished data examining changes
used an athlete-monitoring tool to evaluate athlete “readiness” throughout an NBA season for specific variables, noting that
to train (6,7,18,22). Initial work by Cormack et al. reported players’ jumping proficiency should be considered. For example,
that monitoring jump height may detect trivial changes in comparing the changes for NBA pre-season to NBA end of season,
performance, whereas the RSI-mod displayed a substantial players improved their RSI-mod scores. This is likely attributed to
decrease post-match and game-day +1 (7). It was theorized that becoming a more efficient jumper. During analysis of asymmetries
a potential mechanism for the resultant increased ground contact coaches should establish what is “normal” for the playing roster
time in drop jump performance post-match and game-day +1 and position-specific comparisons throughout the season (11).
was due to decreased muscle-tendon stiffness from prior SSC It was highlighted that during the NBA pre-season concentric
exercise, as determined by RSI-mod (7). Because RSI-mod is a and eccentric asymmetries were reduced; however, during early
surrogate measure of lower body neuromuscular performance, it in-season competition increased asymmetries were observed.
is not only a good predictor of jump performance, but may also While pre-season training appears to reduce concentric and
provide insight into running performance as well, based on the eccentric asymmetries, most likely due to training emphasizing
impulse-momentum relationship (6,7,18). More recent works by pre-rehabilitation and specific strength development, the increase
Heishman and colleagues, examining CMJ inter-limb asymmetries in asymmetries reported across the season may correspond
in NCAA Division I collegiate basketball players, suggest that the with a change in this training focus (Table 9). Once again, this
CMJ may provide quantitative data to guide return-to-play and highlights the complexities of programming during an 82-game
return-to-performance protocols following injury with respect regular season.
to inter-limb asymmetries (12). While asymmetry greater than
10% between limbs is often used as a threshold criterion to guide TAKE-HOME POINTS: MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU
return-to-play following injury (19), the authors identified reliable
Force plate data: provides objective context for
CMJ metrics associated with both the concentric and eccentric 1.
coaches and clinicians to aid in decision making.
phases that may prove valuable in enhancing rehabilitation.
Interestingly, the authors suggest that inter-limb variability in CMJ: more efficient jump and provides similar metrics
asymmetry may be positive, and theorize that during injury, as the single-leg jump, squat jump, and drop jump.
an athlete would select a pre-determined movement strategy Pre-season testing: used to understand
that would avoid force application to the injured limb, likely 3.
each individual and establish norms.
manifesting in a consistent asymmetry. This is in agreement, in
part, with research demonstrating previous injury is associated Create interest: educate players and coaches to
with heightened CMJ force-time asymmetries (11). A novel finding create value around force plate assessments.
was that the CMJ protocol (CMJ with an arm swing compared Asymmetries: aim to minimize increases
to CMJ with no arm swing) had an influence on the variability of in asymmetries during the season.
lower extremity inter-limb asymmetries. This may be of particular
Abbreviations: Decel = deceleration; RFD = rate of force development. Unpublished data Luke M. Hart.
What are your goals for injury prevention within inter- • Observe body language. I observe their body language when
disciplinary teams? they walk into the facility. If I can see that they are not their
• Flawless communication both within and usual self, I may not get them to lift today, and sometimes I
between departments. may have to forgo my planned 20-minute lift in order to make
a positive connection with the player, and at that point, that
• Educating athletes during the injury rehabilitation process may be just what they needed.
assists their understanding of the process.
• Establish relationship with training staff. What are the biggest takeaways from the NBSCA
• Make the process inclusive. Performance Summit?
1. Relationships: You must be able to build meaningful
relationships with players and coaches.
What is one thing that you feel has been most useful
in your program? 2. Collaborative effort: It takes collaboration to be successful
• Low-minute player will train differently compared than a high- with your staff and players.
minute player. Dial in to what they need.
• Multi-segmental foam rolling. 3. Networking: Very important to network with people across a
variety of disciplines.
• Specific conversations with the certified athletic trainers to
know what the strength and conditioning coach is going 4. Communication: Develop your communication skills, verbal
to do in the gym. and nonverbal communication, soft skills (i.e., people skills,
• Blood flow restriction training, unload athletes but still be able social skills, communication skills).
to make strength gains.
5. Goal oriented: Keep working towards both your goals and
• Isometric (stress relaxation) programs with targeted nutrition team’s performance objectives. Are the goals aligned? Vertical
for tendon health. and horizontal alignment.
• Wim Hof breathing techniques, balance training, and cognitive
6. Context: How can you take this information and apply it
(brain) training.
within the context of your training program?
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application. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, communication. International Journal of Management and Business
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5. Catapult Sports. Duke basketball using Catapult to 18. Markwick, WJ, Bird, SP, Tufano, JT, Seitz, LB, and Haff, GG. The
monitor performance and support injury rehabilitation. May intraday reliability of the reactive strength index calculated from a
15, 2019. Retrieved 2019 from drop jump in professional men’s basketball. International Journal
watch?v=Hnj442Vs-Ts. of Sports Physiology and Performance 10: 482-488, 2015.
6. Cormack, SJ, Mooney, MG, Morgan, W, and McGuigan, MR. 19. Rohman, E, Steubs, JT, and Tompkins, M. Changes in involved
Influence of neuromuscular fatigue on accelerometer load in and uninvolved limb function during rehabilitation after anterior
elite Australian football players. International Journal of Sports cruciate ligament reconstruction: Implications for limb symmetry
Physiology and Performance 8: 373-378, 2013. index measures. American Journal of Sports Medicine 43:
1391-1398, 2015.
7. Cormack, SJ, Newton, RU, and McGuigan, MR. Neuromuscular
and endocrine responses of elite players to an Australian rules 20. Stojanovic, E, Stojiljkovic, N, Scanlan, AT, Dalbo, VJ,
football match. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Berkelmans, DM, and Milanovic, Z. The activity demands and
Performance 3: 359-374, 2008. physiological responses encountered during basketball match-
play: A systematic review. Sports Medicine 48: 111-135, 2018.
8. Crisafulli, A, Melis, F, Tocco, F, Laconi, P, Lai, C, and Concu, A.
External mechanical work versus oxidative energy consumption 21. Torre, PS, and Haberstroh, T. New biometric tests invade the
ratio during a basketball field test. Journal of Sports Medicine and NBA. ESPN The Magazine: NBA Preview Issue, 2014.
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9. Delextrat, A, and Cohen, D. Physiological testing of basketball readiness to train: When to push and when to pull. Professional
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10. Elving, WJL. The role of communication in organisational in fitness apps: How do leaderboards influence exercise?
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ABOUT THE AUTHORS monitoring, and analytics for the first team and the youth academy.
Stephen Bird is the Director of Strength and Conditioning at Previously, he served as Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for
the University of Wollongong and is the Senior Performance the Erie BayHawks (Atlanta Hawks National Basketball Association
Science Advisor for the Glasnow Rocks in the British Basketball [NBA] affiliate) and interned as an athletic performance coach for
League (BBL). He has served on the Australian Strength and the Washington Wizards NBA team and University of Michigan.
Conditioning Association (ASCA) Education Advisory Panel, Huyghe is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®)
Scientific Conference Committee, and is an Associate Editor for the through the National Strength and Conditioning Association
Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning. Bird is a Certified (NSCA), Level 1 Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach
Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®) and Registered (ASCA), and is currently a PhD candidate at the University of
Strength and Conditioning Coach Emeritus (RSCC*D) through Murcia. Professionally, he spent over seven years working for
the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), numerous international bodies, including the NBA, NBA G League,
Level 3 Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach (ASCA), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), EuroLeague, and
and Registered Nutritionist. Professionally, he served as Director Champions League.
of Strength and Conditioning at the Western Region Academy
of Sport for 10 years and has worked for numerous international Ernest DeLosAngeles is entering his third season as the Head
bodies, including the Indonesian Olympic Committee (2008 Beijing Strength and Conditioning Coach with the Stockton Kings
Olympics and 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics), Basketball Scotland (Sacramento Kings National Basketball Association [NBA] affiliate)
(2018 Commonwealth Games) and Scotland Rugby League of the NBA G League. DeLosAngeles is a Certified Strength and
(2017 World Cup). Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®) through the National Strength
and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and Certified Athletic Trainer
Thomas Huyghe is the Director of Athletic Performance at Filou (ATC). He completed his Master’s degree in Sport Performance at
Oostende Belgian professional basketball team overseeing all Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions and his Bachelor’s
aspects of strength and conditioning, sports science, nutrition, load degree in Athletic Training at the University of the Pacific.