Impact of Smartphone Addiction On Academic Performance of Adolescents in Rajasthan

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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 5, 9139–9149

Impact of Smartphone Addiction on Academic Performance of

Adolescents in Rajasthan

Nikita Nehra 1, Prof. Rajesh Mehrotra 2

Scholar, School of Business and Management, Jaipur National University, Rajasthan, India.
Director, School of Business Management, Jaipur National University, Rajasthan, India.
Email: 1, 2

Electronic screens are so enticing that it's hard for adolescents to avoid their addiction to gadgets like
smartphones. Smartphones bring many benefits when used for their basic intended purposes, but
excessive use of smartphones might turn problematic and consequently, impairs well-being,
negatively impacts academic performance, and leads to various psychological and physical
complications among adolescents. This article aims to investigate the impact of smartphone addiction
on the academic performance of adolescents, especially among secondary and senior secondary
school students in Rajasthan. The data was collected from a sample of 425 randomly selected students
in the age group of 13-19 years through an online questionnaire. The findings suggest two important
aspects to understand the impact of smartphone addiction on the academic performance of
adolescents. The negative aspect indicates that excessive smartphone use by adolescents negatively
impacts their learning and academic performance, while the positive aspect indicates that the use of
smartphones by adolescents increases their skills and cognitive abilities, thereby improving their
academic performance. The study recommends that good strategies should be encouraged in all
educational settings to promote the proper and healthy use of smartphones among students.
Keywords : Adolescent Students, Academic Performance, Smartphone Addiction, Smartphone

also supplanted by smartphones. Smartphones

have become into a vital component of modern
The 21st century has seen continuous progress
life as users start to feel inseparable from them.
and innovation in the field of information
One of the primary problems experts have
technology. The adoption of technology has
noticed and are researching is the inappropriate
changed the way people live, leaving a mark on
utilization of smart phones, or more
every aspect of their lives [1]. One of these
specifically, people's addictions to cellular
technological advancements is the development
phones. This is due to the ongoing advancement
of smartphones and their applications which
of new technologies and the usage of
provide swift accessibility to the social
smartphones. Obsession to smartphones among
networking sites and internet. This fascination
teenage pupils was estimated to be as severe as
with smartphones has led to greater human
48%, according to research by Aljomaa et al.
interaction with technology, even more than
[4]. According to Doorn [5], this degree of
human interaction [2].
addiction is a significant and thought-provoking
Smartphones are utilised for a variety of
result for comprehending individuals in the
purposes, includes networking sites,
current world, particularly teenagers.
entertainment, productivity, and communication
[3]. In addition to conventional mobile phones,
PCs and several other comparable devices were

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Nikita Nehra, et. al. 9140

addiction, health problems [18], and other

1.1. Positive Impacts of Using Smartphones: adverse impacts. These research studies
Smartphones are great tools to support a variety expressed great concern about the addictive use
of services and functions, and people, especially of smartphones, which has become a serious
adolescents, feel better about using them. phenomenon among adolescents. The study
Smartphones with social media platforms and conducted by İNal et al. [18] observed that 60
various specialized Apps are a key factor in percent of adolescents who use smartphones
providing a wide range of services, such as a can't spend more than an hour without checking
better and broad means to communicate with their devices. Excessive smartphone use has
people, follow news and updates, to facilitate caused a wide range of health-related problems
learning, entertainment, business, and other among adolescents, such as neurological
applications. For adolescents, smartphones problems, spinal problems, sore eyes, red ears,
provide the greatest benefits in terms of headaches, anxiety, and depression.
education, social life, and entertainment [6], [7]. Boumosleh & Doris [19] observed that due to
Undoubtedly, smartphones have brought about smartphone addiction, 36% of adolescent
dramatic changes in the lifestyles of schoolchildren feel exhausted in day-time. As
adolescents, and these devices are very helpful also, 38.1% of adolescent students experienced
in providing them with a better communication a decrease in sleep quality because they
platform and access to a broad range of remained addicted to their smartphones until
specialized Apps [8]. Adolescents enjoy the late at night. Similarly, excessive smartphone
diverse and comfortable services provided by use can exacerbate thumb arthritis due to
smartphones, such as exposure for learning excessive texting [20]. At the same time, blue
skills, methods for developing personality, and light with shorter wavelengths emitted by
ideas for academic success [7], [9]. Past smartphones can cause health hazards such as
research studies [10] emphasizes that these neuralgia, shoulder pain, and back pain.
smart devices can save time, provide access to a Thus, as evidenced from the aforementioned
wide range of specialized Apps, internet, email, narrative, smart phone addiction has taken an
free calling, chat, Wi-Fi, and social networking unescapable place in the lives of adolescents.
sites. They are so addicted and dependent on their
Smartphones have become a significant part of smartphones that they feel that life cannot go
adolescents' life that they feel incomplete smoothly without them. Through the above
without them [11]. Thus, the literature literature review, many negative consequences
evidenced that smartphone technology has, to a have been identified.
large extent, revolutionized the lifestyle of Numerous studies have contributed to the
adolescents in all their developmental affairs effects of smartphone addiction, studying its
and has paved the way for multiple functions to overuse by gender, age, and social status. In
enjoy their lives. addition, the impact of smartphone addiction in
the workplace was investigated to examine
1.2. Negative Consequences of Excessive Use employee competency levels. The impact of
of Smartphones: smartphone addiction has been examined
Mount (2012) observed that most adolescents leading to health problems such as sleep
use smartphones daily for not less than 5 hours, disturbance and emotional stress [21], [22].
and their use of specialized Apps has also Other studies have looked at peer relationships,
increased significantly. Consequently, this has such as student-student relationships, among
led to the degradation of their physical and teenagers and young adults as a result of
social interactions [12], [13], mental smartphone addiction by calculating their
distractions [14], [15], lack of concentration, morals, self-esteem, and values, and discovered
sleep disturbance [16], [17], technology that teens who are more obsessed to mobile

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9141 Journal of Positive School Psychology

phones may have many other problems and affects educational achievement and be
weaker relationships. motivated to rein in students' conduct, enforce
Only a few research, meanwhile, have better rules, and pique students' enthusiasm in
examined the problem of smartphone addiction studying.
and how it affects teenage students' academic
performance. Given that teen smartphone
The conceptualization of smartphone addiction
addiction is on the rise, this is a topic worth
has been the subject of intense debate among
considering. Many issues in education are
researchers due to the surge in the usage of
caused directly or indirectly by smartphone
smartphones. Researchers have attempted to
addiction, which also has an impact on students'
study this same issue under various
academic performance. Due to excessive
terminologies, like "problematic mobile phone
smartphone usage, many students find it
usage" [27], "mobile phone addiction" [28],
difficult to improve their academic
"mobile phone dependence" [29], "heavy
performance. Students who use their cellphones
smartphone use" [30], "excessive smartphone
excessively risk failing their classes [23]. This
use" [31], "smartphone overuse" [32], and
even makes teachers/parents worry about their
"problematic smartphone usage" [33].
students/children, not taking their learning
Covering all the terminologies used in the
existing literature, smartphone addiction alludes
It is beyond any doubt that smartphones are
to excessive usage of smartphones in
creating new interactive spaces in all aspects of
uncontrollable situations, affecting basic
socializing, health, and education, making life
activities of daily living and leading to negative
easier and more convenient [24], [25].
consequences [34]. Most of the literature
However, students nowadays are more addicted
examining the impact of smartphone addiction
to the use of smartphones in a destructive way.
reports varying degrees of negative outcomes
They are losing their social communication,
on students' academic performance through
physical activities, and academic interests,
decreased learning attention and distraction in
which consequently disturbs their academic
the classroom [15], [35]–[39].
performance [26]. To identify how smartphone
Few studies in the past [40], [41] have
addiction is affecting adolescent students, this
discussed smartphone addiction in terms of
research is an attempt to find the reasons why
students' multitasking and the impact of such
smartphone addiction is increasing among
multitasking on students' academic
adolescent students, what is its impact on their
performance. Findings on the impact of smart
academic performances, and to find its
phone multitasking on academic performance
suggest an inverse relationship between
Students will benefit from this research because
students' excessive utilization of smart phones
they will get the proper information on how
and educational performances. Junco and
smartphones affect their academic performance
Cotton [41] argue that multitasking, such as
and will be able to use the study's advice to
texting and viewing social media sites
overcome the detrimental effects of smartphone
simultaneously while doing home-work or
addiction on their education. Additionally,
performing educational tasks can interfere with
guardians and parents will be able to
students' academics and negatively impact their
comprehend how smartphone addiction affects
overall GPA.
their ward's academic achievement. They will
But prior research [32], [42] has also shown
be able to apply the suggestions to raise their
beneficial impacts of mobile phone addiction on
kids' academic achievement and provide them
adolescents' academic achievement, linked to
with sound guidance. Teachers who behave as
changes in social behaviour that legitimise
their students' second parents will also be able
inappropriate smartphone use. Tessier [42] has
to comprehend how smartphone addiction
discovered that even overuse of cellphones as a

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Nikita Nehra, et. al. 9142

learning aid might improve comprehension and inconsistent. In order to better understand how
learning, enhancing educational outcomes and smartphone addictions affects educational
the educational setting. Overall, studies on achievement, this research focused on teenage
mobile phone addiction have shown pupils in Rajasthan.
contradictory results, and the literature is still


Figure 1: Representing the Flow of the Research Conducted in Two Folds

Based on the recommendations of Ng & Peh identified research questions. The study then
[43], this study conducted a systematic identified those factors that most scholars have
literature review following four steps, as listed assumed in the past to explain the problematic
below: (1) planning the review, (2) search & use of smartphones.
identify relevant literature, (3) quality The present study was carried out during a
assessment of identified literature, (4) period of six months (August 2021 to January
extracting and synthesizing the literature. The 2022) on adolescent students in secondary and
research approach used in the study is presented senior secondary schools of Rajasthan. The
in Figure 1. The initial step was to develop an sample constitutes 425 randomly selected
overall plan for conducting a systematic students in the age group of 13-19 years. The
literature review. The second step was to search researcher created a structured questionnaire in
and identify relevant research papers from this study that asked about participants' age,
various journals and conferences (published in gender, self-reported smartphone use, and
English from January 2012) from leading impact on academic activities. The Institutional
search engines. 229 articles were initially Review Committee gave their clearance before
identified and selected. In the final step, each of this survey could be completed online. The
the 45 articles were independently examined to researcher provided instructions on how to
identify core characteristics of problematic complete the survey and delivered the link to
smartphone use and to provide insights into the the survey form to the participants. Each

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9143 Journal of Positive School Psychology

participant had a unique identification code to they were using smartphones on an average for
avoid dual responses. Subsequent to getting the about 6-10 hours daily and 82 (19.3%)
consent, the identified respondents were participants reported using smartphones more at
required to fill and submit the online form. The late night. 184 (43.3%) participants reported
form used self-administration approach to that they keep their smartphones on the bed
collect data, in which participants read while sleeping. Further, the majority of the
questions on their own and provide participants (39.5%; 168/425) reported that they
answers/information about their usage of were mainly using smartphones for social
smartphones and academic performance. The networking, followed by 108 (25.4%)
collected data was analyzed utilizing simple participants using smartphones for
statistical technique of depicting graphs and communication purposes (calls, text messaging,
calculating percentages. The demographical etc.), and 97 (22.8%) participants using
characteristics of the responding students are smartphones for entertainment purposes
summarized under the Table 1 below: (playing games, listening music, etc.). Only 52
(12.2%) participants reported that they were
Table 1: Representing the Demographic Profile
using smartphones for academic (study, news
of Participants
update, or knowledge) purposes (Figure 2). 122
Demographic Count (28.7%) participants reported that they have a
Profile of (N = Percentage feeling of need to answer a text or call instantly.
Participants 425) Among the total 425 participants, 182 (42.8%)
Male 283 66.6% informed that they feel curious to utilize their
Gender smart phones if any of his/ her friend is using
Female 142 33.4%
smartphones nearby, while they are studying.
13-15 All in all, 191 (44.9%) participating students
94 22.1%
years accepted that they feel addicted to their
Age 15-17 smartphones.
137 32.2%
Group years Table 2: Representation of the Reliability
17-19 Analysis of All Variables
194 45.7%
years Reliability Statistics
As evident from the above table, out of the total Cronbach's
425 respondents, 283 (66.6%) were male and Alpha
remaining 142 (33.4%) were female. 94
Time Slot
(22.1%) respondents belong to group of age 13-
maintenance for
15 years, 137 (32.2%) respondents belong to
group of age 15-17 years, and remaining 194
(45.7%) respondents belong to group of age 17-
Academic Performance

19 years, with mean age of 16.5 years and SD Smartphone

of 1.22. It is worth mentioning here that all the Usage Time
425 participants (100%) owned and were using Effect on Grades
0.904 6
smartphones. Due to Use of
The findings of the analysis of the data obtained Smartphone
from the responding students regarding Planning for
smartphone addiction can be presented as Studies
follows. The majority of the participants Concentration on
(52.7%; 224/425) reported that they were using Studies
smartphones for about more than 4 years. A
total of 117 (27.5%) participants reported that

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Nikita Nehra, et. al. 9144

The table above displays the reliability analysis Cronbach's alpha must be bigger than 0.55,
of all variables. Uma Sekaran [44] asserts that claim Tabachnick and Fiddell [45]. The
the dependability increases when Cronbach's information is trustworthy, as shown by the
alpha, a measure of reliability, approaches 1.0. total dependability of 6 loaded items (Table 2).
Percentage of Adolescents

25.0% 22.8%

15.0% 12.2%
Communication Study & Updates Entertainment Social Networking

Figure 2: Illustrating the Purpose of Smartphone Usage by Participants



Entertainment Content Academic Content

Figure 3: Illustrating the Major Contents Surfed by Participants in Smartphones

18.6% 20.0%


Always To some extent Never

Figure 4: Representing the Perception of Participants on Enhancing the Academic Performance by

Reducing Smartphone Use

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9145 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Additionally, the following information may be It is a well-known fact that smartphones play a
used to provide the results of the analysis of the significant role in our lives. People use
data collected from the responding students on smartphones to communicate anytime,
the effects of mobile phone addiction on their anywhere. With the advent of the Internet and
academic achievement. The majority of the various professional applications, smartphones
participants (66.8%; 284/425) agreed that their have become one of the survival tools most
smartphones have more of the entertainment people carry around [46]. Today, smartphones
contents stored as compared to academic have become a tool for self-expression and self-
contents (Figure 3). Among the total 425 identification. Nevertheless, the overuse or
participants, 261 (61.4%) participants agreed addiction of cellphones has become a
that academic performance can be improved to significant issue as a result of their widespread
some extent by reducing the usage of usage in our culture.
smartphones (Figure 4). Apart from the above Past research studies around the world
findings, the analysis also evidenced some investigated how smartphones impact students'
positive perceptions regarding smartphone academic and socio-cultural activities.
usage by adolescents, for instance 229 (53.9%) Smartphones can disrupt learning and reduce
respondents agreed that smartphones are student attention in the classroom, affecting
assisting them in learning new skills. students’ performance and leading to negative
educational outcomes [47]. Even, most students
blame their poor academic performance on their
The Table 3 below summarizes the statistical
indiscriminate use of smartphones. They use
output (generated using SPSS 23.0) of the
their smartphones to visit social networking
statements demonstrating how the participants'
sites more often than they use for academic
educational attainment was affected by their
purposes [48]. Frequent calls and messages
smartphone use. As evident from the above
from friends and others distract students from
table, the χ2 values generated significant results,
completing their academic tasks on time or
with p-values <.0001. This signifies that the
concentrating on their studies [49]. Students
smartphone addiction impacts the academic
who stay up late at night and use smartphones
performance of the adolescent students in
during night hours are more likely to experience
daytime sleepiness in class. This eventually
Table 3: Impact of Smartphones on Academic interferes with their study results, which lowers
Performance their educational outcomes [36], [50].
Statements χ2-value p-value Based on the findings of this study, past
I cannot maintain time slot 110.941 <.0001 research [51] [50] has shown that smartphone
for smartphone usage technology increases students' academic activity
I cannot control my 190.753 <.0001 to a certain extent. While students use
smartphone usage time smartphones as a optimistic instrument for
My grades dropped due to 159.647 <.0001 taking class notes, it increases productivity and
excessive use of saves time, improves study skills, and creates
smartphone positive feelings among their peers.
I feel a hard time 75.718 <.0001
implementing/ doing what I 4.1. Strategies to Correct Problematic Usage
planned of Smartphones:
I feel a hard time in 211.224 <.0001 It depends on the user's approach to maximizing
concentrating on my studies the benefits of smartphones and minimizing
Smartphone usage distracts 114.047 <.0001 their negative consequences in order to
me from studying demonstrate that they are a productive tool

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Nikita Nehra, et. al. 9146

rather than a destructive tool to one's life. strategies should be encouraged in all
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for adolescents to take interest in something healthy use of smartphones among students.
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research, several strategies have been identified amount of time spent by students/children on
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