Samvatsari Pratikraman

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AnalysIs and |eanIng of AnalysIs and |eanIng of

SamvatsarI PratIkraman SamvatsarI PratIkraman
AnalysIs and |eanIng of AnalysIs and |eanIng of
SamvatsarI PratIkraman SamvatsarI PratIkraman
Content Content Content Content
1. 1. keosons |or the presentot|on & Goo|s keosons |or the presentot|on & Goo|s
2. Gener|c Meon|ng o| Frot|kromon 2. Gener|c Meon|ng o| Frot|kromon
3. Iypes o| Frot|kromons 3. Iypes o| Frot|kromons
4. D|||erent FormotsJIrod|t|ons 4. D|||erent FormotsJIrod|t|ons
5. S|x Essent|o|s 5. S|x Essent|o|s
. Mocro Structure . Mocro Structure
7. Irons|ot|on o| |requent|y used Frokr|t 7. Irons|ot|on o| |requent|y used Frokr|t
words words
8. Observot|ons 8. Observot|ons
. Acknow|edgments . Acknow|edgments|erences|erences
ntroductIon ntroductIon ntroductIon ntroductIon
Reasons for the Reasons for the
Presentation Presentation
Performing any rituaI without Performing any rituaI without
understanding its meaning understanding its meaning
has a very Iimited benefit. has a very Iimited benefit.
Awareness is the key to Awareness is the key to
spirituaI success. spirituaI success.
GoaIs GoaIs
To improve understanding of To improve understanding of
the Pratikraman RituaI at the the Pratikraman RituaI at the
macro IeveI. macro IeveI.
To heIp improve one's To heIp improve one's
thought pattern and behavior thought pattern and behavior
CenerIc |eanIng of PratIkraman CenerIc |eanIng of PratIkraman CenerIc |eanIng of PratIkraman CenerIc |eanIng of PratIkraman
l: MLAre l: MLAre
Tc RL:RLA: lRcV :lL vcRLLLY elre Tc RL:RLA: lRcV :lL vcRLLLY elre
Tc cL: AvAY lRcV :lL :LrLLrcY cl FlrLlrc Tc cL: AvAY lRcV :lL :LrLLrcY cl FlrLlrc
lALL: lr lALL: lr c:lLRe, cRl:lclzlrc c:lLRe ArL :c c:lLRe, cRl:lclzlrc c:lLRe ArL :c
LLVLLcl :lL lALl: cl eLLl ArALYele, eLLl LLVLLcl :lL lALl: cl eLLl ArALYele, eLLl
lVlRcVLVLr:, ArL lr:RcelLc:lcr lVlRcVLVLr:, ArL lr:RcelLc:lcr
FLlLr:ArcL.A:crLVLr: FLlLr:ArcL.A:crLVLr:
Types of PratIkramans Types of PratIkramans Types of PratIkramans Types of PratIkramans
Devsi(Lvening) Devsi(Lvening)
Raishi(Morning) Raishi(Morning)
Pakkhi (Iortnight) Pakkhi (Iortnight)
Chaumasi(4 mos.) Chaumasi(4 mos.)
Samvatsari Samvatsari (year)
0Ifferent Formats /TradItIons 0Ifferent Formats /TradItIons 0Ifferent Formats /TradItIons 0Ifferent Formats /TradItIons
Pratikramans composed in Pratikramans composed in
Prakrit/Sanskrit/Gujarati/Hindi Prakrit/Sanskrit/Gujarati/Hindi
Pratikramans composed in EngIish Pratikramans composed in EngIish
(JAINA (Narendra Sheth), Dr. (JAINA (Narendra Sheth), Dr.
Surendra Singhavi, Dr. Mukesh Surendra Singhavi, Dr. Mukesh
Doshi, Pravin Shah, Manubhai Doshi, Pravin Shah, Manubhai
Doshi) Doshi)
OO No special Samvatsari Pratikraman as such No special Samvatsari Pratikraman as such
OO Pratikraman performed during DAS LAKSHNA Pratikraman performed during DAS LAKSHNA
has has the following features: the following features:
OO - -About 20 to 30 minutes long About 20 to 30 minutes long
OO - -Not structured, Flexible Not structured, Flexible
OO - -Done individually or collectively Done individually or collectively
- -Consists of Namokar Mantra, Few Prayers (Stuties), Consists of Namokar Mantra, Few Prayers (Stuties),
and and Alochana Path (miniature version of Atichar) Alochana Path (miniature version of Atichar)
- -Used to be done in Prakrit in the old days; now done Used to be done in Prakrit in the old days; now done
in Hindi in Hindi
OO No special Samvatsari Pratikraman as such No special Samvatsari Pratikraman as such
OO Pratikraman performed during DAS LAKSHNA Pratikraman performed during DAS LAKSHNA
has the following features: has the following features:
OO -out 90 minutes long (Devsi a-out 1 hour, -out 90 minutes long (Devsi a-out 1 hour,
no no Raishi) Raishi)
OO Structured Structured
OO omposed - Himat-hai Pandit a-out 50 omposed - Himat-hai Pandit a-out 50
ears ago ears ago
OO Does not have long sutras such as tichar, Does not have long sutras such as tichar,
Vandittu, Vandittu, it Shanti, or Brahat Shanti it Shanti, or Brahat Shanti
OO No large Kausagg either No large Kausagg either
OO onsists oI Shrimad Raachandra`s writings onsists oI Shrimad Raachandra`s writings
such as such as PURV VSR, % SIDDHI PURV VSR, % SIDDHI
S%NZS, S%NZS, LE%%ER OF SIX PDS plus LE%%ER OF SIX PDS plus stanzas stanzas
Irom Irom Samaysar Samaysar
ShrImad Fajchandra TradItIon ShrImad Fajchandra TradItIon
Samvatsari Pratikraman: 2 hours Iong, DaiIy Pratikraman: Samvatsari Pratikraman: 2 hours Iong, DaiIy Pratikraman:
Samvatsari Pratikraman has foIIowing features: Samvatsari Pratikraman has foIIowing features:
Structured Structured
- - CaIIed BHAV PRATIKRAMAN, Composed by Shrim CaIIed BHAV PRATIKRAMAN, Composed by Shrim
Rajachandra Gyanmandir Trust Rajachandra Gyanmandir Trust
easy Gujarati easy Gujarati
- - Structured around 6 essentiaIs Structured around 6 essentiaIs
- - Does not have Iong sutras such as Vandittu, Ajit S Does not have Iong sutras such as Vandittu, Ajit S
or or Brahat Shanti Brahat Shanti
- - Atichar recomposed Atichar recomposed
- - IncIudes songs and KHSHMAPANA PATH compose IncIudes songs and KHSHMAPANA PATH compose
Shrimad Shrimad
- - IncIudes Maitri Bhavnu Pavitra.., Ratnakar Pachch IncIudes Maitri Bhavnu Pavitra.., Ratnakar Pachch
Samvatsari Pratikraman about 2 hours Iong: Samvatsari Pratikraman about 2 hours Iong:
Structured Structured
- - Does not have Iong sutras such as Ajit Shanti and Does not have Iong sutras such as Ajit Shanti and
Brahat Shanti. Brahat Shanti.
- - Does have Atichar (different version) and Iarge Does have Atichar (different version) and Iarge
Kausagg. Kausagg.
- - Contains six essentiaIs too. Contains six essentiaIs too.
- - Uses Tikkuto in pIace of Vandana for saIutation to Uses Tikkuto in pIace of Vandana for saIutation to
Acharayas and Sadhus Acharayas and Sadhus
- - Uses severaI sutras in pIace of Vandittu to incIude Uses severaI sutras in pIace of Vandittu to incIude
O Very simiIar to STHANKAVASI traditon:
- Samvatsari Pratikraman or Pakkhi or daiIy
Pratikraman-each 48 minutes Iong
- Structured
- Revised by Acharya TuIsiji
- Does not have Iong sutras such as Ajit Shanti
and Brahat Shanti.
- Does have Atichar (different version) and Iarge
- Contains six essentiaIs too.
- Uses Tikkuto in pIace of Vandana for saIutation
to Acharaya and Sadhus
- Uses severaI sutras in pIace of Vandittu to
Samvatsari Pratikraman a-out 3 hours long Samvatsari Pratikraman a-out 3 hours long
Structured Structured
Has long sutras such as Saklarhat, tichar, it Has long sutras such as Saklarhat, tichar, it
Shanti and Brahat Shanti. Shanti and Brahat Shanti.
OO Does have a large Kausagg. Does have a large Kausagg.
OO ontains six essentials. ontains six essentials.
OO Some oI the sutras repeated man times. Some oI the sutras repeated man times.
OO Uses oI Vandana Ior salutation to charaas Uses oI Vandana Ior salutation to charaas
and and Sadhus Sadhus
PerIormed in Prakrit (90), Sanskrit (5) and in PerIormed in Prakrit (90), Sanskrit (5) and in
Guarati (5) Guarati (5)
SIx EssentIals SIx EssentIals SIx EssentIals SIx EssentIals
5amayIk 5amayIk
A prnccss tn nbtaIn scrcnIty, tranquI!!Ity, and mcnta! cquanImIty A prnccss tn nbtaIn scrcnIty, tranquI!!Ity, and mcnta! cquanImIty
ChauvvIsanthn ChauvvIsanthn
OffcrIng nur praycrs tn 24 TIrthankars OffcrIng nur praycrs tn 24 TIrthankars
Vandana Vandana
5a!utatInn tn saInts and mnnks tn dcvc!np humI!Ity 5a!utatInn tn saInts and mnnks tn dcvc!np humI!Ity
PratIkraman PratIkraman
Tn rcpcnt thc sIns a!rcady cnmmIttcd and bc carcfu! that thcy arc Tn rcpcnt thc sIns a!rcady cnmmIttcd and bc carcfu! that thcy arc
nnt rcpcatcd In thc futurc nnt rcpcatcd In thc futurc
Kayntsarg Kayntsarg
Tn bc cngrnsscd In thc nbscrvatInn and ana!ysIs nf nnc's snu! and Tn bc cngrnsscd In thc nbscrvatInn and ana!ysIs nf nnc's snu! and
fnrgcttIng nnc's physIca! bndy fnrgcttIng nnc's physIca! bndy
Pratyakhyan Pratyakhyan
Tn takc a vnw tn abstaIn frnm ccrtaIn actIvItIcs Tn takc a vnw tn abstaIn frnm ccrtaIn actIvItIcs
|acro Structure |acro Structure
0evsI 0evsI
8egIn 8egIn
SamayIk SamayIk
8egInnIng 8egInnIng
SamvatasarI SamvatasarI
0evsI 0evsI
End End
SamayIk SamayIk
EndIng EndIng
Curu 7andana Curu 7andana
Pachchakkhan Pachchakkhan
ChaItyavandan ChaItyavandan
AtIchar AtIchar
7andIttu (2) 7andIttu (2)
Long ausagg Long ausagg
AjIt ShantI AjIt ShantI
8rahat ShantI 8rahat ShantI
SantIkaram SantIkaram
Steps 8efore 8egInnIng of 0evsI Steps 8efore 8egInnIng of 0evsI Steps 8efore 8egInnIng of 0evsI Steps 8efore 8egInnIng of 0evsI
Procedure fo inifiofe Somoyik (7 Sufros)..Isf Procedure fo inifiofe Somoyik (7 Sufros)..Isf
EssenfioI EssenfioI
Muhpoffi & 0uru Vondono (SoIufofion fo 0uru) Muhpoffi & 0uru Vondono (SoIufofion fo 0uru)
Pochkhhon (Vow nof fo drink ond/or eof) ..Znd Pochkhhon (Vow nof fo drink ond/or eof) ..Znd
EssenfioI EssenfioI
Choifyovondon (II Sufros) SoIufofion fo fempIes, Choifyovondon (II Sufros) SoIufofion fo fempIes,
idoIs, monks, firfhonkors & siddhos idoIs, monks, firfhonkors & siddhos
Momuffhunom (Proyer by Indro, describes divine Momuffhunom (Proyer by Indro, describes divine
quoIifies of Arihonfos) quoIifies of Arihonfos)
SamayIk (7 Sutras) SamayIk (7 Sutras)
!t is a process to attain mental equanimity
Navkar Nantra Panchindiya
Eriyavahiyam Tass Uttari
Annath Kausagg
Logaass (Nuhapatti)
Karemi Bhante 3 Navkar Nantras
|uhpattI |uhpattI
Unfolded Muhapatti
Right Knowledge
Right Conduct Self Control
Right Perception
Curu 7andana Curu 7andana
1. Ichhami Khamasamano
2. Navkar antra
3. uhpatti
Oh, Iorgiving guru, I ask Ior our pardon Ior the
Iaults that have occurred and mistakes committed.
I will reIrain Irom all unwholesome acts on
account oI negative thoughts, rude word or
improper phsical action.
Pachakkhan Pachakkhan
Sure Uggaye Sure Uggaye %hose who have %hose who have not taken Iood or water Ior not taken Iood or water Ior
Chau Vihar Chau Vihar 24 hours 24 hours
Panahar Panahar %hose who have %hose who have taken onl water and/or Iood taken onl water and/or Iood
once or twice within 24 hours once or twice within 24 hours
Chau Vihar Chau Vihar %hose who are pledging not to %hose who are pledging not to take take Iood or Iood or
water at night water at night
Ti Vihar Ti Vihar %hose who are pledging not %hose who are pledging not to take to take Iood -ut Iood -ut
onl water at night onl water at night
Du Vihar Du Vihar %hose who are pledging to take onl water and %hose who are pledging to take onl water and
mouth reIreshers at night mouth reIreshers at night
ChaItya 7andan (11 Sutras) ChaItya 7andan (11 Sutras)
Ichhami Khamasamano Ichhami Khamasamano
Sakal Kushal Valli Sakal Kushal Valli Saklahart` Saklahart`
Jankinchi Jankinchi Nammuthunum Nammuthunum
rihant haianam, nnath, Kausagg, rihant haianam, nnath, Kausagg, Snatsya` Snatsya` 11
st st
Stanza Stanza
Logass, rihant haianam, nnath, Kausagg, Snatsa 2 Logass, rihant haianam, nnath, Kausagg, Snatsa 2
nd nd
Stanza Stanza
Pukkhar Vardi Vaddhe, nnath, Kausagg, Snatsa 3rd Stanza Pukkhar Vardi Vaddhe, nnath, Kausagg, Snatsa 3rd Stanza
Siddhanam Budhhanam, nnath, Kausagg, Snatsa 4th Stanza Siddhanam Budhhanam, nnath, Kausagg, Snatsa 4th Stanza
Nammuthunam Nammuthunam `Both in Sanskrit `Both in Sanskrit
Saklarhat Saklarhat
Composed in Sanskrit by Hemchandrasuri Composed in Sanskrit by Hemchandrasuri
about 900 years ago about 900 years ago
Prayer for aII 24 Tirthankaras Prayer for aII 24 Tirthankaras
Describes the virtues of Iords. It is fuII of Describes the virtues of Iords. It is fuII of
metaphors. metaphors.
Most popuIar stanzas are: Most popuIar stanzas are:
For praying Parswanath: Kamthe For praying Parswanath: Kamthe
Dharanendra cha.. Dharanendra cha..
For praying Mahaviraswami: Virah Sarva For praying Mahaviraswami: Virah Sarva
Surendra Mahito. Surendra Mahito.
Nammuthunam Nammuthunam
%his sutra oIIers respect & salutations to %irthankaras. It is
also called Shakrastav (Praer - Indra). %he virtuous souls
are descri-ed as
SelI Enlightened Supreme s pure as Lotus
Bestower oI %rue Vision Pioneers oI religion
Guides to the religious path Saviors oI souls
Having reached a state where re-irth is ruled out
Pukkharvar 0Ivaddhe Pukkharvar 0Ivaddhe
Scripture Worship Sutra. Has 4 stanzas: Scripture Worship Sutra. Has 4 stanzas:
1. 1. bow down to the Tirthankaras who initiated the bow down to the Tirthankaras who initiated the
religious scriptures religious scriptures
2. 2. pay respect to scriptures. pay respect to scriptures.
3. 3. Putting the scriptural message in practice eliminates Putting the scriptural message in practice eliminates
pain and suffering. pain and suffering.
4. 4. Let Jain religion spread more & let greater number of Let Jain religion spread more & let greater number of
people practice the religion. people practice the religion.
|acro Structure |acro Structure
0evsI 0evsI
8egIn 8egIn
SamayIk SamayIk
8egInnIng 8egInnIng
SamvatasarI SamvatasarI
0evsI 0evsI
End End
SamayIk SamayIk
EndIng EndIng
Curu 7andana Curu 7andana
Pachkhhan Pachkhhan
ChaItyavandan ChaItyavandan
AtIchar AtIchar
7andIttu (2) 7andIttu (2)
Long ausagg Long ausagg
AjIt ShantI AjIt ShantI
8rahat ShantI 8rahat ShantI
SantIkaram SantIkaram
0evsI PratIkraman..8egInnIng 0evsI PratIkraman..8egInnIng 0evsI PratIkraman..8egInnIng 0evsI PratIkraman..8egInnIng
Beginning of Devai Pratikraman (7 8utraa) Beginning of Devai Pratikraman (7 8utraa)
- -8avvaaavi Devaaiya, Duchintiya 8avvaaavi Devaaiya, Duchintiya
- -Karemi Bhante Karemi Bhante - -Ichchami Thami Kauaaggam Ichchami Thami Kauaaggam
- -Taaa Uttari Taaa Uttari - -Annath Annath - -Kauaagg Kauaagg
3rd EaaentiaI Muhpatti and Vandana 3rd EaaentiaI Muhpatti and Vandana
Atichar AIochana (3 8utraa) Atichar AIochana (3 8utraa)
- -Ichchami Thami Kauaaggam Ichchami Thami Kauaaggam - -8atIakh 8atIakh
- - 18 Papaathanaka 18 Papaathanaka
Vandittu (pIua 3 other autraa)..4th EaaentiaI Vandittu (pIua 3 other autraa)..4th EaaentiaI
chchamI ThamI ausaggam chchamI ThamI ausaggam
I desire to do Kausagga, by remaining at one I desire to do Kausagga, by remaining at one
pIace, for the sins I have committed during the pIace, for the sins I have committed during the
day, which is not worth doing, which is against day, which is not worth doing, which is against
the hoIy scriptures, which is against the path the hoIy scriptures, which is against the path
of Jainism; or for fouI contempIation and fouI of Jainism; or for fouI contempIation and fouI
ponderance which is neither desirabIe nor ponderance which is neither desirabIe nor
worth doing by a JAIN. worth doing by a JAIN.
Pertaining to knowIedge, true faith, hoIy Pertaining to knowIedge, true faith, hoIy
principIes, Iimited vows of Jain, three types of principIes, Iimited vows of Jain, three types of
Gupti (thought, word and deed), four types of Gupti (thought, word and deed), four types of
Kashay (anger, pride, deception, and greed) in Kashay (anger, pride, deception, and greed) in
Samayik, five anuvrats, three Gunvrats, four Samayik, five anuvrats, three Gunvrats, four
Shikshavrats of those tweIve Shravak's duties Shikshavrats of those tweIve Shravak's duties
18 Papasthanaks(Wordly SIns) 18 Papasthanaks(Wordly SIns) 18 Papasthanaks(Wordly SIns) 18 Papasthanaks(Wordly SIns)
iolence iolence Telling lies Telling lies Stealing Stealing
Sensual Passions Sensual Passions Possessiveness Possessiveness
Anger Anger Arrogance Arrogance Deception Deception Creed Creed
Craving Craving Aversion Aversion
Quarrel Quarrel Allegation Allegation Cossip Cossip
Affection and Disaffection in worldly matters Affection and Disaffection in worldly matters
Criticism Criticism To lie maliciously To lie maliciously
To trust wrong god, guru, or religion To trust wrong god, guru, or religion
12 vows of a JaIn 12 vows of a JaIn
(n 7andIttu Sutra) (n 7andIttu Sutra)
12 vows of a JaIn 12 vows of a JaIn
(n 7andIttu Sutra) (n 7andIttu Sutra)
ive Anuvratas (small vows) ive Anuvratas (small vows)
Non violence Non violence
Truth Truth
Non stealing Non stealing
Limited Celibacy Limited Celibacy
Non possessiveness Non possessiveness
Three Cunavratas (Auxiliary vows) Three Cunavratas (Auxiliary vows)
Distance limitations in all dealings Distance limitations in all dealings
Limits on consumption S type of occupation Limits on consumption S type of occupation
Avoidance of meaningless violence Avoidance of meaningless violence
12 vows of a JaIn .contd 12 vows of a JaIn .contd 12 vows of a JaIn .contd 12 vows of a JaIn .contd
our Shikshavratas (Disciplinary vows) our Shikshavratas (Disciplinary vows)
To remain in self control during Samayik To remain in self control during Samayik
Additional limits on travel for a limited period Additional limits on travel for a limited period
Practicing the life of monk for a day Practicing the life of monk for a day
Sharing with guests and monks Sharing with guests and monks
Stanza on ForgIveness Stanza on ForgIveness Stanza on ForgIveness Stanza on ForgIveness
th stanza of andittu Sutra
! forgive all souls.
Nay all souls forgive me.
! have friendship with every one.
! have no animosity towards any one.
8egInnIng of SamvatsarI 8egInnIng of SamvatsarI
PratIkraman PratIkraman
8egInnIng of SamvatsarI 8egInnIng of SamvatsarI
PratIkraman PratIkraman
Samvatasari Muhpatti, Vandana (2) Samvatasari Muhpatti, Vandana (2)
bbhutthio Sutra & bbhutthio Sutra & chhami Thami Kausaggam chhami Thami Kausaggam
tichar tichar
Samvatsari Tap (Fasting & Meditation) Samvatsari Tap (Fasting & Meditation)
Samvatsari Sutra (or 2nd Vandittu in the Samvatsari Sutra (or 2nd Vandittu in the
absence of live Guru) absence of live Guru)
AtIchar AtIchar
ritten in OId Gujarati ritten in OId Gujarati
Expands 3 Sutras in detaiI Expands 3 Sutras in detaiI
Nanammi a Dansamiya (Panchachar Sutra) Nanammi a Dansamiya (Panchachar Sutra)
Vandittu Vandittu
18 Papasthanks 18 Papasthanks
Contains a detaiIed Iist of do's and don'ts expected Contains a detaiIed Iist of do's and don'ts expected
of a true Jain. of a true Jain.
Great composition on repentence and atonement Great composition on repentence and atonement
3uadev|a 8ragva| 3ulra 3uadev|a 8ragva| 3ulra
3arvalsar| 3arvalsar| vard|llu vard|llu
Lorg Kausagg Lorg Kausagg (Exlerded Ved|lal|or (Exlerded Ved|lal|or - -11 Nav|ars) 11 Nav|ars)
Aoorullr|o 3ulra Aoorullr|o 3ulra
3arvalsar| Krarra 3arvalsar| Krarra
End of Samvatsari Pratikraman End of Samvatsari Pratikraman
SamvatsarI SamvatsarI
PratIkraman..Contd PratIkraman..Contd
SamvatsarI SamvatsarI
PratIkraman..Contd PratIkraman..Contd
|acro Structure |acro Structure
0evsI 0evsI
8egIn 8egIn
SamayIk SamayIk
8egInnIng 8egInnIng
SamvatasarI SamvatasarI
0evsI 0evsI
End End
SamayIk SamayIk
EndIng EndIng
Curu 7andana Curu 7andana
Pachkhhan Pachkhhan
ChaItyavandan ChaItyavandan
AtIchar AtIchar
7andIttu (2) 7andIttu (2)
Long ausagg Long ausagg
AjIt ShantI AjIt ShantI
8rahat ShantI 8rahat ShantI
SantIkaram SantIkaram
Abbluttlio 8utia (Asking oi oigiveness oi any Abbluttlio 8utia (Asking oi oigiveness oi any
disiespect to cuiu) disiespect to cuiu)
Lausagg ( Meditation) ..5tl Issential Lausagg ( Meditation) ..5tl Issential
(Impoitant 8utias: Pukklaivai Divaddle and (Impoitant 8utias: Pukklaivai Divaddle and
8iddlanam Iuddlnam) 8iddlanam Iuddlnam)
Paclclkklan.0tl Issential Mulpatti Paclclkklan.0tl Issential Mulpatti
(Impoitant 8utia: 8ansaidava) (Impoitant 8utia: 8ansaidava)
Ajitslanti Ajitslanti Vandana Vandana Lausagg Lausagg
sajjhay sajjhay
Brahat shanti Brahat shanti
santikaram santikaram
FesumptIon of 0evsI PratIkraman FesumptIon of 0evsI PratIkraman FesumptIon of 0evsI PratIkraman FesumptIon of 0evsI PratIkraman
Sansardava Sansardava
8tanza-1: Prayer to Lord Mahavira
8tanza-2: Worship all Tirthankaras
8tanza-3: Pay respect to 8criptures
8tanza-4: Pay respect to 8HRUTDEV
Note: Last 3 lines were composed and are
therefore sung by 8angh.
Composed by Haribhadrasuri
about 1400 yrs. ago
AjIt ShantI AjIt ShantI
It is a devotionaI song in Prakrit It is a devotionaI song in Prakrit
Language for Lord Ajitnath and Language for Lord Ajitnath and
Shantinath together. Shantinath together.
It was composed by Nandishan Muni It was composed by Nandishan Muni
when he visited PaIitana. hen he saw when he visited PaIitana. hen he saw
the beautifuI tempIes of Lord Ajitnath and the beautifuI tempIes of Lord Ajitnath and
Shantinath side by side, he was moved Shantinath side by side, he was moved
and inspired to compose this song. and inspired to compose this song.
It is fuII of praise and metaphors for both It is fuII of praise and metaphors for both
Tirthankaras. Tirthankaras.
8rahat ShantI 8rahat ShantI
Composed in Sanskrit by Shri Shantisuri about 1000 Composed in Sanskrit by Shri Shantisuri about 1000
yrs. ago. yrs. ago.
Recited during many rituals. Recited during many rituals.
Supposed to bring peace, prosperity and harmony in Supposed to bring peace, prosperity and harmony in
one's life. one's life.
!t says: Let Arihantas, Sadhus, heavenly gods and !t says: Let Arihantas, Sadhus, heavenly gods and
goddesses, friends and relatives be helpful in gaining goddesses, friends and relatives be helpful in gaining
peace and prosperity. peace and prosperity.
Concluding Stanza: Concluding Stanza:
Let all people be happy, let all people be helpful to Let all people be happy, let all people be helpful to
each other, let all faults and mistakes vanish and let each other, let all faults and mistakes vanish and let
all people live happily. all people live happily.
l:occcu:c to li:is| aua,i| ;1+ ut:as, l:occcu:c to li:is| aua,i| ;1+ ut:as,
;I|c :itual c:cs wit| io:givc:css io: a:, iaults ;I|c :itual c:cs wit| io:givc:css io: a:, iaults
couuittcc w|ilc c:io:ui:g it., couuittcc w|ilc c:io:ui:g it.,
End of SamayIk End of SamayIk End of SamayIk End of SamayIk
|acro Structure |acro Structure
0evsI 0evsI
8egIn 8egIn
SamayIk SamayIk
8egInnIng 8egInnIng
SamvatasarI SamvatasarI
0evsI 0evsI
End End
SamayIk SamayIk
EndIng EndIng
Curu 7andana Curu 7andana
Pachkhhan Pachkhhan
ChaItyavandan ChaItyavandan
Nammuthunam Nammuthunam
AtIchar AtIchar
7andIttu (2) 7andIttu (2)
Long ausagg Long ausagg
AjIt ShantI AjIt ShantI
8rahat ShantI 8rahat ShantI
SantIkaram SantIkaram
TranslatIon of frequently TranslatIon of frequently
used PrakrIt words used PrakrIt words
TranslatIon of frequently TranslatIon of frequently
used PrakrIt words used PrakrIt words
Koha, Nana, Naya, Lobha Koha, Nana, Naya, Lobha
Asanam, Panam, Khaimam, Saimam Asanam, Panam, Khaimam, Saimam
Na Karemi, Na Karavemi Na Karemi, Na Karavemi
Nan, Dansan, Charitta, Samai, Cutti Nan, Dansan, Charitta, Samai, Cutti
cha, pi, a cha, pi, a
andami, Nindami, Carihami andami, Nindami, Carihami
Nansa, ayasa, Kayasa Nansa, ayasa, Kayasa
Natthaen andami Natthaen andami
DbservatIons DbservatIons DbservatIons DbservatIons
Repetition of sutras several times Repetition of sutras several times
Detailed description of code of conduct Detailed description of code of conduct
activities have changed, motives have not. activities have changed, motives have not.
Effective way to purify one self Effective way to purify one self
Religion principles are weaved into daily life. Religion principles are weaved into daily life.
Religion is not just an abstraction Religion is not just an abstraction.
DbservatIons..contd DbservatIons..contd DbservatIons..contd DbservatIons..contd
ain prayers are decidedly not for wealth,
power, fame or other worldly things.
Emphasis on humility, introspection, and
forgiveness and other divine qualities
Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Acknowledgments
Acknowledyments Acknowledyments
6urudev Chtrcbhcnu 6urudev Chtrcbhcnu
Scmcn] Akshyprcyyc] Scmcn] Akshyprcyyc]
Prcvn Shch, 0r.Mukesh 0osh, 0r.Prem Prcvn Shch, 0r.Mukesh 0osh, 0r.Prem
6cdc, 0r.\ncy 1cn, 0r. Pcndyc, Hcsmukh 6cdc, 0r.\ncy 1cn, 0r. Pcndyc, Hcsmukh
Shch/Subcsh Sheth, Re]erencess Shch/Subcsh Sheth, Re]erencess
0lp Mehtc, Ansh 8 Scmr Mehtc 0lp Mehtc, Ansh 8 Scmr Mehtc
Feferences Feferences
Prabodh TIka, 8hadrankvIjayjI E alyanprabhvIjayjI |unI Prabodh TIka, 8hadrankvIjayjI E alyanprabhvIjayjI |unI
ShrI SamayIk PratIkraman Sutra (0r. NIlesh 7ora, 1985) ShrI SamayIk PratIkraman Sutra (0r. NIlesh 7ora, 1985)
PratIkraman (Sambhav umar PratIkraman (Sambhav umar J|C) J|C)
PratIkraman (JANA 1992) PratIkraman (JANA 1992)
PratIkraman |edItatIon (0r.Surendra SanghavI, 1998) PratIkraman |edItatIon (0r.Surendra SanghavI, 1998)
PratIkraman FItual for YJA (PravIn Shah PratIkraman FItual for YJA (PravIn Shah 2001) 2001)
PratIkraman FItual (|anubhaI 0oshI 2001) PratIkraman FItual (|anubhaI 0oshI 2001)

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