Currently, robotics companies are working
on pairing robot guards with human security
consultants. A very famous company in this
field is Knightscope in the United States
that has autonomous security robots
capable of assisting human security guards
with real-time, actionable intelligence. These
robots can help with crimes such as armed
robberies, burglaries, domestic violence,
fraud, hit, and runs, etc.
Agriculture is the sector that is the basis of human civilization. However,
agriculture is also a seasonal sector that is dependent on ideal weather
conditions optimal soil, etc. Moreover, there are many repetitive tasks in
agriculture that can be a waste of a farmer’s time and can be performed
more suitable by robots. These include seeding, weed control, harvesting,
etc. Robots are usually used for harvesting the crops which allow farmers
to be more efficient. An example of a robot that is used to remove weeds
in farms is the Ecorobotix. It is powered by solar energy and can be used
to target and spray weeds using a complex camera system.
Robots can help doctors in performing
operations more precisely like being used as Robots are a great option for exploring places
prosthetic limbs, provide therapy to patients, that humans cannot reach easily, like the depths
etc. One example of this is the da Vinci of the ocean. There is a lot of water pressure
robot that can help surgeons in performing deep in the ocean which means humans cannot
complex surgeries relating to the heart, go that down and machines such as submarines
head, neck, and other sensitive areas. There can only go to a certain depth as well. A deep
are other robotic devices that are created underwater is a mysterious place that can
like exoskeletons that can be used to finally be explored using specially designed
provide additional support for people robots. These robots are remote-controlled, and
undergoing rehabilitation after spinal they can go into depths of the ocean to collect
injures, strokes, etc. data and images about the aquatic plant and
animal life.
There are robots that can cook and create complete
meals. These robot chefs can create food using hundreds
of different recipes and all humans need to do is choose
the recipe they want and provide the robot with pre-
packaged containers of all the ingredients that are
needed for that recipe. The robot can then cook the food
on its own. Moley Robotics is one such robotics company
that has created a robotic kitchen with a robot that can
cook like a chef.
There are many repetitive and common tasks
in the manufacturing industry that don’t
require any usage of the mind like welding,
assembly, packing, etc. These tasks can be
easily done by robots while leaving the
mentally challenging and creative tasks to
humans. These robots can be trained to
perform these repetitive and monotonous
tasks with precision under the guidance and
supervision of a human. This option is also
best for the manufacturing processes that
are dangerous and may be harmful to
Robots also have many applications in the military.
They can be used as drones to keep surveillance on
the enemy, they can also be used as armed systems to
attack the opposing forces or as Medicare agents to
help friendly forces. Some of the popular robots used
in the Military sector include MAARS (Modular
Advanced Armed Robotic System) which looks like a
tank and contains tear gas and lasers to confuse
enemies and even grenade launcher for desperate