Kanyama Phiri2017
Kanyama Phiri2017
Kanyama Phiri2017
George Kanyama-Phiri, Kate Wellard, and Sieglinde Snapp
Cereal Yield (kg/ha)
Latin America
Sub-Saharan Africa
South Asia
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
FIGURE 1.1 Cereal yield mean by region from 2006 to 14, World Bank Development
Indicators accessed at http://databank.worldbank.org/data/ on April 1, 2016.
FIGURE 1.2 Agricultural systems in a changing world, shown at multiple scales with key
drivers of change. Adapted from Lamboll, R., Nelson, V., Nathaniels, N., 2011. Emerging
approaches for responding to climate change in African agricultural advisory services:
Challenges, opportunities and recommendations for an AFAAS climate change response strat-
egy. AFAAS, Kampala, Uganda and FARA, Accra, Ghana.
FIGURE 1.3 Improvement of the indigenous Bambara groundnut crop is underway in South
Africa, where rapid gains in productivity and quality traits have been achieved.
FIGURE 1.4 Biological control is being practiced on a large scale in Thailand, where farmers
are supported by innovative field stations and extension educators that demonstrate health-
promoting composts and integrated pest management practices.
indigenous varieties and the biodiversity of land races. In other locales the
new varieties were adopted judiciously, not replacing but supplementing the
diversity of varieties grown to provide one more option among the many
plant types managed by smallholders.
8 SECTION | I Reinventing Farming Systems
FIGURE 1.5 Participatory action research underway with Ugandan farmers interested in soil
fertility improvement.
for key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.
Tremendous adaptability and understanding is required to manage a biocom-
plex and rapidly changing world. This is a pressing reality for the more than
three billion people living in rural areas with extremely limited resources. In
these often risky, heterogeneous environments, access to food and income
depends on a wealth of detailed knowledge evolved over generations, and
the capacity to integrate new findings. This book presents a research and
development approach that seeks to engage fully with local knowledge pro-
ducers: primarily smallholder farmers and rural innovators.
Agricultural research has historically often suffered from an over-
simplistic view of development and a top-down approach toward rural
people. This was one of the major critiques that led to the rise of the farming
systems movement in the 1970s. The technologies developed through a
reductionist understanding of agricultural problems did not take into account
farmers’ holistic and systems-based management and livelihood goals
(Norman, 1980).
Our goal is to bring farming systems research into the 21st century and
provide a new synthesis incorporating advances in systems analysis, partici-
patory methodologies, and the latest understanding of agroecology and bio-
logical processes. Table 1.1 presents a glossary of farming systems research
and sustainable agriculture terminology as it has evolved over time. The next
section of this chapter presents how farming system approaches to develop-
ment have evolved and continue to change. Ultimately we recognize that
access to food and increasing that access depends upon the broad shoulders
and innovative capacity of men and women farmers that tend one or two
hectares of land, or less. We seek to empower those hands, to support food
security and equitable development starting at the local level.
TABLE 1.1 Definitions of Farming Systems Research and Sustainable
Terminology Definition References
Farming system A complex, interrelated matrix of soils, Dixon et al.
plants, animals, power, labor, capital, and (2001)
other inputs, controlled—in part—by farming
families and influenced to varying degrees by
political, economic, institutional, and social
factors that operate at many levels
Agricultural system An agricultural system is an assemblage of FAO (n.d.)
components which are united by some form
of interaction and interdependence, and
which operate within a prescribed boundary
to achieve a specified agricultural objective
on behalf of the beneficiaries of the system.
Farmers and rural stakeholders are at the
foundation of agricultural systems, which
includes consideration of equity and local
Sustainable agriculture An integrated system of plant and animal US
production practices having a site-specific Congress
application that will, over the long-term, (1990)
satisfy human food and fiber needs; enhance
environmental quality and the natural
resource base upon which the agricultural
economy depends; make the most efficient
use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm
ranch resources, and integrate, where
appropriate, natural biological cycles and
controls; sustain the economic viability of
farm operations; and enhance the quality of
life for farmers and society as a whole
Ecological intensification A knowledge-intensive process that requires FAO (2011)
optimal management of nature’s ecological
functions and biodiversity to improve
agricultural system performance, efficiency,
and farmers’ livelihoods
Low external input and Agriculture which makes optimal use of Reijntjes
sustainable agriculture locally available natural and human et al. (1992)
(LEISA) resources (such as soil, water, vegetation,
local plants and animals, and human labor,
knowledge, and skills), and which is
economically feasible, ecologically sound,
culturally adapted, and socially just
12 SECTION | I Reinventing Farming Systems
BOX 1.2 Testing “Best Bet” Options in Mixed Farming Systems in West
The contributions of livestock to NRM take place within a complex of biophysi-
cal, environment, social, and economic interactions. To better understand and
optimize the contribution of livestock, novel approaches have been developed
that integrate these multiple aspects and consider the implications from house-
hold to regional levels. An example of such an approach is mixed farming sys-
tems in West Africa where international institutions—the International Institute
of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), the International Livestock Research Centre (LRI),
and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
(ICRISAT)—have been working together with farmers to increase productivity
whilst maintaining environmental stability through integrated NRM. The process
began with prioritization of the most binding constraints that research can
respond to (competition for nutrients and the need to increase productivity of
crops and livestock without mining the soil). The introduced technologies—the
best of everything that research has produced—were presented as “best bet”
options which were tested by farmers against current practices. The implications
and impacts of introducing best bet options were assessed, taking into account
not only grain and fodder yields, but also nutrient cycling, economic/social
benefits or disadvantages, and farmers perceptions. A further step would be to
capture environmental implications such as methane emissions, construction of
wells, and availability of fresh water.
Source: Tarawali, S., Smith, J., Hiernaux, P., Singh, B., Gupta, S., Tabo, R., et al., 2000 August.
Integrated natural resource management - putting livestock in the picture. In: Integrated Natural
Resource Management Meeting, pp. 20 25. www.inrm.org/Workshop2000/abstract/Tarawali/
will be explored later in this book. In areas where agricultural research and
extension (R&E) systems have remained stuck in a commodity-oriented mode,
there have been failures to understand the complex interactions between social
and biophysical processes, resulting in impractical agricultural technologies
and policies that did not address farmers’ priorities (Box 1.2).
Many international agricultural research centers and development projects
are still primarily focused around improvements in monocultural, high input,
and high return (to land) cropping systems. Although these often primarily
meet the needs, resources, and aspirations of the well-endowed and linked-to-
market groups of farmers, there are inspiring cases where genetic outputs and
technologies have been used by farmers from diverse socioeconomic, gender,
and age groups, if they provide adequate returns to their labor and investment,
and support improvements in their livelihoods (livelihoods encompass the
multiple strategies used to sustain self and family: see Chapter 2,
Agroecology: Principles and Practice). Participatory breeding research and
livestock innovation approaches help ensure relevance to diverse farmer
14 SECTION | I Reinventing Farming Systems
FIGURE 1.6 Pigeon pea has been introduced on smallholder farms in Brazil. Note soil fertility
enhancing residues accumulating in front.
of accessory, or helper plants, to reduce pest problems and protect soils. This
is shown in the remarkably similar plant combinations used by farmers
around the world. For example, in hillside vegetable production systems,
from Korea to the Upper Midwest in North America and the Andes in South
America, farmers plant strips of winter cereals (rye in Korea and the United
States, barley in Peru) along the contour across slopes where onions, pota-
toes, and other tubers are grown, to confuse pests and prevent erosion while
building soil organic matter. In more tropical zones, vetiver grass strips can
play a similar role (Fig. 1.7).
FIGURE 1.7 Vetiver grass planted along bunds for soil conservation in Malawi.
ruminants in West Africa were the first to adopt the new dual purpose cow-
pea. The introduction of a rotational crop of pigeon pea combined with
improved, early duration maize varieties and intensified poultry production
in Brazil also highlights the role of integrated crop and livestock technolo-
gies, where research followed farmer interest in intensified versus extensive
production, for different aspects of the farming system.
Researchers have at times prioritized intensification, whether through
introducing new crop or livestock varieties that produce more per unit
grown, or through agricultural input use. We contend here that agricultural
system performance and resilience can be enhanced both through extensive
and intensive cropping systems, but this must be done in consultation with
the ultimate end users, the smallholder farmers (see Box 1.4).
Another pressing problem is organic matter depletion under continuous
arable cultivation in heavily populated and land constrained agricultural sys-
tems which have invariably led to decreased land productivity. To circum-
vent this problem a great deal of research has been conducted. Some of the
agricultural systems options qualify as “best bet” natural resource improving
Introduction Chapter | 1 19
FIGURE 1.8 The crop legume “cowpea” (Vigna unguiculata L.) is a productive source of high
quality organic matter and multiuse products, widely adapted to the semiarid and arid tropics.
BOX 1.5 Best Bet Agricultural Systems Options for Improved Soil Fertility
1. Inorganic fertilizers
Use of nutrients from inorganic sources has the advantage of quick nutri-
ent release and uptake by plants, for a consistent yield response. However,
the cost of inorganic fertilizers and associated transportation costs has proven
to be prohibitive for many limited resource farmers. It been has reported
elsewhere (Conway, pers. comm.) that in Europe a nitrogen fertilizer such as
urea costs US$70 per metric ton. By the time the fertilizer reaches the coast
of Africa the price will have doubled, to include transport, storage, and han-
dling, and may be much higher if many middlemen are involved in the pro-
cess of importing the fertilizer and packing it for resale. Eightfold increases in
fertilizer costs are not uncommon by the time the fertilizer reaches a farmer
located in a Central African country, pushing the commodity beyond the
reach of most end users. Thus, the use of inorganic fertilizers on staple food
crops by smallholder farmers requires subsidies, at least in the short-term.
2. Incorporation of crop residues and weeds
Residues from weeds and crop residues have been overlooked at times,
as the wide C/N ratio, high lignin content, and low nutrient content generally
found in crop residues and weeds limits soil fertility contributions from these
organic sources. However, cereal and weed residues build organic matter
and improve soil structure for root growth and development. Legume crop
residues have higher quality residues and are one of the most economically
feasible and consistent sources of nutrients on smallholder farms. Grain
legumes such as soybean (Glycine max L.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.),
common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) are
best bet options for soil fertility improvement under rotational agricultural
systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Countrywide trials in Malawi have documen-
ted over a decade that peanuts, soybeans, and pigeon pea consistently and
sustainably improve maize yields by 1 t/ha, from 1.3 t/ha (unfertilized contin-
uous maize) to 2.3 t/ha (unfertilized maize rotated with a grain legume)
(MacColl, 1989; Gilbert et al., 2002).
3. Green manures from herbaceous and shrubby legumes
A green manure legume is one which is grown specifically for use as an
organic manure source. It often maximizes the amount of biologically fixed
nitrogen from the Rhizobium symbiosis that forms nodules in the roots. This fixed
nitrogen is available for use by subsequent crops in rotational, relay, or inter-
cropped systems. Green manures also have an added advantage of a narrow C/N
ratio, which facilitates residue decomposition and release of N to subsequent
crops. In southern and eastern Africa, best bet herbaceous and shrubby legume
options for incorporation as green manures have been widely tested. These
include M. pruriens, sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea), Lab lab (Lab lab purpreus),
pigeon pea intercropped with groundnut, and relay systems with Tephrosia voge-
lii (see Chapter 5: Designing for the Long-term: Sustainable Agriculture). Residue
management and plant intercrop arrangement are important to consider, along
with the species used for a green manure system. Sakala et al. (2004) reported
(Continued )
Introduction Chapter | 1 21
causal analysis and iterative learning are explicitly included, then research
findings can have wider applications. For example, participatory, on-farm
research on nutrient budgeting has been shown to be an effective means to
improve farmer knowledge of nutrient cycling; however, it has the potential
to provide valuable research insights as well. This was shown in Mali, West
Africa, where participatory nutrient mapping was undertaken to support vil-
lagers learning about nutrient loss pathways and integrated nutrient manage-
ment practices (Defoer et al., 1998). At the same time, Defoer and
colleagues gained knowledge about farm and village-level nutrient flows.
Some of the information generated will be locally specific, as nutrient losses
are conditioned largely by site-specific environmental factors, yet we con-
tend that knowledge generated locally can often be used to improve research
priorities, and to inform policy.
One of the goals of this book is to support broader learning from the
PAR process. Agricultural researchers are charged with a dual mandate: to
provide local technical assistance that supports farmer innovation at specific
sites, while simultaneously generating knowledge of broader relevance. To
work at different levels and meet these dual objectives, careful attention
must be paid to choosing sites that are as representative as possible of larger
regions. Thus, local lessons learned can be synthesized, and disseminated,
over time.
Examples are developed in this book of how to support outreach and
“take to scale” participatory NRM, crop and livestock improvement (see
chapters: The Innovation Systems Approach to Agricultural Research and
Development; Outreach to Support Rural Innovation). Promising strategies
for large-scale impact will vary, depending on objectives. Successful exten-
sion examples include Farmer Field Schools and education/communication
campaigns that address an information gap, and engage rather than preach.
Education requires documentation of current knowledge and farmer practice,
to identify missing information and promote farmers testing for themselves
science-based recommendations. This focus on knowledge generation con-
trasts with promoting proscribed recommendations, and is illustrated by a
radio IPM campaign in Vietnam that challenged farmers to test for them-
selves targeted pesticide use. The campaign resulted in large-scale experi-
mentation among rice farmers, and province-wide reductions in pesticide use
22 SECTION | I Reinventing Farming Systems
Source: Based on Biggs, S., 1989. Resource-poor farmer participation in research: a synthesis of
experiences from nine National Agricultural Research Systems. OFCOR Comparative Study Paper.
ISNAR, The Hague (Biggs, 1989).
Source: www.cifor.cgiar.org.
Source: Saad, N., 2002. Farmer processes of experimentation and innovation: a review of the
literature. Particip. Res. Gender Anal. Program. CGIAR (Saad, 2002).
The goals and interests of smallholders vary widely, but a starting point
is identifying where change is occurring, and where interest in intensification
is high. The challenge is to bring researchers and smallholder farmers
together in a productive partnership, based on respect for each others’ knowl-
edge, skills, experience, and situation.
Major developments have occurred over the past decades in systems
thinking and the adaptation of the Innovation Systems Approach from
industry to agriculture. The Agricultural Innovation Systems approach is
based on dynamic multistakeholder partnerships. These can comprise
farmers, input suppliers, traders, and service providers (researchers and
extension staff) who are facilitated to work together toward a common
objective, such as producing cut flowers for export, or increasing the
efficiency of cassava production, processing, and distribution for the
domestic market. The concept has gained ground due to sponsorship from
the World Bank (2012) and other major donors and is further discussed in
Chapter 11, The Innovation Systems Approach to Agricultural Research
and Development.
This book synthesizes theory and practice to support innovation in agricul-
tural systems. Over three decades ago, farming systems research emerged
out of a deep commitment to meet the needs of farmers and the rural poor.
Commodity-focused, green revolution technologies were critiqued as not
being relevant to the resources or priorities of many smallholder farmers,
evidenced in low levels of adoption. This was particularly evident for rain-
fed agriculture in Africa and South Asia. Farming systems approaches of the
1970s and 1980s turned out to be inadequate to the tremendous task at hand,
and disappointed many advocates. However, lessons were learned and expe-
rience accumulated in support of holistic approaches to development. The
28 SECTION | I Reinventing Farming Systems
commitment to a systems perspective grew through the 1990s and into the
first decade of the 21st century, strengthened by the development of more
interdisciplinary methodologies and participatory approaches. The goal of
this book is to support this revival of farming systems, through summarizing
lessons from applied agroecology and outreach in support of innovation. We
hope it will be of value to you the reader.
A road map of the book topics follows. The first section of the book lays
out the principles and practices involved in reinventing farming systems. In
this, the introductory chapter, we present some of the serious challenges
faced by farmers and rural communities, and the dynamic, complex nature of
equitable and sustainable development. This is followed by an overview of
emerging opportunities and successful examples of rural innovation and agri-
cultural development. The underlying biophysical gradients that guide the
formation of farming systems and principles of applied agroecology for
improved design are the focus of Chapter 2, Agroecology: Principles and
Practice. Agroecology theory and practical implications are presented.
Chapter 3, Farming-Related Livelihoods, presents ways to address the com-
plexity of farmer livelihoods, building on farming systems research, liveli-
hoods, and analyzing experience. Approaches and tools are presented that
educators, extension staff, researchers, and change agents can use to work
with smallholder farmers around the globe. Chapter 4, Farming Systems for
Sustainable Intensification, is an all new chapter for this second edition, and
considers drivers of agricultural intensification. That is, the how and why of
farming system trajectories, and what can help bring about sustainable
Chapter 5, Designing for the Long-term: Sustainable Agriculture, presents
the next steps in reinventing farming systems. This includes an overview of
design principles for long-term sustainability, and applications within a
developing country context.
The next four chapters explore the resources that support rural liveli-
hoods, namely: soil productivity, and plant and animal genotypes. Chapter 6,
Low-Input Technology: An Integrative View, explores lessons from research
on the environment and conditions that support adoption of low input agri-
culture technology, in a developing country context. Chapter 7, Ecologically
Based Nutrient Management, presents agroecological approaches to nutrient
management, including theoretical and practical considerations to improve
nutrient efficiency, and enhance productivity. Chapter 8, Participatory
Breeding: Developing Improved and Relevant Crop Varieties With Farmers,
and Chapter 9, Research on Livestock, Livelihoods, and Innovation, focus on
participatory plant breeding efforts and livestock improvement, including
exciting examples of innovation, and genotype improvement that follows
when farmer priorities are fully taken into account. Theory and practice is
Introduction Chapter | 1 29
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32 SECTION | I Reinventing Farming Systems
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support for searching different databases on agricultural knowledge, and a blog on recent
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Knowledge management for development e-journal often has articles of interest to agricultural
information specialists: http://www.km4dev.org/journal/index.php/km4dj/issue/view/4
A website exploring agricultural systems research, applied agroecology, and rural innovation is
maintained by the authors of this book http://globalchangescience.org/eastafricanode