Holland Self Directed Search: RIASEC Chart
Holland Self Directed Search: RIASEC Chart
Holland Self Directed Search: RIASEC Chart
Realistic Social
Investigative Enterprising
Artistic Conventional
Realistic Investigative
Personality Personality
Creative, disorderly, ideal-
These are typically con- This type is analytical, cau- istic, original, and imagina-
forming, frank, genuine, tious, complex, critical, curi- tive are words describing
honest, humble, materialis- ous, independent, and intro- the artistic type. They tend
tic, hardheaded, modest, verted. They are intellectual towards the impulsive, im-
persistent, practical, shy, and curious by nature. They practical, independent, in-
and thrifty. are often seen as modest, trospective, intuitive, and
methodical, pessimistic, re- nonconforming.
Interests and Likes
served, and rational.
Interests and Likes
Realistic types usually have
Interests and Likes
mechanical abilities, prefer- Artistic people enjoy creat-
ring to work with things They enjoy academic pur- ing original work and using
rather than people. They suits and like to understand their imaginations. Their
may enjoy working out- things. Interests include the orientation is more toward
doors, with tools, often pre- scientific, analytic, ideas, intellectual and cultural
fer to be able to physically theories, and facts. They areas.
move around. Other inter- prefer this over trying to
est are hands on work such persuade others.
as tinkering with computers
and other equipment.
Holland Personality descriptions above based on the Self-Directed Search Client Interpretive Report.
(2013). PAR, Inc.
Social Conventional
Personality Personality
Enterprising personalities
This type is generally per- are avarice, ambitious, at- The conventional person-
ceived as empathic, friend- tention seeking, can be ality is a highly structured
ly, helpful, caring, patient, domineering, energetic, type of person in their
and kind. Social types tend and optimistic. They are thinking and lifestyle.
to be idealistic, generous, adventurous, impulsive, They are careful, thrifty,
understanding, and warm. extroverted, self-confident, efficient, orderly, persis-
They are service oriented and sociable. These peo- tent, and practical. Be-
and often excellent listen- ple have the ability to per- cause of their need for or-
ers. suade others. Think of der and detail they can be
Interests and Likes those traits one would ste- unimaginative. Other
reotypically associate with traits include being shy,
Social types usually like to conscientious, obedient,
business success or acu-
be around people, help oth- and conforming.
ers solve problems, and are
interested in how people Interests and Likes Interests and Likes
interact. These are the Enterprising types like to Conventional types prefer
ones who teach, counsel, influence, persuade, lead, orderly routines and clear
guide, and care for others. and direct. They will often expectations and stand-
Mechanical aptitude is not have leadership and speak- ards. They enjoy work
their strength or of interest ing abilities. They can also that is indoors and in-
to them. have an interest in politics volves organization of
and money. things and systems.