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Cluster Management Using Oncommand System Manager: Ontap 9

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Cluster Management Using

OnCommand® System Manager

December 2020 | 215-11149_2020-12_en-us


Updated for ONTAP 9.2

Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager ii


Welcome to OnCommand System Manager Help...................................................... 14

Access to your favorite topics.......................................................................................................................................14

Understanding System Manager.................................................................................. 15

Icons used in the application interface.........................................................................16

Window layout customization.......................................................................................17

Supportability Dashboard.............................................................................................18

Where to find additional ONTAP information............................................................19

Setting up your cluster environment............................................................................ 20

Setting up the cluster by using OnCommand System Manager................................................................................... 20
Setting up a cluster by using the template file.................................................................................................. 20
Setting up the cluster manually.........................................................................................................................22
Accessing a cluster by using OnCommand System Manager browser-based graphic interface.................................. 27
Configuring System Manager options.......................................................................................................................... 27
Viewing OnCommand System Manager log files........................................................................................................ 28
How system logging works...............................................................................................................................28
Configuring a cluster by using System Manager..........................................................................................................28
Accessing a cluster by using OnCommand System Manager browser-based graphic interface...................... 29
Setting up the cluster........................................................................................................................................ 29
Setting up the network...................................................................................................................................... 35
Setting up physical storage............................................................................................................................... 36
Setting up logical storage..................................................................................................................................41

Managing clusters.......................................................................................................... 54
What a cluster is............................................................................................................................................................54
Understanding quorum and epsilon.............................................................................................................................. 54
What a node in the cluster is ........................................................................................................................................55
Dashboard window ...................................................................................................................................................... 55
Monitoring a cluster using the dashboard.........................................................................................................57
Configuration update.................................................................................................................................................... 57
Configuring the administration details of an SVM...........................................................................................57
Configuration Updates window........................................................................................................................ 58
Service Processors........................................................................................................................................................ 59
Assigning IP addresses to Service Processors.................................................................................................. 59
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager iii

Editing Service Processor settings....................................................................................................................60

Understanding the Service Processor............................................................................................................... 60
Service Processors window.............................................................................................................................. 60
Cluster peers................................................................................................................................................................. 61
Prerequisites for cluster peering....................................................................................................................... 61
Creating cluster peer relationships....................................................................................................................62
Modifying the cluster peer passphrase............................................................................................................. 63
Modifying the peer network parameters...........................................................................................................64
Deleting cluster peer relationships....................................................................................................................64
What a cluster peer is........................................................................................................................................64
What cluster peer intercluster connectivity is...................................................................................................64
Connecting one cluster to another cluster in a peer relationship...................................................................... 65
Peers window....................................................................................................................................................65
High availability........................................................................................................................................................... 65
Understanding HA pairs................................................................................................................................... 66
High Availability window.................................................................................................................................66
Licenses........................................................................................................................................................................ 67
Deleting licenses...............................................................................................................................................67
Managing licenses (cluster administrators only).............................................................................................. 67
License types and entitlement risk....................................................................................................................68
Licenses window...............................................................................................................................................70
Cluster Expansion.........................................................................................................................................................72
Adding nodes to a cluster................................................................................................................................. 72
Configuring the network details of the nodes...................................................................................................73
Cluster update............................................................................................................................................................... 73
Updating the cluster nondisruptively................................................................................................................ 74
How you update a cluster nondisruptively........................................................................................................76
Cluster Update window.................................................................................................................................... 77
Date and time................................................................................................................................................................78
Managing the cluster time (cluster administrators only) ................................................................................. 78
Date and Time window.....................................................................................................................................79
SNMP........................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Enabling or disabling SNMP............................................................................................................................ 80
Setting SNMP information............................................................................................................................... 80
Enabling or disabling SNMP traps................................................................................................................... 80
Testing the trap host configuration................................................................................................................... 81
Options to use when configuring SNMP.......................................................................................................... 81
Managing SNMP on the cluster (cluster administrators only)......................................................................... 81
SNMP window..................................................................................................................................................82
LDAP............................................................................................................................................................................ 83
Viewing the LDAP client configuration........................................................................................................... 83
Using LDAP services........................................................................................................................................83
LDAP window.................................................................................................................................................. 83
Users............................................................................................................................................................................. 84
Adding a cluster user account...........................................................................................................................84
Editing a cluster user account........................................................................................................................... 84
Changing passwords for cluster user accounts................................................................................................. 85
Locking or unlocking cluster user accounts..................................................................................................... 85
User accounts (cluster administrators only)..................................................................................................... 85
Roles................................................................................................................................................................. 85
Users window .................................................................................................................................................. 85
Roles............................................................................................................................................................................. 86
Adding roles......................................................................................................................................................86
Editing roles......................................................................................................................................................87
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager iv

Roles and permissions...................................................................................................................................... 87

Predefined roles for cluster administrators....................................................................................................... 87
Roles window................................................................................................................................................... 88

Managing the network...................................................................................................89

IPspaces........................................................................................................................................................................ 89
Editing IPspaces................................................................................................................................................89
Deleting IPspaces..............................................................................................................................................89
Configuring IPspaces (cluster administrators only)..........................................................................................89
Standard properties of IPspaces........................................................................................................................90
Broadcast domains........................................................................................................................................................90
Editing broadcast domains................................................................................................................................90
Deleting broadcast domains..............................................................................................................................91
Configuring broadcast domains (cluster administrators only)..........................................................................91
Editing subnets..................................................................................................................................................92
Deleting subnets................................................................................................................................................92
Network interfaces........................................................................................................................................................93
Creating network interfaces.............................................................................................................................. 93
Editing network interfaces................................................................................................................................ 95
Deleting network interfaces.............................................................................................................................. 95
Migrating a LIF.................................................................................................................................................96
What LIFs are................................................................................................................................................... 96
Roles for LIFs................................................................................................................................................... 97
Guidelines for creating LIFs.............................................................................................................................98
Ethernet ports ...............................................................................................................................................................98
Creating interface groups..................................................................................................................................99
Creating VLAN interfaces................................................................................................................................ 99
Editing Ethernet port settings......................................................................................................................... 100
Editing interface group settings...................................................................................................................... 100
Editing the MTU size of a VLAN.................................................................................................................. 100
Deleting VLANs.............................................................................................................................................101
Ports and adapters........................................................................................................................................... 101
Types of network ports................................................................................................................................... 101
How VLANs work..........................................................................................................................................102
FC/FCoE adapters ......................................................................................................................................................102
Editing the FC/FCoE adapter speed............................................................................................................... 103
Configuring subnets (cluster administrators only)......................................................................................... 103
Network window.........................................................................................................................................................103

Managing physical storage..........................................................................................111

Storage Tiers............................................................................................................................................................... 111
Adding an external capacity tier..................................................................................................................... 111
Attaching an aggregate to external capacity tier.............................................................................................112
Deleting an external capacity tier................................................................................................................... 113
Editing an external capacity tier..................................................................................................................... 113
Editing aggregates.......................................................................................................................................... 113
Deleting aggregates.........................................................................................................................................114
Changing the RAID configuration when creating an aggregate.....................................................................115
Provisioning cache by adding SSDs............................................................................................................... 115
Adding capacity disks.....................................................................................................................................117
Changing the RAID group when adding capacity disks.................................................................................118
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager v

Moving FlexVol volumes................................................................................................................................119

Mirroring aggregates.......................................................................................................................................119
Viewing aggregate information.......................................................................................................................120
Understanding aggregates...............................................................................................................................120
Installing a CA certificate if you use StorageGRID Webscale....................................................................... 120
How RAID groups are named........................................................................................................................ 121
How moving a FlexVol volume works........................................................................................................... 121
How Flash Pool aggregates work................................................................................................................... 121
How you can use effective ONTAP disk type for mixing HDDs................................................................... 122
What compatible spare disks are.................................................................................................................... 122
How System Manager works with hot spares.................................................................................................123
Rules for displaying disk types and disk RPM...............................................................................................123
How mirrored aggregates work...................................................................................................................... 124
What external capacity tiers and tiering policies are...................................................................................... 125
What a FabricPool is.......................................................................................................................................125
Storage Tiers window..................................................................................................................................... 126
Aggregates.................................................................................................................................................................. 128
Aggregates window ....................................................................................................................................... 128
Storage pools.............................................................................................................................................................. 130
Creating a storage pool................................................................................................................................... 131
Adding disks to a storage pool........................................................................................................................131
Deleting storage pools.................................................................................................................................... 132
How you use SSD storage pools.....................................................................................................................132
How Flash Pool SSD partitioning increases cache allocation flexibility for Flash Pool aggregates..............133
Requirements and best practices for using SSD storage pools.......................................................................134
Considerations for when to use SSD storage pools........................................................................................ 135
Considerations for adding SSDs to an existing storage pool versus creating a new one................................135
Why you add disks to storage pools............................................................................................................... 135
How storage pool works................................................................................................................................. 136
Storage Pools window.................................................................................................................................... 136
Disks........................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Reassigning disks to nodes............................................................................................................................. 138
Viewing disk information............................................................................................................................... 138
Understanding RAID drive types................................................................................................................... 138
How ONTAP reports disk types..................................................................................................................... 139
How hot spare disks work...............................................................................................................................140
RAID protection for array LUNs....................................................................................................................140
Minimum number of hot spares you should have...........................................................................................141
Spare requirements for multi-disk carrier disks..............................................................................................141
Shelf configuration requirements for multi-disk carrier storage shelves........................................................142
How to determine when it is safe to remove a multi-disk carrier...................................................................142
Considerations for sizing RAID groups......................................................................................................... 142
Considerations for ONTAP RAID groups for array LUNs............................................................................ 143
Disks window ................................................................................................................................................ 144
Array LUNs................................................................................................................................................................ 146
Assigning array LUNs.................................................................................................................................... 146
Reassigning spare array LUNs to nodes.........................................................................................................146
Zeroing spare array LUNs.............................................................................................................................. 147
About disks and array LUNs.......................................................................................................................... 147
How disks and array LUNs become available for use.................................................................................... 147
Rules for mixing array LUNs in an aggregate................................................................................................148
Array LUNs window...................................................................................................................................... 149
Nodes.......................................................................................................................................................................... 150
Initializing the ComplianceClock time...........................................................................................................150
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager vi

Nodes window................................................................................................................................................ 150

Flash Cache.................................................................................................................................................................151
Enabling or disabling Flash Cache................................................................................................................. 151
How Flash Cache works................................................................................................................................. 152
Flash Cache window.......................................................................................................................................152
Events......................................................................................................................................................................... 152
Events window................................................................................................................................................152
System alerts...............................................................................................................................................................153
Monitoring the health of your system.............................................................................................................153
Acknowledging system health alerts.............................................................................................................. 154
Suppressing system health alerts.................................................................................................................... 154
Deleting system health alerts.......................................................................................................................... 155
Available cluster health monitors................................................................................................................... 155
Ways to respond to system health alerts......................................................................................................... 156
System Alerts window.................................................................................................................................... 156
AutoSupport notifications...........................................................................................................................................157
Setting up AutoSupport notifications............................................................................................................. 157
Enabling or disabling AutoSupport settings................................................................................................... 158
Adding AutoSupport email recipients............................................................................................................ 158
Testing AutoSupport settings..........................................................................................................................158
Generating AutoSupport data......................................................................................................................... 158
Viewing AutoSupport summary..................................................................................................................... 159
AutoSupport severity types.............................................................................................................................159
AutoSupport window .....................................................................................................................................159
Jobs............................................................................................................................................................................. 160
Jobs................................................................................................................................................................. 160
Job window..................................................................................................................................................... 161
Flash Pool statistics.....................................................................................................................................................161
Flash Pool aggregate Statistics window..........................................................................................................161

Managing logical storage.............................................................................................163

Storage Virtual Machines........................................................................................................................................... 163
SVM Dashboard window................................................................................................................................163
Monitoring SVMs...........................................................................................................................................164
Editing SVM settings......................................................................................................................................164
Deleting SVMs............................................................................................................................................... 165
Starting SVMs................................................................................................................................................ 166
Stopping SVMs...............................................................................................................................................166
What SVMs are...............................................................................................................................................166
Managing SVMs.............................................................................................................................................167
Types of SVMs............................................................................................................................................... 167
Why you use SVMs........................................................................................................................................ 168
How ONTAP name service switch configuration works................................................................................ 168
Storage Virtual Machines window..................................................................................................................169
Volumes...................................................................................................................................................................... 171
Editing the volume properties.........................................................................................................................171
Editing data protection volumes..................................................................................................................... 173
Deleting volumes............................................................................................................................................ 174
Creating FlexClone volumes.......................................................................................................................... 174
Creating FlexClone files................................................................................................................................. 175
Splitting a FlexClone volume from its parent volume....................................................................................176
Viewing the FlexClone volume hierarchy...................................................................................................... 176
Changing the status of a volume.....................................................................................................................177
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager vii

Viewing the Snapshot copies.......................................................................................................................... 177

Creating Snapshot copies................................................................................................................................178
Setting the Snapshot copy reserve.................................................................................................................. 178
Hiding the Snapshot copy directory............................................................................................................... 179
Scheduling automatic Snapshot copies...........................................................................................................179
Restoring a volume from a Snapshot copy..................................................................................................... 179
Extending the expiry date of Snapshot copies................................................................................................ 180
Renaming Snapshot copies............................................................................................................................. 181
Deleting Snapshot copies................................................................................................................................181
Resizing volumes............................................................................................................................................182
Enabling storage efficiency on a volume........................................................................................................183
Changing the deduplication schedule............................................................................................................. 184
Running deduplication operations.................................................................................................................. 184
Moving FlexVol volumes between aggregates or nodes.................................................................................185
Assigning volumes to Storage QoS................................................................................................................ 186
Creating a mirror relationship from a source SVM........................................................................................ 187
Creating a vault relationship from a source SVM.......................................................................................... 189
Creating a mirror and vault relationship from a source SVM........................................................................ 192
Creating an NFS datastore for VMware......................................................................................................... 194
Changing the tiering policy of a volume........................................................................................................ 194
Creating FlexGroup volumes..........................................................................................................................194
Editing FlexGroup volumes............................................................................................................................195
Resizing FlexGroup volumes..........................................................................................................................195
Changing the status of a FlexGroup volume.................................................................................................. 196
Deleting FlexGroup volumes..........................................................................................................................196
Viewing FlexGroup volume information........................................................................................................197
What volume granular encryption is...............................................................................................................197
How FlexVol volumes work........................................................................................................................... 197
Considerations for creating a FlexClone volume from a SnapMirror source or destination volume............. 198
Snapshot configuration................................................................................................................................... 198
How volume guarantees work for FlexVol volumes.......................................................................................198
FlexClone volumes and space guarantees...................................................................................................... 199
Thin provisioning for greater efficiencies using FlexVol volumes.................................................................199
Using space reservations with FlexVol volumes.............................................................................................200
Benefits of storage efficiency......................................................................................................................... 200
Data compression and deduplication.............................................................................................................. 201
Guidelines for using deduplication.................................................................................................................202
Options for resizing volumes..........................................................................................................................202
Considerations when moving volumes........................................................................................................... 203
How moving a FlexVol volume works........................................................................................................... 203
Volumes window ............................................................................................................................................204
Mounting volumes.......................................................................................................................................... 210
Unmounting FlexVol volumes........................................................................................................................ 210
Changing export policies................................................................................................................................ 211
Namespace window........................................................................................................................................ 211
Creating a CIFS share.....................................................................................................................................212
Stopping share access..................................................................................................................................... 212
Creating home directory shares...................................................................................................................... 213
Editing share settings......................................................................................................................................213
How ONTAP enables dynamic home directories........................................................................................... 214
Shares window ...............................................................................................................................................215
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager viii

Creating FC SAN optimized LUNs................................................................................................................217

Application-specific LUN settings................................................................................................................. 218
Creating LUNs................................................................................................................................................221
Deleting LUNs................................................................................................................................................223
Creating initiator groups................................................................................................................................. 223
Deleting initiator groups................................................................................................................................. 224
Adding initiators............................................................................................................................................. 224
Deleting initiators from an initiator group......................................................................................................224
Creating port sets............................................................................................................................................ 225
Deleting port sets............................................................................................................................................ 225
Cloning LUNs.................................................................................................................................................225
Editing LUNs..................................................................................................................................................226
Bringing LUNs online.................................................................................................................................... 226
Taking LUNs offline....................................................................................................................................... 226
Moving LUNs................................................................................................................................................. 227
Assigning LUNs to Storage QoS....................................................................................................................228
Editing initiator groups................................................................................................................................... 229
Editing initiators............................................................................................................................................. 229
Editing port sets.............................................................................................................................................. 230
Viewing LUN information..............................................................................................................................230
Viewing initiator groups................................................................................................................................. 230
Guidelines for working with FlexVol volumes that contain LUNs................................................................ 231
LUN size and type.......................................................................................................................................... 231
Understanding space reservations for LUNs.................................................................................................. 231
Guidelines for using LUN multiprotocol type................................................................................................232
Understanding LUN clones ........................................................................................................................... 233
Resizing a LUN.............................................................................................................................................. 234
Initiator hosts.................................................................................................................................................. 234
VMware RDM................................................................................................................................................ 234
What igroups are.............................................................................................................................................234
Required information for creating igroups..................................................................................................... 234
igroup name.................................................................................................................................................... 234
igroup type...................................................................................................................................................... 235
igroup ostype.................................................................................................................................................. 235
Ways to limit LUN access with port sets and igroups.................................................................................... 235
LUNs window.................................................................................................................................................235
Creating qtrees................................................................................................................................................ 239
Deleting qtrees................................................................................................................................................ 240
Editing qtrees.................................................................................................................................................. 241
Assigning export policies to qtrees.................................................................................................................241
Viewing qtree information.............................................................................................................................. 241
What a qtree is................................................................................................................................................ 242
Qtree options...................................................................................................................................................242
Security styles.................................................................................................................................................242
Qtrees window................................................................................................................................................ 243
Quotas......................................................................................................................................................................... 244
Creating quotas............................................................................................................................................... 244
Deleting quotas............................................................................................................................................... 245
Editing quota limits.........................................................................................................................................245
Activating or deactivating quotas................................................................................................................... 245
Resizing quotas...............................................................................................................................................246
Viewing quota information............................................................................................................................. 246
Types of quotas............................................................................................................................................... 247
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager ix

Quota limits.................................................................................................................................................... 247

Quota management......................................................................................................................................... 247
How qtree changes affect quotas.................................................................................................................... 248
How changing the security style of a qtree affects user quotas...................................................................... 248
How quotas work with users and groups........................................................................................................ 248
Quotas window .............................................................................................................................................. 248
CIFS protocol..............................................................................................................................................................250
Setting up CIFS...............................................................................................................................................250
Editing the general properties for CIFS..........................................................................................................251
Adding home directory paths..........................................................................................................................252
Deleting home directory paths........................................................................................................................252
Resetting CIFS domain controllers.................................................................................................................253
Updating the CIFS group policy configuration.............................................................................................. 253
Enabling or disabling a CIFS group policy configuration..............................................................................253
Reloading CIFS group policy......................................................................................................................... 254
Setting up BranchCache................................................................................................................................. 254
Modifying the BranchCache settings..............................................................................................................255
Deleting the BranchCache configuration........................................................................................................255
Adding preferred domain controllers..............................................................................................................255
Editing preferred domain controllers..............................................................................................................256
Deleting preferred domain controllers............................................................................................................256
Viewing CIFS domain information.................................................................................................................256
SMB concepts.................................................................................................................................................256
How ONTAP enables you to provide SMB client access to UNIX symbolic links....................................... 257
Using BranchCache to cache SMB share content at a branch office..............................................................258
What happens when you delete the BranchCache configuration................................................................... 258
CIFS window.................................................................................................................................................. 258
NFS protocol...............................................................................................................................................................260
Editing NFS settings....................................................................................................................................... 260
How ONTAP handles NFS client authentication............................................................................................261
NFS window................................................................................................................................................... 261
iSCSI protocol............................................................................................................................................................ 261
Creating iSCSI aliases.................................................................................................................................... 262
Enabling or disabling the iSCSI service on storage system interfaces........................................................... 262
Adding the security method for iSCSI initiators............................................................................................ 263
Editing default security settings......................................................................................................................263
Editing initiator security................................................................................................................................. 264
Changing the default iSCSI initiator authentication method..........................................................................264
Setting the default security for iSCSI initiators..............................................................................................265
Starting or stopping the iSCSI service............................................................................................................265
Viewing initiator security information............................................................................................................265
What iSCSI is................................................................................................................................................. 266
What iSCSI nodes are.....................................................................................................................................266
Initiator security..............................................................................................................................................266
What CHAP authentication is.........................................................................................................................266
iSCSI window ................................................................................................................................................ 267
FC/FCoE protocol.......................................................................................................................................................268
Starting or stopping the FC or FCoE service..................................................................................................268
Changing an FC or FCoE node name............................................................................................................. 268
What FC is...................................................................................................................................................... 269
What FC nodes are..........................................................................................................................................269
The FCoE protocol......................................................................................................................................... 269
FC/FCoE window .......................................................................................................................................... 269
Export policies............................................................................................................................................................ 270
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager x

Creating an export policy................................................................................................................................270

Renaming export policies............................................................................................................................... 270
Deleting export policies.................................................................................................................................. 271
Adding rules to an export policy.....................................................................................................................271
Modifying export policy rules........................................................................................................................ 272
Deleting export policy rules............................................................................................................................272
How export policies control client access to volumes or qtrees..................................................................... 272
Export Policies window.................................................................................................................................. 273
Efficiency policies...................................................................................................................................................... 274
Adding efficiency policies.............................................................................................................................. 274
Editing efficiency policies.............................................................................................................................. 274
Deleting efficiency policies............................................................................................................................ 275
Enabling or disabling efficiency policies........................................................................................................275
What an efficiency policy is............................................................................................................................275
Understanding predefined efficiency policies.................................................................................................275
Efficiency Policies window............................................................................................................................ 276
Protection policies...................................................................................................................................................... 277
Creating protection policies............................................................................................................................277
Deleting protection policies............................................................................................................................277
Editing protection policies..............................................................................................................................278
Configuring SnapMirror policies....................................................................................................................278
Protection Policies window............................................................................................................................ 278
QoS policy groups...................................................................................................................................................... 279
Creating QoS policy groups............................................................................................................................279
Deleting QoS policy groups............................................................................................................................280
Editing QoS policy groups..............................................................................................................................280
Managing workload performance by using Storage QoS...............................................................................280
How Storage QoS works.................................................................................................................................281
How the maximum throughput limit works....................................................................................................282
Rules for assigning storage objects to policy groups......................................................................................282
QoS Policy Groups window........................................................................................................................... 283
NIS services................................................................................................................................................................ 284
Adding NIS domains...................................................................................................................................... 285
Editing NIS domains.......................................................................................................................................285
Managing NIS domains.................................................................................................................................. 285
NIS window ................................................................................................................................................... 285
LDAP client services.................................................................................................................................................. 286
Adding an LDAP client configuration............................................................................................................286
Deleting an LDAP client configuration.......................................................................................................... 286
Editing an LDAP client configuration............................................................................................................ 287
LDAP Client window..................................................................................................................................... 287
LDAP configuration services......................................................................................................................................288
Editing active LDAP clients........................................................................................................................... 288
Deleting active LDAP clients......................................................................................................................... 288
LDAP Configuration window.........................................................................................................................289
Kerberos realm services..............................................................................................................................................289
Creating a Kerberos realm configuration........................................................................................................289
Editing a Kerberos realm configuration..........................................................................................................290
Deleting Kerberos realm configurations.........................................................................................................291
Using Kerberos with NFS for strong security................................................................................................ 291
Kerberos authentication for CIFS................................................................................................................... 291
Kerberos Realm window.................................................................................................................................291
Kerberos interface services......................................................................................................................................... 292
Editing Kerberos configuration...................................................................................................................... 292
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager xi

Kerberos Interface window.............................................................................................................................292

DNS/DDNS Services..................................................................................................................................................293
Enabling or disabling DNS and DDNS.......................................................................................................... 293
Editing DNS and DDNS settings....................................................................................................................294
DNS/DDNS Services window ....................................................................................................................... 294
Users........................................................................................................................................................................... 295
Adding SVM user accounts............................................................................................................................ 295
Changing the password for SVM user accounts.............................................................................................295
Editing SVM user accounts............................................................................................................................ 295
Locking or unlocking SVM user accounts..................................................................................................... 296
Users window ................................................................................................................................................ 296
Roles........................................................................................................................................................................... 297
Adding roles....................................................................................................................................................297
Editing roles....................................................................................................................................................297
Predefined roles for SVM administrators....................................................................................................... 298
Roles window................................................................................................................................................. 299
UNIX.......................................................................................................................................................................... 299
UNIX window.................................................................................................................................................299
Windows..................................................................................................................................................................... 300
Creating a local Windows group.....................................................................................................................300
Editing local Windows group properties........................................................................................................ 302
Adding user accounts to a Windows local group............................................................................................302
Renaming a local Windows group..................................................................................................................303
Deleting a local Windows group.....................................................................................................................304
Creating a local Windows user account..........................................................................................................304
Editing the local Windows user properties..................................................................................................... 305
Assigning group memberships to a user account........................................................................................... 306
Renaming a local Windows user.....................................................................................................................306
Resetting the password of a Windows local user............................................................................................307
Deleting a local Windows user account..........................................................................................................308
Using local users and groups for authentication and authorization................................................................308
Local users and groups concepts.................................................................................................................... 308
Reasons for creating local users and local groups.......................................................................................... 309
What local privileges are................................................................................................................................ 310
List of supported privileges............................................................................................................................ 310
Predefined BUILTIN groups and default privileges....................................................................................... 310
Windows window........................................................................................................................................... 311
Name mapping............................................................................................................................................................314
Configuring name mappings...........................................................................................................................314
How name mapping works............................................................................................................................. 314
Name mapping conversion rules.....................................................................................................................315
Name Mapping window..................................................................................................................................315

Managing data protection........................................................................................... 317

Mirror relationships.................................................................................................................................................... 317
Creating a mirror relationship from a destination SVM.................................................................................317
Deleting mirror relationships..........................................................................................................................319
Editing mirror relationships............................................................................................................................320
Initializing mirror relationships...................................................................................................................... 321
Updating mirror relationships.........................................................................................................................321
Quiescing mirror relationships....................................................................................................................... 322
Resuming mirror relationships....................................................................................................................... 322
Breaking SnapMirror relationships.................................................................................................................323
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager xii

Resynchronizing mirror relationships.............................................................................................................323

Reverse resynchronizing mirror relationships................................................................................................ 324
Aborting a mirror transfer...............................................................................................................................324
Restoring a volume in a mirror relationship................................................................................................... 325
Components of a mirror relationship..............................................................................................................326
How SnapMirror works.................................................................................................................................. 326
Uses for data protection mirror copies............................................................................................................327
Vault relationships...................................................................................................................................................... 327
Creating a vault relationship from a destination SVM................................................................................... 327
Deleting vault relationships............................................................................................................................ 329
Editing vault relationships.............................................................................................................................. 330
Initializing a vault relationship....................................................................................................................... 331
Updating a vault relationship..........................................................................................................................332
Quiescing a vault relationship.........................................................................................................................332
Resuming a vault relationship.........................................................................................................................333
Aborting a Snapshot copy transfer................................................................................................................. 333
Restoring a volume in a vault relationship..................................................................................................... 334
What a SnapVault backup is........................................................................................................................... 335
How a SnapVault backup works..................................................................................................................... 336
Which data gets backed up and restored from a SnapVault backup............................................................... 337
How SnapVault backups work with data compression...................................................................................337
SnapVault backup limitations......................................................................................................................... 337
Guidelines for planning Snapshot copy schedule and retention for SnapVault backups................................337
Data protection for SVM namespace and root information............................................................................338
Mirror and vault relationships.....................................................................................................................................338
Creating a mirror and vault relationship from a destination SVM................................................................. 338
Deleting mirror and vault relationships.......................................................................................................... 341
Editing mirror and vault relationships............................................................................................................ 341
Initializing mirror and vault relationships...................................................................................................... 342
Updating mirror and vault relationships......................................................................................................... 343
Quiescing mirror and vault relationships........................................................................................................343
Resuming mirror and vault relationships........................................................................................................344
Breaking mirror and vault relationships......................................................................................................... 344
Resynchronizing mirror and vault relationships.............................................................................................344
Reverse resynchronizing mirror and vault relationships................................................................................ 345
Aborting mirror and vault relationships..........................................................................................................345
Restoring a volume in a mirror and vault relationship................................................................................... 346
What lag time is.......................................................................................................................................................... 347
Types of data protection relationships........................................................................................................................ 347
Protection window...................................................................................................................................................... 348
Snapshot policies........................................................................................................................................................ 351
Creating Snapshot policies............................................................................................................................. 351
Editing Snapshot policies............................................................................................................................... 352
Deleting Snapshot policies............................................................................................................................. 352
About Snapshot policies................................................................................................................................. 352
Snapshot Policies window.............................................................................................................................. 352
Schedules.................................................................................................................................................................... 353
Creating schedules.......................................................................................................................................... 353
Editing schedules............................................................................................................................................ 354
Deleting schedules.......................................................................................................................................... 354
Schedules........................................................................................................................................................ 354
Schedules window.......................................................................................................................................... 355
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager xiii

Copyright and trademark........................................................................................... 356

Copyright.................................................................................................................................................................... 356
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 14
Welcome to OnCommand System Manager Help

Welcome to OnCommand System Manager Help

The Help includes information about how to configure, manage, and monitor storage objects and
storage systems running Data ONTAP by using OnCommand System Manager (abbreviated to
System Manager).
The table of contents, search, index, and favorites in the Help system help you find the relevant
information required to achieve your goals.
The structure of the Help is similar to what you see on the UI. You can click Help >
OnCommand System Manager Help to access the contextual help.

Access to your favorite topics

You can quickly access a particular subject that you often look up by bookmarking topics in the
Favorites tab of the Help system.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 15
Understanding System Manager

Understanding System Manager

System Manager is a graphical management interface that enables you to manage storage systems
and storage objects (such as disks, volumes, and aggregates) and perform common management
tasks related to storage systems from a web browser. As a cluster administrator, you can use
System Manager to administer the entire cluster and its resources.
Important: System Manager is no longer available as an executable file and is now included
with ONTAP software as a web service, enabled by default, and accessible by using a browser.

System Manager enables you to perform many common tasks such as the following:
• Create a cluster, configure a network, and set up support details for the cluster.
• Configure and manage storage objects such as disks, aggregates, volumes, qtrees, and quotas.
• Configure protocols such as CIFS and NFS, and provision file sharing.
• Configure protocols such as FC, FCoE, and iSCSI for block access.
• Create and configure network components such as subnets, broadcast domains, data and
management interfaces, and interface groups.
• Set up and manage mirroring and vaulting relationships.
• Perform cluster management, storage node management, and Storage Virtual Machine (SVM,
formerly known as Vserver) management operations.
• Create and configure SVMs, manage storage objects associated with SVMs, and manage SVM
• Monitor and manage HA configurations in a cluster.
• Configure Service Processors to remotely log in, manage, monitor, and administer the node,
regardless of the state of the node.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 16
Icons used in the application interface

Icons used in the application interface

You can view the icons in the interface to get quick information about systems and operations.
Dashboard window icons
You might see the following icons when viewing the dashboard for the storage system:

Icon Name Description

Warning There are minor issues, but none that require immediate
Error Problems that might eventually result in downtime and
therefore require attention.
Critical The storage system is not serving data or cannot be contacted.
Immediate attention is required.
Link arrow If this is displayed next to a line item in a dashboard pane,
clicking it links to another page from which you can get more
information about the line item or make changes to the line
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 17
Window layout customization

Window layout customization

System Manager enables you to customize the window layout. By customizing the windows, you
can control which data is viewable or how it is displayed.
You can click the column header to change the sort order of the column entries. When you
click the column header, the sort arrows ( and ) appear for that column.

You can click the filter icon ( ) to display only those entries that match the conditions
that are provided. You can then use the character filter (?) or string filter (*) to narrow your
search. The filter icon is displayed when you move the pointer over the column headings.
You can apply filters to one or more columns.
Note: When you apply filters to the physical size field or the usable size field, any value
that you enter without the unit suffix in these fields is considered to be in bytes. For
example, if you enter a value of 1000 without specifying the unit in the physical size
field, the value is automatically considered as 1000 bytes.

Hiding or redisplaying the columns

You can click the column display icon ( ) to select which columns you want to display.
Customizing the layout
You can drag the bottom of the list of objects area up or down to resize the main areas of
the window. You can also display or hide the list of related objects and list of views panels.
You can drag the vertical dividers to resize the width of the columns or other areas of the
You can use the search box to search for volumes, LUNs, qtrees, network interfaces,
Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs), aggregates, disks, or Ethernet ports, or all of these
objects. You can click the results to navigate to the exact location of the object.
• When you search for objects that contain one or more of the { \ ? ^ > | characters, the
results are displayed correctly, but they do not navigate to the correct row in the page.
• You must not use the question mark (?) character to search for an object.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 18
Supportability Dashboard

Supportability Dashboard
You can use the Supportability Dashboard to access product documentation and AutoSupport
tools, download software, and visit sites such as the Community and NetApp University for
additional information.
The Supportability Dashboard contains the following sources of information.
Provides access to online collaborative resources on a range of NetApp products.
NetApp Support Site
Provides access to technical assistance, troubleshooting tools, and the Interoperability Matrix Tool.
NetApp University
Provides course material for learning about NetApp products.
Provides access to NetApp firmware and software that you can download.
Provides access to NetApp product documentation.
My AutoSupport
Provides access to the MyAutoSupport portal and the Manual AutoSupport Upload tool.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 19
Where to find additional ONTAP information

Where to find additional ONTAP information

System Manager Help provides basic ONTAP conceptual information to help you perform tasks
using System Manager. For in-depth conceptual information to help you configure, monitor, and
manage storage objects and storage systems, you can see the ONTAP documentation available on
the NetApp Support Site.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 20
Setting up your cluster environment

Setting up your cluster environment

You can create a cluster by using System Manager or the command-line interface (CLI). To create
a cluster using System Manager, you must set up the node management IP address on any node in
the cluster network. If you have created a cluster using the CLI, you can configure the cluster
using System Manager.

Setting up the cluster by using OnCommand System Manager

Beginning with ONTAP 9.1, you can use OnCommand System Manager to setup up a cluster by
creating a cluster, setting up the node management and cluster management networks, and setting
up the AutoSupport messages and event notifications.
Before you begin
• You must have configured the node management IP addresses for at least one node.
• Nodes must be in the default mode of HA.
• Nodes must be running ONTAP 9.1 or later.
• Nodes must be of the same model.
• All of the nodes must be healthy and cabling for the nodes must be set up.
• Ensure that the cabling and connectivity are in place for your cluster configuration.
• You must have sufficient cluster management, node management, Service Processor IP
addresses, and gateway and netmask details.
• If the cluster interface is present on a port, then that port must be present in the cluster
About this task
To create a cluster, you have to log in through the console, and configure the node management IP
address on any node in the cluster network. After you have configured the node management IP
address on a node, you can add other nodes and create a cluster by using OnCommand System
Cluster setup is not supported on MetroCluster configurations for ONTAP software.
You can set up the cluster by using a template file or by manually entering the values in the cluster
• Setting up a cluster by using the template file on page 20
• Setting up the cluster manually on page 22

Setting up a cluster by using the template file

You can use the template file that is provided in System Manager to set up a cluster by creating a
cluster, setting up the node management and cluster management networks, and then setting up the
AutoSupport messages and event notifications. You can download the template file in .xlsx
format or .csv format.
About this task
• If the cluster supports ONTAP 9.1 or later, you can add only storage systems that are running
ONTAP 9.1 or later.
• All fields are not auto populated when you upload the file.
You must manually enter the value of some fields such as password and cluster management
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 21
Setting up your cluster environment

1. Open the web browser, and then enter the node management IP address that you have
configured: https://node-management-IP
• If you have set up the credentials for the cluster, the Login page is displayed.
You must enter the credentials to log in.
• If you have not set up the credentials for the cluster, the Guided Setup window is
2. Download the .xlsx template file or the .csv template file.
3. Provide all the required values in the template file, and save the file.
• Do not edit any other column in the template other than Value.
• Do not change the version of the template file.

4. Click Browse, and select the updated template file.

• You can upload the template file only in the .csv format. If you have downloaded the
template file in .xlsx format, you must save the file as a .csv file, and then upload the
• You must ensure that the encoding used for this file is UTF8. If not, the values will not be

5. Click Upload.
The details that you have provided in the template file are used to complete the cluster setup
6. Click the Guided Setup icon to view the details for the cluster.
7. Verify the details in the Cluster window, and then click Submit and Continue.
You can edit the cluster details, if required.
If you log in to the Cluster window for the second time, the Feature Licenses field is enabled
by default. You can add new feature license keys or retain the pre-populated license keys.
8. Verify the details in the Network window, and then click Submit and Continue.
You can edit the network details, if required.
9. Verify the details in the Support window, and then click Submit and Continue.
You can edit the support details, if required.
10. Verify the details in the Storage window, and then create aggregates or exit the cluster setup:

If you want to... Then...

Exit cluster setup without Click Skip this step.
provisioning storage and creating
an SVM
Provision storage using Click Submit and Continue.
aggregates and create an SVM

You can edit the support details, if required.

11. If you have clicked Skip this step on the Storage window, view the details on the Summary
window, and then click Manage your Cluster to launch System Manager.
12. If you have clicked Submit and Continue on the Storage window, verify the details in the
SVM window, and then click Submit and Continue.
You can edit the SVM details, if required.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 22
Setting up your cluster environment

13. Verify all the details in the Summary window, and then click Provision an Application to
provision storage for applications, or click Manage your Cluster to complete the cluster
setup process and launch System Manager, or click Export Configuration to download the
configuration file.

Setting up the cluster manually

You can use System Manager to manually setup the cluster by creating a cluster, setting up the
node management and cluster management networks, and setting up the AutoSupport messages
and event notifications.

Creating a cluster
You can use OnCommand System Manager to create and set up a cluster in your data center.
About this task
If the cluster supports ONTAP 9.1 or later, you can add only those storage systems that are
running ONTAP 9.1 or later.
1. Open the web browser, and then enter the node management IP address that you have
configured: https://node-management-IP
• If you have set up the credentials for the cluster, the Login page is displayed.
You must enter the credentials to log in.
• If you have not set up the credentials for the cluster, the Guided Setup window is displayed.
Click the Guided Setup icon to set up a cluster.
2. In the Cluster page, enter a name for the cluster.
Note: If all the nodes are not discovered, click Refresh.
The nodes in that cluster network are displayed in the Nodes field.
3. Optional: If desired, update the node names in the Nodes field.
4. Enter the password for the cluster.
5. Optional: Enter the feature license keys.
6. Click Submit.
After you finish
Enter the network details in the Network page to continue with the cluster setup.
Related reference
Licenses window on page 70
Your storage system arrives from the factory with preinstalled software. If you want to add or
remove a software license after you receive the storage system, you can use the Licenses window.
Configuration Updates window on page 58
You can use the Configuration Updates window to update the configuration details of the cluster,
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM), and nodes.

Setting up a network
By setting up a network, you can manage your cluster, nodes, and Service Processors. You can
also set up DNS and NTP details by using the network window.
Before you begin
You must have set up the cluster.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 23
Setting up your cluster environment

About this task

• Only those nodes that are up and running are listed for cluster creation.
You can create LIFs for those nodes.
• You can disable IP address range and enter individual IP addresses for cluster management,
node management, and Service Processor management networks.
Setting up a network when an IP address range is enabled
You can set up a network by enabling an IP address range. The IP address range enables you to
enter IP addresses that are in the same netmask range or in the different netmask range.
1. Enter a range of IP addresses in the IP Address Range field, and then click Apply.

Option Description
You have a range of IP addresses Enter the IP address range, and then click Apply.
in the same netmask
IP addresses are applied to cluster management, node management, and Service
Processor management networks sequentially.

You have a range of IP addresses Enter the IP address range in rows, and then click Apply.
in different netmasks
The first IP address applied to cluster management and other IP addresses are
applied to node management and Service Processor management networks

Note: After entering the IP address range for cluster management, node management, and
Service Processor management, you must not manually modify the IP address values in
these fields. You must ensure that all the IP addresses are IPv4 addresses.
2. Enter the netmask and gateway details.
3. Select the port for cluster management in the Port field.
4. If the Port field in the node management is not populated with e0M, enter the port details.
Note: By default, the Port field displays e0M.
5. For Service Processor management, if you are overriding the default values, ensure that you
have entered the mandatory gateway details.
6. If you have enabled the DNS Details field, enter the DNS server details.
7. If you have enabled the NTP Details field, enter the NTP server details.
Note: Providing alternative NTP server details is optional.
8. Click Submit.
After you finish
Enter AutoSupport message details and event notifications in the Support page to continue with
the cluster setup.
Related information
What is a Service Processor and how do I use it?
How to configure and troubleshoot NTP on clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 and later using CLI
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 24
Setting up your cluster environment

Setting up a network when an IP address range is disabled

You can set up a network by disabling an IP address range and entering individual IP addresses for
cluster management, node management, and service provider networks.
About this task
In the Networks page, if the IP Address Range is disabled, enter individual IP addresses for
cluster management, node management, and service processor networks.
1. Enter the cluster management IP address in the Cluster Management IP Address field.
2. Enter the netmask details for cluster management.
3. Optional: Enter the gateway details for cluster management.
4. Select the port for cluster management in the Port field.
5. If you want to provide netmask and gateway details to manage your nodes, clear the Retain
Netmask and Gateway configuration of the Cluster Management check box, and then
enter the netmask and gateway details.
6. Enter the node management IP addresses in the Node Management field.
7. If the Port field in the node management is not populated with e0M, enter the port details.
Note: By default, the Port field displays e0M.
8. Enter the Service Processor management netmask and gateway details.
9. Enter the Service Processor IP management addresses in the Service Processor
Management field.
10. If you have enabled the DNS Details field, enter the DNS server details.
11. If you have enabled the NTP Details field, enter the NTP server details.
Note: Providing alternative NTP server details is optional.
12. Click Submit.
After you finish
Enter AutoSupport message details and event notifications in the Support page to continue with
the cluster setup.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.
Configuration Updates window on page 58
You can use the Configuration Updates window to update the configuration details of the cluster,
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM), and nodes.
Date and Time window on page 79
The Date and Time window enables you to view the current date and time settings for your storage
system and modify the settings when required.
Service Processors window on page 60
You can use the Service Processors window to view and modify Service Processors attributes,
such as the IP address, network mask (IPv4) or prefix-length (IPv6), and gateway, and to configure
the IP source for a Service Processor.
Related information
What is a Service Processor and how do I use it?
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 25
Setting up your cluster environment

How to configure and troubleshoot NTP on clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 and later using CLI
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9

Setting up a support page

Setting up the support page completes the cluster setup, and involves setting up the AutoSupport
messages and event notifications, and for single-node clusters, configuring system backup.
Before you begin
You must have set up the cluster and network.
About this task
If you have enabled the AutoSupport button, all the nodes in that cluster are enabled to send
AutoSupport messages. If you have disabled the AutoSupport button, then all the nodes in that
cluster are disabled to send AutoSupport messages.
1. If you have enabled the AutoSupport button, set up the AutoSupport messages by entering the
proxy URL in the Proxy URL field.
Note: The format of the proxy URL must be username:password@proxyUrl:port.
2. Set up the event notifications by using the mailhost, or SNMP trap host, or Syslog server.
Note: You must set up at least one event notification system.
3. If you have a single-node cluster, configure a system backup on an FTP server or on an HTTP
Note: System backup is applicable only for single-node clusters.
4. Click Submit and continue.
After you finish
View the storage recommendations and create SVMs to continue with the cluster setup.
Related reference
AutoSupport window on page 159
The AutoSupport window enables you to view the current AutoSupport settings for your system.
You can also change your system's AutoSupport settings.
Related information
NetApp AutoSupport

Reviewing storage recommendations

Using the Storage window, you can review the storage recommendations that are provided for
creating aggregates.
Before you begin
You must have set up the cluster, network, and the support details.
About this task
You can create data aggregates per the storage recommendations or you can skip this step and
create data aggregates at a later time using System Manager.
• To create data aggregates as per the storage recommendations, click Submit and Continue.
• To create data aggregates at a later time using System Manager, click Skip this step.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 26
Setting up your cluster environment

After you finish

If you opted to create aggregates per the storage recommendations, you must create a Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM) to continue with the cluster setup.

Creating an SVM
You can use the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) window to create fully configured SVMs. The
SVMs serve data after storage objects are created on these SVMs.
Before you begin
• You must have created an aggregate and the aggregate must be online
• You must have ensured that the aggregate has sufficient space for the SVM root volume
1. Enter a name for the SVM.
2. Select data protocols for the SVM:

If you want to... Then...

Enable CIFS protocol by a. Select the Active Directory box.
configuring the CIFS server b. Enter the Active Directory administrator name.
using an Active Directory
c. Enter the Active Directory administrator password.
d. Enter a name for the CIFS server.
e. Enter a name for the Active Directory domain.
f. Depending on your requirements, select the One data LIF on this SVM or
One data LIF per node on this SVM box.
g. Provide data LIF details such as IP address, netmask, gateway, and port.
h. Provide DNS details.

Enable CIFS protocol by a. Select the Workgroup box.

configuring the CIFS server b. Enter a name for the workgroup.
using a workgroup
c. Enter a name for the CIFS server.
d. Depending on your requirements, select the One data LIF on this SVM or
One data LIF per node on this SVM check box.
e. Provide data LIF details such as IP address, netmask, gateway, and port.

Enable NFS protocol a. Select the NFS box.

b. Depending on your requirements, select the One data LIF on this SVM or
One data LIF per node on this SVM check box.
c. Provide data LIF details such as IP address, netmask, gateway, and port.

Enable iSCSI protocol a. Select the iSCSI box.

b. Provide data LIF details such as IP address, netmask, gateway, and port.

Enable FC/FCoE protocol a. Select the FC/FCoE box.

b. Select the FC/FCoE ports for FC or FCoE protocols.
Note: Each node must have at least one correctly configured port for each
protocol (FC and FCoE).

3. Optional: Click the Advanced Options icon and provide details to configure advanced options
such as the default language, security style, CIFS server details, and NFS details.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 27
Setting up your cluster environment

4. Click Submit and Continue to create the SVM.

After you finish
If you have clicked Submit and Continue, you must verify the details that you have provided in
the Summary window, and then click Manage your Cluster to launch System Manager, or click
Provision an Application to provision storage applications, or click Export Configuration to
download the configuration file.

Accessing a cluster by using OnCommand System Manager browser-based

graphic interface
If you prefer to use a graphic interface instead of the command-line interface for accessing and
managing a cluster, you can do so by using OnCommand System Manager, which is included with
ONTAP as a web service, enabled by default, and accessible by using a browser.
Before you begin
You must have a cluster user account configured with the admin role and the http, ontapi, and
console application types.

About this task

You can use a cluster management LIF or node management LIF to access OnCommand System
Manager. However, you should use the cluster management LIF for an uninterrupted access to
OnCommand System Manager.
1. Point the web browser to the cluster management LIF in one of the following formats:
• https://cluster-mgmt-LIF (if using IPv4)
• https://[cluster-mgmt-LIF] (if using IPv6)

cluster-mgmt-LIF is the IP address of the cluster management LIF.

Only HTTPS is supported for the browser access of OnCommand System Manager.
If the cluster uses a self-signed digital certificate, the browser might display a warning
indicating that the certificate is not trusted. You can either acknowledge the risk to continue the
access or install a Certificate Authority (CA) signed digital certificate on the cluster for server
2. Log in to OnCommand System Manager by using your cluster administrator credential.
Related information
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9

Configuring System Manager options

You can enable logging and specify the inactivity timeout value for the System Manager
About this task
You can also configure the options from the System Manager login window. However, you must
log in to the application to specify the inactivity timeout value.
1. In the System Manager application window, click Administration > Settings.
2. In the Settings dialog box, select the required log level.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 28
Setting up your cluster environment

3. Specify the inactivity timeout value, in minutes.

4. Click OK.

Viewing OnCommand System Manager log files

If you encounter any issues when using System Manager, you can send the log files to technical
support to help troubleshoot the issues. The System Manager log files are located in the mlog
directory along with the Data ONTAP log files.
Before you begin
You must be aware of the node that hosts the cluster-management LIF.
1. Enter the following URL in a web browser:
cluster-mgmt-LIF is the IP address of the cluster-management LIF.
2. Enter your cluster administrator credentials, and then click OK.
3. In the Clustered Data ONTAP - Root Volume File Access window, click the logs link for the
node that hosts the cluster-management LIF.
4. Navigate to the mlog directory to access the System Manager log files.
You might require the following log files, depending on the type of issue:
• sysmgr.log
This file contains the latest logs for System Manager.
• mgwd.log
• php.log
• apache_access.log
• messages.log

How system logging works

System logging is an essential tool for application troubleshooting. You should enable system
logging so that if there is a problem with an application, the problem can be located. You can
enable System Manager logging at runtime without modifying the application binary.
Log output can be voluminous and therefore can become difficult to manage. System Manager
enables you to refine the logging output by selecting which type of log statements are output. By
default, system logging is set to INFO. You can choose one of the following log levels:
These levels function hierarchically. A log level set to OFF indicates no logging of messages.

Configuring a cluster by using System Manager

Certain prerequisites must be met before you configure a cluster using System Manager.
• You must have created a cluster.
• You must have not configured the cluster.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 29
Setting up your cluster environment

Accessing a cluster by using OnCommand System Manager browser-based graphic

If you prefer to use a graphic interface instead of the command-line interface for accessing and
managing a cluster, you can do so by using OnCommand System Manager, which is included with
ONTAP as a web service, enabled by default, and accessible by using a browser.
Before you begin
You must have a cluster user account configured with the admin role and the http, ontapi, and
console application types.

About this task

You can use a cluster management LIF or node management LIF to access OnCommand System
Manager. However, you should use the cluster management LIF for an uninterrupted access to
OnCommand System Manager.
1. Point the web browser to the cluster management LIF in one of the following formats:
• https://cluster-mgmt-LIF (if using IPv4)
• https://[cluster-mgmt-LIF] (if using IPv6)

cluster-mgmt-LIF is the IP address of the cluster management LIF.

Only HTTPS is supported for the browser access of OnCommand System Manager.
If the cluster uses a self-signed digital certificate, the browser might display a warning
indicating that the certificate is not trusted. You can either acknowledge the risk to continue the
access or install a Certificate Authority (CA) signed digital certificate on the cluster for server
2. Log in to OnCommand System Manager by using your cluster administrator credential.
Related information
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9

Setting up the cluster

Setting up the cluster involves gathering the configuration information, creating cluster-
management and node-management interfaces, adding licenses, setting up the cluster time, and
monitoring HA pairs.

Updating the cluster name

You can use System Manager to modify the cluster name when required.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Configuration Updates.
3. Click Update Cluster Name.
4. In the Update Cluster Name dialog box, type the new cluster name, and then click Submit.

Changing the cluster password

You can use System Manager to reset the password of the cluster.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Configuration Updates.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 30
Setting up your cluster environment

3. Click Change Password.

4. In the Change Password dialog box, specify the new password, confirm the new password,
and then click Change.

Editing DNS configurations

You can use System Manager to add host information to centrally manage DNS. You can modify
the DNS details when you want to change the domain names or IP addresses.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Configuration Updates.
3. Click Edit DNS Configuration.
4. In the Edit DNS Settings dialog box, select the DNS service check box to enable DNS.
5. In the DNS Domains area, add or modify the DNS domain names.
6. In the Name Servers area, add or modify the IP addresses.
7. Click OK.

Creating a cluster-management interface

You can use System Manager to create a cluster-management interface or LIF to provide a single
management interface for the entire cluster. You can use this LIF to manage all the activities of the
entire cluster.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Configuration Updates.
3. Click Create Cluster-management LIF.
4. In the Create Cluster-Management LIF dialog box, specify a name for the cluster-
management LIF.
5. Assign the IP address by choosing one of the following options:

If you want to... Then...

Specify the IP address using a a. Select Using a subnet.
subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, select the subnet from which the IP address
must be assigned.
For an intercluster LIF, only the subnets that are associated with the selected
IPspace are displayed.
c. If you want to assign a specific IP address to the interface, select Use a
specific IP address, and then type the IP address.
The IP address you specify is added to the subnet if it is not already present
in the subnet range.
d. Click OK.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 31
Setting up your cluster environment

If you want to... Then...

Specify the IP address manually a. Select Without a subnet.
without using a subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, perform the following steps:
i. Specify the IP address and network mask or prefix.
ii. Optional: Specify the gateway.
The destination field is populated with the default value based on the
family of the IP address.
iii. If you do not want the default value, specify the new destination
If a route does not exist, a new route is automatically created based on the
gateway and destination.
c. Click OK.

6. Select the required ports from the ports details area.

7. Click Create.
After you finish
If you have an existing cluster-management interface or LIF and if you want to delete it, you must
use the command-line interface (CLI).

Editing the node name

You can use System Manager to modify the node name when required.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Configuration Updates.
3. In the Nodes tab, select the node, and then click Edit Node Name.
4. In the Edit Node Name dialog box, type the new node name, and then click Submit.

Creating a node-management interface

You can use System Manager to create a dedicated IP address for managing a particular node in a
cluster. You can use this LIF to manage the system maintenance activities of the particular node.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Configuration Updates.
3. In the Nodes tab, select the node, and then click Create Node-management LIF.
4. In the Create Node-Management LIF dialog box, specify a name for the node-management
5. Assign the IP address by choosing one of the following options:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 32
Setting up your cluster environment

If you want to... Then...

Specify the IP address using a a. Select Using a subnet.
subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, select the subnet from which the IP address
must be assigned.
For an intercluster LIF, only the subnets that are associated with the selected
IPspace are displayed.
c. If you want to assign a specific IP address to the interface, select Use a
specific IP address, and then type the IP address.
The IP address you specify is added to the subnet if it is not already present
in the subnet range.
d. Click OK.

Specify the IP address manually a. Select Without a subnet.

without using a subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, perform the following steps:
i. Specify the IP address and network mask or prefix.
ii. Optional: Specify the gateway.
The destination field is populated with the default value based on the
family of the IP address.
iii. If you do not want the default value, specify the new destination
If a route does not exist, a new route is automatically created based on the
gateway and destination.
c. Click OK.

6. Select the required ports from the ports details area.

7. Click Create.
After you finish
If you have an existing node-management interface or LIF and if you want to delete it, you must
use the command-line interface (CLI).

Editing AutoSupport settings

You can use System Manager to modify your AutoSupport settings to specify an email address
from which email notifications are sent and add multiple email host names.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Configuration Updates.
3. In the Nodes tab, select the node, and then click Edit AutoSupport.
4. In the Email Recipient tab, type the email address from which email notifications are sent,
specify the email recipients and the message content for each email recipient, and then add the
mail hosts.
You can add up to five email addresses of the host names.
5. In the Others tab, select a transport protocol for delivering the email messages, and then
specify the HTTP or HTTPS proxy server details.
6. Click OK.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 33
Setting up your cluster environment

Adding licenses
If your storage system software was installed at the factory, System Manager automatically adds
the software to its list of licenses. If the software was not installed at the factory or if you want to
add additional software licenses, you can add the software license by using System Manager.
Before you begin
The software license code for the specific ONTAP service must be available.
About this task
• When you add a new license in a MetroCluster configuration, it is a best practice to add the
license on the surviving site cluster as well.
• You cannot use System Manager to add the ONTAP Cloud license.
The ONTAP Cloud license is not listed in the license page. System Manager does not raise any
alert about the entitlement risk status of the ONTAP Cloud license.
• You can upload only capacity based licenses.
The capacity based licences are of "json" type.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Licenses.
3. In the Licenses window, click Add.
4. In the Add License dialog box, perform the appropriate steps:

If you want to... Do this...

Add a license for a specific a. Enter the software license key.
ONTAP service You can add multiple licenses by entering the software license keys,
separated by commas.
b. Click Add.

Add a capacity based license a. Click Browse and select the capacity based license file.
b. Click Add.

Add a license for a specific a. Enter the software license key.

ONTAP service and add a You can add multiple licenses by entering the software license keys,
capacity based license separated by commas.
b. Click Browse and select the capacity based license file.
c. Click Add.

The new license is added.

The Add License Status dialog box displays the list of licenses that were added successfully.
The window also displays the license keys of the licenses that were not added and the reason.
5. Click Close.
The software license is added to your storage system and is displayed in the list of licenses in the
Licenses window.
Related reference
Licenses window on page 70
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 34
Setting up your cluster environment

Your storage system arrives from the factory with preinstalled software. If you want to add or
remove a software license after you receive the storage system, you can use the Licenses window.

Setting the time for a cluster

You can manually set or modify the time zone for your cluster by using the Edit Date and Time
dialog box in System Manager. You can also add time servers to the cluster.
About this task
Network Time Protocol (NTP) is always enabled on the cluster. You can disable NTP by
contacting technical support. However, disabling NTP is not recommended.
You can add the IP addresses of the NTP server at your site. This server is used to synchronize the
time across the cluster.
You can specify either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address for the time server.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Date and Time.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Edit Date and Time dialog box, select the time zone.
5. Specify the IP address of the time servers, and then click Add.
6. Click OK.
7. Verify the changes you made to the date and time settings in the Date and Time window.
Related tasks
Creating a Kerberos realm configuration on page 289
If you want to use Kerberos authentication for client access, you must configure the Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM) to use an existing Kerberos realm. You can use System Manager to create
a Kerberos realm configuration, which enables SVMs to use Kerberos security services for NFS.
Related reference
Date and Time window on page 79
The Date and Time window enables you to view the current date and time settings for your storage
system and modify the settings when required.

Monitoring HA pairs
You can use System Manager to monitor the state and interconnect status of all the HA pairs in a
cluster. You can verify whether takeover or giveback is enabled or has occurred, and view reasons
why takeover or giveback is not currently possible.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click High Availability.
3. In the High Availability window, click the HA pair image to view details such as the cluster
HA status, node status, interconnect status, and hardware model of each node.
If the cluster management LIF or the data LIFs of a node are not in their home node, a warning
message is displayed indicating that the node has some LIFs that are not in the home node.
Related reference
High Availability window on page 66
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 35
Setting up your cluster environment

The High Availability window provides a pictorial representation of the HA state, interconnect
status, and takeover or giveback status of all the HA pairs in clustered Data ONTAP. You can also
manually initiate a takeover or giveback operation.

Setting up the network

Setting up the network consists of creating IPspaces, a broadcast domain, and subnets.

Creating IPspaces
You can create an IPspace by using System Manager to configure a single Data ONTAP cluster for
client access from more than one administratively separate network domain, even when the clients
use the same IP address subnet range. This enables you to separate client traffic for privacy and
About this task
All IPspace names must be unique within a cluster and must not consist of names reserved by the
system, such as local or localhost.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the IPspaces tab, click Create.
3. In the Create IPspaces dialog box, specify a name for the IPspace that you want to create.
4. Click Create.

Creating broadcast domains

You can create a broadcast domain by using System Manager to provide a logical division of a
computer network. In a broadcast domain, all associated nodes can be reached through broadcast
at the datalink layer.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Broadcast Domains tab, click Create.
3. In the Create Broadcast Domain dialog box, specify the name, MTU size, IPspace, and ports
for the broadcast domain that you want to create.
4. Click Create.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Creating subnets
You can create a subnet by using System Manager to provide a logical subdivision of an IP
network to pre-allocate the IP addresses. A subnet enables you to create interfaces more easily by
specifying a subnet instead of an IP address and network mask values for each new interface.
Before you begin
You must have created the broadcast domain on which the subnet is used.
About this task
If you specify a gateway when creating a subnet, a default route to the gateway is added
automatically to the SVM when a LIF is created using that subnet.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 36
Setting up your cluster environment

1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Subnets tab, click Create.
3. In the Create Subnet dialog box, specify subnet details, such as the name, subnet IP address or
subnet mask, range of IP addresses, gateway address, and broadcast domain.
You can specify the IP addresses as a range, as comma-separated multiple addresses, or as a
mix of both.
4. Click Create.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Setting up physical storage

Setting up the physical storage consists of assigning disks to nodes, zeroing the spare disks, and
creating aggregates.

Assigning disks to nodes

You can use System Manager to assign ownership of an unassigned disk to a specific node to
increase the capacity of an aggregate or storage pool.
About this task
• You can assign disks if the following conditions are true:
◦ The container type of the selected disks must be "unassigned".
◦ The disks must be connected to nodes in an HA pair.
◦ The disks must be visible to the node.
• For MetroCluster configurations, you cannot use System Manager to assign disks.
You must use the command-line interface instead.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Disks.
2. In the Disks window, select the Inventory tab.
3. Select the disks that you want to assign, and then click Assign.
4. In the Assign Disks dialog box, select the node to which you want to assign the disks.
5. Click Assign.

Zeroing spare disks

You can use System Manager to erase all the data and to format the spare disks by writing zeros to
the disk. These disks can then be used in new aggregates.
About this task
When you zero the spare disks, all the spares in the cluster, including array LUNs, are zeroed. You
can zero the spare disks for a specific node or for the entire cluster.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Disks.
2. In the Disks window, select the Inventory tab.
3. Click Zero Spares.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 37
Setting up your cluster environment

4. In the Zero Spares dialog box, select a node or "All nodes" from which you want to zero the
5. Select the Zero all non-zeroed spares check box to confirm the zeroing operation.
6. Click Zero Spares.
Related information
Storage Recommendations

Provisioning storage through aggregates

You can create an aggregate or a Flash Pool aggregate to provide storage for one or more volumes
by using System Manager.
Before you begin
You must have enough spare disks to create an aggregate.
About this task
You cannot perform the following actions by using System Manager:
• Combine disks of different sizes even if there are enough spare disks of different sizes.
You can initially create an aggregate with disks of the same size and add disks of a different
size later.
• Combine disks with different checksum types.
You can initially create an aggregate with a single checksum type and add storage of a different
checksum type later.
Related reference
Aggregates window on page 128
You can use the Aggregates window to create, display, and manage information about aggregates.
Storage Tiers window on page 126
You can use the Storage Tiers window to view cluster-wide space details; view aggregate details;
and view external capacity tier details.

Provisioning storage by creating an aggregate

You can create an aggregate that consists of only HDDs or only SSDs by using System Manager.
Before you begin
All disks must be of the same size.
About this task
• If you are creating an aggregate on a four-node cluster in ONTAP Select, the mirrored
aggregate option is selected by default.
• Starting with ONTAP 9.0, you can create aggregates with disk size equal to or larger than 10
• If the disk type of the aggregate disks is FSAS or MSATA, and the disk size is equal to or
larger than 10 TB, then RAID-TEC is the only option available for RAID type.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Aggregate dialog box, perform the following steps:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 38
Setting up your cluster environment

a. Specify the name of the aggregate, the disk type, and the number of disks or partitions to
include in the aggregate.
The minimum hot spare rule is applied to the disk group that has the largest disk size.
b. Optional: Modify the RAID configuration of the aggregate:
i. Click Change.
ii. In the Change RAID Configuration dialog box, specify the RAID type and the
RAID group size.
RAID-DP is the only supported RAID type for shared disks.
iii. Click Save.
c. If you want to mirror the aggregate, select the Mirror this aggregate check box.
For MetroCluster configurations, creating unmirrored aggregates is restricted; therefore, the
mirroring option is enabled by default.
4. Click Create.
The aggregate is created with the specified configuration, and is added to the list of aggregates in
the Aggregates window.
Provisioning storage by creating a Flash Pool aggregate
You can use System Manager to create a Flash Pool aggregate, or to convert an existing HDD
aggregate to a Flash Pool aggregate by adding SSDs. When you create a new HDD aggregate, you
can provision an SSD cache to it and create a Flash Pool aggregate.
Before you begin
• You must be aware of platform-specific and workload-specific best practices for the Flash Pool
aggregate SSD tier size and configuration.
• All HDDs must be in zeroed state.
• If you want to add SSDs to the aggregate, you must ensure that all the existing and dedicated
SSDs are of the same size.
About this task
• You cannot use partitioned SSDs while creating the Flash Pool aggregate.
• You cannot mirror the aggregates if the cache source is storage pools.
• Starting with ONTAP 9.0, you can create aggregates with disk size equal to or larger than 10
• If the disk type of the aggregate disks is FSAS or MSATA, and the disk size is equal to or
larger than 10 TB, then RAID-TEC is the only option available for RAID type.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Aggregate dialog box, specify the name of the aggregate, the disk type, and the
number of HDD disks or partitions to include in the aggregate.
4. If you want to mirror the aggregate, select the Mirror this aggregate check box.
For MetroCluster configurations, creating unmirrored aggregates is restricted; therefore, the
mirroring option is enabled by default.
5. Click Use Flash Pool Cache with this aggregate.
6. Specify the cache source by choosing one of the following actions:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 39
Setting up your cluster environment

If you want to select the cache Then...

source as...
Storage pools a. Select Storage pools as the Cache Source.
b. Select the storage pool from which the cache can be obtained, and then
specify the cache size.
c. Modify the RAID type, if required.

Dedicated SSDs a. Select Dedicated SSDs as the Cache Source.

b. Select the SSD size and the number of SSDs to include in the aggregate.
c. Modify the RAID configuration, if required:
i. Click Change.
ii. In the Change RAID Configuration dialog box, specify the RAID type
and the RAID group size.
iii. Click Save.

7. Click Create.
The Flash Pool aggregate is created with the specified configuration, and is added to the list of
aggregates in the Aggregates window.
Related concepts
How storage pool works on page 136
A storage pool is a collection of SSDs. You can combine SSDs to create a storage pool, which
enables you to share the SSDs and SSD spares across multiple Flash Pool aggregates, at the same
Related information
NetApp Technical Report 4070: Flash Pool Design and Implementation Guide

Provisioning storage by creating a SnapLock aggregate

You can use System Manager to create a SnapLock Compliance aggregate or a SnapLock
Enterprise aggregate. You can create SnapLock volumes on these aggregates, which provide "write
once, read many" (WORM) capabilities.
Before you begin
The SnapLock license must have been added.
About this task
• In MetroCluster configurations, you can create only SnapLock Enterprise aggregates.
• For array LUNs, only SnapLock Enterprise is supported.
• Starting with ONTAP 9.0, you can create aggregates with disk size equal to or larger than 10
• If the disk type of the aggregate disks is FSAS or MSATA, and the disk size is equal to or
larger than 10 TB, then RAID-TEC is the only option available for RAID type.
• Starting with ONTAP 9.1, you can create a SnapLock aggregate on an All Flash FAS platform.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 40
Setting up your cluster environment

2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Aggregate dialog box, perform the following steps:
a. Specify the name of the aggregate, the disk type, and the number of disks or partitions to
include in the aggregate.
You cannot change the name of a SnapLock Compliance aggregate after you create it.
The minimum hot spare rule is applied to the disk group that has the largest disk size.
b. Optional: Modify the RAID configuration of the aggregate:
i. Click Change.
ii. In the Change RAID Configuration dialog box, specify the RAID type and the
RAID group size.
Shared disks support two RAID types: RAID-DP and RAID-TEC.
iii. Click Save.
c. Specify the SnapLock type.
d. If you have not initialized the system ComplianceClock, select the Initialize
ComplianceClock check box.
This option is not displayed if the ComplianceClock is already initialized on the node.
Note: Ensure that the current system time is correct. The ComplianceClock is set based
on the system clock, and once it is set, you cannot modify or stop the ComplianceClock.
e. Optional: If you want to mirror the aggregate, select the Mirror this aggregate check box.
For MetroCluster configurations, creating unmirrored aggregates is restricted; therefore, the
mirroring option is enabled by default.
The mirroring option is disabled for SnapLock Compliance aggregates.
4. Click Create.
Provisioning storage by creating a FabricPool
You can use System Manager to create a FabricPool or to convert an existing SSD aggregate to a
FabricPool by attaching an external capacity tier to the SSD aggregate.
Before you begin
• You must have created an external capacity tier and attached it to the cluster in which the SSD
aggregate resides.
• An on-premises external capacity tier must be present.
• A dedicated network connection must exist between the external capacity tier and the
About this task
• Supported external capacity tiers are StorageGRID Webscale and Amazon AWS S3.
Note: If you want to use Amazon AWS S3 as an external capacity tier, you must have the
FabricPool capacity license.
• FabricPool is not supported on ONTAP Select and MetroCluster configurations.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Aggregate dialog box, perform the following steps:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 41
Setting up your cluster environment

a. Specify the name of the aggregate, the disk type, and the number of disks or partitions to
include in the aggregate.
Note: Only all flash (all SSD) aggregates support FabricPool.
The minimum hot spare rule is applied to the disk group that has the largest disk size.
b. Optional: Modify the RAID configuration of the aggregate:
i. Click Change.
ii. In the Change RAID Configuration dialog box, specify the RAID type and the
RAID group size.
RAID-DP is the only supported RAID type for shared disks.
iii. Click Save.
4. Select the FabricPool box, and then select an external capacity tier from the list.
5. Click Create.

Setting up logical storage

Setting up the logical storage consists of creating Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) and volumes.

Creating SVMs
You can use System Manager to create fully configured Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) that can
serve data immediately. A cluster can have one or more SVMs with FlexVol volumes.
Before you begin
• The cluster must have at least one non-root aggregate in the online state.
• The aggregate must have sufficient space for the SVM root volume.
• You must have synchronized the time across the cluster by configuring and enabling NTP to
prevent CIFS creation and authentication failures.
• Protocols that you want to configure on the SVM must be licensed.
• You must have configured the CIFS protocol for secure DDNS to work.
About this task
• While creating SVMs, you can perform the following tasks:
◦ Create and fully configure SVMs.
◦ Configure the volume type allowed on SVMs.
◦ Create and configure SVMs with minimal network configuration.
◦ Delegate the administration to SVM administrators.
• To name the SVM, you can use alphanumeric characters and the following special characters:
"." (period), "-" (hyphen), and "_" (underscore).
The SVM name should start with an alphabet or "_" (underscore) and must not contain more
than 47 characters.
Note: You should use unique fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) for the SVM name
such as vs0.example.com.
• You can establish SnapMirror relationships only between volumes that have the same language
The language of the SVM determines the character set that is used to display file names and
data for all NAS volumes in the SVM.
• You cannot use a SnapLock aggregate as the root aggregate of SVMs.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 42
Setting up your cluster environment

2. Click Create.
3. In the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) Setup window, specify details such as the following:
• SVM name
• IPspace allocated to the SVM
• Volume type allowed
• Protocols allowed
• SVM language
• Security style of the root volume
• Root aggregate
The default language setting for any SVM is C.UTF-8.
By default, the aggregate with the maximum free space is selected as the container for root
volume of the SVM. Based on the protocols selected, the default security style and the root
aggregate are selected.
The security style is set to NTFS if you select CIFS protocol or a combination of CIFS
protocol with the other protocols. The security style is set to UNIX if you select NFS, iSCSI,
or FC/FCoE or a combination of these protocols.
In a MetroCluster configuration, only the aggregates that are contained in the cluster are
4. Specify the DNS domain names and the name server IP addresses to configure the DNS
The default values are selected from the existing SVM configurations.
5. Optional: When configuring a data LIF to access data using a protocol, specify the target alias,
subnets, and the number of LIFs per node details.
You can select the Review or Modify LIFs configuration (Advanced Settings) check box to
modify the number of portsets in the LIF.
You can edit the details of the portset in a particular node by selecting the node from the nodes
list in the details area.
6. Optional: Enable host-side applications such as SnapDrive and SnapManager for the SVM
administrator by providing the SVM credentials.
7. Optional: Create a new LIF for SVM management by clicking Create a new LIF for SVM
management, and then specify the portsets and the IP address with or without a subnet for the
new management LIF.
For CIFS and NFS protocols, data LIFs have management access by default. You must create a
new management LIF only if required. For iSCSI and FC protocols, a dedicated SVM
management LIF is required because data and management protocols cannot share the same
8. Click Submit & Continue.
The SVM is created with the specified configuration.
The SVM that you created is started automatically. The root volume name is automatically
generated as SVM name_root. By default, the vsadmin user account is created and is in the
locked state.
After you finish
• You must configure at least one protocol on the SVM to allow data access.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 43
Setting up your cluster environment

Configuring CIFS and NFS protocols on an SVM

You can use System Manager to configure CIFS and NFS protocols on the Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) to provide file-level data access for NAS clients. To enable CIFS protocol, you
must create the data LIFs and the CIFS server. To enable NFS protocol, you can specify the NIS
details and the data LIFs.
Before you begin
• Protocols that you want to configure or allow on the SVM must be licensed.
If the protocol is not allowed on the SVM, you can use the Edit Storage Virtual Machine
window to enable the protocol for the SVM.
• You must have the Active Directory, organizational unit, and administrative account credentials
for configuring the CIFS protocol.
About this task
SnapLock aggregates are not considered for automatically creating volumes.
1. If you have not configured the protocols while creating the SVM, click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click the protocol that you want to configure.
5. In the Data LIF Configuration section, if you want to retain the same data LIF configuration
for both CIFS and NFS, select the Retain the CIFS data LIF's configuration for NFS
client check box.
If you do not retain the same data LIF configuration for both CIFS and NFS, you must
specify the IP address and ports separately for both CIFS and NFS.
6. Specify the IP address by choosing one of the following options:

If you want to... Then...

Specify the IP address using a a. Select Using a subnet.
subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, select the subnet from which the IP address
must be assigned.
For intercluster LIF, only the subnets that are associated with the selected
IPspace are displayed.
c. If you want to assign a specific IP address to the interface, select Use a
specific IP address, and then type the IP address.
The IP address you specify is added to the subnet if it is not already present
in the subnet range.
d. Click OK.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 44
Setting up your cluster environment

If you want to... Then...

Specify the IP address manually a. Select Without a subnet.
without using a subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, perform the following steps:
i. Specify the IP address and network mask or prefix.
ii. Optional: Specify the gateway.
The destination field is populated with the default value based on the
family of the IP address.
iii. If you do not want the default value, specify the new destination
If a route does not exist, a new route is automatically created based on the
gateway and destination.
c. Click OK.

7. Specify a port to create a data LIF:

a. Click Browse.
b. In the Select Network Port or Adapter dialog box, select a port.
c. Click OK.
8. Configure the CIFS server by performing the following steps:
a. Specify the following information to create a CIFS server:
• CIFS server name
• Active Directory to associate with the CIFS server
• Organizational unit (OU) within the Active Directory domain to associate with the
CIFS server
By default, this parameter is set to CN=Computers.
• Credentials of an administrative account that has sufficient privileges to add the CIFS
server to the OU
b. Optional: Select Encrypt Data while accessing all shares of this SVM to enable SMB
3.0 encryption for all the shares of the SVM.
c. Provision a volume for CIFS storage when configuring the protocol by providing the
share name, size of the share, and access permissions.
d. Optional: Select Encrypt Data while accessing this share to enable SMB 3.0 encryption
for a particular share.
9. Optional: Configure the NIS services:
a. Specify the IP addresses of the NIS servers and NIS domain name to configure NIS
services on the SVM.
b. Select the appropriate database type for which you want to add the "nis" name service
c. Provision a volume for NFS storage by specifying export name, size, and permission.
10. Click Submit & Continue.
The CIFS server and NIS domain are configured with the specified configuration, and data LIFs
are created. By default, the data LIFs have management access. You can view the configuration
details on the Summary page.
Configuring iSCSI protocol on SVMs
You can configure the iSCSI protocol on the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) to provide block-
level data access by using System Manager. You can create iSCSI LIFs and portsets and add the
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 45
Setting up your cluster environment

LIFs to the portsets. LIFs are created on the most suitable adapters and assigned to portsets to
ensure data path redundancy.
Before you begin
• The iSCSI license must be enabled on the cluster.
If the protocol is not allowed on the SVM, you can use the Edit Storage Virtual Machine
window to enable the protocol for the SVM.
• All the nodes in the cluster must be healthy.
• Each node must have at least two data ports and the port state must be up.
About this task
• You can configure the iSCSI protocol while creating the SVM or you can do so at a later time.
• SnapLock aggregates are not considered for automatically creating volumes.
1. If you have not configured the protocols while creating the SVM, click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click iSCSI.
5. Optional: In the Network Access section, specify an alias for the iSCSI target.
The maximum number of characters for an alias name is 128. If you do not specify a target
alias, the SVM name is used as an alias.
6. Specify the number of iSCSI LIFs that can be assigned to a single node.
The minimum number of LIFs per node is one. The maximum number is the minimum of all
the ports in the up state across the nodes. If the maximum value is an odd number, the
previous even number is considered as the maximum value. You can choose any even number
in the minimum and maximum value range.
A 4-node cluster has node1, node2, and node3 with 6 ports each in the up state, and node4
with 7 ports in the up state. The effective maximum value for the cluster is 6.
If the number of LIFs that you want to assign to the node is more than 2, you must assign at
least one portset to each LIF.
7. Specify the network details, including the subnet details, to create iSCSI LIFs:

If you want to... Then...

Specify the IP address using a a. Select Using a subnet.
subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, select the subnet from which the IP address
must be assigned.
For intercluster LIF, only the subnets that are associated with the selected
IPspace are displayed.
c. If you want to assign a specific IP address to the interface, select Use a
specific IP address, and then type the IP address.
The IP address you specify is added to the subnet if it is not already present
in the subnet range.
d. Click OK.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 46
Setting up your cluster environment

If you want to... Then...

Specify the IP address manually a. Select Without a subnet.
without using a subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, perform the following steps:
i. Specify the IP address and network mask or prefix.
ii. Optional: Specify the gateway.
The destination field is populated with the default value based on the
family of the IP address.
iii. If you do not want the default value, specify the new destination
If a route does not exist, a new route is automatically created based on the
gateway and destination.
c. Click OK.

8. Select the broadcast domain.

9. Select the adapter type.
If you have NIC cards configured in your cluster, select NIC.
If you have CNS cards configured in your cluster, select CNA.
If you have ifgrps configured in your cluster, select Interface Group.
Note: The ifgrp port must be added in the broadcast domain.
10. Optional: Provision a LUN for iSCSI storage when configuring the iSCSI protocol by
providing the LUN size, OS type for the LUN, and host initiator details.
11. If you want to verify or modify the automatically generated iSCSI LIFs configuration, select
Review or Modify LIFs configuration (Advanced Settings).
You can modify only the LIF name and the home port. By default, the portsets are set to the
minimum value. You must ensure that you specify unique entries. If you specify duplicate
LIF names, System Manager appends numeric values to the duplicate LIF name.
Based on the selected portset, the LIFs are distributed across the portsets using a round-robin
method to ensure redundancy in case of node or port failure.
12. Click Submit & Continue.
The iSCSI LIFs and portsets are created with the specified configuration. The LIFs are distributed
accordingly among the portsets. The iSCSI service is started if all the LIFs are successfully
If the LIF creation fails, you can use the Network Interfaces window to create the LIFs, attach the
LIFs to the portsets by using the LUNs window, and start the iSCSI service by using the iSCSI
Configuring FC and FCoE protocols on SVMs
You can configure the FC and the FCoE protocols on the SVM for SAN hosts. LIFs are created on
the most suitable adapters and assigned to port sets to ensure data path redundancy. Based on your
requirements, you can configure either FC, FCoE, or both the protocols by using System Manager.
Before you begin
• The FCP license must be enabled on the cluster.
• All the nodes in the cluster must be healthy.
• Each node must have at least two correctly configured ports for each protocol (FC and FCoE).
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 47
Setting up your cluster environment

About this task

• You can configure the FC and FCoE protocols while creating the SVM or you can do so at a
later time. If the protocols are not allowed on the SVM, you can use the Edit Storage Virtual
Machine window to enable the protocols for the SVM.
• SnapLock aggregates are not considered for automatically creating volumes.
1. If you have not configured the protocols while creating the SVM, click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click FC/FCoE.
5. In the Data Interface Configuration section, select the corresponding option to configure data
LIFs for FC and FCoE protocols.
6. Specify the number of data LIFs per node for each protocol.
The minimum number of LIFs per node is one. The maximum number is the minimum of all
the ports in the up state across the nodes. If the maximum value is an odd number, the previous
even number is considered as the maximum value. You can choose any even number in the
minimum and maximum value range.
A 4-node cluster has node1, node2, and node3 with 6 ports each in the up state, and node4
with 7 ports in the up state. The effective maximum value for the cluster is 6.
If the number of LIFs that you want to assign to the node is more than 2, you must assign at
least one portset to each LIF.
7. If you want to verify or modify the automatically generated LIFs configuration, select Review
or Edit the Interface Association.
You can modify only the LIF name and home port. You must ensure that you do not specify
duplicate entries.
8. Optional: Provision a LUN for the FC or FCoE storage when configuring the protocol by
providing the LUN size, OS type for the LUN, and host initiator details.
9. Click Submit & Continue.
The data LIFs and port sets are created with the specified configuration. The LIFs are distributed
accordingly among the port sets. FCP service is started if all the LIFs are successfully created for
at least one protocol.
If the LIF creation fails, you can create the LIFs and start the FCP service from the FC/FCoE
Related information
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9

Delegating administration to SVM administrators

After setting up a functional Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) or SVMs with basic network
configuration, you can optionally delegate the administration of the SVM to SVM administrators.
About this task
SVM administrators cannot use System Manager to manage delegated SVMs. You can only
manage them by using the command-line interface (CLI).
1. In the Administrator Details section, set up a password for the vsadmin user account.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 48
Setting up your cluster environment

2. If you want a dedicated LIF for SVM management, select Create a LIF for SVM
management, and then specify the network details.
A dedicated SVM management LIF is required for SAN protocols, where data and
management protocols cannot share the same LIF. SVM management LIFs can be created only
on data ports.
3. Specify the network details, including subnet details, to create iSCSI LIFs:

If you want to… Then…

Specify the IP address using a a. Select Using a subnet.
subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, select the subnet from which the IP address
must be assigned.
For intercluster LIF, only the subnets that are associated with the selected
IPspace are displayed.
c. If you want to assign a specific IP address to the interface, select Use a
specific IP address, and then type the IP address.
The IP address you specify is added to the subnet if it is not already present
in the subnet range.
d. Click OK.

Specify the IP address manually a. Select Without a subnet.

without using a subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, perform the following steps:
i. Specify the IP address and network mask or prefix.
ii. Optional: Specify the gateway.
The destination field is populated with the default value based on the
family of the IP address.
iii. If you do not want the default value, specify the new destination
If a route does not exist, a new route is automatically created based on the
gateway and destination.
c. Click OK.

4. Specify a port to create a data LIF:

a. Click Browse.
b. Select a port from the Select Network Port or Adapter dialog box.
c. Click OK.
The vsadmin account is unlocked and configured with the password.
The default access methods for the vsadmin account are Data ONTAP API (ontapi) and SSH
(ssh). The SVM administrator can log in to the storage system using the management IP
After you finish
You must assign aggregates to the SVM by using the Edit Storage Virtual Machine dialog box.
Note: If the SVM does not have any assigned aggregates, the SVM administrator cannot create
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 49
Setting up your cluster environment

Creating FlexVol volumes

You can create a FlexVol volume for your data by using the Create Volume dialog box in System
Manager. You should always create a separate volume for your data rather than storing data in the
root volume.
Before you begin
• The cluster must contain a non-root aggregate and a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM).
• If you want to create read/write (rw) volumes, you must have configured the protocols for the
SVM, and you must have installed either the SnapMirror or the SnapVault license.
If you have not configured the protocols but have installed any one of these licenses, you can
create only data protection (DP) volumes.
• For creating an encrypted volume, you must have installed the volume encryption license using
System Manager and enabled "key-manager setup" using the command-line interface (CLI).
You must refresh your web browser after enabling "key-manager setup".
About this task
• You can enable storage Quality of Service (QoS) only for a read/write (rw) volume.
• When you create a DP volume on the sync-source SVM in a MetroCluster configuration, the
volume is not replicated on the sync-destination SVM.
• When you create a DP volume in a MetroCluster configuration, the source volume is not
replicated (mirrored or vaulted) in the destination SVM.
• In a MetroCluster configuration, System Manager displays only the following aggregates for
creating volumes:
◦ In normal mode, when you create volumes on sync-source SVMs or data-serving SVMs in
the primary site, only those aggregates that belong to the cluster in the primary site are
◦ In switched-over mode, when you create volumes on sync-destination SVMs or data-
serving SVMs in the surviving site, only switched-over aggregates are displayed.
• You cannot encrypt a volume in ONTAP Cloud.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM and click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Click Create > Create FlexVol.
5. In the Create Volume dialog box, specify a new name if you want to change the default
6. Select the containing aggregate for the volume.
7. Select the Encrypted check box to enable encryption for the volume.
This option is available only if you have enabled the Volume Encryption license and if the
corresponding platform is capable of supporting encryption.
8. Select the type of storage for which you are creating this volume.
You have to select Data Protection if you are creating a SnapMirror destination volume. You
are provided read-only access to this volume.
9. Specify the tiering policy for the volume.
10. Specify the size of the volume and the percentage of the total volume size that you want to
reserve for Snapshot copies.
The default space reserved for Snapshot copies is zero percent for SAN and VMware
volumes. For NAS volumes, the default is five percent.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 50
Setting up your cluster environment

11. Select Default, Thin provisioned or Thick provisioned for the volume.
When thin provisioning is enabled, space is allocated to the volume from the aggregate only
when data is written to it.
• For All Flash FAS(AFF) storage systems, the value of thin provisioning is "Default"
and for other storage systems, the value of thick provisioning is "Default".
• For FabricPool, the value of thin provisioning is "Default".

12. If you want to enable deduplication on this volume, make the necessary changes in the
Storage Efficiency tab.
System Manager uses the default deduplication schedule. If the specified volume size
exceeds the limit required for running deduplication, the volume is created and deduplication
is not enabled.
For All Flash Optimized personality systems, inline compression is enabled by default.
13. If you want to enable storage QoS for the FlexVol volume to manage workload performance,
select the Manage Storage Quality of Service check box in the Quality of Service tab.
14. Create a new storage QoS policy group or select an existing policy group to control the input/
output (I/O) performance of the FlexVol volume:

If you want to... Do this...

Create a new policy group a. Select New Policy Group.
b. Specify the policy group name.
c. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum
throughput value is set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as
the value and this value is case-sensitive.
d. Specify the maximum throughput limit to ensure that the workload of the
objects in the policy group do not exceed the specified throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must
be of the same unit type.
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set
the maximum throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system
automatically displays "Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-
sensitive. The unit that you specify does not affect the maximum
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 51
Setting up your cluster environment

If you want to... Do this...

Select an existing policy group a. Select Existing Policy Group, and then click Choose to select an existing
policy group from the Select Policy Group dialog box.
b. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum
throughput value is set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as
the value and this value is case-sensitive.
c. Specify the maximum throughput limit to ensure that the workload of the
objects in the policy group do not exceed the specified throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must
be of the same unit type.
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set
the maximum throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system
automatically displays "Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-
sensitive. The unit that you specify does not affect the maximum
If the policy group is assigned to more than one object, the maximum
throughput that you specify is shared among the objects.

15. Click Create.

16. Verify that the volume you created is included in the list of volumes in the Volume window.
The volume is created with UNIX style security and UNIX 700 "read write execute"
permissions for the owner.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Creating SnapLock volumes

You can use System Manager to create a SnapLock Compliance volume or a SnapLock Enterprise
volume. When you create a volume, you can also set retention times, and choose whether to
automate setting the WORM state on data in the volume.
Before you begin
• The SnapLock license must have been installed.
• The SnapLock aggregate must be online.
• For creating an encrypted volume, you must have installed the volume encryption license using
System Manager and enabled "key-manager setup" using the command-line interface (CLI).
You must refresh your web browser after enabling "key-manager setup".
About this task
• You can delete a complete SnapLock Enterprise volume or a file in a SnapLock Enterprise
volume; however, you cannot delete only the data within a file in a SnapLock Enterprise
• You cannot delete a SnapLock Compliance volume if data is committed to the volume.
• You cannot encrypt a volume in ONTAP Cloud.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 52
Setting up your cluster environment

2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.

3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Click Create > Create FlexVol.
5. In the Create Volume dialog box, specify a new name if you want to change the default
name of the volume.
You cannot change the name of a SnapLock Compliance volume after you create it.
6. Select the containing aggregate for the volume.
You must select a SnapLock Compliance aggregate or SnapLock Enterprise aggregate to
create a SnapLock volume. The volume inherits the SnapLock type from the aggregate, and
the SnapLock type cannot be changed after the volume is created; therefore, you must select
the correct aggregate.
7. Select the Encrypted check box to enable encryption for the volume.
This option is available only if you have enabled the Volume Encryption license and if the
corresponding platform is capable of supporting encryption.
8. Select the type of storage for which you are creating this volume.
If you are creating a SnapMirror destination volume, you must select Data Protection. You
are provided read-only access to this volume.
9. Specify the size of the volume and the percentage of the total volume size that you want to
reserve for Snapshot copies.
The default space that is reserved for Snapshot copies is zero percent for SAN and VMware
volumes. For NAS volumes, the default is 5 percent.
10. Optional: Select Thin Provisioned to enable thin provisioning for the volume.
When thin provisioning is enabled, space is allocated to the volume from the aggregate only
when data is written to the volume.
11. Optional: Make the necessary changes in the Storage Efficiency tab to enable deduplication
on the volume.
System Manager uses the default deduplication schedule. If the specified volume size
exceeds the limit required for running deduplication, the volume is created, and deduplication
is not enabled.
12. Select the SnapLock tab, and then perform the following steps:
a. Optional: Specify the autocommit period.
The file in the volume must remain unchanged for the period that you specify before it is
committed to the WORM state. To set files to the WORM state manually, you must
choose Not specified as the autocommit setting.
b. Specify the minimum retention period and maximum retention period.
The values must be in the range of 1 day through 70 years or Infinite.
c. Select the default retention period.
The default retention period must be within the specified minimum retention period and
maximum retention period.
13. Optional: Select the Manage Storage Quality of Service check box in the Quality of
Service tab to enable storage QoS for the FlexVol volume in order to manage workload
14. Create a new storage QoS policy group or select an existing policy group to control the input/
output (I/O) performance of the FlexVol volume:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 53
Setting up your cluster environment

If you want to... Do this...

Create a new policy group a. Select New Policy Group.
b. Specify the policy group name.
c. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum
throughput value is set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as
the value and this value is case-sensitive.
d. Specify the maximum throughput limit to ensure that the workload of the
objects in the policy group do not exceed the specified throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must
be of the same unit type.
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set
the maximum throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system
automatically displays "Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-
sensitive. The unit that you specify does not affect the maximum

Select an existing policy group a. Select Existing Policy Group, and then click Choose to select an existing
policy group from the Select Policy Group dialog box.
b. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum
throughput value is set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as
the value and this value is case-sensitive.
c. Specify the maximum throughput limit to ensure that the workload of the
objects in the policy group do not exceed the specified throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must
be of the same unit type.
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set
the maximum throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system
automatically displays "Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-
sensitive. The unit that you specify does not affect the maximum
If the policy group is assigned to more than one object, the maximum
throughput that you specify is shared among the objects.

15. Click Create.

16. Verify that the volume that you created is included in the list of volumes in the Volume
The volume is created with UNIX-style security and UNIX 700 "read write execute" permissions
for the owner.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 54
Managing clusters

Managing clusters
You can use System Manager to manage clusters.
Related information
ONTAP concepts

What a cluster is
A cluster consists of one or more nodes grouped together as (HA pairs) to form a scalable cluster.
Creating a cluster enables the nodes to pool their resources and distribute work across the cluster,
while presenting administrators with a single entity to manage. Clustering also enables continuous
service to end users if individual nodes go offline.
• The maximum number of nodes within a cluster depends on the platform model and licensed
• Each node in the cluster can view and manage the same volumes as any other node in the
The total file-system namespace, which comprises all of the volumes and their resultant paths,
spans the cluster.
• The nodes in a cluster communicate over a dedicated, physically isolated and secure Ethernet
The cluster logical interfaces (LIFs) on each node in the cluster must be on the same subnet.
• When new nodes are added to a cluster, there is no need to update clients to point to the new
The existence of the new nodes is transparent to the clients.
• If you have a two-node cluster (a single HA pair), you must configure cluster high availability
• You can create a cluster on a stand-alone node, called a single-node cluster.
This configuration does not require a cluster network, and enables you to use the cluster ports
to serve data traffic. However, nondisruptive operations are not supported on single-node

Understanding quorum and epsilon

Quorum and epsilon are important measures of cluster health and function that together indicate
how clusters address potential communications and connectivity challenges.
Quorum is a precondition for a fully functioning cluster. When a cluster is in quorum, a simple
majority of nodes are healthy and can communicate with each other. When quorum is lost, the
cluster loses the ability to accomplish normal cluster operations. Only one collection of nodes can
have quorum at any one time because all of the nodes collectively share a single view of the data.
Therefore, if two non-communicating nodes are permitted to modify the data in divergent ways, it
is no longer possible to reconcile the data into a single data view.
Each node in the cluster participates in a voting protocol that elects one node master; each
remaining node is a secondary. The master node is responsible for synchronizing information
across the cluster. When quorum is formed, it is maintained by continual voting. If the master node
goes offline and the cluster is still in quorum, a new master is elected by the nodes that remain
Because there is the possibility of a tie in a cluster that has an even number of nodes, one node has
an extra fractional voting weight called epsilon. If the connectivity between two equal portions of
a large cluster fails, the group of nodes containing epsilon maintains quorum, assuming that all of
the nodes are healthy. For example, the following illustration shows a four-node cluster in which
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 55
Managing clusters

two of the nodes have failed. However, because one of the surviving nodes holds epsilon, the
cluster remains in quorum even though there is not a simple majority of healthy nodes.

Epsilon is automatically assigned to the first node when the cluster is created. If the node that
holds epsilon becomes unhealthy, takes over its high-availability partner, or is taken over by its
high-availability partner, then epsilon is automatically reassigned to a healthy node in a different
HA pair.
Taking a node offline can affect the ability of the cluster to remain in quorum. Therefore, ONTAP
issues a warning message if you attempt an operation that will either take the cluster out of
quorum or else put it one outage away from a loss of quorum. You can disable the quorum warning
messages by using the cluster quorum-service options modify command at the
advanced privilege level.
In general, assuming reliable connectivity among the nodes of the cluster, a larger cluster is more
stable than a smaller cluster. The quorum requirement of a simple majority of half the nodes plus
epsilon is easier to maintain in a cluster of 24 nodes than in a cluster of two nodes.
A two-node cluster presents some unique challenges for maintaining quorum. Two-node clusters
use cluster HA, in which neither node holds epsilon; instead, both nodes are continuously polled to
ensure that if one node fails, the other has full read-write access to data, as well as access to
logical interfaces and management functions.

What a node in the cluster is

A node is a controller in a cluster. It is connected to other nodes in the cluster over a private
management cluster network. It is also connected to the disk shelves that provide physical storage
for the Data ONTAP system or to third-party storage arrays that provide array LUNs for Data
ONTAP use.
A node Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) represents a node in the cluster. The cluster setup process
automatically creates a node SVM for each node in the cluster.

Dashboard window
The Dashboard window contains multiple panels that provide cumulative at-a-glance information
about your system and its performance.
You can use the Dashboard window to view information about important alerts and notifications,
efficiency and capacity of aggregates and volumes, the nodes that are available in a cluster, the
status of the nodes in a high-availability (HA) pair, the most active objects, and the performance
metrics of the cluster or a node.
Alerts and Notifications
Displays all alerts in red, such as emergency EMS events, offline node details, broken disk
details, license entitlements that are in high risk, and offline network port details. Displays
all notifications in yellow, such as health monitor notifications that occurred in the past 24
hours at the cluster level, license entitlements that are in medium risk, unassigned disk
details, the number of migrated LIFs, volume move operations that failed, and volume move
operations that required administrative intervention in the past 24 hours.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 56
Managing clusters

The panel displays up to three alerts and notifications beyond which a View-All link is
displayed. You can click the View-All link to view more information about the alerts and
The refresh interval for this panel is one minute.
Efficiency and Capacity
Displays the aggregates and volumes that are nearing capacity, and the storage efficiency of
the cluster or a node.
The Efficiency tab displays the storage efficiency savings for the cluster or a node. You can
view the total logical space used, total physical space used, overall savings from storage
efficiency, data reduction ratio, FlexClone volume ratio, and Snapshot copies ratio. You can
select the cluster or a specific node to view the storage efficiency savings.
Note: During a takeover operation or giveback operation, the storage efficiency data may
not be fully reported. In such cases, the reported storage efficiency data of these
operations is corrected after some time, depending on the number of Snapshot copies
across all the volumes in the nodes.

In the Aggregates tab, the graph displays the top five online aggregates that are nearing
capacity, in descending order of used space. You can click the View All link to navigate to
the Aggregates inventory page.
The Volumes tab displays the top three SVMs—including destination SVMs for disaster
recovery and SVMs in a locked state—that contain the volumes with the highest capacity
utilized when you enter a valid value in the "Volumes exceeding used capacity of" field.
You can click the View All link to view the Volumes dialog box, and then navigate to the
Volumes page.
The refresh interval for this panel is 15 minutes.
Displays a pictorial representation of the number and names of the nodes that are available
in the cluster, and the status of the nodes that are in an HA pair. You must position the
cursor over the pictorial representation of the nodes to view the status of the nodes in an HA
You can view more information about all the nodes by using the Nodes link. You can also
click the pictorial representation to view the model of the nodes and the number of
aggregates, storage pools, shelves, and disks that are available in the nodes. You can
manage the nodes by using the Manage Nodes link. You can manage the nodes in an HA
pair by using the Manage HA link.
The refresh interval for this panel is 15 minutes.
Applications and Objects
The Applications tab displays information about the top five applications of the cluster. You
can view the top five applications based on capacity, from low to high or high to low. You
must click the specific bar chart to view more information about the application. You can
click View details to open the Applications window of the specific application.
The Objects tab displays information about the top five active clients and files in the cluster.
You can view the top five active clients and files based on IOPS or throughput.
The refresh interval for this panel is one minute.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 57
Managing clusters

Displays the average performance metrics, read performance metrics, and write
performance metrics of the cluster based on latency, IOPS, and throughput. The average
performance metrics is displayed by default. You can click Read or Write to view the read
or write performance metrics, respectively. You can view the performance metrics of the
cluster or a node.
If the information about cluster performance cannot be retrieved from ONTAP, you cannot
view the respective graph. In such cases, System Manager displays the specific error
The refresh interval for the charts in this tab is 15 seconds.

Monitoring a cluster using the dashboard

The dashboard in System Manager enables you to monitor the health and performance of a cluster.
You can also identify hardware problems and storage configuration issues by using the dashboard.
Click the Dashboard tab to view the health and performance dashboard panels.

Applications are predefined templates which can be used to create new configurations based on
existing application templates, and then use these descriptions to provision instances of the
application on ONTAP. You can create basic and enhanced applications.
You can create the basic and enhanced applications by clicking Applications or by navigating to
SVMs > Application Provisioning.
Note: The Application Provisioning tab is displayed only on All Flash FAS platforms.
Related information
ONTAP concepts

Configuration update
You can use System Manager to configure the administration details of Storage Virtual Machines

Configuring the administration details of an SVM

You can use System Manager to quickly configure the administration details of an SVM. You can
optionally delegate the administration of the SVM to SVM administrators.
About this task
As an SVM administrator, you cannot use System Manager to manage delegated SVMs. You can
manage them only by using the command-line interface (CLI).
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Configuration Updates.
3. In the SVMs tab, select the node, and then click Configure Administration Details.
4. In the Administrator Details section, set up a password for the vsadmin user account.
5. If you want a dedicated LIF for SVM management, select Create a LIF for SVM
management, and then specify the network details.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 58
Managing clusters

A dedicated SVM management LIF is required for SAN protocols, where data and
management protocols cannot share the same LIF. SVM management LIFs can be created only
on data ports.
6. Specify the network details:

If you want to… Then…

Specify the IP address using a a. Select Using a subnet.
subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, select the subnet from which the IP address
must be assigned.
For intercluster LIF, only the subnets that are associated with the selected
IPspace are displayed.
c. If you want to assign a specific IP address to the interface, select Use a
specific IP address, and then type the IP address.
The IP address you specify is added to the subnet if it is not already present
in the subnet range.
d. Click OK.

Specify the IP address manually a. Select Without a subnet.

without using a subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, perform the following steps:
i. Specify the IP address and network mask or prefix.
ii. Optional: Specify the gateway.
The destination field is populated with the default value based on the
family of the IP address.
iii. If you do not want the default value, specify the new destination
If a route does not exist, a new route is automatically created based on the
gateway and destination.
c. Click OK.

7. Specify a port to create a data LIF:

a. Click Browse.
b. In the Select Network Port or Adapter dialog box, select a port, and then click OK.

Configuration Updates window

You can use the Configuration Updates window to update the configuration details of the cluster,
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM), and nodes.
Enables you to configure details of the node.
Enables you to configure details of the SVM.
Nodes tab

Command buttons
Edit Node Name
Opens the Edit Node Name dialog box, which enables you to modify the name of the node.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 59
Managing clusters

Create Node-management LIF

Opens the Create Node-management LIF dialog box, which enables you to create a node-
management LIF for managing a specific node.
Edit AutoSupport
Opens the Edit AutoSupport Settings dialog box, which enables you to specify an email
address from which email notifications are sent and to add multiple email addresses of the
host names.
SVMs tab

Command button
Configure Administration Details
Opens the Configure Administration Details dialog box, which enables you configure the
administration details of the SVM.
Related tasks
Creating a cluster on page 22
You can use OnCommand System Manager to create and set up a cluster in your data center.
Setting up a network when an IP address range is disabled on page 24
You can set up a network by disabling an IP address range and entering individual IP addresses for
cluster management, node management, and service provider networks.

Service Processors
You can use a Services Processor to monitor and manage your storage system parameters such as
temperature, voltage, current, and fan speeds through System Manager.

Assigning IP addresses to Service Processors

You can use System Manager to assign IP addresses to all your Service Processors at the same
time and use these Service Processors to monitor and manage various system parameters of your
storage systems.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Service Processor.
3. In the Service Processor window, click Global Settings.
4. In the Global Settings dialog box, choose the source to assign the IP addresses:

If you want to... Select the option...

Assign IP addresses DHCP
automatically from a DHCP
Assign IP addresses from a Subnet
Manually provide IP addresses Manual Assignment
5. Click Save.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 60
Managing clusters

Editing Service Processor settings

You can modify Service Processor attributes, such as the IP address, the network mask or the
prefix-length, and the gateway address by using System Manager. You can also allocate IP
addresses to Service Processors that do not have any IP addresses assigned.
About this task
• You can edit the settings of a Service Processor that was assigned IP addresses manually.
• You cannot edit the settings of a Service Processor that was assigned IP addresses through a
DHCP server or through a subnet.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Service Processor.
3. In the Service Processor window, select the Service Processor, and then click Edit.
4. In the Edit Service Processor dialog box, make the necessary changes, and then click Save
and Close.

Understanding the Service Processor

A Service Processor is a system-independent resource in the storage system that helps you to
monitor and manage storage system parameters such as the temperature, voltage, current, and fan
When the service processor detects an abnormal condition in any of the storage system
parameters, it logs an event, notifies Data ONTAP of the issue, and generates AutoSupport
messages through email or through SNMP traps.
The Service Processor monitors Data ONTAP through a watchdog mechanism and can facilitate a
quick failover to the partner node. The Service Processor also tracks numerous system events and
saves them in a log file. The events include boot progress, field-replaceable unit (FRU) changes,
Data ONTAP generated events, and a user transaction history.
The Service Processor can remotely log in and administer the storage system and can diagnose,
shut down, power cycle, or reboot the system, regardless of the state of the storage system. In
addition, the Service Processor provides remote diagnostic features.
The combined monitoring and managing capabilities of the Service Processor enables you to
evaluate the storage system in the event of an issue, and you can immediately perform effective
service actions.

Service Processors window

You can use the Service Processors window to view and modify Service Processors attributes,
such as the IP address, network mask (IPv4) or prefix-length (IPv6), and gateway, and to configure
the IP source for a Service Processor.
• Command buttons on page 60
• Service processors list on page 61
• Details area on page 61
Command buttons
Opens the Edit Service Processor dialog box, which enables you to modify the IP address,
network mask (IPv4) or prefix-length (IPv6), and gateway information of a Service
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 61
Managing clusters

Global Settings
Opens the Global Settings dialog box, which allows you to configure the source of IP
address for all your Service Processors as one of the following: DHCP, subnet, or manual.
Updates the information in the window.
Service processors list
Specifies the node on which the Service Processor is located.
IP Address
Specifies the IP addresses of the Service Processor.
Specifies the status the Service Processor, which can be online, offline, daemon offline,
node offline, degraded, rebooted, or unknown.
MAC Address
Specifies the MAC address of the Service Processor.
Details area
The area below the Service Processor list displays detailed information about the Service
Processor, including network details, such as the IP address, network mask (IPv4) or prefix-length
(IPv6), gateway, IP source, and MAC address, as well as general details, such as the firmware
version and whether automatic update of the firmware is enabled.
Related tasks
Setting up a network when an IP address range is disabled on page 24
You can set up a network by disabling an IP address range and entering individual IP addresses for
cluster management, node management, and service provider networks.

Cluster peers
You can use System Manager to peer two clusters so that the peered clusters can coordinate and
share resources between them.
Related information
Data protection using SnapMirror and SnapVault technology

Prerequisites for cluster peering

Before you set up cluster peering, you should confirm that the connectivity, port, IP address,
subnet, firewall, and cluster-naming requirements are met.
Connectivity requirements
The subnet used in each cluster for intercluster communication must meet the following
• The subnet must belong to the broadcast domain that contains the ports that are used for
intercluster communication.
• The IP addresses that are used for intercluster LIFs do not need to be in the same subnet, but
having them in the same subnet is a simpler configuration.
• You must have decided whether the subnet is dedicated to intercluster communication or is
shared with data communication.
Each node must have an intercluster LIF with an IP address on the intercluster network.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 62
Managing clusters

The intercluster network must be configured so that cluster peers have pair-wise full-mesh
connectivity within the applicable IPspace, which means that each pair of clusters in a cluster peer
relationship has connectivity among all of their intercluster LIFs.
A cluster’s intercluster LIFs have an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address.
Port requirements
The ports that are used for intercluster communication must meet the following requirements:
• All ports that are used to communicate with a given remote cluster must be in the same
You can use multiple IPspaces to peer with multiple clusters. Pair-wise full-mesh connectivity
is required only within an IPspace.
• The broadcast domain that is used for intercluster communication must include at least two
ports per node so that intercluster communication can fail over from one port to another port.
Ports added to a broadcast domain can be physical network ports, VLANs, or interface groups
• All ports must be cabled.
• All ports must be in a healthy state.
• The MTU settings of the ports must be consistent.
• You must decide whether the ports that are used for intercluster communication are shared with
data communication.
Firewall requirements
Firewalls and the intercluster firewall policy must allow the following protocols:
• ICMP service
• TCP to the IP addresses of all the intercluster LIFs over the ports 10000, 11104, and 11105
The default intercluster firewall policy allows access through the HTTPS protocol and from
all IP addresses (, but the policy can be altered or replaced.
Cluster requirements
Clusters must meet the following requirements:
• The time on the clusters in a cluster peering relationship must be synchronized within 300
seconds (5 minutes).
Cluster peers can be in different time zones.
Related information
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9

Creating cluster peer relationships

You can create an authenticated cluster peer relationship to connect clusters so that the clusters in
the relationship can communicate securely with each other. You can use System Manager to
configure an intercluster interface for the local cluster if the intercluster interface is not configured.
Before you begin
You must have reviewed the requirements to perform this task.
Prerequisites for cluster peering
About this task
• If you want to create a peer relationship with a cluster running Data ONTAP 8.2.2 or earlier,
you must use the command-line interface (CLI).
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 63
Managing clusters

• In a MetroCluster configuration, when you create a peer relationship between the primary
cluster and an external cluster, it is a best practice to create a peer relationship between the
surviving site cluster and the external cluster as well.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Cluster Peers.
3. Click Create.
4. In the Details of the local cluster area, select the IPspace for the cluster peer relationship.
The operational intercluster interface for the selected IPspace is displayed.
5. Optional: If the node does not contain an operational intercluster interface, click Create
intercluster interface to configure the LIF for the node.
6. In the Details of the remote cluster to be peered area, specify a passphrase for the cluster
peer relationship.
The passphrase that you enter will be validated against the passphrase of the peered cluster to
ensure an authenticated cluster peer relationship.
The minimum default length of the passphrase is eight characters.
If the name of the local cluster and remote cluster are identical, an alias is created for the
remote cluster.
If the name of the local cluster and remote cluster are identical, or if the local cluster is in a
peer relationship with another remote cluster of the same name, an Enter Cluster Alias Name
dialog box is displayed.
7. Enter an alias name for the remote cluster.
8. Enter the intercluster interface IP addresses for the remote cluster.
9. Click Create.
10. Log in to the remote cluster and perform the above steps to create a peer relationship between
the local and remote clusters.

Modifying the cluster peer passphrase

For security reasons, you can modify the passphrase that is provided during cluster peer creation
by using System Manager.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Cluster Peers.
3. Select the peer cluster, and click Modify Passphrase.
4. In the Modify Passphrase dialog box, enter the new passphrase, and then click Modify.
Note: The minimum default length of the passphrase is eight characters.
5. Log in to the remote cluster and perform steps 1 through 4 to modify the passphrase in the
remote cluster.
The authentication status for the local cluster is displayed as ok_and_offer until you modify
the passphrase in the remote cluster.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 64
Managing clusters

Modifying the peer network parameters

You can use System Manager to modify the IPspace and intercluster logical interfaces (LIFs) that
are configured for the remote cluster. You can add new intercluster IP addresses or remove existing
IP addresses.
Before you begin
You must have at least one intercluster IP address to create the cluster peer relationship.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Cluster Peers.
3. Select a peer cluster, and then click Modify Peer Network Parameters.
4. In the Modify Peer Network Parameters dialog box, select the IPspace, and then add or
remove the intercluster IP addresses.
You can add multiple IP addresses by using comma separators.
5. Click Modify.
6. Verify the changes that you made in the Peers window.

Deleting cluster peer relationships

You can use System Manager to delete a cluster peer relationship if the relationship is no longer
required. You must delete the cluster peering relationship from each of the clusters in the peer
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Cluster Peers.
3. Select the cluster peer that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
4. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
5. Log in to the remote cluster and perform steps 1 through 4 to delete the peer relationship
between the local and remote clusters.
The status of the peer relationship is displayed as "unhealthy" until the relationship is deleted
from both the local and remote clusters.

What a cluster peer is

The cluster peer feature allows two clusters to coordinate and share resources between them.

What cluster peer intercluster connectivity is

Cluster peer intercluster connectivity consists of intercluster logical interfaces (LIFs) that are
assigned to network ports. The intercluster connection on which replication occurs between two
different clusters is defined when the intercluster LIFs are created. Replication between two
clusters can occur on the intercluster connection only, regardless of whether the intercluster
connectivity is on the same subnet as a data network in the same cluster.
The IP addresses assigned to intercluster LIFs can reside in the same subnet as data LIFs or in a
different subnet. When an intercluster LIF is created, it uses routes that belong to the System SVM
that the intercluster LIF is in.
System Manager enables you to create an authenticated cluster peer relationship between clusters
that are running Data ONTAP 8.3 or later. An authenticated peer relationship uses passphrases to
provide secure intercluster communication.
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Managing clusters

Connecting one cluster to another cluster in a peer relationship

You connect clusters together in a cluster peer relationship to share information and to provide
access to operations on the peer cluster.
About this task
Connecting clusters together requires network ports, network interfaces configured with the
intercluster role, and creating the cluster peer relationship.

Peers window
You can use the Peers window to manage peer relationships, which enable you to move data from
one cluster to another.
Command buttons
Opens the Create Cluster Peering dialog box, which enables you to create a relationship
with a remote cluster.
Modify Passphrase
Opens the Modify Passphrase dialog box, which enables you to enter a new passphrase for
the local cluster.
Modify Peer Network Parameters
Opens the Modify Peer Network Parameters dialog box, which enables you to modify the
IPspace, add new intercluster IP addresses, or remove existing IP addresses.
You can add multiple IP addresses, separated by commas.
Opens the Delete Cluster Peer Relationship dialog box, which enables you to delete the
selected peer cluster relationship.
Updates the information in the window.
Peer cluster list
Peer Cluster
Specifies the name of the peer cluster in the relationship.
Specifies whether the peer cluster is available for communication.
Authentication Status
Specifies whether the peer cluster is authenticated or not.
Displays IPspace associated to the cluster peer relation.
Details area
The details area displays detailed information about the selected peer cluster relationship,
including the active IP addresses discovered by the system to set up the intercluster network and
the last updated time.

High availability
You can use System Manager to create high availability (HA) pairs that provide hardware
redundancy that is required for nondisruptive operations and fault tolerance.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 66
Managing clusters

Related information
ONTAP concepts

Understanding HA pairs
HA pairs provide hardware redundancy that is required for nondisruptive operations and fault
tolerance and give each node in the pair the software functionality to take over its partner's storage
and subsequently give back the storage.

High Availability window

The High Availability window provides a pictorial representation of the HA state, interconnect
status, and takeover or giveback status of all the HA pairs in clustered Data ONTAP. You can also
manually initiate a takeover or giveback operation.
You can view details such as the takeover or giveback status and interconnect status by clicking
the HA pair image.
The color indicates the HA pair status:
• Green: Indicates that the HA pair and the interconnect are optimally configured and available
for takeover or giveback. It also indicates takeover in progress, giveback in progress, and
waiting for giveback states.
• Red: Indicates a downgraded state such as a takeover failure.
• Yellow: Indicates that the interconnect status is down.
When multiple HA pairs in a cluster are simultaneously involved in storage failover operations, the
cluster status that is displayed is based on the status and severity of the HA pair. The following
order of severity is considered while displaying the cluster status: Takeover in progress, Giveback
in progress, Waiting for giveback.
You can perform tasks such as takeover or giveback based on the status of the nodes in the HA
• Takeover node_name
Enables you to perform a takeover operation when maintenance is required on the partner
• Giveback node_name
Enables you to perform a giveback operation when the partner node that has been taken over is
waiting for giveback or is in a partial giveback state.
• Enable or Disable automatic giveback
Enables or disables the automatic giveback operation.
Note: Automatic giveback is enabled by default.

Command buttons
Updates the information in the window.
Note: Information displayed in the High Availability window is automatically refreshed
every 60 seconds.

Related tasks
Monitoring HA pairs on page 34
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 67
Managing clusters

You can use System Manager to monitor the state and interconnect status of all the HA pairs in a
cluster. You can verify whether takeover or giveback is enabled or has occurred, and view reasons
why takeover or giveback is not currently possible.

You can use System Manager to view, manage, or delete any software licenses installed on a
cluster or node.
Related information
System administration

Deleting licenses
You can use the Licenses window in System Manager to delete any software license installed on a
cluster or a node.
Before you begin
The software license you want to delete must not be used by any service or feature.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Licenses.
3. In the Licenses window, perform the appropriate action:

If you want to... Do this...

Delete a specific license package Click the Details tab.
on a node or a master license
Delete a specific license package Click the Packages tab.
across all the nodes in the cluster
4. Select the software license package that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
You can delete only one license package at a time.
5. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
The software license is deleted from your storage system. The deleted license is also removed
from the list of licenses in the Licenses window.
Related reference
Licenses window on page 70
Your storage system arrives from the factory with preinstalled software. If you want to add or
remove a software license after you receive the storage system, you can use the Licenses window.

Managing licenses (cluster administrators only)

A license is a record of one or more software entitlements. Installing license keys, also known as
license codes, enables you to use certain features or services on your cluster. ONTAP enables you
to manage feature licenses and monitor feature usage and license entitlement risk.
All license keys are 28 characters in length. Licenses installed prior to ONTAP 8.2 continue to
work in ONTAP 8.2 and later releases. However, if you need to reinstall a license (for example,
you deleted a previously installed license and want to reinstall it in ONTAP 8.2 or later, or you
perform a controller replacement procedure for a node in a cluster running ONTAP 8.2 or later),
ONTAP requires that you enter the license key in the 28-character format.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 68
Managing clusters

You can find license keys for your initial or add-on software orders at the NetApp Support Site
under My Support > Software Licenses (login required). If you cannot locate your license keys
from the Software Licenses page, contact your sales or support representative.
ONTAP enables you to manage feature licenses in the following ways:
• Add one or more license keys (system license add)
• Display information about installed licenses (system license show)
• Display the packages that require licenses and their current license status on the cluster
(system license status show)
• Delete a license from the cluster or a node whose serial number you specify (system
license delete)
The cluster base license is required for the cluster to operate. ONTAP does not enable you to
delete it.
• Display or remove expired or unused licenses (system license clean-up)
ONTAP enables you to monitor feature usage and license entitlement risk in the following ways:
• Display a summary of feature usage in the cluster on a per-node basis (system feature-
usage show-summary)
The summary includes counter information such as the number of weeks a feature was in use
and the last date and time the feature was used.
• Display feature usage status in the cluster on a per-node and per-week basis (system
feature-usage show-history)
The feature usage status can be not-used, configured, or in-use. If the usage information
is not available, the status shows not-available.
• Display the status of license entitlement risk for each license package (system license
entitlement-risk show)
The risk status can be low, medium, high, unlicensed, or unknown. The risk status is also
included in the AutoSupport message. License entitlement risk does not apply to the base
license package.
The license entitlement risk is evaluated by using a number of factors, which might include but
are not limited to the following:
◦ Each package's licensing state
◦ The type of each license, its expiry status, and the uniformity of the licenses across the
◦ Usage for the features associated with the license package
If the evaluation process determines that the cluster has a license entitlement risk, the
command output also suggests a corrective action.
Related information
What are Data ONTAP 8.2 and 8.3 licensing overview and references?
How to verify Data ONTAP Software Entitlements and related License Keys using the Support
NetApp: Data ONTAP Entitlement Risk Status

License types and entitlement risk

Understanding the various license types and the associated entitlement risk helps you manage the
risk that is associated with the licenses in a cluster.
License types
A package can have one or more of the following types of licenses installed in the cluster:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 69
Managing clusters

• Node-locked license or standard license

A node-locked license is issued for a node with a specific system serial number (also known as
a controller serial number). This license is valid only for the node that has the matching serial
Installing a node-locked license entitles a node to the licensed functionality. For the cluster to
use the licensed functionality, at least one node must be licensed for the functionality. It might
be out of compliance to use the licensed functionality on a node that does not have an
entitlement for the functionality.
ONTAP 8.2 and later releases treat a license that was installed prior to Data ONTAP 8.2 as a
standard license. Therefore, in ONTAP 8.2 and later releases, all of the nodes in the cluster
automatically have the standard license for the package that the previously licensed
functionality is part of.
• Master or site license
A master or site license is not tied to a specific system serial number. When you install a site
license, all of the nodes in the cluster are entitled to the licensed functionality.
If your cluster has a master license and you remove a node from the cluster, the node does not
carry the site license with it, and it is no longer entitled to the licensed functionality. If you add
a node to a cluster that has a master license, the node is automatically entitled to the
functionality that is granted by the site license.
• Demo or temporary license
A demo or temporary license expires after a certain period of time. This license enables you to
try certain software functionality without purchasing an entitlement. A temporary license is a
cluster-wide license, and is not tied to a specific serial number of a node.
If your cluster has a temporary license for a package and you remove a node from the cluster,
the node does not carry the evaluation license with it.
• Capacity license (ONTAP Select and FabricPool only)
An ONTAP Select instance is licensed according to the amount of data that the user wants to
manage. For example, the user may buy a 10 TB capacity license to enable ONTAP Select to
manage up to 10 TB of data. If more storage capacity is attached to the system than ONTAP
Select is licensed to manage, ONTAP Select will not operate. By default, the maximum storage
capacity that can be attached to an ONTAP Select instance is 2 TB until a capacity license (for
example, a 5 TB capacity license, a 10 TB capacity license, and so on) is purchased and
Starting with ONTAP 9.2, FabricPool requires a capacity license to be used with a third-party
storage tier (for example, AWS). The FabricPool capacity license defines the amount of data
that can be stored in the external tiered storage.
Entitlement risk
An entitlement risk arises because of the non-uniform installation of a node-locked license. If the
node-locked license is installed on all the nodes, there is no entitlement risk.
The entitlement risk level can be high risk, medium risk, no risk, or unknown risk depending on
certain conditions:
• High risk
◦ If there is usage on a particular node, but the node-locked license is not installed on that
◦ If the demo license that was installed on the cluster expires, and there is usage on any node
Note: If a master license is installed on a cluster, the entitlement risk is never high.
• Medium risk
◦ If there is usage on the nodes, and only the site license is installed on the cluster
◦ If there is usage on the nodes, but the node-locked license is not installed on these nodes
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 70
Managing clusters

◦ If the site license is not installed, and the node-locked license is non-uniformly installed on
the nodes in a cluster
• No risk
There is no entitlement risk if a node-locked license is installed on all the nodes, irrespective of
the usage.
• Unknown
The risk is unknown if the API is sometimes unable to retrieve the data related to entitlement
risk that is associated with the cluster or the nodes in the cluster.

Licenses window
Your storage system arrives from the factory with preinstalled software. If you want to add or
remove a software license after you receive the storage system, you can use the Licenses window.
Note: System Manager does not monitor evaluation licenses and does not provide any warning
when an evaluation license is nearing expiry. An evaluation license is a temporary license that
expires after a certain period of time.

• Command buttons
• Packages tab
• Packages details area
• Details tab
Command buttons
Opens the Add License window, which enables you to add new software licenses.
Deletes the software license that you select from the software license list.
Updates the information in the window.
Packages tab
Displays information about the license packages that are installed on your storage system.
Displays the name of the license package.
Entitlement Risk
Indicates the level of risk as a result of license entitlement issues for a cluster. The
entitlement risk level can be high risk ( ), medium risk ( ), no risk ( ), unknown
( ), or unlicensed (-).
Displays the level of risk as a result of license entitlement issues for a cluster.
License Package details area
The area below the license packages list displays additional information about the selected license
package. This area includes information about the cluster or node on which the license is installed,
the serial number of the license, usage in the previous week, whether the license is installed, the
expiration date of the license, and whether the license is a legacy one.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 71
Managing clusters

Details tab
Displays additional information about the license packages that are installed on your storage
Displays the name of the license package.
Displays the cluster or node on which the license package is installed.
Serial Number
Displays the serial number of the license package that is installed on the cluster or node.
Displays the type of the license package, which can be the following:
• Temporary: Specifies that the license is a temporary license, which is valid only during
the demonstration period.
• Master: Specifies that the license is a master license, which is installed on all the nodes
in the cluster.
• Node Locked: Specifies that the license is a node-locked license, which is installed on a
single node in the cluster.
• Capacity:
◦ For ONTAP Select, specifies that the license is a capacity license, which defines the
total amount of data capacity that the instance is licensed to manage.
◦ For FabricPool, specifies that the license is a capacity license, which defines the
amount of data that can be managed in the attached third-party storage (for example,
Displays the state of the license package, which can be the following:
• Evaluation: Specifies that the installed license is an evaluation license.
• Installed: Specifies that the installed license is a valid purchased license.
• Warning: Specifies that the installed license is a valid purchased license and is
approaching maximum capacity.
• Enforcement: Specifies that the installed license is a valid purchased license and has
exceeded the expiry date.
• Waiting for License: Specifies that the license has not yet been installed.
Displays whether the license is a legacy license.
Maximum Capacity
• For ONTAP Select, displays the maximum amount of storage that can be attached to the
ONTAP Select instance.
• For FabricPool, displays the maximum amount of third-party object store storage that
can be used as external tiered storage.
Current Capacity
• For ONTAP Select, displays the total amount of storage that is currently attached to the
ONTAP Select instance.
• For FabricPool, displays the total amount of third-party object store storage that is
currently used as external tiered storage.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 72
Managing clusters

Expiration Date
Displays the expiration date of the software license package.
Related tasks
Adding licenses on page 33
If your storage system software was installed at the factory, System Manager automatically adds
the software to its list of licenses. If the software was not installed at the factory or if you want to
add additional software licenses, you can add the software license by using System Manager.
Deleting licenses on page 67
You can use the Licenses window in System Manager to delete any software license installed on a
cluster or a node.
Creating a cluster on page 22
You can use OnCommand System Manager to create and set up a cluster in your data center.

Cluster Expansion
You can use System Manager to increase the size and capabilities of your storage by adding
compatible nodes to the cluster and configuring the node network details. You can also view the
summary of the nodes.
When you log in to System Manager, System Manager automatically detects compatible nodes
that have been cabled but have not been added to the cluster and prompts you to add the nodes.
You can add compatible nodes as and when System Manager detects the nodes or you can
manually add the nodes at a later time.
1. Adding nodes to a cluster on page 72
2. Configuring the network details of the nodes on page 73

Adding nodes to a cluster

You can use System Manager to increase the size and capabilities of your storage system by
adding nodes to an existing cluster.
Before you begin
• New compatible nodes must be cabled to the cluster.
Only the ports that are in the default broadcast domain will be listed in the Network window.
• All of the nodes in the cluster must be up and running.
Add the new compatible nodes to the cluster:

If you are... Do this...

Not logged in to System Manager a. Log in to System Manager.
Note: The new compatible nodes are automatically detected by System
Manager at login. System Manager prompts you to add the new compatible
nodes to the cluster.
b. Click Add Nodes to Cluster.
c. Modify the name of the nodes.
d. Specify the node licenses.
e. Click Submit and Proceed.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 73
Managing clusters

If you are... Do this...

Logged in to System Manager a. Click Configurations > Cluster Expansion.
System Manager searches for newly added nodes. If any warnings are
displayed, you must fix them before proceeding. If new compatible nodes are
discovered, proceed to the next step.
b. Modify the name of the nodes.
c. Specify the node licenses.
d. Click Submit and Proceed.

Configuring the network details of the nodes

You can use System Manager to configure the node management LIF and Service Processor
settings for the newly added nodes.
Before you begin
• Sufficient number of ports must be present in the default IPspace for LIF creation.
• All the ports must be up and running.
1. Configure node management:
a. Enter the IP address in the IP Address field.
b. Select the port for node management in the Port field.
c. Enter the netmask and gateway details.
2. Configure Service Processor settings:
a. Select the Override defaults check box to override the default values.
b. Enter the IP address, netmask, and gateway details.
3. Click Submit and Proceed to complete the network configuration of the nodes.
4. Verify the details of the nodes in the Summary page.
After you finish
• If your cluster is protected, you should create the required number of intercluster LIFs in the
newly added nodes to avoid partial peering and unhealthy protection.
• If SAN data protocols are enabled in your cluster, you should create the required number of
SAN Data LIFs for serving data.
Related tasks
Creating network interfaces on page 93
You can use System Manager to create a network interface or LIF to access data from Storage
Virtual Machines (SVMs), manage SVMs, and to provide an interface for intercluster connectivity.

Cluster update
You can use System Manager to update a cluster or individual nodes in HA pairs.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 74
Managing clusters

Updating the cluster nondisruptively

You can use System Manager to update a cluster or individual nodes in HA pairs that are running
Data ONTAP 8.3.1 to a specific version of ONTAP software without disrupting access to client
Before you begin
• All the nodes must be in HA pairs.
You cannot update a single-node cluster.
• All the nodes must be healthy.
• The clusters must be running Data ONTAP 8.3.1.
You can update only to versions later than Data ONTAP 8.3.1 by using System Manager.
• You must have copied the software image from the NetApp Support Site to an HTTP server or
FTP server on your network so that the nodes can access the image.
Obtaining Data ONTAP software images
About this task
• If you try to perform other tasks from System Manager while updating the node that hosts the
cluster-management LIF, an error message might be displayed.
You must wait for the update to finish before performing any operations.
• If the cluster consists of less than eight nodes, a rolling update is performed; if there are eight
or more nodes in the cluster, a batch update is performed.
In a rolling update, the nodes in the cluster are updated one at a time. In a batch update,
multiple nodes are updated in parallel.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster Settings pane, click Cluster Update.
3. In the Cluster Update tab, perform one of the following operations:
If you want to... Then...
Add a new software image a. Click Add.
b. In the Add a New Software Image dialog box, enter the URL
of the HTTP server or FTP server on which you have saved
the image that was downloaded from the NetApp Support
For anonymous FTP, enter the URL in the ftp://
anonymous@ftpserver format.
c. Click Add.

Select an available image Choose one of the listed images.

4. Click Validate to run the pre-update validation checks to verify whether the cluster is ready for
an update.
The validation operation checks the cluster components to validate that the update can be
completed nondisruptively, and then displays any errors or warnings, along with any required
remedial action that you must perform before updating the software.
Important: You must perform all the required remedial actions for the errors before
proceeding with the update. Although you can ignore the remedial actions for the warnings,
the recommended practice is to perform them before proceeding with the update.
5. Click Next.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 75
Managing clusters

6. Optional: Click Advanced Options, and perform the following steps:

a. In the Advanced Options area, perform one of the following operations:
If you want to... Then...
Update the entire cluster Select the Update the entire cluster check box.
By default, this check box is selected.
Update particular HA pairs Clear the Update the entire cluster check box, and
then select the HA pair that you want to update.
b. Specify a different stabilization time if your environment requires more or less time for
client stabilization.
Stabilization time specifies the time period for which the update process should wait after
completing a task to enable client applications to recover. It should be in the range of 1
through 60 minutes; it is set to 8 minutes by default.
c. Select the Pause after every step (not recommended) check box if you want to
automatically pause the update after every major step.
Pausing an update after every major step enables you to review the status of the update and
then manually resume the update. This option is disabled by default, and the update is not
paused unless an error occurs or you manually pause the update.
d. Select the Force Rolling Update check box to perform a rolling update.
This check box is displayed only if your cluster consists of eight or more nodes.
You can enable this option if the entire cluster is selected or if there are four or more HA
pairs for update.
7. Click Update.
Validation is performed again.
• When the validation is complete, a table is displayed, which shows the errors and warnings,
if any, along with the required remedial action that you have to perform before proceeding.
• If the validation is completed with warnings, you can select the Continue update with
warnings check box, and then click Continue.
When the validation is complete and the update is in progress, the update might be paused
because of errors. You can click the error to view the details, and then perform the remedial
actions before resuming the update.
After the update is completed successfully, you are redirected to the login page of System
8. Verify that the cluster is successfully updated to the selected version by clicking Cluster >
Cluster Update > Update History and viewing the details.
Related concepts
How you update a cluster nondisruptively on page 76
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 76
Managing clusters

You can use System Manager to update a cluster nondisruptively to a specific Data ONTAP
version. In a nondisruptive update, you have to select a Data ONTAP image, validate that your
cluster is ready for the update, and then perform the update.

Obtaining ONTAP software images

You must copy a software image from the NetApp Support Site to an HTTP server or FTP server
on your network so that nodes can access the image.
About this task
To upgrade the cluster to the target release of ONTAP, you need access to software images.
Software images, firmware version information, and the latest firmware for your platform model
are available on the NetApp Support Site. Note the following important information:
• Software images are specific to platform models.
You must be sure to obtain the correct image for your cluster.
• Software images include the latest version of system firmware that was available when a given
version of ONTAP was released.
1. Locate the target ONTAP software in the Software Downloads area of the NetApp Support
2. Copy the software image from the NetApp Support Site to the directory on the HTTP server or
FTP server from which the image will be served.

How you update a cluster nondisruptively

You can use System Manager to update a cluster nondisruptively to a specific Data ONTAP
version. In a nondisruptive update, you have to select a Data ONTAP image, validate that your
cluster is ready for the update, and then perform the update.
During the nondisruptive update, the cluster remains online and continues to serve data during the
Planning and preparing for the update
As part of planning and preparing for the cluster update, you have to obtain the version of Data
ONTAP image to which you want to update the cluster from the NetApp Support Site, select the
software image, and then perform a validation. The pre-update validation verifies whether the
cluster is ready for an update to the selected version.
If validation finishes with errors and warnings, you have to resolve them by performing the
remedial actions and ensure that the cluster components are ready for the update. For example,
during the pre-update check, if a warning is displayed that there are offline aggregates present in
the cluster, you must navigate to the aggregate page and change the status of all the offline
aggregates to online.
Performing an update
When you update the cluster, either the entire cluster is updated or nodes in an HA pair are
updated. As part of the update, a validation is run again to verify that the cluster is ready for the
A rolling or batch update is performed, depending on the number of nodes in the cluster.
Rolling update
One of the nodes is taken offline and updated while the partner node takes over its storage.
A rolling update is performed for a cluster that consists of two or more nodes. This is the
default and only method of update for clusters with less than eight nodes.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 77
Managing clusters

Batch update
The cluster is separated into two batches, each of which contains multiple HA pairs.
A batch update is performed for a cluster that consists of eight or more nodes. In such
clusters, you can perform either a batch update or a rolling update. By default, a batch
update is performed.
Related tasks
Updating the cluster nondisruptively on page 74
You can use System Manager to update a cluster or individual nodes in HA pairs that are running
Data ONTAP 8.3.1 to a specific version of ONTAP software without disrupting access to client

Cluster Update window

You can use the Cluster Update window to perform an automated cluster upgrade without
disrupting access to client data.
• Tabs
• Cluster Update tab
• Update History tab
Cluster Update
Enables you to perform a nondisruptive upgrade (NDU) of a cluster.
Update History
Displays the details of previous cluster updates.
Cluster Update tab

Command buttons
Updates the information in the window.
You can select the version of the software image for the update.
• Cluster Version Details: Displays the current cluster version in use and the version
details of the nodes or HA pairs.
• Available Software Images: Enables you to select an already available software image
for the update. Alternatively, you can download a software image from the NetApp
Support Site and add it for the update.
You can view and validate the cluster against the software image version for the update. A
pre-update validation checks whether the cluster is in a state that is ready for an update. If
the validation is completed with errors, a table displays the status of the various components
and the required corrective action for the errors.
You can perform the update only when the validation is completed successfully.
You can update all the nodes in the cluster or an HA pair in the cluster to the selected
version of the software image. While the update is in progress, you can choose to pause and
then either cancel or resume the update.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 78
Managing clusters

If an error occurs, the update is paused and an error message is displayed with the remedial
steps. You can choose to either resume the update after performing the remedial steps or
cancel the update. You can view the table with the node name, uptime, state, and Data
ONTAP version when the update is successfully completed.
Update History tab

Update History list

Image Version
Specifies the version of Data ONTAP image that the node will be updated to.
Software Updates Installed on
Specifies the type of disk on which the updates are installed.
Specifies the status of the software image update, whether it is successful or cancelled.
Start Time
Specifies the time when the update was started.
Completion Time
Specifies the time when the update was completed.
This field is hidden by default.
Time Taken for the Update
Specifies the time taken for the update to complete.
Previous Version
Specifies the Data ONTAP version of the node before the update.
Updated Version
Specifies the Data ONTAP version of the node after the update.

Date and time

You can use System Manager to manage the cluster time.
Related information
System administration

Managing the cluster time (cluster administrators only)

Problems can occur when the cluster time is inaccurate. Although Data ONTAP enables you to
manually set the time zone, date, and time on the cluster, you should configure the Network Time
Protocol (NTP) servers to synchronize the cluster time.
NTP is always enabled. However, configuration is still required for the cluster to synchronize with
an external time source. Data ONTAP enables you to manage the cluster's NTP configuration in
the following ways:
• You can associate a maximum of 10 external NTP servers with the cluster (cluster time-
service ntp server create).

◦ For redundancy and quality of time service, you should associate at least three external
NTP servers with the cluster.
◦ You can specify an NTP server by using its IPv4 or IPv6 address or fully qualified host
◦ You can manually specify the NTP version (v3 or v4) to use.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 79
Managing clusters

By default, Data ONTAP automatically selects the NTP version that is supported for a
given external NTP server.
If the NTP version you specify is not supported for the NTP server, time exchange cannot
take place.
◦ At the advanced privilege level, you can specify an external NTP server that is associated
with the cluster to be the primary time source for correcting and adjusting the cluster time.
• You can display the NTP servers that are associated with the cluster (cluster time-
service ntp server show).
• You can modify the cluster's NTP configuration (cluster time-service ntp server
• You can disassociate the cluster from an external NTP server (cluster time-service ntp
server delete).
• At the advanced privilege level, you can reset the configuration by clearing all external NTP
servers' association with the cluster (cluster time-service ntp server reset).
A node that joins a cluster automatically adopts the NTP configuration of the cluster.
In addition to using NTP, Data ONTAP also enables you to manually manage the cluster time.
This capability is helpful when you need to correct erroneous time (for example, a node's time has
become significantly incorrect after a reboot). In that case, you can specify an approximate time
for the cluster until NTP can synchronize with an external time server. The time you manually set
takes effect across all nodes in the cluster.
You can manually manage the cluster time in the following ways:
• You can set or modify the time zone, date, and time on the cluster (cluster date modify).
• You can display the current time zone, date, and time settings of the cluster (cluster date

Note: Job schedules do not adjust to manual cluster date and time changes. These jobs are
scheduled to run based on the current cluster time when the job was created or when the job
most recently ran. Therefore, if you manually change the cluster date or time, you must use the
job show and job history show commands to verify that all scheduled jobs are queued
and completed according to your requirements.
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Support

Date and Time window

The Date and Time window enables you to view the current date and time settings for your storage
system and modify the settings when required.
Command buttons
Opens the Edit Date and Time dialog box, which enables you to manually set the date, time,
and time zone for your storage system.
Updates the information in the window.
Details area
The details area displays information about the date, time, time zone, NTP service, and time
servers for your storage system.
Related tasks
Setting the time for a cluster on page 34
Setting up a network when an IP address range is disabled on page 24
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 80
Managing clusters

You can set up a network by disabling an IP address range and entering individual IP addresses for
cluster management, node management, and service provider networks.

You can use System Manager to configure SNMP to monitor SVMs in your cluster.
Related information
Network and LIF management

Enabling or disabling SNMP

You can enable or disable SNMP on your storage system by using System Manager. SNMP
enables you to monitor Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) in a cluster to avoid issues before they
can occur and respond to issues when they occur.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Services pane, click SNMP.
3. In the SNMP window, click either Enable or Disable.

Setting SNMP information

You can use the Edit SNMP Settings dialog box in System Manager to update information about
the storage system location, contact personnel, and to specify SNMP communities of your system.
About this task
System Manager uses SNMP protocols SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, and an SNMP community to
discover storage systems.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Services pane, click SNMP.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the General tab, specify the storage system contact personnel and location, and SNMP
The community name can be of 32 characters and must not contain the following special
characters: , / : " ' |.
5. Click OK.
6. Verify the changes you made to the SNMP settings in the SNMP window.
Related reference
SNMP window on page 82
The SNMP window enables you to view the current SNMP settings for your system. You can also
change your system's SNMP settings, enable SNMP protocols, and add trap hosts.

Enabling or disabling SNMP traps

SNMP traps enable you to monitor the health and state of various components of the storage
system. You can use the Edit SNMP Settings dialog box in System Manager to enable or disable
SNMP traps on your storage system.
About this task
Although SNMP is enabled by default, traps are disabled by default.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 81
Managing clusters

1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Services pane, click SNMP.
3. In the SNMP window, click Edit.
4. In the Edit SNMP Settings dialog box, select the Trap hosts tab, and either select or clear the
Enable traps check box.
5. If you enable SNMP traps, add the host name or IP address of the hosts to which the traps are
6. Click OK.
Related reference
SNMP window on page 82
The SNMP window enables you to view the current SNMP settings for your system. You can also
change your system's SNMP settings, enable SNMP protocols, and add trap hosts.

Testing the trap host configuration

You can use System Manager to test that you have configured the trap host settings correctly.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Services pane, click SNMP.
3. In the SNMP window, click Test Trap Host.
4. Click OK.

Options to use when configuring SNMP

You should be aware of the necessary options that you can set when configuring SNMP.

Location Enter the location of the SNMP agent.

Contact Enter the contact person for the SNMP agent.
Community name Enter a single read-only community string for
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2.
Username, engine ID and Enter a user name, engine ID of the SNMP
authentication protocol agent, and authentication type to use with
Note: The default and recommended value
for engine ID is local EngineID.

Trap Enable or disable SNMP traps.

Host Enter the destination host IP address.

Managing SNMP on the cluster (cluster administrators only)

You can configure SNMP to monitor SVMs in your cluster to avoid issues before they occur, and
to respond to issues if they do occur. Managing SNMP involves configuring SNMP users and
configuring SNMP traphost destinations (management workstations) for all SNMP events. SNMP
is disabled by default on data LIFs.
You can create and manage read-only SNMP users in the data SVM. Data LIFs must be
configured to receive SNMP requests on the SVM.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 82
Managing clusters

SNMP network management workstations, or managers, can query the SVM SNMP agent for
information. The SNMP agent gathers information and forwards it to the SNMP managers. The
SNMP agent also generates trap notifications whenever specific events occur. The SNMP agent on
the SVM has read-only privileges; it cannot be used for any set operations or for taking a
corrective action in response to a trap. Data ONTAP provides an SNMP agent compatible with
SNMP versions v1, v2c, and v3. SNMPv3 offers advanced security by using passphrases and
For more information about SNMP support in clustered Data ONTAP systems, see TR-4220 on
the NetApp Support site.

SNMP window
The SNMP window enables you to view the current SNMP settings for your system. You can also
change your system's SNMP settings, enable SNMP protocols, and add trap hosts.
Command buttons
Enables or disables SNMP.
Opens the Edit SNMP Settings dialog box, which enables you to specify the SNMP
communities for your storage system and enable or disable traps.
Test Trap Host
Sends a test trap to all the configured hosts to check whether the test trap reaches all the
hosts and whether the configurations for SNMP are set correctly.
Updates the information in the window.
The details area displays the following information about the SNMP server and host traps for your
storage system:
Displays whether SNMP is enabled or not.
Displays if SNMP traps are enabled or not.
Displays the address of the SNMP server.
Displays the contact details for the SNMP server.
Trap host IP Address
Displays the IP addresses of the trap host.
Community Names
Displays the community name of the SNMP server.
Security Names
Displays the security style for the SNMP server.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 83
Managing clusters

Related tasks
Setting SNMP information on page 80
You can use the Edit SNMP Settings dialog box in System Manager to update information about
the storage system location, contact personnel, and to specify SNMP communities of your system.
Enabling or disabling SNMP traps on page 80
SNMP traps enable you to monitor the health and state of various components of the storage
system. You can use the Edit SNMP Settings dialog box in System Manager to enable or disable
SNMP traps on your storage system.

You can use System Manager to configure an LDAP server that centrally maintains user
Related tasks
Adding an LDAP client configuration on page 286
You can use System Manager to add an LDAP client configuration to use the LDAP services. An
LDAP server enables you to centrally maintain user information. You must first set up an LDAP
client to use LDAP services.
Deleting an LDAP client configuration on page 286
You can delete an LDAP client configuration when you do not want any Storage Virtual Machine
(SVM) to be associated with it by using System Manager.
Editing an LDAP client configuration on page 287
You can edit an LDAP client configuration using the Edit LDAP Client window in System

Viewing the LDAP client configuration

You can use System Manager to view the LDAP clients that are configured for a Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) in the cluster.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Services pane, click LDAP.
The list of LDAP clients are displayed in the LDAP window.

Using LDAP services

An LDAP server enables you to centrally maintain user information. If you store your user
database on an LDAP server in your environment, you can configure your Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) to look up user information in your existing LDAP database.
About this task

Data ONTAP supports LDAP for user authentication, file access authorization, and user lookup
and mapping services between NFS and CIFS.

LDAP window
You can use the LDAP window to view LDAP clients for user authentication, file access
authorization, user search, and mapping services between NFS and CIFS.
The LDAP window is displayed as view-only at the cluster level. However, you can create, edit,
and delete LDAP clients from the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) level.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 84
Managing clusters

Command button
Updates the information in the window.
LDAP client list
Displays, in tabular format, details about LDAP clients.
LDAP Client Configuration
Displays the name of the LDAP client configuration that you specified.
Storage Virtual Machine
Displays the name of the SVM for each LDAP client configuration.
Active Directory Domain
Displays the Active Directory domain for each LDAP client configuration.
Active Directory Servers
Displays the Active Directory server for each LDAP client configuration.
Preferred Active Directory Servers
Displays the preferred Active Directory server for each LDAP client configuration.

You can use System Manager to add, edit, and manage a cluster user account, and specify a login
user method to access the storage system.

Adding a cluster user account

You can use System Manager to add a cluster user account and specify a login user method to
access the storage system.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster User Details pane, click Users.
3. Click Add.
4. Type the user name for the new user.
5. Type the password that the user uses to connect to the storage system, and then confirm the
6. Add one or more user login methods, and then click Add.

Editing a cluster user account

You can use System Manager to edit a cluster user account by modifying the user login methods to
access the storage system.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster User Details pane, click Users.
3. In the Users window, select the user account that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
4. In the Modify User dialog box, modify the user login methods, and then click Modify.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 85
Managing clusters

Changing passwords for cluster user accounts

You can use System Manager to reset the password for a cluster user account.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster User Details pane, click Users.
3. Select the user account for which you want to modify the password, and then click Change
4. In the Change Password dialog box, type the new password, confirm the new password, and
then click Change.

Locking or unlocking cluster user accounts

You can use System Manager to either lock or unlock cluster user accounts.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster User Details pane, click Users.
3. Select the user account whose account status you want to modify and click either Lock or

User accounts (cluster administrators only)

You can create, modify, lock, unlock, or delete a cluster user account, reset a user's password, or
display information about all user accounts.
You can manage cluster user accounts in the following ways:
• Creating a login method for a user by specifying the user's account name, the access method,
the authentication method, and, optionally, the access-control role that the user is assigned
• Displaying users' login information, such as the account name, allowed access method,
authentication method, access-control role, and account status
• Modifying the access-control role that is associated with a user’s login method
Note: It is best to use a single role for all the access and authentication methods of a user
• Deleting a user's login method, such as the access method or the authentication method
• Changing the password for a user account
• Locking a user account to prevent the user from accessing the system
• Unlocking a previously locked user account to enable the user to access the system again

You can use an access-control role to control the level of access a user has to the system. In
addition to using the predefined roles, you can create new access-control roles, modify them,
delete them, or specify account restrictions for the users of a role.

Users window
You can use the Users window to manage user accounts, reset a user's password, or display
information about all user accounts.
Command buttons
Opens the Add User dialog box, which enables you to add user accounts.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 86
Managing clusters

Opens the Modify User dialog box, which enables you to modify user login methods.
Note: It is best to use a single role for all access and authentication methods of a user

Enables you to delete a selected user account.
Change Password
Opens the Change Password dialog box, which enables you to reset the user password.
Locks the user account.
Updates the information in the window.
Users list
The area below the users list displays detailed information about the selected user.
Displays the name of the user account.
Account Locked
Displays whether the user account is locked.
User Login Methods area
Displays the access method that a user can use to access the storage system. The supported
access methods include the following:
• System console (console)
• HTTP(S) (http)
• Data ONTAP API (ontapi)
• Service Processor (service-processor)
• SSH (ssh)
Displays the default supported authentication method, which is "password".
Displays the role of a selected user.

You can use System Manager to create access-controlled user roles.
Related information
Administrator authentication and RBAC

Adding roles
You can use System Manager to add an access-control role and specify the command or command
directory that the role's users can access. You can also control the level of access the role has to the
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 87
Managing clusters

command or command directory and specify a query that applies to the command or command
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster User Details pane, click Roles.
3. In the Roles window, click Add.
4. In the Add Role dialog box, type the role name and add the role attributes.
5. Click Add.

Editing roles
You can use System Manager to modify an access-control role's access to a command or command
directory and restrict a user's access to only a specified set of commands. You can also remove a
role's access to the default command directory.
1. Click the Configurations tab.
2. In the Cluster User Details pane, click Roles.
3. In the Roles window, select the role that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
4. In the Edit Role dialog box, modify the role attributes, and then click Modify.
5. Verify the changes that you made in the Roles window.

Roles and permissions

The cluster administrator can restrict a user's access to only a specified set of commands by
creating a restricted access-control role and assigning it to a user.
You can manage access-control roles in the following ways:
• Creating an access-control role and specifying the command or command directory that the
role's users can access.
• Controlling the level of access the role has for the command or command directory and
specifying a query that applies to the command or command directory.
• Modifying an access-control role's access to a command or command directory.
• Displaying information about access-control roles, such as the role name, the command, or
command directory that a role can access, the access level, and the query.
• Deleting an access-control role.
• Restricting a user's access to only a specified set of commands.
• Displaying Data ONTAP APIs and their corresponding CLI commands.

Predefined roles for cluster administrators

Data ONTAP offers predefined roles for cluster administrators that should meet most of your
needs. You can create custom roles as necessary.
The following table lists the predefined roles for cluster administrators:

This role... Has this level of access... To the following commands or command directories
admin all All command directories (DEFAULT)
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 88
Managing clusters

This role... Has this level of access... To the following commands or command directories
autosupport all • set
• system node autosupport

none All other command directories (DEFAULT)

backup all vserver services ndmp

readonly volume

none All other command directories (DEFAULT)

readonly all • security login password
• set

none security

readonly All other command directories (DEFAULT)

none none All command directories (DEFAULT)

Note: The autosupport role is assigned to the predefined autosupport account, used by
AutoSupport OnDemand. Data ONTAP prevents you from modifying or deleting the
autosupport account. It also prevents you from assigning the autosupport role to other user

Roles window
You can use the Roles window to manage roles for user accounts.
Command buttons
Opens the Add Role dialog box, which enables you to create an access-control role and
specify the command or command directory that the role's users can access.
Opens the Edit Role dialog box, which enables you to add or modify role attributes.
Updates the information in the window.
Roles list
The roles list provides a list of roles that are available to be assigned to users.
Role Attributes area
The details area displays the role attributes, such as the command or command directory that the
selected role can access, the access level, and the query that applies to the command or command
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 89
Managing the network

Managing the network

You can use System Manager to manage the network of your storage system by creating and
managing IPspaces, broadcast domains, subnets, network interfaces, Ethernet ports, and FC/FCoE

You can use System Manager to create and manage IPspaces.
Related information
Network and LIF management

Editing IPspaces
You can use System Manager to rename an existing IPspace.
About this task
• All IPspace names must be unique within a cluster and must not consist of names reserved by
the system, such as local or localhost.
• The system-defined "Default" and "Cluster" IPspaces cannot be modified.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the IPspaces tab, select the IPspace that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
3. In the Edit IPspace dialog box, rename the IPspace.
4. Click Rename.

Deleting IPspaces
You can use the System Manager to delete an IPspace when you no longer require it.
Before you begin
There must be no broadcast domains, network interfaces, peer relationships, or SVMs associated
with the IPspace that you want to delete.
About this task
The system-defined "Default" and "Cluster" IPspaces cannot be deleted.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the IPspaces tab, select the IPspace that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Yes.

Configuring IPspaces (cluster administrators only)

IPspaces enable you to configure a single ONTAP cluster so that it can be accessed by clients from
more than one administratively separate network domain, even if those clients are using the same
IP address subnet range. This allows for separation of client traffic for privacy and security.
An IPspace defines a distinct IP address space in which Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) reside.
Ports and IP addresses defined for an IPspace are applicable only within that IPspace. A distinct
routing table is maintained for each SVM within an IPspace; therefore, no cross-SVM or cross-
IPspace traffic routing occurs.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 90
Managing the network

Note: IPspaces support both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on their routing domains.

If you are managing storage for a single organization, then you do not need to configure IPspaces.
If you are managing storage for multiple companies on a single ONTAP cluster, and you are
certain that none of your customers have conflicting networking configurations, then you also do
not need to use IPspaces. In many cases, the use of Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs), with their
own distinct IP routing tables, can be used to segregate unique networking configurations instead
of using IPspaces.

Standard properties of IPspaces

Special IPspaces are created by default when the cluster is first created. Additionally, special
Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) are created for each IPspace.
Two IPspaces are created automatically when the cluster is initialized:
• "Default" IPspace
This IPspace is a container for ports, subnets, and SVMs that serve data. If your configuration
does not need separate IPspaces for clients, all SVMs can be created in this IPspace. This
IPspace also contains the cluster management and node management ports.
• "Cluster" IPspace
This IPspace contains all cluster ports from all nodes in the cluster. It is created automatically
when the cluster is created. It provides connectivity to the internal private cluster network. As
additional nodes join the cluster, cluster ports from those nodes are added to the "Cluster"
A "system" SVM exists for each IPspace. When you create an IPspace, a default system SVM of
the same name is created:
• The system SVM for the "Cluster" IPspace carries cluster traffic between nodes of a cluster on
the internal private cluster network.
It is managed by the cluster administrator, and it has the name "Cluster".
• The system SVM for the "Default" IPspace carries management traffic for the cluster and
nodes, including the intercluster traffic between clusters.
It is managed by the cluster administrator, and it uses the same name as the cluster.
• The system SVM for a custom IPspace that you create carries management traffic for that
It is managed by the cluster administrator, and it uses the same name as the IPspace
One or more SVMs for clients can exist in an IPspace. Each client SVM has its own data volumes
and configurations, and it is administered independently of other SVMs.

Broadcast domains
You can use System Manager to create and manage broadcast domains.
Related information
Network and LIF management

Editing broadcast domains

You can use System Manager to modify the attributes of a broadcast domain, such as the name, the
MTU size, and the ports associated with the broadcast domain.
About this task
• You must not modify the MTU size of the broadcast domain to which the management port
e0M is assigned.
• You cannot use System Manager to edit the broadcast domains in the Cluster IPspace.
You must use the command-line interface instead.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 91
Managing the network

1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Broadcast Domains tab, select the broadcast domain that you want to modify, and then
click Edit.
3. In the Edit Broadcast Domain dialog box, make the necessary changes.
4. Click Save and Close.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Deleting broadcast domains

You can delete a broadcast domain by using System Manager when you no longer require the
broadcast domain.
Before you begin
There must be no subnets associated with the broadcast domain that you want to delete.
About this task
• When you delete a broadcast domain, the ports associated with it are assigned to the Default
IPspace, and the MTU settings of the ports are not changed.
• You cannot use System Manager to delete broadcast domains in the Cluster IPspace.
You must use the command-line interface instead.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Broadcast Domains tab, select the broadcast domain that you want to delete, and then
click Delete.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Configuring broadcast domains (cluster administrators only)

Broadcast domains enable you to group network ports that belong to the same layer 2 network.
The ports in the group can then be used by a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) for data or
management traffic.
A broadcast domain resides in an IPspace. During cluster initialization, the system creates two
default broadcast domains:
• The "Default" broadcast domain contains ports that are in the "Default" IPspace.
These ports are used primarily to serve data. Cluster management and node management ports
are also in this broadcast domain.
• The "Cluster" broadcast domain contains ports that are in the "Cluster" IPspace.
These ports are used for cluster communication and include all cluster ports from all nodes in
the cluster.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 92
Managing the network

If you have created unique IPspaces to separate client traffic, then you need to create a broadcast
domain in each of those IPspaces.

You can use System Manager to manage subnets.

Editing subnets
You can use System Manager to modify subnet attributes, such as the name, subnet address, range
of IP addresses, and gateway address of the subnet.
About this task
• You cannot use System Manager to edit subnets in the Cluster IPspace.
You must use the command-line interface (CLI) instead.
• Modifying the gateway address does not update the route.
You must use the CLI to update the route.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Subnets tab, select the subnet that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
You can modify the subnet even when the LIF in that subnet is still in use.
3. In the Edit Subnet dialog box, make the necessary changes.
4. Click Save and Close.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Deleting subnets
You can use System Manager to delete a subnet when you no longer require the subnet and you
want to reallocate the IP addresses that were assigned to the subnet.
Before you begin
The subnet you want to delete must not have any LIFs using IP addresses from the subnet.
About this task
You cannot use System Manager to delete subnets in the Cluster IPspace. You must use the
command-line interface instead.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Subnets tab, select the subnet that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 93
Managing the network

You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Network interfaces
You can use System Manager to create and manage network interfaces.
Related information
ONTAP concepts
Network and LIF management

Creating network interfaces

You can use System Manager to create a network interface or LIF to access data from Storage
Virtual Machines (SVMs), manage SVMs, and to provide an interface for intercluster connectivity.
Before you begin
The broadcast domain that is associated with the subnet must have allocated ports.
About this task
• Dynamic DNS (DDNS) is enabled by default when a LIF is created.
However, if you configure the LIF for intercluster communication, for iSCSI and FC/FCoE
protocols, or for management access only, DDNS is disabled.
• You can specify an IP address with or without using a subnet.
• You cannot use System Manager to create a network interface if the ports are degraded.
You must use the command-line interface to create a network interface.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Network Interfaces tab, click Create.
3. In the Create Network Interface dialog box, specify an interface name.
4. Specify an interface role:

If you want to... Then...

Associate the network interface a. Select Serves Data.
with a data LIF b. Select the SVM for the network interface.

Associate the network interface a. Select Intercluster Connectivity.

with an intercluster LIF b. Select the IPspace for the network interface.

5. Select the appropriate protocols.

The interface uses the selected protocols to access data from the SVM.
6. If you want to enable management access on the data LIF, select the Enable Management
Access check box.
You cannot enable management access for intercluster LIFs or LIFs with FC/FCoE or iSCSI
7. Assign the IP address by choosing one of the following options:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 94
Managing the network

If you want to... Then...

Specify the IP address using a a. Select Using a subnet.
subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, select the subnet from which the IP address
must be assigned.
For intercluster LIF, only the subnets that are associated with the selected
IPspace are displayed.
c. If you want to assign a specific IP address to the interface, select Use a
specific IP address, and then type the IP address.
The IP address you specify is added to the subnet if it is not already present
in the subnet range.
d. Click OK.

Specify the IP address manually a. Select Without a subnet.

without using a subnet b. In the Add Details dialog box, perform the following steps:
i. Specify the IP address and network mask or prefix.
ii. Optional: Specify the gateway.
The destination field is populated with the default value based on the
family of the IP address.
iii. If you do not want the default value, specify the new destination
If a route does not exist, a new route is automatically created based on the
gateway and destination.
c. Click OK.

8. Select the required ports from the ports details area.

• For data LIFs, the details area displays all the ports from the broadcast domain associated
with the IPspace of the SVM.
• For intercluster LIFs, the details area displays all the ports from the broadcast domain
associated with the required IPspace.
9. Optional: Select the Dynamic DNS (DDNS) check box to enable DDNS.
10. Click Create.
Related tasks
Configuring iSCSI protocol on SVMs on page 44
You can configure the iSCSI protocol on the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) to provide block-
level data access by using System Manager. You can create iSCSI LIFs and portsets and add the
LIFs to the portsets. LIFs are created on the most suitable adapters and assigned to portsets to
ensure data path redundancy.
Configuring the network details of the nodes on page 73
You can use System Manager to configure the node management LIF and Service Processor
settings for the newly added nodes.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 95
Managing the network

You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Editing network interfaces

You can use System Manager to modify the network interface to enable management access for a
data LIF.
About this task
• You cannot modify the network settings of cluster LIFs, cluster management LIFs, or node
management LIFs through System Manager.
• You cannot enable management access for an intercluster LIF.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Network Interfaces tab, select the interface that you want to modify, and then click
3. In the Edit Network Interface dialog box, make the necessary changes.
4. Click Save and Close.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Deleting network interfaces

You can use System Manager to delete a network interface to free the IP address of the interface
and use the IP address for a different purpose.
Before you begin
The status of the network interface must be disabled.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Network Interfaces tab, select the interface that you want to delete, and then click
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 96
Managing the network

You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Migrating a LIF
You can use System Manager to migrate a data LIF or a cluster-management LIF to a different
port on the same node or a different node within the cluster, if the port is either faulty or requires
Before you begin
The destination node and ports must be operational and must be able to access the same network
as the source port.
About this task
• If you are removing the NIC from the node, you must migrate LIFs hosted on the ports
belonging to the NIC to other ports in the cluster.
• You cannot migrate iSCSI or FC LIFs.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Network Interfaces tab, select the interface that you want to migrate, and then click
3. In the Migrate Interface dialog box, select the destination port to which you want to migrate
the LIF.
4. Optional: Select the Migrate Permanently check box to set the destination port as the new
home port for the LIF.
5. Click Migrate.

What LIFs are

A LIF (logical interface) is an IP address or WWPN with associated characteristics, such as a role,
a home port, a home node, a list of ports to fail over to, and a firewall policy. You can configure
LIFs on ports over which the cluster sends and receives communications over the network.
LIFs can be hosted on the following ports:
• Physical ports that are not part of interface groups
• Interface groups
• Physical ports or interface groups that host VLANs
While configuring SAN protocols such as FC on a LIF, it will be associated with a WWPN.
SAN administration
The following figure illustrates the port hierarchy in an ONTAP system:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 97
Managing the network



Port Port LIF



Interface Interface LIF

group group

Port Port Port Port

Roles for LIFs

A LIF role determines the kind of traffic that is supported over the LIF, along with the failover
rules that apply and the firewall restrictions that are in place. A LIF can have any one of the five
roles: node management, cluster management, cluster, intercluster, and data.
node management LIF
A LIF that provides a dedicated IP address for managing a particular node in a cluster. Node
management LIFs are created at the time of creating or joining the cluster. These LIFs are
used for system maintenance, for example, when a node becomes inaccessible from the
cluster management LIF
A LIF that provides a single management interface for the entire cluster.
A cluster management LIF can fail over to any node management or data port in the cluster.
It cannot fail over to cluster or intercluster ports.
cluster LIF
A LIF that is used to carry intracluster traffic between nodes in a cluster. Cluster LIFs must
always be created on 10-GbE network ports.
Cluster LIFs can fail over between cluster ports on the same node, but they cannot be
migrated or failed over to a remote node. When a new node joins a cluster, IP addresses are
generated automatically. However, if you want to assign IP addresses manually to the
cluster LIFs, you must ensure that the new IP addresses are in the same subnet range as the
existing cluster LIFs.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 98
Managing the network

data LIF
A LIF that is associated with a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) and is used for
communicating with clients.
You can have multiple data LIFs on a port. These interfaces can migrate or fail over
throughout the cluster. You can modify a data LIF to serve as an SVM management LIF by
modifying its firewall policy to mgmt.
Sessions established to NIS, LDAP, Active Directory, WINS, and DNS servers use data
intercluster LIF
A LIF that is used for cross-cluster communication, backup, and replication. You must
create an intercluster LIF on each node in the cluster before a cluster peering relationship
can be established.
These LIFs can only fail over to ports in the same node. They cannot be migrated or failed
over to another node in the cluster.

Guidelines for creating LIFs

There are certain guidelines that you should consider before creating a LIF.
• Each Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) must have at least one SVM management LIF that is
configured to reach external services such as DNS, LDAP, Active Directory, NIS, and so on.
SVM management LIF can be configured to either serve data and to reach external services
(data-protocol=nfs,cifs,fcache) or only to reach external services (data-protocol=none).
• The maximum number of LIFs that can be created per node is dependent on the platform
models that are part of the cluster. All nodes of a cluster that consists of different platform
types must use the lowest LIF limit of any node in the cluster. You can verify the LIF capacity
supported on the cluster by using the network interface capacity show command, and
the LIF capacity supported on each node by using the network interface capacity
details show command (at the advanced privilege level).

• FC LIFs can be configured only on FC ports; iSCSI LIFs cannot coexist with any other
SAN administration
• NAS and SAN protocols cannot coexist on the same LIF.
• You must use valid characters that are supported in ONTAP for naming LIFs.
• You should avoid using characters that are not in Unicode basic plane.

Ethernet ports
You can use System Manager to create and manage Ethernet ports.
Related information
Network and LIF management
ONTAP concepts
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 99
Managing the network

Creating interface groups

You can use System Manager to create an interface group—single-mode, static multimode, or
dynamic multimode (LACP)—to present a single interface to clients by combining the capabilities
of the aggregated network ports.
Before you begin
Free ports must be available that do not belong to any broadcast domain or an interface group, or
that host a VLAN.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Ethernet Ports tab, click Create Interface Group.
3. In the Create Interface Group dialog box, specify the following settings:
• Name of the interface group
• Node
• Ports that you want to include in the interface group
• Usage mode of the ports: single, multiple, or LACP
• Network load distribution: IP based, MAC address based, sequential, or port
• Broadcast domain for the interface group, if required
4. Click Create.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Creating VLAN interfaces

You can create a VLAN for maintaining separate broadcast domains within the same network
domain by using System Manager.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the Ethernet Ports tab, click Create VLAN.
3. In the Create VLAN dialog box, select the node, the physical interface, and the broadcast
domain (if required).
The physical interface list includes only Ethernet ports and interface groups. The list does not
display interfaces that are in another interface group or an existing VLAN.
4. Type a VLAN tag, and then click Add.
You must add unique VLAN tags.
5. Click Create.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 100
Managing the network

You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Editing Ethernet port settings

You can edit Ethernet port settings, such as the duplex mode and speed settings, by using System
1. Click the Network tab.
2. Click Ethernet Ports.
3. Select the physical port, and then click Edit.
4. In the Edit Ethernet Port dialog box, modify the duplex mode and speed settings to either
manual or automatic.
5. Click Edit.

Editing interface group settings

You can use System Manager to add ports to an interface group or remove ports from an interface
group, and modify the usage mode and load distribution pattern of the ports in the interface group.
About this task
You cannot modify the MTU settings of an interface group that is assigned to a broadcast domain.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. Click Ethernet Ports.
3. Select an interface group, and then click Edit.
4. Make the necessary changes, and then click Save and Close.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Editing the MTU size of a VLAN

If you want to modify the MTU size of a VLAN interface that is not part of a broadcast domain,
you can use System Manager to change the size.
About this task
You must not modify the MTU size of the management port e0M.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. Click Ethernet Ports.
3. Select the VLAN that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
4. In the Edit VLAN dialog box, make the necessary changes, and then click Save.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 101
Managing the network

Deleting VLANs
You can delete VLANs that are configured on network ports by using System Manager. You might
have to delete a VLAN before removing a NIC from its slot. When you delete a VLAN, it is
automatically removed from all the failover rules and groups that use the VLAN.
Before you begin
There must be no LIFs associated with the VLAN.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. Click Ethernet Ports.
3. Select the VLAN that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
4. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Ports and adapters

Ports are grouped under nodes and the nodes are displayed based on the selected protocol
category. For example, if the data is served using the FC protocol, then only the nodes with FCP
adapters are displayed. The hosted interface count helps you in choosing a port which is less

Types of network ports

The network ports are either physical ports or virtualized ports. VLANs and interface groups
constitute the virtual ports. Interface groups treat several physical ports as a single port, while
VLANs subdivide a physical port into multiple separate logical ports.
physical ports
LIFs can be configured directly on physical ports.
interface group
A port aggregate containing two or more physical ports that act as a single trunk port. An
interface group can be single-mode, multimode, or dynamic multimode.
A logical port that receives and sends VLAN-tagged (IEEE 802.1Q standard) traffic. VLAN
port characteristics include the VLAN ID for the port. The underlying physical port or
interface group ports are considered VLAN trunk ports, and the connected switch ports
must be configured to trunk the VLAN IDs.
The underlying physical port or interface group ports for a VLAN port can continue to host
LIFs, which transmit and receive untagged traffic.
The port naming convention is enumberlettere<number>letter:
• The first character describes the port type.
"e" represents Ethernet.
• The second character indicates the slot in which the port adapter is located.
• The third character indicates the port's position on a multiport adapter.
"a" indicates the first port, "b" indicates the second port, and so on.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 102
Managing the network

For example, eob indicates that an Ethernet port is the second port on the node's motherboard.
VLANs must be named by using the syntax port_name-vlan-id. "port_name" specifies the
physical port or interface group and "vlan-id" specifies the VLAN identification on the network.
For example, e1c-80 is a valid VLAN name.

How VLANs work

Traffic from multiple VLANs can traverse a link that interconnects two switches by using VLAN
tagging. A VLAN tag is a unique identifier that indicates the VLAN to which a frame belongs. A
VLAN tag is included in the header of every frame sent by an end-station on a VLAN.
On receiving a tagged frame, the switch inspects the frame header and, based on the VLAN tag,
identifies the VLAN. The switch then forwards the frame to the destination in the identified
VLAN. If the destination MAC address is unknown, the switch limits the flooding of the frame to
ports that belong to the identified VLAN.

For example, in this figure, if a member of VLAN 10 on Floor 1 sends a frame for a member of
VLAN 10 on Floor 2, Switch 1 inspects the frame header for the VLAN tag (to determine the
VLAN) and the destination MAC address. The destination MAC address is not known to Switch 1.
Therefore, the switch forwards the frame to all other ports that belong to VLAN 10, that is, port 4
of Switch 2 and Switch 3. Similarly, Switch 2 and Switch 3 inspect the frame header. If the
destination MAC address on VLAN 10 is known to either switch, that switch forwards the frame
to the destination. The end-station on Floor 2 then receives the frame.

FC/FCoE adapters
You can use System Manager to create and manage FC/FCoE adapters.
Related information
Network and LIF management
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 103
Managing the network

Editing the FC/FCoE adapter speed

You can modify the FC/FCoE adapter speed setting by using the Edit FC/FCoE Adapter Settings
dialog box in System Manager.
1. Click the Network tab.
2. In the FC/FCoE Adapters tab, select the adapter that you want to edit, and then click Edit.
3. In the Edit FC/FCoE Adapter Settings dialog box, set the adapter speed to "manual" or
"automatic", and then click Edit.
Related reference
Network window on page 103
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.

Configuring subnets (cluster administrators only)

Subnets enable you to allocate specific blocks, or pools, of IP addresses for your Data ONTAP
network configuration. This enables you to create LIFs more easily when using the network
interface create command, by specifying a subnet name instead of having to specify IP
address and network mask values.
A subnet is created within a broadcast domain, and it contains a pool of IP addresses that belong to
the same layer 3 subnet. IP addresses in a subnet are allocated to ports in the broadcast domain
when LIFs are created. When LIFs are removed, the IP addresses are returned to the subnet pool
and are available for future LIFs.
It is recommended that you use subnets because they make the management of IP addresses much
easier, and they make the creation of LIFs a simpler process. Additionally, if you specify a
gateway when defining a subnet, a default route to that gateway is added automatically to the SVM
when a LIF is created using that subnet.

Network window
You can use the Network window to view the list of network components, such as subnets,
network interfaces, Ethernet ports, broadcast domains, FC/FCoE adapters, and IPspaces, and to
create, edit, or delete these components in your storage system.
• Tabs
• Subnet tab
• Network Interfaces tab
• Ethernet Ports tab
• Broadcast Domain tab
• FC/FCoE Adapters tab
• IPspaces tab
Enables you to view a list of subnets, and create, edit, or delete subnets from your storage
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 104
Managing the network

Network Interfaces
Enables you to view a list of network interfaces, create, edit, or delete interfaces from your
storage system, migrate the LIFs, change the status of the interface, and send the interface
back to the home port.
Ethernet Ports
Enables you to view and edit the ports of a cluster, and create, edit, or delete interface
groups and VLAN ports.
Broadcast Domains
Enables you to view a list of broadcast domains, and create, edit, or delete domains from
your storage system.
FC/FCoE Adapters
Enables you to view the ports in a cluster, and edit the FC/FCoE adapter settings.
Enables you to view a list of IPspaces and broadcast domains, and create, edit, or delete an
IPspace from your storage system.
Subnet tab

Command buttons
Opens the Create Subnet dialog box, which enables you to create new subnets that contain
configuration information for creating a network interface.
Opens the Edit Subnet dialog box, which enables you to modify certain attributes of a
subnet such as the name, subnet address, range of IP addresses, and gateway details.
Deletes the selected subnet.
Updates the information in the window.
Subnet list
Specifies the name of the subnet.
Subnet IP/Subnet mask
Specifies the subnet address details.
Specifies the IP address of the gateway.
Specifies the number of IP addresses available in the subnet.
Specifies the number of IP addresses used in the subnet.
Total Count
Specifies the total number of IP addresses (available and used) in the subnet.
Broadcast domain
Specifies the broadcast domain to which the subnet belongs.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 105
Managing the network

Specifies the IPspace to which the subnet belongs.
Details area
The area below the subnet list displays detailed information about the selected subnet, including
the subnet range and a graph showing the available, used, and total number of IP addresses.
Network Interfaces tab
• For cluster LIFs and node management LIFs, you cannot use System Manager to perform the
following actions:
◦ Create, edit, delete, enable, or disable the LIFs
◦ Migrate the LIFs or send the LIFs back to the home port
• For cluster management LIFs, you can use System Manager to migrate the LIFs, or send the
LIFs back to the home port.
However, you cannot create, edit, delete, enable, or disable the LIFs.
• For intercluster LIFs, you can use System Manager to create, edit, delete, enable, or disable the
However, you cannot migrate the LIFs, or send the LIFs back to the home port.
• You cannot create, edit, or delete network interfaces in the following configurations:
◦ A MetroCluster configuration
◦ SVMs configured for disaster recovery (DR).
Command buttons
Opens the Create Network Interface dialog box, which enables you to create network
interfaces and intercluster LIFs to serve data and manage SVMs.
Opens the Edit Network Interface dialog box, which you can use to enable management
access for a data LIF.
Deletes the selected network interface.
This button is enabled only if the data LIF is disabled.
Open the drop-down menu, which provides the option to enable or disable the selected
network interface.
Enables you to migrate a data LIF or a cluster management LIF to a different port on the
same node or a different node within the cluster.
Send to Home
Enables you to host the LIF back on its home port.
This command button is enabled only when the selected interface is hosted on a non-home
port and when the home port is available.
This command button is disabled when any node in the cluster is down.
Updates the information in the window.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 106
Managing the network

Interface list
You can move the pointer over the color-coded icon to view the operational status of the interface:
• Green specifies that the interface is enabled.
• Red specifies that the interface is disabled.
Interface Name
Specifies the name of the network interface.
Storage Virtual Machine
Specifies the SVM to which the interface belongs.
IP Address/WWPN
Specifies the IP address or WWPN of the interface.
Current Port
Specifies the name of the node and port on which the interface is hosted.
Data Protocol Access
Specifies the protocol used to access data.
Management Access
Specifies whether management access is enabled on the interface.
Specifies the subnet to which the interface belongs.
Specifies the operational role of the interface, which can be data, intercluster, cluster,
cluster management, or node management.
Details area
The area below the interface list displays detailed information about the selected interface: failover
properties such as the home port, current port, speed of the ports, failover policy, failover group,
and failover state, and general properties such as the administrative status, role, IPspace, broadcast
domain, network mask, gateway, and DDNS status.
Ethernet Ports tab

Command buttons
Create Interface Group
Opens the Create Interface Group dialog box, which enables you create interface groups by
choosing the ports, and determining the use of ports and network traffic distribution.
Create VLAN
Opens the Create VLAN dialog box, which enables you to create a VLAN by choosing an
Ethernet port or an interface group, and adding VLAN tags.
Opens one of the following dialog boxes:
• Edit Ethernet Port dialog box: Enables you to modify Ethernet port settings.
• Edit VLAN dialog box: Enables you to modify VLAN settings.
• Edit Interface Group dialog box: Enables you to modify interface groups.
You can only edit VLANs that are not associated with a broadcast domain.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 107
Managing the network

Opens one of the following dialog boxes:
• Delete VLAN dialog box: Enables you to delete a VLAN.
• Delete Interface Group dialog box: Enables you to delete an interface group.
Updates the information in the window.
Ports list
You can move the pointer over the color-coded icon to view the operational status of the port:
• Green specifies that the port is enabled.
• Red specifies that the port is disabled.
Displays the port name of the physical port, VLAN port, or the interface group.
Displays the node on which the physical interface is located.
Broadcast Domain
Displays the broadcast domain of the port.
Displays the IPspace to which the port belongs.
Displays the type of the interface such as interface group, physical interface, or VLAN.
Details area
The area below the ports list displays detailed information about the port properties.
Details tab
Displays administrative details and operational details.
As part of the operational details, the tab displays the health status of the ports. The ports
can be healthy or degraded. A degraded port is a port on which continuous network
fluctuations occur, or a port that has no connectivity to any other ports in the same
broadcast domain.
In addition, the tab also displays the interface name, SVM details, and IP address details of
the network interfaces that are hosted on the selected port. It also indicates whether the
interface is at the home port or not.
Performance tab
Displays performance metrics graphs of the ethernet ports, including error rate and
Changing the client time zone or the cluster time zone impacts the performance metrics
graphs. You should refresh your browser to view the updated graphs.
Broadcast Domain tab

Command buttons
Opens the Create Broadcast Domain dialog box, which enables you to create new broadcast
domains to contain ports.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 108
Managing the network

Opens the Edit Broadcast Domain dialog box, which enables you to modify the attributes of
a broadcast domain, such as the name, MTU size, and associated ports.
Deletes the selected broadcast domain.
Updates the information in the window.
Broadcast domain list
Broadcast Domain
Specifies the name of the broadcast domain.
Specifies the MTU size.
Specifies the IPspace.
Combined Port Update Status
Specifies the status of the port updates when you create or edit a broadcast domain. Any
errors in the port updates are displayed in a separate window, which you can open by
clicking the associated link.
Details area
The area below the broadcast domain list displays all the ports in a broadcast domain. In a non-
default IPspace, if a broadcast domain has ports with update errors, such ports are not displayed in
the details area. You can move the pointer over the color-coded icon to view the operational status
of the ports:
• Green specifies that the port is enabled.
• Red specifies that the port is disabled.
FC/FCoE Adapters tab

Command buttons
Opens the Edit FC/FCoE Settings dialog box, which enables you to modify the speed of the
Enables you to bring the adapter online or take it offline.
Updates the information in the window.
FC/FCoE adapters list
Specifies the unique identifier of the FC/FCoE adapter.
Node Name
Specifies the name of the node that is using the adapter.
Specifies the slot that is using the adapter.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 109
Managing the network

Specifies the FC worldwide port name (WWPN) of the adapter.
Specifies whether the status of the adapter is online or offline.
Specifies whether the speed settings are automatic or manual.
Details area
The area below the FC/FCoE adapters list displays detailed information about the selected
Details tab
Displays adapter details such as the media type, port address, data link rate, connection
status, operation status, fabric status, and the speed of the adapter.
Performance tab
Displays performance metrics graphs of the FC/FCoE adapter, including IOPS and response
Changing the client time zone or the cluster time zone impacts the performance metrics
graphs. You should refresh your browser to see the updated graphs.
IPspaces tab

Command buttons
Opens the Create IPspace dialog box, which enables you to create a new IPspace.
Opens the Edit IPspace dialog box, which enables you to rename an existing IPspace.
Deletes the selected IPspace.
Updates the information in the window.
IPspaces list
Specifies the name of the IPspace.
Broadcast Domains
Specifies the broadcast domain.
Details area
The area below the IPspaces list displays the list of Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) in the
selected IPspace.
Related tasks
Creating network interfaces on page 93
You can use System Manager to create a network interface or LIF to access data from Storage
Virtual Machines (SVMs), manage SVMs, and to provide an interface for intercluster connectivity.
Editing network interfaces on page 95
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 110
Managing the network

You can use System Manager to modify the network interface to enable management access for a
data LIF.
Deleting network interfaces on page 95
You can use System Manager to delete a network interface to free the IP address of the interface
and use the IP address for a different purpose.
Creating subnets on page 35
You can create a subnet by using System Manager to provide a logical subdivision of an IP
network to pre-allocate the IP addresses. A subnet enables you to create interfaces more easily by
specifying a subnet instead of an IP address and network mask values for each new interface.
Editing subnets on page 92
You can use System Manager to modify subnet attributes, such as the name, subnet address, range
of IP addresses, and gateway address of the subnet.
Deleting subnets on page 92
You can use System Manager to delete a subnet when you no longer require the subnet and you
want to reallocate the IP addresses that were assigned to the subnet.
Creating VLAN interfaces on page 99
You can create a VLAN for maintaining separate broadcast domains within the same network
domain by using System Manager.
Creating interface groups on page 99
You can use System Manager to create an interface group—single-mode, static multimode, or
dynamic multimode (LACP)—to present a single interface to clients by combining the capabilities
of the aggregated network ports.
Editing the FC/FCoE adapter speed on page 103
You can modify the FC/FCoE adapter speed setting by using the Edit FC/FCoE Adapter Settings
dialog box in System Manager.
Editing interface group settings on page 100
You can use System Manager to add ports to an interface group or remove ports from an interface
group, and modify the usage mode and load distribution pattern of the ports in the interface group.
Deleting VLANs on page 101
You can delete VLANs that are configured on network ports by using System Manager. You might
have to delete a VLAN before removing a NIC from its slot. When you delete a VLAN, it is
automatically removed from all the failover rules and groups that use the VLAN.
Creating broadcast domains on page 35
You can create a broadcast domain by using System Manager to provide a logical division of a
computer network. In a broadcast domain, all associated nodes can be reached through broadcast
at the datalink layer.
Editing broadcast domains on page 90
You can use System Manager to modify the attributes of a broadcast domain, such as the name, the
MTU size, and the ports associated with the broadcast domain.
Deleting broadcast domains on page 91
You can delete a broadcast domain by using System Manager when you no longer require the
broadcast domain.
Setting up a network when an IP address range is disabled on page 24
You can set up a network by disabling an IP address range and entering individual IP addresses for
cluster management, node management, and service provider networks.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 111
Managing physical storage

Managing physical storage

You can use System Manager to manage physical storage such as aggregates, storage pools, disks,
array LUNs, nodes, Flash Cache, events, system alerts, AutoSupport notifications, jobs, and Flash
Pool statistics.

Storage Tiers
You can use System Manager to create, edit, and delete external capacity tiers; attach an external
capacity tier to the existing aggregates; and create, edit, and delete aggregates.
You can use the local performance tier or the external capacity tier to store your data based on
whether the data is frequently accessed.
Related information
Disk and aggregate management

Adding an external capacity tier

You can use System Manager to add an external capacity tier to an SSD aggregate or a VMDISK
aggregate. External capacity tiers provide storage for infrequently used data.
Before you begin
• You must have the access key ID and secret key to connect to the object store.
• You must have created a bucket inside the object store.
• Network connectivity must exist between the cluster and the external capacity tier.
• If communication between the external capacity tier and cluster is encrypted using SSL/TLS,
the required certificates must be installed.
• If you are using StorageGRID Webscale as an object store, a StorageGRID Webscale CA
certificate must be installed on the cluster.
About this task
The supported object stores that can be used as external capacity tiers are StorageGRID Webscale
and Amazon AWS S3.
Note: If you want to use Amazon AWS S3 as an external capacity tier, you must have the
FabricPool capacity license.

1. Click the Storage Tiers tab.
2. Click Add External Capacity Tier.
The Add External Capacity Tier window is displayed.
3. In the External Capacity Provider field, select the external capacity tier that you want to add.
4. Enter the server name that hosts the external capacity tier, the port to access the external
capacity tier, the access key ID of the external capacity tier, the secret key of the external tier,
and the container name.
5. Enable the SSL button if you want to transfer the data securely to the external capacity tier.
6. From the IPspace list, select the IPspace that is used to connect to the external capacity tier.
7. Click Save to save the external capacity tier.
8. Optional: Click Save and Attach Aggregates to save the external capacity tier and to attach
aggregates to it.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 112
Managing physical storage

Related concepts
What external capacity tiers and tiering policies are on page 125
External capacity tiers provide storage for infrequently accessed data. You can attach an all flash
(all SSD) aggregate to an external capacity tier to store infrequently used data. You can use tiering
policies to decide whether data should be moved to an external capacity tier.
What a FabricPool is on page 125
FabricPool is a hybrid storage solution that uses an all flash (all SSD) aggregate as the
performance tier and an object store as the external capacity tier. Data in a FabricPool is stored in a
tier based on whether it is frequently accessed or not. Using a FabricPool helps you reduce storage
cost without compromising performance, efficiency, or protection.
Related tasks
Installing a CA certificate if you use StorageGRID Webscale on page 120
For ONTAP to authenticate with StorageGRID Webscale as the object store for FabricPool, you
must install a StorageGRID Webscale CA certificate on the cluster.
Related reference
Storage Tiers window on page 126
You can use the Storage Tiers window to view cluster-wide space details; view aggregate details;
and view external capacity tier details.

Attaching an aggregate to external capacity tier

You can use System Manager to attach an all flash aggregate to an external capacity tier. External
capacity tier provides storage for infrequently used data.
Before you begin
You must have added an external capacity tier in the cluster.
1. Click Storage Tiers.
External capacity tiers that are added to System Manager are displayed.
2. In the Used in Aggregates column, click Attach Aggregates.
The Attach Aggregates window is displayed.
3. Select the aggregate that you want to attach.
4. If you want to update the tiering policy of the volumes that are on the selected aggregates, click
View and Update Tiering Policy for Volumes.
5. Click the Change Tiering Policy list, and then update the tiering policy.
6. Click Save.
Related concepts
What external capacity tiers and tiering policies are on page 125
External capacity tiers provide storage for infrequently accessed data. You can attach an all flash
(all SSD) aggregate to an external capacity tier to store infrequently used data. You can use tiering
policies to decide whether data should be moved to an external capacity tier.
What a FabricPool is on page 125
FabricPool is a hybrid storage solution that uses an all flash (all SSD) aggregate as the
performance tier and an object store as the external capacity tier. Data in a FabricPool is stored in a
tier based on whether it is frequently accessed or not. Using a FabricPool helps you reduce storage
cost without compromising performance, efficiency, or protection.
Related reference
Storage Tiers window on page 126
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 113
Managing physical storage

You can use the Storage Tiers window to view cluster-wide space details; view aggregate details;
and view external capacity tier details.

Deleting an external capacity tier

You can use System Manager to delete an external capacity tier when you no longer require it.
Before you begin
The FabricPool associated with the external capacity tier must have been deleted.
1. Click the Storage Tiers tab.
2. Select the external capacity tier you want to delete and then click Delete.
Related reference
Storage Tiers window on page 126
You can use the Storage Tiers window to view cluster-wide space details; view aggregate details;
and view external capacity tier details.

Editing an external capacity tier

You can use System Manager to change the external capacity tier configuration information such
as name, FQDN, port, access key ID, secret key, and encryption.
1. Click the Storage Tiers tab.
2. Select the external capacity tier you want to edit and then click Edit.
3. In the Edit External Capacity Tier window, modify the external capacity tier name, FQDN,
port, access key ID, and secret key, as required.
4. Click Save.
Related reference
Storage Tiers window on page 126
You can use the Storage Tiers window to view cluster-wide space details; view aggregate details;
and view external capacity tier details.

Editing aggregates
You can use System Manager to change the aggregate name, RAID type, and RAID group size of
an existing aggregate when required.
Before you begin
For modifying the RAID type of an aggregate from RAID4 to RAID-DP, the aggregate must
contain enough compatible spare disks, excluding the hot spares.
About this task
• You cannot change the RAID group of ONTAP systems that support array LUNs.
RAID0 is the only available option.
• You cannot change the RAID type of partitioned disks.
RAID-DP is the only option that is available for partitioned disks.
• You cannot rename a SnapLock Compliance aggregate.
• If the aggregate consists of SSDs with storage pool, you can modify only the name of the
• If the triple parity disk size is 10 TB, and the other disks are smaller than 10 TB in size, then
you can select RAID-DP or RAID-TEC as the RAID type.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 114
Managing physical storage

• If the triple parity disk size is 10 TB, and if even one of the other disks is larger than 10 TB in
size, then RAID-TEC is the only available option for RAID type.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. Select the aggregate that you want to edit, and then click Edit.
3. In the Edit Aggregate dialog box, modify the aggregate name, the RAID type, and the RAID
group size, as required.
4. Click Save.
Related concepts
What compatible spare disks are on page 122
In System Manager, compatible spare disks are disks that match the properties of other disks in the
aggregate. When you want to increase the size of an existing aggregate by adding HDDs (capacity
disks) or change the RAID type of an aggregate from RAID4 to RAID-DP, the aggregate must
contain sufficient compatible spare disks.
Related reference
Aggregates window on page 128
You can use the Aggregates window to create, display, and manage information about aggregates.
Storage Tiers window on page 126
You can use the Storage Tiers window to view cluster-wide space details; view aggregate details;
and view external capacity tier details.

Deleting aggregates
You can use System Manager to delete aggregates when you no longer require the data in the
aggregates. However, you cannot delete the root aggregate because it contains the root volume,
which contains the system configuration information.
Before you begin
• All the volumes and the associated Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) contained by the
aggregate must be deleted.
• The aggregate must be offline.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. Select one or more aggregates that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Related reference
Aggregates window on page 128
You can use the Aggregates window to create, display, and manage information about aggregates.
Storage Tiers window on page 126
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 115
Managing physical storage

You can use the Storage Tiers window to view cluster-wide space details; view aggregate details;
and view external capacity tier details.

Changing the RAID configuration when creating an aggregate

While creating a new aggregate, you can modify the default values of the RAID type and RAID
group size options of the aggregate by using System Manager.
About this task
If the disk type of the aggregate disks is FSAS or MSATA, and the disk size is equal to or larger
than 10 TB, then RAID-TEC is the only option available for RAID type.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. In the Storage Tiers window, click Add Aggregate.
3. In the Create Aggregate dialog box, perform the following steps:
a. Click Change.
b. In the Change RAID Configuration dialog box, specify the RAID type and RAID group
RAID-DP is the only supported RAID type for shared disks.
The recommended RAID group size is 12 disks through 20 disks for HDDs, and 20 disks
through 28 disks for SSDs.
c. Click Save.

Provisioning cache by adding SSDs

You can use System Manager to add SSDs as either storage pools or dedicated SSDs to provision
cache. By adding SSDs, you can convert a non-root aggregate or a root aggregate that does not
contain partitioned disks to a Flash Pool aggregate, or increase the cache size of an existing Flash
Pool aggregate.
About this task
• The added SSD cache does not add to the size of the aggregate, and you can add an SSD RAID
group to an aggregate even when it is at the maximum size.
• You cannot use partitioned SSDs when you add cache by using System Manager.
Related concepts
How storage pool works on page 136
A storage pool is a collection of SSDs. You can combine SSDs to create a storage pool, which
enables you to share the SSDs and SSD spares across multiple Flash Pool aggregates, at the same

Provisioning cache to aggregates by adding SSDs

You can use System Manager to add storage pools or dedicated SSDs to provision cache by
converting an existing non-root HDD aggregate or a root aggregate that does not contain
partitioned disks to a Flash Pool aggregate.
Before you begin
• The aggregate must be online.
• There must be sufficient spare SSDs or allocation units in the storage pool that can be assigned
as cache disks.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 116
Managing physical storage

• All nodes in the cluster must be running ONTAP 8.3 or later.

If the cluster is in a mixed-version state, you can use the command-line interface to create a
Flash Pool aggregate and provide SSD cache.
• You must have identified a valid 64-bit non-root aggregate composed of HDDs that can be
converted to a Flash Pool aggregate.
• The aggregate must not contain any array LUNs.
• You must be aware of platform-specific and workload-specific best practices for Flash Pool
aggregate SSD tier size and configuration.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. In the Storage Tiers window, select the aggregate, and then click Actions > Add Cache.
Note: Adding cache is not supported on FabricPool.
3. In the Add Cache dialog box, perform the appropriate action:

If you select the cache source Do this...

Storage pools a. Select the storage pool from which cache can be obtained.
b. Specify the cache size.
c. Modify the RAID type, if required.

Dedicated SSDs Select the SSD size and the number of SSDs to include, and optionally modify
the RAID configuration:
a. Click Change.
b. In the Change RAID Configuration dialog box, specify the RAID type and
RAID group size, and then click Save.

4. Click Add.
For mirrored aggregates, an Add Cache dialog box is displayed with the information that twice
the number of selected disks will be added.
5. In the Add Cache dialog box, click Yes.
The cache disks are added to the selected aggregate.
Related information
NetApp Technical Report 4070: Flash Pool Design and Implementation Guide

Increasing the cache for Flash Pool aggregates by adding SSDs

You can add SSDs as either storage pools or dedicated SSDs to increase the size of a Flash Pool
aggregate by using System Manager.
Before you begin
• The Flash Pool aggregate must be online.
• There must be sufficient spare SSDs or allocation units in the storage pool that can be assigned
as cache disks.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 117
Managing physical storage

2. In the Aggregates window, select the Flash Pool aggregate, and then click Add Cache.
3. In the Add Cache dialog box, perform the appropriate action:

If you selected the cache source Do this...

Storage pools Select the storage pool from which cache can be obtained, and specify the cache
Dedicated SSDs Select the SSD size and the number of SSDs to include.
4. Click Add.
For mirrored aggregates, an Add Cache dialog box is displayed with the information that twice
the number of selected disks will be added.
5. In the Add Cache dialog box, click Yes.
The cache disks are added to the selected Flash Pool aggregate.

Adding capacity disks

You can increase the size of an existing non-root aggregate or a root aggregate containing disks by
adding capacity disks. You can use System Manager to add HDDs or SSDs of the selected ONTAP
disk type and to modify the RAID group options.
Before you begin
• The aggregate must be online.
• There must be sufficient compatible spare disks.
About this task
• It is a best practice to add disks that are of the same size as the other disks in the aggregate.
If you add disks that are smaller in size than the other disks in the aggregate, the aggregate
becomes suboptimal in configuration, which in turn can cause performance issues.
If you add disks that are larger in size than the disks available in a pre-existing RAID group
within the aggregate, then the disks are downsized, and their space is reduced to that of the
other disks in that RAID group. If a new RAID group is created in the aggregate and similar
size disks remain in the new RAID group, the disks will not be downsized.
If you add disks that are not of the same size as the other disks in the aggregate, the selected
disks might not be added; instead, other disks with a usable size between 90 percent and 105
percent of the specified size are automatically added. For example, for a 744 GB disk, all disks
in the range of 669 GB through 781 GB are eligible for selection. For all the spare disks in this
range, ONTAP first selects only partitioned disks, then selects only unpartitioned disks, and
finally selects both partitioned disks and unpartitioned disks.
• You cannot use System Manager to add HDDs to the following configurations:
◦ Aggregates containing only SSDs
◦ Root aggregates containing partitioned disks
You must use the command-line interface to add HDDs to these configurations.
• For shared disks, RAID-DP is the only supported RAID type.
• You cannot use SSDs with storage pool.
• If the RAID type is RAID-DP, and if you are adding FSAS or MSATA type of disks that are
equal to or larger than 10 TB in size, then you can add them only to Specific RAID group,
and not to New RAID group or All RAID groups.
The disks are added after downsizing the disk size to the size of the disks in the pre-existing
RAID group of the existing aggregate.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 118
Managing physical storage

• If the RAID group is RAID-TEC, and if you are adding FSAS or MSATA type of disks that are
equal to or larger than 10 TB in size, then you can add them to All RAID groups, New RAID
group, and Specific RAID group.
The disks are added after downsizing the disk size to the size of the disks in the pre-existing
RAID group of the existing aggregate.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. In the Storage Tiers window, select the aggregate to which you want to add capacity disks,
and then click Actions > Add Capacity.
3. In the Add Capacity dialog box, perform the following steps:
a. Specify the disk type for the capacity disks by using the Disk Type to Add option.
b. Specify the number of capacity disks by using the Number of Disks or Partitions option.
4. Specify the RAID group to which the capacity disks are to be added by using the Add Disks
To option.
By default, System Manager adds the capacity disks to All RAID groups.
a. Click Change.
b. In the RAID Group Selection dialog box, specify the RAID group as New RAID group
or Specific RAID group by using the Add Disks To option.
Shared disks can be added only to the New RAID group option.
5. Click Add.
For mirrored aggregates, an Add Capacity dialog box is displayed with the information that
twice the number of selected disks will be added.
6. In the Add Capacity dialog box, click Yes to add the capacity disks.
The capacity disks are added to the selected aggregate, and the aggregate size is increased.
Related concepts
What compatible spare disks are on page 122
In System Manager, compatible spare disks are disks that match the properties of other disks in the
aggregate. When you want to increase the size of an existing aggregate by adding HDDs (capacity
disks) or change the RAID type of an aggregate from RAID4 to RAID-DP, the aggregate must
contain sufficient compatible spare disks.

Changing the RAID group when adding capacity disks

While adding capacity disks (HDDs) to an aggregate, you can change the RAID group to which
you want to add the disks by using System Manager.
About this task
• If the RAID type is RAID-DP, and if you are adding FSAS or MSATA type of disks that are
equal to or larger than 10 TB in size, then you can add them only to Specific RAID group,
and not to New RAID group or All RAID groups.
The disks are added after downsizing the disk size to the size of the existing aggregates.
• If the RAID group is RAID-TEC, and if you are adding FSAS or MSATA type of disks that are
equal to or larger than 10 TB in size, then you can add them to All RAID groups, New RAID
group, and Specific RAID group.
The disks are added after downsizing the disk size to the size of the existing aggregates.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 119
Managing physical storage

1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. In the Storage Tiers window, select the aggregate to which you want to add capacity disks,
and then click Actions > Add Capacity.
3. In the Add Capacity dialog box, perform the following steps:
a. Click Change.
b. In the Change RAID Configuration dialog box, specify the RAID group to which you
want to add the capacity disks.
You can change the default value All RAID groups to either Specific RAID group or
New RAID group.
c. Click Save.

Moving FlexVol volumes

You can nondisruptively move a FlexVol volume to a different aggregate or a node for capacity
utilization and improved performance by using System Manager.
Before you begin
If you are moving a data protection volume, data protection mirror relationships must be initialized
before you move the volume.
About this task
• When you move a volume that is hosted on a Flash Pool aggregate, only the data stored in the
HDD tier is moved to the destination aggregate.
The cache data associated with the volume is not moved to the destination aggregate.
Therefore, some performance degradation might occur after the volume move.
• You cannot move volumes from a SnapLock aggregate.
• You cannot move volumes from an SVM configured for disaster recovery to FabricPool.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. Select the aggregate that contains the volume, and then click Actions > Volume Move.
3. Type or select information as prompted by the wizard.
4. Confirm the details, and then click Finish to complete the wizard.

Mirroring aggregates
You can use System Manager to protect data and provide increased resiliency by mirroring data in
real-time, within a single aggregate. Mirroring aggregates removes single points of failure in
connecting to disks and array LUNs.
Before you begin
There must be sufficient free disks in the other pool to mirror the aggregate.
About this task
You cannot mirror Flash Pool aggregate when the cache source is storage pools.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 120
Managing physical storage

1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. Select the aggregate that you want to mirror, and then click Actions > Mirror.
Note: SyncMirror is not supported on FabricPool.
3. In the Mirror this aggregate dialog box, click Mirror to initiate the mirroring.

Viewing aggregate information

You can use the Aggregates window in System Manager to view the name, status, and space
information about an aggregate.
1. Choose one of the following methods:
• Click the Storage Tiers tab.
• Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Aggregates.
2. Click on the aggregate name to view the details of the selected aggregate.

Understanding aggregates
You can help meet the different security, backup, performance, and data sharing needs of users by
grouping the physical storage resources on your system into one or more aggregates. Each
aggregate has its own RAID configuration, plex structure, and set of assigned drives or array
Aggregates have the following characteristics:
• They can be composed of drives or array LUNs.
• They can be mirrored or unmirrored.
• If they are composed of drives, they can be single-tier (composed of only HDDs or only SSDs)
or they can be Flash Pool aggregates, which include both HDD RAID groups and an SSD
The cluster administrator can assign one or more aggregates to an SVM, in which case you can use
only those aggregates to contain volumes for that SVM.

Installing a CA certificate if you use StorageGRID Webscale

For ONTAP to authenticate with StorageGRID Webscale as the object store for FabricPool, you
must install a StorageGRID Webscale CA certificate on the cluster.
Before you begin
The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and the custom common name on the StorageGRID
Webscale CA certificate must match.
1. Follow the StorageGRID Webscale documentation to copy the StorageGRID Webscale
system's CA certificate by using the Grid Management Interface.
StorageGRID Webscale 10.4 Administrator Guide
2. While adding StorageGRID Webscale as an external capacity tier, a message is displayed if the
CA certificate is not present. Add the StorageGRID Webscale CA certificate.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 121
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Related tasks
Adding an external capacity tier on page 111
You can use System Manager to add an external capacity tier to an SSD aggregate or a VMDISK
aggregate. External capacity tiers provide storage for infrequently used data.

How RAID groups are named

Within each aggregate, RAID groups are named rg0, rg1, rg2, and so on in order of their creation.
You cannot specify the names of RAID groups.

How moving a FlexVol volume works

Knowing how moving a FlexVol volume works helps you to determine whether the volume move
satisfies service-level agreements and to understand where a volume move is in the volume move
FlexVol volumes are moved from one aggregate or node to another within the same Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM). A volume move does not disrupt client access during the move.
Moving a volume occurs in multiple phases:
• A new volume is made on the destination aggregate.
• The data from the original volume is copied to the new volume.
During this time, the original volume is intact and available for clients to access.
• At the end of the move process, client access is temporarily blocked.
During this time the system performs a final replication from the source volume to the
destination volume, swaps the identities of the source and destination volumes, and changes
the destination volume to the source volume.
• After completing the move, the system routes client traffic to the new source volume and
resumes client access.
The move is not disruptive to client access because the time in which client access is blocked ends
before clients notice a disruption and time out. Client access is blocked for 35 seconds by default.
If the volume move operation cannot finish in the time that access is denied, the system aborts this
final phase of the volume move operation and allows client access. The system attempts the final
phase three times by default. After the third attempt, the system waits an hour before attempting
the final phase sequence again. The system runs the final phase of the volume move operation until
the volume move is complete.

How Flash Pool aggregates work

In general, Flash Pool aggregates are used and managed in a similar manner as standard
aggregates. However, you need to understand how both the SSD and HDD RAID groups interact
and affect the rest of the system.
The SSD RAID groups, also called the SSD cache, can be composed of physical SSDs or
allocation units from SSD storage pools (but not both).
The SSD cache does not contribute to the size of the aggregate as calculated against the maximum
aggregate size. For example, even if an aggregate is at the maximum aggregate size, you can add
an SSD RAID group to it. The SSDs do count toward the overall (node or HA pair) drive limit.
The HDD RAID groups in a Flash Pool aggregate behave the same as HDD RAID groups in a
standard aggregate, following the same rules for mixing disk types, sizes, speeds, and checksums.
For example, you cannot combine performance and capacity disks in the HDD RAID groups of a
Flash Pool aggregate.
The checksum type, RAID type, and RAID group size values can be configured for the SSD cache
RAID groups and HDD RAID groups independently. If the Flash Pool aggregate uses an SSD
storage pool for its SSD cache, the cache RAID type can be changed only when the first SSD
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 122
Managing physical storage

RAID groups are added, and the size of the SSD RAID groups are determined by the number of
SSDs in the storage pool.
When you enable data compression manually for a volume in a Flash Pool aggregate, adaptive
compression is enabled by default.
There is a platform-dependent maximum size for the SSD cache.

How you can use effective ONTAP disk type for mixing HDDs
Starting with Data ONTAP 8.1, certain ONTAP disk types are considered equivalent for the
purposes of creating and adding to aggregates, and managing spares. ONTAP assigns an effective
disk type for each disk type. You can mix HDDs that have the same effective disk type.
When the raid.disktype.enable option is set to off, you can mix certain types of HDDs
within the same aggregate. When the raid.disktype.enable option is set to on, the effective
disk type is the same as the ONTAP disk type. Aggregates can be created using only one disk type.
The default value for the raid.disktype.enable option is off.
Starting with Data ONTAP 8.2, the option raid.mix.hdd.disktype.capacity must be set to
on to mix disks of type BSAS, FSAS, and ATA. The option
raid.mix.hdd.disktype.performance must be set to on to mix disks of type FCAL and
The following table shows how the disk types map to the effective disk type:

ONTAP disk type Effective disk type


What compatible spare disks are

In System Manager, compatible spare disks are disks that match the properties of other disks in the
aggregate. When you want to increase the size of an existing aggregate by adding HDDs (capacity
disks) or change the RAID type of an aggregate from RAID4 to RAID-DP, the aggregate must
contain sufficient compatible spare disks.
Disk properties that must match are the disk type, disk size (can be a higher size disk in case the
same disk size is not available), disk RPM, checksum, node owner, pool, and shared disk
properties. If you use higher sized disks, you must be aware that disk downsizing occurs and the
size of all disks are reduced to the lowest disk size. Existing shared disks are matched with higher
size non-shared disks, and the non-shared disks are converted to shared disks and added as spares.
If RAID mixing options, such as disk type mixing and disk RPM mixing, are enabled for the
RAID group, the disk type and disk RPM of the existing disks of the aggregate are matched with
the effective disk type and effective disk RPM of the spare disks to obtain compatible spares.
Related tasks
Adding capacity disks on page 117
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 123
Managing physical storage

You can increase the size of an existing non-root aggregate or a root aggregate containing disks by
adding capacity disks. You can use System Manager to add HDDs or SSDs of the selected ONTAP
disk type and to modify the RAID group options.
Editing aggregates on page 113
You can use System Manager to change the aggregate name, RAID type, and RAID group size of
an existing aggregate when required.

How System Manager works with hot spares

A hot spare is a disk that is assigned to a storage system but not used by any RAID group. Hot
spares do not contain any data and are assigned to a RAID group when a disk failure occurs in the
RAID group. System Manager uses the largest disk as the hot spare.
When there are different disk types in the RAID group, the largest-sized disk of each disk type is
left as the hot spare. For example, if there are 10 SATA disks and 10 SAS disks in the RAID
group, the largest-sized SATA disk and the largest-sized SAS disk are serve as hot spares.
If the largest-sized disk is partitioned, then the hot spares are provided separately for partitioned
and non-partitioned RAID groups. If the largest-sized disk is unpartitioned, then a single spare
disk is provided.
The largest-sized non-partitioned disk is left as a hot spare if there are root partitions in the disk
group. When a non-partitioned disk of the same size is not available, then spare root partitions are
left as hot spares for the root partitioned group.
A single spare disk can serve as a hot spare for multiple RAID groups. System Manager calculates
the hot spares based on the value set in the option raid.min_spare_count at the node level. For
example, if there are 10 SSDs in an SSD RAID group and the option raid.min_spare_count is
set to 1 at the node level, System Manager leaves 1 SSD as the hot spare and uses the other 9
SSDs for SSD-related operations. Similarly, if there are 10 HDDs in an HDD RAID group and the
option raid.min_spare_count is set to 2 at the node level, System Manager leaves 2 HDDs as
hot spares and uses the other 8 HDDs for HDD-related operations.
System Manager enforces the hot spare rule for RAID groups when you create an aggregate, edit
an aggregate, and when you add HDDs or SSDs to an aggregate. The hot spare rule is also used
when you create a storage pool or add disks to an existing storage pool.
There are exceptions to the hot spare rule in System Manager:
• For MSATA or disks in a multi-disk carrier, the number of hot spares is twice the value set at
the node level and the number must not be less than 2 at any time.
• Hot spares are not used if the disks are part of array LUNs or virtual storage appliances.

Rules for displaying disk types and disk RPM

When you are creating an aggregate and adding capacity disks to an aggregate, you should
understand the rules that apply when disk types and disk RPM are displayed.
When the disk type mixing and the disk RPM mixing options are not enabled, the actual disk type
and actual disk RPM are displayed.
When these mixing options are enabled, the effective disk type and effective disk RPM are
displayed instead of the actual disk type and actual disk RPM. For example, when the disk mixing
option is enabled, System Manager displays BSAS disks as FSAS. Similarly, when the disk RPM
mixing option is enabled, if the RPM of the disks is 10K and 15K, System Manager displays the
effective RPM as 10K.
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Managing physical storage

How mirrored aggregates work

Mirrored aggregates have two plexes (copies of their data), which use the SyncMirror functionality
to duplicate the data to provide redundancy.
When a mirrored aggregate is created (or when a second plex is added to an existing unmirrored
aggregate), Data ONTAP copies the data in the original plex (plex0) to the new plex (plex1). The
plexes are physically separated (each plex has its own RAID groups and its own pool), and the
plexes are updated simultaneously. This provides added protection against data loss if more disks
fail than the RAID level of the aggregate protects against or there is a loss of connectivity, because
the unaffected plex continues to serve data while you fix the cause of the failure. After the plex
that had a problem is fixed, the two plexes resynchronize and reestablish the mirror relationship.
The disks and array LUNs on the system are divided into two pools: pool0 and pool1. Plex0 gets
its storage from pool0 and plex1 gets its storage from pool1.
The following diagram shows an aggregate composed of disks with SyncMirror enabled and
implemented. A second plex has been created for the aggregate, plex1. The data in plex1 is a copy
of the data in plex0, and the RAID groups are also identical. The 32 spare disks are allocated to
pool0 or pool1, 16 disks for each pool.


Plex0 (pool0) Plex1 (pool1)

rg0 rg0
rg1 rg1
rg2 rg2
rg3 rg3

pool0 pool1

Legend Spare disk

Data disk
Parity disk
dParity disk
RAID group

The following diagram shows an aggregate composed of array LUNs with SyncMirror enabled
and implemented. A second plex has been created for the aggregate, plex1. Plex1 is a copy of
plex0, and the RAID groups are also identical.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 125
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Plex0 (pool0) Plex1 (pool1)

rg0 rg0
rg1 rg1

array LUN in the aggregate

Data ONTAP RAID group

What external capacity tiers and tiering policies are

External capacity tiers provide storage for infrequently accessed data. You can attach an all flash
(all SSD) aggregate to an external capacity tier to store infrequently used data. You can use tiering
policies to decide whether data should be moved to an external capacity tier.
You can set one of the following tiering policies on a volume:
This is the default tiering policy. This tiering policy enables you to tier the Snapshot data of
only those volumes that are currently not being referenced by the active file system.
Prevents the data on the volume from being moved to an external capacity tier.
Enables the newly transferred data of a data protection (DP) volume to start in the external
capacity tier.
Related tasks
Adding an external capacity tier on page 111
You can use System Manager to add an external capacity tier to an SSD aggregate or a VMDISK
aggregate. External capacity tiers provide storage for infrequently used data.
Attaching an aggregate to external capacity tier on page 112
You can use System Manager to attach an all flash aggregate to an external capacity tier. External
capacity tier provides storage for infrequently used data.

What a FabricPool is
FabricPool is a hybrid storage solution that uses an all flash (all SSD) aggregate as the
performance tier and an object store as the external capacity tier. Data in a FabricPool is stored in a
tier based on whether it is frequently accessed or not. Using a FabricPool helps you reduce storage
cost without compromising performance, efficiency, or protection.

Related tasks
Adding an external capacity tier on page 111
You can use System Manager to add an external capacity tier to an SSD aggregate or a VMDISK
aggregate. External capacity tiers provide storage for infrequently used data.
Attaching an aggregate to external capacity tier on page 112
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 126
Managing physical storage

You can use System Manager to attach an all flash aggregate to an external capacity tier. External
capacity tier provides storage for infrequently used data.

Storage Tiers window

You can use the Storage Tiers window to view cluster-wide space details; view aggregate details;
and view external capacity tier details.

The Internal Tier panel, or the Performance Tier panel if the cluster has all flash (all SSD)
aggregates, displays cluster-wide space details such as sum of the total sizes of all the aggregates,
space used by the aggregates in the cluster, and available space in the cluster.
The External Capacity Tier panel displays total licensed external capacity tiers in the cluster,
licensed space that is used in the cluster, and licensed space that is available in the cluster. It also
displays the unlicensed external capacity that is used.
Aggregates are grouped by type and the aggregate panel displays details about the total aggregate
space, space used, and the available space. You can select the aggregate and perform the aggregate
related actions.
You can also create, edit, view, and delete external capacity tier details.
Command buttons
Add Aggregate
Enables you to create an aggregate.
Provides the following options:
Change status to
Changes the status of the selected aggregate to one of the following status:
• Online
Read and write access to volumes contained in this aggregate is allowed.
• Offline
Some operations—such as parity reconstruction—are allowed, but data access is
not allowed.
• Restrict
No read or write access is allowed.
Add Capacity
Enables you to add capacity (HDDs or SSDs) to existing aggregates.
Add Cache
Enables you to add cache disks (SSDs) to existing HDD aggregates or Flash Pool
You cannot add cache to FabricPool.
This button is not available for a cluster containing nodes with All Flash Optimized
Enables you to mirror the aggregates.
Volume Move
Enables you to move a FlexVol volume.
Attach External Capacity Tier
Enables you to attach an external capacity tier to the aggregate.
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Managing physical storage

Add External Capacity Tier

Enables you to add an external capacity tier and attach aggregates to the external capacity
Details area
You can click the aggregate name to view detailed information about the aggregate.
Overview tab
Displays detailed information about the selected aggregate, and displays a pictorial
representation of the space allocation of the aggregate, the space savings of the aggregate,
and the performance of the aggregate .
Disk Information tab
Displays disk layout information for the selected aggregate.
Volumes tab
Displays details about the total number of volumes on the aggregate, total aggregate space,
and the space committed to the aggregate. The total committed space is the sum of the total
size of all the volumes (online and offline) and the Snapshot reserve space of the online
Performance tab
Displays graphs that show the performance metrics of the aggregates, including total
transfers, IOPS, and write workload impact. Performance metrics data for read, write, and
total transfers is displayed, and the data for SSDs and HDDs is recorded separately.
Performance metrics data for the impact of write workload to "nvlog" and dirty buffer is
also displayed.
Changing the client time zone or the cluster time zone impacts the performance metrics
graphs. You must refresh your browser to see the updated graphs.
Related tasks
Adding an external capacity tier on page 111
You can use System Manager to add an external capacity tier to an SSD aggregate or a VMDISK
aggregate. External capacity tiers provide storage for infrequently used data.
Attaching an aggregate to external capacity tier on page 112
You can use System Manager to attach an all flash aggregate to an external capacity tier. External
capacity tier provides storage for infrequently used data.
Deleting an external capacity tier on page 113
You can use System Manager to delete an external capacity tier when you no longer require it.
Editing an external capacity tier on page 113
You can use System Manager to change the external capacity tier configuration information such
as name, FQDN, port, access key ID, secret key, and encryption.
Provisioning storage through aggregates on page 37
You can create an aggregate or a Flash Pool aggregate to provide storage for one or more volumes
by using System Manager.
Deleting aggregates on page 114
You can use System Manager to delete aggregates when you no longer require the data in the
aggregates. However, you cannot delete the root aggregate because it contains the root volume,
which contains the system configuration information.
Editing aggregates on page 113
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Managing physical storage

You can use System Manager to change the aggregate name, RAID type, and RAID group size of
an existing aggregate when required.

You can use System Manager to create aggregates to support the differing security, backup,
performance, and data sharing requirements of your users.

Aggregates window
You can use the Aggregates window to create, display, and manage information about aggregates.
• Aggregates window on page 128
• Aggregate list on page 129
• Details area on page 130
• Command buttons on page 128
Command buttons
Opens the Create Aggregate dialog box, which enables you to create an aggregate.
Opens the Edit Aggregate dialog box, which enables you to change the name of an
aggregate or the level of RAID protection that you want to provide for this aggregate.
Deletes the selected aggregate.
Note: This button is disabled for the root aggregate.

Provides the following options:
Change status to
Changes the status of the selected aggregate to one of the following status:
• Online
Read and write access to volumes contained in this aggregate is allowed.
• Offline
No read or write access is allowed.
• Restrict
Some operations—such as parity reconstruction—are allowed, but data access is not
Add Capacity
Enables you to add capacity (HDDs or SSDs) to existing aggregates.
Add Cache
Enables you to add cache disks (SSDs) to existing HDD aggregates or Flash Pool
This button is not available for a cluster containing nodes with All Flash Optimized
Enables you to mirror the aggregates.
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Managing physical storage

Volume Move
Enables you to move a FlexVol volume.
Attach External Capacity Tier
Enables you to attach an external capacity tier to the aggregate.
Updates the information in the window.
Aggregate list
Displays the name and the space usage information for each aggregate.
Displays the status of the aggregate.
Displays the name of the aggregate.
Displays the name of the node to which the disks of the aggregate are assigned.
This field is available only at the cluster level.
Displays the type of aggregate.
This field is not displayed for a cluster containing nodes with All Flash Optimized
Used (%)
Displays the percentage of space used in the aggregate.
Available Space
Displays the available space in the aggregate.
Used Space
Displays the amount of space that is used for data in the aggregate.
Total Space
Displays the total space of the aggregate.
Displays whether the selected aggregate is attached to an external capacity tier.
External Capacity Tier
If the selected aggregate is attached to an external capacity tier, displays the name of the
external capacity tier.
Volume Count
Displays the number of volumes that are associated with the aggregate.
Disk Count
Displays the number of disks that are used to create the aggregate.
Flash Pool
Displays the total cache size of the Flash Pool aggregate. A value of NA indicates that the
aggregate is not a Flash Pool aggregate.
This field is not displayed for a cluster containing nodes with All Flash Optimized
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Displays whether the aggregate is mirrored.
SnapLock Type
Displays the SnapLock type of the aggregate.
Details area
You can expand the aggregate to view information about the selected aggregate. You can click
Show More Details to view detailed information about the selected aggregate.
Overview tab
Displays detailed information about the selected aggregate, and displays a pictorial
representation of the space allocation of the aggregate, the space savings of the aggregate,
which includes the total logical space used, total physical space used, overall savings from
storage efficiency, data reduction ratio, FlexClone volume ratio, and Snapshot copies ratio,
and the performance of the aggregate in IOPS and total data transfers.
Disk Information tab
Displays disk layout information, such as the name of the disk, disk type, physical size,
usable size, disk position, disk status, plex name, plex status, RAID group, RAID type, and
storage pool (if any) for the selected aggregate. The disk port that is associated with the disk
primary path and the disk name with the disk secondary path for a multipath configuration
are also displayed.
Volumes tab
Displays details about the total number of volumes on the aggregate, total aggregate space,
and the space committed to the aggregate. The total committed space is the sum of the total
size of all the volumes (online and offline) and the Snapshot reserve space of the online
Performance tab
Displays graphs that show the performance metrics of the aggregates, including total
transfers, IOPS, and write workload impact. Performance metrics data for read, write, and
total transfers is displayed, and the data for SSDs and HDDs is recorded separately.
Performance metrics data for the impact of write workload to "nvlog" and dirty buffer is
also displayed.
Changing the client time zone or the cluster time zone impacts the performance metrics
graphs. You must refresh your browser to see the updated graphs.
Related tasks
Provisioning storage through aggregates on page 37
You can create an aggregate or a Flash Pool aggregate to provide storage for one or more volumes
by using System Manager.
Deleting aggregates on page 114
You can use System Manager to delete aggregates when you no longer require the data in the
aggregates. However, you cannot delete the root aggregate because it contains the root volume,
which contains the system configuration information.
Editing aggregates on page 113
You can use System Manager to change the aggregate name, RAID type, and RAID group size of
an existing aggregate when required.

Storage pools
You can use System Manager to create storage pools to enable SSDs to be shared by multiple
Flash Pool aggregates.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 131
Managing physical storage

Related information
Disk and aggregate management

Creating a storage pool

A storage pool is a collection of SSDs (cache disks). You can use System Manager to combine
SSDs to create a storage pool, which enables you to share the SSDs and SSD spares between an
HA pair for allocation to two or more Flash Pool aggregates at the same time.
Before you begin
• Both nodes of the HA pair must be up and running in order to allocate SSDs and SSD spares
through a storage pool.
• Storage pools must have a minimum of 3 SSDs.
• All SSDs in a storage pool must be owned by the same HA pair.
About this task
System Manager enforces the hot spare rule for SSD RAID groups when you use SSDs for adding
disks to a storage pool. For example, if there are 10 SSDs in the SSD RAID group and the option
raid.min_spare_count is set to 1 at the node level, System Manager leaves 1 SSD as the hot
spare and uses the other 9 SSDs for SSD-related operations.
You cannot use partitioned SSDs when creating a storage pool by using System Manager.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Storage Pools.
2. In the Storage Pools window, click Create.
3. In the Create Storage Pool dialog box, specify the name for the storage pool, disk size, and
the number of disks.
4. Click Create.
Related reference
Storage Pools window on page 136
You can use the Storage Pools window to create, display, and manage a dedicated cache of SSDs,
also known as storage pools. These storage pools can be associated with a non-root aggregate to
provide SSD cache and with a Flash Pool aggregate to increase its size.

Adding disks to a storage pool

You can add SSDs to an existing storage pool and increase its cache size by using System
Before you begin
Both nodes of the HA pair must be up and running in order to allocate SSDs and SSD spares
through a storage pool.
About this task
• The SSDs that you add to a storage pool are distributed proportionally among the aggregates
using the storage pool cache and to the free space of the storage pool.
• System Manager enforces the hot spare rule for SSD RAID groups when you use SSDs for
adding disks to a storage pool.
For example, if there are 10 SSDs in the SSD RAID group and the option
raid.min_spare_count is set to 1 at the node level, System Manager leaves 1 SSD as the
hot spare and uses the other 9 SSDs for SSD-related operations.
• You cannot use partitioned SSDs when adding disks to a storage pool by using System
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 132
Managing physical storage

1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Storage Pools.
2. In the Storage Pools window, select the storage pool, and then click Add Disks.
3. In the Add Disks dialog box, specify the number of disks that you want to add.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Summary dialog box, review how the cache is distributed among various aggregates and
the free space of the storage pool.
6. Click Add.
Related reference
Storage Pools window on page 136
You can use the Storage Pools window to create, display, and manage a dedicated cache of SSDs,
also known as storage pools. These storage pools can be associated with a non-root aggregate to
provide SSD cache and with a Flash Pool aggregate to increase its size.

Deleting storage pools

You might want to delete a storage pool when the cache of the storage pool is not optimal or when
it is no longer used by any aggregate or Flash Pool aggregate. You can delete a storage pool by
using the Delete Storage Pool dialog box in System Manager.
Before you begin
The storage pool must not be used by any aggregate.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Storage Pools.
2. In the Storage Pools window, select the storage pool that you want to delete, and then click
3. In the Delete Storage Pool dialog box, click Delete.
Related reference
Storage Pools window on page 136
You can use the Storage Pools window to create, display, and manage a dedicated cache of SSDs,
also known as storage pools. These storage pools can be associated with a non-root aggregate to
provide SSD cache and with a Flash Pool aggregate to increase its size.

How you use SSD storage pools

To enable SSDs to be shared by multiple Flash Pool aggregates, you place them in a storage pool.
After you add an SSD to a storage pool, you can no longer manage it as a stand-alone entity—you
must use the storage pool to assign or allocate the storage provided by the SSD.
You create storage pools for a specific HA pair. Then, you add allocation units from that storage
pool to one or more Flash Pool aggregates owned by the same HA pair. Just as disks must be
owned by the same node that owns an aggregate before they can be allocated to it, storage pools
can provide storage only to Flash Pool aggregates owned by one of the nodes that owns the storage
If you need to increase the amount of Flash Pool cache on your system, you can add more SSDs to
a storage pool, up to the maximum RAID group size for the RAID type of the Flash Pool caches
using the storage pool. When you add an SSD to an existing storage pool, you increase the size of
the storage pool's allocation units, including any allocation units that are already allocated to a
Flash Pool aggregate.
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Managing physical storage

You can use only one spare SSD for a storage pool, so that if an SSD in that storage pool becomes
unavailable, Data ONTAP can use the spare SSD to reconstruct the partitions of the
malfunctioning SSD. You do not need to reserve any allocation units as spare capacity; Data
ONTAP can use only a full, unpartitioned SSD as a spare for SSDs in a storage pool.
After you add an SSD to a storage pool, you cannot remove it, just as you cannot remove disks
from an aggregate. If you want to use the SSDs in a storage pool as discrete drives again, you must
destroy all Flash Pool aggregates to which the storage pool's allocation units have been allocated,
and then destroy the storage pool.

How Flash Pool SSD partitioning increases cache allocation flexibility for Flash Pool
Flash Pool SSD partitioning, also known as Advanced Drive Partitioning, enables you to group
SSDs together into an SSD storage pool that can be allocated to multiple Flash Pool aggregates.
This amortizes the cost of the parity SSDs over more aggregates, increases SSD allocation
flexibility, and maximizes SSD performance .
The storage pool is associated with an HA pair, and can be composed of SSDs owned by either
node in the HA pair.
When you add an SSD to a storage pool, it becomes a shared SSD, and it is divided into 4
Storage from an SSD storage pool is divided into allocation units, each of which represents 25%
of the total storage capacity of the storage pool. Allocation units contain one partition from each
SSD in the storage pool, and are added to a Flash Pool cache as a single RAID group. By default,
for storage pools associated with an HA pair, two allocation units are assigned to each of the HA
partners, but you can reassign the allocation units to the other HA partner if needed (allocation
units must be owned by the node that owns the aggregate).
SSD storage pools do not have a RAID type. When an allocation unit is added to a Flash Pool
aggregate, the appropriate number of partitions are designated to provide parity to that RAID
The following diagram shows one example of Flash Pool SSD partitioning. The SSD storage pool
pictured is providing cache to two Flash Pool aggregates:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 134
Managing physical storage

Storage pool SP1 is composed of 5 SSDs; in addition, there is one hot spare SSD available to
replace any SSD that experiences a failure. Two of the storage pool's allocation units are allocated
to Flash Pool FP1, and two are allocated to Flash Pool FP2. FP1 has a cache RAID type of
RAID4, so the allocation units provided to FP1 contain only one partition designated for parity.
FP2 has a cache RAID type of RAID-DP, so the allocation units provided to FP2 include a parity
partition and a double-parity partition.
In this example, two allocation units are allocated to each Flash Pool aggregate; however, if one
Flash Pool aggregate needed a larger cache, you could allocate three of the allocation units to that
Flash Pool aggregate, and only one to the other.

Requirements and best practices for using SSD storage pools

There are some technologies that cannot be combined with Flash Pool aggregates that use SSD
storage pools.
You cannot use the following technologies with Flash Pool aggregates that use SSD storage pools
for their cache storage:
• MetroCluster
• SyncMirror
Mirrored aggregates can coexist with Flash Pool aggregates that use storage pools; however,
Flash Pool aggregates cannot be mirrored.
• Physical SSDs
Flash Pool aggregates can use SSD storage pools or physical SSDs, but not both.
SSD storage pools must conform to the following rules:
• SSD storage pools can contain only SSDs; HDDs cannot be added to an SSD storage pool.
• SSD storage pools can contain between 3 and 28 SSDs.
If an SSD storage pool contains more SSDs than the maximum RAID4 RAID group size for
SSDs, then it cannot be used for a Flash Pool aggregate whose cache has a RAID type of
• All SSDs in an SSD storage pool must be owned by the same HA pair.
• You cannot use SSDs that have been partitioned for root-data partitioning in a storage pool.
If you provide storage from a single storage pool to two caches with different RAID types, and
you expand the size of the storage pool beyond the maximum RAID group size for RAID4, the
extra partitions in the RAID4 allocation units go unused. For this reason, it is a best practice to
keep your cache RAID types homogenous for a storage pool.
You cannot change the RAID type of cache RAID groups allocated from a storage pool. You set
the RAID type for the cache before adding the first allocation units, and you cannot change it later.
When you create a storage pool or add SSDs to an existing storage pool, you must use the same
size SSDs. If a failure occurs and no spare of the correct size exists, Data ONTAP can use a larger
SSD to replace the failed SSD. However, the larger SSD is right-sized to match the size of the
other SSDs in the storage pool, resulting in lost SSD capacity.
You can use only one spare SSD for a storage pool. If the storage pool provides allocation units to
Flash Pool aggregates owned by both nodes in the HA pair, then the spare SSD can be owned by
either node. However, if the storage pool provides allocation units only to Flash Pool aggregates
owned by one of the nodes in the HA pair, then the SSD spare must be owned by that same node.
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Considerations for when to use SSD storage pools

SSD storage pools provide many benefits, but they also introduce some restrictions that you
should be aware of when deciding whether to use SSD storage pools or dedicated SSDs.
SSD storage pools make sense only when they are providing cache to two or more Flash Pool
aggregates. SSD storage pools provide the following benefits:
• Increased storage utilization for SSDs used in Flash Pool aggregates
SSD storage pools reduce the overall percentage of SSDs needed for parity by enabling you to
share parity SSDs between two or more Flash Pool aggregates.
• Ability to share spares between HA partners
Because the storage pool is effectively owned by the HA pair, one spare, owned by one of the
HA partners, can function as a spare for the entire SSD storage pool if needed.
• Better utilization of SSD performance
The high performance provided by SSDs can support access by both controllers in an HA pair.
These advantages must be weighed against the costs of using SSD storage pools, which include
the following items:
• Reduced fault isolation
The loss of a single SSD affects all RAID groups that include one of its partitions. In this
situation, every Flash Pool aggregate that has cache allocated from the SSD storage pool that
contains the affected SSD has one or more RAID groups in reconstruction.
• Reduced performance isolation
If the Flash Pool cache is not properly sized, there can be contention for the cache between the
Flash Pool aggregates that are sharing it. This risk can be mitigated with proper cache sizing
and QoS controls.
• Decreased management flexibility
When you add storage to a storage pool, you increase the size of all Flash Pool caches that
include one or more allocation units from that storage pool; you cannot determine how the
extra capacity is distributed.

Considerations for adding SSDs to an existing storage pool versus creating a new one
You can increase the size of your SSD cache in two ways—by adding SSDs to an existing SSD
storage pool or by creating a new SSD storage pool. The best method for you depends on your
configuration and plans for the storage.
The choice between creating a new storage pool or adding storage capacity to an existing one is
similar to deciding whether to create a new RAID group or add storage to an existing one:
• If you are adding a large number of SSDs, creating a new storage pool provides more
flexibility because you can allocate the new storage pool differently from the existing one.
• If you are adding only a few SSDs, and increasing the RAID group size of your existing Flash
Pool caches is not an issue, then adding SSDs to the existing storage pool keeps your spare and
parity costs lower, and automatically allocates the new storage.
If your storage pool is providing allocation units to Flash Pool aggregates whose caches have
different RAID types, and you expand the size of the storage pool beyond the maximum RAID4
RAID group size, the newly added partitions in the RAID4 allocation units are unused.

Why you add disks to storage pools

You can add SSDs to an existing storage pool and increase its cache size. When you add SSDs to a
storage pool that has allocation units already allocated to Flash Pool aggregates, you increase the
cache size of each of those aggregates and the total cache of the storage pool.
If the allocation units of the storage pool are not yet allocated, adding SSDs to that storage pool
does not affect the SSD cache size.
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When you add SSDs to an existing storage pool, the SSDs must be owned by one node or the other
of the same HA pair that already owned the existing SSDs in the storage pool. You can add SSDs
that are owned by either node of the HA pair.

How storage pool works

A storage pool is a collection of SSDs. You can combine SSDs to create a storage pool, which
enables you to share the SSDs and SSD spares across multiple Flash Pool aggregates, at the same
Storage pools consist of allocation units, which you can use to provide SSDs and SSD spares to
aggregates or to increase the existing SSD size.
After you add an SSD to a storage pool, you can no longer use the SSD as an individual disk. You
must use the storage pool to assign or allocate the storage provided by the SSD.
Related tasks
Provisioning storage by creating a Flash Pool aggregate on page 38
You can use System Manager to create a Flash Pool aggregate, or to convert an existing HDD
aggregate to a Flash Pool aggregate by adding SSDs. When you create a new HDD aggregate, you
can provision an SSD cache to it and create a Flash Pool aggregate.
Provisioning cache by adding SSDs on page 115
You can use System Manager to add SSDs as either storage pools or dedicated SSDs to provision
cache. By adding SSDs, you can convert a non-root aggregate or a root aggregate that does not
contain partitioned disks to a Flash Pool aggregate, or increase the cache size of an existing Flash
Pool aggregate.

Storage Pools window

You can use the Storage Pools window to create, display, and manage a dedicated cache of SSDs,
also known as storage pools. These storage pools can be associated with a non-root aggregate to
provide SSD cache and with a Flash Pool aggregate to increase its size.
This page is not available for a cluster containing nodes with All Flash Optimized personality.
• Command buttons on page 136
• Storage pools list on page 136
• Details tab on page 137
Command buttons
Opens the Create Storage Pool dialog box, which enables you to create a storage pool.
Add Disks
Opens the Add Disks dialog box, which enables you to add cache disks to a storage pool.
Deletes the selected storage pool.
Updates the information in the window.
Storage pools list
Displays the name of the storage pool.
Total Cache
Displays the total cache size of the storage pool.
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Spare Cache
Displays the available spare cache size of the storage pool.
Used Cache (%)
Displays the percentage of used cache size of the storage pool.
Allocation Unit
Displays the minimum allocation unit of the total cache size that you can use to increase the
size of your storage pool.
Displays the name of the HA pair or the node with which the storage pool is associated.
Displays the state of the storage pool, which can be Normal, Degraded, Creating, Deleting,
Reassigning, or Growing.
Is Healthy
Displays whether storage pool is healthy or not.
Details tab
Displays detailed information about the selected storage pool, such as the name, health, storage
type, disk count, total cache, spare cache, used cache size (in percent), and allocation unit. The tab
also displays the names of the aggregates that are provisioned by the storage pool.
Disks tab
Displays detailed information about the disks in the selected storage pool, such as the names, disk
types, useable size, and total size.
Related tasks
Adding disks to a storage pool on page 131
You can add SSDs to an existing storage pool and increase its cache size by using System
Creating a storage pool on page 131
A storage pool is a collection of SSDs (cache disks). You can use System Manager to combine
SSDs to create a storage pool, which enables you to share the SSDs and SSD spares between an
HA pair for allocation to two or more Flash Pool aggregates at the same time.
Deleting storage pools on page 132
You might want to delete a storage pool when the cache of the storage pool is not optimal or when
it is no longer used by any aggregate or Flash Pool aggregate. You can delete a storage pool by
using the Delete Storage Pool dialog box in System Manager.

You can use System Manager to manage disks.
Related information
Disk and aggregate management
FlexArray virtualization installation requirements and reference
ONTAP concepts
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 138
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Reassigning disks to nodes

You can use System Manager to reassign the ownership of spare disks from one node to another
node to increase the capacity of an aggregate or storage pool.
About this task
• You can reassign disks if the following conditions are true:
◦ The container type of the selected disks must be "spare" or "shared".
◦ The disks must be connected to nodes in an HA configuration.
◦ The disks must be visible to the node.
• You cannot reassign a disk if the following conditions are true:
◦ The container type of the selected disk is "shared", and the data partition is not spare.
◦ The disk is associated with a storage pool.
• You cannot reassign the data partition of shared disks if storage failover is not enabled on the
nodes that are associated with the shared disks.
• For partition disks, you can reassign only the data partition of the disks.
• For MetroCluster configurations, you cannot use System Manager to reassign disks.
You must use the command-line interface to reassign disks for MetroCluster configurations.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Disks.
2. In the Disks window, select the Inventory tab.
3. Select the disks that you want to reassign, and then click Assign.
4. In the Warning dialog box, click Continue.
5. In the Assign Disks dialog box, select the node to which you want to reassign the disks.
6. Click Assign.

Viewing disk information

You can use the Disks window in System Manager to view the name, size, and container details of
disks along with graphical information about capacity disks and cache disks.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Disks.
2. Select the disk that you want to view information about from the displayed list of disks.
3. Review the disk details.
Related reference
Disks window on page 144
You can use the Disks window to view all the disks in your storage system.

Understanding RAID drive types

Data ONTAP classifies drives (or, for partitioned drives, partitions) as one of four types for RAID:
data, hot spare, parity, or dParity. You manage disks differently depending on whether they are
spare or being used in an aggregate.
The RAID type is determined by how RAID is using a drive or partition; it is different from the
Data ONTAP disk type.
You cannot affect the RAID type for a drive. The RAID type is displayed in the Position column
for many storage commands.
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For drives using root-data partitioning and SSDs in storage pools, a single drive might be used in
multiple ways for RAID. For example, the root partition of a partitioned drive might be a spare
partition, whereas the data partition might be being used for parity. For this reason, the RAID drive
type for partitioned drives and SSDs in storage pools is displayed simply as shared.
Data disk
Holds data stored on behalf of clients within RAID groups (and any data generated about
the state of the storage system as a result of a malfunction).
Spare disk
Does not hold usable data, but is available to be added to a RAID group in an aggregate.
Any functioning disk that is not assigned to an aggregate but is assigned to a system
functions as a hot spare disk.
Parity disk
Stores row parity information that is used for data reconstruction when a single disk drive
fails within the RAID group.
dParity disk
Stores diagonal parity information that is used for data reconstruction when two disk drives
fail within the RAID group, if RAID-DP is enabled.

How ONTAP reports disk types

ONTAP associates a type with every disk. ONTAP reports some disk types differently than the
industry standards; you should understand how ONTAP disk types map to industry standards to
avoid confusion.
When ONTAP documentation refers to a disk type, it is the type used by ONTAP unless otherwise
specified. RAID disk types denote the role that a specific disk plays for RAID. RAID disk types
are not related to ONTAP disk types.
For a specific configuration, the disk types that are supported depend on the storage system model,
the shelf type, and the I/O modules that are installed in the system.
The following tables show how ONTAP disk types map to industry standard disk types for the
SAS and FC storage connection types, and for storage arrays.
SAS-connected storage

ONTAP disk type Disk class Industry standard disk Description

BSAS Capacity SATA Bridged SAS-SATA disks with
added hardware to enable them
to be plugged into a SAS-
connected storage shelf
FSAS Capacity NL-SAS Near Line SAS
MSATA Capacity SATA SATA disk in multi-disk carrier
storage shelf
SAS Performance SAS Serial-Attached SCSI
SSD Ultra-performance SSD Solid-state drives
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FC-connected storage

ONTAP disk type Disk class Industry standard disk type

ATA Capacity SATA
FCAL Performance FC

Storage arrays

ONTAP disk type Disk class Industry standard disk type Description
LUN N/A LUN Logical storage device
that is backed by storage
arrays and used by
ONTAP as a disk
These LUNs are referred
to as array LUNs to
distinguish them from
the LUNs that ONTAP
serves to clients.
Related information
NetApp Hardware Universe
NetApp Technical Report 3437: Storage Subsystem Resiliency Guide

How hot spare disks work

A hot spare disk is a disk that is assigned to a storage system and is ready for use, but is not in use
by a RAID group and does not hold any data.
If a disk failure occurs within a RAID group, the hot spare disk is automatically assigned to the
RAID group to replace the failed disks. The data of the failed disk is reconstructed on the hot
spare replacement disk in the background from the RAID parity disk. The reconstruction activity
is logged in the /etc/message file and an AutoSupport message is sent.
If the available hot spare disk is not the same size as the failed disk, a disk of the next larger size is
chosen and then downsized to match the size of the disk that it is replacing.

RAID protection for array LUNs

Storage arrays provide RAID protection for the array LUNs that they make available to Data
ONTAP. Data ONTAP does not provide RAID protection.
Data ONTAP uses RAID0 (striping) for array LUNs. Data ONTAP supports a variety of RAID
types on the storage arrays, except RAID0 because RAID0 does not provide storage protection.
When creating RAID groups on storage arrays, you need to follow the best practices of the storage
array vendor to ensure that there is an adequate level of protection on the storage array so that disk
failure does not result in loss of data or loss of access to data.
• A RAID group on a storage array is the arrangement of disks that together form the defined
RAID level.
Each RAID group supports only one RAID type. The number of disks that you select for a
RAID group determines the RAID type that a particular RAID group supports. Different
storage array vendors use different terms to describe this entity—RAID groups, parity
groups, disk groups, Parity RAID groups, and other terms.
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• Data ONTAP supports RAID4 and RAID-DP on native disk shelves, but supports only
RAID0 on array LUNs.

Minimum number of hot spares you should have

Having insufficient spares increases the risk of a disk failure with no available spare, resulting in a
degraded RAID group. A spare disk is also required to provide important information (a core file)
to technical support in case of a controller disruption.
MSATA disks, or disks in a multi-disk carrier, should have four hot spares during steady state
operation, and you should never allow the number of MSATA hot spares to dip below two.
For RAID groups composed of SSDs, you should have at least one spare disk.
For all other Data ONTAP disk types, you should have at least one matching or appropriate hot
spare available for each kind of disk installed in your storage system. However, having two
available hot spares for all disks provides the best protection against disk failure. Having at least
two available hot spares provides the following benefits:
• When you have two or more hot spares for a data disk, Data ONTAP can put that disk into the
maintenance center if needed.
Data ONTAP uses the maintenance center to test suspect disks and take offline any disk that
shows problems.
• Having two hot spares means that when a disk fails, you still have a spare available if another
disk fails before you replace the first failed disk.
A single spare disk can serve as a hot spare for multiple RAID groups. However, if any disk in
those RAID groups fails, then no spare is available for any future disk failures, or for a core file,
until the spare is replaced. For this reason, having more than one spare is recommended.

Spare requirements for multi-disk carrier disks

Maintaining the proper number of spares for disks in multi-disk carriers is critical for optimizing
storage redundancy and minimizing the amount of time Data ONTAP must spend copying disks to
achieve an optimal disk layout.
You must maintain a minimum of two hot spares for multi-disk carrier disks at all times. To
support the use of the Maintenance Center, and to avoid issues caused by multiple concurrent disk
failures, you should maintain at least four hot spares for steady state operation, and replace failed
disks promptly.
If two disks fail at the same time with only two available hot spares, Data ONTAP might not be
able to swap the contents of both the failed disk and its carrier mate to the spare disks. This
scenario is called a stalemate. If this happens, you are notified through EMS messages and
AutoSupport messages. When the replacement carriers become available, you must follow the
instructions provided by the EMS messages or contact technical support to recover from the
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Shelf configuration requirements for multi-disk carrier storage shelves

You can combine multi-disk carrier disk shelves with single-disk carrier disk shelves (standard
disk shelves) on the same storage system and within in the same stack.

How to determine when it is safe to remove a multi-disk carrier

Removing a multi-disk carrier before it is safe to do so can result in one or more RAID groups
becoming degraded, or possibly even a storage disruption. System Manager enables you to
determine when it is safe to remove a multi-disk carrier.
When a multi-disk carrier has to be replaced, the following events must have occurred before you
can remove the carrier safely:
• An AutoSupport message must have been logged indicating that the carrier is ready to be
• An EMS message must have been logged indicating that the carrier is ready to be removed.
• The state of both disks in the carrier must be displayed as broken in the Disks window.
You must remove the disks only after the carrier mate of a failed disk is evacuated. You can
click Details to view the disk evacuation status in the Properties tab of the Disks window.
• The fault LED (amber) on the carrier must be lit continuously indicating that it is ready for
• The activity LED (green) must be turned off indicating there is no disk activity.
• The shelf digital display only shows the shelf ID number.
Attention: You cannot reuse the carrier mate of a failed
disk. When you remove a multi-disk carrier that contains
a failed disk, you must replace it with a new carrier.

Considerations for sizing RAID groups

Configuring an optimum RAID group size requires a trade-off of factors. You must decide which
factors—speed of RAID rebuild, assurance against risk of data loss due to drive failure, optimizing
I/O performance, and maximizing data storage space—are most important for the aggregate that
you are configuring.
When you create larger RAID groups, you maximize the space available for data storage for the
same amount of storage used for parity (also known as the "parity tax"). On the other hand, when a
disk fails in a larger RAID group, reconstruction time is increased, impacting performance for a
longer period of time. In addition, having more disks in a RAID group increases the probability of
a multiple disk failure within the same RAID group.
HDD or array LUN RAID groups
You should follow these guidelines when sizing your RAID groups composed of HDDs or array
• All RAID groups in an aggregate should have a similar number of disks.
The RAID groups do not have to be exactly the same size, but you should avoid having any
RAID group that is less than one half the size of other RAID groups in the same aggregate
when possible.
• The recommended range of RAID group size is between 12 and 20.
The reliability of performance disks can support a RAID group size of up to 28, if needed.
• If you can satisfy the first two guidelines with multiple RAID group sizes, you should choose
the larger size.
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SSD RAID groups in Flash Pool aggregates

The SSD RAID group size can be different from the RAID group size for the HDD RAID groups
in a Flash Pool aggregate. Usually, you should ensure that you have only one SSD RAID group for
a Flash Pool aggregate, to minimize the number of SSDs required for parity.
SSD RAID groups in SSD aggregates
You should follow these guidelines when sizing your RAID groups composed of SSDs:
• All RAID groups in an aggregate should have a similar number of drives.
The RAID groups do not have to be exactly the same size, but you should avoid having any
RAID group that is less than one half the size of other RAID groups in the same aggregate
when possible.
• For RAID-DP, the recommended range of RAID group size is between 20 and 28.

Considerations for ONTAP RAID groups for array LUNs

Setting up ONTAP RAID groups for array LUNs requires planning and coordination with the
storage array administrator so that the administrator makes the number and size of array LUNs
that you need available to ONTAP.
For array LUNs, ONTAP uses RAID0 RAID groups to determine where to allocate data to the
LUNs on the storage array. The RAID0 RAID groups are not used for RAID data protection. The
storage arrays provide RAID data protection.
Note: ONTAP RAID groups are similar in concept to what storage array vendors call RAID
groups, parity groups, disk groups, Parity RAID groups, and other terms.

Follow these steps when planning your ONTAP RAID groups for array LUNs:
1. Plan the size of the aggregate that best meets your data needs.
2. Plan the number and size of RAID groups that you need for the size of the aggregate.
Note: It is best to use the default RAID group size for array LUNs. The default RAID group
size is adequate for most organizations. The default RAID group size is different for array
LUNs and disks.
3. Plan the size of the LUNs that you need in your RAID groups.
• To avoid a performance penalty, all array LUNs in a particular RAID group should be of
the same size.
• The LUNs should be of the same size in all RAID groups in the aggregate.
4. Ask the storage array administrator to create the number of LUNs of the size that you need for
the aggregate.
The LUNs should be optimized for performance, according to the instructions in the storage
array vendor documentation.
5. Create all the RAID groups in the aggregate simultaneously.
• Do not mix array LUNs from storage arrays with different characteristics in the same
• If you create a new RAID group for an existing aggregate, ensure that the new RAID
group is of the same size as the other RAID groups in the aggregate, and that the array
LUNs are of the same size as the LUNs in the other RAID groups in the aggregate.
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Disks window
You can use the Disks window to view all the disks in your storage system.
• Command buttons on page 144
• Summary on page 144
• Inventory on page 144
• Inventory details area on page 146
Command buttons
Assigns or reassigns the ownership of the disks to a node.
This button is enabled only if the container type of the selected disks is unassigned, spare,
or shared.
Zero Spares
Erases all the data, and formats the spare disks and array LUNs.
Updates the information in the window.

Displays detailed information about the disks in the cluster, including the size of the spare disks
and assigned disks. The tab also graphically displays information about spare disks, aggregates,
and root aggregates for HDDs and information about spare disks, disks in a storage pool,
aggregates, Flash Pool aggregates, and root aggregates for cache disks (SSDs).
The HDD panel is not displayed for systems with All Flash Optimized personality.
The details panel provides additional information about partitioned and unpartitioned spare disks
(disk type, node, disk size, RPM, checksum, number of available disks, and spare capacity), in
tabular format.
Displays the name of the disk.
Container Type
Displays the purpose for which the disk is used. The possible values are Aggregate, Broken,
Foreign, Label Maintenance, Maintenance, Shared, Spare, Unassigned, Volume, Unknown,
and Unsupported.
Partition Type
Displays the partition type of the disk.
Node Name
Displays the name of the node that contains the aggregate.
This field is available only at the cluster level.
Home owner
Displays the name of the home node to which this disk is assigned.
Current owner
Displays the name of the node that currently owns this disk.
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Root owner
Displays the name of the node that currently owns the root partition of this disk.
Data Owner
Displays the name of the node that currently owns the data partition of this disk.
Data1 Owner
Displays the name of the node that currently owns the data1 partition of the disk.
Data2 Owner
Displays the name of the node that currently owns the data2 partition of the disk.
Storage Pool
Displays the name of the storage pool with which the disk is associated.
Displays the type of the disk.
Firmware Version
Displays the firmware version of the disk.
Displays the model of the disk.
Displays the effective speed of the disk drive when the option
raid.mix.hdd.rpm.capacity is enabled, and displays the actual speed of the disk drive
when the option raid.mix.hdd.rpm.capacity is disabled.
This field is not applicable to SSDs.
Effective Size
Displays the usable space available on the disk.
Physical Space
Displays the total physical space of the disk.
Displays the shelf on which the physical disks are located.
This field is hidden by default.
Displays the bay within the shelf for the physical disk.
This field is hidden by default.
Displays the name of the pool to which the selected disk is assigned.
This field is hidden by default.
Displays the type of the checksum.
This field is hidden by default.
Carrier ID
Specifies information about disks that are located within the specified multi-disk carrier.
The ID is a 64-bit value.
This field is hidden by default.
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Inventory details area

The area below the inventory tab displays detailed information about the selected disk, including
information about the aggregate or volume (if applicable), vendor ID, zeroing state (in percent),
serial number of the disk, and error details in case of a broken disk. For shared disks, the Inventory
details area displays the names of all the aggregates, including the root and the non-root
Related tasks
Viewing disk information on page 138
You can use the Disks window in System Manager to view the name, size, and container details of
disks along with graphical information about capacity disks and cache disks.

Array LUNs
You can use System Manager to assign array LUNs to an existing aggregate and manage array
Related information
FlexArray virtualization installation requirements and reference

Assigning array LUNs

You can use System Manager to assign unassigned array LUNs to an existing aggregate to increase
the size of the aggregate.
About this task
• You can assign array LUNs if the following conditions are true:
◦ The container type of the selected array LUNs must be "unassigned".
◦ The disks must be connected to nodes in an HA pair.
◦ The disks must be visible to the node.
• For MetroCluster configurations, you cannot use System Manager to assign array LUNs as
You must use the command-line interface instead.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Array LUNs.
2. Select the array LUNs, and then click Assign.
3. In the Assign Array LUNs dialog box, select the node to which you want to assign the array
4. Click Assign.

Reassigning spare array LUNs to nodes

You can use System Manager to reassign the ownership of spare array LUNs from one node to
another to increase the capacity of an aggregate.
About this task
• You can reassign array LUNs if the following conditions are true:
◦ The container type of the selected array LUNs must be "spare".
◦ The disks must be connected to nodes in an HA pair.
◦ The disks must be visible to the node.
• For MetroCluster configurations, you cannot use System Manager to reassign array LUNs as
You must use the command-line interface instead.
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Managing physical storage

1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Array LUNs.
2. Select the spare array LUNs that you want to reassign, and then click Assign.
3. In the Warning dialog box, click Continue.
4. In the Assign Array LUNs dialog box, select the node to which you want to reassign the spare
array LUNs.
5. Click Assign.

Zeroing spare array LUNs

You can use System Manager to erase all the data and to format the spare array LUNs by writing
zeros to the array LUNs. These array LUNs can then be used in new aggregates.
About this task
When you zero the spare array LUNs, all the spares in the cluster, including disks, are zeroed. You
can zero the spare array LUNs for a specific node or for the entire cluster.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Array LUNs.
2. Click Zero Spares.
3. In the Zero Spares dialog box, select a node or "All nodes" from which you want to zero the
array LUNs.
4. Select the Zero all non-zeroed spares check box to confirm the zeroing operation.
5. Click Zero Spares.

About disks and array LUNs

A disk is the basic unit of storage for storage systems that use Data ONTAP to access native disk
shelves. An array LUN is the basic unit of storage that third-party storage arrays provide to storage
systems that run Data ONTAP.
Data ONTAP enables you to assign ownership to your disks and array LUNs, and to add them to
an aggregate. Data ONTAP also provides a number of ways to manage your disks, including
removing them, replacing them, and sanitizing them. Because array LUNs are provided by the
third-party storage array, you use the third-party storage array for all other management tasks for
array LUNs.
You can create an aggregate using either disks or array LUNs. After you have created the
aggregate, you manage it using Data ONTAP in exactly the same way, whether it was created from
disks or array LUNs.

How disks and array LUNs become available for use

When you add a disk or array LUN to a system running Data ONTAP, the disk or array LUN goes
through several stages before it can be used by Data ONTAP to store data or parity information.
The process for making a disk available for use differs slightly from the process for making an
array LUN available for use. Both processes are shown in the following diagram:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 148
Managing physical storage

Create array

Make array Manual assignment

LUNs available to of array LUNs to a
Data ONTAP system running

Spare disk
Unowned or array LUN
disk or It is owned by Add to
Storage array
array LUN the storage aggregate
system, but it (optional)
cannot be
used yet.
Install a new
disk on a
In-use disk
disk shelf
or array LUN
Automatic or
The disk or LUN
manual assignment
is in use by
of a new disk to a
System running the system
system running
Data ONTAP that owns it.

The process for disks includes the following actions:

1. The administrator physically installs the disk into a disk shelf.
Data ONTAP can see the disk, but the disk is still unowned.
2. If the system is configured to support disk autoassignment, Data ONTAP assigns ownership for
the disk; otherwise, the administrator must assign ownership of the disk manually.
The disk is now a spare disk.
3. The administrator or Data ONTAP adds the disk to an aggregate.
The disk is now in use by that aggregate. It could contain data or parity information.
The process for array LUNs includes the following actions:
1. The storage array administrator creates the array LUN and makes it available to Data ONTAP.
Data ONTAP can see the array LUN, but the array LUN is still unowned.
2. The Data ONTAP administrator assigns ownership of the array LUN to a Data ONTAP system.
The array LUN is now a spare array LUN.
3. The Data ONTAP administrator adds the array LUN to an aggregate.
The array LUN is now in use by that aggregate and is storing data.

Rules for mixing array LUNs in an aggregate

Data ONTAP does not support the mixing of different types of storage in the same aggregate
because it causes performance degradation.
There are restrictions on the types of array LUNs that you can mix in the same aggregate, which
you must follow when you add array LUNs to an aggregate. Data ONTAP does not prevent you
from mixing different types of array LUNs, but it does prevent you from mixing native disks and
array LUNs in the same aggregate.
You cannot mix the following types of array LUNs in the same aggregate:
• Array LUNs from storage arrays from different vendors
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• Array LUNs from storage arrays from the same vendor but from different storage array
Note: Storage arrays in the same family share the same characteristics—for example, the
same performance characteristics. For more information about how Data ONTAP defines
family members for a vendor, see the FlexArray Virtualization Implementation Guide for
Third-Party Storage guide.
FlexArray virtualization implementation for third-party storage
• Array LUNs from different drive types (for example, FC and SATA)
You cannot mix array LUNs from different drive types in the same aggregate even if array
LUNs are from the same series and the same vendor. Before setting up this type of
configuration, you should consult your authorized reseller to plan the best implementation for
your environment.

Array LUNs window

The Array LUNs window enables you to assign ownership to your array LUNs and to add them to
an aggregate.
The Array LUNs link in the left navigation pane is displayed only if there are any spare array
LUNs, or if the V_StorageAttach license is installed.
• Command buttons on page 149
• Array LUN list on page 149
• Details area on page 150
Command buttons
Enables you to assign or reassign the ownership of array LUNs to a node.
Zero Spares
Erases all the data, and formats the spare array LUNs and disks.
Updates the information in the window.
Array LUN list
Displays information such as the name, state, and vendor for each array LUN.
Specifies the name of the array LUN.
Specifies the state of the array LUN.
Specifies the name of the vendor.
Used Space
Specifies the space used by the array LUN.
Total Size
Specifies the size of the array LUN.
Specifies the aggregate to which the array LUN belongs.
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Node name
Specifies the name of the node to which the array LUN belongs.
Home owner
Displays the name of the home node to which the array LUN is assigned.
Current owner
Displays the name of the node that currently owns the array LUN.
Array name
Specifies the name of the array.
Displays the name of the pool to which the selected array LUN is assigned.
Details area
The area below the Array LUNs list displays detailed information about the selected array LUN.

You can use System Manager to view the details of the nodes in the cluster.

Initializing the ComplianceClock time

You can use System Manager to initialize the ComplianceClock time to the current cluster time.
You must initialize the ComplianceClock time in order to create SnapLock aggregates.
Before you begin
The SnapLock license must be installed.
About this task
You cannot modify or stop the ComplianceClock time after it is initialized.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Nodes.
2. Select the node, and then click Initialize ComplianceClock.
3. In the Initialize ComplianceClock dialog box, click Yes to initialize the ComplianceClock
time to the current cluster time.

Nodes window
You can use the Nodes to view the details of the nodes in the cluster.
• Command buttons
• Nodes list
Command buttons
Initialize ComplianceClock
Initializes the ComplianceClock of the selected node to the current value of the system
Updates the information in the window.
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Nodes list
Displays the name of the node.
Displays the state of the node, whether it is up or down.
Up Time
Displays the duration for which the node is up.
Data ONTAP Version
Displays the Data ONTAP version that is installed on the node.
Displays the platform model number of the node.
System ID
Displays the ID of the node.
Serial No
Displays the serial number of the node.
All Flash Optimized
Displays if the node has an All Flash Optimized personality or not.
Details area
Displays detailed information about the selected node.
Details tab
Displays information related to the selected node such as name of the node, state of the
node, and the duration for which the node is up.
Performance tab
Displays throughput, IOPS, and latency of the selected node.
Changing the client time zone or the cluster time zone impacts the performance metrics
graphs. Refresh your browser to see the updated graphs.

Flash Cache
You can use System Manager to manage Flash Cache.

Enabling or disabling Flash Cache

You can enable or disable the WAFL external cache functionality for a storage system that has a
PAM II card or Flash Cache module installed by using System Manager. You can enable Flash
Cache based on the workload requirements of your storage system.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > Flash Cache.
2. Select the node.
3. Click Enable or Disable, as required.
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How Flash Cache works

Using Flash Caches improves the performance of a storage system.
You can configure Flash Cache and disks based on the workload requirements of a storage system.
By determining the read workload (number of read operations) served by Flash Cache and disks,
you can analyze the performance of the storage system.
Flash Cache does not contain any data during storage system boot or when control is returned to
the storage system after a takeover event. Therefore, disks serve all the data read requests of the
storage system.
The Flash Cache module is slowly populated with data when data read requests are served.
Because the data read requests served by Flash Cache are faster than those served by the disks, the
performance of the storage system improves.
Data read requests served by the Flash Cache module replace the data read requests served by the
disks and, therefore, the performance improvement in the storage system is directly related to the
disk reads that are replaced. To understand the impact of Flash Cache on storage system
performance, you must view the read workload graph when the Flash Cache contains data.

Flash Cache window

You can use the Flash Cache window to enable or disable Flash Cache for a storage system that
has a Flash Cache module installed. You can also view the read workload statistics.
This page is not available for a cluster containing nodes with All Flash Optimized personality.
Command buttons
Enables or disables Flash Cache.
Flash Cache Read Workload
Displays a graph specifying the rate of read workload served by the disks and the Flash Cache
module, thereby indicating the performance of the storage system.
Details area
Displays information about the system read latency (in seconds), the caching mode that specifies
the caching configuration, the state of Flash Cache (enabled or disabled), and the size of the Flash
Cache (in GB). If there are multiple Flash Cache cards, the total cache size from all the cards is

You can use System Manager to view the event log and event notifications.

Events window
You can use the Events window to view the event log and event notifications.
Command buttons
Updates the information in the window.
Events list
Displays the time when the event occurred.
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Displays the node and the cluster on which the event occurred.
Displays the severity of the event. The possible severity levels are:
• Emergency
Specifies that the event source unexpectedly stopped, and the system experienced
unrecoverable data loss. You must take corrective action immediately to avoid extended
• Alert
Specifies that the event source has an alert, and action must be taken to avoid downtime.
• Critical
Specifies that the event source is critical, and might lead to service disruption if
corrective action is not taken immediately.
• Error
Specifies that the event source is still performing, and a corrective action is required to
avoid service disruption.
• Warning
Specifies that the event source experienced an occurrence that you must be aware of.
Events of this severity might not cause service disruption; however, corrective action
might be required.
• Notice
Specifies that the event source is normal, but the severity is a significant condition that
you must be aware of.
• Informational
Specifies that the event source has an occurrence that you must be aware of. No
corrective action might be required.
• Debug
Specifies that the event source includes a debugging message.
By default, the alert severity type, emergency severity type, and the error severity type are
Displays the source of the event.
Displays the description of the event.
Details area
Displays the event details, including the event description, message name, sequence number,
message description, and corrective action for the selected event.

System alerts
You can use System Manager to monitor different parts of a cluster.
Related information
System administration

Monitoring the health of your system

Health monitors proactively monitor certain critical conditions in your cluster and raise alerts if
they detect a fault or risk. If there are active alerts, the system health status reports a degraded
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Managing physical storage

status for the cluster. The alerts include the information that you need to respond to degraded
system health.
If the status is degraded, you can view details about the problem, including the probable cause and
recommended recovery actions. After you resolve the problem, the system health status
automatically returns to OK.
The system health status reflects multiple separate health monitors. A degraded status in an
individual health monitor causes a degraded status for the overall system health.
Data ONTAP supports the following cluster switches for system health monitoring in your cluster:
• NetApp CN1601
• NetApp CN1610
• Cisco Nexus 5010
• Cisco Nexus 5020
• Cisco Nexus 5596
• Cisco Catalyst 2960-24TT-L

Acknowledging system health alerts

You can use System Manager to acknowledge and respond to system health alerts for subsystems.
You can use the information displayed to take the recommended action and correct the problem
reported by the alert.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > System Alerts.
2. In the System Alerts window, click the arrow icon next to the name of subsystem.
3. Select the alert that you want to acknowledge, and then click Acknowledge.
4. Type your name, and then click Acknowledge.
Related reference
System Alerts window on page 156
You can use the System Alerts window to learn more about system health alerts. You can also
acknowledge, delete, and suppress alerts from the window.

Suppressing system health alerts

You can use System Manager to suppress system health alerts that do not require any intervention
from you.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > System Alerts.
2. In the System Alerts window, click the arrow icon next to the name of subsystem.
3. Select the alert that you want to suppress, and then click Suppress.
4. Type your name, and then click Suppress.
Related reference
System Alerts window on page 156
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Managing physical storage

You can use the System Alerts window to learn more about system health alerts. You can also
acknowledge, delete, and suppress alerts from the window.

Deleting system health alerts

You can use System Manager to delete system health alerts to which you have already responded.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > System Alerts.
2. In the System Alerts window, click the arrow icon next to the name of subsystem.
3. Select the alert that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
4. Click OK.
Related reference
System Alerts window on page 156
You can use the System Alerts window to learn more about system health alerts. You can also
acknowledge, delete, and suppress alerts from the window.

Available cluster health monitors

There are several health monitors that monitor different parts of a cluster. Health monitors help
you to recover from errors within Data ONTAP subsystems by detecting events, sending alerts to
you, and deleting events as they clear.
Health monitor Subsystem name Purpose
name (identifier) (identifier)
Cluster switch Switch (Switch- Monitors cluster network switches and management network switches for
(cluster-switch) Health) temperature, utilization, interface configuration, redundancy (cluster network
switches only), and fan and power supply operation. The cluster switch
health monitor communicates with switches through SNMP. SNMPv2c is the
default setting.
MetroCluster Switch Monitors the MetroCluster configuration back-end fabric topology and
Fabric detects misconfigurations such as incorrect cabling and zoning, and ISL
MetroCluster Interconnect, Monitors FC-VI adapters, FC initiator adapters, left-behind aggregates and
Health RAID, and disks, and inter-cluster ports
Node CIFS Monitors SMB connections for nondisruptive operations to Hyper-V
connectivity nondisruptive applications.
(node-connect) operations (CIFS-
Storage (SAS- Monitors shelves, disks, and adapters at the node level for appropriate paths
connect) and connections.
System not applicable Aggregates information from other health monitors.
System Storage (SAS- Monitors shelves at the cluster level for appropriate paths to two HA
connectivity connect) clustered nodes.
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Ways to respond to system health alerts

When a system health alert occurs, you can acknowledge it, learn more about it, repair the
underlying condition, and prevent it from occurring again.
When a health monitor raises an alert, you can respond in any of the following ways:
• Get information about the alert, which includes the affected resource, alert severity, probable
cause, possible effect, and corrective actions.
• Get detailed information about the alert, such as the time when the alert was raised and
whether anyone else has acknowledged the alert already.
• Get health-related information about the state of the affected resource or subsystem, such as a
specific shelf or disk.
• Acknowledge the alert to indicate that someone is working on the problem, and identify
yourself as the "Acknowledger."
• Resolve the problem by taking the corrective actions provided in the alert, such as fixing
cabling to resolve a connectivity problem.
• Delete the alert, if the system did not automatically clear it.
• Suppress an alert to prevent it from affecting the health status of a subsystem.
Suppressing is useful when you understand a problem. After you suppress an alert, it can still
occur, but the subsystem health displays as "ok-with-suppressed." when the suppressed alert

System Alerts window

You can use the System Alerts window to learn more about system health alerts. You can also
acknowledge, delete, and suppress alerts from the window.
Command buttons
Enables you to acknowledge the selected alert to indicate that the problem is being
addressed and identifies the person who clicks the button as the "Acknowledger."
Enables you to suppress the selected alert to prevent the system from notifying you about
the same alert again and identifies you as the "Suppressor."
Deletes the selected alert.
Updates the information in the window.
Alerts list
SubSystem (No. of Alerts)
Displays the name of the subsystem, such as the SAS connection, switch health, CIFS
NDO, or MetroCluster, for which the alert is generated.
Alert ID
Displays the alert ID.
Displays the name of the node for which the alert is generated.
Displays the severity of the alert as Unknown, Other, Information, Degraded, Minor, Major,
Critical, or Fatal.
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Displays the resource that generated the alert, such as a specific shelf or disk.
Displays the time when the alert was generated.
Details area
The details area displays detailed information about the alert, such as the time when the alert was
generated and whether the alert has been acknowledged. The area also includes information about
the probable cause and possible effect of the condition generated by the alert, and the
recommended actions to correct the problem reported by the alert.
Related tasks
Acknowledging system health alerts on page 154
You can use System Manager to acknowledge and respond to system health alerts for subsystems.
You can use the information displayed to take the recommended action and correct the problem
reported by the alert.
Suppressing system health alerts on page 154
You can use System Manager to suppress system health alerts that do not require any intervention
from you.
Deleting system health alerts on page 155
You can use System Manager to delete system health alerts to which you have already responded.

AutoSupport notifications
You can use System Manager to configure AutoSupport notifications that help you to monitor your
storage system health.

Setting up AutoSupport notifications

You can use the Edit AutoSupport Settings dialog box in System Manager to set up AutoSupport
notifications by specifying an email address from which email notifications are sent and adding
multiple email host names.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > AutoSupport.
2. Select the node, and then click Edit.
3. In the Email Recipient tab, type the email address from which email notifications are sent,
specify the email recipients and the message content for each email recipient, and add the mail
You can add up to five email addresses of the host names.
4. In the Others tab, select a transport protocol for delivering the email messages from the drop-
down list and specify the HTTP or HTTPS proxy server details.
5. Click OK.
6. Verify that configuration you have set for AutoSupport notification is set up correctly in the
AutoSupport window.
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Enabling or disabling AutoSupport settings

You can enable or disable AutoSupport settings on your storage system by using System Manager.
AutoSupport messages enable you to monitor your storage system health or send notifications to
technical support and your internal support organization.
About this task
The AutoSupport option is enabled by default.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > AutoSupport.
2. Select the node, and then click Enable or Disable.
3. Click OK.
4. Verify that the AutoSupport status correctly displays the change you made.

Adding AutoSupport email recipients

You can use the Email Recipient tab of the Edit AutoSupport Settings dialog box in System
Manager to add email addresses of the recipients of AutoSupport notifications.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > AutoSupport.
2. Select the node, and then click Edit.
3. In the Email Recipient tab, type the address of the email recipient, specify whether the
recipient receives a full message or a short message, and then click Add.
4. Click OK.
5. Verify that the details you specified are displayed in the AutoSupport window.

Testing AutoSupport settings

You can use the AutoSupport Test dialog box in System Manager to test that you have configured
the AutoSupport settings correctly.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > AutoSupport.
2. Select the node, and then click Test.
3. In the AutoSupport Test dialog box, enter the AutoSupport subject text "Test AutoSupport" or
any text that notifies the recipients that you are testing the AutoSupport settings.
4. Click Test.
An email message with the subject "Test AutoSupport" or the text that you typed in the
AutoSupport subject field is sent to the specified recipients.

Generating AutoSupport data

You can use System Manager to generate AutoSupport data for a single node or multiple nodes to
monitor their health and to send notifications to technical support.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > AutoSupport.
2. Select the node, and then click AutoSupport Request > Generate AutoSupport.
By default, the AutoSupport data is generated for all nodes.
3. In the Generate AutoSupport dialog box, perform the following steps:
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Managing physical storage

a. If you want to generate AutoSupport data for a specific node, clear the Generate
Autosupport data for all nodes check box, and then select the node.
b. Type the case number.
4. Click Generate.
5. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

Viewing AutoSupport summary

System Manager enables you to view the status and details of all the previous AutoSupport data in
order to review the data that has been sent to technical support. You can also view the information
to understand the health and performance of your storage system.
1. Click Hardware and Diagnostics > AutoSupport.
2. Select the node, and then click AutoSupport Request > View Previous Summary.
The AutoSupport data for all the nodes is displayed.
3. Click OK.

AutoSupport severity types

AutoSupport messages have severity types that help you understand the purpose of each message
—for example, to draw immediate attention to an emergency problem, or only to provide
Messages have one of the following severities:
• Alert: Alert messages indicate that a next-higher level event might occur if you do not take
some action.
You must take an action against alert messages within 24 hours.
• Emergency: Emergency messages are displayed when a disruption has occurred.
You must take an action against emergency messages immediately.
• Error: Error conditions indicate what might happen if you ignore.
• Notice: Normal but significant condition.
• Info: Informational message provides details about the issue, which you can ignore.
• Debug: Debug-level messages provide instructions you should perform.
If your internal support organization receives AutoSupport messages through email, the severity
appears in the subject line of the email message.

AutoSupport window
The AutoSupport window enables you to view the current AutoSupport settings for your system.
You can also change your system's AutoSupport settings.
Command buttons
Enables AutoSupport notification.
Disables AutoSupport notification.
Opens the Edit AutoSupport Settings dialog box, which enables you to specify an email
address from which email notifications are sent and to add multiple email addresses of the
host names.
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Opens the AutoSupport Test dialog box, which enables you to generate an AutoSupport test
AutoSupport Request
Provides the following AutoSupport requests:
Generate AutoSupport
Generates AutoSupport data for a selected node or all nodes.
View Previous Summary
Displays the status and details of all the previous AutoSupport data.
Updates the information in the window.
Details area
The details area displays AutoSupport setting information such as the node name, AutoSupport
status, transport protocol used, and name of the proxy server.
Related tasks
Setting up a support page on page 25
Setting up the support page completes the cluster setup, and involves setting up the AutoSupport
messages and event notifications, and for single-node clusters, configuring system backup.

You can use System Manager to manage job tasks such as displaying job information and
monitoring the progress of a job.

Jobs are asynchronous task and typically long-running volume operations, such as copying,
moving, or mirroring data. Jobs are placed in a job queue and are run when resources are available.
The cluster administrator can perform all the tasks related to job management.
A job can be one of the following categories:
• A server-affiliated job is placed in queue by the management framework to be run in a specific
• A cluster-affiliated job is placed in queue by the management framework to be run in any node
in the cluster.
• A private job is specific to a node and does not use the replicated database (RDB) or any other
cluster mechanism.
You require the advanced privilege level or higher to run the commands to manage private jobs.
You can manage jobs in the following ways:
• Displaying job information, including the following:
◦ Jobs on a per-node basis
◦ Cluster-affiliated jobs
◦ Completed jobs
◦ Job history
• Monitoring a job's progress
• Displaying information about the initialization state for job managers.
You can determine the outcome of a completed job by checking the event log.
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Job window
You can use the Job window to manage job tasks such as displaying job information and
monitoring the progress of a job.
Command button
Updates the information in the window.
Current Jobs
This tab displays information about the job tasks that are in progress.
Job History
This tab displays information about all the jobs.
Job list
Job ID
Displays the ID of the job.
Start Time
Displays the start time of the job.
Job Name
Displays the name of the job.
Displays the name of the node.
Displays the state of the job.
Job Description
Displays the description of the job.
Displays the state of the job.
Schedule Name
Displays the name of the schedule.

Flash Pool statistics

You can use System Manager to view the real-time SSD tier read and write workloads for a
selected Flash Pool aggregate.

Flash Pool aggregate Statistics window

You can view the real-time SSD tier read and write workloads for a selected Flash Pool aggregate.
This page is not available for a cluster containing nodes with All Flash Optimized personality.
Displaying Statistics for Flash Pool aggregate
From the list of Flash Pool aggregates, you can select the Flash Pool aggregate whose
statistics you want to view.
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SSD Cache Read Workload

Displays a graphical view of the total read requests that are sent to the Flash Pool aggregate in
comparison with the read operations that are performed by the SSD tier.
SSD Cache Write Workload
Displays a graphical view of the total write requests that are sent to the Flash Pool aggregate in
comparison with the write operations that are performed by the SSD tier.
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Managing logical storage

Managing logical storage

You can use System Manager to manage the logical storage such as Storage Virtual Machines
(SVMs), volumes, Qtrees, protocols, policies and so on.

Storage Virtual Machines

You can use System Manager to manage the SVMs in your cluster.
Related information
SAN administration
ONTAP concepts

SVM Dashboard window

The dashboard provides a cumulative at-a-glance information about your SVM and its
performance. You can use the Dashboard window to view important information related to your
SVM such as the protocols configured, the volumes that are nearing capacity, and the
SVM Details
This window displays details about the SVM through various panels such as the protocol status,
volumes nearing capacity, and SVM performance.
Protocol Status
Provides an overview of the protocols that are configured for the SVM. You can click the
protocol name to view the configuration.
If a protocol is not configured or if a protocol license is not available for the SVM, you can
click the protocol name to configure the protocol or add the protocol license.
Volumes Nearing Capacity
Displays information about the volumes that are nearing a capacity utilization of 80 percent
or more, and therefore require immediate attention or corrective action.
Displays information about the top five applications of the SVM. You can view the top five
applications based on capacity, from low to high or high to low. You must click the specific
bar chart to view more information about the application. You can click View details to
open the Applications window of the specific application. You can click View all
applications to view all the applications for the SVM.
The refresh interval for this panel is one minute.
SVM Performance
Displays the performance metrics of the protocols in the SVM, including latency and IOPS.
If the information about the SVM performance cannot be retrieved from Data ONTAP, you
cannot view the respective graph. In such cases, System Manager displays the specific error
The refresh interval for this panel is 15 seconds.
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Managing logical storage

Monitoring SVMs
The dashboard in System Manager enables you to monitor the health and performance of a
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM).
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. View the details in the dashboard panels.

Editing SVM settings

You can use System Manager to edit the properties of Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs), such as
the name service switch, name mapping switch, and aggregate list.
About this task
• You can edit the values of the following SVMs properties:
◦ Name service switch
◦ Protocols that are allowed to serve data
Note: The CIFS protocol that is configured on the SVM continues to serve data even
when you disallow it on that SVM.
◦ The list of aggregates that are available to create volumes
Note: For FlexVol volumes, you can assign aggregates only if you have delegated
administration to an SVM administrator.
• System Manager does not display the values of the name service switch and the name mapping
switch for an SVM that is created through the command-line interface, or whose services are
not configured and not set to the default values by Data ONTAP.
You can use the command-line interface to view the services because the Services tab is
System Manager only displays the name service switch and the name mapping switch of an
SVM when it is created by using System Manager or when services of the SVM are set to their
default values by Data ONTAP.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. In the Details tab, modify the required data protocols.
4. In the Resource Allocation tab, choose one of the following methods to delegate volume

If you want to provision volume Then...

For all aggregates Select the Do not delegate volume creation option.
For specific aggregates a. Select the Delegate volume creation option.
b. Select the required aggregates for delegating volume creation.

5. In the Service tab, specify the name service switch sources for the required database types and
the order in which they should be consulted to retrieve name service information.
The default values for each of the database types are as follows:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 165
Managing logical storage

• hosts: files, dns

• namemap: files
• group: files
• netgroup: files
• passwd: files
6. Click Save and Close.
Related concepts
How ONTAP name service switch configuration works on page 168
ONTAP stores name service configuration information in a table that is the equivalent of
the /etc/nsswitch.conf file on UNIX systems. You must understand the function of the table
and how ONTAP uses it so that you can configure it appropriately for your environment.

Deleting SVMs
You can use System Manager to delete Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) that you no longer
require from the storage system configuration.
Before you begin
You must have completed the following tasks:
1. Disabled the Snapshot copies, data protection (DP) mirrors, and load-sharing (LS) mirrors for
all the volumes
Note: You must use the CLI to disable LS mirrors.
2. Deleted all the igroups that belong to the SVM manually if you are deleting SVMs with
FlexVol volume
3. Deleted all the portsets
4. Deleted all the volumes in the SVM, including the root volume
5. Unmapped the LUNs, taken them offline, and deleted them
6. Deleted the CIFS server if you are deleting SVMs with FlexVol volume
7. Deleted any customized user accounts and roles that are associated with the SVM
8. Stopped the SVM
About this task
When you delete SVMs, the following objects associated with the SVM are also deleted:
• LIFs, LIF failover groups, and LIF routing groups
• Export policies
• Efficiency policies
If you delete SVMs that are configured to use Kerberos, or modify SVMs to use a different
Service Principal Name (SPN), the original service principal of the SVM is not automatically
deleted or disabled from the Kerberos realm. You must manually delete or disable the principal.
You must have the Kerberos realm administrator's user name and password to delete or disable the
If you want to move data from an SVM to another SVM before you delete the first SVM, you can
use the SnapMirror technology.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 166
Managing logical storage

Starting SVMs
You can use System Manager to provide data access from a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) by
starting the SVM.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM that you want to start, and then click Start.
The SVM starts serving data to clients.

Stopping SVMs
You can use System Manager to stop a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) if you want to
troubleshoot any issue with the SVM, delete the SVM, or stop data access from the SVM.
Before you begin
All the clients connected to the SVM must be disconnected.
Attention: If any clients are connected to the SVM when
you stop it, data loss might occur.

About this task

• You cannot stop SVMs during storage failover (SFO).
• When you stop the SVM, an SVM administrator cannot log in to the SVM.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM that you want to stop, and then click Stop.
The SVM stops serving data to clients.

What SVMs are

SVMs contain data volumes and one or more LIFs through which they serve data to clients and
hosts. Each SVM appears as a single dedicated server to a client or host.
A cluster must have at least one SVM to serve data. Multiple SVMs can coexist in a single cluster
without being bound to any node in a cluster. An SVM has a separate administrator authentication
domain and can be managed independently by its SVM administrator.
SVMs can contain files and LUNs. They provide file-level data access by using NFS and CIFS
protocols for the NAS clients, and block-level data access by using iSCSI and Fibre Channel (FC)
(FCoE included) for SAN hosts.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 167
Managing logical storage

Data LIFs
Client access
SVM administrator iSCSI, and
Multiple FlexVol

SVM with FlexVol Volumes

Managing SVMs
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) administrators can administer SVMs and its resources, such as
volumes, protocols, and services, depending on the capabilities assigned by the cluster
administrator. SVM administrators cannot create, modify, or delete SVMs.
Note: SVM administrators cannot log in to System Manager.

SVM administrators might have all or some of the following administration capabilities:
• Data access protocol configuration
SVM administrators can configure data access protocols, such as NFS, CIFS, iSCSI, and Fibre
Channel (FC) protocol (Fibre Channel over Ethernet or FCoE included).
• Services configuration
SVM administrators can configure services such as LDAP, NIS, and DNS.
• Storage management
SVM administrators can manage volumes, quotas, qtrees, and files.
• LUN management in a SAN environment
• Management of Snapshot copies of the volume
• Monitoring SVM
SVM administrators can monitor jobs, network connection, network interface, and the SVM
Related information
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9

Types of SVMs
A cluster consists of three types of SVMs, which help in managing the cluster and its resources
and data access to the clients and applications.
A cluster contains the following types of SVMs:
• Admin SVM
The cluster setup process automatically creates the admin SVM for the cluster. The admin
SVM represents the cluster.
• Node SVM
A node SVM is created when the node joins the cluster, and the node SVM represents the
individual nodes of the cluster.
• System SVM (advanced)
A system SVM is automatically created for cluster-level communications in an IPspace.
• Data SVM
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 168
Managing logical storage

A data SVM represents the data serving SVMs. After the cluster setup, a cluster administrator
must create data SVMs and add volumes to these SVMs to facilitate data access from the
A cluster must have at least one data SVM to serve data to its clients.
Note: Unless otherwise specified, the term SVM refers to data (data-serving) SVM, which
applies to SVMs with FlexVol volumes.
In the CLI, SVMs are displayed as Vservers.

Why you use SVMs

SVMs provide data access to clients regardless of the physical storage or controller, similar to any
storage system. SVMs provide benefits such as nondisruptive operations, scalability, security, and
unified storage.
SVMs provide the following benefits:
• Multi-tenancy
SVM is the fundamental unit of secure multi-tenancy, which enables partitioning of the storage
infrastructure so that it appears as multiple independent storage systems. These partitions
isolate the data and management.
• Nondisruptive operations
SVMs can operate continuously and nondisruptively for as long as they are needed. SVMs help
clusters to operate continuously during software and hardware upgrades, addition and removal
of nodes, and all administrative operations.
• Scalability
SVMs meet on-demand data throughput and the other storage requirements.
• Security
Each SVM appears as a single independent server, which enables multiple SVMs to coexist in
a cluster while ensuring no data flows among them.
• Unified storage
SVMs can serve data concurrently through multiple data access protocols. SVMs provide file-
level data access through NAS protocols, such as CIFS and NFS, and block-level data access
through SAN protocols, such as iSCSI and FC (FCoE included). SVMs can serve data to SAN
and NAS clients independently at the same time.
• Delegation of management
SVM administrators have privileges assigned by the cluster administrator.

How ONTAP name service switch configuration works

ONTAP stores name service configuration information in a table that is the equivalent of
the /etc/nsswitch.conf file on UNIX systems. You must understand the function of the table
and how ONTAP uses it so that you can configure it appropriately for your environment.
The ONTAP name service switch table determines which name service sources ONTAP consults
in which order to retrieve information for a certain type of name service information. ONTAP
maintains a separate name service switch table for each SVM.
Database types
The table stores a separate name service list for each of the following database types:

Database type Defines name service sources for... Valid sources are...
hosts Converting host names to IP addresses files, dns
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 169
Managing logical storage

Database type Defines name service sources for... Valid sources are...
group Looking up user group information files, nis, ldap
passwd Looking up user information files, nis, ldap
netgroup Looking up netgroup information files, nis, ldap
namemap Mapping user names files, ldap

Source types
The sources specify which name service source to use for retrieving the appropriate information.

Specify To look up information in... Managed by the command families...

files Local source files vserver services name-service
vserver services name-service
vserver services name-service
vserver services name-service dns

nis External NIS servers as specified in the NIS domain vserver services name-service
configuration of the SVM nis-domain

ldap External LDAP servers as specified in the LDAP client vserver services name-service
configuration of the SVM ldap

dns External DNS servers as specified in the DNS vserver services name-service dns
configuration of the SVM

Even if you plan to use NIS or LDAP for both data access and SVM administration authentication,
you should still include files and configure local users as a fallback in case NIS or LDAP
authentication fails.
Related tasks
Editing SVM settings on page 164
You can use System Manager to edit the properties of Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs), such as
the name service switch, name mapping switch, and aggregate list.

Storage Virtual Machines window

You can use the Storage Virtual Machines window to manage your Storage Virtual Machines
(SVMs) and display information about them.
You cannot manage (create, edit, delete, start, or stop) an SVM configured for disaster recovery
(DR) by using System Manager. Also, you cannot view the storage objects associated with the
SVM configured for disaster recovery in the application interface.
Command buttons
Opens the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) Setup wizard, which enables you to create a new
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 170
Managing logical storage

Opens the Edit Storage Virtual Machine dialog box, which enables you to modify the
properties, such as the name service switch, name mapping switch, and aggregate list, of a
selected SVM.
Deletes the selected SVMs.
Starts the selected SVM.
Stops the selected SVM.
Manages the storage, policies, and configuration for the selected SVM.
Updates the information in the window.
SVM list
The SVM list displays the name of each SVM and the allowed protocols on it.
You can view only data SVMs by using System Manager.
Displays the name of the SVM.
Displays the SVM state, such as Running, Starting, Stopped, or Stopping.
Displays the subtype of the SVM, which can be one of the following:
• default
Specifies that the SVM is a data-serving SVM.
• dp-destination
Specifies that the SVM is configured for disaster recovery.
• sync-source
Specifies that the SVM is in the primary site of a MetroCluster configuration.
• sync-destination
Specifies that the SVM is in the surviving site of a MetroCluster configuration.
Allowed Protocols
Displays the allowed protocols, such as CIFS and NFS, on each SVM.
Displays the IPspace of the associated SVM.
Volume Type
Displays the allowed volume type, such as FlexVol volume, on each SVM.
Configuration State
Displays whether the configuration state of the SVM is locked or unlocked.
Details area
The area below the SVM list displays detailed information, such as the type of volumes allowed,
language, and Snapshot policy, about the selected SVM.
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Managing logical storage

You can also configure the protocols that are allowed on this SVM. If you have not configured the
protocols while creating the SVM, you can click the protocol link to configure the protocol.
You cannot configure protocols for an SVM configured for disaster recovery by using System
Note: If the FCP service is already started for the SVM, clicking the FC/FCoE link opens the
Network Interfaces window.

The color indicates the status of the protocol configuration:

Status Description
Green LIFs exist and the protocol is configured.
You can click the link to view the configuration details.
Note: Configuration might be partially completed.
However, service is running. You can create the LIFs
and complete the configuration from the Network
Interfaces window.

Yellow Indicates one of the following:

• LIFs exist. Service is created but is not running.
• LIFs exist. Service is not created.
• Service is created. LIFs do not exist.

Grey The protocol is not configured. You can click the protocol
link to configure the protocol.
Grey border The protocol license has expired or is missing. You can
click the protocol link to add the licenses in the Licenses

Peer Storage Virtual Machines area

Displays a list of the SVMs that are peered with the selected SVM along with details of the
applications that are using the peer relationship.

You can use System Manager to create, edit, and delete volumes.
You can access all the volumes in the cluster by using the Volumes tab or you can access the
volumes specific to an SVM by using SVMs > Volumes.
Note: The Volumes tab is displayed only if you have enabled the CIFS and NFS licenses.
Related information
ONTAP concepts
Logical storage management

Editing the volume properties

You can modify volume properties such as the volume name, security style, fractional reserve, and
space guarantee by using System Manager. You can modify storage efficiency settings
(deduplication schedule and policy, and compression) and space reclamation settings.
About this task
• You can set the fractional reserve to either zero percent or 100 percent.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 172
Managing logical storage

• Data compression is not supported on 32-bit volumes.

• For Data ONTAP 8.3.1 clusters, you can enable both inline and background compression for
ONTAP Cloud for Amazon Web Services (AWS).
However, compression is not supported for Data ONTAP Edge.
• You cannot rename a SnapLock Compliance volume.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
The Edit Volume dialog box is displayed.
5. In the General tab, modify the following properties as required:
• Volume name
• Security style for the volume
• Thin provisioning
6. Click the Storage Efficiency tab, and enable storage efficiency by configuring the following
• Deduplication
• Data compression
You cannot enable background compression for a volume that is contained by an aggregate
with All Flash Optimized personality. You can enable only inline compression for these
You can enable inline deduplication only on a volume that is contained by an aggregate with
All Flash Optimized personality, or on a volume in a Flash Pool aggregate.
7. For SnapLock volumes, click the SnapLock tab, and perform the following steps:
a. Specify the autocommit period.
The autocommit period determines how long a file in that volume must remain unchanged
before it is committed to WORM state.
b. Specify the minimum retention period and maximum retention period.
The values must be in the range of 1 day through 70 years or Infinite.
c. Select the default retention period.
The default retention period must be within the specified minimum retention period and
maximum retention period.
8. Click the Advanced tab, and enable the following properties:
• If you want the volume to automatically grow when the used space in the volume is above
the grow threshold, select Grow.
• If you want the volume to grow or shrink in size in response to the amount of used space,
select Grow or Shrink.
a. Specify the maximum size to which the volume can grow.
• Enable automatic deletion of older Snapshot copies by choosing one of the following
◦ Try
Deletes the Snapshot copies that are not locked by any other subsystems.
◦ Destroy
Deletes the Snapshot copies that are locked by the data-backing functionality.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 173
Managing logical storage

◦ Disrupt
Deletes the Snapshot copies that can disrupt the data transfer.
• Select the caching policy that you want to assign to the volume.
This option is available only for FlexVol volumes in a Flash Pool aggregate.
• Select the retention priority for cached data in the volume.
This option is available only for FlexVol volumes in a Flash Pool aggregate.
• Specify the fractional reserve that you want to set for the volume.
• Update the access time for reading the file.
This option is disabled for SnapLock volumes.
9. Click Save and Close.
Related tasks
Setting up CIFS on page 250
You can use System Manager to enable and configure CIFS servers to allow CIFS clients to access
files on the cluster.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Editing data protection volumes

You can use System Manager to modify the volume name for a data protection (DP) volume. If the
source volume does not have storage efficiency enabled, you might want to enable storage
efficiency only on the destination volume.
About this task
You cannot modify storage efficiency on a mirror DP volume.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the data protection volume for which you want to edit the properties, and then click
5. In the Edit Data Protection Volume dialog box, modify the volume name.
6. Select Enable Storage Efficiency.
If storage efficiency is already enabled on the volume, then the check box is selected by
7. Optional: Click the Advanced tab, and perform the following steps:
a. Select the caching policy that you want to assign to the volume.
b. Select the retention priority for the cached data in the volume.
These options are only available for data protection FlexVol volumes in a Flash Pool aggregate.
8. Click Save.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 174
Managing logical storage

Deleting volumes
You can use System Manager to delete a volume when you no longer require the data that it
contains, or if you have copied the data that it contains to another location. When you delete a
volume, all the data in the volume is destroyed, and you cannot recover this data.
Before you begin
• If the FlexVol volume is cloned, the FlexClone volumes must be either split from the parent
volume or destroyed.
• The volume must be unmounted and in the offline state.
• If the volume is in one or more SnapMirror relationships, the SnapMirror relationships must be
• You can delete a complete SnapLock Enterprise volume or a file in a SnapLock Enterprise
volume; however, you cannot delete only the data within a file in a SnapLock Enterprise
• You cannot delete a SnapLock Compliance volume if data is committed to the volume.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volumes that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
5. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Creating FlexClone volumes

You can use System Manager to create a FlexClone volume when you require a writable, point-in-
time copy of an existing FlexVol volume. You might want to create a copy of a volume for testing
or to provide access to the volume for additional users, without giving them access to the
production data.
Before you begin
• The FlexClone license must be installed on the storage system.
• The volume that you want to clone must be online and a non-root volume.
About this task
The base Snapshot copy that is used to create a FlexClone volume of a SnapMirror destination is
marked as busy and cannot be deleted. If a FlexClone volume is created from a Snapshot copy that
is not the most recent Snapshot copy, and that Snapshot copy no longer exists on the source
volume, all SnapMirror updates to the destination volume fail.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume from the volume list.
5. Click Actions > Clone > Create > Volume.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 175
Managing logical storage

6. In the Create FlexClone Volume dialog box, type the name of the FlexClone volume that you
want to create.
7. Optional: If you want to enable thin provisioning for the new FlexClone volume, select Thin
By default, this setting is the same as that of the parent volume.
8. Create a new Snapshot copy or select an existing Snapshot copy that you want to use as the
base Snapshot copy for creating the new FlexClone volume.
9. Click Clone.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Creating FlexClone files

You can use System Manager to create a FlexClone file, which is a writable copy of a parent file.
You can use these copies to test applications.
Before you begin
• The file that is cloned must be part of the active file system.
• The FlexClone license must be installed on the storage system.
About this task
• FlexClone files are supported only for FlexVol volumes.
You can create a FlexClone file of a parent file that is within a volume by accessing the parent
file from the volume it resides in and not the parent volume.
• You cannot create a FlexClone file on a SnapLock volume.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume from the volume list.
5. Click Actions > Clone > Create > File.
6. In the Create FlexClone File dialog box, select the file that you want to clone, and then
specify a name for the FlexClone file.
7. Click Clone.
The FlexClone file is created in the same volume as the parent file.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 176
Managing logical storage

You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Splitting a FlexClone volume from its parent volume

If you want a FlexClone volume to have its own disk space rather than using that of its parent
volume, you can split the volume from its parent by using System Manager. After the split, the
FlexClone volume becomes a normal FlexVol volume.
Before you begin
The FlexClone volume must be online.
About this task
The clone-splitting operation deletes all the existing Snapshot copies of the clone. The Snapshot
copies that are required for SnapMirror updates are also deleted. Therefore, any further
SnapMirror updates might fail.
You can pause the clone-splitting operation if you have to perform any other operation on the
volume. You can resume the process after the operation is complete.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the FlexClone volume that you want to split from its parent volume.
5. Click Actions > Clone > Split.
6. Confirm the clone-split operation, and then click Start Split in the confirmation dialog box.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Viewing the FlexClone volume hierarchy

You can use System Manager to view the hierarchy of FlexClone volumes and their parent
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume from the volume list.
5. Click Actions > Clone > View Hierarchy.
Volumes that have at least one child FlexClone volume are displayed. The FlexClone volumes
are displayed as children of their respective parent volumes.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 177
Managing logical storage

You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Changing the status of a volume

You can use System Manager to change the status of a volume when you want to take the volume
offline, bring it back online, or restrict access to the volume. However, you cannot take a root
volume offline.
Before you begin
• If you want a volume to be the target of a volume copy or a SnapMirror replication operation,
the volume must be in the restricted state.
• For NAS volumes, the volume must be unmounted before you can take it offline.
About this task
You can take a volume offline to perform maintenance on the volume, move it, or destroy it. When
a volume is offline, it is unavailable for read or write access by clients.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume for which you want to modify the status.
5. From the Actions > Change status to menu, click the volume status that you want.
6. In the confirmation dialog box, click the button for the volume status that you want.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Viewing the Snapshot copies

You can use System Manager to view a list of all the saved Snapshot copies for a selected volume
from the Snapshot Copies tab in the lower pane of the Volumes window. You can use the list of
saved Snapshot copies to rename, restore, or delete the selected Snapshot copy.
Before you begin
The volume must be online.
About this task
You can view Snapshot copies for only one volume at a time.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Expand the required volume.
5. Click the Show More Details link to view more information about the volume.
6. Click Snapshot Copies tab.
The list of available Snapshot copies for the selected volume is displayed.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 178
Managing logical storage

Creating Snapshot copies

You can use System Manager to create a Snapshot copy of a volume outside a specified schedule
to capture the state of the file system at a specific point in time.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Click Actions > Manage Snapshots > Create.
5. In the Create Snapshot Copy dialog box, if you want to change the default name, specify a
new name for the Snapshot copy.
Valid characters are ASCII characters, numerals, the hyphen (-), underscore (_), period (.), and
the plus (+) symbols.
The default name of a Snapshot copy consists of the volume name and the timestamp.
6. Click Create.
7. Verify that the Snapshot copy you created is included in the list of Snapshot copies in the
Snapshot Copies tab.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Setting the Snapshot copy reserve

You can use System Manager to reserve space (in percentage) for Snapshot copies in a volume.
Setting the Snapshot copy reserve ensures that enough disk space is allocated for the Snapshot
copies so that they do not consume the active file system space.
About this task
• The default space reserved for Snapshot copies is five percent for SAN and VMware volumes.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume for which you want to set the Snapshot copy reserve.
5. Click Actions > Manage Snapshots > Configure.
6. Type or select the percentage of the volume space that you want to reserve for the Snapshot
copies, and then click OK.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 179
Managing logical storage

You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Hiding the Snapshot copy directory

You can use System Manager to hide the Snapshot copy directory (.snapshot) so that it is not
visible when you view your volume directories. By default, the .snapshot directory is visible.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume for which you want to hide the Snapshot copy directory.
5. Click Actions > Manage Snapshots > Configure.
6. Ensure that Make snapshot directory (.snapshot) visible is not selected, and then click Ok.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Scheduling automatic Snapshot copies

You can use System Manager to set up a schedule for creating automatic Snapshot copies of a
volume. You can specify the time and frequency of creating the copies and specify the number of
Snapshot copies that are saved.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Click Actions > Manage Snapshots > Configure.
5. In the Configure Volume Snapshot Copies dialog box, select Enable scheduled Snapshot
6. Select a Snapshot policy.
Only policy-based Snapshot policies are available.
7. Click OK to save your changes and start your Snapshot copy schedule.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Restoring a volume from a Snapshot copy

You can use System Manager to restore a volume to a state recorded in a previously created
Snapshot copy to retrieve lost information. When you restore a Snapshot copy, the restore
operation overwrites the existing volume configuration. Any changes made to the data in the
volume after the Snapshot copy was created are lost.
Before you begin
• The SnapRestore license must be installed on your system.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 180
Managing logical storage

• If the FlexVol volume you want to restore contains a LUN, the LUN must be unmounted or
• There must be enough available space for the restored volume.
• Users accessing the volume must be notified that you are going to revert a volume, and that the
data from the selected Snapshot copy replaces the current data in the volume.
About this task
• If the volume contains junction points to other volumes, the volumes mounted on these
junction points will not be restored.
• You cannot restore Snapshot copies for SnapLock Compliance volumes.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume that you want to restore from a Snapshot copy.
5. Click Actions > Manage Snapshots > Restore.
6. Select the appropriate Snapshot copy, and then click Restore.
7. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Restore.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Extending the expiry date of Snapshot copies

You can use System Manager to extend the expiry date of Snapshot copies in a volume.
Before you begin
The SnapLock license must be installed.
About this task
You can extend the expiry date only for Snapshot copies in a data protection (DP) volume that is
the destination in a SnapLock for SnapVault relationship.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Expand the required volume.
5. Click the Show More Details link to view more information about the volume.
6. Click Snapshot Copies tab.
The list of available Snapshot copies for the selected volume is displayed.
7. Select the Snapshot copy, and then click Extend Expiry Date.
8. In the Extend Expiry Date dialog box, specify the expiry date.
The values must be in the range of 1 day through 70 years or Infinite.
9. Click OK.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 181
Managing logical storage

Renaming Snapshot copies

You can use System Manager to rename a Snapshot copy to help you organize and manage your
Snapshot copies.
About this task
• You cannot rename the Snapshot copies of a SnapLock DP volume, which are committed to
WORM, that is in a SnapVault relationship.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Expand the required volume.
5. Click the Show More Details link to view more information about the volume.
6. Click Snapshot Copies tab.
The list of available Snapshot copies for the selected volume is displayed.
7. Select the Snapshot copy that you want to rename, and then click Actions > Rename.
8. Specify the new name, and then click Rename.
Valid characters are ASCII characters, numerals, hyphen (-), underscore (_), period (.), and the
plus (+) symbol.
9. Verify the Snapshot copy name in the Snapshot Copies tab of the Volumes window.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Deleting Snapshot copies

You can delete a Snapshot copy to conserve disk space or to free disk space by using System
Manager. You can also delete a Snapshot copy if it is no longer required.
Before you begin
If you want to delete a Snapshot copy that is busy or locked, you must have released the Snapshot
copy from the application that was using it.
About this task
• You cannot delete the base Snapshot copy in a parent volume if a FlexClone volume is using
that Snapshot copy.
The base Snapshot copy is the Snapshot copy that is used to create the FlexClone volume. The
base Snapshot copy always displays the status busy and Application Dependency as
busy,vclone in the parent volume.
• You cannot delete a locked Snapshot copy that is used in a SnapMirror relationship.
The Snapshot copy is locked and is required for the next update.
• You cannot delete a Snapshot copy from a SnapLock DP volume that is used in a SnapVault
relationship before the Snapshot copy's expiry time.
• You cannot delete the unexpired Snapshot copies of a SnapLock DP volume, which are
committed to WORM, that is in a SnapVault relationship.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 182
Managing logical storage

3. Click the Volumes tab.

4. Expand the required volume.
5. Click the Show More Details link to view more information about the volume.
6. Click Snapshot Copies tab.
The list of available Snapshot copies for the selected volume is displayed.
7. Select the Snapshot copy that you want to delete.
8. Click Delete.
9. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these
Related information
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9

Resizing volumes
When your volume reaches nearly full capacity, you can increase the size of the volume, delete
some Snapshot copies, or adjust the Snapshot reserve. You can use the Volume Resize wizard in
System Manager to provide more free space.
About this task
• For a volume that is configured to grow automatically, you can modify the limit to which the
volume can grow automatically, based on the increased size of the volume.
• You cannot resize a data protection volume if its mirror relationship is broken or if a reverse
resynchronization operation has been performed on the volume.
Instead, you must use the command-line interface (CLI).
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume that you want to resize.
5. Click Actions > Resize.
6. Type or select information as prompted by the wizard.
7. Confirm the details, and then click Finish to complete the wizard.
8. Verify the changes you made to the available space and total space of the volume in the
Volumes window.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 183
Managing logical storage

You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Enabling storage efficiency on a volume

You can use System Manager to enable storage efficiency and configure deduplication and data
compression or only deduplication on a volume to save storage space. If you have not enabled
storage efficiency when you created the volume, you can do so later by editing the volume.
Before you begin
• The volume must be online.
• If you want to use a policy-based deduplication schedule, you must have created an efficiency
About this task
• You can enable background compression only if you have enabled background deduplication.
• You can enable inline compression and inline deduplication with or without enabling
background compression and background deduplication respectively.
• You can enable inline deduplication only on volumes contained by an aggregate with All Flash
Optimized personality and on volumes contained by a Flash Pool aggregate.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume for which you want to enable storage efficiency, and then click Edit.
5. In the Edit Volume dialog box, click Storage Efficiency.
6. Select the Background Deduplication check box.
7. Select one of the following methods to run deduplication:

If you want to run Then...

Based on a storage efficiency a. Ensure that the Policy based option is selected.
policy b. Click Choose to select a storage efficiency policy.
c. Click OK.

When required Select the On-demand option.

8. Optional: Select the Background Compression check box to enable background
You cannot enable background compression for a volume contained by an aggregate with All
Flash Optimized personality.
9. Optional: Select the Inline Compression check box to compress data while it is being
written to the volume.
By default, inline compression is enabled on volumes contained by an aggregate with All
Flash Optimized personality.
10. Optional: Select the Inline Deduplication check box to run deduplication before data is
written to the disk.
By default, inline deduplication is enabled on volumes contained by an aggregate with All
Flash Optimized personality.
11. Click Save and Close.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 184
Managing logical storage

Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Changing the deduplication schedule

You can use System Manager to change the deduplication schedule by choosing to run
deduplication manually, automatically, or on a schedule that you specify.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the read/write volume for which you want to modify the deduplication schedule.
5. Click Edit, and then click the Storage Efficiency tab.
6. Change the deduplication schedule as required.
7. Click Save and Close.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Running deduplication operations

You can use System Manager to run deduplication immediately after creating a volume, or
schedule deduplication to run at a specified time.
Before you begin
• Deduplication must be enabled on the volume.
• The volume must be online and mounted.
About this task
Deduplication is a background process that consumes system resources during the operation;
therefore, it might impact other operations that are in progress. You must cancel deduplication
before you can perform any other operation.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume for which you want to run deduplication.
5. Click Actions > Storage Efficiency.
6. If you are running deduplication on the volume for the first time, run deduplication on the
entire volume data by selecting Scan Entire Volume in the Storage Efficiency dialog box.
7. Click Start.
8. View the last-run details of the deduplication operation in the Storage Efficiency tab of the
Volumes window.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 185
Managing logical storage

You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Moving FlexVol volumes between aggregates or nodes

You can nondisruptively move a FlexVol volume to a different aggregate or a different node for
capacity utilization and improved performance by using System Manager.
Before you begin
If you are moving a data protection volume, the data protection mirror relationships must be
initialized before you move the volume.
About this task
You cannot move SnapLock volumes between aggregates and nodes.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume that you want to move.
5. Click Actions > Move.
6. In the Move Volume dialog box, select the destination aggregate or node for the volume, and
then change the tiering policy.
• You cannot change the tiering policy of a root volume.
• You cannot move the root volume to FabricPool.
• For read/write volumes, you can set the tiering policy as "back up" during the volume
move. The tiering policy changes to "snapshot-only" after the move.
• Capacity tier values displayed in the "Used After Move" in both source and destination
aggregates are estimated values. For the exact values, navigate to the Aggregate window
and view the details on the specific aggregate.

7. Click Move.

Manually triggering the cutover for volume move

For a volume move operation, you can use System Manager to manually trigger the cutover when
the volume enters the cutover deferred phase. You can set the duration of the cutover and the
cutover action to be performed by the system if the operation fails within that duration.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Expand the volume for which the volume move operation has been initiated.
5. Click the Show More Details link to view more information about the volume.
6. In the Overview tab, click Cutover.
7. In the Cutover dialog box, click Advanced Options.
8. Optional: Specify the cutover action and the cutover window period.
9. Click OK.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 186
Managing logical storage

Assigning volumes to Storage QoS

You can limit the throughput of FlexVol volumes by assigning them to Storage Quality of Service
(QoS) policy groups. You can assign Storage QoS for new volumes or modify Storage QoS details
for volumes that are already assigned to a policy group by using System Manager.
About this task
• You can assign Storage QoS only to read/write (rw) volumes that are online.
• You cannot assign Storage QoS to a volume if the following storage objects are assigned to a
policy group:
◦ Parent Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) of the volume
◦ Child LUNs of the volume
◦ Child files of the volume
• You can assign Storage QoS or modify QoS details for a maximum of 10 volumes at the same
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select one or more volumes for which you want to assign Storage QoS.
5. Click Actions > Storage QoS.
6. In the Quality of Service Details dialog box, select the Manage Storage Quality of Service
check box if you want to manage the workload performance of the FlexVol volume.
If some of the volumes you selected are already assigned to a policy group, the changes that
you make might affect the performance of these volumes.
7. Create a new storage QoS policy group or select an existing policy group to control the input/
output (I/O) performance of the FlexVol volume:

If you want to... Do this...

Create a new policy group a. Select New Policy Group.
b. Specify the policy group name.
c. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum
throughput value is set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as the
value and this value is case-sensitive.
d. Specify the maximum throughput limit to ensure that the workload of the
objects in the policy group do not exceed the specified throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must
be of the same unit type.
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set the
maximum throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system
automatically displays "Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-
sensitive. The unit that you specify does not affect the maximum
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 187
Managing logical storage

If you want to... Do this...

Select an existing policy group a. Select Existing Policy Group, and then click Choose to select an existing
policy group from the Select Policy Group dialog box.
b. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum
throughput value is set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as the
value and this value is case-sensitive.
c. Specify the maximum throughput limit to ensure that the workload of the
objects in the policy group do not exceed the specified throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must
be of the same unit type.
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set the
maximum throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system
automatically displays "Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-
sensitive. The unit that you specify does not affect the maximum
If the policy group is assigned to more than one object, the maximum throughput
that you specify is shared among the objects.

8. Optional: Click the link that specifies the number of volumes to review the list of selected
volumes, and then click Discard if you want to remove any volumes from the list.
The link is displayed only when multiple volumes are selected.
9. Click OK.

Creating a mirror relationship from a source SVM

You can use System Manager to create a mirror relationship from the source Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM), and to assign a mirror policy and schedule to the mirror relationship. The mirror
copy enables quick availability of data if the data on the source volume is corrupted or lost.
Before you begin
• The SnapMirror license must be enabled on the source cluster and the destination cluster.
• While mirroring a volume, if you create a SnapLock volume, then the SnapMirror and
SnapLock licenses must be installed on both the source cluster and destination cluster.
• The source cluster and destination cluster must be in a healthy peer relationship.
• The destination aggregate must have free space available.
• If the destination volume exists, the volume must not be the destination for any other mirror
• The capacity of the destination volume must be greater than or equal to the capacity of the
source volume.
• If autogrow is disabled, the free space on the destination volume must be at least five percent
more than the used space on the source volume.
About this task
• System Manager does not support a cascade relationship.
For example, a destination volume in a relationship cannot be the source volume in another
• You can create a mirror relationship between SnapLock volumes of the same type only.
For example, if the source volume is a SnapLock Enterprise volume, then the destination
volume must also be a SnapLock Enterprise volume.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 188
Managing logical storage

• You can use System Manager to only view the FlexGroup volume relationships.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume for which you want to create a mirror relationship, and then click Actions
> Protect.
The Protect option is available only for a read/write volume.
5. In the Create Protection Relationship dialog box, select Mirror from the Relationship
Type drop-down list.
6. Optional: Select the Create version-flexible mirror relationship check box to create a
mirror relationship that is independent of the ONTAP version running on the source cluster
and destination cluster, and to back up the Snapshot copies from the source volume.
If you select this option, the SnapLock volumes will not be displayed.
7. Specify the cluster, the SVM, and the destination volume.
8. If the selected SVM is not peered, use the Authenticate link to enter the credentials of the
remote cluster and create the SVM peer relationship.
9. Optional: Enter an alias name for the remote SVM in the Enter Alias Name for SVM dialog
10. For FlexVol volumes, create a new destination volume or select an existing volume:

If you want to... Do the following...

Create a new volume If you want to change the default name, which is displayed in the format
source_SVM_name_source_volume_name_mirror, specify a new name, and
select the containing aggregate for the destination volume.
Select an existing volume Select the Select Volume option.
Note: Only those volumes with the same language attribute as that of the
source volume are listed.

11. Select an existing policy or create a new policy:

If you want to... Do the following...

Select an existing policy Select a mirror policy from the list.
Create a new policy a. Click Create Policy.
b. Specify a policy name, and set the schedule transfer priority.
Low indicates that the transfer has the least priority and is usually scheduled
after normal priority transfers. By default, the priority is set to normal.
c. Select the Transfer All Source Snapshot Copies check box to include the
"all_source_snapshots" rule to the mirror policy, which will enable you to
back up all the Snapshot copies from the source volume.
d. Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data
that is being transferred.
e. Click Create.

12. Specify a schedule for the relationship:

Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 189
Managing logical storage

If... Do the following...

You want to assign an existing From the list of schedules, select an existing schedule.
You want to create a new a. Click Create Schedule.
schedule b. Specify a name for the schedule.
c. Select either Basic or Advanced.
• Basic: You can select this option to specify only the day of the week,
time, and the transfer interval.
• Advanced: You can select this option to specify a cron-style schedule.
d. Click Create.

You do not want to assign a Select None.

13. Select Initialize Relationship.
14. Click Create.
A new destination volume of type dp is created with the following default settings:
• Autogrow is enabled.
• Compression is disabled.
• The language attribute is set to match the language attribute of the source volume.
If the destination FlexVol volume is on a different SVM than the source, then a peer relationship is
created between the two SVMs if the relationship does not already exist.
A mirror relationship is created between the source volume and the destination volume. The base
Snapshot copy is transferred to the destination volume if you have opted to initialize the
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Creating a vault relationship from a source SVM

You can use System Manager to create a vault relationship from the source Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM), and to assign a vault policy to the vault relationship to create a backup vault. In
the event of data loss or corruption on a system, backed-up data can be restored from the backup
vault destination.
Before you begin
• The SnapVault license or SnapMirror license must be enabled on both the source cluster and
the destination cluster.
• The source cluster and destination cluster must be in a healthy peer relationship.
• The destination aggregate must have available space.
• The source aggregate and the destination aggregate must be 64-bit aggregates.
• A vault (XDP) policy must exist.
If a vault policy does not exist, you must create one or accept the default vault policy (named
XDPDefault) that is automatically assigned.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 190
Managing logical storage

• The capacity of the destination volume must be greater than or equal to the capacity of the
source volume.
• If autogrow is disabled, the free space on the destination volume must be at least five percent
more than the used space on the source volume.
About this task
• System Manager does not support a cascade relationship.
For example, a destination volume in a relationship cannot be the source volume in another
• You can create a vault relationship only between a non-SnapLock (primary) volume and a
Snaplock destination (secondary) volume.
• You can use System Manager to only view the FlexGroup volume relationships.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume for which you want to create a vault relationship, and then click Actions >
The Protect option is available only for a read/write volume.
5. In the Create Protection Relationship dialog box, select Vault from the Relationship Type
drop-down list.
6. Specify the cluster, the SVM, and the destination volume.
7. If the selected SVM is not peered, use the Authenticate link to enter the credentials of the
remote cluster, and create an SVM peer relationship.
8. Optional: Enter an alias name for the remote SVM in the Enter Alias Name for SVM dialog
9. Create a new destination volume or select an existing volume:

If you want to... Do the following...

Create a new volume a. If you want to change the default name, which is displayed in the format
source_SVM_name_source_volume_name_vault, specify a new name,
and select the containing aggregate for the destination volume.
b. Select Enable dedupe to enable deduplication on the new destination
If deduplication is disabled on the source volume, then the check box for
the new volume is selected by default.

Select an existing volume Select the Select Volume option.

Note: Only those volumes with the same language attribute as that of the
source volume are listed.

10. If you are creating a SnapLock volume, specify the default retention period.
The default retention period can be set to any value between 1 day through 70 years or
11. Select an existing policy or create a new policy:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 191
Managing logical storage

If you want to... Do the following...

Select an existing policy Select a vault policy from the list.
You can select a policy that has the maximum number of matching labels with
the Snapshot policy that is attached to the source volume.

Create a new policy a. Click Create Policy.

b. Specify a policy name, and set the schedule transfer priority.
Low indicates that the transfer has the least priority and is usually scheduled
after normal priority transfers. By default, the priority is set to normal.
c. Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data
that is being transferred.
d. Click Create.
You can also specify the SnapMirror label and destination retention count for
the vault policy. For the new SnapMirror label to be effective, you must ensure
that a Snapshot copy with the same label is created on the source volume.

12. Specify a schedule for the relationship:

If... Do the following...

You want to assign an existing From the list of schedules, select an existing schedule.
You want to create a new a. Click Create Schedule.
schedule b. Specify a name for the schedule.
c. Select Basic or Advanced.

Basic: You can select this option to specify only the day of the week,
time, and the transfer interval.
• Advanced: You can select this option to specify a cron-style schedule.
d. Click Create.

You do not want to assign a Select None.

13. Optional: Select Initialize Relationship.
14. Click Create.
If you chose to create a new destination volume, a volume of type dp is created with the following
default settings:
• Autogrow is enabled.
• Deduplication is enabled or disabled as per the user preference or the source volume
deduplication setting.
• Compression is disabled.
• The language attribute is set to match the language attribute of the source volume.
If the destination volume is on a different SVM than the source volume, then a peer relationship is
created between the two SVMs if a peer relationship did not exist.
A vault relationship is created between the source volume and the destination volume. The base
Snapshot copy is transferred to the destination volume if you have opted to initialize the
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 192
Managing logical storage

Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Creating a mirror and vault relationship from a source SVM

You can use System Manager to create a mirror and vault relationship from the source Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM). Creating this relationship enables you to better protect your data by
periodically transferring data from the source volume to the destination volume. It also enables
you to retain data for long periods by creating backups of the source volume.
Before you begin
• The source cluster must be running ONTAP 8.3.2 or later.
• The SnapMirror license must be enabled on both the source cluster and destination cluster that
contain the source volume and destination volume.
• The source cluster and destination cluster must be in a healthy peer relationship.
• The destination aggregate must have available space.
• The source aggregate and the destination aggregate must be 64-bit aggregates.
• If the destination volume exists, the volume must not be the destination for any other
protection relationship.
• The capacity of the destination volume must be greater than or equal to the capacity of the
source volume.
• If autogrow is disabled, the free space on the destination volume must be at least five percent
more than the used space on the source volume.
About this task
• System Manager does not support a cascade relationship.
For example, a destination volume in a relationship cannot be the source volume in another
• The destination volume that is created for a mirror and vault relationship is not thin-
• You can use System Manager to only view the FlexGroup volume relationships.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume for which you want to create a mirror and vault relationship, and then click
Actions > Protect.
The Protect option is available only for a read/write volume.
5. In the Create Protection Relationship dialog box, select Mirror and Vault from the
Relationship Type drop-down list.
6. Specify the cluster, the SVM, and the destination volume.
7. If the selected SVM is not peered, use the Authenticate link to enter the credentials of the
remote cluster and create the SVM peer relationship.
8. Optional: Enter an alias name for the remote SVM in the Enter Alias Name for SVM dialog
9. Create a new destination volume or select an existing volume:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 193
Managing logical storage

If you want to... Do the following...

Create a new volume a. If you want to change the default name, which is displayed in the format
source_SVM_name_source_volume_name_mirror_vault, specify a new
name, and then select the containing aggregate for the destination volume.
b. Select Enable dedupe to enable deduplication on the new destination
If deduplication is disabled on the source volume, then the check box for
the new volume is selected by default.

Select an existing volume Select the Select Volume option.

Note: Only those volumes with the same language attribute as the source
volume are listed.

10. Select an existing policy or create a new policy:

If you want to... Do the following...

Select an existing policy Click Browse, and then select a mirror and vault policy.
You can select the policy that has the maximum number of matching labels
with the Snapshot policy that is attached to the source volume.

Create a new policy a. Click Create Policy.

b. Specify the policy name, and set the schedule transfer priority.
Low indicates that the transfer has the least priority and is usually scheduled
after normal priority transfers. By default, the priority is set to normal.
c. Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data
that is being transferred.
d. Click Create.
You can also specify the SnapMirror label and destination retention count for
the policy. For the new SnapMirror label to be effective, you must ensure that a
Snapshot copy with the same label is created on the source volume.

11. Specify a schedule for the relationship:

If... Do the following...

You want to assign an existing From the list of schedules, select an existing schedule.
You want to create a new a. Click Create Schedule.
schedule b. Specify a name for the schedule.
c. Select Basic or Advanced.

Basic: You can select this option to specify only the day of the week,
time, and the transfer interval.
• Advanced: You can select this option to specify a cron-style schedule.
d. Click Create.

You do not want to assign a Select None.

12. Optional: Select Initialize Relationship to initialize the relationship.
13. Click Create.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 194
Managing logical storage

Creating an NFS datastore for VMware

You can use the Create NFS Datastore for VMware wizard in System Manager to create an NFS
datastore for VMware. You can create a volume for the NFS datastore and specify the ESX servers
that can access the NFS datastore.
Before you begin
The NFS service must be licensed.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume, and then click Actions > Provision Storage for VMware.
5. In the Create NFS Datastore for VMware wizard, type or select information as requested by
the wizard.
6. Confirm the details, and then click Finish to complete the wizard.

Changing the tiering policy of a volume

You can use System Manager to change the default tiering policy of a FabricPool.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the volume, and then click Actions > Change Tiering Policy.
5. Change the tiering policy from the Tiering Policy list, and then click Save.

Creating FlexGroup volumes

You can use System Manager to create a FlexGroup volume by selecting specific aggregates or by
selecting system recommended aggregates.
About this task
• You can create only read/write (rw) FlexGroup volumes.
• You cannot create FlexGroup volumes in a MetroCluster configuration.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Click Create > Create FlexGroup.
5. In the Create FlexGroup window, specify a name for the FlexGroup volume.
6. Select Recommended per best practices or select Select aggregates and choose the required
7. Optional: Select the space reserve.
8. Specify a size for the FlexGroup volume.
9. Click Create to create the FlexGroup volume.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 195
Managing logical storage

You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Editing FlexGroup volumes

You can use System Manager to edit the properties of an existing FlexGroup volume.
Before you begin
The FlexGroup volume must be online.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the FlexGroup volume that you want to modify, and click Edit.
5. Select the security style for the FlexGroup volume.
6. Enable Fractional Reserve (100%) to enable fractional reserve for the FlexGroup volume.
7. Enable Update Access Time on Read to specify the access time when a file is read.
8. Click Save Changes to save the changes.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Resizing FlexGroup volumes

You can use System Manager to resize a FlexGroup volume by resizing existing resources or
adding new resources.
Before you begin
• To resize a FlexGroup volume, there must be enough free space on the existing aggregates.
• To expand a FlexGroup volume, there must be enough free space on the aggregate that you are
using for expansion.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the FlexGroup volume that you want to resize, and then click Actions > Resize.
5. Select a resize option:

If you want to... Then...

Resize using existing resources a. Click Resizing using the existing resources.
b. Specify the size to which you want to resize the FlexGroup volume.
c. Specify the percentage of Snapshot reserve.

Expand by adding new resources a. Click Expanding by adding new resources.

b. Select the aggregates that you want to use for adding resources.
c. Specify the size to which you want to expand the FlexGroup volume.
d. Specify the percentage of Snapshot reserve.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 196
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6. Click Resize to resize the FlexGroup volume.

Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Changing the status of a FlexGroup volume

You can use System Manager to change the status of a FlexGroup volume when you want to take
the FlexGroup volume offline, bring it back online, or restrict access to the FlexGroup volume.
About this task
System Manager does not support constituent level of management for FlexGroup volumes.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the FlexGroup volume for which you want to modify the status.
5. Click Actions > Change status to, and then update the FlexGroup volume status by selecting
the status of your choice.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Deleting FlexGroup volumes

You can use System Manager to delete a FlexGroup volume when you no longer require the
FlexGroup volume.
Before you begin
• The junction path of the FlexGroup volume must be unmounted.
• The FlexGroup volume must be offline.
About this task
System Manager does not support constituent level of management for FlexGroup volumes.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. Select the FlexGroup volume that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
5. Select the confirmation check box, and then click OK.
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 197
Managing logical storage

You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

Viewing FlexGroup volume information

You can use System Manager to view information about a FlexGroup volume. You can view a
graphical representation of the space allocated, the protection status, and the performance of the
FlexGroup volume.
About this task
You can also view the Snapshot copies that are available for the FlexGroup volume, the data
protection relationships for the FlexGroup volume, and the average performance metrics, read
performance metrics, and write performance metrics of the FlexGroup volume based on latency,
IOPS, and throughput.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Volumes tab.
4. From the displayed list of FlexGroup volumes, expand the FlexGroup volume about which you
want to view information.
The information about the FlexGroup volume, the space allocated to the FlexGroup volume,
the protection status of the FlexGroup volume, and the performance information about the
FlexGroup volume are displayed.
5. Click the Show More Details link to view more information about the FlexGroup volume.
6. Click the Snapshot Copies tab to view the Snapshot copies for the FlexGroup volume.
7. Click the Data Protection tab to view the data protection relationships for the FlexGroup
8. Click the Performance tab to view the average performance metrics, read performance
metrics, and write performance metrics of the FlexGroup volume based on latency, IOPS, and
Related reference
Volumes window on page 204
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these

What volume granular encryption is

Volume granular encryption (VGE) is the process of protecting the user data, including the
metadata, by encrypting the data before storing it on the disk. The data is decrypted and provided
to the user only after proper authentication is provided. To encrypt data, an encryption key is
required. Each volume is assigned an encryption key to encrypt/decrypt operations of its data.

How FlexVol volumes work

FlexVol volumes allow you to manage the logical layer of the file system independently of the
physical layer of storage. Multiple FlexVol volumes can exist within a single separate, physically
defined aggregate structure of disks and RAID groups. FlexVol volumes contained by the same
aggregate share the physical storage resources, RAID configuration, and plex structure of that
Using multiple FlexVol volumes enables you to do the following:
• Perform administrative and maintenance tasks (for example, backup and restore) on individual
FlexVol volumes rather than on a single, large file system.
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• Set services (for example, Snapshot copy schedules) differently for individual FlexVol
• Minimize interruptions in data availability by taking individual FlexVol volumes offline to
perform administrative tasks on them while the other FlexVol volumes remain online.
• Save time by backing up and restoring individual FlexVol volumes instead of all the file
systems an aggregate contains.

Considerations for creating a FlexClone volume from a SnapMirror source or destination

You can create a FlexClone volume from the source or destination volume in an existing volume
SnapMirror relationship. However, doing so could prevent future SnapMirror replication
operations from completing successfully.
Replication might not work because when you create the FlexClone volume, you might lock a
Snapshot copy that is used by SnapMirror. If this happens, SnapMirror stops replicating to the
destination volume until the FlexClone volume is destroyed or is split from its parent. You have
two options for addressing this issue:
• If you require the FlexClone volume on a temporary basis and can accommodate a temporary
stoppage of the SnapMirror replication, you can create the FlexClone volume and either delete
it or split it from its parent when possible.
The SnapMirror replication continues normally when the FlexClone volume is deleted or is
split from its parent.
• If a temporary stoppage of the SnapMirror replication is not acceptable, you can create a
Snapshot copy in the SnapMirror source volume, and then use that Snapshot copy to create the
FlexClone volume. (If you are creating the FlexClone volume from the destination volume,
you must wait until that Snapshot copy replicates to the SnapMirror destination volume.)
This method of creating a Snapshot copy in the SnapMirror source volume allows you to create
the clone without locking a Snapshot copy that is in use by SnapMirror.

Snapshot configuration
You can configure Snapshot copies by setting a schedule to an existing Snapshot policy. You can
have a maximum of 255 Snapshot copies of a FlexVol volume. You can change the maximum
number of Snapshot copies for a Snapshot policy's schedule.

How volume guarantees work for FlexVol volumes

Volume guarantees (sometimes called space guarantees) determine how space for a volume is
allocated from its containing aggregate—whether or not the space is preallocated for the volume.
The guarantee is an attribute of the volume.
You set the guarantee when you create a new volume; you can also change the guarantee for an
existing volume, provided that sufficient free space exists to honor the new guarantee.
Volume guarantee types can be volume (the default type) or none.
• A guarantee type of volume allocates space in the aggregate for the entire volume when you
create the volume, regardless of whether that space is used for data yet.
The allocated space cannot be provided to or allocated for any other volume in that aggregate.
• A guarantee of none allocates space from the aggregate only as it is needed by the volume.
The amount of space consumed by volumes with this guarantee type grows as data is added
instead of being determined by the initial volume size, which might leave space unused if the
volume data does not grow to that size. The maximum size of a volume with a guarantee of
none is not limited by the amount of free space in its aggregate. It is possible for the total size
of all volumes associated with an aggregate to exceed the amount of free space for the
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 199
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aggregate, although the amount of space that can actually be used is limited by the size of
Writes to LUNs or files (including space-reserved LUNs and files) contained by that volume
could fail if the containing aggregate does not have enough available space to accommodate
the write.
When space in the aggregate is allocated for a volume guarantee for an existing volume, that
space is no longer considered free in the aggregate, even if the volume is not yet using the space.
Operations that consume free space in the aggregate, such as creation of aggregate Snapshot
copies or creation of new volumes in the containing aggregate, can occur only if there is enough
available free space in that aggregate; these operations are prevented from using space already
allocated to another volume.
When the free space in an aggregate is exhausted, only writes to volumes or files in that aggregate
with preallocated space are guaranteed to succeed.
Guarantees are honored only for online volumes. If you take a volume offline, any allocated but
unused space for that volume becomes available for other volumes in that aggregate. When you try
to bring that volume back online, if there is insufficient available space in the aggregate to fulfill
its guarantee, it will remain offline. You must force the volume online, at which point the volume's
guarantee will be disabled.
Related information
NetApp Technical Report 3965: NetApp Thin Provisioning Deployment and Implementation
Guide Data ONTAP 8.1 (7-Mode)

FlexClone volumes and space guarantees

A FlexClone volume inherits its initial space guarantee from its parent volume. For example, if
you create a FlexClone volume from a parent volume with a space guarantee of volume, then the
FlexClone volume's initial space guarantee will be volume also. You can change the FlexClone
volume's space guarantee.
For example, suppose that you have a 100-MB FlexVol volume with a space guarantee of volume,
with 70 MB used and 30 MB free, and you use that FlexVol volume as a parent volume for a new
FlexClone volume. The new FlexClone volume has an initial space guarantee of volume, but it
does not require a full 100 MB of space from the aggregate, as it would if you had copied the
volume. Instead, the aggregate needs to allocate only 30 MB (100 MB minus 70 MB) of free space
to the clone.
If you have multiple clones with the same parent volume and a space guarantee of volume, they
all share the same shared parent space with each other, so the space savings are even greater.
Note: The shared space depends on the existence of the shared Snapshot copy (the base
Snapshot copy that was used to create the FlexClone volume). If you delete this shared
Snapshot copy, you lose the space savings provided by the FlexClone volume.

Thin provisioning for greater efficiencies using FlexVol volumes

With thin provisioning, when you create volumes and LUNs in a given aggregate, you do not
actually allocate any space for those in advance. The space is allocated as data is written to the
volumes or LUNs.
The unused aggregate space is available to other volumes and LUNs. By allowing as-needed
provisioning and space reclamation, thin provisioning can improve storage utilization and decrease
storage costs.
A FlexVol volume can share its containing aggregate with other FlexVol volumes. Therefore, a
single aggregate is the shared source of all the storage used by the FlexVol volumes it contains.
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Flexible volumes are no longer bound by the limitations of the disks on which they reside. A
FlexVol volume can be sized based on how much data you want to store in it, rather than on the
size of your disk. This flexibility enables you to maximize the performance and capacity
utilization of the storage systems. Because FlexVol volumes can access all available physical
storage in the system, improvements in storage utilization are possible.

A 500-GB volume is allocated with only 100 GB of actual data; the remaining 400 GB allocated
has no data stored in it. This unused capacity is assigned to a business application, even though the
application might not need all 400 GB until later. The allocated but unused 400 GB of excess
capacity is temporarily wasted.
With thin provisioning, the storage administrator provisions 500 GB to the business application
but uses only 100 GB for the data. The difference is that with thin provisioning, the unused 400
GB is still available to other applications. This approach allows the application to grow
transparently, and the physical storage is fully allocated only when the application needs it. The
rest of the storage remains in the free pool to be used as needed.

Using space reservations with FlexVol volumes

Using space reservation, you can provision FlexVol volumes. Thin provisioning appears to provide
more storage than is actually available from a given aggregate, as long as not all of that storage is
currently being used.
Thick provisioning sets aside enough storage from the aggregate to ensure that any block in the
volume can be written to at any time.
Aggregates can provide storage to volumes contained by more than one Storage Virtual Machine
(SVM). If you are using thin provisioning, and you need to maintain strict separation between
your SVMs (for example, if you are providing storage in a multi-tenancy environment), you
should either use fully allocated volumes (thick provisioning) or ensure that your aggregates are
not shared between tenants.
When the space reserve is set to "Default", the ONTAP space reservation settings apply to the
Related information
NetApp Technical Report 3563: NetApp Thin Provisioning Increases Storage Utilization With
On Demand Allocation
NetApp Technical Report 3483: Thin Provisioning in a NetApp SAN or IP SAN Enterprise

Benefits of storage efficiency

Storage efficiency enables you to store the maximum amount of data for the lowest cost and
accommodate rapid data growth while consuming less space. You can use technologies such as
RAID-DP, FlexVol, Snapshot copies, deduplication, data compression, SnapMirror, and FlexClone
to increase storage utilization and decrease storage costs. When used together, these technologies
help to achieve increased performance.
• High-density disk drives, such as serial advanced technology attachment (SATA) drives
mitigated with RAID-DP technology, provide increased efficiency and read performance.
• RAID-DP is a double-parity RAID6 implementation that protects against dual disk drive
• Thin provisioning enables you to maintain a common unallocated storage space that is readily
available to other applications as required.
It is based on FlexVol technology.
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Managing logical storage

• Snapshot copies are a point-in-time, read-only view of a data volume, which consume minimal
storage space.
Two Snapshot copies created in sequence differ only by the blocks added or changed in the
time interval between the two. This block incremental behavior limits the associated
consumption of storage capacity.
• Deduplication saves storage space by eliminating redundant data blocks within a FlexVol
• Data compression stores more data in less space and reduces the time and bandwidth required
to replicate data during volume SnapMirror transfers.
You have to choose the type of compression (inline or background) based on your requirement
and the configurations of your storage system. Inline compression checks if data can be
compressed, compresses data, and then writes data to the volume. Background compression
runs on all the files, irrespective of whether the file is compressible or not, after all the data is
written to the volume.
• SnapMirror technology is a flexible solution for replicating data over local area, wide area, and
Fibre Channel networks.
It can serve as a critical component in implementing enterprise data protection strategies. You
can replicate your data to one or more storage systems to minimize downtime costs in case of a
production site failure. You can also use SnapMirror technology to centralize the backup of
data to disks from multiple data centers.
• FlexClone technology copies data volumes, files, and LUNs as instant virtual copies.
A FlexClone volume, file, or LUN is a writable point-in-time image of the FlexVol volume or
another FlexClone volume, file, or LUN. This technology enables you to use space efficiently,
storing only data that changes between the parent and the clone.
• The unified architecture integrates multiprotocol support to enable both file-based and block-
based storage on a single platform.
With FlexArray Virtualization, you can virtualize your entire storage infrastructure under one
interface, and you can apply all the preceding efficiencies to your non-NetApp systems.

Data compression and deduplication

Beginning with Data ONTAP 8.0.1, data compression is supported with deduplication.
When both data compression and deduplication are enabled on a FlexVol volume, the data is first
compressed and then deduplicated. Therefore, deduplication can further increase the space savings
by removing duplicate blocks in the FlexVol volume.
Though data compression and deduplication can be enabled on a FlexVol volume, the savings
might not be the sum of the savings when each is run individually on a data set. The combined
savings can yield higher savings than running deduplication or data compression individually.
You can achieve better savings when you run the data compression scanner before deduplication.
This is because data compression scanner cannot run on data that is locked by deduplication, but
deduplication can run on compressed data.
The following illustration shows how data is first compressed and then deduplicated:
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Compressed data Compressed

deduplicated data
Raw data

When you run deduplication on a FlexVol volume that contains uncompressed data, it scans all the
uncompressed blocks in the FlexVol volume and creates a digital fingerprint for each of the blocks.
Note: If a FlexVol volume has compressed data, but the compression option is disabled on that
volume, then you might lose the space savings when you run the sis undo command.

Guidelines for using deduplication

You must remember certain guidelines about system resources and free space when using
The guidelines are as follows:
• If you have a performance-sensitive solution, you must carefully consider the performance
impact of deduplication and measure the impact in a test setup before using deduplication.
• Deduplication is a background process that consumes system resources while it is running.
If the data does not change very often in a FlexVol volume, it is best to run deduplication less
frequently. Multiple concurrent deduplication operations running on a storage system lead to a
higher consumption of system resources.
• You must ensure that sufficient free space exists for deduplication metadata in the volumes and
• If deduplication is used on the source volume, you must use deduplication on the destination
• You must use automatic mode when possible so that deduplication runs only when significant
additional data has been written to each FlexVol volume.
• You must run deduplication before creating a Snapshot copy to obtain maximum savings.
• You must set the Snapshot reserve to greater than 0 if Snapshot copies are used.

Options for resizing volumes

You can use the Volume Resize wizard to change your volume size, adjust the Snapshot reserve,
delete Snapshot copies, and dynamically view the results of your changes.
The Volume Resize wizard displays a bar graph that displays the current space allocations within
the volume, including the amount of used and free space. When you make changes to the size or
Snapshot reserve of the volume, this graph is updated dynamically to reflect the changes.
You can also use the Calculate space button to determine the amount of space that is freed by
deleting selected Snapshot copies.
You can use the Volume Resize wizard to make the following changes to your volume:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 203
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Change the volume size

You can change the total volume size to increase or decrease storage space.
Adjust Snapshot reserve
You can adjust the amount of space reserved for Snapshot copies to increase or decrease
storage space.
Delete Snapshot copies
You can delete Snapshot copies to reclaim volume space.
Note: Snapshot copies that are in use cannot be deleted.

You can specify the limit to which the volume can be grown automatically, if required.

Considerations when moving volumes

Moving a volume has many considerations and recommendations that are influenced by the
volume you are moving or by the system configuration. You should understand the considerations
associated with moving volumes.
• If you move a volume that has inline deduplication enabled from an aggregate with All Flash
Optimized personality or a Flash Pool aggregate to an HDD aggregate, inline deduplication is
disabled on the volume.
• If you move a volume that has background deduplication and inline compression enabled from
an aggregate with All Flash Optimized personality to an HDD aggregate, then background
compression, background deduplication, and inline compression are automatically enabled on
the volume.
• If you move a volume that has background compression enabled from an HDD aggregate to an
aggregate with All Flash Optimized personality, background compression is disabled on the
• If you move a volume from a Flash Pool aggregate to a non-Flash Pool aggregate, the caching
policies and retention priority are disabled.
• If you move a volume from a non-Flash Pool aggregate to a Flash Pool aggregate, the
default caching policy and the default retention priority are automatically assigned to the

How moving a FlexVol volume works

Knowing how moving a FlexVol volume works helps you to determine whether the volume move
satisfies service-level agreements and to understand where a volume move is in the volume move
FlexVol volumes are moved from one aggregate or node to another within the same Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM). A volume move does not disrupt client access during the move.
Moving a volume occurs in multiple phases:
• A new volume is made on the destination aggregate.
• The data from the original volume is copied to the new volume.
During this time, the original volume is intact and available for clients to access.
• At the end of the move process, client access is temporarily blocked.
During this time the system performs a final replication from the source volume to the
destination volume, swaps the identities of the source and destination volumes, and changes
the destination volume to the source volume.
• After completing the move, the system routes client traffic to the new source volume and
resumes client access.
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The move is not disruptive to client access because the time in which client access is blocked ends
before clients notice a disruption and time out. Client access is blocked for 35 seconds by default.
If the volume move operation cannot finish in the time that access is denied, the system aborts this
final phase of the volume move operation and allows client access. The system attempts the final
phase three times by default. After the third attempt, the system waits an hour before attempting
the final phase sequence again. The system runs the final phase of the volume move operation until
the volume move is complete.

Volumes window
You can use the Volumes window to manage your volumes and to display information about these
You cannot view or manage volumes that are in Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) that are
configured for disaster recovery (DR) by using System Manager. You must use the command-line
interface instead.
Note: The command buttons and list of columns will differ based on the type of volume
selected. You will be able to view only those command buttons and columns that are applicable
for the selected volume.

Command buttons
Provides the following options:
Create FlexVol
Opens the Create Volume dialog box, which enables you to add FlexVol volumes.
Create FlexGroup
Opens the Create FlexGroup window, which enables you to create FlexGroup
Enables you to edit the properties of the selected volume.
Deletes the selected volume or volumes.
Provides the following options:
Change status to
Changes the status of the selected volume to one of the following status:
• Online
• Offline
• Restrict
Enables you to change the size of the volume.
For FlexGroup volumes, you can resize by using existing resources or expand by
adding new resources.
Opens the Create Protection Relationship dialog box, which enables you to create
data protection relationships between a source volume and a destination volume.
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Managing logical storage

Manage Snapshots
Provides a list of Snapshot options, including the following:
• Create
Displays the Create Snapshot dialog box, which you can use to create a Snapshot
copy of the selected volume.
• Configure
Configures the Snapshot settings.
• Restore
Restores a Snapshot copy of the selected volume.
Provides a list of clone options, including the following:
• Create
Creates a clone of the selected volume or a clone of a file from the selected
• Split
Splits the clone from the parent volume.
• View Hierarchy
Displays information about the clone hierarchy.
Storage Efficiency
Opens the Storage Efficiency dialog box, which you can use to manually start
deduplication or to abort a running deduplication operation. This button is displayed
only if deduplication is enabled on the storage system.
Opens the Move Volume dialog box, which you can use to move volumes from one
aggregate or node to another aggregate or node within the same SVM.
Storage QoS
Opens the Quality of Service details dialog box, which you can use to assign one or
more volumes to a new or existing policy group.
Provision Storage for VMware
Enables you to create a volume for the NFS datastore and specify the ESX servers
that can access the NFS datastore.
Updates the information in the window.
Volume list
Displays the status of the volume.
Displays the name of the volume.
Displays the type of the volume.
Displays the name of the aggregates belonging to the volume.
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Thin Provisioned
Displays whether space guarantee is set for the selected volume. Valid values for online
volumes are Yes and No.
Displays the type of volume: rw for read/write, ls for load sharing, or dp for data
Root volume
Displays whether the volume is a root volume.
Available Space
Displays the available space in the volume.
Total Space
Displays the total space in the volume, which includes the space that is reserved for
Snapshot copies.
% Used
Displays the amount of space (in percentage) that is used in the volume.
Storage Efficiency
Displays whether deduplication is enabled or disabled for the selected volume.
Displays whether the volume is encrypted or not.
Policy Group
Displays the name of the Storage QoS policy group to which the volume is assigned. By
default, this column is hidden.
SnapLock Type
Displays the SnapLock type of the volume.
Displays whether the volume is a FlexClone volume.
Is Volume Moving
Displays whether a volume is being moved from one aggregate to another aggregate, or
from one node to another node.
Tiering Policy
Displays the tiering policy of a FabricPool. The default tiering policy is "snapshot-only".
Displays the name of the application that is assigned to the volume.
Details area
You can expand the volume to view information about the selected volume. You can click Show
More Details to view detailed information about the selected volume.
Overview tab
Displays general information about the selected volume, and displays a pictorial
representation of the space allocation of the volume, the protection status of the volume,
and the performance of the volume. It also displays information about a volume that is
being moved, such as the state and phase of the volume move, the destination node and
aggregate to which the volume is being moved, the percentage of volume move that is
complete, the estimated time to complete the volume move operation, and details of the
volume move operation.
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The refresh interval for the performance data is 15 seconds.

This tab contains the following command button:
Opens the Cutover dialog box, which enables you to manually trigger the cutover.
The Cutover command button is displayed only if the volume move operation is in the
"replication" or "hard deferred" state.
Snapshot Copies tab
Displays the Snapshot copies of the selected volume. This tab contains the following
command buttons:
• Create
Opens the Create Snapshot Copy dialog box, which enables you to create a Snapshot
copy of the selected volume.
• Configure
Configures the Snapshot settings.
• Delete
Deletes the selected Snapshot copy.
• Actions > Rename
Opens the Rename Snapshot Copy dialog box, which enables you to rename a selected
Snapshot copy.
• Actions > Restore
Restores a Snapshot copy.
• Extend Expiry Date
Extends the expiry date of a Snapshot copy.
• Refresh
Updates the information in the window.
Data Protection tab
Displays data protection information about the selected volume.
If a FlexGroup volume is selected, the tab displays all the mirror relationships that are
related to the volume.
For FlexVol volumes, if the source volume (read/write volume) is selected, the tab displays
all the mirror, vault, and mirror and vault relationships that are related to the destination
volume (DP volume). If the destination volume is selected, the tab displays the relationship
with the source details
If some or all of the cluster peer relationships of the local cluster are in an unhealthy state,
the Data Protection tab might take some time to display the protection relationships relating
to a healthy cluster peer relationship. Relationships relating to unhealthy cluster peer
relationships are not displayed.
Storage Efficiency tab
Displays information in the following panes:
• Bar graph
Displays (in graphical format) the volume space that is used by data and Snapshot
copies. You can view details about the space used before and after applying storage
efficiency savings.
• Details
Displays information about deduplication properties, including whether deduplication is
enabled on the volume, the deduplication mode, the deduplication status, type, and
whether inline or background compression is enabled on the volume.
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• Last run details

Provides details about the last-run deduplication operation on the volume. Space savings
resulting from compression and deduplication operations that are applied on the data on
the volume are also displayed.
Performance tab
Displays information about the average performance metrics, read performance metrics, and
write performance metrics of the selected volume, including throughput, IOPS, and latency.
Changing the client time zone or the cluster time zone impacts the performance metrics
graphs. You must refresh your browser to view the updated graphs.
Related tasks
Creating FlexVol volumes on page 49
You can create a FlexVol volume for your data by using the Create Volume dialog box in System
Manager. You should always create a separate volume for your data rather than storing data in the
root volume.
Creating FlexClone volumes on page 174
You can use System Manager to create a FlexClone volume when you require a writable, point-in-
time copy of an existing FlexVol volume. You might want to create a copy of a volume for testing
or to provide access to the volume for additional users, without giving them access to the
production data.
Creating FlexClone files on page 175
You can use System Manager to create a FlexClone file, which is a writable copy of a parent file.
You can use these copies to test applications.
Deleting volumes on page 174
You can use System Manager to delete a volume when you no longer require the data that it
contains, or if you have copied the data that it contains to another location. When you delete a
volume, all the data in the volume is destroyed, and you cannot recover this data.
Setting the Snapshot copy reserve on page 178
You can use System Manager to reserve space (in percentage) for Snapshot copies in a volume.
Setting the Snapshot copy reserve ensures that enough disk space is allocated for the Snapshot
copies so that they do not consume the active file system space.
Deleting Snapshot copies on page 181
You can delete a Snapshot copy to conserve disk space or to free disk space by using System
Manager. You can also delete a Snapshot copy if it is no longer required.
Creating Snapshot copies on page 178
You can use System Manager to create a Snapshot copy of a volume outside a specified schedule
to capture the state of the file system at a specific point in time.
Editing the volume properties on page 171
You can modify volume properties such as the volume name, security style, fractional reserve, and
space guarantee by using System Manager. You can modify storage efficiency settings
(deduplication schedule and policy, and compression) and space reclamation settings.
Changing the status of a volume on page 177
You can use System Manager to change the status of a volume when you want to take the volume
offline, bring it back online, or restrict access to the volume. However, you cannot take a root
volume offline.
Enabling storage efficiency on a volume on page 183
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Managing logical storage

You can use System Manager to enable storage efficiency and configure deduplication and data
compression or only deduplication on a volume to save storage space. If you have not enabled
storage efficiency when you created the volume, you can do so later by editing the volume.
Changing the deduplication schedule on page 184
You can use System Manager to change the deduplication schedule by choosing to run
deduplication manually, automatically, or on a schedule that you specify.
Running deduplication operations on page 184
You can use System Manager to run deduplication immediately after creating a volume, or
schedule deduplication to run at a specified time.
Splitting a FlexClone volume from its parent volume on page 176
If you want a FlexClone volume to have its own disk space rather than using that of its parent
volume, you can split the volume from its parent by using System Manager. After the split, the
FlexClone volume becomes a normal FlexVol volume.
Resizing volumes on page 182
When your volume reaches nearly full capacity, you can increase the size of the volume, delete
some Snapshot copies, or adjust the Snapshot reserve. You can use the Volume Resize wizard in
System Manager to provide more free space.
Restoring a volume from a Snapshot copy on page 179
You can use System Manager to restore a volume to a state recorded in a previously created
Snapshot copy to retrieve lost information. When you restore a Snapshot copy, the restore
operation overwrites the existing volume configuration. Any changes made to the data in the
volume after the Snapshot copy was created are lost.
Scheduling automatic Snapshot copies on page 179
You can use System Manager to set up a schedule for creating automatic Snapshot copies of a
volume. You can specify the time and frequency of creating the copies and specify the number of
Snapshot copies that are saved.
Renaming Snapshot copies on page 181
You can use System Manager to rename a Snapshot copy to help you organize and manage your
Snapshot copies.
Hiding the Snapshot copy directory on page 179
You can use System Manager to hide the Snapshot copy directory (.snapshot) so that it is not
visible when you view your volume directories. By default, the .snapshot directory is visible.
Viewing the FlexClone volume hierarchy on page 176
You can use System Manager to view the hierarchy of FlexClone volumes and their parent
Creating FlexGroup volumes on page 194
You can use System Manager to create a FlexGroup volume by selecting specific aggregates or by
selecting system recommended aggregates.
Editing FlexGroup volumes on page 195
You can use System Manager to edit the properties of an existing FlexGroup volume.
Resizing FlexGroup volumes on page 195
You can use System Manager to resize a FlexGroup volume by resizing existing resources or
adding new resources.
Changing the status of a FlexGroup volume on page 196
You can use System Manager to change the status of a FlexGroup volume when you want to take
the FlexGroup volume offline, bring it back online, or restrict access to the FlexGroup volume.
Deleting FlexGroup volumes on page 196
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 210
Managing logical storage

You can use System Manager to delete a FlexGroup volume when you no longer require the
FlexGroup volume.
Viewing FlexGroup volume information on page 197
You can use System Manager to view information about a FlexGroup volume. You can view a
graphical representation of the space allocated, the protection status, and the performance of the
FlexGroup volume.

You can use the Namespace window in System Manager to mount or unmount FlexVol volumes to
a junction in the SVM namespace.

Mounting volumes
You can use System Manager to mount volumes to a junction in the Storage Virtual Machine
(SVM) namespace.
About this task
• If you mount the volume to a junction path with a language setting that is different from that of
the immediate parent volume in the path, NFSv3 clients cannot access some of the files
because some characters might not be decoded correctly.
This issue does not occur if the immediate parent directory is the root volume.
• You can mount a SnapLock volume only under the root of the SVM.
• You cannot mount a regular volume under a SnapLock volume.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Namespace tab.
4. Click Mount, and then select the volume that is to be mounted.
5. Optional: If you want to change the default junction name, specify a new name.
6. Click Browse, and then select a junction path to mount the volume.
7. Click OK, and then click Mount.
8. Verify the new junction path in the Details tab.

Unmounting FlexVol volumes

You can use the Namespace window in System Manager to unmount FlexVol volumes from a
junction in the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) namespace.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Namespace tab.
4. Select the volume that has to be unmounted, and then click Unmount.
5. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Unmount.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 211
Managing logical storage

Changing export policies

When a volume is created, it automatically inherits the default export policy of the root volume of
the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM). You can use System Manager to change the default export
policy associated with the volume to redefine the client access to data.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Namespace tab.
4. Select the volume, and then click Change Export Policy.
5. Select the export policy, and then click Change.
6. Verify that the Export Policy column in the Namespace window displays the export policy that
you applied to the volume.
The default export policy is replaced with your new custom policy.

Namespace window
You can use the Namespace window to manage the NAS namespace of Storage Virtual Machines
Command buttons
Opens the Mount Volume dialog box, which enables you to mount a volume to the junction
in an SVM namespace.
Opens the Unmount Volume dialog box, which enables you to unmount a volume from its
parent volume.
Change Export Policy
Opens the Change Export Policy dialog box, which enables you to change the existing
export policy associated with the volume.
Updates the information in the window.
Namespace list
Specifies the junction path of the mounted volume. You can expand the junction path to
view the related volumes and qtrees.
Storage Object
Specifies the name of the volume mounted on the junction path. You can also view the
qtrees that the volume contains.
Export Policy
Specifies the export policy of the mounted volume.
Security Style
Specifies the security style for the volume. Possible values include UNIX (for UNIX mode
bits), NTFS (for CIFS ACLs), and Mixed (for mixed NFS and CIFS permissions).
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 212
Managing logical storage

Details tab
Displays general information about the selected volume or qtree, such as the name, type of storage
object, junction path of the mounted object, and export policy. If the selected object is a qtree,
details about the space hard limit, space soft limit, and space usage are displayed.

You can use System Manager to create, edit, and manage shares.

Creating a CIFS share

You can use System Manager to create a share that enables you to specify a folder, qtree, or
volume that CIFS users can access.
Before you begin
You must have installed the CIFS license before you set up and start CIFS.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Shares tab.
4. Click Create Share.
5. In the Create Share window, click Browse and select the folder, qtree, or volume that should
be shared.
6. Specify a name for the new CIFS share.
7. Optional: Select the Enable continuous availability for Hyper-V and SQL check box to
permit SMB 3.0 and later clients that support it to open files persistently during nondisruptive
Files opened using this option are protected from disruptive events, such as failover, giveback,
and LIF migration.
8. Select the Encrypt data while accessing this share check box to enable SMB 3.0 encryption.
9. Provide a description or comment for the share and click Create.
The share is created with the access permissions set to "Full Control for Everyone" in the group.
Related tasks
Setting up CIFS on page 250
You can use System Manager to enable and configure CIFS servers to allow CIFS clients to access
files on the cluster.
Related reference
Shares window on page 215
You can use the Shares window to manage your shares and display information about them.

Stopping share access

You can use System Manager to stop a share when you want to remove the shared network access
to a folder, qtree, or volume.
Before you begin
You must have installed the CIFS license.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 213
Managing logical storage

1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Shares tab.
4. From the list of shares, select the share that you want to stop sharing and click Stop Sharing.
5. Select the confirmation check box and click Stop.
6. Verify that the share is no longer listed in the Shares window.
Related reference
Shares window on page 215
You can use the Shares window to manage your shares and display information about them.

Creating home directory shares

You can use System Manager to create a home directory share and manage home directory search
Before you begin
CIFS must be set up and started.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Shares tab.
4. Click Create Home Directory and provide the pattern information that determines how a user
is mapped to a directory.
5. Click Create.
6. Verify that the home directory you created is listed in the Shares window.

Editing share settings

You can use System Manager to modify the settings of a share, such as the symbolic link settings,
share access permissions of users or groups, and the type of access to the share. You can also
enable or disable continuous availability of a share over Hyper-V, and enable or disable access-
based enumeration (ABE).
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Shares tab.
4. Select the share that you want to modify from the share list and click Edit.
5. In the Edit Share Settings dialog box, modify the share settings as required:
a. In the General tab, enable continuous availability of a share over Hyper-V.
Enabling continuous availability permits SMB 3.0 and later clients that support SMB 3.0 to
open files persistently during nondisruptive operations. Files that are opened persistently
are protected from disruptive events, such as failover, giveback, and LIF migration.
b. In the Permissions tab, add users or groups and assign permissions to specify the type of
c. In the Options tab, perform the following actions on the share:
• Select the settings for the symbolic links.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 214
Managing logical storage

• Enable opportunistic locks (oplocks).

• Enable clients to browse through the share.
• View Snapshot copies.
• Notify changes.
• Enable ABE.
• Enable BranchCache.
• Enable data to be encrypted using SMB 3.0 while accessing this share.
6. Click Save and Close.
7. Verify the changes that you made to the selected share in the Shares window.
Related reference
Shares window on page 215
You can use the Shares window to manage your shares and display information about them.

How ONTAP enables dynamic home directories

ONTAP home directories enable you to configure an SMB share that maps to different directories
based on the user that connects to it and a set of variables. Instead of creating separate shares for
each user, you can configure one share with a few home directory parameters to define a user's
relationship between an entry point (the share) and the home directory (a directory on the SVM).
A user that is logged in as a guest user does not have a home directory and cannot access other
users' home directories. There are four variables that determine how a user is mapped to a
Share name
This is the name of the share that you create to which the user connects. You must set the
home directory property for this share.
The share name can use the following dynamic names:
• %w (the user's Windows user name)
• %d (the user's Windows domain name)
• %u (the user's mapped UNIX user name)

To make the share name unique across all home directories, the share name must contain
either the %w or the %u variable. The share name can contain both the %d and the %w variable
(for example, %d/%w), or the share name can contain a static portion and a variable portion
(for example, home_%w).
Share path
This is the relative path, which is defined by the share and is therefore associated with one
of the share names, that is appended to each search path to generate the user's entire home
directory path from the root of the SVM. It can be static (for example, home), dynamic (for
example, %w), or a combination of the two (for example, eng/%w).
Search paths
This is the set of absolute paths from the root of the SVM that you specify that directs the
ONTAP search for home directories. You can specify one or more search paths by using the
vserver cifs home-directory search-path add command. If you specify
multiple search paths, ONTAP tries them in the order specified until it finds a valid path.
This is the user's home directory that you create for the user. The directory name is usually
the user's name. You must create the home directory in one of the directories that are
defined by the search paths.
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Managing logical storage

As an example, consider the following setup:

• User: John Smith
• User domain: acme
• User name: jsmith
• SVM name: vs1
• Home directory share name #1: home_%w - share path: %w
• Home directory share name #2: %w - share path: %d/%w
• Search path #1: /aggr0home/home
• Search path #2: /aggr1home/home
• Search path #3: /aggr2home/home
• Home directory: /aggr1home/home/jsmith
Scenario 1: The user connects to \\vs1\home_jsmith. This matches the first home directory
share name and generates the relative path jsmith. ONTAP now searches for a directory named
jsmith by checking each search path in order:

• /aggr0home/home/jsmith does not exist; moving on to search path #2.

• /aggr1home/home/jsmith does exist; therefore, search path #3 is not checked; the user is
now connected to his home directory.
Scenario 2: The user connects to \\vs1\jsmith. This matches the second home directory share
name and generates the relative path acme/jsmith. ONTAP now searches for a directory named
acme/jsmith by checking each search path in order:

• /aggr0home/home/acme/jsmith does not exist; moving on to search path #2.

• /aggr1home/home/acme/jsmith does not exist; moving on to search path #3.
• /aggr2home/home/acme/jsmith does not exist; the home directory does not exist;
therefore, the connection fails.

Shares window
You can use the Shares window to manage your shares and display information about them.
• Command buttons
• Shares list
• Details area
Command buttons
Create Share
Opens the Create Share dialog box, which enables you to create a share.
Create Home Directory
Opens the Create Home Directory Share dialog box, which enables you to create a new
home directory share.
Opens the Edit Settings dialog box, which enables you to modify the properties of a
selected share.
Stop Sharing
Stops the selected object from being shared.
Updates the information in the window.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 216
Managing logical storage

Shares list
The shares list displays the name and path of each share.
Share Name
Displays the name of the share.
Displays the complete path name of an existing folder, qtree, or volume that is shared. Path
separators can be backward or forward slashes, although Data ONTAP displays them as
forward slashes.
Home Directory
Displays the name of the home directory share.
Displays any description for the share.
Continuously Available Share
Displays whether the share is enabled for continuous availability.
Details area
The area below the shares list displays the share properties and the access rights for each share.
• Name
Displays the name of the share.
• Oplocks status
Specifies if the share uses opportunistic locks (oplocks).
• Browsable
Specifies whether the share can be browsed by Windows clients.
• Show Snapshot
Specifies whether Snapshot copies can be viewed by clients.
• Continuously Available Share
Specifies whether the share is enabled or disabled for continuous availability.
• Access-Based Enumeration
Specifies whether access-based enumeration (ABE) is enabled or disabled on the share.
• BranchCache
Specifies whether BranchCache is enabled or disabled on the share.
• SMB Encryption
Specifies whether data encryption using SMB 3.0 is enabled at the SVM level or at the
share level. If SMB encryption is enabled at SVM level, it applies for all the shares and
the value is shown as Enabled (at the SVM level).
Share access control
Displays the access rights of the domain users and groups and local users and groups for the
Related tasks
Creating a CIFS share on page 212
You can use System Manager to create a share that enables you to specify a folder, qtree, or
volume that CIFS users can access.
Stopping share access on page 212
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 217
Managing logical storage

You can use System Manager to stop a share when you want to remove the shared network access
to a folder, qtree, or volume.
Editing share settings on page 213
You can use System Manager to modify the settings of a share, such as the symbolic link settings,
share access permissions of users or groups, and the type of access to the share. You can also
enable or disable continuous availability of a share over Hyper-V, and enable or disable access-
based enumeration (ABE).

You can use System Manager to manage LUNs.
You can access all the LUNs in the cluster by using the LUNs tab or you can access the LUNs
specific to the SVM by using SVMs > LUNs.
Note: The LUNs tab is displayed only if you have enabled the FC/FCoE and iSCSI licenses.
Related information
SAN administration

Creating FC SAN optimized LUNs

You can use System Manager to create one or more FC SAN optimized LUNs during the initial
setup of a cluster on an All Flash FAS platform.
Before you begin
• You must ensure that only one Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) has been created with the name
AFF_SAN_DEFAULT_SVM, and that this SVM does not contain any LUNs.
• You must have verified that the hardware setup has been completed successfully.
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9
About this task
• This method is available only during the initial setup of a cluster with two or more nodes.
System Manager uses only the first two nodes to create LUNs.
• Each LUN is created on a separate volume.
• Volumes are thin provisioned.
• Space reservation is disabled on the created LUNs.
• Most of the cluster configurations are already completed at the factory and are optimized for
optimum storage efficiency and performance.
You must not modify these configurations.
1. Log in to System Manager by using your cluster administrator credentials.
After you create LUNs using this method, you cannot use this method again.
If you close the dialog box without creating LUNs, you must navigate to the LUNs tab and
click Create to access the dialog box again.
2. In the LUN details area of the Create LUNs dialog box, specify the application type:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 218
Managing logical storage

If the application type is... Then...

Oracle a. Specify the database name and size.
b. If you have deployed Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), then select
the Oracle RAC check box.
Only two RAC nodes are supported. You must ensure that Oracle RAC has a
minimum of two initiators added to the initiator group.

SQL Specify the number of databases and the size of each database.
Other a. Specify the name and size of each LUN.
b. If you want to create more LUNs, click Add more LUNs, and then specify
the name and size for each LUN.

Data, log, binary, and temporary LUNs are created based on the selected application type.
3. In the Map to these Initiators area, perform these steps:
a. Specify the initiator group name and the type of operating system.
b. Add the host initiator WWPN by selecting it from the drop-down list or by typing the
initiator in the text box.
Only one initiator group is created.
4. Click Create.
A summary table is displayed with the LUNs that are created.
5. Click Close.
Related information
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9

Application-specific LUN settings

System Manager supports Oracle, SQL, and other application types while creating FC SAN
optimized LUNs on an All Flash FAS cluster. LUN settings such as the LUN size are determined
by rules specific to the application type. For SQL and Oracle, LUN settings are automatically
If your cluster contains two or more nodes, System Manager uses only the first two nodes selected
by the API to create LUNs. Data aggregates are already created in each of the two nodes. The size
of each volume created is equal to the available capacity of the aggregate. The volumes are thin-
provisioned and space reservation is disabled on the LUNs.
Storage efficiency policy is enabled by default with the schedule set to "daily" and quality of
service (QoS) set to "best_effort". By default, access time (atime) update is enabled on the cluster.
However, access time updates are disabled by System Manager while creating volumes and
therefore every time a file is read or written, the access time field in the directory is not updated.
Note: Enabling the access time update causes performance degradation to the data-serving
capability of the cluster.

LUN settings for SQL

By default, LUNs and volumes are provisioned for a single instance of the SQL server with 2
databases of 1 TB each and 24 physical cores. Space is provisioned for LUNs and volumes
according to specific rules for the SQL server. Load balancing is performed for LUNs across the
HA pair. You can modify the number of databases. For each database, eight data LUNs and one
log LUN is created. One temporary LUN is created for each SQL instance.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 219
Managing logical storage

The following table provides information about how space is provisioned for the default values of

Node Aggregate LUN type Volume name LUN name Formula for LUN size
LUN size (GB)
node1 node1_aggr1 data db01_data01 db01_data01 Database size 125
data db01_data02 db01_data02 Database size 125
data db01_data03 db01_data03 Database size 125
data db01_data04 db01_data04 Database size 125
data db02_data01 db02_data01 Database size 125
data db02_data02 db02_data02 Database size 125
data db02_data03 db02_data03 Database size 125
data db02_data04 db02_data04 Database size 125
log db01_log db01_log Database size 50
÷ 20
temp sql_temp sql_temp Database size 330
node2 node2_aggr1 data db01_data05 db01_data05 Database size 125
data db01_data06 db01_data06 Database size 125
data db01_data07 db01_data07 Database size 125
data db01_data08 db01_data08 Database size 125
data db02_data05 db02_data05 Database size 125
data db02_data06 db02_data06 Database size 125
data db02_data07 db02_data07 Database size 125
data db02_data08 db02_data08 Database size 125
log db02_log db02_log Database size 50
÷ 20
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 220
Managing logical storage

LUN settings for Oracle

By default, LUNs and volumes are provisioned for one database of 2 TB. Space is provisioned for
LUNs and volumes according to specific rules for Oracle. By default, Oracle Real Application
Clusters (RAC) is not selected.
The following table provides information about how space is provisioned for the default values of

Node Aggregate LUN type Volume name LUN name Formula for LUN size
LUN size (GB)
node1 node1_aggr1 data ora_vol01 ora_lundata01 Database size 250
data ora_vol02 ora_lundata02 Database size 250
data ora_vol03 ora_lundata03 Database size 250
data ora_vol04 ora_lundata04 Database size 250
log ora_vol05 ora_lunlog1 Database size 50
÷ 40
binaries ora_vol06 ora_orabin1 Database size 50
÷ 40
node2 node2_aggr1 data ora_vol07 ora_lundata05 Database size 250
data ora_vol08 ora_lundata06 Database size 250
data ora_vol09 ora_lundata07 Database size 250
data ora_vol10 ora_lundata08 Database size 250
log ora_vol11 ora_lunlog2 Database size 50
÷ 40

For Oracle RAC, LUNs are provisioned for grid files. Only two RAC nodes are supported for
Oracle RAC.
The following table provides information about how space is provisioned for the default values of
Oracle RAC:

Node Aggregate LUN type Volume name LUN name Formula for LUN size
LUN size (GB)
node1 node1_aggr1 data ora_vol01 ora_lundata01 Database size 250
data ora_vol02 ora_lundata02 Database size 250
data ora_vol03 ora_lundata03 Database size 250
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 221
Managing logical storage

Node Aggregate LUN type Volume name LUN name Formula for LUN size
LUN size (GB)
data ora_vol04 ora_lundata04 Database size 250
log ora_vol05 ora_lunlog1 Database size 50
÷ 40
binaries ora_vol06 ora_orabin1 Database size 50
÷ 40
grid ora_vol07 ora_lungrid1 10 GB 10
node2 node2_aggr1 data ora_vol08 ora_lundata05 Database size 250
data ora_vol09 ora_lundata06 Database size 250
data ora_vol10 ora_lundata07 Database size 250
data ora_vol11 ora_lundata08 Database size 250
log ora_vol12 ora_lunlog2 Database size 50
÷ 40
binaries ora_vol13 ora_orabin2 Database size 50
÷ 40

LUN settings for Other application type

Each LUN is provisioned in a volume. The space is provisioned in the LUNs based on the
specified size. Load balancing is performed across the nodes for all the LUNs.

Creating LUNs
You can use System Manager to create LUNs for an existing aggregate, volume, or qtree when
there is available free space. You can create a LUN in an existing volume or create a new FlexVol
volume for the LUN. You can also enable Storage Quality of Service (QoS) to manage the
workload performance.
About this task
If you specify the LUN ID, System Manager checks the validity of the LUN ID before adding it. If
you do not specify a LUN ID, Data ONTAP automatically assigns one.
While selecting the LUN multiprotocol type, you should have considered the guidelines for using
each type.
In a MetroCluster configuration, System Manager displays only the following aggregates for
creating FlexVol volumes for the LUN:
• In normal mode, when you create volumes on sync-source SVMs or data-serving SVMs in the
primary site, only those aggregates that belong to the cluster in the primary site are displayed.
• In switched-over mode, when you create volumes on sync-destination SVMs or data-serving
SVMs in the surviving site, only switched-over aggregates are displayed.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 222
Managing logical storage

2. In the LUN Management tab, click Create.

3. Browse and select an SVM in which you want to create the LUNs.
4. In the Create LUN Wizard, specify the name, size, type, description for the LUN, and select
the Space Reserve, and then click Next.
5. Create a new FlexVol volume for the LUN or select an existing volume or qtree, and then
click Next.
6. Add initiator groups if you want to control host access to the LUN, and then click Next.
7. Select the Manage Storage Quality of Service check box if you want to manage the
workload performance of the LUN.
8. Create a new storage QoS policy group or select an existing policy group to control the input/
output (I/O) performance of the LUN:

If you want to... Do this...

Create a new policy group a. Select New Policy Group
b. Specify the policy group name.
c. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum
throughput value is set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as
the value and this value is case-sensitive.
d. Specify the maximum throughput limit to ensure that the workload of the
objects in the policy group do not exceed the specified throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must
be of the same unit type.
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set
the maximum throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system
automatically displays "Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-
sensitive. The unit that you specify does not affect the maximum

Select an existing policy group a. Select Existing Policy Group, and then click Choose to select an existing
policy group from the Select Policy Group dialog box.
b. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum
throughput value is set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as
the value and this value is case-sensitive.
c. Specify the maximum throughput limit to ensure that the workload of the
objects in the policy group do not exceed the specified throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must
be of the same unit type.
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set
the maximum throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system
automatically displays "Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-
sensitive. The unit that you specify does not affect the maximum
If the policy group is assigned to more than one object, the maximum
throughput that you specify is shared among the objects.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 223
Managing logical storage

9. Review the specified details in the LUN summary window, and then click Next.
10. Confirm the details, and then click Finish to complete the wizard.
Related concepts
Guidelines for using LUN multiprotocol type on page 232
The LUN multiprotocol type, or operating system type, specifies the operating system of the host
accessing the LUN. It also determines the layout of data on the LUN, and the minimum and
maximum size of the LUN.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Deleting LUNs
You can use System Manager to delete LUNs and return the space used by the LUNs to their
containing aggregates or volumes.
Before you begin
• The LUN must be offline.
• The LUN must be unmapped from all initiator hosts.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the LUN Management tab, select one or more LUNs that you want to delete, and then click
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Creating initiator groups

You can use System Manager to create an initiator group. Initiator groups enable you to control
host access to specific LUNs. You can use port sets to limit which LIFs an initiator can access.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the Initiator Groups tab, click Create.
3. In the General tab of the Create Initiator Group dialog box, specify the initiator group name,
operating system, port set, and supported protocol for the group.
4. Click Create.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 224
Managing logical storage

You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Deleting initiator groups

You can use the Initiator Groups tab in System Manager to delete initiator groups.
Before you begin
All the LUNs mapped to the initiator group must be manually unmapped.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the Initiator Groups tab, select one or more initiator groups that you want to delete, and
then click Delete.
3. Click Delete.
4. Verify that the initiator groups you deleted are no longer displayed in the Initiator Groups tab.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Adding initiators
You can use System Manager to add initiators to an initiator group. An initiator provides access to
a LUN when the initiator group that it belongs to is mapped to that LUN.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the LUN Management tab, select the initiator group to which you want to add initiators and
click Edit.
3. In the Edit Initiator Group dialog box, click Initiators.
4. Click Add.
5. Specify the initiator name and click OK.
6. Click Save and Close.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Deleting initiators from an initiator group

You can use the Initiator Groups tab in System Manager to delete an initiator.
Before you begin
All the LUNs mapped to the initiator group that contains the initiators must be manually
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the Initiator Groups tab, select the initiator group from which you want to delete the
initiator, and then click Edit.
3. In the Edit Initiator Group dialog box, click the Initiators tab.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 225
Managing logical storage

4. Select and delete the initiator from the text box and click Save.
The initiator is disassociated from the initiator group.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Creating port sets

You can use System Manager to create port sets to limit access to your LUNs.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the Portsets tab, click Create.
3. In the Create Portset dialog box, select the type of protocol.
4. Choose the network interface that you want to associate with the port set.
5. Click Create.

Deleting port sets

You can use System Manager to delete a port set when it is no longer required.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the Portsets tab, select one or more port sets and click Delete.
3. Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete.

Cloning LUNs
LUN clones enable you to create multiple readable and writable copies of a LUN. You can use
System Manager to create a temporary copy of a LUN for testing or to create a copy of your data
available to additional users without providing them access to the production data.
Before you begin
• You must have installed the FlexClone license on the storage system.
• When space reservation is disabled on a LUN, the volume that contains the LUN must have
enough space to accommodate changes to the clone.
About this task
• When you create a LUN clone, automatic deletion of the LUN clone is enabled by default in
System Manager. As a result, the LUN clone is deleted when Data ONTAP triggers automatic
deletion to conserve space.
• You cannot clone LUNs on SnapLock volumes.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the LUN Management tab, select the LUN that you want to clone, and then click Clone.
3. Optional: If you want to change the default name, specify a new name.
4. Click Clone.
5. Verify that the LUN clone you created is listed in the LUNs window.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 226
Managing logical storage

You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Editing LUNs
You can use the LUN properties dialog box in System Manager to change the name, description,
size, space reservation setting, or the mapped initiator hosts of a LUN.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the LUN Management tab, select the LUN that you want to edit from the list of LUNs, and
click Edit.
3. Make the required changes.
4. Click Save and Close.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Bringing LUNs online

You can use the LUN Management tab in System Manager to bring selected LUNs online and
make them available to the host.
Before you begin
Any host application accessing the LUN must be quiesced or synchronized.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the LUN Management tab, select one or more LUNs that you want to bring online.
3. Click Status > Online.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Taking LUNs offline

You can use the LUN Management tab in System Manager to take selected LUNs offline and
make them unavailable for block protocol access.
Before you begin
Any host application accessing the LUN must be quiesced or synchronized.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the LUN Management tab, select one or more LUNs that you want to take offline.
3. Click Status > Offline.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 227
Managing logical storage

You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Moving LUNs
You can use System Manager to move a LUN from its containing volume to another volume or
qtree within a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM). You can move the LUN to a volume that is hosted
on an aggregate containing high-performance disks, thereby improving the performance when
accessing the LUN.
About this task
• You cannot move a LUN to a qtree within the same volume.
• If you have created a LUN from a file using the command-line interface (CLI), you cannot
move the LUN using System Manager.
• The LUN move operation is nondisruptive; it can be performed when the LUN is online and
serving data.
• You cannot use System Manager to move the LUN if the allocated space in the destination
volume is not sufficient to contain the LUN, and even if autogrow is enabled on the volume.
You should use the CLI instead.
• You cannot move LUNs on SnapLock volumes.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the LUN Management tab, select the LUN that you want to move from the list of LUNs,
and then click Move.
3. Optional: In the Move Options area of the Move LUN dialog box, specify a new name for the
LUN if you want to change the default name.
4. Select the storage object to which you want to move the LUN and perform one of the following

If you want to move the LUN Then...

A new volume a. Select an aggregate in which you want to create the new volume.
b. Specify a name for the volume.

An existing volume or qtree a. Select a volume to which you want to move the LUN.
b. If the selected volume contains any qtrees, select the qtree to which you want
to move the LUN.

5. Click Move.
6. Confirm the LUN move operation, and click Continue.
For a brief period of time, the LUN is displayed on both the origin and destination volume.
After the move operation is complete, the LUN is displayed on the destination volume.
The destination volume or qtree is displayed as the new container path for the LUN.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 228
Managing logical storage

Assigning LUNs to Storage QoS

You can use System Manager to limit the throughput of LUNs by assigning them to Storage
Quality of Service (QoS) policy groups. You can assign Storage QoS for new LUNs or modify
Storage QoS details for LUNs that are already assigned to a policy group.
About this task
• You cannot assign Storage QoS to a LUN if the following storage objects are assigned to a
policy group:
◦ Parent volume of the LUN
◦ Parent Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) of the LUN
• You can assign Storage QoS or modify QoS details for a maximum of 10 LUNs at the same
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the LUN Management tab, select one or more LUNs for which you want to assign Storage
3. Click Storage QoS.
4. In the Quality of Service Details dialog box, select the Manage Storage Quality of Service
check box if you want to manage the workload performance of the LUN.
If some of the LUNs you selected are already assigned to a policy group, the changes that you
make might affect the performance of these LUNs.
5. Create a new storage QoS policy group or select an existing policy group to control the input/
output (I/O) performance of the LUN:

If you want to... Do this...

Create a new policy group a. Select New Policy Group.
b. Specify the policy group name.
c. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum
throughput value is set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as the
value and this value is case-sensitive.
d. Specify the maximum throughput limit to ensure that the workload of the
objects in the policy group do not exceed the specified throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must
be of the same unit type.
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set the
maximum throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system
automatically displays "Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-
sensitive. The unit that you specify does not affect the maximum
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 229
Managing logical storage

If you want to... Do this...

Select an existing policy group a. Select Existing Policy Group, and then click Choose to select an existing
policy group from the Select Policy Group dialog box.
b. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum
throughput value is set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as the
value and this value is case-sensitive.
c. Specify the maximum throughput limit to ensure that the workload of the
objects in the policy group do not exceed the specified throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must
be of the same unit type.
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set the
maximum throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system
automatically displays "Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-
sensitive. The unit that you specify does not affect the maximum
If the policy group is assigned to more than one object, the maximum throughput
that you specify is shared among the objects.

6. Optional: Click the link that specifies the number of LUNs to review the list of selected LUNs,
and click Discard if you want to remove any LUNs from the list.
The link is displayed only when multiple LUNs are selected.
7. Click OK.

Editing initiator groups

You can use the Edit Initiator Group dialog box in System Manager to change the name of an
existing initiator group and its operating system. You can add initiators to or remove initiators
from the initiator group. You can also change the port set associated with the initiator group.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the Initiator Groups tab, select the initiator group that you want to modify, and then click
3. Make the necessary changes.
4. Click Save and Close.
5. Verify the changes you made to the initiator group in the Initiator Groups tab.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Editing initiators
You can use the Edit Initiator Group dialog box in System Manager to change the name of an
existing initiator in an initiator group.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 230
Managing logical storage

2. In the Initiator Groups tab, select the initiator group to which the initiator belongs, and then
click Edit.
3. In the Edit Initiator Group dialog box, click Initiators.
4. Select the initiator that you want to edit and click Edit.
5. Change the name and click OK.
6. Click Save and Close.
Related reference
LUNs window on page 235
You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.

Editing port sets

You can use the Portsets tab in System Manager to edit settings related to port sets.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the Portsets tab, select the port set you want to edit and click Edit.
3. In the Edit Portset dialog box, make the necessary changes.
4. Click Save and Close.
Related tasks
Configuring iSCSI protocol on SVMs on page 44
You can configure the iSCSI protocol on the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) to provide block-
level data access by using System Manager. You can create iSCSI LIFs and portsets and add the
LIFs to the portsets. LIFs are created on the most suitable adapters and assigned to portsets to
ensure data path redundancy.

Viewing LUN information

You can use the LUN Management tab in System Manager to view details about a LUN, such as
its name, status, size, and type.
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. In the LUN Management tab, select the LUN that you want to view information about from
the displayed list of LUNs.
3. Review the LUN details in the LUNs window.

Viewing initiator groups

You can use the Initiator Groups tab in System Manager to view all the initiator groups and the
initiators mapped to these initiator groups, and the LUNs and LUN ID mapped to the initiator
1. Click the LUNs tab.
2. Click Initiator Groups and review the initiator groups that are listed in the upper pane.
3. Select an initiator group to view the initiators that belong to it, which are listed in the
Initiators tab in the lower pane.
4. Select an initiator group to view the LUNs mapped to it, which are listed in the Mapped LUNs
in the lower pane.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 231
Managing logical storage

Guidelines for working with FlexVol volumes that contain LUNs

When you work with FlexVol volumes that contain LUNs, you must change the default settings for
Snapshot copies. You can also optimize the LUN layout to simplify administration.
Snapshot copies are required for many optional features, such as SnapMirror, SyncMirror, dump
and restore, and ndmpcopy.
When you create a volume, Data ONTAP automatically performs the following:
• Reserves 5 percent of the space for Snapshot copies
• Schedules Snapshot copies
Because the internal scheduling mechanism for creating Snapshot copies within Data ONTAP
does not ensure that the data within a LUN is in a consistent state, you should change these
Snapshot copy settings by performing the following tasks:
• Turn off the automatic Snapshot copy schedule.
• Delete all existing Snapshot copies.
• Set the percentage of space reserved for Snapshot copies to zero.
You should use the following guidelines to create volumes that contain LUNs:
• Do not create any LUNs in the system’s root volume.
Data ONTAP uses this volume to administer the storage system. The default root volume
is /vol/vol0.
• You should use a SAN volume to contain the LUN.
• You should ensure that no other files or directories exist in the volume that contains the LUN.
If this is not possible and you are storing LUNs and files in the same volume, you should use a
separate qtree to contain the LUNs.
• If multiple hosts share the same volume, you should create a qtree on the volume to store all
the LUNs for the same host.
This is a best practice that simplifies LUN administration and tracking.
• To simplify management, you should use naming conventions for LUNs and volumes that
reflect their ownership or the way that they are used.
Related information
NetApp Documentation: ONTAP 9

LUN size and type

When you create a LUN, you must specify the LUN size and the type for your host operating
The LUN Multiprotocol Type, or operating system type, determines the layout of data on the
LUN, and the minimum and maximum sizes of the LUN. After the LUN is created, you cannot
modify the LUN host operating system type.

Understanding space reservations for LUNs

Understanding how the space reservation setting (combined with the volume guarantee) affects
how space is set aside for LUNs helps you to understand the ramifications of disabling space
reservations, and why certain combinations of LUN and volume settings are not useful.
When a LUN has space reservations enabled (a space-reserved LUN), and its containing volume
has a volume guarantee, free space from the volume is set aside for the LUN at creation time; the
size of this reserved space is governed by the size of the LUN. Other storage objects in the volume
(other LUNs, files, Snapshot copies, and so on) are prevented from using this space.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 232
Managing logical storage

When a LUN has space reservations disabled (a non-space-reserved LUN), no space is set aside
for that LUN at creation time. The storage required by any write operation to the LUN is allocated
from the volume when it is needed, provided sufficient free space is available.
If a space-reserved LUN is created in a none-guaranteed volume, the LUN behaves the same as a
non-space-reserved LUN. This is because a none-guaranteed volume has no space to allocate to
the LUN; the volume itself can only allocate space as it is written to, due to its none guarantee.
Therefore, creating a space-reserved LUN in a none-guaranteed volume is not recommended;
employing this configuration combination might provide write guarantees that are in fact
When the space reserve is set to "Default", the ONTAP space reservation settings apply to the
LUNs. ONTAP space reservation settings also apply to the container volumes if new volumes are

Guidelines for using LUN multiprotocol type

The LUN multiprotocol type, or operating system type, specifies the operating system of the host
accessing the LUN. It also determines the layout of data on the LUN, and the minimum and
maximum size of the LUN.
Note: Not all Data ONTAP versions support all LUN multiprotocol types. For the most up-to-
date information, see the Interoperability Matrix.
The following table describes the LUN multiprotocol type values and the guidelines for using each
LUN multiprotocol type When to use
AIX If your host operating system is AIX.
HP-UX If your host operating system is HP-UX.
Hyper-V Use if you are using Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012
Hyper-V and your LUNs contain virtual hard disks (VHDs). If you are
using hyper_v for your LUN type, you should also use hyper_v for your
igroup OS type.
Note: For raw LUNs, you can use the type of child operating system
as the LUN multiprotocol type.

Linux If your host operating system is Linux.

NetWare If your host operating system is NetWare.
OpenVMS If your host operating system is OpenVMS.
Solaris If your host operating system is Solaris and you are not using Solaris EFI
Solaris EFI If you are using Solaris EFI labels.
Note: Using any other LUN multiprotocol type with Solaris EFI labels
might result in LUN misalignment problems.

VMware If you are using an ESX Server and your LUNs will be configured with
Note: If you configure the LUNs with RDM, you can use the guest
operating system as the LUN multiprotocol type.

Windows 2003 MBR If your host operating system is Windows Server 2003 using the MBR
partitioning method.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 233
Managing logical storage

LUN multiprotocol type When to use

Windows 2003 GPT If you want to use the GPT partitioning method and your host is capable
of using it. Windows Server 2003, Service Pack 1 and later are capable
of using the GPT partitioning method, and all 64-bit versions of
Windows support it.
Windows 2008 or later If your host operating system is Windows Server 2008 or later; both
MBR and GPT partitioning methods are supported.
Xen If you are using Xen and your LUNs will be configured with Linux LVM
with Dom0.
Note: For raw LUNs, you can use the type of guest operating system
as the LUN multiprotocol type.

Related tasks
Creating LUNs on page 221
You can use System Manager to create LUNs for an existing aggregate, volume, or qtree when
there is available free space. You can create a LUN in an existing volume or create a new FlexVol
volume for the LUN. You can also enable Storage Quality of Service (QoS) to manage the
workload performance.
Related information
NetApp Interoperability
Solaris Host Utilities 6.1 Installation and Setup Guide
Solaris Host Utilities 6.1 Quick Command Reference
Solaris Host Utilities 6.1 Release Notes

Understanding LUN clones

LUN clones are writable, space-efficient clones of parent LUNs. Creating LUN clones is highly
space-efficient and time-efficient because the cloning operation does not involve physically
copying any data. Clones help in space storage utilization of the physical aggregate space.
You can clone a complete LUN without the need of a backing Snapshot copy in a SAN
environment. The cloning operation is instantaneous and clients that are accessing the parent LUN
do not experience any disruption or outage. Clients can perform all normal LUN operations on
both parent entities and clone entities. Clients have immediate read/write access to both the parent
and cloned LUN.
Clones share the data blocks of their parent LUNs and occupy negligible storage space until
clients write new data either to the parent LUN, or to the clone. By default, the LUN clone inherits
the space reserved attribute of the parent LUN. For example, if space reservation is disabled on the
parent LUN, then space reservation is also disabled on the LUN clone.
Note: When you clone a LUN, you must ensure that the volume has enough space to contain the
LUN clone.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 234
Managing logical storage

Resizing a LUN
You can resize a LUN to be bigger or smaller than its original size. When you resize a LUN, you
have to perform the steps on the host side that are recommended for the host type and the
application that is using the LUN.

Initiator hosts
Initiator hosts can access the LUNs mapped to them. When you map a LUN on a storage system to
the igroup, you grant all the initiators in that group access to that LUN. If a host is not a member
of an igroup that is mapped to a LUN, that host does not have access to the LUN.

VMware RDM
When you perform raw device mapping (RDM) on VMware, the operating system type of the
LUN must be the operating system type of the guest operating system.

What igroups are

Initiator groups (igroups) are tables of FC protocol host WWPNs or iSCSI host node names. You
can define igroups and map them to LUNs to control which initiators have access to LUNs.
Typically, you want all of the host’s initiator ports or software initiators to have access to a LUN.
If you are using multipathing software or have clustered hosts, each initiator port or software
initiator of each clustered host needs redundant paths to the same LUN.
You can create igroups that specify which initiators have access to the LUNs either before or after
you create LUNs, but you must create igroups before you can map a LUN to an igroup.
Initiator groups can have multiple initiators, and multiple igroups can have the same initiator.
However, you cannot map a LUN to multiple igroups that have the same initiator. An initiator
cannot be a member of igroups of differing ostypes.

Required information for creating igroups

There are a number of attributes required when creating igroups, including the name of the igroup,
type of igroup, ostype, iSCSI node name for iSCSI igroups, and WWPN for FCP igroups.

igroup name
The igroup name is a case-sensitive name that must satisfy several requirements.
The igroup name:
• Contains 1 to 96 characters. Spaces are not allowed.
• Can contain the letters A through Z, a through z, numbers 0 through 9, hyphen (“-”),
underscore (“_”), colon (“:”), and period (“.”).
• Must start with a letter or number.
The name you assign to an igroup is independent of the name of the host that is used by the host
operating system, host files, or Domain Name Service (DNS). If you name an igroup aix1, for
example, it is not mapped to the actual IP host name (DNS name) of the host.
Note: You might find it useful to provide meaningful names for igroups, ones that describe the
hosts that can access the LUNs mapped to them.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 235
Managing logical storage

igroup type
The igroup type can be mixed type, iSCSI, or FC/FCoE.

igroup ostype
The ostype indicates the type of host operating system used by all of the initiators in the igroup.
All initiators in an igroup must be of the same ostype. The ostypes of initiators are solaris,
windows, hpux, aix, netware, xen, hyper_v, vmware, and linux.

You must select an ostype for the igroup.

Ways to limit LUN access with port sets and igroups

In addition to using Selective LUN Map (SLM), you can limit access to your LUNs through
igroups and port sets.
Port sets can be used with SLM to further restrict access of certain targets to certain initiators.
When using SLM with port sets, LUNs will be accessible on the set of LIFs in the port set on the
node that owns the LUN and on that node's HA partner.
In the following example, initiator1 does not have a port set. Without a port set, initiator1 can
access LUN1 through both LIF1 and LIF2.
host1 igroup1 LUN1

host1 LIF1


You can limit access to LUN1 by using a port set. In the following example, initiator1 can access
LUN1 only through LIF1. However, initiator1 cannot access LUN1 through LIF2 because LIF2 is
not in port set1.

host1 portset1 igroup1 LUN1

LIF1 host1 LIF1


LUNs window
You can use the LUNs window to create and manage LUNs and to display information about
LUNs. You can also add, edit, or delete initiator groups and initiator IDs.
• LUN Management tab
• Initiator Groups tab
• Portsets tab
LUN Management tab
This tab enables you to create, clone, delete, move, or edit the settings of LUNs. You can also
assign LUNs to a Storage Quality of Service (QoS) policy group.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 236
Managing logical storage

Command buttons
Opens the Create LUN wizard, which enables you to create LUNs.
In a cluster on an All Flash FAS platform that does not contain any existing LUNs, the
Create FC SAN optimized LUNs dialog box is opened, which enables you to set up one or
more FC SAN optimized LUNs.
Opens the Clone LUN dialog box, which enables you to clone the selected LUNs.
Opens the Edit LUN dialog box, which enables you to edit the settings of the selected LUN.
Deletes the selected LUN.
Enables you to change the status of the selected LUN to either Online or Offline.
Opens the Move LUN dialog box, which enables you to move the selected LUN to a new
volume or an existing volume or qtree within the same Storage Virtual Machine (SVM).
Storage QoS
Opens the Quality of Service details dialog box, which enables you to assign one or more
LUNs to a new or existing policy group.
Updates the information in the window.
LUNs list
Displays the name of the LUN.
Displays the name of the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) in which the LUN is created.
Container Path
Displays the name of the file system (volume or qtree) that contains the LUN.
Space Reservation
Specifies whether space reservation is enabled or disabled.
Available Size
Displays the space available in the LUN.
Total Size
Displays the total space in the LUN.
Displays the total space (in percentage) that is used.
Specifies the LUN type.
Specifies the status of the LUN.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 237
Managing logical storage

Policy Group
Displays the name of the Storage QoS policy group to which the LUN is assigned. By
default, this column is hidden.
Displays the name of the application that is assigned to the LUN.
Details area
The area below the LUNs list displays details related to the selected LUN.
Details tab
Displays details related to the LUN such as the LUN serial number, whether the LUN is a
clone, LUN description, the policy group to which the LUN is assigned, minimum
throughput of the policy group, maximum throughput of the policy group, details about the
LUN move operation, and the application assigned to the LUN. You can also view details
about the initiator groups and initiators that are associated with the selected LUN.
Performance tab
Displays performance metrics graphs of the LUNs, including data rate, IOPS, and response
Changing the client time zone or the cluster time zone impacts the performance metrics
graphs. Refresh your browser to see the updated graphs.
Initiator Groups tab
This tab enables you to create, delete, or edit the settings of initiator groups and initiator IDs.
Command buttons
Opens the Create Initiator Group dialog box, which enables you to create initiator groups to
control host access to specific LUNs.
Opens the Edit Initiator Group dialog box, which enables you to edit the settings of the
selected initiator group.
Deletes the selected initiator group.
Updates the information in the window.
Initiator Groups list
Displays the name of the initiator group.
Specifies the type of protocol supported by the initiator group. The supported protocols are
iSCSI, FC/FCoE, or Mixed (iSCSI and FC/FCoE).
Operating System
Specifies the operating system for the initiator group.
Displays the port set that is associated with the initiator group.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 238
Managing logical storage

Initiator Count
Displays the number of initiators added to the initiator group.
Details area
The area below the Initiator Groups list displays details about the initiators that are added to the
selected initiator group and the LUNs that are mapped to the initiator group.
Portsets tab
This tab enables you to create, delete, or edit the settings of port sets.
Command buttons
Opens the Create Portset dialog box, which enables you to create port sets to limit access to
your LUNs.
Opens the Edit Portset dialog box, which enables you to select the network interfaces that
you want to associate with the port set.
Deletes the selected port set.
Updates the information in the window.
Portsets list
Portset Name
Displays the name of the port set.
Specifies the type of protocol supported by the port set. The supported protocols are iSCSI,
FC/FCoE, or Mixed (iSCSI and FC/FCoE).
Interface Count
Displays the number of network interfaces that are associated with the port set.
Initiator Group Count
Displays the number of initiator groups that are associated with the port set.
Details area
The area below the Portsets list displays details about the network interfaces and initiator groups
associated with the selected port set.
Related tasks
Creating LUNs on page 221
You can use System Manager to create LUNs for an existing aggregate, volume, or qtree when
there is available free space. You can create a LUN in an existing volume or create a new FlexVol
volume for the LUN. You can also enable Storage Quality of Service (QoS) to manage the
workload performance.
Deleting LUNs on page 223
You can use System Manager to delete LUNs and return the space used by the LUNs to their
containing aggregates or volumes.
Creating initiator groups on page 223
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 239
Managing logical storage

You can use System Manager to create an initiator group. Initiator groups enable you to control
host access to specific LUNs. You can use port sets to limit which LIFs an initiator can access.
Deleting initiator groups on page 224
You can use the Initiator Groups tab in System Manager to delete initiator groups.
Adding initiators on page 224
You can use System Manager to add initiators to an initiator group. An initiator provides access to
a LUN when the initiator group that it belongs to is mapped to that LUN.
Deleting initiators from an initiator group on page 224
You can use the Initiator Groups tab in System Manager to delete an initiator.
Editing LUNs on page 226
You can use the LUN properties dialog box in System Manager to change the name, description,
size, space reservation setting, or the mapped initiator hosts of a LUN.
Editing initiator groups on page 229
You can use the Edit Initiator Group dialog box in System Manager to change the name of an
existing initiator group and its operating system. You can add initiators to or remove initiators
from the initiator group. You can also change the port set associated with the initiator group.
Editing initiators on page 229
You can use the Edit Initiator Group dialog box in System Manager to change the name of an
existing initiator in an initiator group.
Bringing LUNs online on page 226
You can use the LUN Management tab in System Manager to bring selected LUNs online and
make them available to the host.
Taking LUNs offline on page 226
You can use the LUN Management tab in System Manager to take selected LUNs offline and
make them unavailable for block protocol access.
Cloning LUNs on page 225
LUN clones enable you to create multiple readable and writable copies of a LUN. You can use
System Manager to create a temporary copy of a LUN for testing or to create a copy of your data
available to additional users without providing them access to the production data.

You can use System Manager create, edit, and delete Qtrees.
Related information
ONTAP concepts
Logical storage management
NFS management
CIFS management

Creating qtrees
Qtrees enable you to manage and partition your data within the volume. You can use the Create
Qtree dialog box in System Manager to add a new qtree to a volume on your storage system.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Qtrees tab.
4. Click Create.
5. In the Details tab of the Create Qtree dialog box, type a name for the qtree.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 240
Managing logical storage

6. Select the volume to which you want to add this qtree.

The Volume browse list includes only volumes that are online.
7. If you want to disable oplocks for the qtree, clear the Enable Oplocks for files and
directories in this Qtree check box.
By default, oplocks are enabled for each qtree.
8. If you want to change the default inherited security style, select a new one.
The default security style of the qtree is the security style of the volume that contains the
9. If you want to change the default inherited export policy, select an existing export policy or
create a new export policy.
The default export policy of the qtree is the export policy assigned to the volume that
contains the qtree.
10. If you want to restrict the disk space usage, click the Quotas tab.
a. If you want to apply quotas on the qtree, click Qtree quota, and then specify the disk
space limit.
b. If you want to apply quotas for all the users on the qtree, click User quota, and then
specify the disk space limit.
11. Click Create.
12. Verify that the new qtree you created is included in the list of qtrees in the Qtrees window.
Related reference
Qtrees window on page 243
You can use the Qtrees window to create, display, and manage information about qtrees.

Deleting qtrees
You can delete a qtree and reclaim the disk space it uses within a volume by using System
Manager. When you delete a qtree, all quotas applicable to that qtree are no longer applied by
Before you begin
• The qtree status must be normal.
• The qtree must not contain any LUN.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Qtrees tab.
4. In the Qtrees window, select one or more qtrees that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
5. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
6. Verify that the qtree you deleted is no longer included in the list of qtrees in the Qtrees
Related reference
Qtrees window on page 243
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 241
Managing logical storage

You can use the Qtrees window to create, display, and manage information about qtrees.

Editing qtrees
You can use System Manager to modify the properties of a qtree, such as the security style, enable
or disable opportunistic locks (oplocks), or assign a new or existing export policy.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Qtrees tab.
4. Select the qtree that you want to edit and click Edit.
5. In the Edit Qtree dialog box, edit the following properties:
• Oplocks
• Security style
• Export policy
6. Click Save.
7. Verify the changes you made to the selected qtree in the Qtrees window.
Related reference
Qtrees window on page 243
You can use the Qtrees window to create, display, and manage information about qtrees.

Assigning export policies to qtrees

Instead of exporting an entire volume, you can export a specific qtree on a volume to make it
directly accessible to clients. You can use System Manager to export a qtree by assigning an
export policy to it. You can assign an export policy to one or more qtrees from the Qtrees window.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Qtrees tab.
4. Select one or more qtrees for which you want to assign an export policy and click Change
Export Policy.
5. In the Export Policy dialog box, create a new export policy or select an existing export policy.
Creating an export policy on page 270
6. Click Save.
7. Verify that the export policy and its related export rules that you assigned to the qtrees is
displayed in the Details tab of the appropriate qtree.

Viewing qtree information

You can use the Qtrees window in System Manager to view the volume that contains the qtree; the
name, security style, and status of the qtree; and the oplocks status.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Qtrees tab.
4. Select the qtree that you want to view information about from the displayed list of qtrees.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 242
Managing logical storage

5. Review the qtree details in the Qtrees window.

What a qtree is
A qtree is a logically defined file system that can exist as a special subdirectory of the root
directory within a FlexVol volume. You can create up to 4995 qtrees per volume. There is no
maximum limit for the storage system as a whole. You can create qtrees for managing and
partitioning your data within the volume. Qtrees are available only for FlexVol volumes.
In general, qtrees are similar to volumes. However, they have the following key differences:
• Snapshot copies can be enabled or disabled for individual volumes but not for individual
• Qtrees do not support space reservations or space guarantees.
There are no restrictions on how much disk space can be used by the qtree or how many files can
exist in the qtree.

Qtree options
A qtree is a logically defined file system that can exist as a special subdirectory of the root
directory within a FlexVol volume and are used to manage and partition data within the volume.
You can specify the following options when creating a qtree:
• Name of the qtree
• Volume in which you want the qtree to reside
• Oplocks
By default, oplocks are enabled for the qtree. If you disable oplocks for the entire storage
system, oplocks are not set even if you enable oplocks on a per-qtree basis
• Security style
The security style can be UNIX, NTFS, or Mixed (UNIX and NTFS). By default, the security
style of the qtree is the same as that of the selected volume.
• Export policy
Create a new export policy or select an existing policy. By default, the export policy of the
qtree is same as that of the selected volume.
• Space usage limits for qtree and user quotas

Security styles
Storage systems running Data ONTAP operating system supports different types of security styles
for a storage object. By default, the security style of a qtree is the same as that for the root
directory of the volume.
The user's UID and GID, and the UNIX-style permission bits of the file or directory
determine user access. The storage system uses the same method for determining access for
both NFS and CIFS requests.
If you change the security style of a qtree or a volume from NTFS to UNIX, the storage
system disregards the Windows NT permissions that were established when the qtree or
volume used the NTFS security style.
For CIFS requests, Windows NT permissions determine user access. For NFS requests, the
storage system generates and stores a set of UNIX-style permission bits that are at least as
restrictive as the Windows NT permissions.
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Managing logical storage

The storage system grants NFS access only if the UNIX-style permission bits allow the user
If you change the security style of a qtree or a volume from UNIX to NTFS, files created
before the change do not have Windows NT permissions. For these files, the storage system
uses only the UNIX-style permission bits to determine access.
Some files in the qtree or volume have the UNIX security style and some have the NTFS
security style. A file's security style depends on whether the permission was last set from
For example, if a file currently uses the UNIX security style and a CIFS user sends a set-
ACL request to the file, the file's security style is changed to NTFS. If a file currently uses
the NTFS security style and an NFS user sends a set-permission request to the file, the file's
security style is changed to UNIX.

Qtrees window
You can use the Qtrees window to create, display, and manage information about qtrees.
• Command buttons on page 243
• Qtree list on page 243
• Details area on page 244
Command buttons
Opens the Create Qtree dialog box, which enables you to create a new qtree.
Opens the Edit Qtree dialog box, which enables you to change the security style and to
enable or disable oplocks (opportunistic locks) on a qtree.
Change Export Policy
Opens the Export Policy dialog box, which enables you to assign one or more qtrees to new
or existing export policies.
Deletes the selected qtree.
This button is disabled unless the status of the selected qtree is normal.
Updates the information in the window.
Qtree list
The qtree list displays the volume in which the qtree resides and the qtree name.
Displays the name of the qtree.
Displays the name of the volume in which the qtree resides.
Security Style
Specifies the security style of the qtree.
Specifies the current status of the qtree.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 244
Managing logical storage

Specifies whether the oplocks setting is enabled or disabled for the qtree.
Export Policy
Displays the name of the export policy to which the qtree is assigned.
Details area
Details tab
Displays detailed information about the selected qtree, such as the mount path of the
volume containing the qtree, details about the export policy, and the export policy rules.
Related tasks
Creating qtrees on page 239
Qtrees enable you to manage and partition your data within the volume. You can use the Create
Qtree dialog box in System Manager to add a new qtree to a volume on your storage system.
Deleting qtrees on page 240
You can delete a qtree and reclaim the disk space it uses within a volume by using System
Manager. When you delete a qtree, all quotas applicable to that qtree are no longer applied by
Editing qtrees on page 241
You can use System Manager to modify the properties of a qtree, such as the security style, enable
or disable opportunistic locks (oplocks), or assign a new or existing export policy.

You can use System Manager to create, edit, and delete quotas.
Related information
Logical storage management

Creating quotas
Quotas enable you to restrict or track the disk space and number of files used by a user, group, or
qtree. You can use the Add Quota wizard in System Manager to create a quota and apply it to a
specific volume or qtree.
About this task
Using System Manager, the minimum value that you can specify for hard and soft limits on the
number of files that the quota can own is one thousand. If you want to specify a value lower than
one thousand, you should use the command-line interface (CLI).
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Quotas tab.
4. In the User Defined Quotas tab, click Create.
The Create Quota Wizard is displayed.
5. Type or select information as prompted by the wizard.
6. Confirm the details, and then click Finish to complete the wizard.
After you finish
You can use the local user name or RID to create user quotas. If you create the user quota or group
quota using the user name or group name, then the /etc/passwd file and /etc/group file
must be updated, respectively.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 245
Managing logical storage

Related reference
Quotas window on page 248
You can use the Quotas window to create, display, and manage information about quotas.

Deleting quotas
You can use System Manager to delete one or more quotas as your users and their storage
requirements and limitations change.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Quotas tab.
4. Select one or more quotas that you want to delete and click Delete.
5. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Related reference
Quotas window on page 248
You can use the Quotas window to create, display, and manage information about quotas.

Editing quota limits

You can use System Manager to edit the disk space threshold, the hard and soft limits on the
amount of disk space that the quota target can use, and the hard and soft limits on the number of
files that the quota target can own.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Quotas tab.
4. Select the quota that you want to edit, and click Edit Limits.
5. In the Edit Limits dialog box, edit the quota settings as required.
One hundred (100) is the minimum value that you can specify for hard and soft limits on the
number of files that the quota can own. If you want to specify a value lower than 100, you
should use the command-line interface (CLI).
6. Click Save and Close.
7. Verify the changes that you made to the selected quota in the User Defined Quotas tab.
Related reference
Quotas window on page 248
You can use the Quotas window to create, display, and manage information about quotas.

Activating or deactivating quotas

You can use System Manager to activate or deactivate quotas on one or more selected volumes on
your storage system, as your users and their storage requirements and limitations change.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Quotas tab.
4. In the Quota Status on Volumes tab, select one or more volumes for which you want to
activate or deactivate quotas.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 246
Managing logical storage

5. Click either Activate or Deactivate.

6. If you are deactivating a quota, select the confirmation check box and click OK.
7. Verify the quota status on the volumes in the Status column.
Related reference
Quotas window on page 248
You can use the Quotas window to create, display, and manage information about quotas.

Resizing quotas
You can use the Resize Quota dialog box in System Manager to adjust the active quotas in the
specified volume so that they reflect the changes that you have made to a quota.
Before you begin
Quotas must be enabled for the volumes for which you want to resize quotas.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Quotas tab.
4. In the Quota Status on Volumes tab of the Quotas window, select one or more volumes for
which you want to resize the quotas.
5. Click Resize.
Related reference
Quotas window on page 248
You can use the Quotas window to create, display, and manage information about quotas.

Viewing quota information

You can use the Quotas window in System Manager to view quota details such as the volume and
the qtrees to which the quota is applied, the type of quota, the user or group to which the quota is
applied, and the space and file usage.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the Quotas tab.
4. Perform the appropriate action:

If... Then...
You want to view details of all Click the User Defined Quotas tab.
the quotas that you created
You want to view the details of Click the Quota Report tab.
the quotas that are currently
5. Select the quota that you want to view information about from the displayed list of quotas.
6. Review the quota details.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 247
Managing logical storage

Types of quotas
Quotas can be classified on the basis of the targets they are applied to.
The following are the types of quotas based on the targets they are applied to:
User quota
The target is a user.
The user can be represented by a UNIX user name, UNIX UID, a Windows SID, a file or
directory whose UID matches the user, Windows user name in pre-Windows 2000 format,
and a file or directory with an ACL owned by the user's SID. You can apply it to a volume
or a qtree.
Group quota
The target is a group.
The group is represented by a UNIX group name, a GID, or a file or directory whose GID
matches the group. Data ONTAP does not apply group quotas based on a Windows ID. You
can apply it to a volume or a qtree.
Qtree quota
The target is a qtree, specified by the path name to the qtree.
You can determine the size of the target qtree.
Default quota
Automatically applies a quota limit to a large set of quota targets without creating separate
quotas for each target.
Default quotas can be applied to all three types of quota target (users, groups, and qtrees).
The quota type is determined by the value of the type field.

Quota limits
You can apply a disk space limit or limit the number of files for each quota type. If you do not
specify a limit for a quota, none is applied.
Disk space soft limit
Disk space limit applied to soft quotas.
Disk space hard limit
Disk space limit applied to hard quotas.
Threshold limit
Disk space limit applied to threshold quotas.
Files soft limit
The maximum number of files on a soft quota.
Files hard limit
The maximum number of files on a hard quota.

Quota management
System Manager includes several features that help you to create, edit, or delete quotas. You can
create a user, group, or tree quota and you can specify quota limits at the disk and file levels. All
quotas are established on a per-volume basis.
After creating a quota, you can perform the following tasks:
• Enable and disable quotas
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 248
Managing logical storage

• Resize quotas

How qtree changes affect quotas

When you delete, rename, or change the security style of a qtree, the quotas applied by Data
ONTAP might change, depending on the current quotas being applied.

How changing the security style of a qtree affects user quotas

You can apply Access Control Lists (ACLs) on qtrees by using NTFS or mixed security styles, but
not by using the UNIX security style. Therefore, changing the security style of a qtree might affect
how quotas are calculated. You should always reinitialize quotas after you change the security
style of a qtree.
If you change the security style of a qtree from NTFS or mixed to UNIX, any ACLs on files in that
qtree are ignored and the file usage is charged against the UNIX user IDs.
If you change the security style of a qtree from UNIX to either mixed or NTFS, the previously
hidden ACLs become visible. In addition, any ACLs that were ignored become effective again,
and the NFS user information is ignored. If no ACL existed before, the NFS information continues
to be used in the quota calculation.
Note: To make sure that quota usages for both UNIX and Windows users are properly
calculated after you change the security style of a qtree, you must reinitialize quotas for the
volume containing that qtree.

The following example shows how a change in the security style of a qtree results in a different
user being charged for the usage of a file in the particular qtree.
Suppose NTFS security is in effect on qtree A, and an ACL gives Windows user corp\joe
ownership of a 5 MB file. User corp\joe is charged with 5 MB of disk space usage for qtree A.
Now you change the security style of qtree A from NTFS to UNIX. After quotas are reinitialized,
Windows user corp\joe is no longer charged for this file; instead, the UNIX user corresponding to
the UID of the file is charged for the file. The UID could be a UNIX user mapped to corp\joe or
the root user.

How quotas work with users and groups

When you specify a user or group as the target of a quota, the limits imposed by that quota are
applied to that user or group. However, some special groups and users are handled differently.
There are different ways to specify IDs for users, depending on your environment.

Quotas window
You can use the Quotas window to create, display, and manage information about quotas.
• Tabs
• Command buttons
• User Defined Quotas list
• Details area
User Defined Quotas
You can use the User Defined Quotas tab to view details of the quotas that you create and
to create, edit, or delete quotas.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 249
Managing logical storage

Quota Report
You can use the Quota Report tab to view the space and file usage and to edit the space and
file limits of quotas that are active.
Quota Status on Volumes
You can use the Quota Status on Volumes tab to view the status of a quota and to turn
quotas on or off and to resize quotas.
Command buttons
Opens the Create Quota wizard, which enables you to create quotas.
Edit Limits
Opens the Edit Limits dialog box, which enables you to edit settings of the selected quota.
Deletes the selected quota from the quotas list.
Updates the information in the window.
User Defined Quotas list
The quotas list displays the name and storage information for each quota.
Specifies the volume to which the quota is applied.
Specifies the qtree associated with the quota. "All Qtrees" indicates that the quota is
associated with all the qtrees.
Specifies the quota type: user, or group, or tree.
Specifies a user or a group associated with the quota. "All Users" indicates that the quota is
associated with all the users. "All groups" indicates that the quota is associated with all the
Quota Target
Specifies the type of target that the quota is assigned to. The target can be qtree, user, or
Space Hard Limit
Specifies the disk space limit applied to hard quotas.
This field is hidden by default.
Space Soft Limit
Specifies the disk space limit applied to soft quotas.
This field is hidden by default.
Specifies the disk space limit applied to threshold quotas.
This field is hidden by default.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 250
Managing logical storage

File Hard Limit

Specifies the maximum number of files in a hard quota.
This field is hidden by default.
File Soft Limit
Specifies the maximum number of files in a soft quota.
This field is hidden by default.
Details area
The area below the quotas list displays quota details such as the quota error, space usage and
limits, and file usage and limits.
Related tasks
Creating quotas on page 244
Quotas enable you to restrict or track the disk space and number of files used by a user, group, or
qtree. You can use the Add Quota wizard in System Manager to create a quota and apply it to a
specific volume or qtree.
Deleting quotas on page 245
You can use System Manager to delete one or more quotas as your users and their storage
requirements and limitations change.
Editing quota limits on page 245
You can use System Manager to edit the disk space threshold, the hard and soft limits on the
amount of disk space that the quota target can use, and the hard and soft limits on the number of
files that the quota target can own.
Activating or deactivating quotas on page 245
You can use System Manager to activate or deactivate quotas on one or more selected volumes on
your storage system, as your users and their storage requirements and limitations change.
Resizing quotas on page 246
You can use the Resize Quota dialog box in System Manager to adjust the active quotas in the
specified volume so that they reflect the changes that you have made to a quota.

CIFS protocol
You can use System Manager to enable and configure CIFS servers to allow CIFS clients to access
files on the cluster.
Related information
CIFS management

Setting up CIFS
You can use System Manager to enable and configure CIFS servers to allow CIFS clients to access
files on the cluster.
Before you begin
• The CIFS license must be installed on your storage system.
• While configuring CIFS in the Active Directory domain, the following requirements must be
◦ DNS must be enabled and configured correctly.
◦ The storage system must be able to communicate with the domain controller using the fully
qualified domain name (FQDN).
◦ The time difference (clock skew) between the cluster and the domain controller must not be
more than five minutes.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 251
Managing logical storage

• If CIFS is the only protocol configured on the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM), the following
requirements must be met:
◦ The root volume security style must be NTFS.
By default, System Manager sets the security style as UNIX.
◦ Superuser access must be set to Any for CIFS protocol.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Configuration tab, click Setup.
5. In the General tab of the CIFS Server Setup dialog box, specify the NetBIOS name and the
Active Directory domain details.
6. Click the Options tab and perform the following actions:
• In the SMB settings area, select or clear the SMB signing and SMB encryption check box
as required.
• Specify the default UNIX user.
• In the WINS Servers area, add the required IP address.
7. Click Setup.
Related tasks
Creating a CIFS share on page 212
You can use System Manager to create a share that enables you to specify a folder, qtree, or
volume that CIFS users can access.
Editing the volume properties on page 171
You can modify volume properties such as the volume name, security style, fractional reserve, and
space guarantee by using System Manager. You can modify storage efficiency settings
(deduplication schedule and policy, and compression) and space reclamation settings.
Modifying export policy rules on page 272
You can use System Manager to modify the specified client, access protocols, and access
permissions of an export policy rule.
Related reference
CIFS window on page 258
You can use the CIFS window to configure the CIFS server, manage domain controllers, manage
symbolic UNIX mappings, and configure BranchCache.

Editing the general properties for CIFS

You can modify the general properties for CIFS, such as the default UNIX and Windows user by
using System Manager. You can also enable or disable SMB signing for the CIFS server.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Configuration tab, click Options.
5. In the CIFS Options dialog box, modify the following CIFS server properties, as required:
• UNIX user
• Windows user
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 252
Managing logical storage

• IP address
• Enable or disable SMB signing
Enabling SMB signing helps to ensure that the data is not compromised. However, you
might encounter performance degradation in the form of increased CPU usage on both the
clients and the server, although the network traffic remains the same. You can disable SMB
signing on any of your Windows clients that do not require protection against replay
For information about disabling SMB signing on Windows clients, see the Microsoft
Windows documentation.
• Enable or disable SMB 3.0 encryption
6. Click either Save or Save and Close.
Related reference
CIFS window on page 258
You can use the CIFS window to configure the CIFS server, manage domain controllers, manage
symbolic UNIX mappings, and configure BranchCache.

Adding home directory paths

You can use System Manager to specify one or more paths that can be used by the storage system
to resolve the location of users' CIFS home directories.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Home Directories area of the Configuration tab, click Manage.
5. In the Manage Home Directories dialog box, specify the paths used by the storage system to
search for users’ CIFS home directories.
6. Click Add, and then click Save and Close.
Related reference
CIFS window on page 258
You can use the CIFS window to configure the CIFS server, manage domain controllers, manage
symbolic UNIX mappings, and configure BranchCache.

Deleting home directory paths

You can use System Manager to delete a home directory path when you do not want the storage
system to use the path to resolve the location of users' CIFS home directories.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Home Directories area of the Configuration tab, click Manage.
5. In the Manage Home Directories dialog box, select the home directory path that you want to
delete and click Delete.
6. Click Save and Close.
Related reference
CIFS window on page 258
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 253
Managing logical storage

You can use the CIFS window to configure the CIFS server, manage domain controllers, manage
symbolic UNIX mappings, and configure BranchCache.

Resetting CIFS domain controllers

You can use System Manager to reset the CIFS connection to domain controllers for the specified
domain. Failure to reset the domain controller information can cause a connection failure.
About this task
You have to update the discovery information of the storage system’s available domain controller
after you add or delete a domain from the list of preferred domain controllers. You can update the
storage system’s available domain controller discovery information in Data ONTAP through the
command-line interface (CLI).
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Domain tab, click Reset.
Related reference
CIFS window on page 258
You can use the CIFS window to configure the CIFS server, manage domain controllers, manage
symbolic UNIX mappings, and configure BranchCache.

Updating the CIFS group policy configuration

You have to update the group policy after the policy configuration is changed through the CLI.
You can use the CIFS window in System Manager to update the group policy.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. Click the Domain tab.
5. In the Group Policy area, select the group policy configuration that you want to update and
click Update.

Enabling or disabling a CIFS group policy configuration

You can enable or disable the CIFS group policy configuration from the CIFS window in System
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. Click the Domain tab.
5. In the Group Policy area, select the group policy configuration that you want to enable or
disable and click either Enable or Disable.
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Reloading CIFS group policy

You have to reload a CIFS group policy if the status of the policy is changed. You can use the
CIFS window in System Manager to reload the group policy.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. Click the Domain tab.
5. In the Group Policy area, select the group policy configuration that you want to reload and
click Reload.

Setting up BranchCache
You can use System Manager to configure BranchCache on a CIFS-enabled Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) to enable caching of content on computers local to requesting clients.
Before you begin
• CIFS must be licensed and a CIFS server must be configured.
• For BranchCache version 1, SMB 2.1 or later must be enabled.
• For BranchCache version 2, SMB 3.0 must be enabled and the remote Windows clients must
support BranchCache 2.
About this task
• You can configure BranchCache on SVMs with FlexVol volumes.
• You can create an all-shares BranchCache configuration if want to offer caching services for all
the content contained within all the SMB shares on the CIFS server.
• You can create a per-share BranchCache configuration if you want to offer caching services for
the content contained within selected SMB shares on the CIFS server.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the BranchCache tab, click Set Up.
5. In the BranchCache Setup dialog box, enter the following information:
a. Specify the path to the hash store.
The path can be to an existing directory where you want the hash data to be stored. The
destination path must be read-writable. Read-only paths, such as Snapshot directories, are
not allowed.
b. Specify the maximum size (in KB, MB, GB, TB, or PB) for a hash data store.
If the hash data exceeds this value, older hashes are deleted to provide space for newer
hashes. The default size for the hash store is 1 GB.
c. Specify the operating mode for the BranchCache configuration.
The default operating mode is set to all shares.
d. Specify a server key to prevent clients from impersonating the BranchCache server.
You can set the server key to a specific value so that if multiple servers are providing
BranchCache data for the same files, clients can use hashes from any server using that same
server key. If the server key contains any spaces, you must enclose the server key in
quotation marks.
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Managing logical storage

e. Select the required BranchCache version.

By default, all the versions supported by the client are selected.
6. Click Set Up.

Modifying the BranchCache settings

You can use the CIFS window in System Manager to modify BranchCache settings that are
configured for a CIFS-enabled Storage Virtual Machine (SVM). You can change the hash store
path, the hash store size, the operating mode, and the BranchCache versions that are supported.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the BranchCache tab, click Edit.
5. In the Modify BranchCache Settings dialog box, modify the appropriate information:
• Hash store path
If you modify the hash store path, you are provided with an option to retain the cached hash
data from the previous hash store.
• Hash store size
• Operating mode
• BranchCache version
6. Click Modify.

Deleting the BranchCache configuration

You can use System Manager to delete the BranchCache configuration if you no longer want to
offer caching services on the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) that is configured for BranchCache.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the BranchCache tab, click Delete.
5. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
You can also remove existing hashes from the hash store.

Adding preferred domain controllers

System Manager automatically discovers domain controllers through DNS. Optionally, you can
add one or more domain controllers to the list of preferred domain controllers for a specific
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Domain tab, click Add in the Preferred Domain Controllers area.
5. Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and the IP addresses of the domain controllers
that you want to add.
You can add multiple domain controllers by entering the IP addresses, separated by commas.
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Managing logical storage

6. Click Save.
7. Verify that the domain controller you added is displayed in the list of preferred domain

Editing preferred domain controllers

You can use System Manager to modify the IP address of the preferred domain controllers that are
configured for a specific domain.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Preferred Domain Controllers area of the Domain tab, double-click the domain
controller that you want to edit.
5. Modify the IP addresses of the domain controller and click Save.

Deleting preferred domain controllers

You can use System Manager to delete a preferred domain controller to which the Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) computer account is associated. You can do this when you no longer want to use
a particular domain controller.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Domain tab, select the domain that you want to delete from the Preferred Domain
Controllers area and click Delete.
5. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.

Viewing CIFS domain information

You can use System Manager to view information about the domain controllers and servers that
are connected to the storage system.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. Click the Domain tab.
5. Review the information about the connected domain controllers and servers.

SMB concepts
Clients can access files on Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) using the SMB protocol, provided
that Data ONTAP can properly authenticate the user.
When an SMB client connects to a CIFS server, Data ONTAP authenticates the user with a
Windows domain controller. Data ONTAP uses two methods to obtain the domain controllers to
use for authentication:
• It queries DNS servers in the domain that the CIFS server is configured to use for domain
controller information.
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Managing logical storage

• It queries a list of preferred domain controllers you can optionally specify.

Next, Data ONTAP must obtain UNIX credentials for the user. It does this by using mapping rules
on the SVM or by using a default UNIX user instead. For SVMs, you can specify which mapping
services to use, local files or LDAP, and the order in which mapping services are searched.
Additionally, you can specify the default UNIX user.
Data ONTAP then checks different name services for UNIX credentials for the user, depending on
the name services configuration of the SVM. The options are local UNIX accounts, NIS domains,
and LDAP domains. You must configure at least one of them so that Data ONTAP can
successfully authorize the user. You can specify multiple name services and the order in which
they are searched.

How ONTAP enables you to provide SMB client access to UNIX symbolic links
You must understand certain concepts about how ONTAP enables you to manage symbolic links.
This is important to provide access to SMB users connecting to the SVMs.
A symbolic link is a file that is created in a UNIX environment that contains a reference to another
file or directory. If a client accesses a symbolic link, the client is redirected to the target file or
directory to which the symbolic link refers.
ONTAP provides SMB clients the ability to follow UNIX symbolic links that are configured on
the SVM. This feature is optional, and you can configure it on a per-share basis with one of the
following settings:
• Enabled with read/write access
• Enabled with read-only access
• Disabled by hiding symbolic links from SMB clients
• Disabled with no access to symbolic links from SMB clients
There are two types of symbolic links: relative symbolic links and absolute symbolic links.
A relative symbolic link contains a reference to a file or directory relative to its parent
directory. Therefore, the path of the file that it is referring to should not begin with a slash
(/). If you enable symbolic links on a share, relative symbolic links work without further
An absolute symbolic link contains a reference to a file or directory in the form of an
absolute path. Therefore, the path of the file that it is referring to should begin with a slash
(/). It is treated as an absolute path location of the file from the root of the file system. An
absolute symbolic link can refer to a file or directory within or outside of the file system of
the symbolic link. If the target is not in the same local file system, the symbolic link is
called a widelink. If you enable symbolic links on a share, absolute symbolic links do not
work right away. You must first create a mapping between the UNIX path of the symbolic
link to the destination CIFS path. When creating absolute symbolic link mappings, you can
specify whether it is a local link or a widelink. If you create an absolute symbolic link to a
file or directory outside of the local share but set the locality to local, ONTAP disallows
access to the target.
Note that if a client attempts to delete a local symbolic link (absolute or relative), only the
symbolic link is deleted, not the target file or directory. However, if a client attempts to
delete a widelink, it might delete the actual target file or directory to which the widelink
refers. ONTAP does not have control over this because the client can explicitly open the
target file or directory outside the SVM and delete it.
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Managing logical storage

Using BranchCache to cache SMB share content at a branch office

BranchCache was developed by Microsoft to enable caching of content on computers local to
requesting clients. The Data ONTAP implementation of BranchCache can reduce wide-area
network (WAN) utilization and provide improved access response time when users in a branch
office access content stored on Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs) using SMB.
If you configure BranchCache, Windows BranchCache clients first retrieve content from the SVM
and then cache the content on a computer within the branch office. If another BranchCache-
enabled client in the branch office requests the same content, the SVM first authenticates and
authorizes the requesting user. The SVM then determines whether the cached content is still up-to-
date and, if it is, sends the client metadata about the cached content. The client then uses the
metadata to retrieve content directly from the locally based cache.

What happens when you delete the BranchCache configuration

If you previously configured BranchCache but do not want the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) to
continue providing cached content, you can delete the BranchCache configuration on the CIFS
server. You must be aware of what happens when you delete the configuration.
When you delete the configuration, Data ONTAP removes the configuration information for that
SVM from the cluster and stops the BranchCache service. You can choose whether Data ONTAP
should delete the hash store on the SVM.
Deleting the BranchCache configuration does not disrupt access by BranchCache-enabled clients.
Thereafter, when BranchCache-enabled clients request metadata information on existing SMB
connections for content that is already cached, Data ONTAP responds with a Microsoft defined
error, which causes the client to send a second request, requesting the actual content. In response
to the request for content, the CIFS server sends the actual content that is stored on the SVM
After the BranchCache configuration is deleted, SMB shares do not advertise BranchCache
capabilities. To access content that has not previously been cached using new SMB connections,
clients make normal read SMB requests.

CIFS window
You can use the CIFS window to configure the CIFS server, manage domain controllers, manage
symbolic UNIX mappings, and configure BranchCache.
Configuration tab
This tab enables you to create and manage the CIFS server.
Specifies the status of the CIFS server, name of the server, authentication mode, and the
name of the active directory domain.
Home Directories
Specifies home directory paths and the style to determine how PC user names are mapped
to home directory entries.
Command buttons
• Setup
Opens the CIFS Setup wizard, which enables you to set up CIFS on your Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM).
• Options
Displays the CIFS Options dialog box, which enables you to enable or disable SMB 3.0
signing, enable or disable SMB 3.0 encryption, and add Windows Internet Name
Service (WINS) servers.
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Managing logical storage

SMB signing ensures that the network traffic between the CIFS server and the client is
not compromised.
• Delete
Enables you to delete the CIFS server.
• Refresh
Updates the information in the window.
Domain tab
This tab enables you to view and reset your CIFS domain controllers, and to add or delete
preferred domain controllers. You can also use this tab to manage CIFS group policy
Displays information about discovered authentication servers and your preferred domain
controllers on the CIFS-enabled SVM.
You can also reset the information about the discovered servers, add a preferred domain
controller, delete a domain controller, or refresh the list of domain controllers.
Group Policy
Enables you to view, enable, or disable group policy configurations on the CIFS server. You
can also reload a group policy if the status of the policy is changed.
Symlinks tab
This tab enables you to manage mappings of UNIX symbolic links for CIFS users.
Path Mappings
Displays the list of symbolic link mappings for CIFS.
Command buttons
• Create
Opens the Create New Symlink Path Mappings dialog box, which enables you to create
a UNIX symbolic link mapping.
• Edit
Opens the Edit Symlink Path Mappings dialog box, which enables you to modify the
CIFS share and path.
• Delete
Enables you to delete the symbolic link mapping.
• Refresh
Updates the information in the window.
BranchCache tab
This tab enables you to set up and manage BranchCache settings on CIFS-enabled SVMs with
FlexVol volumes.
You can view the status of the BranchCache service, path to the hash store, size of the hash store,
and the operating mode, server key, and version of BranchCache.
Command buttons
• Setup
Opens the BranchCache Setup dialog box, which enables you to configure BranchCache
for the CIFS server.
• Edit
Opens the Modify BranchCache Settings dialog box, which enables you to modify the
properties of the BranchCache configuration.
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Managing logical storage

• Delete
Enables you to delete the BranchCache configuration.
• Refresh
Updates the information in the window.
Related tasks
Setting up CIFS on page 250
You can use System Manager to enable and configure CIFS servers to allow CIFS clients to access
files on the cluster.
Editing the general properties for CIFS on page 251
You can modify the general properties for CIFS, such as the default UNIX and Windows user by
using System Manager. You can also enable or disable SMB signing for the CIFS server.
Adding home directory paths on page 252
You can use System Manager to specify one or more paths that can be used by the storage system
to resolve the location of users' CIFS home directories.
Deleting home directory paths on page 252
You can use System Manager to delete a home directory path when you do not want the storage
system to use the path to resolve the location of users' CIFS home directories.
Resetting CIFS domain controllers on page 253
You can use System Manager to reset the CIFS connection to domain controllers for the specified
domain. Failure to reset the domain controller information can cause a connection failure.

NFS protocol
You can use System Manager to authenticate NFS clients to access data on the SVM.
Related information
NFS management

Editing NFS settings

You can use System Manager to edit the NFS settings, such as enabling or disabling NFSv3,
NFSv4, and NFSv4.1; enabling or disabling read and write delegations for NFSv4 clients; and
enabling NFSv4 ACLs. You can also edit the default Windows user.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click NFS.
5. In the NFS window, click Edit.
6. In the Edit NFS Settings dialog box, make the necessary changes.
7. Click Save and Close.
Related reference
NFS window on page 261
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 261
Managing logical storage

You can use the NFS window to display and configure your NFS settings.

How ONTAP handles NFS client authentication

NFS clients must be properly authenticated before they can access data on the SVM. ONTAP
authenticates the clients by checking their UNIX credentials against the name services that you
When an NFS client connects to the SVM, ONTAP obtains the UNIX credentials for the user by
checking different name services, depending on the name services configuration of the SVM.
ONTAP can check credentials for local UNIX accounts, NIS domains, and LDAP domains. At
least one of them must be configured so that ONTAP can successfully authenticate the user. You
can specify multiple name services and the order in which ONTAP searches them.
In a pure NFS environment with UNIX volume security styles, this configuration is sufficient to
authenticate and provide the proper file access for a user connecting from an NFS client.
If you are using mixed, NTFS, or unified volume security styles, ONTAP must obtain a CIFS user
name for the UNIX user for authentication with a Windows domain controller. This can happen
either by mapping individual users using local UNIX accounts or LDAP domains, or by using a
default CIFS user instead. You can specify which name services ONTAP searches in which order,
or specify a default CIFS user.

NFS window
You can use the NFS window to display and configure your NFS settings.
Server Status
Displays the status of the NFS service. The service is enabled if the NFS protocol is
configured on the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM).
Note: If you have upgraded to Data ONTAP 8.3 or later from an NFS-enabled storage
system running Data ONTAP 8.1.x, the NFS service is enabled in Data ONTAP 8.3 or
later. However, you must enable support for NFSv3 or NFSv4 because NFSv2 is no
longer supported.

Command buttons
Enables the NFS service.
Disables the NFS service.
Opens the Edit NFS Settings dialog box, which enables you to edit NFS settings.
Updates the information in the window.
Related tasks
Editing NFS settings on page 260
You can use System Manager to edit the NFS settings, such as enabling or disabling NFSv3,
NFSv4, and NFSv4.1; enabling or disabling read and write delegations for NFSv4 clients; and
enabling NFSv4 ACLs. You can also edit the default Windows user.

iSCSI protocol
You can use System Manager to configure the iSCSI protocol that enables you to transfer block
data to hosts using SCSI protocol over TCP/IP.
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Managing logical storage

Related information
SAN administration

Creating iSCSI aliases

An iSCSI alias is a user-friendly identifier that you assign to an iSCSI target device (in this case,
the storage system) to make it easier to identify the target device in user interfaces. You can use
System Manager to create an iSCSI alias.
About this task
An iSCSI alias is a string of 1 to 128 printable characters, and must not include spaces.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click iSCSI.
5. In the Service tab of the iSCSI window, click Edit.
6. In the Edit iSCSI Service Configuration dialog box, enter an iSCSI alias in the Target Alias
field, and then click OK.
Related reference
iSCSI window on page 267
You can use the iSCSI window to start or stop the iSCSI service, change a storage system iSCSI
node name, and create or change the iSCSI alias of a storage system. You can also add or change
the initiator security setting for an iSCSI initiator that is connected to your storage system.

Enabling or disabling the iSCSI service on storage system interfaces

You can use System Manager to control which network interfaces are used for iSCSI
communication by enabling or disabling the interfaces. When the iSCSI service is enabled, iSCSI
connections and requests are accepted over those network interfaces that are enabled for iSCSI,
but not over disabled interfaces.
Before you begin
You must have terminated any outstanding iSCSI connections and sessions currently using the
interface. By default, the iSCSI service is enabled on all Ethernet interfaces after you enable the
iSCSI license.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click iSCSI.
5. In the iSCSI Interfaces area, select the interface on which you want to enable or disable the
iSCSI service.
6. Click Enable or Disable, as required.
Related tasks
Configuring iSCSI protocol on SVMs on page 44
You can configure the iSCSI protocol on the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) to provide block-
level data access by using System Manager. You can create iSCSI LIFs and portsets and add the
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 263
Managing logical storage

LIFs to the portsets. LIFs are created on the most suitable adapters and assigned to portsets to
ensure data path redundancy.
Related reference
iSCSI window on page 267
You can use the iSCSI window to start or stop the iSCSI service, change a storage system iSCSI
node name, and create or change the iSCSI alias of a storage system. You can also add or change
the initiator security setting for an iSCSI initiator that is connected to your storage system.

Adding the security method for iSCSI initiators

You can use System Manager to add an initiator and specify the security method that is used to
authenticate the initiator.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click iSCSI.
5. In the iSCSI window, click the Initiator Security tab.
6. Click Add in the Initiator Security area.
7. Specify the initiator name and the security method to authenticate the initiator.
For CHAP authentication, you must provide the user name and password, and confirm your
password for inbound settings. For outbound settings, this login information is optional.
8. Click OK.
Related reference
iSCSI window on page 267
You can use the iSCSI window to start or stop the iSCSI service, change a storage system iSCSI
node name, and create or change the iSCSI alias of a storage system. You can also add or change
the initiator security setting for an iSCSI initiator that is connected to your storage system.

Editing default security settings

You can use the Edit Default Security dialog box in System Manager to edit the default security
settings for iSCSI initiators that are connected to the storage system.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click iSCSI.
5. In the Default Security area on the Initiator Security tab, click Edit.
6. In the Edit Default Security dialog box, change the security type.
For CHAP authentication, you must provide the user name and password, and confirm your
password for inbound settings. For outbound settings, this login information is optional.
7. Click OK.
Related reference
iSCSI window on page 267
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 264
Managing logical storage

You can use the iSCSI window to start or stop the iSCSI service, change a storage system iSCSI
node name, and create or change the iSCSI alias of a storage system. You can also add or change
the initiator security setting for an iSCSI initiator that is connected to your storage system.

Editing initiator security

The security style configured for an initiator specifies how the authentication is done for that
initiator during the iSCSI connection login phase. You can use System Manager to change the
security for selected iSCSI initiators by changing the authentication method.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click iSCSI.
5. In the Initiator Security tab, select one or more initiators from the initiator list, and then click
Edit in the Initiator Security area.
6. Change the security type.
For CHAP authentication, you must provide the user name and password and confirm your
password for inbound settings. For outbound settings, this is optional.
7. Click OK.
8. Verify the changes you made in the Initiator Security tab.
Related reference
iSCSI window on page 267
You can use the iSCSI window to start or stop the iSCSI service, change a storage system iSCSI
node name, and create or change the iSCSI alias of a storage system. You can also add or change
the initiator security setting for an iSCSI initiator that is connected to your storage system.

Changing the default iSCSI initiator authentication method

You can use System Manager to change the default iSCSI authentication method, which is the
authentication method that is used for any initiator that is not configured with a specific
authentication method.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click iSCSI.
5. In the Initiator Security tab, click Edit in the Default Security area.
6. Change the security type.
For CHAP authentication, you must provide the user name and password and confirm your
password for inbound settings. For outbound settings, this is optional.
7. Click OK.
Related reference
iSCSI window on page 267
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 265
Managing logical storage

You can use the iSCSI window to start or stop the iSCSI service, change a storage system iSCSI
node name, and create or change the iSCSI alias of a storage system. You can also add or change
the initiator security setting for an iSCSI initiator that is connected to your storage system.

Setting the default security for iSCSI initiators

You can use System Manager to remove the authentication settings for an initiator and use the
default security method to authenticate the initiator.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click iSCSI.
5. In the Initiator Security tab, select the initiator whose security setting you want change.
6. Click Set Default in the Initiator Security area, and then click Set Default in the
confirmation box.
Related reference
iSCSI window on page 267
You can use the iSCSI window to start or stop the iSCSI service, change a storage system iSCSI
node name, and create or change the iSCSI alias of a storage system. You can also add or change
the initiator security setting for an iSCSI initiator that is connected to your storage system.

Starting or stopping the iSCSI service

You can use System Manager to start or stop the iSCSI service on your storage system.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click iSCSI.
5. Click either Start or Stop, as required.
Related reference
iSCSI window on page 267
You can use the iSCSI window to start or stop the iSCSI service, change a storage system iSCSI
node name, and create or change the iSCSI alias of a storage system. You can also add or change
the initiator security setting for an iSCSI initiator that is connected to your storage system.

Viewing initiator security information

You can use System Manager to view the default authentication information and all the initiator-
specific authentication information.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click iSCSI.
5. In the Initiator Security tab of the iSCSI window, review the details.
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Managing logical storage

What iSCSI is
The iSCSI protocol is a licensed service on the storage system that enables you to transfer block
data to hosts using the SCSI protocol over TCP/IP. The iSCSI protocol standard is defined by RFC
In an iSCSI network, storage systems are targets that have storage target devices, which are
referred to as LUNs (logical units). A host with an iSCSI host bus adapter (HBA), or running
iSCSI initiator software, uses the iSCSI protocol to access LUNs on a storage system. The iSCSI
protocol is implemented over the storage system’s standard Ethernet interfaces using a software
The connection between the initiator and target uses a standard TCP/IP network. No special
network configuration is needed to support iSCSI traffic. The network can be a dedicated TCP/IP
network, or it can be your regular public network. The storage system listens for iSCSI
connections on TCP port 3260.
Related information
RFC 3270: www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3270.txt

What iSCSI nodes are

In an iSCSI network, there are two types of nodes: targets and initiators. Targets are storage
systems, and initiators are hosts. Switches, routers, and ports are TCP/IP devices only, and are not
iSCSI nodes.

Initiator security
You can select from the following authentication methods:
• none
There is no authentication for the initiator.
• deny
The initiator is denied access when it attempts to authenticate to the storage system.
The initiator logs in using a Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) user name
and password. You can specify a CHAP password or generate a random password.
• default
The initiator uses the default security settings. The initial setting for default initiator security is
In CHAP authentication, the storage system sends the initiator a challenge value. The initiator
responds with a value calculated using a one-way hash function. The storage system then checks
the response against its own version of the value calculated using the same one-way hash function.
If the values match, the authentication is successful.

What CHAP authentication is

The Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) enables authenticated communication
between iSCSI initiators and targets. When you use CHAP authentication, you define CHAP user
names and passwords on both the initiator and the storage system.
During the initial stage of an iSCSI session, the initiator sends a login request to the storage
system to begin the session. The login request includes the initiator’s CHAP user name and CHAP
algorithm. The storage system responds with a CHAP challenge. The initiator provides a CHAP
response. The storage system verifies the response and authenticates the initiator. The CHAP
password is used to compute the response.
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Managing logical storage

iSCSI window
You can use the iSCSI window to start or stop the iSCSI service, change a storage system iSCSI
node name, and create or change the iSCSI alias of a storage system. You can also add or change
the initiator security setting for an iSCSI initiator that is connected to your storage system.
You can use the Service tab to start or stop the iSCSI service, change a storage system
iSCSI node name, and create or change the iSCSI alias of a storage system.
Initiator Security
You can use the Initiator Security tab to add or change the initiator security setting for an
iSCSI initiator that is connected to your storage system.
Command buttons
Opens Edit iSCSI Service Configurations dialog box, which enables you to change iSCSI
node name and iSCSI alias of the storage system.
Starts the iSCSI service.
Stops the iSCSI service.
Updates the information in the window.
Details area
The details area displays information about the status of the iSCSI service, iSCSI target node
name, and iSCSI target alias. You can use this area to enable or disable the iSCSI service on a
network interface.
Related tasks
Creating iSCSI aliases on page 262
An iSCSI alias is a user-friendly identifier that you assign to an iSCSI target device (in this case,
the storage system) to make it easier to identify the target device in user interfaces. You can use
System Manager to create an iSCSI alias.
Enabling or disabling the iSCSI service on storage system interfaces on page 262
You can use System Manager to control which network interfaces are used for iSCSI
communication by enabling or disabling the interfaces. When the iSCSI service is enabled, iSCSI
connections and requests are accepted over those network interfaces that are enabled for iSCSI,
but not over disabled interfaces.
Adding the security method for iSCSI initiators on page 263
You can use System Manager to add an initiator and specify the security method that is used to
authenticate the initiator.
Editing default security settings on page 263
You can use the Edit Default Security dialog box in System Manager to edit the default security
settings for iSCSI initiators that are connected to the storage system.
Editing initiator security on page 264
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The security style configured for an initiator specifies how the authentication is done for that
initiator during the iSCSI connection login phase. You can use System Manager to change the
security for selected iSCSI initiators by changing the authentication method.
Changing the default iSCSI initiator authentication method on page 264
You can use System Manager to change the default iSCSI authentication method, which is the
authentication method that is used for any initiator that is not configured with a specific
authentication method.
Setting the default security for iSCSI initiators on page 265
You can use System Manager to remove the authentication settings for an initiator and use the
default security method to authenticate the initiator.
Starting or stopping the iSCSI service on page 265
You can use System Manager to start or stop the iSCSI service on your storage system.

FC/FCoE protocol
You can use System Manager to configure FC/FCoE protocols.
Related information
SAN administration

Starting or stopping the FC or FCoE service

The FC service enables you to manage FC target adapters for use with LUNs. You can use System
Manager to start the FC service to bring the adapters online and allow access to the LUNs on the
storage system. You can stop the FC service to take the FC adapters offline and prevent access to
the LUNs.
Before you begin
• The FC license must be installed.
• An FC adapter must be present in the target storage system.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Protocols pane, click FC/FCoE.
5. Click either Start or Stop, as required.
6. If you are stopping the FC or FCoE service, click Stop.
Related reference
FC/FCoE window on page 269
You can use the FC/FCoE window to start or stop the FC service.

Changing an FC or FCoE node name

If you replace a storage system chassis and reuse it in the same Fibre Channel SAN, the node
name of the replaced storage system in certain cases might be duplicated. You can change the node
name of the storage system by using System Manager.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
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Managing logical storage

4. In the Protocols pane, click FC/FCoE.

5. Click Edit.
6. Type the new name, and then click OK.
Related reference
FC/FCoE window on page 269
You can use the FC/FCoE window to start or stop the FC service.

What FC is
FC is a licensed service on the storage system that enables you to export LUNs and transfer block
data to hosts using the SCSI protocol over a Fibre Channel fabric.

What FC nodes are

In an FC network, nodes include targets, initiators, and switches.
Targets are storage systems, and initiators are hosts. Nodes register with the Fabric Name Server
when they are connected to an FC switch. Each SVM that has a FCP service is a different FC
target node.

The FCoE protocol

Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) is a new model for connecting hosts to storage systems. Like
the traditional FC protocol, FCoE maintains existing FC management and controls, but it uses a
10-gigabit Ethernet network as the hardware transport.
Setting up an FCoE connection requires one or more supported converged network adapters
(CNAs) in the host, connected to a supported data center bridging (DCB) Ethernet switch. The
CNA is a consolidation point and effectively serves as both an HBA and an Ethernet adapter.
In general, you can configure and use FCoE connections the same way you use traditional FC

FC/FCoE window
You can use the FC/FCoE window to start or stop the FC service.
Command buttons
Opens the Edit Node Name dialog box, which enables you to change the FC or FCoE node
Starts the FC/FCoE service.
Stops the FC/FCoE service.
Updates the information in the window.
FC/FCoE details
The details area displays information about the status of FC/FCoE service, the node name, and the
FC/FCoE adapters.
Related tasks
Starting or stopping the FC or FCoE service on page 268
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Managing logical storage

The FC service enables you to manage FC target adapters for use with LUNs. You can use System
Manager to start the FC service to bring the adapters online and allow access to the LUNs on the
storage system. You can stop the FC service to take the FC adapters offline and prevent access to
the LUNs.
Changing an FC or FCoE node name on page 268
If you replace a storage system chassis and reuse it in the same Fibre Channel SAN, the node
name of the replaced storage system in certain cases might be duplicated. You can change the node
name of the storage system by using System Manager.
Configuring FC and FCoE protocols on SVMs on page 46
You can configure the FC and the FCoE protocols on the SVM for SAN hosts. LIFs are created on
the most suitable adapters and assigned to port sets to ensure data path redundancy. Based on your
requirements, you can configure either FC, FCoE, or both the protocols by using System Manager.

Export policies
You can use System Manager to create, edit, and manage export policies.

Creating an export policy

You can use System Manager to create an export policy so that clients can access specific
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Export Policies.
5. Click Create.
6. In the Create Export Policy dialog box, specify a name for the export policy.
7. If you want to create a new export policy by copying the rules from an existing export policy,
select the Copy Rules from check box, and then select the SVM and the export policy.
You should not select the destination SVM for disaster recovery from the drop-down menu to
create an export policy.
8. In the Export Rules area, click Add to add rules to the export policy.
9. Click Create.
10. Verify that the export policy you created is displayed in the Export Policies window.

Renaming export policies

System Manager enables you to rename an existing export policy.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Export Policies.
5. Select the export policy that you want to rename, and then click Rename Policy.
6. In the Rename Policy dialog box, specify a new policy name, and then click Modify.
7. Verify the changes that you made in the Export Policies window.
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Managing logical storage

Deleting export policies

You can use System Manager to delete export policies that are no longer required.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Export Policies.
5. Select the export policy that you want to delete, and then click Delete Policy.
6. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.

Adding rules to an export policy

You can use System Manager to add rules to an export policy, which enables you to define client
access to data.
Before you begin
You must have created the export policy to which you want to add the export rules.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Export Policies.
5. Select the export policy and from the Export Rules tab, and then click Add.
6. In the Create Export Rule dialog box, perform the following steps:
a. Specify the client that requires access to the data.
You can specify multiple clients as comma-separated values.
You can specify the client in any of the following formats:
• As a host name; for instance, host1
• As an IPv4 address; for instance,
• As an IPv4 address with a network mask; for instance,
• As an IPv6 address; for instance, FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329
• As an IPv6 address with a network mask; for instance, 2001:db8::/32
• As a netgroup, with the netgroup name preceded by an at sign (@); for instance,
• As a domain name preceded by a period (.); for instance, .example.com
Note: You must not enter an IP address range, such as through
Entries in this format are interpreted as a text string and treated as a host name.

You can enter the IPv4 address to provide access to all the hosts.
b. If you want to modify the rule index number, select the appropriate rule index number.
c. Select one or more access protocols.
If you do not select any access protocol, the default value "Any" is assigned to the export
d. Select one or more security types and access rules.
7. Click OK.
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Managing logical storage

8. Verify that the export rule you added is displayed in the Export Rules tab for the selected
export policy.

Modifying export policy rules

You can use System Manager to modify the specified client, access protocols, and access
permissions of an export policy rule.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Export Policies.
5. In the Export Policies window, select the export policy whose export rule you want to edit,
and in the Export Rules tab, select the rule and click Edit.
6. Modify the following parameters as required:
• Client specification
• Access protocols
• Access details
7. Click OK.
8. Verify that the updated changes for the export rule are displayed in the Export Rules tab.
Related tasks
Setting up CIFS on page 250
You can use System Manager to enable and configure CIFS servers to allow CIFS clients to access
files on the cluster.

Deleting export policy rules

You can use System Manager to delete export policy rules that are no longer required.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Export Policies.
5. Select the export policy whose export rule you want to delete.
6. In the Export Rules tab, select the export rule that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
7. In the confirmation box, click Delete.

How export policies control client access to volumes or qtrees

Export policies contain one or more export rules that process each client access request. The result
of the process determines whether the client is denied or granted access and what level of access.
An export policy with export rules must exist on the SVM for clients to access data.
You associate exactly one export policy with each volume or qtree to configure client access to the
volume or qtree. The SVM can contain multiple export policies. This enables you to do the
following for SVMs with multiple volumes or qtrees:
• Assign different export policies to each volume or qtree of the SVM for individual client
access control to each volume or qtree in the SVM.
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Managing logical storage

• Assign the same export policy to multiple volumes or qtrees of the SVM for identical client
access control without having to create a new export policy for each volume or qtree.
If a client makes an access request that is not permitted by the applicable export policy, the request
fails with a permission-denied message. If a client does not match any rule in the export policy,
then access is denied. If an export policy is empty, then all accesses are implicitly denied.
You can modify an export policy dynamically on a system running Data ONTAP.

Export Policies window

You can use the Export Policies window to create, view, and manage information about export
policies and its related export rules.
Export Policies
The Export Policies window enables you to view and manage the export policies created for the
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM).
Command buttons
• Create
Opens the Create Export Policy dialog box, which enables you to create an export policy
and add export rules. You can also copy export rules from an existing SVM.
• Rename
Opens the Rename Policy dialog box, which enables you to rename the selected export
• Delete
Opens the Delete Export Policy dialog box, which enables you to delete the selected
export policy.
• Refresh
Updates the information in the window.
Export Rules tab
The Export Rules tab enables you to view information about the export rules created for a
particular export policy. You can also add, edit, and delete rules.
Command buttons
• Add
Opens the Create Export Rule dialog box, which enables you to add an export rule to the
selected export policy.
• Edit
Opens the Modify Export Rule dialog box, which enables you to modify the attributes
of the selected export rule.
• Delete
Opens the Delete Export Rule dialog box, which enables you to delete the selected
export rule.
• Move Up
Moves up the rule index of the selected export rule.
• Move Down
Moves down the rule index of the selected export rule.
• Refresh
Updates the information in the window.
Export rules list
• Rule Index
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Managing logical storage

Specifies the priority based on which the export rules are processed. You can use the
Move Up and Move Down buttons to choose the priority.
• Client
Specifies the client to which the rule applies.
• Access Protocols
Displays the access protocol that is specified for the export rule.
If you have not specified any access protocol, the default value "Any" is considered.
• Read-Only Rule
Specifies one or more security types for read-only access.
• Read/Write Rule
Specifies one or more security types for read/write access.
• Superuser Access
Specifies the security type or types for superuser access.
Assigned Objects tab
The Assigned Objects tab enables you to view the volumes and qtrees that are assigned to the
selected export policy. You can also view whether the volume is encrypted or not.

Efficiency policies
You can use System Manager to create, edit, and delete efficiency policies.

Adding efficiency policies

You can use System Manager to add efficiency policies to run the deduplication operation on a
volume on a specified schedule or when the change in volume data reaches a specified threshold
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Efficiency Policies.
5. Click Add, and then specify the policy name.
6. Specify how the storage efficiency policy should be run:
• Select Schedule and specify the schedule name and the schedule details.
You can specify the maximum run-time duration of the efficiency policy, if required.
• Select ChangeLog Threshold and specify the threshold value for the change in volume
data (in percent).
7. Optional: Select the Set QoS policy to background check box to reduce performance impact
on client operations.
8. Click Add.

Editing efficiency policies

System Manager enables you to modify the attributes of an efficiency policy such as the policy
name, schedule name, and maximum runtime.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
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Managing logical storage

3. Click the SVM Settings tab.

4. In the Policies pane, click Efficiency Policies.
5. In the Efficiency Policies window, select the policy that you want to edit, and then click Edit.
6. In the Edit Efficiency Policy dialog box, make the necessary changes.
7. Click Save.

Deleting efficiency policies

System Manager enables you to delete an efficiency policy that is no longer required.
Before you begin
The efficiency policy must be disabled.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Efficiency Policies.
5. Select the efficiency policy that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
6. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.

Enabling or disabling efficiency policies

You can use System Manager to enable or disable an efficiency policy.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Efficiency Policies.
5. Select one or more efficiency policies that you want to enable or disable.
6. Click Status > Enable or Status > Disable, as required.
7. If you are disabling an efficiency policy, select the confirmation check box, and then click OK.

What an efficiency policy is

An efficiency policy is a job schedule for a deduplication operation on a volume .
You can run deduplication on a volume either by scheduling the operations to start at a specific
time or by specifying a threshold percentage after which the operations are triggered. You can
schedule a deduplication operation by creating job schedules that are enclosed within the
efficiency policies or you can specify a threshold percentage, which waits for the new data to
exceed the specified percentage and then triggers the deduplication. The volume efficiency
policies support only job schedules that are of type cron.

Understanding predefined efficiency policies

You can configure a volume with efficiency policies to achieve additional space savings. You can
configure a volume to run inline compression without a scheduled or manually started background
efficiency operation configured on the volume.
When you create an SVM, the following efficiency policies are created automatically and cannot
be deleted:
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Managing logical storage

• Default
You can configure a volume with the efficiency policy to run the scheduled deduplication
operations on the volume.
• Inline-only
You can configure a volume with the inline-only efficiency policy and enable inline
compression, to run inline compression on the volume without any scheduled or manually
started background efficiency operations.
For more information about the inline-only and default efficiency policies, see the man pages.

Efficiency Policies window

You can use the Efficiency Policies window to create, display, and manage information about
efficiency policies.
Command buttons
Opens the Add Efficiency Policy dialog box, which enables you to run a deduplication
operation on a volume for a specified duration (schedule-based) or when the change in
volume data reaches a specified threshold value (threshold-based).
Opens the Edit Efficiency Policy dialog box, which enables you to modify the schedule,
threshold value, QoS type, and maximum run time for a deduplication operation.
Opens the Delete Efficiency Policy dialog box, which enables you to delete the selected
efficiency policy.
Open a drop-down menu, which provides options to enable or disable the selected
efficiency policy.
Updates the information in the window.
Efficiency policies list
Specifies the name of an efficiency policy.
Specifies the status of an efficiency policy. The status can be one of the following:
• Enabled
Specifies that the efficiency policy can be assigned to a deduplication operation.
• Disabled
Specifies that the efficiency policy is disabled. You can enable the policy by using the
status drop-down menu and assign it later to a deduplication operation.
Run By
Specifies whether the storage efficiency policy is run based on a schedule or based on a
threshold value (change log threshold).
QoS Policy
Specifies the QoS type for the storage efficiency policy. The QoS type can be one of the
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 277
Managing logical storage

• Background
Specifies that the QoS policy is running in the background, which reduces potential
performance impact on the client operations.
• Best-effort
Specifies that the QoS policy is running on a best-effort basis, which enables you to
maximize the utilization of system resources.
Maximum Runtime
Specifies the maximum run-time duration of an efficiency policy. If this value is not
specified, the efficiency policy is run till the operation is complete.
Details area
The area below the efficiency policy list displays additional information about the selected
efficiency policy, including the schedule name and the schedule details for a schedule-based
policy, and the threshold value for a threshold-based policy.

Protection policies
You can use System Manager to create, edit, and delete protection policies.

Creating protection policies

You can use System Manager to create asynchronous mirror, vault, or mirror and vault policies and
then apply these policies to a data protection relationship.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Protection Policies.
5. Click Create.
6. In the Create Policy dialog box, select the policy type that you want to create.
7. Specify the policy name and transfer priority.
Low indicates that the transfer has the least priority and is usually scheduled after normal
priority transfers. By default, the priority is set to Normal.
8. Optional: For a policy of type asynchronous mirror, select the Transfer All Source
Snapshot Copies check box to include the "all_source_snapshots" rule to the mirror policy,
which backs up all the Snapshot copies from the source volume.
9. Optional: Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data that is
being transferred during a data transfer.
10. Optional: Click Add Comments to add additional comments for the policy.
11. For a policy of type vault or mirror vault, specify a SnapMirror label and a destination
retention count.
12. Click Create.

Deleting protection policies

You can delete a protection policy if you no longer want to use the policy by using System
About this task
The cluster-level mirror or vault policies are not displayed.
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Managing logical storage

1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Protection Policies.
5. In the Protection Policies window, select the policy that you want to delete, and then click
6. In the Delete Policy dialog box, click Delete.

Editing protection policies

You can use System Manager to modify a protection policy and apply the policy to a data
protection relationship.
About this task
The protection policies are not displayed at the cluster level.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click Protection Policies.
5. Select the protection policy that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
6. Modify the transfer priority and enable or disable network compression.
7. For an asynchronous mirror policy, back up all the source Snapshot copies.
8. For a vault or mirror vault policy, modify the SnapMirror label and retention count.
You cannot remove the sm_created label for a mirror vault policy.
9. Click Save.

Configuring SnapMirror policies

To manage a data protection mirror, vault, or mirror and vault relationship, you must assign a
policy to the relationship. You use the policy to maximize the efficiency of the transfers to the
backup secondaries and manage the update operations for SnapVault backups.
SVM disaster recovery relationships support only SnapMirror policies.
FlexVol volumes support data protection mirror, vault, and mirror and vault relationships and

Protection Policies window

You can use the Protection Policies window to create, manage, and display information about
mirror, vault, and mirror vault policies.
• Command buttons on page 278
• Protection policies list
• Details area
Command buttons
Opens the Create Policy dialog box, which enables you to create a mirror, vault, or mirror
vault policy.
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Managing logical storage

Opens the Edit Policy dialog box, which enables you to edit a policy.
Opens the Delete Policy dialog box, which enables you to delete a policy.
Updates the information in the window.
Protection policies list
Displays the name of the protection policy.
Displays the policy type, which can be Vault, Mirror Vault, or Asynchronous Mirror.
Displays the description specified for the policy.
Transfer Priority
Displays the data transfer priority, such as Normal or Low.
Details area
Policy Details tab
Displays details of the protection policy, such as the user who created the policy, number of
rules, retention count, and status of network compression.
Policy Rules tab
Displays details of the rules that are applied to the policy. The Policy Rules tab is displayed
only if the selected policy contains rules.

QoS policy groups

You can use System Manager to create, edit, and delete QoS policy groups.

Creating QoS policy groups

You can use System Manager to create Storage Quality of Service (QoS) policy groups to limit the
throughput of workloads and to monitor workload performance.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click QoS Policy Groups.
5. In the QoS Policy Groups window, click Create.
6. In the Create Policy Group dialog box, specify a group name for the policy.
7. Specify the minimum throughput limit.
If you do not specify the minimum throughput value or when the minimum throughput value is
set to 0, the system automatically displays "None" as the value and this value is case-sensitive.
8. Specify the maximum throughput limit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must be of the same unit
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Managing logical storage

• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set the maximum
throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput value, the system automatically displays
"Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-sensitive. The unit that you specify does not
affect the maximum throughput.
9. Click OK.

Deleting QoS policy groups

System Manager enables you to delete a Storage QoS policy group that is no longer required.
Before you begin
You must have unassigned all the storage objects that are assigned to the policy group.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click QoS Policy Groups.
5. In the QoS Policy Groups window, select the policy group that you want to delete, and then
click Delete.
6. In the confirmation dialog box, click Delete.

Editing QoS policy groups

You can use the Edit Policy Group dialog box in System Manager to modify the name and
maximum throughput of an existing Storage Quality of Service (QoS) policy group.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Policies pane, click QoS Policy Groups.
5. Select the QoS policy group that you want to edit, and then click Edit.
• The minimum throughput limit and the maximum throughput limit must be of the same unit
• If you do not specify the minimum throughput limit, then you can set the maximum
throughput limit in IOPs and B/s, KB/s, MB/s, and so on.
• If you do not specify the maximum throughput limit, the value is set to unlimited and the
unit that you specify does not affect the maximum throughput.
6. In the Edit Policy Group dialog box, edit the QoS policy group details, and then click Save.

Managing workload performance by using Storage QoS

Storage QoS (Quality of Service) can help you manage risks around meeting your performance
objectives. You use Storage QoS to limit the throughput to workloads and to monitor workload
performance. You can reactively limit workloads to address performance problems and you can
pro-actively limit workloads to prevent performance problems.
A workload represents the input/output (I/O) operations to one of the following kinds of storage
• FlexVol volumes
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Managing logical storage

• LUNs
You assign a storage object to a policy group to control and monitor a workload. You can monitor
workloads without controlling them.
The following illustration shows an example environment before and after using Storage QoS. On
the left, workloads compete for cluster resources to transmit I/O. These workloads get "best effort"
performance, which means you have less performance predictability (for example, a workload
might get such good performance that it negatively impacts other workloads). On the right are the
same workloads assigned to policy groups. The policy groups enforce a maximum throughput

Max throughput: Max throughput: Max throughput:

5,000 IOPS 3,000 IOPS 6,000 IOPS
Storage Storage Storage Storage
resources object object object Storage Storage Storage
object object object


How Storage QoS works

Storage QoS controls workloads that are assigned to policy groups by throttling and prioritizing
client operations (SAN and NAS data requests) and system operations.
The following illustration shows a sample environment before and after using Storage QoS. On the
left, workloads compete for cluster resources to transmit I/O. These workloads get "best effort"
performance, which means that you have less performance predictability (for example, a workload
might get such good performance that it negatively impacts other workloads). On the right, the
same workloads are assigned to policy groups that enforce maximum throughput limits.

Max throughput: Max throughput: Max throughput:

5,000 IOPS 3,000 IOPS 6,000 IOPS
Storage Storage Storage Storage
resources object object object Storage Storage Storage
object object object


The -max-throughput parameter specifies the maximum throughput limit for the policy group
that the policy group must not exceed. The value of this parameter is specified in terms of IOPS or
MB/s, or a combination of comma-separated IOPS and MB/s values, and the range is zero to
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 282
Managing logical storage

The units are base 10. There should be no space between the number and the unit. The default
value for the -max-throughput parameter is infinity, which is specified by the special value
Note: There is no default unit for the -max-throughput parameter. For all values except zero
and infinity, you must specify the unit.

The keyword "none" is available for a situation that requires the removal of a value. The keyword
"INF" is available for a situation that requires the maximum available value to be specified.
Examples of valid throughput specifications are: ""100B/s"", "10KB/s", "1gb/s", "500MB/s",
"1tb/s", "100iops", "100iops,400KB/s", and "800KB/s,100iops".

How the maximum throughput limit works

You can specify one service-level objective for a Storage QoS policy group: a maximum
throughput limit. A maximum throughput limit, which you define in terms of IOPS, MBps, or
both, specifies the throughput that the workloads in the policy group cannot collectively exceed.
When you specify a maximum throughput for a policy group, Storage QoS controls client
operations to ensure that the combined throughput for all workloads in the policy group does not
exceed the specified maximum throughput.
For example, assume that you create the policy group "untested_apps" and specify a maximum
throughput of 300 MBps. You assign three volumes to the policy group. The combined throughput
to those three volumes cannot exceed 300 MBps.
Note: The combined throughput to the workloads in a policy group might exceed the specified
limit by up to 10 percent. A deviation might occur if you have a workload that experiences rapid
changes in throughput (sometimes called a bursty workload).

Note the following about specifying a maximum throughput:

• You must not set the limit too low because you might underutilize the cluster.
• You must consider the minimum amount of throughput that you want to reserve for workloads
that do not have limits.
For example, you can ensure that your critical workloads get the throughput that they need by
limiting noncritical workloads.
• You might want to provide room for growth.
For example, if you see an average utilization of 500 IOPS, you might specify a limit of 1,000

Rules for assigning storage objects to policy groups

You should be aware of rules that dictate how you can assign storage objects to Storage QoS
policy groups.
Storage objects and policy groups must belong to the same SVM
A storage object must be contained by the SVM to which the policy group belongs. You specify
the SVM to which the policy group belongs when you create the policy group. Multiple policy
groups can belong to the same SVM.
In the following illustration, the policy group pg1 belongs to SVM vs1. You cannot assign
volumes vol2 or vol3 to policy group pg1 because those volumes are contained by a different
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 283
Managing logical storage

SVM “vs1” SVM “vs2”

Policy group “pg1”

vol1 vol2 vol3

Nested storage objects cannot belong to policy groups

You cannot assign a storage object to a policy group if its containing object or its child objects
belong to a policy group. The following table lists the restrictions.

If you assign the... Then you cannot assign...

SVM to a policy group Any storage objects contained by the SVM to a policy
Volume to a policy group The volume's containing SVM or any child LUNs to a
policy group
LUN to a policy group The LUN's containing volume or SVM to a policy group
File to a policy group The file's containing volume or SVM to a policy group

In the following illustration, the SVM vs3 is assigned to policy group pg2. You cannot assign
volumes vol4 or vol5 to a policy group because an object in the storage hierarchy (SVM vs3) is
assigned to a policy group.

Policy group “pg2”

SVM “vs3”

vol4 vol5

QoS Policy Groups window

Storage QoS (Quality of Service) can help you manage risks related to meeting your performance
objectives. Storage QoS enables you to limit the throughput of workloads and to monitor workload
performance. You can use the QoS Policy groups window to manage your policy groups and view
information about them.
• Command buttons on page 284
• QoS Policy Groups list on page 284
• Details area on page 284
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 284
Managing logical storage

Command buttons
Opens the Create QoS Policy Group dialog box, which enables you to create new policy
Opens the Edit QoS Policy Group dialog box, which enables you to modify the selected
policy group.
Deletes the selected policy groups.
Updates the information in the window.
QoS Policy Groups list
The QoS Policy Groups list displays the policy group name and the maximum throughput for each
policy group.
Displays the name of the QoS policy group.
Minimum Throughput
Displays the minimum throughput limit specified for the policy group.
If you have not specified any minimum throughput value, the system automatically displays
"None" as the value and this value is case-sensitive.
Maximum Throughput
Displays the maximum throughput limit specified for the policy group.
If you have not specified any maximum throughput value, the system automatically displays
"Unlimited" as the value and this value is case-sensitive.
Storage Objects Count
Displays the number of storage objects assigned to the policy group.
Details area
The area below the QoS Policy Groups list displays detailed information about the selected policy
Assigned Storage Objects tab
Displays the name and type of the storage object that is assigned to the selected policy

NIS services
You can use System Manager to add, edit, and manage Network Information Service (NIS)
Related information
NFS configuration
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 285
Managing logical storage

Adding NIS domains

You can maintain host information centrally using NIS. You can use System Manager to add the
NIS domain name of your storage system. Only one NIS domain can be active on a Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM) at any given time.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click NIS.
5. Click Create.
6. Type the NIS domain name and add one or more NIS servers.
7. Click Create.

Editing NIS domains

You can use System Manager to modify NIS domains based on the requirement for Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) authentication and authorization.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click NIS.
5. Select the NIS domain, and then click Edit.
6. Make the necessary changes, and then click Edit.

Managing NIS domains

A Network Information Service (NIS) domain provides a directory of hostnames and IP addresses
in a network. A Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) administrator can manage NIS domains by
creating, modifying, deleting, or displaying information about them. NIS cannot be configured for
the cluster management server.
You can configure multiple NIS domains for a given SVM, but only one NIS domain can be active
on an SVM at any given time. You can also configure an NIS domain with more than one SVM.

NIS window
The NIS window enables you to view the current NIS settings for your storage system.
Command buttons
Opens the Create NIS Domain dialog box, which enables you to create NIS domains.
Opens the Edit NIS Domain dialog box, which enables you to add, delete, or modify NIS
Deletes the selected NIS domain.
Updates the information in the window.
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Managing logical storage

LDAP client services

You can use System Manager to add, edit, and delete LDAP client configurations.

Adding an LDAP client configuration

You can use System Manager to add an LDAP client configuration to use the LDAP services. An
LDAP server enables you to centrally maintain user information. You must first set up an LDAP
client to use LDAP services.
About this task
The LDAP client configuration is view-only at the cluster level. You must add the LDAP client
from the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) level.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click LDAP Client.
5. In the LDAP Client window, click Add.
6. Type the name of the LDAP client.
7. Add either the Active Directory domain or the Active Directory server.
8. Click Binding, and then specify the authentication details.
9. Click Save and Close.
10. Verify that the LDAP client you added is displayed in the LDAP Client window.
Related concepts
LDAP on page 83
You can use System Manager to configure an LDAP server that centrally maintains user

Deleting an LDAP client configuration

You can delete an LDAP client configuration when you do not want any Storage Virtual Machine
(SVM) to be associated with it by using System Manager.
About this task
The LDAP client configuration is view-only at the cluster level. You must delete the LDAP client
from the SVM level.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click LDAP Client.
5. Select the LDAP client, and then click Delete.
6. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
7. Verify that the LDAP client you deleted is no longer displayed in the LDAP Client window.
Related concepts
LDAP on page 83
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Managing logical storage

You can use System Manager to configure an LDAP server that centrally maintains user

Editing an LDAP client configuration

You can edit an LDAP client configuration using the Edit LDAP Client window in System
About this task
The LDAP client configuration is view-only at the cluster level. You must edit the LDAP client
from the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) level.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click LDAP Client.
5. In the LDAP Client window, select the LDAP client, and then click Edit.
6. In the Edit LDAP Client dialog box, edit the LDAP client configuration as required.
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Verify that the changes you made to the LDAP client are displayed in the LDAP Client
Related concepts
LDAP on page 83
You can use System Manager to configure an LDAP server that centrally maintains user

LDAP Client window

You can use the LDAP Client window to create LDAP clients for user authentication, file access
authorization, user search, and mapping services between NFS and CIFS at the Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) level.
Command buttons
Opens the Create LDAP Client dialog box, which enables you to create and configure
LDAP clients.
Opens the Edit LDAP Client dialog box, which enables you to edit the LDAP client
configurations. You can also edit the active LDAP clients.
Opens the Delete LDAP Client(s) dialog box, which enables you to delete LDAP client
configurations. You can also delete an active LDAP client.
Updates the information in the window.
LDAP client list
Displays, in tabular format, details about LDAP clients.
LDAP Client Configuration
Displays the name of the LDAP client configuration that you specified.
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Managing logical storage

Active Directory Domain

Displays the Active Directory domain for each LDAP client configuration.
Active Directory Servers
Displays the Active Directory server for each LDAP client configuration.
Preferred Active Directory Servers
Displays the preferred Active Directory server for each LDAP client configuration.

LDAP configuration services

You can use System Manager to manage LDAP configurations.

Editing active LDAP clients

You can use System Manager to associate an active LDAP client with a Storage Virtual Machine
(SVM), which enables you to use LDAP as a name service or for name mapping.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click LDAP Configuration.
5. In the LDAP Configuration window, click Edit.
6. In the Active LDAP Client dialog box, select the LDAP client that you want to edit and
perform the following actions:
• Enable or disable the LDAP client.
• Modify the active directory domain servers.
• Modify the preferred active directory servers.
7. Click OK.
8. Verify that the changes you made are updated in the LDAP Configuration window.

Deleting active LDAP clients

You can use System Manager to delete an active LDAP client when you do not want a Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM) to be associated with it.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click LDAP Configuration.
5. Click Delete.
6. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 289
Managing logical storage

LDAP Configuration window

You can use the LDAP Configuration window to edit or delete active LDAP clients at the Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM) level.
Command buttons
Opens the Active LDAP Client dialog box, which enables you to edit the active LDAP
client properties such as state, active directory domain servers, and preferred active
directory servers.
Opens the Delete Active LDAP Client dialog box, which enables you to delete the active
LDAP client.
Updates the information in the window.
LDAP Configuration area
Displays the details about the active LDAP client.
LDAP client name
Displays the name of the active LDAP client.
Displays if the active LDAP client is enabled or disabled.
Active Directory Domain Servers
Displays the Active Directory domain for the active LDAP client.
Preferred Active Directory Servers
Displays the preferred Active Directory server for the active LDAP client.

Kerberos realm services

You can use System Manager to create and manage Kerberos realm services.
Related information
NFS management

Creating a Kerberos realm configuration

If you want to use Kerberos authentication for client access, you must configure the Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM) to use an existing Kerberos realm. You can use System Manager to create
a Kerberos realm configuration, which enables SVMs to use Kerberos security services for NFS.
Before you begin
• CIFS license must be installed if CIFS shares are used, and NFS license must be installed if an
LDAP server is used.
• Active Directory (Windows 2003 or Windows 2008) with DES MD5 encryption capability
must be available.
• You must have set the time zone and synchronized the time across the cluster by configuring
This prevents authentication errors, and ensures that timestamps in log files are consistent
across the cluster.
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Managing logical storage

About this task

While creating a Kerberos realm, you have to set the following attributes in the Create Kerberos
Realm wizard:
• Kerberos realm
• KDC IP address and port number.
The default port number is 88.
• Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) vendor
• Administrative server IP address if the KDC vendor is not Microsoft
• Password server IP address
• Active Directory server name and IP address if the KDC vendor is Microsoft
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click Kerberos Realm.
5. In the Kerberos Realm window, click Create.
6. Type or select information as prompted by the wizard.
7. Confirm the details, and then click Finish to complete the wizard.
Related tasks
Setting the time for a cluster on page 34
Related information
NetApp Technical Report 4067: NFS in NetApp ONTAP
NetApp Technical Report 4616: NFS Kerberos in ONTAP with Microsoft Active Directory
NetApp Technical Report 4835: How to Configure LDAP in ONTAP

Editing a Kerberos realm configuration

You can use System Manager to edit a Kerberos realm configuration at the Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) level.
About this task
You can modify the following attributes by using the Kerberos Realm Edit wizard:
• KDC IP address and port number
• The IP address of the administrative server if the KDC vendor is not Microsoft
• The IP address of the password server
• Active Directory server name and IP address if the KDC vendor is Microsoft
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click Kerberos Realm.
5. In the Kerberos Realm window, select the Kerberos realm configuration that you want to
modify, and then click Edit.
6. Type or select information as prompted by the wizard.
7. Confirm the details, and then click Finish to complete the wizard.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 291
Managing logical storage

Deleting Kerberos realm configurations

You can use System Manager to delete a Kerberos realm configuration.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click Kerberos Realm.
5. In the Kerberos Realm window, select one or more Kerberos realm configurations that you
want to delete, and then click Delete.
6. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.

Using Kerberos with NFS for strong security

You can use Kerberos to provide strong authentication between SVMs and NFS clients to provide
secure NFS communication. Configuring NFS with Kerberos increases the integrity and security
of NFS client communications with the storage system.

Kerberos authentication for CIFS

With Kerberos authentication, upon connection to your CIFS server, the client negotiates the
highest possible security level. However, if the client cannot use Kerberos authentication,
Microsoft NTLM or NTLM V2 is used to authenticate with the CIFS server.

Kerberos Realm window

You can use the Kerberos Realm window to provide authentication between Storage Virtual
Machines (SVMs) and NFS clients to ensure secure NFS communication.
Command buttons
Opens the Kerberos Realm Create wizard, which enables you to configure a Kerberos realm
to retrieve user information.
Opens the Kerberos Realm Edit wizard, which enables you to edit a Kerberos realm
configuration based on the requirement for SVM authentication and authorization.
Opens the Delete Kerberos Realm(s) dialog box, which enables you to delete Kerberos
realm configuration.
Updates the information in the window.
Kerberos Realm list
Provides details about the Kerberos realms, in tabular format.
Specifies the name of the Kerberos realm.
KDC Vendor
Specifies the name of the Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC) vendor.
KDC IP Address
Specifies the KDC IP address used by the configuration.
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Managing logical storage

Details area
The details area displays information such as the KDC IP address and port number, KDC vendor,
administrative server IP address and port number, Active Directory server and server IP address of
the selected Kerberos realm configuration.

Kerberos interface services

You can use System Manager to manage Kerberos interface services.

Editing Kerberos configuration

You can use System Manager to enable Kerberos and edit a Kerberos configuration associated
with a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM). This enables the SVM to use Kerberos security services
for NFS.
Before you begin
• You must have at least one Kerberos realm configured at the SVM level.
• You must have a minimum of two data LIFs on the SVM.
One data LIF is used by the Service Principal Name (SPN) for both the UNIX and CIFS-
related Kerberos traffic. The other data LIF is used for accessing non-Kerberos traffic.
Note: The CIFS server is not required for basic NFS Kerberos access. It is required for
multiprotocol access or when using Active Directory as an LDAP server for name mapping

About this task

If you are using Microsoft Active Directory Kerberos, the first 15 characters of any SPNs used in
the domain must be unique. Microsoft Active Directory has a limitation for SPNs of 15 characters
maximum and does not allow duplicate SPNs.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click Kerberos Interface.
5. In the Kerberos Interface window, select the interface, and then click Edit.
6. In the Edit Kerberos Configuration dialog box, make the necessary changes, and then click
Related information
NetApp Technical Report 4067: NFS in NetApp ONTAP
NetApp Technical Report 4616: NFS Kerberos in ONTAP with Microsoft Active Directory
NetApp Technical Report 4835: How to Configure LDAP in ONTAP

Kerberos Interface window

You can use the Kerberos Interface window to enable Kerberos and to edit the Kerberos
configuration for Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs).
Command buttons
Opens the Edit Kerberos Configuration dialog box, which you can use to enable Kerberos
and to edit the Kerberos configuration associated with the SVM.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 293
Managing logical storage

Updates the information in the window.
Kerberos Interface list
Provides details about the Kerberos configuration.
Interface Name
Specifies the logical interfaces associated with the Kerberos configuration for SVMs.
Service Principal Name
Specifies the Service Principal Name (SPN) that matches the Kerberos configuration.
Specifies the name of the Kerberos realm associated with the Kerberos configuration.
Kerberos Status
Specifies whether Kerberos is enabled.

DNS/DDNS Services
You can use System Manager to manage DNS/DDNS services.

Enabling or disabling DNS and DDNS

You can use System Manager to enable or disable DNS on a storage system. After enabling DNS,
you can enable DDNS.
Before you begin
The DNS server administrator must have made the necessary changes in the DNS server for the
DDNS functionality to work.
About this task
• DNS and DDNS are disabled by default.
• System Manager does not perform any validation checks for the DNS and DDNS settings.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click DNS/DDNS.
5. In the DNS/DDNS Services window, click Edit.
6. In the Edit DNS/DDNS Settings dialog box, enable DNS and DDNS services:
a. Select the DNS service check box.
b. Select the DDNS service check box.
You can disable DNS and DDNS by clearing the respective check box.
7. Click OK.
Related reference
DNS/DDNS Services window on page 294
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 294
Managing logical storage

The DNS/DDNS Services window enables you to view the current DNS and DDNS settings for
your system.

Editing DNS and DDNS settings

You can maintain host information centrally using DNS. You can use System Manager to add or
modify the DNS domain name of your storage system. You can also enable DDNS on your storage
system to update the name server automatically in the DNS server.
Before you begin
• You must have set up a CIFS server or Active Directory account for the Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) for secure DDNS to work.
• The DNS server administrator must have made the necessary changes in the DNS server for the
DDNS functionality to work.
Secure DDNS must be enabled on both Data ONTAP and in the DNS server.
About this task
System Manager does not perform any validation checks for the DNS and DDNS settings.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Services pane, click DNS/DDNS.
5. Click Edit.
6. In the Edit DNS/DDNS Settings dialog box, select the DNS service check box to enable DNS.
7. In the DNS Domains and Name Servers areas, add or modify the DNS domain names and the
IP addresses.
8. Select the DDNS service check box to enable DDNS.
You can enable DDNS only if DNS is enabled.
a. Select the Enable Secure DDNS check box to enable secure DDNS.
b. Specify the FQDN and time to live values for the DDNS service.
By default, time to live is set to 24 hours and FQDN is set to SVM name. domain name.
9. Click OK.
Related reference
DNS/DDNS Services window on page 294
The DNS/DDNS Services window enables you to view the current DNS and DDNS settings for
your system.

DNS/DDNS Services window

The DNS/DDNS Services window enables you to view the current DNS and DDNS settings for
your system.
Command buttons
Opens the Edit DNS/DDNS Settings dialog box, which you can use to add or modify DNS
or DDNS details. You can also enable or disable DNS or DDNS.
Updates the information in the window.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 295
Managing logical storage

Related tasks
Enabling or disabling DNS and DDNS on page 293
You can use System Manager to enable or disable DNS on a storage system. After enabling DNS,
you can enable DDNS.
Editing DNS and DDNS settings on page 294
You can maintain host information centrally using DNS. You can use System Manager to add or
modify the DNS domain name of your storage system. You can also enable DDNS on your storage
system to update the name server automatically in the DNS server.

You can use System Manager to create and manage Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) user

Adding SVM user accounts

You can use System Manager to add a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) user account and specify a
login user method to access the storage system.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the SVM User Details pane, click Users.
5. Click Add.
6. Type the user name and password that the user uses to connect to the storage system and
confirm the password.
7. Add one or more user login methods, and then click Add.

Changing the password for SVM user accounts

You can use System Manager to reset the password for a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) user
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the SVM User Details pane, click Users.
5. Select the user account for which you want to modify the password, and then click Reset
6. In the Reset Password dialog box, type the new password, confirm the new password, and
then click Change.

Editing SVM user accounts

You can use System Manager to edit a Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) user account by modifying
the user login methods to access the storage system.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 296
Managing logical storage

3. Click the SVM Settings tab.

4. In the SVM User Details pane, click Users.
5. Select the user account that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
6. Modify one or more user login methods, and then click Modify.

Locking or unlocking SVM user accounts

You can either lock or unlock Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) user accounts by using System
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the SVM User Details pane, click Users.
5. In the Users window, select the user account whose account status you want to modify, and
then click either Lock or Unlock, as required.

Users window
You can use the Users window to manage user accounts, reset a user's password, or display
information about all user accounts.
Command buttons
Opens the Add User dialog box, which enables you to add user accounts.
Opens the Modify User dialog box, which enables you to modify user login methods.
Note: It is best to use a single role for all access and authentication methods of a user

Enables you to delete a selected user account.
Change Password
Opens the Change Password dialog box, which enables you to reset the user password.
Locks the user account.
Updates the information in the window.
Users list
The area below the users list displays detailed information about the selected user.
Displays the name of the user account.
Account Locked
Displays whether the user account is locked.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 297
Managing logical storage

User Login Methods area

Displays the access method that a user can use to access the storage system. The supported
access methods include the following:
• System console (console)
• HTTP(S) (http)
• Data ONTAP API (ontapi)
• Service Processor (service-processor)
• SSH (ssh)
Displays the default supported authentication method, which is "password".
Displays the role of a selected user.

You can use System Manager to create and manage roles.
Related information
Administrator authentication and RBAC

Adding roles
You can use System Manager to add an access-control role and specify the command or command
directory that the role's users can access. You can also control the level of access the role has to the
command or command directory and specify a query that applies to the command or command
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the SVM User Details pane, click Roles.
5. Click Add.
6. In the Add Role dialog box, specify the role name and add the role attributes.
7. Click Add.

Editing roles
You can use System Manager to modify an access-control role's access to a command or command
directory and restrict a user's access to only a specified set of commands.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the SVM User Details pane, click Roles.
5. Select the role that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
6. Modify the role attributes, and then click Modify.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 298
Managing logical storage

Predefined roles for SVM administrators

The predefined roles for SVM administrators should meet most of your needs. You can create
custom roles as necessary. By default, an SVM administrator is assigned the predefined vsadmin
The following table lists the predefined roles for SVM administrators:

Role name Capabilities

vsadmin • Managing own user account local password and key information
• Managing volumes, except volume moves
• Managing quotas, qtrees, Snapshot copies, and files
• Managing LUNs
• Performing SnapLock operations, except privileged delete
• Configuring protocols: NFS, CIFS, iSCSI, and FC. including FCoE
• Configuring services: DNS, LDAP, and NIS
• Monitoring jobs
• Monitoring network connections and network interface
• Monitoring the health of the SVM

vsadmin-volume • Managing own user account local password and key information
• Managing volumes, including volume moves
• Managing quotas, qtrees, Snapshot copies, and files
• Managing LUNs
• Configuring protocols: NFS, CIFS, iSCSI, and FC, including FCoE
• Configuring services: DNS, LDAP, and NIS
• Monitoring network interface
• Monitoring the health of the SVM

vsadmin-protocol • Managing own user account local password and key information
• Configuring protocols: NFS, CIFS, iSCSI, and FC, including FCoE
• Configuring services: DNS, LDAP, and NIS
• Managing LUNs
• Monitoring network interface
• Monitoring the health of the SVM

vsadmin-backup • Managing own user account local password and key information
• Managing NDMP operations
• Making a restored volume read/write
• Managing SnapMirror relationships and Snapshot copies
• Viewing volumes and network information

vsadmin-snaplock • Managing own user account local password and key information
• Managing volumes, except volume moves
• Managing quotas, qtrees, Snapshot copies, and files
• Performing SnapLock operations, including privileged delete
• Configuring protocols: NFS and CIFS
• Configuring services: DNS, LDAP, and NIS
• Monitoring jobs
• Monitoring network connections and network interface
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 299
Managing logical storage

Role name Capabilities

vsadmin-readonly • Managing own user account local password and key information
• Monitoring the health of the SVM
• Monitoring network interface
• Viewing volumes and LUNs
• Viewing services and protocols

Roles window
You can use the Roles window to manage roles for user accounts.
Command buttons
Opens the Add Role dialog box, which enables you to create an access-control role and
specify the command or command directory that the role's users can access.
Opens the Edit Role dialog box, which enables you to add or modify role attributes.
Updates the information in the window.
Roles list
The roles list provides a list of roles that are available to be assigned to users.
Role Attributes area
The details area displays the role attributes, such as the command or command directory that the
selected role can access, the access level, and the query that applies to the command or command

You can use System Manager to maintain a list of local UNIX users and groups for each Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM).

UNIX window
You can use the UNIX window to maintain a list of local UNIX users and groups for each Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM). You can use local UNIX users and groups for authentication and name
Groups tab
You can use the Groups tab to add, edit, or delete UNIX groups that are local to an SVM.
Command buttons
Add Group
Opens the Add Group dialog box, which enables you to create UNIX groups that are local
to SVMs. Local UNIX groups are used with local UNIX users.
Opens the Edit Group dialog box, which enables you to edit a group ID.
Deletes the selected group.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 300
Managing logical storage

Updates the information in the window.
Groups list
Group Name
Displays the name of the group.
Group ID
Displays the ID of the group.
Users tab
You can use the Users tab to add, edit, and delete UNIX users that are local to SVMs.
Command buttons
Add User
Opens the Add User dialog box, which enables you to create UNIX users that are local to
Opens the Edit User dialog box, which enables you to edit the User ID, UNIX group to
which the user belongs, and the full name of the user.
Deletes the selected user.
Updates the information in the window.
Users list
User Name
Displays the name of the user.
User ID
Displays the ID of the user.
Full Name
Displays the full name of the user.
Primary Group ID
Displays the ID of the group to which the user belongs.
Primary Group Name
Displays the name of the group to which the user belongs.

You can use System Manager to create and manage Windows groups and user accounts.
Related information
CIFS management

Creating a local Windows group

You can create local Windows groups that can be used for authorizing access to data contained in
the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) over an SMB connection by using System Manager. You can
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 301
Managing logical storage

also assign privileges that define the user rights or capabilities that a member of the group has
when performing administrative activities.
Before you begin
CIFS server must be configured for the SVM.
About this task
• You can specify a group name with or without the local domain name.
The local domain is the name of the CIFS server for the SVM. For example, if the CIFS server
name of the SVM is "CIFS_SERVER" and you want to create an "engineering" group, you can
specify either "engineering" or "CIFS_SERVER\engineering" as the group name.
The following rules apply when using a local domain as part of the group name:
◦ You can only specify the local domain name for the SVM to which the group is applied.
For example, if the local CIFS server name is "CIFS_SERVER", you cannot specify
"CORP_SERVER\group1" as the group name.
◦ You cannot use "BUILTIN" as a local domain in the group name.
For example, you cannot create a group with "BUILTIN\group1" as the name.
◦ You cannot use an Active Directory domain as a local domain in the group name.
For example, you cannot create a group named "AD_DOM\group1", where "AD_DOM" is
the name of an Active Directory domain.
• You cannot use a group name that already exists.
• The group name must meet the following requirements:
◦ Must not exceed 256 characters
◦ Must not end in a period
◦ Must not include commas
◦ Must not include any of the following printable characters: " / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; ? * @
◦ Must not include characters in the ASCII range 1 through 31, which are non-printable
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows
5. In the Groups tab, click Create.
6. In the Create Group dialog box, specify a name for the group and a description that helps
you identify this new group.
7. Assign a set of privileges to the group.
You can select the privileges from the predefined set of supported privileges.
8. Click Add to add users to this group.
9. In the Add Members to Group dialog box, perform one of the following actions:
• Specify the Active Directory user or Active Directory group to be added to a particular
local group.
• Select the users from the list of available local users in the SVM.
• Click OK.
10. Click Create.
The local Windows group is created and is listed in the Groups window.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 302
Managing logical storage

Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Editing local Windows group properties

You can manage local group membership by adding and removing a local or Active Directory user
or Active Directory group by using System Manager. You can modify the privileges assigned to a
group and the description of a group to easily identify the group.
About this task
You must keep the following in mind when adding or removing members to a local Windows
• You cannot add or remove users to the special Everyone group.
• You cannot add a local Windows group to another local Windows group.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows
5. In the Groups tab, click Edit.
6. Specify a name for the group and a description to identify this new group.
7. Assign a set of privileges to the group.
You can select the privileges from the predefined set of supported privileges.
8. Click Add to add users to this group.
9. In the Add Members window, perform one of the following actions:
• Specify the Active Directory user or Active Directory group to be added to a particular
local group.
• Select the users from the list of available local users in the SVM.
10. Click Edit.
The local Windows group settings are modified and the changes are displayed in the Groups tab.
Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Adding user accounts to a Windows local group

You can add a local or an Active Directory user, or an Active Directory group, if you want users to
have the privileges associated with that group by using System Manager.
Before you begin
• The group must already exist before you can add a user to it.
• The user must already exist before you can add the user to a group.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 303
Managing logical storage

About this task

You must keep the following in mind when adding members to a local Windows group:
• You cannot add users to the special Everyone group.
• You cannot add a local Windows group to another local Windows group.
• You cannot add a user account that contains a space in the user name by using System
You can either rename the user account or add the user account by using the command-line
interface (CLI).
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows
5. In the Groups tab, select the group to which you want to add a user, and then click Add
6. In the Add Members window, perform one of the following actions:
• Specify the Active Directory user or Active Directory group to be added to a particular
local group.
• Select the users from the list of available local users in the SVM.
7. Click OK.
The user you added is listed in the Users tab of the Groups tab.
Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Renaming a local Windows group

You can use System Manager to rename a local Windows group to identify it more easily.
About this task
• The new group name must remain in the same domain as the old group name.
• The group name must meet the following requirements:
◦ Must not exceed 256 characters
◦ Must not end in a period
◦ Must not include commas
◦ Must not include any of the following printable characters: " / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; ? * @
◦ Must not include characters in the ASCII range 1 through 31, which are non-printable
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 304
Managing logical storage

5. In the Groups tab, select the group you want to rename, and then click Rename.
6. In the Rename Group window, specify a new name for the group.
The local group name is changed and is listed with the new name in the Groups window.
Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Deleting a local Windows group

You can use System Manager to delete a local Windows group from a Storage Virtual Machine
(SVM) if it is no longer required for determining access rights to data contained on the SVM or
for assigning SVM user rights (privileges) to group members.
About this task
• Removing a local group removes its membership records.
• The file system is not altered.
Windows Security Descriptors on files and directories that refer to this group are not adjusted.
• The special "Everyone" group cannot be deleted.
• Built-in groups, such as BUILTIN\Administrators and BUILTIN\Users, cannot be deleted.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows
5. In the Groups tab, select the group you want to delete, and then click Delete.
6. Click Delete.
The local group is deleted along with its membership records.
Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Creating a local Windows user account

You can use System Manager to create a local Windows user account that can be used to authorize
access to data contained in the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) over an SMB connection. You can
also use local Windows user accounts for authentication when creating a CIFS session.
Before you begin
• The CIFS server must be configured for the SVM.
About this task
A local Windows user name must meet the following requirements:
• Must not exceed 20 characters
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 305
Managing logical storage

• Must not end in a period

• Must not include commas
• Must not include any of the following printable characters: " / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; ? * @
• Must not include characters in the ASCII range 1 through 31, which are non-printable
The password must meet the following criteria:
• Must be at least six characters in length
• Must not contain the user account name
• Must contain characters from at least three of the following four categories:
◦ English uppercase characters (A through Z)
◦ English lowercase characters (a through z)
◦ Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
◦ Special characters: ~ ! @ # 0 ^ & * _ - + = ` \ | ( ) [ ] : ; " ' < > , . ? /
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows.
5. In the Users tab, click Create.
6. Specify a name for the local user.
7. Specify the full name of the local user and a description that helps you identify this new user.
8. Enter a password for the local user and confirm the password.
The password must meet the password requirements.
9. Click Add to assign group memberships to this user.
10. In the Add Groups window, select the groups from the list of available groups in the SVM.
11. Select Disable this account to disable this account after the user is created.
12. Click Create.
The local Windows user account is created and is assigned membership to the selected groups. The
user account is listed in the Users tab.
Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Editing the local Windows user properties

You can use System Manager to modify a local Windows user account if you want to change an
existing user's full name or description, and if you want to enable or disable the user account. You
can also modify the group memberships assigned to the user account.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 306
Managing logical storage

5. In the Users tab, click Edit.

6. In the Modify User window, make the necessary changes.
7. Click Modify.
The local Windows user account attributes are modified and is displayed in the Users tab.
Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Assigning group memberships to a user account

You can use System Manager to assign group membership to a user account if you want a user to
have privileges associated with that group.
Before you begin
• The group must exist before you can add a user to it.
• The user must exist before you can add the user to a group.
About this task
You cannot add users to the special Everyone group.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows.
5. In the Users tab, select the user account to which you want to assign group memberships, and
then click Add to Group.
6. In the Add Groups window, select the groups to which you want to add the user account.
7. Click OK.
The user account is assigned membership for all the selected groups and has privileges associated
with these groups.
Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Renaming a local Windows user

You can use System Manager to rename a local Windows user account to identify it more easily.
About this task
• The new user name must be created in the same domain as the previous user name.
• The user name must meet the following requirements:
◦ Must not exceed 20 characters
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 307
Managing logical storage

◦ Must not end in a period

◦ Must not include commas
◦ Must not include any of the following printable characters: " / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; ? * @
◦ Must not include characters in the ASCII range 1 through 31, which are non-printable
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows
5. In the Users tab, select the user that you want to rename, and then click Rename.
6. In the Rename User window, specify a new name for the user.
7. Confirm the new name, and then click Rename.
The user name is changed and the new name is listed in the Users tab.
Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Resetting the password of a Windows local user

You can use System Manager to reset the password of a Windows local user. For example, you
might want to reset the password if the password is compromised or if the user has forgotten the
About this task
The password must meet the following criteria:
• Must be at least six characters in length
• Must not contain the user account name
• Must contain characters from at least three of the following four categories:
◦ English uppercase characters (A through Z)
◦ English lowercase characters (a through z)
◦ Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
◦ Special characters: ~ ! @ # 0 ^ & * _ - + = ` \ | ( ) [ ] : ; " ' < > , . ? /
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows.
5. In the Users tab, select the user whose password you want to reset, and then click Set
6. In the Reset Password dialog box, set a new password for the user.
7. Confirm the new password, and then click Reset.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 308
Managing logical storage

Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Deleting a local Windows user account

You can use System Manager to delete a local Windows user account from a Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) if it is no longer required for local CIFS authentication to the CIFS server of the
SVM or for determining access rights to data contained in the SVM.
About this task
• Standard users such as Administrator cannot be deleted.
• Data ONTAP removes references to this user from the local-group database, from the local-
user-membership, and from the user-rights database.
1. Click the SVMs tab.
2. Select the SVM, and then click Manage.
3. Click the SVM Settings tab.
4. In the Host Users and Groups pane, click Windows.
5. In the Users tab, select the user account that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
6. Click Delete.
The local user account is deleted along with its group membership entries.
Related reference
Windows window on page 311
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.

Using local users and groups for authentication and authorization

You can create local users and groups on the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM). The CIFS server
can use local users for CIFS authentication and can use both local users and groups for
authorization when determining both share and file and directory access rights.
Local group members can be local users, domain users and groups, and domain machine accounts.
Local users and groups can also be assigned privileges. Privileges control access to SVM
resources and can override the permissions that are set on objects. A user or member of a group
that is assigned a privilege is granted the specific rights that the privilege allows.
Note: Privileges do not provide clustered Data ONTAP general administrative capabilities.

Local users and groups concepts

You should know what local users and groups are, and some basic information about them, before
determining whether to configure and use local users and groups in your environment.
Local user
A user account with a unique security identifier (SID) that has visibility only on the Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM) on which it is created. Local user accounts have a set of attributes,
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 309
Managing logical storage

including user name and SID. A local user account authenticates locally on the CIFS server
using NTLM authentication.
User accounts have several uses:
• Used to grant User Rights Management privileges to a user.
• Used to control share-level and file-level access to file and folder resources that the
SVM owns.
Local group
A group with a unique SID has visibility only on the SVM on which it is created. Groups
contain a set of members. Members can be local users, domain users, domain groups, and
domain machine accounts. Groups can be created, modified, or deleted.
Groups have several uses:
• Used to grant User Rights Management privileges to its members.
• Used to control share-level and file-level access to file and folder resources that the
SVM owns.
Local domain
A domain that has local scope, which is bounded by the SVM. The local domain's name is
the CIFS server name. Local users and groups are contained within the local domain.
Security identifier (SID)
A SID is a variable-length numeric value that identifies Windows-style security principals.
For example, a typical SID takes the following form:
NTLM authentication
A Microsoft Windows security method used to authenticate users on a CIFS server.
Cluster replicated database (RDB)
A replicated database with an instance on each node in a cluster. Local user and group
objects are stored in the RDB.

Reasons for creating local users and local groups

There are several reasons for creating local users and local groups on your Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM). For example, you can access a CIFS server by using a local user account if the
domain controllers are unavailable, or you may want to use local groups to assign privileges.
You can create one or more local user accounts for the following reasons:
• You want the ability to authenticate and log in to the CIFS server if the domain controllers are
Local users can authenticate with the CIFS server by using NTLM authentication when the
domain controller is down, or when network problems prevent your CIFS server from
contacting the domain controller.
• You want to assign User Rights Management privileges to a local user.
User Rights Management is the ability for a CIFS server administrator to control what rights
the users and groups have on the SVM. You can assign privileges to a user by assigning the
privileges to the user's account, or by making the user a member of a local group that has those
Note: A CIFS server can be part of either an Active Directory domain or a workgroup. A CIFS
server operates as a member server in an Active Directory domain.

You can create one or more local groups for the following reasons:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 310
Managing logical storage

• You want to control access to file and folder resources by using local groups for share and file-
access control.
• You want to create local groups with customized User Rights Management privileges.
Some built-in user groups have predefined privileges. To assign a customized set of privileges,
you can create a local group and assign the necessary privileges to that group. You can then
add local users, domain users, and domain groups to the local group.

What local privileges are

Privileges are well-known rights that can be granted to local and domain users and groups to
perform User Rights Management tasks on the CIFS server. You cannot create privileges. You can
only add or remove existing privileges.

List of supported privileges

Data ONTAP has a predefined set of supported privileges. Certain predefined local groups have
some of these privileges added to them by default. You can also add or remove privileges from the
predefined groups or create new local users or groups and add privileges to the groups that you
created or to existing domain users and groups.
The following table lists the supported privileges on the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) and
provides a list of BUILTIN groups with assigned privileges:
Privilege name Default security setting Description
SeTcbPrivilege None Act as part of the operating
SeBackupPrivilege BUILTIN\Administrators, Back up files and directories,
BUILTIN\Backup Operators overriding any ACLs
SeRestorePrivilege BUILTIN\Administrators, Restore files and directories,
BUILTIN\Backup Operators overriding any ACLs
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege BUILTIN\Administrators Take ownership of files or
other objects
SeSecurityPrivilege BUILTIN\Administrators Manage auditing
This includes viewing,
dumping, and clearing the
security log.
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege BUILTIN\Administrators, Bypass traverse checking
BUILTIN\Backup Operators, Users with this privilege are
BUILTIN\Power Users, BUILTIN not required to have traverse
\Users, Everyone (x) permissions to traverse
folders, symlinks, or

Predefined BUILTIN groups and default privileges

You can assign membership of a local user or domain user to a predefined set of BUILTIN groups
provided by Data ONTAP. Predefined groups have predefined privileges assigned.
The following table describes the predefined groups:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 311
Managing logical storage

Predefined BUILTIN group Default privileges

BUILTIN\Administrators • SeBackupPrivilege
RID 544 • SeRestorePrivilege
When first created, the local Administrator account, • SeSecurityPrivilege
with a RID of 500, is automatically made a member of this • SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
group. When the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) is joined • SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
to a domain, the domain\Domain Admins group is added
to the group. If the SVM leaves the domain, the domain
\Domain Admins group is removed from the group.

BUILTIN\Power Users SeChangeNotifyPrivilege

RID 547
When first created, this group does not have any members.
Members of this group have the following characteristics:
• Can create and manage local users and groups.
• Cannot add themselves or any other object to the
BUILTIN\Administrators group.

BUILTIN\Backup Operators • SeBackupPrivilege

RID 551 • SeRestorePrivilege
When first created, this group does not have any members. • SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Members of this group can override read and write
permissions on files or folders if they are opened with
backup intent.
BUILTIN\Users SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
RID 545
When first created, this group does not have any members
(besides the implied Authenticated Users special
group). When the SVM is joined to a domain, the domain
\Domain Users group is added to this group. If the SVM
leaves the domain, the domain\Domain Users group is
removed from this group.
Everyone SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
SID S-1-1-0
This group includes all users, including guests (but not
anonymous users). This is an implied group with an
implied membership.

Windows window
You can use the Windows window to maintain a list of local Windows users and groups for each
Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on the cluster. You can use the local Windows users and groups
for authentication and name mappings.
• Users tab
• Groups tab
Users tab
You can use the Users tab to view the Windows users that are local to an SVM.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 312
Managing logical storage

Command buttons
Opens the Create User dialog box, which enables you to create a local Windows user
account that can be used to authorize access to data contained in the SVM over an SMB
Opens the Edit User dialog box, which enables you to edit local Windows user properties,
such as group memberships and the full name. You can also enable or disable the user
Opens the Delete User dialog box, which enables you to delete a local Windows user
account from an SVM if it is no longer required.
Add to Group
Opens the Add Groups dialog box, which enables you to assign group membership to a user
account if you want the user to have privileges associated with that group.
Set Password
Opens the Reset Password dialog box, which enables you to reset the password of a
Windows local user. For example, you might want to reset the password if the password is
compromised or if the user has forgotten the password.
Opens the Rename User dialog box, which enables you to rename a local Windows user
account to more easily identify it.
Updates the information in the window.
Users list
Displays the name of the local user.
Full Name
Displays the full name of the local user.
Account Disabled
Displays whether the local user account is enabled or disabled.
Displays the description for this local user.
Users Details Area
Displays the list of groups in which the user is a member.
Groups tab
You can use the Groups tab to add, edit, or delete Windows groups that are local to an SVM.
Command buttons
Opens the Create Group dialog box, which enables you to create local Windows groups that
can be used for authorizing access to data contained in SVMs over an SMB connection.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 313
Managing logical storage

Opens the Edit Group dialog box, which enables you to edit the local Windows group
properties, such as privileges assigned to the group and the description of the group.
Opens the Delete Group dialog box, which enables you to delete a local Windows group
from an SVM if it is no longer required.
Add Members
Opens the Add Members dialog box, which enables you to add local or Active Directory
users, or Active Directory groups to the local Windows group.
Opens the Rename Group dialog box, which enables you to rename a local Windows group
to more easily identify it.
Updates the information in the window.
Groups list
Displays the name of the local group.
Displays the description for this local group.
Groups Details Area
Displays the list of privileges associated with the selected group.
Displays the list of local users associated with the selected group.
Related tasks
Creating a local Windows group on page 300
You can create local Windows groups that can be used for authorizing access to data contained in
the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) over an SMB connection by using System Manager. You can
also assign privileges that define the user rights or capabilities that a member of the group has
when performing administrative activities.
Editing local Windows group properties on page 302
You can manage local group membership by adding and removing a local or Active Directory user
or Active Directory group by using System Manager. You can modify the privileges assigned to a
group and the description of a group to easily identify the group.
Adding user accounts to a Windows local group on page 302
You can add a local or an Active Directory user, or an Active Directory group, if you want users to
have the privileges associated with that group by using System Manager.
Renaming a local Windows group on page 303
You can use System Manager to rename a local Windows group to identify it more easily.
Deleting a local Windows group on page 304
You can use System Manager to delete a local Windows group from a Storage Virtual Machine
(SVM) if it is no longer required for determining access rights to data contained on the SVM or
for assigning SVM user rights (privileges) to group members.
Creating a local Windows user account on page 304
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 314
Managing logical storage

You can use System Manager to create a local Windows user account that can be used to authorize
access to data contained in the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) over an SMB connection. You can
also use local Windows user accounts for authentication when creating a CIFS session.
Editing the local Windows user properties on page 305
You can use System Manager to modify a local Windows user account if you want to change an
existing user's full name or description, and if you want to enable or disable the user account. You
can also modify the group memberships assigned to the user account.
Assigning group memberships to a user account on page 306
You can use System Manager to assign group membership to a user account if you want a user to
have privileges associated with that group.
Renaming a local Windows user on page 306
You can use System Manager to rename a local Windows user account to identify it more easily.
Resetting the password of a Windows local user on page 307
You can use System Manager to reset the password of a Windows local user. For example, you
might want to reset the password if the password is compromised or if the user has forgotten the
Deleting a local Windows user account on page 308
You can use System Manager to delete a local Windows user account from a Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) if it is no longer required for local CIFS authentication to the CIFS server of the
SVM or for determining access rights to data contained in the SVM.

Name mapping
You can use System Manager to specify name mapping entries to map users from different
Related information
CIFS management

Configuring name mappings

ONTAP uses name mapping to map CIFS identities to UNIX identities, Kerberos identities to
UNIX identities, and UNIX identities to CIFS identities. It needs this information to obtain user
credentials and provide proper file access regardless of whether they are connecting from an NFS
client or a CIFS client.
There are two exceptions where you do not have to use name mapping:
• You configure a pure UNIX environment and do not plan to use CIFS access or NTFS security
style on volumes.
• You configure the default user to be used instead.
In this scenario, name mapping is not required because instead of mapping every individual
client credential all client credentials are mapped to the same default user.
Note that you can use name mapping only for users, not for groups.
However, you can map a group of individual users to a specific user. For example, you can map all
AD users that start or end with the word SALES to a specific UNIX user and to the user’s UID.

How name mapping works

When ONTAP has to map credentials for a user, it first checks the local name mapping database
and LDAP server for an existing mapping. Whether it checks one or both and in which order is
determined by the name service configuration of the SVM.
• For Windows to UNIX mapping
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 315
Managing logical storage

If no mapping is found, ONTAP checks whether the lowercase Windows user name is a valid
user name in the UNIX domain. If this does not work, it uses the default UNIX user provided
that it is configured. If the default UNIX user is not configured and ONTAP cannot obtain a
mapping this way either, mapping fails and an error is returned.
• For UNIX to Windows mapping
If no mapping is found, ONTAP tries to find a Windows account that matches the UNIX name
in the CIFS domain. If this does not work, it uses the default CIFS user, provided that it is
configured. If the default CIFS user is not configured and ONTAP cannot obtain a mapping
this way either, mapping fails and an error is returned.

Name mapping conversion rules

An ONTAP system keeps a set of conversion rules for each SVM. Each rule consists of two
pieces: a pattern and a replacement. Conversions start at the beginning of the appropriate list and
perform a substitution based on the first matching rule. The pattern is a UNIX-style regular
expression. The replacement is a string containing escape sequences representing subexpressions
from the pattern, as in the UNIX sed program.

Name Mapping window

You can use the Name Mapping window to specify the name mapping entries to map users from
different platforms.
Name Mappings
You can create and use name mappings to map your UNIX users to Windows users, Windows
users to UNIX users, or Kerberos users to UNIX users.
Command buttons
Opens the Add Name Mapping Entry dialog box, which enables you to create a name
mapping on Storage Virtual Machines (SVMs).
Opens the Edit Name Mapping Entry dialog box, which enables you to edit a name
mapping on SVMs.
Opens the Delete Name Mapping Entries dialog box, which enables you to delete a name
mapping entry.
Opens the Swap Name Mapping Entries dialog box, which enables you to interchange
positions of the two selected name mapping entries.
Updates the information in the window.
Name mappings list
Specifies the name mapping's position in the priority list. Name mappings are applied in the
order in which they occur in the priority list.
Specifies the user name pattern that must be matched.
Specifies the replacement pattern for the user name.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 316
Managing logical storage

Specifies the direction of the name mapping. Possible values are krb_unix for a Kerberos-
to-UNIX name mapping, win_unix for a Windows-to-UNIX name mapping, and unix_win
for a UNIX-to-Windows name mapping.
Command buttons
Opens the Add Group Mapping Entry dialog box, which enables you to create a group
mapping on SVMs.
Opens the Edit Group Mapping Entry dialog box, which enables you to edit the group
mapping on SVMs.
Opens the Delete Group Mapping Entries dialog box, which enables you to delete a group
mapping entry.
Opens the Swap Group Mapping Entries dialog box, which enables you to interchange
positions of the two selected group mapping entries.
Updates the information in the window.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 317
Managing data protection

Managing data protection

You can use System Manager to protect your data by creating and managing mirror relationships,
vault relationships, and mirror and vault relationships. You can also create and manage the
Snapshot policies and schedules.

Mirror relationships
You can use System Manager to create and manage mirror relationships by using the mirror policy.
Related information
Data protection using SnapMirror and SnapVault technology

Creating a mirror relationship from a destination SVM

You can use System Manager to create a mirror relationship from the destination Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM), and to assign a policy and schedule to the mirror relationship. The mirror copy
enables quick availability of data if the data on the source volume is corrupted or lost.
Before you begin
• The source cluster must be running ONTAP 8.2.2 or later.
• The SnapMirror license must be enabled on the source cluster and the destination cluster.
• While mirroring a volume, if you create a SnapLock volume, then the SnapMirror and
SnapLock licenses must be installed on both the source cluster and destination cluster.
• The source cluster and destination cluster must be in a healthy peer relationship.
• The destination aggregate must have free space available .
• A source volume of type read/write (rw) must exist.
• If the destination volume exists, the capacity of the destination volume must be greater than or
equal to the capacity of the source volume.
• If the destination volume exists, the volume must not be the destination for any other mirror
• The destination volume must not be the root volume of a storage system.
About this task
• System Manager does not support a cascade relationship.
For example, a destination volume in a relationship cannot be the source volume in another
• You cannot create a mirror relationship between a sync-source SVM and a sync-destination
SVM in a MetroCluster configuration.
• You can create a mirror relationship between sync-source SVMs in a MetroCluster
• You can create a mirror relationship from a volume on a sync-source SVM to a volume on a
data-serving SVM.
• You can create a mirror relationship from a volume on a data-serving SVM to a data protection
(DP) volume on a sync-source SVM.
• You can create a mirror relationship between SnapLock volumes of the same type only.
For example, if the source volume is a SnapLock Enterprise volume, then the destination
volume must also be a SnapLock Enterprise volume.
• You can use System Manager to only view the FlexGroup volume relationships.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 318
Managing data protection

2. In the Relationships window, click Create.

3. In the Browse SVM dialog box, select an SVM for the destination volume.
4. In the Create Protection Relationship dialog box, select Mirror from the Relationship
Type drop-down list.
5. Optional: Select the Create version-flexible mirror relationship check box to create a
mirror relationship that is independent of the ONTAP version running on the source and
destination clusters, and to back up the Snapshot copies from the source volume.
If you select this option, the SnapLock volumes will not be displayed.
6. Specify the cluster, the SVM, and the source volume.
7. If the selected SVM is not peered, use the Authenticate link to enter the credentials of the
remote cluster and create the SVM peer relationship.
If the names of the local SVM and remote SVM are identical, or if the local SVM is already
in a peer relationship with another remote SVM of the same name, or if the local SVM
contains a data SVM of the same name, the Enter Alias Name for SVM dialog box is
8. Optional: Enter an alias name for the remote SVM in the Enter Alias Name for SVM dialog
9. For FlexVol volumes, create a new destination volume or select an existing volume:

If you want to... Do the following...

Create a new volume • If you want to change the default name, which is displayed in the format
source_SVM_name_source_volume_name_mirror, specify a new name,
and select the containing aggregate for the destination volume.
• Select Default, Thin provisioned or Thick provisioned for the volume.
Note: For AFF storage systems, thin provisioning is default, and for
other storage systems, thick provisioning is default.

Select an existing volume Select the Select Volume option.

Only those volumes with the same language attribute as that of the source
volume are listed.

10. Select an existing policy or create a new policy:

If you want to... Do the following...

Select an existing policy Select a mirror policy from the list.
Create a new policy a. Click Create Policy.
b. Specify a policy name, and set the schedule transfer priority.
Low indicates that the transfer has the least priority and is usually scheduled
after normal priority transfers. By default, the priority is set to normal.
c. Select the Transfer All Source Snapshot Copies check box to include the
"all_source_snapshots" rule to the mirror policy, which will enable you to
back up all the Snapshot copies from the source volume.
d. Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data
that is being transferred.
e. Click Create.

11. Specify a schedule for the relationship:

Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 319
Managing data protection

If... Do the following...

You want to assign an existing From the list of schedules, select an existing schedule.
You want to create a new a. Click Create Schedule.
schedule b. Specify a name for the schedule.
c. Select Basic or Advanced.
• Basic: You can select this option to specify only the day of the week,
time, and the transfer interval.
• Advanced: You can select this option to specify a cron-style schedule.
d. Click Create.

You do not want to assign a Select None.

12. Optional: Select Initialize Relationship to initialize the mirror relationship.
13. Click Create.
If you chose to create a new destination volume, then a new destination volume of type dp is
created, with the language attribute set to match the language attribute of the source volume.
A mirror relationship is created between the source volume and the destination volume. The base
Snapshot copy is transferred to the destination volume if you have opted to initialize the
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Deleting mirror relationships

You can delete a mirror relationship and permanently end the mirror relationship between the
source and destination volumes. When a mirror relationship is deleted, the base Snapshot copy on
the source volume is deleted.
About this task
It is a best practice to break the mirror relationship before deleting the relationship.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship that you want to delete and click Delete.
3. Select the confirmation check boxes to delete the mirror relationship and to release the base
Snapshot copies, and then click Delete.
The relationship is deleted and the base Snapshot copy on the source volume is deleted.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 320
Managing data protection

You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Editing mirror relationships

You can use System Manager to edit a mirror relationship either by selecting an existing policy or
schedule in the cluster, or by creating a new policy or schedule. However, you cannot edit the
parameters of an existing policy or schedule.
About this task
• You cannot edit a mirror relationship created between a volume in Data ONTAP 8.2.1 and a
volume in Data ONTAP 8.3 or later.
• You can modify the relationship type of a version-flexible mirror relationship, vault
relationship, or mirror and vault relationship by modifying the policy type.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship for which you want to modify the policy or schedule, and then
click Edit.
3. In the Edit Relationship dialog box, select an existing policy or create a new policy:

If you want to… Do the following…

Select an existing policy Click Browse, and then select an existing policy.
Create a new policy a. Click Create Policy.
b. Specify a name for the policy.
c. Set the priority for scheduled transfers.
Low indicates that the transfer has the least priority and is usually scheduled
after normal priority transfers. By default, the priority is set to Normal.
d. Select the Transfer All Source Snapshot Copies check box to include the
"all_source_snapshots" rule to the mirror policy, which enables you to back
up all the Snapshot copies from the source volume.
e. Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data
that is being transferred.
f. Click Create.

4. Specify a schedule for the relationship:

If… Do the following…

You want to assign an existing From the list of schedules, select an existing schedule.
You want to create a new a. Click Create Schedule.
schedule b. Specify a name for the schedule.
c. Select either Basic or Advanced:
• Basic specifies only the day of the week, time, and the transfer interval.
• Advanced creates a cron-style schedule.
d. Click Create.

You do not want to assign a Select None.

Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 321
Managing data protection

5. Click OK to save the changes.

Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Initializing mirror relationships

When you start a mirror relationship for the first time, you have to initialize the relationship.
Initializing a relationship consists of a complete baseline transfer of data from the source volume
to the destination. You can use System Manager to initialize a mirror relationship if you have not
already initialized the relationship while creating it.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship that you want to initialize.
3. Click Operations > Initialize.
4. Select the confirmation check box and click Initialize.
5. Verify the status of the mirror relationship in the Protection window.
A Snapshot copy is created and transferred to the destination. This Snapshot copy is used as a
baseline for subsequent incremental Snapshot copies.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Updating mirror relationships

You can initiate an unscheduled mirror update of the destination. You might have to perform a
manual update to prevent data loss due to an upcoming power outage, scheduled maintenance, or
data migration.
Before you begin
The mirror relationship must be in a Snapmirrored state.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship for which you want to update the data, and click Operations >
3. Choose one of the following options:
• Select On demand to perform an incremental transfer from the recent common Snapshot
copy between the source and destination volumes.
• Select Select Snapshot copy and specify the Snapshot copy that you want to transfer.
4. Optional: Select Limit transfer bandwidth to to limit the network bandwidth used for
transfers and specify the maximum transfer speed.
5. Click Update.
6. Verify the transfer status in the Details tab.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 322
Managing data protection

Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Quiescing mirror relationships

Use System Manager to quiesce a mirror destination to stabilize the destination before creating a
Snapshot copy. The quiesce operation enables active mirror transfers to finish and disables future
transfers for the mirroring relationship.
About this task
You can quiesce only mirror relationships that are in the Snapmirrored state.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship that you want to quiesce.
3. Click Operations > Quiesce.
4. Select the confirmation check box and click Quiesce.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Resuming mirror relationships

You can resume a quiesced mirror relationship. When you resume the relationship, normal data
transfer to the mirror destination is resumed and all the mirror activities are restarted.
About this task
If you have quiesced a broken mirror relationship from the command-line interface (CLI), you
cannot resume the relationship from System Manager. You must use the CLI to resume the
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship that you want to resume.
3. Click Operations > Resume.
4. Select the confirmation check box and click Resume.
Data transfer to the mirror destination is resumed for the selected mirror relationship.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 323
Managing data protection

You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Breaking SnapMirror relationships

You must break the mirror relationship if a mirror source becomes unavailable and you want client
applications to be able to access the data from the mirror destination. After the mirror relationship
is broken, the destination volume type changes from DP to RW.
Before you begin
• The SnapMirror destination must be in the quiesced or idle state.
• The destination volume must be already mounted on the destination Storage Virtual Machine
(SVM) namespace.
About this task
You can use the destination volume to serve data while you repair or replace the source, update the
source, and reestablish the original configuration of the systems.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship that you want to break.
3. Click Operations > Break.
4. Select the confirmation check box and click Break.
The data protection SnapMirror relationship is broken. The destination volume type changes from
data protection (DP) read-only to read/write. The system stores the base Snapshot copy for the
data protection mirror relationship for later use.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Resynchronizing mirror relationships

You can reestablish a mirror relationship that was broken earlier. You can perform a
resynchronization operation to recover from a disaster that disabled the source volume.
Before you begin
The source and destination clusters and the source and destination Storage Virtual Machines
(SVMs) must be in peer relationships.
About this task
• When you perform a resynchronization operation, the contents on the mirror destination are
overwritten by the contents on the source.

Attention: The resynchronization operation can

cause loss of newer data written to the destination
volume after the base Snapshot copy was created.
• If the Last Transfer Error field in the Protection window recommends a resynchronization
operation, you must first break the relationship and then perform the resynchronization
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 324
Managing data protection

1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship that you want to resynchronize.
3. Click Operations > Resync.
4. Select the confirmation check box and click Resync.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Reverse resynchronizing mirror relationships

You can use System Manager to reestablish a mirror relationship that was previously broken. In a
reverse resynchronization operation, you reverse the functions of the source and destination.
Before you begin
The source volume must be online.
About this task
• You can use the destination volume to serve data while you repair or replace the source, update
the source, and reestablish the original configuration of the systems.
• When you perform reverse resynchronization, the contents on the mirror source are overwritten
by the contents on the destination.

Attention: This operation can cause data loss on the

• When you perform reverse resynchronization, the mirror policy of the relationship is set to
DPDefault and the mirror schedule is set to None.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship that you want to reverse.
3. Click Operations > Reverse Resync.
4. Select the confirmation check box, and click Reverse Resync.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Aborting a mirror transfer

You can abort a volume replication operation before the data transfer is complete. You can abort a
scheduled update, a manual update, or an initial data transfer.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the relationship for which you want to stop the data transfer, and click Operations >
3. Select the Yes, I want to abort the transfer check box to confirm the operation.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 325
Managing data protection

4. Optional: Select the Keep any partially transferred data check box to retain the data that is
already transferred to the destination volume.
5. Click Abort.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Restoring a volume in a mirror relationship

For a version-independent mirror relationship, you can use System Manager to restore Snapshot
copies to a source volume or other volumes if the source data is corrupted and is no longer usable.
You can replace the original data with the Snapshot copies in the destination volume.
Before you begin
• The SnapMirror license must be enabled on both the source and the destination clusters or the
nodes that contain the source and destination volumes.
• The source and destination clusters must be in a healthy peer relationship.
• The source aggregate or any other aggregate that you select for the restore operation must be a
64-bit aggregate.
About this task
• You cannot restore a volume that is in a mirror relationship between a source Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) and a destination SVM in a MetroCluster configuration.
• You can restore a mirror relationship between sync-source SVMs in a MetroCluster
• You can restore a mirror relationship from a volume on a sync-source SVM to a default SVM.
• You can restore a mirror relationship from a volume on a default SVM to a DP volume on a
sync-source SVM.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship, and then click Operations > Restore.
3. In the Restore dialog box, restore the data to the source volume in the mirror relationship or
select any other volume:

If you want to restore to... Do the following...

The source volume a. Select Source volume.
b. Go to Step 7.

Any other volume Select Other volume, and then select the cluster and SVM from the list.
4. Restore the data to a new volume or to an existing volume:

If you want to restore to... Do the following...

A new volume If you want to change the default name, displayed in the format
destination_SVM_name_destination_volume_name_ restore, specify a
new name, and then select the containing aggregate for the volume.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 326
Managing data protection

If you want to restore to... Do the following...

An existing volume Select the Select Volume option.
You must select a volume other than the source volume, or a read/write volume
with some data in it and with a common Snapshot copy.
Only those volumes with the same language attribute as the source volume are

5. Select the latest Snapshot copy or select the specific Snapshot copy that you want to restore.
6. Select the confirmation check box to restore the volume from the Snapshot copy.
7. Optional: Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data that is
being transferred during the restore operation.
8. Click Restore.

Components of a mirror relationship

In its simplest configuration, a mirror relationship is between a source volume and a destination
volume and data is replicated to the destination volume using Snapshot copies.
Typically, the source volume is a read-write volume that clients can access and modify. The
destination volume is a read-only volume that exports a Snapshot copy to clients for read-only
access. The only time the source volume is not a read-write volume is in a cascade configuration
where the source volume is a destination of one mirror relationship and the source of another
mirror relationship.
Snapshot copies are used by the source volume to update destination volumes. Snapshot copies are
transferred from the source volume to the destination volume using an automated schedule or
manually; therefore, mirror copies are updated asynchronously.

How SnapMirror works

You can create a data protection mirror relationship to a destination within a cluster to protect your
data. For greater disaster protection, you can also create a mirror relationship to a destination in a
different cluster in a different location.
A data protection mirror configuration consists of a source volume that can be replicated to one or
more destination volumes. Each data protection mirror relationship is independent from the other.
Note: The destination volume must be running the same Data ONTAP version as or a later
version than the source volume.

Snapshot copies are used to update destination volumes. Snapshot copies are transferred from the
source volume to the destination volume by using an automated schedule or manually; therefore,
mirrors are updated asynchronously.
You can create data protection mirror relationships to destinations on the same aggregate as the
source volume, and on the same Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) or on a different SVM. For
greater protection, you can create the relationships to destinations on a different aggregate, which
enables you to recover from any failure of the source volume's aggregate. However, these two
configurations do not protect against a cluster failure.
To protect against a cluster failure, you can create a data protection mirror relationship in which
the source volume is on one cluster and the destination volume is on a different cluster. If the
cluster on which the source volume resides experiences a disaster, you can direct user clients to the
destination volume on the cluster peer until the source volume is available again.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 327
Managing data protection

Uses for data protection mirror copies

You can create data protection mirror copies to back up data for archiving, recover data when
disasters occur, and distribute data to various sites.

Vault relationships
You can use System Manager to create and manage vault relationships by using the vault policy.
Related information
Data protection using SnapMirror and SnapVault technology

Creating a vault relationship from a destination SVM

You can use System Manager to create a vault relationship from the destination Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM), and to assign a vault policy to create a backup vault. In the event of data loss or
corruption on a system, backed-up data can be restored from the backup vault destination.
Before you begin
• The source cluster must be running ONTAP 8.2.2 or later.
• The SnapVault license or SnapMirror license must be enabled on both the source cluster and
the destination cluster.
• The source cluster and destination cluster must be in a healthy peer relationship.
• The destination aggregate must have available space.
• The source aggregate and the destination aggregate must be 64-bit aggregates.
• A vault (XDP) policy must exist.
If a vault policy does not exist, you must create one or accept the default vault policy
(XDPDefault) that is automatically assigned.
• The capacity of the destination volume must be greater than or equal to the capacity of the
source volume.
• If autogrow is disabled, the free space on the destination volume must be at least five percent
more than the used space on the source volume.
About this task
• System Manager does not support a cascade relationship.
For example, a destination volume in a relationship cannot be the source volume in another
• You cannot create a vault relationship between a sync-source SVM and a sync-destination
SVM in a MetroCluster configuration.
• You can create a vault relationship between sync-source SVMs in a MetroCluster
• You can create a vault relationship from a volume on a sync-source SVM to a volume on a
data-serving SVM.
• You can create a vault relationship from a volume on a data-serving SVM to a data protection
(DP) volume on a sync-source SVM.
• You can create a vault relationship only between a non-SnapLock (primary) volume and a
Snaplock destination (secondary) volume.
• You can use System Manager to only view the FlexGroup volume relationships.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. In the Relationships window, click Create.
3. In the Browse SVM dialog box, select an SVM for the destination volume.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 328
Managing data protection

4. In the Create Protection Relationship dialog box, select Vault from the Relationship Type
drop-down list.
5. Specify the cluster, the SVM, and the source volume.
6. If the selected SVM is not peered, use the Authenticate link to enter the credentials of the
remote cluster, and create an SVM peer relationship.
If the name of the local SVM and remote SVM are identical, or if the local SVM is in a peer
relationship with another remote SVM of the same name, or if the local SVM contains a data
SVM of the same name, the Enter Alias Name for SVM dialog box is displayed.
7. Optional: Enter an alias name for the remote SVM in the Enter Alias Name for SVM dialog
8. Create a new destination volume or select an existing volume:

If you want to... Do the following...

Create a new volume a. If you want to change the default name, which is displayed in the format
source_SVM_name_source_volume_name_vault, specify a new name,
and select the containing aggregate for the destination volume.
b. Select Enable dedupe to enable deduplication on the new destination
If deduplication is disabled on the source volume, then the check box for
the new volume is selected by default.

Select an existing volume Select the Select Volume option.

Note: Only those volumes with the same language attribute as that of the
source volume are listed.

9. If you are creating a SnapLock volume, specify the default retention period.
The default retention period can be set to any value between 1 day through 70 years or
10. Select an existing policy or create a new policy:

If you want to... Do the following...

Select an existing policy Select a vault policy from the list.
You can select a policy that has the maximum number of matching labels with
the Snapshot policy that is attached to the source volume.

Create a new policy a. Click Create Policy.

b. Specify a policy name, and set the schedule transfer priority.
Low indicates that the transfer has the least priority and is usually scheduled
after normal priority transfers. By default, the priority is set to normal.
c. Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data
that is being transferred.
d. Click Create.
You can also specify the SnapMirror label and destination retention count for
the vault policy. For the new SnapMirror label to be effective, you must ensure
that a Snapshot copy with the same label is created on the source volume.

11. Specify a schedule for the relationship:

Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 329
Managing data protection

If... Do the following...

You want to assign an existing From the list of schedules, select an existing schedule.
You want to create a new a. Click Create Schedule.
schedule b. Specify a name for the schedule.
c. Select Basic or Advanced.
• Basic: You can select this option to specify only the day of the week,
time, and the transfer interval.
• Advanced: You can select this option to specify a cron-style schedule.
d. Click Create.

You do not want to assign a Select None.

12. Optional: Select Initialize Relationship to initialize the vault relationship.
13. Click Create.
If you chose to create a new destination volume, a volume of type dp is created with the following
default settings:
• Autogrow is enabled.
• Deduplication is enabled or disabled according to the user preference, or the source volume
deduplication setting.
• Compression is disabled.
• The language attribute is set to match the language attribute of the source volume.
A vault relationship is created between the destination volume and the source volume. The base
Snapshot copy is transferred to the destination volume if you have opted to initialize the
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Deleting vault relationships

You can use System Manager to end a vault relationship between a source and destination volume,
and release the Snapshot copies from the source.
About this task
Releasing the relationship permanently removes the base Snapshot copies used by the vault
relationship on the source volume. To re-create the vault relationship, you must run the
resynchronization operation from the source volume by using the command-line interface (CLI).
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the volume for which you want to delete the vault relationship, and click Delete.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
You can also select the release base Snapshot copies check box to delete the base Snapshot
copies used by the vault relationship on the source volume.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 330
Managing data protection

If the relationship is not released, then you must use the CLI to run the release operation on the
source cluster to delete the base Snapshot copies that were created for the vault relationship
from the source volume.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Editing vault relationships

You can use System Manager to edit a vault relationship either by selecting an existing policy or
schedule in the cluster, or by creating a new policy or schedule. However, you cannot edit the
parameters of an existing policy or schedule.
Before you begin
The source and destination clusters must be in a healthy peer relationship.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the vault relationship for which you want to modify the policy or schedule, and then
click Edit.
3. In the Edit Relationship dialog box, select the appropriate action:

If you want to… Do the following…

Select an existing policy Click Browse, and then select an existing policy.
You can select a policy that has the maximum number of matching labels with
the Snapshot policy that is attached to the source volume.

Create a new policy a. Click Create Policy.

b. Specify a name for the policy.
c. Set the priority for scheduled transfers.
Low indicates that the transfer has the least priority and is usually scheduled
after normal priority transfers. By default, the priority is set to Normal.
d. Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data
that is being transferred.
e. Specify a SnapMirror label and destination retention count for the vault
You must ensure that a Snapshot copy with the same label is created on the
source volume for the new SnapMirror label to be effective.
f. Click Create.

4. Specify a schedule for the relationship:

If… Do the following…

You want to assign an existing Select an existing schedule from the list.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 331
Managing data protection

If… Do the following…

You want to create a new a. Click Create Schedule.
schedule b. Specify a name for the schedule.
c. Select one of the following options:
• Basic
You can select this option to specify only the day of the week, time, and
the transfer interval.
• Advanced
You can select this option to specify a cron-style schedule.
d. Click Create.

You do not want to assign a Select None.

5. Click OK.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Initializing a vault relationship

You can use System Manager to initialize a vault relationship if you have not already initialized it
while creating the relationship. A baseline transfer of data is initiated from the source FlexVol
volume to the destination FlexVol volume.
Before you begin
The source and destination clusters must be in a healthy peer relationship.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the relationship you want to initialize, and click Operations > Initialize.
3. In the Initialize window, click Initialize.
A Snapshot copy is created and transferred to the destination.
This Snapshot copy is used as a baseline for subsequent incremental Snapshot copies.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 332
Managing data protection

You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Updating a vault relationship

You can use System Manager to manually initiate an unscheduled incremental update. You might
require a manual update to prevent data loss due to an upcoming power outage, scheduled
maintenance, or data migration.
Before you begin
The vault relationship must be initialized.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the relationship for which you want to update the data, and click Operations > Update.
3. Choose one of the following options:
• Select As Per Policy to perform an incremental transfer from the recent common Snapshot
copy between the source and destination volumes.
• Select Select Snapshot copy and specify the Snapshot copy that you want to transfer.
4. Optional: Select Limit transfer bandwidth to to limit the network bandwidth that is used for
transfers and specify the maximum transfer speed.
5. Click Update.
6. Verify the transfer status in the Details tab.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Quiescing a vault relationship

You can use System Manager to disable data transfers to the destination FlexVol volume by
quiescing the vault relationship.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the relationship for which you want to stop the scheduled data transfers, and click
Operations > Quiesce.
3. In the Quiesce window, click Quiesce.
If there is no transfer in progress, the transfer status is displayed as Quiesced. If a transfer is in
progress, the transfer is not affected, and the transfer status is displayed as Quiescing until the
transfer is complete.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 333
Managing data protection

You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Resuming a vault relationship

You can resume a quiesced vault relationship by using System Manager. When you resume the
relationship, normal data transfer to the destination FlexVol volume is resumed and all vault
activities are restarted.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the relationship for which you want to resume the data transfer, and click Operations >
3. In the Resume window, click Resume.
Normal data transfers are resumed. If there is a scheduled transfer for the relationship, the transfer
is started from the next schedule.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Aborting a Snapshot copy transfer

You can use System Manager to abort or stop a data transfer that is currently in progress.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the relationship for which you want to stop the data transfer, and click Operations >
3. Select the Yes, I want to abort the transfer check box to confirm the operation.
4. Optional: Select the Keep any partially transferred data check box to retain the data that is
already transferred to the destination volume.
5. Click Abort.
The transfer status is displayed as "Aborting" until the operation is complete and displayed as
"Idle" after the operation is complete.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 334
Managing data protection

You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

Restoring a volume in a vault relationship

You can use System Manager to restore Snapshot copies to a source or other volumes if the source
data is corrupted and is no longer usable. You can replace the original data with the Snapshot
copies in the destination volume.
Before you begin
• The SnapMirror license must be enabled on both the source and the destination storage
systems or the nodes that contain the source and destination volumes.
• The source and destination clusters must be in a healthy peer relationship.
• The source aggregate or the other aggregate that you select for the restore operation must be a
64-bit aggregate.
About this task
• You cannot restore a volume that is in a vault relationship between a source Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM) and a destination SVM in a MetroCluster configuration.
• You can restore a vault relationship between sync-source SVMs in a MetroCluster
• You can restore a vault relationship from a volume on a sync-source SVM to a default SVM.
• You can restore a vault relationship from a volume on a default SVM to a DP volume on a
sync-source SVM.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the vault relationship, and then click Operations > Restore.
3. In the Restore dialog box, restore the data to the source volume in the vault relationship or
select any other volume:

If you want to restore to... Do the following...

The source volume a. Select Source volume.
b. Go to Step 6.

Any other volume Select Other volume, and select the cluster and SVM from the list.
4. Restore the data to a new volume or select any existing volume:

If you want to... Do the following...

Create a new volume If you want to change the default name, displayed in the format
destination_SVM_name_destination_volume_name_ restore, specify a
new name and select the containing aggregate for the volume.
Select an existing volume Select the Select Volume option.
You must select a volume other than the source volume, or a read/write volume
with some data in it and with a common Snapshot copy.
Only those volumes with the same language attribute as the source volume are

5. Select the latest Snapshot copy or select the specific Snapshot copy that you want to restore.
6. Select the confirmation check box to restore the volume from the Snapshot copy.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 335
Managing data protection

7. Optional: Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data that is
being transferred during the restore operation.
8. Click Restore.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

What a SnapVault backup is

A SnapVault backup is a collection of Snapshot copies on a FlexVol volume that you can restore
data from if the primary data is not usable. Snapshot copies are created based on a Snapshot
policy. The SnapVault backup backs up Snapshot copies based on its schedule and SnapVault
policy rules.
A SnapVault backup is a disk-to-disk backup solution that you can also use to offload tape
backups. In the event of data loss or corruption on a system, backed-up data can be restored from
the SnapVault secondary volume with less downtime and uncertainty than is associated with
conventional tape backup and restore operations.
The following terms are used to describe SnapVault backups:
baseline transfer
An initial complete backup of a primary storage volume to a corresponding volume on the
secondary system.
secondary volume
A volume to which data is backed up from a primary volume. Such a volume can be a
secondary or tertiary (and onward) destination in a cascade or fanout backup configuration.
The SnapVault secondary system maintains Snapshot copies for long-term storage and
possible restore operations.
incremental transfer
A follow-up backup to the secondary system that contains only the changes to the primary
data since the last transfer action.
SnapMirror label
An attribute that identifies Snapshot copies for the purpose of selection and retention in
SnapVault backups. Each SnapVault policy configures the rules for selecting Snapshot
copies on the primary volume and transferring the Snapshot copies that match a given
SnapMirror label.
Snapshot copy
The backup images on the source volume that are created manually or automatically as
scheduled by an assigned policy. Baseline Snapshot copies contain a copy of the entire
source data being protected; subsequent Snapshot copies contain differential copies of the
source data. Snapshot copies can be stored on the source volume or on a different
destination volume in a different Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) or cluster.
Snapshot copies capture the state of volume data on each source system. For SnapVault and
mirror relationships, this data is transferred to destination volumes.
primary volume
A volume that contains data that is to be backed up. In cascade or fanout backup
deployments, the primary volume is the volume that is backed up to a SnapVault backup,
regardless of where in the chain the SnapVault source is. In a cascade chain configuration in
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 336
Managing data protection

which A has a mirror relationship to B and B has a SnapVault relationship to C, B serves as

the source for the SnapVault backup even though it is a secondary destination in the chain.
SnapVault relationship
A backup relationship, configured as a SnapVault relationship, between a primary volume
and a secondary volume.
Related reference
Protection window on page 348
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

How a SnapVault backup works

Backing up volumes to a SnapVault backup involves starting the baseline transfers, making
scheduled incremental transfers, and restoring data upon request.
Baseline transfers
In general, baseline transfers work as follows:
A baseline transfer occurs when you initialize the SnapVault relationship. When you do this, Data
ONTAP creates a new Snapshot copy. Data ONTAP transfers the Snapshot copy from the primary
volume to the secondary volume. This Snapshot copy is the baseline of the volume at the time of
the transfer and is a complete transfer, not an incremental transfer. As a result, none of the other
Snapshot copies on the primary volume are transferred as part of the initial SnapVault transfer,
regardless of whether they match rules specified in the SnapVault policy.
Incremental transfers
The source system creates incremental Snapshot copies of the source volume as specified by the
Snapshot policy that is assigned to the primary volume. Each Snapshot copy for a specific volume
contains a label that is used to identify it.
The SnapVault secondary system selects and retrieves specifically labeled incremental Snapshot
copies, according to the rules that are configured for the SnapVault policy that is assigned to the
SnapVault relationship. The Snapshot label is retained to identify the backup Snapshot copies.
Snapshot copies are retained in the SnapVault backup for as long as is needed to meet your data
protection requirements. The SnapVault relationship does not configure a retention schedule, but
the SnapVault policy does specify number of Snapshot copies to retain.
SnapVault backup updates
At the end of each Snapshot copy transfer session, which can include transferring multiple
Snapshot copies, the most recent incremental Snapshot copy in the SnapVault backup is used to
establish a new common base between the primary and secondary volumes and is exported as the
active file system.
Data restore
If data needs to be restored to the primary volume or to a new volume, the SnapVault secondary
transfers the specified data from the SnapVault backup.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 337
Managing data protection

Which data gets backed up and restored from a SnapVault backup

You create SnapVault relationships to back up and restore volumes. You can select the Snapshot
copies that the SnapVault relationship uses to backup and restore volumes.
The SnapVault operation backs up a specified volume on the primary system to the associated
volume on the SnapVault secondary system. If necessary, data is restored from the SnapVault
secondary volume back to the associated primary volume or to a different volume.
The Snapshot policy assigned to the source volume specifies when Snapshot copies are performed.
The SnapVault policy assigned to the SnapVault relationship specifies which of the source volume
Snapshot copies are replicated to the SnapVault backup.
The destination volume retains two more Snapshot copies than the number you configure in the
policy. This occurs because the volume retains the FlexClone Snapshot copy and an exported
Snapshot copy. For example, if your policy specifies to retain three Snapshot copies, five Snapshot
copies are retained (three specified Snapshot copies, one FlexClone Snapshot copy, and one
exported Snapshot copy).
In SAN environments, LUN identifiers are preserved on the SnapVault secondary volume.
The secondary system uses slightly more disk space and directories than the source system.

How SnapVault backups work with data compression

SnapVault relationships preserve storage efficiency when replicating data from the source to the
SnapVault secondary volume except when additional data compression is enabled.
If additional compression is enabled on the SnapVault secondary volume, storage efficiency is
affected as follows:
• Storage efficiency is not preserved for data transfers between the primary and secondary
• You can return to replicating data while preserving storage efficiency by turning off additional
data compression and then executing the snapmirror update command with the -enable-
storage-efficiency parameter set to true.

SnapVault backup limitations

When planning SnapVault relationships, you must keep in mind what is supported and what is not
The following limitations apply to SnapVault backups:
• A SnapVault secondary volume cannot be the secondary volume for multiple primary volumes.
A volume can be the secondary for one SnapVault relationship only. However, that same
volume can be the source for other relationships.

Guidelines for planning Snapshot copy schedule and retention for SnapVault backups
It is important to plan the Snapshot copy transfer schedule and retention for your SnapVault
When planning SnapVault relationships, consider the following guidelines:
• Before you create a SnapVault policy, you should create a table to plan which Snapshot copies
you want replicated to the SnapVault secondary volume and how many of each you want to
For example:
◦ Hourly (periodically throughout the day)
Does the data change often enough throughout the day to make it worthwhile to replicate a
Snapshot copy every hour, every two hours, or every four hours?
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 338
Managing data protection

◦ Nightly
Do you want to replicate a Snapshot copy every night or just workday nights?
◦ Weekly
How many weekly Snapshot copies is it useful to keep in the SnapVault secondary volume?
• The primary volume should have an assigned Snapshot policy that creates Snapshot copies at
the intervals you need, and labels each Snapshot copy with the appropriate snapmirror-
label attribute name.
• The SnapVault policy assigned to the SnapVault relationship should select the Snapshot copies
you want from the primary volume, identified by the snapmirror-label attribute name, and
specify how many Snapshot copies of each name you want to keep on the SnapVault secondary

Sample transfer schedule and retention

snapmirror-label Source volume: Snapshot Primary volume: SnapVault secondary

attribute value copy schedule Snapshot copies retained volume: Snapshot copies
weekly Every Saturday at 19:00 4 8
nightly Every Monday through 10 60
Friday at 19:00
hourly Every hour from 07:00 11 120
through 18:00
Total n/a 25 188

Data protection for SVM namespace and root information

Backups to secondary volumes in SnapVault relationships between FlexVol volumes replicate only
volume data, not the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) namespace or root information.
SnapVault relationships replicate only volume data. If you want to back up an entire SVM to a
SnapVault secondary volume, you must first create SnapVault relationships for every volume in
the SVM.
To provide data protection of the SVM namespace information, you must manually create the
namespace on the SnapVault secondary immediately after the first data transfer is completed for
all of the volumes in the SVM and while the source SVM volumes are still active. When
subsequent changes are made to the namespace on the source SVM, you must manually update the
namespace on the destination SVM.
You cannot create the namespace for an SVM on a SnapVault secondary volume if only a subset of
the SVM volumes are in a SnapVault relationship, or if only a subset of the SVM volumes have
completed the first data transfer.

Mirror and vault relationships

You can use System Manager to create and manage mirror and vault relationships by using the
mirror and vault policy.

Creating a mirror and vault relationship from a destination SVM

You can use System Manager to create a mirror and vault relationship from the destination Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM). Creating this relationship enables you to better protect your data by
periodically transferring data from the source volume to the destination volume. It also enables
you to retain data for long periods by creating backups of the source volume.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 339
Managing data protection

Before you begin

• The destination cluster must be running ONTAP 8.3.2 or later.
• The SnapMirror license must be enabled on both the source cluster and destination cluster that
contain the source volume and destination volume.
• The source cluster and destination cluster must be in a healthy peer relationship.
• The destination aggregate must have available space.
• The source aggregate and destination aggregate must be 64-bit aggregates.
• A source volume of type read/write (rw) must already exist.
• If the destination volume exists, the capacity of the destination volume must be greater than or
equal to the capacity of the source volume.
• The destination volume must not be the root volume of a storage system.
• If the destination volume exists, the volume must not be the destination for any other mirror
• If autogrow functionality is disabled, the free space on the destination volume must be at least
five percent more than the used space on the source volume.
About this task
• System Manager does not support a cascade relationship.
For example, a destination volume in a relationship cannot be the source volume in another
• You cannot create a mirror and vault relationship between a sync-source SVM and a sync-
destination SVM in a MetroCluster configuration.
• You can create a mirror and vault relationship between sync-source SVMs in a MetroCluster
• You can create a mirror and vault relationship from a volume on a sync-source SVM to a
volume of a data-serving SVM.
• You can create a mirror and vault relationship from a volume on a data-serving SVM to a DP
volume on a sync-source SVM.
• The destination volume that is created for a mirror relationship is not thin provisioned.
• You can use System Manager to only view the FlexGroup volume relationships.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. In the Relationships window, click Create.
3. In the Browse SVM dialog box, select an SVM for the destination volume.
4. In the Create Protection Relationship dialog box, select Mirror and Vault from the
Relationship Type drop-down list.
5. Specify the cluster, the SVM, and the source volume.
6. If the selected SVM is not peered, use the Authenticate link to enter the credentials of the
remote cluster and create the SVM peer relationship.
If the names of the local SVM and remote SVM are identical, or if the local SVM is already
in a peer relationship with another remote SVM of the same name, or if the local SVM
contains a data SVM of the same name, the Enter Alias Name for SVM dialog box is
7. Optional: Enter an alias name for the remote SVM in the Enter Alias Name for SVM dialog
8. Create a new destination volume or select an existing volume:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 340
Managing data protection

If you want to… Do the following…

Create a new volume a. If you want to change the default name, which is displayed in the format
source_SVM_name_source_volume_name_mirror_vault, specify a new
name, and select the containing aggregate for the destination volume.
b. Select Enable dedupe to enable deduplication on the new destination
If deduplication is disabled on the source volume, then the check box for
the new volume is selected by default.

Select an existing volume Select the Select Volume option.

Note: Only those volumes with the same language attribute as the source
volume are listed.

9. Select an existing policy or create a new policy:

If you want to… Do the following…

Select an existing policy Click Browse, and then select a mirror and vault policy.
You can select the policy that has the maximum number of matching labels
with the Snapshot policy that is attached to the source volume.

Create a new policy a. Click Create Policy.

b. Specify a policy name, and set the schedule transfer priority.
Low indicates that the transfer has the least priority and is usually scheduled
after normal priority transfers. By default, the priority is set to normal.
c. Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data
that is being transferred.
d. Click Create.
You can also specify the SnapMirror label and destination retention count for
the policy. For the new SnapMirror label to be effective, you must ensure that a
Snapshot copy with the same label is created on the source volume.

10. Specify a schedule for the relationship:

If… Do the following…

You want to assign an existing From the list of schedules, select an existing schedule.
You want to create a new a. Click Create Schedule.
schedule b. Specify a name for the schedule.
c. Select Basic or Advanced.

Basic: You can select this option to specify only the day of the week,
time, and the transfer interval.
• Advanced: You can select this option to specify a cron-style schedule.
d. Click Create.

You do not want to assign a Select None.

11. Optional: Select Initialize Relationship to initialize the relationship.
12. Click Create.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 341
Managing data protection

Deleting mirror and vault relationships

You can use System Manager to end a mirror and vault relationship between a source and
destination volume, and release the Snapshot copies from the source volume.
About this task
• It is a best practice to break the mirror and vault relationship before deleting the relationship.
• To re-create the relationship, you must run the resynchronization operation from the source
volume by using the command-line interface (CLI).
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror and vault relationship that you want to delete and click Delete.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.
You can also select the release base Snapshot copies check box to delete the base Snapshot
copies used by the mirror and vault relationship on the source volume.
If the relationship is not released, then you must use the CLI to run the release operation on the
source cluster to delete the base Snapshot copies that were created for the mirror and vault
relationship from the source volume.
The relationship is deleted and the base Snapshot copies on the source volume are permanently

Editing mirror and vault relationships

You can use System Manager to edit a mirror and vault relationship by modifying the selected
policy or schedule. However, you cannot edit the parameters of an existing policy or schedule.
Before you begin
The source and destination clusters must be in a healthy peer relationship.
About this task
You can modify the relationship type of a version-flexible mirror relationship, vault relationship,
or mirror and vault relationship by modifying the policy type.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror and vault relationship that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
3. In the Edit Relationship dialog box, select the appropriate action:

If you want to… Do the following…

Select an existing policy Click Browse, and then select an existing policy.
You can select a policy that has the maximum number of matching labels with
the Snapshot policy that is attached to the source volume.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 342
Managing data protection

If you want to… Do the following…

Create a new policy a. Click Create Policy.
b. Specify a name for the policy.
c. Set the priority for scheduled transfers.
Low indicates that the transfer has the least priority and is usually scheduled
after normal priority transfers. By default, the priority is set to Normal.
d. Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data
that is being transferred.
e. Specify a SnapMirror label and destination retention count for the vault
You must ensure that a Snapshot copy with the same label is created on the
source volume for the new SnapMirror label to be effective.
f. Click Create.

4. Specify a schedule for the relationship:

If… Do the following…

You want to assign an existing Click Browse, and then select an existing schedule.
You want to create a new a. Click Create Schedule.
schedule b. Specify a name for the schedule.
c. Select one of the following options:

You can select this option to specify only the day of the week, time, and
the transfer interval.
• Advanced
You can select this option to specify a cron style schedule.
d. Click Create.

You do not want to assign a Select None.

5. Click OK.

Initializing mirror and vault relationships

You can use System Manager to initialize a mirror and vault relationship if you have not already
initialized the relationship while creating it. When you initialize a relationship, a complete
baseline transfer of data is performed from the source volume to the destination.
Before you begin
The source and destination clusters must be in a healthy peer relationship.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror and vault relationship that you want to initialize, and then click Operations >
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Initialize.
4. Verify the status of the relationship in the Protection window.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 343
Managing data protection

A Snapshot copy is created and transferred to the destination.
This Snapshot copy is used as a baseline for subsequent incremental Snapshot copies.

Updating mirror and vault relationships

You can use System Manager to manually initiate an unscheduled incremental update. You might
require a manual update to prevent data loss due to an upcoming power outage, scheduled
maintenance, or data migration.
Before you begin
The mirror and vault relationship must be initialized and in a Snapmirrored state.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror relationship for which you want to update the data, and then click
Operations > Update.
3. Choose one of the following options:
• Select As Per Policy to perform an incremental transfer from the recent common Snapshot
copy between the source and destination volumes.
• Select Select Snapshot copy and specify the Snapshot copy that you want to transfer.
4. Optional: Select Limit transfer bandwidth to to limit the network bandwidth that is used for
transfers, and then specify the maximum transfer speed.
5. Click Update.
6. Verify the transfer status in the Details tab.

Quiescing mirror and vault relationships

You can use System Manager to quiesce a destination volume to stabilize the destination before
creating a Snapshot copy. The quiesce operation enables active data transfers to finish and disables
future transfers for the mirror and vault relationship.
Before you begin
The mirror and vault relationship must be in a Snapmirrored state.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror and vault relationship that you want to quiesce, and then click Operations >
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Quiesce.
If there is no transfer in progress, the transfer status is displayed as Quiesced. If a transfer is in
progress, the transfer is not affected, and the transfer status is displayed as Quiescing until the
transfer is complete.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 344
Managing data protection

Resuming mirror and vault relationships

If you have a quiesced mirror and vault relationship, you can resume the relationship by using
System Manager. When you resume the relationship, normal data transfer to the destination
volume is resumed and all the protection activities are restarted.
About this task
If you have quiesced a broken mirror and vault relationship from the command-line interface
(CLI), you cannot resume the relationship from System Manager. You must use the CLI to resume
the relationship.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror and vault relationship that you want to resume, and then click Operations >
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Resume.
Normal data transfers are resumed. If there is a scheduled transfer for the relationship, the transfer
is started from the next schedule.

Breaking mirror and vault relationships

You can use System Manager to break the mirror and vault relationship if a source volume
becomes unavailable and you want client applications to access the data from the destination
volume. You can use the destination volume to serve data while you repair or replace the source,
update the source, and reestablish the original configuration of the systems.
Before you begin
• The mirror and vault relationship must be in the Quiesced or Idle state.
• The destination volume must be already mounted on the destination Storage Virtual Machine
(SVM) namespace.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror and vault relationship that you want to break, and then click Operations >
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Break.
The mirror and vault relationship is broken. The destination volume type changes from data
protection (DP) read-only to read/write. The system stores the base Snapshot copy for the
relationship for later use.

Resynchronizing mirror and vault relationships

You can use System Manager to reestablish a mirror and vault relationship that was broken earlier.
You can perform a resynchronization operation to recover from a disaster that disabled the source
Before you begin
The source and destination clusters and the source and destination Storage Virtual Machines
(SVMs) must be in peer relationships.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 345
Managing data protection

About this task

• When you perform a resynchronization operation, the contents on the destination volume are
overwritten by the contents on the source.

Attention: The resynchronization operation can

cause loss of newer data written to the destination
volume after the base Snapshot copy was created.
• If the Last Transfer Error field in the Protection window recommends a resynchronization
operation, you must first break the relationship and then perform the resynchronization
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror and vault relationship that you want to resynchronize, and then click
Operations > Resync.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Resync.

Reverse resynchronizing mirror and vault relationships

You can use System Manager to reestablish a mirror and vault relationship that was previously
broken. In a reverse resynchronization operation, the functions of the source and destination
volumes are reversed. You can use the destination volume to serve data while you repair or replace
the source, update the source, and reestablish the original configuration of the systems.
Before you begin
The source volume must be online.
About this task
• When you perform reverse resynchronization, the contents on the source volume are
overwritten by the contents on the destination volume.

Attention: The reverse resynchronization operation

can cause data loss on the source volume.
• When you perform reverse resynchronization, the policy of the relationship is set to
MirrorAndVault and the schedule is set to None.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror and vault relationship that you want to reverse, and then click Operations >
Reverse Resync.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Reverse Resync.

Aborting mirror and vault relationships

You can abort a volume replication operation if you want to stop the data transfer. You can abort a
scheduled update, a manual update, or an initial data transfer.
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror and vault relationship for which you want to stop the data transfer, and then
click Operations > Abort.
3. Select the Yes, I want to abort the transfer check box to confirm the operation.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 346
Managing data protection

4. Optional: Select the Keep any partially transferred data check box to retain the data that is
already transferred to the destination volume.
5. Click Abort.
The transfer status is displayed as "Aborting" until the operation is complete and displayed as
"Idle" after the operation is complete.

Restoring a volume in a mirror and vault relationship

You can use System Manager to restore Snapshot copies to a source volume or other volumes if
the source data is corrupted and is no longer usable. You can replace the original data with the
Snapshot copies in the destination volume.
Before you begin
• The SnapMirror and SnapVault licenses must be enabled on both the source and the destination
clusters or the nodes that contain the source and destination volumes.
• The source and destination clusters must be in a healthy peer relationship.
• The source aggregate or any other aggregate that you select for the restore operation must be a
64-bit aggregate.
About this task
• You cannot restore a volume that is in a mirror and vault relationship between a source Storage
Virtual Machine (SVM) and a destination SVM in a MetroCluster configuration.
• You can restore a mirror and vault relationship for the following configurations:
◦ Between sync-source SVMs in a MetroCluster configuration
◦ From a volume on a sync-source SVM to a default SVM
◦ From a volume on a default SVM to a DP volume on a sync-source SVM
1. Click Protection > Relationships.
2. Select the mirror and vault relationship that you want to restore, and then click Operations >
3. In the Restore dialog box, restore the data to the source volume in the relationship or select
any other volume:

If you want to restore to… Do the following…

The source volume a. Select Source volume.
b. Go to step 6 to select the confirmation check box.

Any other volume Select Other volume, and then select the cluster and the SVM.
4. Restore the data to a new volume or to an existing volume:

If you want to restore to… Do the following…

A new volume If you want to change the default name, displayed in the format
destination_SVM_name_destination_volume_name_ restore, specify a
new name, and then select the containing aggregate for the volume.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 347
Managing data protection

If you want to restore to… Do the following…

An existing volume Select the Select Volume option.
You must select a volume other than the source volume, or a read/write volume
with some data in it and with a common Snapshot copy.
Only those volumes with the same language attribute as the source volume are

5. Select either the latest Snapshot copy or a specific Snapshot copy that you want to restore.
6. Select the confirmation check box to restore the volume from the Snapshot copy.
7. Optional: Select the Enable Network Compression check box to compress the data that is
being transferred during the restore operation.
8. Click Restore.

What lag time is

Lag time is the amount of time by which the destination system lags behind the source system.
The lag time is the difference between the current time and the timestamp of the Snapshot copy
that was last successfully transferred to the destination system. The lag time will always be at least
as much as the duration of the last successful transfer, unless the clocks on the source and
destination systems are not synchronized. The lag time can be negative if the time zone of the
destination system is behind the time zone of the source system.

Types of data protection relationships

Depending on your data protection and backup requirements, OnCommand System Manager
provides different types of protection relationships that enable you to protect data against
accidental, malicious, or disaster-induced loss of data.
Mirror relationship (SnapMirror license required)
A mirror relationship provides asynchronous disaster recovery. Data protection mirror
relationships enable you to periodically create Snapshot copies of data on one volume; copy those
Snapshot copies to a partner volume (the destination volume), usually on another cluster; and
retain those Snapshot copies. The mirror copy on the destination volume ensures quick availability
and restoration of data from the time of the latest Snapshot copy, if the data on the source volume
is corrupted or lost.
For mirror relationships, the version of Data ONTAP that is running on the destination cluster
must be the same or a later version than the one running on the source cluster. However, version-
flexible mirror relationships are not dependent on the Data ONTAP version; therefore, you can
create a version-flexible mirror relationship with a destination cluster that is either running a later
version of Data ONTAP than the source cluster or an earlier version of Data ONTAP than the
source cluster.
Note: The version-flexible mirror relationship feature is available only from Data ONTAP 8.3;
therefore, you cannot have a version-flexible mirror relationship with a volume earlier than Data
ONTAP 8.3.

Mirror relationships are valid for FlexVol volumes.

Vault relationship (SnapVault license required)
A vault relationship provides storage-efficient and long-term retention of backups. Vault
relationships enable you to back up selected Snapshot copies of volumes to a destination volume
and retain the backups.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 348
Managing data protection

Vault relationships are valid only for FlexVol volumes.

Mirror and vault relationship (SnapMirror and SnapVault licenses required)
A mirror and vault relationship provides data protection by periodically transferring data from the
source volume to the destination volume and also facilitates long-term retention of data by
creating backups of the source volume.
Note: The mirror and vault relationship feature is available only from Data ONTAP 8.3.2;
therefore, you cannot have a mirror and vault relationship with a volume earlier than Data
ONTAP 8.3.2.

A mirror and vault relationship is valid only for FlexVol volumes.

Protection window
You can use the Protection window to create and manage mirror, vault, and mirror vault
relationships and to display details about these relationships. The Protection window does not
display load-sharing (LS) and transition relationships (TDP).

• Command buttons on page 348

• Protection relationships list on page 348
• Details area on page 349
Command buttons
Opens the Create Protection Relationship dialog box, which you can use to create a mirror,
vault, or mirror and vault relationship from a destination volume.
System Manager does not display any Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) configured for
disaster recovery (DR) in the Create Protection Relationship dialog box.
Opens the Edit Protection Relationship dialog box, which you can use to edit the schedule
and policy of a relationship.
For a vault relationship, mirror and vault relationship, or version-flexible mirror
relationship, you can modify the relationship type by modifying the policy type.
Opens the Delete Protection Relationship dialog box, which you can use to delete a
Displays the operations that can be performed on a protection relationship.
Updates the information in the window.
Protection relationships list
Source Storage Virtual Machine
Displays the SVM that contains the volume from which data is mirrored or vaulted in a
Source Volume
Displays the volume from which data is mirrored or vaulted in a relationship.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 349
Managing data protection

Destination Volume
Displays the volume to which data is mirrored or vaulted in a relationship.
Is Healthy
Displays whether the relationship is healthy or not.
Relationship State
Displays the state of the relationship, such as Snapmirrored, Uninitialized, or Broken Off.
Transfer Status
Displays the relationship status, such as Idle, Transferring, or Aborting.
Relationship Type
Displays the type of relationship, such as Mirror, Vault, or Mirror and Vault.
Lag Time
Displays the difference between the current time and the timestamp of the Snapshot copy
that was last transferred successfully to the destination storage system. It indicates the time
difference between the data that is currently on the source system and the latest data stored
on the destination system. The value that is displayed can be positive or negative. The value
is negative if the time zone of the destination system is behind the time zone of the source
storage system.
Policy Name
Displays the name of the policy that is assigned to the relationship.
Policy Type
Displays the type of policy that is assigned to the relationship. The policy type can be Vault,
Mirror Vault, or Asynchronous Mirror.
Details area
Details tab
Displays general information about the selected relationship, such as the source and
destination clusters, data transfer rate, state of the relationship, details about the network
compression ratio, data transfer status, type of current data transfer, type of last data
transfer, latest Snapshot copy, and timestamp of the latest Snapshot copy.
Policy Details tab
Displays details about the policy that is assigned to the selected protection relationship. It
also displays the SnapMirror label and the Snapshot copy schedules in the source volume
that match the specified label.
Snapshot Copies tab
Displays the count of Snapshot copies with the SnapMirror label attribute for the selected
protection relationship and the timestamp of the latest Snapshot copy.
Related concepts
What a SnapVault backup is on page 335
A SnapVault backup is a collection of Snapshot copies on a FlexVol volume that you can restore
data from if the primary data is not usable. Snapshot copies are created based on a Snapshot
policy. The SnapVault backup backs up Snapshot copies based on its schedule and SnapVault
policy rules.
Related tasks
Creating a mirror relationship from a source SVM on page 187
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 350
Managing data protection

You can use System Manager to create a mirror relationship from the source Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM), and to assign a mirror policy and schedule to the mirror relationship. The mirror
copy enables quick availability of data if the data on the source volume is corrupted or lost.
Creating a mirror relationship from a destination SVM on page 317
You can use System Manager to create a mirror relationship from the destination Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM), and to assign a policy and schedule to the mirror relationship. The mirror copy
enables quick availability of data if the data on the source volume is corrupted or lost.
Deleting mirror relationships on page 319
You can delete a mirror relationship and permanently end the mirror relationship between the
source and destination volumes. When a mirror relationship is deleted, the base Snapshot copy on
the source volume is deleted.
Editing mirror relationships on page 320
You can use System Manager to edit a mirror relationship either by selecting an existing policy or
schedule in the cluster, or by creating a new policy or schedule. However, you cannot edit the
parameters of an existing policy or schedule.
Initializing mirror relationships on page 321
When you start a mirror relationship for the first time, you have to initialize the relationship.
Initializing a relationship consists of a complete baseline transfer of data from the source volume
to the destination. You can use System Manager to initialize a mirror relationship if you have not
already initialized the relationship while creating it.
Updating mirror relationships on page 321
You can initiate an unscheduled mirror update of the destination. You might have to perform a
manual update to prevent data loss due to an upcoming power outage, scheduled maintenance, or
data migration.
Quiescing mirror relationships on page 322
Use System Manager to quiesce a mirror destination to stabilize the destination before creating a
Snapshot copy. The quiesce operation enables active mirror transfers to finish and disables future
transfers for the mirroring relationship.
Resuming mirror relationships on page 322
You can resume a quiesced mirror relationship. When you resume the relationship, normal data
transfer to the mirror destination is resumed and all the mirror activities are restarted.
Breaking SnapMirror relationships on page 323
You must break the mirror relationship if a mirror source becomes unavailable and you want client
applications to be able to access the data from the mirror destination. After the mirror relationship
is broken, the destination volume type changes from DP to RW.
Resynchronizing mirror relationships on page 323
You can reestablish a mirror relationship that was broken earlier. You can perform a
resynchronization operation to recover from a disaster that disabled the source volume.
Reverse resynchronizing mirror relationships on page 324
You can use System Manager to reestablish a mirror relationship that was previously broken. In a
reverse resynchronization operation, you reverse the functions of the source and destination.
Aborting a mirror transfer on page 324
You can abort a volume replication operation before the data transfer is complete. You can abort a
scheduled update, a manual update, or an initial data transfer.
Creating a vault relationship from a source SVM on page 189
You can use System Manager to create a vault relationship from the source Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM), and to assign a vault policy to the vault relationship to create a backup vault. In
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 351
Managing data protection

the event of data loss or corruption on a system, backed-up data can be restored from the backup
vault destination.
Creating a vault relationship from a destination SVM on page 327
You can use System Manager to create a vault relationship from the destination Storage Virtual
Machine (SVM), and to assign a vault policy to create a backup vault. In the event of data loss or
corruption on a system, backed-up data can be restored from the backup vault destination.
Deleting vault relationships on page 329
You can use System Manager to end a vault relationship between a source and destination volume,
and release the Snapshot copies from the source.
Editing vault relationships on page 330
You can use System Manager to edit a vault relationship either by selecting an existing policy or
schedule in the cluster, or by creating a new policy or schedule. However, you cannot edit the
parameters of an existing policy or schedule.
Initializing a vault relationship on page 331
You can use System Manager to initialize a vault relationship if you have not already initialized it
while creating the relationship. A baseline transfer of data is initiated from the source FlexVol
volume to the destination FlexVol volume.
Updating a vault relationship on page 332
You can use System Manager to manually initiate an unscheduled incremental update. You might
require a manual update to prevent data loss due to an upcoming power outage, scheduled
maintenance, or data migration.
Quiescing a vault relationship on page 332
You can use System Manager to disable data transfers to the destination FlexVol volume by
quiescing the vault relationship.
Resuming a vault relationship on page 333
You can resume a quiesced vault relationship by using System Manager. When you resume the
relationship, normal data transfer to the destination FlexVol volume is resumed and all vault
activities are restarted.
Aborting a Snapshot copy transfer on page 333
You can use System Manager to abort or stop a data transfer that is currently in progress.
Restoring a volume in a vault relationship on page 334
You can use System Manager to restore Snapshot copies to a source or other volumes if the source
data is corrupted and is no longer usable. You can replace the original data with the Snapshot
copies in the destination volume.

Snapshot policies
You can use System Manager to create and manage Snapshot policies in your storage system.

Creating Snapshot policies

You can create a Snapshot policy in System Manager to specify the maximum number of Snapshot
copies that can be automatically created and the frequency of creating them.
1. Click Protection > Snapshot Policies.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Snapshot Policy dialog box, specify the policy name.
4. Click Add, and then specify the schedule name, the maximum number of Snapshot copies that
you want to retain, and the SnapMirror label name.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 352
Managing data protection

The maximum number of Snapshot copies that can be retained by the specified schedules must
not exceed 254.
5. Click OK, and then click Create.

Editing Snapshot policies

You can modify the details of an existing Snapshot policy, such as the schedule name, SnapMirror
label, or the maximum number of Snapshot copies that are created by using the Edit Snapshot
Policy dialog box in System Manager.
1. Click Protection > Snapshot Policies.
2. In the Snapshot Policies window, select the Snapshot policy that you want to modify and click
3. In the Edit Snapshot Policy dialog box, select the schedule that you want to modify and click
4. Click OK.
5. Verify the changes you made to the selected Snapshot policy in the Edit Snapshot Policy
dialog box and click Save.

Deleting Snapshot policies

You can use System Manager to delete Snapshot policies. If you delete a Snapshot policy that is
being used by one or more volumes, Snapshot copies of the volume or volumes are no longer
created according to the deleted policy.
Before you begin
You must have dissociated the Snapshot policy from each volume that uses it.
1. Click Protection > Snapshot Policies.
2. Select the Snapshot policy and click Delete.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.

About Snapshot policies

When applied to a volume, a Snapshot policy specifies a schedule or schedules according to which
Snapshot copies are created and specifies the maximum number of Snapshot copies that each
schedule can create. A Snapshot policy can include up to five schedules.
For vault relationships, the SnapMirror Label attribute is used to select Snapshot copies on the
source volumes. Only Snapshot copies with the labels configured in the vault policy rules are
replicated in backup vault operations. The Snapshot policy assigned to the source volume must
include the SnapMirror Label attribute.

Snapshot Policies window

You can use the Snapshot Policies window to manage Snapshot policy tasks, such as adding,
editing, and deleting Snapshot policies.
Command buttons
Opens the Create Snapshot Policy dialog box, which enables you to add backup schedules
and specify the maximum number of Snapshot copies to be retained in a policy.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 353
Managing data protection

Opens the Edit Snapshot Policy dialog box, which enables you to modify the frequency at
which Snapshot copies should be created and the maximum number of Snapshot copies to
be retained.
Opens the Delete dialog box, which enables you to delete the selected Snapshot policy.
View as
Enables you to view the Snapshot policies either as a list or as a tree.
Opens the menu, which you can use to either enable or disable the selected Snapshot policy.
Updates the information in the window.
Snapshot policy list
Policy/Schedule Name
Specifies the name of the Snapshot policy and the schedules in the policy.
Storage Virtual Machine
Specifies the name of the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) to which the Snapshot copies
Specifies the status of the Snapshot policy, which can be Enabled or Disabled.
Maximum Snapshots to be retained
Specifies the maximum number of Snapshot copies to be retained.
SnapMirror Label
Specifies the name of the SnapMirror label attribute of the Snapshot copy generated by the
backup schedule.

You can use System Manager to create and manage schedules in your storage system.

Creating schedules
You can create schedules to run a job at a specific time or at regular periods by using System
About this task
When you create a schedule in a MetroCluster configuration, it is a best practice to create an
equivalent schedule on the cluster in the surviving site as well.
1. Click Protection > Schedules.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Schedule dialog box, specify the schedule name.
4. Create a schedule based on your requirements:
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 354
Managing data protection

If you want to create... Do this...

A daily or a specific schedule on Select Basic, and specify the schedule and recurrence details (in hours and
certain days minutes).
A schedule that runs at a specific Select Interval, and specify the schedule and recurrence details (in days, hours,
interval and minutes).
A schedule that runs at a specific Select Advanced, and specify the schedule and recurrence details (in months,
period days, weekdays, hours, and minutes).
5. Click Create.

Editing schedules
You can make changes to a previously created cron schedule or an interval schedule if it does not
meet your requirements by using System Manager. You can modify schedule details such as
recurring days and hours, interval options, and advanced cron options.
About this task
When you edit a schedule in a MetroCluster configuration, it is a best practice to edit the
equivalent schedule on the surviving site cluster as well.
1. Click Protection > Schedules.
2. Select the schedule that you want to modify and click Edit.
3. In the Edit Schedule dialog box, modify the schedule by performing the appropriate action:

If you select the schedule option Do this..

Basic Specify the recurring days and recurring schedule details.
Interval Specify the interval options in days, hours, and minutes.
Advanced Specify the advanced cron options in months, days, week days (if applicable),
hours, and minutes.
4. Click OK.

Deleting schedules
You can use System Manager to delete the schedules that run specific storage management tasks.
1. Click Protection > Schedules.
2. Select the schedule that you want to delete and click Delete.
3. Select the confirmation check box, and then click Delete.

You can configure many tasks (for instance, volume Snapshot copies and mirror replications) to
run on specified schedules. Schedules that are run at specified schedules are known as cron
schedules because of their similarity to UNIX cron schedules. Schedules that are run at intervals
are known as interval schedules.

You can manage schedules in the following ways:

• Creating a cron schedule or an interval schedule
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 355
Managing data protection

• Displaying information about all the schedules

• Modifying a cron schedule or an interval schedule
• Deleting a cron schedule or an interval schedule
You cannot delete a schedule that is currently in use by a running job.
The cluster administrator can perform all the schedule management tasks.

Schedules window
You can use the Schedules window to manage scheduled tasks, such as creating, displaying
information about, modifying, and deleting schedules.
Command buttons
Opens the Create Schedule dialog box, which enables you to create time-based and interval
Opens the Edit Schedule dialog box, which enables you to edit the selected schedules.
Opens the Delete Schedule dialog box, which enables you to delete the selected schedules.
Updates the information in the window.
Schedules list
Specifies the name of the schedule.
Specifies the type of the schedule—time-based or interval-based.
Details area
The details area displays information about when a selected schedule is run.
Cluster Management Using OnCommand System Manager 356
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