Effect of Employee Motivation
Effect of Employee Motivation
Effect of Employee Motivation
This project is my original work and has not been presented for award of a degree or for any
similar purpose in any other institution
Caroline Chepngetich
Peter Irungu
Gretsa University
I thank my family for being my bedrock particularly in my academic aspirations and unwavering
I am grateful to my supervisor for the guidance while conducting this study. I thank my esteemed
respondents for sparing their time and responding to the questions posed. Thank you very much
This work is dedicated to my family and friends for words of encouragement, financial and
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................. iii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................vi
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1
1.0 Preview ......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study .........................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................................2
1.3 Purpose of the Study ..............................................................................................................3
1.4 Conceptual Framework ..........................................................................................................3
1.5 Objective of the study ............................................................................................................5
1.5.1 General Objective .............................................................................................................5
1.5.2 Specific Objectives ...........................................................................................................5
1.6 Research Question .................................................................................................................5
1.7 Significance of the Study .......................................................................................................5
1.8 Scope of the study ..................................................................................................................6
1.9 Limitations ............................................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW...........................................................................7
2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 7
2.1Intrinsic Motivation ................................................................................................................7
2.2 Extrinsic Motivation ..............................................................................................................9
2.3 Influence of participative management on employee performance .....................................10
2.4 Employee Performance ........................................................................................................11
2.5 Theoretical Framework ........................................................................................................13
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................................... 17
3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Research Design ...................................................................................................................17
3.3 Location of the study ...........................................................................................................17
3.4 Target Population .................................................................................................................17
3.5 Sampling Size and Sampling Technique .............................................................................18
3.6 Research Instruments ...........................................................................................................18
3.7 Validity and Reliability ........................................................................................................18
3.8 Data Collection Techniques and Analysis ...........................................................................18
3.9 Logistical and Ethical Considerations .................................................................................19
CHAPTER FOUR: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ............................................................ 20
4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Response Rate ...................................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Gender ..................................................................................................................................20
4.4 Age .......................................................................................................................................20
4.5 Designation .......................................................................................................................... 21
4.6 Working Experience ............................................................................................................21
4.7 Effect of Intrinsic Motivation .............................................................................................. 22
4.8 Effect of Extrinsic Motivation ............................................................................................. 23
4.9 Effects of Participative Management ...................................................................................24
4.10 Employees Performance ....................................................................................................25
4.11 Model Summary.................................................................................................................26
4.12 ANOVA Influence on Employee Performance .................................................................26
4.13 Coefficient of Variation .....................................................................................................27
5.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 28
5.1 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 29
5.2 Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 30
5.3 Recommendations for Policy/Practice .................................................................................31
5.4 Recommendations for Further Research ..............................................................................31
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 32
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 33
Appendix 1: Questionnaire for Hotel Employees ..........................................................................33
A well-motivated employee performs to the expectations of the organization while a demotivated
employee will less likely perform to job expectations. Thus, this study examined the effects of
employee motivation on employee performance and various methods used in Merica hotel to
motivate their workers. The employee’s motivated factors in consideration were intrinsic
motivation, extrinsic motivation and participative management. The study employed
Hackmanand Oldman job characteristics model. A descriptive survey design was used. A target
population of 100 employees was used. The sample size of the study was 50 employees.
Questionnaire was used to collect primary data. A pilot study was used to ensure questionnaire
was valid and reliable. The study analyzed data qualitatively and quantitatively. Primary data
was presented in frequency tables. The study noted the Merica hotel had motivated its employees
through financials rewards, recognition, conducive working environment, training, appreciation
and promotions which had effect on employees’ performance. It was also revealed that
employees had motivated themselves of being responsible, taking challenging work and
advancing their careers to learn new skills to improve their performance. The management have
given employees independency they needed while performing their duties, minimal supervision,
teamwork and also engagement and consultations with employees on decision making. The study
concludes the employees’ motivation have effect on employees’ performance. The study
revealed that job satisfaction was affected by restriction on leaves given to employees, poor
rationale of promotion and insurance among others. There is need for the management to relook
at the employees’ welfare and more engagement and consultations to be conducted to resolve
issues on job satisfaction.
1.0 Preview
This chapter covers the background of the study, statement problem, purpose of the study, the
conceptual framework, the study objectives, study hypotheses and significance, scope and
According to Baumeister (2016), motivation has various dimensions based on their own wants
and desires. However, this motivation ends up being a want that need to be met. The want might
motivation is energized and persistent goal-directed behavior. When we are motivated, we move
Psychological needs for autonomy, mastery, and belonging direct our behavior in much the same
way. As do the needs for achievement, power, closure, meaning, and self-esteem. Some of these
needs will become motives as will all the intrinsic activities we engage in.Our environment and
social context will play a significant role in terms of extrinsic motivation. We will also be
motivated by goals, values, and desires to experience specific emotions associated with certain
Employee motivation, i.e. methods for, is an intrinsic and internal drive to put forth the
necessary effort and action towards work-related activities. It has been broadly defined as the
person's level of Also, "Motivation can be thought of as the willingness to expend energy to
achieve a goal or a reward. Motivation at work has been defined as 'the sum of the processes that
influence the arousal, direction, and maintenance of behaviors relevant to work settings'."
Motivated employees are essential to the success of an organization as motivated employees are
According to Robbins et al. (2008, 180), motivation can be defined as “The processes that
account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort towards attaining a goal.”
Intensity is concerned with how hard a person tries, and is generally the focus of motivation.
However, high intensity is unlikely to bring favorable job-performance outcomes unless the
effort is channeled in the right direction. Finally, the persistence dimension of motivation is a
measure of how long a person can maintain effort. Motivated individuals stay with a task long
Employee performance is defined as how an employee fulfils their job duties and executes their
required tasks. It refers to the effectiveness, quality, and efficiency of their output. Performance
According to Chiang and Jang (2018), employees’ turnover has been noted with a rise based on
long working hours, poor working environment, minimal incentives. Having a well satisfied
employee has not been easy and hospitality and there is an on-going discussion on ways to
motivate employees to improve their performance and minimize employees’ turnover. The
work and that high ability and high levels of job training will not result in high performance if
such as productivity, commitment, job satisfaction, intent to stay and burnout (Lee-Ross, 2015).
The biggest challenge of employee motivation is that employees often motivate themselves,
based on their perception of what they want to achieve and how they can achieve it. However, if
managers are aware of what their employees want from work, they can design a work
environment that accommodates employees’ needs and desires. At the same time, well-informed
managers may be able to avoid common pitfalls that tend to reduce employee motivation
(Simons &Enz2017). Therefore, this study sought to assess the effects of employee motivation
on employee performance and various methods used by Merica hotel to motivate their workers.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of employee motivation on employee
performance and various methods used by Merica hotel to motivate their workers.
The conceptual framework below describes the relationship between the dependent and
independent variables under the study. The independent variable was employee motivation
Independent variable Dependent variable
Intrinsic motivation
Freedom to act
Challenging work
opportunities Employee Performance
Advancement to
develop skills Employee loyalty
Job satisfaction
Extrinsic motivation Low absee ntism
and turnover rate
Financial rewards Reduced waste
Employee decision
Delegation of duties
Democratic decision
making process
Team building
1.5 Objective of the study
The findings help the hospitality industry realize the importance of motivating employees since it
increases the performance of the hotels and hence growth of the hotel sector.
The findings also benefit the management of the hotels under study to evaluate their level of
employee motivation to enable them have productive employees and be able to attract more. To
other hotels, this study provides a good ground as to why it is important to motivate employees
The study provides a basis for further research to potential researchers who are interested in
The study researched on the effects of employee motivation on employee performance and
various methods used by three-star hotels to motivate their workers. On employee motivations,
was conducted in Merica hotel in Nakuru County. The respondents were employees and
1.9 Limitations
The study noted that employees were in fear participating despite elaborating to the purpose of
the study and some shunned from participating in the study with the citations of COVID 19
despite adhering to COVID 19 containment measures. The researcher assured respondents that
this research was for academic purpose and anonymity was allowed. Respondents agreed and
2.0 Introduction
In this study researcher will look at the types of motivation, investigate the effects of employee
motivation on business performance and various methods used by three-star hotels to motivate
their workers. It will consist information from the opinion of other researcher’s concerning
There are people who are self-driven and reward is not the main reason for their undertakings but
for their own satisfaction and enjoy doing that particular thing. The intrinsic rewards are
intangible and is emotionally attached with the employee. The sense of satisfactions that ones
attain for having met the required task. They usually emanate from the employees without
external forces and in most cases sometimes they like problematic tasks which will enable the
organization to redefine itself in the competitive world of business. It is the management that
comes to realize the need to motivate the employee due to his/her performance (Shanks, 2017).
Intrinsic motivation is usually subjective in nature and its about way employee view and react
towards work and more importantly the guiding principles. Antecedents such ad autonomy,
feedback and skill variety are inherent to the intrinsically motivate employee (Malhotra et al.
2017). According to Brief and Aldag (2018), an employee who is intrinsically motivated
performs better than an extrinsically motivated employee. This implies that employee
engagement and investment is easier since they will be loyal employees who will work for the
organization to perform and in return the organizations rewards them for their worthy course that
draws the organization into profit realization (Ryan & Deci, 2017). According to De Jesus et al.
(2013) aver that there is a strong correlation between intrinsic motivation and employee’s
A responsible worker is more attached to work, accountable and result oriented. In respect to
managers and leaders, they will nurture a work environment which inculcate teamwork,
responsibilities, autonomy of employees and engagements for employees to deliver their core
duties for organizational performance (Armstrong, 2018). Yapa (2014) echoes similar findings
where achievement, personal growth, complex work, responsibility and feedback are part of
intrinsic motivation.
When the employee is given the freedom to perform duties with autonomy in thinking, acting
and wording, it makes employee feel valued and performs well than an employee who is always
bulldozed on what to do and way to act. Employees autonomy makes employees work with less
stress and minimal interference hence achieve goals and perform even beyond expectations. It
even makes employee be part and parcel of decision making since they give recommendations
for organizational changes for its betterment and become more profit oriented (Fisher, 2010;
There are employees who like challenging work to prove their worth when they overcome them
rather than usual daily routine which are sometime boredom. This provides employee an
opportunity to learn new tactics rather than the usual tactics and motivated to handle difficult
tasks that will results to skills development, abilities, talents and insights (McCall, Lombardo, &
Morrison, 2018; Davies& Easterby-Smith, 2014). There are employees that are ever on
discovering ways of doing tasks and subject themselves to life-long learning to improve their
skills and improves their usual way of doing things and becomes totally unique in their daily
undertakings hence becoming more competitive in their way of handling things and
distinguishable performance. Career development makes employee grow in terms of skills and
with new ideas and becomes more competitive (Iwuoha, 2009). Employees are imparted with
skills and knowledge hence improving and scaling their performance level (Cambell, 2018).
This refers to what outside forces that drives employees to perform and in most of the cases they
are tangible. This is what the employee will receive from the management to motivate him/her to
perform such as financial, promotion, recognition, praises, bonuses and even flexible work
schedules (Shanks, 2017). They are offered as incentives to boost employee’s morale to perform
Transactional and relational rewards are commonly recognized form of extrinsic reward (Rose,
2014). A conducive working environment where employees are working with minimal
challenges, they performance will be better than even employees working in a poor environment
which poses them to hazardous threat and risks even to their own health might not perform as
Employees who are effective and efficient are likely to be limited if they are not motivated to
Perform. Mendonca, (2002) sees reward and compensation system that is based on the
expectancy theory, which suggests that employees are more likely to be motivated to perform
when they perceive there is a strong link between their performance and the reward they receive.
Guest, (2002) is of the opinion that reward is one of the keys that motivate employees to perform
as expected. The reward can be in the form of cash, recognition and praise etc. Sometimes
motivation is beyond the normal basic salary which calls for employee to work harder and
smarter to perform to get other incentives such as employee of the year reward, promotions, and
yearly bonuses for achieving the targeted profit realization. In some organizations, pay is based
on work performance hence motivation of employee to keep his/her job and its security is to
perform as expected in the organization hence achieving organizational goals (Lee, 2015).
When employees are guaranteed of their health cover, retirement and insurance for their job, they
are motivated to work (Basu& Kiernan, 2016). When employees are punished for their wrong
doings such as pay cut, warning letters, suspensions, and demotions, the employees are
demotivated and their performance decreases. When management finds other means to resolve
issues without instilling fear to employees of losing job anytime due to severe punishment,
employees will always work with fear and not to do their mistakes to guarantee job security but
performance-wise will not be the case (Warren, 2015). An employee who is regularly rewarded
for their work are motivated to work and even perform better than previous for more rewards
messages, promotion and celebrated at work will feel motivated to work for more recognition
and perform more and more. However, an employee who is less and rarely recognized does not
feel motivated, his/her esteem goes down and does work as per the routine with minimal
An organization that is more involving in management decision and employees participate in day
to day decision making of the organization make employees feel appreciated and valued and
boost the morale of working since implementation of the decision is much easier due to
involvement from formulation stage. Findings reveals that participative management has a
relationship with employees’ satisfaction and productivity hence performance is a guarantee
(Spreitzer2010; Likert 2015). Participative management focuses more on the interaction between
management and its employees hence brings a closer and better working relationship. Employees
are given opportunities to be part of the decision making through giving out their ideas and feel
as part and parcel of the organization and decisions made are familiar with employees since they
This management style however becomes appropriate to trained employees or those that possess
now how of business and their involvement aims to boost the image and worth of the
organization (Moorhead & Griffin, 2012). It makes employees more committed and strengthen
the existing and current relationship between management and employees. Managers and
organizational leaders gain respect and trust from employees and employees will feel free to air
An employee who never participates in organizational decision making and their opinion is never
required, they feel demotivated since they believe their work is only to be led, following
instructions and implementing what has been proposed without questioning. This makes
employees more bored by the organization and performance is minimally noted and also
implementation sometimes become a challenge as they encounter difficulties and may not
perform as expected since have no idea of what was the actual intention/goal of the policies to be
organization. When employees are loyal to the organization, performance is positive and if
employees not loyal to the organization, their performance is in doubt and questionable.
Organizations set asides resources to train their employees to be competitive for their
performance improvement (Elegido, 2013). Skills and work experience of the employee
contributes to his/her performance as a skilled and experienced employee performs better than an
incompetent employee and no work experience (Peretti & Igalens, 2015). An employee who is
organization oriented will ensure that there is minimal wastage to ensure organization does not
incur lot of expenses and look at ways’ organization will have avenues to generate profit
(Rawabdeh, 2005).
When employees have minimal and unjustifiable absenteeism, they will work more to the
organization advantage hence improving on the performance. When employees absent from work
often due to either sickness, punishment and personal related factors, they will perform less and
sometimes achieve minimal and organization incur lot of expenses paying an employee who is
not performing (Tiwari, 2014). A satisfied employee performs beyond measures while a
According to Spector (2017), Job satisfaction is how employees feel about jobs and different
aspects of their work. This is related to the extent to which employees like (satisfaction) or do not
like (not satisfied) with their work. As generally assessed, job satisfaction is an attitude variable.
He also states that job satisfaction influences people's attitudes towards their work and various
aspects of their work. Job satisfaction is influenced by personal and organizational factors, can
2.5 Theoretical Framework
According to this theory, “job design has an effect on motivation, work performance, and job
satisfaction.” It has served as a framework for management to identify how certain job
In a more personal vein, it studies the various factors that make a specific job satisfying for the
organization, and for the person doing the job. Therefore, it describes the relationship between
job characteristics and the responses of individuals to work or the job being performed.
2.4.1. Skill variety
This refers to the “degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities in carrying out
the work, involving the use of a number of different skills and talents of a person”. Therefore, it
follows that the individual will be required to develop a variety of talents and skills.
This area asks the number of skills and talents that the job requires of the person that will be
working on it. A quick giveaway would be to assess whether the job is monotonous and
This is the “degree to which the job requires completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work;
that is, doing a job from beginning to end with BN visible outcome”. This involves being able to
work on an entire work process, rather than just on bits and pieces of it. Therefore, it is important
to assess whether the job or task has a clearly defined beginning, middle and end.
Workers tend to find more meaning in their jobs when they can identify a complete and visible
outcome at the end of the day, or of a work cycle. Let us say, for example, that two workers are
involved in the same work process. Worker A is responsible for only a small part of the work,
probably in the first phase. Worker B, on the other hand, is involved throughout the entire
Task significance is said to be the “degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives
of other people, whether those people are in the immediate organization or in the world at large”.
The task – and the job – is significant if it can affect other people’s lives. And it should not just
For many, a job holds more meaning if it can help improve the well-being of other people (not
just himself), whether physically, psychologically, or emotionally. Knowing that their job, and
their performance thereof, has the capacity to have a positive impact on others will motivate
Individuals who put great stock on task significance are very keen on finding out whether the job
that they are doing actually matters to other people. For them, meaning comes in the form of
2.4.4. Autonomy
This pertains to the “degree to which the job provides substantial freedom, independence, and
discretion to the individual in scheduling the work and in determining the procedure to be used in
carrying it out”.
Autonomy is often seen in positions with managerial, supervisorial and ministerial functions.
Examples of jobs with high levels of autonomy are managers, team leaders, supervising officers,
division and department heads, and senior management. These jobs tend to become more
meaningful to the ones performing them because they feel greater personal responsibility for
But it’s not just limited to people in managerial positions. Even workers have a strong sense of
personal responsibility if they are left to perform their tasks using their own efforts and
initiatives, and they are allowed to make the decisions and call the shots.
They will definitely feel less of this autonomy if they are made to meekly follow the instructions
of a supervisor, or adhere strictly to what a job procedures manual provides. This will not help
2.4.5. Feedback
Job feedback refers to the “degree to which carrying out the work activities required by the job
provides the individual with direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or her
As much as possible, workers would like to be kept in the loop on their performance of the job.
Not only will this keep them apprised of their progress as workers, it is also one way for them to
boost their self-esteem. If they are told by their supervisors or managers that they are going a
good job, they are likely to feel motivated to continue with how they are doing so far. In contrast,
if they are told that they are not performing as expected, then they will respond accordingly and
Out of this theory, the Job Characteristics Model, which is still in full use today, was also
introduced. Basically, this model specifies the conditions under which workers or individuals
3.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the research methodology and covers research design, population, sampling
strategy, data collection tools and data analysis techniques that will be used to realize the
research objectives.
The researcher made use of descriptive survey design. This design was used in describing the
The study was carried out in Nakuru. Merica Hotel is located in Nakuru town. It is in between
Kenyatta Avenue and Watalii road behind Kenya Commercial Bank. The researcher chose this
hotel since it’s popularly known with the area and also due to its strategic location. It best loved
The target population of this study was employees in Merica hotel. The employees were drawn
mainly from the management, housekeeping department and kitchen. The aim of choosing this
department was informed by their role in making customers satisfied in their stay having booked
hotel and in provision of food quality. A target population of 100 employees was used. The 100
employees were informed by the study as per the Merica reports of 2019.
3.5 Sampling Size and Sampling Technique
According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), a target population that is less than 1000, a sample
size of 10-50% can be used hence the study will use 50% of the target population. The sample
size was 50 respondents. A simple random sampling technique was used to select respondents
The study used closed ended questionnaire in collecting primary data. It was formulated in five
participative management and employees’ performance. Researcher chose the instrument since it
The researcher worked closely with the supervisor to make sure the research work was done
accordingly and quality work was produced. A pilot study was conducted before actual primary
data collection. This made the questionnaire reliable as ambiguous questions and statement were
reworked and grammar was simplified. Also, the researcher noted consistency in the responses of
the respondents.
Questionnaire was used to collect primary data where researcher introduced to the respondents
and explained to them all the procedures to use while responding to the questions posed and the
purpose of the study. The questionnaires were then personally given to the respondents in a
simple random sampling technique and later collected for the analysis.
The secondary data was collected from journal articles, books, research publications and online
sources. It was critically reviewed which helped in documenting the literature of the study and
Primary data collected was counted checked and cleaned. It was then categorized based on each
section and then coded for analysis. Social Packages for Statistic Sciences (SPSS) was used for
data analysis. The analyzed data was then described in a narrative form in themes and presented
The researcher made use of budget estimates and time frame to make sure this research work was
completed within the required time and preparations were done enough to avoid delays.
Researcher approached the management of the Merica Hotel and requested to conduct research
and was permitted to do so and went to the employees for the same to request for their voluntary
participation and agreed to participate in the study having assured of their confidentiality and
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the findings of the study in thematic discussions and presented in frequency
The study revealed that forty-five respondents gave back filled questionnaires while five
respondents never returned it. The findings noted that the study was 90% effective. Table 4.1:
Response rate
Response Frequency Percentage
Active 45 90%
Passive 5 10%
Total 50 100%
4.3 Gender
The results showed that sixty percent of the respondents were female while forty percent of the
respondents were male. Table 4.2: Gender
Gender Frequency Percentage
Female 27 60%
Male 18 40%
Total 45 100%
4.4 Age
Majority of the respondents (18) were in the age of 25-30 years while 14 respondents were below
25 years. It was also noted that eight respondents were in the age of 30-35 years. The results
Table 4.3: Age
Age Frequency Percentage
Total 45 100%
4.5 Designation
The findings showed that 38% of the respondents were waiters while 29% of the respondents
were chefs. It was also revealed that 22% of the respondents were housekeepers and 11% of the
Total 45 100%
4.6 Working Experience
Majority of the respondents (67%) had worked in Merica hotel for 5-10 years. It was also noted
the 20% of the respondents had working experience of 10 years and above. The results further
shown that 13% of the respondents had worked for below 5 years in Merica hotel.
Table 4.5: Working experience
Working experience Frequency Percentage
Total 45 100%
The study revealed that respondents stated that challenging work was what motivated them to
work to prove their worth and learn new techniques of performing duties. This had led to
employees earning recognition and even promotion for believing in challenging work as noted
The study also noted that employees’ internal satisfaction was performance as noted with a mean
of 3.89. The findings also indicated that self-motivation to work and perform irrespective of the
challenges encountered was key to some respondents as noted with a mean of 3.66. Respondents
agreed that they were responsible in their undertakings and performed based on the duties
allocated (mean of 3.45). The least respondents agreed that they were always on learning process
now and then to learn new techniques and improve their skills to continuously perform in their
Merica hotel has initiated employees training which have improved 4.06 0.67
employees’ skills to perform
Majority of the respondents strongly agreed that financial rewards was what motivated
employees to perform as indicated with the highest mean of 4.58. The study revealed that
respondents agreed that employees’ recognition and appreciation in place have motivated
employees to always perform as noted with a mean of 4.25. The findings showed that Merica
hotel had initiated employees training which had improved employees’ skills and knowledge and
efficient and improved performance was noted (mean of 4.06). The results showed that there
were employees who had been promoted in the workplace which had ignited their performance
as indicated with a mean of 3.74. The study noted that punishment instituted in Merica hotel had
4.9 Effects of Participative Management
Supervisors are always supportive and there is minimal supervision 3.59 0.78
which motivates employees to work
Team work in the organization has led to collaboration and assistance 4.15 0.50
making work easier
The management have been constantly looking at employees’ welfare to 3.08 0.88
motivate them work
The study revealed that majority of the respondents agreed that employees are engaged in
decision making and implementations of policies becomes easier as noted with the highest mean
of 4.32. The findings noted that team work in the organization had led to collaboration and
assistance making work easier and performance had improved as indicated with a mean of 4.15.
Respondents agreed that supervisors were always supportive and there was minimal supervision
which had motivated employees to work (mean of 3.59). The study noted that delegation of
duties with independency at work had motivated employee to work and perform as noted with a
mean 3.34. The findings further showed that the management had been constantly looking at
employees’ welfare such as leaves, insurance among others which motivated them to work and
4.10 Employees Performance
Employees are loyal to Merica hotel which hence their performance is 3.55 0.89
Employees ensures there is minimal wastage in the hotel to ensure the 3.91 0.57
hotel economizes its resources for prudent use
Employees performance has been noted in hotel revenue and profit 4.18 0.94
Majority of the respondents concurred that employees’ performance had been noted in hotel
revenue and profit realization as indicated by the highest mean of 4.18. The study noted that
there was minimal wastage in the hotel which ensured the hotel economized its resources for
prudent use (mean of 3.91). The hotel had recorded low absenteeism and turnover which had
made employees perform their duties efficiently as noted with a mean of 3.86. It was noted that
employees were loyal to Merica hotel hence their performance was unquestionable as noted with
a mean of 3.55. The least respondents argued that job satisfaction had enhanced employees’
4.11 Model Summary
The study determined the hypothesis via a multi regression analysis. The relationship between
and dependent variable (employee performance) was examined. The coefficient of determination
was guided by the R square in determining the relationship. The study revealed that independent
variables accounted 45.4% (R square .454) of the dependent variable. This signaled that there
were other variables which the study did not consider or error occurred which accounted for
54.6% (100%-45.4%).
participative management impact employee performance. The significant value was 0.021 which
was less than 0.05 indicating that the model was significant thus the study shown that there was a
Table 4.11: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Model Sum of the Df Mean F Sig.
Total 35.915 53
managementhad significant values (0.01, 0.03 and 0.02 respectively) that were less than 0.05.
This indicated that the hypothesis tested had strong correlation. The formula that guided the
When the intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and participative management are at constant,
the employee performance in Merica hotel would be 0.420. Any unit increase either in intrinsic
motivation, extrinsic motivation or participative management will result to 0.242, 0.346 and
Table 4.12: Coefficient of Variation
Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig.
B Std. Beta
5.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations of the study.
5.1 Summary
The study purposed to examine the effects of employee motivation on employee performance
and various methods used by Merica hotel to motivate their workers. The antecedents of
participative management. Majority of the respondents were female and most of the employees
were in the age bracket of 25-30 years. Most of the respondents were employees in housekeeping
department and kitchen. The experience of the most of respondents were between 5-10 years.
The first objective of the study was to investigate the influence of intrinsic motivation on
employee performance in Merica hotel. The study revealed that respondents stated that
challenging work was what motivated them to work to prove their worth and learn new
techniques of performing duties. This had led to employees earning recognition and even
promotion for their belief in challenging work. The study also noted that employees’ internal
The findings also indicated that self-motivation to work and perform irrespective of the
challenges encountered was key to some respondents. Respondents agreed that they were
responsible in their undertakings and performed based on the duties allocated. The least
respondents agreed that they were always on learning process now and then to learn new
techniques and improve their skills to continuously perform in their duties. The effect of intrinsic
The second objective of the study was to find out the influence of extrinsic motivation on
employee performance in Merica hotel. It was noted that financial rewards were what motivated
employees to perform. The study revealed that respondents agreed that employees’ recognition
and appreciation in place have motivated employees to always perform. The findings showed
that Merica hotel had initiated employees training which had improved employees’ skills and
knowledge and efficient and improved performance. The results showed that there were
employees who had been promoted in the workplace which had ignited their performance. The
study noted that punishment instituted in Merica hotel had demotivated employees to perform.
The third objective of the study was to examine the influence of participative management on
employee performance in Merica hotel. The study revealed that employees were engaged in
decision making and implementations of policies became easier. The findings noted that team
work in the organization had led to collaboration and assistance making work easier and
performance had improved. Respondents agreed that supervisors were always supportive and
The study noted that delegation of duties with independency at work had motivated employee to
work and perform. The findings further showed that the management had been constantly
looking at employees’ welfare such as leaves, insurance among others which motivated them to
5.2 Conclusions
The study noted the Merica hotel had to an extent motivated its employees through financials
which had effect on employees’ performance. It was also revealed that employees had motivated
themselves of being responsible, taking challenging work and advancing their careers to learn
new skills to improve their performance. The management have given employees independency
they needed while performing their duties, minimal supervision, teamwork and also engagement
and consultations with employees on decision making. The study concludes the employees’
1. The study noted that employees had long working hours which had made some exhausted
and delivery of services was hampered by exhaustion. There is need for the management to come
2. The study revealed that job satisfaction was affected by restriction on leaves given to
employees, poor rationale of promotion and insurance among others. There is need for the
management to relook at the employees’ welfare and more engagement and consultations to be
The study employees for further studies on the effect of job satisfactions on employees’
performance and other related factors that might affect employees’ motivation in the hospitality
Male Female
c) Designation
Waiter Chef Security Managers Housekeeper
My satisfaction is drawn from my
Section E: Employee Performance
Statements Agree Strongly Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree disagree
There is job satisfaction which have
enhanced performance