Special and Inclusive Education
Special and Inclusive Education
Special and Inclusive Education
______________ 1. This pertains simply to students with disabilities being placed in a general
education settings, where majority of those enrolled are typically developing.
______________ 3. This is defined as people’s differences which may relate to their race,
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, religion, mental and physical ability,
class and immigration status.
______________ 5. What would it lead to if diversity is well managed and viewed as asset?
______________ 6. This has to start with proper mindset, and it can only be successfully
implemented if disability is understood correctly.
______________ 8. This was made to make primary education accessible, complete free and
compulsory to every child by 2015.
______________10. This is an act the defines learners with special needs as children who differ
in mental characteristics, sensory ability, neuromuscular or physical characteristics, social
abilities or multiple handicaps and/or have a lag in development requiring tailored school
practices or special education services.
______________ 11. These are schools that are registered within the Department of Education
and mainstreamed in the national education system but benefit from some flexibility in terms of
curriculum, teacher recruitment and school calendar.
_______________ 12. This was institutionalized in 2004 through the Standard Curriculum for
elementary and Public schools and Private Madaris. This is the curriculum used by muslim
schools. Which they are learning the Fiqh, Koran and etc.
______________ 13. Is the parallel learning system to the formal education system usually
conducted in community learning centers. This provides an opportunity for the out of school
population to access and complete basic education.
_______________14. These are learning programs based on self- learning modules to cater for
learners in difficult and different circumstances.
16. This is a kind of perspective that tends to look at disability as a personal defect or
impairment that needs to be addressed.
a. Biomedical Perspective
b. Emotional Perspective
c. Social Perspective
d. Physiological Perspective
19. This is another perspective that will tend to look at disability more as a systematic societal
problem, where it is the sociological structures that cause a person’s disability.
a. Biomedical Perspective
b. Emotional Perspective
c. Social Perspective
d. Physiological Perspective
20. The 1987 Philippine constitution enshrines the right to quality education for all citizens and
mandates the state to take appropriate steps to make it accessible to all. In what article and
section this can be seen in the 1987 constitution?
a. Article 14 section 1
b. Article 1 section 14
c. Article 14 section 2
d. The magna carta, the 1997 Department Order No. 26
24. This is a curriculum which is intended for our Muslim brothers and sisters that they will learn
Hadid, Fiqh and Koran.
25. When does the Special Education program institutionalized in the Philippines?
a. 2013
b. 2019
c. 2016
d. 2020
26. In what grade is the transition program of local language to the medium of instruction which
is English?
a. Grade 6
b. Grade 2
c. Grade 4
d. Grade 3
27. During this time, an individual is unsure of who you are and where you fit. This is also the
time when if this is not overcome, an individual will be shifting from one job or relationship to
another. An individual also may feel disappointed and confused about his/her place in life.
28. This stage occurs during adolescence between ages of approximately 12 and 18. At this
stage adolescents explore their independence and develop a sense of self. What is this stage in
Erik Ericksons Psychosocial Development?
29. Shame over failing to complete a task successfully, provoking irritation in adults, and/or
other wise feeling embarrassed over attempting something. What is the person struggling when
he felt this?
a. Initiative
b. Shame and Doubt
c. Guilt
d. Inferiority
30. What is to be accepted if you are already in the late stage?
a. Contentment
b. Death
c. Peace
d. Goals that were not achieved.
III. Modified true or False. Underline what makes it False and turn the sentence in a true
____________ 31. Article 14 section 14 in the 1987 Philippine constitution enshrines that
teachers have the right for Professional Development.
____________ 32. We can use our regional language as an auxiliary media of instruction.
____________ 33. There are nine stages in psychosocial development.
____________ 34. There are three memorandum orders dated 2000, 2006 and 2010 which
contained provision on reasonable accommodation in higher education. Which higher
education encourages private higher education institutions to admit students with disabilities.
____________ 35. The 2013 Basic Education Curriculum must be teacher centered for
instructions to be clear and concise.
___________ 36. It was in the administration of Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino that the law in
mandating all schools nationwide to ensure inclusive education for learners with disabilities was
signed and implemented.
___________ 37. As Teachers we cannot deny students enrollment in our school or classroom.
___________39. We can administer medication such as medicines to students if there is a
consent coming from the parents.
___________ 40. It is the general education teacher’s job to determine students to be place in a
special education curriculum whenever the child suspected of having disability is eligible for
special education services.
IV. Enumeration